#(tag drop)
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haruu-luv · 1 year ago
new tag game because I say so 1: last song you listened to / currently listening to 2: 2 of your top kins then RB with a song you think would match the preb RB's vibes ill go first :>>
1: i haunt your dreams - hey nothing 2:
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(ranpo edogawa - bsd and ena shinonome - pjsk)
@mcchaoticgrimreaper @thenextexec @offsetthedeath @forrestyx @xxcandlelightxx @c0riiander @disqualifiedasahuman @teddymochi @rheeeeeeeesiees @utterlybrainwrecked @sugarthegecku @vi-chan07 @suru1990 @33tomatoes and anyone else who wants too!! /nf
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belavoier · 1 month ago
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PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver RAPHAEL LAVOIE passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus VINTE E CINCO anos, ele é um CANTOR, COMPOSITOR, DANÇARINO, MULTI-INSTRUMENTISTA e DUBLADOR canadense de origem sul-coreana conhecido pelos seus fãs por ser muito AUTÊNTICO e SEDUTOR, embora há quem diga que por trás das câmeras ele possa ser bastante PROBLEMÁTICO e DIFÍCIL DE LIDAR. Você ouviu o que os tablóides andam dizendo sobre ele? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que ALGUNS FÃS ANDAM PREOCUPADOS COM A QUANTIDADE DE ÁLCOOL E CIGARROS CONSUMIDOS PELO MESMO OUTROS SE SENTEM INCERTOS DE PERMANECER NO FANDOM COM A CIRCULAÇÃO NAS REDES SOCIAIS DE UM VÍDEO ONDE ELE CUSPE E SOCA UM PAPARAZZI, ALÉM DISSO NO INÍCIO DO ANO ELE FOI O CENTRO DAS ATENÇÕES APÓS SER PRESO POR PARTICIPAR DE UM RACHA! Hm… esperamos que essas coisas não comprometam os seus futuros projetos porque realmente gostamos de vê-lo no topo!
Com apenas 15 anos Raphael Lavoie alcançou o Top 15 da Billboard Canadian Hot 100 e o Top 40 da Billboard Hot 100 com "One Time", "One Less Lonely Girl", "Love Me" e "Favorite Girl" se tornando o único artista da história da Billboard a ter quatro singles de um álbum de estreia nas paradas antes de seu lançamento.
Nascido na Coreia do Sul sendo filho de uma solteirona. Ainda criança se mudou junto com a mãe pro Canadá devido a uma proposta de emprego, com seus 9 anos presenciou o casamento da mãe com um canadense e acabou sendo adotado pelo mesmo assim carregando seu sobrenome. Os vídeos amadores feito pelos pais do mesmo mostra que gosto pela musica veio desde novo, os vídeos eram publicados no YouTube para que os parentes pudessem ter acesso e não era esperado que viralizasse ou que chegassem até um grande produtor musical norte-americano. Iniciando a carreira profissional com apenas 15 anos era de se esperar que houvesse muitas coisas com qual o mesmo não soubesse lidar, como a pressão para ser perfeito ou os haters máximos ou simplesmente sua vida se tornando algum tipo de reality show, ele não teve uma adolescência normal e apesar de amar seu trabalho, os fãs e tudo que conquistou é normal que as vezes tenha se pegado pensando em como seria mais saudável se ele fosse apenas um anônimo qualquer. De qualquer forma voltar no tempo é impossível então ele apenas tenta seguir em frente, aprender com os próprios erros, aproveitar o máximo a vida que tem de uma forma mais saudável possível incluindo viver como bem quer mesmo que isso gere uma enorme lista de cancelamentos ou escândalos e polêmicas, algumas verdades outras nem tanto, se falam bem ou mal no final falar sempre seria um ponto positivo ao que mantinha o nome do mesmo em alta e divulgava os trabalhos, o mantendo no topo dos charts quase sempre. Vivendo entre uma imagem não tão boa, que os fãs e o próprio discordam mas que não podem fazer nada sobre. Afinal será que ele se acha superior aos outros ou só tem noção do sucesso que faz? Se ele perdeu a cabeça e foi grosso será que não invadiram seu espaço ou foram desrespeitosos? Se ele entrou em uma briga será que foi mesmo só pra chamar atenção ou a história foi distorcida porque dava mais engajamento aos tablóides? Qual o problema de ficar com varias pessoas quando é solteiro? Desde quando beber e fumar é ilegal? Porque as pessoas acham que tem algum poder sobre sua vida pessoal? Será que quem o crítica realmente é tão santo assim que nunca errou ou só não sabem viver sem mascaras? Sinceramente a maioria das pessoas que tacam pedra no mesmo só se incomodam com sua coragem de fazer o que dá na telha, mas não é como se também tivesse com o que se preocupar além do próprio umbigo com toda a fortuna e fama que conquistou. Quer dizer ao menos aparentemente tirando os belavoiers a quem sempre pareceu conter certa devoção, sempre os mimando com lives e fanmeetings bastante íntimos, dedicando todos os créditos quando recebe um prêmio novo e alcança novos marcos, até mesmo as vezes convidando alguns que o encontra casualmente em seu dia a dia para se juntar a ele em um role aleatório, apoiando abertamente suas carreiras quando um deles se torna famoso também e inclui-los em seu círculo de amizades, sendo conhecido por ser um ídolo bastante acessível até demais pra sua própria segurança.
