#(should be a good reward right???)
the-way-astray · 2 months
hi, hello, yes, if you ever use the word "deserve" with regards to romantic relationships between fictional characters (and real people, honestly) then i kindly invite you to go fuck yourself
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silver-horse · 7 months
anyone who plays Elder Scrolls Online or owns the game and plans to play it in the future, you should login because we can get the Orsinium DLC for free! It's a daily login reward and you only need to login twice during March to get this dlc because it's the reward for the second day. But this opportunity only lasts until the end of this month.
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y'all i promise i was GOING to brainrot about moth but then genshin dropped the teaser for the Arlecchino animated short and now my head is full of nothing but Father
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despertara · 8 months
Irene bro if you see this I want you to know I've been podcasting (talking loudly and emphatically to myself) abt that Grammy Gun post for Hours. I started ranting in the rb tags and then I got so mad I started a spreadsheet on my phone Yes I have the Excel app. No I did not finish my tags
#Pacing around my house ''IN LIEU OF A PERSONALITY TAYLOR HAS A MARKETING STRATEGY AND THAT'S WHY WHITE AMERICANS LOVE HER''#''BC SHE'S A WHITE GIRL NEPOBABY & THEREBY PERFECTLY EMBODIES WESTERN IDEALS: MARTYR COMPLEX + ARYAN PROFIT + QTY>QUALITY + CENTRIST + MID'#''AND IT'S PROBABLY TOO GENEROUS TO CALL HER A CENTRIST WHEN SHE'S NEVER REBUKED THE PPL WHO CLAIM HER AS THEIR ARYAN PRINCESS''#''THE VENN DIAGRAM OF PPL WHO ARE SICK OF HEARING ABT PALESTINE AND PPL WHO CAPE FOR TAYLOR IS ALMOST CERTAINLY A SINGLE PERFECT CIRCLE''#''IN WHAT WORLD IS SHE A TORTURED POET HER WRITING IS ON PAR WITH RUPI KAUR AND— WHO'S EMAILING ME FUCK OFF''#In the shower ''AND ANOTHER THING''#She's the physical manifestation of privileged ppl's desire to be oppressed bc they can't stand when the convo isn't abt them lmfaooooo#''it's hard for skinny white conventionally attractive cishet ppl whose fathers were bankers too!!! Don't erase my truth!!! 😭''#''Taylor is the number one most streamed/whatever artist in the world''#Popularity or notoriety? Bc the US is also well-known for Trump + Texas + public shootings + genocide + wasting money on football stadiums#But again! She's the Western/American Ideal Made Flesh! It's Punk To Have Money And Connections!#And Being White Is The Punkest Of ALL!#Oh my Christ I say this all the time but if university classes have to be offered on her they should be in Marketing and Ethics#She should be a business school case study and that is NOOOT a. Compliment#She couldn't even stick with country bc how truly country of an experience could she have had when her daddy was rich like#She doesn't have the range like idc if you like her just don't act like she's revolutionary when all her movements are calculated + LATERAL#It's not art it's business acumen please she is rewarded by the Grammies bc they respect her for upholding Capitalism I'm so tired#Remember when they gave AOTY to HARRY last year when Beyoncé and Benitito were RIGHT THERE#It's propaganda just like the news plzzzzzzzzzzzz you are all lemmings and she know it which is why she is so good at CONNING YOU#ME N BRO TAG#These are not the comments I wrote on that post you tagged me in btw I got out of the shower to write these FRESH#You know Kacey Musgraves is coming out w a new record too and even tho she got cut out of the CMAs last time she's still proudly country...#I am never drying my hair at this rate#Too busy explaining to you - in complete detail -..........
