#* shikanoin heizou. / development.
yeonban · 1 year
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Do you ever think about how tragic Heizou's life is...
There is no mention of Heizou's mother, just of his strict father and of his older brother who hates his existence; there is no mention of any nannies nor maids that'd take personal care of him beyond the bare minimum (giving him food, helping him change when he was still a toddler etc)
Heizou was a lonely child with no friends to speak of while growing up, his older brother didn't pay him any mind & on the few instances when he did it was generally negative attention (verbal abuse, pushing him, etc), and their father forced Heizou to train with him in order to have him uphold the family's reputation & have him inherit their dojo in spite of Heizou's very adamant refusal of the idea
In his early teenagerhood, Heizou made his first friend, only to find out, years later, that his friend had lied about his identity the entire time, and not only that, but he'd stolen from others in order to offer Heizou gifts. To no one's surprise, Heizou was both appalled by and angry at the news, and proceeded to break off any contact with his former friend - despite the universe showing him several signs that he shouldn't (i.e the green pebble Heizou threw out of the window only for it to ricochet right back into his house and roll onto his bed)
A year after ending their friendship, Heizou and his friend met again at the festival, only for his friend to bleed out and die in Heizou's arms while telling him that he'd changed his ways because he'd wanted to see him again and patch their friendship. Heizou still feels guilty about this to this day
One month after his friend's death, Heizou ran away from home and never returned to this day. The only contact he still has with his family happens through his cousin, Kano Nana, but it's only ever about important things (i.e sending his martial arts trophy back home for his father to put up in the dojo to boost its popularity and help his business)
After leaving home, Heizou had had no stable home for a good few months, instead living in the wild or from time to time at inns if his freelance detective work happened to bring in enough mora to
During this journey, he met Sango. They struck an immediate friendship, and soon after opened a detective agency together. However, they eventually had a terrible fallout after realizing they have divergent ideas about what is most important for/as a detective, and Heizou left the agency, with Sango promptly renaming it to rid it of any traces of him
Heizou then enrolled into the Tenryou Commission, still too broke to have anything he'd need to declare in their enrollment form (such as a home or valuables)
At their inner doushin tournament, Heizou won against each of his opponents until Sara challenged him. This day he felt mere inches away from death as his hand trembled while firmly gripping at the arrow that stopped 2 cm away from his heart. He'd barely cheated death
During his work as a Tenryou detective, Heizou has never failed a case, but the weight on his shoulders has increased several times - there have been many victims he'd failed to save, many families he'd had to break unfortunate news to, and plenty of family members that not only looked at him with hatred in their eyes, but occasionally threw water (cold and hot), various objects and the like at him. He never once countered nor blocked any of it. On this note, Heizou keeps many a secret for the well-being of others, an example being the case in which Ryuuji had unknowingly played a part in someone's death, with the sole intention of not having them hurt, thinking it's fine if he can hurt in their place so long as it was obvious they weren't really at fault for the crime
Because of his stellar reputation as a detective and the amount of big shot criminals he's stopped over the years, Heizou meets with assassination and kidnapping attempts at every corner. He's had to learn not to trust anyone he comes across, to sleep with an eye open and to be ready to hide or fight at a moment's notice
Most people in Inazuma view Heizou as a troublemaker who they would rather have nothing to do with if they can help it, and it isn't rare whatsoever to hear Heizou get badmouthed or plain out ignored on the street even by the people he knows or is related to. This includes Sango, Ryuuji, Kano Nana, Sara and his older brother, but the list doesn't stop there. Despite this, he never once held a grudge about it nor does he ever comment on any of it outside of maybe a lighthearted remark or joke that's generally at his own expense
The only positive words Heizou has ever heard are in relation to his intellect, intuition, or detective work. Never once has he been praised or complimented for anything else
Heizou's only friends at the moment are Cyno, Kazuha and the Traveler, with Shinobu coming close but falling just short of it. Each of his friends have either a tendency to travel abroad, or they live in a different nation. As such, Heizou continues to have no one to spend his time with on a daily basis, and therefore he spends every bit of his time solving cases, coming across as almost obsessed with it
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amaiaqt · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤtuck you inㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthe night you didn't sleep, waiting for them ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤmodern heizou, xiao, lisa, ningguang !
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤshikanoin heizou !ㅤ
he didn't mean to stay at his office so late, he was just finishing up some paperwork, begrudgingly, of course. for if he didn't have it all organized in separate folders by morning, his boss will surely not leave him with a moment of peace tomorrow
he huffed, reading through the last page of one document. he figured you were already asleep by now, as he tried to call you an hour ago so you'd know he'll be coming home late, but you didn't answer. surely you'll understand when he explains himself at the door when he arrives later
a ringing from his cellphone interrupted his thoughts. he picked it up to answer while setting the paper in his hand on top of the thin stack in the corner of his desk, bringing the phone to his ear and speaking on auto-pilot
"shikanoin heizou answering, may i ask who's calling ? at such a late hour.." he quietly mumbled the last part to himself, 'please don't be another inquiry' he prayed at the thought.
"zou ?" it was your voice, he didn't need to take a second for it to click in his mind. "ah, [name], why are you calling so late, my dear ?" he asked, his voice immediately getting soft and developed an almost concerned tone. he could hear you shifting in the sheets on your side of the call, you were definitely in bed, he figured. so you probably were asleep when he called, were because now you were awake
"i didn't hear the phone ring when you called, sorry.." you spoke softly, sounding almost tired or groggy. he paid no mind to it, figuring you just woke up. "it's fine dear, i called to say i was gonna come home late, then i figured you were asleep" he explained, signing another paper then adding it to a separate stack on his desk. "i haven't slept, i was downstairs waiting for you and left the phone in the bedroom."
come again ? you haven't slept ? you were waiting for him ?
he paused, subconsciously lifting the tip of his pen away from the paper he was about to fill out to not let the ink leave an obnoxious stain. "what do you mean, you haven't slept ?" heizou didn't want to sound upset, but it was very obvious in his tone and the way you seemed to pause on your end of the call. "i..." you hesitated, he could tell, "i just.. haven't slept ?" he took a deep breathe and exhaled
"i have two papers left to fill out, then i'll put them away in their folders so i can leave them on my bosses desk. i'll be home as soon as i can, dear, mwamwa !" he ended the call when you uttered a rushed 'alright' and rushed to finish his work so he can get home as soon as possible
he didn't want you to stay up any later, it wasn't good for you
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤalatus xiao !ㅤ
he was already on his way home, driving down the practically empty freeway with the playlist you made for him playing on the car's radio. the second he got off his shift, he immediately rushed to his car to get home as soon as possible. he had no data, he couldn't text you to say he'd be coming home late, so he just planned to get home as soon as possible
but to his dismay, it was already late at night, late enough for you to scold him once you open the door for him. he was focused on the road, maybe a little over the speed limit, but there was no one else around it should be fine. he slowed down when the ringing from his phone sounded on the radio of the car because of the bluetooth connection. he pulled up on the side of the freeway and reached for his phone, turning off bluetooth to answer properly. it was you calling, oh archons
"darling, i'm on my way home." he speaks softly, gazing at the stars in the through his window. "it's so late.. why are you so late ?" he sighed at the question, your tone held exhaustion, but he didn't miss the slight sadness laced in it. "i apologize darling, my shift dragged on later than i was anticipating and i couldn't text you." he listened to you humming from your side, "i'm hoping you've slept ?" he questioned, seeing that it was nearly the middle of the night. "ah.." you hesitated, and he raised his brow at this. "why the hesitation ?"
"well, i did try to sleep, at least." "least." he retaliated. "i was waiting for you !" you explained, and to that, he paused. "so you haven't slept, at all ?" he asked slowly, emphasizing on 'at all'. "waiting for you." you added in your defense.
he sighed deeply, shaking his head in disapproval. "darling, it's nearly midnight, why are you up waiting for me ?" he asked, his tone now laced with guilt that he knows shouldn't be there, but he can't shake away. "i was worried, and i can't sleep without you beside me, after all." he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. "then, how about this ?"
he sat up in his seat, getting ready to keep driving, "count the stars until i get home." "why ?" "to keep you entertained, i'll be there in a bit, i promise." "alright, drive safely !"
and with that, the call ended, and his foot stepped on the acceleration
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤlisa minci !ㅤ
oh how she hated these nights, despite how rare they were. these nights that she had to stay at the library late to organize the newly arrived books by order on the shelves. she was almost finished, just one shelf left and she can go home and rest in your arms while you massage her head to lull her to sleep. she had already allowed the rest of her staff to get off shift after helping her finish half of the task
as she climbed down the ladder, she hummed her favorite melody to provide herself some company through sound. she moved the box to the other side of the shelf and picked up the last two books from it, placing them in their orderly places
and with that, she could finally go home
she folded the box and put it under her desk, heaving a breathe of relief and exhaustion. she wanted a moment before heading out, only to be interrupted by a call from her cellphone. archons be thankful it was you
"sweetie~! i was just about to head out of the library, why are you calling so late, hm ?" she questioned, not even masking her excitement to hear your voice already. "just about.. " you paused, yawning — she found it adorable. "why did you have to stay back so late ?"
