#(still not clear on how Minecraft works yet)
housewifebuck · 6 months
check your ko-fi :)
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alienssstufff · 5 months
smth smth builder’s signature styles whatever - I love how instantly recognisable it is to be in a Bdubs build whilst not be jarring. This shot of both sides of the river is a wonderful example
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The custom trees. Are so freaking tall in compare to the default, yet their presence doesn’t feel obstructive. You don’t feel ‘blocked out’ from the environment as the deliberate thinness of the trunks, what height the leaves on the pine start at give just enough breathe room to: look through, catch glimpses of the other side, and be invited to Go Through It.
He says it in his commentary, a lot of what he builds is heavily grounded in realism. This area is not meant to be the centre of attention, the purpose of these trees is to Immerse and act as transition as one leaves the rest of the minecraft world and into Bdubs’ ‘more natural’ one — where the trees are grey, and the water is clear.
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I’m so fucking serious this random cut of the river is my favourite part in the entirety of this forest, I like how still it looks, I like how clear it is yet how dark it is not only to imply depth but that illusion that the river is reflecting its surroundings how you can even say the river is a dark green! Being able to come to these interpretations for something so simple to me perfectly captures what he wants in builds like these.
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And it STILL doesnt feel out of place because he does something like THIS. The way the stream gets progressively more and more opaque until it meets the actual main river is genius work. It gives the impression the water in Bdubs’ place is fresh in compare to the saltier, deeper water of the larger river it transitions.
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😭And a final thing, I know the white glass he used was done to suggest rushing water but I swearrr he has like a sixth sense in how to place them perfectly. (Forgive my shitty camera) From this distance if you squint you can see these dark and lighter shadows made by the trees, and by putting where the white spots are placed now highlights these small rays of sunshine poking through the leaves and shining on the river and I think that’s unintentionally the coolest thing.
whhwwh idk how to end this, I just really liked this new video for reasons above and wanted to tell the world why.
BdoubleO100 you never miss. Forever and ever.
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Here’s a shaky picture of Etho on his horse if you’ve made it this far :]
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headspace-hotel · 9 months
How am I going to work for a living when being around other people, moving between different environments and expectations, or being exposed to noise for more than 3-4 hours a day makes me so exhausted it's challenging to perform basic self-care tasks, and pushing past that makes this condition worse, and doing that frequently creates long-term spillover that impairs my functioning for a much longer period
The psychologist who diagnosed me with autism insisted that I could become desensitized to noise through exposure, but it's been almost 10 years and I've never been able to increase my tolerance to stimuli even temporarily, only dramatically decrease it through, I guess, the cumulative effect of exhaustion.
The last semester in school I was having anxiety attacks every single day the first week, and from there I just...limped. I never got to the point where I felt okay and could think beyond just surviving the next day.
I would go to work and basically just, screw around hoping I wasn't in the way too much, because I could not move myself to think on the level of problem-solving and work on projects I wanted to accomplish, I was just too exhausted. I didn't meet any new friends. I didn't go to a single non-required event, even though I wanted to. My mom would ask me if I was enjoying my classes and I would be like..."I don't know." I was often too tired even to play Minecraft.
And I didn't read or write any fiction, even though my love of doing so used to be the fundamental part of my identity.
I kept getting extremely dehydrated and having scary symptoms and being unable to figure out what was wrong. I remember feeling certain that I was starting to get sick/run a fever at many different points throughout the semester, and then I would keep going and feel like 10% better and after a few days it would be clear that I wasn't sick and I wasn't going to become sick nor would I get significantly better quickly. I was sleeping a LOT—like I would be too tired to stay awake by 11:30pm, which is seriously unusual for me and usually means I'm getting sick, and yet I overslept my classes more times than I could count. I felt sure I had some sort of infection or something for the last couple weeks, and then when I came home for the holidays, everything just... cleared up. Still not sure if it was the dehydration or what.
Also, my menstrual period went irregular again??
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skimmeh · 3 months
I'm curious about your Mumbo, can you tell me more about him? I saw that in some of your doodles he has a mechanical arm and in others he doesn't, is that canon for him or are you still working out his final design?
I'm still working on his design! But I can tell you all the inspirations I have!!! For his design!! 
He's supposed to be the guys really into robotics (cos you know cc mumbo all about flying machines and they are the closest you can get to robots in villain Minecraft... Rip copper golem) 
So I knew I wanted to make him have like alot of robotics and stuff, that arm was like an idea for extra arms he might use to help with his work.
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But then I decided I wanted to kind of stick to a theme. And I came to the idea of the robots being they bug inspired (specifically at first spiny flower mantis) , beacuse that sort of link to my idea of his characters being very intrigued by plants (with s8 potato stuff and then s9 buttercups). So the idea that he uses plants and flowers as like the intelligent force inside his robots ..think mech suits for plants!! 
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Then Grumbot! Which important character connected to mumbo ..of which I'm still designing. I thought it would be sweet if his heart was a potato plant! Which is double cute cos potato flowers are kind of star shaped!!! 
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And then I started thinking about, you know how there was the phrase when clear cases were a thing on every electronic to look cool. That kind of reminds me of certain bugs!! Or frogs, when you can see their organs! Of which I thought also fitted, if Mumbo's robotics in this au would powered by plants, the idea that most of there outer shells are clear ..makes sense because plants need light, green house type vibe. 
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I know this is mostly me just rambling about Mumbo's robotics rather than mumbo himself.... But honestly that's most of the inspiration behind mumbos design!
I'm still working on them ..SOOO this me more talking about the ideas I have then showing anything I've drawn yet haha
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tsykku · 1 year
I am having q!tubbo brain rot so have a slice of it.
I am so curious as to which direction Tubbo will take his character. Because nothing what q!tubbo does seems malicious or sometimes even intentional yet so many people take issue with him or his behaviour. And he is somewhat aware of that while at the same time, completely oblivious as to why or how deep the conflict goes.
You have the federation who cannot stand his arse. Who we know is paying extra attention to Tubbo and wants to arrest him the minute he even does something slightly illegal. While they have not arrested him yet, it is only a matter of time. So what do they do in the meantime? They use him as a scapegoat to nerf certain game mechanics or punish him extra harshly in comparison to others who did the exact same things or worse. Yet for some reason, the other qsmp members are under the impression that Tubbo never gets punished and that he is solely to blame for the create nerf, breeding animosity.
Then next, you have the antagonistic fights with Etoiles which started carefree and rather playful but now have been escalating in q!Etoiles telling the codes that Tubbo works with the federation. To be honest, Tubbo is absolutely partly to blame for this one with his cheeky comments to Etoiles about losing his fight with the code. However, it adds another dynamic layer of conflict to the situation.
Finally, you have the vendetta of Bad and Aypierre against Tubbo due to the controversial Tubhole. You can argue all day long about the logistics of Tubhole and whether Bad and Pierre are valid in their objections against it. But the facts remain that it is within Tubbo's rights to do so and that they have not given him the grace period to let him make it into a good build. It literally is still a work in process that has been going on for less than 24 Minecraft hours. And even if it turns out to be ugly, the fact that Tubbo has been building the Tubhole with only create machines is fucking cool and makes it worth it (in my opinion). Moreover, Bad and Pierre both have similar big projects and their concern that it is different because of the close proximity to spawn feels a bit hypocritical as there are other (big) projects near spawn that cause similar amounts of lag.
And now this vendetta has gone from convincing other islanders of how Tubbo must be stopped to them framing Tubbo for the kidnapping of Ron to Fred. A being that everyone on the island at this point knows is important to Tubbo. A relationship which is one of the only ones Tubbo has left, besides the morning crew. We already know how much the relationship between Fred and Tubbo affects Tubbo's emotions so what will losing Fred or their trust do to him?
So now you have this huge cluster of events that puts q!Tubbo in a situation where everyone is against him, the federation, the code entities and most of the islanders as well. An exception can be made for the morning crew however they do not seem to take Tubbo or his concerns seriously, treating it like the mischief and matters of a kid.
And most interestingly, it is still not clear what makes Tubbo so special. Is it his use of create mod? Aypierre, Ramon and Dapper do something similar. Is it his curiosity and distrust of the federation? Cellbit, Badboyhalo en Bagi are right there with him. Is it his apparent greed or selfishness with regard to resources? It is not like he has never shared them or that gathering resources is sole motivation. Is it his knowledge of Minecraft mechanics to break the lore/server? Philza and his fourth wall breaking say hello as does Aypierre. Is it his age then? His relentless attitude to anything that catches his attention? His endless curiosity?
It will be so interesting to see where all these points of contention will lead to and how q!Tubbo will react to it or change as a result of it. Currently, his only concerns are the potential romance with Fred and finishing the Tubhole so that he can get along with everyone again. So he clearly does not know yet how much trouble he truly is in or how the cards are stacked against him...
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compressedrage · 3 months
*enters the room and drops into a chair*
Good evening everybody, I know I just finished a mile-long post covering the entirety of the King arc, but I'm having thoughts so here we are
I do not control the autism, the autism controls me, we move on
I'm just gonna jump in. We start in Animation vs Minecraft, the OG. They've discovered Minecraft and are playing around with it, blah blah we know how this goes. Interestingly, there isn't a noticeable point where it becomes obvious when Herobrine possesses Red. Not visually, at least. Not yet.
Red sees the Icon, and freezes. Is this Herobrine? Does Red just really want the block? It is not out of character for the CG to fight each other for something they want, especially so early in the timeline, but it seems very sudden.
He punches Yellow, to the rest of the CG's surprise and huddles down with it. This feels like possession to me. If not, then the start of it.
Depending on your headcanons, Herobrine could have taken Red over quickly or slowly, it really just depends. I personally think that Herobrine recognized the possiblity of a strong host in Red, and began to influence his thoughts to grab the Icon. Once he had it he slowly worked his way into Red's head until he had complete control.
