#mscm harper
bucketbender · 4 months
Played MCSM again and had a thought about the implication of how a part of this world works.
If there’s anything consistent in Minecraft and in MCSM is the absence of romance. Animals and villagers can "fall in love" and have babies, but players can’t interact this way. This isn’t the Sims. At best, you can sneak seductively toward another player in Minecraft or hit them to show your affection tsundere style. In MCSM, there’s no romance. There are hints of feelings, like Ivor pretty much crushing on Harper and keeping her flower, Petra saying Jesse means a lot to her, Jack calling Nurm his « other half », etc. But no explicit « I love you » or kiss. At some point, a character says that Ivor and Harper are « back from their vacation ». Not their honeymoon, their vacation.
So, one thing is clear : it’s not a world where romantic or sexual attraction truly exists. It’s not a world where two « players » (people in this world) can have a child.
Still, time passing and old age is something that exists in this world. We see it with Harper having black hair on her picture with little PAMA in her hideout then grey hair in the present. Not to mention that the Old Builders are clearly designed and told to be older than the Old Order of the Stone, the same way the Old Order is very obviously older than the New Order. And I’ve never written the word « old » this much in my life.
My point is, time passes. Characters age. They grow old. Yet they aren’t born per say. So how do they come to life ?
And the only logical explanation is : they spawn.
They’re players, after all. But if so, how does it happen ? Are there any rules ? Do some people spawn in the middle of a dark forest and risk getting killed by monster immediately ? Or is there a rule where they always appear not far away from an inhabited place ? Do they always spawn at the beginning of a day, like normal players when they start a new Minecraft world ? When they spawn, do they just think « okay, I’m here now, I’m going to make the most of my life in this world » ?
I almost never read fanfiction, but if you know one that explores this concept (perhaps with how Jesse spawned and met Reuben, Olivia, Axel, Petra and the Ocelots ?) I’d really like to know its name.
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voidoftheeyes · 2 months
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The Old Builders, an unlikely reuion photo
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Genius MCSM ship. Xaragaardper.
Harper x Ellegaard x Xara.
Power couple (Harper and Ellegaard) who together create redstone contraptions that break the laws of reality, co-run an entire town running on nigh-impossible tech, and train a new generation of redstone engineers. And their third, a former god with eons of trauma who crashes on their futon sometimes and eats all their chocolate.
How is this not the most popular throuple in this fandom
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ok, mscm au pitch idea i won't ever write but is cool to me. i always wondered what happened to jesse in the worlds where they were "made useful" by pama with the headset on and now i'm thinking about how damaging being absorbed into a VR world that knows your every waking thought would be. so: au where the headset plan is not successful, but instead of making jesse "useful", pama traps them in a nightmare VR world while ivor and petra/lukas save crown mesa without their psudo leader.
here's what i'm thinking. 1: jesse is about to save harper, but is found out by pama. 2: pama realizes "well i can't get u from where you are and i can't make you useful without a chip, soooo i'm gonna lock ur body down until i find a way to get you out. yay!" and then locks jesse's consiousness from the outside. 3: jesse is now stuck in VR World while their body is just dead in the Real World. ivor and petra/lukas freaak the fuck out, but like, what can they do?? nothing!! all they can hope for is to keep jesse's body safe down there while they head up and face the Horrors. so they leave jesse in harper's bed, take the water buckets, and head out. they can only hope to save this world, or they're fuckedddd
so adventure ensues. they go out, but since its mostly canon compliant, what we'll focus on is jesse. i can't decide between a fucked up Time Loop (i love time loops, mmm) and have the horror be subtle or have each of their deepest fears just WHAMMED at them without pause. i feel like pama would do the former, since its just subtle enough to keep them busy and not make them realize the fakeness--time loops are weird enough. i guess it'd be something like...hmmmm. actually?? there could be a lot of possibilities. could be a world where killing the withee storm goes wrong, a dimension in the portal network killing them leaving beacontown to rot, SEEING beacontown be succumbed to monsters in jesse's absense, and such like. something just fake enough for them to believe there's something else going on that isn't VR (but just as terrifying).
and at some point, pama comes up with the brilliant plan to MINE up to the surface, because PAMA KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE. so they then pilot jesse's body to make it upside and join in just in time for the climatic battle at the redstone heart--a sort of added pizzaz. so ivor fights one and petra/lukas fights the other...and the whole time, jesse thinks it sjust another illusion in their VR World, so they fight HARD. and, ofc, no one can really beat jesse in a fight, its Plot Armor, so the person fighting them JUSTTT lives. like straight up almost gets fucking murdered.
