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pinklocksoflove · 8 months ago
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"You know, you got some real talent. Been thinking about doing some heavier music in the future. You up to play some metal of it happens?" Verosika was jamming a bit on her warlock guitar, her fast fingers weren't just good at making her partners squirm they were great at the strings.
"Not to mention you're adorable~"
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vocalthottie · 3 months ago
@helluvadrummer liked for a starter!
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" Hey loser! I snuck in that vinyl record you asked for.~ What are you willing to trade for me?"
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lcftcult · 2 months ago
@helluvadrummer || x
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Black Star was laying on her bed. Staring up at the ceiling of her hotel room, she let out a long sigh. She had participated in a smaller-scale celebration with Charlie and the other current residents of the Hazbin Hotel. The experience was nice and all, but celebrating Sinsmas (or likewise, it's equivalent 'Christmas' was still new to the sinner.
Her eyes are half closed and arms spread out against the plush sheets. Feeling like any moment she could fall asleep. But before Black Star's eyes close, she hears the familiar ringtone of her Voxphone, a gift from her good friend, Vex. Letting out a yawn, Black Star picks it up in one hand and holds it above her eyes, reading the text message sent from Matt.
[Text: Matty <3] Nah I'm not doing anything. [Text: Matty <3] Want me to come over to ur place? Or you come here?
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charlotte-liddel · 2 years ago
// @helluvadrummer
Nova had decided to start coming to Tarrey Town in the daytime, mornings at first, to introduce herself to the locals at the market. It was a few days in before she started to hover around the town longer into the midday, making trade and small talk with a select few. She wanted to be familiar with them since she intended to do more business with the shops especially.
Of course this meant she was wary of Mattson every time she spotted him, and had otherwise kept to the shops at the top of the lift at this time. There were less places for him to try and hide to watch her in the daytime without getting noticed by one of the locals or kids going about their day. His first impression was still stuck on her mind and she wasn't entirely eager to allow him any easy approach without witnesses.
His stealth abilities for a simple construction worker didn't go unnoticed, and she wouldn't have spotted him if not for her third eye to begin with. That alone was enough to give her reason to force him to act in front of audience. An act of reducing risk on herself since she perceived a threat.
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At the moment she was speaking with Kilton, trying to strike a deal with the monster enthusiast about supplying parts to him for making extract. That didn't mean she wasn't alert of her surroundings either, and was making sure to keep her tail and hair out of the reach of the running children as they spoke. She was also keeping an occasional glance out for if Mattson decided to pop up.
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mcnagerie · 2 years ago
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@helluvadrummer asked:
"I mean…. with how attractive you are, ma'am, I can see why… respectfully, of course." -> Vaggie
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"Well, thank you for not openly ogling me, at least. I...it's hard for me to think of myself in that way, honestly, but I guess I can see your point. Honestly, I'd rather see Charlie naked, but...different strokes."
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infernal-feminae · 12 days ago
@baymaxmuses/@helluvadrummer ❤'d the Valentine's Day Shipping Call Roulette!
Husk got...
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Phoenix! A model that has resigned herself to her fate in her afterlife of being under someone thumb. Now she's just coasting by with little to look forward to these days
Matt got...
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Millie! An assassin for hire. She's as brutal and ruthless as she is cute. Sweet as she is deadly. Better hope you're not one of her targets.
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helluvasinsxhazbinoverlords · 3 months ago
How does one approach a sin when said sin is their dance partner? Even when another sin, especially the sin hosting the ball that you're at, tells you who your dance partner is, you should comply. But Matt was hesitant to dance with a sin... even if that sin was the tired lady Belphagor.
It probably didn't help that he didn't know what kind of dance style his partner would have... and he was totes going to outspeed someone that sluggish if he wasn't careful. Perhaps something slow?
Perhaps he should Ms. Beelzebub if he can back out? No, there's no going back.
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"... May I have this dance... Your highness?"
He didn't know what title to give a sin. Might as well choose the best title he could think of!
(from @helluvadrummer - for Beelzebub's Masquerade Ball)
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"Oh, well of course, though I suppose we should figured out a solution to the height difference. After all, this is a contest and I'd hate to disappoint Beelzebub if I didn't give it my all." Belphegor spoke lazily, followed by letting out a soft yawn. This was the most active she'd been in awhile and was trying to stay energized. Though there was a contest to focus on.
