#*    ⟢     ━━     bo-katan kryze.  ( threads )
featherstcnes · 9 months
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@bloodymyhands asked for angst and i delivered
a part of her wished she could say that she knew this was a bad idea from the start. it seemed a simple enough mission, though. a small tactical team ( led by the armorer ) would go in, get what they needed, and get out. bo had trusted the intel given to her by a few other mandalorians -- she'd even done some of her own research. for all she knew, the city that the team was going to was going to be empty. it was supposed to be abandoned, destroyed since the empire had left. and yet the moment she lost contact with the team, she knew that things had turned sideways. there had been consistent check ins. and while she had waited for a response, giving them time in case they were needing to stay quiet, there was a point that bo-katan couldn't sit idle anymore.
and so she found herself on the same planet that the other mandalorians had went to, attempting to be as stealthy as possible with the group she'd brought to save those that she'd lost contact with. " move out, " bo-katan commanded tilting her head down the hallway. they'd cased out the seemingly empty town for a bit before coming up with a strategy. she just had to hope that it ended up working. the seemingly old town was just a facade, as its depths below were remnants from the empire. bo had her blasters in her hands, preparing to defend herself if necessary. there didn't appear to be many heat signatures around -- at least not yet.
careful feet brought her down an empty hall, hearing footsteps from the other mandalorians in the other sections of the labyrinths down here. her eyes immediately focused on the image of the armorer's helmet and furs on the desk near what she assumed were holding cells, but she found only one door closed. her stomach dropped instantly. was she still alive? was this part of her armor just perched on this desk as a warning to bo and her team? a sign that they were next for coming here to save their people?
grabbing the helmet and the furs that the woman donned every day, bo-katan moved further down the hall to the door that she had seen shut. all of the other cells were empty, at least down this hallway. she had to assume that the other mandalorians were held elsewhere. but truthfully? the others were the last thing on her mind at the moment. pressing a button on the pad on the frame of the door, she saw the door quickly slide open, only for her to be met with a sight that had her frozen in place. the unmasked features that her eyes immediately went to, the vision of a woman that her mind wouldn't let her forget even if she'd attempted to. the voices of the men and woman she had brought with her faded around her, and all she found herself able to do was stand in the door frame, staring at the woman that was equally someone she admired and someone she had let herself hate for years.
her fingers tightened on the grip of the woman's helmet in her hand. all this time. all this time, and bo-katan had been blind to the possibility that the armorer was anyone from her past. she should have known, hearing how many times that the woman had spoken of death watch, even if it had just been in passing. rook kast. she would remember that face anywhere. it had been engraved in her mind the moment she'd lost mandalore.
" bo-katan! " she'd heard axe's voice break her out of her trance. " i'm here, " she yelled after a moment, clenching her fists. somehow, she had taken further steps into the cell. she let herself look at the woman again, seeing the blood in her hairline, the shallow breathing that was the only sign she was still alive. the footsteps coming closer down the hall had her making a split second decision to cover the armorer's face with the helmet once more, careful to avoid hurting her any further with the movement. soft brown hair stuck out from the bottom of the helmet, but bo didn't have the time to care to fix it. she couldn't, not now.
when axe rushed in, talking about incoming ships and blaster fire, bo nodded. " is everyone safe? accounted for? " once she received confirmation, she leaned down towards the armorer. " help me get her onto my ship. " she said, axe not hesitating as he moved to one side of her, moving an arm around the woman to help get her up, bo supporting from the other side. there was blaster fire ringing in the air the moment she set foot outside, but bo ignored it as she rushed to get the armorer onto her ship to set the woman down on a seat. she'd have to hope that the trip was gentle enough to get her home safely -- it wasn't as if she had a ship with bunks, with anything useful to help the woman. this would have to be enough.
" go, " axe had said. and she had. the mandalorians were not on the losing side of the battle this time. they would make it home safely, bo-katan knew that.
when she'd arrived back on mandalore, she'd avoided the med bay that part of the tribe had been rebuilding, and she'd immediately went to the forge. to the quarters that the woman in her arms had been building as a place for herself, away from everything else. once she was sure that they were alone, bo took off her helmet, placing the blue metal piece on a table near the door frame before she moved over to the armorer. she grabbed whatever supplies she could around the room, knowing that the woman had to have something that bo could use to at least help clean her up. once she had a few spare pieces of clean cloth, she moved back to the armorer's bedside. before she could tell herself otherwise, bo took off the woman's helmet. she'd already seen her once. and bo wasn't sure what injuries that she had. she was sure that the armorer had plenty of injuries under her clothing. but bo didn't see any rips or too much blood on the fabric, and so she kept her hands away. cursing under her breath, bo used the fabric to brush away at some of the blood on the armorer's head. her touch was firm, yet still gentle as she moved over the other woman.
a part of her felt as if she should feel like she owed the armorer nothing, now that bo knew who she really was. but how could she just let her suffer?
once she had cleaned her up enough to the point where it looked as if the bleeding had stopped, bo cleaned her hands of the woman's blood and took a deep breath. she felt like she barely had processed exactly who was laying in front of her, but at the same time, her mind felt like it couldn't even begin to attempt to. she didn't know what to feel and some quiet part of her was grateful that she didn't have to speak yet. that she didn't have to attempt to put words to how she was feeling. despite the endless thoughts running through her mind, she sat at a chair near the bed, eyes focused on the unconscious woman. her feelings aside ( both good and bad ) , bo knew that she couldn't just leave the woman alone. maybe the armorer would never forgive her for seeing her like this. maybe she would never let bo speak to her again because of it.
she would say she didn't care after the events of the day, but bo-katan knew that would be a lie.
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mythosar · 1 year
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tag drop.
0 notes
lcngliive · 8 months
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below the cut, you'll find my combination plotting and starter call! i absolutely did steal sunny's lil thing for this, ily sunny xoxo - but here is my call! I will be dropping a good number of the threads that I have in preparation for this bc I am overwhelmed at the sheer number that I have in my threadtracker and haven't been able to fully catch up - so I'll be using this as an excuse to get some fresh threads for my characters!
I'll be capping my starters at four per character and three per mun, please be specific when asking for a starter! ( just a note, any threads for blind dates don't count towards this number! )
so if you'd like to plot, give this a lil like! I will also be sticking it in the plotting channel in discord and will be messaging people about plotting in the morning!
anakin skywalker going with padme amidala
anakin is absolutely not in the mood for a ball or anything of the sort, but he's here to be with padme, despite everything that's going on in his head. he will be avoiding the rest of his family and just sticking with padme and when she's busy he will be standing around awkwardly. he used to be up for things like these, mostly so he could spend time with padme and let loose a little, but now, it just puts him on edge.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
annie james going with chris hartley ( blind date )
annie loves any excuse to throw together a fancy dress and wear tit just so people will ask her about it. she signed up for the blind date thinking it would be fun and it probs will be - she's never really done anything like this and hasn't actually dated since coming to the city. she will be drinking (even tho she's not technically allowed here ) and dancing the night away. will be just up for a good time tbh.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
ansel of briarcliff
ansel is admittedly not a party girl, but she's recently aware after being unaware in the city for a few years so - they're looking for anyone they might know. might even be convinced to dance if someone cute comes along, who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
astraea illen going with sheev palaptine
astraea loves a good party and the excuse to wear a fancy dress even more. they're going with sheev, which imo is a match made in hell lmaoooo - but they're both hot so ? let them have fun. will 100% be being his arm candy for the night and will probs force him to dance with her. they'll also be keeping an eye on any jedi, making sure they stay away from kore and her friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sheev
ben solo going with ariana dumbledore
parent night out! ben is glad for just something nice and chill for once, he actually wants to spend some uninterrupted time with his fiance without three kids lmao. will probably be forced to dance with ari, not that he's complaining, he actually does kinda enjoy it but will never say that out loud :).
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
bo katan kryze
bo absolutely hates parties like this, always has and they always will. it reminds her too much of the parties her parents would have as a child - but she's still here. will be standing in the corner drinking and may even be convinced to flirt if a pretty girl comes around so who knows, you might get them to dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 hera, ellie
cami o'connell going with alani tiure ( blind date )
cami has been on a few blind dates in her time, but this one seemed interesting - the whole idea of the masked ball. also means that there's some room for chaos when no one can really tell who she is. will be drinking (probs both kinds) and dancing the night away while probs causing trouble with her date.
