#(or the shovel talk) *snickers*
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in the blink of an eye (5) II a.putellas

series masterlist in the blink of an eye (5) II a.putellas
"-it happened again? usted no es serio?" you laughed in disbelief, the empty takeout cups of your coffees empty and long finished on the table in front of you.
"de nuevo. they must have a whatsapp!" alexia joked awkwardly as you grinned, the sight sending a very strange feeling through the blondes stomach which she rapidly pushed down and away.
"her new girlfriend leaving her for her ex girlfriend, different girls but twice now. we are sure she does not just find all of these chicas in the same bar?" you joked back as alexia chuckled, lips curling with amusement.
"sí sí, está maldita!" alexia shook her head, picking at the piece of banana cake she'd insisted the two of you split since it looked so good but you'd both been so busy talking you'd barely had a second to get a bite in, the icing now a little hard and crumbly.
"alexia you cannot call your own hermana cursed!" you laughed a little louder, throwing your head back and missing the soft smile which curved into the features of the girl across from you who covered it up by placing a forkful of cake into her mouth.
"por qué? she is!" the catalan insisted as you playfully rolled your eyes and sliced off your own mouthful of cake. "alba is unlucky, not cursed." you chuckled, covering your mouth with your hand as you pushed the fork past your lips causing alexia to snicker.
"qué?" you frowned once you'd swallowed and she wordlessly shook her head, small smile still playing on her face as you quirked an eyebrow. "no, tell me." you urged, twirling the fork between your fingers as your ex chuckled.
"you still do the eh, the mouth thing, when you eat." the girl gestured to her lips as you looked on confused, cutting off more cake and once again holding your hand over your mouth as you shoveled it inside.
"eso!" the blonde laughed as you did, pointing her finger at you accusingly as you realized just what she was referring to, feeling your cheeks heat up a little.
"i cannot help it, blame my mami for always telling me i looked ugly when i eat!" you rolled your eyes, alexia worried for a moment she'd offended you before your upper lip quivered as you tried not to smile.
"well you did like to talk with your mouth full." alexia teased as your eyes widened and she felt you kick her lightly under the table, mumbling that she was a dirty liar under your breath as the blonde grinned and snaked another bite of cake.
"cómo está ella?" the midfielder asked, tone softening just slightly but as hard as she may have tried you couldn't miss the ever so subtle hint of pity behind her question, and knowing exactly what it was about.
"ella está bien. she still grieves, cries, mourns, she thinks she hides it well but..." you trailed off with a sad smile, one which alexia mirrored as she hummed to show she was listening, giving you her full attention.
"i think having posie around is sometimes difficult for her even if she will never say so. mariposa is a reminder of natalia in ways that can be so beautiful, but also so hard." you mused honestly, not really having had anyone to talk to this about for some time now.
"she is also getting older, and that shows in her body more than she wants to accept. it is also why she is not able to take posie full time, she struggles to pick her up and hold her with the arthritis." you added on, realizing you were rambling a little more than you intended and stiffening, clearing your throat.
"lo siento, no quería seguir. cómo está eli?" you asked swiftly, alexia's eyebrows knitting together into a frown. "you do not need to be sorry. we got a coffee to catch up, no? that means actually talking about things." the girl reminded firmly but not unkindly as you nodded, flashing her a smile.
"it is nice, talking." you spat out honestly, the words leaving your mouth faster than you could take them back as surprised flickered across the blondes face but she was quick to mask it.
"sí, gracias por preguntarme." the older girl smiled sincerely, both of you mumbling a thank you to the waitress who collected your empty cups and plate, both of you praising how good they were.
"that cake was not as perfect as your mami's, but still it was good. i missed barcelona!" you sighed quickly diverting topics before an uncomfortable silence could build at all.
"i missed you." alexia spoke without thinking, her cheeks blushing pink as she realised her words and was quick to sit up a little straighter. "it missed you, barcelona, i am sure it missed you." she was fast to correct herself, both of you knowing that was not what she meant but alexia was grateful you chose to move on to save her any further embarassment.
and without her little slip up, the next question may not have tumbled out of your mouth quite so loosely.
"would you like to come over for dinner? to meet posie properly." you asked quickly, hesitating for a moment if you should retract the invitation, doubt swirling angrily through your head as you fiddled nervously with your fingers in your lap, hands well hidden beneath the table.
"i do not know if-" you didn't even let her fiinsh before humiliation and regret washed over you and you interrupted. "lo siento, eso fue una idea terrible." you apologised, stammering a little and alexia jolted as you stood clearly about to leave.
"oye oye! no no no, please sit." alexia stood as well, gesturing for you to sit down as you paused but none the less slowly lowered yourself back into your chair and she did the same.
"if you let me finish, i do not know if i can tonight. but i would like to, really, if you are okay with it?" alexia now hesitated, playing with the hem of her shorts as she awaited your reponse.
"sí, si está seguro." you echoed her question as you both exchanged a somewhat awkward smile. "sí, two friends having dinner." alexia confired with a curt nod.
"si, two friends who almost got married." you blurted out, hand smacking over your mouth once you had and cursing yourself over and over in your head.
"oh dios mío alexia, estoy-" you started, stopping abruptly when much to your surprise a belt of laughter left her mouth instead, the blonde locking eyes with you as your lip twitched and before either of you could help it the air was filled with your amusement.
"too soon?" you finally managed to get out once the pair of you had calmed yourselves, earning a few dirty looks from other cafe goers on the tables around you at both of your boisterous outbursts.
"sí, for some, not for us." alexia assured as you both exchanged a shy smile, looking away from one another and taking a beat. "so maybe uh, friday? for dinner." alexia asked, clearing her throat as you nodded.
"sí, friday."
"-pink tía?" posie questioned, balanced on her knees as your arm lay in front of her like a canvas, none of her coloring books peaking her interest today and to save yourself a tantrum you'd just given in and offered your arm up as an alternative.
"mm pink is nice nena." you mumbled tiredly, having only just gotten home from work and hardly sleeping last night since posie had been wriggling and kicking until eventually she seemed to find comfort draped across your head, the hot evening air not helping.
you tried hard not to let it happen, but without meaning to and with the rhythmic humming of your niece paired with the scratchings of the marker against your arm and you must have dozed off.
a sharp knock at the door jolted you back awak, sitting up so fast you almost gave yourself whiplash, wincing at the sharp bolt of pain which shot through your neck as you did.
"mierda!" you cursed when you realised you were alone now, the three year old who had once been curled into your side nowhere to be seen as a few more loud knocks echoed through your apartment.
"posie? dónde estás? mariposa? posie!" you shouted, rushing through the house and sighing in relief when you finally found her in the kitchen, but that relief dissapeared and the air sucked from your lungs as if you'd been kicked in the chest by a horse.
"mariposa baja eso ahora mismo!" you shouted, sprinting over and scooping up your niece who somehow had wound up with a steak knife in hand, one of the drawers pulled out and cutlery scattered all over the floor.
she hadn't thought she was doing anything wrong but your stern reaction had the girls eyes welling up in tears and before you knew it she was full on sobbing as you carefully pried the knife from her hands, setting it down on the counter.
