#(randomly picking up this list where I left off...)
joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Blurbs: Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Summary: Joe is yet again on the receiving end of your mischief. This time you prank him by randomly leaving without saying a word.
Warnings: None, fluff, unserious/funny, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*20 weeks pregnant*
The house was warm but quiet.
Tyson and Miles were asleep upstairs since it was late, and the only sounds were of the crackling fireplace.
Joe was lying down, taking up the entire couch and reading a book, while I sat a couple of feet away on the loveseat.
I was on my notes app brainstorming ideas for stocking stuffers for the boys since Christmas was right around the corner.
Once my list was done, I found myself getting increasingly bored sitting there doing nothing.
The presents for Joe, Tyson, and Miles were already wrapped and Christmas dinner was already planned. There was nothing left for me to do.
I knew better than to disturb Joe while he was reading. After a quick analysis of his body language, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration told me that he was very deep into whatever odd topic he was reading about.
Giggling to myself at his face, I pulled Tiktok up, and almost like muscle memory went to my ‘Joe Pranks’ collection.
There was one video that I had saved that stood out to me because I wouldn't have to interact with Joe to do it. Perfect.
I quickly stood up and walked over to the TV stand, acting like I was moving around decorations, but I was actually setting my phone up to record.
After it was set and recording, I walked to the front door and slipped a pair of shoes on before grabbing my keys out of the dish.
I unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door, by now I had Joe’s attention.
“Where are you going?” - Joe
Ignoring him, I walked out of the door and dramatically slammed it behind me.
Now, I had no idea what he was doing, but I just stood in the driveway. Hopefully, he would come out here.
Not even a minute later, the door opened and Joe stuck his head out. He hadn't seen me yet, and his eyes looked panicked.
“y/n?” - Joe whisper yelled
“Hi.” - you
Joe’s gaze snapped over into the direction my voice came from, and he immediately looked equal parts annoyed and confused.
“What the hell are you doing?” - Joe
I shrugged and he stepped out onto the porch.
“Get in the house. It's like freezing.” - Joe
Now I couldn't contain my laughter as he continuously got more flustered.
“Baby, it's cold outside. Come back in the house.” - Joe
“You just said a song title.” - you laughed
“Yup. C’mon, Mama.” - Joe
I didn't move or even budge so Joe heaved a sigh and walked off of the porch.
A loud squeal escaped my lips when he strode up to me and gently picked me up bridal style. He did so extra carefully due to the baby.
“Joey!” - you giggled
“You weren't gonna move so Imma move you myself.” - Joe
He hurriedly got me into the house and sat me down on the couch before walking back to the front door and shutting it.
Joe made his way back to the couch and found his spot sitting behind me. My back to his chest, his arms around my waist, and his hands on my bump.
“Babe, your cheeks are red.” - Joe
“I'm fine. I was outside for like two minutes, and it was just a little prank” - you laughed
“Shit, the last time you walked out without saying was when we were in high school. Remember you were at my house and I was playing video games? You got mad because I wasn't talking to you and you just left. I remember being scared you were going to break up with me.” - Joe
“Well, I didn't.” - you
“Obvs.” - Joe chuckled
“Do you ever wonder what our high school selves would say if they saw who we were today?” - you
“Oh, all the time. High school Joe would pass out if I told him all of the accomplishments he's made… with his favorite girl by his side.” - Joe
“I love you, Joe.” - you grinned
“I love you too, sweetheart. Now where's your phone hidden? I wanna watch this prank footage.” - Joe
The rest of the night was spent watching the various recordings I have of pranking Joe. He found most of them amusing, but after we finished watching all of them, Joe said something that made me slightly nervous.
“One day, Imma get you back. When you least expect it.” - Joe smirked
“Oh no.” - you
Authors note: these Joe pranks are my fav thing ever to write 💀🫶
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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The Curious Incident of The Flaming Sword in Good Omens
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Just like so many other Good Omens red herrings, hints and *Aziraphale voice* clues, the question of 'What the fuck ist the deal with Aziraphale's flaming sword' has been absolutely tormenting my mind ever since S1 dropped all those years ago.
And while many of my other questions about S2 (like 'What the fuck is the deal with the Eccles cakes' or 'Who the fuck made the Gabriel statue') remain unanswered and could, possibly, just not matter at all and I should just get the fuck over them– the unsolved case of Aziraphale's flaming sword in S1 has always seemed like a weirdly important blind spot to me.
So, in an attempt to finally solve this knot in my brain, I made a timeline for the bloody Flaming Sword because what else would I spend my Friday evening on. Here goes nothing, I thought:
Aziraphale gets issued the sword by Heaven to guard the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC, and gives it away to the humans.
God asks him about it right after they humans have left Eden, Aziraphale lies to her and before even finishing speaking, God just loggs off and doesn't seem to care anymore.
The sword seems to be lost for the next 6000 years to follow and, once again, no one really cares.
The first time we see it again is when the International Express Man delivers it to War in the present day.
The next time we see it after that, is when Pepper effectively kicks war in the shin, makes her drop the sword and proceeds to anihilate her with it.
Brian and Wensleydale do the same to Famine and Pollution.
Aziraphale then wields the sword once more, despite never having to really use it (but hey, it looks capital-B Badass).
Lastly, our Holy Delivery Guy then picks up the sword together with the other (now deceased?) Horsmen's artefacts and they once again vanish.
Needless to say, I found myself nothing the wiser after making this timeline. It seemed completely useless. I still had no idea why the sword even existed and why they kept making such a big fucking fuss about it all throughout Season 1. So, I decided to make another list, this time with all the random ass questions I had about this random ass sword:
Why was it issued to Aziraphale in the first place? Since when does an angel need a random flaming weapon to protect two (2) humans that are already being guarded by a hundred-meter-high wall, when he could very well just miracle away any and every threat to both himself and them?
Was he given the sword to defend himself against demons? If so, why would they give him a burning blade instead of, for example, a Supersoaker full of Holy Water? (Sure, I'm fairly certain Supersoakers hadn't been invented yet, but you catch my drift)
Is the sword actually burning with hellfire? If so, it would a) still be a pretty useless weapon against demons, but also b) possibly explain why Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale were able to kill or at least temporarily get rid of three of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (who, be they whatever they actually are, surely count as some sort of immortal entities just like angels and demons do)
Did the sword actually kill War, Pollution and Famine? After all, the World as we knew it did get reinstated by Adam again once they managed to stop Armageddon. Does that mean that the three Horsemen were revived again too? Unless Season 2 takes place in a war-less, pollution-less and famine-less world, they must have somehow made their return (or never really died in the first place)
Where. The Fuck. Is. The Sword. Now? And why does it bother me so much???????
Alas, just like so many other questions, these too seemed to remain unsolved. And since the fucking sword didn't make a comeback in S2, I guessed that it probably just wasn't more than ... well, a randomly flaming, randomly misplaced, randomly unexplained Flaming Sword.
Nothing more than a plot device.
Hmm, right. A ... plot device.
Hang on. (And that's when it finally hit me.)
It's a fucking plot device.
Most authors and consumers of media are familiar with the use of plot devices in story telling. However, I personally had only every seen characters be used as such, to merely bring an important point across or further underline or advance a story's or main character's development or plot.
It wasn't until I was about to simply give up because I couldn't see my way out of the seemingly unlimited sword-related questions anymore, that I realized: There are no answers to those questions. Just like there are no deeper meanings to any other plot devices. Their sole purpose it so shine some light onto another, more important thing, story or character.
And in this case, that character is Aziraphale. Or more so Aziraphale's choices and his relationship with and belief in God and Heaven. The Flaming Sword (or more so Aziraphale's giving-away of it) is the first way of showing us that Aziraphale:
doesn't always aka pretty much never obey God's will (even all the way back in The Beginning),
will lie to God about disobeying Her
and possibly, just like Crowley joked about, was the one who by trying to do a Good Thing, accidentally gave away something that would later somehow become a literal War weapon, lmao
It also tells us that:
God apparently doesn't always care or cast them out of Heaven when an angel actively disobeys and lies to Her. Or, for all we know, Aziraphale giving the sword away and not admitting to it was somehow part of Her Ineffable Plan anyway.
Heaven is apparently absolutely useless at keeping track of its very few ethereal belongings. That's what you get for outsourcing work, you capitalists.
Right at The End, the sword returns to its owner who had it right in The Beginning too: Aziraphale. And not just that: It actually ends up saving the humans. For the second time. First all the way back in Eden, when it was just Adam and Eve. And now, 6000 years later, at what would have been the end of the World. Very poetic, *wipes away tear*
So yeah, there you go. That's the big revelation I have come to. Would I have preferred to uncover yet another sneaky Gaimanian easter egg just so I could wave it in your face like some sort of a puzzle solved at a scavenger hunt?
But hey, sometimes flaming sword plot devices are just that. And I'll make my peace (or War?) with it.
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bones4thecats · 4 months
hello! I love to read your writing and I hope you don't mind me requesting something for the amazing digital circus. 😊
Could I request Gangle and Jax either with a crush on the reader or in a relationship with them, where the reader is somewhat stoic and shows affection in quiet ways (such as sitting with them when they think they need company, or giving them gifts) and doesn't speak all too much?
I hope you have a nice day!
Them Having A Crush on Stoic! Reader
Characters: Gangle and Jax Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I’ll call you 😊Anon, since you added the emoji. By the way, people if you are doing an Anonymous request, please add an emoji onto it so I know who you are! Thanks! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: None ⚠️
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»»————————————-  Gangle  ————————————-««
🎭 Gangle was scared when she first met you. She assumed from the get-go that you were a fairly cold and uncaring individual, kinda like how Jax was. But, thankfully, you were far from like him
🎭 Whenever she got her comedy mask broken, you would come up to her and hold the object in your hand before repairing the decorative things
🎭 Let’s just say that when you handed her the mask and gently smiled as you walked away to speak to your other friend, Zooble, her face flushed as she covered it up with her ribbon-made hands
🎭 Gangle also likes it when you get protective of her. Like when you found out that Jax had broken her comedy mask on purpose and resulted in her crying, you found him and held him up by the neck and forced him to apologize
🎭 Hearing you declare that nobody should come in that amount of pain, especially someone as kind as her, she realized just how much she cared for you
🎭 She likes it whenever you pick her up on adventures and defend her with a classic glare that would kill if it was possible
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»»—————————————-  Jax  —————————————-««
🐇 Talk about two different people coming together
🐇 Jax is fairly expressive with himself, not bothering to hold back his bad emotions, though he seemingly holds his more happy-go-lucky side back in favor of letting others shine in that department
🐇 When he had first met you, he was annoyed
🐇 How were you resisting the urge to smack him so easily?! And why were you so gorgeous when you would look at the surroundings on each adventure that Caine would send them on
🐇 He obviously keeps himself from actually showing how much he cares about you. But, whenever you come up randomly missing on adventures, the few, that being Ragatha and Pomni, can tell that he is worried inside
🐇 Your silence is actually something that Jax appreciates. You're far more observant than the others, so you can tell when he is hiding something, such as after a small event that was held to tell Pomni about the other abstracted that the others could remember
🐇 He was hunkered down in a small area and he tried to tie himself together when he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot
🐇 When he saw you, Jax smirked and began to ask you why you were here in an annoyed tone. But, before he could try listing reasons to keep you off his case, you stood in front of him and opened your arms in a gesture of a hug
🐇 He began to sniffle before lunging and hugging you, tears falling down from his eyes as you held him closer with each passing second. By-far, this was one of his most valued memories left in his head of you
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autumnvine · 22 days
Everything is going to be alright
Summary: Tom came home sick from work one afternoon, you take care of him as best you can, but sometimes you need help.
⚠️ Hospital trip ⚠️
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Working from home was a huge asset to your relationship with Tom, it allowed you to always be there for him coming home, someone could always be with your dog Bobby. You also enjoyed not travelling into the office evryday for the same work you could have done at home. Sometimes it made Tom worry that you worked from home, you never had a finishing time, often working late into the night and come to bed when he had fallen asleep.
You and Tom had your own little place, beautiful cosy, very personal and just how you both liked it. There was a place for everything, however not everything went in it's place. You had a very organised home knowing where almost everything was including in your home office. The home office was buillt off the dining room for you once Tom had found out you would be working from home indefinetly, he insisted upon you having your own space to concentrate in his attempt to help you leave work behind when you finished and could sit with him.
Tom took you for regular dates, randomly surprising you with flowers, and once each month he always seemed to have an intuition as to when to fill the freezer with icecream, the fridge with chocolate, the bathroom cabinet with painkillers and muscle relaxers.He knew what you needed before you did. Tom was so good to you, although you worked from home he still prepared a lunch for you, because if he didn't he knew you would forget and work past your lunch break.
You both always woke up together, got ready together and left the house together, when he left for work you left with Bobby to take him out for his morning walk, when Tom came home some nights he enjoyed running wih you, wondering how he still had so much energy a the end of his shift. Tom was incredible at his job, he took it very seriously, asking you to read lines with him in bed or on the sofa, he asked if he could tell you his lines while driving and you could check for him. You always supported Tom with everything he did. Tom was very passionate about everything in his life, including you, you were his heart and soul, his whole world, you became the most important to Tom.
When you were really run down fro work he spoke with y our boss and politely demanded they leave you alone for a few weeks of well needed rest, when you had to get your tooth removed he went with you, held your hand and made you different soup each day. on those days where the world crashed down on you, he was always there to pick you back up.
