#* about me !
creamxxbrulee · 2 days
She’s a 10 but gets upset when you don’t show her when you cum
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frownyalfred · 2 days
Still so crazy to me that you occasionally attend Galas. They're so fictionalized ish that it's parallel to attending a mafia wedding or something in my mind.
Don’t get me wrong, some of them are awesome, but most are not as glitzy as they look on tv. They’re long, usually boring events where you make nice with people you barely know but definitely hate. And if you’re a woman, you’re usually in heels and a tight dress all night.
Some of my favorite memories are actually from post gala nights — holding my heels trying to get an Uber, ripping my long black tie appropriate dress in a dive bar door, drunkenly eating a hamburger in three bites because there were only tiny bites at the event. Making out with someone. Walking home in the rain ruining hair and makeup that took hours. Etc.
The music and locations are usually my favorite parts. Or the excuse to get fully dressed up. The people and food are usually my least favorite.
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ttremila · 10 hours
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Tu chiedilo a Talete
Se ci fa incontrare
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uhliyaaah · 2 days
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groovy baby
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heumilch · 2 days
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can you make an about you???
done & dusted🥰
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thecreaturecodex · 2 days
State of the Codex June 2024
Regular followers of this blog may have noticed that there has been a drought in new monsters recently. This is because I am very, very tired. I feel like I barely survived last school year, and my physical transition has progressed to the point where regular mood swings are a frequent companion. Hey, just like puberty the first time, right?! And it was recently my birthday, and it was honestly pretty crappy.
I have seven commissions left to write from last year. I feel very bad about taking so long, and appreciate your patience. The greatly reduced schedule of new writing, the stress of commissions, and the behavior of a few bad actors has made me realize that I don't want to do commissions anymore. I will finish those seven, and hope to do so during the summer, but those are the last commissions I am going to take for the foreseeable future.
I will be continuing reruns for a while. Because I met my girlfriend, @abominationimperatrix, through the Codex, I thought it would be nice to let her take over the reins for a little while. The next two weeks of reruns are going to be some of her favorites.
If you would like to make a material contribution to the Codex, my support page is here. If you would just like to make me smile, please let me know what one or a few of your favorite monsters I've written (1889 at last count!) in the reblogs or replies.
Thank you.
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kimabutch · 2 days
Incomplete list of expressions that I didn't realize were expressions for an embarrassingly long time
"falling asleep before your head hits the pillow" (was very jealous of people with this ability)
"elbow grease" (assumed it was some potent type of grease)
"getting up on the wrong side of the bed" (in fairness, this one was when I was a child and developed a superstition about the side of the bed I could get up on)
"crying in the club" (was bewildered that so many of mutuals frequented clubs so often)
"five finger discount" (assumed it was a sex thing because I first read it as a joke in a smut fic)
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missroserose · 2 days
it’s a whiskey-and-ice-cream-while-listening-to-the-thunderstorm kind of night.
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frownyalfred · 2 days
Hi! Don't know if this has been asked already but what got you into the batfandom?
A lot of things, tbh. A friend, the BVS movie, and several avengers crossovers that featured Bruce. I’d read a couple TDK trilogy fics before, but never batfamily. Then I swiftly went through I think every batfamily fic on ao3, then every superbat one, and then I did a lap for good measure before attempting to write any of it myself.
It’s a very stable, very well written and active fandom. And the themes inside really appeal to me — found family, trying to make a new normal for yourself, coming back from trauma, etc.
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chlorophylllme · 2 days
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"rules: choose 4 of your favourite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe!"
tagged by @billhaders thank you lovely !!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
tagging: @inourtownofhawkins @darlingboydiaz @gwcnstcy @aaronstveit @maygrantgf @benoitblanc @userastarion @waddinghamhannah @ncutii-gatwa @milesnowaks @danielsousa @chronicowboy @kinglegolas @keikomiura @luthientinuvielss @sunsetcurveauto + anyone else who wants to do it !! (no pressure as always 🫶🏻)
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violent138 · 2 hours
ship that u would kill a person for (positive)
As a Batman account I really don't think murder of any kind can be endorsed by this platform ;)
But Superbat? Just saying...
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ashleyrguillory · 1 year
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And I didn’t talk to him ever again
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veliseraptor · 1 year
have realized that while i am not a fan necessarily of "people meet and immediately fall in love" i am a fan of "people meet and are immediately obsessed with each other." the love can come later but the absolute fixation should be immediate
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koshercosplay · 4 months
so I work in education at a science museum
we recently had a snails class for 2-3 year olds
we had a staff meeting beforehand to go over the lesson plan for said class
my manager: maybe we can bring up the historical usage of snails to interest the adults... there was a snail that was used for blue dye in like, ancient Roman times I think?
me, about to pull out the most obscure piece of jewish historical knowledge that suddenly became relevant
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