"I could shapeshift to a smaller size, or give you the ability to levitate yourself for a short about of time. Which ever you prefer." The Sloth Sin figured she'd spitball her best ideas. "I don't believe I know your name. I really am terrible at things like this. My name is Belphegor, even if I'm sure it's not completely needed to introduce myself." The sheep wished to be polite to her dance partner.
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alkasden · 3 months ago
The oily demon probably wasn't expecting an imp to collide with her running full speed, but it mostly just causes her 'assailant' to go flying off to the side. "AH SHIT! Ugh... Sorry about that! I was just, uh... running from some thugs..." (@helluvadrummer)
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Alkas was startled by the sudden collision. She stumbled enough to have to catch her footing and saw the imp tumble off to the side. She raised a brow, perplexed, before her more aggressive side showed in a loud scoff.
"Best be watchin' where ya goin'!" Her first words come out harsh, though there's a falter in how her brows scrunch, maybe a little bit of sympathy. "Tch, maybe gotta run faster if ya got thugs after ya." She does glance up to look for said thugs. It didn't seem like she would interfere.
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petalsxfallen · 3 months ago
🧠 – what my muse thinks of your muse (@helluvadrummer)
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impulsivemuses · 4 months ago
“I feel like I’d find more lively company in a cemetery.” His words aren't directed at any particular person, but rather spoken out in the air. He hasn't even noticed the other nearby demon, either. -> Mary (from my side blog @helluvadrummer)
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"Lucky for you, some entertaining company had found you~" Her stance sultry and strutting closer to Matthew. It wasn't often she just invited herself onto others, but he seemed to have a... lonely flair about him she couldn't deny. She wasn't sure how she wanted to proceed with this. Make him squirm, or just see how far she could push her luck. Mary couldn't decide! Her fingers crawl against his shoulder showing their height difference.
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"Of course you COULD try to talk to ghosts, but I don't think they'd be very talkative to living people, don't you think?" She pulls away, her hooves clicking against the cobblestone floor. Her skimpy attire for everyone to see barely covering herself. Nor did she feel the NEED to, anyway. She liked people watching her. The way they look at her rounded ass and her fluffy tail... her bulbous thighs, her cleavage barely hiding her tits. She seemed to have no shame!
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cxffeeshxp · 4 months ago
🍑 -> Kieran (@helluvadrummer)
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{{ L }} Well, he was definitely going to save this one in the 'Good Unsolicited Nudes' folder.
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vocalthottie · 3 months ago
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" Awwww, does me sucking on itty bitty balls give you reassurance that yours aren't lil' choking hazards?"
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lcftcult · 11 months ago
@helluvadrummer @greedandrebel
These three one day owning a car without a roof going on a roadtrip. All of them singing and headbanging to whatever song is blasting on the car rodeo. I have had that specific scenario pop up in my head more than once with this trio. Just three friends who've had shit luck in life not letting anything bother them.
Just a Trio of Misfits (BlackStar&Matt&Vex)
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pinklocksoflove · 8 months ago
🌙 Verosika (@helluvadrummer)
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"You know, I think I needed this. Fresh air to clear my head. Good company certainly makes it so much better too." Verosika smiles and ruffles Matt's hair.
"Might even call it a date if you want it to be."
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tempestuous-melody · 1 year ago
"And how do you spell that name?" (For my sideblog @helluvadrummer as well)
// Thanks for reading my rules. You shall now be cursed with the answer. @baymaxmuses
Melody thinks for a moment, sounding out the name Matthew a few times before giving a nod, "Maitiú. M-A-I-T-I-U le síneadh fada nó fada. A long accent or what you might call an acute accent. Fairly simple, right?"
The name still sounded the same but the spelling was certainly... different.
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erthlyheavn · 1 year ago
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Send "Are You Sizing Me Up, bro!?" and the measurements of your muse and I will compare their height with mine
@helluvadrummer said: "Are You Sizing Me Up, bro?!" for Candy
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"Huh. Kinda tall for an imp, ain'tcha?"
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