#* planet 'look at me look at me' — self promos.
kissmedcadly · 2 months
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fadedreamed · 5 months
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ind. mutual exclusive dragon age multimuse, by jackal.
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vvomanscorned · 2 years
tag dump
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poppydedicant · 2 years
Tag Dump, tag dump!
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astro-royale · 9 months
AstroObservations:Pt12 🍒
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Disclaimer: my opinion💋💋💋
Venus 9th house individuals may travel a lot in their childhood
Pisces moon individuals are very pleasant and calming to be around. They may also be naturally good painters.
Yeah what they say about 18 degrees is true. It will cause health problems or it will create a vicious cycle where someone is always working on improving that particular thing because the energy there isn’t stable.
Mars vs Pluto (Pluto is the higher octave of Mars) in the first house… Mars 1st house will be very overtly aggressive or open with their anger. May come across as assertive, independent, someone who is confident in what they have to say. It’s very “what you see is what you get” and it feels much more extroverted. They don’t find it uncomfortable to call things out.
Pluto first house however is much more secretive, and the power it conveys does not have to be directly spoken about. It is like something emanating beneath the surface and can seem shady or mysterious. 1st house Pluto individuals can also feel the need to create “influence” . I believe this is because the Higher Octave planets refer to the collective and “bigger causes” which can influence the tone of a generation, so this is how it comes across to me regarding Pluto.
Mars also feels much more self centred in the 1st house than Pluto does, again because Pluto is connected to the collective unconscious. You go beyond the self, realising the interconnectedness nature of things.
Pluto can be self centred in the 1st house with a much more humanitarian cause or to use their power to influence a large group of people. Mars 1st house use their power as fuel to just get things done, I’ve noticed. And Mars 1st house can have much more physical drive and energy too,
10th house sun always always always succeeds in their career
Virgo Risings may be quite tall, have lighter eyes and hair natural model look
Taurus influence on appearance can make someone quite shapely
Venus 11th house just loveeeee to socialise
Neptune 7th house are always looking for their soulmate
Cancer 2nd house may really succeed or be able to work from home.
I think everyone with strong Scorpio placements would benefit from having someone to talk to once a month in a therapeutic setting. Just anything to help you detoxify actually. Money well spent because your health depends you on eliminating what no longer serves you.
Self promo:
If you’re a beginner in astrology or know someone who wants to get into it I’ve made a beginner series on the houses on my YT channel.
They’re in short format and very digestible and easy to understand and it’s great for anyone who wants to have a rough idea.
I have created a playlist with them :))
Consider sharing it and checking it out if that sounds like something you or someone you may know may need.
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firstkanaphans · 1 month
Not only do your FK Safe House posts give me life, because they were so freaking adorable when they were in the house together. I’m also so happy to see another person who cannot stand Foei and has not forgotten or forgiven him for the horrible things he said and did during SF, he is literally the reason they no longer have SF as a series. I was genuinely worried for First’s safety in the house once Tay also left, poor First left without close friends and with Foei and White still there, threatening to do the things they said!? I bet he was terrified to go to sleep at night. You know it’s bad when the producers pulled Foei and White out of bed first thing in the morning and marched them in front of the cameras - with First - to apologize to not only him but also the viewers for what they said. Foei gives me the ick so bad, so it’s nice to see someone else that feels the same way.
He’s a legitimately vile human being and just seeing his face makes me uncomfortable and angry. They should have pulled both him and White from the house after that happened. Like imagine the fallout if he had said that to a woman. He wouldn’t be employed. He wouldn’t be able to work in this industry. We would never have to see his stupid face again.
The sad thing is that I 100% believe First when he says he wasn’t offended, but I’m going to go ahead and be offended for him. I’ve always thought that Khaotung’s comment while they were doing Only Friends promo about how First is sometimes too nice and people take advantage of him was maybe referring to this incident—or at least incidents like it.
I also feel like it makes it 1000x worse that First and Tay didn’t even get the joke and they kept making it anyway. Like it’s one thing if you’re trying to get someone to laugh along with you, but it’s another when you’re making derogatory comments they don’t even understand.
And just to be clear, making those types of jokes is never okay, but I’ve seen differing opinions on just how bad what he said was in a cultural context (I believe the joke was part of a Thai TikTok trend at the time) and without being a native speaker it’s hard to completely pass judgment for anyone but myself. But for me, it was definitely not okay.
One thing I’m looking out for on my Safe House rewatch is Khao’s reaction to everything because he wasn’t in the room when it happened and I’ve seen plenty of people say he was acting differently towards Foei and White afterwards, but I didn’t notice anything myself at the time. I’m curious if he actually was more distant or if that was just wishful thinking on the fandom’s part. First was, of course, his usual cheerful self because he’s the nicest human on the planet.
Anyway, it was just a horrible situation all around and I agree that that is probably why we won’t ever get another season of Safe House. It still turns my stomach to think about and knowing they willingly said all of that in front of live cameras…What were they saying behind the scenes? The fact that Foei still has a job is unforgivable, but at least White’s gone. And good riddance.
I’m glad you’re enjoying my Safe House posts, Anon. I’ve had a lot of fun rewatching because it’s so rare to see FK completely unfiltered like that. They bring me so much happiness.
[And because I know I’ll probably get another ask about it, you can read the specifics on why I don’t like Foei here.]
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p-redux · 10 months
PSA: to all the "just landed on the planet, don't know how showbiz works" Anons constantly sending me Asks about Sam and Eleanor having a romantic thing in real life because of the "flirting" they're doing on social media. STOP. You're being annoying AF. 🙄
Sam and Eleanor are engaging in PROMO to SELL their series, The Couple Next Door. Part of TCND involves Sam and Eleanor's FICTIONAL CHARACTERS getting hot and heavy with each other. Hence, the ACTORS are playing up that vibe and chemistry. Do they get along in real life and have become friends? It seems so. But that does not take away from the fact that ALL their current interactions are purposely done to PROMOTE their WORK.
