#(the kind of person that's generally quiet/shy but says the right thing at the right time that cracks everybody up)
morgana-lefay · 10 months
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inkskinned · 1 year
because sometimes there are invisible tests and invisible rules and you're just supposed to ... know the rule. someone you thought of as a friend asks you for book recommendations, so you give her a list of like 30 books, each with a brief blurb and why you like it. later, you find out she screenshotted the list and send it out to a group chat with the note: what an absolute freak can you believe this. you saw the responses: emojis where people are rolling over laughing. too much and obsessive and actually kind of creepy in the comments. you thought you'd been doing the right thing. she'd asked, right? an invisible rule: this is what happens when you get too excited.
you aren't supposed to laugh at your own jokes, so you don't, but then you're too serious. you're not supposed to be too loud, but then people say you're too quiet. you aren't supposed to get passionate about things, but then you're shy, boring. you aren't supposed to talk too much, but then people are mad when you're not good at replying.
you fold yourself into a prettier paper crane. since you never know what is "selfish" and what is "charity," you give yourself over, fully. you'd rather be empty and over-generous - you'd rather eat your own boundaries than have even one person believe that you're mean. since you don't know what the thing is that will make them hate you, you simply scrub yourself clean of any form of roughness. if you are perfect and smiling and funny, they can love you. if you are always there for them and never admit what's happening and never mention your past and never make them uncomfortable - you can make up for it. you can earn it.
don't fuck up. they're all testing you, always. they're tolerating you. whatever secret club happened, over a summer somewhere - during some activity you didn't get to attend - everyone else just... figured it out. like they got some kind of award or examination that allowed them to know how-to-be-normal. how to fit. and for the rest of your life, you've been playing catch-up. you've been trying to prove that - haha! you get it! that the joke they're telling, the people they are, the manual they got- yeah, you've totally read it.
if you can just divide yourself in two - the lovable one, and the one that is you - you can do this. you can walk the line. they can laugh and accept you. if you are always-balanced, never burdensome, a delight to have in class, champagne and glittering and never gawky or florescent or god-forbid cringe: you can get away with it.
you stare at your therapist, whom you can make jokes with, and who laughs at your jokes, because you are so fucking good at people-pleasing. you smile at her, and she asks you how you're doing, and you automatically say i'm good, thanks, how are you? while the answer swims somewhere in your little lizard brain:
how long have you been doing this now? mastering the art of your body and mind like you're piloting a puppet. has it worked? what do you mean that all you feel is... just exhausted. pick yourself up, the tightrope has no net. after all, you're cheating, somehow, but nobody seems to know you actually flunked the test. it's working!
aren't you happy yet?
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a-mint-bear · 7 months
Yandere Girl Types
The Super Fan
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● She can't help but trail after you like a lovesick puppy. She looks at you and everything you do with the rosiest of rose-colored glasses. Whether you're the talented type or just an average person, she looks at you like you are her everything, because you are!
● Whenever you're together, she's a little clingy. But it's nice to have someone who likes you as much as she does. It makes you feel special, wanted. She's not shy about making the first move, and she's especially not shy about telling you how she feels. But she makes sure you know that you don't have to say it back if you're not there yet. She knows you will though. Soon.
● She sits and smiles at the pictures of you all over her room. Anything you've touched, she considers her greatest treasures. She saw you drop your favorite pen one day and meant to give it back to you, honest. But the moment she touched it, it was like something came over her. She stuffed it in her bag and took it home, and ever since, she can't help but take your things. Especially the stuff that smells like you. She keeps taking more and more of your things, but it's not enough. It's never enough...
● She makes copies of your keys when you "lose" them on day. At first, it's just to sneak into your place and take things she can't get otherwise, but it quickly escalates. She lets herself in and plays house, imagining your life together. Soon, she's watching you sleep and even lies down next to you, just for a little bit. She wants to touch you so badly...
● She wonders... if you woke up, would you smile like you always do? Would you hold her close? Would you be hers?
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
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● On the outside, she's the nicest girl. Whenever you see her, she's always got a sweet smile on her face and is always willing to help you if it means she gets to spend a little more time with you. You think of her as the kind and generous type, but she doesn’t extend this behavior to anyone but you.
● She doesn't really seem interested in dating. Anyone who actually has asked her out gets turned down gently. But a few of them swear they could see a look of disgust flash across her face for just a second before the rejection, but they always thought they just imagined it. In reality, there's only one person on her mind, so no one else can even compare.
● No one sees the other side of her. The way she stares down the girl who always laughs at your jokes. How she swears under her breath when she sees how your best guy friend just casually touches your arm, how her nails dig into the palms of her hands until they bleed. But when your eyes meet hers, you’d never guess the things she’d just been imagining.
● She hears a rumor that someone is going to ask you out. At first, she just plans to put them in their place and remind them that you deserve better, maybe just harass them or scare them. Or maybe ruining their life a little, poisoning their friends against them or getting them fired. But the thought of them getting pity from you or running to you and telling you how she acts when you’re not around… The thought of you holding them close, telling them you how much you love them... Something in her just snaps. She catches them when they're isolated and gets rid of them. Nothing can ever be traced back to her.
● She can't risk you seeing her in a bad light, even if it's so the two of you can be together. Everything she does, it's all for you!
The Secret Admirer
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● She's had a rough home life. She has no one in her corner, no one's been there for her. She doesnt have anyone she can call her own. Until she sees you for the first time. Something about you is just... right. You fill that empty spot she's felt her entire life and the thought of you is the only thing that makes life worthwhile.
● She's quiet, reserved, and always looking your way. You can feel someone watching you sometimes, but when you turn around, no one's there. You don't connect it to the girl you've seen around lately. It doesn’t matter to her how you treat her, whether you say hello, smile politely, or give her a look for staring. Any attention, good or bad, is everything to her. You're everything to her. But she can't tell you, not yet. If she messes it up, if you reject her... She couldn't live with that.
● You start noticing things. Little gifts someone has left you, sometimes snacks and treats. The book you've been reading suddenly has a pressed flower inside the front cover, baby's breath. You find love notes in your bag. Some are flowery poetry, others get a little steamy, but it's all a bit clumsy, somehow. At first you think it might be one of your friends pranking you, but no one you know would pull something like this. Maybe someone actually has a thing for you? But how are you supposed to respond when there's no way to give anyone an actual answer? You decide to just ignore it until this person actually decides to meet you face to face.
● You don't smile when you see her gifts anymore. The notes she pours her heart into get left where you find them. Seeing you just walk away when she does something for you shatters her. Love her, hate her, anything! Just don't ignore her!! Without you, she has nothing to live for... Please... Don't leave her behind. Through her tears, her agony turns to desperation.
● You can't get rid of her. She won't let you. Maybe... it's time for you to meet.
The Boss Lady
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● You've been working under her for the last few years. She's powerful, she's beautiful, and so very, very intimidating. She gets what she wants, no matter who she has to step on. She seems to have locked onto you for some reason, having you run and get her things and having you stay and work overtime.
● She seems to like running you ragged and seeing you flustered. You have half a mind to believe that she’s been “accidentally” brushing up against you reaching for files or leaning to talk in your ear as you sit at your desk, her charming, sultry voice sending shivers up your spine. Your damn body is betraying you. You don’t want to think that damn tyrant is attractive! Your coworkers are jealous that you're spending so much time with her, but you think they'd think twice if they were the ones picking up her dry cleaning and coffee orders, day in and day out. You tell a coworker you'd quit, but you need the money too much.
● One day, she calls you into her office. She says she has a proposition for you. She wants you to be her executive assistant. It comes with great benefits and a HUGE pay raise. The work will be harder, sure, but you'd have to be an idiot to say no. But the conditions get more specific and odd. You would accompany her on all her business trips, eat all your meals with her, you'd even be living in her penthouse suite. At first, you think it's just a weirdly intensive position, she just needs someone to manage her life. But the way she's looking at you... it's like she wants to possess you entirely.
● All you can think to ask is, why you? There's a bored look on her face as she starts talking about her career. How her job and climbing the corporate ladder were the only things she put any effort into. Everything else was so tedious and dull. Until you started as an intern, dropping off her coffee order with that nervous smile. She started noticing how hard you work, how you never turn down her requests, how you try to hide your smile when she praises you... How your breath hitches when her hand brushes yours. And how, every day when you clock out, her world stagnates until she sees you again.
