#(ran out of tags so can't tag any more ppl)
koreanbibliophilegirl · 3 months
Dream SMP Characters as SCPs
Tommy: SCP-2295 or SCP-4158
Wilbur: SCP-73 (Cain) or SCP-035, SCP-701
Technoblade: SCP-76 (Able)
Ghostbur: SCP-069
Niki: SCP-1234 or SCP-871
Phil: SCP-1295 (Meg's Diner)
Trixtin: SCP-4999 (Someone To Look Over Us)
Tubbo: SCP-1033
Ranboo: SCP-909
Charlie: SCP-447
Fundy: SCP-953
Skeppy: SCP-409 (Contagious Crystal)
BBH: SCP-017 (Shadow Person)
Ponk: SCP-427 (Lovecraftian Locket)
Foolish: SCP-4793 (Stele)
Hannah: SCP-046 ("Predatory" Holly Bush) or SCP-925-KO (F■■■ To The Flowers)
Karl: SCP-052 (Time-Traveling Train)
Connor: SCP-1545 (Larry the Loving Llama)
Dream: SCP-022 (The Morgue)
Awesamdude: SCP-148 (Telekill Alloy)
Tina: SCP-2396 (Ms. Sweetie)
Hey guys, I found this in my drafts. It's at least a year old I think. I honestly forgot what half of these SCPs are, but I thought I'd share anyway. Post is unfinished obviously, but I can't think of any more SCPs ATM.😅
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little-cereal-draws · 8 months
Button House Dog Rescue au
Alison and Mike get the house and the land like in the show but instead of an event hall, they get involved with the local shelter and turn it into a dog rescue. All the ghosts are dogs that they foster/unofficially adopt
Robin (wolfhound): He's been there the longest. He was given up as a puppy for reasons unknown; his owner didn't specify. He was the first dog that they rescued and even tho they tried their best, they still messed up a lot. He doesn't hold it against them tho, he loves them. He's made a lot of friends over the years but they've all been adopted out; no one wants him because of his size so he's been unofficially adopted by the Coopers and he's 100% fine with that. When he sits by the fire and they scratch his belly or behind his ears, he doesn't need another family
Humprey (golden retriever): He used to belong to a rich family but got out one day and was hit by a car. The accident left him unable to move anything but his head and even tho the family was distraught, they opted to put him down. Alison came in at the very last second insisting that she could help him and she did. It's took many years of physical therapy, learning to use mobility aids, and different meds but he can get around relatively easily now. He still opts to sleep in the sun most of the day tho and only occasionally romps around the garden w his friends. He's Mike's favorite bc Mike likes to squish his face. Mike's his favorite because he gives him way too many treats
Mary (dalmatian): She lived with a family but the house caught fire one night. She was able to escape (as were the ppl, dw) but ran the wrong way and got terribly lost in the dark. She had no tag or identification so she was taken to the shelter. She's got terrible anxiety and was constantly trembling when they first got her so Alison bought her one of those compress vests that acts like a weighted blanket. It was hard to get it on her the first time because she would shy away from any move they made but now she insists to have it on 24/7. Since getting to Button House, she's gone from skittish and hiding from everything to fairly confident. Alison believes it's from socializing with the new friends she's made
Kitty (pomeranian): She was given as a birthday present to a rich girl when she was a puppy. The girl wasn't very nice to her however and used her more as a doll she could jerk around than a living being. She would yell at her a lot too for natural puppy behavior (ex: not coming already housebroken, chewing things, making messes, etc) After a year or so, one of the neighbors finally had enough and was able to take her away. Unfortunately, they were unable to foster her so she ended up at Button House. She's still incredibly sweet, outgoing and loves to run and play with the big dogs. Even tho she can't keep up at the start, she always ends up running circles around them thanks to her unlimited energy when they tire out. When she's not doing that, she's "helping" Alison and tripping her up while she tries to work
Thomas (shetland sheepdog): He also belonged to a well-off family that he loved very dearly but got lost. He's convinced they're going to find him one day even tho it's been years at this point. The other dogs feel bad that he still believes this but they don't tell him. When he got to Button House, he latched onto Alison as his new family --or his temporary family since he's only going to be here a short while-- and follows her everywhere now. Definitely has separation anxiety due to his getting separated from his first family and freaks out whenever he can't see her. He'll cry when she shuts the door to the bathroom or her bedroom. He tries every night to sleep in her bed but the Coopers have a strict rule about no dogs in the bedroom so he never succeeds. Instead he lays right outside the door in the hallway and cries himself to sleep each night. It used to hurt Alison's heart but she's used to it now; she can't let him in bc once she does, everybody will want to come in