Tom got ready with you in the morning, when you both left, you kissed him, and again on his forhead, "Wait hold on a second"Lifting your hand gently to his head "You're warm? Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm okay my love don't worry, I'll see you tonight after work, be careful, Bobby take good care of hr until I get home okay buddy"
"Okay, please be safe, call me if you need anything." 
Tom left and you put your headphones in ready for your run with the smallest little ball of fur attached to the lead around your waist.
Your run was great, beautiful sunny weather, a little breezy but it was nice. Jumping in for a shower quickly, applying a little bit of makeup, brushing your hair and getting dressed in your skirt and shirt. Logging into your computer and calling your manager to check in with your assignments, giving you a rather long list of work to be compleated in a very short space. None the less, you worked away at it, watching the presentation, taking notes, and building your case. It was just after one when you had a break to take Bobby for a lunchtime walk around the block, before giving him his lunch and refilling the almost emptied water bowl from this mornings run. Sitting back at your desk, you continued to type away, building your case stronger and stronger. Researching how best to continue, it was long, hard and sometimes boring but you did it regardless.
Hearing Bobby bark and run at the front door brough you out your office, startling you for a moment, he'd been so quiet
"Who's there buddy, who can you hear?"  scratching the little pup behind his ear. Hearing some keys in the door lock, it must have been Tom.
"Darlin-" Tom barely mumbled as he came into the hallway, "Bobby I see you little guy, go play"
"Tom, baby what are you doing home so early?Oh my goodness, awwh baby, come here" Tom looked horrific, he definitely had something working on him. Hugging him and helping him to the couch, "Darlin I don't feel good" Tom hummed "I got Luke to drive me home, the cars still on set"
"Don't worry about your car, what's wrong? What hurts?"
"Everything, I'm sorry Yn I know you're supposed to be working."
"Hey it's okay, it's alright." helping Tom take his coat off and placing it on the arm of the couch, you noticed the hair on his arms stand. Gently placing your hand on his forhead, he shuddered slightly "Tom you have a fever" he bearly heard you, his eyes almost shut.
"Tom baby, lay on the couch okay, I'll get you a blanket and some things to help." Gently you propped his head upon a pillow and lay his feet on the end of the couch removing his boots, gently resting a blanket over his legs and back, putting a chilled bottle of water on the side table with some painkillers, by the time you got back with the water your precious baby was already asleep on the couch.
It worried you when Tom got sick, he was never sick, but when he was he usuallly got over it pretty quickly in a few days. He had never looked this unwell before. He had never came home early from work before, and had never had someone else drive him home. You got your laptop from yout office and sat on the couch beside him, keeping an eye on him as he slept. After half an hour of sleeping, Tom woke slightly and mumbled, trying to sit himself up.
"Hey it's okay, lay back down, try get some sleep." he shook his head trying to stand hmself "I'm going to be sick, my stomach hurts" He went to the bathroom and you got him some fresh cold water, taking it into the bathroom for him, the sight infront of your tugged on your heart a little, seeing Tom kneeling on the floor, bent over the toilet, his whole body just looked sore and uncomfortable, rubbing your hand over his back in little circles, running your fingers through his hair. "You're okay baby, you're alright, just let it out."
"I'm sorry Yn, I'm so sorry, go back to work" Poor Tom tried to appologize to you, but you stayed with him until he sat up, "Do you feel any better?" he shook his head and rested against your body to help sit himself up.
"Come on, lets get you in the shower okay, freshened up and then bed." Tom nodded
A little while later Tom came through into the bedroom with a clean tshirt on and his joggers, Tom climbed in bed, whincing and shivering as he moved under the duvet trying to get comfortable. "Darlin will you lay with me?"
"Of course I will" As soon as you climbed in bed with Tom he rolled over on his side beside you, you wrapped your arms around him kissing his head over and over. "You're going to be okay I promise" Falling asleep within seconds of your touch Tom slept the rest of the day, you layed awake just holding him .
The followind day Tom slept right through, you called Luke and explained Tom wouldn't be back for the rest of the week, unsure of what to do you let Tom sleep it off, hoping some rest is all he needed. Not wanting to leave his side you didn't have a choice Bobby needed his morning walk, you kissed Tom's head before leaving, you ran Bobby quickly around the same route you always take. Upon arriving home the house was still the way you left it, running up to see Tom he was still asleep in the same position he had been all night. He stayed like that for the rest of the day.
You really started to worry, taking your phone into the kitchen downstairs you called Tom's alltime best friend. Hemsworth.
"Chris, Hi it's Yn, how are you?"
"Yn how wonderful to hear from you I am well how are you?"
"I'm worried and I need your help I didn't know who else to call. Tom came home sick  early afternoon 2days ago, he fell asleep, woke up started throwing up, had a shower and is still sleeping, his fever is still there I'm scared I'm worried it's getting worse what do I do?"
"Tom is never sick"
"I know and I don't even have the car to take him to get checked."
"I'm coming we can take him in mine"
"Thank you Chris I really need your help on this."
Within fifteen minuites Chris showed up at your door
"Thank you, he's upstairs sleeping."
"Go help him up Yn"
You did as Chris said, went up stairs, and knelt beside the bed, running your hands through his hair "Tom, sweetie you have to wake up. Hey please get up"
"Tommy please get up." you kissed him  over and over, Tom mumbled "Yn"
"Tom you have to get up, come on please," Tom tried to sit himself up, "Yn I can't I really don't feel good."
"I know, come on, I'm taking you to the hospital. Chris is here with his car. We're going to help you" Tom tried to stand but couldn't "CHRIS" you shouted in panic, he put Tom's arms over you and him, standing him togehter.
You sat in the backseat of Chris' car with Tom asleep on your shoulder, "Chris please drive faster, he's falling asleep" tears brimming your eyes, "You will be okay Tom I promise, you're going to be alright"
"How is he doing?" Chris asked
"He's frozen, and his head is roasting, he's sleeping just please drive faster, how much further?"
"We're almost there, he will be okay Yn"
A few hours later you were sitting in a room beside a bed where Tom lay earily still, you held his hand kissing it over and over. "Chris? He's going to be okay, right?"
"Of course he is.Yn he will be awake and just fine really soon, I'm sure of it"
"Yn I'm going to go get some coffee would you like one?"
"That would be great yes, please Chris"
Not long after Chris left, Tom's doctor came in with a clipboard full of notes and papers, you'd never jumped up so fast in your life.
"Is he okay? He's okay right? He has to be?" trying your best not to cry, your heart ready to explode
"He's going to be just fine"
"Tom he hasnt eaten in two days, or woken up for two days, what's happening to him?"
"He is going to be alright, he has a flu, but it's worse for him as he doesn't often get sick, and has a very stressful, higly active job. All mixed together creates exhaustion."
"Thank you"
The following day you stayed beside Tom's bed all day, not moving or leaving incase he woke up.  The nurses had brought you some toast but you couldn't eat a thing, you were officialy worried sick. Why did he sleep like that? So still, so fragile. You were never afraid  to touch Tom or hold his hand or play with his hair, but he just looked so delicate.
"Tom, I don't really know if you can hear me or not, but you need to be okay, and you need to wake up for me. Right now, pleaese. Tom. Righht now. You hear me, you wake up. GET UP! THOMAS HIDDLESTON YOU GET UP RIGHT NOW, please"
You couldn't help it, holding onto his hand you just cried, you had cried your tears dry, feeling the tightning on your hand you dry your eyes, look up at Tom and see him getting up.
"Tom, oh my goodness, baby your awake" you kiss his hand over and over "it's alright you're okay"
"Yn where are we?"
"The Queen Elizabeth Hospital"
"You came home from work on monday sick, fell asleep and now it's thursday, you had a fever, and you kept sleeping. I called Chris and he brought you here in his car, Tom you wouldn't sit, or stand, or you, baby you wouldn't even wake up. I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do. Tom you scared he hell out of me. You're exhausted" You kissed Tom's forhead, resting your hand gently "Your fever is cleariing, how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay, I'm sorry I worried you my love" Tom slid over on the bed, swinging his legs over the side
"Be careful" you tried to help him
""Darling I'm alright"
"At least you can sit yourself up, I want to takek you home" you hugged Tom tightly, just seeing his smile, seeing him okay, smiling, you started crying as he held you.
"Awh my darling, my dear pet, it's alright, I'm alright. Everything is okay now, I'm here"
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ryndicate · 2 years
Dangerous Deeds ⨳ Hanagaki Takemitchi 
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Takemitchi shares with you that he's never had sex without a condom, so you decide to show him. But if your brother finds out, you're both dead.
notes: my first fic on this blog and I'm actually super nervous, hope you like it! Toman was formed at 18+
warnings: female reader, kinda infidelity, creampie, no dynamic but reader has the lead of things, heavy implications of a possessive relationship with big brother (implied incest)
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult content and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
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A knock on the front door interrupts your minor breakdown over which shirt you were going to pick to meet your date come to a half-thankful, half-annoyed halt.
You take one last look at the skirt you'd chosen, short and flowy, before grabbing randomly from the options spread over your bed and pulling it over your head as you pad down the hallway.
You know it's not him, because you told him explicitly that you'd meet him out. 
A peek out the peephole gives you a clear view of fake blond and shining blue eyes, and you sigh as you undo the lock and pull the door open.
"Is Draken here? I gotta talk to him," the first division captain asks, giving you a smile and shy once over. 
"He's out with Mikey I think."
"Is it cool if I wait for him? It's important."
Your smile turns pained. If he mentioned to your brother that you left while he was here, Ken might ask him where you went and that's the last thing you need. But if you turned him away, you'd get in trouble for being rude to one of the captains. 
"Yeah, come in." Trying to hide your grimace, you back up to let him in and make your way down the hall. You send a text letting your date know that you might be a little late.
A message pings your phone as you pad into the kitchen and you pause to read it, a small genuine smile forming on your face.
You tap out a response, unaware of the shadow at your shoulder. 
"Does Draken know about your boyfriend?" Takemichi asks curiously, reading over your shoulder.
You whirl on him, grabbing his face and shoving it away. He yelps as he stumbles back. "No! And you better not tell him, you hear me? Nii nii says it's not allowed."
"Nii nii?" Takemichi looks bewildered to hear the term, his cheeks pinking up the longer he looks at you. "I've never heard you call him that before."
You feel your face heat up at your mistake. "Don't, it's just a habit. I've called him that since I was little. He doesn't want me saying it around the others so I don't."
"It's really cute," he admits shyly. 
"Shut up! That's exactly why he told me not to. Forget you heard it." You glare at him, doing your best to keep the petulance out of your tone. "Just wait in the living room. I don't know when but he'll come back at some point."
"Alright then."
You sigh as he ducks his head and shuffles back the way you told him. He's been here before so he knows where to go. You're trying not to feel bad for snapping at him. It's his fault anyways, he shouldn't have been so nosy.
Takemichi looks up in surprise when you flop down on the couch next to him, shoving a can of soda into his hand.
"What're you—"
"I'll sit with you 'til N— 'til Ken comes home. Don't make a big deal of it," you mumble, tucking your legs beneath you as you lean on the arm of the couch.
"Okay." He grins at you, and you sniff, turning away from him and hiding yourself in your phone again. Stupid brat.
You hear the tab hiss open and hide a smile, sending another text before turning on the TV to make things less awkward. 
But one show turns into two, and you feel yourself getting antsy. Every now and then you hear him get a series of texts, feeling him glance at you repeatedly. It's hard not to wonder why he doesn't just call your brother.
You're conscious of his eyes on you as you get off the couch and disappear down the hallway. 
The phone rings slowly as you stand by, leg bouncing impatiently, waiting for your brother to pick up. There's the telltale click as he picks up the phone but you don't give him the chance to talk.
"Nii nii, when are you coming home?"
"Huh?" He sounds distracted, and you can hear the sounds of shouts and chatter in the background. 
"When are you coming home? There's—" 
"It might be a bit. We're still finishing up."
"You don't know when?" There's no point in hiding the disappointment in your tone. Your brother will think it's because you miss him, and of course you do, but it also means that you'll have to sneak out tonight if you want to meet your boyfriend to avoid pesky questions of what you're up to. That's a task that's way harder than it sounds. As hard as it is to sneak out, you're an even worse liar, at least when it comes to Draken.
"'M sorry, it's one of those things where we won't know we're done 'til we're done, so I don't know tonight. Could be soon, could be late, 'K sis?" he sighs.
"Okay… at least let me know when you figure it out. Takemichi—"
"Oi, Draken! That your little sister? Let me say hi."
There's a chorus of laughter, muffling the sound of your brother growling and an aborted shout before you hear your brother give you a gruff goodbye and the line goes silent.
You stomp back into the living room, the blond's eyes tracking your movement.
"Ken's gonna be awhile," you inform him grumpily. "You might have better luck going out and looking for him."
"I'll wait just a little longer."
"Suit yourself."
Trying to cover your not so subtle sulking, you turn your attention back to the TV. It's not that you don't like Takemichi—it's just that with him here, you can't go anywhere. You've spent enough time with the first division captain to see why everyone likes him, even if you don't know him super well. Your brother talks highly of him at least, but teases him just as much. And it's always a good thing when your brother teases someone, it means he cares. 
Another hour passes and you wonder how much longer his 'little longer' is going to be. You're starting to get bored. 