"we received new books that needed to be organized in their respective sections, so sorry i couldn't call earlier sweetheart." she sighed, leaning back in her chair. "ahh, so that's why.. it's alright, you don't even need to apologize." you were shifting from your side of the call. "why are you calling so late, were you missing me sweetie ?" she asked, adding the last question as a tease, wanting to hear you flustered on call. "i was, actually." and at your admission, it backfired, and now she was the one flustered. "ah, well.." she got cut off when you started speaking again
"i actually haven't slept, that's why i'm yawning so much. i've been waiting for you in the living room for two hours now.." you admitted almost nonchalantly, but this made lisa recoil in her chair
"you've been waiting.. for two hours ?" lisa's tone is almost guilty, but come on. you, her sweetheart, who was equally tired all day, has stayed up waiting for her for two hours ?
you simply hummed in response to her question. "oh sweetheart.." she shakes her head and gets up from her chair, swiftly grabbing her bag and car keys. "i won't let you wait any longer, i'll be there in a few minutes sweetie !"
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤningguang !ㅤ
running an independent business meant sleepless nights were normal to ningguang, but if she could choose a life where all her time could be dedicated to you without any financial consequences, she would without any hesitation. but to support both you and herself, and provide the life she wants for the two of you, she needs these sacrifices. besides, when she's done enough to never worry about buying you the most expensive things for simple dates, it'll be worth it in her eyes
she stapled the last two documents of the night before putting them away in their folders, pinning them under an organizer at the corner of her desk as she took out her cellphone to try and call you
and a smile pulled her lips up when you answered almost immediately. but it did make her wonder, you were definitely awake prior to her calling, but why so late ?
"ning ?" your voice sounded like a mix of expectance and excitement. "honey," her voice is melodious as she speaks barely above a whisper, "i'm so glad you answered, i was just about to close up the office. however," ningguang paused as she stood up from her chair, picking up her bag and pushing her chair back in place against her desk. you hummed for her to continue, "it seems you were already awake before i called, am i correct ?" the nervous chuckle you let out was enough to confirm her assumption. "why were you awake so late ?" she questioned
she kept the phone to her ear as she walked out of her office, turning off the lights and locking the door behind her. she waved to one of her staff to call her driver for her as she continued her trip to the exit of the building. she stepped into an elevator as you started to explain. "i've been waiting for you, and watching t.v. in the living room, but mostly waiting for you !" ningguang shook her head, glancing at the watch on her wrist, 11:47 p.m.
"it's so late, nearly midnight, you've really been waiting ?" concern is evident in her tone as she spoke, the tap of her heels against the marble flooring as she headed to the exit was all she focused on as you paused on your end of the call
"of course i have, i was worried." you spoke, and she frowned at the noticeable hint of guilt in your voice. a black car pulled up in front of her and she got into the backseat, waving to her driver in acknowledgement. the vehicle started moving, yet ningguang was still thinking about her words
she was touched that you were waiting for her, but haven't you learned from the countless hour-long lectures she'd put you through about how you should always sleep at an earlier hour ?
ningguang sighed, "honey," you hummed, "i do hope you're in bed by the time i get home." she spoke sternly, but she made sure she didn't sound all that strict and kept that soft tone lingering in her voice. "but i can't sleep without you here !" you complained, and ningguang's lips curled into another endeared smile. "then wait for me in bed, simple."
she smiled as you finally gave in to her request and ended the call with a kiss
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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xiaosonlybeloved · 11 months
Hi! Saw your requests were open and I wanted to ask for Heizou and the Hanahaki prompt, please? 🙏🏼 you try your best to hide it from him but being the genius detective he is, he figures it out. I’d love to see how you write it!
Melancholy -Heizou
featuring:- Shikanoin Heizou, fem!reader, brief mentions of Kujou Sara tags:- Hanahaki AU, angst, hurt/no comfort, brief mentions of blood a/n:- im so so sorry anon for writing this so late! But here you go, and i hope you like it :) thank u for requesting! (i think it would kill me to actually write fluff for once)(also if i made a taglist, would you guys sign up?) wc:- 2.5k
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‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
Everything started out small. It always does.
For you, it started the very day you two met, little by little. You’d needed someone to help you find and retrieve some books from your treasured collection that had gone missing, and good old Detective Heizou was the one assigned to help you.
He didn’t take long to draw you in. The charisma and confidence in his voice, the intelligence and wit sparkling in his eyes with a hint of mischief, the amusement dancing subtly across his face. Everything about him pulled you deeper in. Not to mention, you were incredibly impressed at how efficient he was at his job, despite his carefree, playful attitude- within 24 hours, each and every one of the missing books had been neatly stacked in a pile along with an apology letter from the thief, and Heizou had returned them to you, with that charmingly cocky grin of his. You’d thanked him profusely then, and he’d waved it off as just helping out a bit. He even refused to take payment, insisting that if you really wanted, you could repay him with a nice lunch or dinner.
Since then, your ‘friendship’ with Heizou only grew.with time.The next time you met, it was an accidental encounter in the streets of Inazuma, and then you’d repaid him with that promised lunch. After that, you two just seemed to bump into each other more often, or perhaps you both just noticed each other both. More than a year passed, and you two were fast friends.
Just friends.
You didn’t know when those pesky feelings started to develop, but they did, taking root in your heart like a bug. And your poor heart cracked a bit more everytime Heizou called you his best friend with a grin, or when he casually flirted with random people, your emotions covered with an airy smile that betrayed none of what you felt, unfortunately for you. If only he knew…
“[Y/NNNN]!” Heizou called over to you with a grin as you stood talking to the owner of one of the flower shops in Inazuma, running over as if to give you some great news. Your heart jumped a bit to see him again, even if it had only been less than a day since you last saw him. “What is it now, ‘Zou?” you chuckled. “Which uncrackable case have you cracked now?” He stopped right in front of you, breathless. “Guess what? Kujou Sara confessed to me! Can you believe it? The high and mighty, proud general Sara?” He was laughing. 
You raised an eyebrow, trying to mask your surprise and disappointment. She got there first, huh? “Well? What did you say?” “I said yes, of course. Now boom, we’re dating.” Heizou replied easily.
You took in a deep breath, feeling like a hundred knives had been stabbed into you. But you needed to hide it, because Heizou was still looking at you expectantly, awaiting your response.
You’d always be his best friend. Not his lover.
This cold truth seemed to sink into your heart, as you controlled your facial expressions, making an excited smile that probably seemed very fake to the sharp eyes of someone like Heizou. You quickly followed it up. “Dang, I never thought I’d live to see the day when you actually dated someone! Man alive, am I surprised.” Heizou laughed again, his eyes crinkling, driving the wedge deeper into your heart. “Never thought I would too.” Then looking at his phone, he apparently remembered something as he quickly said, “Oh darn, I totally forgot I had to meet up with a client right now. See ya around, [Y/N]!”
You smiled sadly as he ran away, your heartbreak now visible on your face. You return your attention to the store owner who looks at you curiously. “Sorry, Ma’am, but I won’t be needing the flowers anymore. Could you please cancel my order?” The lady looked at you in sympathy as she nodded, probably having figured out who you were planning to confess to.
Back at home, you suddenly doubled over in a coughing fit, your lungs hurting.
You’d stayed holed up at home for the next few days. Believe it or not, it actually wasn’t because of your broken heart. You’d fallen ill, and it greatly annoyed you. You kept coughing your throat out, and it wasn’t stopping. You did go about your normal routine for the first few days after Heizou told you, but then it got bad and you started staying home. Your friends often visited you, keeping you company. With their presence, you did seem to get a bit better.
So why was it that Heizou coming over out of concern for you always made you cough more?
One evening, he’d come over like always, with some medicines this time for bad coughs. Looking at his worried face at your deteriorating health, you wondered just how cruel it was for him to be always looking out for you, never knowing what you felt for him or what being with him did to you. 
Unfortunately, it was in front of him that your illness grew worse- you started coughing out blood, him panicked and trying to help you. 
Once you were temporarily better, he was insistent on staying the night with you to make sure that you didn’t get worse, but you made him leave reluctantly to get some rest. Immediately, you seemed to breathe a bit easier, even though your throat felt like there were vines practically growing in it. With that came an inkling suspicion of why you weren’t getting better. But it couldn’t be that, right? 
Then, a week later, you coughed out your first petal, confirming your worst fears.
Purple hyacinths were known to mean sorrow, longing, etc. 'How fitting.' You thought bitterly as you ruminated upon your less-than-ideal situation. You’d known for a while now that you held strong feelings for Heizou, but you never thought it would actually develop into Hanahaki. Damn it… What do you do now? You had to at least confess to Heizou for a chance at surviving, no matter how slim. But that would be very hard to do, considering he’s literally dating. That thought brought a bitter taste in your mouth. The other option would be to get the surgery, but it would mean removing Heizou from your life for good, but you weren’t quite keen on doing that. If not… You’d die.