The same way Sam and Caitriona Balfe SOLD the epic love story of Jamie and Claire on Outlander. Promo, sell, promo, sell, promo sell... because if actors don't promo and sell, they don't continue to work.
In addition, and as a reminder to the permanently clueless: the sex scenes are not improvised, and Sam and Eleanor happen to be alone in a bed with a camera with a self timer. Doh. Every word they are saying is literally written by a professional television writer. Every move they make is directed by the director. And they even had an intimacy coach for the sex scenes. So, she directed them also. Then, there are the lighting people standing there, the sound people standing there, the production people standing there, the camera people standing there, assorted other crew standing there LITERALLY watching them film the sex scenes. It may look sexy, but try fake fucking in front of at least 15 people and see how "sexy and real" it is. The ONLY reason it looks so hot is because Sam and Eleanor are great at their JOBS.
This is SO obvious, a child could understand it. I don't know why I have to explain such obvious things to GROWN WOMEN. Showbiz isn't real, folks. Actors literally get paid to tell fictional stories, "it's not real," and all that jazz.
Please figure out how life works and quit bugging me. Anymore dumbass questions about Sam and Eleanor and how "it can't just be to promote TCND, " and "Sam may steal Eleanor away from her husband" and you will be blocked. For the crime of being a supreme idiot. Sorry, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for morons. Don't be one. And we will be fine.
Can you tell I've been flooded with annoying Anons lately? 🙃
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sapphic-gardn · 1 year
ty for the tags my beautiful mooties <3 @breakfastatjoels @bastardmandennis @chaotic-mystery
my new picrew 🤓
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it’s actually crazy bc this one looks sm like me. i live in overalls and bandannas. also, i have a lil stud nose piercing but there wasn’t any option for that :(
np tags 💓 @cool-iguana @planet-marz1 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @gracieheartspedro @dilfspitdrinker
WARNING: pic of me below the cut 😵‍💫‼️
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IT LOOKS LIKE ME IN THIS TIK TOK (shameless tik tok self promo idc comment ur tik tok and i will follow u bc ily) hehe 🤓🩷
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romijuli · 1 year
Chel! What're your top 5 fave tsuzu cards? :3
i'm gonna grab three ssrs, one sr and one r. just for fun. also in no particular order!
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Everyone from the Minagi Family (aka Last Planet SSR): the initial promo art almost sent me down the stairs. the unbloomed made me trip UP the stairs. i was not looking at the art on either occasion, i was just THINKING about it a little too close to the stairs. SO pretty what the fuck
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MANKAI Memory: i was tempted to put glitter here, but oooough i love the memory card. the unbloomed is so nice looking and i just REALLY love everything he's got going on in the bloomed. also the backstage is SO sweet and imo a very subtle but very nice step towards the growth we see in literary impasse: his childhood item is a t-shirt he begged his parents to let him buy, like the ONE thing he ever let himself ask for, and that being his choice for the birthday bromide shoot plays SO nicely with the literary impasse story being about him learning to be self-indulgent.
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At the End of the World: huh all of these are drama, that was an accident. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE THE DOG CARD DIDN'T YOU but it's this one. the unbloomed is aDORABLE and then whatever's happening in the bloomed. also i just really like liar night, it's not really relevant to the overall story or character development but tsuzuru struggling with the whole amogus thing because he's just too honest and doesn't do the best with improv is very cute.
honorable mentions to the dog card and the harlot.
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Heroic Tale of the Pure Detective: i picked this one because it's actually the card that sold me on the summer outfit! he looks cute in it. why is he eating in so many of his cards. is that curry bread i want some. also hi Konjou i guess. i know everyone says Kanagi but according to the newly-voiced event story it sure is Konjou.
honorable mention to box boy, who i was so close to putting on here. also a note for initial sr tsuzuru who came home five fucking times in my first month on en and is directly responsible for tsuzuru being my fave. WAIT ALSO SUNNY SPRING. LOOK AT THAT FACE.
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Chomp Chomp Cupcake: LOOK HOW CUTE THAT UNBLOOMED IS. honestly my fave r overall, with the possible exception of guy staring into the void thoroughly unamused. i wanna squish him and/or steal his cupcake.