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onceandfuturemoron · 1 year
When Merlin's had enough
In most of the magic reveal fics i read Arthur is betrayed, hurt and angry and Merlin regretful, ashamed and afraid like he's done something wrong. But it's not true. Merlin has done nothing wrong. He did everything for Arthur. He put him first every time. Arthur doesn't have a right to be angry at all. If anything Merlin is the one who should be angry at having his loyalty questioned after all the years of devoted service just because he was born gifted with magic. For something that he can't even control. I desperately need a magic reveal that Merlin just snaps when Arthur and others call him a liar or question his loyalty. He yells at them telling them all of everything he had to do, every life he had to take, everything he had to witness and endure just to keep them all safe. Screams at Arthur that he's not the only one who has ever lost someone. He tells them about his father that he lost after having just met him not even a day before and losing him before they even had a chance to know each other. About Freya, the innocent girl that had to die for being cursed. About how he couldn't even grieve them properly:) about will. About all the lives he couldn't save. About all the guilt he carries around. About his sleepless nights. About his all too many near death experiences. About how he wouldn't lie, how he would tell them the truth if they just showed a little bit of encouragement. If they just gave the smallest hint that they're okay with magic, that they'll accept him as he is. About the burden he has on his young bony shoulders, weighing him down. About the lives and future of his people, his kind that is on him. About his body that doesn't have a part of skin that isn't scarred or burned. About how he couldn't ever be himself with anyone. About not having anyone by his side when he's there for all of his friends. About how utterly and completely tired and done he is with all this shit. All this destiny and uniting Albion and bringing magic back crap. He's just had enough and he just can't take it anymore. He just storms out after his outburst because he can't see the hate and anger in their faces. He just can't take them.I want him to break down in front of everyone. I want them all to see how much he tried and lost. How more of a man he is than of all of them. I want everyone to understand what he's been through. Because my boy didn't do anything wrong. He always did his best and never had anyone caring just for him, protecting him, pulling him in a hard embrace.
He was always alone. Always.
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erabundus · 11 months
scaramouche  actually  respected  the  other  harbingers  (  and  most  of  his  associates  in  the  fatui,  for  that  matter  )  so  little  he  DELIBERATELY  went  out  of  his  way  not  to  learn  most  of  their  actual names.
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notjanine · 4 months
belonging to this straight woman profession is wild bc i will attend work events with adult women where the main topic of conversation is just. Hehe my husband is just useless he can’t even complete basic household tasks, i didn’t even get to sleep in or relax on Mother’s Day because i had to make the kids breakfast while my husband slept in, i can’t work full time because of the kids and the house OR it’s like i have two full time jobs because i’m working and then come home and have to take care of the kids and the house, my husband just does whatever he wants and i have to clean up the mess while he goes out and has fun. and i just want to shake these people. why do these men treat their wives this way?? why do these women put up with it???? unreal, unreal!!!
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actualbird · 2 years
// cn server spoilers, teaser for upcoming event
okay we've got a teaser with shots that dont show faces and only show outfits, so now it's time for our favorite game....
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....and every time i play this game i always get it wrong and have to shamefully honk my clown nose in defeat but...2nd is purple/blue colors and the faint aquarian serpent pattern, thats GOTTA be marius. right? right thats GOTTA BE MARIUS....
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thats a luke vibes gun (as opposed to vyn's fancy and elegant looking pistol in the bakerlon event, this one is more rugged and simple looking), thats a luke vibes coat with the brown earthy color scheme, thats a LUKE VIBES COOL SEXY FINGERLESS GLOVES!!!! AAAAAAA
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saltinesinsoup · 6 months
aughh man its like. i want to watch something but nothing on youtube is good and everything being recommended to me feels like mindless slop but also i dont feel like there's any good shows out right now that i could watch and i also dont really want to rewatch anything and at its core i think im bored and a little bit creatively unfulfilled
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comediakaidanovsky · 7 months
bro i have not felt hungry in like two weeks. i assume it's a work/living situation stress combo or whatever, but i am getting tired of getting no hunger cues and sitting here brainstorming like "i could eat... chickpeas... or... cook pasta... but... i don't feel hungry... so what if i... ate cardboard...?"