drinking (maybe both kinds :) ) || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
cass is just praying for one normal night where he and his fam can just have fun and not have to worry about any problems that they might have. will be getting drunk and dancing (sorry to the ic who needs to deal with him) he just wants to spend some time without having to worry about everyone so this is perfect for him.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting ( with nesta exclusively) || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 aluma
cerridwen going with parvati patil ( blind date )
cerri is def more of a stand to the side and observe kind of person, they aren't really one for dancing - so she will just be standing chatting to people tbh? will also not be drinking to keep an eye on the inner circle just to make sure no one breaks anything (this is absolutely @ cassian and it's hilarious bc i play him and he's an idiot)
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
eros vane
eros has never been one for a party, but he does love any excuse to get drunk so, this is right up his street lmao. he is lowkey still annoyed abt his kid not knowing who anyone is, so will be getting blackout drunk to forget about that for a while - also might flirt a lil, most of it won't end up going anywhere, but he is not against leaving with a handsome person if you know what i mean, wink wink.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 alastor, kore
ewan mckinnon going with maddie mckinnon
alexa play one normal night from the addams family. all ewan wants is one normal night to not worry about anything but having a good time with his wife and dancing with her. he's trying to forget all of the problems and just going to have a good time. but will that happen? who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 maddie
feirge going with leslie macher ( blind date )
feirge absolutely has no idea what any of this is? but regardless of it, she's enjoying herself. does she know what drinking and dancing is? absolutely not, but will she be doing it? yep. sorry to anyone who interacts with her, she might get really drunk. she might even be a weepy drunk, so uh sorry to anyone who knows her. signed up for a blind date, has no idea what it is lmaoo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
godric gryffindor going with addison montgomery ( blind date )
it's been years since godric has been to a party like this, and also years since he's had any sort of date. but he's interested in everything that's happening. can be persuaded to dance probably and will be exploring the museum to see what's around all while drinking.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sylvie, helga
hades is absolutely only here out of formalities because of his position amongst the elite of Washington dc. he's not here for any other reason other than to say hello to the right people he needs to and then he is absolutely leaving early.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 3 / 4 feng yu, jane, apollo
imogen cardulo going with garrick tavis ( they forced him )
im absolutely dragged garrick here with them and will be forcing him to have a good time, and if that means getting plastered - so be it :). imogen isn't really a party girlie, but they're here to forget about everything that's going on in her life for a night at least and maybe dance around like an idiot for a while with her friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 garrick
jiang cheng going with wen qing
okay this man is absolutely as stiff as a board, def does not mix well with others - so who tf knows why he's at something like this??? but he's trying to be better at interacting with people. will probably be lightly drinking and networking with people. he's going with wen qing, idk why either of them thought it was a good idea, but here they are. also me and kasey did not plan their fits lmaooo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 wei wuxian, jiang yanli
jing xi going with cullen rutherford
she's never really had the chance to experience anything like this before, so part of her is excited, but the other part is also nervous. she'll most likely be dancing the night away and just enjoying herself without any cares in the world. will also be exploring the museum.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
kaltain rompier going enid sinclair ( blind date )
parties and balls are what kaltain was brought up on, but after everything that happened back home, they're always on edge, scared that something will happen - so she will be sticking close to the walls and 100% looking for an out. has a blind date, but doesn't know why she even signed her name for it - so will be possibly sticking closer to those they know before most likely leaving early.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || hiding in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
kirei monsula going with omega ( just besties )
absolutely just two besties going to the ball, platonic af, no feelings involved. kirei absolutely has feelings for omega but does not know it yet. they're absolutely getting drunk (sorry mom and uncle kasil) and making out with her bestie ( that's what besties do wdym ). will be dancing and exploring around the place and is also up for a lil chaos as well.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
lan sizhui going with brittnay matthews ( blind date )
sizhui is absolutely not a party person, but this looked like fun, so he's going to at least attempt to enjoy himself and spend the night either exploring or just chatting with different people. he signed up for the blind date thing and isn't 100% sure about it yet lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
lucien vanserra going with elain archeron
lucien lowkey has mask trauma after having to wear one for a fucking long ass time, but they're here to have a good time with their wife and not to think about all of the shit that's imploding within his life rn so. also @ feyre do not make a fox mask joke, that's supposed to be ur bestie :(((( .
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
marion lochan
marion used to love parties when she was still back home, the idea of putting on a fancy dress and just enjoying herself is something she hasn't had the chance to do in a while, so she's excited. she's probs going to be exploring the museum trying to learn everything she can while she's there also while dancing and drinking a lil.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 lu junyi
mira sorrengail going with keelan cardulo
mira just wants one normal night to dance with her girlfriend and just have some fun without anything happening. so she'll be getting drunk - might cause some trouble lmaooo. but she's out here just having a good time, so she will be getting drunk for once and just enjoying herself.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting (just with keelan lmao) || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
na'rena zenn going with cindy moon ( blind date )
rena is still trying to get used to how she looks now, but is absolutely a sucker for a party so - catch her getting drunk af and flirting with pretty people and dancing. she will be exploring the museum and will be up for some chaos so :)))) also rip to her friends, bc ur probs gonna need to find someone to carry her home.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
parker halliwell going with roxanne weasley
parker is absolutely going to lose her mind if she doesn't get one normal night out with roxy - all she wants is to dance the night away and spend time with them without things going wrong. will be exploring, dancing, drinking and having a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
penelope garcia
penelope loves parties and she loves getting to wear cute and fancy clothes, so this is right up her street. they'll be networking and speaking to people all while drinking and dancing - will be making friends with everyone and anyone, so good luck to people bc pen will talk ur ear off.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 alex
ridoc going with alicent hightower ( blind date )
ridoc is here to have a good time, not a long time lmao - will absolutely be getting drunk so sorry to anyone who knows him. you might find him passed out in one of the exhibits lmaooo. but other than that, he'll be dancing, exploring the museum and annoying his friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
sarra palpatine going with with nigel thornberry ( blind date )
sarra is here mostly out of formalities, since she works in the white house, but is actually determined to have somewhat of a good night. considering the last gala had monsters, she's going to be on edge, but will try and have fun. signed up for a blind date, but she's not sure about the idea of it lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sabina
shin hati going with needy lesnicki ( blind date )
this is absolutely not shin's scene, they do not like people and don't know why they're here. will probably just be standing in the corner and drinking. will be keeping an eye on people as she goes.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 zash
sidney prescott going with rosalie hale ( blind date )
sid is absolutely on edge with all of the ghostfaces around, but she'd going to attempt to have a good time - will that happen? who knows. is absolutely packing under her dress so, rip to anyone who tries her. but other than that, she'll be trying to enjoy herself and probably drink a lil and dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 rosalie, monica
silena beauregard going with clarisse la rue
did silena force clarisse to come with her? yes xoxo. silena loves dressing up and wearing pretty clothing, so this is right up her alley - esp with being a daughter of aphordite, the goddess of love, even tho they have no idea that's their mom lmao. but she loves the idea of valentines day and love in general. will desperately be trying to ignore the feelings she has for her best friend, but might blurt them out after a drink or two who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 clarisse, jester
sirius black
sirius is absolutely not having a good time, but they'll be getting drunk as a skunk and will probs end up passed out somewhere, but what's new for him lmao? might even be convinced to dance or they'll just be standing in the corner moping mostly bc marlene is unaware as has no idea who he is lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 ramona
varian going with amren
varian is just excited for a normal evening with amren, no chaos happening and he's hoping that nothing does happen, bc they deserve a normal date night pls nd thanks. will be drinking and probs exploring the museum, seeing what this world is really like.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
vesta blackbeak going with anastasia tremaine ( blind date )
vesta loves chaos, they are a lil demon and will cause as much trouble as she can. will be drinking and probably dancing. is going to be ignoring that some of the thirteen don't know who they are and will probs be dragging the ones that do remember her to dance, so soz to them. is def up for a lil chaos, so if ur up for that, vesta is the witch to see.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
winter celchu going with paige swanson ( blind date )
winter absolutely put her name down for a blind date as a formality with the white house. she will also be spending time with her sister and helping her get to the #presidentflorgana state again, she will absolutely be no better - will be dancing and drinking just to forget all of the stuff that's happened in the last year, will also be steering clear of people she doesn't like. will need to be carried home, sorry ahsoka xoxo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
zoe nightshade
zoe is absolutely not a party person, but they will be there just to keep an eye on the demigods in the city - despite the fact that they're not a hunter anymore. she still feels obligated to protect demigods, even the men, but they will probs be sticking close to thalia, the only person that they know very well, despite them having no memories.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
21 notes · View notes
dinsverdika · 2 years
The Answer to Boredom is Pleasure
Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze/mandalorian!Reader
Tags (as posted on AO3): smut, established relationship (though it can be read as ambiguous), dom/sub understones, oral (Bo-Katan receives it), semi-public sex, pet names, throne sex, opening for round 2, a bit of fluff, kissing, reader is afab
Word Count: 2,718
Notes: you know I had to do it.
pet names used: obedient pet, good girl (for reader.)
Part. II >
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Bored. You were bored.
Your eyes scanned around the throne room again.
It was empty, no guests in sight; exactly like the last time you looked around the room. No approaching steps could be heard either. Only the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff nearby was ricochetting on the stone walls of the room.
The silence was not bothersome to you. Neither was it to Bo-Katan. You shifted your attention to the red-headed woman. She sat on the throne in a way that would express nonchalance. Yet, you knew better.
You trained your gaze on her thumb massaging her palm. The repeated circling motion was not enough to hold your attention for long. Your eyes darted up to her face, her features were closed off.
You were sitting on her left with your legs crossed. You tore your eyes away from her face and focused your attention on her helmet resting on your lap, yours was left on the ground. You traced the Nite Owls symbol painted on it with your pointing finger for the tenth time today.
You couldn't help the sigh escaping your lips.
“What?” she let out.
“I’m bored,” you whined.
She had to hold back the chuckle bubbling up in her throat as she turned her head to look at you. Your lips were pursed in a pout, a slight frown was creating a crease between your eyebrows.
“And what do you want me to do about that?” she asked.
“We could go do something,” you retorted, gesturing around the room. “We’ve been sitting here in silence for hours, having to watch you sulk.”
“I’m not sulking,” she replied quickly.
“What are you doing, then?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Thinking,” she replied matter-of-factly.
You let out a heavy ugh as you rolled your head back. A smirk tugged on the corners of Bo-Katan’s lips as she watched you.
“What do you wanna do, then?”
Playfulness made your eyes twinkle as you leaned your face back down and sank your gaze into hers.
"Well," you began, the whiney tone in your voice completely gone. "While you were sulking, I thought of a few ways to pass the time…" You untangled your legs, discarded her helmet from your lap -it joined yours on the floor- and scooted closer to her. "Some of these things would take your mind off things, too," you teased.
Your face was a few centimetres from hers, now. Her eyes lingered on your parted lips, her tongue caught your attention as she used it to moisturise her own lips. Your eyes sank into her green ones, lust had clouded them as she'd processed your words.
You didn't let her reply to your advances, choosing to plant a kiss on her lips instead. The kiss started gentle, almost shy as if it was a first kiss.
Bo-Katan changed up the pace as her hands found your hips, pulling you on her lap; your knees bracketing her thighs. The kiss deepened as her hands left your hips to go up and down your sides. Your hands, which had been laying flat on her chest plate, slid up to rest on her shoulders.