honorable mention to the bastard (merlin) and also the hermes one i spent 18 real world dollars to bloom
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hanzi83 · 1 year
Processing Information in a Dumbed Down Way
It is one of those weeks where more and more shit is spiraling out of control with narratives, and I could do the easy thing and just regurgitate shit that the experts say and pretend I know I am countering the far right wing shit, but if someone like me who has been dumbed down most of my existence, even when I thought I blew past it, then I still find out that a lot of people’s shows you have consumed, have now pivoting to the right wing, it seeps into me that propaganda will always be never ending and it will sophisticate and intellectualize itself under different guises and because dumbed down people like me have never understood the technicalities of all the information and how shit works, it is easy to persuade people who have been consuming the “underground” internet chat rooms and message boards, like I know I am not the smartest out there, and the establishment type that shit on any conspiratorial thinking, but when you are constantly pulling the “radio won’t even play my jam” antic for every person the new right and post left have decided to prop up as a truth teller and their only sole identity is going off on transparent establishment media while they spread lies and are being funded in my personal opinion to get more people into the right wing, like if I believe the politicians and celebs are cogs like wrestlers being booked by billionaires, when the discredited superstars of the past are losing it in the ring and their promos and storylines are getting boring and repetitive, you have the “anti establishment” type of faction which used to have more credibility to it because there wasn’t this constant flow of information coming at you, it could be seen as more genuine and we had a more simplistic nature of what we thought was anti establishment, so we have our Steve Austins who are against the system, but also at the same time allowed to function and do what they do even if it seems they are at war with the billionaire, because then years later Austin shook Vince’s hand and then became a caricature playing the hits, it is the same principle with today’s “anti establishment” type. The alt media will give you folklore of what was supposed to happen like they do in wrestling with Austin, “His name was supposed to be Frosty McFang”. So to me this propping up of RFK is one of the most disingenuous things on the planet, and if this were 10 years ago and this was happening at this level, seeing the online shit I consumed now would become discourse amongst the MSM, and believe it or not the internet is MSM. I know we have to constantly pretend it is 90’s and early 2000’s aesthetic, like the same shit valuable back then really has any value now, it comes off as a parody. Don’t worry about anything I say it just a delusional shit head’s opinion and I will mention illuminati clones to get you off the scent so people who are giving this a chance, you can then act like I am less than for not believing how the official narratives are. Like there is enough on the surface in “kayfabe” that you can dunk on Trump on, like the guy clearly has admitted he has the documents etc, even if he tells his base they are coming after him. I don’t believe they are going after him and they will keep prolonging until his base becomes more vitriolic and aggressive, like they haven’t been getting that way all the time. Chances are my blog will be consumed by people who hate me and want to align with everyone else who hates me and then they will work with people to fuck up your mentality even more with secrecy and showing off how much well off they are knowing at their heart of hearts they got all of that by using me as a guinea pig. They will spew the typical insults because aesthetically me putting out all this accumulated mental trauma over the last decade plus, is not considered a fact so in the end of it all I end up looking worse and coming off as a self important narcissist, which describes like most people who climb up in that system, it’s just I put it out there to show what the result of what my path has lead me to. I never seen people who have all this power that insist on me being suppressed and being a red flag as my online presence depletes, but then at the same time, they keep on this planet to endure the decline and hope for this planet and I am supposed to sit there be happy for people and not because of the advertised feats of making it in the system, but for them to get a lot worse mentally and do evil shit at the behest of billionaires while pretending they are against rich people, people who get funded to bring chaos and negativity in this world, nothing wrong with reacting to things in a positive or negative way if that is how you genuinely feel, but when the narrative is that anyone who is positive is automatically the most fake person, but the forced negative shit is seen as the most genuine because it comes off a lot more real. I can admit I have the aesthetic and presentation of someone who would checkmark all the boxes of who they say are the real weirdos of society while people who are respected will pivot to supporting Nazi like rhetoric, and I know at my heart of hearts I am not using my “conspiratorial” thinking to go more regressive and actually get to a better place mentally even if I don’t process information like every smart person who tells you how much smarter they are but then analyze the information like a reactionary edge lord to seem cool even if it blurs the line of facilitating the fundamentalist ideology. So if you stumbled onto this blog accidentally and you don’t know what you are getting yourself into, I am gonna warn you that not everything I say is 100 percent and it might get conspiratorial but don’t put me in the right wing leaning box, there is a reason why apolitical people who have seen ugly shit in the system or seen the results with society declining start leaning conspiratorial, and there is a reason why the right wing can pretend they care about shit that might need genuine concern while the rest of the 90 percent of what they say is luring you into Nazi level beliefs, and as someone who has almost fell into that, and trust me no one was gonna save me if I went into that direction, I actually think people from my past or others who hate me would’ve loved for me to go down to that level. They get mad at me and hold it against me for not being regressive because they want to be associated with industry creeps. I would rather opt to be gone from this planet because the right wing is winning even if they make it look like they are the victims, they can use the aesthetic of which president is in charge when the bookers of this shit have always had a right leaning trajectory and they need this new force of “anti establishment truth tellers” to be the face of what their end goal is, so all those alt media people who always scream about you being a shitlib because you don’t believe what they say as 100 percent, the ones who just say shit like “I am anti war so that means it is true and you can never question my beliefs or my intent ever” those ones are gonna be what they claimed to have hated all these years, they will be on the same equivalent of what people 20 years ago were doing when they were cheering on the Invasion of Iraq. They screamed about that like it was the best they had to be credible. They will be anti war but are pro culture war with sensationalizing the new right wing’s propaganda that is putting marginalized communities in danger, and they then do what they accuse democrats of doing by using their tokens, like white supremacy doesn’t have their tokens. If this ruffles the feathers then there will be random posts about me on the Stern reddit to basically talk about me if I am being irrational online so they can fein concern while doing backhanded concerns and pretend I am mentally gone, while their days consist of going on reddit and pretending to be mad at a 70 year old shock jock pretending he is gone more liberal and then call him a liar while regurgitating his narratives about people who got fucked over by him. They are not allowed in their shitty little boring script to acknowledge anything genuine. If I decided to sell my soul and use my situation to then go at Howard from the right, then there would be a bit more support. The democratic side knows I don’t like all of their narratives and how they might say some truth but then come off like pro US empire imperialism level shit. So I really don’t have anyone on my side on the surface, even though they will insist that I have a whole army. Yeah well they have done a shitty job if I have this power because I am at my most irrelevant. 