so redstone heart is yanked out. petra/lukas is unchipped. but pama won't get away that easily, because guess what, the headset isn't a part of pama's whole network. they can hack into it, yes, but the programming is harper's. so then there's a Jesse (Not Really) vs Everyone Else fight lmaoo sorry i have to do it. its so very emotional to me. the solution will be simple ofc (knocking off the headset) but that's HARD since they have to get through JESSE to do that.
and in that minute or so fighting, the rest of the gang truly begin to see past the surface of totally confident and brave jesse. they're vulnerable, they're scared, and pama keeps flitting between full control and none since they're dying, but jesse keeps fighting anyway, bevause they think its fake. they seriously believe they're in a whole other situation than what they're really in, and like. that's pretty important. to finally see through the shell of your friend, your leader, reduced down to their very, very scared core. petra will finally understand why jesse feels the need to be the one call the shots. lukas will finally understand that jesse is not the perfect and epic hero that he found himself to believe, and will love them even more for it. ivor will finally understand that gabriel's predecessor is both just like and nothing like him, and damn it, he needs to stop holding that shit against them. and harper will learn that jesse needs to get the fuck home, because wow, they really are just a scared kid trying to get home. fucking hell im making mcsm angst someone save me
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Yeah so...I decided (for whatever reason) to just write out all my AU ideas for MCSM here, so I can refer to it and stuff. I’ll slowly be writing headcanons for all of these (some already have some but I’ll write more) - If you want to see a specific one sooner let me know.
Also only a few of these have actual names, so if you have name ideas please let me know XD
Speaker for the Dead: Jesse can talk to ghosts, and Fred keeps showing up to help him. All the ghosts freaking love Jesse, and would re-die to protect him.
No-Name: Jesse is an undercover cop, who works for an organization led by Xara (who, yes, is still in jail) and is sent to investigate the Beacontown Murderer.
Twisted Timelines: Reverse AU - Jesse as Ivor, Ivor as Jesse, Harper as Lukas, Gabriel as Petra, and so on. ((https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12757286/1/Twisted-Timelines)) A Pirate’s Life for Me: Every MCSM villain as the main people in a crew of Pirates. Jesse is their adopted child and they would ransack the queen’s castle if Jesse asked them to.
Needs a new name: ((previous name was Into the Forests)) Silentpaw(Jesse) is just trying to fit in with the rest of her(their) clan, but is afraid to tell even the cats that like her(them) her(their) secret. Worst of all, the leader keeps giving her those awful looks, and she’s(they’re) pretty sure the medicine cat is evil.
What Makes a Crown?: Jesse is the son of Gabriel, King of the Pridelands. But when his father dies, and Jesse is told that he is the reason why, the young prince flees the land. When he comes across a strange trio who live out in the jungle, will Jesse learn just what it means to be a prince?
Blood of the Gods: Everyone thinks that Jesse lives alone in the woods with their pig. What they don’t know, is that Jesse’s dad lives with them. But they never see his dad. Mainly because his dad is mostly on the run from his brother. Who’s Jesse’s dad? Didn’t I say? His name is Herobrine.
The Forgotten: Jesse is the god/admin of animals and life. She can shapeshift, and is also thought to be a demon by humans because Romeo cursed her and the other admins that weren’t him, Xara, or Fred.
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leowantsfood · 6 years
MSCM Characters as Warrior cats
Jesse - Firestar
Reuben - Swiftpaw
Petra - Sandstorm
Axel - Graystripe
Olivia - Cinderpelt
Lukas - Brackenfur
Aiden - Hawkfrost
Gabriel - Bramblestar
Ivor - Tallstar
Magnus - Longtail
Ellegaard - Mousefur
Soren -  Onestar (idk why I couldn’t think of anything else :P)
The Founder (Isa) - Halfmoon
Milo - Talon
Cassie Rose - Mapleshade
Harper - Yellowfang
PAMA - Darktail
Hadrian - Tigerstar
Mevia - Sleekwhisker
Otto - Runningnose
dOnT jUdGe mE
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voidoftheeyes · 3 months
Sorry for the lack of art, I've been holding off until artfight in order to try to avoid burnout but I had to draw these sillies
I was rewatching DanTDM play Minecraft Story Mode, and I found Ivor's crush on Harper really fucking cute so I had to draw them
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