#* robb stark ; interactions.
greywoe · 10 months
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pre-war cat, robb and theon
(+ how i imagined this convo)
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mkstrigidae · 5 months
APWH preview snippet!
Since I'm actively trying to work on getting the next few chapters out, I thought I'd share a little future scene with some hints of Jonsa with all you lovely people! This bit is from like, a few chapters in the future bc it's the in-between that's giving me fits right now :) (Fair warning: this is unedited and subject to change! That being said, it's such a fun scene that I can't imagine ever nixing it :D)
“Does he even know that they have to avoid the press?”
“For the last time-“ Sam sighed, sounding completely exasperated, “Dickon knows what they can and can’t do- he’s got enough practice not being photographed from when our dad was the secretary. Not to mention spending time around you when that exposé on your crazy grandfather came out two years ago.”
“I just-“ Jon sighed, blowing a stray curl out of his face. “You didn’t see how freaked out she was when the press caught us at that performance in White Harbor. I thought she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.”
He was immediately derailed by Gilly plopping little Sam down in his lap and shoving a bottle into his hands.
“What’s this all about?” he raised a brow, adjusting the baby on his lap, allowing him to latch onto the cuff of his flannel shirt and start gnawing at the fabric. “You going somewhere?”
Gilly shot him a withering look, but he saw the amusement in her eyes.
“I-“ she gestured, imperiously, “Have not had time by myself to shower all week-“
“Sorry, love.” Sam winced, looking up from his pile of paperwork. “I can take a break from these-“
“Not your fault, Sam.” she waved him off. “You warned me about this conference at the beginning of the summer.” a grin played at the corners of her mouth. “Besides, it works out well- Jon needs a distraction right now from the fact that Sansa’s on a date with your extremely hot and conventionally attractive brother.”
“Hey!” Sam looked wounded, and Gilly rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“You know you’re my favorite Tarly.” she wrinkled her nose. “How long have you been working on this presentation? You smell like the baby spit up on you.”
“Guess I’m next in line for showers.” Sam said, mournfully. “Unless-“
“Nope- I need my own time right now, Samwell. Did you even hear what I said about why Jon’s bent out of shape?”
Jon had known Gilly since Sam and she had met up north while the two of them were in college. Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile the timid, scared girl she had been with the woman who was currently devoting all of her remaining energy to busting his balls.
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about Sansa with my brother.” Sam snorted, shotgunning another cup of coffee next to him the way Jon was used to seeing undergrads do with jaeger shots. “I mean, this is Dickon we’re talking about. Used to bring wounded animals home to take care of them Dickon? The same guy who cried when we had movie night and Gilly and Rhae wanted to go see ‘Love, Simon’?” He shook his head. “Look, as far as guys she could be out on a date with right now go, Dickon’s kind of the best case scenario. She’ll have a nice time, and he’ll be a perfect gentleman.”
Jon blinked at him, silently turning to look up at Gilly, who rolled her eyes and sighed.
“You’re hopeless, sweetie.” she kissed him on the forehead again, wrinkling her nose. “He’s not worried that things will go wrong- he’s worried they’ll go a little too well.”
“You’ve been spending way too much time around my sister.” Jon muttered, narrowly avoiding little Sam’s grasping reach for his glasses, managing to get the baby to latch onto the bottle before he destroyed any more of Jon’s eyewear. “You even sounded like her just then.”
Sam blinked for a second, his head whipping between Jon and Gilly.“You’re jealous?” He asked, incredulously. “Of Dickon? Wait- you like Sansa?”
“Got there in the end.” Gilly sighed, affectionately patting him on the shoulder before going to shower, leaving Jon and Sam behind with four cups of coffee, one baby, and approximately five brain cells total between the two of them.
“You like her.” Sam repeated, like it was a giant revelation.
“What are we- in middle school?” Jon hissed, immediately turning his head down to smile and make faces at little Sam while he fed him, before glaring up at big Sam again. “I don’t- I mean-“
Sam was just shaking his head.“Of course you do.” he laughed. “Should have guessed- red hair and a damsel in distress? You were doomed from the outset.”
“Shut up.” Jon muttered, flushing. “It’s not like that.”
“Then why are you worrying about Dickon for fu-“ Sam glanced nervously at the baby, “-god’s sake? When Gill was meeting my family for the first time, I remember you told her not to worry- that my brother was ‘one of the best guys you know’ and ‘practically a golden retriever’.”