You traced her bottom lip with the tip of your tongue, threading one of your hands in her short hair. You used it to slightly pull on it, she hissed; her eyes finding yours. You ignored the glare she was throwing your way and trailed down her jawline with quick kisses. You felt her shivering against you. She felt you smirking against her skin as you kissed your way to her neck.
Goosebumps spread on her skin as you nuzzled the spot below her ear. She tilted her head on the side, granting you a better access to her neck as you sucked the sensitive skin between your lips. You sucked and licked her skin until it had reddened into a lovely bruise.
You tore your face away from her neck. Satisfaction washed over you as your gaze found her face. The frustration and anger which were pulling her features harshly were completely gone, having let place for a flustered look. Her lips were swollen from the kisses, her cheeks were decorated with a pretty shade of red.
"It looks like I'm doing a good job at taking your mind off things," you teased.
She scoffed. "That was it? I expected more from you," she replied.
Her taunting didn't impress you. You let her question hang in the air as you pushed yourself off her. Her eyes were trained on you as you kneeled in front of her.
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Arousal was simmering in Bo-Katan's lower tummy, her eyes remained on you as she admired your form. You were sitting on the balls of your feet, your hands were joined on your thighs, your head was bowed. You looked so eager. So eager to make her forget, so eager to please her.
Fulfillment coursed through her veins, making her lean over slowly. Her touch was gentle as she caught your chin between her fingers and tilted your head up. Your pupils jumped between hers, warmth spread in her chest as Bo-Katan noticed the sense of relief washing over you. She managed to convey how pleased she was with you with only a look in your eyes.
"For someone who was trying to be a tease a few minutes ago," she said. "You sure look like an obedient pet right now."
A poorly restrained whine from you reached her ears. You broke eye contact, preferring to focus your attention on your joined hands on your lap.
Her chest moved in rhythm with her chuckle. "What happened?" she asked, cupping your cheek.
The leather of her glove was warm against your cheek, you couldn't help but lean into her touch. "You knelt in front of me and were reminded of your place?" she added.
Her soft touch was replaced by a harsh grip on your lower face, she made you look at her again. "Answer me."
"Yes," you uttered. "I just wanna make you feel good," you added.
She hummed contently. Her hand stayed on your face for a few more seconds before being replaced by the cool air of the room hitting your skin. Her upper body was leaned back against the backrest once more.
The way she sat, the way she spoke, the way she looked down at you. Everything about it was imposing, commanding. A thrill ran up your spine as her whole attention was focused on you. It made you feel so small, at her mercy.
Seeing that you were waiting patiently for her permission, her lips parted, "go on, then," she rested her right cheek on her knuckles, "make me feel good."
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Your bottom lip was tucked between your teeth as your fingers found the clasps of her greaves. Once removed, you carefully placed them on the floor next to you. Her poleyns quickly joined them on the floor.
You removed your own gloves with your teeth, your eyes never leaving hers as you did so. "Look at you," she said. "So eager to put on a show for me."
You could not help from feeling embarrassed at her words. Neither could you help the wave of arousal crashing over you as her eyes pierced through you.
"It's so easy to embarrass you," she cooed. "Come on," she added. "Don't let me distract you."
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Bo-Katan might have looked like she was in control and had the upper hand but anticipation was growing crescendo within her chest. She was ready to let go of the act when your hands slid up her thighs, the fabric of her trousers being an unpleasant barrier between your hands and the skin of her thighs. Your fingers quickly found the buckle of her utility belt, she watched as you skillfully undid it. It was soon forgotten with the rest of her belongings on the floor.
Tingles went up her spine as you hooked your fingers into the waistband of her trousers. Your eyes darted up to her face, silently asking her for permission.
Instead of granting it to you, she cupped your face once more. Endearment bloomed in her chest as her eyes lingered on your features.
"You're so pretty like this," she said. "On your knees, so willing to make me forget."
You'd always been an open book. Even with your helmet on, Bo-Katan had always been able to see right through you. The flustered look on your face only made the adoration she felt for you grow tenfold. You could have left with the others when they had realised that she had failed retrieving the Darksaber but you stayed. You stayed and never left her side, allowing her to grief but also not letting her sink in this spiral of never-ending apathy. You filled the loneliness she would've otherwise felt in the emptiness of her family castle; the ghosts of her past were not as visible when you were there.
"You're such a good girl for me, aren't you?" she asked.
You nodded. "I am," you replied.
You looked down to where your hands were. "May I proceed?" you asked.
"You may," she answered.
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With her help, her trousers and underwear were soon on the floor. Your hands were on her knees, slowly spreading her legs further open. The view of her glistening cunt made your mouth water, lust clouded your head as you grasped her hips; gently pulling Bo-Katan's body to the edge of her seat.
She let out a shaky exhale as you began peppering kisses in her inner thighs, featherlight kisses which made her shiver. You kissed your way up her thighs until your nose reached the spot where her thigh and pelvis meet. Your warm breath against her centre fueled her arousal.
You slowly parted her bottom lips with the tip of your tongue, ghosting over her clit. You leaned away from her, a smirk decorating your face, ready to throw a teasing remark her way. It died on your lips as she grabbed the back of your head and guided you against her roughly.
A surprised gasp slipped out of your lips, making her chuckle above you. It swiftly turned into a strangled moan as you glided the flat of your tongue through her folds. You hummed as her taste spread on your tastebuds. The same motion was repeated a couple of times as your eyes darted up and lingered on her face.
Her lips were parted, letting soft moans escape with no restraint. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were half-closed. Her green eyes were intently gazing into yours. Lust was complimenting her features, making your own arousal burn bright in your lower tummy.
You closed your eyes once more, focusing on your task at hand. You brought your tongue to her clit, flicking at it lightly. Bo-Katan threw her head back against the backrest, her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the sensations your tongue was providing her. It'd been so long since she had let herself get swept away by pleasure, she let her frustration and resentment seep away as it rushed through her veins. Her climax was slowly building up as you lapped at her, your tongue skillfully working through her folds.
Your hands snaked up her thighs until they'd reached her hips once more. Her entire body melted as you began massaging her hips tenderly. Her other hand reached for one of your hands, lacing your fingers together. The sweet gesture locking you together in the moment.
Your tongue found its way to her entrance. She hummed pleasantly as you pushed it in and out of her lazily, savouring the way she tasted.
"You taste so good," you rasped out.
Bo-Katan stared at your lips, swollen and glossy with her wetness. The sight alone threatened to push over the edge of bliss. Eager to make her feel good, your mouth was quickly back on her; any reply Bo-Katan might have thought of disappeared in the haze of lust surrounding her as her clit was sucked between your lips.
You grunted against her as she tightened her thighs around your face, the vibrations going straight to her core. Bo-Katan began undulating her hips against your mouth on their own, her body chasing the release she was craving.
She thought that the sight of your swollen, glossy lips might have pushed over the edge. Yet, seeing you sticking your tongue out, your eyes pleading her to use you how she wished, to use you to make herself come had her inner walls fluttering around nothing.
"I'm getting close," she warned. Her hips were now stuttering on your tongue.
"Please, come on my tongue," you begged, flicking your tongue on her bundle of nerves. "Please, Bo."
Bo-Katan came undone with a choked sob, her muscles tensed and her back arched. You had to tighten your grip on her hips to keep her still while you fucked her through her orgasm. Waves after waves of overwhelming pleasure crashed over her as you eagerly licked her release, humming enthusiastically as she experienced the aftershocks of her climax.
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Bo-Katan grew overstimulated under your touch, twitching away from your mouth as you licked her clean. You planted one last kiss on her bottom lips before leaning away from her core and pressing your cheek on her inner thigh.
The lustful haze clouding Bo-Katan’s head slowly dissipated as she came back to her senses, letting place to a feeling of peacefulness. This new sense of weightlessness was accompanied by warm and fuzzy feelings for you.
She reached down and cupped your cheek, you leaned into her touch. “How’re you feeling,” you asked gently.
“Great,” she replied, her thumb slowly stroking your cheek.
A small smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you pushed yourself up and caught her lips in a gentle kiss. She sighed into the kiss, the tip of her tongue breaching her lips to swipe over your bottom lip. She hummed as her own taste hit her taste buds, you smiled against her lips and leaned away.
"Your hair is a mess," you said.
"I wonder whose fault that is," she retorted.
Your smile grew bigger as you reached up to remove her headband. The front locks of her hair were now framing her face, your heart began beating faster as your eyes gazed over her blissed out face.
You gently pushed the strands of hair and tucked them behind her ears. You gazed into each other's eyes before slowly sealing your lips together once more. Joy rushed into your veins as the kiss deepened, arousal started simmering in your lower tummy once more.
Bo-Katan broke the kiss first, tucking on your lower lip with her teeth before letting it snap back in place.
"We need to get out of here," she whispered, peppering kisses all over your neck.
"To go where?" you exhale, your face heating up under her ministrations.
"My ship," she replied. "My sleeping quarters are more comfy than the throne." She licked behind your ear, drawing a shaky exhale out of you. "No one will interrupt us…" she added.
Her last few words were what had given you the strength to push yourself off her. Bo-Katan cocked her eyebrow at you as you knelt in front of her again.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
She watched as you gathered her belongings on the ground. "Put them back on," you ordered, handing her underwear and trousers.
She refrained herself from calling out your bossy attitude, enjoying how keenly you were behaving. She took her clothes from you, stood up and quickly put them back on. You were done gathering your gloves as well as the pieces of her armour while Bo-Katan was getting dressed again.
"There's no need to put them back on," you said before she could ask. You balanced the items of clothing in one arm and pressed them against your chest. You used your other free hand to link yours and Bo-Katan's fingers together. "They were going to get ripped off you again as soon as we'd set foot in your ship."
You pulled on her arm and began walking towards the exit of the castle, impatient to finally leave that damned place.