"hey hey hey no bebita do not cry! i am not mad at you promesa promesa. i am not mad at you, i love you posie. you just scared me a little that's all! siento haberte gritado." you cooed softly, stepping over the cuterly spill and bouncing her gently up and down on your hip, feeling her tears create a small wet patch on your shoulder.
a glance back had you wincing, you thought you'd done a good enough job at baby proofing since you made all the changes ana required but clearly you needed to make a further effort if a three year old could get a knife in her possession so easily.
the guilt of it all washed over you like a shower would, your eyes squeezed shut for a moment to stop the tears which threatened to leak out, inhaling sharply and composing yourself.
how could you be expected to calm a wailing three year old if you couldn't even keep it together?
but right as posie's sobs started to melt down into wet sniffles, there came the knocking again and off she went, causing you to wince and your blood to run hot as you continued to mumble gently to her, rubbing your hand up and down her back.
right as you touched the door handle the knocking sounded again but thankfully this time posie just continued to sniffle and you cringed at how much snot and tears were crusting on the collar of your shirt.
as you yanked the door open and began to speak someone beat you to it with a click of their tongue. "so you are alive? you can tell your ex that you are back but not even call me after i-" mapi's words fell short as she took you in, disheveled, half asleep and with a sniffling toddler on your hip.
"not a good time maría." you replied curtly as the shock was still engrained in her features you weren't even sure if she'd heard what you said, too fixated on posie who was hiding herself in your neck as you protectively shifted so she was as out of sight as possible.
you were overwhelmed, overstimulated and quite frankly as much as you held no ill will toward the spaniard hers was one of the last faces you wanted to see right now.
"but-but who is-where did-" mapi began to stammer, eyebrows furrowed together with confusion as you sighed, utterly exhausted despite the fact it was barely past midday.
"lo siento, i will call you." you softened your tone slightly but before the tattooed defender could utter another syllable you were closing the door again, back thumping against it as you exhaled slowly and shakily.
"ven aquí nena, let us get cleaned up eh?"
once you'd gotten posie cleaned up, calmed down and settled in front of one of her cartoons you could breathe again, smiling at the way her eyes drooped despite the fight she'd put up that she wasn't tired.
you let out a chuckle and swooped in to grab the little container of cut up peaches out of her hand as you watched her eyes close and her grip loosen, setting it on the coffee table and smoothing her hair out, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead and tucking her bear under her arm.
you'd sat her on the counter and as calmly as possible explained knife safety best you could to a three year old, who adorably had explained she was trying to make you a snack after your nap, just like you did for her.
once again you had to stop yourself from crying knowing that wasn't what your niece needed, instead wrapping her in a tight hug and murmuring how much you loved her, unable to tell the tiny human just how much you needed her as well.
with posie down for her afternoon nap and still under your now hawk eyed supervision it allowed you to flutter about tidying, determined to make a better impression on your ex girlfriend than when she'd last visited your home.
you cursed under your breath as you finished and checked the time, two and a half hours somehow flying past as you needed to get posie up as well as start dinner so it was mostly done by the time alexia was set to arrive.
only you knew the girl well enough that for alexia early was on time, on time was late and late was unforgivable.
so you weren't caught off guard at a knock at the door sounding twenty minutes early, already having seen her car park ten minutes prior and checking in amusement every few minutes to see if she'd left it yet.
a quick check in on posie and you found her on the floor of her room playing with a few of her stuffed animals, another check confirming there wasn't anything she could swallow, choke on or hurt herself with before you ducked out and headed for the door.
"hola." you greeted the girl with a smile, not missing the obvious nervous tension in her shoulders as she repeated the greeting and you stepped aside to let her in.
"it is uh, cleaner, than last time." you chuckled a little awkwardly, closing the door after her as she looked around. "don't do that, people live here, of course it will looked lived in." alexia assured with a nod as you squeezed her arm appreciatively, stepping past her as she slipped off her shoes.
"oh! for you." she seemed to remember her hands weren't empty, holding up a bottle of wine, the label sparking memories that hadn't hurtled to the surface in years, a laugh of surprise leaving your lips.
"i know it is cheap but-" "but it is my favorite. i have not seen it in years!" you grinned happily, alexia seeming a little relaxed now as her lips curled upward, clearly content with your reaction.
and just like that any and all sense of calm alexia once felt was sucked away in an instant, the tiny brunette peeking out of the bedroom looking her up and down as you moved to stand beside her.
"remember i said one of my friends was coming over for dinner posie? well, this is alexia." you squatted down, nodding encouragingly to your niece who curled herself into your side.
"oye who is this shy chica? where is my posie mm? mi pequeño parlanchín." you teased, poking your fingers into her side as she giggled and alexia suddenly felt her knees go weak at the sight, clearing her throat lightly trying to pull herself out of it.
"tía i'm here!" your niece squealed, wriggling out of your hold as you grinned and poked her a few more times until she looked up at alexia again and shuffled closer to you.
alexia suddenly realizing she was a lot taller than a three year old immediately squatted down to seem a little less intimidating as you flashed her a soft smile, whispering something to your niece who nodded.
you stood again and offered her your hand, her tiny fingers wrapping around yours as you lead her over to where alexia was. "me llamo mariposa." the small girl spoke shyly before ducking to hide behind your leg as alexia glanced up at you and you nodded encouragingly.
"encantada de conocerte mariposa, me llamo alexia." the footballer introduced herself softly, holding out a hand as you had to stifle your laughter at the sheer size difference between hers and your nieces as posie slowly shook her hand.
"did you know the name mariposa means butterfly?" alexia smiled as posie seemed to perk up a little more, stepping out properly from behind you.
"sí! i have butterfly wings, from abuela." posie nodded eagerly as alexia gasped. "muy chulo." the blonde smiled as posie seemed to regain her confidence. "i show you after dinner?" posie offered as alexia instantly agreed and your smile grew even wider watching their interactions.
your niece letting go of your hand stepped forward now with a slight frown, alexia tensing up again as a tiny finger traced her cheeks. "mami and papi's video." the three year old spoke as you now frowned, squatting down and gently pulling her hand away from where her fingers continued to prod softly at alexia's face.
"bebita we already watched mami and papi's video this morning before you went to abuelas, remember?" you started gently, knowing the topic was an incredibly touchy one as the small girl shook her head.
"see you, in mami and papi's video!" posie pointed to alexia and looked to you expectantly, but before you could say a word she was taking off, racing away as tiny footsteps thumped through the house.
you took off after her and alexia was quick to follow, finding her in the living room with the remote in hand which she shoved at you, babbling away to press play on the video and ignoring anything you said in response.
alexia stumbled a little as posie tugged on the hem of her shorts, clearly trying to drag the much taller girl toward the couch as she sat down, posie climbing herself up to join her as with a sigh you gave in and clicked play.
you took a seat on posie's other side and for the first few minutes the three of you sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence, though right as you were ready to attempt to put your foot down and turn it back off, it happened.
