#* character study: sindragosa / HEART TURNED TO ICE.
warwaged-archive · 4 years
in light of me finally understanding the sorting of the shadowlands broke sometime during legion, I was thinking about my sorting for my muses again:
alleria would still be maldraxxus and she’d be like why am I here but she’s too much of a warrior, and too little about order or nature to go anywhere else alternatively, void related afterlife, which would likely suck but is also interesting to think about aksjdfnkjasndf
kelantir I don’t? really know? she’s a paladin and all but I don’t see her fitting in the ‘you follow this path and never question anything ever’ place kasjndfkajsndf if she went to bastion because order and serving, she’d probably end up as one of the failed ascended
nalice is revendreth all the way. if she died and was actually redeemed would be interesting... in that scenario she’d likely stay in vampire land to help redeem others!
nathanos would go to revendreth, were he to die and things to be working. his first death he didn’t stay dead long enough to be judged and sent anywhere, but I feel like he might have gone bastion... maybe
tiffin went to bastion and refused to forget about her life you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands 
sindragosa definitely was in bastion for AGES when arthas decided it would be cool to bring her back and I have lots of feelings about that because she died like.... when deathwing turned? in the war of the ancients? that was THOUSANDS of years ago? and she was in bastion all this time and then... and then..... I don’t think she’d have ascended though bc everyone can see she’s unable to forget her resent towards malygos specifically and I bet given the chance to literally forget she would have taken it tbh but she just can’t  it’s a nice thing to use to explain why she doesn’t much care for other dragon stuff! she likely did forget bc she let go of those memories, but malygos and her death specifically stuck with her
still can’t decide for tyrande tbh bc I want to say ardenweald but Idk if that’s valid
I think alex fits with the whole ‘had a natural calling in life for service in one form or another’ ‘order’ ‘purpose’ ‘serving’ stuff from bastion, though she is very tied with nature and life so that’d be ardenweald?
illidan is a demon and doesn’t get to go to the shadowlands
lorna is probably maldraxxus which she would absolutely hate wtf this undead aesthetics is she a joke to you
lor’themar and thaly I really don’t know. specially her I don’t feel like she fits in any of those so I’ll just imagine she’d go to one of the ones we haven’t seen aksndfakjfd
that’s all subject to change when we have more info but
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
Sindragosa tag drop !
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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Your Result: Chaotic Evil 89%
You seek to bring about pure anarchy, preferably with a high body count. You may receive some odd pleasure from watching a city burn to ash, or the sound of screams interrupted by gunfire; or, you may have lost all faith in the 'civility' of humanity, and advocate a return to the primordial brutality within everyone. Some may call you insane, which can lead to you thanking them, then killing them violently, making you the archetypal "annihilator".
85% Chaotic Neutral
81% Neutral Evil
47% True Neutral
47% Lawful Evil
36% Chaotic Good
18% Lawful Neutral
1% Lawful Good
0% Neutral Good
tagged by: @acherys​ thanks <3
tagging: steal away friends
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
aen-consilium said: meta: is there any soft side/feelings left for Sindragosa?
Actually, yes, there are; it really just depend in regards to what/who. Sindragosa is extremely bitter towards the Blue Dragonflight, a bitterness that stemmed from her resent towards Malygos himself. I’m not sure she could ever forgive him and the rest of them, but if she did, it would take some good thousands of years.
That said, she’s not the only one who was left to die, alone and hopeless in Northrend’s frigid land. Many other blue dragons died; the same many who are now her Frostbrood. And it’s here the Frost Queen is truly soft: in regards to her fallen children and comrades, those who shared her fate, those she’ll fight fiercely to protect even in the cursed state they all are now.
