#shoutout to frost for knowing where the info about the souls of the whelps was from askdnfkajsndf
warwaged-archive · 4 years
aen-consilium said: meta: is there any soft side/feelings left for Sindragosa?
Actually, yes, there are; it really just depend in regards to what/who. Sindragosa is extremely bitter towards the Blue Dragonflight, a bitterness that stemmed from her resent towards Malygos himself. I’m not sure she could ever forgive him and the rest of them, but if she did, it would take some good thousands of years.
That said, she’s not the only one who was left to die, alone and hopeless in Northrend’s frigid land. Many other blue dragons died; the same many who are now her Frostbrood. And it’s here the Frost Queen is truly soft: in regards to her fallen children and comrades, those who shared her fate, those she’ll fight fiercely to protect even in the cursed state they all are now.
I don’t remember where I’ve read it, but I remember reading something about Arthas raising her first, then making her watch as he imposed the same fate upon her fallen children, ripping apart their souls (edit: it's the description of the Soulbroken Whelp); and while this is yet another thing that cemented the changes in comparison to who she was in life, the grief she felt for each of them was only because she still cared, and she still does, no matter what. The Frostbrood are the only ones who she acts soft towards, ever; but in regards to them, she’s not as guarded, specially not in the verse she survives after Arthas’ death. To him, all of them were nothing more than pawns, definitely disposable, and I think there’d have been some distance on her part because it would still hurt her to see them being used, to see them suffer and lose them again. But Bolvar didn’t use them like that after he took his place upon the Frozen Throne, and while that surely can change now that he’ll become more active, the few years respite (and greater freedom!) would definitely have softened her towards her brood even more.
Other than them, she’s capable of sympathy, and would be capable of developing liking and loyalty towards others had she been freed of the Lich King’s grasp, but it would still be impossibly hard to make her like someone, specially to the point of her developing any loyalty to them. She resents mortals for their part in the Legion’s invasion, resents Deathwing and the Black Dragonflight for their betrayal, resents Arthas for what he did to her and her fallen flight, resents the Blues who lived for not coming to their aid, resents the other flights for all they too didn’t do, resents magic itself for failing her when she needed it most, resents magic wielders particularly for that very reason, and most of all, she resents Malygos, because she loved him completely, she trusted him completely, she led a life dedicated to their flight, her duty as his Prime Consort, and she would have done anything for him; and when she needed him most, he wasn’t there. 
So yeah, I think while she is capable of feeling softer feelings, because I don’t think there was any need to erase her feelings or make her more angry and resentful when she was made undead; in fact, I think erasing such feelings would have been a mistake, because it’s how much she still cares that makes her as vicious as she is. It’s because she loved so much that she hates so much; in the end, her capacity to care only makes her more vengeful and full of resent, because even her desire to just destroy everything and make people suffer comes from the fact she is still hurting in some ways.
She is capable of softer/gentler feelings, but she rarely would indulge them in that way, or allow herself to be soft, and it would be a side of her only ever visible to a very select few.  
tldr: she is capable of it, but it is restricted mostly to the frostbrood, and even then she'll rarely show it
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