foretoldfew · 2 months
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ㅤㅤㅤDear Mystery Lady
a starter for @ambrostikal starter call
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Another day gone unplanned...
Whisper's been through a lot, last said by her fellow friend. There's not much for her to do outside of these situations, enough for her curiosity simply to peak. She's never exactly had a real tour of Angel Island before. With enough of Tangle speaking up for her, it was surprising enough that Knuckles allowed her to explore as long as she stayed away from the Master Emerald. Which was fine...
She didn't quite expect that sort of answer though. With her wispon in tow, she steps onto the land with little to no haste. Wouldn’t this be considered a vacation…? No, simply just a way of learning about the places her friends usually stay in order to know where to protect them when it came to her sniping. She's always decided against going out here out of respect. But now that she's here... She's not quite sure where to head first. What could be the best place to get accustomed to first?
Well, from the smell of the air... She suspects a garden nearby.
Following her senses, the wolf made her way through the island to stop by. ...Oh? The wolf stopped in her tracks, a twitch of her ear as she peaks around a tree. There was a lively garden closeby in the direction she was headed, which pinpoints the exact smells she picked up from before.
There's a stranger here, interacting with the chao. She's never seen this lady before. Upon longer inspection from a safe distance, she looks a lot like Knuckles. She was close to turning heel and walking away to a more reserved part of the island, but it seems like her curiosity is getting the better of herself. Wispon carefully grasped in her hand and hanging down her side, she gave way her position as she approached.
Any way to get herself to look less intimidating.
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"Um... Excuse me," She started. "Would you like some help?"
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onestepfcrward · 2 years
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@ambrostikal​ said: ''You,,,radiate the same energy I do.''
... Huh. That’s a face he’s never seen before. His first thought is that someone must have followed him, because as far as Shadow was aware, this little forest glade was pretty secluded and not easy for most people to access. But that thought is quickly sidelined when he takes in the other’s appearance ( An echidna? All the way out here? ) along side the immense chaos energy she emitted. Pointed ears snap to attention with intrigue, but he otherwise remains still.
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“ ... Who are you ? ”
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chaosrelic · 2 years
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Teek!! Teek!!!
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theislandkeeper · 4 years
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@ambrostikal​ said:
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Other things Knuckles doesn’t like are bright lights and crowds. His eyes are sensitive to bright, artificial lights and he does has some mild form of social anxiety from being alone most of his life. 
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the-owlchemist · 4 years
{ Colourful HC’s - accepting } @ambrostikal​ asked:  currant and mallow!
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    What’s something that absolutely disgusts your muse ( Currant ) Honestly there’s not a whole lot that disgusts Noctus, outside of the typical ‘ genuinely gross ‘ realm of doing things like biting your nails, ect. But one trait that him and Azriel very much share is a hatred of bullies. It absolutely disgusts Noctus to see someone picking on someone else, be it because they’re desperate for a sense of power or enjoy punching down. Even remotely showing those tendencies within a lesser capacity ( like to a waitress, retailer, ect ) will have him change his perception of a person.
    What sort of things remind your muse of those close to them? ( Mallow ) Objects, mostly. And I think a lot of that subconsciously draws back from when he was a child, back before discovering alchemy, and even further back before his father died. Since Noctus as a child was of the belief that objects could ‘ store ’ the emotional imprint of memories. If he was sad he would try and hold something with a happy memory ‘ attached ‘ and try to will the good vibes from it to ease his mood.
Having grown up he’s still mostly tied to objects but because they are a reminder that inhabit a space, can be touched or felt, and to him are more real than say a scent or sound-based memory. Especially if the object is a gift.
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   @ambrostikal​ :  ''Hello! Are you here to see the Chao as well?''
   A SLIGHT JOLT, where did she even come from-? ally takes a second to regain their composure, hands awkwardly shuffling into hoodie pockets. totally didn’t get startled or anything, nope, not them!
   “uh.. y- yeah, is that what they’re called?”
   this entire place had a strange energy to it- the magical floating gems around the altar (most notably the GIANT one right in the middle), the fresh air, and how even the water seems to ripple as if it was alive. it reminds them of something, but it probably wasn’t super important right now.
   it’s almost like they forgot they were doing something completely    different before arriving here somehow. just be in the moment    as is, question it later.
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   “i’m guessing you take care of them, right? they’re awfully cute.”
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leechblades · 3 years
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scrolling back through this blog - i dont think there will ever be anything funnier than shade & tikal not knowing how to pronounce ‘meme’ correctly
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obeyeternally · 7 years
character archetype quiz
stolen from: @ambrostikal​ tagging: @firstloss​ @masterprotector​ @theaiexperiment​ @thewayfaringhero​
50% Visionary
Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
31% Spiritual
The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
19% Intellectual
The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
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heartbae · 7 years
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❛    you look like  you’re lost,    do you need some help ?    ❜          although strangers to one another,    amy rose was always ready to lend  support  to whoever she could.
@ambrostikal          /          sc.
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gofcst-blog · 7 years
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💚 - friendshipshipping call – send me one if you want to plot one or more of these.
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buzzingdetective-a · 7 years
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@ambrostikal replied to your post: THE OCS ARE COMING
// yep, i can see the deviantart squad now
(Oh geez, here come the memes)
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Reaction Meme!
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         ❝ Ah…excuse me, ❞ She gulped. The sight of blood inevitably made her stomach turn, however…. was the other injured? She couldn’t exactly turn away if so.
         ❝ Are you alright? ❞
“Mm?” He looked toward Tikal, carefully rubbing blood away from where the flesh and blood part of his mouth met his metal jaw. There was some blood dripping from his mouth.
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“I’m fine, my dear.” He replied, although his expression did show that he was in some pain. “A simple irritation of sorts-- Nothing that won’t heal itself.” Although he was curious about this newcomer. He didn’t recall seeing her before, and her clothes caught his interest seeing as how they were out of the ordinary.
“And who might you be?” He asked, carefully rubbing at his jaw, his white glove now stained with some blood. He’d have to take it easy for the time being-- With flesh and metal occasionally grinding together, small injuries were to be expected.
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chaosrelic · 2 years
💎 @ambrostikal​ replied:
"Ah! Sonic!" She's beaming. "How are you? We haven't spoken in a while." 
 / 'Teek' I'm crying, this is already adorable-
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There’s a look of delight on the chaos spirit’s face. Tikal was always a welcomed presence, as far as he was concerned — there weren’t many others like them after all. “ I’ve been great ! A little all over the place, as per usual. But you ? Haven’t seen ya’ in a while ! ”
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+ | x |
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     {➹} – T H I S   WA S   T H E  last time this hedgehog disregarded a weather alert and went about his day normally. He kept convincing himself that the steel grey clouds would pass but within minutes the wind had kicked up and the rain had started to fall, and before he knew it he was soaked straight down to the skin. 
     Arrow had been following everyone else’s lead ( i.e. making his way indoors ) when a familiar figure and voice caught his attention. Now that was a face he didn’t expect to see out here, and why was she so happy? 
     “...Some might say that I guess. Aren’t you cold?”
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punchingred-blog · 8 years
@ambrostikal LIKED for a STARTER.
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“ Hey, Tikal. Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s everything? “
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projectlightfox · 8 years
(ノ◕‿◕)ノ, ( ╹◡╹)
Show some love
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OOC: -flustered moogle noises- 
I think your blog is awesome too and I’d love to chat and get to know you. You have my discord if you ever want to just spam my DMs. :3
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