I have a bunch of thoughts from different topics I talked about on the podcast. So since I write this spontaneously and not really think out and just go off the “vibes” I might be all over the place, when I have taken in too much narratives about stuff of the neverending 24/7 newscycle, it used to be easier to have an angle because I knew in the last decade I cannot trust the MSM’s word is on the matter so I used to take in alt media to at least give me another angle of what is not being talked about but now they are basically the same thing with some self preservation of truth while spreading nonstop propaganda and I have never been so fucking confused, and I know deep down a lot of people are too, that is why it is easier for them to go with a supposed expert that is promising truth and justice, but they all end up turning like the establishment that they have trained you to hate while becoming part of this new establishment. It is funny to me to see Christian fundamentalist types who would justify why you need to kill brown people overseas because of he fundamentalist shit those regions have because of corrupt leaders, but at the same time now in this current climate, those same fundamentalists types are now for other fundamentalists because they are in agreement for a common cause of being anti LGBTQ. Like they have generalized all Muslims and talk about how they are backwards when the whole time there has been western influence and investment in practicing fundamentalism in other countries before they are brought to the western countries. It is like how WWE in my opinion would have other stuff that would be used in their product by having it executed in other areas before using it themselves. Then Canada like always with a lot of things, it has to happen in the US first before we are allowed to have that come here because then you have more and more vitriolic right wing funded shit going on at school boards and other anti woke garbage seep in here and it is becoming clear that our world is moving into a new type of society and this is symbolism of more imploding shit, eventually I can see them privatizing education so they are making shit out of control, whether it is the right wing amplifying groomer shit, and taking away certain books etc, banning any education on important manners and make it seem it is all under grooming and political agenda, like our world by design wasn’t built on propaganda that has been normalized. For so long they dumbed down shit about genders where they trained you to think there are 2 and we don’t think that would be propaganda, there is this pressure to act like the most masculine and hetero person on the planet and never being allowed to admit you have weakness in your head from mental issues. You have dumbed down shit for so long that people like me are sitting here wondering “Hm did Autism always exist or did they make this stuff up?” I don’t understand a lot of the science shit, which is why when people come with alternative theories, it is easy to sway people. Maybe if people in the establishment didn’t downplay the internet and not talk about what was being organized for so long. People think the internet has always been a military experiment with propaganda, so while there was more genuine conversation and thoughts and some ideas being exchanged, there feels like there has always been far right wing agenda, because a lot of these convos back in 2005 or 2010 etc were just these fun little culture war topics we would all get involved with and I always assumed we were progressing so the people who think backwards were gonna be left behind, but being an online force for so long, now they finally have their people to make this all mainstream and they think they have been proven right. Like I remember in 2007 when a lot of the establishment welcomed the notion of Jim Carey and Jennifer McCarthy doing vaccine awareness and no one was outraged by it and at most it would be a disagreement so I figured that if people in the MSM in Hollywood are speaking out on a cause and no one is calling it out, maybe there is some truth. I wouldn’t know. I am not saying vaccines cause Autism, but because you have had bad cases of certain things going wrong in the scientific field whether it is an obscure story etc so if you told me that it could do that, I would be like “Well I guess this is the breaking science that is coming to light, and the MSM is a little slow with this” but if I were to believe that world’s design has always had a plan to go the way it has gone and they have ensured it would, my conspiracy would be that they planted a lot of vaccine skepticism and pretended they were gonna give you these warnings but if the powerful in this planet knew where it was going to go, wouldn’t it be more possible they trained you for so long to think these are bad for you because the characters promoting them have lied or are discredited. Like the reason why I don’t just blindly love Fauci or that Hortez guy is because even if they did good things that the right wing will be against, if let’s say that there was a leak in Wuhan and some of these people had some participating in the gain of function shit, it would imply that this shit could’ve been planned and for a right wing cause but through sports entertainment, because of the vaccine shit seems like it was popular under Biden etc, people will attribute any shadiness to do with how this started in a certain country when I think the entire world was going to go in this way and by the way throughout the 2010’s I would read about countless stories about how their was some biolab that did some fucked up shit in the US, so why couldn’t this have originated all over the world, the first story was Italy but then they started China as the main one, and because they purposefully censored people so the bad faith actors could play off that so that when there is something to do the Wuhan leak, then it would be like “The people who were being anti China on this matter they were proven right” I know I must sound like an idiot to smart people, but I am also sounding a bit scary to right wing people that I am theorizing on how they are manipulating the conspiracy because the easiest thing I can do is just blindly hate on all the conspiracies just because the right wing is in charge. Then it turns into “Debate me culture” because they chose this guy to be the sports entertainer scientist who might not be trained in debating since people work on their other strengths, but this has been an alt media and alt entertainment tactic they have been perfecting for the last decade about having to have a debate, it is like a WWE promo segment or contract signing, it is not there for debate and it always results with someone going through a fucking table. The people in charge have a right leaning bias so the alt media personalities like Joe Rogan can claim they are just a regular meat head pot smoker who is just asking the important questions while giving softball interviews to white supremacists on his show and then his shitty fan base will claim he didn’t give softball interviews, even though he has entertained race science talks and doesn’t push back, he downplayed what the proud boys were and you think if you pointed out in a debate that they are being propped up by the system, you think you won’t pay for it, people want to reduce these people to being celebrities but that is when the alt media are lying to you especially by using what happens on the surface, like this world we live in isn’t a fucking reality show. They want you on, it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong in the situation, these people who are online and are employed by these celebs and billionaires will manipulate it with their shit to make it seem like the right wing side is winning the internet argument even though that is fucking manipulated. You think if you point that out in a fucking debate, you think they would let you get away with it, you say the wrong thing to insinuate that Joe Rogan is a compromised shit head who people have had to pretend was funny and while the people who consume his podcast fall for the “comedy is going PC and those liberals suck at it” they will then be okay with a bunch of unfunny jocks that Joe Rogan helped make famous. And then you have supposed truth tellers in the alt media space also dumbing it down about how you should be open to debates when the people you are debating with are gonna win the narrative and they can then fund people to attack you nonstop because all these personalities in the political analysis game who pretend they are the most brave and uncompromised of them all will then say a bunch of compromised shit. I know the MSM and other establishment shit heads won’t ever dare getting conspiratorial but like when bad faith actors use the mass shooters, not all of them, the ones where the story becomes famous in the discourse, that there are times when these people have been approached by law enforcement and the FBI etc, and if someone is a danger and you are aware of them and they are able to go out and do the shit they do, I am allowed to believe that they allowed it to happen, but it is weird because the new right will use the feds as an excuse to downplay that there is white supremacist intent with it, and the people who are establishment on the left side will use whites supremacy in a blind way and pretend the feds could never be involved, but why do people think there aren’t white supremacists who are in the feds and there are different factions within these institutions. It is white supremacy to me on a bigger scale, where they have their mentally ill cogs they have at their disposal, and since the right wing has normalized the conspiracy of famous mass shootings happening because they want to take away guns, when after each shooting gun sales increase, they sign in laws to make it easier, I could buy they would organize shit because people think they have woken up to “false flags” and then it doesn’t help that the establishment pretend false flag mean that no one died, they would never want to think that evil people who oppress people daily and poison their water and endanger marginalized communities, that they could never do the evil shit and organize it because everyone has done this whole “America’s dumbest criminal” level shit when you are supposed to hate a villain. 