"mira! mira, mira, mira! alexia!" your niece stood to her feet, clinging onto alexia's shirt to steady herself as she pointed to the tv and sure enough, there she was, and a tidal wave of emotions overcame you and suddenly it was as if you could still remember the very day.
"estás muy guapa." the brunette hummed in your ear as you returned from the dance floor, settling yourself down on her lap as her arms tightly encircled your waist.
"muy muy muy preciosa, mi preciosa novia." your girlfriend showered you with compliments as you leaned back into her, your head craning backwards to rest on her shoulder.
"deberías ver a mi novia." you smiled teasingly, the older girl leaning down to press her lips sweetly against yours. "mmm, i hope she can fight?" the footballer whispered mid kiss as you laughed, hands finding her cheeks and deepening it slightly.
you were both pulled from your little love bubble at the sound of wolf whistles, your very drunk sister waving at you from the dancefloor as her newly elected husband caught her before she fell, sending you a knowing wink as he whisked her away.
"do you want to get some air?" you asked, pushing back up off of alexia who nodded, joining you as you stood, her fingers interlocking with yours as the pair of you made small talk with a few people on your way out.
you exhaled into the crisp night air, closing your eyes and soaking in the fact the pair of you were finally alone, ears ringing from the sheer contrast of how quiet it was out here compared to how loud the music was thumping inside.
"this could be us one day cari." you were consumed by the scent of your girlfriends perfume, turning at the sound of her voice and moving to wrap your arms around her torso.
"too drunk to walk?" you teased with a grin, your sister having been far from sober out of nerves nearly all day, quite the anxious bride from the moment she'd been proposed to.
"tal vez, we could be married mi amor." alexia was too tipsy to notice the way your body tensed up in her arms, playing it off with a laugh and hoping she would change topics.
"is that something you want?" no such luck.
"i have had too much tequila mi amor, i think i want to go back to our room soon." you looked up with a smile, reaching up to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear and not missing the odd look which flashed across the older girls face.
but before she could say another word the two of you were once again pulled from your little bubble at the sound of loud retching, letting go of one another and spinning around.
"oh dios mío....is that my mami?" you groaned in realization at the woman hunched over, throwing her guts up into the flower beds. "who is holding her hair?" you questioned with a frown, squinting to try and work it out but your girlfriend clocked it first.
"dios mío i think that is my mami!"
"tía? tía?" you crashed back down to the ground as a hand touched your cheek, blinking a few times and meeting your nieces little gaze which looked up at you.
"mira! alexia." she tugged on the sleeve of your shirt, pointing to the tv where again there was another clip of a much younger alexia spinning you around on the dancefloor, a quick glance to your right showing the girl in question watching the tv avidly with an unreadable look on her face.
thankfully it seemed someone somewhere had your best intentions in mind as the oven pinged signalling the timer was done and you breathed a sigh of relief you hadn't realized you'd been holding in.
"vamos! time to eat."
you stood with a soft tender smile on your face as you packed up the leftovers from dinner, posie twirling around the living room after she'd made you and alexia push the couch and coffee table out of the way.
she had her little butterfly wings on and you had to stop yourself from laughing aloud at alexia's own wings, which were two little blobs of purple and orange vaguely resembling tacos which posie had drawn and insisted be taped to alexia's back.
you'd tried to talk her out of it but much of your sister was in her daughter, especially natalia’s often hard headed stubborn tendencies as of course alexia assured it was fine and you'd given in, somewhat relieved you’d manage to avoid any sort of meltdown or tantrum.
it seemed posie was trying to teach her a dance of some sort and you had to hide a snicker into your hand as the footballer awkwardly tried to copy her movements, rigid and stiff and you'd always teased her that she danced with two left feet.
placing the last container in the fridge you had to interrupt, a glance at your phone showing it was nearing posie's bedtime and she still hadn't even had a bath yet.
"vale! beautiful dancing chicas, but i think it is time for a certain little butterfly to have her bath." you smiled as alexia exhaled in relief, dropping her arms from the position posie had insisted they be in, rolling her shoulders with a slight wince as you bit your lip to hide your smile.
"five more." you felt a small body hurtle into your leg nearly knocking you down as you chuckled and brushed her flyaways away from her forehead which was prickled with sweat from her dancing.
"no nena, bath and bed, or else you will be a grumpy butterfly tomorrow." you honked her nose gently as the three year old huffed, scowling and making a point to stomp her tiny feet all the way to her bedroom.
alexia jumped hearing the door slam and you chuckled with a shake of her head. "who says it is only teenagers who have attitude? mentirosa." you tutted as alexia's face softened, a snicker sounding from you as she tried to awkwardly crane her arms to pull off the paper wings.
"aquí, date la vuelta." you nodded for her to turn around as you carefully peeled off the paper, brushing a few loose pieces of fluff off of alexia's t-shirt and tapping her shoulders gently to signal you were done.
"tía! stuck again!" you heard posie holler out from her room, alexia now the one to chuckle as you explained your niece had a habit of somehow winding up tangled in her clothes when left to pull them off of her body herself.
"i should go..." you trailed off and nodded behind you with a small smile. "i should go too." alexia was swift to reply as you swallowed your disappointment at her words.
"or i stay? help with the uh dishes and to move things back?" she quickly offered, rubbing the back of her neck with a signature awkward smile. "oh no you do not need to help with those!" you assured as posie yelled out for you again.
"but if you want to stay, i will not be long?" "bien, but i am doing the dishes." "do i have a choice?" you began to walk backwards with a smile as alexia grinned and shook her head.
"tía ayuda! stuck!"
#alexia putellas imagine#alexia putellas x reader#woso x reader#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso blurbs
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。𖦹°‧⭑ monsters: chapter two
synopsis: task force m arrives at the palace. and you and phosphorus come to an agreement.
cw: reader is a monster, mature themes, profanity, innuendos, phosphorus is phosphorus, more superpower usage, cute flirting thing going on, little spicy at the end.

"You'd think they'd take these shits down after a while..." you grimaced, watching as you passed by each deformed face. "I mean, seriously?"
"They're family. Who would wanna take down the last known painting of Great Great Grandpa Ugly?" Phosphorus quipped, pointing toward one of them as he walked alongside you. "They even got his good side."
"That's a woman..."
After arriving in Pokolistan, and taking a rather uncomfortable, piss-ridden ride to the palace, Task Force M had finally made it to the royal castle.
The royal castle where inbreeding seemed to be the fad of the last few centuries.
"Looks like the gene pool was above ground and inflatable, if you know what I mean," Bride remarked, glancing at Flag.
The general let out a soft chuckle, slightly grimacing at the images.
"Yeah," he agreed. "I wonder what this princess is going to look li—Oh."
In front of you all approached a gorgeous woman, with sparkling blue eyes and short, blonde hair.
Flag watched, entranced, as she approached, earning an eye roll from the Bride.
"Schwing," Phosphorus whispered, earning an eye roll from you.
"Richard Bill Flag, Sr," Ilana smiled, resting her hands behind her back. "So wonderful to be meeting you."
"Yes... you, too," he nodded, awkwardly.
"Your middle name is Bill?" Bride raised a brow.