Jon could tell that Sam, who could not raise one eyebrow without the other, was desperately trying to do just that.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, moving little Sam to his shoulder to start burping him. “Look- I’m attracted to her, alright? It’s a fu- er, a giant disaster that I’m gonna ignore for the rest of my life.”
“Stop trying to do that with your eyebrows.” Jon complained. “It’s giving me motion sickness. And yes, seriously. I’m not even going to consider that- it’s just a stupid crush. Besides,” he sighed, rubbing little Sam’s back comfortingly, “Robb’s already dealing with enough right now with this whole Sansa situation- can’t imagine telling him I think his sister’s attractive while he’s being forced to suddenly confront all of his guilt and self loathing every time he looks at her.”
“That whole bro code thing of never dating your friend’s sisters never really made sense to me.” Sam shook his head, gulping down more coffee. “I mean, I’d be thrilled if you decided to date Talla, because I know you’d be good to her.”
“Yeah, don't think she'd quite go for that, mate.” Jon snorted, standing to bounce little Sam around gently. He was just grateful Sam hadn’t said anything else about Robb.
“Eh, wouldn’t count you out completely.” Sam shrugged, smirking. “With that hair, you’re pretty enough to be a girl- maybe that’d be enough for her.”
“You are so lucky i’m holding the baby.” Jon muttered, still bouncing little Sam, who picked that moment to spit up spectacularly down Jon’s back.
“Well, that’s three of us who’re gonna need showers now.” Sam grinned, looking thrilled as all get out that it hadn’t been him. “Wow- his aim is getting better.”
“I’m going to remind him of this when he’s a sulky teenager.” Jon grumbled, wiping spit-up off his shoulder as best he could. “Look- no gossiping with Rhae about this, please. She thinks she’s such a good clandestine agent that she doesn’t always realize that Robb is better at sniffing out her plots than she thinks.”
“Alright-“ Sam sighed, looking back down at the massive stack of paperwork in front of him. “I make no promises for Gill, though.”
“Gilly could give some of my Uncle’s colleagues at the WIA a run for their money when it comes to withstanding interrogation.” Jon snorted.
“Probably true.”
“Where did your brother take Sansa?” Still holding onto a now much happier baby with one hand, he reached down the other to take a gulp of his own coffee.
“He said something about going out towards the Tyrell Estate.” Sam shrugged. “They probably drove out there to see the gardens- he’s said it’s a good road to take his bike out on.”
Jon promptly spat out his entire sip of coffee, staining the front of his shirt as well as the back, and frightening little Sam enough that he started to cry.
“He took her on his motorcycle?”
Gilly picked that moment to reappear, completely clean and with wet hair, blinking at the scene in front of her.
Sam, who couldn’t seem to stop laughing, was desperately trying to calm down the baby, who had started wailing, while Jon’s entire front was covered in coffee and his entire back was covered in baby vomit. Not that he seemed to notice, as his face was white and he was making a series of angry looking hand gestures at her husband.
“I really can’t leave you three alone for five minutes, can I?” she sighed. “Do I even want to know?”
#my writing#my wips#writing wips#just APWH things#jonsa#fanfiction wip#God bless Gilly like for real#YES Sansa is on a date with someone else here#muscleman golden retriever McAttractiveness#Aka dickon tarly#unsurprisingly jon is not having a great time about it!#in fairness to sansa the plotline directly preceding this and kicking off her doing some traveling was pretty rough on her#so our poor girl really deserves a giant muscley golden retriever with a motorcycle#and to just have a good time with someone who isn't wrapped up in all the stark drama/disaster/mess etc.#jon can deal with it rn bc it's really a 'you snooze you lose' kind of situation#sam's usually quicker on the draw but he's very sleep deprived here#and working on some stuff for a pathology conference#not at all going to be relevant nope no sir#writing sam and jon interacting vs jon and robb is so fascinating#they're both jon's besties but there's a very different dynamic to the two relationships#in fairness Robb has like SO much complex childhood trauma and is kind of seriously going through it right now#but his scenes with jon always have this sort of darker edge to them#like an 'i've known you my entire life and know everything about you for better or worse' type deal- deeper but darker#it's more akin to a sibling relationship? but also not? they are both going thru it#my headcanon is that anytime jon starts getting too gloomy and angsty gilly just straight up shoves the baby at him#and then waits like twenty minutes#Gilly: 'it's free babysitting!'#generally it works pretty well#jon's like '404 error does not compute' as soon as sam says the word 'motorcycle'#also when sam says 'the secretary' he means randyll tarly was the secretary of defense
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ladystoneboobs · 10 months