No. You would most certainly not allow yourself to die for a failed love. Sure, you really loved him, but there was no point in throwing away your life for someone. 
As you were thinking about this, there came a series of soft but strong knocks at your door. With a sigh, you dragged yourself down the stairs to see the visitor, noting that the knocks didn’t sound like Heizou’s or anyone else. 
When you see the person at your doorstep, your eyes light up after a long while. “Kokomi!” You exclaim as you run to hug your old friend. You’d been forced to part with her after you shifted from Watatsumi Island to Narukami Island, but you’d regularly kept in touch. Kokomi frowned as you led her into your home. “You’re ill, aren’t you?” “Yes indeed, Doctor Kokomi.” You tried to joke. Kokomi narrowed her eyes at you. “You smell of blood. What sickness do you have? I can heal you.”
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to tell her or not. Not because you don’t trust her- she’s probably your most trusted confidante apart from Heizou, but because you’re a bit afraid of her reaction. With a sigh, you say, “Hanahaki.”
You could see it in the way her eyes fell. “Who is it? Heizou?” She asked, immediately understanding. You sighed in affirmation. “Can you heal me?” This time, it was Kokomi who was hesitant as she responded, “... I do know how to conduct the surgery, but there’s no other way out unless you confess and he accepts.” You grimaced. “Can you please keep this a secret from Heizou for now? I’m still thinking on what to do.” She nodded, looking resigned, but said, ”Alright, but you need to decide fast. To me, it looks like your illness is already quite severe. There is a certain stage beyond which the surgery cannot be conducted and the only option is to confess or die.” You nodded. “Thank you so much, Kokomi.” A while later, after you two had caught up with other topics, she left to go to the hotel she was staying at, giving you her address and telling her to come see you immediately if anything happened, along with some medicines for delaying the growth of the hanahaki.
While you were chatting with Kokomi, Heizou was flipping through books on diseases and illnesses. Needless to say, he was worried sick on seeing that it had been weeks and your condition had only grown worse. 
On a different note, he had just broken up with Kujou Sara that morning. Things just weren’t working out, and he wasn’t interested anyways- he just wanted to try things out. So now, he had more time to find something to cure you. 
He groaned as he went through the list of symptoms. He had a feeling that he knew what was wrong with her, but he was too afraid to admit it. ‘Heavy persistent coughs that slowly deteriorate to frequent bloody coughs, along with a feeling of being unable to breathe. In the last stage, which is almost certainly fatal during the later phase, the victim coughs out flower petals symbolic of their situation, along with blood. When the flower petals change into full blooms, the surgery cannot be conducted anymore, and the disease becomes fatal.’
His heart sank- his worst fear had been confirmed. You had hanahaki. He hadn’t yet seen you cough out flower petals though- so there was still time. He’d talk to you about it today, unsure of whether you knew about Hanahaki or not. 
He also wondered who it was who was dumb enough to not accept or return your feelings. He would, in a jiffy.
You sigh a little, enjoying the cool breeze hitting your face after so long. You were going over to pay Kokomi a visit, taking this as an excuse to get out of your house, which had started to feel cramped and stuffy. But of course, your moment of pleasure just had to be interrupted by another bout of flowery coughs as you hurried into some street corner to ensure that no one sees it. As you hurriedly stuff the purple flower petals with red, bloody edges into a bag you were carrying, a voice calls out to you that made dread settle in your heart.
Heizou stands there, staring directly at you and the bloody purple petals in your hands. 
‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
“You didn’t tell me it had gotten this bad.” Heizou said quietly, stepping closer to you. “I didn’t want you to know.” You murmured a response, looking down at your feet to avoid his stare, his eyes still looking at you in disbelief. “Why? Why, [Y/N], why? Who is this person?” 
You gulp under his stare as you debate whether to tell him or not. Yes, you knew he was dating Sara but still… You were on your way to Kokomi’s anyways. The opportunity had presented itself, you should take it. 
“It’s you, Heizou. You’re the one I love.” you whisper as you look up to meet his gaze.
You wish you hadn’t. Then you wouldn’t have seen the way the disbelief in his eyes changed into shock, surprise, and denial.
It was clear as day to you- Heizou didn’t return your feelings, you were dumb for thinking you had a chance.
You ran past him straight to Kokomi’s, wanting to escape. On the way, you could feel another round of flowers coming up your throat, but you held them down till you reached your destination.
Meanwhile Heizou stood still, shocked at what had transpired, a hand outstretched in the direction you had ran.
It was him.
As his brain finally processed things, he was still in disbelief and shock. He had been smart enough to figure out that you had hanahaki, but much too dumb to realise who it was directed towards. It was then that he forced his body to run, to search for you.
Late into the night, he still had no idea where you went, as he stood in the desolate streets of Inazuma, hands clenched.
More than a year had passed since then, and he had no clue of your whereabouts, or if you were even alive or dead. Everytime he thought of you, regret and guilt filled him as he cursed himself out.. If only he’d told her his feelings instead of hiding them like an idiot. If only he’d run after her immediately. If only he’d figured out your feelings faster. If only, if only…
He was in Watatsumi Island for a new case, although his efficiency at work had decreased over the last year. He thought he might as well take some time off for himself, give himself some time to recuperate quietly. 
But it seemed fate had other plans for him, as his eyes fell upon a figure in the woods of Watatsumi Island, one more than familiar to him.
His heart jumped into his throat as the figure straightened, then turned to look at him. “...[Y/N]?” He ran towards you to engulf you in a hug, but stopped short on seeing the expression on your face. There was curiosity, but not an inkling of recognition.
Ah. So that’s why he didn’t see you anymore. You’d taken the surgery and moved out.
“Oh, do I know you? May I help you? I see you are new here.” You said with a kind, polite smile, the one that you usually reserved for strangers.
His heart and fists clenched as he realised that you had no idea who he was anymore. As he realised that once again, he was too late.
[requests are open for now (please check requests page) ] tags and comments are very much appreciated!
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aimerays · 11 months
right before the confession
summary: they've known you for a while now, and it's finally time.
characters: xiao, kaedehara kazuha, shikanoin heizou
xiao doesn't care for mortals and their silly emotions. that is, until he meets you. suddenly, he's experiencing the very feelings he had deemed foolish and useless.
xiao arrives at the balcony of wangshu inn, but upon seeing you leaning on the railing with the most peaceful expression he's ever seen, he stays hidden. he watches you take in the crisp night air, the wind caressing your features. though he knows it's strange for him to think so, the thought crosses the adeptus's mind that you look very pretty. your eyelids are half closed, and the steady rhythm of your breath is enough to keep him in a trance. xiao stays silent, watching you for a few more minutes, trying to capture all of your beauty in one single snapshot in his memory. he's aware it's wrong of him, but who is he to disobey the pounding in his chest? then, he hears you whisper, "i wish xiao were here," and it's all he needs to step out of the shadows and finally tell you how he feels.
kazuha has always looked out for you, regardless of if you were accompanying him on a voyage at sea or simply taking a stroll in the outskirts of narukami island. the feelings developed so gradually that he isn't sure when he started thinking this way.
kazuha beams. the weather is especially good today: the sky is clear, and the wind is telling him there won't be a storm anytime soon. because of the wonderful weather, he's invited you to... well, he's not really sure himself. all kazuha knows is that he hasn't seen you in a while, and that has to change. he fidgets with the piece of paper in his hands. he's decided to reveal his feelings today, and to do that, he's written you a haiku. it's unlike kazuha to be restless, but as each second passes, he grows more and more nervous. when did he get so bold? was this actually a bad idea? would you reciprocate his feelings like he hoped? kazuha's mind is running wild, and he considers crumpling the paper and tossing it somewhere no one will ever find. maybe he could throw it in the sea the next time beidou invited him onto her ship. before he can follow through with anything, though, kazuha sees you in the distance, grinning widely and waving. this sight is enough to convince him. clutching the paper, he waves back and makes up his mind.
heizou, perceptive as ever, always picks up on the smallest of changes in your behavior. he's known about your growing feelings for him, but he could never quite pinpoint his own.
heizou has noticed the way you sneak glances at him and treat him just a little differently than you treat everyone else. he knows that everything--all the "evidence" in this "case"--points to you reciprocating his feelings, but he's never had the courage to confront you about it. it's weird and really out of character for him, and heizou's aware of this. he knows about his reputation as the flirty and confident ace detective, but even so, he can't bring himself to be honest with you. he swears his heart skips a beat when you look him in the eyes, and the confidence drains from his body as soon as you smile. finally, after weeks of being pestered by his colleagues at the detective agency and everyone around him, heizou spills everything he's been thinking. starting with exactly how he feels about you.
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stellar-skyy · 6 months
INTERSTELLAR TEASHOP — 200 followers event.