Fanny (chihuahua): She's white, pretty fluffy, and has magnificent floofs on her ears. She was given up by her family for being "too aggressive." They had several small kids and didn't do their research before getting her. The Coopers were a bit nervous at first but quickly learned she was all bark and no bite. Now she's Alison's lap dog and even tho she's perfectly capable of walking, she likes to be carried places. She's too old to want to play with the other dogs so instead she sits in Alison's lap and watches. She'll bark her head off at them but never goes to join the game. Alison thinks it's quite funny that when it's one on one, she can cow all the big dogs, including Robin, into doing what she wants
The Captain (german shepherd): He's a retired military dog that was unable to find a home because he didn't adjust to civilian life very well. He was never actually in a war tho, he stayed domestic and helped more with bomb sniffing. He was retired bc he was getting old and had a lot of health complications in his hips/joints. He's enjoying it much more at Button House with the other dogs than the few families he went to before and is slowly learning how to relax/be a dog. But because of his health problems, he can't play for very long before he has to lay down (this makes Kitty very sad). Mike's scared of him; he was nervous at the start because he assumed as an army dog he would be aggressive, but his fear got cemented one time they were out on a walk and there was a squirrel. The Captain lunged for it and pulled Mike face first into the mud. Mike swears he almost dislocated his shoulder but Alison isn't sure
Pat (corgi): He was given up by a suburban family who underestimated how much space and exercise he would need. Their yard wasn't big enough and he was either laying around the house all day depressed or ripping up the furniture to entertain himself. It was a very tearful goodbye when they dropped him off but the Coopers assured them he would be in good hands. He was very upset when they didn't come back after a few days but he's gotten used to it now. He loves running around in the big field and all the new friends he's made. He's Alison's favorite because he actually listens to her. She was surprised by how many words he knew and now puts his herding skills to use almost every day. "Pat, can you get everyone in the car?" "Pat, can you get everyone to the bath?" "Pat, can you get everyone for dinner?" He's very good at it and make's sure no one's left behind (even Mike)
Julian (weimaraner): He was adopted by a politician as a publicity stunt when he was a puppy. As he grew up, he was absolutely spoiled and occasionally got to go to events/parties. His owner liked to take pictures of him and post them on social media to get voters' attention so quite a large number of people knew who he was. As he got older tho, the posts stopped getting as many likes and a new puppy was adopted. Before he knew what was happening, he was left at Button House. There was quite an adjustment period as he got used to not fancy food, having to share, and all that but he's loving it now. He's Alison's least favorite because he's so crafty and always up to trouble. When he teams up with Robin, the two of them can easily break into the pantry and eat as much ppl food as they like. Alison's started locking it but somehow they're still getting in. It remains the most infuriating mystery of Alison's life
The plague ghosts: they are quite a few different breeds that were rescued from a very unethical puppy mill. They��re at Button House because it was the only place big enough to house them all. They’ve all got mange tho and are quarantined to a separate part of the house. Even tho they are loving their new life much more than how they were living before, they still dream of the day they’ll be able to go out and play w all the other dogs
Pt 2 Pt 3
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
the reading comprehension on this godforsaken website is genuinely insane. it's such shit ppl went after you for responding. fwiw you singlehandedly restored my faith in the GO fandom a little while back, some of the only well thought-out takes for miles (til i started clicking on the reblogs n found more). there was nothing wrong with defending yourself from people who didn't even read the meta. for something you put this much effort into, it'd be weirder not to be defensive
ive sat on the whole thing over the last dozen or so hours now, with a good mixture of upset, anger, some kind of numbness, and incredible amounts of anxiety. i posted that response out of the second; i was really angry, and i flew off the handle. whilst i don't appreciate being told by the other anon that i shouldn't be so attached/shouldn't have been so upset, they have a point, and were right to highlight (intentionally or not) at the very least that that is the root of the problem. i likened the fiasco to some secondary school bullshit, but i didn't realise - or want to acknowledge - that that applied to me too. the whole thing has reawakened ancient history that i thought i had gotten over years ago - more than a decade ago, even - and it very much turns out that that isn't the case, and was simply buried. the uncomfortable thing i also ran into is that the incident has made me re-examine myself with a little more, and definitely overdue, scrutiny - the post attacked at what i now think was my ego, and my over-confidence, and sense of entitlement. that's so uncomfortable to admit, but here we are.
