#(yes the line from repo if you know you know)
ratasum · 2 years
Apropos of nothing, Makko has absolutely slept with Evon Gnashblade.
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 5 months
A-Z Sherlock Fan Fiction Tropes Bingo
Many thanks to @swissmissing for creating this bingo card! Because I'm like that, I decided to go for a blackout bingo! And because, even as I was typing these, I kept thinking of more wonderful fics that would fit the brief, I hope to fill in my bingo card again. Writers are amazing and deserve to be lauded, and I have left off so many amazing fics and authors. Besides, we all need fic recs. 💙
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AU/Amnesia The Murder of Emory J Amat by chriscalledmesweetie. Sherlock and John in 1920's AgathaChristieLand. It's a WIP but is currently updating weekly. (52k, T)
BDSM/Bodyswap - Certain Skills by NoStraightLine. John expressly told Sherlock that if he stole his gun again he’d get the fucking he was asking for. Sherlock “Boundaries Are Boring” Holmes stole John’s gun. (3k, E)
Crossover/Crack - Repo Men by Anyawen. In which Mrs Turner's married ones are James Bond and Q. Q is kidnapped; everybody is a BAMF. (7k, G)
Domestic/Disability A Building of Bridges by pengke. Alternate first meeting. No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened. “Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.” (11k, G)
Established Relationship/Enemies to Lovers - Interview by bluebellofbakerstreet. In which the boys are in an 80's punk band, and are being interviewed by Rolling Stone. (2k, G)
Future/Fluff 50. Be You - No one Else Can by KittenKin. John's had a bad day and Sherlock doesn't know how to help. They both feel better at the end, and you will, too. (1k, G)
Gen/Genderswap - The Art of Communication by stillwaters01. Lestrade is receiving odd texts from Sherlock; he reads between the lines and brings help. (2k, T)
Historical/Humor - Acceptable Behavior by bbcatemysoul. Sherlock isn't really sure why John wants to shag him, but he's certain that if he's careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. (3k, M)
Illness/imprisonment -  Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor. Harrowing account of John's battle with mental health issues and addiction after - you know - everything. (280k, E)
Jealousy/Jilted - Hungry by LipstickDaddy. John can't figure out why Sherlock is being so nice to that new guy working with the yard. (7k, G)
Kids/Kink - The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem. Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine. (22k, E)
Long/Love Triangle The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie. “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!” (152k, E)
Magical Realism/Major Character Death Left by LifeonMars. John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (45k, M)
NSFW/Next Gen. Warzone by abundantlyqueer. Three smutty stories that pick up where the first two episodes left off. (13k, E)
Omegaverse/Only One Bed - Scars Don't Lie by CumberCurlyGirl. The prospect of going undercover as husbands to a couples retreat is just too enticing to refuse. (33k, M)
Parenthood/Platonic The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow. Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been ... in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street. (32k, T)
Queer/Quest Dance With Me by TotallySilverGirl. Sherlock's queer quest for johnlock requires dancing, and some help from Sally Donovan. (28k, E)
Retirement/Road Trip - The Winter Garden by Callie4180. As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical. (31k, T)
Soulmates/Slow Burn Soul Mate by Mottlemoth. Mystrade. The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. (4k, T)
Teen AU/Time Travel - The Curious Adventure of the Drs Watson by ShinySherlock. What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places? (40k, M)
Undercover/Unrequited - Last Call at the Homesick Pub by Chryse. During the hiatus, Sherlock is both undercover and suffering from unrequited love. (3k, T)
Vampires/Villain POV - Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost. John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it. (Modern vampire AU) (18k, M)
Whump/Werewolves When Your Belly’s in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart. The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side. (4k, T)
Xenomorphism/Xmas - Ghost Stories by SwissMiss. Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something. (22k, M)
Zombies/Zoomorphism - Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul. Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended.A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell. Still a WIP, but worth it. (44k, M)
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ana-lora-rein · 1 year
𝘌𝘺𝘬𝘵𝘢𝘯 𝘛𝘴𝘢𝘩𝘦𝘺𝘭𝘶 ܟ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1 ܟ Broken Wings
Amateur translation. Postcanon.
Fandom Avatar.
Marines don't die, they go to hell...
His ears were ringing endlessly, and his heart, pounding frantically in his chest, seemed about to burst out. The only thing that cooled off was the tailwind, which kept from passing out. If he had lowered his eyelids for even a second, in a fainting state, he would have fallen from the flying banshee straight into the rocky abyss of the soaring mountains. Miles felt warm trickles of blood rolling down his temples. He had to overcome the stabbing pain in his body to brush it away with his hand.
— Bitch... — Quoritch cursed, spitting up the clots. He gripped his fingers tightly on the collar straps of the winged beast, guiding it toward the base.
The flight wasn't long, but all the way there, Miles had only one thought: Why didn't his son stay with him? Little Spider, struggling with conflicting feelings, did not let him die: pulled from the bottom of the wreckage of the sinking shuttle, growled one last word and fled away. Maybe the kid did it out of the compassion he'd inherited from Sally? Or out of a sense of indebtedness to the one who had brought him into the world? In any case, the colonel was left confused. And in the back of his mind, two very different beginnings were struggling. They, like cats, were gnawing at him from inside, reminding him that sooner or later he would have to choose. One was demanding to turn around, to find that scoundrel Sully and take out the wretched gang for the damage they'd done, and the other was wanting to forget, to tell everyone to go to hell. His jaw clenched in irritation, and Miles clenched his teeth. He promised himself he'd figure it out. But there was no way to undo what had happened. His team, his loyal comrades-all of them dead at the hands of the blue apes. What a shame for him as commander! Poor Lyle. He wanted to go to the makeshift sauna at the bottom of the hill just outside the town. And the Reaper... She'd still be alive and well, even if she was blue in the body. Mansk had intended to ask the beastie out on a date. And though all the boys knew how foolish his idea was, he couldn't ask anyone else out.
«Scumbag Sully and his cum wife!»
A gagging interrupted Miles' thoughts. Rekom crouched on his side, spitting out blood. A stinging, biting pain squeezed under his ribs. He mentally counted the damage his enemy had done: a punctured shoulder, something like a lung wound, a concussion that made him dizzy and his eyes swim. All this he had felt once before. On Earth War, it was like déjà vu, a memory that came back to him. The pain was the same, but the motivation was different.
Hear that, Sally, how does it feel to betray your country?
The Winged Beast. Banshee. It suddenly nervously fluttered its wings, screaming as if distraught. The animal sensed everything the rider was experiencing. The colonel remembered the connection (tsaheylu). This connection seemed too strong, too obscene and too explicit. Gathering his will into a fist, Miles took a deep breath and exhaled, placing his palm against the banshee's head. He stroked the beast, tried to calm it down, because we don't need the bird to get nervous and send it into the abyss. The colonel understood that he had to get to know his new friend better, to learn the subtleties of communication.
Like a thunderclap, the wireless rattled loudly in his ear. He still had the earpiece with the microphone in his ear.
— Quaritch! Can you hear me? General Ardmore calling!
— Shit... — Miles sighed heavily, coughing and coughing up, — Yes, I'm on the line, General! The mission failed, there were too many of them! Back to base!
— Why haven't you been in contact for two hours?! What happened?! What happened to Dr. Ian Garvin?!
— Missing or dead.
— And Captain Mick Scoresby?
Miles crouched in pain and wrapped his arm around himself, trying to answer as calmly as possible. He never liked to report, especially to women, and the worst thing for him was when it was a woman who turned out to be the boss. The colonel could only respect the generaless for the first half of the day he met her before she got under his skin with arrogance and prejudice.
«Fucking bitch...»
He had to unfasten the Velcro vest and throw it off his bloody body: even the clothes squeezing his chest prevented him from speaking.
— Missing or dead, — the Colonel repeated.
— Go immediately back to the scene and find the doctor! Can you hear me?
— I hear you. — Miles's breathing quickened and his eyelids seemed too heavy.
He wanted to finish, but the shroud that fell over his eyes and the ringing in his ears plunged him into darkness. His hands slid down, and recom fell chest-to-chest on the banshee's neck, finally losing his composure and his equilibrium.
Laura Asadi always loved weekends. Even though the sun was beating down like never before, illuminating the city streets with its scorching rays and casting glares on the glass panoramas of the buildings, she went to the park for a long-awaited jog. Nothing could have made her happier than the mesmerizing nature of Pandora. Unless it was music on her headphones and a desire to pursue dancing, singing, photography, or maybe even writing a novel. But as much as a young soul's heart tugged at creativity, it was her profession as a therapist that allowed Laura to leave a dying planet and find herself in the most influential organization. The RDA appreciated her abilities and welcomed her into their ranks. They gave her a new life that she longed to share with her family. Happy for their daughter's fate, her parents remained on Earth. Laura could only arrange their move to Pandora by working off her first contract, and she humbly awaited that day.
The week flew by unnoticed. Every day she had to work late with patients caught up in the maelstrom of events. People couldn't find common ground with the local tribes: A prolonged war had broken out. Diversion after diversion claimed more and more victims. Few survived the battle with the Na'vi. Lora understood that they were fighting for their territories, and were not at all happy to have unexpected visitors from space. Any attempt to negotiate between the two parties to the conflict was backfiring. Too different lives, too different species, too different view of the world.
Laura admired the philosophy of the Na'vi. Before going to bed, she read books about this amazing species, their culture and everyday life. She especially liked the works of the once popular scientist Grace Augustine. Fifteen years ago this woman had managed to make contact with the Omatikaya forest clan. They even built a school for children, where Miss Augustine taught earthly lessons and shared her knowledge. But, unfortunately, her efforts were wasted. There was a conflict that remained the subject of numerous theories. Laura heard only one truth: A certain Marine Jake Sully, an Avatar member, sided with the Na'vi during the first war, gathered the clans into an army, and prevailed by expelling the humans from Pandora. This precedent has remained on everyone's lips to this day. After all, from time to time Sully would sabotage military depots and blow up cargo trains. Some considered him a collaborator, a traitor to the motherland, and some quietly admired him and wished him victory. Laura, on the other hand, always found it difficult to choose. She tried to stay out of the fuss and do her job - to heal the wounded, to save lives. After all, working off her contract to get her family back from a dying, poisoned Earth.
Gathering her long dark hair into a ponytail, Laura stepped into the thicket of the park, breathing in the scents of the local flora through the transparent oxygen mask. She liked to come here in the mornings when she got up early: she enjoyed nature, and fed the funny prolemurs with bananas before exercising. Some animals began to recognize her, came down from the trees and unceremoniously stretched out their paws in the hope of getting a treat. This time red apples were waiting for them. No sooner had the girl rustled her backpack than twigs rattled around her. On all sides there were those who wanted to eat them. They wiggled their ears, curiously waiting and looking at the guest with interest.
— Guys, not all at once, you do remember to be able to share, don't you? — Laura laughed as she handed out the apples. One of the cubs, begging for attention, climbed down from his mother and brazenly climbed onto the girl's shoulder, wrapping one pair of long paws around her and tugging at the strap of her top with the other. — Oh, is that you, buddy? I remember you, you're growing up fast...
She quickly got used to and grew to love the animals here. Her acquaintances and colleagues always wondered how these animals let her in so quickly. After all, usually prolemurs tried to stay away from people, and if they approached, it was only for a moment. Inadvertently, Laura thought she loved animals more than people, and she should have gone to the veterinary department. If it weren't for her promise to her dad and her love of the arts, she would have. Born into a family of the medical generation, she hadn't found the courage to break a long-standing tradition. Even though she felt out of place, she was one of the best in the department.
Asadi didn't have time to finish feeding the prolemur pack. Suddenly the roar, so wild and piercing to the core, made the beasts scream and scatter in panic in the bushes. The girl shuddered, clutching her heart in terror. The sweep of bright blue wings that came down on the ground, crushing the bushes, shocked and stunned her. Laura had never seen a mountain banshee this close. From something screaming in panic and shaking her head. The girl opened her eyes in wild amazement. A bloodied, unconscious Na'vi had fallen from the winged animal's back. A tall blue body in military gear fell between two prickly bushes. The banshee flapped its wings and rose into the air, disappearing into the sky.
«Oh my God, it's an avatar!»
Laura dropped to her knees and crawled toward the man. The long thorns of the bushes touched her tanned skin, scratching her to the point of pain. The girl clenched her teeth from the unpleasant thrill, but, holding herself together, approached the victim. Streams of blood trickled from his wide nose, mingling with the profuse sweat on his blue skin. The avatar furrowed his dark eyebrows and lowered his pointed ears in pain and agony, but he did not regain consciousness. He only opened his mouth, breathing heavily in the air he needed.
Laura caught her breath. She stared in shock at the three-meter-tall humanoid she was seeing for the first time in her life. Her hands were shaking with excitement. She hadn't had to deal with avatars yet. The therapist wasn't sure she could give first aid to this creature properly, because she didn't know how much their anatomy matched that of a human. But despite her fear and uncertainty, her therapist habit was to go nowhere. With feverish movements, she began to check for a pulse and determine the damage to her body. The girl also fleetingly noticed the long tail she had accidentally sat on. She hesitantly put her palms to the humanoid's chest, probing for numerous cuts. Blood was flowing from the punctured shoulder. She had to act immediately. The purple insignia of skulls and a snake on the victim's clothing suggested that this was someone very important to the RDA. A recombinant organism. Back from the dead, he risked ending up on the other side of the world again.
The therapist gathered her senses and was vigilant. She grabbed the edges of her cotton T-shirt, tearing the white fabric in two halves. A few moments more, and the punctured shoulder was carefully bandaged. The girl couldn't let it die. Quickly she took the smartphone out of her backpack with her bloodstained fingers and dialed the right number. The beeps were excruciatingly long. Laura was shaking with fear for the creature's life. She gently wiped the blood from under his nose, checked his pupils, and lifted her eyelids. Rekom was on the verge of life and death. Laura swallowed the lump in her throat. Emotions were running wild.
«God, I hope you don't die!» — Laura thought, and a shuddering veil covered her eyes.
— Emergency service. What's wrong? — The operator's long-awaited voice came through the smartphone like a breath of oxygen.
Laura perked up, holding reckom's bandaged shoulder with her free hand. He hissed desperately, like a roadkill cat, remaining unconscious with only one twitch of his tail.
— Therapist Laura-Anastasia Asadi speaks! Suburban Park sixth district, thirteenth precinct on the south gate side, a recombinant has been found in critical condition! Send a car immediately, he has lost a lot of blood, punctured shoulder! Also suspected second-degree concussion!
The wounded man moved his ear. He tried to catch every word, tried to come to his senses, but all he could do was open his blood-glued lips and whisper faintly:
— I must... I must...
— What? — Laura leaned toward his face. She excitedly contemplated every inch of smooth blue skin with smooth "tiger" stripes, and her hand gently slid down the long neck of the amazing creature, where the pulse beat faintly.
— Miss Asadi, five minutes, the brigade is on its way, wait!
At the end of the long, bright tunnel, flooded with blinding light, Miles saw the outlines of people. They were calling his name and rank, asking him to return. Somewhere he'd heard those voices before, painfully familiar, but no image had ever emerged in his mind.
«Who are they? And what do they want?»
As if he were weightless, light as a feather, he floated and felt absolute serenity. He did not want to fly to the sound of the voices. He wished he could stay. This strange place of walls of bright white light engulfed him with every second and distanced him from human silhouettes. It seemed so familiar, so quiet and safe. There was no noise, no one was giving orders. And there was no pain.
«It's so good here» — Miles thought, but the bliss was short-lived. An invisible force, like a magnet, pulled him forward along the tunnel. A sense of excitement and fear made his heart beat fast. Now he heard not only people's voices, but also the pounding of his own heart. Something squeezed his lungs. The feeling of his body returned. And the pain returned. The heaviness in his right shoulder was accompanied by a groan. Miles opened his eyes.
— Finally! We thought we'd lost you, Colonel, — said the man in the big round glasses and white coat. The nurses, standing on either side of the patient, shined flashlights directly into his eyes, testing the response of his pupils. Miles exhaled irritably. He wanted to raise his hand and shove the pesky medics away, but the straps of sturdy material prevented him from even moving.
— What the hell? — the recom stared at the restraints that held him in one position, overcoming the stabbing pain in his ribs.
— I'm sorry, sir, this is an involuntary measure. Do you remember what happened to the previous shift of doctors? Your violent reaction sent them to the ICU.
— I'll put you in the ICU if you don't take off those fucking bracelets right now. Now!
— Sir, no, I can't, I'm sorry, that's an order... — the doctor smiled tensely, adjusting his glasses on his thin humped nose.
— I order you! — growled grudgingly Miles, emphasizing the pronoun.
— Please, sir, calm down, you can't be nervous, you've been injected with a double dose of antibiotics...