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“welcome, customer! please, take a seat. our menu is right here; feel free to order when you are ready!”
in a quiet corner of the sky, there is a teashop is tucked in between the stars. as you enter, the bell makes a quiet chime in sync with the cheerful employee's greeting, while a light jazz plays in the background. the employee gestures towards a board displaying a list of drinks. it hangs over the counter, above where a row of completed orders await collection. (masterlist.)
there are only a few others inside the shop, all huddled in comfortable-looking armchairs with drinks clutched in their hands. through the window, an array of stars cast a cool glow over each visitor. the place is quiet and cozy, and smells strongly of tea.
it's about time to order, don't you think? (20/20 slots filled!)
EDIT: requests are closed.
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“oh, are you ready? let me grab my notepad!”
☆ — so, who was this order for? (character)
orders are welcome for the following characters! please note that the names that are bolded are allowed iced tea (a.k.a. platonic requests) only.
GENSHIN: Alhaitham, Arataki Itto, Arlecchino, Bennett, Chiori, Collei, Columbina, Cyno, Faruzan, Fischl, Freminet, Furina, Hu Tao, Kaveh, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kujou Sara, Layla, Lynette, Lyney, Nilou, Qiqi, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Shikanoin Heizou, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Xingqiu, Yoimiya, Zhongli HONKAI STAR RAIL: Arlan, Asta, Aventurine, Blade, Clara, Dan Heng (including Imbibitor Lunae), Herta, Himeko, Kafka, March 7th, Natasha, Sampo, Silver Wolf, Tingyun, Welt, Yanqing.
☆ — oh and before i forget, did you want your drink hot or cold? (genre)
hot tea — romantic; iced tea — platonic.
☆ — alright, now that is out of the way... what tea would you like? (prompt)
EARL GREY TEA — losing the one you love the most; watching them slip right through your fingers. BLACK TEA — sacrifice; they were always willing to give their life for yours, but they weren't prepared for you to trade your life for theirs. CHAI — a quiet moment of bliss with someone you love. WHITE TEA — a dance, shared between the two of you. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA — a letter, from someone special. (please specify your relationship with the character!) CINNAMON TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — agreeing to 'date' each other for mutual benefit gets tricky when one begins to develop actual feelings. PEPPERMINT TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — jealousy, burning in their chest as they watch you grow closer to someone who isn't them. MATCHA TEA — an injury, that is carefully cared for by them. LEMONGRASS TEA — they see you're struggling, and they're there to relieve the burden from your shoulders. OOLONG TEA — a chance meeting, that promises a delightful future for the both of you. CHAMOMILE TEA — you may be sick, but they are there to care for you throughout. LAVENDER TEA (note: this tea is served iced only!) — familial ties weren't enough to stop you from growing apart, and now you don't know if the damage can ever be repaired. HIBISCUS TEA — reassurance, from one that knows no matter what hardships you face, you will get through it. ORANGE BLOSSOM TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — a proposal, wherein two hearts join as one. (please specify who is proposing!) LEMON & GINGER TEA (note: this tea is served iced only!) — no matter what you go through, you are family, and they will always be there for you. HONEY & VANILLA TEA — sometimes, one just wants to feel loved. and they will hold you close until you never doubt it. STRAWBERRY & RASPBERRY TEA — baking is always better when it's with the ones you love. POMEGRANATE TEA — (royalty au!) wherein you and them are both nobility. BLACKCURRENT TEA — (hanahaki au!) you adore them, but you know they don't feel the same. and it is killing you. MANGO TEA — you have been friends since childhood; you loved each other then, and you love each other now.
☆ — if there are any more details you would like to include, please leave them in your order and i will try to add them! if you are confused, here are some example orders:
— could i order an iced chamomile tea for tighnari? — i would like a peppermint tea for aventurine. if you could, please add some extra angst as well. — can i get a english breakfast tea for kazuha, served hot? and our relationship is lovers, of course.
☆ — have you decided already? wow, that was fast!
“before i wrap up your order, there are a few things to note...”
⤷ there isn't a limit of orders per person, but please wait until i have finished your current order before sending in another!
⤷ one character and one prompt in each order please!
⤷ remember i am a full time student! i do want to get to everyone, but if i get a lot of orders, there may be a delay.
⤷ edit: requests are closed!
“excellent! i will let you know as soon as your drink is ready~”
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starglitterz · 2 years
cw ; highly suggestive
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you're definitely not who HEIZOU was expecting to see when he went grocery shopping. he supposes it makes sense that even criminals need sustenance, but it still feels abnormal to see someone as high-profile as you strolling through the aisles of tsukumomono groceries.
careful not to disturb the other shoppers, he pushes his trolley until it's next to yours, dropping his voice to a whisper, "you do know you're one of the most wanted criminals in inazuma, right?" with a jolt, you drop the box of mochi you were holding and spin around sharply to face him, "shikanoin heizou?" "i'm honoured that you recognise my voice," he smirks, gaze flitting across your features and committing them to memory yet again before he bends to pick up the item from the floor, "though i'd have thought someone like you would have better reflexes." you roll your eyes, choosing to ignore the pointed comment, "and i'm flattered that you, the greatest doushin of all time, want me."
heizou blinks in confusion at the innuendo – this conversation doesn't feel like one taking place between a convict and a detective, rather it seems almost... flirtatious? "what, cat got your tongue?" you chuckle, pushing your cart ahead, "i must say i could probably do a better job at that." shaking himself out of his stupor, heizou rushes to catch up with you, fighting the urge to ask you to prove that statement, "what are you even doing here? if anyone sees you, you'll be in jail before you know it." "i've been told i look good in orange," your fingers skim over the sakura shrimp crackers on the shelf, entirely nonchalant about the whole situation.
"i'm sure you do," heizou scoffs, but he can't resist another teasing jibe, "but you'd probably look better with nothing on." you laugh, delighted at how he's playing along, "would you like to test that theory?" you wink at him, and heizou swears it's like an arrow from cupid through his heart. it's not his first time interacting with you, it'd be more accurate to say that it's his hundredth, but somehow he never fails to be astounded by both your complete lack of regard for yourself and your ability to flirt no matter the circumstance. somewhere along the way of you always eluding arrest at the last minute has made heizou develop an interest in you; it's certainly not because he actually likes having someone attractive and intelligent to banter with, not at all.
"i sure would," the words drip like honey from his lips, "maybe you can come over to the police station for it." "ah, sorry, i believe my schedule's fully booked for today. got some thieving and burglary to get up to," you sigh in mock despair, turning the corner into a different aisle. forced to walk behind you, heizou tries a different tack, "that wasn't a request." you fake a dramatic gasp as you pile packets of instant ramen into your trolley, "was it an order?!" "perhaps." you twirl around to face him with a cheshire smile, and your hand traces his face before pinching his cheek playfully, "i do like dominating men."
heizou tenses under your touch in seconds and that's how he knows he's a goner, but he keeps up his cool facade, "i can be any type of guy you like." "and what if i like you as yourself, as the one and only shikanoin heizou, who time and time again has failed to capture me?" his maroon eyes dart up to meet yours, fixing you with an intense stare. to his surprise, his intuition senses nothing but genuine emotion from you, and he isn't sure how he feels about that. but you cut in smoothly before he can process your question, "no need to undress me with your eyes like that, sweetheart. you just need to ask nicely."
"i hope you're aware that we're inside a grocery store," heizou fumbles for a reply, finding himself at a loss for words for one of the few instances in his life. "and?" "this conversation seems inappropriate for such a setting." you tap your index finger against your chin before nodding thoughtfully, "you're right. maybe your bedroom would be better?" the detective snickers – he really has to hand it to you, you're totally unfazed by this whole conversation, "maybe. but a prison cell might be more suitable." "i doubt that."
"anyways, this has been fun, but i really must get going," you cross off the final point on your grocery list as you shove some dango milk into the cart. "not so fast," heizou neatly steps in front of you, "i'm going to arrest you now." a giggle bubbles out of your throat, a cheeky grin playing about your mouth, "there are better ways to see me in handcuffs." he can't tell if he wants to tackle you or kiss you right now, but he's pretty sure neither of them are viable options, so he groans, "we can explore those later when you're behind bars." "mhmm," you hum non-committally, fidgeting with something in your palm, "you'll have to catch me first."
you roll the item from your hand towards heizou, and before he can even speak it explodes, leaving a massive cloud of opaque black smoke. after a few precious seconds wasted trying to wave it away, heizou realises both you and the trolley are gone. in fact, it's as if you were never there in the first place. and although he technically just lost the opportunity to put an end to your crimes once and for all, heizou can't help but think that he's excited for your next meeting – he'll definitely get you this time.
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this was meant to be just a short drabble but it spiralled out of control LMAO i love the idea of a cat & mouse dynamic w heizou vs reader esp w the contrast of them in a domestic setting like a grocery store <3 he's so cute and flirty i luv him ☹️
© starglitterz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog w comments if you enjoyed !
