cxnscience · 2 years
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@leggosmanymuses said ; aaaaand there's a miserable looking ink demon stumbling towards him, ink flowing freely down his face and barely able to choke through his words. "Jim, I - I got some bad news -"
It's not as though Jiminy can open the door. But it's just as well - he spots Bendy through the window well in advance. Jiminy does a lot of people-watching when business is slow, and particularly when it's too cold for him to really comfortably wander around outside. It's the next-best thing. He's surprised, obviously; the workshop is very out of the way and he can count on one hand the number of times anybody's been over to visit. Even Doc's never been over to visit. He could say the same for Bendy - so when the demon gets closer to the front step Jiminy hops to the floor and slides under the crack in the door, peering at him with a frown.
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"Gee, Bends, you coulda just called me." Not much faster, but at least Jiminy's used to the walking... and walking... and walking. He certainly does it often enough. He opens his mouth to continue, about to spout something about Mister Geppetto being a little busy right now, but he's sure he'd love the company regardless, but his expression falters as Bendy manages to get a word in before Jiminy can (an impressive feat). Looking a little more uncertain, he shifts from one foot to another with a cautious nod.
"Oh, uh... that sorta visit, then, I guess. Business. I get it." Does nobody vacation in Italy for fun these days? Is that not hip anymore? It would be so much easier on his legs if anybody agreed to just meet halfway for the hell of it. "If you wanna sit down I can unlock the door, at least, or..?"
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blue-rphub · 2 years
ever eaten a raw hot dog before they kind of smack
i have drank a bowl of vinegar
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tazmilyxfamily · 2 years
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watching this go down on the dash like
@cookiejxr @leggosmanymuses
(ft. art from my friend @bottlecanidae)
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
@leggosmanymuses​ sent: alt!
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“Hey there, readers. Yep, that’s me. The hottest mercenary you’ll ever see an icon of. I bet you thought this was going to be something serious, didn’t you? Too bad, I’m not feeling it right now, so I’m going to start rambling and you HAVE to read this. Now, listen to me, I am speaking directly into your ear right now: 
You are going to go onto your dashboard and you are going to like this post, do you hear me? You are going to like this post and reply ‘Wade is so Hot’ so I know you actually read this, understand? Can you do that for me? If I see you haven’t, I’ll be VERY cross with you! I need some moral support after being retired for years!”
Okay, let’s.. put him back into his box because he’s not taking this seriously. Thanks, Wade, really appreciate the work.
Wade Wilson (Deadpool), from Marvel!
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
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If Gaster can be be pulled apart , I want to be peeled like a banana . 
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@leggosmanymuses asked:
✏️ po3 and leshy!
p03: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three. p03: One... two... three. Leshy: ... p03: ... p03: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Leshy: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. p03: Mine just says "p03 no." Leshy: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Leshy: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship. p03: We’re not friends. Leshy, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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@leggosmanymuses asked:
What is your favourite thing when you decide to add a new muse to your blog/when you decide to make a new blog?
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The excitement everyone has cause I'm usually very slow getting things together (especially if I have to icon though Youtube vids UH LESHY) because I don't pick characters unless I'm very sure and they're very special and also interesting little creatures for me. So when I get resounding, loud, happy feedback I start crying. Not just emotionally, either. I just start crying cause it feels like any prelim work I did was worth it. And it always is.
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This was. Odd? He could of swore he knew just about every monster down here, big or small, annoying or...Not as annoying. Came with the whole ‘reset’ thing and years of being stuck here.
But missing one monster wasn’t the end of the world, in fact it was usually a pleasant surprise to help cure boredom. But this one...
Something just felt off.
It probably wasn’t helping he felt like he should be remembering something but it was escaping him at the moment.
“...Well howdy there!”
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“Gotta say you sorta spooked me there! Didn’t think anyone would be all the way out here in this side of the Underground!”