The doctor's speech of trembling, uncertain words was interrupted by an electronic beep. The massive doors parted to the sides, opening to the visitors. General Ardmore appeared in the ICU in the company of several guards and with a man in a black business suit. When Miles saw people in such suits in front of him, he was knowingly preparing for something unpleasant. These well-dressed rats always demanded too much and gave nothing in return. The first thing he would remove from his memories of his past life was service to such chumps.
— You have no right to give orders if you can't handle even a simple task,— the general said, and walked over to the wounded man, looking at his injuries from head to toe with a look of frustration, — report what happened. And where's Dr. Ian Garvin?
Miles pressed his lips together, holding back the urge to curse, and, clenching his fists, obediently answered:
— The ship sank. The crew, the doctor, and the captain are probably dead. So were my men. Sully attacked from several flanks. There were more of them than we thought, there was little chance of winning.
— But those chances were there? — the man in the suit asked.
Miles glanced at the stranger, thinking only of how nice it would be to take a cool shower now, but instead he had to lie in the medication-soaked room and report back.
— That's right. If it hadn't been for their tame whale with amrita in its head, I'd have executed the scumbag Sally.
A tense feeling arose in his mind. He remembered how the blue savage, Sally's wife, had put a dagger to Spider's throat, intending to avenge her son's death. But was Miles guilty of that? Jake, as a father, had failed. The inevitable war, one way or another, would have touched everyone anyway, and the family leader could have ensured that the children would not be involved. But he himself gave the trump cards to the enemy and was punished by fate.
— Are you going to write in your report that the whale is to blame for your failure, too? Or maybe you screwed up strategically after all? — The generaless folded her arms across her chest in displeasure, glaring at recom with her penetrating eyes from beneath her camouflage cap.
Miles turned his head away, looking out the ajar window, and for a few seconds there was silence in the ICU. There, on the base grounds, right on the roof of the warehouse, sat his dark blue banshee. The celestial predator spread her broad wings that dangled gracefully on either side of the roof and brushed out her feathers. Military onlookers passed by, darting away as if she were a demon, but the bird was strikingly calm.
«What devotion» — still marveled the recom.
The irritation was replaced by an unpleasant longing somewhere in the depths of soul. Son. He came to mind again. The boy had chosen to stay with the one who had raised him since he was a baby, even after the demon stepmother had nearly slit his throat. Miles tried to understand his own feelings and inadvertently imagined two different beings struggling inside him.
«You little bugger, all because of you!» — thought the colonel, remembering the face of the furiously snarling Spider.
— I'll make the report very honestly, don't worry, General,— he said, looking at his boss again with a calm look.
— It's not the report I'm worried about, it's your recklessness and stupidity! You've been dragging around with that wild boy and you've let your guard down.
— You're looking in the wrong direction, General. I took Sully by surprise, killed his son. He'll come. He'll want revenge. Then it'll be over quickly.
— Oh, so the result of the defeat is the future? — The man in the suit came back into the conversation. He kept writing something down in a folder. — You sacrificed an entire fleet to eliminate one saboteur? Then how many souls do you need to take out the others? Particularly the leader.
— I don't like the way he looks at me," Miles blurted out, trying to lie down more comfortably, but the pain in his shoulder made him moan painfully.
— Meet the chief administrator, Mr. Jonathan Bryce, — the general waved to the doctor, pointing to the medicines, and he obediently administered a recurrent dose of painkillers.
Miles shook his head hopelessly and closed his eyelids tiredly. The voices ringing in his head were getting tiresome.
— The last thing I need here is another Selfridge...
— Don't be sarcastic, Colonel. Do you realize why you were sent here again? — asked the man named Bryce, — because I got the impression that you had lost the thread of the narrative in the cases.
— You can't judge a war that isn't over by one lost battle,— Miles immediately retorted, — Sully will come back himself, and this will be our chance to eliminate the bastard.
General Ardmore's face stretched an ironic smile. She spread her arms to her sides and replied:
— You have lost twice, Colonel. Once in that life. The second time in this life.
— Honestly, I don't quite understand what happened in that life, — recom frowned unhappily, shaking his head, — everything seems like some kind of deja vu and only, with some sense of the past. Bryce, tell upstairs that I've been sold a blue marriage.
— And it isn't a marriage at all, Colonel, — the man smiled haughtily, as if hiding something important, and then slammed the file shut.
Miles opened his yellow eyes in bewilderment, and even the general looked questioningly at the RDA representative.
 — What does that mean? What do you mean?
— Tell me, Doctor, how long will the recombinant have to be serviced? — Bryce ignored the colonel's questions.
— With injuries like that it will take at least a week, — replied the medic and scratched the back of his head, unsure of his patient, — sir, it is advisable not to disturb him even now...
Bryce squinted, tapping his fingers on his folder, then looked at the general and said confidently:
— We need him tomorrow.
— Tomorrow?! — The doctor's jaw dropped, — but, sir, it's highly irrational, he... He needs rest and treatment...
— Well, now I know why they tied me up! — Miles laughed out loud, — Doc, you didn't want me to blow somebody's face off, did you?
— You have some special remedy for our colonel, don't you? — Bryce went on asking questions, insisting on his point.
— Yes, but you don't understand...
— Wonderful! - he interrupted the doctor with a satisfied smile on his lips," Then you know how to get him back on his feet.
«What are these bitches hiding?».
Time was nearing sunset when Laura took off her disposable work robe and tossed it into a small recycling chamber. At the push of a button, not a trace of the artificially created used fabric was left. The day had been impossibly boring, except for a failed morning jog. Couldn't get that wounded recombinant out of my mind. Big and blue and so adorable that Laura couldn't help but worry about him. Every now and then she wondered if he had survived. She hoped for the best, and didn't have the courage to call the Center. And who on earth would report the well-being of an important RDA recom to an ordinary GP? Laura was sure that even such information remained a secret within the walls of the organization. The recombinant program remained inaccessible to most of the staff: none of the rank-and-file knew about its details, only the creators themselves and the upper ranks of specialists. Laura had heard that every employee touched by the program signed a nondisclosure agreement, and leaking information threatened huge fines and prison. But there were even crazier rumors: a rumor had circulated among a large group that one of the scientists had gone missing after management learned of his entries in a personal diary. He was writing down what he was obliged to keep only in his head, and the RDA thought he might have been passing secret information to the ranks of the enemy. When Laura first heard this story, she only wondered to whom this scientist could have revealed secrets if the RDA had no competitors on Earth for thirty years? They were absolute monopolists. Could the scientist be revealing secrets to the Na'vi clans? But what could they possibly know about it? Or perhaps he was secretly collaborating with Jake Sully himself? Whatever the truth was, Laura didn't believe these tales, and only smiled at such stories.
With an unpleasant heavy weight on her soul due to not knowing the fate of the recom, Laura was about to leave the infirmary, but then she was called at the guardhouse. The operator behind the monitors, named Sam, waved, and the therapist immediately walked over to the counter.
— Let me guess, you mean I'm being left on the night shift again? — Laura leaned her head on her side tiredly.
— Pumpkin, what do you think of me! — laughed the red-haired operator in the black uniform, — Do you really think I only intend to bring you bad news?
— Why? — Asadi stretched out and laughed in response, — it's not bad news at all, I love my job and my patients, it's just that only robots can have no rest.
— I know, I know, you try harder than anyone else, — Sam said as he patted the girl's hair, which fell in a wavy mop of long dark strands to one side as Laura habitually tucked it back and to the side.
— Oh, you sly fox,— she scowled playfully, — just to flatter.
— And you're wrong, not flattery at all, — the guy pulled out of his jacket pocket almost transparent card, handing it directly into the hands of his partner — a name pass of the first level. Passed a few minutes ago. But don't flatter yourself, it's disposable.
Laura opened her eyes in amazement. She twirled the card several times, as if to verify its authenticity. Such passes were issued only to personnel from the RDA Center: scientists, engineers, programmers, elite military and directors. She looked questioningly at Sam, who was smiling, genuinely pleased with her reaction.
— Yeah, yeah, it's right up there. They said the management wants to see you today.
— They did? But... why? — Laura panicked, feeling her cheeks redden as her blood pressure soared — oh God, did I do something wrong? Did I kill the patient? That's right, I killed him!
Sam laughed, throwing his head back and grabbing his stomach.
— Baby, come on, calm down! It's just a request to appear in front of your superiors. Maybe they want to promote you.
— Sam! Promotion? You... — Laura looked at the chart, — Jonathan Bryce? That's the kind of authority given to our chief medical officer so he doesn't have to bother the top for no reason.
— Well, then the head doctor can fire you too, why would Bryce have to write you a pass like that and call you in to see him? — The guard barely calmed down, wiping away the tears that came out of laughter, — God, pumpkin, you're just a miracle, you made my day more fun, I love you...
Laura put her palm to her forehead, herself barely restraining a laugh from her silly reaction. But at times like this, when excitement overwhelmed her, she couldn't help herself. Laura possessed concentration and vigilance only in her work, because she understood that she could not make mistakes as a professional. But in life, this philosophy did not apply.
— I'm sorry, Sam, I... I sometimes lose control... — the therapist took a deep breath and exhaled, looking at the pass again. — It says the time. That's in about twenty minutes. I wonder why I'm being summoned.
— Let's go for a ride, and we'll find out together? — Sam smiled slyly, taking the backpack from the girl and slinging it over his shoulder.
— Are you on a motorcycle? — Laura pressed the pass to her chest.
— That's right, miss!
— That's good, sir! I love the speed!
The tailwind blew Laura's curls as she made her way to the main RDA building. Sam was accelerating faster and faster on his motorcycle, and she held him tightly by the waist as she watched the neon lights of the city. On the road, she only wondered why this building was farther away than the others. Almost at the edge of the city towered a tall gate of solid steel, shutting out whatever was going on there from the gawkers. The area looked more like a secret military training ground than a haven for scientists and business directors: endless hangars, armored vehicles, men in uniform, and fighter planes on the roofs. The area was constantly patrolled by guards armed to the teeth. No one could enter the area without a pass, which made Laura uncomfortable. She, a rank-and-file general practitioner, was suddenly given that pass.
«I hope me don't get fired» — the girl thought, resting her chin on Sam's shoulder and looking hopefully ahead at the road. And when the gates of the main building appeared on the horizon, she craned her neck in curiosity and felt her knees tremble.
Sam stopped the motorcycle just inside the security barrier that separated them from the entrance to the compound, ten meters away. The automatic metal detector emitted a distinctive beep, scanning the arrivals with a bright red stripe from bottom to top. Laura pressed her lips together uncertainly, pulling out her precious security badge. Several guards approached with machine guns. One, pointing a machine gun, walked around the arrivals as if looking for something suspicious.
— Good evening, what can we do for you? — one of the men asked, tall, pumped up and tattooed.
— Hello, delivering a guest to Mr. Jonathan Bryce, — Sam smiled friendly, nodding at the passenger in the back.
Laura felt a little uncomfortable holding out her pass to the guard. The man looked at the card, then at her, twisting it in his fingers with disbelief.
— Laura-Anastasia Asadi? — he asked in a clarifying manner to
— Yes, sir...
The second gunman's walkie-talkie crackled and he asked into the microphone:
— This is the central station speaking. Requesting validity of badge twelve thirty — two for time twenty-one zero zero. Do you copy?
— I confirm it's up to date, — a soft, female voice answered, — Let through.
Laura bit her lip with the excitement that overwhelmed her trembling soul. She looked ahead at the massive gate, imagining what everything looked like there, for she had never had to be here before. Curiosity scrambled like cats. And the guard lowered his weapon and only nodded his head forward, letting his guest through. Sam wanted to follow, leaving the bike with the guard, but he was immediately stopped by a hand.
— You can't. No pass, — the tattooed man said.
— And who's going to show her where to go? — Sam with a wave of his hands.
— Go to the gate, miss, — the guard turned to Laura, — they'll meet you there and escort you to your office.
Asadi nodded obediently and, after saying goodbye to Sam who winked at her, moved toward the gate. There she was met by a second group of guards and a screening system. She was asked to have her fingerprints and retina scanned. The access card was told to be kept until she left the building, and after that it would no longer be valid.
Laura was finally led onto the grounds. She opened her mouth in amazement, convinced she was right. A veritable military training ground. Armored vehicles, fighters, robot mechanics, and people in uniform. Several soldiers passed by in three-meter-long exoskeleton suits, raising a column of gravel dust into the air. The therapist coughed, brushing the dust off her face.
«Wow!» — she wondered.
— Miss Asadi? — A woman's voice was heard from behind, and the girl turned around to see a servicewoman in outfit.
— Huh? Yes, it's me... — Laura was confused.
— Come on, I'll accompany you to the boss's office. He's already waiting for you. Is this your first time here?
— Yes, I've never visited this building before. Tell me, why are there so many military men here? — Laura was curious, looking around with the gaze of a keen tourist.
— The war, — answered the girl briefly. — Several new regiments and units have arrived.
— Is it really that bad?
— Miss Asadie, the military is not just here to perform its direct tasks. We employ hundreds of men every day for various jobs. You don't have to worry, everything's under control.
«I want to believe it» — Laura thought, wrapping her arm tentatively around herself.
It was harder to breathe in here. There was so much dust and mechanical odor in the air that her throat became dry. With every step she took, she swallowed a lump across her throat and coughed. It seemed that the mask wasn't enough. But once inside, Asadi forgot all about air: the mask could finally be removed. Bright holograms dazzled her eyes. A group of operators was working on something, even though there were many people in military uniforms in the main hall. The monitors glowed with numerous scans of the terrain: soaring mountains, the sea, and some parts of the forested area. Laura turned her attention to the image of fallen centuries-old trees engulfed in flames. They must have been blown down quite recently by volleys of missiles. The girl casually shuddered.
— Sector Five, attention, deal with a herd of direhorse. The distance is six meters, we need a clear path to the mines, — one of the operators muttered lazily into his earpiece.
— They're really close, — the other smiled and shook his head, — I guess they're used to it.
— If the second shift stops feeding them, there won't be a problem.
— We'd better put it in the report, see if it helps.
Laura, stopping behind the cameramen, stared into the monitor where the image of the horses was transmitted and smiled as she watched several cubs frolicking beside the road. She didn't even notice the servicewoman walk to the elevator and call out to her several times.
— Please keep up, Miss Asadi, it's easy to get lost here, — the uniformed conductor warned as she pressed the button for the top floor.
Laura felt the familiar excitement again, only now, on top of everything else, her heart was jumping out of her chest: she could hear it pounding in her ears. To calm herself down, she had to take a bottle of water out of her backpack and take a few sips, but it was in vain - the water had time to heat up and was not tasty. Laura relied on her self-control, so as not to look like a pathetic, intimidated rabbit to her superiors. A long corridor, wide windows of offices and people in business clothes. Now she felt herself outside the military training ground. The top floor turned out to be exactly what she imagined the entire building to be.
— We're here, Miss Asadi, Mr. Bryce is waiting for you, — the girl guide stopped at the main translucent door, where you could see several people: one in a black suit, another in a military uniform.
Laura straightened her back and cleared her throat, nervously adjusting her loose curls. Her cheeks lit up with a treacherous blush. She couldn't hide her excitement; she always had a hard time with any lie.
— Thank you for seeing her off, — the therapist said.
— You're welcome. Come in, don't be shy, — the military woman opened the door, inviting her guest in.
Laura entered the office. Attention was immediately drawn to her. Jonathan Bryce turned around at the sound of the doors opening and immediately smiled when he saw the girl. Standing next to him, General Ardmore folded her arms across her chest.
— So you are Miss Asadi? — asked the head administrator and invited the guest to sit down.
— Yes, Mr. Bryce, I'm a general practitioner, I work in the city clinic, — Laura modestly squared her shoulders and sat down in a cushioned chair. She suddenly felt dirty and clumsy, as if a homeless person had been brought into a rich house.
— I remember you on the first day of your stay, you arrived as part of the third crew, didn't you? Serviced the frozen staff? — The Generaless stepped back to the window, observing what was going on outside.
— That's right, — Laura quickly mumbled with excitement and only then realized that this was the answer of the soldiers, but the generaless apparently found it amusing: she smiled at her succinct military answer along with Bryce. — I was twenty when I was accepted into the program, and I was twenty-five when the ship arrived on Pandora.
— I'm still new here and had no idea there were precious diamonds on the staff. A young beautiful girl, and a talented therapist too! — Jonathan splashed his hands in admiration and went to the coffee machine with three cups. — Not many people at such a young age are able to achieve intergalactic flight... Tell me, what is your secret?
Laura was confused at the question, ran her eyes around and answered tensely:
— I just got lucky... When I applied, I didn't count on anything at all, but I heard that the RDAs prefer young professionals, those who can work hard and diligently, and those who are far away from retirement...