i don't mind people disagreeing with me, but i still stand firm that i don't think sending an ask ridiculing someone, or adding tags that equally can be interpreted as being plain unkind, is a nice thing to do. it's shit - i felt humiliated, and self-conscious in a fandom that until this point, for all my controversial takes 😂 - had made me feel that i had a space to share them, and whilst may not be agreed with, would still be valued by nature of them belonging to a person. i have no doubt that everything on that post wasn't at all personal, but it still felt that what i had spent a lot of time, excitement, and joy writing was worthy of being laughed at, as if i were stupid for writing it (let me be clear - idc if people think the original post and the take within it is wrong, that's absolutely fair enough). it then called into question - what else have people been nice to me about, politely interacting with me about, and yet elsewhere those same people are being horrible about it?
that line of overthinking is entirely my issue, that's noone else's fault, but i do think that had these people just simply kept their opinion to a DM, or somewhere else where the original poster is unlikely/not going to see it, it might have all been avoided. people are entitled to share their opinion, i have no issues with that fact, but it can have consequences... just like the consequences of me rb'ing it once the anger had set in, and i ceased to think rationally. i am sorry that i reacted out of anger, without much - if any - rational thought; that it was bitchy as fuck, and - without the maelstrom of emotion attached to it, as it was from my perspective - it was objectively uncalled for. im embarrassed i reacted like that, and im aware that its only served to make me come across as even more ridiculous than the original post ever could 😂 but i want to settle in with what this has brought up, especially the shitty stuff that i thought i had long gotten over, and look at why i reacted the way i did - i think i was right to defend myself, but perhaps not in the way that i did.
as a separate note, and just really as a PSA to anyone waiting on me in my ask box or has sent me messages - im going to halt on posting any original posts/asks for a while (knowing me, because i can't help myself, a 'while' will probably be like a day). that's in part because im shitting bricks about posting anything in general (this ask response included), but also because - like i said before - i don't want to continue posting stuff when im now wondering how much is coming from a less-than-humble place - im worried that it's a lot more than i ever thought, which is vulnerable, but that's how it goes.
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redysetdare · 1 year
As another non-split aroace, you're so correct for saying that we're treated as the punching bags of both aro and ace communities. Like if y'all can accept and support straight aros and aces but are hostile towards aroaces, you're just aphobic. Yes even if you're aro/ace yourself. Aro spaces nowadays literally have the same attitude towards aroaces that exclusionists used to have towards asexuals, that we're weird freaks bringing purity culture into their "safe" communities just by existing and therefore need to be pushed out. And ace spaces still act like we're the bad guys and need to be pushed out of their "safe" communities because we can't romantically love other people, which makes us heartless monsters apparently. It's just exhausting. I've never seen aroaces being so hostile towards non-ace aros and non-aro aces, we're always trying to uplift their voices and bring awareness to their issues. But the moment we try to talk about our own issues in aromantic or asexual spaces we're told to shut up and let them speak over us because we somehow have it better than them. Not to mention the pressure to split your experiences into aro vs ace and prioritise one part of your identity over the other if you want to be taken seriously in those spaces. Like sorry but for some of us our aroaceness is interwined not split. But we're still aros and aces, still a part of your community. Stop trying to push us out of our own communities on the basis of aphobic stereotypes.