● Say yes, and you'll have everything you could ever want. But make no mistake, you'll be hers. And she has no plans to let you go.
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stickylizardcave · 1 year
Please understand how passionate I am about this. Please imagine the following:
Ambrosius who has been told all his life what to do, how to act, what his purpose is, who was told that he obviously would present Alpha because of course he would, he's Gloreth's decedent, he's the perfect knight.
He meets a shy, sweet boy from the streets who's both humble and devastatingly clever, who sees him as HIM, and they become best friends. Ballister who doesn't care about his status, who makes him strive to be better than he was, the best he could. Who gives him a safe space to not worry about his "destiny", who he in turn protects fiercely from those who keep trying to tear Ballister down. Ballister who shows all signs of probably presenting Omega, or at the very least Beta, with his soft-spoken and quiet demeanor. Others see them an while they don't approve of Ballister's commoner background, if they end up as an Alpha-Omega pair then that's at least acceptable.
They grow up together as best friends and boyfriends who decide they won't care about how the other presents, they're still gonna stick together. They're gonna be together.
Then Ballister presents as an Alpha, and it's great! Ambrosius is so happy for him! It means that others are going to start taking him seriously!! That they'll start to consider Ballister as someone worthy (which he thinks is kinda fucked up but they can try and fix that). Alpha-Alpha pairings are not uncommon and while it's kinda annoying that suddenly people are trying to flirt with Bal, he chooses Ambrosius every time.
Then Ambrosius presents as an Omega. And things get a bit tense. Nobody was really expecting this, but that's okay. This can be worked with. His family and the Institute start looking into how they can use his status to their advantage. He's still Gloreth's Heir and he's still one of the best knights of his generation. He's still useful.
Ballister has been hesitant but still accepting of Ambrosius. He says he doesn't want Ambrosius to think he's like everyone else, though, not like all these other Alphas who keep trying to get Ambrosius's attention just because he was an Omega.
Ambrosius had already decided long ago that Ballister was going to be his mate, damn every one else and by Gloreth's Name he ain't backing out now. If he was protective of Ballister before, he's doubly more-so now, especially with the snide comments they keep getting from the other in-training knights. He's beat the shit out of more than one person who says that Ballister is just trying to marry his way into royalty and Ballister keeps telling him to stop that, its okay, don't mind them, I've had worse-
And its frustrating for his family and the Institute's plans because he doesn't act like they want him to, he doesn't act like the Omega they see him as now.
And that suits him just fine. Ambrosius doesn't want to be their pawn anymore. He has the best Alpha he could ever ask for; one that's sweet and kind and clever and brave and loves him for him.
(And also it's fucking hot as hell when Ballister's infinite patience finally runs out at the like 6th random other Alpha of the day comes up trying to start a courtship with Ambrosius and just growls in the most possessive-Alpha-like way Ambrosius has never heard from him before and it makes his knees go weak and he has to drag Ballister home right now immediately before he floods the street.)
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mellowwfever · 1 year
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— ♡ “ You&Me, Always/Forever ” ♡
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↳ Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x Reader
— No warnings. Might be like one bad word and there's just a little bit of angst, but that's about it. Might be a little cliche and it's a bit all over the place, but do I care? No.
A/N: Very self indulgent. Mikey is a literal love of my life. I just want to hold him and tell him everything will be okay. My love for this dork literally possesed me to write this, so they're you go. Enjoy. ♡ ↳ Word Count: 1 688
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Your first introduction to Sano's was a few years back when you were around ten or eleven. Your older brother was friends with a guy whose name you learned was Shinichiro Sano, and you met the eldest Sano when he was visiting your brother, and you were very curious about the guest you'd never seen before. Your older brother playfully scolded you back then for being nosy, as he put it. His guest, however, only seemed amused at your curiosity, crouching before you and giving you a gentle smile, introducing himself. You really liked Shinichiro, being quickly drawn to his kind demeanor towards you and the warm smile he unfailingly flashed you whenever he saw you.
A couple of days later, your older brother took you with him when he was going to meet Shinichiro at his house, telling you that Shinichiro had siblings who were around your age and that it would be good for you to socialize. You were a pretty quiet and shy kid and didn't have any actual friends, so you guessed your older brother didn't want you to play all alone, even if you were entirely okay with it. And since Shin's siblings were more outgoing, he thought that they'd be able to bring you out of your shell a bit. And, well...
You quickly became friends with a girl with warm honey-colored eyes, whose name you learned was Emma. She was kind and sweet, and it made it very easy to get along with her. Her other brother, Manjiro, however, was a different story. To put it simply, you didn't like him at first. You couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, but something about him just endlessly annoyed you. And how you quickly found out Mikey, as his friends called him, wasn't a big fan of you either. He always complained about how he found you weird because of how quiet and closed-off you were and insulted you, calling you weak. Which only made you dislike him even more.
And yet, be it because you didn't have any other choice or because you've grown attached to the kind honey-eyed girl who became one of your closest friends, you stuck around. Their other friends were... fine. You somehow managed to get along with Baji Keisuke despite him also always teasing you for being weaker than them, which you never agreed with. But when it came to Keisuke, it always felt more like friendly teasing than insulting. You also really enjoyed being around Ryuguji Ken, his serious but kind personality reminding you of your older brother, making you grow attached to Ken quite quickly as well. He also seemed to basically adopt you as his younger sibling, always scolding you for doing or saying something stupid and looking out for you. Generally, it seemed like you were able to get along with everyone except for Manjiro.
With time, everything remained relatively the same. More people joined your little group, which you also quickly became friends with. Then Toman was formed. You weren't exactly in the gang itself, but Kaisuke and Ken always called you an "honorary member", which you gladly accepted. A lot of things changed, and unfortunately, it wasn't always a pleasant change.
(The incident in the bike shop left you so devastated you almost shut down right into your old shell. You missed Shinichiro dearly, as you were sure everyone did. You will never forget you saw your brother cry in front of you for the first time in your whole life when he broke the news to you. You were also sure you would forever remember holding Baji while he sobbed and kept sputtering apologies, knowing how much you adored the eldest Sano. You lost one of your older brother figures and a very dear friend to you in one night, and you truly hoped that that would be the last devastating loss in your life.)
Another thing that seemed to change was your relationship with Manjiro Sano. You two would still bicker and insult each other, but now it was more of friendly banter and teasing than actual fights like the ones you used to have when you were younger. It switched so smoothly that even you couldn't pinpoint when your dislike of him became less genuine. You didn't mind the change, though.
Emma, who had remained one of the closest friends to you, even would occasionally tease you and her brother about "being in love", which you'd usually quickly shut down by averting her attention to Draken. She'd scoff and pout at that, making you both laugh. But the more it went on, the more you would actually think about what became of your friendship with Mikey. You were just close friends, and that was it. Right? A few more teasing moments and you started catching your face heating up at the small comments Emma and all of your other friends made about you and Manjiro.
Then, one night, after a major fight that Toman obviously won, when you were helping to patch up Manjiro's busted lip and bruised face, you had an "oh shit I might be in love with one of my childhood friends" moment. Your slightly shaky hands lingered on his face while you checked if you missed any scraps or bruises, and you caught the way he subtly leaned into your touch. Something about the little gesture made your heart beat faster while you asked him if anything else hurt in a hushed voice. He gave you one of his signature gentle smiles, which you always said made him look even more like his older brother, teasing you about worrying for him. You were just about to make a reciprocal comment about him being too reckless, but you almost jumped out of your skin instead when you felt his hand on top of yours. 
He laughed at your reaction, bluntly calling you cute, which only made your face burn while you began to look for any possible response to bicker right back at him. But suddenly his grip on your hand was too firm, and his face was way too close to yours all of the Japanese that you learned up to this moment completely vanished from your head. Clearly noticing how much his actions flustered you, Manjiro giggled at you again, and the next words that left his mouth completely stunned you.
"I really want to kiss you right now."