— You really are a long way from her, — laughed the General, and Laura smiled modestly, dropping her gaze to the floor. — You're good. Mr. Bryce, you don't know yet, but this girl has already proved herself. When there was an accident on board, thanks to Miss Asadi's ingenuity, she managed to keep the frozen in their original state. She manually kept the capsules at the correct temperature for several hours while the damage was repaired. Had it not been for her idea with the tubes and the pump, we would have lost people.
— Thanks, but I was just doing my duty and listening to the head doctor, — Laura couldn't hold back a modest smile, she wasn't often praised by such big men as four-star General Francis Ardmore.
— Look at you, shy, too! — Bryce put a cup of hot coffee on the table in front of the guests. — Miss Asadi, you shouldn't be modest, you should be proud of your success and talent! After all, we invited you to express our sincere gratitude to you personally for not allowing our recombinant to perish.
Laura looked up, full of hope at the chief administrator.
— Had he survived? Is he all right?
— Thanks to your vigilance. A few more minutes and we would have lost him.
— Wow... — Laura whispered faintly to herself, tucking the unruly curls behind her ears and sighing in relief. — And I thought you were going to fire me...
— No, miss, — Bryce shook his head, taking a sip from his mug of coffee drink, — it's specialists like you that the RDA needs. Right now the ten-mile bridgehead has two million inhabitants. Most of them are military personnel, medics, scientists and engineers. But very soon, thanks to people like you and me, the city will blossom.
— You will help us to do it, won't you? - The general winked at the visitor from under her cap.
Laura smiled:
— With what I can, of course...
— Sure you can, — Bryce reached into his desk locker, pulled out another pass card, and placed it in front of the therapist. — To thank you for saving our precious recombinant, I invite you to a business dinner. There won't be many guests, but I'll introduce you to our leading scientists and specialists. We will decide where to place you, closer to the main control center.
Asadi's jaw dropped. She took the ID card with trembling fingers and clapped her eyes in amazement. It was too sudden. The unexpectedness struck at the heart, making her mentally tremble and rejoice, and outwardly just sit in a stupor at such a generous invitation from the chief administrator. She had never been to a social event before, especially to meet the cream of society. And the cream of society on Pandora was considered to be the famous talented scientists, military men, and engineers. It was an honor for Laura to meet them. It seemed as if a captivating dream had plunged her into a reverie.
— Mr. Bryce, thank you, that's... Thank you, Mr. Bryce, I would be honored to accept such an invitation... — ...Laura repeated the boss's name several times with excitement.
— We'll bring the car to your place of residence. And to make it less exciting for you, this pass can be used by two people, take someone with you to make it safer, — said General Ardmore, putting a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder.
Laura smiled through tears of undisguised joy.
— Thank you, thank you very much...
— Not a bad girl, — the general stated as she and the administrator descended into the catacomb system beneath the RDA main building. A spiral metal staircase stretched down four meters, illuminated by wall-mounted neon lights. The air here was cold and musty, with a touch of medication: an unpleasant but harmless bitterness lodged in my throat.
Bryce followed the general downstairs, grabbing a protective, see-through jumpsuit with black gloves from a rack and pulling it over his business suit.
— Funny, it made me smile. I can't remember the last time someone lifted my spirits...
— Is that why you invited her to dinner, so she could keep... to keep you amused?
— I just wanted to thank for saving the colonel, that's all. I didn't expect to see such a pretty girl in the GP ranks. I'd have to go to that clinic and see if I'd be surprised.
— You can't put your finger in your mouth, Jonathan...
— I can't resist a young exotic! — Bryce laughed as he followed the general down the narrow corridor.
At the end was a massive iron door, more like a bank vault door. Inside, under the bright lights, among the chemicals and medical equipment, a group of scientists in protective, see-through jumpsuits and masks labored, observing the subjects and their reactions. Desperate cries echoed through the lab from the sealed chamber. Jonathan opened his mouth in amazement as he walked around the side of the chamber, standing in front of a thick armored window in the floor.
— Is this exactly what you told me about? — the receptionist asked with admiration.
— Yes, sir. We're still just at the beginning stage, but I think by the end of the week we'll have a result that will satisfy us.
— And we can start the cleanup as early as next week? Are you sure about that?
— Absolutely, — said one of the scientists, who approached the administrator and extended his hand in a friendly black rubber glove.
Jonathan shook the man's hand and, clearing his throat, asked:
— What exactly did you come up with? So far all I can see is a squirming blue primate. And, I don't get it, is that our recom?
— Retired, sir, — the general clarified. — One of the surviving recoms from Quaritch's group. Arrived at the base a couple of hours before the colonel. Failed, but will be able to serve in a different way now.
— On the basis of a neurotoxin, which is used by local humanoids, we managed to develop a unique powder mixture, — began to explain the scientist, not paying attention to the cries of the experimenter. — The spraying range of this crystalline substance may be small — five meters, if you wish — but the result will not disappoint you. Besides, the poisoning affects not only the fauna, but also the flora, which is consumed by the na'vi.
Lieutenant Lyle Wainfleet clenched his fists to the point of pain, trying to break free of the steel shackles. The collars around his ankles, hands, and neck squeezed his flesh tightly, preventing him from moving even a couple of centimeters. His blue naked body shuddered now and then in spasms of unbearable pain. The only thing left was to cry out desperately, hoping that at least someone would hear him from above and help him out of his torment. But the torture continued. The white gas came from the pipe every five minutes with an increased dosage.
— I'll kill you scum! I'll kill you! — Lyle screamed, baring bloody fangs like a hunted predator.
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marsi-is-depressed · 12 days
Post Zydrate hunger (18+)
Summary: You're used to Amber's zydrate habits and accompanying sexual behaviours. Amber Sweet x reader 18+
Content Warning: fem!reader, smut/ sexual activities, please don't read if you are under 18 years of age, cunnilingus, discussed and consensual somnophilia- she has given her permission to eat her out while she is sleeping but she has woken up before she could start. Mention of physical injury during sexual activities.
I hope you enjoy this, this is my first Repo! The genetic opera fic
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Amber is an experienced zydrate user. She’s building up an impressive tolerance to the stuff, but she gets her fix, and it makes her hands and entire body a little uncoordinated as she pries at the button on your skirt.
You had intended to change before falling asleep in her bed, but your eyelids drooped lower and lower till you fell asleep leaning against her pillows.
You wake to her furious groan and the sting of something hot on your thigh. You hiss, your leg tensing as you gaze into the bleak room at her. "Amber? "Could I help you?"
"Can't get your fucking skirt off," She slurs, becoming agitated, and you see her hurl the empty Zydrate vial before tilting her head back to your skin. The second time you jerk away from it, she recognises what's going on and pulls her sharp manicured nails away from your flesh.
“Shit,” she ducks her head down to lick the blood-covered red mark on your thigh, “Sorry, babe.”
“I was sleeping,” You whine, voice still thick with sleep, “Can’t you eat a bag of chips or something, maybe seek out Graverobber?”
"No," Amber mocks your sorry tone, burying her face into your leg, dotting kisses, and smearing her lipstick on the flesh there. "You taste better."
Finally, her fingers manage to push your skirt's buttonhole over the metal circle, and he rips your zip down with such eagerness that you're not sure how her drug-riddled body can handle it.
“You can sleep if you want to,” She offers, but with the press of her cool silky nose against your soft, raw inner thighs, you know you won’t be able to.
"Oh-" Your thighs tighten as Amber's lips press a prim kiss to your slit, "Just- just go, Amber, I- I don't wanna sleep anymore!"
"Knew it," She giggles, her eyes blurry, and separates her lips, licking a tiny, wet line barely down the slit of your cunt. "I'll make it worth your time, babe." "Just relax."
You relax your thighs, and she settles more securely between them. Her pale hands are suddenly flung over your hips, splayed wide under your ass, and he tucks your thighs beneath his arms, securing you in position.
She hums in agreement, pressing her face against your slit so that the sound resonates through you.
"Amber!" You gasp, hips straining to jerk higher but being prevented by her firm hold. "C'mon, please- please just do something!"
"You smell so fucking good," she moans, ignoring your pleas. She appears to be digging into you rather than enjoying herself, and you're certain you're wet enough now to soak her nose if she keeps forcing it into your cunt.
“Amber,” You pant, reaching down you grab hold of her black locks, tugging hard, “Do something!”
She bites you and sinks her teeth into the oversensitive, thin skin that wrinkles your thigh and cunt, nibbling roughly as a burning discomfort rises from the bite. You gasp out, your hand dropping from her hair.
"Yes!" You cry, but your belly pumps back up with butterflies as she runs her tongue across the bite mark in a long, damp thick, comforting stripe. "Ah, Amber, that- that hurt!"
"Don't order me around," She drawls, her tongue back in her mouth, pressing her lips against the painful teeth mark, "I'll eat you out when I eat you out."
And, of course, eat you out she does. You should have known her dramatics were only that, the snap of her teeth was a show of authority, not of reluctance. She indulges in the wet smear of slick that’s threatening to seep out from between the lips of your warm cunt, finally sticking her tongue out to slide between them in a stroke that only makes you wetter.
You’re in the middle of gripping her bedsheets when she finally makes her move, and you nearly rip the sheet in half. You choke on a moan, chest stuttering and lungs heaving to get oxygen back when it seems there’s none left. Amber's hungry tonight, the more zydrate she takes, the more intense her sexual cravings are, and tonight she seems to be out of her mind.
She is unable to stop once she starts. She leaps in, mouth virtually unhinged, and attempts to squeeze it around your entire cunt. Her tongue is filthy and hungry as it sweeps into your folds, slurping up the moisture that oozes out of you as a result of her caresses. You can feel her attempting to contain herself, dragging her tongue into your cunt in purposeful swirls, but her logical intellect ultimately fails, and instinct takes over.
She licks at your wet and dirty cunt, trailing her tongue in a slime track that leads from just above your ass to the hood of your clit. Her lips close around the sensitive bulb as she sucks and licks at you. Her hands, still feverishly squeezing your ass, shift targets as she flicks her tongue over your clit one more time. She pries your thighs apart even wider as if you're hiding more of your pussy from her. She doesn't find any, of course, but she takes what she can get, sighing as she inserts her tongue back into your pussy.
She’s more than vocal, her hot breath coming in pants that signal she’s getting out of breath. You have no idea how she managed to suffocate herself in your cunt, but you like seeing how frantic she becomes.
She's making out with your pussy so good that you can feel an orgasm coming on, fuelled by the haziness of your previous sleep and the volume of screams and groans she's pushing into you. She eats like she hasn't in years, and she doesn't go high and maul you every night.
“Amber,” You whimper, the bump of her nose against your clit ramping up the flow of pleasure below your stomach, “Amber I- I might- I think I’m gonna cum soon!”
“Do it,” She pants, burrowing her face impossibly further into your cunt, practically sucking your orgasm out of you, “Go, baby, cum on my tongue. Give it to me, ‘wanna- nngh,” Her voice tampers out into a breathy groan as your pussy begins to clench around her tongue, “Wanna taste you.”
"Come on," She coaxes, purring into your cunt and anticipating your approaching release. "Come on, angel, let me have it."
"I'm- I'm gonna cum!" You insisted, reaching down with your free hand to pull at her hair. This time, however, she does not scold you for tugging, and you like having something solid to hang on to while Amber licks your climax out of you.
Amber is allowing a constant flow of groans to pour into your pussy the instant your thighs begin to quiver and clamp around her head. It merely intensifies things, and Amber drains the delight right out of you.
“Fuck yeah,” she groans and ragged into your cunt. She’s panting chest heaving as she devours you, “More, baby, c'mon, keep going.”
Her cold, smooth thumb comes up to rub your clit, pressured circles around and around the bud that nearly make you black out. Amber’s nothing if not an intense lover, and you think she may be trying to crawl inside of your cunt to suck you dry from the inside the way that she’s mashing her face into you.
"Okay," You gasp, heaving and trembling, as you descend from your high. Amber isn't letting up, her tongue continues delving into your pussy as if there's more to take.
"Okay, Amber, okay!" You shriek, flinching in acute shock, as she attempts furiously to suck at your clit again. It's all too much; you're scared you'll pass out if she continues going, but that doesn't mean you won't have fun.
"More," she groans, pursuing you up the bed as you struggle into a sitting posture and push back against the headboard. She gets onto the bed following you, immediately prying on your bowed knees.
"Please, babe," She begs in a raspy voice. "Please, 'just want a bit more, I- I'll go slow or anything, I promise.”
“I can’t,” You pant, gripping her cheeks and tugging her into a kiss instead. She’s happy for the substitute, and you taste your release on her tongue as she resumes licking sloppily into you.
“Here,” You have to pry her away from your face, her lips chasing after yours, spit trailing down her glistening chin.
“ I want More,” She insists, leading you into another kiss. She’s too busy sucking your tongue to notice, her own trailing along its underside and sending shivers down your spine.
The squelching sound that comes with her kiss is nearly as nasty as it was when she was eating you out, and even though your cunt is still on fire, you feel something gathering beneath your belly.
She's making the same sounds in your mouth as she did in your cunt, moaning, groaning, puffing, and panting as she devours you. Only until she's practically blue in the face does she give up, pulling away to pant open-mouthed on the corner of your lips. She presses her forehead against your temple, her lips leisurely mouthing your jaw as she gathers her air.
"Jesus, Amber." You breathe as you heave: "You're- oh," She places a wet kiss on your jaw, "You're really going tonight."
"I want something to eat," she says, her voice slow but lovely. "But I'm-" She pauses to yawn, nose scrunched, "-Exhausted, too."
"I can tell," you say faintly, "Come on, baby, put out the light and let's go to sleep."
"Mhm," she moans, "you gotta pee or something."
"Yeah,' I'll pee," You promise her, a little moved that she is worried about your post-orgasm hygiene even if she is high. You excuse yourself as she wrestles with the sheets on the bed, and when you return, she is dozing against her--no, your pillow.
"Amber," You scoff warmly, placing a hand under her head to attempt to get it off your pillow. She's limp now, and you can easily redirect her to her preferred side of the bed. When you slide in next to her, the bed dips, and she rolls with the slope, her body heavy with slumber, pressing against you.
"C'mere," You scoff, wiping away saliva from the side of her mouth as she snores, "Sleep well, Amber, love you."
You know she can't hear you and won't respond. But it feels terrible to sleep without saying anything, so you snuggle against her beneath the blankets, and as you press a kiss to her throat, you can feel her heartbeat and You understand that she, too, loves you.
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prismatica-the-strange · 11 months
Grave Sins | The Rise Before the Fall
Warnings: 18+, Smut (With plot), Oral (Fem Receiving), Fingering, Overstimulation, Size Kink, Praise kink, Graves is probably ooc (My first time always is, I'll adjust), Amber slander (I love her but for story reasons)
Disclaimer: This is my Pacific Rim x Repo!tgo Crossover!
Word count: 5.1k
Song: Drift by Blake Perlman and RZA
Dividers and banner by @cafekitsune
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"Well, well, well."
Sin rolls her eyes at the sound of that voice.
"If it isn't little Lucinda Chau," His arm lands heavily on her shoulder, "What'cha doin roughin' it down here in the back alleys with the peasantry and rabble?"
"That a quip about my height?"
She glares up at him and he laughs.
"Well, you are pretty short."
She holds her glare for a moment before scoffing and shaking her head, "I don't have time for this."
His eyes follow her as she walks away, then he takes a few long strides to catch up, "In a hurry, are we?"
"Yes, I am."
He pouts at her dramatically, "Won't you tell me what we're looking for?"
She sighs, realizing he won't leave her be.
"My delinquent brat of a brother," She says, "You haven't seen Hubie, have you?"
He contemplates his recent memories, "That's the one about ye tall, green eyes, blond hair?"
"But I did hear there were a couple of high rollers at the Wasteland Club and one of them matches his description."
"Ugh, of course he's there," She scowls.
"I seem to remember you doing your time at Wasteland," He reminds her, arm around her shoulders again.
"They'd never let me in dressed like this," She shoves her hands in the pockets of her baggy sweatshirt.
"Well, why don't you run along and get changed, then you can meet me at the club?" He suggests jokingly, knowing she'd never take him up on the offer, "I'll be your escort for the night."
She hums, nodding, "You just want me to get you in so you can deal to people you can charge double and they'd still go for it."
"You wound me, Sinner."
"Just keep your hands to yourself when I get there."
He freezes for a second before breaking into the biggest grin.
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Forty minutes later she pauses when she sees her reflection in a window as she passes.
She tugs the hem of her dress down a little, looking herself over. She catches herself wondering why she cares so much while fixing her hair. The media has seen her in much worse states and it's not like she's trying to impress anyone, right?
I hope he thinks the dress is cute. The thought takes her by surprise. She can't be thinking about what Graves will think about her outfit. She tries to push any thoughts like that from her mind.