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NOME REAL: Haeun Go Lavoie. APELIDO: Raphael (por seu pai); Bunny (dado pelos fãs por conta dos dentes). GÊNERO: Homem Cis. PRONOMES: Ele/Dele. ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL: Bissexual. ORIENTAÇÃO ROMÂNTICA: Birromântico. DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 01/08/1999. MAPA ASTRAL: Leonino com ascendente em Áries. LOCAL DE NASCIMENTO: Daegu, Coreia do Sul. LOCAL ONDE CRESCEU: Vancouver, Canadá. LOCAL ONDE MORA ATUALMENTE: Los Angeles, EUA. NACIONALIDADE: Canadense. ETNIA: Coreana. LÍNGUAS FLUENTES: Inglês (domínio); Francês (intermediário); Coreano (básico). NOME FANDOM: Belavoier (Beloved + Lavoie).
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ALTURA: 180cm. COR OLHOS: Castanho escuro. COR CABELO: Castanho escuro. PINTINHAS: Logo abaixo dos lábios, no lado esquerdo do pescoço, mais incontáveis espalhadas pelo corpo. CICATRIZES/MARCAS: Bochecha esquerda adquiria depois de uma briga e ele costuma aparecer quase sempre com roxos pelo corpo. TATUAGENS: Braço direito fechado sendo na mão direita as letras B.L.V.D. que seria apenas as consoantes de Belavoier, nome do fandom do mesmo. PIERCINGS: 1 na sobrancelha direita, 4 no lábio inferior 2 no lado direito e 2 no lado esquerdo, 6 na orelha direita e 3 na esquerda, 1 no umbigo e 1 no mamilo esquerdo.
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MBTI: ESFP. TEMPERAMENTO: Colérico. ALINHAMENTO MORAL: Caótico Neutro (Espírito Livre). GUILTY PLEASURES: Adrenalina; Álcool; Nicotina; Sadomasoquismo. TRAÇOS POSITIVOS: Ambicioso; Assertivo; Audacioso; Carinhoso; Carismático; Determinado; Divertido; Energético; Esforçado; Gentil; Humilde; Sensível; Sincero. TRAÇOS NEGATIVOS: Arrogante, Cabeça Quente; Caótico; Carente; Egocêntrico; Fútil; Imaturo; Inconsequente; Mulherengo; Perfeccionista; Sem filtro; Temperamental. ADORA: Todos os tipos de Artes; Fazer Shows; Seus fãs Belavoiers; Karaokês; Festas; Praticar Esportes; Motos; Viajar; Contato com a natureza; Filmes de terror; Halloween; Natal; Tempo de qualidade com os seus amigos e família; Comida coreana e japonesa; Tocar Bateria/Baixo/Guitarra/Piano/Teclado/Violão ou aprender novos instrumentos. DETESTA: Que invadam sua privacidade; Paparazzis; A humilde opinião alheia; Ficar sozinho; Ficar sem fazer nada; Mentiras; Silêncio; Levar tudo a sério demais.