"Not, like, William?" Nina asked.
"Whose middle name is Bill?" you slightly grinned.
"Mine! Okay?"
You raised your hand in defense, backing off as he refocused.
"Princess Rostovic, it's an honor," Flag bowed, humbly.
"This is not the kind of bow we do in Pokolistan, Mr. Richard Flag," the captain of the guard interjected. "So, unfortunately... we're going to have to kill you."
"Alexi," Ilana tried to reprimand.
"I am sorry. We must only do sacred, customary bow in this castle."
As the guards began to close in, drawing their weapons, everyone went back to back, you igniting your fist with fire.
"Everyone, murder this man."
"What?! Hold on a minute! No one briefed me on what kind of bow!"
Though, it wasn't long before they all burst into laughter.
'The hell?'
"I'm sorry. They're... how do you say it... messing on you?" Ilana apologized, muffling her snickers.
"I am making joke!" Alexi cackled. "For a minute, I think you're going to make mess in your pants, huh?"
"I was never gonna—!"
"Very close to messing his pants," the Bride interrupted with a smile.
"I wasn't even in the vicinity of doing that."
"I think someone else was," Phosphorus smirked, nudging you. "Right, Jumpy?"
"Don't make me hurt you, X-ray," you threatened, sharply.
"We are so much like Americans, yes?" Alexi grinned. "Ooh, we pull pranks like Jamie Kennedy Experiment! We do the Super Bowl shovel! We like to say Wazzup!"
"Well, you're certainly current with your popular cultural references," Phosphorus commended.
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome," he leaned in closer to you, lowering his voice to a whisper and pointing to his face. "Sarcastic smile."
"Why are you talking to me right now?"
"Now, I have question for you, skeleton. Where is the beef?" Alexi laughed. "Clara Peller, one of the greats—"
"Enough, Alexi," Ilana sighed, turning to the rest of you. "We've prepared a banquet for you, our honored guests."
You grinned, finally excited.
It had been so long since you'd had a meal that wasn't grey-ish, brown slop.
'Shoulda led with that.'

"Hey, doll face," Phosphorus, chimed, mouth stuffed with food as he glanced at your steak, "You gonna eat that?"
"Don't call me doll face," you shut down, harshly. "And no. I'm not."
Without hesitation, he snatched it away and plopped it down on his plate, using an irradiated hand to cook it a bit extra.
Though, once he was finished, he was quick to yoke it up and take a bite out of it like a goddamn raccoon.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you went back to cutting your brussel sprouts.
"Don't start thinkin' you're better than me just 'cause you're on a diet," he countered, tossing the once bitten steak over his shoulder, sending Weasel to fetch it.
"Vegetarian," you corrected, stabbing a piece of broccoli with your fork. "I haven't eaten meat in years."
"Didn't know Hell had a salad bar."
"Fuck you."
"That would be delightful, actually," he grinned, unbothered, as he ripped the drumstick off a turkey and took a large bite.
Pointedly, you ignored him, opening your mouth and shoveling in some vegetables.
And that's when he noticed...
"Whoa..." Phosphorus froze, slightly, eyes widening at the sight. "You have fangs?"
Your expression fell, swapping for one of annoyance.
"Yes," you answered, flatly. "Are you deaf or something? 'Cause you seem to be having a hard time grasping the fact thatI. Am. A. Demon."
"That's hot," he stated, completely ignoring what you just said.
Taken by surprise, you clammed up, a certain warmth rising to your cheeks at his bold comment.
As crude as it was, no one had ever actually complimented you off your looks before.
This was completely new territory.
"I—Shut up!" you slightly stammered, internally cursing yourself for being so embarrassing.
"Holy crap... did you just stutter?" he realized, giddily.
"You did! Oh, my God! You just did!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"That was adorable! You're adorable."
"I hate you."
"You're not the first."

"Fuck..." you cursed, closing your eyes and biting your lip as your free hand cupped your breast through the thin fabric of your tank top.
Lost in the moment, your breath began to pick up, even more so as you slid your red hand down the front of your panties.
You moaned as you began to massage your sensitive bud, imagining it was someone else instead.
After housing down the rest of your dinner, and take a well-earned shower, you got set your own private room—which you procured by telling Flag you sometimes burst into flames in your sleep.
But now, with the boys keeping watch outside the princess's room, and nothing but time to kill, you settled for the old American past time, dealing with an itch you'd been meaning to scratch for years.
"Oh, shit..." you gasped, slipping your fingers inside, expecting to feel something.
But you didn't.
In fact, you felt nothing.
'The fuck?'
Abruptly, you sat up on the bed, letting out a huff as you looked down at yourself.
You knew it had been a hot minute since you last... y'know... but you didn't think you were that rusty.
"Fuck me," you groaned, flopping back on the mattress in annoyance.
You were already pent up enough, but adding sexual frustration to the mix only worsened the feral urges rising in your chest.
God, you weren't even supposed to be here...
You weren't some hardened criminal, or senseless evil-doer.
You were just a woman.
A woman... with horrible luck, and a really, really bad case of DID.
And a woman who wanted nothing more than to be back at her cell in Arkham, far away from these people and this place.
Quickly, you got up, snatching your shorts off the floor before tugging them on, running a frustrated hand through your hair.
Frantically, you racked your brain for someone to assist you, feeling as though if you didn't get this release, you might go insane.
Just one round.
Just one, quick round.
And you'd be set for however many more years you had at the asylum.
'No. He was makin' goo-goo eyes at the princess... and by now she's probably already fucked him.'
'Too stiff. I don't even think he has a dick...'
'Absolutely not.'
Which only leaves...
'Fuck. Me.'
Cursing under your breath, you stood there for a moment, contemplating the life choices that led you to this moment before starting for the door.
On your way, your steps seeming to echo throughout the room as you padded across, and only got louder after you yanked open the door and reached the hallway.
At this point, you were desperate.
With no actual options and limited time, you would have to act fast.
And pray that he'd let it go once you were done...
Using your sense of smell, you found his door easily, moving to step in front of it.
You were about to knock, but stopped mid-way, hesitant.
What if he said no? Found you disgusting...
"Whoa, there, doll face... That's hot," his words echoed in your head.
With a deep sigh, you steeled your nerves, raising your hand to knock, but just as you did, the door swung open, scaring you half to death.
And there he stood, six feet of surprisingly attractive radiation clad in a hoodie and sweatpants, sleeves pushed up to reveal his glowing forearms.
Though, he looked like he was on his way to do something.
"(y/n)... to what do I owe the surprise?" Phosphorus played off, his voice doing little to hide the grin on his face.
In this case, he was glad that his eyes weren't visible to others, as that was the only thing keeping you from smacking him across the face for the look he had on.
Which was utterly shameless.
But fuck... who could blame him when you looked the way you did?
You exchanged the sexy leather and buckles for a sinfully thin, black tank top and shorts, your curves now even further on display.
If he was being honest, for a moment, he didn't even believe the sight to be real—it all seemed too good to be true.
That is, until you started talking.