From Red's perspective this is terrifying. Having a strange entity take over your brain and force you to hurt your friends? Awful! No wonder he was so freaked out by the end! He flinched when his friends approached him, my poor boy is so traumatized.
We move on to Monster School. Years have passed, and Herobrine is a different person; he's a teacher now. Red tries to avoid Herobrine's eyes, maybe to try not to jog his memory about who he is; Herobrine seems to think Red is familiar, but doesn't react beyond that. Does he remember the kid he possessed? Maybe. Maybe he just doesn't care. He enrolls Red in his school anyway.
By the time the final fight with King rolls around it is clear Herobrine cares about/is protective over his students. He makes sure the Skeleton, Enderman, and Spider are out of harm's way before truly attacking King.
But it happens again. And I have so many things to discuss about this give me a moment.
It feels like a last resort. Because it is. Herobrine is fighting a tractor beam of death, and right in front of him is the kid from years past; the one who was such a useful host.
And honestly I don't think Red is scared of Herobrine anymore. He's definitely traumatized and this new possession isn't going to help that by any means, but I think he trusts Herobrine in this moment to do the right thing.
Red steps forward, hesitantly. And Herobrine takes over.
It's not slow this time. It's instant and there is no fighting from Red. Either Herobrine wasn't putting up with any nonsense or Red let go and let the possession happen.
Maybe it was both.
Another note I'd like to bring up: I think Herobrine is a bit slower in Red's body. He still nearly defeats King several times, but there is a moment where King destroys the obsidian shell around Red and grabs him. If this was pure Herobrine, I think he could have easily avoided this and the following beatdown. But he didn't. Maybe being in a mortal body nulls some of his awareness. Maybe he's just getting old. Whatever it is, it's while in Red's body that Herobrine is defeated.
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currentlylovingyou · 2 years
genshin streamer x reader
general genshin streamer! au headcanons
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before you read!♡ ~ many writers have already covered this idea, so in no way am i claiming that i came up with this topic! the writer areislol have really inspired me with her streamer au. in no way am i trying to copy her work, but i must admit that reading her fics a while ago has inspired me, and sparked more ideas with this au.
♡ at first, he never really had any dreams of becoming a streamer himself. although his two close family friends, ayato and ayaka, had tried to persuade him into trying it, he honestly thought that he wouldn't be very entertaining.
♡ it kinda changed for him when he was vcing with ayaka during her own stream- ayaka being a vtuber and gaining a quick following after ayatos quick sucess after debuting his model months prior.
♡ when chatters aked about the mysterious, yet warm and friendly friend, who joined and chatted regularly, she was more than happy to introduce him. ayaka, being protective about her private life, of course aked thoma beforehand.
♡ he had gained fans from hyjacking his friend's stream- and that's when it really hit him that.. i could also do this. in honest, he loved being with ayaka while she streams. never getting enough of chatters- whether trolling or doting.
♡ asking ayato where to even begin.. a second twitch channel on ayaka's reccomended popped up.
♡ although he chose not to be a vtuber, fans still adored him. his quick humored yet warm and caring personality drew thousands of fans just within a few months of starting. a small community growing and growing until it's more than a few thousand- and slowly climbing upwards.
♡ thoma hadn't really branched out from the community of ayaka and ayato. he still felt new to the career, and nervous that he wouldn't be able to branch out to others. that all changed however, when a new friendly face raided one of his streams, hundreds of views sending variations of: "y/n raid!!" or, "y/n sent us!!"
♡ he had seen your name before- he recognized you as another smallish channel that started around the same time that he did. reacting quick, a warm smile spread onto his face, waving a sheepish hand to welcome you and your overly excited followers.
♡ "thank you so much for the raid, y/n! yes-yes, we're playing minecraft today! how was your stream?"
♡ he found that you're channel was entertaining- deciding to stlak (all) your socials once his own stream ended. something about your personality and voice seemed to pull him into a trance, deciding to follow you immediately. and smiling when he noticed a few moments later, you followed him back.
♡ it was rare for another streamer to attract him as much as you did, and you felt the same. the funny horned-headset he wore on top of the messiest blond hair made you feel helpless. the witty remarks to his two close friends making you fall harder.
♡ you two hit it off pretty closely, both of you making similar content, it was almost too easy to become close friends with you. he found streaming with you more fun than the ones he did alone, without ayaka or ayato.
♡ speaking of his friends, ayato and ayaka both seemed to love your content. if you were a face cam streamer like thoma, they would laugh about how out of the four of us, only two have faces. if you preffered to stay faceless, or become a vtuber, they would welcome you with open arms to their community, adding small hints of your character to their streams aswell.
♡ days turning into months spent with you, it was obvious that you both had fallen. thoma knew that he liked you- no, loved you. confiding in ayaka, she smiled and pressed him for information. only when he told her did he realize how much he wanted to tell you. ♡ one day while on a valorant stream, it was all too much. ayaka had been pestering him about it earlier, and e took a second to really think about it.. ♡ the only outcome was ruining your entire relationship... haha... wow.. ♡ clearing his throat, a blush spread on his cheeks. he pressed to voice chat in valorant. ♡ chat started spamming like crazy, telling everyone to start clipping..!!! ♡ "(um ur val main)- no.. y/n? i um.. i.." " i think i like you"
♡ ayato, as mentioned before, had started streaming before thoma. his cool persona reflected his little blue haired vtuber. with a complex design, his vtuber avatar was single handedly fueling artists artblock world wide.
♡ he charmed every person withim a hundred mile radius, and the idea of even meeting The Ayato felt impossible. more than impossible actually.
♡ similar to thoma, you probably met him when you befriended thoma or his sister ayaka. of course you didnt intend to meet ayato through them, not even thinking about doing any malicious things to the two, but you’d be lying if you hadn’t dreamt about meeting him one day.
♡ if youre a streamer yourself, best be prepared to be constantly raided and included in ayatos community. it would take a while for him to open up to you, having previous encounters similar to this end poorly, but he cant deny that he found himself attracted to you.
♡ if your a vtuber, again, he would do literally everything to include your model. going as far as commisioning a little plush of your character to go alongside his avatar during chatting streams.
♡ facecam streamer? its basically all the same! he feels smitted whenever he hops onto your stream, losing that poised and cool attitude when he even glances at your face.
♡ even though he doesnt enjoy showing his face, preffering to stay hidden, he loves yours. hes one of the busiest streamers you think, yet youd never expect him raving about you to his sister, smiling at how absurd he sounds. an opposite to his mature outlook and personality.
♡ months after meeting you does he realize that he likes you. he actually likes you..
♡ “ haha, greetings chat. how have you all been today? oh? it seems that plenty of you are mentioning… y/n? hehe.. what about.. them?”
♡ he'd console thoma immediatley, with a cute blush on his face he'd call him. only when he starts to talk about you, thoma would yelp, yelling that "AYATO IM STREAMING!!!" ♡ if ayato didn't dc almost immediatley, he would awkwardly stay silent in the vc. clicking to thomas stream, where thoms himself has a blush on his face as the chat goes crazy.
♡ the next stream he does, chatters would basically interrogate him. poor mods would have to go to sub only- or even emote only for half of the entire stream.
♡ his voice would be shaky in that stream, on the verge of stuttering but seemingly composed to the naked eye.
♡ he doesn't confess early on. although he thought about having a spurratic impulsive decision to sputter out his feelings, it was always just too embarrassing to do in real life. this isn;t some manga fanfiction.. right? 
♡ if you don’t confess to him first, there may be a period of awkward mutual pining!! the tooth rotting-just-tell-each other-before-i-vomit kind of period!! ♡ always subbing to your twitch the day it expires, as you do the same. subscribing to your pateron if you have on, and generally being the most generous almost-boyfriend-but-just-friend ever.
♡ falling asleep on call with eachother, he’d do a face reveal to you early on. he trusts you with everything at this point.
♡ he somehow gets your address, and sends you plushies. always telling you beforehand of course- he doesn't want to seem creepy!
♡ when he confesses- it would be in person. he’d buy you a ticket and fly you out to his and ayakas place, letting you sleep on his bed while he takes the couch- or falling asleep with you by accident. who can really tell if this was an accident, or an attempt to  cuddle? lolol
♡ he’d buy ayaka and himself face masks and ridiculous sunglasses- the stupid reflctive kind just to get a laugh out of you and thoma. 
♡ inviting thoma over, you would all do a sort of baking stream- failed baking at least..
♡ “ayaka- did you add the tapioca starch or the corn starch?”  “oops…” ♡ it would be okay, though! all laughs and giggles, the stream eat it up.
♡ down time, while the almost brownies cooled (they gave up on making boba) thoma and ayaka cleaned up while you and ayato brought the computer to entertain the stream. you trying on ayakas sunglasses because she wasnt in frame.
♡ talking to chat, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. you’d only been in his house for almost a few days, but he wished it was like this forever.
♡ you smiled, answering a peculiar question, when he cracked. you were going to go home soon, and he couldn't miss this chance! ♡ pulling down his mask, you looked at him before he pulled you into a hug. you un-stiffened and hugged him back, asking if he was alright. 
♡ pulling away, you sat a bit closer, worried about your (obvious) crush..
“y/n. i want to be your boyfriend, right now.”
♡ you know those like vtubers that duet those singing tiktoks and sing along to popular songs? HE IS ONE OF THEM.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ started making videos when he was a teenager but it wasnt anything special. like those minecraft videos almost every kid made with bandicam and like a macbook lol ♡ and because he started so early, he A. has gotten cancelled almost every other year and B. really took advantage of the algorithm!!
♡ his intuition really also helped with channel growth- though his voice and personality was the real deal!!