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INSPIRAÇÃO MUSICAL: Justin Bieber & Harry Styles.
Boyfriend (2016)
Sorry (2019)
Love Yourself (2019)
What Do You Mean? (2019)
Watermelon Sugar (2024)
As It As (2024)
As It Was (3.726.446.433 streams)
Watermelon Sugar (2.920.580.231 streams)
Love Yourself (2.648.892.194 streams)
Let Me Love You (2.366.924.389 streams)
Sorry (2.309.752.390 streams)
Ghost (1.836.124.610 streams)
Adore You (1.809.402.251 streams)
What Do You Mean? (1.738.206.805 streams)
Falling (1.339.237.789 streams)
Baby (1.121.956.602 streams)
Beauty and A Beat ( streams)
Golden (959.103.107 streams)
Mistletoe (895.286.692 streams)
Confident (617.593.789 streams)
Fine Line (567.894.692 streams)
My Universe (2015, paródia de My World)
My Universe 2.0 (2015, paródia de My World 2.0)
Christmas Day (2015, paródia de Under the Mistletoe)
Beloved (2016, paródia de Believe)
Letters (2017, paródia de Journals)
Destiny (2019, paródia de Purpose)
Just Me (2021, paródia de Justice)
Chance Me (2021, paródia de Changes)
Red Line (2023, paródia de Fine Line)
Raphael Lavoie (2024, paródia de Harry Styles)
Lavoie's Hate (2024, paródia de Harry's House)
My Universe Tour (2015, paródia de My World Tour)
Beloved Tour (2016, paródia de Believe Tour)
Destiny World Tour (2020, paródia de Purpose World Tour)
Just Me World Tour (2022, paródia de The Justice World Tour)
Red Line Tour (2023, paródia de Harry Styles: Live On Tour)
Lavoie Tour (2024, paródia de Love On Tour)
Raphael Lavoie: A Star Is Born (2015, paródia de Justin Bieber: A Star Was Born)
Raphael Lavoie: Never/Ever (2016, paródia de Justin Bieber: Never Say Never)
Raphael Lavoie: Rise To Stardom (2017, paródia de Justin Bieber: Rise to Fame)
Raphael Lavoie: Beloved (2018, paródia de Justin Bieber's Believe)
Raphael Lavoie: Thank U, Next! (2020, paródia de Justin Bieber: Next Chapter)
Raphael Lavoie: The Old Me (2022, paródia de Justin Bieber: The New Me)
Raphael Lavoie: Our Universe (2022, paródia de Justin Bieber: Our World)
Raphael Lavoie: Off Stage (2023, paródia de Harry Styles: Behind the Album)
Raphael Lavoie: Are You Sure?! (2024, paródia de Harry Styles: Are You Curious?)
Olaf em FROZEN, Live Action Disney (2025)
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Connections Come Soon.
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yourflame · 11 days ago
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Finally got around to designing him last night. Isaiah the Short Hair :]
Also using this post to double as a tag drop for him too hehe
⚰️ close your eyes. swallow the sun. ( isaiah ic. )
⚰️ eyes on fire. ( isaiah vibes. )
⚰️ who are you really? ( isaiah images. )
⚰️ there's beauty in the breakdown. ( isaiah headcanons. )
⚰️ got your heart in a headlock. ( isaiah study. )
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grimoirefate · 3 months ago
[ ooc. ] i'm a nice person so long as you are nice to me. my muses are not the only ones with teeth.
[ ic. ] i once feared mythal would consume me were i to carry her. but twas not so. i remain free willed and mortal.
[ mythal & solas ] ...are not for you alone to bear my friend. the many wrongs we did. we did together. I release you from my service.
[ mythal introspection ] I pulled you from the fade you loved and sent you into war. I used your wisdom as a weapon and it broke you.
[ introspection ] when she intended me to become the next host of an ancient gods soul I feared naught would be left of my own.
[ veilguard ] I have been advisor to orlais. witch of the wilds. daughter of flemeth. and once long ago an old friend.
[ inquisition. ] I knew the empress was intrigued by the arcane and I could answer questions no chantry mage could.