"Look, I'm only gonna say this one time," you started, poking your finger into his chest and forcing him back into his room, kicking the door shut behind you once you were inside. "So for once in your life, shut the fuck up and listen. Okay?"
He felt his stomach churn at your touch, your demanding tone and freshly-washed scent doing little to help.
But he silently nodded, keeping somewhat eye contact.
"I have been stuck in Arkham for ten fucking years... and for ten fucking years I've only ever touched myself..." you continued, still moving forward, and still forcing him back. "This might be the last time I see the outside world, and if it is, I'm doing one thing before I go."
Absolutely floored, Phosphorus couldn't help but let his mouth hang wide, completely disbelieving of the words coming out of your mouth.
There was no way.
Were you serious?
Was this really happening?
Had he fallen asleep?
"Sadly, there isn't a buffet of options," you sighed, slightly amused, as the backs of his knees hit the bed, forcing him to fall back onto it with a yelp. "But out of the assortment, you're the only one I can fuck without giving severe burns."
Practically pouncing, you crawled on top of him, sitting yourself down on his crotch and caging him to the mattress.
"But I wanna be clear that this is just sex. I need something... and you probably do, too. So we're just giving it to each other. Nothing more, nothing less."
Phosphorus's brow raised at the statement.
"Figured that," he chuckled. "I'm never gonna see you again. They're gonna ship you back to Gotham when this is all over."
"Exactly," you nodded. "So... you fuck me, help me get my nut, and then I leave. No cuddling, pillow talk, none of that. Am I clear?"
Below you, the man cocked his head to the side, seeming to be searching your face for something.
You tried to keep your expression as firm as possible, needing him to understand how serious you were.
Finally, he nodded, slowly resting a hot hand on your hip, sending a small vibration running right through your body.
"Crystal," he purred.
You shoulders sank with a quiet sigh, relief flooding your body as you leaned down, your face now inches from his.
"Good..." you hummed, moving closer until your lips were just out of each other's reach.
You could finally feel good, for what could possibly be the last time.
You weren't going to waste a single second.
"Now fuck me."

#creature commandos#dc#dcu#dc x reader#dcu x reader#creature commandos x reader#dr phosphorus#dr phosphorus x reader#doctor phosphorus#doctor phosphorus x reader#phosphorus x reader#phosphorus
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So, I imagine that Soap is around 5'11, which is not short at all, even if it seems so if you look at the people he works with.
However, from his whole family, he is the tallest.
His da is 5'8, his brother is 5'9, his sisters are 5'2 and 5'3 and his mam is 5' nothing. To his family, Johnny is not only tall but also overgrown.
(This is also why entering the military was a shock to the system --- Soap was used to being pretty tall if not the tallest person around and then boom, he's smol)
The first time Soap takes Ghost to his family home, he is instantly named a giant. Literally, his mam when she sees him says something along the lines of 'and I thought my boy was a giant' and his da makes the typical joke of 'what does the army feed you?' and one of Soap's sister says she 'woulda climb him like a tree too if she had the chance' and his brother goes all 'was gonna give the fella a shovel talk but I think he's too big too bury by myself any case'. Soap is so embarrassed by them but Ghost is awkwardly shy anytime his height is pointed out.
On top of it, he tries to help Soap's mam in the kitchen (I like to think he likes to cook) and there is the comical image of her, standing there tiny at 5'0 and Ghost towering over her at 6'3 or 6'4 (Soap's not sure, Simon slouches often) and trailing behind her as she orders him around. There's literally a moment when she goes to grab herself a step ladder to reach something on the top shelf and Ghost just stretches his arm a bit and gets it for her. She might or might not ask if he can dust the cobwebs from the corners of the ceilings she can't reach herself. (Ghost dusts the cobwebs, duh, even if Johnny can't snicker at him enough).
Johnny's brother uses Ghost's height to make his kid eat his veggies, 'if you eat your veggies, you're going to grow as tall as him'. Ghost goes along with it.
The kids in general treat him like a walking jungle gym --- especially because he's not only tall but also strong enough to function as a walking jungle gym. One of Soap's nieces who used to love piggyback rides from him now insists Ghost has to be the one because he makes her feel taller than Soap does.
They're supposed to sleep in Soap's childhood bedroom and Soap's da brings in an ottoman and a couple of pillows so Ghost's feet 'don't stick out'. Soap laughs it off until he realizes that Ghost's feet would, in fact, stick out from his tiny double bed if he slept straightened out.
#i could go on#but ill leave it here#this was inspired by my nan finisng out my partner is 6'4 and saying 'he'll have to sort out her wardrobe top mess' for her#ghostsoap#ghoap#john soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#cod#q#op#charlie writes
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2012 tmnt x shape-shifting reader!!!!!!!!!! Saw one for rise and immediately thought of 2012:)
2012 tmnt x reader
Leo gave you a nasty side eye as you moved your face up close next to his. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” You stuck your tongue out and he reared back at the snake tongue that came out instead of your human tongue.
“Why? Does it freak ya out?” You fell into lap, fluttering your eyelashes up at him. “Should look in a mirror, bud.”
He scowled down at you, but made no move to push you off. You grinned at him. That was unusual, maybe he was finally warming up to you.
Raph pointed a finger at a cockroach, shaking very slightly. “Stop it! I know it’s you!” He shouted your name in a warning tone. You snickered. He was serious. “I’ll smack ya if ya don’t change back right now!”
“I’m right behind you.” He yipped, whirling around to face you. He stared at you, wide eyed. Unluckily for him, this startled the cockroach. Which happened to have wings. He ran out of living room and you watched after him lazily.
That would teach him not to threaten to smack you.
Donnie scowled at you, your small form blinking up at him innocently. He slowly takes off his mask he used to protect his face when using a blow torch. “I thought I told you to stop sneaking in here.”
You squeaked, whiskers twitching.
“And it’s weird that you’re a rat. Offensive even. What if Splinter saw?” He smiled tiredly as he lowered a hand you clambered into it. He put you on the lab table and you slowly morphed back to your human appearance. You sat on the table, kicking you feet back and forth.
“I think you need a break, big guy.”
“Please!” Mikey begged you, clasping his hands together. “Just once! So I know what she’s saying!”
“Fine. But never again.” You warned him. You transformed into a cat as he picked you up and carried you to the freezer.
You would never admit it now, but… you couldn’t actually talk to animals like Mikey believed you could. So here you were, taking a shovel and digging the hole deeper. You meowed very seriously to Ice Cream Kitty who blinked at you curiously. “She said something about… uh, dolphins.”
Mikey nodded, eyes flicking back and forth between you and the mutant. “What else?”
“Uh… she loves you?” He squeaked, scooping icecream Kitty’s bowl up to hug her. You rolled your eyes. This guy.
#tmnt x reader#donatello x reader#leonardo x reader#raphael x reader#michelangelo hamato x reader#donatello hamato x reader#leonardo hamato x reader#raphael hamato x reader#2012 tmnt x reader#tmnt 2012 x reader
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lil edit if you saw this beforehand no you didn’t 💗
“how. the hell. can you eat that ?”
your boyfriend slowly stop licking at his spoon, glancing at you. who has been stuck in that same position, looking at him with that same disgusted look for a hot minute now.