Honestly I've been kinda biting my tongue on it for a while because I understand why Aro and Ace ppl have been trying to separate the communities. it can be frustrating to constantly be paired with an identity that you don't relate to - but i feel like so many ppl have taken it way to far. They've taken the relatively understandable stance of "Aromantic and Asexual are not the same identity" and pushed it to the extreme of "Aro and Ace are so completely different they have nothing in common and NO overlap" and the worst part is i don't think anyone has particularly noticed.
Idk I was most active in the aro and ace communities when we still kinda shared communities. the idea that aro and ace were separate was still a thing (hell, aroaces were the ones helping to push that distinction. we wanted people to recognize our aro identities too, yknow.) but we recognized the overlap and similarities and supported each other... now it just feels like im seeing post after post reminding people not every aro or ace person is aroace and that people shouldt tag aro posts as ace and vice versa and "no ace people cant relate to aro experiences" "no aro people cant relate to ace experiences" because "They are so different they are completely not the same and don't have any overlapping problems at all" and as an aroace it sucks!
it sucks feeling forgotten in my own communities.
It's almost feeling like they are blaming us for there being this idea that people are are Ace must also be aro and people who are aro must also be ace. Like they know they cant get mad at the allos so they get mad at aroaces and act like we are the reason allos think this way. It's like aroaceness is only brought up to talk about how "Not everyone is aroace" or "aroace characters are so much more prevalent in media (Proceeds to only talk about ace characters)" or how aroace ppl must have an identity that means more to them - how their aro or ace identity must be more important or effect them more because they can't possibly intertwined and overlap and "hey you tagged your post with aro and ace tags but obviously its only about aromanticism/only about asexuality so remove some of those tags because it's annoying me" or worse I see aromantics being acephobic or asexuals being arophobic and it's like.... where do i fit in?
people think aroace ppl ran both communities as 1 community and they say it was bad and that we need to separate - but from my perspective it was two communities who worked together. the only difference now is that aroace ppl are getting pushed to the side. thrown under the bus. "you dont need rep you have tons of rep. society loves giving aroace rep!" and "not everyone is aroace. you're experience isn't universal and so you shouldn't talk about it" Aroace voices just got smaller. we got quieter. because our own communities decided we were privileged. we were more accepted than they were. or worse that we were actually the real freaks for not feeling both sexual and romantic attraction. we weren't palatable enough - there was nothing that could be used to normalize us. and besides, it was easier to just only fight for one set of rights, right?
and part of me understands it. it sucks. it sucks to always be a footnote. but guess what - aro and aces and aroaces are footnotes of the queer community. we're stuck here together and instead we're fighting over who's the more important footnote. we are all in the same boat and we're acting like we're not and trying to sink the ship forgetting we're all on it together.
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4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* 7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* 23. Unpopular character you love?
oooooo awright awright
4: do you have a NOTP in your fandom
i... well i don't care for st3ddie, i think they had like the teeniest tiniest smidge of chemistry which ppl took and ran with. i also do notttt care for h3nclair or whatever they ship name is. no offense to ppl who like it but it gives MAJOR pair the spares to me. there is not the tiniest smidgen of romantic chemistry there. i have the bycl4ir and wheelcl4ir tags blocked too but that's mostly bc i'm not a multishipper in this fandom. those are all just ships i don't rlly like tho; the only absolute NOTP that like makes my skin crawl is romantic willel
7: is there anything you used to like but can't stand now
mmmm this is probably a more #controversial answer but... i used to enjoy the various gate theories but i'm hella burnt out on all of them now. they were fun concepts for fic or whatever but they're pretty much worn into the ground and i don't /srs believe in any of them. they stopped being fun to me months ago so i just ignore them now, i might block the tags tbh.
(also technically m1leven counts as something i used to like but can't stand now lmao. we don't talk about 2018)
23: unpopular character you love
well mike is an unpopular character for most of the fandom but idk if i would say i "love" him bc even tho i've grown beyond the mike hater arc i entered after s3 dropped i still kind of want to shove his head in a blender. for science. will is also unpopular with a lot of people and i would murder for him in a heartbeat so. (honestly there aren't rlly unpopular characters in the byler side of the fandom that aren't either extreme assholes/villains or eddie)
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djolikejoe · 11 months
Idk if you want to answer anons but I think the whole argument on whether Joseph singed that letter or not is so confusing and tbh it takes away from the real issue. Thousands of Palestinians are dead because of Israel. They are being ethnically cleansed because of Israel and have been suffering for 75 years because of Israel. However, with JQ I think other people call him Joe and he used to refer to himself as such when he was younger (drama school, maybe very early career). Now, he goes by Joseph his full name. Still there are other people that call him Joe(in the new Flight of Icarus book the author thanks him using ‘Joe’ instead of ‘Joseph’). It’s all up in the air.