You were losing your mind, surely. This was all some kind of dream that your brain made up in response to all of the teasing jokes that your friends would make about you. The more you stared into his dark beautiful eyes that reflected so much warmth and affection, you almost believed that you were just imagining all of this. But you realized how real it was when after a few seconds of awkward silence on your part, his face suddenly changed from realization to a small saddened frown. He still held up his smile when you felt his hand leave yours, and he moved away slightly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he muttered lowering his gaze, afraid of seeing clear rejection on your face. "We can pretend I never said anything. I- I understand, really. Is- It's Baji, right? I'm sorry. We're still friends, right? We can still be friends?"
You finally broke from your stunned silence to quickly catch his hand with both of yours before he could move away anywhere further. He seemed to jump a little at your touch, looking back at you again with surprise clearly written on his face. Finally finding the words, you sigh softly, grasping at any scrap of courage you might find in yourself.
"It's alright, 'jiro." you can notice the way his cheeks seem to grow redder at the affectionate nickname you very rarely called him. "First of all, I'm sorry, you just caught me by surprise. That's not exactly something you'd expect your best friend to tell you. Secondly, no, I don't like Kei like that." his face noticeably relaxes at that, and you give him a smile. "And lastly, I don't mind."
He blinks at you, "What?"
"You said that you wanted to kiss me. I think... I think I don't mind that."
His usual smirk appears on his face while he leans closer to you.
"You think?"
"My God, Manjiro. Just kiss me before I change my-"
You don't get to finish your scolding when his lips are suddenly on yours. You move one of your hands on his cheek, tracing the bandaging you put on him just a few minutes earlier, your other hand still holding his. He moves his free hand to place on top of yours that's resting on his face, and you stay like that for what seems like forever. You do eventually separate, and you can't help but break into giggles at the fact that just a day prior you thought that there was no way that you'd have any romantic feelings for Mikey. And yet here you were.
Manjiro watches you for a couple of seconds, a fond and loving smile on his face. You feel him give your hand a squeeze, and you meet his eyes again, noticing how he looks just a tad more serious this time.
"Can I ask you to promise me something?" he asks softly, and you reply with a quiet hum.
"Are we that far into this relationship already?" you try to joke before nodding slowly, "Alright."
He leans closer to you so that your foreheads are just barely touching and looks deep into your eyes.
"Promise me you'll always stay with me. No matter what?"
You find the promise to be just slightly childish, but it's so Mikey and you see that he's clearly serious about his request, so you move to quickly peck his lips again, before giving him a loving smile.
"Of course, 'jiro. I'll always be by your side. As long as you'll have me."
He chuckles softly, pulling you into a warm embrace.
"I think I want to have you forever."
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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So, she's a super powerful yandere who is really FERAL and DEADLY to her enemies
When she first lay her eyes on you, she saw you as a poor, helpless little shy bunny that needed to be protected regardless if you had a strong quirk or not. She is not afraid to openly and directly flirt with you. She'll leave little gifts and love letters and all that for you whenever you;re around
Your shy and quiet nature is what attracted her to you. She thinks you're too innocent and pure for this world. You were so kind and caring to others, and you didn't care what would happen to you. As much as she ADORES your personality, she can't have you helping each and every single person on the planet! What if someone takes advantage of your kindness and does something bad to you? What if you get hurt? She's only trying to look out for you and care for you
She'll charm her way into your life and pretty soon, you might even get asked out by her. If you say yes, you'll be kidnapped within a month or so. If you say no, well... you'll STILL be kidnapped by her. She just doesn't want you to interact with those scumbags of people you call friends
Don't be surprised if people stop talking to you one day. She most likely threatened them, and wants to try isolating you from everyone else so you'll have ONLY HER to depend on 
She's kind of a control-freak in general, honestly. As much as she believes in independence and self-reliance, you shouldn't have to worry your pretty little head over any of that, not when you have Rumi. She just LOVES being incharge and dominating you. She'll have EVEYRTHING organized for you before she takes you away from you life. And she'll even set up a specific bedtime for you 
She isn't they type of person who's going to force her affection on you, but....it's best if you DO show her some affection once in a while. She likes to be cuddled and loves smothering you in hugs
When it comes to punishments, OH BOY, I PRAY for you. Till now, she's actually been patient and not-so psychotic with you but after she sees you trying to escape.... you're basically a goner. That's when you're going to see her sadistic side and she's going to the usual isolating you, using your fears and insecurities against you and very HARSH ways of punishing you
When you act up, she'll just slap you on the face. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. This woman is SCARY AS HELL when it comes to discipline and she WILL be sadistic while she tries to get you to behave
Aftercare with her after a punishment isn't that bad. She'll hug you and smother you in love and affection as she whispers sweet things into you ear, stroking your hair softly and reminding you gently that it was YOUR fault you got punished
She'll occasionally let you cook, with her supervision of course. She doesn't want you getting hurt. What if you cut your hand with the knife by accident? She is YOUR hero and she WILL keep you safe no matter what 
Her love to you will be rather strange, sometimes it'll be like she has a bipolar personality like Todoroki. Cold and mean to you at times and sometimes caring and affectionate. Just play your cards right and bide your time, and you'll be okay :)
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
hi Jake! I absolutely love your blogs, and I’m wondering if you can do some Homicidal Liu/liu woods hcs? :3 please & thank you!!
GUH LIU <333 He's my special guy I love him
TW: Mentions of abuse, trauma, very light gore, a little angst
Thank you so much for requesting!!
General Liu Headcanons
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The biggest thing about Liu that effects his day to day life is his DID
He grew up in a very dysfunctional home, where his parents only really had kids as makeshift butlers and to live vicariously through them
Liu, being the older brother had a lot of the "harder" tasks given to him such as cooking for the family, making sure everyone had clean clothes, when jeff was a baby he had to change jeff's diapers, etc
So both kids were very mentally unstable from the start, but what really set the hammer in the coffin for Liu developing DID was that whenever he either did something wrong or didn't do his "chores", he was severely punished by being locked in a closet with no food, water or bathroom privileges for unknown amounts of time
This being said, he has waaay more alters than just Sully, Sully is just the one that fronts the most due to Sully being the main protector of the system
Other than Sully, Liu's system is made up of mostly littles and caretaker alters
Which can be very scary at times, so he does everything in his power to make sure that if someone does happen to front, it isn't any of the littles
Ok, i'm done talking about his DID now
I imagine him to either be fully Columbian or mixed Columbian with American
Jeff is the same way
Speaking of Jeff, Liu is about 5 years older than Jeff
Also on the topic of Jeff, Liu still very much loves his brother, and understands that during the "incident" he was very mentally unstable and he wasn't entirely in control of his own actions at the moment
But after being reunited with Jeff, it took a very, very long time for Liu to even stay in the front of his mind when around Jeff, let alone feel safe around him
Over the years, their relationship has significantly improved
Liu still doesn't feel comfortable being alone with Jeff, or even really going anywhere with Jeff, but he is able to hang out with him and talk
His height is around 5'9"
He always smells like vanilla and sometimes like a grandma's perfume
Liu is a total grandma
He says "oh lordy lord" after waking up from a long nap, he does the english teacher cardigan tuck, he says "kids these days", etc
But he's chill guys I swear (Jeff come get your boy he just said "Flabbergasted" in front of the hoes)
Also he loves plants
so much
someone stop this guy
It started out innocent enough, just a few plants to take care of because he read that taking care of plants can help with depression
And then he kind of spiraled
He has names for all of them, designated personalities, sometimes he knits them clothes for their pots
He's generally a very quiet guy
I wouldn't say shy per se....but he's like....shy in a cool history teacher way
guys he takes it up the butt
Woah who said that??? wild. Anyways!
He's so gentle and calming guh..
Love that guy, he's so special to me
ALSO he doesn't techincally have any pets but like...there's this one stray cat that comes around that he feeds and in return the cat brings him little dead things
He's named him "Harold Jackson"
He likes to read
He's one of those booktok girlies with all the tabs and highlighters
Genuinely squeals like a bitch when he sees a "Penguin Classics" book out in public
(I'm projecting onto him)
His proxy tattoo is on his shoulder, like right on top of it
He got his ears pierced at the young young age of 25 (reluctantly. Jeff forced him)
And now he wears all sorts of fun earrings! (he wears those e-boy cross earrings...)