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apteryxparvus · 1 year
L ♡ V E R ⇌ L ⦻ S E R — people i tolerate
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Group chat — people i tolerate
prev • masterlist • next
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Stage name: Wanderer
Occupation: main rapper of 6reeze.
Living situation: residing in his condo in the capital Inazuma, but he often retreats to his secluded cottage in Tatarasuna village, located on Kannazuka island.
Eldest child of Ei Raiden who is the CEO of BB (Baal & Beelzebub) Entertainment
Developed a deep hatred for his younger sister, who is set to inherit the company
Ei's constant criticism led to him becoming emotionally distant
Moved to Snezhnaya to become a solo artist under Fatui Corp., eventually returning to Inazuma and joining 6reeze
Stage name: Barbatos
Occupation: lead singer and leader of 6reeze, former soloist from Mondstadt.
Living situation: owns his own apartment in the International District of Ritou; occasionally travels back to Mondstadt to visit friends and family.
Born into a musical dynasty family, with a revered mother in Mondstadt's indie folk music scene
He chose to follow his own path as a solo artist, and without his mother’s aid he was able to grow his talent, playing concerts at pubs and small venues
Caught the attention of a BB Entertainment while performing as a supporting act at a festival
Despite his carefree and cheerful persona, he battles personal childhood demons and seeks solace wine
Stage name: Alatus
Occupation: lead guitarist and sub-rapper of 6reeze; formerly a member of The Yakshas, a relatively underground Liyuean rock band.
Living situation: renting a small loft apartment in Ritou’s harbor district.
Grew up with an abusive single mother, enduring constant emotional and verbal torment
During his freshman year of high school, he stumbled upon Bosacius practicing drums, igniting a newfound passion for music in him
Formed a band with Bosacius and later joined by Indarias, Bonanus, and Menogias
Joined 6reeze after his previous band, The Yakshas, disbanded
Kaedehara Kazuha
Occupation: sub-vocalist of 6reeze, song writer and poet; passionate hobbyist photographer.
Living situation: resides in a small house near the outskirts of Hanamizaka alongside Heizou; he once used to live in the luxurious Tenshukaku district of Inazuma City.
Born into the noble Kaedehara clan, one of Inazuma's founding families
Witnessed the decline of his family's wealth, and found solace in composing songs for his close friend, Tomo, an aspiring musician
After the tragic loss of his friend, he embarked on The Crux, an offshore vessel, and explored Teyvat
Two years after sailing with the ship's crew, he joined 6reeze, determined to honor Tomo's memory
Shikanoin Heizou
Occupation: drummer and sub-rapper of 6reeze; hobbyist true crime podcaster
Living situation: currently living together with Kazuha in a small, cozy house in Hanamizaka, but he wants to move to Inazuma City’s Tenryu district
Grew up in a small village, forced to work alongside his father and learn martial arts
Went through a rebellious phase, joining an underground fight club
Became a drummer for a small band during his first year at university, and chose to embrace the art, giving up on his academic pursuit
Hosts a true crime podcast in his spare time, staying connected to his initial interest of Criminology
Occupation: bass guitarist and sub-vocalist of 6reeze
Living situation: he resides in a tiny apartment nestled in the International district of Ritou, located a few blocks away from Venti’s place
Grew up in Starfell Valley along with his twin sister, Lumine
As teens, they established a YouTube channel with a large following, creating covers of various songs
Performed as a musical duo at small venues and pubs until Lumine decided to step away to pursue a travel with her boyfriend
Scouted around the same time as Venti, so the two of them bonded quickly over their shared roots in Mondstadt
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Author's note: sike, i lied, no waiting til the weekend, it's 4am but here's the rest of the profiles. Definitely will have to check for any spelling mistakes when i wake up lol
A little secret — i actually haven't watched Moriarty the Patriot yet 😪 it's there, on my to-watch list along with dozens of animes and movies and series and yea
Taglist — @scaramoo
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retheagirl · 1 year
Friends don’t kiss friends
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modern au with heizou! (warning: suggestive, mention of alcohol)
“I want to kiss you on the lips... platonically, of course.”
“Friends don’t kiss friends, darling.”
In other words, you have completely ruined your friendship with Shikanoin Heizou.
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RIDE OR DIE BEST FRIENDS, that’s what Heizou is to you.
The kind of friend who you can pour the most mind-boggling secrets and gossip then keep your mouth shuts about it for years, the kind of friend where you can have a full conversation with just facial expressions, the kind of friend that you seem to develop your own secret language. He's your best friend, only your best friend, at least that’s what you want to convince yourself. 
After entering college you notice you started to see him differently. His touch suddenly sends electric shocks on your skin, you read deeper between the nonexistence lines in his words- something that hints very differently than what he’s actually saying, and everything he does are now attractive in your eyes.
Heart beating faster than normal, the red cheeks and nervous feeling when he's around— you weren't dumb, you know exactly what's going on with you but you’re mentally and emotionally are currently drowning in the river of Egypt called denial. You are almost convince that you’re going crazy, this feelings are making you go crazy and you're not sure how long you can act "normal" around him anymore.
Especially in a situation you are in right now.
In a party that you were invited to, just a week before your graduation, you are now drunk and staring at Heizou like he is some gorgeous Greek statue, credits to your impulsive thoughts. “I know I’m handsome but didn’t auntie tell you it’s rude to stare?”
“Well you are making it hard to look away” you said without missing a beat, it was impressive that you could still process his words like a sober individual when you supposedly have already drank 2 full glass of alcohol. Yes, the world might be spinning in your vision, and you might find it harder to know which is left or right but you can never not look at Heizou nor give up the effort to actually listen to his word. However that doesn’t mean you can process whatever slips out of your mouth.
Heizou clear his throat from your respond, a tint of red started to form on his cheeks. Was it from the alcohol or was it because of what you said— well the answer is quite obvious already.
With a confidence of a drunk man, you leaned into him— the distance wasn’t new, you had encountered this kind before. Where your lips could almost touch, where you can feel each others breaths on you skins, how your voices are so near that it almost feels intimate. And currently, it is intimate. The atmosphere was so thick that you can cut it with a machete.
“I want to kiss you on the lips” you whispered, though he shouldn’t have heard it over the deafening music, yet with how close you two are he heard you loud and clear “platonically, of course.”
Absolute rubbish.
“Friends don’t kiss friends on the lips, darling.”
“Then I guess I don’t want to be friends” there’s no denying it now, you are down bad for your best friend, and here you are ruining your friendship. Heizou smirked, leaning more closer than you already are, it could only take a tiny twitch and you’d kiss. You could hear your heart beating rapidly, blood rushing to your cheeks and anticipation boiling under your skin.
“You aren’t drunk, are you?” he whispered quite seductively, almost sending you to the edge of your sit and on your knees “accusation without proof is not good for you detective.”
A sly grin makes its way on to his face, he leaned away and disappointment washes over you. However you have no time in wallow over it when he grab you glass and drank what remains of the “alcohol”. After drinking everything he lick his lips as if to confirm the taste of the left over drops, this only made you gulp. 
He leaned in back to you and with no hesitation nor a pause— he place his lips on yours. The sensation of his lips finally on your own is heavenly in it’s own way, you were craving this, in every daydreams and in every almost within your interaction with him. It’s unbelievable how every thought of it— of him is addictive that you could just lose your mind with a single whisper of the first syllable of his name.
You swear you’re melting, your surrounding is now nonexistent in your head neither is the possible negative consequences that this one kiss could cause. But will you really regret it? Absolutely not. Not when he was so slick in guiding you closer to him to the point you are now sitting on his lap, what started as a simple kiss turned into a make out session.
Your body feels like its on fire, his touch sends electricity to your skin even through the your garments. Your senses was overloading with him, from touch to his breathing, moments later he finally let go of your lips. Half-lidded eyes looking directly at your own in a daze before another sly grin appear on his oh-so perfect face.
“I think I got the proof that I needed” this time, it took some time to fully take in his words. Your kiss-hazed mind could not function properly after what just happened, now completely forgetting the situation before the kiss, “proof on what?”
He chuckled, clearly amused.
“Proof that you’re definitely enamoured with me, sweetheart.”
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note: first time writing Heizou, so you could say he is OOC but I hope it was still good and you guys enjoyed it. Reblogs, likes, and nice comments are greatly appreciated! Stay hydrated! <33 (not proofread btw)
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eimoonie · 1 year
My love for you is infinity
5wirl x FEM!reader (today is Heizou's turn!)
Read the first chapter to know better of the plot.
It has been a week since Xiao transferred to the school. Let's discuss some of the recent news.
Recently, Xiao joined the music club.
As Xiao slid open the door to the music club, Venti exclaimed happily, 'Huh? Xiao!' Venti approached them with excitement and embraced you, saying, 'Hehe, Xiao has had a change of heart and decided to join the music club.' The other members looked at him, and Xiao gazed down, reconsidering his choices.
"Yay!! You guys met Xiao, the guy I told you about who has a perfect physique!" Venti pulls Xiao closer to the group.