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honeyvenommusic · 8 months
really wish i had more friends into Last Dinosaurs bc the way i've been YELLING BECAUSE WE GOT MICHAEL ON THE VOXXX BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ihavedoorinsurance · 2 years
big long post abt bokutachi-kun bc i have worms
so. a little over a week ago, SoapOpera46 (or Yoli-chan) blessed us with this video and i would like to talk abt it at length. piece by piece. this is the true definition of sadan. so much so that it's going under a readmore (if those even matter anymore. i hear fumblr truncates posts automatically?) anyway
full disclosure: i didn't plan any of this. what's to come is basically word puke, off the top of my head, with no organisation or structure to it.
you won't be interested in this unless you're clinically insane. if you're looking for worthwhile opinions on the video, i recommend browsing the comments section. they're short, sweet, and easy to read. nnnnow, without further ado.....
i'll start off saying i don't know shit about Dream (YUME-SAN as he is so graciously credited in the vid description)! not a damn thing! all i know is he's a Minecraft YouTuber, and up to just yesterday i didn't even know he made music! what seems to be very emo music if this song is anything to go by.
i looked up the lyrics seperately bc tbh i couldnt extrapolate anything from that singing. bokutachi-kun's a star talent and all bless his heart but i needed expert assistance. also according to the blurb at the bottom of the page i referenced, this song references the struggles of depression and ADHD! and myopia, most tragically of all.
here's a student copy.
what to note before we forge onwards: this is contextualised to us by Yoli-chan as a look into Bokutachi's history, saying she: "feeling it fit bokutachi-kun no past very much!!!"
i'm not sure how far in the past this is, but i have some vague ideas pinned on the information that, expressed by Episode 10, Raku and Koneko have already graduated (or dropped out of i'm not discounting that) college by the time the mainline story is in effect.
you also see these silhouettes
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of what i assume to be the girls? at around 1:22, so i'm giving it anywhere from 6 to 14 years ago.
and if that seems like a wide ratio that's because it is!! i have no way of knowing what year of high school he's in, when exactly he graduated, how long it's been since then, or anything. i mean he's a fairly young man so i'll take that into account but that hardly helps
(also grant that none of the story takes off until after Raku and Koneko have left college long enough for Raku to call her fellow alumni "old" friends....also wtf what did they major in i've been asking this for years..you don't see them with jobs ever I MEAN PERHAPS KONEKO MAJORED IN NURSING THE COVID PSA DOES INDICATE SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SO IDK)
but damn if any of that actually matters. you can't even peg the year by identifying hiis fatback monitor and Windows 98 ass OS
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he is using some..EQUIVALENT of early msn messenger, maybe that puts this in the ballpark of 2000-2003
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ik the Covid PSA isn't like properly canon or anything but i'll bet Raku is still using Win98 well after the OS's discontinuation anyway (it went out of service in 2006 if that helps.)
so if Bokutachi's old enough to be in any year of high school in 1998-2000 (assuming this computer is any indication. it might not be!), i'd wager a guess he's anywhere between 24-30 years old by the time NNSG properly starts (again assuming, that 2010 is the actual year the show takes place. once again, it might not be! it's at least post-Hatsune Miku, judging by the Christmas episode). this leaves room for college, but i doubt he went.
kind of what i already assumed, but it's fun trying to put these pieces together.
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also can i just say i'm intrigued by the "nya, rawr" adlib in the beginning? that is Hitoshi's Thing, as we well know, but additionally, in the very beginning of the video, there is a box of pocky on the floor of the hallway.
pocky would happen to be one half of Hitoshi's favourite breakfast (plus ramune. this fuck drinks soda and eats cookies for breakfast what is wrong with him.), so i wonder if he had some knowledge of Hitoshi already this early on. we're operating on the premise that this is Bokutachi's younger self singing, right? did Hitoshi go to his school? we don't see him anywhere unlike Raku and Koneko, so idk. maybe "nya, rawr" is just a popular, cool phrase to say in Amerijapan.
potential cool thing: the one pocky stick upside down and sitting outside the box but near it might allude to Bokutachi himself. you do get the feeling he's lonely throughout the song, he's not got one close relationship with a real live person. not in school, not at home...
let's start talking about these lyrics.