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oh, so close, buddy, so close. why, yes, it is sexist of grrm to use sansa this way while writing the starkling bonds involving brothers as all but conflictfree! (we only get that one flashback of robb hurting jon by screaming about his bastardy and it's revealed pretty late in the game, near the end of asos, after robb's death. and clearly happened when they were quite young, an isolated incident, without which robb would have been pretty much a perfect brother to jon.) but it's especially bad when sansa/arya aren't just the only stark sisters in present timeline, they're also only one of two developed sisterly relathionships in the entire series, the other being their mother and her sister. that relationship had cracks in it years before catelyn was aware of them, and ended with a death threat from lysa leaving cat bitter towards her. is kinslaying or near-kinslaying the resolution y'all want for arya and her sister or just never meeting again period? what a great sisterly track record that would be for grrm! not to mention a great ending for arya, ignoring her own desire to see all her siblings again and finally have a good relationship with sansa! it's true that you can really tell that agot sansa was created just as a foil to arya and it's clear which sister the writer favored back then, who we're meant to side with. but to think that grrm has done nothing better with sansa since then, has never developed her beyond the token unstark and a "camera pov" for more plot important characters, that she has never once expressed any care for her sister, and that there is never any hope for sisters with a bad childhood relationship to grow and get along better once they're older, that they can never have a good relationship and should never even try, well, i'd say that makes you more sexist than grrm ever was as a writer and also kind of insulting toward his later work. congratulations on that!
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alaynasansa · 2 years
Robb *gets stabbed in the gut, dies*
Arya *gets stabbed in the gut, swims in dirty waters, duels and kills the FM's Terminator in the dark*
Robb's Ghost "I'm calling my lawyer"
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neithergodsnormen · 3 months
@winterreigned sent:
angst prompt for robb: sansa arrives at winterfell to be wed to ramsay , he escorts her through the cellars , she sees robb , who she had mourned and grieved , thought dead. it's the first time she's seen him in five years. sansa is all shaky breaths and wobbling legs, trying to stabilize herself. she fears an overreaction would give ramsay what he desires, but she's basically trembling and falling apart seeing robb like this.
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Robb had been in the cells of various castles for nearly two years at this point, being moved in the night and kept from light. He was certainly paler than he ever had been, and Roose had someone regularly come to make sure he was shorn and the Tully red hair was not recognizable. The Young Wolf was shackled well in his prison, for he still had fight in him despite the treatment the traitor had provided. He listens closely when he hears the sound of footsteps and wonders if it is Ramsay wanting to again show him to the shell of a man that had once been Theon.
Tully blue eyes flick up as he glares at those who approach, his arms kept apart by a wooden block shackle, the chains upon his legs clanging as he shifts. Everything stops when he sees her. Sansa. It made no sense to him, she was a captive in King's Landing last he'd heard and married by force to the son of Tywin Lannister. He told himself that he had to be mistaken, though he would know his sister anywhere. He glares at the Bastard of Bolton, his jaw clenching and his voice a growl. "Another taunt, Snow?"
Robb is well aware that reminding a bastard that they are not trueborn is the quickest way to hurt them when your fists could not, which is why he refused to call Ramsay anything but Snow. It was well known that there was only one Snow who was allowed to reside peacefully in Winterfell and he was at the Wall. His eyes do not leave Sansa, worry in them as he tries to stand tall and strong in spite of years of captivity.
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wvsteria · 5 months
robb stark & grace hargreeves @grace-aka-mom
"it's not safe out here." robb warned as he walked the streets, making sure to look out for those that needed help. he could well take care of himself, it was other people he was concerned for here.
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furyfms · 3 months
i don't believe in good luck. - (lyanna & robb) @thefinalgxrl
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“ i do not believe in good luck, either. or luck of any kind. ” perhaps he had at one point, when he were still a boy, a young lord content within the halls of his home : winterfell. but no longer, and possibly never again. “ i believe that the gods are cruel, and that luck has nothing to do with any of it. ” he had experienced it all first hand after all, had he not ?