I don’t remember where I’ve read it, but I remember reading something about Arthas raising her first, then making her watch as he imposed the same fate upon her fallen children, ripping apart their souls (edit: it's the description of the Soulbroken Whelp); and while this is yet another thing that cemented the changes in comparison to who she was in life, the grief she felt for each of them was only because she still cared, and she still does, no matter what. The Frostbrood are the only ones who she acts soft towards, ever; but in regards to them, she’s not as guarded, specially not in the verse she survives after Arthas’ death. To him, all of them were nothing more than pawns, definitely disposable, and I think there’d have been some distance on her part because it would still hurt her to see them being used, to see them suffer and lose them again. But Bolvar didn’t use them like that after he took his place upon the Frozen Throne, and while that surely can change now that he’ll become more active, the few years respite (and greater freedom!) would definitely have softened her towards her brood even more.
Other than them, she’s capable of sympathy, and would be capable of developing liking and loyalty towards others had she been freed of the Lich King’s grasp, but it would still be impossibly hard to make her like someone, specially to the point of her developing any loyalty to them. She resents mortals for their part in the Legion’s invasion, resents Deathwing and the Black Dragonflight for their betrayal, resents Arthas for what he did to her and her fallen flight, resents the Blues who lived for not coming to their aid, resents the other flights for all they too didn’t do, resents magic itself for failing her when she needed it most, resents magic wielders particularly for that very reason, and most of all, she resents Malygos, because she loved him completely, she trusted him completely, she led a life dedicated to their flight, her duty as his Prime Consort, and she would have done anything for him; and when she needed him most, he wasn’t there. 
So yeah, I think while she is capable of feeling softer feelings, because I don’t think there was any need to erase her feelings or make her more angry and resentful when she was made undead; in fact, I think erasing such feelings would have been a mistake, because it’s how much she still cares that makes her as vicious as she is. It’s because she loved so much that she hates so much; in the end, her capacity to care only makes her more vengeful and full of resent, because even her desire to just destroy everything and make people suffer comes from the fact she is still hurting in some ways.
She is capable of softer/gentler feelings, but she rarely would indulge them in that way, or allow herself to be soft, and it would be a side of her only ever visible to a very select few.  
tldr: she is capable of it, but it is restricted mostly to the frostbrood, and even then she'll rarely show it
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
How does she feel about Alexstrasza?
Sindragosa has no fondness for her, not anymore. In life, I can see her getting along rather well with Alex, although not them being particularly close. In death, Sindragosa doesn’t have the tiniest bit of respect or liking for the ‘Dragon Queen’, but because I do not see them being close friends before, neither is this a relationship that deteriorated as much as the others. 
Still, Alexstrasza is one in a rather long list of people Sindragosa deems to have failed her and her flight; and in her case, there is the added factor that Alex wasn’t anyone, she was their queen, and she was a particularly close friend of Neltharion. Even then she did not perceive any indication of his betrayal, and let them walk right into his trap, both in crafting the Dragon Soul, and in protecting them at the moment of Neltharion’s betrayal. Not only that, Alexstrasza, much like Malygos, never even made an attempt to rescue those Deathwing killed, or even to pay them the proper respects and bring their bones to the place they were supposed to find rest in. 
Sindragosa thinks Alex is a poor queen at best, and finds it sincerely laughable that the dragons still regard Alex as a leader at all, after she’s made so many mistakes that cost their kind so dearly.There is no vicious rage directed at Alexstrasza. All Sindragosa feels towards her is disdain.
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
meta: is there any soft side/feelings left for Sindragosa?
SEND ME META ASKS // accepting.
Actually, yes, there are; it really just depend in regards to what/who. Sindragosa is extremely bitter towards the Blue Dragonflight, a bitterness that stemmed from her resent towards Malygos himself. I’m not sure she could ever forgive him and the rest of them, but if she did, it would take some good thousands of years.
That said, she’s not the only one who was left to die, alone and hopeless in Northrend’s frigid land. Many other blue dragons died; the same many who are now her Frostbrood. And it’s here the Frost Queen is truly soft: in regards to her fallen children and comrades, those who shared her fate, those she’ll fight fiercely to protect even in the cursed state they all are now. 