I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time Stare at the ceiling while I hold back what's on my mind And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine" And when they ask me how I'm doing I say, "I'm just fine"
so i like this set of frames
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you see him happily chatting away, but abrubtly he gets tense and stops himself. only after his mood swing is acknowledged does he try to perk back up and affirm to whoever's asking that he's "just fine". clearly he feels some kind of pressure to bottle up his emotions.
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the facade begins to wane slightly here: despite the open ears he remains reticent. another thing: he seems to just be very guarded when he's around people. like physically!
you see him holding himself in the midst of confrontation here, earlier he'd balled up his fist because he got upset thinking about something too long... his stance in general is very tight in public, from what i can tell.
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here, he's got his arms firmly placed at his sides as he turns away from whoever it was that confronted him earlier. shortly afterwards when he's sure he's not being looked at, he drops his little half smile.
in the first image of this post, again at around 1:22-1:25 you see him holding his bookbag straps and powering through the hallways the longer he continues to walk, like there's a sense of urgency there.
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and here, he's around people that are likely just minding their own business but he's just. not comfortable in any way. the song mentions at this point:
"Always bein' judged by a bunch of strange faces Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages"
even though it seems he's being ignored for the most part. everyone who's addressed him thus far in the song has only ever asked him if he was okay. i have to wonder if he's being gossipped about behind his back for being an outcast and is well aware of it.
"haven't seen the light in ages" strikes me as metaphorical. light as in hope. light as in a reason to keep going.
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But the fact is I can never get off of my mattress And all that they can ask is "Why are you so sad, kid?" (Why are you so sad, kid?)
my guy has been in bed all day long, just awake and in bed dawn to dusk, tossing and turning unable to get to sleep. or even will himself to get up. he hasn't eaten, drank, brushed his teeth, showered, just. bed. and the first thing his (probably) legal guardian thinks to ask him when he FINALLY manages to find some strength is why he's so sad.
it'd be nice to interpret that in a compassionate way. i think best case scenario, his guardian(s) don't know how to help him and want to talk with him. approaching the subject of utter disengagement from the world is difficult when you haven't lived it, and i can't imagine mental health resources are plentiful in early 2000s Amerijapan.
but also he doesn't seem to trust his legal guardian(s)?? he's just as guarded with them as he is with strangers, look at this at around 0:56
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he looks anxious trying to address either of them. the way he's looking back and forth between them it's like he's trying to get a word in edgewise but can't.
they're not particularly given identifiable features. they look fairly similar to the "strange faces" he sees judging him, except they're bigger. they cast a longer shadow and they're no comfort to him at all. helps that the lyrics accompanied are:
"And it just keeps on pilin' It's so terrifying"
which implies to me he's constantly in the habit of racking up shames in his legal guardian's eyes. like they pick at him frequently and find reasons upon reasons to scold him, and remind him of everything that's going wrong. maybe the pressure he feels to perform normalcy is derived from them, because if someone finds something "wrong" with him, they're going to pick and pick and demean him and lose faith in him. and that hits too close to home for him.
(i'm willing to bet he is/was physically punished too. like, shot in the dark, but that makes sense to me with how stiffly he walks and how clammed up you see him around ppl. i might be projecting though but hey. never said i was sure.)
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morning to night, he finds himself whiling away HOURS on the computer. time spent online (on messaging clients and what have you) outweighs time spent on homework, and studying, possibly eating. anything else that might beg his attention is forgotten.
anything else that might stress him out is forgotten when he turns on the computer. he can mask (OHOHOHOHO) his struggles online because there's no burden of expectation or obligation.
there's a freedom in his anonymity, in how he can choose his company, and lie about being happy, and they'd believe him. no-one asks questions. there's no pressure. and that makes him "happy" so to speak.
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i say that because only when he's messing around online do we finally see him peaceful enough to go to sleep. the fog on his brain is lifted when he turns himself into this person that's full of confidence and takes life easy. and even though he might be faking it...