♡ although he does do facecam from time to time, he really prefers his little vtuber icon. mostly because he splurged thousands of dollars on it..
♡ he is totally one of those aforementioned vtuber tiktokers who post clips of their streams, or doing silly trends. on tiktok he blew up, which made it easier to continue growth because he'd been at it for a while before.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ and because he started so early, (he has gotten cancelled for being mischevious on the internet...) he was able to really study the algorithm. and when tiktok started getting popular his intuition told him to Buy a Vtuber Model.
♡ (definietly jumped on the amoung us train. hes literally a detective in canon dudes)
♡ because his main type of game is party games, you would probably meet him through a mutual streamer friend who recently gained popularity.
♡ probably really connected through scary games like phasmophobia or overwatch2!!
♡ because of his really sudden upward climb in popularity, ot wuld take a while to get closer. he's been through those people trying to be friend with him for the sake of popularity, and it really made me consious of who he hangs out with.
♡ so when he realized how swagger you REALLY are- and not because he's there- he falls hard and he falls fast.
♡ his mind going NONOONONONOONONONONO and heart going AWhAHWhAWhAIOFKDFIGJJKMHNhlgf iykykikyk
♡ if youre also a streamer- be prepared for countless spammy comments in your chat- or honestly weird tweets pinging you.
♡ vtuber? he'd include you in all his tiktoks! duet him with christmas carols!!
♡ facecam? he is reposting those silly capcut edits of you! (or thirsty if youre comfortable..)
♡ he likes you a lot. a lot a lot. because he has so many streaemr friends, he doesnt really connect with anyone of them on a deep level like thoma and ayato. hes been so focused on working at the algorithm and posting and everything that now he wants you- it's toubling lol
♡ would confess to you off stream for sure. he's smart- like really smart- and doesnt want anyone to figure out! he's a detective- he knows this stuff
♡ although he's wary of edating- like i said before he knows himself and he has clues!!
♡ wouldn't need a wingman to dig for information. he is his own wingman.
♡ so when the day he planned for this comes he is Frantic. streams a whole hour late than he announced, and is everywhere. his cool, lively and excited persona GONe!!!!!!!!
♡ you two had liked to do little sleep calls- i mean this has to all be a year into your friendship for him to really be confidient. he may be a rusher but he has brains!
♡ you call with him during his stream randomly- just waked up. groggily responding with his bits and his jokes- and even with chat !!
♡ when he wraps up, he takes a really long look at you. usually these looks are inquisitive and endearing- a smirk or a raised eyebrow scanning your features like he's trying to get clues for some big grand theme- but this time he just looks. nothing reading into you.
" hey y/n- can you like date me or something?"
♡ he is another one of the tiktoker streamers but in a different way. although he thinks that the vtubing thing is alright for the branding, he finds that it's easier to just use a plain old facecam.
♡ right off the bat- this man has imposter syndrome. although he knows people like him because of his well crafted and imbreakable persona he's slowly sculpted around himself- he still feels like he doesnt deserve it.
♡ his persona is like a giant, multilayered wall and mask. a disguise that people like more than the real him- and he gets lost in it. all these identities- famous streamer "scaramouche"- his mothers "kunikuzushi"- or himself. a wanderer that everyone likes to label.
♡ on top of this, he didn't have many friends. people were turned off by his abrasive attitude, and although he was popular bordering famous, it felt so lonely.
♡ probably plays competitive games like valorant and overwatch and rust- and prefers it. another distraction to get petty in these lobbies, and somehow hidding radiant in valo...
♡ he's a total god at almost any pvp/competitive game- but he is also the pettiest and most spiteful gamer-rage fueled player to exist
♡ you probably arent a big fan of his, actually. i feel like if you were a watcher before meeting him, you would also be sucked into this dark humored- petty little character he built for himself. for a non vtuber- he has lore alright!!
♡ of course you'd heard of the name scaramouche mentioned somewhere, but you hadn't actually seen of his content- or any clips for that matter
♡ you were a fairly new streamer, garnering around 10k followers on twitch with a nice 13k subscribers on youtube! good job, y/n!
♡ you two met at a local gaming cafe. the town you two lived in was fairly small, and the main attraction for people who don;t touch grass was this place. you had came hoping the vlog the expirience, as you'd only come here once or twice with kunikuzushi when it first opened while in your highschool years.
♡ you two were buddies throughout middleschool and highschool- kunikuzushi being severly bullied throughout those younger years, and you trying to stop it.
♡ he got teased relentlessly throughout for having a "weird family", or the fact that he had two moms. it also didn't help that all throughout this he was struggling within himself.
♡ so he was more than suprised when you- a not-too-popular but generally well liked individual- invited yourself to the seat next to him almost every shared block you had.
♡ after three or four years, you started to just join him on things like walking home, or on fieldtrips. of course at first he thought you were the most annoying person ever- or even suspicious this was all a ploy- but after you'd stuck aroundwith him to freshman year- he started to appreciate your company
♡ after highschool, you two had lost touch, and he felt the presence of your company vanish like almost all of his other friends
♡ so when he heard the giggle of your voice sit down on the chair next to his, he felt his eyebrow twitch almost involuntary. what was this loud, annoying noise that felt a little too farmilliar doing here?-
♡ "oops- sorry i was being loud! i hope i didn't both-"
♡ yk that awkward moment when you make eyecontact with someone who was staring at you, but you know exactly who that person is? it's a very niche expirience, but BOY IS IT EMBARRASSING
♡ "hey... you are.."
♡ he braced himself for all the weird and uncomfortable fan expiriences coming his way, and started prematurley praying for there not to be a weird photo request..
♡ "hey- kunikuzushi! how have you been dude- it's been like forever!"
♡ his eyed widened and he really looked at you again- "y/n??"
♡ after that first interaction, you two had started talking. at first he felt uncomfortable in his own skin- like maybe it had been a little too long since he had a real friend. but soon, he started melting for your personality.
♡ insanely protective of you- but not like in a weird way. at this stage he values your friendship, and like everything about his personal life, he really wanted to keep it under wraps for the prying eyes.
♡ if you’re a streamer, he defienetly gives you streaming tips and will help- but don’t expect him to carry you to fame. he actually doesn’t want to taint your own career with his crazy and weird fans, so you and him stay quiet about your growing relationship.
♡ it doesn;t take him long to fall, and he defienetly fell first, but boy did he try to ignore everything. this connection fuels him, but it feels like it’s eating him aswell. he’s kinda scared on the hold you have on him lol
♡ he doesn’t fold though, even after three or four months of reckless platonic flirting and sleepovers and weird romantic tension, until his coord breaks
♡ his chat had found your channel in an open tab- a mistake of his- and after weird speculation tiktoks they had raided you essentially
♡ some had good intent! but others left a nasty trail on your quaint little community that he wanted to desperatley to avoid. he actually found out with you when you two were hanging out at his place and a mod had dmed him
♡ you were none the wiser, but apparently your name was trending on twitter with kuni’s aswell...
♡ he kinda liked seeing your names together
♡ he really liked seeing your names together
♡ for how he confesses- i think that it was private and clumsy and messy but the most loveable
♡ he asks you to sleepover- which you oblige after mentions of snacks and games and drinks- and when you arrive you see him sitting pensivley on the couch
“y/n? i like you.”
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the minor bracket
For Lord Hater and Commander Peepers :
Lord Hater is the self-proclaimed "universe's awesomest evil-doer", an immature, attention-seeking manchild with electric powers and a short temper. He rules the Hater Empire with Commander Peepers as his second-in-command (technically third, after his beloved pet spider-xenomorph, but who's counting), however it soon becomes *very* clear that the cunning, remorseless, hardworking Peepers is the *real* brains behind the empire. Peepers might be frustrated at Hater's incompetence at times and isn't above manipulating him to reach an end goal, but he'd never dream of usurping him because, well, he's really gay and in love with him (as much as he can be in an early-10s Disney cartoon, anyways). Hater might take Peepers for granted a lot of times, but as his oldest friend and closest confidante he's the one who Hater is closest to. Whether it's invading other planets or kicking puppies for fun, these two are *delightfully* terrible jerks and the epitome of gay wrongs. 
Commander Peepers is both Lord Hater's right hand man in villainy AND his jilted stay-at-home-wife-guy (Also in villainy. Hater is really good at getting distracted from productive and efficient villaining.) Lord Hater was the greatest villain in the galaxy thanks to how well he and Commander Peepers worked as an evil team to run the Hater Empire!
Lord Hater conquers planets and is such an edgy bastard. Peepers is the actual brains behind the operation. Peepers is often pushed aside by Hater, they are besties and yet Peepers is always pining for this guy who will never notice. Peepers is so horribly gay for him if you watch the show he wants his stupid boss so bad. Peepers is so scared of him season 1 but then starts yelling BACK in season 2 and has to deal with him like a babysitter or something and yet STILL idolizes him and that’s just such a fun dynamic. His password is H8RNP33PRS43VR (Hater and Peepers forever). They are so evil and everyone fears them and they are villains and they are gay and the side of the fandom that draws them as a married couple that needs counseling is absolutely correct. The fanart of Hater openly liking him back is wonderful but I swear you don’t even need that. They are so gay and villain you have to love them they are
Villains that conquer planets and do evil stuff, my favourite characters, not really canon but they are the best :)
For El Mariana x Slimecicle:
They are married and on their first day together they accidentally killed their neighbor's kid.  When Slimecicle was trying to murder people and failed it because he didn't have Mariana by his side to back him up.
Well Slimecicle's canonically murdered a child/egg in order to give his and Mariana's daughter a gun. He also accidentally murdered his niece but that wasn't really his fault. Mariana has killed their daughter twice - the first time they were able to bring her back via a court trial and Slimecicle planted tnt under the court in case he lost. Mostly it's Slimecicle committing astrocities (like when he tried to kill more kids after his daughter died the first time, or when he constantly breaks windows in order to get into people's houses, or when he disguised himself as a child/egg in order to burgle his neighbours and proceeded to run for president as this child) but Mariana doesn't exactly have a clear conscience. Also they both love and hate each other. They're simultaneously married and divorced. They've had live minecraft sex at least twice.