His spotify wrapped consisted of David Bowie, Hozier, Cigarettes after sex, and mitski
His favorite color is beige and his hobbies include ironing clothes and sending emails <33
Guys idk if you can tell but i love him a lot
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Under the mistletoe (modern!Osferth x reader)
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synopsis: Your friends are tired of watching you and Osferth dance around each other, so they push you to do something about all that tension.
warnings: fluff, afab reader
word count: 1.3k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged in the `kissing booth AU´, for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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"Ugh why did we wait this long to redecorate?" You whine as you stretch to pull some tinsel of one of the busts in the waiting area of the tattoo and piercing studio. "It's the end of January. Whose idea was it to decorate this much in the first place anyway?" All four of your coworkers give you a look, their eyebrows all different levels of raised. Low laughter follows through the studio and you raise your hands in defeat. "You know we only waited so you would have to help." Sithric whispers in your ear teasingly as he pushes past you to get to a box that was already half filled. "Next time I have an idea like that keep me from it, please. I'm begging you." You reply with a smile. In truth you enjoyed these tasks almost as much as you did working in the studio. There was laughter and music at all times and the customers were great as well. Even if you joined much later than the others, who had helped Uthred build the studio basically from the ground up, they immediately welcomed you and took you into their little family. Bending down to pick up a full box to take it to storage, you feel a cough bubble up your lungs. Immediately Osferth is by your side to take the carton off your hands. "Here, let me take that from you." He says in that usual, kinda quiet and husky voice of his.
"Thank you." You rasp in return. As he actually takes the carton though your hands touch accidentally, making both your faces heat up and the box nearly fall as you look away from each other. Over the antics neither of you notice the other three men rolling their eyes and sharing a look that signified the start of their mission. Too long they had to watch Osferth and you dance around each other. They were tired of the shy glances and flushed faces and whining about how perfect the other was only to never act on the feelings that were harbored and cared for like a delicate flower.
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Despite your complaints the five of you make quick progress. However, with the last full box disappearing, so do three out of five people in the studio. Even more suspicious is that the person you are left with, is Osferth. Not that you would complain about that, not considering the multiple times you had, it simply seems like just the thing your friends would do to nudge you two closer together. Oh and how right you were with that thought. The two of you look through all the rooms to find nothing out of the ordinary aside from your friends obvious missing. At least until you lean in the frame of the door leading outside. A cigarette in hand as you brainstorm what could have happened, when said doorframe gives the answer. Above your heads hangs one last decoration element. A fucking mistletoe. As if on command both Osferth's and your face heat up and you get physically unable to look at each other. "I... We don't have to do this if you don't want to..." He offers in a quiet, uncertain tone. "Yeah, I just wanted to say the same." You give an awkward giggle. "On the other hand it is a tradition, right?"
"And no one would want that kind of bad luck we would conjure by not doing it. I mean..." Osferth adds on.
"Yeah, no, that would definitely be unwanted." You shake your head enthusiastically.
There is a pause for a moment, where Osferth watches your lips wrap around the cigarette bud, to suck in the nicotine, closely. Just like your eyes rest on his to witness the borderline sinful way he tugs the lower lip between his teeth. Then as if on cue both of your eyes shoot up to lock in an intense gaze. A gaze that leaves no questions about what is about to happen. He has you under his spell by those blue eyes, that make you feel like you are about to drown in them. You barely dare to lean to the side to stump out your cigarette in the ashtray, in fear of breaking the moment.
"So..." The beginning of the sentence dies in your throat just as quickly as it began leaving it.
Neither of you has to say anything more either, as through it all you hadn't even realised, that the two of you had started moving closer subconsciously.
You take that last step that separates the two of you towards him and rest your hands on his shirt. The warmth of his skin gets transported even through the soft fabric of the ugly Christmas sweater to your fingertips, warming them nicely against the chilly wind blowing around you. Your eyelids flutter and only seconds before his lips finally brush against yours for the first time they close entirely. The kiss is much like you. A shy connection, that only lasts a second before being pulled away from. Yet it ignites a fire in you and so you give Osferth barely a second before you go in for a second kiss. One that is not so gentle and shy. Despite his surprise, his hands pull you closer by the waist while simultaneously pushing you up against the large glass window. Both of you grasp at each other to keep as close as possible. Drunk on the way your lips pressed against and devoured each other. Every oh so little feeling and missed chance to kiss ever since you first laid eyes on each other flows into the vehement and quite honestly desperate embrace. Unprompted Osferth opens his mouth a bit further, so you take the chance to let your tongue dart out, to lick over his lower lip and into it. Instantly it is met by his own tongue. The way it dances with yours and explores you like no one before, like he wanted to know and memorize every deepest part of you, makes a swarm of butterflies soar up and run riot. You pull each other impossibly close, there is no need for air between you or inside of your lungs. No world around you. No feeling of time. It is all replaced by the electric feeling of him. You are unsure if it is minutes or mere seconds until you get broken up by someone clearing their throat loudly behind you. For all you know it felt like hours. All the more dismayed is your expression when you turn around to see who has interrupted the two of you in the best moment of your life so far.
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"At first it was cute, but can you seriously get a room? Some of us want to have a smoke without watching you basically eat each other." Finan commented dryly.
"You can hardly blame us. In the end this was your plan, wasn't it?" You shoot back in a half defensive half chuckling tone. "Yeah, yeah. Just blame us, it's alright. I just hope you know we'd do it again any day if it meant ending that horrible, horrible tension between you two love birds." Your friend answers with an unapologetic glimmer in his dark brown eyes. Behind you Osferth slips his hand inside yours to intertwine your fingers. The beat your heart skips at the touch reminds you of what you were doing just a minute ago, what you desperately wanted to get back to. You give his hand a short squeeze and then lead him towards one of the rooms in the back. "You know what? Remind me to thank y'all for it later, but now you'll have to excuse me. Osferth and I were kind of in the middle of something." You turn around to see where you are walking. The last sound you can hear from Finan is a low groan, as Sithric who seemingly just joined him asked what was happening. Then the door locks and you two are finally alone again. A fact that you use without hesitation, to crash your lips against each other in a hungry kiss once more. One thing was sure, it was definitely one of the first for many more to come.
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Polar Opposites (Christian Pulisic x Reader) - Part 1
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WC: 1.4K
Warnings: curse words
A/N: Finally decided to make a series for Christian 😁 Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope, so writing one is very exciting! This series is a mix of angst and fluff, and this first part is like an introduction. Hope you guys enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts through reply/reblog/ask ❤️ If you want me to include you in the taglist just let me know! Feedbacks are highly appreciated!
| PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 |
You have met Christian a few times before, since your best friend Claire was dating his best friend, Nick. But the first time you talked to him, you just knew you could never get along with him. You felt like you had literally nothing in common with him, and your first interaction did not go well. The one thing you both share is the strong annoyance towards one another. You love Nick, but you still couldn’t figure out how someone as nice, sweet and outgoing as him could be friends with Christian – no, not just friends, but best friends??? Felt so random but it’s real. They seemed inseparable, and you just couldn’t understand their bond.
You are very sociable, you love meeting new people. You consider yourself as a talkative, friendly and funny person. Meanwhile, Claire is more shy, sweet, and kind of quiet but once she feels comfortable with someone, she’s not that quiet anymore. You and Claire have been best friends since high school, and you couldn’t imagine a life without her. You’ve heard about how platonic soulmates exist, and you are 100% sure you have found yours. Between you and Claire, one’s personality complements the other’s. You remembered the time when Claire introduced you to Nick, you thought about how perfect those two were together and they still are. You knew how many guys wanted to date Claire but none of them were the right match, until she met Nick.
The first time you met Christian was at a dinner. It was shortly after Nick and Claire became official, and Claire thought a dinner with their best friends was a good idea. Nick introduced him to you, and you were ready to get to know him – as a friend. But that night, he was so reserved, and you couldn’t really stand such a person. He was distant and it looked like his mind was somewhere else but he seemed to get along just fine with Claire even though he barely talked. Despite feeling a bit unsure, you thought there was no harm in trying to be friends with him simply because he is Nick’s best friend. You tried to get to know him by asking some ‘general’ questions – just like how you used to talk to new people, but he responded like he couldn’t care less. At one point, you finally had enough. When Nick and Claire left the table for a minute, you moved your chair a little closer and confronted him.