"Hello!!" A lively voice exclaimed. Xiao turned towards the voice and saw someone with maroon-colored hair highlighted with dark streaks, light olive green eyes, and a mole beneath each eye. "I'm Shikanoin Heizou, nice to meet you." Heizou winked at Xiao.
"Right! Time for an introduction," Venti said as he introduced the guys. Each of the members appeared to have a distinct character they portrayed.
Heizou is the playful and lively character who frequently takes on the role of the protagonist's best friend.
Venti is the mischievous and cheerful character who portrays the trouble-making friend of the protagonist.
Kazuha is a gentle and polite character. He could play the 'lover' role.
On the other hand, Scaramouche is a dangerous and mean character. He can be played as the tsundere type of character or even as the 'Ren Yamai' type!
You're already familiar with Xiao's character, but with this development, you can envision a promising future for this band. You choose to linger and enjoy some of the snacks that Kazuha brought along. "Does everyone here play an instrument?" Heizou inquires, to which Venti responds with certainty, 'I play the lyre!' Interestingly, it appears that Venti is the only one with a traditional approach, as every member of the group has an instrument they can play.
Heizou plays the drums while Kazuha plays the guitar. Scaramouche is on rhythm guitar, and Xiao is on bass.
The music club once had only one member because bands were unpopular at the time, until an exotic-themed band called 'The Dickz' rose to the top stage, along with an all-girl band named '4yro'. This band included students from an all-girls school next to yours, and you're familiar with them: Keqing, Ganyu, Yanfei, and Hu Tao are members of the band.
Recently, you've developed an interest in bands, prompting you to witness one rise to the top. You're delighted that your best friend is finally engaged in something productive, instead of idling around and consuming energy drinks—this applies to Xiao as well.
"I'm about to leave now. I'll make sure to check in with you guys every day." Just as you took a step, Venti halted you. "Huh? Venti?" You gazed at him in confusion. "NO!!! You can't leave. Can't you see, Y/N?" Venti became dramatic and pleaded for one last favor, "See what?" you asked, "There's a group of boys who don't know how to take care of themselves!! How are we supposed to reach the top hashtag on Twitter if... we don't have a manager?" Venti begged. "I know how to take care of myself," Scaramouche chimed in, ruining Venti's dramatic moment. "Is he always this dramatic?" Heizou joked. "Fine, I'm only doing this because it's my last favor for you." You agreed, and Venti thanked you numerous times.
Alright, Manager! What's our first training?"
The five guys were seated in chairs. "First of all... Hmm, Scaramouche, you're going to practice your guitar skills! And Kazuha, could you please bring more snacks? Xiao, let's cut back on the energy drinks. Venti, focus on enhancing your voice since you're the vocalist. Heizou..." You gave them instructions, and Heizou responded, "Yes, ma'am!" Heizou played along, "Hmm...
"There's nothing wrong with my style! I like it," Heizou defended. "You see, you're the only one who likes it, not everyone else." The rest were shocked. Who knew you could be this strict?
"Let's get to work!" Everyone rushed to their positions. Heizou and you went out to buy new clothes, while the rest worked diligently to make a good impression on their new manager.
"Ah, I honestly thought you were joking!" Heizou chuckled. "I'm serious, but I'm not passing judgment," you replied. "Exactly, so... we're actually going to shop for new clothes for me?" Heizou asked. "Yes! I'll help you pick out some clothes!"
You grasp Heizou's hand and lead him to the clothing store. "Stay here, I'll pick out some clothes," you say before moving away to find suitable attire for him. While you are away, Heizou looks around and catches sight of several couples. His surprise grows as he observes a male entering the dressing room with a female. "Oh, that could be troublesome," he mutters to himself.
Public indecency is illegal (AND NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING THAT, GRRR!!). Heizou decided to let them have fun, and afterward, he would give them a warning. One thing no one knows about Heizou is that he's a detective or a private investigator. 'Heizou, I'm back! Here are some clothes I picked. Go, try them on!'" You were being assertive, but at first glance, you knew that Heizou already has good taste in fashion. In fact, the clothes he was just wearing are the latest trends, but he incorporated them into his own style.
Heizou really knows fashion. once he's done changing, you complimented how the clothes looked on him, saying, "I look pretty good! I'll wear this next time we meet again." He winked, then glanced at the dressing room that the couple had used. "Hm... well, I guess I'll let you in on a secret," Heizou said as he approached the couple. You were confused, but then Heizou issued them a warning for public indecency.
"Huh?!" you exclaimed, pausing for a moment. "Wait, what? How did you know they were doing it?" you asked. "I just heard some noises," Heizou explained. The couples apologized and walked away. "Hey, how about we pay for these clothes? I have some memories associated with them!" Heizou suggested. You replied with a nonchalant "Sure, sure..."
"That'll be 200 Mora! Right now, we're offering a couple's discount. Would you two like to use it?" The cashier asked. You replied, "Sure, thanks." You used the discount. Heizou caught on quickly, saying, "Ooh, you sly..." Heizou continued, and you chuckled before heading back to the clubroom.
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strdstd-m · 11 months
{Introducing, an influx of new muses bc "heck it, we ball":}
Edit: {Crossed out means I did end up adding the muse! But that doesn't mean if a muse isn't crossed out, that I won't end up adding them in the future!}
Megumi Fushiguro - JJK
Toge Inumaki - JJK
Nanami Kento - JJK
Yuta Okkotsu - JJK
Aki Hayakawa - Chainsaw Man
Himiko Toga - BNHA
Jin Bubaigawara (comes with a hero verse bc I Say So)
Shoto Todoroki - BNHA
Dabi/Touya Todoroki - BNHA (again comes with a hero verse)
Tenya Iida - BNHA
Mirio Togata - BNHA
Fumikage Tokoyami - BNHA
Shihai Kuroiro - BNHA
Mezo Shoji - BNHA
Momo Yaoyorozu - BNHA
Shota Aizawa - BNHA
Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact
Shikanoin Heizou - Genshin Impact
Kamisato Ayaka - Genshin Impact
Jean Gunhildr - Genshin Impact
Vautrin - Genshin Impact (Love me some good NPCs I can develop & make verses for)
Kevin Kaslana - Honkai Impact 3rd
Elsa - Frozen
Jim Hawkins - Treasure Planet
Quasimodo - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Deuce Gorgon - Monster High (2022 movie)
Achilles - Hades
Thanatos - Hades
Crowley - Good Omens
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yeonban · 2 years
your muse as the planets .  .  .  
i.    sun .       egotistical .        melted  wax  wings  and  fingers .        stretching   sunburnt  skin .       the  most  generous  soul .        blood  in  the  fruit .        halos .       anger  on  fire .   high  vitality .     thunderous  laughter .        is  pride  really   a  sin ?        halogenic  aura .
ii.    mercury .     expansion  of  the  mind .     silver - tongued .    an   everlasting  wanderer .    polyglot .       high  dexterity .        handwritten  letters .           innately  critical .     en  vogue .   eyes  in  the  trees .     hidden  libraries .           there's  always  room  for  improvement .
iii.    venus .     in  love  with  strangers .     iridescent  waters .     love  potions   for  your  mirror .     selfless  devotion .   shattering  crystal .     seafoam  upon  sand .     the  golden  ratio .    drowning  in  your  own  passion .    material  value  and  high  principles .    luring .  plush  lips .
iv.    earth .        fresh  springs .        tree  hugger .     we  can  start  again  tomorrow .    a  blazing  rainforest .     respects  survival  of  the  fittest .     nature’s  adversity .     lazy  bones .        constantly  evolving .        flowers  sprouting  from  wounds .        a  granite  altar .        fossilized  remains .
v.    moon .      illusory .   silver  shimmer  off  the  ocean .     secrets  and  gossip . cycles  of  reincarnation .        a  crybaby .    physically  ethereal .     shared  glances  with  a  stranger .     cat  eyes .     mistrusting  their  intuition .     fear  is  a  prison .     ornate  magic  wands .
vi.    mars .        healthy  competition .        attraction  and  repulsion .     magma  and  rubies .        a  blade  being  forged .       wrath ,  wrath ,  wrath .     malefic .   intense  eye  contact .    cannon  fodder  and  fireworks .      blood  floods .    copper  taste  on  your  tongue .