I don’t remember where I’ve read it, but I remember reading something about Arthas raising her first, then making her watch as he imposed the same fate upon her fallen children, ripping apart their very souls to bring them back; and while this is yet another thing that made her lose herself more, the grief she felt for each of them was only because she still cared, and she still does, no matter what. The Frostbrood are the only ones who she acts soft towards, ever; but in regards to them, she’s not as guarded, specially not in the verse she survives after Arthas’ death. To him, all of them were nothing more than pawns, definitely disposable, and I think there’d have been some distance on her part because it would still hurt her to see them being used, to see them suffer and die. But Bolvar didn’t use them like that after he took his place upon the Frozen Throne, and while that surely can change now that he’ll become more active, the few years respite (and greater freedom!) would definitely have softened her towards her brood even more.
Other than them, she’s capable of sympathy, and would be capable of developing liking and loyalty towards others had she been freed of the Lich King’s grasp, but it would still be impossibly hard to make her like someone, specially to the point of her developing any loyalty to them. She resents mortals for their part in the Legion’s invasion, resents Deathwing and the Black Dragonflight for their betrayal, resents Arthas for what he did to her and her fallen flight, resents the Blues (actually, the other flights too) who lived for not coming to their aid, resents magic itself for failing her when she needed it most, resents magic wielders particularly for that very reason, and most of all, she resents Malygos, because she loved him completely, she trusted him completely, she led a life dedicated to their flight, her duty as his Prime Consort, and she would have done anything for him; and when she needed him most, he wasn’t there. So yeah, I think while she is capable of feeling softer feelings, because I don’t think there was any need to erase her feelings or make her more angry and resentful when she was made undead (all of this would have been how she felt even if she had survived), there aren’t many Sindragosa would be willing to allow anywhere near her for long enough that she’d ever develop gentler feelings towards them.
tldr: she is capable of it, but it is restricted mostly to the frostbrood
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
What is Sindragosa's dearest memory?
She is rather bitter towards anything she held dear in life; and it isn’t even a matter of her condition as undead, it is that she died bitter and full of hatred and resent. Even if Sindragosa had somehow survived, she would have been greatly changed, and those are feelings that would have stayed with her regardless. As is, she doesn’t like remembering; she does, constantly, she’s rarely not poking at her own wounds with thinking of Malygos or their flight or the other Aspects and dragons, or of how she died, or of how she was brought back. Still, those are memories she can look back on and hurt in a way that fuels her anger, so it is in a way welcome hurt. The hurt of memories she once held dear is of a different nature; it is simply painful (and while she would certainly prize herself in heartlessness, Sindragosa has more of it than she’d ever admit, otherwise it wouldn’t hurt as much).
And many of the things she’d once have looked back to with fondness are now tainted for one reason or another. Too many of them are tied to Malygos, and Malygos is the one person she hates most of all as of when she died/in undeath. The one thing she may be able to still look back to somewhat fondly without turning immediately more bitter due to it would be maybe her initial contact with magic. 
Being one of the blues, Sindragosa had natural affinity for magic; being the Spell Weaver’s Prime Consort, I think that not only that, she had a deep affinity for it, as well as tremendous liking for the arcane in general. Those things weren’t always true though; with the rise of the Aspects, some of the proto dragons became dragons as they are, and Sindragosa was one of them. Because she existed before this change happened, and before they were indeed in touch with the arcane, I think the initial experience of it would have made for a very striking memory, and a very awe inspiring one. 
Of course, even that isn’t entirely untouched by her resent, because she stopped being a fan of magic when it was useless to save her brood and herself, but magic failing her was honestly one of the things she resented the less. 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Hippogriff for Sindragosa
MYTHICAL CREATURE ASK MEME // always accepting.
Hippogriff: Does your muse have a high level of self worth?