"So, um…"
You turn hopefully to see blue eyes flash away from you just as quickly.
"So you've—Uh, I mean—" he stutters before trailing off, the tips of his ears turning red.
"What?" You stare at him expectantly, bemused. What's his deal? 
"Nevermind, I shouldn't be asking," he mutters sheepishly, scratching at his neck.
Well now you feel curiosity digging its claws into you. You spin on the couch to face him, eyes narrowed. "Spit it out, Takemitchy-kun."
His eyes widen, caught off guard by your demand. "I just, in the kitchen, your texts," he stammers softly. 
"So?" Your head tilts curiously, trying to remember what was on your screen at the time.
"I just saw that you guys don't use condoms," Takemichi spits out in a rush, looking painfully embarrassed. 
"Huh? Yeah we do." You deny resolutely, cheeks burning as you hope he hadn't seen enough of the texts to know what you'd been planning. 
"B-but—" Takemichi protests loudly, "you told him not to bring them 'cause it's a safe day' didn't you?"
Damn it. You didn't want him to know that, in case he ever did break and run his mouth to your brother. You know it's stupid, but on your safe days you like to skip the condoms. It feels good; you like the messy warmth, being able to feel the heat of your boyfriend's dick. He’s the only one you can talk into skipping them.
"That's only sometimes, okay? We usually use them," you mutter, self-conscious. "I'm not stupid."
"O-oh, that's not what I meant. Sorry."
Takemichi looks a little dejected so you sigh, and he glances up, perking up a little when he sees you're not mad. "I was just curious. What it's like I mean."
"What do you mean, what it's like?" You parrot back at him scooching closer to him as he laughs nervously. "Are you a virgin, Takemitchy?"
"No!" He says it so swiftly that your eyes narrow but his eyes widen earnestly, blushing at the turn of the conversation. "Really, I'm not. When me and Hina were still together, we did it."
"Oh, okay." You nod, remembering hearing some of your brother's friends talk about her. You remember hearing about the breakup too, but you don't remember the details. Ken said not to pry about it. 
"So what did you mean then?"
Takemichi clears his throat uncomfortably. "I've never not used a… you know."
"Ohhh." Understanding finally dawns your features. "You've never gone raw."
He sputters at your bluntness before taking a breath.
"Hina always wanted to use condoms, before," he mumbles, looking away embarrassed. After a beat his head snaps back towards you, his words tumbling. "Not like I mind though, if it's what she wanted! I'm just curious, that's all. Always wondered what it feels like."
Takemichi freezes as you crawl closer to him on the couch, your eyes suddenly filled with interest.
"Do you want to find out?" 
You're being impulsive like always; your boyfriend is a fling at best, a fun thrill for you. He's the only one who lets you feel like you're the one in control. If Draken ever found out about him, that'd be the end of that, so you didn't really get attached. You never promised him exclusivity either, not like you could with your brother and all. But it's your body and the way things are looking, you're not going to make it out tonight so why not play around?
"You wanna have sex with me?" He blinks at you, dumbfounded. There's a sparkle of something unreadable in his gaze. Something like guilt, or maybe relief. 
"No," you snort, grabbing his hand and placing it on your thigh. He looks frightened and eager all at once as you inch his fingers under the hem of your skirt. "But you can use my pussy if you really want to know that bad. It won't be like sex, I'm just letting you see what it's like."
Takemichi swallows. He knows this is dangerous, but your thigh is so warm and soft under his palm, and as you shuffle closer, your sweet scent creates a crack in his self-control. He can already feel his dick getting hard.
"What do you say?" You whisper.
Your hand ghosts over the bulge of his pants, forcing a groan past his lips and sending him tumbling into his own temptation. He's nodding before he can even think about it. 
"Yeah, okay." He leans forward, his breath on your lips. 
You giggle and put your hand over his mouth, pushing him back. "I didn't say you could kiss me, though." 
He watches, licking his lips as you lay back on the couch and pull your skirt up, exposing the simple blue cotton panties beneath. You had planned to change into something cuter before you left, but oh well. Takemichi doesn't look like he seems to mind—he's watching raptly as you rub at your clit over the fabric.
Takemichi looks like he doesn't know what to do with himself, still staring as the damp patch on your panties grows bigger and bigger. His dick is throbbing in the confines of his pants, palming over it to soothe the ache.
Finally you give a little sigh that makes his pulse skip, and reach to slide your panties down your legs, before spreading them. "Whenever you're ready, Takemitchy-kun."
He stands quickly and undoes his jeans, pushing them down and pulling his dick free from his boxers, situating himself carefully between your thighs. He grips it at the base before pumping his fist over it a few times, squeezing the precome from the tip almost reflexively and coating it over the shaft. It's pretty, smooth save for the single thick vein on the underside; you're pleased to see it's average in length and girth, you didn't really want to stretch yourself or have him do it either. 
Takemichi shivers as he rubs his through your folds, the sticky warmth making him feel like he might be in over his head. He looks at you again, blue eyes shining with a mixture of longing and conflict. "Are you sure this is okay?"
"Mhm. You can stop if you want, I'm not gonna make you."
"N-no, I wanna feel it," he mumbles, a deep flush appearing down his neck. He ruts against your pussy again before taking a deep breath before pressing the blunt tip at the entrance of your dripping pussy and starting to push in. 
He moans at the tight, wet heat that envelops his length, feeling like the warmth is going straight from his dick to his gut. A shiver works up his spine as he pushes deeper, sinking in slowly until his hips meet the soft back of your thighs.
You watch him, feeling a tingling rush of pleasure at the dumbfounded look on his face. He feels nice but it's nowhere close to overwhelm you, just a comfortable pressure in your slick walls. His eyes have fallen closed, his lips parted, his eyebrows pinched together—it's so cute, but you stomp down the urge to giggle, knowing that wouldn't be good for him right now
"Feel nice?" 
"Uh huh," he breathes, his eyes blinking open to stare down at you. It's like he's seeing you in a whole new light. He rocks into you experimentally, moaning softly. "It feels amazing. You're so wet 'n warm. Can—" His mouth closes and he stills within you. You almost feel like you can feel him pulsing in you.
"Can I… is it okay if I keep going?" Takemichi whispers, looking strained.
You reach for your phone, unlocking it. "You can do what you want, Takemitchy-kun. You're using me, remember? I don't mind."
"Thank you."
He says it so quietly you almost don't hear it, but you have to bite back a moan when he starts to thrust into you, slowly at first, before he finds an even pace that soon has him moaning every other breath. His hands are clenched into fists on either side of your hips, pressing hard into the couch cushions, his glassy eyes locked on where you're connected.
You can't deny that he sounds pretty, and he's not half bad at this. He feels good, not mind melting or anything, but you told him to use you and he is. He's focusing on his own pleasure, but as you scroll through your texts, you start to wonder what it'd be like if you'd said otherwise. He said he'd only ever been with Hina, but how often? You glance at the time, noting that he's at least lasted several minutes. 
A small sigh escapes your lips as his dick throbs inside you, hiding a smile behind your phone at the whimper tugging at his throat. 
The fact that he liked this, getting off on you ignoring him and letting him use your pussy for his own pleasure—you can't help the way it's getting you hot. You feel powerful. The way he's feeling right now is only possible because you're letting him. 
The added danger of not knowing when your older brother is coming home is making things even better. Who knows how mad he'd get if he found out you were letting his subordinate defile you like this.
You wonder who'd be in more trouble. A shiver runs up your spine, your breath shortening with the thrill.
"F-fuck you keep getting tighter—" Takemichi's voice breaks as you peek up at him.
"I can make it even tighter if you want, I've been trying to relax so you wouldn't finish early." 
Takemichi chokes as you give an experimental clench, his hips stuttering to a halt as he feels the tight squeeze of your walls. You've been making a conscious effort not to clamp down on his dick, not wanting him to think you're paying him much mind.
"No it's okay," he breathes, his voice half an octave higher. He repositions his legs, spreading yours a little wider as he begins sliding in and out of your pussy again. "It's okay, this is good. Feels so good I—I don't wan'ta come yet."
"Doesn't it feel better like this though?" You smile at him sweetly as you do it again and his grip tightens on your thighs, surprising you.
"Yes." He practically hisses the word through gritted teeth, blue eyes desperate as you rhythmically clench around him each time he pulls out, your pussy sopping now. He doesn't slow down this time, his thrusts getting quicker, wet sounds getting louder as your juices coat his groin. "Fuck, but if you don't, hah, don't s-stop that, I'm gonna, ahn, fuck g'na come—"
Takemitchi shakes his head when you keep it up, and you watch with a thrill as the resignation of pleasure crosses his face, unable to stop the squeak that escapes your lips as he pulls your hips into his thrusts now. You're resisting the urge to reach down and play with your clit as pleasure starts sparking under your own skin, and he's chanting curses under his breath as his eyes flutter closed, fucking you hard and fast before he stiffens, the light muscle tone of his stomach tensing and rippling as he comes undone.
You almost regret that you don’t get to cum—almost.
As he coats your walls with several thick ropes of white, Takemichi's stuttering groans overpower the sharp sound of the front door unlocking. 
But the unmistakable sound of your brother's voice coming down the hall, and more than one pair of footsteps, has you both frozen in terror.
"Sis? I'm home."
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Part 2?
© All rights reserved to @ryndicate. Do not modify, translate or repost.
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April OC of the Month: Olivia Hadley
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Please welcome April 2024's MC of the Month! Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month’s OC of the month is…
@storyofmychoices's Olivia Hadley!
More below...
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC.
Olivia is literally sunshine. She is the most genuine and empathetic person. She constantly looks for ways to help others and make life better for those who are not as fortunate as she is. She always tries to make everyone she meets (especially children) feel special and heard/appreciated. It doesn’t matter if she knows them or not. She looks out for everyone. She is just a good person with the most beautiful heart and soul. She is so precious to me. In an ideal world, there would be a lot more Olivia’s to help us all feel special.
Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
I do think Olivia and I have a lot in common. While I wish I could be as kind and empathetic as Olivia, I am still human, and I make mistakes. I try really hard to live by the principles of “leave the world a little better than you found it” (even if it’s just putting away a grocery cart someone left or picking up one piece of trash in a parking lot) and “be kind whenever possible; it is always possible” (this one is a little harder, but I try every single day to show kindness to everyone, even when I cannot show it to myself). I feel those principles also represent Olivia, she’s just better at it than me.
I also think we have similar occupations. We both wanted to be veterinarians and then learned we’d have to put animals down. Then we both switched to Pediatric Medicine. Olivia stuck with it. I decided to be a teacher because Pediatricians need to know how to deliver babies, and that’s a hard pass for me. Childbirth might be a miracle, but it’s disgusting (IMHO) lol. But we both work closely with children and try to make a positive impact on their lives. We both do whatever we can to create a safe place where children can tell us stuff they don’t know if they can share with their parents yet (questioning their sexual identity or gender). I’ve been very lucky to help several transgender elementary students feel more confident and accepted as well as work with parents to help them help their child. I’ve also worked with students with abusive home lives or their families can’t afford basic needs so I’ve gone out of my way to try to help them through anonymous donations and gift cards through the school. Anything I can do to ease even one struggle, I will do it and I think that is very much the person Olivia is. Olivia will always look out for anyone in her life. 
As for differences, Olivia is a little more confident than I am. I drink far more coffee than she does. We both love plants, but she keeps them alive better than I do. I try, but I don’t always succeed, though a cactus I got as a gift from a student 3 years ago just bloomed for the first time this month, so I’m super excited for that. Maybe Olivia is finally rubbing off?
What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life?
Olivia’s motivation is truly to make the world a better place. She knows that it’s not always easy, and there are so many struggles and so many hardships. She really wants to make a difference in the lives of those closest to her as well as in the community she serves. She knows she can’t conquer world hunger or global peace, but if she can make a difference to people around her then maybe those people can help some others and things would ripple out from there. 
After she has children, her motivation splits. She’ll never stop caring about those around her or the patients she sees, but her children are her first priority.
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
Olivia doesn’t like gossip. She doesn’t like when people talk about others behind their back in a negative way. It makes her feel uncomfortable. She doesn’t like passive aggressive responses to situations. She genuinely believes that people are good, and if we all just try to have a little more empathy and understanding, the world would be a better place. 
She doesn't like rudeness, pettiness, or dishonesty.
Olivia prefers order and organization, so she dislikes chaos and messy places. 
If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
If Olivia could change anything, she’d find a cure for childhood cancer. She takes each case to heart and watching children struggle is something that is very hard for her. She would never trade her time at Edenbrook for anything, and she feels guilty for even thinking it, but she is grateful when she opens her own practice that most of her cases become regular checkups and normal/everyday illnesses.
What is your MC / OC’s favorite quote or song?
“My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." — Steve Jobs
“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that, I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” ― Maya Angelou
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." —Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." — Mary Anne Radmacher
“Even miracles take a little time.” — Fairy GodMother (Cinderella) 
“Happily ever after is about finding happiness within yourself and holding on to it through any storm that comes your way." —Chris Colfer
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC?  (It can be why you created them, how they’ve inspired you, or you could write a little blurb as if it is coming from your OC - an acceptance speech. :) )
Ahhh what else to say about my precious Olivia?! She truly brings me so much joy.  