Oh, yeah I know professionally he goes by Joseph because there was another Joe Quinn. I hope he didn't sign it but honestly, I made that post about him days ago and he really has not been my priority since more has come out.
I have a degree in international relations with an emphasis in Indigenous Sovereignty and Post-Colonial Feminism. I am whole heartedly pro-Palestine. With a background in decolonization, I believe the actions of the State of Israel are in line with the settler-colonialism that built my country and the imperialism that created the world we live in today. A lot of the rhetoric coming out against Palestinians today is not a far echo from the 'Kill the Indian, save the man" campaign the US government ran in Westward expansion. I think it's dangerous that people who have a military who is actively using bombs and internationally banned substances against a population that is half children. What indigenous people carpet bomb their ancestral homeland they claim to be connected to?
The way the international system is set up now, it's in favor of Israel. The system is built off of the assumption that all states are acting rationally and that states with more material power (I.e. guns bombs and rockets) will secure sovereignty. That ideology doesn't care about children, religion, culture, indigenous culture. It is the colonizers world because they were the ones who secured the power to build it. Palestine is far from the only colonial struggle happening now. Most people don't even realize colonialism is an ongoing process. But Palestine is opening peoples eyes. The Palestinians stand in solidarity with so many other oppressed group--they know all our struggles are intertwined. They won't be free til we're all free and we can be free til they are.
Whatever Joseph's stance is, it won't change any part of mine. Hopefully he is on the right side of history but if he's not, I'm at the point where I can't find it in myself to care. And I know there are things that happen privately that force someone to sign or not to sign something. But I think the speculation isn't even worth the energy. Everyone is entitled to make up their open decision about him.
I don't know many ppl in his fandom and I've been staying off his tag so I'm not sure what the general consensus is or anything. These are just my thoughts and opinions.
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caatws · 1 year
when it comes to shipping I notice with woc it's less common for people to ship them unless they are in an explicitly canon relationship. It's also pushed much harder for them to be single and have fewer close relationships if it looks like canon will he moving towards them having a relationship. After Endgame I saw a few people ready to write Gamora off because she didn't know Peter anymore. I'm not saying anyone has to ship her but it's definitely noticeable how easily some people gave up on her having any potential after vol 3. It's also not escaping my notice that some people, especially on places like Twitter, were quick to want it denied if she would continue to have even the slightest chance of ever being with Peter again or connected to the guardians.
This is why I was/am annoyed with Gunn's real family nonsense. It plays right into people looking for excuses to say Gamora isn't important. He left the movie in a way where possibilities were there for her to be more involved with the guardians and Peter(whether as friends or something more) and then went online to be saying things that don't line up with the movie. Like the Groot interaction. He said himself the audience can understand him because understanding means you're family. There's no way he forgot Gamora could understand at the end. It was a big deal in the movie when she couldn't and the ending created a small arc with her and Groot where she finally could and they both looked happy.
you're def far from the only one who notices that! fandom already tends to kick most female characters in general to the curb in favor of white m/m ships, but at least some white f characters can usually still be part of m/f ships, but then with woc it's just....crickets on all sides lmao 💀 (and moc have it pretty rough too)
ever since that first iw trailer where the gotg ran over thor in space dropped, it feels like some parts of gotg fandom have just become a battle for maintaining gamora's space in the franchise and fan works. it felt like way more white m/m ships ft peter and (insert any white male avenger here) were suddenly popping up—sometimes even straight up IN st*rmora tags lmao—and just a lot of content abt gotg characters in general just stopped featuring gamora as much, compared to characters like peter or rocket. and then us not getting any canon content actually featuring gamora, 2014!version or not, for 4 years, didn't rly help either. (what if barely counts since they cut the episode explaining why she was even in the position to be part of the guardians of the multiverse in the first place 💀💀💀) like, some viewers even misinterpreted the way 2014!gamora just kinda stops appearing on screen in endgame as her like getting snapped with thanos and the black order and co. (which i can't even blame them for, bc she just. does not get shown leaving onscreen? wlknlknsf it was cut, as part of the taking a knee scene) so it's just been a huge mess all around.