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bucketbender · 4 months
Played MCSM again and had a thought about the implication of how a part of this world works.
If there’s anything consistent in Minecraft and in MCSM is the absence of romance. Animals and villagers can "fall in love" and have babies, but players can’t interact this way. This isn’t the Sims. At best, you can sneak seductively toward another player in Minecraft or hit them to show your affection tsundere style. In MCSM, there’s no romance. There are hints of feelings, like Ivor pretty much crushing on Harper and keeping her flower, Petra saying Jesse means a lot to her, Jack calling Nurm his « other half », etc. But no explicit « I love you » or kiss. At some point, a character says that Ivor and Harper are « back from their vacation ». Not their honeymoon, their vacation.
So, one thing is clear : it’s not a world where romantic or sexual attraction truly exists. It’s not a world where two « players » (people in this world) can have a child.
Still, time passing and old age is something that exists in this world. We see it with Harper having black hair on her picture with little PAMA in her hideout then grey hair in the present. Not to mention that the Old Builders are clearly designed and told to be older than the Old Order of the Stone, the same way the Old Order is very obviously older than the New Order. And I’ve never written the word « old » this much in my life.
My point is, time passes. Characters age. They grow old. Yet they aren’t born per say. So how do they come to life ?
And the only logical explanation is : they spawn.
They’re players, after all. But if so, how does it happen ? Are there any rules ? Do some people spawn in the middle of a dark forest and risk getting killed by monster immediately ? Or is there a rule where they always appear not far away from an inhabited place ? Do they always spawn at the beginning of a day, like normal players when they start a new Minecraft world ? When they spawn, do they just think « okay, I’m here now, I’m going to make the most of my life in this world » ?
I almost never read fanfiction, but if you know one that explores this concept (perhaps with how Jesse spawned and met Reuben, Olivia, Axel, Petra and the Ocelots ?) I’d really like to know its name.
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catgirlshauna · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ethvrealz ILY :(
transfem!lottie x f!reader
kinks: breeding, size kink, choking, body worship
you and lottie had been dating for a few weeks now, and it was... boring, to say the least. she said she wanted to go slow, which was understandable. but with the way she dressed in those tight shorts and barely below the tit crop tops, you were obviously a bit worked up. how could you not be? your girlfriend was gorgeous, athletic, and absolutely the smartest woman you've ever met.
you start implementing soft touches, caresses that are fleeting and yet sensual all the same. lottie, unbeknownst to you, always the blank faced thinker, was horribly affected. she wants you so bad, so terribly bad, and decides she can't go slow any longer.
lottie, tonight, asks you to come to her house. to which you can never say no, you love being in her mcmansion, and doing god knows what in the game room (minecraft). though... it's clear she's thinking of anything but minecraft. she has a blanket covering her lap, but when you look down you can't help but notice the tent.
"lottie, baby... you okay?" you ask, soft and innocent. she looks over at you, her pupils already blown with lust, and nods.
"i'm fine, baby..." she mumbles, reaching her hand over to your thigh as she picks up her controller again with the other. she has never been this bold with you before, which is shocking, but definitely enjoyed nonetheless.
you keep playing minecraft for a while before lottie finally lets out a huff and puts the game on pause. she tosses the controller to who knows where and turns to you in her chair. "can you come here?" lottie asks, gesturing subtly to her lap, still covered with a blanket. you, never one to say no to an offer like that, get out of your chair and slide into her lap.
immediately you can feel her dick pressed against you, hot and hard under the fabric separating you two. she gently lifts you to remove the blanket, then sits you back down with her hands on your hips. she rests her chin on your shoulder, before turning her head ever so slightly to nuzzle into your throat.
"you're such a tease... you know that?" lottie purrs, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there. she continues to kiss up and down your neck, giving you a nibble every know and then to remind you you're alive. "do you want me, baby?"
"fuck yes, lott-" her mouth is covering yours in an instant, she's kissing you with every fiber of her being, her tongue prodding through your lips. you can't help but moan into her mouth as her tongue gets more exploratory. she tastes like cherry coke and her fucking vape.
lottie's hands on your hips grip into the flesh a little harder as she starts to grind you into her. she's nearly whimpering into your mouth at the feeling of your growing wetness covering her sweatpants. she pushes you off of her gently, moving to kick her sweatpants off as you all but gracefully fumble at your shorts.
soon, you're both half naked in her game chair, lottie resuming her makeout session with the skin where your neck meets your shoulder. her hands travel your body, running under your shirt and over your breasts. she massages you through your bra, her fingers gently squeezing over your nipples. "you're so fucking pretty, so perfect..." lottie moans, her hands finding purchase under your thighs as she lifts you.
"sit on my cock, pretty girl."
she positions herself at your entrance, then slowly lowers you onto her cock. she's thick, stretching you in the way only she can, which she's sure to tell you as she whispers dirty things into your ear. once you're fully seated on her lap, she wraps you into a tight embrace, mumbling about how much she loves your body.
she starts to buck her hips, a desperate moan leaving her lips as you clench around her. her hands on your hips guide you up and down, until you've picked up enough pace to bounce on her cock. the chair underneath you creaks, yelling to be let free of its prison, but you don't care. the sound of skin against skin and lottie's moans fill your head, while lottie decides she's going to fill your womb.
"i'm gonna cum, baby... please, let me cum inside.." she whimpers, her hips stuttering and her dick pulsing inside you. you can't help but love the idea, the feeling of her cum filling you up. you've decided. you nod, and immediately lottie's cumming as deep inside as she'll sit. you gasp at the feeling, the feeling of being so full and fucked open... and then lottie's coming down, saying praises into your ear like prayer.
"you did so good... but don't think we're done yet. i have so much more to show you, baby."
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
I recently found yours Hels to Pay AU and I love it so much that I'm going to rant about things that I find really neat in no particular order
Helsmits names:
Dr. Clear - MumboJumbo. It took me a while to get it but wow it makes sense seeing as the phrase "mumbo-jumbo" means nonsense and clear is the opposite of that. Also funny considering the coherentness of each one
BadTimesWithScar - GoodTimesWithScar. Classic
AnimosityGaming/Timmy - SolidarityGaming/Jimmy. Wonderful. Animosity and Solidarity are opposites as well so that's cool
bXMiner - XbCrafted. It's the two halves of MineCraft. Also reverses the letters of his name
Bravo - Tango. Derived off the phonetic alphabet I would assume
Dbubs - Bdubs. Reverses the letters of his name
Patho(s? I'm not sure) Lair - Etho's Lab. Ethos and Pathos are Greek words meaning character and emotions respectively. Lair and Lab are similar to each other. And they have similar nickames taken from misreading their names (Etho Slab and Patho Stair). Genuinely my favourite name of yours.
You have other helsmits but I can’t think of more words for them so moving on
Dr. Clear is Alister's spy. He told Bravo about Tango indirectly just before they opened the portal, and also managed to get Atlas to slap him in front of Bravo. He's also incoherent enough (faking?) that Atlas wouldn't consider it
Dbubs pathologic lying? How sometimes he doesn't even realise it? How when he did and said something he didn't mean (I hate your stupid face) he felt bad?
Pathos feeling at home in the crimson jungle. Feeling absolutely horrible for ignoring Dbubs whispers whenever he leaves.
Pathbubs is my new favourite ship but god they're about as healthy as that Panera Lemonade
I'm not saying Tango's theory about confusing the universe is wrong, but where was Tango's Portal meant to go if that was the case? It was an actual Universe Portal, so it's not like someone figured out how to make one and then left it there. I think the Universe made the id display to Bravo as Hermitcraft so he would enter it, because Hels just sounds like a bad place. In my head this means the Universe looked at Tango and Bravo and said, "my bad, you need to switch places"
Now that Tango and Jimmy are in Hels, once the Portal is broken, they will be unable to escape back to Double Life by themselves, as their coordinates will still send them to Hels. They will need to meet up with someone else's doppelganger to get back to Double Life.
Thank you for writing an amazing AU
thank you, i’m glad u like my hels names! it’s something i always spend a lot of time thinking abt, deciding where i wanna pull the name from, whether it’s an opposite thing, helsification, name scramble, or some other significance. clear’s full name is actually clear cut, which is even more of a contrast to mumbo jumbo, and it is technically pathoslair but he goes by patho the same way ethoslab goes by etho, dropping the ‘s’.
ah, pathbubs… i love them sm… man i really need to write more of them sometime 😂 absolutely unhealthy but DAMN they compel me…
as for your questions about the universe portals… i’ll just say that no player has figured out the real explanation for the swap yet. they’re working off what they know and certain assumptions they’ve made; in tango’s case, the assumption that he’s an evil creature who would never have purposefully been brought to hermitcraft. in bravo’s case, the assumption that tango’s mere existence resulted in a massive mistake (even tho plenty of other players have joined hermitcraft without being swapped with their hels counterparts…). they’re silly gooses <3
anyway thanks so much for sharing ur thoughts, i LOVE to hear what y’all are thinking and theorizing about with regards to the fic. it’s like enrichment for me.
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Attitude Adjustment
hello fwens :3 back with another fic from the results of a poll I ran! the prompt is from this list requested through this ask! I actually love the way this turned out, so enjoy!
prompt 1 - “how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?” / 17 - “apologize!” / 18 - “i’m gonna count down from 10” / 25 - “you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 3K words)
“YES! YESSS!” Dream exclaimed, jumping up from his chair and accidentally pulling his headset off of his head, giggling as he somehow caught it in his right hand and leaned down to place it back over his golden curls. “I told you I’d beat you guys! Oh man, this challenge is gonna be incredible!” 