“Dude, what is the matter with you? I’m just trying to be friendly over here!”
“By being extremely nosy?” he said as he rolled his eyes.
 “Uh, what the fuck?” You were really offended by his reaction. You didn’t expect to be called ‘nosy’ because you knew you weren’t at all.
“Christian, I thought we could be friends because you and Nick are close. But obviously, you’re not fucking interested. Try not to be so goddamn rude, pal.”
In response, he gave you a side eye without saying a word. His arms were crossed, he clearly wasn’t interested. You were so irritated by him, you angrily moved your chair back while mumbling “asshole”.
For the rest of the dinner, you acted like nothing happened. You didn’t want to make a scene, so you were just talking and laughing with Claire and Nick as usual while ignoring Christian’s existence. Since that day, you barely talked to Christian even though you’ve seen him again after.
A few months ago, Nick came to your place to talk to you. He looked so nervous and more serious than he usually was, and you didn’t know why. You were afraid that something bad was coming, but you didn’t want to read too much into it.
“Y/N, I want to tell you something important.”
“Umm, okay...” You gulped, then anxiously sat down, “what’s up Nick?”
“I’m going to ask Claire to marry me. And as her long-time best friend, I want to ask for your blessing and if you don’t mind, your help on planning the proposal too. I want everything to be perfect for my perfect woman.”
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. You couldn’t believe what you just heard.
“WHAT? Nick!!! Fuck you scared me!!” you yelled and jumped off your seat. “Of course you have my blessing!!! And I will help you!!! Oh my God, I’m so happy for you two!!!” You were practically screaming into his ears and gave Nick a long, big hug, you were truly excited for them.
You knew basically everything about Claire, including her dream proposal scene and her dream engagement ring. So you told Nick every little detail, and he was so thrilled and sort of relieved he had your help because he was pretty overwhelmed by his own expectations – as he said, he wanted everything to be perfect for Claire. It was hard for you to keep that huge secret, but you didn’t want to ruin one of Claire’s biggest days of her life.
The day has finally come. You helped with every single thing needed that day to make sure it went well – you really wanted your best friend to have her dream proposal with his dream man. You arrived at the proposal spot, it was at a beautiful flower garden which Claire loves to call “her happy place”. It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon, and the sun was about to set – you really, really loved the scenery. Nick was so nervous and you were walking towards him as you saw Christian coming towards him. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh, then whispered to yourself, “fuck, I forgot that piece of shit was gonna be here.”
“Hey Nick!” You came up to Nick and tapped his shoulders, “how are you feeling right now?”
“Well, my hands are cold and I’m sweating like crazy... I feel good, I guess,” as he wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.
You laughed, you had never seen him this tense before. “Relax, Claire will definitely say yes to you. I don’t see any reason not to.”
“She’s right, bro,” Christian chimed in, “just calm down a bit, OK? Just remember, I’m here as your emotional support.”
You could feel how close you were to telling Christian to shut up, but you were able to hold back from it. You thought to yourself: this is not the time, don’t fucking ruin your best friend’s day.
You all suddenly heard a notification sound from Nick’s phone, and it was a text from Claire. “Okay, guys, she’s here," Nick said as he fixed his shirt, handed his phone to Christian, and put his hand on his pocket, "wish me luck.”
Nick had asked Christian to document the proposal with his phone, and you to handle the confetti cannon and the champagne. You and Christian went hiding in the bushes, without even acknowledging each other’s presence.
The moment you heard Claire said yes, you and Christian came out and you shot the confetti cannon. It was just the four of you there, and all of you were jumping up and down in excitement, hugging and congratulating the newly engaged couple. You even cried – you were genuinely happy and felt honored to be able to witness that beautiful moment. You then grabbed the champagne bottle and handed it over to Claire, as she popped it open and poured the champagne.
You raised your glass, followed by everyone, and gave a toast, “For Nick and Claire! Happy engagement you lovebirds!”
Before you all went home, Nick and Claire gave a little speech before asking the question you have been waiting for. 
“Y/N, Christian... You guys are our best friends and we’re very happy you are here with us right now, celebrating our engagement. We love you guys so much! So... before the day ends, we want to ask you...” They paused – for what you assumed ‘a dramatic effect’, “to be our Person of Honor and Best Man!”
You and Christian were acting surprised – in exaggeration, to be exact – but they knew you were messing with them, and of course you both accepted the ‘titles’.
“Thank you guys!” Claire responded gleefully, “but now, first order of business for our Person of Honor and Best Man: would you please plan our engagement party?”
You and Christian looked at each other, you were so aggravated by one another that you didn't want to do anything together. But since you two are now involved in your best friends’ big day – including the events before the wedding, you couldn’t say no.
“Of course...” You and Christian agreed to their request, even though you both obviously hesitated, “we’re uh... We’re on it.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @mortirolo @masonsrem
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
That was so interesting. Do that for Viktor and Ben too. They were pretty close to Five. What do they think his type is?
I don't write about Viktor or Ben much, but I'll give it a shot!
For Viktor, I'd say he's probably another observant one, like Klaus, and would kind of hone in on the type of person Five would want to be with. But I also think he'd be more subtle about it. At least to Five's face. Whereas Klaus would outright tell Five "No, she sucks, find someone else", Viktor would sit back quietly and watch. He would know, too, just like Klaus, that Five deserves someone special and smart that can match wits with their genius-level brother. Unlike Klaus, he would not want to get involved in any of Five's sexual preferences, so anytime that subject would come up he'd probably cover his ears or leave the conversation. But I could see him trying very hard to get along with whomever Five was with, even if he thought they weren't right for him. And maybe even introducing Five to a mutual friend or acquaintance that he could see being a good match with. If the girl was a total dingbat, though, he might take her aside and "gently" let her know she's not really in his league and maybe use his powers to shatter a glass or two for effect. 😂
Ben would be kind of funny. Especially since Umbrella Ben and Sparrow Ben are so different. And yeah, Umbrella Ben is dead, so he doesn't get much of an opinion on things, but I could totally see him hovering over Klaus's shoulder, yelling about some girl he saw that he thinks would be perfect for Five. Except in reality, she would not be perfect for Five. She would be some quiet, nerdy, shy girl that Ben thinks is cute but that he really wants to hang out with, so he just uses Five as an excuse.
Klaus talking to the air: "What are you blabbering on about? Her? Are you kidding, she looks like she lives in a convent"...silence..."I don't care if she's cute, she probably doesn't swear, drink, or bang and who wants that besides you? She'd have a heart attack after one conversation with him"...silence again..."No, I am not telling him that. Tell him yourself."...more silence..."Ugh! Fine!"
He turns to Five. "Benny boy here thinks you need to ask that girl out. The one that looks like a Sunday school teacher and whose idea of getting crazy is talking too loud in the library." Talking to the air again: "Yes she does! Fivey doesn't want to hit that!" He turns back to Five. "Do you?"
Five is just staring blankly at Klaus and the general direction of where Ben might be. "I hate this family," he mumbles before blinking away.
For Sparrow Ben, he would be a totally oblivious asshole, and not have Five's interest at heart in the least. He would not understand that different people have different tastes, and so he'd just be dumbfounded if Five didn't agree with him on women. If they somehow found themselves hanging out together, probably where there was plenty of alcohol and being sort of chummy, Ben would try and pressure Five into hooking up with someone.
Ben comes stumbling up to Five with a girl on each arm, all of them equally drunk. "Five! Look...look...these girls..." He whispers in Five's ear, sloppily spitting on him as Five pulls away in disgust. "They're twins! Twins!"
Five snears at him. "Yes, I see that. I can tell because they are identical. What is your point?"
Ben giggles. "They said they are up for anything..." he leans in again, this time yelling directly in his ear..."ANYTHING!"
Flinching from Ben's booming voice in his ear, Five closes his eyes and sighs heavily. "Well, then it looks like you have your hands full. Have fun." He throws back the rest of his drink and gives the girls a smug smile, "Ladies." Then disappears in a blue flash.