Been wearin' a smile for so long, it's real So long, it's real, so long, it's real
that'll happen to you when you use another skin to cope with your own shortcomings. i'm acutely aware of this in particular. this might be what some people refer to as irony poisoning? when you do something enough times, even if it's only for show, it becomes habit, and your habits aren't you as a person, but they can certainly shape you.
i wonder if he joked about dark sshit like kidnapping people and committing felonies, etc. to try and make himself let go of the fear of being judged by others. make himself stop feeling empathy so he'd stop acting so careful, thus unchaining himself from his own thought paralysis. plenty of people do that (and some become criminals later on, go figure)
anyhow later on we have a mental breakdown from about 1:31 to 1:39 with:
But I've been places So I'm okay-ish, so I'm okay-ish Yeah, I'm okay, bitch"
coupled with what seems to be a violent start from a dream of some kind?
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not sure if this dream IS or is connected to the following scenes of walking through the school hallways + out in the grass, but that would actually make a lot of sense considering "haven't seen the light in ages" compared against his internet addiction. like he found a distraction and thus has little incentive to leave. i imagine he's skipping school and holing up in his room or something.
the effects of what he's doing seem to be catching up with him. you can see him high strung when he gets out of bed, and when he answers to what's likely his guardian(s), it snaps him.
i get the impression he either woke up with all this tension, then realised he slept through the morning and made it worse, OR. the dream sharply reminded him of his current circumstances and THAT made it worse.
maybe he's spiralling because he feels powerless. to stop himself from making bad decisions, from disappointing people, from pushing people away, from underachieving, from misusing his time, from taking his life for granted, from being alone...challenging these doubts about your own agency over your life is tough when you don't know where to start and also you're a teenager.
he's clearly wracked with despair over this but can't act in his own best interest due to closing off all avenues to recovery thanks to never opening up to anyone. god the more i think about it, the more i consider "why are you so sad, kid?" to be accusatory. if you feel singled out in being honest, of course you'll try to avoid that.
also note:
But the fact is I need help, I'm failin' all my classes
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damn straight.
jesus that report card. look at that thing, that is straight Fs all the way down. i mean we know he hasn't been doing his homework but god ALL F'S??? IN EVERY SUBJECT????? you'd think he wasn't going to school at all, which kind of lends itself to my idea that he's just altogether not going. or when he is there, doing literally anything else but the work. god damn. relatable
that combined with his outburst, that epic door slam?? that might be what pulls him into the doctor's office later on. like his legal guardian(s) are just sick of his shit and so they get him psychoanalysed.
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no seriously even though that shit kills me every time i see it, i like the implication that they only vaguely diagnose symptoms, write a prescription, and send him on his way. like what's really wrong with him is being overlooked by professionals because the mental health awareness just isn't there. as exemplified by:
"They think that I need glasses"
which is a lyric i laughed at but also...that's kinda true to life. you'll say to your school's counsellor, everything that sings to the tune of someone with executive dysfunction. a spectrum disorder even. and they'll be like
"hm. move em up. they cant see the board that's why they're not taking notes right. have you talked to an ophthalmologist". offering bandaid solutions for bigger issues. and speaking of bandaid solutions, DRUGS
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"I just really wish that I could pass this (Wish that I could pass this)"
That's what the mask is That's what the point of the mask is"
okay so basically from 1:49-1:59 Bokutachi goes through a moment of crisis where he laments his fate of being labelled as "NORMAL JA NAI". either he doesn't like the things the medication is doing to him or he's skeptical of taking them at all. regardless those shits are going inthe TRASH. my guy is like "fuck big pharma" out here
he is not in a stable frame of mind at all throughout this video. who knows if those pills would have helped. we'll never know because he doesn't trust them. he doesn't want to think of himself as someone who needs that kind of thing.
as far as he's concerned he doesn't! he has his chat group, he has FUCKING MINESWEEPER; if he were to try and "fix" himself now, what would happen to those spaces? would he still be able to navigate them? find the same joy in them as he once did? they're all that matters to him! he's become accustomed to the isolation and this is his only reprieve (read as: escape) from a hostile environment.