If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ll remember I was an Ethan romancer when OH first released. I enjoyed Ethan/MC’s dynamic. They totally reminded me of Thomas Hunt x MC. However, just before the pandemic, I wrote Bryce, thinking it was a one off thing, but as the world started to shut down, things got darker and scarier, Bryce Lahela’s sunshine and encouragement was something that resonated with me. I tried to make Olivia fit in the role of MC, but I just didn’t like the setup of MC with Bryce. So I made Olivia an original character. Taking her out of that MC role gave me so much more freedom with her and so much more freedom for telling her and Bryce’s story. I loved being able to see where each story would take them. I’m eternally grateful to Olivia (and Bryce) for helping me get through the Covid Pandemic. Having her and Bryce and their friends and family helped me have something positive and hope-filled to hold onto.
Olivia is actually really competitive. You might not see it or notice it at first, but if you’ve ever been a part of any competition with her, you’ll see she will not hold back. 
Olivia has a black belt in taekwondo, even though she never talks about it. She got it in High School. She wanted to do something to challenge herself and she wasn’t participating in any team sports, though she did try to get a pingpong team started in her school but it never took off. 
Olivia volunteered with Habitat for Humanity for a summer in the Dominican Republic.
Olivia has Scottish roots and has always dreamed of going to Scotland. She hasn’t gotten there yet, but one day!
Olivia is almost as lucky to have such good friends in Casey and Merida as I am to have @jerzwriter and @lilyoffandoms in my life. I can’t even begin to express how special they are to me and how I treasure their friendship.
Thank you to everyone who has ever supported Olivia. She is truly a special character who is so close to my heart. The fact that she is truly an original character and you still adore her means so much to me. I can’t say thank you enough. The amount of serotonin I get from writing and sharing her with you should be illegal, and then when anyone interacts, my heart explodes with unicorns and rainbows and all the sunshine. I’m eternally grateful for the support of Olivia, Bryce, and their little world. Thank you!!! 
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iamawolfstarsimp · 2 months
what's up ya'll
as previously mentioned I saw @fickle-tiction headcanons for a superbat (superman/batman) and yeah, here we are
just a quick side note for everyone to go like/follow/reblog her fics and headcanons they're literally the best ever
3,342 words
hope you enjoy!!
It all started with a quiet knock on his door early one morning.
"Ms. Diana is here, she says she needs to talk to you about a mission the team said was 'tailored to you.'" Alfred said in his usual neutral tone.
Alfred walked into his room with the usual greeting and started opening his curtains to let in some natural light that instantly blinded Bruce for a few moments.
"Just let her in then," Bruce mumbled, too tired to get up just yet.
"Very well." Alfred said and opened up his door to let Diana walk through. She walked in wearing dress pants and some new fitted top (new because Bruce didn't recognize it) while holding a folder in her hands and took a moment to look around the room before thanking Alfred and walking over to Bruce.
"Hey, you." She smiled at his messy hair and sour expression. "How did you sleep?"
"Alright, considering." Bruce answered while trying to blink away any grogginess he had left.
"The team found this undercover mission for you if you're up to it."
"Give it to me, I'll look through it." She handed the folder to him.
He flipped it open to see the location which was some island near the coast of Florida where the host was having all of his guests at his private mansion. They had the targets listed with a list of who they are and what information they needed from them. Then the character he would be playing. He was supposedly going to be called Mark Wilson who attempted to go the military (specifically marine corp) but then won the lottery randomly and left (wow, what a great guy) but then used his money to sponsor random charities and then got famous off of that. He also was recently getting into acting and was apparently starring in a new movie that was to come out next year. But ever since his rise to fame he mostly attends parties, golfs, spends his money, and spends time with his-
"Husband?" Bruce looked up at Diana.
"Yeah, that's the part I thought I should ask about.." She grimaced a little.
"Does his 'husband' have to be at the event or can I make something up?"
"He has to be there." Diana said.
"Who's playing the part of my husband then?"
"Clark?" Diana eye rolled when Bruce chuckled and gave her a look. "We all agreed that you two would be best for this since you both have natural chemistry. It wouldn't look fake in front of public eye."
"Is Clark really up to it? He doesn't seem the acting type."
"We asked him and he said it was perfectly okay with him. And give him some credit, he pretends to be a new reporter and has to hold back on everything he does so he doesn't break anything. Granted he has gotten a lot better at the last thing and maybe not so much on the first but we didn't pick him for his spectacular acting, that's why we picked you." Diana explained. She looked at him with a piercing look, arms folded so he felt like he was being scolded. Bruce sighed.
"When do we leave?" He asked, letting some of how tired he was feeling seep into his voice hoping to get some pity sympathy.
"This evening, I'll have a jet ready for you guys and Alfred will come and get you both." Diana puts a hand on his shoulder and rubs his back for a moment before walking towords the door.
And so after a long jet ride of getting into character and banter with Clark he ended up here, talking to some random reporter.
He looked over at Clark (he got to play Oliver Brown/Wilson who was a full time actor in mostly comedy, romance, and action movies and the two met on a red carpet for charity event and they "instantly clicked") who was on the other side of the room making small talk with one of their targets while the reporter was asking 'how is your husband doing, I haven't gotten the chance to talk to him yet?'"
"Oh, he's doing amazing and he looks amazing while doing it too?" He and the reporter laughed and nodded at each other. "I mean what the heck are we all doing?"
"I've heard a rumor that he night be a co-star for you in your upcoming movie." The reporter says.
"Well who said that?" Bruce asks, a playful glint in his eyes.
"He did!" The reporter laughs at Bruce's expression of surprise but then exceptance.
"Well to be honest with you we haven't started shooting the film yet but from what I hear the budget for this film is top tier and they've started wrapping up auditions." Bruce answers. "But if the producers decide the want him in it then they'll let him know, I mean we would be happy to have him, he's a fantastic actor and a wonderful person to have around and just lights up any room he walks into." Bruce was mentally cringing at his answers, he wasn't used to playing the "happily married with two dogs and a house".
"Aww, that's so sweet." The reporter coos at him and he just smiles back. "Oh, speak of the devil!" The reporter says and Bruce feels a hand slide across the small of his back and onto his waist and pull Bruce closer to Clark so now they're shoulder to shoulder.
"Oh hey, we were just talking about you." Bruce says, doing his best to smile and make it look like he was in love.
"All good things I hope," Clark grins at Bruce then the reporter who laughs and immediately starts asking questions. Bruce allows himself to zone out a little bit while Clark answers said questions and just look at him at the reporter.
He didn't expect Clark to be so good at this. And none of his movements or touches seemed forced or nervous and he seemed completely relaxed and comfortable. He zoned back in just in time to hear Clark turn and flirt with him with a wink before continuing on with what he was saying. He would have to take back what he to Diana, Clark was really good at this. Almost better than Bruce was.
Bruce spots one of their targets lingering in the corner, sipping on champagne. "Our target is sitting in the corner, I'm gonna go talk to him before we have to walk out onto this red carpet for photos." He whispers in Clark's ear, head turned far enough away from the reporter that she can't try and read his lips. Clark laughs like Bruce said something funny and nods and Bruce excuses himself from the conversation.
He bullshits his way through a conversation with this target who doesn't really know who he is but is too drunk to ask questions. He gets the information out fairly easy and then spots Clark walking the red carpet and quickly joins him.
Clark slips his hand around his waist again and when he can't hold his waist he grabs onto Bruce's hand as they walk.
Later in the evening when the event is drawing to a close, Bruce is talking to one of their targets. He's making small talk and asking about the man's hobbies since he's already gotten the information he needed.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Clark walking over but decides to ignore him and continue his conversation. Once Clark reaches him he does what he's done all evening and puts his hand on Bruce's waist. He's done it so much Bruce now notices when the warmth of Clark's hand isn't there. He trys not to think about that right now though and just smiles and Clark and continues talking.
He isn't looking at Clark when he decides to lean in and kiss him. It isn't the first time it's happend this evening but he usually did it on his cheek or temple but this time decides to go lower and touches down onto his neck.
Without thinking Bruce squeaks mid sentence and scrunches his neck into where Clark's head is to rid of the sensation on his neck because oh my gosh it tickles. He chuckles despite himself and glances over at Clark. To any outside person his glance appears to just be a couple sharing a look maybe could even be taken as a way to flirt with them. To Bruce and Clark it means "do NOT do that again, I swear to everything on this green earth I will rip your arms off".
Clark just grins and (thankfully) doesn't do it again. But if Bruce knows his best friend then he knows there's more to come.
After what feels like an eternity of the host thanking everyone for coming and explaining why he decided to set up the event and thanking the sponsors, he and Clark and finally back up in their room.
They get undressed in mild silence until Clark dares to break it.
"Soooo.." Clark starts and Bruce can practically hear the grin he's wearing. "ticklish, huh?"
Bruce eye rolls. "Stow it, you just caught me by surprise." He says while taking off his shirt and putting on comfortable shorts.
"Oh really?" Clark says and Bruce can feel the sharp poke to his side coming but he was too slow to avoid it and let's out a shout, turning around to face Clark with a scowl on his face.
"That's not the reaction a nonticklish person would have."
"It's a character, doofus." Bruce says but keeps his hands out in front of him to protect himself from any more pokes.
"Ohhh, okay." Clark says and it appears that he decides to drop the subject for the time being.
The two get into bed and Bruce lays down on his back, thinking about all that had happened over the past two days, how many targets they had left, information they had gotten, how good Clark was at his role, his hands on his waist and his back and his neck and kissing him-
His thoughts were interrupted by the same person he was thinking about. Clark had rolled over onto his stomach and poked Bruce's side. He didn't react because he was slightly expecting it but he did look over at Clark.
"You're really not ticklish?" Clark asked. "I thought all humans were ticklish, it's a defense system isn't it?" Bruce sometimes forgot Clark wasn't actually human. He had to learn human customs and culture and how their bodies worked so he could pretend to be one.
"It's common for people to be ticklish but most grow out of it after childhood because their sense have been dulled by time." Bruce answered.
"That makes sense." Clark replied. "What happens if I do this?"
Clark reached out and Bruce expected him to try and tickle him in some way but all he did was reach out and wiggle his fingers just barely above Bruce's stomach and sides. Bruce instantly tensed his stomach and felt his face heat up from his cheeks to his ears. He just hoped it didn't show on his face.
Clark noticed the reaction he got from that and continued even after Bruce smacked his hand away.
"What's wrong, Bruciee?" Clark said, that mischievous grin of his plastered to his face again. "I'm not even touching you."
"I hate you." Bruce grumbled, glaring at his best friend. Clark just laughed and continued.
Bruce finally had enough and rolled over onto his stomach, face in his pillow, hoping Clark would get bored when he couldn't see his face or any reactions and go to bed. (spoiler alert: he was wrong.)
Clark took the liberty of his new work-space which was Bruce's back and started to drag his fingertips across the whole of his back, admiring the goosebumps left in his wake.
Bruce smushed his face further into the pillow hoping it would spare him the embarrassment of dying to Clark Kent and smother him to death. If he made it out of this alive he was going to kill Clark.
"Wanna hear a nursery rhyme?" Clark asked. Bruce wanted to shake his head no but he didn't want to give the satisfaction of an answer, and a small part of him wanted to see where this was going. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Walking through the jungle," Clark said slowly in a sing-song voice while walking two fingers up Bruce's back. "X marks the spot," Clark drew an X over his back with his fingers. "dot, line, dot, line, dot dot dot." Clark did exactly as he said, poking his back whenever he said dot and tracing a line down Bruce's spine whenever he said line.
"Heree come the spider to bite you in the neck!" Clark scurried his fingers up Bruce's back until they reached his neck to scribble in the crooks of his neck. Clark almost got Bruce to squeal, but he did manage to get him to scrunch up his neck. "Tight squeezeee," Clark reached down and squeezed his sides a few times. "cold breezee," Bruce swore that Clark used his powers to make his breath colder as be blew on his back and at his ears, which tickled like hell. "now you have the tingles!"
Bruce let out a sigh of relief from the rid of tickle-y sensation. He was holding in more laughter than he thought he was.
He thought Clark was done until he started over, doing his little nursery rhyme of torture (he was being dramatic, he knew that, but it was the only name that felt appropriate) for however many more times, sometimes with the words and sometimes without, til Clark finally got tired and turned off the light.
He let his body fully relax for the first time since early today. He felt his muscles release all the energy contained inside of them and from Clark's terrorizing he actually felt tired.
He was almost asleep until he felt a poke to his side, and five minutes later a cold breeze directed at his ears. He rolled over to glare at Clark just in time to see him jump on top of him and start digging into his ribs. Clark started vibrating his hands into his ribs at an inhuman speed, causing Bruce to dissolve into laughter instantly.
Bruce tried to protect his ribs and throw Clark off at the same time but managed to succeed in neither. It tickled so bad, the electricity of the tickles racing through his body and lighting him up like a firework. He shoved his face deeper in the pillow, hoping to find some means of escape in there.
"Poor, Bruce." Clark laughed from above him. "Too ticklish for his own good." Clark made sure to say that directly in his ear so that his breath tickled him. Bruce screamed at the feeling, squirming more than ever.
"G-get off of mehehehe!!" Bruce laughs, resigned to his fate but praying that maybe pleading will work.
"Be quiet, you're gonna wake people up." Clark replies, ignoring Bruce's whines and protests. "There's something I wanna try."
Bruce quiets himself but strengthens his struggles more than ever. Unfortunately a regular human doesn't do much against superman who is over 200 pounds of pure muscle.
