#* ( OOC )
misteria247 · 1 day
I'm realizing that Stan is actually incredibly smart. Like in a Ford kind of way to some extent.
Like yes Stan's street smart and life smart but he's also got the smarts that Ford's praised for. Because he had rebuilt the portal and figured out his brother's notes and equations.
Like do you know how hard math is on Ford and Fiddleford's level of expertise??? How complicated and delicate it is????? Especially the kind that brings portals to life???? And Stan figured it out. Had taught himself to read and comprehend these difficult things. Difficult things that requires college degrees in science and mathematics.
And Stan did this on an incomplete high school grade level of academics.
That's fucking nuts. Sure it took 30 years but he learned it. By himself, can you imagine how frustrated he got, teaching himself Ford's educational level??? Using his mechanical skills of fixing his car to be up to par to Fiddleford's impressive craftsmanship????
And I can just see how Ford and Fiddleford react post apocalypse. Ford doing equations and science stuff and talking while Fiddleford listens and gives his input when Stan pipes up unintentionally and puts his hat into the ring. And it's mathematically sound?? And these two men are just blown away cuz what the actual hell?? Ford's immediately questioning Stan, wanting to hear his thoughts while Fiddleford watches impressed and Stan's mortified and a bit overwhelmed. Or Fiddleford working on something and Ford's watching him when Stan points out a better way to make a part work and Fidds is like omg thank you Stanley??? And Ford's looking at his little brother dumbfounded and itching to bomb him with questions and whatnot.
Stan never knows peace afterwards.
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askfussyfangs · 1 day
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Does this make up for the 2 months I was gone???
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cogitxtio · 3 days
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THATS @real-british-empire NOT ME
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buffalony-official · 2 days
*trump voice* there's a social media place where they pretend to be countries and companies. i've seen it, it's true. they're forcing all of the british to be transgender
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r4d1kal · 2 days
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idfk lol
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circlesuponcircles · 2 days
Can we see Odile with 12 gauge Shotgun.
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yea sure
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ficoandleo · 4 hours
The comical realization that the only houses in which the captain and vice captain both probably mostly do their jobs are Hotarubi and Vagastrom.
You might think Leo would refuse all the administrative work but Leo's big into fucking up the powerful systems in place--his pre-prologue dialogue about making the people responsible for making the life suck pay suggests as much. He would approve lower ranking missions so Vagastrom students can actually go outside now and then, even though Alan/Dante wouldn't approve permits. Hell in Chapter 8 he refuses to let the PC have the document they were asking for because it was their only copy and it'd be a problem if they lost it--so he made them copies instead. He seems like he wouldn't because he's selfish, but I really think he would do his job as vice captain if it came up, or if it seemed like Alan was struggling with the load. Or if the general students were too afraid of Alan to get his help and they found him much less intimidating to ask for things.
You might think 'what about Mortkranken' but either Yuri would push everything off onto Jiro because it's not worth his valuable research time, or he wouldn't let Jiro handle anything because 'you don't understand how to do this'(or because one time Jiro abruptly got sick all over very important paperwork and he'd rather not risk that again.)
Every other house? Either the captain does everything(Jabberwock) or the vice captain does everything(Frostheim; Sinostra; Obscuary.) Hell even in Hotarubi, Subaru tries to do a lot of the work but Haku takes it upon himself anyway, but at least he's willing.
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luniluvia · 5 hours
Do you know this feeling where you start doubting your own oc and their story? When you think that, maybe, it is a bunch of nonsense you should keep for yourself? That's happening to me right now and I hate that x_x
I feel like a new kid who doesn't dare to play with the others cuz my toys aren't cool enough.
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mannequin-mark · 2 days
((Any Wallter blogs wanna wanna be connected to my Mark? The more the funnier. I think Mark should have a veritable harem of ex-husbands
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fair-fae · 3 days
I don't really understand why if you're having a problem with another player in a group, bring it to the leadership and don't like how they handle it, and understandably decide to go write a callout about that individual and the leadership... you would then decide to also attach screenshots of the avatars and character names of every single random person in that group?