the last thing gamora needed was more reasons for ppl to continue leaving her out of the gotg or replacing her in her relationships. like bestie founded the damn team!!!!! if we can bend over backwards in canon to retcon shit or put random male characters in the same spaces how come we couldn't do it for gamora???? it just feels like gamora's been more and more erased on a lot of fronts—fandom, canon, etc—as the years have passed, which is just so frustrating for the first woc lead in the mcu ugh
you know those memes that are like "i've been listening to this super niche underground indie alternative band you guys have probably never heard of them"? well that is how i unironically feel abt gamora now, like actually lol. gamora has legitimately become my super niche underground indie alternative band that apparently no one's heard of.
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kakubun · 3 years
squished alive
about: hcs on being bonten's pillow
a/n: bonten's strong, if they can handle guns and other ppl beating the crap out of them, they deft can carry you
warnings: 189-206 spoilers
life with bonten
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they love pillows and you
sanzu: will hog you all day especially if he had a bad day, he'll drag you away by pulling you over his shoulder and carry you away like a toddler. other days, he just wants to sleep with something in his arms and it's you. you can't avoid his biting though. (i'm also saying he bites his pillows lmao)
mikey: he'll flop near you, hovering over you and brushing against you for your arms to move away from your chest so he can smoosh his cheek on it. he also expects head rubs and oh, also expect him to put his leg over your body like a leg pillow.
ran: he pats on his thigh, it looks like a sign to annoy and tbh you're right. he moves around a lot hugging you and you either have to smack him to stop or pretend to fall asleep though you really can't pretend cause he knows your sleeping habits but he'll stop if he thinks he's finished because it's been a while to smother you in warmth.
rindou: he steals you away from any activities to just sleep with him. he likes nap times because he can easily get you to cooperate with him and to wrap yourself in blankets while he kisses your neck to tell you that he loves you.
kakucho: like sanzu, he'll drag you into bed but he's really giggly when he cuddles with you. his deep chuckles tickling your neck makes you want to push him more but he does it more when he knows your're bothered by it. he really loves hugs and this is one of the effects.
kokonoi: he hugs you from behind randomly and it shows that he's being clingy and wants to be spoiled by you. he wants you to comb through his hair with your fingers and to kiss all over his face while he smiles because he got exactly what he wanted. he won't leave you like that, he'll of course give you a fair share of affection.
takeomi: he's not really that affectionate but he will for you because when he gets a life sized teddy bear like you to hug, he couldn't say no when you wanted his embrace. he'll also carry you a lot to stay close with you
mochi: has you on his chest and admires you when you sleep. hearts in his eyes when you shift around like you were finding him and he smoothes your back with his hand to calm you down. he especially loves it when you hold his hand while sleeping, he blushes when you hold it tighter.
tag tag: @lucylicious , @minwas , @fyotituti , @coconois , @gyros-cum-sock , @ashrakat-lovesbaji , @dragon-chica , @eriskaitto , @crapimahuman , @kawaii-desv , @xxrwzy , @haitani-heaven , @erinhaitani , @nameless-shrimp
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I posted 157 times in 2021
3 posts created (2%)
154 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 51.3 posts.