Clark leans down and starts pressing kiss after kiss on Bruce's neck, starting at the nape of his neck and moving towards the crook of his neck and next to his ear and Bruce freaking giggles. If there's one thing Bruce thought he didn't have the capability to do anymore, it would be to giggle.
But of course, Clark Joseph Kent would be the only one to get it out of him. And of course it's like this.
"You- wait, do-hohoho-don't! Kehehent!!" Bruce spluttered through his giggles, eyes starting to tear up in his mirth.
"Hm, what's that?" Clark said into his neck om the part right below his ear so that the vibrations from his voice would tickle him too. "Sorry, can't hear you over all these giggles."
Clark was ecstatic about being able to get The Batman, Mr. Sour Face Grumpy Pants, The Broody Knight himself to freaking giggle.
Clark let Bruce roll over onto his right side to try and protect himself even if it didn't help much but he knew that Bruce liked to have the feeling of some control.
"Okay, okahahay!!" Bruce laughed freely, pushing at Clark's shoulders as he dove back in to kiss the front of his neck, even daring to throw in some nibbles.
He reached down a pinched Bruce's taut stomach as well, feeling the muscles jump away from his touch and shake with deep laughter.
"Y-you win, you wihihin!" Bruce cackled, shoving at Clark's face with one hand and covering his stomach with the other.
Clark stopped hearing the desperation in Bruce's voice. He leaned back to admire his work. Bruce's neck was covering in some red spots where Clark had kissed him and his face was bright red all the way from his cheeks to his neck. Clark felt his heart race a little bit looking down at Bruce and realized he was still straddling him. He slid off quietly and they sat in silence for a while while Bruce caught his breath.
"I hate you." Bruce muttered, glaring at Clark. It would have been more effective of his face wasn't still red.
"I love you too." Clark smiled brightly at him.
Bruce eye rolled and flopped over onto his stomach but otherwise didn't move his position from the near middle of the bed. "Mention this to anyone and you're dead."
"Noted." Clark chuckled underneath his breath and lay down next to Bruce, finally letting sleep engulf him.
Surprisingly, Bruce slept the best that night than he had in a while.
For the next few days Clark stayed close to his side, always either touching him or talking to him not that he minded.
But every time he'd try and talk to someone and Clark was with him, he'd take the opportunity to sneak hands into his suit jacket and make Bruce wiggle away from him or press a kiss to his neck or ears just to see him scrunch up.
Bruce always laughed it off in the moment but as soon as they were back in their room it was all glares and scowls meanwhile Clark was ever the ray of sunshine.
He didn't know why he didn't get Clark back, he knew he was ticklish (ridiculously so even, Diana had shown him one time when she snuck up on Clark and tackled him to the ground, wiggling fingers into his sides and scribbling on his neck. He suspected Clark might be extra sensitive to tickling because he was never exposed to it as a child and was also an alien). Maybe it was because he thought Clark wouldn't tickle him anymore if he did and he was just getting used to Clark touching him, he wasn't ready for the touch to stop.
He was shocked by his own thoughts but shook them off. He would deal with his feelings for Clark later.
The mission ended rather well and soon enough they were on a jet flying back to one of Bruce's mansions where Diana would be waiting for them. They'd have a team meeting next week to discuss the information according to Alfred, whom was driving the jet.
Bruce set his phone down and looked out the window, thinking about all that had happened the last few days. He didn't know what was going on between him and Clark and he was okay to let it go for now and just enjoy the feeling of warmth that spread through him whenever he looked at the brown haired dork.
He glanced over at Clark who immediately fell asleep as soon as they got into the jet, chair leaned back and arm thrown over his eyes. Bruce smiled and looked away again. Yeah, he could get used to this.
I kinda went a little free hand for some parts (I'm not great at writing anticipation and such but I'll improve) but I you liked it!
(I very briefly proof read it but not too much because I have school in the morning so if there's mistakes then I'm sorry 😭)
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sims-fileshare-finder · 3 months
Fixing Broken CC - Step by Step
I've noticed that over the years, CC I loved in the past get left, well, in the past. Build essentials and item go-tos get destroyed by updates and the modders who made them never return. So I have compiled a guide to get your broken cc back up and running. Software to install: Sims 4 Studio (S4S) [windows] [mac] Believe it or not, but at least half of the issues I have ever faced could could be solved by s4s. Right up at the top bar is a menu item called "Content Management" > Batch Fixes. This is your best friend.
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Most any batch that broke CC can be quickly (do note that if you have a lot of cc, the word "quickly" should be changed to "slowly but automatically") fixed for you. Once the script has finished updating your CC, you will get to see what CC updated, what cc could not be updated, and what CC did not need to be fixed by the script. But what if it didn't help? What if you're like me, with an adorable music box CC item that still has the option "Listen to..." instead of "Play", rendering it useless? What then? Since you have downloaded (and hopefully ran) S4S at least once, you should have a sims4studio folder in your DOCUMENTS folder on your computer.
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Inside of this folder, you're going to click on "Mods" and drag and drop the CC item that you want to edit
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Now you are going to want to go to S4S and select Object Override. (click on the word "Object" to proceed).
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In the drop downs section, find "Content" and select "Custom". If you do not see your custom content, close and reopen S4S.
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Save the package file somewhere where you will be able to find it later. I choose my downloads folder. Give it a name (I choose the items original name then add "- Edited"). Once it is saved, you will be on an overwhelming screen. Ignore it. At the top, you will see two options: Studio and Warehouse. Select Warehouse then go a little higher to where it says "Tools". Select Extract Tuning...
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What we are going to do from here is rip the working parts off of a base game EA item. In my case, I will be ripping the functionality off of an EA stereo. Almost any item you would be fixing would be under the naming convention "object/object_[item name]". in the top bar, type that.
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Pick anything that will work. In my case, that would be the highlighted item. After you have selected the item from the list, click "Add to current Package". and close the window. Now towards the bottom of that Warehouse tab, you should see something called "Object Tuning". For me, it is the second to the bottom.
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When you click on it, you get two tabs on the right-hand side: XML and Data.
In XML, you can change some interesting things. In my case, I want to change "Trigger_random_state" which controls what radio stations get selected when you click turn on > random in game.
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Personally, I don't want my music box playing anything by Lullabies, Classical, and Baroque, even when randomly playing music. If you scroll down a bit to "client states, you can find a list of every radio station.
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For my example of only letting a music box play Classical, Lullabies, and Baroque, I will delete everything from "client_states" except those options (keep stereochannel_off and stereochannel_randomPick).
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Make sure to keep every <u> and </u> as well as the </L> at the end. Now you can copy the stations you kept and go up to the random section from before.
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You might notice that the random section has n="state_value" where our added items all have n="key". We will want to fix that.
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Delete our "off" and "randomPick" options then delete the preexisting options in the trigger_random_state.
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--EXIT OPTIONAL SECTION-- Now that your item does what you want it to do and you have (optionally) deleted functionality that you don't want the item to have, you should be able to mess with the "Data" tab.
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Change the "Name" section to [your name]:[object name]. Once you click off of that box (or hit enter), you will see that the TuningId becomes a lot longer.
Go to the "Object Definition" file from the right side of your screen.
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In there you will see Tuning and Tuning ID. Copy the name you just wrote in Object Tuning > Data to the Tuning box and the TuningId from Object Tuning > Data to the other TuningId. (TuningId might autofill for you. Just copy and paste anyway to be sure).
Now you should be able to save this file and move it back into your Sims 4 mods folder. --RESULTS-- The white, unedited music box still has the old (and broken) "Listen to" function.
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However, our edited music box now has the working "Turn on" function.
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[AUTHORS NOTE: I accidentally deleted the 'Sims Data' file in S4S, so the 'Put in inventory' option did not show up in screenshots. If you follow my directions to a T and do not accidentally delete "pointless files", you should see all of the options.]
And even better, now the music box can only play the three stations that we wanted it to in the optional section.
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--FINAL NOTES-- Let's say you're like me. You have a couple of music boxes that need to be fixed. Going through all of these steps all over again is more hassle than its word. That's where the "Import" and "Export buttons come into handy. On BOTH the Object Tuning and Sims Data XML files you have on the object you have JUST EDITED, click the "Export" button and save the xml files as somethings like "Music Box Object Tuning" and "Music Box Sim Data".
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Once you have exported both files, begin the first steps two of this process (Object > Override then selecting the item you wish to override). At the bottom of the Workshop page. you will see an "Add" button. Click on it, then add an Object Tuning and a Sim Data file.
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Once you have both, they will look like this and be completely empty.
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Now go ahead and click the import button (right next to the export button we used earlier) and import the tuning xml and the data xml into their appropriate files in S4S. If you go to Object Tuning > Data, you will see that the name of the tuning stayed the same BUT THE TUNING ID DID NOT. Once these items have been added, go ahead and update the Object Definition and use the "save" button in the bottom right corner. Now all you have to do is click and drag this file into your mods folder! Happy Simming!
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sssammich · 6 months
ficlet: in pursuit of calm, lena/kelly
rarepair time, the superior guardiancorp edition.
born out of this headcanon and some chats with @sideguitars because why not LOL
anyway here you go, have fun!
There are four three things at this moment that Lena knows to be true:
There is a flickering bulb in her lamp desk that she hasn’t asked Jess to fix yet. She should, it’s been three days. But she keeps getting distracted that she forgets and then she walks away from her desk only to come back, turn it back on, and have it flicker randomly in her face.
Her coffee is tepid. Because she keeps getting distracted and she forgets and then she walks away from her desk only to come back, lift the mug to her lips, and taste the liquid be anything less than the perfect temperature.
Andrea texts her that she just picked Kelly up from the airport. Kelly, the woman who Lena left in Metropolis becaus Lena couldn’t be the one to get left behind. Kelly, the woman who has not escaped Lena’s mind since she left for National City. Kelly, the woman who just came back from her last and final deployment, and who’s in town to visit their mutual friend. Kelly, the woman who she never stopped loving, not even once.
Lena has no idea what to do with this information.
She purses her lips, her body sagging uncharacteristically in her office chair.
“Jess,” she says finally, pushing herself up after signaling to to call her assistant.
“Yes, Miss Luthor?”
“Reschedule the rest of my meetings for the day. I need to be somewhere.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line, no doubt Jess trying to look at her packed calendar and troubleshooting this complete derailment on their day.
“Of course, Miss Luthor,” Jess responds eventually. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
"She looks at the flickering bulb on her lamp and flips the switch to turn it off. “No. That’ll be all.”
Lena considers going to the nearest bar. She considers going to the park for some fresh air. She considers a list of many other destinations she could be driving herself to. Yet where she ends up is to double park in front of Andrea’s penthouse knowing who is up there with Andrea.
She imagines soft dark skin. Black hair pulled into a tight bun. The gentle slope of a nose. The perfect cupid’s bow of her lips. The cute mole above those very lips.
More than anything, though, Lena imagines a kind smile and kinder eyes.
Her reverie is interrupted by a honk behind her, a car urging her to move out of the way.
She glances up the highrise apartment building before she drives home, instead.
She does not get a lot of sleep that night. She wished she did, hoping the three refills of scotch she consumed during dinner—nevermind that she had such little appetite for any of said dinner—would have lulled her to sleep by now.
Instead, she recalls the time before.
They were circling one another, working up to something. Until, of course, Kelly had gotten a call, one that deployed her far too soon for either of their liking. The U.S. Army reminding them that Kelly’s schedule wasn’t yet her own.
Which meant that it wasn’t yet Lena’s own, either.
Restless, she gives up on sleeping and instead walks out into the bathed darkness of her empty penthouse, the slivers of light from the waning moon coming through her living room window.
She does not know what to make of Kelly’s arrival in National City. Lena had left her old life in Metropolis, thinking that she’d left Kelly there, too. Yet now, here they were. The closest they had been in 18 months.
Lena taps her phone screen on and unlocks it before scrolling through her photos until she reached the last image the two of them took: side by side at the gun range in front of Lena’s shooting target, all bullseyes. Kelly’s lips are on her cheek, and the smile on Lena’s face is one she hasn’t seen since.
It’s…the happiest she’d ever seen herself in a long time. Mostly because this was the day before it all came crashing down on them.
She shuts her phone screen off and trudges to the kitchen to get herself a cup of water, drinking it in slight desperation that a droplet of two escapes the corner of her mouth and slips down her chin.
She wipes her face and wipes the water, though as her fingers meet her skin, it surprises her even more to find an errant tear having cascaded down her face.
Lena returns to work. She is business as usual. She goes through her meetings. She puts annoying shareholders in their place. She does not look to her phone for messages from a certain someone. She visits her lab. She talks with her R&D team. She fights the urge to message first.
The rest of the week goes much the same, an exercise in self-control. Or so she says.
By Friday evening, she is alone in her office having pushed Jess out the door knowing that her assistant has a date and should go have fun.
“Before I go, there was this one last message that came through just a little while ago. I apologize for missing it. It must have dropped from the pile.”
Lena waves her off and accepts the sticky note graciously, the sticky part on the back a little tacky against her finger.
She waits until Jess leaves before she reads it. Lucky thing, too, when she realizes what the message is and who it’s from.
She checks her watch before rushing out of her office, haphazardly pawing at her lamp to turn it off.
She enters the restaurant, giving a name she hasn’t uttered in 18 months to the host before walking behind him. When he steps aside, Lena finds her sitting, waiting. Like she expected Lena to show up. Like she was so sure.