Yes. Sindragosa might see herself as a monster, but truly it is a role she has taken to completely; and it’s all that it is, really, a role more so than it’d ever be an offense. She never struggled with self-esteem in life, and undeath didn’t change that. It did change her perspective on many things, and power specially is something she values immensely after being brought back, to the point it is important part of how she would measure someone’s worth (how they wield said power is also relevant, reason why she cares very little for the Dragon Aspects); but if anything, she’s more powerful now, so she’s better for all she cares. Sure being an skeleton would not really be her choice if she could choose, but being dead for thousands of years will do it to you. She’s not powerful enough to free herself from the Lich King, but in the end everyone will die and serve him too, so! Not really something that makes her see herself as less worthy, it just makes her resent Arthas a lot. Sindragosa is fine with who she is, both in life and in undeath; she’s not fine with people failing her or keeping her as a slave, but that’s not really on her.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
given not much is left of sindragosa’s body, if she did ever use a humanoid form, it would most certainly be the extreme opposite; one of the novels note that deathwing was pretty perfectionist with his human disguise, perhaps because of how his actual true form was kinda destroying itself, and on a very similar way, sindragosa would be rather perfectionist with hers. 
as far as races go, she doesn’t have a favorite (she hates all of them equally  (◕‿◕✿) ) 
(actually I think she hates the nelfs a bit more but)
tbh she would only not be a dragon if there was some reason to be in a different form, although she might grow to like it given she wouldn’t have to be a skeleton kajsnfdkjasnd
yeah she’s still undead but it’s literal shapeshifting magic so she can look like whatever she wants thanks
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
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╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
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╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
tagged by: I’m pretty sure I just stole this from the dash and deleted the ‘skills’ bit aksjakjfn tagging: continue the cycle of stealing 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
What are Sin's feelings about the non-draconic members of the Scourge? Does she have different opinions for the different internal factions or types, or just a broad impression for the rotten whole?
send me questions you have about my character!
She definitely has more of a broad impression for the whole; Sindragosa cares very little for all of them, regardless of faction or type. She cares very little even for the draconic members of the Scourge that are not her brood, such as the ember and magmawyrms; if it isn’t a frostwyrm, she rarely will spare it a thought unless she ought to for some reason. While the other types of dragons rank somewhat higher than the rest, as in, she will acknowledge them enough to have opinions, for the rest of them it is hard to tell what her feelings are because quite frankly I don’t think she has any aksjdnfkajndf
Tldr: they’re all fools and she hates everyone. Less than she hates the mortals, for sure, and she doesn’t care enough to bother with them for the most part, but yeah, she hates everyone equally.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
How does she feel about Arthas?
She hates him. 
It is as simple as that, but also a lot more complicated. Sindragosa will never not hate how much power he has over her; the invisible chains that bind her to his will enrage her, to say the least. She despises him for making her into an undead monster, for forcing her back into a world she holds no love for, for keeping her as a mount or as a pet, as if she were a common beast to have a master. Most of all, she hates him for damning not only her soul but those of her children, and for further causing her to suffer by forcing her to watch as he tore the souls of her whelps into undeath only to aggravate her further. She hates him, and it is a deep hatred, but also a cold sort of hatred, not scorching but freezing, cold, definitely quite lasting. Malygos still retains the position of the one she hates the most, but Arthas is definitely a very close second.
Still! He is her master, in a way she cannot deny. He is powerful enough to subjugate her, and after everything failed her in life, after she felt the certainty if only she was powerful enough things would have gone a lot differently, power is what she would think to have of most reliable, and Sindragosa can most certainly respect him (genuinely, not in an imposed manner). She hates him, but even free of chains she would rather follow him for his power than follow someone like Alexstrasza, who she scorns and sees as weak, not because Alex doesn’t have power but because she is no willing to wield it, most definitely not like Arthas does. 
Not only that, she’s having a blast whenever she gets to kill people and destroy things. It’s not revenge, but she never really sought revenge, and to merely terrorize people is good enough for her. She hates mortals and she hates the living, and if she gets to hurt them? She’s. Not content, but as content as she gets.