When people in the liberal circles scoff at people who might be apolitical to think that there is no difference between the democrats and republicans, they are looking at the results of what is going on in the surface plus the right wing’s organization of sensationalist culture war shit, it really then makes people then think the people who are talking about conspiratorial shit be the people of truth. Like I don’t know shit about the science and chemicals, but when you tell me that chemicals have changed frogs sex, my stupid dumb ass head then thinks, “Well they poison us with chemicals in other ways, maybe that could fucking happen, I don’t know” but to people on the left’s credit, they have countered that argument which had an easy explanation of we are not the same species which is why it would not happen to us, it is like where the fuck have you been all my life? See what scares me the most about shit is that if I am not consuming MSM establishment shit and I am online consuming the news, it feels like when back when I was partaking in discourse of rhetoric on talk radio where they would use race science and stats, and even though I could feel that narrative felt racist, me not being the best educated person, I would not know how to counter that shit so it would be like giving into the pressure of buying into sophisticated racism, and I feel like if I don’t have the right people informing me on shit and I am consuming online shit, I can fall for the culture war reactionary shit and buying into every sensationalist trans story to make them look like they are the biggest evil that needs to be stopped. And that is when it gets scary for me because I am seeing more people lean that way whether it is being brainwashed or people wanting to climb up socially for a big payday and access because they get to hang out with their favorite celeb. If people I have known will use me as a guinea pig and then pretend they didn’t do anything to me all so they can have showbiz friends and connections, then when it comes for bigger stakes of getting ultimate power and protection while pretending you are just being a common sense person, because you are too cowardly to just proclaim you are selling our and giving up in the principles you claimed you have. And I would rather die than be on that side. I don’t give a shit if I will never hang out with people in the upper echelon, I don’t give a shit if I don’t have access to industry sexy workers. I really don’t belong in this “new world” that is forming. And if I feel that the overall trajectory is fascism, when people in bad faith say that if you vote democrat or liberal, you are part of the problem, like by the same shit that is supposed to implode by design, will be a reason why bad faith actors will advocate for people who will also become worse in the system, that is why I never really bought into the systemic shit that the presidents do is not really them physically doing it but rather if someone becomes a world champion in wrestling, the company is gonna go in the direction it goes no matter who the champion is, but then you will advocate for your guy to be champion and list off why someone like John Cena is a propaganda tool, but then your guy will do the propaganda tool shit as well. If people who are night high up in the system and are paid to be online personas are getting this worse and they are not at the top, and they are already willing to lie, what faith do I have in you to do the right thing. Maybe 5 years ago when I was sick of the system and what was transpiring, I could’ve bought into some anti establishment person, but it turns out the discredited people in the system have been right about a lot of the people who were being Bernie Bros types, not all of them obviously. I am not gonna generalize all of them, but key figures who gained more clout and status, they have all been saying some of the dumbest shit on the planet and they are supposed to be the smart ones. So people who say that if they vote Trump, it is done to stop fascism, then to me, in my personal opinion and remember everything I have written in this blog or say on the podcast is just an uneducated opinion from a dumbed down fatso, you mother fuckers are not telling people what their future aspirations are to make this world 10 times worse, and now some of these people who are “Kill the Rich” types, it is becoming clear that it is just rich people you hate because you are working at the behest of billionaires who control cops and organize chaos in this world, and you will downplay these celebs and public figures because maybe some establishment people will pretend to hate them but you are luring your base to accept Elon as being super funny and you will have to stay the shitty played out shit. “Man, I don’t like Trump, but man he is hilarious” and you are in a position of knowing what his aspirations are, but because you think democrats cry about him while giving him free promo, you have to be the “cool guy that has humor” so you pretend to think a shitty person who was probably a criminal before he became a president, is automatically funny, and it says a lot about you and whatever your beliefs are. You know better and you are playing devil’s advocate for people who want to bring the worst to the world. Like I don’t know what the rule of law is because no matter what it is, the people in the public sphere are not doing the same time and they will come up with a rule that doesn’t make any sense. I am gonna do something unpredictable, I am gonna tie it into wrestling again because I am so out there and wacky, but first Illuminati Clones, Illuminati Clones, Illuminati clones, now you can’t take what I say seriously, like you were anyways, but it is like when the wrestling world trained its audience with rules of the tropes in storyline telling etc, but during the attitude era, they would come up  with  reason why stipulations and rules meant less and less as it went along where you just say “I guess whatever they decide” goes, and that is what it seems with the criminal charges that go on. The left loves to hype up the possibility of Trump going away when it is all in his favor, you keep asking questions like “Why is Merrick Garland not doing so and so, it has been a year” is it possible in this fucked up reality show world that this is sports entertainment, and what is happening on the surface is designed to be out there and designed to be a circus? You give the impression Trump is going away so his base and even the “leftists” who insist on doing red and brown alliances and blurring the lines, will think everyone is being unfair to Trump because others did shit, fine arrest them all then if they all did corruption, why am I not allowed to hope for someone powerful like Trump to have to face the consequences. So now you can think Hunter Biden got let off easily and people on the left will think that Hunter is just some regular dude who is not president, any public figure and political person associate or family are all part of that the mafia rule system, like this Hunter Biden shit is also designed to make him a character where we cater to the lowest common denominator with him smoking crack and fucking hookers and showing his fucking cock. Like I get people think that stuff is cool, but do you have to think everyone