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vii.    jupiter .        red  robes  and  a  suit  of  armor .        beacon  of  stability .       leader  by  birth .        thunderbolts  and  lightning .     guilty  but  can’t  stop .     secret  rich  kid .     golden  touch ,  golden  tears .    innate  optimist .        failure  isn’t  an  option .     constantly  reaching  for  more .       unfinished  symphonies .
viii.    saturn .        traditional .        overbearing  energy .     a  sculptor  of  reality .     this  existence  is  a  karmic  one .     has  a  heart ;  it’s  just  way  down  deep .     law ,  order  and  justice .     avoid  all  necessary  risk .     the  sound  of  shackles  clanging .    sisyphus’  struggle .    grappling  with  the  reality  of  time .     self - governing .
ix.    uranus .      psychedelic  funk  music .        overflowing  cups .       a  rebellion  with  skin .           looking  good  in  photo  id .        oblivious  but  caring .        middle  fingers  in  the  air .     double  rainbows .     icy  diamond  exterior .     holographic .     afraid  of  their  own  mediocrity .      pearlescent  smoke .
x.    neptune .     an  elegy  for  the  lost .     dissolving  boundaries .     white  horses .        the  burden  of  mystical  conditions .     deceptive .     escapism  is  their  reality .     a  polarizing  entity .     artist’s  soul .     paranoia .    searching  for  the  unseen .     a  siren’s  swan  song .
xi.    pluto .         angel  statues  over  graves .        power .        the  cycle  of  necrosis .     transformative .     unfathomable  depths .        an  ivory  tower  toppling  over .     screaming  at  the  sky .       violets  and  irises .     eclipsed  darkness .     speaks  with  their  shadow .   sex ,  death ,  rebirth .
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iwant-fuitgummi · 1 year
Inazuma Headcanons pt. 2!
(pt. 1 here)
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Transmasc, Bisexual
Family: Yae Miko (FF Mom), Gorou (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Charlotte
I don't know why but transmasc Kirara is so real to me.
Kirara is penpals with Collei. He's since developed a small crush on her.
Talks to Charlotte all the time! They bring her new cameras as a gift and in exchange, Charlotte gives them
He's epileptic, so he always has Yoimiya warn him beforehand if she's gonna have a firework show.
I don't know much about Kirara yet so there's not much I can really say about him.
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Kuki Shinobu
Cisgender Woman, Bisexual, Polyamorous
Dating Kujou Sara and Sangonomiya Kokomi
Family: Ms. Kuki (Mom), Kuki Miyuki (Sister), Arataki Itto (FF Brother), Akira (FF Brother), Mamoru (FF Brother), Genta (FF Brother), Granny Oni (FF Grandmother)
Best Friend: Shikanoin Heizou4She often goes to Watatsumi Island with Itto to visit their respective partners. If she can't find Kokomi, she'll head to her secret hideout. Oftentimes, Koko is asleep at her secret desk. Shinobu takes off her jacket and puts it over her shoulders as a blanket before either heading off to find Itto or just sitting down in the corner with one of Kokomi's books and waiting.
She always thought that Sara was beautiful, even way before they first started talking. She often referred to her as "the Pretty Tengu" when talking to Itto. She eventually began to talk to her (outside of getting Itto and the gang out of jail) and slowly became smitten.
She has a small shrine in her home that's dedicated to the Oni. She hopes that, by praying to his ancestors, Itto will be a little bit safer. she doesn't take the best care of it, since she hates the idea of being a shrine maiden even if it's her own shrine, but still.
Her right leg is a prosthetic. She was born without it. She also wears braces on her arms and often uses elbow crutches.
She always has a first aid kit on hand. Even though she heals with her vision, she uses the first aid kit for herself. She also uses it for minor injuries that don't warrant elemental healing.
She has selective mutism. Itto, Heizou, and Sara are all pretty good at understanding her body language and are usually able to communicate for her if needed. She also has communication cards.
idc if it's not canon. Shinobu has scars on the sides of her mouth like Iguro Obanai from Demon Slayer. She also has a split tongue and lots of piercings.
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Shikanoin Heizou
Genderqueer, Pansexual
Dating Kaedehara Kazuha
Family: Sayu (Sister)
Best Friend: Kuki Shinobu
Honestly I didn't change much about Heizou. I love him as is.
Autistic. They hyperfixate on cases until they're solved.
He has OCD, too. If things aren't done in the right order, he starts to panic.
She keeps a personal copy of each case she's ever solved, just in case she needs to go back and recheck it.
They pack Sayu's lunch every morning before she leaves to do ninja things. It typically consists of two katsu sandwiches, two onigiri, sunsettia slices, and a juice box. They also add in some sakura shrimp crackers for a snack. The lunch is the exact same every day, since Sayu is a picky eater.
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Naganohara Yoimiya
Transgender Woman, Bisexual
Dating Kamisato Ayaka
Family: Naganohara Ryuunoske (Dad), Tartaglia (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Arataki Itto
Her right leg was amputated after she blew it up in a firework accident. It is amputated mid-thigh and is now a prosthetic.
They are partially deaf in both ears. Working with explosives will do that to ya. They know sign language, and so do Ayaka, Thoma, and Itto.
Pep has type 1 diabetes and wears an insulin patch. Pep wears it on pep stomach, and has it decorated to look like a fish. It matches with some of the tattoos that pep has covering pep body.
She is autistic and has trouble regulating her volume. Being partially deaf doesn't help, and neither does the fact that she's constantly shouting over fireworks!
They have competitions with Itto to see who the kids of Hanamizaka like better! The kids know about this and milk it, getting both Yoimiya and Itto to be as awesome and fun as possible. Sara's had to intervene to stop Yoimiya from shooting off fireworks in the middle of the day in the city.
Okay so like. In a modern world, Yoimiya's definitely a decora girl. That's it. That's the headcanon.
Pep has a service dog named Kingyo! She's a boxer who helps with peps diabetes.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
Genderfluid, Asexual, Panromantic
Dating Shikanoin Heizou
Family: Beidou (FF Mom), Ningguang (FF Mom), Xinyan (FF Sister)
Best Friend: Gorou
Kazuha is always tired. They're narcoleptic. Beidou always makes sure that there are multiple comfortable places on the Alcor for them to sleep if needed.
Kazuha's perfect idk what else to say :/
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flyingwargle · 1 year
inspired by kirara's character story 3 &lt;3
heizou walks down the streets of inazuma city, twirling his jitte around his finger, humming a jaunty tune under his breath. he navigates around vendors hawking their wares and their customers, nods to fellow doushin on patrol, and stops to make small talk with adventurers and merchants. it’s part of his daily routine to stay on top of local gossip and new developments. the information could be useful for a future case.
guards salute him when he enters the police station. he slides the doors open, immediately greeted raised heads and perturbed frowns. heizou matches their pensive looks. “is there something the matter?” he asks.
“doushin shikanoin. we were looking for you.” a guard enters his peripheral vision with a salute. “a mysterious package came overnight…well, a few of them, actually. they’re from komaniya express.”
he raises an eyebrow. the delivery company is famed throughout the region, especially now that their services have expanded overseas. the tenryou commission relies on them to deliver documents and other items between the city and the kujou encampment. “what about them?”
“well…i think it’s better if you see them for yourself…”
the doushin leads him to the conference room, which is a large tatami room with decorative scrolls and banners. sunlight streams in through the opened windows, pristine chalkboard covering most of one wall. the boxes, six in total, are of varying sizes, sealed with tape, and stamped with the delivery company’s logo. most peculiarly, there are holes on the sides.
heizou inspects them. it doesn’t take him long to reach a deduction. “gather a few more doushin and then call for madame kujou. tell them to carry the boxes to the holding cells.”
“there’re criminals inside.” he swipes the delivery slip from one of the boxes, glances over it, and gives a laugh, waving it for the doushin to see. “it’s written here, plain and simple.”
“uh, sir, i don’t think ‘meanies’ quite classifies as criminals…”
“you need to expand your horizons, my good man. think of why they were boxed up in the first place –it’s because they were about to commit a crime of stealing goods from a certain courier. if they have criminal intent, they’re criminals. simple as that.” heizou steps through the doorway, delivery slip in hand. “i’ll handle this paperwork. just get those boxes to the holding cells and tell the general. she’ll know what to do.”
there’s never a dull day in the city.
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transxiao · 2 years
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"Who They Are Under the Mask"
Story and reviews under cut. From the Tales of the Youkai web event.
You write a story about a Tengu student...
On campus, there's a mysterious Tengu student. Rumor has it that no one has ever seen him unmasked. In a stroke of fate, our protagonist ran into him when he wasn't wearing the mask. And it turns out that the face under the mask is actually that of a shy and handsome young man?
While the development of the story is a little flat, the portrayel of this Tengu student is really cute. I like it! - Fan of Campus Stories
You write a story about a Tengu detective...
The protagonist is a well-known detective, and the cases he deals with are always solved quickly. The secret to solving them is a Tengu mask that has the power to see through any lie...
What an unusual detective story! If I had to make an anology, my "Tengu mask" would be my intuition for solving crimes. - Shikanoin Heizou
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zhongrin · 2 years
Hello miss rin! Today's subject is completely outdated and random but anyways... I decided to do all the hangout quests for extra primos for another water boy (istg I'm not being unfaithful XD), everything's going on fine UNTIL.