The club is in one of the nicer parts of the slums, and has a strict dress code. Getting Graverobber in might require some sweet-talking, but she'd rather have him with her than not, it'll lessen the chance of her getting hassled inside.
She finds him leaning back against the wall near the door, the bouncer glaring at him.
His face lights up when he sees her, eyes wandering across her body.
He pushes off the wall chin tilting down to look at her as he approaches.
"Did you get all dolled up for me?" He smirks, fingers gliding along the bottom of her chin to make her look up at him. Her cheeks flush under his gaze and his grin widens.
They're suddenly reminded they're in public when some girl in line to get in squeals, "Is that Lucinda Chau? Isn't she a Jaeger pilot?"
The whole line works themselves up to a small commotion and Sin pulls away from him.
"Come on," She mutters, forcing a smile to her lips.
She plays it cool, waving at the excited people in line as they walk up to the bouncer.
He doesn't say anything, just lets her pass.
"He's with me," She says when he tries to stop Graves.
"I'm sorry Miss Chau, but the dress co-"
"I said," She frowns, "He's. With. Me."
The large man shrinks at the dangerous glint in her eye and nods, letting them both go in.
The music, lights, and crowd inside are almost immediately too much.
She glances around but doesn't see her brother anywhere.
"So, where do you think we should start?" She asks.
His eyebrows furrow and he leans closer, hand to his ear, "What?"
"I said," She shouts to be heard over the bellowing bass, "Where do you think we should start?"
"Uh," His eyes flicker around the room, "Bar?"
She nods, social battery not prepared to navigate the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor, so she lets him hold her upper arm and lead her around it to the bar in the middle of the room.
"Hey," He calls to the bartender when they get there, hand leaving her arm to hold the counter, "We're looking for Hubie Chau."
The bartender looks at him suspiciously before seeing Sin beside him and nods, "They're in the VIP section."
He turns back to Sin and freezes, the blacklights above the bar show off her kaiju blood tattoos. A pale glowing skeleton paints her skin from the neck down, and an anatomical heart wrapped in thorns and roses rests above her own, glowing vibrant red against the blue.
"What?" She looks up at him with big eyes, glowing purple in their sockets.
Lean fingers trace her jawline, lightly cupping her chin as he leans in, ducking down to surprise her by pressing his lips to hers. He's soft about it, not all rough like you would expect.
"Are you sure I can't tempt you with a drink before we take care of business?" He asks as he pulls away.
"I..." She swallows, "Dad's gonna blow a gasket if I don't get him home soon. He's not supposed to be out."
He wants to push, wants to get her to loosen up, and maybe they'll both get lucky tonight.
"Let me buy you a drink, gorgeous," One hand runs down her back to grab her ass and pull her close, the other cradling the back of her head. She squeaks at the sudden pull, eyes widening.
"I don't think that's the best idea..." She breathes. He's just close enough to hear her. His thumb wraps around her throat, pushing her chin up.
She stumbles forward when he lets go and steps back, her hands catching his jacket to steady herself.
She takes a moment to compose herself, cheeks still burning when she looks back up at him.
If she's flustered by his antics she doesn't show it as she strides past him. He towers over her, sending glares at anyone staring at her with what he deems 'lustful intent', following her closely like a possessive dog.
Hubie sees him first as they approach the VIP section and wonders how a glow dealer got in. He's only distracted for a moment before the girl on his arm demands his attention be back on her.
He jerks back when he hears his sister shout his name.
"Yeah," She unhooks one of the velvet ropes and storms over, "'Fuck'. I've been running all over Hong Kong looking for you. Where's your fucking phone, and why is it turned off?"
"Can you leave, please?" Hubie asks, standing in front of her, "I'm a little busy."
She leans over to look behind him and sees a girl with black hair and what can only be called a dress if you're feeling really generous.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me," She groans, "What are you doing here? What? They run out of glow in L.A.?"
"None of you're fucking business," The heiress of the Largo kaiju harvesting empire in L.A., Amber Sweet spits at her. She gets to her feet and drapes herself on Hubie's frame, "C'mon baby, let's get out of here."
"Uh-uh," Sin presses her hand to her brother's chest, keeping him there, "Dad's looking for you, and if he finds out you've been palling around with a Largo, you're Kaiju food."
"Yeah? And what happens when he finds out you're still hanging out with your glow-dealing fuckpuppet?"
She looks at him with wide eyes and Graves laughs.
"You listen here you little punk," She grabs the color of his nice dress shirt and yanks him down to her eye level, "First off, I'm the oldest, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Secondly, I'm dad's favorite, so I can do whatever the fuck I want. And thirdly, I put my life on the line in a giant metal death trap every time a kaiju crawls its ass out of the ocean. i.e.: I can do whatever the fuck I want."
"You're still a kid, so you probably don't understand this yet, but she's using you," She explains, "I don't know why, if it's for trade secrets or what, but she is."
"I heard daddy cut her off," Graves interjects, pushing his way into their conversation, "No more glow for little miss addict."
"There you go."
She lets him go and he huffs.
"Don't listen to her baby," Amber purrs, hands running across his chest, "She just doesn't want you to be happy."
She smirks over at Sin, face falling when her eyes catch something behind her.
Graves steps into view, vial of glow held aloft in his fingers.
"What are you-"
"This is what you're looking for, right?" The cool demeanor of a glow street dealer taking over, "Just one more hit."
She pulls herself from lavishing over Hubie, walking up to Graves, fingers playing with the fur on his jacket.
"How much?" She asks, batting her eyes up at him, "I'm a little low on cash but I could pay in other ways."
Sin clenches her fists and bites the inside of her cheek when Amber presses her body against his, hand dipping under the collar of his shirt.
"It's yours if you get lost," He scowls, pushing her off him.
"Deal," She says immediately.
He rolls his eyes as he loads the vial into the needle gun on his hip and presses it against her neck. She shudders when he pulls the trigger, stumbling back and falling against the leather seat they were on before, her hands feeling up her body.
Hubie looks absolutely crestfallen being thrown aside for the drug.
"You're sixteen," Sin says, grabbing his arm, and starting for the exit, "How did you even get in here?"
"I bribed the bouncer," He pouts, letting her drag him around, "What does Dad want?"
"No clue, he just told me to find you."
Graves follows them all the way back to the shop, looking to bolt when she shoves her brother through the door.
"Hey! Wait," She calls to him and he stops, looking back at her confused, if not a little pleased, "I... How... What do I owe you?"
His confusion grows as he steps up to her.
"For the Glow."
"No, you don't have to," He stops her when she reaches for her purse, taking her hands in his, "This one's on the house since you didn't actually take it."
"And what if I insist?"
"Then I would count our lovely evening out as payment," He lifts one of her hands, brushing his lips against her knuckles.
"Graves," She giggles and he knows he has her. Not only does he get to hear her say his name like that but if she's being this stubborn about trying to keep him around it means he was right and they'll end up rolling around in bed, "C'mon, seriously, how much?"
"Thirteen hundred," He grins, nearly doubling his normal price and she chokes on air.
"A Hundred and eighty bucks?!" She balks, "That's- Graves!"
"I doubled the price, remember?" He pokes her forehead, "I didn't get to deal at Wasteland."
"I thought we were friends," She pouts, but he just shrugs.
"Hey, you insisted!"
She huffs and digs in her bag, "You got change for $200?"
"Nope," He says, plucking the bills from her hands.
He holds them above his head when she tries to take them back.
"Read the fine print next time, no money back," He laughs, free hand holding her waist when she raises to her tiptoes, leaning against him for support.
"You're never gonna reach it, shorty," He teases, head shaking, "Hey."
She goes stiff when he leans down to kiss her again, but this time she surprises him by kissing back. She grabs the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
"Why don't you come inside and I can give you proper change," She murmurs, barely pulling away, "We can have that drink too."
She steps away, taking his hand in hers and leading him through the door.
He's apprehensive at first, but the lure of a good time is strong enough for him to push through.
He's once again confused when they walk into an actual shop filled with herbs, teas, and other apothecary-esque items. There are no other doors, but Hubie's no longer inside.
He watches Sin step up to one of the shelves and press a button and suddenly the whole wall shifts and splits open, revealing shelves and shelves of jarred... parts and then a large room, buzzing with activity.
"You're not supposed to bring guests in here," One of the guys says as he walks by.
"Don't worry, I'll make him sign the guest book," She quips back. He doesn't know where to look, there are things everywhere and he wants to see it all.
His hand slips from hers as his eyes wander the room.
"Graves?" She calls from the opposite end, "You're welcome to stay out here if you want but I thought maybe..."
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He's tripping over himself to follow her through the doorway and up a metal spiral staircase. He trails behind her into one of the rooms.
"Make yourself at home," She sounds almost sheepish when his eyes widen. Her room here is almost twice as big as the places they usually fuck.
He'd invite her to his place if he had one. He could afford one, but with the looming threat of it getting crushed by a giant monster, he'd decided going from dumpster to dumpster works best.
The walls are a warm shade of dark purple, with knick-knacks, plushies, and Jaeger figures scattered around.
It's a lot cleaner than he expected and he gets a little self-conscious of the tracks his boots made coming in, not that she seems to mind.
Her shirt and vest from earlier are thrown on the bed. He sits next to them on the deep green bedspread, watching her get comfortable. She hangs her bag on one of the posts of her white vanity and starts taking off her shoes.
She looks so small with them off and it makes the size kink he definitely doesn't have go brrr.
She lets down her hair, pink waves cascading down past her shoulders to her lower back. She sees him staring through the mirror as she takes her earrings out, and her cheeks start burning.
"Uh, y-you can put on some music if you want," She offers, motioning towards the bookcase full of CDs and vinyl.
He considers it for a minute before coming up behind her. He moves her hair, ducking down to press kisses to her neck and shoulder.
Her eyes flutter shut and she starts to melt into his touches, but then she suddenly pulls away.
"I've been doing heavy repairs all day, I smell like sweat and oil."
He's never seen her embarrassed like this before.
"Since when have I ever cared about that?" He asks, tugging her in again. He's still in his platforms so she is tiny next to him, "C'mere."
He cups her face, pulling her to her tiptoes as he bends down, kissing her needily, running his tongue along her lips, grinning when she whimpers and parts them.
He leans down just a little more, arms looping under her ass to pick her up.
Her hips roll against him as her legs wrap around his waist.
"Graves," She groans when he lays her down on the bed, "Baby wait."
"What's wrong?" His voice is muffled against her lips.
"Lemme get undressed," She gasps, his hand snuck under her dress to rub at her clit through her tights and underwear.
"I can manage."
"I know you can, but," She pushes his shoulder and he sits up, flicking his hair out of his face, "I really like this dress."
He's reluctant but lets her get up. He takes off his jacket, tosses it on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, and starts working on his belt.
When he looks up to see her laying the dress on the vanity stool, his hands freeze. She's in a cyan strapless bra, and pastel pink silk panties still covered by her fishnets.
"You're staring," She blushes.
He gets up, pants partially unzipped, and she swears he's going to hurt his neck craning it to look down at her like that.
There's a sudden shift as he falls to his knees in front of her, hands warm as they feel down her body.
She's too distracted by the burning kisses on her stomach to notice his hands trailing down her thighs until it's too late and she hears her fishnets ripping.
"Graverobber!" Her voice is scolding, but he doesn't listen, too busy pulling down her underwear and shredded tights.
He buries his nose in the patch of messy curls and pushes his tongue between her legs. Her heartbeat catches when he adjusts, sitting her back against the vanity, and starts lapping at her clit.
"F-fuck, Graves..." He takes her breathless voice and the way she pulls at his hair as encouragement, and sucks the bundle of nerves between his lips. She lurches forward, legs shaking, "Slow! S-slow down!"
He pulls back, hands on her hips to steady her, "You okay?"
"Yeah, I just," She tries to steady her breathing, "Wasn't ready for... There's no need to rush is all."
She stumbles away, pulling an unlabeled bottle and two glasses from the minifridge beside the bed.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asks, and she misreads the concern in his voice as annoyance.
"No," She keeps her back to him as she pours the drinks. He can tell something's up, but he doesn't know what.
She does though. She was afraid of it happening, but it started months ago.
She tries to hide it, to not let it show on her face that she's caught feelings for him. She doesn't want to ruin whatever this is they have.
She offers him one of the glasses filled with neon blue liquid, he takes it and swirls it around in his hand. The other still sitting on the bedside table.
"We can stop if you're not feeling it."
I'm feeling too much.
"No, it's fine," She says quietly, "Just need to slow down a little."
He sets his glass on the vanity and reaches out to hold her arms, "I can go slow."
He reaches behind her and pops the clasp to her bra, letting it fall to the floor before picking her up and gently laying her on the bed again.
His lips are soft, tongue lazily wrestling with hers as his hands caress her body.
She feels like she's on fire, trembling beneath him.
He watches her carefully, eyes intense as he licks and bites his way down her body.
Every little sound from her throat eggs him on. His mouth becomes frantic and one particularly hard bite to her hip bone makes her yelp and he grins before lavishing the mark with his tongue.
"Soft." He murmurs, nuzzling against her skin.
"Graves," She whines. It's the slowest they've ever gone, most of their nights together being the result of desperation and spent as such.
But this night is different. Like a switch had been flipped. Now she's burning alive with every tender touch and caring squeeze.
He's noticed it too, the way she's clinging to him. Not that he minds, in fact, he relishes her grabbing hands, it's something he's craved these last few months.
She lightly tugs his hair and he looks up to meet her pleading eyes.
"What? You need more?" His hands hook beneath her thighs when she takes hold of his face and pulls him back to her lips.
She kisses him hungrily and he starts pushing down his pants, cursing when they get caught on his boots.
He doesn't have the patience for this right now, already desperate to feel her cum around him.
She pouts when he pulls away, following him into a sittting position.
She make quick work of the his shirt buttons and he lets her slide it off him as he fumbles with the leather straps.
She kneels behind him and traces her fingers down his spine, making his shoulder blades pinch, before mimicking his earlier actions. She moves his hair aside, one hand holding onto the right side of his neck and kissing the left.
He growls when she sinks her teeth into his skin.
The moment he kicks his boots and pants off he turns on her, pushing her back down on the mattress by the hand around her throat.
He only squeezes a little, too excited about having her under him again then loosens his grip so she's comfortable.
He rolls his hip and his hard dick presses against her hip.
His free hand reaches down between them, his fingers gently rubbing her clit until she whines for more and he presses harder.
Her back arches, her chest pressing up against him.
He's wanted to take his time with her for ages, make her writhe and beg beneath him, but things were always so rushed between them, so he takes what he can get.
He slides his fingers inside her, scissors them, and she gasps at the stretch.
"Yeah? Like that?" He leans down, kissing at her ear.
He could spend hours like this, fingers buried in her pussy, drawing the prettiest noises from her. He adds another and curls them just right for her to throw her head back and curse.
"That's it," He purrs, "Lay there and feel good for me, beautiful."
Her hands are fully tangled in his hair, not letting him get far from her lips. He can tell she's finally letting go when she doesn't get embarrassed by the obscene squelching coming from where he's finger fucking her.
"O-oh fuck!" She cries, hand gripping his shoulder, "'M gonna cum! Stop- gonna make me cum."
"That's kind of the point," He says, moving his fingers faster.
"N-no, wanna cum on your cock- Graves! Fuck, please!"
She's fluttering around his fingers, trying to stave off her orgasm when he finally pulls out. She yelps when he slaps her clit.
He pushes himself up, hovering over her and pumping himself, his fingers wet from her slick.
"You want me?"
"Please," She reaches down, hand meeting his on his cock and lining him up with her entrance, "Please."
"Sound so p-pretty when you beg fr'me," He grunts, slowly thrusting into her.
"Graverobber," She moans, rolling her hips up to meet his, seating him deep inside her cunt.
She's so fucking tight around him and he knows he's gonna lose his mind when she cums. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and pulls out before snapping his hips back against hers.
He sets a slow but brutal pace, hitting all those sensitive spots, over and over, making her see stars.
"Graves... Fuck! Graves!" Her voice gets higher and whinier the closer she gets to cumming, "F-faster!"
He does as he's told, groans rumbling from his chest. He pushes one of her thighs up against her stomach, putting his weight against her, rutting into her like an animal.
"Cum," He growls against her ear, fingers pressing hard to her clit and rubbing furiously, "Fucking cum- Fuck!"
She screams his name, nails digging into his shoulder. The sting only urges him on to fuck her ruthlessly through her orgasm until his release hits him out of nowhere, knocking the air out of his lungs.
"Lu," He chokes out, vision going white and he collapses on top of her, "Fuck..."
They both lay there in a daze for a few minutes, skin sticking together with sweat.
He eventually comes to enough to move, but she whines when he tries to, her arms wrapping around his head and shoulder.
They stay like that a couple minutes longer.