who does that is cool, like aren’t there cooler and less compromised people who smoke crack and fuck hookers that you can say is cool, but automatically the right wing pretends to be outraged but it feels like everything has to be sold for the new online showbiz as sex related to make this even more controversial. But either way no one is going after Trump, they can pretend they hate him so they make money off of him, and make it seem like he is being piled on, but what is actually gonna happen, all these people in the media profited off these stories knowing where it is going and then start playing devil’s advocate for him. The only conspiracy some of the people have to cover now is the UFO’s because even that is being prostituted, where something is definitely coming very soon, but I have had the belief that other life forms have been amongst us and actually look like us, I feel like our entire existence is a lot more advanced than what it is, I believe in science that much, but it is only okay to say “This AI art generator is gonna be the reason why humanity has fallen” like why am I not allowed to think AI level shit that could’ve existed for a while now has played a part in getting us to this point. But it feels with whatever is advertised of becoming danger has already become the danger. That is why I think the elites needed the pandemic to happen because they need a reason for shit to go into the direction it goes so it forces some kind of revolution, when you pretend things are just happening the way they are because that is what happens and then the right wing claiming this is a plan-demic, there could be truth to it, but the people claiming it is, would also be in on it and are permitted to be the ones who are warning you so you take their side, and because the MSM media and the establishment are limited in what is said even if some of their truth is more out of self preservation so it says in the history books that so and so warned you about the dangers, but they won’t disclose that at that time, the establishment has been something that is discredited to a lot of people. I am not saying I am the one with the answers, I am just sitting here trying not to break down from mental trauma and my confusion in this world. Even if I write a compelling blog or do a podcast, even if I am trying to at least give you perception of how dumbed down people think, most of the “smart” people out there will dismiss it and the right wing will use it as a way to double down on their craziness. 
It seeps into the fandoms as well, and maybe it is for the better because maybe I should’ve stopped using entertainment as my escape and live vicariously through because it has made me a bit worse, you know how many times I will say I am not watching anything or going to so and so events, and I end up fucking going and watching and still consuming it, but maybe it is for the best if I really did try to escape it because if everything is going more right wing, then definitely wrestling would be one of the main entertainment forms that will definitely embrace it. We have to pretend that the old timers are just out of touch etc and that is where it starts and ends because there will be some embracing on a surface level with inclusion and what not, but if you already view the entertainment world as another layer of fundamentalism, and noticing the pipeline from that world into right wing politics and what kind of political messaging was inserted into it from the beginning then it is not surprising there are old timers trying to get attention on AEW for some wrestlers supporting trans youth, and they are trying to get far right leaning people make these companies capitulate to them because they will say it is all a political agenda, like it isn’t ironic that Dutch Mantell, who did a patriot gimmick would complain about politics in wrestling, and I have noticed that there has been a pushback from people of all over who are embracing right wing sensationalist shit have basically shut down any talks about racism, misogyny and homophobia, even if it is talked about on a surface level, and they will act like they don’t want it in the product but then advocate for all the regressive shit, why didn’t Dutch Mantell’s concern for protecting kids happen when there have been active abusers in the industry, why are kids training with Chasyn Rance? The man literally managed the Harris Brothers who have Nazi tattoos, and so many people in that mafia underworld are into that kind of shit, so why is it surprising that WWE would have ties to fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia, and when you only mention that as the only shady thing WWE has done, then I am gonna think you are not well intentioned and don’t worry my opinion won’t mean shit, only if you are a sociopath who thinks everyone needs to praise your limited expose on the Saudi WWE deal and not see how these personalities are funded with their rhetoric of making it seem like they are calling out bad booking but then they will sneak in their edgelord personas for shit. And I can see this getting worse, and I want to believe the wrestlers supporting trans youth are being genuine, or was this a way to get this talked about so that it encourages people to lose their mind about it and go against the woke agenda. There is no both sides in this issue when you are not mentioning how far the right wing is going and because you might pick and choose scenarios from people who happen to be part of the community you hate on as a generalization of all people in that community you are a dip shit and you are help normalizing rhetoric that will get people killed, but don’t worry you will be able to hang out with all the celebrities you want to hang out with. They will promote stories about how someone who raped and murdered someone in 1984 was actually claiming to be trans later on while doing time, and because people don’t advocate for the death penalty, you will have ACLU make it seem like this is the main concern about the trans stuff which then prompts all the fake culture war shit heads then go “CAN YOU BELIEVE THE LEFT DOESN’T CARE ABOUT THE RAPE AND MURDER AND MORE ABOUT THIS KILLER HAVING THEIR TREATMENT” I still think prisoners should be given access to treatment, prisons are supposed to be for rehabilitating  people and if you were gonna be on your high horse about people not liking capitol punishment, maybe you should go after the right wing thought leaders guilty of legalizing the worst shit not to protect kids, from child labor, exploitation of migrant kids, blowing brown kids up overseas, or the many rapists who happen to be functioning in high level of power, maybe I would take your concerns seriously about being outraged about the kids if you stayed consistent with it and not be okay with guys like Andrew Tate, you know celebs and public figures, I have always assumed they are initiated or do initiations to get into the system, and we find out about it later through the gimmicked storyline they bring to the media, but now they are literally having people become famous solely for doing these horrible things and they become modern cult leaders. I never heard about Andrew Tate before this shit, it was like he was allowed to function and then we pretend we are calling him out because he happened