UNTIL SHIKANOIN HEIZOU SHOWS UP. Like why, why is he trying to flirt or seduce me? Because it's working T_T
I need help because my loyalty is being tested. So miss rin, onto the main question. How do you stay loyal to one or even two characters? T_T because I... I don't even know who to simp for anymore T_T
Thank you for listening to my rant T_T
Hope you have an awesome week! <3
hit me with all the random stuff i love hearing people talk <3
oh? someone's hoping to be an ayato-haver soon? 👀
LMAO i haven't done most of the hangout events so am not sure what happened in heizou's, but i did hear that he's very flirty, calling us 'dreamy' and such?? lol-
*shoves all the thirsting posts about al haitham under the rug* ah yes, loyal to one character, that's totally me. zhongli is my one and only i would never think about other people nor find them attractive heh ridiculous /j
no but real talk SIMP FOR AS MANY CHARACTER YOU WANT. BUILD A HAREM. MAKE THEM ALL FALL HEAD OVER HEELS WITH YOU. because fuck it. it's fiction and as long as you're not hurting anyone you should be allowed to kiss all of them on the mouth <3
my week so far hasn't been great but at least i got to add another count to my anemo team and the things i'm working on are developing in a positive way!!!
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blissfullyapillow · 8 months
Hi Pillow! SleepyIntrovert here. I saw you updated your matchups so I was wondering if I could have songs for the matchups you've already done for me and then a new one please. I'd love if you could do another male genshin matchup along with a jujutsu kaisen one.
Here's some more information for you to work with:
-I can be really sarcastic in an affectionate way with the people I care for and love
-I have dark humor but I also LOVE puns and silly, stupid things
-No matter how hard times get I somehow retain hope and push through. I often feel the need to confine in someone close to me even though it's hard for me to open up
-I love to talk about my interests especially if someone genuinely enjoys listening to me
Thank you and much love xoxo
Notes: Request accepted! I will happily do so for you! I hope you like your matchups, it took me a while to think of them this time around haha
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
How your relationship sounds: 
♡ ⋮ Shikanoin Heizou ₊ ⊹
𖦹 ⋮ Lucifer ✶
✦⋮ Blade 𓆩♡𓆪
‎♡‧₊˚ ⋮ Welt ⊱  ۫ ׅ ✧
  ๋࣭⭑⋮ Kaveh ✧
⋆。˚ ⋮ Toge Inumaki ˚◞♡
`✧˖ °. ✉ ⋆ ˚。 ‹𝟹
I match you with: Kaveh
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Credits: sillyakito on pinterest
`✧˖ °. �� ⋆ ˚。 ‹𝟹
I feel like Kaveh would naturally be attracted to your energy, the fact that you are shy and nerdy would initially pique his interest. 
Initially he may avoid talking to you in fear of making you uncomfortable, but a chance encounter proves his worries were based on fiction. You’re surprisingly easy to talk to, just a bit reserved. 
He’ll tentatively approach you after simply because he enjoyed your conversation and wants to get to know you better, and soon you two develop a blossoming friendship that will later evolve into a romantic relationship you only read about in books.
Kaveh definitely has a hint of romanticism about him, and that translates into his ideals and how he views himself as well as the world around him. He simply adores how chaotic you can be once you let your guard down. It literally makes him swoon when you feel comfortable enough to reveal your full self to him, and in turn he’ll do the same.
You often tease him for how sassy he can be, which results in an “argument” of whose sassier versus more sarcastic. You win the title of the latter option.
You two have similar dislikes so it’s not uncommon to happen upon the two of you whispering in each other’s ears, gossiping about a certain individual who just can’t take a hint. Kaveh finds it particularly amusing if someone works you up and you feel the need to rant to him, but nonetheless he is wholeheartedly supportive and always willing to lend an ear.
You two are each other’s source of light in dark times. Kaveh will do everything in his power to look after you and assure you of your worth whenever times are hard, and you don’t hesitate to reciprocate the same amount of energy for him.
Although Kaveh tends to get fed up easily he’s surprisingly patient with you. People who know Kaveh are often surprised when some comments of yours will go without a full blown retort on his end, a simple flick of your forehead seems to be enough to shut you up anyhow. 
One of your favorite ways to spend time with Kaveh is to be in the same room as him, doing a different activity as Kaveh pours his heart into his work. He often works late into the night. He doesn’t expect you to wait up for him but whenever you do it’s his favorite reward after a hard day of work.
You will happily lend an ear to Kaveh’s rants when a customer insists on doing things their way, without taking into account his vision, and Kaveh will listen to you talk about your interests with a tender smile on his face.
Your relationship with Kaveh is something of envy, but that is the least of your concerns. 
You’re both too lost in each other to pay any mind to the jealous stares of passersby, after all.
“You didn’t have to wait for me, you know.” His voice brushes along your cheek, startling you slightly. You lift your head from the book you’re currently reading, your gaze meets his, as bright as a shiny red apple.
“I know. I always want to though. I enjoy spending time with you like this.” Kaveh hums in appreciation as he buries his head into your shoulder. He takes in a deep breath, the feeling tickling the skin at the base of your neck.
You giggle. You feel Kaveh’s lips form a smile against your skin.
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll be at your side.” You only nod in acknowledgement, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head as he reluctantly detaches himself from you.
You watch him leave the room, and moments later the sound of the shower running fills the empty silence.You choose to continue reading in hopes of finishing the chapter before Kaveh returns.
You succeed in your wish. Just as you put your book down Kaveh returns. He looks rejuvenated as he playfully launches himself onto the bed beside you. You share in joyous laughter as his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer.
You spend the rest of the night talking about anything and everything, well past midnight, until your eyelids are too heavy and fall shut of their own accord.
You always sleep the best in Kaveh’s arms, and he’s never too shy to admit that he shares your sentiment. 
.ೃ࿔*:☯ ᨐฅ
I match you with: Toge Inumaki
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.ೃ࿔*:☯ ᨐฅ
You two would definitely match each other’s energy seamlessly.
Witty comments are a common occurrence between the both of you. Inumaki may use a select vocabulary vocally, but that all changes over text or other written means.
You have gaming sessions together, ranging from cute Minecraft world dates to intense sessions of rage on a fps game, say fortnite. You’ll send Toge those “Games couples should play together” videos and he’ll show up later with said game already downloaded or held in hand, ready to play with you.
You’ll flirt with him only for him to reciprocate, very eagerly might I add, via his actions. It tends to leave you flustered and wanting more.
The world of Jujustu Kaisen is not a happy one, so your positive mindset is a welcome one for him. Sometimes he needs the pick me up and you’re always the first person he turns to.
Undoubtedly any mischief is a result of the both of you; it’s expected at this point. You’re menaces together, Inumaki often working behind the scenes as you help him execute harmless and silly pranks on his fellow classmates. It’s not always appreciated but that doesn’t stop the both of you from laughing your asses off.
He’d definitely share your dark humor. One night you two were up silently chuckling after you showed Inumaki a horrendous joke you stumbled across while scrolling through social media. It was something you probably shouldn’t have been laughing at but it made it funnier for the both of you.
Toge doesn’t mind listening to you. He often listens to others since he can only say so much, but with you he has no qualms about silently sitting by your side as you rant on and on about random topics that come to mind.
Sometimes he feels guilty that he can’t necessarily communicate with you in the ‘normal’ sense of the word, but you always shower him with affection and reassurance whenever he brings up these concerns. Your acceptance of him comforts him more than you’ll ever know, and it makes him fall for you harder every time. 
Your relationship is very unique, but just as loving all the same. You’re each other’s favorite person; it’s unusual to find the both of you apart when you aren’t separated due to work or jujutsu/curse related reasons. 
You open the door expecting to find Inumkai standing on the other side.
and you do, but you’re met with a delightful surprise.
He stands on the other side, holding a few items and what appears to be a letter of some sorts in his hand. “Mustard leaf?” You don’t say a word, moving to the side to allow him in. He wordlessly reaches for your hand; your hands naturally seek each other out, slotting comfortably against each other. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze as he leads you to a nearby spot to sit down.
That happens to be your couch, and you sit down as directed. Toge slips his phone out of his pocket, and you catch his drift. You quickly get up to grab your phone, returning to the couch as you unlock it. Your lockscreen, a picture of you with Toge, a candid mirror selfie as you both make silly faces at the camera, brings a smile to your face. \
You open his messages to read his heartfelt words. He also provides an explanation to his sudden appearance, your former words of dismay an obvious indicator. 
“You bought these things for me because of the situation I told you about?” You murmur the words softly, but he nods his confirmation.
You gingerly take the items and letter from his hand, all things you’ve said in passing many moons ago, and unshed tears take residence on your lashes. 
He silently reaches out to you, whipping the tear that stubbornly escapes the confines of your lashes.
“Toge.. I.. thank you..” You struggle to contain your emotions, but you should know better. Toge simply steps back and opens his arms wide. 
He doesn’t wait long; you throw yourself into his arms as you allow yourself to be vulnerable with him. 
He sighs; he’s content to be here for you when you’re feeling upset, holding you in his arms for eternity… or until you’re ready to face the world with a smile once more.
and that’s exactly what he does. He’s truly happy he has you, and he’ll remain by your side for the time he has left, and forevermore.
Dedicated to,
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :SleepyIntrovert: :;
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