[ origins. ] well. well. what have we here? are you a vulture I wonder? a scavenger? poking amidst a corpse? or intruder?
[ answered: ooc. ] its me. the equivalent of a spicy kitten in a corner.
[ answered: ic. ] yet she survived and returned ages later to aide the inquisition in its hour of need. how?
[ psa. ] hear ye! hear ye! use those things on the side of your head or be doomed.
[ saved. ] im like a dragon when it comes to things i like.
[ prompts / memes. ] twas both a pleasure and necessity to help them as it is now.
[ crack. ] ooooo! you fear barbarians will swoop down upon you!
[ salt. ] i'm bitter and now i'm making it everyone's problem.
[ birthday. ] its my hatch day!!!!
[ self promotion. ] would that I could become them I would for now this will do.
[ promotion ] look! its the people I like! I think you will like them too!
#tag drop#[ ooc. ] i'm a nice person so long as you are nice to me. my muses are not the only ones with teeth.#[ ic. ] i once feared mythal would consume me were i to carry her. but twas not so. i remain free willed and mortal.#[ mythal & solas ] ...are not for you alone to bear my friend. the many wrongs we did. we did together. I release you from my service.#[ mythal introspection ] I pulled you from the fade you loved and sent you into war. I used your wisdom as a weapon and it broke you.#[ introspection ] when she intended me to become the next host of an ancient gods soul I feared naught would be left of my own.#[ veilguard ] I have been advisor to orlais. witch of the wilds. daughter of flemeth. and once long ago an old friend.#[ inquisition. ] I knew the empress was intrigued by the arcane and I could answer questions no chantry mage could.#[ origins. ] well. well. what have we here? are you a vulture I wonder? a scavenger? poking amidst a corpse? or intruder?#[ answered: ooc. ] its me. the equivalent of a spicy kitten in a corner.#[ answered: ic. ] yet she survived and returned ages later to aide the inquisition in its hour of need. how?#[ psa. ] hear ye! hear ye! use those things on the side of your head or be doomed.#[ saved. ] im like a dragon when it comes to things i like.#[ prompts / memes. ] twas both a pleasure and necessity to help them as it is now.#[ crack. ] ooooo! you fear barbarians will swoop down upon you!#[ salt. ] i'm bitter and now i'm making it everyone's problem.#[ birthday. ] its my hatch day!!!!#[ self promotion. ] would that I could become them I would for now this will do.#[ promotion ] look! its the people I like! I think you will like them too!
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shibemuses · 7 months ago
also surprise!
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here comes the boy!!
;the very things that held you down are gonna carry you up (dumbo)
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coldjustness-archive · 3 months ago
[ ooc. ] one. one thousand. two. one thousand. three. and now my patience is up.
[ ic. ] chase the right bastard through the wrong ritual it'll knock you right out. of course. you might wake up with a new accessory.
[ answered: ooc. ] it is better to ask a question than to sit on your hands and let it fester.
[ answered: ic. ] most papers don't say much but read between the lines you pickup a thing or two.
[ psa. ] hear ye! hear ye! use that thing on the inside of your head or be doomed!
[ saved. ] i'm like a dragon with the things I like. I'll horde them forever.
[ prompts / memes. ] im not picky. i got a cup and it does the job. that's all I ask.
[ reflections ] I'm fighting rook. sometimes it feels like the city itself stabs me in the back.
[ introspection ] its not what keeps me up at night. its not the quiet. I never could sleep once work gets in my head.
[ crack. ] sing your praises and you still want something! I'll find you a treat if you don't tell davrin. have we got a deal?
[ salt. ] that's the worst-case scenario. but all too often; the most pessimistic speculation turns out to be the closest to the truth.
[ birthday. ] it's my hatch day! Im allowed to be happy and irresponsible.
[ self promotion. ] apparently I could something clever here but I am too lazy for that.
[ promotion. ] I like this blog. I think it's neat. it deserve attention. everyone! look here!
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silver-strings-of-fate · 1 month ago
I finished Endwalker last night, so now Emet-Selch is on the muse menu :3
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deeplywonderstruck · 2 months ago
tag drop!