It was a little jarring to see how many PoC were getting thrown into a callout about racism simply for being in the same linkshell and my immediate thought was how that's just begging for harassment toward random people and, hey! You couldn't possibly guess what's happening now--
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misteria247 · 3 days
The way Stanley??? Always looks out for his family??? Even when they've been mean to him???? Is honestly really admirable????
Like not everyone would look out for their sibling after they've cut them out of their life. Not everyone would try to be better for their niece and nephew because they wanted to leave originally. Not everyone would take a lonely boy under their wing and become essentially their parental figure. Not everyone would still try to make amends when their sibling is hellbent on holding onto a grudge nor willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their loved ones.
Stanley Pines is like the most selfless dude when it really comes down to it. He's a good man despite his fuck ups and it makes me adore him as both a character and a person. Wish we had more people like Stan out there in the world.
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Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
HI I know the new Halloween character isn't out yet but I needed an outlet for my excitement (Yes, I am unfortunately a Nightmare Before Christmas girlie) 💀 so please be advised that he may not be in character here, I'm just writing based on vibes! This is technically a twisted!Jack Skellington x Reader fic, but the Reader is basically playing a role similar as Sally from the film.
P.S. I want everyone to know that I busted out my drawing tablet to make this special border for him the same day he was first announced... Yeah...
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On the nights with full moons, he liked to steal away to the Spiral Hill on the outskirts of town.
The outcrop of land overlooked a vast graveyard and field laden with pumpkins, perfuming the air with the crisp sweetness characteristic of autumn. Beyond it, uncharted territory. When he squinted into the darkness, he could make out the vague shapes of naked trees, their gnarled branches like fingers beckoning him to approach, whispering his name.
He draped his long, lithe legs over the hill, letting them hang in the frigid air. Spindly as he was, the wind easily blew them, knocking his legs around like the straw-stuffed limbs of a scarecrow. He kicked with the breeze, carefree as a child on a playground swing.
The moon stitched his pinstriped suit and tattered cravat with silver thread, touched his pointed crown at its highest points. Even the white ribbons ribbing his jacket and the pattern of bones tugged over his gloves seemed to glow under the celestial light. He liked the view, and the view seemed to like him, too.
Held in his skeletal hand was a single flower. He stroked a silken petal, then slipped another finger under it, plucking the petal free. The wind claimed it, setting it sailing off into the unknown.
He continued. A second, a third. So on and so forth, until the flower was left stripped down and barren, even robbed of its leaves.
He dropped the stem off the hill. The pumpkins below consumed it, and the once lovely flower’s body became one with the patch.
"I figured this is where you were."
He lowered his dark circular lenses. His bright eyes slid to the figure that had approached from behind, on feet so swift they hardly made a sound. They came in with the sweetness of deadly nightshade, the trace of a poisoning committed at midnight. "Not a lethal dose, just enough to knock the doctor out for a few hours," as they always said. "How else would I sneak out to see you?"
Dry, ghostly lips dashed with hatch marks pried into an open smile, both teeth and the gaps between them. Charming, in a crooked sort of way. "My dear. You've come."
You bent down. “If you don't mind, I'd like to join.”
“The spot beside me is always reserved for you.” He patted it, inviting you to take a seat.
"Such a gentleman." You sunk down, folding your hands in your lap. "And so handsome when you're brooding. You're terribly good at that."
He was, he was, especially silhouetted by the moon. The man was practically monochrome, but bathed in silver like this, his pale skin was less sickly and more ethereal. He almost appeared like a cruel angel in the light, descending to expunge evil.
"I'm not brooding," he pouted, "I'm dreaming."
“Dreaming." You reached out and tucked a strand of alabaster hair behind his ear. "Father says it’s a ridiculous, wild thing.”
"Ah, but that's what makes it so much thrilling. Life’s no fun without a good scare.”