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dreamsofalifeold · 2 years
headcannon + fashion
((If Shy absolutely had to put her fashion sense into a category, she'd probably call it fairy kei? But she's not someone who really sticks to a single thing or statement. Her favorite outfits are with long socks and short skirts.))
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aethramusings · 2 years
✏️ kristoff and luka!
from the incorrect quotes generator , still accepting ! !
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Luka: I need to dye my hair. Kristoff: ... Luka: Or get another tattoo. Kristoff: ... Luka: Or a new piercing. Kristoff: Why? Luka: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.
Kristoff: I’m quick at math. Luka: Ok, what’s 38 times 76? Kristoff: 24. Luka: That wasn’t even close. Kristoff: But it was quick.
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cxnscience · 2 years
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@leggosmanymuses​ sent ; “Why are you standing on the counter?” / from sonic! — from small / tall starters
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"Why aren’t you? You probably oughta be, shortstuff.”
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blue-rphub · 2 years
send ‘alt’ for some other muses i’ve written / accepting
"You are welcome to think of me as heartless, mon cheri. But do not think me stupid. You will come to see that my actions will be for good.
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I am not just a pretty face."
Angel Haze, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OC; faceclaim is Rachel Alucard. can be found @angelhazes
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tazmilyxfamily · 2 years
@leggosmanymuses inquired:
’ glass spirit ‘ , dark choco !
Send me   ' glass spirit '    and my muse will tell you about one thing    ( loss / event / etc. )    that would absolutely break them...
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The death of his father and the claiming of his Soul Jam, but only if he had to see his corpse.
As much as he'd said to imply that he wanted his father dead, i feel like he could've overpowered him in their fight at the top of the wall; maybe knocked his sword aside and stabbed through his clothes. But he didn't- he went with the method that was harder (Dark Cacao is difficult to push around even without armor), wasn't a surefire way to kill him since he never goes to check if he's died, and tons riskier (there's a chance Dark Choco could've fallen with him, in which case he could've died too).
there was always this sort of "distance" between Dark Choc and the idea of actually killing Dark Cacao, especially after his initial attempt failed. Not to mention the sword amplifying any sort of bad feelings he had towards him, no matter how mild or manageable they were before.
so if his father had messed up while they were fighting or really died falling off the wall and the corpse was taken into the Citadel, he'd break completely.
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prxjectshadxw · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! | You get Loki from Thor! | @leggosmanymuses
Emerald eyes watch as Thor kneels before their Father, head held high as he is made King Of Asgard, much to Loki’s dismay. It should have been him. Thor was arrogant, wreck-less, and not to mention did not even have the intelligence that it took to maintain a Kingdom.
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Thor was a poor choice, but not one Loki was at all surprised by. Thor had always been Odin’s favorite son, his Golden Boy, while he was made to live in his shadow. It was no matter. His time would come, and if the plan he had today worked to his favor that crown may just be passed onto him.
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
@leggosmanymuses​ sent: grip and shake!!! i really like your sonic from what i've seen so far!! she feels so lively and fun, while also staying relatable and true to herself! reading her interactions and our few interactions has been nice! i really really really like your scourge as well and how despite all of the Kenders Bullshit you pull together his story super well, making something super investing and unique! i wanna get to know more about him So Bad,,,
HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL? - accepting
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But in all seriousness tysm!! i’m doing my best to keep sonic both herself and smth unique so i’m glad it’s coming across!!!
and ty about scourge too!!! he’s definitely a tough cookie because of.. well.. Kenders and the collapse of all of that, so it’s a relief to hear people enjoy what i’m managing to pull together about him. i really try to focus in on how He’s Still Sonic and how we can definitely see that he gets his foundation rattled whenever that it brought up in the comics, y’know? and also how very barebones his backstory was so i’ve been fleshing out How Sonic Could End Up like that based off what little there was to work with. 
But ty!! I hope I can keep y’all invested in my Scourge!
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
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Puppets can have trauma too . Though in Pinoke’s case it’s more physical . 
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