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
Can you do mandolREYian (I think I spelled that right) for the ask game
OOOOH yes ok
SO, this is a Mandoverse/Sequels AU where Rey is rescued and adopted by Din Djarin and Bo-Katan shortly after the Mandalorian S3 finale. (She's several years older than in canon, which is why that works timeline-wise.) She has a fun and crazy childhood (including a bestfriendship with poe dameron that leaves a lifelong impact on her sense of humor and sarcasm levels. this is relevant) until the poodoo hits the fan and everything falls apart. cue the sequel trilogy, but with fifteen times more shenanigans and silliness!
Here's a snippet!
They stared at each other from beneath their own helmets. “So,” she said, after fifteen or so seconds. “Who talks first, you or me?” He stood up, slowly pacing in a circle around her, and when he spoke, his voice was badly distorted. “That is the second time in two days someone said that to me.” The irreverence seemed to irritate him, which was just fine by Rey. “Who was the other one? Was it Poe? I bet it was Poe.” “It is no concern of yours…” He stopped. “…Din Rey, Clan Kryze.” She hadn’t gone by that name in years, and hearing it froze her in place. “What did you call me?” “Your name.” Rey tried to untense her shoulders and even her breathing. “How did you know that?” “You might say that I am…” He paused, then reached up and took his helmet in his hands, sliding it off with a hiss. “…an old friend.” Silence hung like a fraying thread between them as familiar dark eyes stared straight into hers, even through her helmet’s visor. She slumped backwards, armor clattering against the table. Rey stared at the ceiling, waiting for her brain to compute this. And she burst into laughter. “You are so dead, Ben.” He scowled. “My name is Kylo Ren.” “Oh my gosh. That’s adorable,” she said flatly. “You even gave yourself a new name. You’re really leaning into the goth phase, aren’t you?”
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burnwater13 · 6 months
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Boba Fett and Fennec Shand in Jabba's Palace speaking with the Mandalorian. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Episode 6. From the Desert Comes a Stranger. Calendar by DataWorks.
Grogu liked spending his time with Daimyo Fett and Fennec Shand. They were each fun and interesting in their own ways. Not that he didn’t like spending time with his dad, mind you. He loved spending time with Din Djarin… as long as he was doing something fun and/or interesting. But that didn’t happen every day. 
A typical day for Grogu and the Mandalorian started with rising far too early, sometime right after the sun rose on Nevarro. Washing up and handling personal necessities, which meant that Grogu had to wait to use the privy because his dad took so much time and wouldn’t share the space with Grogu so he could just get his own business done. Then making up beds/hammocks. Checking the perimeter. Down loading data from the security system and then, maybe, if he was lucky, getting some breakfast. 
Breakfast was always tricky because Din Djarin wouldn’t let Grogu cook his own meals and Grogu objected to his dad only heating up ration packs. That meant that Grogu had to do his chores in order to get his dad to make him a bowl of dung worms or freeze dried froglets or anything else that good, like pancakes. After that, Grogu ate too quickly, too messily, and too noisily for the Mandalorian. Apparently he chewed with his mouth open and his dad did not find that endearing. Uff.
After breakfast they cleaned up whatever mess had been made. Washed up again because faces and hands were messy again. Cleaned the table. Blah, blah, blah. Then they went to do their personal work.
That meant that Din Djarin reviewed the data he downloaded from the security system, checked the news feeds, looked at any messages he received from Captain Teva or Greef Karga or Bo-Katan Kryze or even Peli Motto. 
For his part Grogu would meditate for a while and then practice lifting things, pulling things, and pushing things. Then he would go outside and practice it all over again while he was taking his morning jog. Finally, he practiced his ability to sneak up on his dad and remove some piece of gear, usually one or more of the disruptor cartridges, because they were small and his dad didn’t really feel them. Grogu had learned that trying to remove a piece of the beskar armor was a lost cause, even if his dad was really distracted. It was like that stuff was attached to him with invisible threads. It just couldn’t be done. 
By the time Grogu completed a successful stealth move, it was typically lunch time. The rest of the day was pretty much lather, rinse, repeat (or what he had to do when his break for arts and crafts took a messy turn). Sometimes his dad started planning a trip because of a message from one of this contacts, but typically there was a lot of polishing. Armor. The N-1. The weapons. Uff. Even poor R5 ended up being cleaned, oiled, and polished on almost a daily basis.
Now, compare that to spending a typical day with the Daimyo and Fennec.
If they arrived early, then Grogu could join the Daimyo for the morning feeding of the rancor. If they arrived later in the day they simply ate a meal with the Daimyo and Fennec might or might not join them. If she did join them she would regale Grogu with the latest problem that she and the Daimyo had to solve. Those were always great stories about pirates or smugglers or bounty hunters that needed some ‘social readjustment’. 
When his dad asked what ‘social readjustment’ was, Fennec laughed and the Daimyo explained that no one did work like that on Tatooine without his full knowledge and permission.  Fennec had cackled and said no one ever got that permission. 
In the late afternoon Grogu and Daimyo would take the rancor out for some training exercises, while Fennec and his dad argued over which of them was the better sniper. (Don’t tell his dad that he said this, but it’s Fennec. She didn’t have to use those disruptor cartridges that Grogu was always sneaking away with to accomplish her work.)
Finally, in the late afternoon, the younger folks from Mos Espa would stop by to provide updates to the Daimyo and Fennec. They were loud, rowdy, and brightly colored. Grogu found them fascinating and funny. They had lots of stories to share and he enjoyed them all. If he was lucky, Jo or Taanti would come down from Freetown to spend time with the youngsters and will tell them all how the marshal was doing, now that he was back with his modifications all sorted out. 
Between all those events there was lots of food, no demands to be neat or tidy because Fennec said the droids and the Gamorreans needed the practice taking care of things on the fly, and so many different people to talk to or listen to or play a game with, that the last time they visited the Daimyo, Din Djarin got all annoyed and asked Grogu if he just wanted to live with them all the time and not have to bother learning Mandalorian customs and the Creed.
But before Grogu could reply to his dad, Fennec was there shaking her head. 
“Sorry, Mando, you’re not getting a vacation from the kid that easily. Just because the last time you two went to Canto Bight he cleaned up at sabacc doesn’t mean he’s going to stay here for this trip. Have fun learning how to swim!”
Yup! The one time his dad actually planned on doing something fun he was going to leave his best friend and only son behind on Tatooine where nothing exciting ever happened. Dank farrik!
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The Mandalorian (Din Djarin and Bo Katan Kryze dynamic) and the Progression of Courtly Love
Okay okay, okay.
This came up in the the comments on 'O True As Steel, but I thought it might make a fun English 202 Lit Theory post from this amateur researching dude.
To begin, though Courtly Love literature often has a strong thread of eroticism throughout, this can be read as more of a spiritual or religious fevour and is not neccesarily the same as romantic or sexual love. I personally am down with Dinbo because this is a trope I super dig, but I do like a Din/no-one life as well. All shippers welcome in Suspend's Ted Talk.
So, in doing research for aforementioned fic, I kept coming across versions of Barbara W. Tuchman's list of stages from her analysis of Courtly Love literary tradition. The only place I can find the actual source material is a physical copy in a university library across the city and I have stuff going on. So.
Anyhow, her stages, as follows, are fairly self-explanatory:
1. Attraction to the Lady (eyes being a common motif)
2. Worship of the lady from afar
3. Declaration of passionate devotion
4. Virtuous rejection by the lady
5. Renewed wooing and oaths of virtue/fealty
6. Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied desire
7. Heroic deeds of valor
8. Consummation
9. Perpetual adventures
If we put on our reading-too-much-into-things hats, we can apply this structure to the dynamic seen thus far, with episode seven obviously being stage 3. Oof.
So, for those a little bummed that the dynamic wasn't addressed in the finale (and again, even if not into a romantic angle, I think a scene like that pledge does deserve some catharsis from a plot perspective), my take, through the above framework, is that we have hit stage 4.
Seperation by duty would definitely qualify as a virtuous rejection. If the showrunners do decide to continue in a direction where they follow what's happening on Mandalore, my S4 predictions, in this hypothetical at least, would be as follows:
Stage 5 - Clan Din occasionally dips into Mandalore to do classic side quest shiz and there is light banter. Sprinkled in first half of season 4.
Stage 6 - Something big goes down on Mandalore as a major plot point. Someone is endangered or even injured.
Stage 7 - Awesome fight season finale. Complete confidence in show. This is what they do best.
Stage 8 - Ackkowledgement of some kind of relationship. Paladin, consort, devoted pilgrim from afar. Whatevs.
Stage 9 - Season 5 and up
I just like my silly western space fantasy show with a shiny paladin, warrior princess, and wizard son, you know?
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tacticalvalor · 1 year
«────── « CLOSED THREAD » ──────»
FOR: @mayxthexforce MUSE: paz vizsla; descendant of tarre vizsla and protector of the children of the watch. plotted out, no link in source!
The times that had befallen the Watch were intriguing, to say the least. Connections made with the greater world; trust in those who did not follow the Way. Least of all, talks of alliances with Clan Kryze. With Bo-Katan, the false monarch. He, like many others within Clan Vizsla, and within the Children of the Watch as a whole, disregarded her claims to rulership by one simple fact:
She did not earn the Darksaber. She was gifted it.
Still, he didn't have much say in the matter. That was especially true with the "fall" of Din Djarin. He had betrayed their Way, and as such needed to find atonement in the Living Waters before he could come back to their ranks. As such, the burden of responsibility fell upon Paz. Not that he complained, though. Being able to take Din Djarin's place was more than enough of an ego boost atop the reactions he received while traversing from the rocky caves of their new, desert-like home. Compared to many Mandalorians, Paz was a brute. He was broad. Tall. Terrifyingly strong. Most knew not to mess with him, though his confidence did more than inspire a few odd fights.