I pulled all of this out of my ass, by the way, so if none of this makes sense, that's why 😂 In all actuality, they may have their opinions on who Five should be with, but at the end of the day he's not going to listen to them anyway. He's a grown man, older than all of them, and he's not going to give a shit what anyone says. 😉
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part 2 (slow updates, sorry)
Scp-096 pov: 
096 felt instant fear as he heard the quiet sounds of moist skin and dripping liquids hitting the cold concrete floor. His breathing get heavier as he felt the overwhelming anxiety rising from his chest to his entire body at this point. He quickly covered his face once again, cowering in fear in front of the other person as he heard the footsteps get closer, and closer… but then they stopped right after the door to the room. ‘A door didn’t open… so are they gone?’ He questioned himself in his mind, his curiosity getting the best of him, which wasn’t really a good thing in his situation. Though he fought the urge to turn around and look behind him to see if someone was there, despite the circumstances. 096 uncovered his face slightly to where only his small blue eyes were showing, he looked at the metal wall in front of him to see a dark ominous shadow standing behind him. The shadow gave 096 an idea of who was behind him; a skinny, but fit, bald figure stood behind him. 096 can’t tell the gender of the mysterious person, though they do seem safe to 096, since they were just standing there doing nothing. But it's not like he could uncover his face, or talk to the other person with his horrible social skills.
Scp-106 pov:
He stands behind the unnaturally pale figure, staring at it with disgust, and maybe even sympathy. This thing was in terrible condition, to a point where it almost made 106 feel bad for it. It looked like a stick bug compared to The Old man, maybe if the stick bug was albino or some shit. Even if 106 felt slight pity for it, he still was disgusted by it. “Dégoûtant…” he muttered under his breath as he stared at the pale figure in front of him, even if he thought he himself was gross looking, he thought this.. thing… was equally, maybe less (but 106 doesn’t think that) as filthy looking as him. He observed the thing with surprise, he never knew something so close to a human could even look like this. It had blood splattered all over it which he expected for an scp that was in heavy containment, and it had some kind of mold or fungus growing on its left shoulder and on his thigh, which was showing since 096 was sitting crisscrossed. Holly fuck. The Old Man genuinely felt bad for this thing, even 106 had more cleanliness than this monstrosity, surprisingly. His expression hardened, the disgusting smell of this creature made 106 want to toss it into a bath and continuously throw bars of soap at it. Even he had more class than this vermin that sits in front of him.
096 sits there, silently. He trembles with fear, though wondering why the thing behind him hasn’t moved. He takes a small deep breath, trying to calm himself down. But instead of a breath of fresh air, but instead of the air being fresh, he got probably the worst smelling oxygen he could ever have breathed in. Christ, it smelled like absolute shit. ‘Was there a dead animal behind me?’ Shy Guy thought, almost gagging at the heinous smell of the air. It was obvious that that thing behind him was absolutely disgusting, and should definitely take a bath. 096 wanted to say something so bad, though, he was scared about being mean to the person behind him… and just scared of the person in general.
No ones pov:
Both of the anomalies just stayed in this awkward position. The cold room felt warmer with this dumb situation. Both of the anomalies just stood there silently. The room was so silent, they didn’t even get the time to react to the loud dinosaur-like roar that echoed through the facility. 106 jumped slightly, looking towards the room's door, for him loud noises were just one cricket chirping to him. But on the other hand, 096, the one who The Old Man thought to be some kind of low intelligence creature who probably couldn’t speak, let out a loud yelp that made 106 slightly jump too. The old man looked to the direction of the pale man, seeing it now in the corner, covering its face, and hyperventilating. 096 was obviously troubled, but did 106 care? No. The old man stared at the other man for a few moments, before looking at the door of the room. He looked back to The Shy Guy and muttered “Va te préparer un bain.” He glared down at the other man, who was curled up in a ball with his face covered one last time before disappearing into the floor. It was silent. The sound of liquids dripping onto the floor has now gone away. 096 parted his fingers from his eyes, almost certain that the other creature was gone from the room. He was hesitant to turn around, in fear of what could be behind him, though he did it anyway.
There was no one.
096 pov:
096 could’ve sworn he heard, felt, and smelled someone behind him. But could it have been a hoax? What's left of his mind could just be playing tricks on him, he’d blame the foundation. Thinking that it was some kind of weird hallucination, he uncovered his face. 096 let out a sigh of relief and looked back to the… that's not the wall… right in front of 096 were big, white colored orbs staring right at him. He stared back. He knew what would happen, he felt his stomach drop, along with his mouth. His eyes widened.
106 pov:
The old man grinned as he stared at the… “The fuck?!” He let out as he saw the other humanoid's mouth drop unnaturally. That was his favorite thing to say in English, and probably one of his most said phrases that isn’t in French. Anyways, he flinched as he saw the other entity grab for him. He tried to pull back from this lanky creature in front of him, but that thing was way too strong. 106 barely got time to react as he felt something sharp stab into his head. Was it knives? No. It was teeth. He quickly grabbed onto the other person's shoulders, trying to pry himself out of their mouth; it worked, the creature pulled back in pain from 106s corrosive touch. It pushed 106 back into the wall and started bleeding from the corrosion. It went to the opposite corner of the room and put its arms around itself in an attempt to ease the pain as it healed on its own. On the other hand, 106 stared at the pale monstrosity. How that thing looked really interested him, mostly its limbs. 106 stared at that thing curiously, wondering how it got to that point. Normal growth? I couldn’t be. He glanced at their hands… god those hands are big… though, 106’s curiosity was interrupted by the sound of a gun cocking.
sorry to leave y’all on a cliffhanger, i wrote this at 3:26 at night 🙏🦅
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horoscope1078 · 15 days
Lamine boy 🌸
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Lamine’s Sun in Cancer shows he’s deeply connected to his emotions and the people around him. He’s got a natural sensitivity, making him someone who truly cares about his teammates, family, and friends. Cancers are nurturing, and Lamine likely approaches football with a similar mindset, protecting what matters and giving his best to ensure success. While he can be soft-hearted, don't be fooled—his determination is as strong as they come, especially when it comes to defending his values or loved ones. He likely finds comfort in familiarity and takes pride in his roots, which makes him loyal and dedicated both on and off the field.
With both his Sun and Moon in Cancer, Lamine feels emotions deeply, and this is key to who he is. He’s likely very intuitive, often sensing the feelings and vibes of those around him without needing words. This placement can make him quite empathetic, always looking out for his friends and teammates like a big brother. On the flip side, his sensitivity can sometimes make him retreat into his shell when things get overwhelming. However, his emotional awareness is a strength, allowing him to connect with others on a deep level, which might also make him a powerful motivator in a team setting.
Lamine’s Virgo Ascendant shows he’s practical and grounded in how he approaches the world. People probably see him as detail-oriented, organized, and someone who likes to get things done right the first time. He’s the type of person who doesn’t just jump into things recklessly; he prefers to analyse the situation, think it through, and come up with a smart plan. On the field, this could translate into a methodical approach to his game, focused on honing his skills, paying attention to the finer points, and always striving for improvement. He’s also likely perceived as humble and modest, not one to show off but someone who lets his hard work speak for itself.
In relationships, Lamine might be drawn to people who bring out his softer, dreamier side. With his Descendant in Pisces, he’s likely attracted to partners or teammates who are compassionate, imaginative, and emotionally in tune. These people help balance his practical nature with their emotional depth, offering him an escape from the pressures of life and the field. He values emotional connection and seeks a bond that feels almost spiritual, someone who understands him at a soul level.
Lamine’s Mercury in Cancer means he communicates from the heart. He speaks with emotion, and when he expresses himself, it’s often deeply personal. He’s likely a great listener, able to pick up on what others aren’t saying just as much as what they are. On the field, this can make him an intuitive player, reading the game and the energy of his opponents or teammates instinctively. He may also prefer to talk things through with people he trusts, keeping his inner circle small and tight.