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recre8ed · 2 months ago
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well! i've added some more verses to my blog to make interactions easier. you can consider this post a tag drop as well, but i'm leaving those under the cut.
『 a second chance at scholarly pursuits. 』 ⟶ verse ; genshin.
『 a game into a life. 』 ⟶ verse ; log horizon.
『 a bloodstained golden core. 』 ⟶ verse ; xianxia.
『 a strange and unusual sight. 』 ⟶ verse ; urban fantasy.
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passionfell · 6 months ago
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[ the captain. ⚓︎ ic. ] roy. [ laugh because i'm leaving; sing my name when i come home. ⚓︎ visage. ] roy. [ i feel scared and i'm starting to sink. ⚓︎ isms. ] roy. [ never you buckle and bend to the masses. ⚓︎ aesthetic. ] roy. [ i will always remember your kindness to me; here's a health to the company! ⚓︎ lore. ] roy.
[ i have the power to talk to fish. they can't understand me or talk back though. ⚓︎ crack. ] roy. [ i know i'm more than what i fear. ⚓︎ dash games. ] roy.
[ it's not fair how charmed i am (i'll stand and wait however long). ⚓︎ roy & sagra. ] risingretribution.
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fallsekings · 3 months ago
OOC: I've said for a while that I would like to try my hand at writing a female character. And I've had a few ideas, but this is the first one that I'm adding to my blog, and that is Katniss Everdeen.
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And I pick Katniss because I have a lot in common with her. I even live in the area that would be district 12. And my dad was a coal miner. I know what that culture is like and I think I could have a lot of fun writing her.
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lcftcult · 11 months ago
@helluvadrummer @greedandrebel
These three one day owning a car without a roof going on a roadtrip. All of them singing and headbanging to whatever song is blasting on the car rodeo. I have had that specific scenario pop up in my head more than once with this trio. Just three friends who've had shit luck in life not letting anything bother them.
Just a Trio of Misfits (BlackStar&Matt&Vex)
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shibemuses · 8 months ago
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muse added: princess aurora (sleeping beauty)
Aurora was born to a loving family, after many, many years of trying to conceive. Her birth was a miracle, and the kingdom loved her dearly, even though she was but a few weeks old.
Unbeknownst to her father, Aurora's mother had descended from the world of fae. She would one day have to return to her kingdom and become queen, or pass Aurora on as the heir to the throne. Maleficent, a dark fairy who had a desire for the throne herself, felt even more slighted when the royals refused to invite her to Aurora's naming ceremony.
Because of this, Aurora is cursed to mortality. She will die on her eighteenth birthday, should she prick her finger upon a cursed spindle. The Three Good Fairies mended the curse slightly, making it so Aurora would fall into a death-like sleep instead, unless love awakens her first.
The story is one you know. But Aurora struggles greatly with her new reality as princess, and even more with the fact she is heir to the Fae Kingdom. Her story after the Awakening Kiss is what I want to focus on for her muse.
Canon divergency inspired by this post!
tag drop:
;once upon a dream (princess aurora)
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hillsofhollywood-rp · 5 months ago
Tags to track
Starter blog
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fxsiondance · 2 months ago
Sometimes the fire you founded Don't burn the way you'd expect | Vegito ( Early Days )
I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere But you can't catch me now | Gogeta ( Early Days )
These verses explore before the Demon's Conquest. Early into the days of the fusion's existence after being wished to life. Vegito remains on earth while Gogeta barely comes to earth, acting more like an enforcer in hell.
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televocation · 8 months ago
tag drop ( 1 ).
the pinnacle of entertainment. ◢ ic. you should've read the fine print. ◢ ask. don't say 'yes' until i've finished talking. ◢ open. everyone will see it; every demographic! ◢ image. they'll be consuming whatever we sell them! ◢ isms. circuit board to brain. ◢ headcanons.
redesign your logo. give us all your money. ◢ crack. i'm what's hip! i'm what's happening! i'm blowing up right now!◢ dash commentary.
computer virus any% speedrunner. ◢ ooc. positions open; no job turnover!◢ rp memes. i'll put it on my calendar. ◢ interaction call. talent scouting. ◢ promo. let's take another time slot for advertising. ◢ self promo.
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