Such was the case now, as he looked upon the vibrant blue armor before him. And the helmet-less woman adorning it. One of Kryze's Owls...
"Going to keep staring?" A hint of amusement in his voice, though it quickly diminished. "What do you want."
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flowerflamestars · 1 year
Red & Gold snippet
“You think I would endow your rule?” Ara continued, fire and ash. “ I will melt your beskar for the chains you’ll wear when we give you to the Republic. I have seen the Uniter’s face, but you will not survive to see grass grow over the glass hills.” Ara dropped her and then, only then, did Quinlan open the door. “You’re a waste,” Bo-Katan croaked. “You are holy. Take it for yourself then. Give it to your fucking sorcerer- Mandalore is dying.” Armor and anger, her chin raised high, Ara turned back to them. Walked away from the woman who’d raised Deathwatch back to a fury, yet another daughter of the Kryze reaching too far. “Mandalore will always survive, so long as there are Mandalorians. This is the Way.” She did not look back. She walked out, her steps slow and measured, seething silent as the door locked, as Quinlan wordlessly pulled her down the hall, past the guards, and down yet another unused hallway, into a storage space like he’d memorized the route. It was only there, alone with them, that Ara breathed. Pressed the heels of her hands to eyes, and said, rough around the edges, “We can’t give her to the Kevalens.” With a gentleness that was visible, Quinlan brush her elbow like he might skin, glancing touch on the armored joint. Fox was not so gentle. “I’ll kill her.” Feeling slammed back into his brain- depth and breath and enough fire to fill the sky, a bottomless wanting, a bright burning haze over everything- Quinlans’s emotions had color and taste and- disappeared again, leaving a copper iron tang in Fox’s mouth not unlike blood. It would have been preferable, a solid hit to the face, than to lose that tiny, infinite thread. Fox gritted his teeth. “She landed on sovereign Vode soil. It stops there." Ara raised her head, dark eyes liquid. “If that peice of shit Duchess is on Coruscant, Kryze here, and Vizsla dead, who ran them all off of Mandalore?” “Who,” Quinlan breathed, tipping forward until his cheek leaned against the dense weft of her braids, “Has the saber?”
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vanishedangels · 1 year
Clan of Warriors
Click here for First chapter
Summary: While rebuilding Mandalore, Mand'alor Din Djarin is questioned by his people because of his beliefs and origins. In the dawn of a civil war, the council resolves that The Mand'alor must join in marriage with someone close to Bo-Katan Kryze. He’s forced to marry Koska Reeves and accept a loveless union. In the meantime, Din is having a secret relationship with his son’s Master, Jedi Luke Skywalker, his dream of having his own clan of warriors is about to fade away.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, OC, Peli Motto, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles, The Armorer.
Rating: Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence. Explicit Smut.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post Season 2 Finale, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Demisexual Din Djarin, Top Luke Skywalker, Bottom Din Djarin, Top Din Djarin, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Protective Din Djarin, BAMF Luke Skywalker, Adorable Baby Yoda, Sassy Leia Organa, Gai Bal Manda, Blindfolds, Sub Din Undertones, Fantasies, Jealous Luke, Keldabe Kiss, Smut, Jealous Din, Dirty Talk, Face Reveal.
Chapters: 38/?
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Luke couldn't tell how much time had passed since he entered the cave until the moment the Armorer talked to him again, she approached him carrying the fresh forged beskar plates in a neat pile. He blinked astonished discovering that the mudhorn signet was engraved on one of the pauldrons and his heart leapt in his chest.
"Mandalorian Jedi, are you ready?" She asked standing before him and leaning forward.
"I am."
"This is the way."
Chapter 38: Warmth
Standing by the bed, inside The Mand'alor's room, there were two men that went through a lot together. Din couldn't help but caress Luke's beskar chest plate reverently, seeing Luke wearing mandalorian iron for the first time ignited something inside him, a fire that wasn't in there before. Brown eyes fixed on that particular piece of mandalorian armour, the pads of his fingers brushing the surface smoothly, a touch soft as feathers, he looked at Luke, boring into his eyes and closed the distance between them kissing him again as he laid him down on his back. Luke placed his hand at the base of Din's skull, moving his fingers to stroke his brown hair. Din pulled back staring down at his cyare, taking in the sight, he supported himself by leaning his hands on the mattress at Luke's sides. Luke smiled at him, blinking a couple of times "What's on your mind, love?" He asked, his voice quiet as he rubbed the tip of his forefinger along the space between Din's eyebrows, Din swallowed heavily realizing he was frowning.
He cleared his throat "You." He said with a deep voice before closing his eyes and ducking his head to press a kiss on the Jedi's chest plate. The blonde chuckled digging is fingers into Din's scalp, threading his fingers through his dark curls, he let his eyes fall closed before pressing the back of his head against the pillow arching his back a little when he noticed Din was leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses all over the beskar as he soothed his hands on Luke's waist, squeezing his flesh, bringing all kinds of excited noises out of the little Jedi. Din stopped, his chin and bottom lip still pressed against the chest plate, his mouth partially open, he looked up at Luke's face with curious eyes, his lover was squirming beneath him "You like this, don't you?"
Luke nodded opening his eyes, when he met Din's gaze he sighed deeply "Fuck, look at you." He said under his breath pulling at his hair a little and grinding his teeth "How?"
"How, what?" The mandalorian asked moving his head to nuzzle Luke's vambrace, making him let go of his hair, he kept nuzzling Luke's wrist until his mouth reached his glove and he playfully nibbled at the leather making the blonde hiss.
"Fuck." Luke uttered bucking his hips almost involuntarily, grinding up against Din's chest plate, his arousal poking into the other man's beskar. Din's lips curled up in a devilish way, he chuckled softly, looking at Luke sideways, he fluttered his eyelashes as he nibbled at the glove once again, this time letting out a deep sigh, warming Luke's skin through the dark leather. "How could you look this sinful and irresistible after all this time?" He finally answered Din's question.
Din stilled and stared at him for a moment, then he kissed Luke's palm muttering "Oh, yeah?" He moved to sit on his hills, releasing Luke's hand with care "And what about you, cyar'ika?" He eyed him up and down and the Jedi was gaping at him, propping himself up on his elbows "Have you taken a look at yourself today?" He ran his knuckles over Luke's thigh plate, and down, grazing his knee and shin guard. "I-" He trailed off as his hands roamed all over the Jedi's legs.
Luke snorted out a laugh "You like this, don't you?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow, teasing Din by quoting his words. Din crawled over Luke's form and covered him completely with his own body grinding his hips down against his groin, Luke tossed his head back groaning as Din started rocking his hips, the pressure of Luke's hard cock against his own making him moan.
"I think that answers your question, Luke." He huffed, overwhelmed by Luke's response, his cyare moved his legs to give him more access and draped his arm around Din's neck to kiss him only breaking apart to gasp against his lips.
Din's head started spinning when he felt the wetness through the fabric of his trousers, not knowing if it was his own, Luke's or a combination of both of them.
"G-nahh-" He sighed "Luke, I need-"
"Yeah. Me too." The Jedi took his gloves off and slipped his left hand between them and with fidgety fingers he undid Din's fly, Din rested his forehead against Luke's letting out a soft gasp when he felt the Jedi's hot skin around him. He stroked Din's cock a couple of times before freeing himself from the confines of his own trousers, he half smiled curling his hand around both of them as Din wrapped it with his own. They kept moving in tandem, kissing, gasping, groaning and moaning each other's name, until Din withdrew his hand and shifted slightly against the Jedi. Luke opened his eyes and frowned, tilting his head "What?" He whispered between hot puffs. Din grinned tapping his fingers on Luke's hand making him loosen his grip around their members.
He straddled him leaning his forearms on the mattress to support himself and started rutting against Luke, rubbing their cocks together, their chest plates clacking every time they moved. Luke bored into his eyes meeting every thrust, Din loved every single detail of the little Jedi's expression, his eyebrows raised, his blue eyes turned into black pools of arousal, his reddened lips partially open, his cheeks flushed, his dirty blonde hair plastered on his skin, gorgeous. He moved his hand meeting Luke's and pinning it against the pillow above Luke's head, the Jedi intertwined their fingers not breaking eye contact with Din.
Din moved his hips back and forth slowly, relishing in everything Luke was offering him, trying to make this moment last forever. When the blonde moaned deeply, he inclined his head hiding his face in the crook of his neck feeling Luke twitching against him, the Jedi was profusely leaking all over him making his cock throb, Luke felt so silky, hot and wet that the tension in Din's gut grew impossible tighter. Maybe this was a dream and the Jedi wasn't there with him after all but far away from Mandalore as the council demanded, or maybe this was real and he was the man Luke Skywalker chose to be vulnerable with, still it felt like a vivid dream.
"This is how mandalorians make love?" Luke asked, voice shaking, eyes closed, chest plate rising and falling with rapid breaths and Din's brain short-circuited.
The Jedi kept thrusting up against Din until he realized that the mandalorian wasn't moving anymore. He opened his eyes, he frowned leaning back a little to lock eyes with him "Din?" He said letting out a harsh breath. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around Din's shoulders, almost like if he was afraid of killing the moment. "Din? What is it?" He asked again, digging his fingers into Din's neck.
"Are we?" Din finally inquired.
The Jedi's eyes went round, he stared at Din with a puzzled expression "Huh?" He managed to say.
"Are we making love?" Din pressed his lips together feeling his heartbeat speeding up. Although he already knew at this point that Luke was in love with him, he still couldn't process the fact that little Jedi was finally feeling that this was more than just lust. And maybe, just maybe, he needed to convince himself about it as well.
Luke's lips parted as realization seemed to hit him, he raised his eyebrows "Oh." He muttered, he blinked a few times pursing his lips and Din could have sworn that his heart stopped beating until Luke pressed their foreheads together and sighed deeply "If you are asking me if this time feels different-" He moved his head slightly capturing Din's upper lip between his own "It does." He added taking Din's breath away. He smiled against Din's cheek as he caressed his pauldron and arm, then he slid his hand down his chest plate reaching the utility belt "You still have it?" He asked quietly, looking at Din under his lashes.