“it’s good.” he shrug, dipping his spoon in his chocolate fudge ice cream for another spoonful. “your ice cream’s melting.”
“you’re fucking crazy.” you say it with no emotion, slowly blinking at him like he actually went insane. he huffs loudly, talking with another spoonful in his mouth “then why didn’t you say anything about it when you went to get it for me at the store ?”
without looking away, you dips your spoon in your own ice cream and shove it in your mouth, a simple cookie dough flavor. a classic, a good flavor. “because i was hoping, that when i came back here with chocolate ice cream you’d correct me and tell me that wasn’t the one you wanted and i’d heard you wrong over the phone..and yet here you are.” katsuki snorts rolling his eyes, shoving you with his shoulder. you squeal, almost dropping your tub of ice cream and glaring at him. he sends you a side glance and a smirk.
“you’re such a loser.”
“at least i don’t like chocolate ice cream” you gag.
he rolls his eyes “you fuckin’ chew your ice cream, and you act like i’m the weird one.”
“you do it too !”
“shut up.”
katsuki shovels another spoonful, leaning towards you as you back away. he chuckles “want some ‘a mine ?”
“ ugh, no !” you yell revolted. “get that away from me.”
“c’mon, ‘m sharin’ witcha.”
“katsuki, i’m so serious !” he snickers, getting the spoon in his mouth before it melts and splatters on the couch, as much as he loves to annoy you he hates making a mess. the way he has the nerve to hum after tasting it has you scrunching your face up.
“lemme get some of yours then.”
“nuh, uhn ! i don’t want your nasty chocolate residue on my spoon ! either you get another one or nothing for you.”
“you’re so dramatic.” he complains, but stalks towards the kitchen to get himself another spoon. he hums when the taste hits his tongue.
“see ? this is good ice cream.” you nod to yourself, katsuki flicks your forehead teasingly muttering a “dumbass.”
#yes i hc katsuki actually likes chocolate ice cream SUEEE MEE ITS FUNNY#im eating ice cream and thought aboht this lol i love it#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugo fluff#bakugou imagine#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou katsuki#cash speaks <3#bakugou katuski x reader#cashs random thoughts#this was a silly thing i randomly thought about#random blurbs
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“Where is that boy?”
Maddie crossed her arms, eyes narrowed as she stared at the dinner table, everyone gathered and ready to eat except for one missing echidna.
Tails side eyed the empty seat and let a nervous giggle escape his lips. “Umm, I mean…he always comes back eventually, right?”
Sonic snickered. “Probably off being ‘one with the earth’ or something. Or maybe punching some innocent boulders.”
Tom gave the hedgehog a glance, trying to hide his amusement without catching the brunt of Maddie’s frustration. “Hon, this is not the first, or the last time Knuckles will miss dinner. Sit down and eat while the food is still warm.”
“But I told him I wanted him to come home for dinner.” She pushed her lips together, eyes softening slightly. “I want the family together. And I worry when he doesn’t check in.”
“You worry about the chaos infused echidna that can punch through boulders and pick up trucks with one hand?” Sonic scoffed.
“Yes!” Maddie answered, trying to stay stern, but a hint of humor finally entering her tone at the absurdness of the admission. “He’s my son…it’s my job to worry…even if I probably don’t have to!”
"To be honest, he probably just loses track of time.” Tom supplied.
Tails laughed softly as he absent mindedly twirled his spaghetti. “No he doesn’t…he tracks the sun and moon so precisely that he doesn’t even need a watch!”
Tom gave him a look.
“I…I mean…yeah! Just lost track of time!” Tails concluded with wide, uncomfortable smile.
“Sit, honey.” Tom kicked out her chair slightly with his foot, giving her a soft smile. “We’ll just heat up his food when he gets home and you can have another talk about coming home on time that will likely go through one dread and out the other.”
Maddie sighed and her arms loosened across her chest. She gave another, softer glance at the empty seat, then sat down. She gave each of her boys (the ones that bothered to show up) a smile.
“Alright…lets dig in.”
“Finally!” Sonic moaned, immediately digging his fork into the heaping mound of pasta. He shoveled a large portion into his mouth and turned to his brother. “Yo no…mybee wcan putta traker on hm or somthin.”
Tails eyes brightened at the thought.
“Sonic, don’t talk with your mouth full…”
“So, you know…I was mostly kidding about the tracker thing…” Sonic sat in one of the chairs set up in the garage, his legs swinging gently as he watched his little brother.
The two boys found themselves in the garage the next morning. The space had been renovated to act as Tails’ work space after many evenings and complaints that the kit was working late into the night. Separation of work and bed was attempted. And it did help…most of the time.
Tails looked up and lifted the protective shield from over his eyes, letting it rest on his forehead. He placed the soldering tool on the work bench and turned toward Sonic.
“I’m not going to place a tracker.” He huffed, fighting a small upward twitch of the mouth. “But I had thought about it. He wouldn’t even notice it in his shoe or something.”
“OK…agreed…but even the red hulk deserves his privacy.” Sonic shrugged then shot a lopsided grin the foxes way.
“It’s a communication device.” Tails corrected. “Not a tracker. Although I did place a tracker that can be activated in case of emergency.”
Sonic rolled his eyes with mirth. “So how will this be different from the countless cell phones Knux has pulverized with his grip.”
“Well…Instead of holding it, he’s going to wear it!” Tails exclaimed. “Like a watch…but, you know, not as fragile.”
“Apple watch?” Sonic asked, lifting his eyes.
“Again, too fragile.” Tails answered. “Besides, we don’t need anything that fancy. Just something we can contact Knuckles with, you know, to keep Maddie from worrying.”
“So she can yell at him from a distance. She’ll love that. Maybe this should be a gift for her instead.” Sonic snickered. He jumped off the table and peered out of the garage window, squinting his eyes against the sun. His eyes caught the echidna of interest sitting out in the late morning sun, rolling his neck and stretching his shoulders. Glints of green danced off his face as the sun’s rays reflected from the master emerald at his side.
Sonic moved away from the window and back to his brother, looking over his shoulder at the progress made.
“How did you even find the parts for this?”
“You know, just here and there…” Tails answered noncommittally.
“Uh huh.” Sonic answered skeptically as he wandered back to his chair, finger tips dancing and vibrating over his lap. “So we’ll find out when the toaster doesn’t work?”
Tails glared.
“I do not understand.” the echidna rumbled, eyeing the small device with suspicion.
“Well…” Tails started, almost sheepishly. “We made you a communication device. You wear it on your wrist when you spend the day out. This way Maddie can get ahold of you if she gets worried.”
“Why would she worry?” he asked, his brow furrowed. “I am able to take care of my self.”
“Yeah, we know, bud.” Sonic answered with a nudge to the shoulder. “But Maddie is going to worry about you whether you like it or not. So why don’t you make our….I mean…her life less stressful and learn how to use this thing.”