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xradiant · 11 months
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It felt like he was constantly being watched and he hated every second of it, he hated the very idea of it. He wanted to find a way out but every time he tried to find a way to step more assuredly he grew weak and faltered somewhat. He had once been King of the North and now he was - something else entirely. Now he was a mere idiot of a boy, someone with no goal, no future. He could still remember the sight of what had happened with the Frey's and the anger still boiled. Yet, he wasn't in Westeros anymore. He knew that he was somewhere else he just couldn't understand how or why this had happened. Or what had brought him here. The hallways here felt cramped and he almost returned back to his rooms but he stopped when he saw someone that he also did see on his ventures down the halls. A young man, perhaps nearly the same age as he and yet - he wasn't entirely sure who he was. They hadn't even exchanged names before. "You still haven't told me how I got here." He said it like a demand, with all of the backing of the North behind it as he held his eyes. "You know how to get back to Westeros, why won't you tell me?"
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lavendaers · 4 months
@wvsteria margaery tyrell for robb stark
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"are you my blind date?" margaery questioned the man that stood in front of her table. he didn't look like who her friend had described, but it could be him. "if you're not, this is embarrassing and i've been stood up."
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mvndrvke · 1 year
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@killjoysanonymous gets a starter! robb + margaery
The Young Wolf, the King in the North. It all feels so stupid now. He's more like a kicked dog than a wolf. He was meant to ride south, save his father and his sisters, be the king that the North deserved. Instead he's.... well. Whatever this is. Fatherless, motherless, lost in the world and a stranger in his own home.
Spring travels North with the arrival of Margaery Tyrell. An alliance that Robb never would've thought would be made, and yet here she is. Here they are. News of what had happened in King's Landing reached them before she did.
Sanctuary was freely given. An alliance was freely given. It's the political match that Robb should've always gone for but had turned down the first time. It had been his downfall then. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Robb hesitates before he knocks on Margaery's door, waiting for her to allow him entry. He holds a bundle of fur and wool-- Margaery is a southern girl, unaccustomed to the cold of the North. The warm cloak he'd had made for her is a peace offering as much as it is a gift.
"My Lady," he says when she opens the door, nodding his head a little to her. "I brought you this. I'd imagine it's much colder here than you're used to." He pauses a moment. "I thought we might take a walk together, if you're willing."
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cthoniian · 7 months
a woman of grace and beauty, poised and charming - but he had known her from childhood. known her when her knees were a bit more knobbly and less shapely, known her when there was a gap between her front teeth. while she had always been suited more for the company of sansa and jeyne, having missed the company of her older brother’s - she had oft watched her and jon train. then later the boys as they’d grown. but he was a man grown now, and jon sent to the wall. but war was coming.
long had she been promised to him, but he was something else now. he was lord of winterfell. he was the eldest son of ned stark. and the tides of war were rising. winter would come. war to precede it. and he would be called to make decisions he felt little prepared to. a boy of such honour was a rarity perhaps, but he was not without flaws. that same honour led him to make decisions that might make him a good person, but a poor leader.
but there was one here in his burgeoning court who knew to play these games of thrones. while he did not hover for his mothers advice, he did seek the advice of his betrothed. finding her in the yard where his youngest brother had been playing with shaggydog, he fell into step beside her. waiting until the two creatures, half wild boy and wolf - were just out of earshot before he spoke quietly.
' my lady margaery -- i would seek your council... '
robb && margaery // @littlequeens
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west1rosi · 1 year
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the  northern  men  and  women  are  known  for  being  unconvential,  strong  headed,  extremely  loyal  to  stubborn  defaults  and  proud  of  their  roots.  from  all  the  kingdoms,  it  might  be  the  most  independent,  as  it  used  to  be  all  those  years  ago  and  they  are  not  quick  to  follow  the  south  and  their  rules.  the  north's  main  house  is  house  stark  that  have  their  seat  at  winterfell.  with  two  walls  and  acres  on  acres  alone,  the  north's  main  seat  has  nothing  to  rival  the  red  keep  or  the  south  richest  houses.  they  are  as  harsh  and  constant  as  their  winters.
cregan  st.ark:  head  of  house  st.ark,  allied  himself  to  the  blacks  after  his  father  made  an  oath  to  pledge  himself  to  queen  rhaenyra.  cregan  is  bonded  with  the  direwolf  shadowborn,  one  of  the  few  seen  direwolves  south  of  the  wall.  he  goes  to  marry  three  times.
duncan  forrest.er:  head  of  house  forres.ter,  one  of  the  bannermen  houses  for  the  starks.  they  are  masters  of  the  ironwood  and  provide  it  to  the  north  and  the  south  alike.