Din's heart skipped a beat.
"Yes." He answered breathing hard in anticipation.
Luke swallowed tightly "Would you-"
Din didn't hesitate, fishing the small bottle out of his utility belt in a heartbeat, he put it in Luke's hand. "Wait, cyare." Din leaned back "We need to get rid of our armours first."
The blonde Jedi nodded staring down at himself realizing that his chest plate was already stained "I'm sorry, you would find this disrespectful."
Din's heart melted at those words and the sight of Luke's flushed face "No, no, cyar'ika." He chuckled cupping Luke's cheek "This is how mandalorians make love." He couldn't help but smile fondly and Luke mirrored him and sighed in relief. Yes. We're making love.
The Mand'alor moved to give Luke some space, sitting on his heels again, the Jedi sat up onto the mattress unfastening his utility belt, Din couldn't tear his gaze away from him, finding the Jedi in beskar utterly enticing, he proceeded to remove his own utility belt as well, mimicking Luke. Then, the Jedi's fingers froze hovering over his thigh plate's buckles. He frowned staring at the strap wrapped around his thigh, he shook his head bringing his knee close to his chest trying to reach behind his thigh "Wait." He whispered completely focused on the task.
He looked up when Din rested his hand on his other knee "Cyare?" Din smirked enjoying Luke's confusion, then he smiled fondly, feeling a mix of amusement and wonderment, it wasn't his fault Luke looked that adorable when he was trying to solve something that was clearly challenging him. "It's not easy the first time." He nodded squeezing the Jedi's knee.
"Then show me how." Luke grinned sending shivers down Din's spine. Before starting, he took a look at his Jedi, trying to imprint every single detail on his mind, hoping the sight of Luke wearing a mandalorian armour while lying on his bed with his wet hard cock exposed would be etched on his memory forever. Still, it wasn't about the sex, no, it was more about the fact that Din could finally feel that Luke was giving himself to him without restriction. Offering him his heart and soul.
"Gods, Luke, I'm so in love with you." He said absentmindedly while working on Luke's thigh plate's buckles. Little Jedi reached out a hand to stroke Din's cheek, running his thumb across his mustache.
Din removed the plate and immediately leaned forward to press a kiss on Luke's thigh, he noticed the way Luke shifted on the mattress "Be patient, cyare." He said pressing a hand on his hip to keep him in place and moved his head to press another kiss, but this time at the base of Luke's cock, making him shiver.
Luke huffed "You're making it difficult, Mand'alor." He pouted rubbing his hand across his forehead. Even when Din was aching for Luke, ready to give his Jedi everything he needed, to satisfy him, he wanted to savour every second of this.
He took his time removing every piece of beskar, between kisses and exchanged glances, Din's heart was thumping inside his chest and when he rested his hand on Luke's chest he noticed that little Jedi's heart was beating as fast as his own. He took his gloves off, tossing them aside, chuckling when Luke sighed wiggling on the mattress in anticipation, Din opened Luke's jumpsuit slipping his hands beneath the fabric stroking his skin, paying particular attention to his hardened nipples, rubbing them with his thumbs, and Luke was falling apart under his touch. When the blonde moved his hands to bring him close, Din shook his head smirking "Now wait." He leaned back, kneeling on the mattress as he started to work on his own plates with expert fingers.
Luke's eyes followed every move of Din's hands "I've never seen you like this, doing this, it's-" He trailed off and Din caught the way the tendons in his neck moved while pressing his lips together, the Jedi lowered his gaze avoiding Din's face like if he was absorbed in thought and guilt curled up in the pit of Din's stomach. He physically loved Din so many times before and yet this was the first time he was allowed to see him, really see him, no tricks involved, no cheating the creed, no blindfolds. "It's breathtaking, Din." The Jedi added alleviating Din's sudden unpleasant feeling "You're breathtaking." He huffed leaning closer to Din to brush his fingers over his chest plate "Go on, I love the sight." The Jedi said and Din nodded, overwhelmed by the idea that this time there would be nothing between them, no barriers, no layers, and by the time they were falling asleep in each other's arms, two piles of beskar plates would be laying side by side on the floor.
The night before
"He has a point." Luke cut him off.
Din took a few steps back and looked at Shrune who was still standing by the main door, he reluctantly nodded at the old man, and he nodded back before leaving the chamber. Din looked at his cyare again, exhausted and infuriated by his people's constant push, and he was taken aback by the way Luke's expression changed, little Jedi grimaced while getting on his feet slowly, even when he tried to hide it, it seemed that he was feeling the same way as Din was feeling about this matter after all.
"I don't want to leave." Luke said staring at Grogu for a while and then he looked at Din.
"I don't want you to leave either."
"There must be a way." The Jedi pressed his lips together frowning "Like I said, he has a point, these people need to believe that I'm no longer a problem here. We should use that to our advantage." He squinted nodding slowly staring at Din's visor "I mean, Shrune is crazy if he believes that I'm leaving you and Grogu behind, surrounded by imperials." He snorted out a laugh and Din's chest swelled with pride. "I'm staying." The little Jedi added unhesitatingly.
"Cyare." Din put his hands on Luke's shoulders trying to not sound as affected as he was at that moment, Luke Skywalker was fighting for them, for their own little clan and he couldn't feel more proud of him. "You don't know how much it means to me, to us." He said tilting his head down, his visor pointing at Grogu who was still sitting on the floor. Luke looked at the child and Grogu held his gaze, his big brown eyes burning with something that Din couldn't comprehend "Is he talking to you?" He managed to ask.
Luke frowned, not breaking eye contact with baby "Din, if we're doing this, we need to do it right." He looked at Din sideways "They will see me walking out of this building and into a ship." Din frowned behind his helmet. "Except, it won't be me."
Din shifted his weight from one foot to the other tilting his head, completely lost.
"Din, Grogu's right. Miko looks exactly like me."
That morning
Luke grabbed the cloak from the bed and turned around, he blinked staring at the royal guard for a moment, the boy stared back at him in silence. "Miko, I need to ask you... Are you okay with this?" He quietly asked seizing the cloak in an iron grip.
"Yes, Jedi Master." Miko nodded, assertiveness radiating off of him in waves through the force easing Luke effortlessly. "Sir, we need you here, I would do anything to protect our people. And I'm honoured. This is the way." He added lifting his chin proudly making Luke smile.
"This is the way." The Jedi said after him nodding, he closed the space between them and proceeded to neatly arrange the cloak around the young man's shoulders. The boy looked down at his body, assessing his clothes, smoothing down his black robes with his hand. "Here, take my glove." The boy obliged trying not to look at Luke's prosthetic hand. "Don't worry, Reeves and Vizsla will walk beside you, they will shield you in case someone-" He trailed off and the boy locked eyes with him "If someone tried and attacked you... they will protect you, don't worry." He shrugged trying to convince himself more than reassure Miko.
"You already said that, sir." The boy chuckled.
Luke was having second thoughts all of a sudden, but the young guard seemed stout-hearted, and that helped him pay no heed to his unforseen trepidation. He frowned and sighed "Thank you, Miko. I mean it." He said putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Jedi Master, sir?" The boy said, Luke raised his eyebrows. "Obliterate those bastards." He bowed and then took a few steps back "I'm ready, sir."
"Please, call me Luke." He smiled as Miko tilted his head.
"Alright, Luke. I'm ready."
"Din and Vizsla are right about you, you're dependable and strong, I'm thankful you're The Mand'alor's personal guard." Luke twisted his lips "Thank you for your service, Miko. I'll see you soon."
The young guard's eyes shone with something that Luke recognized as fulfilment. He turned around and he opened the door, Din was waiting for them outside, in the living room, the mandalorian looked tense, Luke's eyes went immediately to his hands, they were curled into fists, even when his face was covered, Luke could read Din's mood effortlessly by now. The way Din used to square his shoulders when he was feeling uneasy was present, Luke shook his head and tried to look composed but deep down he was as agitated as Din was surely feeling. Paz and Koska were standing by the main door, the Jedi came to a halt by the Armorer's side allowing Miko to approach Din, the young guard parted his lips staring at his black visor, sighing softly.
Din tilted his head, something unfathomable squirming in his gut, he grabbed the hood with both hands and covered the boy's face "They can't see your eyes." He said quietly shooting a glance over the boy's shoulder. Luke's eyes looked sad even at the distance. Din swallowed tightly thinking back to the night before when the Armorer offered her service in order to design a complete mandalorian armour for Luke so he could move around without being noticed, and the way the Jedi flinched afterwards, asking if that was allowed. Din was afraid of being selfish here, even when Luke swore that he wanted to wear the beskar armour, he couldn't help but think he was only accepting the suggestion to please him.
Miko said something to Paz, snapping Din out of his thoughts. He looked at his guard again and his breath hitched, he felt that he was staring at Luke, the real one, his eyes admired the boy's pale skin, the dimple in his chin and his soft lips, he smiled behind his helmet, taken aback by the idea that he was standing before a twenty-year-old Luke and his stomach did something funny he didn't want to address. Therefore, he didn't.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Miko. This is the way." Din said finally, gesturing towards the door.
The moment they left the chamber, the Armorer and the Jedi waited until no one was still around and crossed the hall, reaching a door that led to the supplies room. According to the plan, they were heading to the great forge through a secret passage. Din's heart jumped into his throat the moment he stood on the headquarters front step, watching Miko walking down the main street knowing that at that same moment Luke, his real Luke, was sneaking into their sacred forge and the mere thought of someone discovering him was enough to make his heart rate skyrocket.