(how hostile it really is, that's sort of up in the air. i'm thinking he's got the makings of a dude with some kinda cluster A disorder. ADD and autism are also on my mind, depression because of the song's origins itself, but eh. i digress.)
you can see him calm himself down once it's time to boot up the computer again at 2:00.
so it would seem, he's already given up on trying to be more than what he is right now. change is scary though, i don't blame him. especially when you feel like it's being forced on you when you didn't ask.
maybe this is him trying to regain some kind of control, but...in a decidedly unhealthy way. by sticking his head in the sand and acting like nothing's wrong. burying the idea that he needs help makes him feel less like a problem that needs to be solved and more like a well adjusted person that's just misunderstood.
at 2:09 he pulls out his planner (i refuse to believe that's a smartphone LIKE COME ON THE TIMELINE. PLEASE) and you can kind of watch his stomach churn knowing there's shit to do but his alter ego doesn't care.
his alter ego isn't concerned with that bullshit. "nah i'll have time. i'll do it later. and if i don't get it done tonight, who cares? nothing's gonna happen to me and i don't gotta answer to anybody. i'm not scared." he's developing an apathy to responsibility b/c it frustrates him he can't manage it.
i have to ask if this is where his rebuke of social acceptability took root.
you even see him at around 2:21-2:26 pull out his medical records and write "daijoubu" next to the diagnosis. which also slays me but next to "NORMAL ja nai" it kind of reads like "not being normal is okay".
that's a perfectly fine stance to have when you're just a little kooky! just a tad silly! eccentric even! i don't know if that's something you should be saying to wave away EVERYTHING that could be affecting you (and potentially others if it goes unchecked), just because it makes you uncomfortable to stare it down! that's dangerous!! particularly when you don't know your limits
i'm also kind of loving 2:28-2:32??? where he raises his head to his legal guardians and he's smiling for the first time in front of them.
but now we're well aware all his smiles are performative. he's wearing the mask for them now too.
the fake it 'til you make it policy seems to be his safety net. in order to avoid being treated and seen like a walking blemish, something to be fixed, he's slowly grown to be more comfortable acting well to do, or at least unaffected. then people leave him alone. when he's loose and devil-may-care, he's allowed to be himself. which would be fine if that were honest.
in truth, he's extremely emotional. he's sensitive. he's scared and wound up. he's angry and he's self conscious. he cannot function in the way the world wants him to, and he can't stand his own inaction in the face of his self-inflicted demise. but when that's too shameful to bear, you don't seek anyone out. imagine how much more painful it would be to have someone see you flounder. they'll poke fun. they'll judge.
it's like he sees the world telling him to be better, and his response is to create what he thinks is an objectively better person. even though at the end of the day he is still who he is.
i wonder if he starts wearing that mask permanently because at one point he'd become aware there was no running from himself. with this being his only way to reconcile his failures, it was inevitable.
we end the animation with him going to sleep and his maegami "masked" self looming over the end credits. smiling is equated with wearing a mask consistently throughout the song, so i find the image of him going to sleep with a smile on his face pretty solidly telling me that he's starting the transition into becoming the Projected Bokutachi as opposed to Plain Bokutachi.
this is the beginning of his descent into a more dangerous, yet exciting and outgoing person. he is mentally unwell and owning it. i don't know what happened between high school and the NNSG plotline (or god forbid, what happened between childhood and adolescence), but here we definitely introduce some catalysts for his face-heel turn.
and now i have even more reasons to reconsider this little rat man's true motivations and character depth.