"Sweetheart," He looks at her and there's a playful glint in her eye that almost scares him, "What are you-!"
She suddenly flips them over and he stares up at her, hair spread around him in a messy halo.
She can feel him starting to get hard again and she rolls her hips, breath catching in her throat at his sensitive she is. He hisses at the feeling, eyes screwing shut as he grips her thighs.
Neither of them has really come down from their last orgasm and a new one builds quickly when she starts riding him.
Her legs start trembling and give out beneath her, leaving them both on the edge and he snaps. He adjusts just right to start fucking up into her hard and she screams.
He'd be worried if she hadn't fallen onto his chest, mindlessly muttering about how good she feels.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck 'm gonna cum again!"
And she does, nails clawing at his chest, leaving angry red marks he wants tattooed there. But he's not done with her.
He flips her onto her back, manhandling her until her legs are around his waist and he has her pressed against the wall.
He gives her a pleased hum when he slides back in, her body giving him exactly what he wants. Her willingness to let him use her will be the death of him someday.
"Don't stop," She gasps just before he begins bouncing her on his cock, "Fuck yes!"
She clings to him for dear life, afraid that if she lets go she'll fall. But he'd never let that happen, she feels too good for him to drop her.
"So good for me," He grins. He's forcing moan after moan from her, each bounce is a little louder, "Taking me so good, princess."
"Fuck- Fuck I can't!" She whines, "Graves it's- Ah! It's too much I can't!"
"You can," He growls, "And you will."
He laughs when he starts to lose her, unintelligible words spill from her lip, and her eyes become unfocused.
"Hey!" He grabs her chin, "Eyes on me, gorgeous. No passing out, 'm not done with you yet."
"Gonna... gonna..."
"Gonna what, Luci?"
"Gonna cum," She whimpers, tears pooling in her eyes and dripping down her face.
"That's my good girl," He coos, sadistic smile on his face as he licks up her tears, "My pretty girl gonna cum for me again? Fuuuck!"
She chokes on whatever noise is trying to come out of her. A sob maybe, he thinks, she's definitely crying from the overstimulation.
He can't stop his eyes from rolling back when she clenches around him again.
"Oh Jesus fuck!" He howls against her chest as he spills into her, "Fuck, Lu."
She's dead weight in his arms, completely spent. He kisses the side of her head and brings her back to the bed.
He slumps her against the pillows, sweeping her sweat soaked hair from her forehead.
"Don't go," She mutters.
"I'm not," He promises, kissing her damp temple, "But I gotta get you cleaned up."
That's the last thing she remembers before waking up naked between her silk sheets, warm arms wrapped around her.
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It's late morning and the room still reeks of sex. She goes to sit up but he groans and holds her securely against his chest.
She manages to roll over and face him, heart fluttering when his eyebrows furrow at the disturbance.
She reaches up and strokes his cheek with her knuckles and his face relaxes.
She never wants to move again, but she also can't stop herself from leainjnb up and softly kissing him.
He swears he's dead.
He feels like he's on a cloud and there's a naked angel kissing him awake.
This is too good to be one of his dreams.
"I think there was a mix up," He mutters, kissing her again, "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to go the other place."
"What do you mean, baby?"
He blinks at her, fingers running through her hair, sleep still clouding his perception.
"This's gotta be heaven," Another, slower kiss and his hands start to wander, "And what a way to go, fucked to death by an angel."
She starts cracking up, throwing her head back in laughter.
"'M not an angel, Graves," She says.
She pushes him onto his back and straddles his hips, sheets pooling around their waists.
Her hands trail down his chest and stomach and back up, leaning down to kiss him.
He feels himself getting hard, dick pressing up against her ass.
"My angel."
If only he knew what shit like that does to her. She has to stop the words 'I love you' from falling from her lips.
"What's wro- shit!"
She tries to cover her falter by grinding back against him.
Morning sex has never been their thing, one of them has usually left by the time the other wakes up. But he can't say the prospect doesn't sound appealing.
"Roll over for me."
She does as he says, rolling off him and onto her stomach.
He takes her hip and turns her on her side, hand sliding between her legs.
She hums as he lazily plays with her clit, and sucks at her neck, her body still sensitive from the night before.
She sighs, head lolling back against his shoulder when he pushes into her.
He rolls his hips, both of them shuddering at the feeling.
He spends the next hour fucking her slowly. It's the most intimate thing they've ever done and she's completely addicted.
It's not just pleasure chasing, it's soft and sensual.
"I should go," He whispers. They've been laying with her wrapped in his arms for almost anothoer hour, his dick still buried in her pussy.
She doesn't want him to, she wants to stay like this. She cranes her neck back to kiss him.
The whine that escapes her when he moves to pull away breaks his heart.
"You know how to find me when you need me," He murmurs against her neck before getting up.
Need you now.
She watches him get dressed unable to stop a pout from forming.
He plops back down in the mattress next to her to pull on his boots and she pulls herself up to hang off his shoulders.
"You're never this clingy," He teases, "You catchin' feelings for me, Sinner?"
"You wish," She scoffs. Yes.
He chuckles and kisses her cheek. I have.
He groans as he stands, grabbing his jacket.
"I'll see ya around, Chau," He waves over his shoulder and walks out, leaving her there, yearning for him.
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neutralskeptic · 4 months
My Mild Disillusionment with #fixtf2: A Rant
So, I'll be frank. I've already been skeptical of this movement's efficacy for a while. Sure, it has a lot more backing than savetf2 and it seems like it'll follow up on its initial demands unlike the first movement, but I doubt Valve is going to handle it immediately, if at all, especially when they already have Deadlock and CS2's bot problems to deal with. Nevertheless, I've always sort of kept an eye on it, lending a signature to their petition and keeping an eye on their movements. What's really broken the camel's back for me, however, and has sapped away at my faith that fixtf2 will do anything constructive, is the way a recent point of controversy was handled. So, context for those of you out of the loop. To further spread awareness of the FixTF2 movement, Megascatterbomb (who I'm pretty sure you all know as the guy behind TF2's largest cheater database and who's been spearheading efforts against the bots) sent an open letter to Valve in their Source 1 game bug tracker. Pretty expected stuff, with Megascatterbomb (who I'm hereby gonna abbreviate as MSB for brevity's sake) asking his Discord followers to upvote that open letter.
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Well, it was all going well until this happened.
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For a former Linux user like me, who's dug through many GitHub issue trackers, this is expected. When the maintainer of a GitHub repo redirects you to an existing issue, in the majority of these cases the maintainer is simply trying to prevent the amount of duplicate issues from becoming bloated, not ostracize the person reporting the issue. To loosely reference Big Smoke: all they had to do was follow the link to that existing issue, and they'd be fine. Sure, it would mean that it would be harder for Valve to see, but I'm pretty sure that the resulting activity on that issue was enough to get their attention. But no! Instead, this is what they initially did.
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It doesn't help that from what I've heard, bot hoster groups have sleeper agents inside MSB's Discord, allowing them to easily screw things up even further and muddle the issue up. The final result? Hell sorta broke loose in the thread, Valve closed that issue in the end, MSB changed the message in the above screenshot to remind them not to bloat the issue—most likely to save face, and finally, issue #3477 on the Source 1 bug tracker has recently seen a bunch of hapless fools trying to scream at a brick wall as they fail to grasp the larger nature of the bot problem. Is this the impression we want to give as a community? Do we want to repeat the poor relations and miscommunication between Valve and us that caused End of the Line and Invasion to flop? Ugh. Team Fortress 2 will still be one of my favorite games of all time, but I doubt that the community is going to accomplish any meaningful change at all, especially now that they've really soured their relationship with Valve. I just hope that the damage this does isn't that prevalent, as it's a real shame that a lot of the people involved are thinking so one-dimensionally that they can't grasp simple things like getting redirected to another open issue on GitHub does not mean that the repo owner hates you or that bot hosters can do more than just make disruptive, blatantly obvious aimbots. I'm very sorry for saying this, but I can somewhat confidently say that #FixTF2 might be doing something to TF2 that starts with an F, yes. Fucking it over.
Hopefully the community can at least push back and make up for a mistake as simple as this.
Alright. Rant over. Synchronize your death watches, and let's hope that Valve doesn't take too much offense at this. Farewell, and may luck always follow in your endeavors. :)
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cmdonovann · 1 year
Accomplishments! Quantum Break fansite in progress!
(originally posted June 8th, 2023; crossposted from dreamwidth.)
Well, I removed Tumblr from my phone to prevent me from wasting so much time there, which means I now have nowhere to easily and quickly post my inane thoughts (at least not without feeling like I'm bothering people on Discord or in direct messages, though perhaps that's something I should work on). You know what that means! It means I'm probably going to try posting them here instead. Thing I want to post about: I'm making a Quantum Break fansite! I've been wanting to do this for ages, and actually started putting together a couple of little graphics for it during the "Quantum Break Appreciation Month" event I ran on Tumblr in April, but I hadn't made much progress on the project since then... until the past few days, anyway, when I started brainstorming what I actually want to do with the site, how I want to lay it out, and so on. Yesterday I put together some CSS for the site, and today I did The Hard Part: I set up a git/GitHub repo for the site, and got the "deploy to neocities" script working for it, so I can easily and quickly make updates to the site in VSCode, then push from there to GitHub to neocities all at once, like I do with my personal site. Was this an absolute pain to set up? Yes! Somehow, it took me even longer to do it a second time than it did the first! But I did it myself, with a lot of encouragement and rubber duck-ing from a few very helpful people in the Fandom Coders chat. Can't say I'm not proud of myself for that. I would not have had the skill or confidence a year ago to do something like this, especially not all the mucking about I did in the terminal trying to set up the git repo in the first place. Anyway, I am, to put it mildly, extremely fucking excited to continue working on this site. I've got big plans: first order of business is to get an archive set up of all the Quantum Break fanfic I can get my hands on (and get permission from the authors for). After that, I'm probably going to do the same for fanart and image edits like photosets and gifsets from Tumblr, since the CSS page styling for those will likely be similar (though I expect to run into some attribution problems with older Tumblr posts, what with so many deactivated or moved blogs post-2018). Once that's sorted out, I'm considering looking into the best way to archive fanvids, but honestly that might be put off for a while longer, as video hosting and video players are way out of my skill level currently. Maybe I'll import some of my Quantum Break playlists from my personal site, too? Oh yeah, and at some point down the line, I want to make a searchable wiki with transcripts of all the in-game narrative objects. But "searchable" is probably going to be a stumbling point there, and transcribing takes ages, so this will be last priority, I think. Wow, that's... a lot, actually! Damn! This is gonna take a while. Not that I mind spending a couple of years poking at a project, obviously. *Gestures at my longfic that took four years to finish...* I've been neck deep in this fandom for over seven years, what's another five or ten? XP
btw, since it's fairly easy to post images on tumblr (compared to dreamwidth, anyway), here's a screenshot of the section that's currently in progress: the fic archive index!
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(ignore my filler text... i usually use karkalicious as my lorem ipsum, so at least i'm not committing THAT particular crime here.)
i'm still futzing around a little with the styling (negative margin my beloathed) but it's coming along pretty well! i've already got a branch where i've started... you know, actually adding fic to the site, but i won't merge that into the main and add a link to the front page until the style problems have been fixed (or at least, fixed enough to be easily navigable on mobile, which... is not the case right now, lolrip).
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vault-heck · 2 years
WIP Wednesday?
I don't remember when exactly, but I know a lot of my mutuals tagged me. Finally getting around to posting one and if you're reading this feel free to say I tagged you.
I'm experimenting with POV and tense for the upcoming chapters about my OC, Omen. I might re-write the first chapter of TBWFTB, but that's neither here nor there. WIP below the cut :)
Courser activity is obvious to Omen– they know what to look for. A single brush with one had been enough to burn the warning signs into their memory. 
Impossible to forget, they can listen for the snapping electricity of the relay as one might for the first whispers of a radstorm. When they see swarms of gen-1 synths swarming buildings like a school of fish, where their bodies throw deceitful glints of light, Omen knows the movements are more akin to workers assisting their queen bee.
Omen’s coat had been a gift from their mentor so many years ago. She sewed extra pockets in the lining and took it to a skilled tailor for them. A courser’s silhouette is similar– while far more cold and sterile, it was not entirely separate from the realities that constructed Omen. They could recognize it from miles away. 
It’s the closest thing to regalia that a synth can hope to have, she had said once.
Yes, it is possible to find a courser before he finds you. Anyone who wishes to survive such an encounter must become an alchemist versed in cleverness and haste. Once the relay fires, the countdown starts; there are mere seconds to assemble a plan.
Tonight, Omen eats a packed meal from their seat on the roof of the Old State House. With rumors circulating about the Brotherhood’s intentions, and findings in Goodneighbor, it behooves them to observe the town on their way back to headquarters.
It is never boring here and they prefer it to places like Diamond City where they would have a tougher go at entering as a maskless customer. Even the tired woman with the meat stand that neighbored the city gate exponentially upcharged Omen compared to the drifter in line in front of them, for the same cut of brahmin. She had muttered something about their scars and they pretended not to hear. 
The words were not meant for them anyway, they were for the vendor’s own sensibilities. In places like Diamond City, only a select few are really permitted to appear a mercenary. The inhabitants make no secret of their preference for smooth skin, but Omen thinks it would be more accurate to call it a voracious disdain for roughness, darkness.
“Eat your bloatfly,” Omen tells Ed. He perches on the edge of the roof where the breeze disturbs his breast feathers and he looks their way only occasionally, disinterested in his food. They sprinkle three kernels of corn across the serving and he continues to ignore them. Something isn’t right.
They sighed. “I sense it too.”
Cool wind tugs at their hood and whistles through shop windows below. The streets are uncharacteristically quiet; even Hancock’s men have thinned in numbers. According to their pocket watch, it is more morning than night. An inherently liminal hour, and the quietest Goodneighbor could get. 
“Scan below, then. Take your time.” It never hurts to check.
Ed doesn’t need to hear the request twice. He swoops beyond the lip of the roof with a silence that causes the corners of their mouth to hint at upward movement.
When he returns, the echo of a smile falls. The flurry of feathers is anything but subtle, and if he hadn’t found Omen he might have unleashed an emphatic caw. Instead, he soars around them in familiar formation to land on their extended arm. 
“What did you see?”
A shudder of settling feathers. Ed’s movements are urgent. “Repo.”
Gloves on, mask down. Omen quickly tucks their food against the wall to retrieve later, then hangs from the lip of the roof with no more than fingertips and the side of their foot. Just as Edgar said, a courser haunts the streets of Goodneighbor. 
In a stride towards the Old State House, he does not look up once. They are counting on it, for those at the top of the food chain rarely do.
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afolderfullofstories · 9 months
Whumptober Day 7
Notes: Not repo! unfortunately. Seriously have absolutely no inspiration to write for it anymore. I watched Prince of Egypt musical recently hoping I would have some sort of inspiration to continue that storyline but nope, I'm out. (And honestly there's no where else for that story to go). If it's any consolation, Levi is very Pavi inspired in terms of the way he acts and talks to people. (Just not in this story, he hasn't reached that point yet). I tried going around calling everyone Bella and Bello and he literally flirts with anything that has a pulse. They both adopted very similar personas but that's about where the similarities end.
He awoke to cold, severe frostbiting cold. He looked around to see himself buried deep in snow, half encased in ice. What the hell? He quickly stood up, trying to get out of the cold. The freezing, biting air didn’t make a lick of difference. He could feel the chill seep straight into his bones. He couldn’t stop his teeth from chattering. He had to get out of the cold.
He looked around. There was nothing but ice for miles on end. There had to be something. He couldn’t do anything but start walking. The snow stretched, one foot after another. He had to get out of the cold. One foot after another. He was beginning to feel numb. One foot after another.
There was a town up ahead. Relief filled him. He could get out of the cold. He was safe. He entered the quiet town, the occupants all probably hiding indoors from the cold. He looked around for anywhere he could take shelter. A door opened. He darted into an alleyway before he could be spotted. He couldn’t be spotted by anyone. If they saw him, they would hurt him or worse. He couldn’t be seen. He had to hide.
But why?
He paused in the alleyway, still out of sight, but frozen. Why was he afraid that someone would see him? There was a deep fear in his gut but he didn’t know why. Did he do something wrong? He… He…
Who was he?
Why couldn’t he remember anything? Who the fuck was he? He had been so focused on getting out of the cold that he hadn’t realized… Did he hit his head? Was that it? He felt against his head but couldn’t find any bumps or pain or injuries. What he did find were a pair of horns sticking out of his head. He expected shock or fear but there was nothing. He looked down at his skin and it was a bright shade of purple. Again he didn’t feel surprised.
He heard music from one of the buildings, it must be a tavern. He hadn’t eaten since he awoke in the ice. Maybe he was just tired and cold. Maybe if he just warmed himself up and had something to eat, his memories would come back. But he couldn’t force himself towards the Tavern. He couldn’t be seen. If he was seen…something bad would happen.