Dream, George and Sapnap were in their respective recording rooms, having just gone through two runs of the mod they recently coded for a new video idea they had, testing to make sure everything worked properly before actually filming. The initial runthrough had been successful, though Dream had won because of a mistake that the other two boys had made. They demanded a rematch, only to be met with the same ending - Dream had beaten them yet again. 
“Fuck off.” Sapnap’s annoyance seethed over the line of the discord call they were all on, making Dream break out into a satisfied grin. 
“Look, it’s not my fault you two are trash at Minecraft.” He commented, a cocky tone to his voice as he giggled. He heard George let out a groan which only further fueled him, bouncing his legs with excitement. 
“Dream, I’d be quiet if I were you.” He heard the youngest boy growl through his headphones, moving to lean against the back of his chair as the smile on his face grew. He crossed his arms across his chest, rolling his eyes at the threatening tone in Sapnap’s voice with a chuckle.
“Why? What are you gonna do, challenge me to a rematch again? Go ahead! You saw what happened last time.” Dream barked out a laugh at the thought, knowing full well that he would beat the two again. However, smile faltered when he heard a low chuckle, the sound all too familiar. 
“No, but you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance,” The blonde’s eyes widened as he heard the younger boy’s statement, sitting up straight in his chair. “Wouldn’t you agree, George?” 
“W-What? No!” Dream grabbed at the microphone with one hand, bringing it closer to him as if that would somehow get his point across clearer.
“Oh, I definitely agree. You’ve been way too cocky today.” George’s smirk was evident in his voice, causing butterflies to erupt in Dream’s stomach. His left hand was quick to cover the area, pressing slightly in the hopes that the flutters would settle down. 
“I- No I haven’t! …Not more than normal!” Dream had paused in his wording, thinking back on the past few hours and realizing how much he had bombarded the two with insults and teases. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the low chuckle once more, sending chills down his spine as his focus was brought back to the call. 
“I’m gonna countdown from 10.” 
“10…9…8…” Dream was panicking now, stuttering and fidgeting in his seat as the younger boy began counting. He knew what it meant - he had been a victim to the countdown many times, and he knew exactly what followed. 
The hair on the back of Dream’s neck stood up as he suddenly heard quick footsteps thudding down the hall, a clear indication of where they were heading. He let out a squeal as he flung the headset off of his head, still able to hear the numbers decreasing as the seconds passed. Dream was mere steps away from slamming the door shut, his arm extended to grab the door to swing it shut, when George appeared in the doorway. 
“FUCK!” Dream squealed, dodging the elder as he lunged forward and sprinted towards the bed in the corner of the recording room. He cursed himself immediately as he flung the covers off to take safety there, wrapping them around himself and tucking them in tightly so George couldn’t remove them.
“Oh Dreamie!” The sing-song tone of George’s voice made Dream cower further under the blankets, twisting his fists into them as a way to expel the tingly energy that was coursing through him. 
“Come on, don’t you wanna hang out with your best buddies?” He heard additional footsteps entering his room, listening as Sapnap joined in on the taunting. The sound of the door shutting caught his attention, letting out a shriek when he heard the lock click. 
“Nohoho! Fuck ohoff!” He spat out in response, curling up on his side as much as he could when he felt the mattress dip next to his legs, signaling that he was no longer the only one on the bed. Giggles quickly burst past his lips as he felt pokes along his sides in random patterns, the offending finger pressing in wherever it could. 
“What do we have here?” Sapnap questioned curiously, his voice coming from the end of the bed. The pokes hadn’t stopped, leading him to the conclusion that George was the one currently tickling him. 
“G-Gehehorge, stop! Gehet awahay, Sapnap!” He spoke through his giggles, wrapping his arms around himself the best he could while still securing the blanket in place with his hands. The protection Dream felt from the blanket was quickly stripped from his mind as he felt a hand wrap around his ankle, fingers skittering over his socked foot and making him kick out in a panic. 
“Nohoho! No no nohoho p-plehehease!” Dream pleaded with the younger boy, trying to kick at Sapnap but failing when the smaller boy jumped up onto the bed, straddling his legs and continuing the tickly assault on his foot. 
“It’s not my fault you’re too much of a giant to fully hide under a blanket.” Sapnap teased him, walking his fingers up onto the tops of Dream’s foot to make him squeal. He continued to try and kick his legs, squirming and pleading until the blanket was pulled from his hands, his eyes squinting from the sudden light flooding into them.
“NOHOHO! No, fuhuhuck- dohohon’t!” He began to beg once more, turning onto his back as much as he could as he attempted to wrangle both George and Sapnap’s hands in the process. Instead, his wrists were captured by Sapnap and held up against his chest, forcing Dream to sit up slightly, his back arched forward at an awkward angle. “Ow, Sahaphap, it hurts!” 
“Oops, sorry baby!” He giggled, placing a quick kiss on each wrist before bringing them down to rest on his thighs. The blonde whined as he leaned back against the mattress, biting back a smile as the stubble tickled the sensitive skin there. He readjusted himself to be more comfortable but was interrupted as George began to poke all over his torso once more.
“Stohop! Y-You don’t hahave to do this!” He tried his best to give the two his best puppy dog eyes, pouting through his laughter. The two boys above him just giggled at the suggestion, exchanging knowing smirks before turning their attention back to Dream, who was still in a fit of chirps and squeals from the pokes he was receiving. 
“Obviously we don’t have to,” George spoke, making Dream turn his head slightly to lock eyes with the elder. He felt his stomach flip as the grin on his face grew even wider. “We want to.” 
Sapnap moved as George spoke, sliding Dream’s wrists from his thighs to the bed, pressing down to secure them next to his hips as he protested. The youngest boy giggled when Dream tried to sit up again, only to be pushed back down against the duvet by George. 
“Apologize!” He demanded, using his free hand to poke into Dream’s stomach a few times, prompting the blonde to let out a yelp before falling into loud cackles. He tried his best to dodge the wiggling finger, twisting his body from side to side but quickly giving up once he realized George followed him every way that he turned. 
“I dihihidn’t do anythihihing!” 
“He can’t be serious.” He heard Sapnap mumble to George, making him shake his head back and forth slowly with a tight-lipped expression in fake disappointment.
“Dreamie, Dreamie, Dreamie. Will you ever learn?” As George let out a sigh, starting to lightly spider his fingers on either side of his tummy, still over his shirt and smiling when it seemingly drove Dream mad anyway. 
“P-Plehehease! Not thehehere!” Dream pleaded as he attempted to buck his hips up. Sapnap continued to sit sturdy on his waist, not allowing him to make his targeted movement. The youngest boy pressed his wrists down further into the bed to really emphasize on the fact he was stuck and under the mercy of his two best friends.
“Not there? Not on your ticklish little tummy? Why not, Dream?” Sapnap teased, creating a new kaleidoscope of butterflies in his stomach as he continued to laugh and writhe beneath him. 
“Thihis is sohoho cruel! I-I cahan’t move my hahahands!” He complained through his high pitched squeals, looking between the two with pleading eyes and hoping one of them would give in and end the tickling. However, the smirks that were plastered on their faces told him otherwise.
 “Awh, poor baby! You should be able to block your tummy with your hands being right there, huh?” George taunted, grabbing Dream’s attention and only continuing when the boy nodded in agreement. “It must be so much more ticklish knowing that you can’t.” 
The comment sent Dream into another fit of cackles, still trying to pull at his arms to free himself but finding it harder and harder when his strength was constantly wavering due to his laughter. 
Dream felt a cool breeze on his tummy and looked down in horror as he watched George slowly lift his shirt up, making his giggles more panicked and sporadic. He squeezed his eyes shut as George’s pointer finger poked around his belly button, making him squeak between the bright giggles the spot produced.
“Hey Dream, how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?” Following the question, George hooked a finger onto the rim of his belly button and began to lightly pull at the bottom edge. The blonde shrieked before falling into hysterics, kicking his legs against the bed as much as he could as George continued his assault on the sensitive little dip in his tummy.
“NOHOHO! Noho plehehease! Dohohon’t- Gohohod nohoho!” Dream’s laugh was high pitched and slightly raspy as George circled his finger around the rim of his belly button slowly, adding slight pressure as he went to make Dream squeal.
“I didn’t hear a number!” George spoke with mischief in his voice, the pitch higher and words drawn out to tease with a purpose. Dream lifted his head slightly to look at George, twisting his face into the best scowl he could make through his continuous laughter. The brunette laughed at that, rolling his eyes at the unnecessary aggression that Dream was trying to pull off. “Come on, pup, it’s just a simple question.” 
“FUHUHCK OFF, GEOHOHORGE!” Dream’s voice was booming through his laughter with how flustered he was becoming, feeling his cheeks heat up and cursing himself for how easily he was made to blush. The two boys above him knew all the things that make him squirm, and it seemed to him as if they were going down a list and checking each one off. He let out a quick whine after he took in a deep breath, trying to turn his body from side to side to dislodge George’s finger.
“I would just answer the question, Dream.” Sapnap chimed in as George slowly began tracing the rim of his belly button. Dream broke into loud laughter at the sensation, flexing his fingers out and back into tight fists as he squirmed. 
George moved his finger from the edge, tracing a squiggly line towards his right hip bone. He switched his pointer finger out for his thumb as he rubbed soothing circles into the muscle, not enough pressure to tickle terribly, but enough to keep the smile on his face while also melting him into a pile of giggles.
“Good boy, Dream! Now, are you gonna apologize?
“For whahat?! I didn’t doho- nohoho wait! WAHAHAHAIT!” 