"Take a seat, Jedi Master." The Armorer said turning her back to Luke. The blonde Jedi looked around, the place was intimidating, the cave was enormous, with vaulted ceilings framing an imposing structure that resembled a shrine in the middle, with columns that surrounded an everlasting blue fire. Luke sat down in front of the great forge, admiring it. He rested both hands on his thighs, shifting a little on the cold stone when the Armorer turned back, her visor pointing at his face. "This is the heart of our culture, our people." She said wielding her hammer in one hand and the tongs in the other one.
The Jedi cocked his head not breaking eye contact with her visor "You said that this is allowed." He pressed his lips together "But I'm aware I am a foreigner, they see me as a foreigner. An interloper." He cast a glance over his shoulder still remembering Bo-Katan's words the day before.
"And what do you feel, Jedi?"
Luke frowned looking down "I'm not a mandalorian." He said under his breath and his stomach clenched.
"As far as I know, you are." She said flatly. Luke snapped his head up to look at her. "The Mand'alor considers you his clan. Do you consider yourself his clan?"
"Yes." Luke said as something pleasant squirmed in his stomach "I'm Din's clan."
"Then choose your colours, mandalorian."
"My colours..." He wet his bottom lip with his tongue. "Din didn't paint his armour, I-I want an armour that matches his."
The Armorer nodded "Silver. That's the colour of your clan, then."
That made Luke think about Grogu "Wait, I want to add something, maybe the helmet could be green."
"Done." She turned around "Why green?"
"Because of Grogu." Luke answered and his smile reached his eyes.
"And what about you, mandalorian?" She asked turning her head towards him slightly. "Which one is your colour?"
He blinked staring at the back of her helmet for a while "Black."
"Then those are your colours, I'll keep your armour silver except for your helmet."
When she started working on the beskar Luke fell into a hypnotic oneiric state, he couldn't move anymore, feeling cold ice piercing his bones and his pulse pounded through his veins furiously as the sight of the Armorer maneuvering her tools started blending in with visions of ghosts from the past.
Skeletons on the sand. A sharp persistent pain in his right wrist. Leia's voice breaking. A black helmet hovering over his face, heavy breathing sounds and the words "I am your father." haunting his soul all over again as his heart was thudding frantically against his ribs.
He couldn't tell how much time had passed since he entered the cave until the moment the Armorer talked to him again, she approached him carrying the fresh forged beskar plates in a neat pile. He blinked astonished discovering that the mudhorn signet was engraved on one of the pauldrons and his heart leapt in his chest.
"Mandalorian Jedi, are you ready?" She asked standing before him and leaning forward.
"I am."
"This is the way."
Luke took the plates from her hands carefully, running the tip of his fingers over the cold beskar "This is the way." He sighed as warmth bloomed in his chest.
Din was kissing Luke's sweaty chest, running his tongue across his collarbones when the Jedi grabbed his face in his hands forcing him to look at his blue eyes, he felt his soft breath against the skin of his forehead and eyelids, so close, so right. "Din..." He said breathing hard "She asked me if I was your clan. The reason I accepted this armour was because I do feel I'm your clan." He whispered almost apologetically, digging his fingers into Din's cheekbones and sideburns.
"You are. You are." Din replied running his lips across Luke's jawline "You are." His voice came out strangled.
The Jedi nodded, his hand searching within the nest of sheets and blankets they were cocooned in, Din looked down when he felt the touch of Luke's fingers on his hand, the Jedi was pressing the small bottle against his palm "Stretch me open for you, Din." Luke said, his chest heaving, he bored into Din's eyes making him nod in silence, completely flabbergasted by his little Jedi's request. Luke smiled sheepishly and rolled over to lie on his stomach, Din leaned back watching him placing a pillow under his hips.
"Gods, cyar'ika." Din leaned in, he hid his face in the space between his shoulder blades breathing in, basking in Luke's scent.
"Please, Din." Luke whimpered, he crossed his arms to rest his face against them "Please, love." His voice muffled and Din looked up toying with the blonde curls at his nape, rubbing his shoulder blades with calloused fingers, he moved backwards inclining his head to kiss his waist, he straddled Luke's legs as his hands ran down kneading the back of his thighs, he opened the vial and his gut twisted with want when he heard Luke letting out a desperate sound, something between a sigh and a moan.
"Yes, cyare, I'll give you everything you want." Din coated his fingers with oil, leaning in, nuzzling Luke's small back, brushing his lips and mustache over his skin.
"Take everything you want, Din." He said and moaned when Din squeezed his thighs with wet hands.
"Are you mine, Luke?" Din was feeling bold enough to ask, intoxicated with a sudden feeling of possessiveness.
"Ah-" Luke nodded frantically against his crossed arms "Forever, babe."
Din squeezed his eyes shut, his hands on Luke's thighs faltering "I'm yours too, cyare."
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potestmagice · 1 year
Plots I would love to do
Rumplestiltskin and Belle Anything regarding them. Them in the Enchanted Forest, or them in Sotrybrooke. AUs of them, or them in Westeros, like in my Game of Thrones fanfiction.
the Professor and Melinda Halliwell
Leo Wyatt and Piper Halliwell
the Professor and Clara Oswald Anything from my fanfiction, Once Upon a Time Lord. Like when they meet, or their life in Storybrooke, or adventures with the Doctor. the Professor and Rey Anything where the Professor finds Rey on Jakku, and takes her as a companion. Set before the events of the sequel trilogy. the Eleventh Doctor and Sabine Wren After the events of Rebels season four, the Doctor finds Sabine on Lothal, and she becomes his companion. the Twelfth Doctor and Bo-Katan Kryze After regenerating, the Doctor crash lands on Mandalore (during the purge of Mandalore) and meets Bo-Katan. The two of them soon become friends and she becomes his companion. the Professor and Sara Lance Anyhting that explores their relationship. They start off like the Doctor and River Song, where their timelines are out of sync before they find each other in the right order (just before Legends Season 2), and they become co-captains of the Waverider. the Professor and Kara Danvers A crossover between Doctor Who, UNIT: the New Series and Supergirl, where Kara becomes an agent under Kate Stewart's UNIT. the Professor and Daenerys Targaryen Anything from my Game of Thrones fanfiction. Would love to explore threads between these two. the Professor and Drizella Tremaine Would love to do something where the Professor finds Drizella instead of Regina Wake Up Call).
Cal Kestis and Merrin Would love to explore their relationship between the two. Like events between Fallen Order and Survivor, and after Survivor, of course.
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featherstcnes-a · 4 years
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bo-katan had never been one to keep her opinions to herself. she was overly outspoken --------- sometimes, a bit too outspoken for her own good. her and her sister always shared different opinions -- always fighting tooth and nail for what they believed in. “ --------- are you going to continue to hate me for the rest of your life? or are we both going to see sense one day?” to her, it felt like them ever having any sense of peace between them was a lifetime away. 
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“you know there needs to be change. there needs to be something more.” her helmet was off, eyes holding a fire as she looked at her sister. “we can’t keep pretending that what’s happening is working. you have to understand that my people are fighting for something real.” she used the ‘my’ as a personal dig, her standing up a bit straighter as she looked kept her gaze focused on satine. / @peacesought​ sc
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beautifulics · 4 years
      ❛ i know you must HATE me, ❜ the whole thing had went sideways and she knew, she knew, those sith lords weren’t there to make friends. but how could she have predicted that they would kill vizla and take a hold of mandalore ? it was idiotic and shameful even that they allowed this to happen right beneath their noses. ❛ and you have every reason to. ❜ bo’s PRIDE was stinging her with every word, and only now piercing green eyes turned to meet with the blue of her sister’s. ❛ but can we talk ? ❜
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@kryze​ ♡ !
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dinsverdika · 2 years
The Answer to Boredom is Pleasure (part. II)
Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze/mandalorian!Reader
Tags (as posted on AO3): smut, established relationship (though it can be read as ambiguous), kissing, dry humping, thumb sucking, thigh riding, standing up sex, opening for round 3, use of mando'a
Word count: 1,105
Notes: I was supposed to post this yesterday but Star Wars emotionally damaged me so I didn't. There will be a third and final part to this series at some point.
edit: I forgot the Mando'a translation(s):
mesh'la: beautiful (used for reader)
< part. I || • || part. III >
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The kisses were messy and hungry as you and Bo-Katan made your way to her sleeping quarters, beskar clattering as your numerous pieces of armour hit the floor; left to be forgotten as lust overtook the both of you.
You gasped into her mouth as your back hit the door of her sleeping quarters with force. A growl of satisfaction vibrated in Bo-Katan's chest as she pressed her body against yours, leaving you no room to escape her desire. Her hands sliding up and down your sides fueled your own desire. The kiss deepened as you threaded your fingers through her short hair.
No matter how physically close you were to one another, it never seemed enough. Bo-Katan craved you as much as you did her, no amount of physical pleasure will ever be able to satiate that need.
Bo-Katan gave your kiss-swollen lips some rest as she trailed down your jawline with quick kisses. You let out a sigh as she found the sensitive spot below your ear. Her warm breath against your skin had you weak in the knees, Bo-Katan couldn't help but smirk as you shivered against her.
Your face had grown warm and your heart was beating in your ears as you tilted your head to the side. Bo-Katan, who caught your not-so-subtle hint, licked a broad stripe on your skin before sucking it between her lips.
"Bo…" you breathed out.
She replied with a muted hum. She shifted positions, one of her legs parting your own legs; bending it until her thigh was pressed against your clothed crotch. She let go of your skin with a pop as you instinctively began grinding your hips. A shaky breath was exhaled out of you as the pleasurable friction made you dizzy with want.
Bo-Katan tore her face away from your neck, her half-lidded eyes found your flustered face. Contentment washed over her as she brought her thumb to your bottom lip.
"Do you think you could come like this?" she asked. She pulled on your lip, revealing your bottom row teeth. She let it snap back in place.