With Venus in Leo, Lamine loves big and plays hard. He’s got a charismatic energy in relationships, whether romantic or platonic, and isn’t shy about showing affection. He wants to be adored, but he also gives back just as much love. This placement adds a touch of flair to his personality, making him a bit of a showman when it comes to love or friendship. He’s warm, generous, and someone who loves to make others feel special. On the field, this Leo energy might translate to a confident, bold style of play, with moments of brilliance that grab everyone’s attention.
Mars in Taurus gives Lamine a steady, patient drive. He’s not the kind of player to rush into things; instead, he builds his skills and stamina over time, working hard to master his craft. This placement gives him resilience, allowing him to push through tough situations with a quiet strength. His determination is unwavering, and once he sets his mind to something, there’s no stopping him. He may not be the flashiest on the field, but he’s one of the most reliable, with a calm and grounded energy that helps him endure the challenges of competition.
Jupiter in Sagittarius brings a love for adventure and growth. Lamine is likely someone who thrives on new experiences, always eager to expand his horizons both in life and in his football career. He’s optimistic and believes in the power of hard work and faith to get him where he wants to go. Sagittarius energy makes him bold, and he probably loves exploring different cultures and ideas, possibly seeing football as a way to connect with the world on a grand scale.
Saturn in Leo can indicate that Lamine takes his ambitions very seriously. He wants to shine, but this placement suggests he may feel the weight of expectations on his shoulders. He could be someone who feels a deep responsibility to perform and succeed, especially in the spotlight. However, Saturn in Leo also gives him the discipline and determination to work through any challenges. His desire to be recognized for his talents is strong, and he’ll put in the necessary hard work to get there, even if it takes time.
Uranus in Pisces adds an unpredictable, creative element to Lamine’s personality. He’s likely open-minded and willing to think outside the box when it comes to problem-solving, both on and off the field. This placement gives him a dreamy, imaginative quality, and he might be drawn to innovative ideas or spiritual pursuits. He’s someone who can adapt to changes easily and isn’t afraid of the unknown.
With Neptune in Aquarius, Lamine has a vision for the future that’s progressive and forward-thinking. He’s likely someone who dreams of making a difference not just in his career but in the world around him. This placement gives him an idealistic streak, and he might be drawn to causes or ideas that promote unity, equality, or innovation. Neptune’s influence in Aquarius makes him a dreamer, but one who’s always looking for ways to bring those dreams into reality through collaboration and teamwork.
Pluto in Sagittarius gives Lamine a deep desire for growth and transformation. He’s passionate about learning and self-improvement, constantly pushing himself to evolve. This placement gives him a powerful inner drive to explore new philosophies or ideas, and he likely has a strong sense of purpose guiding his decisions. On the field, this could make him a player who’s always seeking to push his boundaries and explore new ways to improve his game.
Lamine Yamal is a sensitive yet determined individual, with a heart full of care and a mind focused on constant growth. His Cancer energy makes him deeply intuitive, and his Virgo Ascendant adds a layer of practicality and hard work. He’s not one to rush, but he’s patient and willing to put in the time to master his craft. With a playful Venus in Leo and a steady Mars in Taurus, he combines charisma with resilience. He’s a footballer who plays with heart and persistence, always striving to better himself, while also valuing the emotional bonds he builds along the way.
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pixelagames2000 · 1 month
Hay, Decided to remake my OC character sheet, Added some extra stuff.
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I gave her two weapons, a retractable Paton, and a katana. I also decided to give her an elemental power (since, some bots have that too) I felt like giving her water powers, since I think it fits her. Her special attack is the Aqua pole, in combat she can Extend her Paton, and charge it with some water, it can hit the opponent rapidly in quick attacks, not as powerful as others, but still effective. Once it hit the opponent, it unleashes a powerful splash or wave that can yeet opponents far enough away, and if executed properly, it can even incapacitate them. Her alt mode is a mini cooper, around the same size as Bluecop and Wild Guardys alt modes, but slightly smaller. She’s also just a little bit smaller and shorter than them, reaching halfway up their shoulder.
(Background and Personality) Back on Mechina she was an artisan, just working on her craft as a student. But before she could graduate, and fully start her career, the planet was destroyed and everyone evacuated. She drifted through space, until eventually landed on earth, wondering around the planet until the Star guardians found her. She didn’t actually fight them, or resist them, she was actually very understanding and cooperative (which blue was very pleased with) she was however hesitant about letting Jun take her in and turning into a card for him to use, she has nothing against the kid, she just thinks it’s odd and unwise to let a kid be responsible for them and wield the watch band card reader thing (i don’t know what it’s called) why should their fate be trusted to a child? It just didn’t make any sense to her. Especially the fact that their freedom was being taken, of course she could see that Jun wasn’t that kind of person, he cares deeply about the Metal Cardbots, he doesn’t force them to do anything unless it’s dire. Eventually, after a lot of thinking (and some spark to spark talk from Bluecop) she excepts this, and let’s jun capture her in a card. He promises her that he’ll be kind, gentle, and patient with her, not making her do anything unless it’s absolutely necessary, she excepts it, and is happy to be apart of the Star guardian family.
As for her personality, she’s…(Autistic), Quiet, serious, sensitive, and kind. Does not like conflict, and is unlikely to do things which may generate conflict. Can be seen as cold or aloof, but she’s not actually like that (she’s a mix of cold and soft). Honest, loyal, faithful, compassionate, Wise but still naive, stoic and reserved, but still pleasant and friendly. Optimistic, creative, intelligent, shy, bold, brave, adventurous, caring, spunky, feisty when she needs to be, sassy, can do attitude (but can sometimes take charge), basically a type 5 or an ISFP. She’s good at problem solving, navigating, working with electronics, artistic, and she’s a good listener, she always tries to be supportive and helpful to her friends, she’s also a rule follower, if the rules are fair and just and logical, she’ll follow them.
She’s also got a small little crush on Bluecop, but she’s too shy to show or say anything about it, she’s not the best at showing love and affection to others. She also struggles with reading people, understanding social cues, and she can be a little too trusting of others, so much so that she struggles seeing red flags. So, the others look out for her, and warn her about any potential dangers. She’s still growing and learning, still finding her place amongst the star guardians, and still figuring out her new life on earth. But, she knows who she is, she knows what she stands for, and she stands firmly in her beliefs and opinions (she can be stubborn at times, but she’s not opposed to listening and understanding others point of view or opinions) she’ll always Stan for what is right, she always tries to do the right thing. Despite her shortcomings, she tries her best, she’s a good friend.
Ok, that’s pretty much everything! Sorry about the long paragraphs ^^, I hope you enjoyed this tho!
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univxrsez · 2 months
🪐,🕸️, &🥥!
hellooo thanks for the ask!! :)
shifting ask game for my k-pop dr ( 9th member of skz )
🪐 ― basically just stray kids in general are my comfort characters!! in this reality, i've only been a stay since november, but they've grown on me so much since then ( i actually just got my first skz album today i'm so happyyy <3 ) & i think that in both this reality and my dr we'd be rlly good friends
when i think about skz, i honestly feel like i'm at home - if i don't really feel like 'connected' to people, i'm a pretty shy & quiet person and rarely really act like myself; with skz, i share so many of the same interests as them and have similar personalities / they have personalities that i'd vibe with, etc, and i feel like i'd be very comfortable with them & not be afraid to get out of my shell. i guess it feels like i'd just... belong there, with them?
they're the kind of people that i would trust with my life, honestly. they'd be there to support me, cheer me on, make me feel like i matter & that i'm important - and i want to do the same for them because they deserve it. for example, i see bang chan in this reality talk about how he doesn't like his curly hair or his face without makeup, i see him talk about staying up late and overworking himself and not being satisfied with himself so casually, and i want to go tell him he's absolutely perfect just the way he is both inside and out. all eight of the members deserve to hear that, & that's the first thing i want to do once i shift.
honestly i just love them so much :')
🕸️ ― when i wake up in my dr, i'd be waking up in my room - basically lee know is my s/o in my dr & i scripted that he'd be laying down next to me and hugging me ( because that's honestly the best thing to wake up to after you realize you shifted yk 😭 i'll actually cry happy tears when i see that minho's literally riGHT THERE )
as for clothes, just pajamas lolll i never really thought about the specifics of what it looks like; while i'm answering this though i'll go look at pajamas because that's probably a good idea
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^^ maybe something like that idk y'all 💀
🥥 ― hmm i'd say vanilla ( which is my signature scent in my dr 🤪 ), the nice fresh air near bodies of water ( scripted that minho confessed to me by the han river hehe <3 ), & concert air ( i'm an idol so this is self-explanatory lol )
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dreamysekai · 1 year
Hi there! I’m so happy to see new talented writers on tumblr💖
Can I request Ena and Tsukasa with a reader who is shy/scared of social interactions. I just imagined that “they asked for no pickles” meme and thought that would be interesting.