George sat up on his knees, leaning against his left hand that was still pressed into Dream’s shoulder to hold him down and using his thumb and pointer finger to knead into his lower tummy, just under his belly button. Dream howled at the action, almost immediately breaking and begging for mercy.
“OKAHAHAY OKAY! I’m sohohorry!” George slowed his pinching to a halt, keeping them pressed against the skin and turning to Sapnap to see if he accepted the apology or not. Dream’s stomach felt like a car with an overturned engine, the nervousness erupting in little bursts as Sapnap shook his head with a grin. 
“I will only accept ‘I’m sorry that I was so cocky when I’m so ticklish’, actually.” Sapnap stated simply, the smile on his face clear in his voice. He squeezed Dream’s wrists twice with a playful intent, watching as the older boy attempted to twist his arms to break free and chuckling when he realized he wasn’t able to and grunted in frustration at his defeat. 
“What?! Nohoho! I’m nohot saying that!” Dream shook his head quickly, looking at Sapnap with furrowed brows as if in disbelief. Sapnap only grinned back at him, shrugging his shoulders. Dream jolted forward when George’s finger twitched against his skin, as if it was reminding him of its presence; As if he could forget.
“No? I guess I’ll stay here, then.” George giggled as Dream’s laughter practically jumped an octave when the wiggly finger burrowed itself into his belly button, lightly tickling around the walls and just barely grazing the knot at the bottom of it. The blonde let out a high pitched scream before dissolving into silent laughter, throwing his head back against the bed with bright red cheeks. The elder watched as the blush slowly spread up to the tip of his ears and down his neck, eventually reaching his tummy. He felt an elbow lightly against his right bicep and turned his attention to Sapnap.
“Alright, I think this little goober has had enough.” George watched as Sapnap looked down at Dream with fondness in his eyes. He was very much still in hysterics as George’s finger remained where it had been, but remained still to provide the younger boy with some relief. 
“Awh but Sapnap! Look! His tummy is blushing, he loves it!” 
“He does, but even puppies who love getting tickles have their limits, don’t they baby?” Dream felt his face heat up in response to the remark, turning his head and shoulders as much as he could to hide his face in the pillows next to him. 
“Plehehease!” His muffled whines made George and Sapnap giggle, softening their demeanors and melting at how adorable the blonde was. Sapnap loosened the grip on his wrists, running his thumbs over the thin skin of his wrists as he spoke.
“You know what to say, darlin’.” He spoke in an exaggerated southern accent, making George cackle and Dream’s laughter grow louder once more. This sent Sapnap into a fit of laughter, creating a domino effect and making the boys fall into a symphony of laughter. After a few minutes, they regained their composure and were back to the task at hand.
“Well?” George prompted Dream. He heard the younger boy kick his feet a few times against the bed behind him, smiling when he let out yet another whine in disapproval. Dream stomped his foot one more time to prove his point before letting out a loud sigh, rolling his eyes at George before meeting Sapnap’s gaze.
“I’m sorry I was sohoho cocky when I’m- I’m…so-” Dream huffed out a stream of air through his nose in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment, squeezing his eyes shut before continuing. “So t-ticklish.” 
“Wow, so SO ticklish, huh?” Sapnap finally let go of Dream’s hands and moved from his place on his hips to kneel next to the blonde instead. “I already knew that, but thanks for reminding me!” 
Dream groaned through tiny giggles, immediately bringing his hands up to cover his face the minute Sapnap had freed them. He turned his body and curled forward slightly until his head pressed into Sapnap’s knee, relaxing with a sigh when the youngest boy started to card his hand through the messy curls. 
“I think we tired him out.” He heard George comment from behind him, feeling the bed dip and a sudden warmth pressed into his back. It continued to spread over his waist, only getting warmer as George’s grip around him grew tighter to pull him into a backwards hug. Dream brought his shoulder up as George buried himself into the crook of his neck, tickling Dream in the process and making him squeal. 
“More like you killed me.” Dream mumbled, leaning his head back to rest against George’s to be closer to him, still covering his face with his hands. Sapnap reached up and gripped each hand lightly, pulling them down slowly to give Dream the opportunity to stop him. 
He didn’t. 
“Oh hush, you idiot, you’re fine.” Sapnap ran a hand through his hair once more before making a move to lay down next to Dream, now wedged between his body and the wall behind him. He didn’t want to admit it, but this had been the coziest he’s felt in months. Sapnap smiled as he draped an arm over Dream, resting against George’s side in an attempt to feel connected to both boys. 
Dream felt himself being pulled into Sapnap’s chest, George automatically following him as if they were magnets. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around Sapnap, feeling George’s hand rest against his own shoulder with a soft squeeze. He let out a deep breath as he let himself fall asleep, feeling safer than ever in the arms of his two favorite people.
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mourninglamby · 10 months
its actually cool to see people dissect minecraft roleplay like this, like to me yeah it was just a block game but the dark subjects matters just intertwined in a way that made it very... strange? i guess?
i feel like to really get it you have to have a certian amount of respect for the story and medium but also scorn of it, like i have sooo many problems with how things went in a million different ways, but i also think that when it worked it worked wonders. so its interesting to me for someone to dig deeper then the surface and really see it for what it was objectively
i hate that its attatched to the minecraft youtuber fandom in general because for the majority of time i was wathcing I was soley in it for a story, I dont think i even checked out a non story realated stream until like... june of that year
and i hate dream but like you said him being there and playing such a character just ads to the levels of weirdness and rawness
c!tommy got me through a dark dark time in my life, esp exile. I dealth with abuseful neglect and manipulation all my life, and i was in deep bouts of depression when those streams were coming out. but literally seeing a character portray such a raw and ugly realality of those things and yet still get back up again was comforting and cathartic
to me it was the colaboration between actor and audience that really made it unlike anything else, and also what really led to its destruction. but im glad it was there when i needed it
This is well said anon and I’m so sorry you went through something like that. Dsmp found me at a very terrifying time in my life in regards to trauma. I don’t want to get into it just as I’m sure you don’t either, but when youve been a victim of abuse, you gain a perspective that nobody else has. Your mind is permanently altered. We see things that might not be as easy to detect let alone digest for those who havent experienced that reality. or even people who are currently working through that trauma who don’t understand how to deal with it or approach it yet. And that’s not good nor bad. It just is.
I think it’s. Hard. It’s very hard to talk about. And it’s by design! I definitely agree some of the performances were amazing but with very little consideration for what to do next or how to conclude those arcs, things got messy quickly and I think they relied on their dogmatic rabid fans to deflect any serious criticism of that. And I expected them to! I expect people who tread dangerously to know what they’re doing, but they didn’t know what they were doing. That became clear to me very quickly.
And ya it is still very important to me as well… I have never seen myself in another victim in fiction quite as well as I have c!tommy. And I have found so many like minded people that I cherish and love so much. I just got back from hanging out with someone who I got close with online during dsmp! So as disgusting and scary as the community was, yes, I am also very glad it was here when I needed it. Because I needed it.
I hope we can all continue to heal from these experiences and move on to make/consume kinder art together 🌈💫💗
(Oh also I didnt/don’t(it’s complicated) care about the real people either. I actually was so detached I believed dsmp was all they did! It’s crazy how much of a second thought a lot of this was in hindsight. Which is both infuriating and worrying)
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Last night on a stream with @awhellstothejoe I started a new survival world in Minecraft and the spawn was in a mega taiga next to a large, expansive mountain range. I got myself iron armor, dug underneath the mountains until I hit a cave, and found an ancient city within 10 minutes of exploring. I haven't even found diamonds or done much besides build a couple furnaces. I don't even know how I'm going to get back out.
I criticized the 1.19 update a lot, but I'm walking back some of my criticisms of the Warden—being a competent player means exploring the Deep Dark is relatively safe while still being pants-shittingly scary. I am glad now that the devs thought out the gameplay so thoroughly because it WORKS really well.
Being restricted to sneaking and unable to place torches really makes you experience the eerieness and atmosphere and stops you from entering this kind of flow state where you're clearing a structure on autopilot—like even as a seasoned player, it's still an EXPERIENCE that you have to linger on and it's really neat.
If you are patient and cautious enough, you will never be in any real danger of summoning the Warden. If you REALLY don't want to fuck with the big guy, you can just hang out for 10 minutes in a confirmed safe area and wait for the "count" of shriekers triggered to drop down by 1. You fuck up when you develop hubris and don't look where you're stepping or try to place a torch. Opening chests is the biggest risk because they can trigger a shrieker twice—once when you open the chest and once when you close it.
In a lot of ways, it's an improvement on most other dangerous zones in the game because success really has more to do with your competence than more random factors. In the Nether it is so easy to get killed and lose everything because you were just unlucky (or a Ghast shot a fireball at you while outside render distance...) When you trigger a sculk shrieker it's almost always Your Fault.
Streaming gameplay to a friend definitely makes exploring ancient cities that much more fun. I jumped down from the cave ceiling onto one of the towers and now I'm stuck in the city, and I have triggered like 6 shriekers but haven't seen the Warden yet. I don't know if that's because he didn't spawn for some reason or just that I crouched motionless for long enough that he despawned, or that he's in the city with me and I just haven't SEEN him yet. Which is, if anything, much scarier.
I don't know yet what I think about how the Ancient Cities affect your progression through the game. It's definitely a source of a lot of high-level loot early on, but I don't know how a newer player would fare...