Knuckles stared at the device, then stared back at the small fox in front of him, letting a small breath of air pass his lips. “Alright. If it will allow our matriarch to feel less anxiety about my well being, then I suppose I can try.”
“Great!” Tails exclaimed. “Ok…so…” the little fox made his way over to Knuckle’s side, tails wagging in excitement. “I’ll just put this on your wrist…like…” the little fox wrapped the band around a tense red wrist, “this..” The fox fastened the clamp. “See? Now you don’t have to worry about carrying it.”
Knuckles eyed the device with narrowed eyes. “It is tight.”
“It’s supposed to be a little tight…” Tails explained. “So it doesn’t fall off!”
The echidna did not look impressed, but allowed the device to stay on and glanced back up at his youngest brother. Sonic was actually impressed that they had made it this far.
“Now what?”
“Well…when one of us wants to get a hold of you…” Tails pointed at Sonic. Oh, that was his cue to get his phone. He held up the device with one hand, using the other to wave over it, palm up, with a flourish to bring attention to his phone. Knuckles looked at the phone, tightened his lips, then glanced back at the fox.
“Sonic, go ahead…” Tails urged. Sonic gave a sheepish grin, then lowered the phone and looked up the new contact that Tails had entered. He clicked over “Knucklehead” and the phone screen changed to indicate a call was being made. Sonic held the phone back up so Knuckles could see. Knuckles lifted an eyebrow, then physically started when the device on his wrist began to chime and vibrate.
“What is this?” the echidna asked with suspicion.
“Press this button.” Tails instructed, pointing at the small green button to the far right.
Knuckles looked at his glove, then looked at the device. Tails’ expression turned to worry. It seemed he hadn’t taken the size of his eldest brother’s hands into full consideration. Knuckles cocked his head as he considered. Then he pushed his nose into the green button.
Sonic couldn’t help the small bark of laughter which earned him a glare from the others.
“Nothing is happening.” the echidna complained.
Oh, missed the cue again. Sonic pushed his mirth back down and zipped away into the woods until he was out of sight.
“Knux…hey dude, whazzup?” he spoke into the phone with a high pitched flourish.
“Sonic?” the deep voice crackled through the phone speaker. “Where did you go?”
“I’m in the device…” he answered. “I got sucked in! HELP!”
He heard a sucked in breath and suddenly his little brother’s voice in the background trying to convince Knuckles not to break the thing apart.
“But he said he is trapped!” the echidna argued through the speaker.
“Sonic, stop it!” the higher voice of the fox scolded. Sonic sucked in another bark of laughter.
“Ok, Ok. Knux? Bud, I’m fine…I just ran to show we could talk from far away. So, see? We’re talking! Wazzup?” he asked again.
“You know ‘what’s up’” the echidna answered without humor. “We are trying this…device.”
Sonic rolled his eyes. He heard Tails once again trying to explain how the device was to be used and hid a snicker behind his hand. Tails was so much more patient. Sonic, well…he was enjoying this a little too much.
“Sonic, come back now!” Tails instructed, and with a whoosh of air Sonic was back at his brothers sides.
“So, get it?” Tails asked hopefully. “Cool, huh? So when Maddie, or me, or Sonic wants to contact you when you’re…doing what you like to do…we can!”
“I see.” Knuckles answered, once again eyeing the device. “I suppose I can see its use.”
“And if you need to get ahold of us, you just press these color coded buttons! Blue is Sonic, yellow is me, pink is Maddie, and brown is Tom!” Tails was once again excitedly swishing his namesakes back and forth as he explained his device. Even Knuckles was pulled into his enthusiasm and let a small smile form.
“With my nose?”
“Uhhh, well, sure until I figure out something else…” Tails laughed. “Wanna try?”
Sonic once again zipped away, his phone over his head. He leaned himself into a tree and waited for the call. A few seconds later his phone began to ring. He stared the phone with an impish grin, giving it at least 4 rings.
“Hello?” he asked formally, once again burying a snicker. “May I ask who is calling at this hour?”
“Sonic?” the echidna’s voice once again crackled over the speaker. “You know who I am!”
“Do I? Maybe it’s another deep voiced red alien echidna. Once can never be to careful these days…”
Sonic recognized the subtle growl in the response, let out one more small chuckle, then zipped himself back to his bothers.
“Well hello Knuckles! Guess it was you!”
“Sonic…” Tails huffed, but even he couldn’t erase the grin. He turned back to Knuckles. “Understand how it works?”
The echidna once again eyed the device attached to his wrist.
“I believe so. But, what next?”
“What next?” Sonic asked. “You wait for a real call!”
Maddie looked at her watch again and huffed in annoyance. “I told him when to be back today. He knows we are grabbing some dinner in a bit.”
Sonic’s fingers quickly made their way over the game controller as he sat with his legs crossed on the floor, deep into a fight on ‘Super Smash Bros’. “I dunno, but I know we aren’t leaving until I win…this…fight…” He tensed with his face scrunched in concentration as he moved his whole body to the right, pressing the buttons with more force than necessary.
Tails looked up from his book, sitting next to Maddie on the couch. His ears twitched forward and even Sonic looked up as he jumped to his feet on the couch.
“You can call him!” the little fox stated with excitement. “We haven’t been able to use it in real life yet!”
Maddie gave the fox a wry smile and brought her hand to ruffle the fur on the top of his head. “Call Knuckles.” she repeated to herself. “Still feels weird…but you know what, lets give it a try.”
“No time like the present!” Sonic exclaimed, never taking his eyes from the TV.
“Do it!” Tails said, tails wagging.
Maddie picked up her phone sitting next to her on the couch. She eyed the screen, then pressed the contacts icon, moving down until she found “Red Menace”, obviously programed in by Sonic. She rolled her eyes.
“OK, here we go…” She pressed the echidna’s name and the ringing sound began. She leaned back into the couch. Tails made his way closer, resting a small hand on her shoulder in anticipation. It ringed. A second time. A third time. A fourth time.
“I don’t know if this is going to work.” she said skeptically as she listened to the fifth ring. “Does he really…”
“Madame Maddie!” The deep voice carried over the speaker drawing her attention forward. Tails jumped in excitement watching his device in action. Sonic subtly paused his game, ears twitching toward the new source of hopeful entertainment.
“What is it that you require?” the echidna spoke.
“It’s working!” Tails quietly exclaimed. Sonic smiled in amusement.
“Knuckles, it’s 4:30. I wanted you back by 4:00 to go to dinner. You’re late.” Maddie spoke sternly, fully accepting that she was able to speak to her wayward son.
“Ah, yes! I do remember!” the eldest answered voice crackling and cutting out slightly. “I will head home now.”
“That’s great, hon.” Maddie answered, turning to Tails and giving him a thumbs up.
“I will just jump from this cliff and take a short cut!”
Sonic sat up. Tails covered his mouth with his hand. Maddie sputtered.
“WHAT? Knuckles don’t you dare…”
“Be home soon.”
Tails flinched slightly as he listened to Maddie’s shrill yell directed at the phone in her hand. “Maybe this was a bad idea…”
“I dunno…she already looks so much calmer!” Sonic joked, watching his mom’s face darken, her blood pressure rise.”