Feel free to ignore if you’re uncomfortable!
A/N : hello!! FIRST THINGS FIRST i'm so sorry it took like, a whole year to get to this lol. hopefully i'm back? life hit me and then i forgot about the blog. but now i remember the blog. SECOND THING thank you very much for the kind words :) absolutely i've got you. i just feel like their social confidences are so wildly different in flavor i love thinking about the contrast between something like the way Ena would correct an order vs. Tsukasa
what losers, all of you, fluff, funnies, this is generally pretty light-hearted in tone, x shy!reader
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Ena's definitely the type to stand up for you over just about anything.
She takes note of all the little things about you; she's always had an eye for detail
And quickly did she figure out what exactly you like and dislike
It's one thing if her order gets messed up. She's frustrated, but she can cope
But her friend? Her soft-spoken, too-sweet-for-this-world friend?
Immediately she's heated, ready to fight in a war that you didn't even know was happening
Ena would notice the pickles in your burger before you do. The way the bun is shaped, she'd know innately
And before you get the chance to say anything, she's hailing the waiter over, a look of determination in her eye that was comically unfitting of this situation
She'd get your order corrected in a record pace. She'd even look proud of herself for doing it
"You didn't have to do that, you know..."
"And make you eat something you hate? Just what kind of person do you think I am?"
No room for argument with Ena Shinonome on the case
Somehow, though, it's comforting to know she's got your back at all times, no matter what
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Tsukasa is absolutely 100% ready and willing to do the talking for both of you and then some
He'd hold your hand in a crowd and (somehow, with his volume) steer people away so you felt comfortable
He'd order your food for you. He'd forget to order his own food in his focus to get your order right and you'd have to remind him of such as he raved about how well he just ordered that meal
When your dishes arrive, he'd start talking about how good it looked
Before coming to a total halt upon seeing you carefully picking those damn pickles out of your burger
"WHAT? Why didn't you say anything? WAITER!!"
"Lower your voice! It's okay..."
"No it is not! A star such as myself could never let a friend be just 'okay' with something! Not when I have the power to fix it!"
With how confident and... jovial? He is, very quickly would your order be corrected to perfection.
And with nothing but a satisfied smile on his face, he would return to eating and talking. 'Cus of course he'd wait for your food to be back before going back to his
Always so happy to help, Tsukasa is, no matter how quiet his co-star in question might be
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hey, i really liked your jealousy headcanons. Could you do more for the other vamps you're writing for? 👀
Oh ho ho, well if it isn’t the person who thanked me for the Ky content. You’re welcome, by the way. I also think there isn’t nearly enough Ky content, which is why i’m writing it! If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself!
Tw: murder and violence, also just Ferid in general. 
Ferid Bathory
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🤍♦️ Hoo boy. Hooooooooo boy. Ferid is EXTREMELY territorial. It really doesn’t take much to make him jealous. The perpetrator would have to be human, because no vampire wants to fuck with this bastard. Well… that’s not entirely true. I can’t see Rigr giving much of a shit. (But that is an entirely different can of worms.)
🤍♦️ Let’s get one thing straight. Ferid is not shy in the slightest about pda, not to mention the fucking collar (and probably leash, let’s be honest.) What I’m trying to get at is that EVERYBODY knows who you belong to. Everybody. Which means, the perpetrator can’t feign ignorance as an excuse. He deliberately tried to touch Ferid’s property, and that is unacceptable.
🤍♦️ His mood varies, but the options include: on-the-spot murder, psychological and physical torture, a threateningly polite warning, just *ahem* “claiming” you as his right then and there, or all of the above. Go ahead and spin the wheel, if you’re feeling lucky!
🤍♦️ Ferid is actually one of the scariest vampires out there. Not in a quiet, intimidating way like Urd, he’s more like an unpredictable wildfire. Anyone who spends even a single minute in his presence can tell that he is NOT one to be crossed. Someone would have to be downright suicidal to get on his bad side.
Lacus Welt
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💜✨ He’s also very territorial, but can’t afford to be as loud about it as Ferid can. He’s not a noble, after all. That doesn’t stop him from being grumpy about it, however.
💜✨ If the douche is a vampire, which is unlikely, he’ll just stand there and glare and hope he leaves. Since drinking directly from a human is kind of illegal, he can’t really explain your complicated relationship to this other vampire who may or may not rat him out.
💜✨ Once you get home, Lacus will whine and rant about the other guy. Like, he will go on a full-on TANGENT about how disrespectful the guy was. He’ll probably also demand attention from you. You might want to just go along with it, he can be pretty whiney when he’s upset. Just hold him and reassure him that he’s the only vampire for you, he’ll calm down eventually.
💜✨ If the perpetrator is human, however, that’s another thing entirely. Unlike Ferid, Lacus is very predictable. On-the-spot murder is his go-to. No words, no threats, just fucking decimate the bastard. If that guy says even ONE THING that comes across as ‘a little too friendly’, Lacus will strike him down faster than a snake.
💜✨ Again, once you get home, Lacus will non-stop talk shit about the other guy. However, this time, it’ll be more gloating than sulking. Just pretend to be interested in what he’s saying. He’ll be too wrapped up in ranting about how stupid that human was to notice that you’re only half-listening.
Rene Simm
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🖤♦️ Now here’s an interesting one. Rene is secretly VERY possessive, but he’s VERY good a hiding it. A master tsundere, this one. Like Lacus, he can’t afford to be loudly possessive.
🖤♦️ If the bastard is a vampire, which is still unlikely, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t care. Deep down he’s absolutely seething with rage, but nobody will ever be able to tell. You’ll probably notice that he does, however, act a bit grumpier than usual.
🖤♦️ If the perpetrator is human, that’s a different story entirely. Sure, he’ll pretend he doesn’t care. He’ll look the other way and ignore it entirely. It isn’t wise to plot murder out loud, which is why Rene is so quiet. He’ll wait until the opportune moment, and then it’s all over. No one will ever find the body.
🖤♦️ Similar to Urd, Rene is quietly intimidating. It’s always the quiet ones that you gotta watch out for, and this emo is no exception. Since he doesn’t have the power or status to openly challenge anyone who talks to you, he has to take a more creative and sneaky approach. Thusly, he plans and executes a murder worthy of a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode. 
🖤♦️ Eventually people will begin to catch on to the fact that anyone who gets a little too close to you disappears forever. After that, they start to leave you alone. You, of course, will never even know about all the murders. Rene will make sure of it.
Ky Luc
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I adore low quality Ky- lookit his litol face-
🔹🤎 Surprisingly enough, he’s not all that territorial, so to speak. He just doesn’t like that you’re paying attention to someone other than him. He wants you to be talking to HIM and making HIM laugh, not some random human.
🔹🤎 He will simply insert himself into whatever conversation you’re having. If the other person takes offense, that’s their problem. Ky wants your attention and he’s going to get it. If the other guy continues trying to fight for your attention, however, things might escalate.
🔹🤎 There likely won’t be any murder taking place (thankfully), but Ky has another trick up his sleeve. He’ll just foil all his opponent’s efforts to command your attention. He can keep this up for as long as it takes to frustrate the other person into leaving. He has a knack for annoying people!
🔹🤎 If he’s feeling impatient, he might just verbally berate the jerk. Having Urd as a role model has made him quite good with his words! He can eloquently tell this other person to fuck off, and make THEM feel bad about ruining his afternoon with you. All while never dropping his wide-eyed smile!
🔹🤎 Not wanting to disappoint Urd has made Ky a master at creative, non-violent solutions. And his natural curiosity and slightly bastardly nature have made him an expert at getting on people’s nerves!
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