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cyle · 2 years
the internet diverges again
(if you're a regular Garbage Day reader, a lot of this may sound very familiar to you, as i'm borrowing heavily from conclusions Ryan keeps drawing as well. my thoughts below are my own, and kinda rambling because i don't really have any strong conclusions yet, just speculation that keeps me up at night.)
feels to me like the internet is diverging yet again, into two primary modes of user experience:
the new FM radio. this is what TikTok is, and YouTube has been for a long time. it's massive, it's impossible to ingest all of it or even a fraction of it, and it moves so fast that the vast majority of people can be nothing but passive consumers. it's a lean-back, wayyy back, experience on these platforms. the key difference today, from actual FM radio, is how much the experience is personalized and molds itself in real time to you as the consumer. more and more people want to tune out of the active social media model and into the hyper-passive radio model. you don't have to even follow anybody, the content comes to you, just like the radio. sit back, relax, swipe up, watch, keep swiping, the next piece of content will be more suited to you than the last, head empty no thoughts.
the archipelago. this is what Discord is, and what Reddit subreddits are, and what Substack newsletters are, and Minecraft servers, and why people gravitate towards them. people do still want a sense of belonging, and we've all agreed lately that such a thing is way too much work on the slightly-customizable-algo-feeds of Twitter or Facebook. this is a polar opposite of the new FM radio model above, because this archipelago requires deep commitment, buy-in, and time investment. and the islands are inherently getting smaller and smaller and smaller and more nostalgic and like the message boards of the 00s. the key point being that they're independent, separate, and feel owned and controlled by their inhabitants. there can't/won't be an index of them.
i think these two paths are in stark contrast with what the predominant UX model has been over the last 15 years, which is that slightly-customizable centralized walled garden algorithmic feed that is what Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been perfecting, and is now wholly inadequate. and those platforms keep trying to compete with TikTok, but in the wrong way. it's not about video, nor even the infinite feed, it's about the extremes of ownership and depth of involvement.
in this new context, the traditional walled garden feeds now feel like work with little reward, and TikTok doesn't feel like work at all, with lots of reward. Discord feels like deliberate work with reward. it's those different patterns of passive and active reward that feel so disrupted by TikTok, which is not a UI feature, it's the whole thing. you can't just slap a feed of recommended videos into Instagram and get the same result, now that we consumers are all more wise to it.
i'm somewhat excited about this shift because underneath these new-but-old paradigms are important shifts in our relationship to the products and our actual ownership of them. Discord relies on subscription money, not ads; they survey paying users to figure out what to build next, and it seems to work at scale and make people feel like they really own their servers. TikTok runs ads the way radio runs ads, except far more deeply personalized, because they have the mount everest of attention data (which is not the same as Facebook's relational targeting data). it's very clear that you own nothing on TikTok or YouTube, you're just a passively floating leaf in an ocean of content.
i'm also excited about this shift because it means we're in fertile territory for products, both new and existing, to figure out where they belong and if they can adapt. TikTok and Discord feel like the two opposite axis points to me, in terms of product ownership, anonymity, tracking behavior, attention economy, etc. if both worlds are feasibly sustainable, then that's great news for those of us who want to cultivate safer, smaller places to coexist on the internet. there is a whole spectrum of possibility to explore here and lean into. it comes with a myriad of new problems, but arguably, we never figured out a lot of the core problems with the old model anyway, so what's it worth?
no conclusions here, just a lot of thoughts.
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cgarttrailsandtails · 7 months
I have a fanfic that ima post on Quotev and Ao3 (eventually).
I’m also putting it here in case y’all don’t have one of those two platforms and still wanna read it.
Sleepy Stars
By: Cg
Summary: We know Lunar can overwork his power, but what happens when an astral does?
(Story under cut)
Chapter one
It was a pretty normal day, nothing out of the ordinary had happened for once. Lunar was kinda pleased as he walked to the training area to continue with the memory training. He was happy he had more control, happy he was able to have upped his training, and actually just genuinely happy today. Earth and Monty were off on a date or something, not that Lunar really cared.
When he finally arrived at the training area, (a small clearing in the forested area was where they did the memory stuff) he spotted Castor at the base of a tree on the far side of the clearing staring up at the leaves. “Hi Castor!” He said excitedly, “what are you looking at?”
“Huh? Oh. Hello Lunar.” Came the familiar monotone reply. “Pollux got herself stuck up there” he said, turning back to the tree.
“Maybe I can help? I have wind power to get up there and help her out.”
“Go ahead and give it a shot, Lunar.”
So he did. He managed to get up there to see that Pollux really was stuck. She was tangled in the branches and closed in on by leaves. “Hi.” She said, appearing to struggle a little to try and get loose. After a little bit she sighed and turned her head back to lunar. “Could you help?”
“Sure thing” Lunar replied, grabbing at the branches underneath Pollux and twisting them out of the way. About five minutes later, the opening was large enough that the rest of the branches gave way, sending Pollux plummeting to the ground.
Thwump. She hit the ground with muffled surprise. “You ok?” Lunar heard Castor saying to her when he lowered himself to the ground.
“Yeah, I think I impaled myself in there though.”
“So, training!” Lunar reminded them cheerfully when he had touched down.
“Yes, training!!” Pollux half-sang as she turned to Lunar. Then, looking back at Castor, she asked, “which memory are you gonna send us into?”
“Ahm. Hmm. I don’t know actually.” He said, unsure about where Lunar could best use his powers.
“What about T.I.A?”
“Oh great Neptune no. That place even I want to forget. It’d give him nightmares.” Castor replied Gesturing to Lunar.
“What’s T.I.A?” Lunar asked.
“You Don’t wanna know” they said in unison.
“How about planet èrraksva?”
“That one will work. Get ready Lunar.”
“Wha-? Oh, okay!” Lunar had ceased paying attention when they said whatever the heck that word was. With that, Castor sent Lunar and Pollux into another memory. Who could’ve expected what was about to happen?
Chapter two
In the memory
It looked like Minecraft still. This memory, however, Lunar started in space. Wait…shouldn’t I be falli- oh no.he thought as he started to plummet toward whatever planet this was. The view of it from out here, in space, was breathtaking. It was a mostly purple planet, with dull purples and bright ones mixed in with each other. There were a few blue areas, presumably oceans or other sources of water. He felt he was screaming, yet heard nothing.
Crash! As he hit the cold, hard surface of the planet, he heard himself again. “Owww my spleeen… wait do I even have one?” He voiced to himself. He heard Pollux In His head say something, but had been too busy screaming to care. “What did you say Pollux?” He asked.
“I just said I don’t think you have a spleen. I don’t even know what that is though.”
“It’s a human bone or something, I don’t know.”
“Eh. Anyways, WELCOME TO ÈRRAKSVA! The planet of plains. We were sent here to deal with a threat that had been hiding in the fields of the planet! That’s who you’re up against, so go ahead and explore!” Pollux over-explained excitedly. Lunar looked around. Now he realized why the planet was purple, these fields seemed covered in a whole range of different purples and other plants. Lunar wondered how they lived with seemingly no water nearby.
“Uh…okay?” Lunar said tentatively, snapping back to reality. The last time she had told him to explore something, he got jumped by a sandworm. So he snuck around while checking things out. Eventually he found a pressure plate. “Should I step on it?” He asked her.
“Yeah, it’s okay”
“You’re sure?”
“I DID it. Of course I’m sure! Just go ahead.” She replied impatiently.
“Alright… here goes” and Lunar stepped on the plate.
This is boring. Castor thought as he waited for them to work through the memory. He didn’t have anything to do except focus on keeping them in there. But, he had to make sure nothing goes wrong and they can get through the memory smoothly. He didn’t want Lunar and Pollux to get “soft locked” -as the humans call it- in a piece he doesn’t fully remember or something. That was, of course, Highly unlikely, but it never hurt to be prepared.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the small white animal creeping towards a patch of fresh grass a few inches away from him. That is, until he felt the paw. “Gah!” He yelled in surprise. He looked down to see the terrified little white rabbit on his foot staring up at him and quivering. “Oh. Sorry to frighten you, little one.” He said, slowly bending down to pick up the little thing. As he lifted the tiny mass of white fluff off his foot, it wriggled in attempted escape. He put it down in the patch of grass it was originally going to, unintentionally delivering it to its destination. When the rabbit’s paws touched the ground, it scampered away from him, yet stayed in the patch to munch on some grass. Castor shook his head and walked off, farther from the bunny and back to his thoughts. This interaction was cute and all, but it was back to being bored for him.
“Eek!” Lunar squeaked as he felt something run across his foot.
“Don’t worry Lunar, that plate didn’t do anything bad, why are you so jumpy?”
“It’s not that. I feel like something is… watching me.”
“Oh, it is”
It is? What was that supposed to mean!? Lunar thought uneasily as he continued on through the mass of fields this stupid planet has. Suddenly, he heard a growl. Wait- growl? He turned around to be face to face with a weird anti-matter bloodhound. Nothing bad huh? “Hiii… doggie. Nice doggie?” It snapped it jaws at him and got ready to lunge.
“I’d run.” Pollux warned.
“10 steps ahead of you!” Lunar yelled and bolted. The dog chased after him and was close to catching up when it was stopped. It was as if it had reached where it wanted Lunar to be and dissolved.
“H e l l o, c r e a t u r e!” Said an eerie voice. “Why are you here?”
“Who’s asking?” Lunar asked wearily.
A being stepped out of the shadows. “Me.” It said. It was black and gold colored, seemingly drifting in and out of existence every few seconds. It was covered in stars, like the astral bodies, but unlike them, it did not seem friendly. It seemed deceiving and just… off. “So why are you here? Have you come to face your death?” It asked again.
“I’m assuming this is the one I have to fight, correct?” Lunar said to Pollux under his breath.
“Mhm and then we can go back home!”
“Great.” Then louder, he said “I have come to best you in combat.” Oh I’m an idiot! He thought. Why would I want this thing to know I wanna fight it!? But it was too late to take the comment back.