His mouth quirked to one side, and his smile became off-kilter--as his ideas often were. "He'll bring us to ruin with his crazy, new-fangled thinking and flights of fancy," your father would complain. But you adored that about the boy. How spontaneous he was, how his curiosity was never-ending. He'd race about like a child, picking items up and sticking his face where it probably shouldn't go.
Full of life in this otherwise lifeless town.
"What's this? What's this?" he'd say. "I must know!"
"He's gone daffy," your father would declare.
"Mmm." You nodded absentmindedly, tracing your fingers along the shell of his ear and down to his arm. "What were you dreaming about today?"
He lifted his head, looking beyond the hill and to the woods. Not a word was exchanged. None had to be.
"The Hinterlands?" you whispered. "But we don't know what's out there. No ghoul or monster has ever ventured out that far."
"Then sounds like I'll be the first! They’ll put me down in the history books as a pioneer." His laughter brightened up the gloomy night. When he quieted, his gaze was solemn—more solemn than you'd ever witnessed him. "... Don't you wonder about what's out there? Stuff that's cold and fluffy and falls from the sky. Things that come in colors we haven't seen."
"Sometimes," you admitted quietly, "but those are just dreams. I don't chase them."
"Maybe you should. We should," he mused, fingers tucked under his chin. "I bet there's all sorts of things we've never even dreamed of, too. And wouldn’t you like to see something strange?”
"I would. I really, really would," you told him in a soothing tone. Trying to reassure him as much as you were yourself. "Let's not doing anything dangerous though. I sense something in the wind—tragedy at hand. I can't shake that feeling that something bad is around the bend if you tread that path."
You gingerly laid your hand over his. Behind tinted lenses, his eyes widened.
"Stay here with me," you begged. "We can be together. Gaze at the stars. Be safe in one another's arms."
“… Sweetness, I would love for nothing more than to have you and to hold you ‘til death do us part.” His voice fluttered like the brush of a falling leaf upon your cheek. He regarded you tenderly, locking his fingers with yours and squeezing. “But you know that’s not the kind of man I am.”
“Yes, you’re every flavor of foolish imaginable,” you replied, pressing your forehead against his, “and I love you for that.”
“As do I.” He brought his icy lips to the back of your hand. A chill spider-walked up your arm, and you shivered.
“That’s why I must depart one day.” He pushed his glasses up. You caught the tragic reflection of your face in his lenses. “Out there… something more awaits us. I’m sure of that. I intend to find it and revive our town, this season that’s gone stale.”
“I won’t stop you if you decide to go,” you murmured. “And I will count the days until you return to me.”
“I knew you’d understand.” His smile—now it was touched with sadness, the knowledge of soon parting ways. “Thank you, dearest.”
He stood slowly, drawing you up with him. Your feet followed, as if pulled along by a puppeteer. How in sync the two of you were, how nicely molded your bodies were to one another’s. Your joy melded under the watchful eye of the moon.
“Shall we share a dance? One for the road,” he crooned. An errant breeze tousled his pallid hair, his tattered coattails—but to you, he was fairest of them all. “Our last dance for a while.”
“Alright, let’s make this one count,” you chuckled, “so I can send you off on your travels with a smile.”
“Excellent 🎵” He slid a hand around your waist, guiding you to lean into him. “Let the merrymaking commence!!”
The midnight waltz began.
He led you, step by step, and you trailed after. Movements easy and effortless, like two intertwining maple leaves, spinning and spiraling. Their partner, the center of their universe.
They danced as if possessed or an enchantment was cast upon their footwear. The moment too sweet, too succulent, to relinquish so soon. They wanted to savor it, indulge in it—and each other.
For never was there a more perfect pair than the Pumpkin King and his consort.
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xoxo-jecka · 2 days
ooc: Guys i actually might just delete the co09 blogs, creator is a MAJOR CREEP
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casanovasadmiral · 1 day
We have rose but what about our roxy?
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DONE! <3 Roxy Lalonde!!!
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circlesuponcircles · 10 hours
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^ emote from our discord server
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