arigatou gozaimasu Yoli-chan (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
i literally have completionist brain but for real life and like. not a fun way for me to play games Definitely not a fun way for me to live irl
#bc in games like. skyrim or what have you i do nottt play them right ik there isnt a right way to play them#but i do every single quest and i pick the options thtall give me the best rewards etc and it just isnt very fun. and rhe point is that its#a role playing game so i should roleplay and if i want to see what happens if i pick the other options i just Make anew save instead of#reloading over and over again. and yet#and its not fun in the sims bc j literally judt force them to max their skills get highest level in their careers complete theiraspirations#and then im just like. ok. and it ends up making my sims games so samey and not fun bc ill Make sims thatr different from eachother but#well. 1. sims 4 sims do not act different from eachother Lmao you Can pick different traits but the most u get is moodlets and maybe 2-5#dialogue options. not that much... vs like skms 3 where each trait could change up a sim a lot#butttt whatever. anyways...#but yeah irl im like Noooo i cant just do this 1 good job bc there are all these other jobs i also need to do i cant pick one major i have#to do all of them i cant Not be able to romance this person !! but real life isnt a video game and that mindset fucking sucks for videogame#anyway... like i like completing a game but i wish i didnt let it ruin games 4 me#bc it rly does i never finish games anymore bc i stress myself out over 100% it...#and i make too many spreadsheets abt them. but i love spreadsheets :[[[[#i should go back to sdv again.. and return to an old save thats another thing#ill obsess iver a game to the point i burn out completely and stop playing and then ill get the urge to play again#but i start a new save and inevitably burn out again and its like ! the devil
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lalaboy · 2 years
i think my biggest problem in art rn is anatomy and SPECIFICALLY the length of limbs, its not that i Can't properly measure how long legs should be in comparison to the head- I just don't wanna! i love my absurdly long yuri girl legs man...
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sillimancer · 2 months
2024 us political landscape as someone on the lefter end of the spectrum feels kinda like the end of that one spongebob episode where he finally starts doing fry cook shit after pissing everyone off trying to act and sing and everyone's cheering for him as he gradually figures out people don't want him to act and sing they want him to make their fucking krabby patties
#my diary#do u see what I mean do u understand#every time the democrats do the bare minimum I am forced to hoot and holler to reward their good behavior#omg you didn't shit on the couch!!! good job yes!!!!!! yayyyyy you didn't shit on the couch!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I've kind of soured on engaging with politics online because people get really emotional (myself included)#but it does feel nice to be experiencing something other than abject dread for the first time in like... at least 8 years#and like no it's not enough and you're right to be pissed and want more and better I agree with you#but federal politics moves slow. it's clunky and inefficient and runs on a software designed to consume and destroy and hurt people#you're going to get so tired yelling for immediate advanced change there is like 350 million of us it's just not going to happen I'm sorry#this isn't a vote blue no matter who or whatever#I think because there are so many of us there are so many different things we can do to serve our communities#voting non-mainstream parties has its place in the political system#it's not what I'm choosing but I understand and respect why someone else would make that choice#if I were to spoonfeed any political propaganda it would be to vote at all regardless of how#if you're able to vote please do and do it seriously#vote every year vote local and state and stay up-to-date on special elections#how you vote is not my call that's a bodily autonomy thing to me. your vote is your belief in how society should be run I can't control tha
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fuzzyunicorn · 3 months
Fully meant it when I asked what’s ur🖤 toxicology report? Hopefully high as hell
#b4 any1 whines 1st of all SHUT THE FUCK UP & 2ndly know n understand I want n need him🖤 2 be toxic#not 4 me but 4 others as a deterrent 4 the fuckin’ creepy men creeping on me constantly like bitch boy @ chick Fil a who punishes me 4#being visibly uncomfortable n scared bc he won’t stop being a fuckin’ creep yeah uh try it in front of him🖤 n watch what happens :)#men touch me when they want to and for how long they want to this applies to men at drive thru windows & know my male tarot clients are#touching me & 4 too long like one guy kept finding reasons to touch my hands & would hold onto them 4 as long as he could like no#stop u don’t have any right or privilege or entitlement to fucking touch me#like what the actual fuck? stop it or lose ur hands. my husband would very much enjoy removing ur fingers w pliers don’t make me encourage#him🖤 2 do exactly that sadly it takes other scary men to make creepy men stop being creepy towards women/girls & that really says something#so yes I need n want him🖤 2 b xtremly toxic like no u can’t speak 2 the male waiter I’ll order 4 u like yes pls & it prevent me from getting#touched & my hands held by random men who I do not know and am not interested to know#this is y I want feminism 2 revert back to the good ‘ole times where men could socially n legally duel w no consequences & b rewarded 4 it#hehe b weird 2 me n my husband takes it life like yes pls as it should b bc too many women end up dead by the hands of deranged men & that#is facts#I’ve literally had to barricade myself into rooms where men who were trying 2 do things to me so they couldn’t
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