“Ah.” The thing replied. “Then you HAVE come to die. Very well then, let us begin…”
Chapter three
The incident
They had been in there a long time. He wasn’t worried. You can’t really get hurt in a memory, after all. But they had been in there a couple hours now, and Castor wondered what the heck they were doing. Keeping them both in there for so long had started to wear him out. He could at least tell they were getting closer to the end, but it was growing later and later. He feared Lunar’s battery may not last. Castor was considering pulling them out when he felt an odd sensation… he realized he had dimmed significantly. They had been in there too long, and Castor’s power was strained. He decided to push on and keep them in there. Eventually though, he couldn’t take it anymore. Everything went black.
One moment, Lunar had been fighting an anti-matter being, and the next, he was back in the real world. He and Pollux were confused. “Why’d he pull us out?” Lunar voiced the question they were both wondering. Then, Pollux seemed to notice something… Castor wasn’t in sight.
“Wait. Where is Castor?” After taking a quick look around, she laid eyes on her brother. She gasped at the sight, and Lunar whipped around to see Castor unconscious. He had seemingly collapsed or something. Pollux knelt down next to her brother. Hastily she said, “Go home, lunar.”
“What? No, I’m not leaving. I want to make sure he’s okay-“
“Lunar! Please just go home.” She said worriedly. Lunar then nodded and headed home. Surely she would just tell him if Castor was okay, right?
“Castor? Castor!” It was no use. He wouldn’t wake up. Pollux had tried almost everything short of slapping him. He was barely glowing too; it didn’t look good. She knew he wasn’t dead, because then she would be dead too. But she couldn’t help wondering if he was okay otherwise. She was thinking the worst: that he was injured in some way, though she wouldn’t know how that would’ve happened. All she knew right now, however, was that he was out cold. He wouldn’t wake up no matter what she tried. Pollux felt defeated. She was alone right now. And scared. Scared for her brother, and scared for herself. All she could do was keep him close to her. All she could think about is what might’ve happened, what she should have been there to stop… she couldn’t help her brother in any way, and she felt guilty that she wasn’t there to stop whatever happened from going down. Suddenly, she felt a paw pad pass over her arm. A bunny. A little white bundle of floof crawled over her arm and sat on Castor. She smiled a sad little smile, and that’s when the tears started to fall.
Lunar lay across his couch, just worried now. He couldn’t sleep. For two reasons. One because his friend might be seriously injured. The other reason was because Jack was staring at him like an overenthusiastic puppy waiting for their owner to take them on a walk at 2 in the morning. Lunar decided to call Earth and see if she was awake and available to talk.
It rang twice before she picked up.
“Hello Lunar, why are you still up this late?” Earth said over the phone. It was nice to hear her voice again, even if he had talked with her just this morning. “Hello?” Lunar realized he hadn’t said anything.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Hi.”
“You seem upset. Is something the matter?”
Lunar thought for a moment before saying, “yeah.”
“Oh. Well would you like to talk about it?” He did, actually. He proceeded to tell Earth about what happened during training that day, and when he was finished, they ended up talking more about what might’ve went on. “Well, it sounds to me like he might’ve fainted.” Earth said, finally coming to a conclusion.
“Yeah but why though?” Lunar was asking himself, and even the universe more than he was asking Earth.
“That’s the mystery.” She said. “I’m sure he’ll be alright, Lunar. You should try and sleep.”
Lunar sighed. “You’re right, I guess. Though it might be hard with Jack watching every single move I make.” He glared at Jack disapprovingly. Jack just blinked at him.
“Hm, alright.” Earth said with a small laugh. “Goodnight, Lunar.”
“Goodnight Earth.” It was gonna be a long night.
Castor woke with a start. He felt exhausted still, but he was awake now. He didn’t remember what exactly happened, but he felt dizzy and tired. He soon realized where he was. He worried for a second about what happened to Pollux and Lunar when he blacked out, before noticing Pollux beside him, asleep with the remains of tears on her face. Castor couldn’t imagine what she must have thought happened. A small white creature, the rabbit from earlier it seemed, was currently sitting on his chest. It made eye contact for a second before, as if an agreement was done, it scampered away. Castor sat up, or at least tried to anyway. He ended up falling over again from dizziness. “Oof!” He exclaimed after the third attempt. Unable to get up, he just lay there, still exhausted but not willing to fall back asleep. Suddenly, someone spoke.
“Are you okay Castor?” It was Pollux, evident worry in her tone. She helped Castor sit up, and as he leaned into her so as not to fall over again, she started the spew of questions. “What happened? Why wouldn’t you wake up? You had me worried!” And a bunch of other questions and exclamations were thrown at him; she wasn’t letting him get a word in edgewise. Finally he had enough of that.
“Pollux… shut up.” He said calmly. “I’m okay.” She looked at him, obviously not satisfied with that.
“What happened?” She asked, concern evident. She studied him to make sure he wasn’t hurt, now that she knew he at least felt okay. He looked tired, his eyes unfocused, but he thankfully wasn’t hurt, at least on the outside.
“I don’t know.” He finally said after some time. “I just kinda…blacked out.”
“Well are you sure you’re okay? You’re really dim…”
“Uh… I-I don’t know, I… uh” he cut off, not knowing what to say.
“Well how are you feeling? Earth says that’s a good place to start, with feelings.”
“I don’t think that’s what she means, but okay.” He paused for a second, trying to come up with the words. “Um. I guess…dizzy? And tired…I feel really tired…” he finally answered.
“You said you blacked out? And now you feel tired?” Pollux inquired after a moment of silence.
“Yeah-? What about it?”
“Could you have passed out or something?”
“It’s… possible.” He said. Coming to the realization, he added, “I think I might have overused my power or something and passed out…”
“That would make the most sense…” Pollux said, troubled by the thought of it. Her brother had always been careful not to overwork himself, to think he did for the first time in almost forever was a scary concept for her. “What did it feel like before you passed out? Do you remember?” She asked, looking at Castor. There was silence for a little while before he answered.
“I started feeling tired mostly. That’s also when the dizziness started. Why do you ask?” He said softly. He was falling asleep again, too tired to even think correctly anymore.
“Okay, you definitely overworked yourself then…” she said, quickly losing herself in thought. At least it wasn’t worse! She kept telling herself. He could have been attacked or something, just be glad it wasn’t that.
As Pollux was thinking, she didn’t notice Castor falling closer and closer to sleep. Eventually, she stopped her thinking process, as it was going nowhere. “Hey Castor-“ she started to ask, looking back at her brother. She stopped short when she realized he had fallen into a light sleep again. “Castor?” She asked, tapping him awake.
“Mm. Yes…?” He said, pretty obviously exhausted.
“Are you okay?”
He paused. “Sleepy…” he eventually answered. She was slightly concerned still, her earlier question forgotten.
“Is that all? Nothing’s wrong is it?” She asked, very worried.
“Hm?” Castor hadn’t heard her, as he had gotten too tired to process much. Pollux repeated her questions for him. “Mmm…I’m okay… I think…”
Pollux still looked concerned, so he tried to elaborate: “I mean, I’m tired… and still pretty dizzy, but-“
“It’s alright, Castor. You don’t need to explain.” Pollux interrupted. Castor just slightly nodded in acknowledgment. Pollux could tell he needed sleep. “Go ahead and rest, Castor,” she told him. “You need it.”
He hesitated. “You’ll be alright-?” He asked, not wanting to worry her.
“Yes. Just go to sleep.” She was a bit nervous to do this, but she knew he needed to sleep. She also knew he’d eventually just pass out again, so it’s better to just let him go to sleep sooner. He still seemed uneasy, put off by her obvious worry. She didn’t really notice. Is this the right thing to do? She asked herself. Of course it is… right? She started rocking herself, a nervous habit of hers. Without realizing it, however, she was soothing Castor just enough for him to fall back asleep, as she was still holding him. Eventually, she remembered Lunar, probably wanting to know what happened. So she, not wanting to leave Castor, merged them into Gemini, and set off to where Lunar lived.
Lunar heard tapping at his balcony door. He was still on the couch, still not able to fall asleep. Jack was in the corner, presumably, and was watching him. Lunar had ended up asking him to turn invisible, hoping to be able to get some sleep, like Earth said to. He looked over at the balcony door. Gemini was outside, waiting patiently to be let in. Lunar practically exploded off the couch, anxious to hear how Castor was doing. Throwing open the door, he asked, “is he okay? What happened!?” Gemini, presumably controlled by Pollux right now, stepped in.
“He’s okay, he just fainted from overworking himself.” Her voice came out kind of sadly.
“Why do you sound so sad then?” Lunar asked.
“It’s just… he’s usually so careful with his power, I… I don’t know how he overused it.”
Lunar thought for a minute. “Well, at least he’s okay. If he had been hurt…”
“If he had been hurt, I would’ve found who did it and ripped them apart like a damn doll.” Pollux said angrily, worked up just by the thought of it.
“Sit down.” Lunar said, leading them to the couch. Gemini complied, but very obviously wasn’t happy. The two (three?) of them sat in silence for a while before Lunar asked “do you wanna watch tv or something? Just to, Y’know, get our minds off of this?”
“Sure.” They replied, grateful for the chance to think of something else. Lunar turned on the tv and they ended up on some nature documentary. They sat in dead silence just watching, not really paying much attention to time. Gemini eventually broke the silence. “This is interesting.”
“Yeah, I guess”
“Why were you so worried?” They asked after a pause.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You didn’t need to be worried, so why were you?”
“Well, I guess because… you two are my… friends.” Lunar was caught kind of off guard by the question.
“Hm. Ok, I guess I can see why you’d be worried then. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For just… being there? I guess. I don’t know. I’m sorry, it’s late, and-“ Lunar hugged them, cutting them off.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t sleeping anytime soon anyways.” He said with a small chuckle.
Gemini smiled. They watched the rest of the documentary together in silence. And Somewhere through it, Lunar finally fell asleep.
I’m so sorry if this sucked, I’m not a very good writer. I still hope you enjoyed, and have a wonderful day or night!
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