His eyes darted to a nearby house, a winter cloak hanging on the clothes line. He approached it quietly, snatching the cloak and quickly putting it on. He pulled the hood over his head, hiding his horns. He slid his hands under the cloak, hiding his bright purple skin. Cautiously he approached the tavern, ready to run. He opened the Tavern door and went right to the back of the room.
No one was watching him. Good. The warmth of the Tavern hit him at once, relaxing him slightly. A warm meal would do wonders for him. He… His hands darted around his waist, his clothes. He wasn’t carrying any money on him, that much was clear. He sighed. He was looking forward to a hot meal. Not that he was hungry, which surprised him. He was walking for hours. But the cold and adrenaline was probably just distracting him.
“Well, fancy seeing a Tiefling all the way out here.”
His eyes darted upwards, as his hands flew towards his waist where it encircled the hilt of a blade. He hadn’t even realized it was there. A reflex he supposed.
“Relax, sweetie. A bit jumpy, aren’t you?” The female dragonborn said gently.
He furrowed his brow. She knew he was a Tiefling but she wasn’t attacking him. Tiefling… Yes. That was what he was. A Tiefling. He felt a semblance of pride in his chest for a moment. He tried to grab hold to that, any flicker or trace of his memory, but it disappeared.
“Are you alright, honey? What’s your name?”
He looked up at her but he couldn’t answer her. What was his name? He must have a name. “Levi.” The answer came smoothly from his lips. It was wrong. His name wasn’t Levi. But…it felt important. The name felt important. But…why?
“Do you want to order anything?”
“Ye-” And then he remembered he had nothing on him. He shook his head.
“You’re a quiet one.” She gave him a warm, motherly smile. (And he feels something itch at the back of his mind, a kind, warm voice speaking in Infernal). “Let me get you something warm. On the house.” She winks at him.
“Thank you.” He said in Infernal. He quickly shook his head and repeated in Common.
He stared at the Dragonborn walked away. Slowly, he pulled off his hood. No one stared. The Dragonborn hadn’t even reacted when she saw he was a Tiefling. But he didn’t even know why he was afraid she would find out. He sighed and rubbed his head. He had to remember something. Why couldn’t he remember anything?
The Dragonborn smiled at him as she placed a bowl of warm broth in front of him. He thanked her in Infernal once more before correcting himself.
He was a Tiefling. He spoke Infernal. The name ‘Levi’ meant something to him. He…he… He let out a string of curses. He could almost hear a voice chiding him. He tried to grab on to that but it disappeared before he could catch it. He groaned in frustration.
He sighed before turning to the broth before him. He still didn’t feel hungry. He had absolutely no appetite. But he needed to eat. He took a careful spoon. It tasted…like nothing. He sighed. It was free food. There was no reason to be mean. He took another spoon. It didn’t even taste bland. It just tasted like nothing. He decided to just gulp down the broth and get it over with. He placed the spoon down and chugged the broth down.
He placed the bowl back onto the table and made a face. It was just tasteless, why was he having such a visceral reaction to it? Almost in reply, his stomach turned. He didn’t have time to move, as his body regurgitated the food violently. He heaved and hurled until there was nothing more to bring up.
The Dragonborn was at his table almost immediately.
“Sorry.” He managed to mutter weakly.
“Are you ill?” He felt a warm hand on his forehead. “Goodness. You’re freezing. Take one of the rooms upstairs.” He tried to protest he didn’t have any coin but she hushed him. “You’re clearly not well and you need rest. Don’t worry about paying.”
He could only thank her gratefully as he made his way up the stairs. He washed up and plopped himself in bed. He could feel exhaustion seeping into his bones. But he couldn’t sleep. He laid there staring at the ceiling, counting sheep; but sleep refused to come. And then he felt it, he was tired but he wasn’t sleepy. He knew it didn’t make sense. But no matter how much he tossed and turned, sleep refused to fill him.
He heard screams. They sounded so far away and yet right beside his ears. The screams were a cacophony, when one stopped another began, and more. And he tried to listen, tried to recognize a voice, anything.
There’s another scream, louder, not so distant. He sat up as the Dragonborn staggered back, staring at him in fear. And then she took a breath to calm herself down. “My apologies. You sleep like the dead. Could have sworn you weren’t breathing.”
And then he took a breath. Because he realized too he had forgotten to breathe. Why did he need to remember to breathe? Wasn’t it natural?
The Dragonborn placed a hand on his forehead once more and tutted loudly, “I swear your skin is like the dead. Was the room not warm enough?”
He looked down at his hands and the purple skin looked sallow under the lights. He took another breath as he realized he had forgotten to breathe again. He placed a hand on his wrist and pressed harder but he couldn’t feel it, he couldn’t feel a pulse.
“Is something wrong, sweetie?”
“I don’t know.” He forgot to breathe again. “I think I… I think I’m dead.”
Levi entered yet another town. It’s been a month since he woke up in the ice. The Dragonborn Tavernkeeper had been kind. She allowed him to stay in the Tavern for free as he tried to figure out who or what he was. He was dead, that much was clear. He couldn’t keep food down, he couldn’t sleep no matter how hard he tried and he had to constantly remind himself to breathe before people started staring.
He still didn’t have his memories and after telling the Dragonborn his name was Levi, it was a bit hard to back down from it. Besides, he liked it. He spent nights trying to claw whatever bits of memories he could hang on to. But he had nothing. Just a small memory of the smell and taste of a warm meal. So he knew he had to be alive at some point.
He went door to door in the town, hoping someone would recognize him and tell him who he was but no one knew him. Then he settled for sitting at the tavern, hoping a passerby would know him but still he had no luck. Then he went town to town. Someone had to recognize him. But each town only tore any hope he had to pieces.
He started once more, knocking each door, asking, begging almost, if any of them recognized him but they all just shook their head and looked at him with pity. One door then the next, then the next, then the next. Nothing.
Levi let out a scream of frustration as the last house’s door closed. No one. Not even a single person knew him. It didn’t even have to be a friend or family. Just someone fucking recognize him. He looked up to the sky and paused. Was he even religious? Would he even know? He refused to enter temples. He didn’t know why, but he hated each and every one of them. So he couldn’t be religious right?
But desperation filled him and he called out, “Can you hear me? Can anyone fucking hear me? I don’t care who the fuck you are. Thor, Hoar, Selune, Venus; just who the fuck ever. I need answers. I need a fucking sign. I need to know who I am.”
But nothing replied him. No voice, no sign, nothing.
“Everyone is convinced this has to be some sort of miracle, some blessing from the Gods. Well if it’s a blessing than at least tell me why. Why me? There has to be a reason for this. You can’t just bring me back half-alive and just dump me here without answers.”
Still there was nothing.
“I was right. Fuck you. Fuck each and everyone of you.” He turned and headed back out of town then paused. “At least tell me who she is. Is she alive? Is she safe? Who is she to me? She’s important. I know she’s important to me. I know she’s everything to me. But I don’t know who she is. How can I keep my vow to protect her if I can’t find her.”
Still silence.
“Damn it.”
Notes: Oh god. Way too many characters to get attached to. Like I hate making new characters for one shots because even if I know their backstory, I'm not interested because its just a one-off thing. And then I'm like, hmn...you know what, let's make relations of my other characters so at least I can do backstory building for the others while caring for these characters. And good god did I get way too attached to Levi. And part of me wants to make this canon, but no, unfortunately. Levi being Reborn will never be canon. Dormaia needs to learn to grow on her own and bringing the dead back to life just feels cheap, especially when Dormaia needs to learn to move on. (And I'm trying man, I'm trying to let Dormaia move on and find more things to care about. But when my party isn't giving Dormaia reasons for her to care about them (like leaving her to die twice now), it's a bit hard for her to get through that character development. Honestly, I've half a mind for her to go full dark side. Hahaha maybe i'll just post an update for all my characters tomorrow. Elyndria hasn't seen Ismark in many many sessions and hence hasn't been able to speak to him about what happened to ireena. So... yea... that love story is going down the drain, that much is clear. Mmn no, i've rambled enough. I'll update things tomorrow.
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littlewalken · 2 years
Feb 9
Every girl in this god damn act is a lady, except for Sunshine.
Or Goff Barbie.
Discuss the difference between a lady and a broad amongst yourselves.
Ponies are shipped, it cost more for the internet company to send me the bill for $2 than I actually owed (nothing), and I don't have to spend tomorrow waiting home for the gas company to turn things back on because they were pumping air out of the lines and had to relight the whole neighborhood anyway.
We are looking at a possible new home today as every service tech that has been here and everyone else who knows this neighborhood says it's no place for ladies. There are bars on the window and a locking gate so we have that.
Got kids that don't appreciate their decent home? Drive them thru any neighborhood you wouldn't want to live in and tell them they could always live there. They could always be homeless against their control and ready to say yes to the first place they can literally get in to. The floor tiles don't have to match to pass inspection.
Altho I would recommend this neighborhood to a train enthusiast because they could live literally next to the tracks and enjoy the four lanes of freight trains going about day and night.
I do need to take a pic of the cactus fence with the trailer thinggies behind it before we leave. That is kind of neat.
Got some tracings done for some eventual art making. If it turns out we are going to move the art supplies will be among the last things packed but I'll be ratcheting up the scanning of books so I have less of those to move.
Nothing else needs to go, from my end, because I did that two years ago and found that a few other things disappeared too. So the Re-Animator shirt and the repo Cure How Wonderful You Are will be like in my purse.
This next move will go better than the last one, even if I end up doing most of the work myself.
0 notes
fluffypro · 2 years
Dunder Rangers: Boy Meets World / The Office
A giant unicorn man and cyclops talk on the moon.
Poluticorn: Recyclops you are my most hated enemy. I thought I killed you.
Recyclops: You wish Recyclops was killed.
Poluticorn: What brings you here?
Recyclops: Recyclops’ family is all killed. Recyclops has nowhere else to go. Recyclops wants you to help me wreak vengeance upon the earth.
Poluticorn: Where do you want to start?
Recyclops: There is a paper company in Scranton. Not only do they support the murder of trees, but the salesman there is mocking Recyclops.
Poluticorn: I don't care about trees though. I like to pollute. You know, it's in my name.
Recyclops: Creed Bratton also works there.
Poluticorn: Not the greatest enemy of the galaxy let's tear some crap up!
At Dunder Mifflin Michael just got a package at the bullpen.
Michael: I got a big box yes I do I got a big box how about you!
Michael opens the package it's a giant globe.
Michael: It's some snow globe. Here it is Erin catch.
Michael throws the globe and it breaks.
Pam: Michael this label says the box is for Mr. Cranston from Cranston Inc.
Michael: Well he has these other boxes, I'll just umm not touch the rest.
Creed: Ok boss, but can I keep these gold coins?
Michael: No Creed. Give those back we can't break any more stuff!
Billy:  Greetings. I am Billy Cranston of Cranston Inc. I am happy to be here at your paper Merchandizing Complex. I would like to propose to you an undertaking of voluminous probability.
Michael: That's nice we have a song for you by Andy and Erin.
Andy and Erin ( To the melody of Tic Tok): Cranston in Scranton
he just bought Dunder Mifflin.
Oh Woah Wa Woah oh
Oh Woah Wa Woah oh
Billy: Umm. That's commendable, but let's congregate in your business discussion room.
Michael: Umm.
Oscar: He wants to gather in the conference room.
Michael: Ok everyone to the conference room.
Michael is holding a conference room meeting.
Michael: Ok I know it's been a rough couple of months, but I'd like to introduce you to the CEO of the company that brought us. Mr. Billy Cranston.
Billy: I am much obliged. I would like to give you all the opportunity to emancipate Scranton and the entire world. Behold the viewing globe. Where is the viewing globe?
Everyone is silent Michael looks guilty.
Billy: Anyways I have heard reports that Scranton is being besieged by Recyclops and Poluticorn.
Phyllis: What's a Poluticarn?
Oscar: Those are just a couple of characters Dwight made up for earth day.
Creed: No they are real, all right super real. Poluticorn was my roommate in the ’60s.
Creed (Talking Head): He was a nice guy, but very messy. We fought because he hated my music.
Dwight: You fools I pretended to be cyclops to warn you all. Now like always you didn't listen and he's coming to destroy us.
Billy: Anyways you can all stop him if 6 of you become...
Dwight: Power Rangers! Yes!
Billy: That's my line, but yes.
Michael: I'll be the red ranger because I'm the fearless leader. Stanley can be the black ranger.
Stanley: What is it about me that makes me a good black ranger?
Billy: Michael I need you here.
Michael: Ok. Fine, but everything will be destroyed by the repo man and Poop Corn.
Billy (Talking Head): Yes the doc crew showed me some footage before I got here. I know what I'm in for.
Michael: If I'm not the Red Ranger then it must be my son, Ryan.
Ryan He's just saying things, we are not related.
Toby: Mr. Cranston with all respect, I don't think it's good to have our employees fight monsters.
Michael: That is the evilest monster right there Billy.
Billy: Oscar You will be the Black Ranger.
Michael: Don’t you mean the pink ranger?
Kevin sinkers.
Oscar: Thank you, I'm honored.
Billy: Pam you will be the Blue Ranger.
Pam: I can't. I'm pregnant.
Pam (Talking head): I use my pregnancy to get out of anything I don't want to do. Does that make me a bad mother? I think it makes me love the baby even more.
Phyllis: I'll be the blue ranger. It sounds fun.
Michael: Phyllis? No way.
Billy: Sounds good to me.
Billy: Kelly you will be the Pink Ranger.
Kelly: Thank you so much you won't regret it.
Kelly ( Talking head ): I usually wouldn't fight gross monsters, but this is the perfect opportunity to make Ryan jealous.
Billy: Dwight you will be the Yellow Ranger.
Dwight: Yes! This is my life calling. Even though I wanted to be the Red Ranger.
Billy: You can be the assistant to the Red Ranger, Jim Halpert.
Dwight: Nooooooo!
Jim: I'm pregnant too.
Pam: I don't think it works that way, honey.
Jim: Sure I'll do it.
Billy: Ok that's everyone. I'll hand you your morphers, so I can teleport you when they strike.
Michael: Wait you said there was going to be six rangers. Can I be...
Billy: No Michael I have plans for that one.
Suddenly an alarm goes off.
Dwight: All right everyone we got a fire. Do we all remember how to exit safely?
Billy: No that's the monster alarm. The coordinates are at the Scranton Paper Mill. It's time to go.
Michael: Creed, you were supposed to make sure there were no monsters at the paper mill. Have you been making your trips again?
Creed: It's Debie Brown. I can never find her.
Billy: Ok, Jim it's your cue.
Jim stares at the camera.
Billy: Say it's morphing time.
Jim: It's Morphing Time?
Everyone is silent.
Billy: All the rangers pick up their morpheme and say the ranger color.
They all shout at once.
Billy: No-no-no. It's one at a time.
Jim: Red Ranger.
Jim transforms into a black business suit with a red tie and Helmet.
Phyllis: I'll go next. What was my color?
Billy: Blue.
Phyllis: Ok Blue Ranger.
She looks the same as Jim, but blue.
Phyllis: Wow! I did it!
Dwight: Yellow Ranger!
Oscar: Black Ranger!
Kelly: Pink ranger.
They all teleport to the paper mill.
Cameraman: Can you send me too? I can't get the footage if I'm here.
Billy: Affirmative.
Billy presses the button and sends the cameraman to the paper mill.
Brain the Boom guy: Can I go too?
Billy: No. I think a cameraman is enough. I can't send the whole crew.
The Rangers are at the paper mill.
Recyclops: Dwight. You finally meet Recyclops. It looks like you were unworthy to be a red ranger.
Dwight: No, but I'm the Assistant red ranger.
Jim: Assistant to the red ranger.
Poluticorn: I'll stop you with my toxic wind.
He flaps his wings and blows are the rangers.
Kelly: That is grosser than Kevin’s farts.
Dwight: His power comes from his horns it's time for me to summon my power dangers. Damnit, Jim!
Dwight's dangers are covered in jello.
Jim looks at the camera with his helmet still on.
Oscar: Was that necessary Jim? Are you happy now? I'll stop him.
Poluticorn: What are you going to do? Hit me with your little ax.
Oscar: Actually. It's also a cannon.
Oscar fires a blast at both monsters.
Jim: Why do you even want to fight us.
Poluticorn: To have revenge on humanity. Especially Dwight and Creed.
Jim: Creed isn't even here he's still at the office.
Poluticorn: Fool! I already sent putties to the business park!
At the office, there are strange noises from the bathroom. Kevin runs out.
Kevin: I don't have to go anymore!
Michael is fighting putties with his magic scarf and cards.