She hates her a little bit for it, if she’s being honest. But Lena finds it’s hard to deny her.
“Lena,” she says, her voice a dulcet tone, having been absent from Lena’s ears for so, so long.
Kelly pushes her chair back slightly and stands, her posture perfect even while at ease, and approaches Lena. She allows her, of course, mostly because she’s rooted in her spot. Kelly then leans forward slightly, but pauses to see if Lena will stop her. She won’t, of course, and leans herself, allowing Kelly’s lips to press upon her cheek.
“I’m glad you came.”
“I was surprised to see your message with my assistant.”
Kelly grins a little, tilting her head slightly. “I didn’t want to assume, that’s all.”
18 months ago they had a similar dinner, but instead of catching up, they were breaking up. Or, rather, they were reaching the conclusion of a relationship that never truly began, at least formally. Lena had been a goner since the day they’d met at the shooting range just shy of four months before that. She’d wanted to get some lessons in and found Kelly at one of the stations hitting her target with precision. Lena had been impressed, but when Kelly glanced at her and offered a polite smile, Lena immediately wanted to know her name.
“You’re fine. So, tell me. How have you been?” she asks, leaning forward, her eyes never straying from that beautiful face. Not like Lena had a choice, really.
Kelly tells her, glossing over what Lena knows are gorier and harder details about her deployment. She can only fathom the terrors of war that Kelly has to carry inside of her, just hidden beneath a radiating smile.
In turn, she talks about her move to National City. About L-Corp. About the life she’s been living, angling her words just enough so as not to touch any of her sadness, of her heartbreak she’s been nursing for almost two years. If only because she knows that Kelly knows, that Kelly seems to be nursing the same thing.
They close the restaurant down and the two of them walk quietly out into the gray darkness of the evening, highlighted only by the lampposts of the sidewalk.
“Are you back for good?” she asks, the question having sat on the tip of her tongue since Lena first heard of her arrival.
Kelly smiles, her face a little solemn, but her smile still shining. “Yes.”
She nods, processes this information for all that it is, and perhaps all that it could be. Kelly reaches forward with her hand, her palm open for Lena to take, if she chose. She never forgot this—never forgot Kelly’s patience for her, for the type of call and response that’s only theirs.
She closes the gap, Lena's hand clasping with hers.
“Can I see you again? I’d like for someone to show me around the city.”
“Why not ask Andrea?” she asks, testing.
Kelly studies her, those dark chocolate eyes always reading her, reading through her, knowing her. “Andrea is lovely, but I’d like to try and catch up on all that I’ve missed, if that’s possible.”
Lena regards her, but Kelly presses on.
“Is it?”
Lena has a choice here. Kelly has always given her a choice, and is waiting until Lena makes one.
Finally, she nods.
She releases Kelly’s hand but not before giving it a meaningful squeeze. As Kelly walks away with a final wave, Lena thinks of four three things:
There’s still a lamp bulb that needs fixing that she really needs to talk to Jess about come Monday morning.
Tomorrow, she thinks she’ll visit the shooting range again.
The sight of Kelly has slowly unraveled her in the last few days, yet her heart is peacefully beating in her heart, calm and steady.
She has no idea what to do with this information, but she thinks she doesn’t mind finding out.
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darkfictionjude · 3 months
📜 ➡️ 🔍 ⤵️
Hello! It's been a while since I last played We Wretched Creatures, and I instinctively hovered to the left expecting to find the back button, only to realize…it wasn't there 🙉.
Personally, I rely on it to save on save slots. I use the saves at the beginning of new episodes, for critical choices or events. The back button is when I want to see how a character reacts to a different dialogue option than what my MC would normally choose, or when I need to backtrack because this time I picked a choice that didn't reflect my character well ( non self-inserting readers will understand ). It's handy for non native speakers and for those who have trouble grasping the real meaning/ intention behind a choice or even for those who restarted the game, breezing through it, picking their usual choices and accidentally end up misclicking another, without the need to redo the episode. For example, when we got to pick a clothing style only the name of the style was listed but the actual clothes were detailed once the style chosen, I didn’t like what I ended up with and I didn’t save for a while before that so I had to restart the chapter.
Without the back button, I find myself saving at flavour/ aesthetic choices like these in addition to the beginning of an episode and at major decisions. However, the limited number of save slots means I resort to unnamed disk saves ( multiple ), which I then have to search for in my countless downloads and try each of them to end up with the one I am looking for ( run game -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one -> go back to browser -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one ->… ). When I could just “ turn back a page “, now I have to search for that particular page among dozens because no matter what “ the bookmarks “ always end up scattered which honestly makes what was supposed to be a leisure reading feels like a chore.
Believe me when I say horror was the last genre I thought I would end up liking, but playing 💪🥊 WWC 🥊💪 made me realize it wasn’t so bad. I was in literal tears when we had to hide from the white draped mouth blower ( the vivid description of that scene made it incredibly easy to visualize, especially the way the "ghost" breathed. I find that this applies to the whole IF, the words used to describe what's going on are as straightforward as can be, which removes nothing of the horror element. I am also fond of the ads that serve as interludes ). I still randomly get mental images of the cheese rats ? mice ? that spill blood when hurt ( instead of liquified cheese ?! ) and I have never felt more disgusted when I think of cheese. I never thought that reading horror would make me actually feel the fear and enjoy it, but you did, and I still get caught by surprise even with the back button. 
I have been meaning to continue where I left off, but just thinking about the amount of work saving and loading will require I feel discouraged. Please bring back^2 button-kun 🙊💗. Also 👀, Nia is of Algerian🇩🇿 descent ? ( glad to see some representation in IF format ).
So I’ve had this question before and I’ve said the say thing: I’m sorry but I don’t want to do that 😭 it’s a choice I made and there’s nothing I see wrong with it given many ifs have the same thing and no one says anything. I’m a non-native English speaker too so I get it but I can’t think of every problem every player can have, that’s not fair to me.
The very reason I made this choice is for the reason you stated, that there are certain critical choices I want to actually be felt. What’s the point in me making choices that I want to have an impact and not be taken back and someone can just click the back button and undo it? To me that just means the choices don’t matter and that there’s no point in me caring about what I write to get myself and you guys excited because it can be so easily undone. In video games the thrill is sometimes messing up or saving to try again, not clicking back immediately. In books main character make choices that will have consequences. IF blends these two things together. I guess maybe on the other side as a reader, you not understand what I mean but since I put so much work in this already can’t I have it matter in-game? It’s not too much to ask for. Given that I put so much work in (300,000+ words) is it awful for me to ask the readers to be slightly inconvenienced?
I hope I don’t sound offended or angry at you nonnie, I swear I’m not. It’s just when people ask me this I feel they think I did this just be an asshole and not because I had a reason. I’m trying to give my pov. You can dislike the choice but please don’t ask me to undo it because then all it ends up doing is making me feel bad and then I’ll add it against my own wishes and that will motivate me to just stop really caring about what I’m writing if it can so easily be undone and this will be just another IF that gets abandoned
Although for the clothing options I will end a return button like I did for the faking dating side quest countries section.
Thank you for your kind words on the game itself though, I tried my best to have the ROs have background not that common and I’m so happy people liked the morgue scene I was really doubting it’s potential when I wrote it 💜
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beedlemania · 1 month
I know you sent me a davybaby ask so long ago and i’ve been so so busy this summer with work and getting ready for school, i just haven’t felt like using my brain im so sorry 😭
but now I have davybaby thoughts and I need to get them out!!
mike and davy go out to the store together one day (micky’s staying at his mom’s because his sister’s are down and peter had wanted to go out and play his banjo in front of the local movie theater, so mike was home with davy and decided then was a good time to get the grocery shopping done) and davy had been feeling little on-and-off, mostly at home because it’d suddenly become part of their routine but at this point he’s still pretty embarrassed that he feels little, but at home mike makes him feel safe and loved so he lets himself have it.
anyway, they walk past a shelf of toys and davy spots this little red and green stable with ten toy horses and suddenly he gets so excited about it but he’s pretty embarrassed that he’s getting so excited by a kids toy so he lets it pass and they keep on walking.
but davy can’t stop thinking about it and as they keep going through the store he worries someone is going to see it and buy it, but he feels a bit guilty because he doesn’t want to take a toy away from an actual kid, but he tries his best to ignore his feelings.
they circle back around a couple of times and davy can’t help but peer down the aisle where the toys were to check if the stable is still there. at one point mike sees him glancing over to that aisle and makes note of it in his head but they keep walking on since davy doesn’t say anything.
eventually davy starts biting on the nail of his thumb and mike asks if he’s okay and davy nods that he is. mike gives his shoulder a small squeeze and keeps a hand on davy’s back and they keep going through the store.
eventually they’ve picked up most of what’s on their list. they walk past the toy aisle and almost pass it and davy finally can’t help it anymore and tugs on mike’s sleeve and quickly points behind him toward the toy aisle. he’s rubbing his bottom lip with the nail of his thumb and his eyes are big and nervous. he doesn’t know how mike will react because they already have so much to get and davy doesn’t really know if he should act little outside of the pad. mike glances behind him and suddenly it clicks that there’s toys down there and so he swings the cart around and they go look.
davy runs over to the horse stable (that’s thankfully still there!) and grabs it and dashes back over to mike all excited but still with a bit of nervousness cause mike could say no. but mike knows davy doesn’t have a lot for when he regresses, mainly just his blanket and the few stuffed animals that belong to peter that pete will let davy cuddle with so he smiles and goes “you want this?” and davy nods and mike goes “okay babe!” (he quickly flips the stable over to see the price as he pulls davy in for a little hug just in case but he’s relieved to find it’s not too much)
and so davy gets his horses! i didn’t mean to start writing a novel. i wasn’t gonna describe everything in detail but it just kept happening lol!
so many thoughts !! <3
This is so adorable!!!
They put it on the check out to pay for it and Davy immediately starts looking around all conspicuously like he’s trying to be nonchalant and be like “whaaaa for me? You must be joking!” Because the cashier is pretty but it just makes everyone more suspicious.
Mike doesn’t let him play with it in the car because it wouldn’t be practical and Mike really doesn’t want to find a toy horse randomly so when they get to the Pad Davy sprints inside to play with it and Mike is left to his own devices to bring in the shopping. When Micky and Peter get home they’re curious as to what Davy’s playing with but every time they get too close Davy wraps himself around it and glares at them. Mike knows he should be having a sharing talk with him but he resigns to let Davy at it for at least a day because it’s his first toy, he’s allowed to be protective. Mike also knows that by tomorrow Davy will be asking someone to play with him so it’ll all work itself out.
Davy eventually comes to having a favourite horse which he takes with him everywhere. It eats with him, takes baths with him, and sleeps with him. Davy says goodnight to each of his horses every night and Mike is still trying to figure out if it’s a cute thing Davy does or if he’s trying to stall bedtime.
Eventually, in a typical monkee romp, the stable ends up getting broken and Davy’s devastated. He cries for hours because now his horses have no where to live (hes crying because this was his first toy all for him and now it’s gone). The guys all pitch in their extra cash to get him a new one because they know how much it means to him, its not just a toy it’s Davy’s in a house where everything is shared and its a symbol that the guys are okay with him regressing because deep down Davy will always need reassurance that they don’t mind, but of course the toy is sold out. They search everywhere in town but its been so long since they bought it that it’s no longer being sold anywhere. Mike doesn’t know what to do, Peter gets an ice cream in the face for asking a kid if he can have his, but Micky decides to take this as a personal challenge.
Micky disappears onto the porch for days and he puts a big makeshift curtain around him (the covers are mysteriously gone off his bed) so no one can see what hes doing. He sends everyone away when they come outside to him until after a few days he comes back in with a handmade stable. It’s not as good as the toy, it’s all wonky and a mismatch of colours, but Davy absolutely adores it. He cries and hugs Micky super tight for a solid two seconds before its playtime with his new stable. His horses love it of course and after getting to play with it, Davy disappears on his own little project (with mikes supervision) and makes Micky a drawing of him and Davy at the stable with all his horse friends. Micky frames it.
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joviepog · 1 year
Puddle of tears
Where you and wilbur cry and sing the songs you made together after both of your horrid breakups. Finally reuniting.
(Part two of Jovie’s series, “Click”.)
Part 1 — Part 3
Warnings: cursing, angst, mention of depression, sad, signs mental abuse, signs of manipulation.
Pronouns: She / They
Who: Wilbur soot x reader
Word count: 2014 words!
Tag list: No one
Anything else: So, ive been having hard times irl and i think this was a great way for me to express them in a way you guys will love. I started writing this right after i made the first one because this was the part i was most excited to write. I put a couple of songs in there to give you the aesthetic but by all means you do not have to listen to them. They are just what i thought the mood was in that period of time. Though i do recommend to listen to the second song (at least the beginning) because that is the song they sing together. Like always, I’ve gotten almost no sleep s please excuse any errors.
This story was NOT proofread.
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Listen to this as you read!
You sat on you bed, snuggled up in some blankets. You were reading, trying to get your mind off of anything and everything. Wilbur was sitting on the opposite side of your bed, sitting with his knees to his chest. He was scrolling through his phone. His eyes seemed wary and his eye bags only made them look worse. One of his arms were hugging his leg while the other held his phone.