to committ these crimes, but these crimes are now being exploited for the sports entertainment, it would be entertaining if it weren’t so fucking tragic that the system could be this disgusting with exploiting people’s trauma, like Russell Simmons became a heel because his antics became known and now out of the woodwork, now we are finding out he groomed his ex wife when she was 16, because the entertainment industry has an underworld where industry madams start off young and in the system until they are chosen to be in a relationship with some of these figures. And now his kids are coming out the woodwork about the abuse they had to deal with, and since the talking heads who get to be powerful voices online and in the media, they will apply regular rules to these people by going “Why aren’t they going to the police or a therapist” like it is that easy, like powerful people don’t have control over law enforcement, they don’t operate like that, when they are supposed to be exposed that is what happens, but the kids are now put in a position to get their trauma out there but it has to be broadcasted so there is heat on them for doing this. This is just my opinion. But I am looking at the overall pattern in how these celeb shit play out, and it feels like their major roles now have become reality show shit where they will be in the news for some controversy. Nothing about this shit makes any sense. But why would anyone want to entertain or investigate when then billionaires who fund this kind of shit have control over a lot of shit but they just reduced to being a regular civilian who happened to get caught for something later when their career is at the latter portion. It is like the scandals have become exploitative documentaries and television series and we just think this shit is playing out the way it is. Anyways I have gone on for a long time about shit but I don’t think anyone will be willing to change their mind with how I go off the reservation with my theories, but I at least am trying to figure out ways to counter the right wing shit online that is designed to be there and to me they have been recruiting people through online shit, because people only think the feds online just spy on us and know where we are, or they have our information, and then don’t think it is possible for them to recruit people to their cause. Again these are my theories. I am sure it will put a target on me, have people trigger some shit that fuck with my physical illnesses, and at this point, I don’t really have anything to really live for, I don’t have friends and it is probably for the better because most of them have either become far right or they have become elitist, and I have killed any shot of me being relevant again because I didn’t sell my trauma to the right wing cause because I would be so hurt I would go to anyone willing to talk to me about it. Maybe I am wrong about where this world is heading, I hope so. I don’t want to be here for a fascist takeover and every day it is being more normalized and I would hope the right wing people who consume what I say and write with the intent of hating me more and informing your patriot buddies that I am a danger etc, but I would people with that kind of mentality to open their eyes and see they are being lied to just because the establishment for the liberals don’t tell you everything. I have to reflect on my journey and where my mind went so I can at least give insight into how a dumbed down person kind of thinks. I never wanted to be on this planet, I was ready to leave 20 years ago, before I turned 20. I just didn’t see a happy conclusion to any of this and now that I am alive and have been used up for the fame game to make other people get the access and connections while I took the abuse, I fucking have nothing to look forward to. Maybe there will be a couple of wrestlers who might read this and try to insert some of this shit into a promo, some of them do but they could never admit that shit. There is definitely nowhere to talk about shit to have an actual conversation, everyone has an agenda. I have grown tired of all of it, this is just me getting shit off my chest, because the trolls will downplay my concerns so they can tell their like minded cult members that I am dangerous and they will pretend to care about me while mocking me for having to have this aesthetic of my life so they can discredit me more. I know I am not some fucking hero, but I am definitely not gonna let you turn me into another boring cookie cutter edge lord villain who will pretend the internet is some underground shit. You don’t get to be the main voice because you claim to be anti war while downplaying white supremacists on your show and because so many of these “leftists” were respectable thought leaders for a bit, they help manipulate you into accepting problematic takes and help normalizing it. How are you guys better than the MSM, or do you even give a shit. You clearly do because you can’t admit you are right wingers, you need the most out of the guise of being a leftist, or a socialist while showing you are having more in common with the national socialists. Go ahead, get mad, pretend you didn’t read this, but I know I am a subtle target, my only strength right now is no one is officially paying attention to me. But they are paying attention to me, they get extra mad that they didn’t push me over the edge so they could justify why they need to treat me like I am a danger to people. You can’t have it both ways, you all decided long ago I was not someone to be taken seriously, you just thought I would end up down the typical right wing trajectory. And trust me, listen to my Stern Show calls back 10 years ago and I would be the typical conspiratorial minded person even if I didn’t look at myself for falling for the right wing shit, because members of the new right were being normalized as lesser threats. I can admit where I went wrong and how I bought into shit, because I hear I don’t take accountability and I blame everyone else, but that is what the system does. 
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kissmedcadly · 6 months
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ind. mutual exclusive oc. by jackal. (c)
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necrostasis · 2 years
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# NECROSTASIS ⋯ INDEPENDANT, SELECTIVE & MUTUALS ONLY ISAAC CLARKE OF DEAD SPACE // featuring — a look into life pre & post the USG ISHIMURA incident, mental instability, denial of loss, just wingin' it. ( self promo )
A. This blog as stated is independent, selective & reserved for mutual followers only. I won't be interacting with or responding to inboxes from people I'm not in a mutual following with, this especially applies to non-RP blogs. Any headcanons I have might differ from canon, as well as my general interpretation of Isaac, but these are the joys of RP!
B. All followers MUST be over the age of 18! Not only is this for my own comfort but also because this blog ( & the Dead Space franchise as a whole ) contains explicit material not suited for younger audiences. As such, there will be NSFW themes present on this blog including - but not limited to - violence, general blood & gore, cult like religion, human experimentation, death, mutation etc.