Putties circle Stanley’s desk. He looks up and then continues to do his crossword.
Angela: Pam I need your assistance with these creatures.
Pam: I'm pregnant. Plus I already beat a few with my chair.
Erin: I'll help. Yaaaahhhh!!!
Erin is stapling putties in the face.
Creed is fighting putties with two chairs.
Creed: If I had 3 chairs I’d be invincible!
Meredith is being tackled by putties.
Meredith: Just don't touch my through.
Andy is dancing with the putties.
Andy: Relax these guys remind me of my hip-hop dance group at Cornell. One and two and three and four. One and two and three and four. Great job guys!
Billy runs out with a gun that shoots a silly string-looking spray. All the putties melt.
Billy: Luckily I bought my puttie polisher!
Back at the paper mill.
Phyllis: Bob Vance works there too!
Polluticorn: Who?
Phyllis chops off pulitcorns horn.
Phyllis: You got a lot to learn in this town, Poluticarn.
Jim: Alright Phyllis! Now we can combine our weapons to form the power blaster.
Dwight: Yeah I finally got all the jello off mine.
They combine their weapons and fire a blast that destroys polluticorn.
Recyclops: Noooooo. In some ways, he was the only family Recyclops had left. Time for Recyclops to get out of here.
Recyclops leaves.
Michael ( on a radio): Hello this is Michael back from the grave.
Dwight: No. Michael I fail.
Michael: I'm kidding. We're all fine. Billy is giving me something to do.
Billy: I regret that.
Michael: Anyways. Recyclops is in the parking lot.
Jim: We need to teleport back to the business park then.
They teleport to the parking lot and fight. Recyclops.
Recyclops: Recyclops will defeat the cocky red ranger first.
Jim: Ok. Go ahead.
Recyclops trips on Jim’s sword that was left on the floor.
Recyclops: Nooo! For that, Recyclops will crush you.
Recyclops grow giant.
Dwight: What do we do now Jim?
Jim: You’re the monster expert here.
Oscar: Well we also need to get big I just don't know-how.
Dwight: We need a giant robot, but Billy didn't give us any.
A giant green forklift rises from the ground.
Daryl: Hey Guys need a lift.
Daryl ( Talking head): I didn't mean to do a pun it just came out that way.
The rangers enter the lift. Daryl is in a green ranger outfit with a gold suit.
Daryl: Welcome to the forklift zord!
Dwight: Can I drive?
Daryl: No you don't have proper training. That's why Billy chose me.
Kelly: I am so glad you are here Daryl. Ryan is going to be jealous now that you are on the team.
Phyllis: Oh brother... can we blow this one up too now?
Jim: first we need to get him away from the building. Darryl the train yard has been evacuated lefts push him there.
Daryl: You got it.
Daryl uses the forklift to lift Recyclops and push him to the train yard.
Dwight: Great. Now does this thing have a sword or something?
Oscar: We could lift it to death.
Darryl: Watch this. Pipity popity give me the zopity!
The forklift transforms into a giant robot with two lift swords.
Dwight: Now can I drive this is like my dream Daryl.
Daryl: You are not licensed to operate Forklift Megazord.
Dwight: Aw man! Do all forklifts do this?
Jim: Yes Dwight. They all do.
Daryl: Please don't tell him that.
Dwight: We need to find a way to hit the eye before we take him down. It will weaken its defenses.
Oscar: Kelly maybe you can use your bow and arrow to hit the eye.
Kelly: Oh sure it all comes down to me. I once punched a woman in the eye. It was pretty funny because her fake eyelashes fell off and poked her in the eye. It was on the same day Bennifer broke up, so I was really on edge that day.
Jim: Kelly. Focus.
Kelly: Ok fine.
Kelly shoots an Arrow out the window right into the monster's eye.
Recyclops: Now you will pay.
He sprays arrasal cans at them.
Oscar: Well that will hurt the ozone layer.
Dwight: Please Daryl I'm a sword expert.
Daryl: No.
Daryl chops him with his swords.
Recyclops: Thank you I can now return to my family, this is all I wanted.
He explodes.
Oscar: That was kind of sad.
Phyllis: Sad for him.
Billy: Thank You Rangers Scranton is now conserved.
Michael: What?
Oscar: We saved everyone.
Michael: No need to brag Oscar. I would have done it faster. That's what she said.
Jim: I'm surprised you haven't made any one-eyed monster jokes.
Michael: Curse you I was just going to.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
sugar rush 2022: part one
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Hello everyone! it’s that time of the year where I round-up the candies brought to us from January-June 2022. I have purposely added ones that captured the eyes of fans. I have also included some meta posts I made during these months in the mix for some good old throwback cpn explanations. Enjoy looking back at some of the most fun moments in the fandom and a reminder of why turtles live the sweetest life. 🤍
* The “toy plane” held by Yibo in his NYE photoshoot is the same as what GG played with in his Kite flying vlog. What are the chances? Come on! Plus the fact that this is the only shot that is in black and white, meaning we can’t confirm that this is the blue one that GG used. Tho we all know it’s the same kind of toy plane. The song he performed, NIAN has nothing to do with flying. So what is the reference? His movie King of the Sky? ✈️
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* Same Chongya pose that they both love doing. GG took his customary photo in this pose for his new year content and Yibo did it during his live performance.
* During the Hunan TV NYE show when they were all lined up for the countdown — people were lipreading that they were asking Yibo who is the “red” for since there was apparently a person who was wearing a wangxiao headband.
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* GG announced as SAIC Audi Endorser, so they are now both part of the AUDI Family. 🤍
* Rufeng’s repo post about GG washing clothes for Yibo and more domestic drama.
* In an XZS Vlog, GG talked alot about garlic and went off an unnecessary tangent. Why is that? I explain that over here.
* Someone in GG’s team was wearing a Monster Energy cap. FYI, Monster don’t just sell their goods.
* Same but different colors of clothes for their endorsement.
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* GG’s clothes has a collab with Loverboy. Just something interesting.
* In Ace Troops, the school that GG’s adopted son will attend is called Bo Jin Ye Xiao. Sounds familiar?
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* An explanation of why people think the information that Web says in his XMLY episodes are from an encyclopedia that GG has.
* In one of the BTS for Ace Troops, you can see GG mouthing “wow” which is what they usually say.
* In an Alexvi photo gallery exhibit, the actual account posted some photos sent by fans who took a photo. One featured are Bobi + Zanbi + Suo! Sadly, it was deleted.
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* 01162022 LRLG rumor 🤍
* GG using green highlight
* They are both feeling “Calm”, this is the word they used to describe what they feel. I’m so happy that they are in the same wavelength.
One word to describe how you currently feel?
Yibo: calm
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What do you hope to be in the future?
GG : calm
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* CHUNZHEN STRIKES AGAIN. This brand really doesn’t give a fuck. Lol. First, their new campaign with Yibo was posted at 10:05, which is known to be GG’s number.
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and if that wasn’t enough, for the new commercial it seems like Bobo was going on a double date picnic. The other couple was het, in the meantime, he was with a “bro” 😂
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* What looks like a massage chair in GG’s trailer. We are clowning that it’s rotai.
* In a photo shared by YBO for Luoyang wrap-up, Bobo was shown with what looks like green roses. BXGs feel like this was referenced in a previous LRLG rumor.
* Another Ximalaya finding. Part 5.
* Same white shoes - I guess at this point it’s clear that their stylists are dating.
* Yinzheng ( Bobo’s friend ) posting a photo of a roseonly x peace elite merch.
* Steamed Pork featured in GG’s CNY spread and the same dish Bobo mentioned as one that tastes good.
* Just a comparison of how Bobo holds his copy of the song when he records, he uses his right hand. Except for that one time he was recording with GG and they were obviously holding hands.
* A mini CPN post that talks about a Kaomoji and why YBO suddenly posted content from Web’s 10/05 shared
* All the Clowning from the CNY celebration 🤍
Boxiao in 2017 - a few candies from that year.
• All the CPN in Yibo’s new year “selfie”
• There was an orange ornament found in Bobo’s car, orange which GG posted about constantly in his NY photos. And who do we know between the two loves to follow customs.
• Stairwell posing! 🤍
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and what looks like a Motorcycle, why was this added in his set of photos? We know how careful his team is in what they post and sometimes even blurring things, so was this deliberate?
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• Same lines used.
• Little prince merch caught GG’s eyes in his USMILE event.
• Alexvi weibo managed to pick a pair cosplaying BoXiao and featured them. Hahahahahaha!
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• GG allegedly found with a Winter Olympics toy from China Unicom and we know who endorses that. Possible wash is the Unicom dolls were featured in that CCTV postcards thing where GG/Web were both a part of. So he could have received one because of that and not due to Yibo being their endorser.
• Exchanging emoticons.
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• CQL is trending.
• New first table read BTS from WOWOW special feature.
• A BTS audio where Web says he won’t make GG ( wwx ) cry again. 🥲
MARCH 2022
This month will be in the BXG history books for the amount of candies we got. Thank you to Xiao laoshi for providing us with the sweets and coaxing us when he didn’t really have to. Links provided for the round-ups I did and I will indicate what specifics one are in there to make looking it up easier. It might look like a short list but most of the links have lots of candies in it.
• YBO releasing a very short “vlog” that has similar style to XZS. like that distorted voice and the subject of the vlog acting like he’s just doing his usual routine and is not being filmed.
• GG posts a photo for Spring, with the place looking like the one where Bazaar took photos of GG/Web individually.
• Same brand of clothes STAFF ONLY
• Similar header of their studios, water themed.
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• Both on the hot search
• Same way of taking photo from OOL trailer and how GG does it to Web in real life
• All the 3/15 ( OOL airing ) candies : centering around GG’s weibo post and the photos as well as kadians
• Using green highlighter
• Clip on earring CPN
• All about the Iceberg jacket
• Assorted candies - includes 11.11 hotpot clue, fake rumor, XZS/YBO similar posts and clues @ GG’s Tencent OOL interview
• Throwback CPN : White windmill
• GG bday 2019 clues from OOL BTS
• Same energy of jealous GG
• Clowning post - more OOL content where more cpns are uncovered 🤣
• Overload of Candy ✌🏼 - Wuji recording 3rd Anniversary sweetness!  
• Hand ( allegedly yibo ) CPN
• CPN on tidbits and analyzing GG’s exclusive SINA interview
• Soda tabs and Douyin post
• Times when GG acted like he knows nothing. Sly little Fox!
• OOL Finale special CPN post. Lol.
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• A visual of how Web’s Oasis interaction points suddenly increase when GG posts on Oasis. Weibo Link.
APRIL 2022
• Mini round up that explains their old wechat avatars and some clues in GG’s interview about blue skies and his thoughts on GW
• Proof of their batch recording similarity
• Pepsi
• Green highlighter crying hours lol
• Possible new evidence for the clip on earring
• Explanation of GG’s 4/1 Oasis post and it’s relation to Leslie Cheung
• Same designer FENG CHEN WANG
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• Proof that their 2019 tencent starlight dressing room was only divided by what looks like a plastic film.
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• Possible selfie for CQL anniversary
• Throwback : GG made a talisman for Bobo
• Mini round up : new era hat, martine rose, li ning logo, new clue @ little prince drawing and double standards
• SDC 3 clues revisited : heart with a mole and 10:05
• During the lockdown in SH, they both donated to elderly communities that are often overlooked. They are the vulnerable ones cause most of them live alone and don’t have phones to order online. This is not CPN, it’s just so nice to see how they think the same way. They have the same values 🤍
• New LRLG - poem
• A cold wall brand
• Both in entertainment hot search for CQL
• Boneless clothing brand
• Clowning compilation 4/23 LRLG post and the poem GG read
• Both looking good in gray suits
• A WangXian clue in their post 4 years ago
• Bobo’s expression pack
• Similar pose and styling
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MAY 2022
* Moto Shirt worn by GG in his Douyin video ( care of Li-Ning )
* The importance of the Number 16 to Yibo
* Making Sashimi 🍣
* Aurora borealis on the cover for Web’s Youth Day song
* Shu Uemura clues
* Same brand - Sean Suen
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* Youku showing a clip and GG/Web are included
* GG getting asked a starry sky
* Weekend sweets - stuff to pay attention to @ Mendale livestream
* Suing the same company 1.0
* More info on suing
* Same security detail
I didn’t make a separate post about this whole “Beijing Fiasco” that happened partly because it crossed the line of privacy. However I wanted it here for archiving purposes and just a disclaimer that this is still CPN. People said there were photographic evidence and all that but remember that those can be faked as well. Like I always say, we don’t need to go too far when it comes to candies. Especially when it’s personal information already. I made some vague posts just describing what all the talk was about but not in detail. I would hate for us to get caught up in search of candies that we end up hurting them. Don’t forget that our priority will always be to protect the boys and that means we keep quiet.
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The gist is, Yibo went back to Beijing 5/13 after finishing his filming of King of The Sky. He drove to Beijing and remember before this, there were talks of him heading to Hangzhou and not Beijing but everyone were wrong— he was photographed in Beijing. We would have been so happy with that news since they are finally in the same city. Plus if Beijing goes on lockdown, they can be together and tbh Web had alot of work to do in BJ too. But wait— there’s more...
Here comes the privacy part, It was said ( allegedly ) that GG/Web got their COVID tests 2 hours apart and got the results 5 minutes apart. It was on the same batch. GG is still doing work for his drama and he went with his Team, so why was Web taking it too close to his time? And not only that, People who live in BJ were saying they have testing centers every 2km. So they were pretty close to each other. Dare I say, together. It gets even more sus because they allegedly gave the same mobile phone number ( a generic one i think ) to be contacted once the results are available. After that, rumors of Web visiting the set of GG’s drama started floating around. I’m not even making this up, even MTJJs know and their reasoning is Web might be visiting Yangxia. Lol. Sure bro. It’s Yangxia— whatever makes you sleep at night i guess...
* More Li-ning clues
* A short compilation of photos and gifs of them looking at each other with hearts eyes!
* Love that goes both ways @ BREO and ROTAI Ad
* Dove x Chunzhen Collab
* Linhai and LQR Actor 520 clues (?)
* Bubly Red and Green CP
* Old rumor : There is nothing wrong with blueberry pie
* 520 / 521 History
* 520/ 521 Clues video
* Oasis experience points increased from 0 to 1 for both of them right when GG left Beijing
* Clues from the Bubly Ad and the drawing
* Hengdian to Hangzhou + One and Only Douyin post has Something Just Like This as the BGM
* Puppy + Bunny drawing ( JD and Breo )
* Douyin post similarities 5/27 ( One and Only Movie )
* Old candy : Web’s Shibuya inspired Nike shoes and their views on Love & Forgetting.
* GG’s 5/31 Oasis post - reduce swelling & liberation notes tv series
* Some candies in GG’s 5/31 breo press conference livestream
JUNE 2022
CPN Clues in Yibo-Official’s Children’s Day post
More clownery in the Himalaya account sharing speculation
* In GG’s Children’s Day Douyin, he did that jump and twirl action that he did when he was playing with Bobo during CQL shooting.
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Also that “punch” reminded us of Bobo’s redmi Ad.
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* Same look. Remember that Chunzhen is under Mengniu 🤍
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* 6/3 - Dragon Boat Festival candies
part one
part two
Shiying x Baili 🤍🤍🤍
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* Same panel background and clowning that it’s proof they were at the same hotel at some point.
* The Moon is GG’s oasis post
* Ositerm makes another appearance
* Where Dreams Begin wrap up dinner CPN
* Hibiscus flower & GUCCI bag strap
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similarity to hengdian | paper plane ✈️
This initiative is by GUCCI and everyone is encouraged to make their own artworks that will be exhibited in the Shanghai event. GG, being one of the ambassadors made his to promote the event. Of course, the first thing we notice is blue sky and clouds. Which is his favorite things to take photos of. It’s what I like about GG, casual fans will think that this is expected but the clowns in us GETS IT. Especially the specific look he went for is very close to CQL. Also the paper plane that was in YBO’s art for Children’s Day, which was their most recent post is somehow similar to this one by GG. What are the chances?
Also, GG’s is different from the other ones who first shared their “art”.
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* ANTA Orange Skate shoes 🍊
* new ox-head necklace tidbit
* Sauced Beef Saga 🥩
* SDC 3 clue ( was GG caught on camera? ) - read the replies in the post cause people contributed their thoughts too.
* Shiying and LWJ same movement
* Umbrella from that summer in 2018 was spotted during YGY shoot :
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• More information on the Hibiscus CPN as well as some clowning with XZ x Tod’s capsule collection 🌺
• Another Hibiscus coincidence ( Yibo’s 2020 shirt)
• Someone who worked on CQL’s OST posted a tidbit about Yibo and how he cried during WWX golden core. This is just an example of why it’s truly zhenqingshingan for Yibo. 🤍
• A really nice 627 video made by fansite BY YOUR SIDE that show what kind of relationship XZ/WYB have. Features all the simping they did for each other.