sara  snow:  cregan's  half  sister  and  bastard  of  winter.fell,  while  not  legitimate,  sara  has  grown  within  the  walls  and  taken  into  her  family,  mostly  under  her  brother's  rule.  she  takes  interest  in  the  young  prince,  jacaerys  valaryon.  some  maesters  claim  the  two  married  in  secret.
shadowborn:  cregan's  direwolf.  name  due  to  his  fur,  all  black,  shadowborn  has  steel  blue  eyes  and  blends  through  the  night.
jon  sno.w:  thought  to  be  ned  st.ark's  bastard,  jon  is  the  son  of  rhaegar  targar.yen  and  lyanna  st.ark,  uniting  the  two  houses.  the  prince  that  was  promised,  jon  has  died  and  brought  back  and  shields  a  valyrian  steel  sword,  and  has  his  own  direwolf,  ghost. he was chosen king in the north and retook winterfell.
robb  star.k:  the  heir  to  winterfell  and  the  king  in  the  north  ruling  through  the  north  after  the  death  of  his  father.  robb  has  his  own  direwolf,  grey  wind.  wounded  and  thought  dead,  robb  warg  into  his  direwolf  and  spend  the  next  years  healing  and  gathering  his  memories  again.
jorah  mor.mont:  former  head  of  house  morm.ont,  he  was  exiled  to  essos  and  became  a  knight  under  daener.ys  targa.ryen.  the  bear  knight  is  of  her  loyal  counsel  and  sound  mind,  he  contracted  greyscale  and  is  known  to  be  the  first  man  to  be  cured  of  such  illness,  although  at  the  cost  of  his  skin.
ghost  and  grey  wind:  the  direwolves  of  the  two  elder  stark  children,  bonded  to  jon  and  robb  respectively.  ferocious  and  loyal,  their  bond  is  so  strong  that  the  two  men  are  known  to  warg  into  their  animals  at  time.
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fearlessmuses · 1 year
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🐺 ───── she wanted to be there for her family and everyone was depending upon the stark name to provide for them here. what she did know was that one person who would help them through anything was her brother, he was smart, special, far better at war and tactics than she would be. "robb...." his name fell easy as she reached his room a smile spread across her features as she stood as planted as she could in that moment. "how are you?" and honest inquiry after all this family had fast. all he had faced.
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from sansa stark for robb stark
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neithergodsnormen · 4 months
@warriorsandladies​ sent: ❝ you are an honorable man with a good heart. it’s a rare thing. ❞ (warriorsandladies Kyra Frey for Robb for reasons) 
house of the dragon starters    
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Robb was still struck by how beautiful a woman Kyra was, more Lannister like her mother than Frey. When he had come to the Twins after he was named King of the North and the Riverlands, he had not thought that he would find a bride that appealed to him. Once he was crowned it was best that he get his wedding out of the way, for if anything happened to his brothers he needed to secure his line. He was equally surprised that he found himself actually liking Kyra Frey as a person. He could certainly not say he loved her, as it was far to early for that, but he could see himself growing to love her, as his father and mother had grown to love one another.
“Thank you, Kyra.... as you are a treasure that many men can only hope to find.”
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wvsteria · 5 months
robb stark & myrcella baratheon @drvcxrys
robb wasn't sure who to trust out here. but he'd be damned if he left innocent people to be hurt on their own. "do you need help getting out of here?"
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hamcrtia · 1 year
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain . // for robb
kiss & tell / @queenifice / accepting !
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it is the sound of water droplets hitting cobblestone that fills his senses above all else. not the shouting of commands or the sound of horse hooves clicking endlessly as the men prepared to ride out. it is simply only him and alysanne. the rain had no mercy on them, bouncing off of his curls with each second that passed by. the young wolf is lost in her eyes, his expression solemn. she speaks though he cannot focus on the words falling from her lips, instead he is focused on the way they form around her sentences. it is no surprise to himself when he leans in to abruptly cut her off with a kiss. it is full of passion and devotion ; it is everything he feels for her in one gesture. hands cup her cheeks, deepening the kiss, as if it would prevent his eventual departure. they are both drenched now. as he pulls away from their embrace, robb thinks he should instruct one of the maids to draw her a warm bath so she does not fall ill while he is away.
" i will return to you, " the young wolf promises, planting his lips to her forehead in hopes to reassure her that his words are true.
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