C. I don't use icons, I'm simply too lazy, but feel free to use icons in your replies if you wish! Similarly I also won't be making fancy banners for ask replies or threads or a separate Carrd / Google Doc.
D. Open & friendly to multiple verses & original characters provided I can see a way for our muses to interact. If you'd like to discus a plot or see a way forward that I might not, then please CHECK OUT MY INTEREST FORM! On a related note, I tend to be more active in replying to ask memes / prompts & have a heavy preference toward threads full of action rather than run of the mill casual first meetings.
E. Lastly, RP is a HOBBY we all share! Being an adult ( 28, goes by Mimi ) with a full time job + other interests, I won't always have the time, energy or motivation to be active & it's something I'm working on not feeling guilty about. Please don't expect me to be active all of the time or press me for replies!
PSA — I use the BETA EDITOR as all new blogs are now locked into using it. If you personally prefer to use the legacy editor, I won't be able to trim threads on my end.
( A little side note : the Dead Space franchise lore is deep & expansive. I never played the 3rd game, my memory of the 2nd game has been somewhat refreshed by Youtube videos & the 1st game is fresh in my mind thanks to the remake. I also have some knowledge of the events from the prequel novels & various side stories thanks to Youtube summaries, but I'm no expert! )
NAME — Isaac Clarke ( 47 ) OCCUPATION — Systems Engineer EMPLOYER — CEC ( Concordance Extraction Corporation ) ASSIGNED SHIP — USG Kellion SIGNIFICANT OTHER — Nicole Brennan †
— Follows Dead Space canon. Isaac is an engineer aboard the USG Kellion, responding to the broken up SOS signals from the USG Ishimura. Once on board the Ishimura, the team discover the ship has been overrun by the mutated corpses of the former crew, turning them all into deadly alien-like creatures later known as Necromorphs. It's a fight for survival for Isaac as he has to deal with fighting back, searching for his ( unbeknownst to him ) dead girlfriend & delivering a strange, delusion inducing structure known as the Marker back to the planet of Aegis VII.
— Similarly following the events from canon, but with a twist! The Marker's influence is more difficult for Isaac to shake off, causing his hallucinations of Nicole to feel more real & intense as his time on the Ishimura continues. Despite swearing off the cult like religion of Unitology after seeing how it ruined his mother, being so close to the Marker & coupled with the persuasion from the fanatic survivors aboard the ship, Isaac falls deep into believing. His goal now is aligned with the Unitologists: to bring the Marker back to Earth & experience Convergence.
— Sometime during his time on the Ishumura, an Infector got hold of Isaac & despite his best efforts at fighting the creature off, it managed to inject the infection into his blood stream. Isaac doesn't die quickly, but as he slowly succumbs to his fate, his body begins to change. Be wary of him in this state or you might just end up the same way!
— Isaac is an employee of the Umbrella Corporation, a lab engineer who typically works on the maintenance of machines & systems used in the labs to ensure effective lab operations. ( 2 + 3 ) During the outbreak in Raccoon City, Isaac is able to escape the lab but was unable to leave the city before it was too late. Not a fighter by trade, he does his best to survive the nightmares he had a hand in creating. ( 4 ) Isaac is a new transfer to the facility located nearby the Spanish village in which the game takes place in. Upon finding out about the kidnapping of the President's daughter & the connection to the village cult, Isaac works to hinder their plans from within. ( 7 + 8 ) Work in progress, check back soon!
— After failing to get in touch his with girlfriend after she passed through the town of Silent Hill, Isaac sets off to look for her, fearing she may have gotten into an accident without anyone around to help. As he drives through the seemingly abandoned town, his car tire punctures & the vehicle swerves into a street lamp. Exiting his car with what appears to be only minor injuries, he's now forced to keep looking for Nicole on foot, equipped with only the tools he finds along the way.
— ( A twist on what I know of DS3 + rumours about what DS4 might have been ) As the Brethren Moons descend upon Earth, Isaac finds himself on limited oxygen as he manoeuvres through space around the remains of the ship he'd used to try & stop the destruction from happening. As his oxygen starts getting dangerously low, his consciousness begins to fade & when he wakes up next, he finds himself living in a whole new nightmare.
+ More verses can & may be added at a later date!
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fadedreamed · 5 months
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ind. mutual exclusive dragon age multimuse, by jackal.
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cheerbiitch · 2 years
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danger in the shape of somethin’ wild !   Ⓒ  
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stormdepths · 4 years
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phoenixmadearc · 4 years
♡ ‣ ❝ out of character. ›   I wrote the gospel on giving up ♡ ‣ ❝ save. ›   So wear me like a locket around your throat. ♡ ‣ ❝ wishlist. ›   I only wrote this down to make you press rewind ♡ ‣ ❝ psa. ›   Barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue ♡ ‣ ❝ self promo. ›   Am I more than you bargained for yet? ♡ ‣ ❝ promo. ›   I’d never say no to you ♡ ‣ ❝ music. ›   I know I’m not your favorite record ♡ ‣ ❝ starter call. ›   I set my clocks early ‘cause I know I’m always late ♡ ‣ ❝ plotting call. ›   I’m mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town ♡ ‣ ❝ memes. ›   I think I got too many memories getting in the way of me ♡ ‣ ❝ photoshop adventures. ›   We’re only good for the latest trends ♡ ‣ ❝ dash games. ›   Sometimes I just want to know what it’s like to be you ♡ ‣ ❝ opens. ›   I’ve got headaches and bad luck but they couldn’t touch you ♡ ‣ ❝ permanent starter call. ›   Looking through pieces of broken hourglass ♡ ‣ ❝ edits. ›   You are the sun and I am just the planets  
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