• On 6/28, photos of Yibo were released for his Chanel x Wanted campaign ( which were glorious ) and he was wearing a Coco Crush necklace. Some BXGs pointed out that the C is the same as GG’s Cough n Vain bday necklace. I know Chanel is sponsored, but we CPN that the rings have a more personal meaning to him. Also, that C can also resemble the moon.
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• 6/29, a video of GG started going around of him leaving a hotpot restaurant alone. The whole gist of the post is that he went to hotpot after work and it’s just him in Beijing. Funny enough, it’s the same place he mentioned to Yibo back during CQL filming when he was listing all the places he wanted to go and eat. He looks so FIT. I am also surprised that paps were able to film him in his private time but he is still very careful. BXGs are happy cause he is eating and if Bobo goes on Weibo, he will see it. Lol. I hope they can eat hotpot together someday 😊 Here is also a CPN for the shirt he was wearing.
• Similarity between the YBO chanel photoshoot video and XZS Vlog 🎥
This is not meant to be a comprehensive list that details each and every single candy that came about for the first half of year— because that’s just impossible and I find is not a good way to catalogue these things. That’s because if you clown hard enough, anything can be connected. from kadian to other things. I added ones that made people question things or give it a second glance. If you wanna add a few of your favorites then feel free to reply or RB but I won’t add it in this main post. I understand the novelty of obscure candies so go ahead or just say what your favorite was from the past months.
See you next year for Part 2! ✌🏼
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simply-sithel · 2 years
To answer a couple questions that have come up recently on comments & via tags...
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@clarasghosts am happy to spread the good word about minis! I've glomped my imposition code onto @momijizukamori's Bookbinder JS page. It's free & web based & hopefully easy to use. You just take a normal PDF and feed it in-- this book was the "mini" layout (under the "Wacky Small Layouts" section)
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@emptyyourselfintothesky No, but they do sell them! I've an adorable miniature press from Tony Firman ($175). While he does sell a plough ($100) for it, I've opted for chisel trimming, which I talk about more in this post.
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@goodnightmoonvale I've ordered it off Amazon [link]- it's not "official" bible paper, just 45 gsm sheets. Currently $13, paper size A4, 80 pages. Be warned, printing on it is a very finicky process. Have about 1 in 3 pages workout. (and even then, I tolerate some... cruft)
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@this-is-surely-tru It varies... Definitely depends on the software folks use and how ornate they want to be- some folks sink a LOT of time into it. I use LaTeX which is all text (like code) and allows me to re-use large chunks from previous projects. I also have written python scripts that let me pull fic from AO3 super fast. A "normal" mini fic from AO3 can take me... 15-30 min to setup? (Import content, sanity check line breaks, generate QR code, etc) The Art of War though was a fresh layout and attempt at "design"-- time spent at computer was probably....? 3 hours? Over several days, plus pondering layout when offline. I don't track it too closely. The hard part is just knowing what it should look like. Executing on a vision is not that bad.
And yes ;) I "tolerate" the step-- the joy for me is the manual process. The mind can wander when folding, sewing, trimming... but typesetting is a mental sink hole for me where I must be Focused. But totally worth it! And every project remains on hand (in a private GitHub repo) for me to pull from next time. Am slowly working up the will to typeset Winnie-the-Poo Chapter 1 as a small book... will keep an eye on how long that takes ;) (easy enough to do if I remember to check the files into git at regular work intervals)
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@promithiae Doooooooooo iiiiiiiiiit! There's lots of resources to be found over at @renegadepublishing and a rabid collection of folks on Discord who'd love to help you through the process.
(also wanted to note/celebrate that my follower count has finally caught up with my post count. That's kinda' like a milestone, yeah? Given I started posting here Dec 2013...)
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boraxkitten · 2 years
Repo Diaries 1: Rotti Largo
(Welcome! to my ramblings as I think about the intricacies of Repo! The Genetic Opera.)
     So! Rotti Largo is such an interesting character to me because he’s not as clear cut as he appears to be? From a singular glance, he’s just a clear cut villain character with no real purpose or motivation other than, you know, being evil. But I have to admit, the more I think about it the more I find that he does, in some strange way, have some redeeming qualities. 
     I know, ‘Rotti? Redeeming qualities?’ JUST HEAR ME OUT. Rotti Largo is this super powerful politician type who can literally kill people whenever he wants. It’s honestly kind of scary. But there are things about him that make me question if there is truly, even a sliver of good inside of this man. 
     First thing is his children. He hates them, right? But he has also shown to care about them just a tad. He hates them for being creations of his own doing, as all of their behaviors are just byproducts of the society that he created, but he clearly doesn’t hate them that much. My evidence for that? Two things. 1.) He could have easily killed them if he wanted to. If he truly hated them that much, he could have gotten rid of them. But something somewhere cares for them, and that has to count for something. 2.) Amber. She's a big deal in this whole point, given that he has stated himself that all he has ever tried to do is give the kids the life that he wished he had growing up. Which, in and of itself is sweet in retrospect, but it did end up turning the children into exactly what he despises about them. Furthermore, I have to believe that Rotti chose Amber as the backup heir for geneco, despite how ill suited for it he initially thought. If the company was just inherited by blood, Luigi would have inherited geneco, as he is the oldest child. Instead, it went to the youngest, meaning that Rotti must have specified at some point that if his plan to have Shilo as his heir for geneco fell through, Amber would be the next in line. 
     Which brings me to my next point, which is the entire thing with Shilo. While kind of messed up, Rotti did end up getting Shilo her cure by revealing that her father had been the one poisoning her. And it is also inferred that he did truly want to give her geneco, and that Nathan dying was not originally part of his plan and only came into the picture once he refused to kill Mag. I think perhaps that not only did he want Shilo because she was responsible and respectable unlike Luigi, Pavi, and Amber, but because he may have felt bad for killing Marni, someone who he had truly loved, and seeing as Shilo is her daughter, it may have been in some crooked twisted way, an apology. 
     This brings me to my final point: Geneco as a whole. Yes, the whole organ repossession thing is fucked up, but the fact that they are making these organs to save people from death is a good thing, even if they will be murdered upon missing a payment. 
     Am I saying that Rotti is a good man? Absolutely not. But, I do think he is much more interesting the more you think about him, and It’s interesting how the character who is shown as ‘bad’ occasionally actually does good things, where as the character who is shown as (and I say this loosely) ‘good’ aka Nathan, is shown doing horrendous things, and yet the audience is made to feel sorry for him.
    I still do not like him, but it is certainly food for thought!
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slasherbastard · 4 years
How would the slashers act if there s/o had a musical talent? Like amazing singing or plays an instrument? Just curious. Love your blog
thank you so much! You have no idea how excited I’ve been to post this, also I didn’t know what slashers to do so I threw together some random ones who I haven’t written for much (and Brahms, you can’t forget Brahms)
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(gif credit: macmillanestate)
Poly!Billy and Stu
You're in a band as the electric guitarist/lead vocalist, probably a pop punk band
Billy and Stu always come to your shows
Even if they have murder plans, they will 100% show up to support their favourite person and their band afterwards (but mostly you)
Supportive boyfriends™
Back when you were practicing with your band in your parent's garage, Billy and Stu were the walking definition of happy heckling
It was either you kick them out of the garage or practice at someone else's place
Long story short, the drummer's house is pretty cool
They get to hear your band's songs early, no exceptions
They will want to help you with song writing
Stu: "Okay okay what about you just start screaming at this part?"
Billy: "Ooh wait, you should sing this part then go into the chorus"
Stu: "Will I be credited on the album as a co-songwriter?"
"Yeah, definitely Stu."
When your band goes on tour they will miss you like crazy, Stu will cry and beg you not to go
One of them - if not both - have probably tried hiding in your suitcases
If you’re performing at a show that isn’t too far, there’s a chance that Billy and Stu will show up and surprise you
Your band either hates or loves them
You may or may not have had to replace one of the ruder members after their mysterious disappearance, your boyfriends definitely didn’t have anything to do with it
Okay he was getting on your nerves and Billy caught him flirting with you- oh, you guys weren’t flirting? You were just showing him your new guitar? Oof
They’ve definitely been kicked out of multiple venues for being happy hecklers
"That's my Y/N! Wooh!"
"We love you, babe!"
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(gif credit: boodalinski-gifs)
Brahms Heelshire
Before taking the job as a babysitter, you were a pianist
When Mrs. Heelshire first showed you the “classroom” you were so happy to see that they owned a piano
You wanted to ask if you could play it but you did arrive later than you’d expected so you’s expected
So you waited until your first day with Brahms
Brahms didn’t expect his nanny to know how to play the piano so when you sat down and started playing one of your favourite pieces, he was hooked
The human Brahms started leaving you notes and sheets of music that he wanted you to learn, bonus points if you already knew them
It confused you, but you weren’t complaining. You love playing piano and it was one way to stop you from dying of boredom
When you’re doing chores you gently sing along to whatever song is playing on your phone
You found out about the real Brahms in the middle of the night when you heard someone playing a lullaby on the piano 
You followed the music and saw him sitting there, lost in the music
When Brahms saw you he expected you to run, but instead you sat next to him and watched him play
But knowing Brahms, he’d probably stop and make you play a piece for him
This happens everytime you catch him playing
So you’ve started pretending not to hear it, when you’re actually standing just outside the room
Brahms caught you once, you sing a lot louder than you think you do
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(gif credit: vork---m)
Bubba Sawyer
Texas in the mid 1970s? You’re probably an acoustic guitarist who knows a few country songs
But your musical expertise isn’t shortened to just country songs, you also know how to play some blues and a few older songs from the 30s-50s (think Diamond City Radio from Fallout 4?)
When Bubba found out you could play the guitar he begged you to play him something
You probably played him Johnny Cash, maybe Betty Hutton
Sometimes you put on concerts for him, his cousins, and sometimes his grandpa
Hell, sometimes Drayton will even listen - he won’t admit that he likes hearing you play but you’ve caught him singing and dancing along to you playing the guitar more times than either of you would like to admit
When Bubba isn’t busy dealing with victims he’ll definitely sit with you and watch you practice
If a song comes on the radio that he knows that you can play, he’ll ask you to play it on your guitar
When you sing he also tries to sing - well, babbles but it’s still adorable
Bubba would encourage you to perform in public at a nearby bar - although he can’t come and see you for obvious reasons
Or he’ll beg you to record yourself playing and send it to a radio station
If you did and they decided to play it, Bubba would be more excited than you
He’d babble so much, roughly translating to something along the lines of-
"I'm so proud of you! My baby Y/N is famous!"
Would Bubba cry? Yes
Bubba’s always gonna be your biggest fan, no matter if you get famous or only play for him and his family in the living room
If he could, he’d brag about you to everyone
Sometimes when he’s dealing with victims he’ll babble to them as if he’s trying to tell them that his Y/N is one of the most talented humans he’d ever me
"They're amazing - stop screaming i'm trying to tell you about the love of my life - sigh, okay fine *chainsaw noises*
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(gif credit: theghostbeaters)
Amanda Young
Amanda LOVES hearing you sing
She idolises you, although she’s a tiny bit jealous about your voice
It makes her wonder how she was so lucky to score someone like you
If you write a song about her, she will be obsessed
She’ll hum it while she’s setting up the next games and while preparing the next victims
When she first introduces you to John, he’ll tell you that Amanda is beyond obsessed with you
You won’t see it, but she’ll be making faces and hand gestures at John trying to shut him up and stop embarrassing her
"This one does not shut up about you"
"Did you write her a song? She sings it constantly!"
"I swear I should invent a trap to shut her up"
It’s like a father-daughter relationship between those two, it’s amusing
Sometimes you try to get Amanda to sing with you as well
Amanda’s more of a listener than a singer - unless she’s singing one of your songs
But she tries to sing with you as it makes you happy
She mostly enjoys your voice, though, especially when she’s not feeling the best mentally, it calms her
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(gif credit: stabhappyslashers)
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent didn’t know you could sing until he caught you singing along to one his brother’s CDs, so you know it’s gonna be either heavy, edgy, or both
Spoiler alert: it was a Deftones album
You were upstairs doing who knows what when he heard loud music, and he doesn’t like being disturbed especially when he’s working
He came upstairs to tell you to turn your music down but was stunned when he heard you singing those harsh vocals almost entirely at the same level as the vocalist
When you realised Vincent was watching you you nearly passed out from shock
He’s really quiet
You’d quickly pause your music and apologise
"Oh- Uh sorry Vincent. I didn't see you there"
"Were you working? Shit, you were working. I am so sorry"
Although you were embarrassed, Vincent thought it was cute
He’d sign at you not to be embarrassed and he’d leave you to finish whatever you were previously doing
He listens to you sing more often, he’s a sucker for your voice
If you’re in the studio with him and you start softly humming he won’t stop you
Although it might distract him and cause him to take too much wax off of one of his works (sorry Vincent)
Bonus: (aka, sort of shitposts)
Poly!Billy and Stu - Billy and Stu were never huge fans of Alice Cooper but after you forced them to watch Monster Dog, they have not shut up about Identity Crisises
Brahms Heelshire - As much as Brahms loves you and your musical talent, he really wants you to stop playing “meme songs” on the piano. He can’t stand whatever a “wii shop theme” is
Bubba Sawyer - three words. Friends Without Faces
Amanda Young - Amanda’s guilty pleasure? Musicals - Just don’t mention Repo! The Genetic Opera, though
Vincent Sinclair - He’ll record you singing - with your permission, of course - for an exhibition in the House of Wax
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suncaptor · 3 years
no bc imagine the fucking ptsd n trauma the vessels must have. wtf. idk if the show ever touched on that. but as someone who's like, got ptsd holy shit it's hell. n they just discard them like nothing. so fucked up imo
(i haven't rewatched in ages im going off on my terrible memory & ur posts soz if i get smth wrong but fr the vessels shit's always fucked w me :| )
no this is totally in line with the show. how they treat vessels is so messed up. idk if/when you stopped watching but halfway through the show it just gets worse and worse and worse. they really will just kill vessels left and right without finding alternatives too. this is generally the line I draw where they're literally just serial killers, granted they start killing everything way more easily around the same time.
also I might talk about triggering concepts like loss of autonomy, abuse, noncon, and graphic violence below so tw especially if any of those touch on yours and all
as for how much they deal with the trauma of it... sometimes when the main characters do they might talk of it... I mean Dean had Gadreel possess Sam and tricked and gaslighted Sam into being possessed and it definitely damaged Sam, but even then it did NOT actually like deal with Sam's trauma
likewise for other times he was possessed, one of which he was forced to tie Jo up and threaten her as well as murder hunters to get his brother to kill him, and then Lucifer's was super personal and he had revealed and then forced to kill many people he knew growing up who were actually demons from school teachers to his prom date. also no doubt he'd use it to victim blame Sam for stuff he did in the cage, given the end of repo man, but that could be directly coming from Sam reacting in the cage too. in any case, angel possession consent obviously is not real considering it's often under duress, manipulation, and unretracktable.
and I think they talk about it with Michael Dean perhaps. oh also while Sam is possessed by Gadreel they ALSO stick needles in his brain, burn off his tattoo from his skin, and let Crowley possess him! so you know. the heros of the show are doing that to the other main character. think that says a lot. and no of course they don't actually care about Sam's trauma on most of it (granted imo it obviously makes Dean & Cas horribly in the wrong given the graphicness of it) it gets actual space in the show compared to people's bodies just being used by angels and demons while they're stuck and never even knowing anything about them.
in general vessels aren't given ANY second thought though. April Kelly and Rooney feel significant to the plot, and April's killed and Rooney just?? disappears and then Trump's president? he's Jack's biological father and Kelly Kline loves him (granted I get why she'd ALSO have trauma since he is as forced to sleep with her as Lucifer and she only consented thinking it would as him and also she is just fighting for her baby's life then dies. so this isn't calling her out at all but the narrative weight given on that arc). But they don't mention him even though there's tons of arcs around Jack & Lucifer.
They also literally have reverse exorcised to kill a demon, just killing a person who'd be saved otherwise. it is so rare that they even care. I mean, I think in some degree Sam wants to (like how he mentions how upsetting it is Vince Vincente is dead when Lucifer burns through his vessel, but that gets more personal to him as Lucifer probably only possessed Vince because of him AND wouldn't need new vessels if Sam said yes) but since Sam was also in the wrong in s4 when trying to save vessels I think he is just as desensitized (and is the one doing the reverse exorcism mentioned above). Dean also tries to kill Kevin's mother to kill Crowley once. it's just stuff like that constantly. we do see her as a bit traumatised by that's again cause she had more of a tie to a main character.
most of the time it's just. who even is this person. a corpse. traumatised for life. trapped in their own body. the narrative doesn't care.
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