You could only guess you looked worse. You haven’t slept in days. You haven’t showered in a good while and all you’ve eaten are a couple of ramen noodles that you got from the nearest store. You’ve been in your pajamas for days, only changing them every 4 days. You’ve barely been drinking any water and you’ve only brushed your teeth 4 times in the last 6 days. The only thing keeping your breath from smelling of garbage are a couple of packets of gum that you have lying around your flat. Your eyes were red and puffy from all the crying sessions you had the night before.
You were lucky that wilbur was even dealing with you. You felt so lucky to have your friend with you again. The fact he even drove 20 minutes away just to be with you every day is absolutely bewildering. You reunited with him the day you got broken up with. You remember it clear as day.
You had gotten a text from Josh. Someone you haven’t heard from in ages. You where in the middle of making yourself some ramen when you checked your phone. You remember feeling scared. Like he was going to yell at you for not talking to him for so long. For leaving soothouse randomly. For yelling at him the day he asked what was wrong. You where so scared. You left the text message alone for hours. Till you finally opened it up around 10 pm. Your eyes widened when you read it.
He wasn’t yelling at you, he wasn’t asking you questions, he wasn’t even talking about you. The text message was small and clear, “Wilbur got his heartbroken by some girl who used him to travel the world. I think he needs help, he’s struggling but he wont talk to any of us. He trusts you. Can you talk to him?” He was talking about wilbur. The one person you didn’t dare talk to. The one person, that you were really, really scared to talk to. You didn’t have it in you to comfort anyone. You needed to be comforted by someone…
And yet, you found yourself calling Wilbur. The first call was a let down, and yet you knew it was going to happen. You heard the phone ring and ring until it went to voicemail. You were going to give up. You really were. But something told you to try again. ‘Just one last time’
You clicked the call button once again. Expecting it to ring out. But after one ring the phone was picked up. You stayed silent, unable to speak, scared. There was a small sniffle from the other side. And you couldn’t help but sniffle back. You two sat in silence for a moment, only the sounds of soft sniffles coming through. But, when you were ready to hang up, to curse at yourself for even trying; you heard four words over the phone.
“Can I come over?” There was a silence once again. The voice was groggy, it sounded as if it was forced out. You could tell he had been crying. You wanted to cry too… “Yeah…” was all you could manage to get out. You hadn’t told anyone about the breakup. But your ex probably told everyone. Wilbur was probably one of the first people he told. He was so obsessed with wilbur, you hated him so much for it.
This caught your attention. Tears started to form, “You- You think we are going to break up one day?” Your voice was meek, unable to bring to many words out. Tears started to flow from your face as you looked up at him from where you were seated. His gaze softened a bit, (which now that you think back on it he might have thought he had gotten caught) and worry covered his face.
“If.” He paused, “If it happens. I don’t think it will. But if it does it will be the first thing I do.” He kneeled to where you were sitting and cupped you face in his hands. With his thumb he rubbed your tears away. “See what he caused baby? He wants this to happen.” He paused as he leaned his forehead on yours, “stop talking to him baby, then none of this will ever happen again.”
You nodded, scared of what he would do if you said no. He smiled at you and pulled away from your face. He gave you a soft kiss before walking away, not looking back. Once you made sure that he left you cried. You cried so hard. Later that day he made sure you wouldn’t talk to wilbur at all. Your surprised he even let you keep his contact.
Once wilbur got there he knocked slowly. That doesn’t matter though. Because by the first knock you where already there to open the door. You opened the door quickly. It had been over a year that you hadn’t seen him. Your eyes widened when you saw him. The moment you laid eyes on him tears started to form. And by the time you took a few steps to hug him, you were already crying. Your tears soaking his sweater. He hugged you back and started to cry too. He buried his face in your hair as he did.
It was a beautiful moment. You felt so lost without him. And now that you two were together you felt complete. Like you finally gained back your missing piece. You two kept crying in each others arms. You didn’t want to let go. You wouldn’t let go. It was this beautiful, sad reunion that must have been so awkward for your neighbors.
And now, as you sat here in a comfortable silence with wilbur you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of both happiness and sadness. Wilbur was going through the same thing you were going through. He felt like someone you could really just… relax with. In these days of misery you and wilbur have made some stupid breakup songs. You both memories them by now but you stopped singing them about a week ago. You think you guys just kind of gave up. On everything. You guys barely talk on a daily. You guys just sit in a comfortable silence.
Suddenly you find yourself standing up and walking towards your cupboard, pulling out a new set of pajamas.
“What are you doing?” Asked wilbur as he looked up from his phone. “I’m going to take a shower and brush my teeth. I feel disgusting. Maybe getting myself together again will help?” I say, more of a question than a statement. He nods a yes and looks back at his phone. You sigh and walk away, cursing at yourself for even getting up. You already regretted your decision and you weren’t even to the restroom yet. You arrived to the restroom and opened the door, you walk in and lock the door behind you. You let out a sigh once again. You set your cloths aside as you turn on your shower. You quickly get your toothbrush out and you start brushing your teeth, waiting for the water to heat up. Once your done brushing your teeth and you see the mirrors start to fog up you undres and get in the shower. The hot water relaxing your body. You let out one last sigh. Letting the water calm your body for a bit more. But after a few seconds you get to work. You scrubbed your hair and your body like there was no tomorrow. And once you felt clean, you tuned off the water and grabbed the towel. You dried your body then you wrapped you hair in the towel. You stepped out of your shower and put on some lotion and cloths. You felt like a whole new person. You felt refreshed, you were surprised you even made it out of the bed.
Anyway, once you got back into the room with wilbur he had a guitar in hand. He smiled at you and you smiled back. You plopped yourself on the bed next to him. You saw as his fingers moved too were they need to go next. “Are you willing to sing a bit?” He says with a smile, it seems forced, but you nodd.
Listen to this for the next part:
“He never had cool stories. He doesn't make your heart beat.Used to love his mystery. But now he's just exhausting. Another day spent just laying in his room. The stench of incense. And some undelivered food.” You forced a smile as you heard him play. This was your song. The one that hurt you the most. Nevertheless, he continued.
“And she thought. ‘What if he thinks I'm the one?’” You sang that part with him. The memories rushing back. You felt a lump in your throat form as the two fo you continued.
“And I'll be forced to rot away, with him and his obsessions, with trivial things. Like the amount of fucking love hearts I finish a text message with.” You laughed a bit at the end, thinking about how much he cared about stupid little things. The lump I your throat grew bigger and you cursed at yourself upon how just one song could get you so emotional.
“And when you hold his hands…” Then it was your turn, “ It doesn't feel like flying.”
“And when you take his breath away…” he looked at you with a small smirk as you sang, “he might as well be dying.”
“And you're dying to breathe, You're trapped in his cage.” He paused for a moment as he looked at you, his face now covered with worry and sadness, “And its shrinking.
“And she thought, ‘What if he just never leaves?Or if he doesn't get the message?And he doesn't hear my please?‘“ You started to tear up, all the pain, and all the depression, and all the feelings came back. You felt it all. Like you were expierenceing it all over again. You looked down as you continued singing, you could already feel his nervous gaze. But once again, he proceeded.
“So she just started screaming… Why can’t he just bore me to death.” A reference to some old text with wilbur. You started to feel your pajamas becoming wet. Wilbur paused, looking at you and putting your hand on your shoulder. “YN..”
You shook your head, tears still flowing down your face. “Keep singing. It’s alright.” He sat in silence for another moment before singing another song. One of his songs. You leaned on his shoulder and you started to cry on it. You could hear his voice starting to sound choppy as well but he persisted. As you cried you found yourself drifting to sleep. His voice calming you as he went. Even if it was choppy because of his tears. You still loved it.
And soon, you found yourself asleep. Lying in a puddle of tears.
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Yeah like i said before this was really nice to write. Also im working on being able to use links right so it should be up on my pinned soon.
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beesmygod · 1 year
What would you say is a good goal checklist for someone trying to move out from a restrictive homelife with their parents in the middle of the woods in Connecticut to a place with at least more interesting people and things to do? I have a bit of money saved up but I don’t have a real desire to live in a specific area, just anywhere but here. Dont have a reliable support network, i just bounce off most internet communities. Asking for advice because I envy your independence
thats a very sweet thing to say when i feel pretty pathetic lately lol.
i think it might be difficult because of how expensive and fucked up everything is right now, so much of my advice from 10 years ago may no longer apply :(
im a pathological worrier so i would try to have a lot of ducks lined up before i left so that i can acclimate to a new environment without the stress of having to burn through my savings. i would move somewhere within driving distance (even if that means staying there overnight or whatever) where you can see your living space for yourself (these zoom tours are huge bullshit lol) before you move. try to move near or with people you know. i got lucky in that my roommate experience was largely positive overall and taught me a lot. but if you dont want that, i would try to move somewhere where someone (a friend or trusted family) can check up on you if something happens. try to see the apartment later in the afternoon after school is out to see how loud the local kids are and if you can hear them through the walls lol
this area of the east coast seems pretty pleasant and the services are better than the majority of the country, so sticking around here wouldnt be a bad idea. i would file for any and all state benefits you qualify for ahead of time after you get an address so that when you have to fight with them about it it only takes one month instead of two lol. try to put 10% of you paycheck aside every month for savings and put it in an actual savings account. try and find a credit union if you can.
get on medicaid if you can and get a physical with the clinic that is going to be "your clinic" from now on. same thing with getting your teeth cleaned. same with behavioral health if you need it. there might be waiting lists to call early bc they dont get any shorter.
then i would start trying to get a job lined up. benefits can help tremendously in case its tough out there in the job market and it takes longer than you thought. once you move, take a few walks to figure out the "mood" of your neighborhood lol. i dont know how to describe this. but it will help you pick up on any local social mores or customs (that sounds too dramatic) or just the vibe of the area.
uuuh im trying to think of other things. the most indulgent advice i can give is hire movers every single time if you can afford it. be ready for them to be late. i never ever want to move ever again in my life i HATE the process of moving. i would walk over broken glass on the rim of a volcano if it meant other people would move boxes for me up and down stairs.
oh shit thats right. ok this is a matter of preference but remember these basic things when picking out an apartment:
do not get a ground floor apartment. thats only if you want to get randomly murdered or creeped on. also everyone who walks by will look into your apartment bc thats just human nature.
all of my apartments were on the top floor (2 or 3) which meant no noise from above. i loved this. but YOU must be the quiet one now.
the higher up the apartment the further you have to walk to take the trash down to the dumpster in snowstorms
i hope all of this helps. my restrictive family wanted to be introduced to my roommates ahead of time which was a little embarrassing but understandable as i was moving in with 3 men. when they immediately realized they were dorks, their hearts were at ease. your family may be the same (maybe) and if your roommates are up for it you can use it as a bargaining chip.
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lake-archive · 5 months
Track 5
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: The Past Is The Past... Right?
Characters: Eli (by @watersofcamelot), Kuko Harai
AO3 Link
Track 4 - Track List - Track 6
A place a bit further away and thus Kuko had not expected any encounters if he was completely honest. And yet, it seemed to be that he would spot a familiar face yet this one had been gone just as quickly as he had spotted it. Over and over again for a while.
At first he had thought that he was just imagining things, some punk dealing with punks on his own accord. Maybe they picked a fight or something like that, that was his best guess. It wouldn’t be unusual in some areas around here. After all, how else would one explain the pile of guys randomly lying on the streets right then and there? It was for sure a sight at the very least. And yet, it all became more clear when seeing one more guy flying right on top of said pile after hearing the following:
“ Final verse time!
But I will hold my breath…
I’ll keep it short, my special treat for ya.
Outta the way punk!
Would ya mind!?
No? Whatever, thanks. ”
The lines were said with a certain amount of aggression, more than Kuko had been used to, even from the voice he was hearing it from. Though it was enough to knock out the dude on top of the pile of guys and managing to take a peek right behind it gave the voice a face, a familiar one. A tall guy with raven black hair, scratching the back of his head with an annoyed sigh. “The hell are these idiots picking a fight for?” He commented before looking around a few times, eyes scanning the area slowly for a moment. “Not here either… Damn it.” And then he just walked off, right into the distance, hands in his pockets. It wasn’t exactly a leisure walk he was taking yet he seemed to be cautious at least.
This dude was more than familiar, even from afar! Kuko recalled him two years ago when he was still beating punks on the streets alongside Ichiro and later two more guys. The Knight, at least that’s what they called him. But apparently Ichiro left an impression on him, resulting in The Knight showing his face and revealing his name, Eli. Well, that’s what he introduced himself as yet he had never given much more of a name. One couldn’t even be sure of his name. Was it his actual name or was it something the dude came up with on the spot? Sounded really out of place. But no one bothered to ask. The dude seemed to be overall really cool to be around, from the few times they got to speak and hang out. Causing some trouble on the streets, even if the old man got on their case after some time… Just having some fun! Why not, right? Nothing harmful or anything like that. “ We’re just teaching some punks a lesson! ” So nothing evil or anything like that, just putting some people in their place. Probably what he had done just now, wouldn’t be unlike him.
Kuko had gotten a little curious however, wanting to see where Eli had been headed to in Nagoya nonetheless. So he had decided to secretly follow the young man around, just to see where he had been headed. What was his business in Nagoya to begin with, that was the odd part. 
Though honestly, for a good while nothing special had occurred. It was the same old stuff, Eli looking around for something or someone. Both could be possible. Regardless, he was just looking around as if he was a lost dog or something, sniffing something out at the same time however. He was on the hunt. Heck, he even asked different people while showing something on his phone several times. Yet most of the time it was met with a headshake, leaving him even more frustrated. One could easily see it with the random headscratchers every single time, seeming to become more frustrated. He just kept looking around, round and round. 