You nodded frantically, too far gone to form coherent sentences. Her thumb didn't leave your lip. She pushed it past your lips instead. The desperate whine you let out as you happily accepted her thumb into your mouth almost made her lose her composure.
The taste of her leather glove spread on your tastebuds as you suckled on her thumb. Your eyes, which were overshadowed with lust, locked with Bo-Katan's eyes. Her hunger for you was rapidly bringing you to the point of no return. You'd been so close already, pleasing Bo-Katan with your tongue almost made you come untouched.
Your hips, which had adopted a sensual, slow rhythm, were now frantically rutting on her thigh.
The strenuous effort had a thin layer of sweat appearing all over your face. This position was not the most practical but the predicament it put you in made the tension in your lower tummy coiled.
Unrelenting waves of pleasure were drifting you away as the friction on your clit had you heaving and panting. Your inner-walls were fluttering around nothing. You were close, so close.
Your hands found Bo-Katan's shoulders, your fingers gripped on them as an attempt to not let your trembling legs bring you down. Bo-Katan slid her arms around your waist, firmly pressing you against her even more.
Bo-Katan's face found your neck once more. She nuzzled your ear, softly blowing it on it. Your whole body twitched at the sensation.
"Come on," she purred in your ear. "I've got you, mesh'la." You swallowed. "You've been so good for me." She planted a kiss on your ear. "Let go, let me hear your pretty moans as you come for me."
The back of your head hit the wall behind you as shockwaves gripped your body. Your vision turned blurry before turning pitch-black as you closed your eyes. Choked sobs breached your lips as you fell apart on her thigh. Bo-Katan had you fully pressed against the wall with her upper-body as your legs failed you to keep you upright.
The shockwaves of pleasure eventually quieted down, your muscles let go of the tension and tingles prickled your skin as a renewed sense of euphoria coursed through your veins. You failed to hold back the giggles bubbling up your throat, your features stretching into a grin.
Bo-Katan, who thought your post-orgasm giggles were endearing, draped her lips over yours in a tender kiss. It did nothing to quiet them down, making Bo-Katan smile against your mouth.
"Is your head okay?" she asked, cupping the back of your head. "You banged it pretty hard."
"You banged me pretty hard," you slurred.
Bo-Katan snorted, you internally noted that you hadn't heard her snort like that in a long while. "You're pleasure-drunk," she replied, gazing into your eyes.
"And whose fault is that, huh?" you teasingly asked.
You kissed her tenderly before she could form an answer. Bo-Katan reciprocated the kiss.
"We didn't even make it to your sleeping quarters," you said with a soft laugh.
Bo-Katan planted another kiss on your lips instead of answering. You caught her lips once more as she tried to lean away from you, one of her hands slid on the wall you were pressed on, looking for the panel near the door. Bo-Katan’s arms tightened around you as the door whooshed open behind you, preventing you from falling backwards.
You hummed into the kiss as she gently pushed you into her sleeping quarters. “Does that mean that we’re making it inside?”
"You didn't think I was actually done with you, did you?" she asked in a whisper.
"Well, I was hoping that we would actually get rid of our clothes," you replied.
"I see…" she said.
Your heart began racing again as the door slid shut behind you, isolating the two of you in the intimacy of her sleeping quarters.
"Let's start with getting rid of your clothes first, shall we?" she said, finding the front zipper of your flight suit and pulling it down slowly.
You swallowed as the zipper reached to a stop at your navel, anticipation building up in your chest once more as Bo-Katan pulled apart the seam of your zipper. Bashfulness washed over you as her eyes lingered on your newly-exposed skin. Her touch, as she slid her hands under your flight suit, reignited the flames of arousal in your tummy.
Her eyes darted up, gazing into yours. Her lips were back on yours again, making you shiver as she gently guided you towards her bed…
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The Phantom Apprentice
A Star Wars AU featuring Ghost Mechanics from Danny Phantom
Eventually this will be posted to Ao3, but that is a long while off, so I figured I’d let people begin to enjoy it on here. Additional Chapters will appear on this post as a reblog because I’m not too concerned with making this look pretty.
Based on this continued thread of rambled nonsense…
follow the tag #phantom apprentice au to recieve all updates promptly!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 
Summary, tags, and warnings under the cut!
[]=======[}———————           ~<^>~           ———————{]=======[]
Rating: Teen
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Categories: Gen
Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn/Tahl, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor (Star Wars), Tahl (Star Wars), Xanatos (Star Wars), Bant Eerin, Dooku (Star Wars), Force Ghost Thame Cerulian, Satine Kryze, Bo Katan Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Asajj Ventress, Darth Maul, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, Torrent Company Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Ghost Company Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Shmi Skywalker, Merrin (Star Wars), Nite Owls (Star Wars), Keelyvine Reus, Komari Vosa, Yoda
Additional Tags: Force Shenanigans (Star Wars), Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi, it makes sense trust me, Danny Phantom AU, The Force, Force Visions, Graphic Depictions of Violence Because War is Messy, Obi-Wan Totally Not Being Korkie’s Father For X Number of Chapters, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Anakin please take a chill pill, Not Yoda Friendly, No Yoda Bashing Though, He is a Gremlin and Makes His Own Mistakes Without My Help, Yoda’s Disaster Lineage, The Disaster Lineage,  Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, the thrilling sequel, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Angst and Tragedy, I think we can all agree there’s a lot of Angst, No Beta we die like Qui-Gon, which is ironic because he lives in this SUMMARY
“It’s alright, it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s okay, you’re not a monster, just a human, and you made a few mistakes… It’s alright, it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s okay, you’re not a demon, there’s a reason you’re behaving that way…”                                                                                     -“It’s Alright,” Mother Mother []=======[}———————           ~<^>~           ———————{]=======[] When Obi-Wan Kenobi agreed to help his friend Garen Muln complete his project for class a few months before his thirteenth birthday, he had no idea what the ramifications of that decision would be. Now, caught between Life and the Living Force, Obi-Wan must navigate the pros and cons of being part ghost…
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gffa · 4 years
There’s a really interesting interview with Katee Sackhoff about Bo-Katan up up on starwars.com right now and this part is really making me feel a lot of things:
Describing her character as a “headstrong rebel” and a warrior at her core, “she has never known how to lead,” Sackhoff says. “She’s always reserved that for her sister, for the diplomats and the politicians. She was the warrior. And I think that we’ve seen her from our first introduction to her and where we’re finding her now is this person who’s struggled with that and then ultimately leaned into it and realized that — pun intended! — this is the way. She is the rightful leader and she does know how to lead. She understands the way the Mandalorians think, their history, and their beliefs and who they are as a people. And that — we’ve seen her grow into that. And she still has faults.”
Behind the scenes, Sackhoff does not hesitate to call out her character’s sense of self-importance. “We’ve talked a lot about how she has a tremendous ego on her. And a lot of leaders do. Sometimes to be a good leader, you have to know that you know what is right for your people. And that does come with ego.”
Beyond that transformation, Sackhoff sees the character as a beacon of hope. “For a person who started out on the wrong side of this fight and to see her grow and broaden her mind and be open to change is such a metaphor for life and forgiveness,” Sackhoff says. “And how people can change. Because she did.”
I’m glad that they’re acknowledging that Bo-Katan has a character arc, that where she started was pretty shitty and that the point is that she’s changed, I’m glad that they’re still talking about how flawed she is and she’s struggling to figure this shit out, but at the same time I’m feeling very frustrated on the behalf of how Star Wars has been telling stories lately. Which is that, while I’m glad they’re acknowledging that there’s a character arc there, we don’t really get to see that arc.  We don’t get to really see Bo-Katan’s growth, we only see her in flashes across the timeline and much of her screentime isn’t really set from her point of view.  So, we see she’s changed between her time in The Clone Wars and in Rebels.  We see she’s changed even more between Rebels and The Mandalorian.  It’s cool to have her as one of the connective threads, it’s exciting to go HELL YEAH BO-KATAN JUST SHOWED UP IN LIVE ACTION AND SHE WAS AWESOME, because she was! But we don’t actually see a lot of the character arc she has.  Satine dies and we barely get a glimpse of her, it was far and away more Obi-Wan’s story than it was Bo-Katan’s (or, frankly, even Satine’s herself).  We don’t see her character growth for when she’s ready to pick up the dark saber to lead Mandalore.  We don’t see how she loses it or what’s been happening off to the side of the stories we are being told. This is kind of my thing with Mandalore’s story as a whole--it’s really fun to have all this connective narrative thread, to get more and more info, it’s fun to speculate and put the pieces together!  But I’m growing increasingly sure that we’re never actually going to see several of the key events of what happened, like the Night of a Thousand Tears or what happened when Mandalore decided to stand up to the Empire.  And I’m wonder if we’re ever going to get the key moments of Bo-Katan’s character arc or if they’re all just going to happen off-screen and we’ll get references to that they happened, but we don’t actually see them? And maybe that’s on me, for expecting Bo-Katan’s character to be more central to the bigger Star Wars picture than she is, maybe she (and Mandalore) aren’t meant to have the same kind of linear narrative structure that the Clone Wars or the Rebellion or even the Resistance had.  And it’s not like George Lucas didn’t tell his story out of order as well--but there we generally got to see the major events. It’s not that I want The Mandalorian to become anything other than what it is, it’s great as it is and I’m enjoying it so much!  And, honestly, the show is far more Jon Favreau’s than it is Dave Filoni’s so this is not the place to turn into the Bo-Katan Kryze show. So, I guess what I’m winding my way towards is:  GIVE BO-KATAN HER OWN SERIES.  MAYBE AN ANIMATED MINI-SERIES THAT ACTUALLY SHOWS ALL THE MAJOR ARCS FOR HER BUT IS ONLY LIKE SIX EPISODES LONG.  I’D WATCH IT AND I THINK IT WOULD MAKE DAVE FILONI’S STORYTELLING BETTER TO BE PUT BACK IN A “TELL A STORY IN A LINEAR FASHION” STRUCTURE.
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