I added 21 tags in 2021
#repo! the genetic opera - 3 posts
#alleluia the devils carnival - 3 posts
#repo the genetic opera - 3 posts
#the devils carnival - 3 posts
#terrance zdunich - 2 posts
#strange magic - 2 posts
#alleluia! the devil's carnival - 2 posts
#the bog king - 1 posts
#marianne - 1 posts
#holy fuck - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 67 characters
#dawn has sun simbolism + her name so we could play around with that
My Top Posts in 2021
Sucker Punch
What I expected:
Cute women in sexy outfits working out in a hot way and fighting in kick ass action scenes, it's for men
What I got
That but also taking control, taking back your life, being empowered over ppl who try to use you, reclaiming sexuality, mental health, women working together, sisterhood, trauma, being a survivor, I do it for the girls and the gays that's it (and also myself)
5 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 17:47:14 GMT
Concept: Sportacus with cataplexy
Sometimes you find him lying in the most ridiculous pose, sometimes you can even guess the movement he was doing beforehand
And everytime it happens LazyTown people go " Oh shit somebody's in trouble"
But the thing is
He does the same thing when he's happy or excited as well
Imagine him doing another push up personal record then he goes *windows shut off sound* And Stephanie finds him lying in the middle of the street and goes
"Oh no, somebody's in trouble! : O"
So she tries to find where's the trouble and who's the trouble happening to
But there is no one
So the whole town looks at each other like "what now?"
Sportacus somewhat comes back (so basically he can only control his head)
But all you can hear is muffled nonsense
And instead of flipping him over everybody just leans closer and tries to guess
The person who carries the town's only braincel that day finally flips him over
" Ïť'ś Öķæý ëvêŕýóñê! :} Į føřģõť ţô ţãķė mý męđıçīňĕ! "
8 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 19:28:46 GMT
How's ya goin' Strange Magic fandom? It's been a while
Since I watched the movie (like 2 years ago) I of course love ButterflyBog (Marianne x Bog King)
but there's one thing I just can't get out of my head
How adorable the Dawn and Bog moments were!
Especially those that felt like Dawn would and did do to the boys she had a crush on.
Like serenading them (she sang to the boy who she danced with on the first ball)
Giving them that bouque thingy (looks like it's some form of fairy courting aka it's normal and not as if she gave him a dead bug or something)
It became kind of annoying instead of adorable and heartwarming when they played it for laughs when Marianne appeared.
But all of us feel icky with the love potion and it's effects (basically being a dŕüģ) so I feel bad for shipping these two
So here's the AU when shipping them is not (or at least not as hopefully) problematic:
- the love potion actually was never used (besides the imp going apeśhîť)
- Sunny is either a girl having a crush on straight Dawn or just sees her as a friend (maybe they are exes who found out they prefer being bffs with eachother)
- I'm thinking Dawn is boy crazy for years and she got bored of all the good looking fairies and started to have more interest in unusual ones (maybe her goal is to meet "the one" and she ran out of princely handsome boys)
and the courting Bog while love potioned is mostly about
a) culture shock since it seems like goblins can't stand high pitched singing (Marianne's was fine and Bog does sing) and seems like it's an attractive trait in fairies and Dawn not getting sarcasm ("pretty little fairy princess")
b) Bog hating love and romantic things (but he still was happy and thanks to that confused to get some affection)
that could still work w/o love potion
extra points if Bog thinks she's love potioned but turns out she just finds him attractive
If you have any other ideas feel free to add!
8 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 08:57:05 GMT
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sterek · 7 years
I still can't believe 'til this day, p/sey still is seen as in the right by the majority of ppl. I wonder if it were to happen today if the reaction would be different. and stereks are often used as "bad examples". I already saw a popular twitter saying f/f are demonized sm more than m/m shippers, & used sterek as a example, lol (bc of the sg thingy)
I don’t actually think the majority of people think he’s right, because let’s be honest right now: the sterek fandom is bigger than any fandom from tw put together, there’s no doubting that. It’s just that the antis saw the gate and ran with it, they use it to attack us and they’re so vocal and horrible the stereks just... stay away from that thing for the most part. 
The problem these days is that the antis have been telling lies to other fandoms who don’t know us and those lies have spread so those outsiders believe the rumors and never try to find out the truth. So us stereks now have the fame of being nasty without, you know, actually being it. It’s pretty disheartening and infuriating.
How is sterek an example of a m/m pairing that isn’t as demonized though?? We’ve literally been through unprecedented shit just for shipping sterek. We ARE constantly demonized even when we’re doing our own thing writing our fics and making our edits and hanging out in our safe tags. How does that argument even make any sense???? Even if they think stereks are the devil, we are still ostracized constantly. Wtf...
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