“She’s lost it somewhere here, she said…” Kuko heard Eli mumble from afar. It was hard to make out yet he had heard it eventually. She? Who lost what? Is he on another scavenging hunt here or something?
Eli had done quite a few in the past. Apparently it was related to family trips or something. People lost things and he was the dude who picked it up for them, giving it no rest to find them. In fact, he sometimes traveled all across Japan for that, even sneaking into places he shouldn’t be at. Hence why he sometimes came out all damaged yet insisted that he was fine. Sometimes some of the other guys or his crew had to back him up or otherwise someone might have caught him right in the act. Was this just another one of those trips? So the guy won’t give it a rest until he finds a lead or something. So he’s gonna waste his time here, isn’t he? Even the next few days… 
“Whichever bastard allowed himself to steal a stuffed animal of a little kid is gonna have to pay.” He added, the goal being more than obvious. Yeah, no rest whatsoever. This guy… Some stuff just never changes. Same old, same— 
“You got some business with me?”  A voice would ask however before coming face to face. Kuko had noticed, though only grinning amused before walking over. “As sharp as ever, ain’t we bud?” He laughed out loud, unbothered by it in every way. “So what’cha loo—”
“Have you seen this?” Not even a moment of hesitation, Eli holding up the picture of the stuffed animal he mentioned. A giraffe, a rather large one. And yet… Wait, that looked familiar… Nah, maybe just his imagination. “Around here I mean?”
“No, not recently. Ya needin’ the help Bud?”
“Please, don’t call me that. We’re over this, aren’t we?”
“So ya say and yet— Nah, whatever. On your own again?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Great, you’ll need people savin’ yer ass again. I’ll volunteer.”
Eli only looked at the monk dumbfounded. “Are you serious? I can do this on my own.”
“Ya say it all the time yet remember where it got ya? That one time where your teammates had to jump in?” Though the moment this was mentioned Eli tensed up for a moment, staring to the side for a split second. It didn’t go unnoticed, far from it. Huh, odd. He ain’t hanging around with his crew anymore? That’s unexpected. “Well, whatever the case, I got some time on my hands. And ya still got it I see. Hah, I’m already fired up to teach some punks a lesson!”
No response for a moment until Eli turned his gaze back for a moment, trying to remain calm. “You’re not going to back out, are you?” Yet there was no response needed, perhaps he still remembered. “Fine, whatever. I need a guide anyway I guess.”
And yet, he was a little too stiff the entire time… And yet, he mumbled something at the end, one last time… “ Stupid reminder… I hate being unable to work… ”
Track 4 - Track List - Track 6
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vixenpen · 2 years
What Your Husband Don’t Know pt. 3 (Toji x Black Mom Reader)
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(Just decided to do this randomly cuz why not? Remember reader is a black mom. Enjoy)
😏💦😩: Meet me at the Pearl in Hotel Blue
You blinked at the screen. You hadn’t heard from Toji since the last time the two of you had hooked up in the restaurant bathroom. That night, you had each been on dates with your significant others, and you had never felt so guilty and turned on in your life.
You thought back to that evening and the way Toji had gotten so possessive over you. How he’d manhandled you and fucked you until you had a permanent switch for the remainder of that night. Hell, that whole week. The way he had stared at you the entire night until he and his wife finally left.
The memory was enough to make your knees weak and your pussy clench in desire.
Then again; there was also her.
Hana Fushiguro, Toji’s wife.
She had walked out of the women’s bathroom beside the gender neutral one that night after you and Toji had finished.
The tired, strained smile she had given you when you tried to make polite conversation still haunted you. You’d been thinking about her ever since that encounter as well.
Of course both Mrs. Fushiguro and your husband were constant features in the back of your conscience, but it had been so easy to forget about them. When Mrs. Fushiguro was just a distant obscure figure. More of an idea than a person.
Then of course there was Kento. Sweet, unsuspecting, naive, Kento. Who never doubted you for a second. Who loved you unconditionally.
Every time you thought about him guilt  churned in your gut until you were sick, but you always rationalized it.
Oh he’s never around. He’s always working. He doesn’t even notice. It’s his fault if he’s not concerned enough to be involved in this family. He loves us, but he doesn’t show it the way I need. The passion is gone and it’s partially his fault.
And then it was easier to assuage your guilt. To continue the affair with Toji because you had enough excuses to drown the shame and flush it out of your system.
It was what you were doing now as you stared at the screen.
You pulled off the other yellow rubber glove, and discarded it beside the sink where the dishes were soaking in hot, bubbly water.
For a long time you could only stare at the screen.
It was 11:00am. The kids were in school, Kento was at work, and you had a long list of housewife chores to muddle through before picking up the children.
Three and a half hours. It would take at least half an hour to get to Hotel Blue if you gunned it.
😏💦😩: ????
You blinked at the screen. What did he want after an over week?
Me: I’ll be there in 30 mins
Half an hour later, you strutted into the restaurant wearing a red wrap dress and heels. A clutch was tucked under your arm with all your essentials  in it. You knew Toji wouldn’t be able to resist the bright color against your dark skin.
You scanned the restaurant. Big windows let in plenty of sunshine illuminating the sparsely populated restaurant.
You didn’t see Toji’s familiar build or mop of black hair anywhere.
“Looking for me?”
Your heart skipped. You motor senses failed you. Time seemed to stop for just a moment.
By force, you turned around.
There she stood.
Hana Fushiguro glared at you with all the ire she seemed able to muster.
Your mouth went dry.
“M-Mrs. Fushiguro—“
“Save it.” She raised a palm. “We need to talk.”
Your stomach flipped. Hana breezed straight past you to a booth at the back of the restaurant. You didn’t know what compelled you to follow her. You could have just as easily turned around and walked out. Hana couldn’t force you to follow her.
Yet you did.
You slid into the booth across from her and the two of you stared at each other.
The mistress and the wife.
You had watched these moments unfold on countless dramas and telanovellas. Read about them in numerous romance novels. But none of that had prepared you for being in this moment.
For Being the other woman.
There was a charged silence infused with unasked questions, speculations, insecurities, and comparisons as the two of you sized each other up.
Hana Fushiguro was a lovely woman. Fair skinned, luminous complexion, almond eyes—which upon closer inspection were actually a rich, dark brown—and shiny black hair. Her figure was slim, but soft and hugged in a white Juicy Couture sweatsuit. 
And yet…the stress of the affair had taken its toll, you could tell.
The usual luminous quality to her skin was dull. It looked as if she had forgotten to moisturize that day. Her hair was damp and tousled as if she had raked her fingers through it several times. Her eyes were puffy and red rimmed.
She had been crying.
You felt like shit.
After a few minutes of silence, Hana spoke in a voice shaky with unshed tears.
“I hope you’re happy.” She spat. “Toji left me.”
Your eyes blew wide.
“You heard me, bitch. He left me. Said our marriage hasn’t been happy for years. Said his affair with you just confirmed that.”
“I-I-I don’t know what to say.”
“I tried to record you two that night, you know?” Hana fished through her little black pocketbook. “I heard you two through the bathroom wall. Imagine my surprise. Hearing my husband fuck another woman in the fucking restaurant bathroom WHILE WE’RE ON A FUCKING DATE!” She screeched.
Diners whipped their heads in your direction and the minimal chatter in the restaurant ceased. A passing waiter paused on the way to a table.
“Moaning about how much he loved your slutty cunt and-“ Hana choked out a sob as she cut herself off.
You watched her fiddle with a carton of cigarettes she’d pulled out of her pocketbook.
She drew the cigarette to her red painted lips while fumbling for a lighter.
“And here your ass come.” She chuckled. “I found that fucker’s second phone weeks ago. But he swore it was another work phone.” She let out a dry, humorless chuckle. “So,” she shrugged, “I believed him. Even when he would cut the screen off when I would look over his shoulder. Even when he would take the so called ‘work phone’ into the bathroom. I wanted so badly to believe him.”
You felt lightheaded as you listened to the woman. Your hands folded tightly in front of you while your knee bounced beneath the table. You had to do something. Say something.
“Hana, I-“
“Do you even give a shit?” She asked, cuttingly. Then she eyed you with the most offensive sneer you’d ever seen on a person’s face. “I mean, Clearly not.” She scoffed, gesturing at you in disgust. “You rushed right down here in your tightest fuck me dress to hop on my husband’s dick in the middle of the day. My god. You were just out with your husband last week. Did you go home and screw him too with my husband’s cock on your breath?”
“Hana, that’s—I’m not-“
“Does he know?”
You blinked back at her.
“Does…what are you-“
“Your husband.” She deadpanned. “Does he know?”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. The waiter had quietly brought over a couple glasses of water and bread but you hadn’t touched either.
Hana scanned your stiff posture and pensive expression before letting out a chuckle.
“Of course he doesn’t.” She sat back against the booth.
A waiter came to the table, nose wrinkled in irritation.
“Ma’am, you can’t smoke here.”
Hana never took her steely gaze off you as she took a long draft of the cigarette.
“No problem.” She stood, never once looking at the waiter. “I’m done here.”
The waiter looked uneasy as he glanced between Hana and you, but instead of pressing the matter, he just nodded.
“Please hurry, ma’am, it’s bothering the patrons.” Then he scurried away. Leaving you alone with Mrs. Fushiguro once more.
You thought about defending your honor. Making a case for yourself or at the very least, retaliating against Hana’s verbal cut downs.
But you didn’t.
Instead, you could only cower under Hana’s scornful glare, feeling small and ugly as she stood over you.
Then a small, wry smile stretched across the woman’s tired, pretty face. She leaned down, her damp, black hair framing her face like a veil.
“Since you won’t tell your husband about your affair, Mrs. Nanami, I will.”
Hana dropped the cigarette in your glass of water. The smoke fizzled out in seconds.
“We can both be single, bitch.”
And with one last parting glare, Mrs. Fushiguro stormed out of the restaurant.
You watched her discarded cigarette float in your water feeling that familiar guilty churn in your gut. Stronger than ever.
With a jolt, you jumped from the table and bolted to the nearest bathroom.
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prettyproblems · 2 years
Pairing: Jack x platonic!reader
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You and Jack were friends thought you had feelings for him in the past. There were rumors in the group that maybe, just maybe he had feelings for you as well but everyone’s loyalty was more towards him they wouldn't tell you if you asked, so you dropped it.
You think about those times though. Like now in the studio with Jack as he writing lyrics to a new song. You alone considering everyone went out for lunch. Suddenly a thought came to mind
“I wish I could be in you mind” Jack turns his chair over towards you, eye brows furrowed in curiosity.
“ You know if we weren’t such good friends I’d take that differently” he says turning his attention towards you. “Wanna know what’s going on up here?” He ask gesturing to his head.
“ It’s alright, your working” you shrugged it off though you wanted to know where it was going.
Jack rolled his chair over to your, picking up your legs and placing them in his lap “I haven’t written anything in the past hour” he said looking at his watch “Inspire me, ask away”
“Anything” he nodded encouraging you “What do you like about me?”
“ Well, Y/N that could be a long list” while he thinks you take the time to think of your next question “, hmm, alright you're a good listener, you always have the right words of encouragement for me. You also look really good in photos, especially off guard”
You laugh taking his answer to heart, and you always try to listen. “You are not wrong I do look amazing,” you say flipping your hair in confidence. “You said before you haven’t had a heartbreak, are you afraid of it?”
Jack chuckles rubbing his beard “That’s a good one I haven’t been asked that before” he drops the hand on your thigh gently, sending chills through your body.
Slowly you see how stuck he is one it, realizing you may have asked a harsh question you try to back out of it “You should get back to-”
“I don’t think I’m afraid. I just hope that it comes from love, and I mean true love like the type you talk about for generations” he cuts you off his voice low and sincere. “Can I ask you a question”
“It’s only fair isn’t it” he take your hand and looks in your eyes almost seeming desirable.
He clears his throat with a cough not looking away from you for a second. And you were used to Jack’s stare but this was different. “When we first met I had a thing for you, and at first I was trying I really was. But you didn't seem to notice." He pauses, unsure of himself.
He repositioned himself seeming as though he was fixing himself for what he was gonna say next, or maybe what you were gonna say. " Would you have gone for me? If I had tried a little harder"
For a second you were frozen bearly even blinking, you questioned if you had even heard right. When he was about to repeat himself you laughed, "Jack, you wouldn't have to try. Don't get me wrong I didn't know you wanted me, but if I did I would've jumped on you faster than fans do." You laugh along with him feeling relieved though slightly remorseful for not letting him know before.
"I liked you but then reality hit, I realized maybe you just weren't for me"
Jack began running his hand down your thigh resting on your knee, "What about now? Would you feel the same way?" you don't speak you just nod too scared that this may have been a dream.
Jack leans in nearly inches away from your lips, "Woah, not too fast we're not in a movie this isn't where you just randomly get the girl" You murmur slightly pushing him away.
"Fine I'll take you out, Saturday" He laughs, his cheeks turning one shade to another, it was cute.
"Saturday" you say making a mental note to prepare yourself.
Not a moment after that PG busts in laughing returning to their seats before they left. He didn't move though. Jack sat in the position he had before they walked in, close to you. Fully embracing you.
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