And I think there is some similarity to be found in that Sindragosa too has in her a need to prove that anyone would have turned into the monster she became, given they went through what she had to suffer. She will always strive to make people lose hope, feel desperate and afraid and alone much more so than merely killing them, because she thinks this will drive them to be their worst selves, and this will lead to the understanding of what she is, that the problem wasn’t her, that anyone would have fallen similarly given the circumstances. That said, I believe there is more truth to it than to Arthas, even if she is wrong in that anyone would have ended the same. There is some similarity still, and in spite of how much she hates him, she’d scoff at anyone who would fashion themselves to be in a morally higher ground. 
While she hates him, there is also a degree of respect. Sindragosa most certainly feels no love for her master, but she values his strength. Given the chance, she would most certainly free herself and her brood, and she would likely have some sort of revenge for what he did to them; given that so much of her respect for him comes from power and strength, that he lost it over her would also mean she loses much of that respect also. 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Has she been to the Dragonblight since her reanimation? What does she feel for this graveyard that she never reached?
No. She never tried to reach out to any pieces of her former life after being brought back, regardless of how much they meant for her in life, or how much she resented them in death. Even if they were significant, Sindragosa avoids them completely, and Dragonblight is no exception. This is the one aspect of death she embraced fully without ever looking back: she died, and whatever was in life is now behind her. Which is funny with how much she clings to hatred and resent, but it’s still true: even at the heights of her hatred, Sindragosa never once attempts to go after the living dragons, not even the ones she hates with a particularly fierce hatred. If she ever set foot in the Dragonblight, it would be only because Arthas commanded her to and she didn’t really have a choice.
If she ever did, all that it is and that it represents (the place that should have been her final rest, the rest she never got, the abandonment by those she loved and trusted who left her to die elsewhere, that she should be one of those bones, that she should be there, that she should have been one of those the dragons now sought to keep from the Lich King’s reach, but that she isn’t, that she never was, that death came to her elsewhere, that she had to face it alone and cold and seeing most of her flight, most of her children, die without being able to do anything about it), well, it would be difficult to say the least.
Still, it would be difficult in a way that isn’t as much about anger or bitterness, for once. It would fill her with sorrow, and this very particular melancholia tied to this being the graveyard that should have been hers but never was. 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
How does she feel whenever she sees any of her still-living children? ARE there any children of Sindragosa still alive?
Few, if any. She wouldn’t be able to tell; most of them died with her when Neltharion turned on them. Sindragosa never sought out the living after being brought back, and none ever found its way to her, if they still live. She never had to deal with such feelings, but they would be complicated to say the least. 
I think part of her, the same part that still finds it in herself to care for her undead children as much as she cared for them in life, would be relieved not all of her children suffered her fate. She didn’t want them to, and part of why she is so bitter isn’t even her death in itself, but her children and her flight sharing of it. 
And yet. 
They are living and she is not. She might not resent them for that, but she does resent the lack of aid; and while the worst of it is directed at Malygos himself, she resents all dragons, and the blues in specific with particular viciousness — even her children. Not only were they left to die, no one came for them afterwards, not until Arthas came to bring them back. They did not even care to take their bodies to where they should have found their final rest. They abandoned the ones who died, just like the rest. 
It would be a struggle. While there is some fondness left in her, reminiscent of a much softer her who is now long dead, Sindragosa does resent them too. She is glad they didn’t suffer, but she hates them for the apparent lack of care. It would make her feel very conflicted and she would kinda hate it because she is much more comfortable reveling in untainted bitterness, so she would like the feelings to stop thank you very much. 
Still, although she never met any of her children, I do think there are children of hers still alive. That said, most of them never would have got to meet her; I think it’s likely that some of the eggs Korialstrasz saved were hers, but those would be hatched only after she was already dead. Children that she knew, that knew her as their mother, children that she loved and cared for, while they’re out there, you could probably count them in one hand.
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warwaged-archive · 5 years
TAG DROP: CHARACTER STUDY                                     
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