The line when dead.
Tails giggled nervously.
Sonic slowly got up and gently pried the phone from Maddie’s tightening grip. She looked at him with wide eyes.
“He’s joking right? He’s not really going to…”
“Better not to think about it.” Sonic answered, teeth clenched. “Anyway! Let’s get ready to eat”
#knuckles the echidna#knuckles wachowski#communication#sonic wachowski#tails wachowski#maddie wachowski
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Do you think you could do Sirius Black with the “I hate everyone but you.” Personality.
James is immediately alerted to your glum mood when you sit down without so much as a greeting, and he leans across the table with narrowed eyes.
"What's'a matter, Y/L/N?"
"Sirius is mad at me." You reveal drearily, wrapping your hand around the fork set at your place even if you don't feel like eating.
"Oh," James's brow scrunches, "Don't take it personal, babe. He's having a shit day, he heard from his mum. Nothing nice, I bet. Wouldn't let me see it. Just- he's grouchy with everyone today, don't let it bother you."
"But he told me to come back tomorrow," You recount, "Like he can't stand seeing me for the entire day! What am I supposed to do, James, we're set to study in the library at three. And- and I could help him! I could be there for him, but he's pushing me away instead."
James's brows raise, and a pitying smile works its way over his face, "Love. You're the kind of person that wants to be around people all the time. You seek comfort out when you're sad; Sirius doesn't. If you love him, y'gotta let him sulk for a bit. Then he'll come to you. And-" His nose scrunches, his brows wrinkled, "And all he said was 'come back tomorrow'? That's nothing. He told me to get my bespectacled arse out of the room before he shut the window on my head."
Your face contorts in horror, "James! James, that's so mean, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, darling." He snickers, "That's what I mean, that's just what Sirius does."
"Not to me he doesn't," You frown, "That's not okay, James, he should treat you better than that."
"He's having a rough time," James shrugs, "Doesn't bother me. He's all talk, he'd never do any of it. Just needs to blow off steam, y'know? And I think we both know why he tones it down for you, Y/N."
"I'm not special," You snap, reigniting the age-old argument between you and James that Sirius totally does not have feelings for you, not one bit.
"Right," James gives you an overexaggerated roll of his eyes, curls bouncing as he does so, "That's why he threatened to behead me and all he did to you was kindly shoo you away."
"Maybe you just piss him off more than me," You stick your tongue out at him, and turn to Remus for support as the boy sits down beside you.
"Morning," James takes the lead, shooting you a smirk out of the corner of his eye, "Talk to Sirius today, Moony?"
"Little shit told me if I didn't stop talking to him - which I only tried once, by the way," Remus groans, "- he'd 'mess me up' so hard my transformations felt like reprieve."
James's eyes widen and he tries tamping down a snort, tucking into his breakfast instead. Remus turns to you and your once-more incredulous gaze, scoffing lightly, "And I suppose he just told you to come back tomorrow?"
"That's exactly it!" James slams a fist on the table, a chunk of egg flying from his mouth that Remus shakes off of his hand with a grimace, "Moony, tell her she's special."
"I'm not special," You desperately try deluding yourself, shoveling your own forkful of food into your mouth as soon as you're done speaking, so that you don't have to answer to their protests, "He just hates you both."
#sirius afterwards shuffling up to james and remus with a scripted note in hand that you wrote#and you're behind him pushing him along like >:(( apologize#and they've both got the biggest shit eating grins on their faces as sirius grumbles out how sorry he is for being 'verbally abusive'#sirius black x reader#sirius black imagine#sirius black scenario#sirius black oneshot#sirius black one-shot#sirius black one shot#sirius black headcanon#sirius black headcanons#sirius black hc#sirius black hcs#sirius black fanfiction#sirius black fanfic#sirius black fic#sirius black blurb#sirius black drabble#sirius black dialogue#sirius black fluff#sirius black x reader fanfiction
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The Ghost King is my Uncle Drabbles
A/N: The original this sorta ties too: Original One Shot
Shovel Talks
Constantine swore up a storm of course only mentally. It wasn't like he was going to voice any of his thoughts right now. Not when he was faced with the good damn Ghost King. All he wanted was to summon one of his contracted demons to gather some information and what did he get the fucking Ghost King.
"Trench coat! We meet again. You worked on your manners, I hope?"
"Of course your majesty." Well he didn't but he avoided the freaking bats like crazy.
"Well I gotta thank you. Well you and my In-Law that's busy and asked me to substitute for your call since we meet and before and so on." The Ghost King casually waved his hand in a dismissive manner before looking around with his eyes sparkling in recognition and it sent a shudder down Constantine's back. "You are giving me the perfect opportunity."
Did… did the Ghost King just pull out a green glowing sword from a fucking portal and why did he have that glint in his eyes? Constantine paled. Why did this have to happen to him?
"If you will excuse me for a moment. I need to look for a Kryptonian real quick. I will deal with your problem right after. Promise."
With that the Ghost King phased through the floor apparently in search of Superman who just happened to be in the watchtower today. Fuck. Constantine run out of the room in mild panic and pushed whoever was on communication aside as he dialed for the bats. The moment someone on their end pick up he didn't bother to explain anything and just shouted for one of them to get their fucking ass here as fast as possible or superman was going to be history!
Okay that might also have sent the people witnessing his panic into chaos but this was a fucking emergency.
It was only minutes later that Batman did indeed arrived together with Nightwing and Red Robin with the Zeta-Tube at the watchtower to bear witness to Superman getting cornered by the Ghost King with Constantine bound by echo-bindings for apparently having annoyed the Ghost King with his pleading to spare the Kryptonian.
"Now I am sure I don't have to repeat myself but, IF you ever hurt Baby Bat a fate way worse than the Soul Shredder and the Nightmare Realm will be the least of your problems. The last guy that hurt my family is still in there and I will gladly make you permanently join him."
A cough resounded and Danny turned his head, a bright smile on his face as he spotted his little nephew and two of the little babies.
"Baby Bat, Baby Menace and Baby Stalker! I will be done in a little bit!"
"Ghost Ki-"
"Uncle Danny."
Batman let out a suffering sigh as Nightwing and Red Robin snickered.
"Uncle Danny. Why are you threatening Superman?"
"Because Jazz forbade me to use the Soul Shredder on humans but Superman is not human so I am allowed to use it on him."
"Uncle Danny, why do you want to use the 'Soul Shredder'" -as a joke Nightwing used air quotes- "on the him in the first place?"
"Shovel talk."
Batman chocked and Red Robin spluttered as Nightwing had a hard time suppressing a laugh. Constantine and Superman gapped at the Ghost King.
"You… are threading him for shovel talk purposes? What even is the nightmare realm?"
"A place you don't want to be in. Very traumatic and perfect to externally punish anyone that hurts my family in any regard as long as I am allowed to dump them there."
There was an added barely hearable grumble of "I would have sent the Joker and Ra's in there long ago if Clockwork weren't such a stick in the mud about keeping the timeline straight and their roles and bla bla bla."
Red Robin did a double take. Did the Ghost King just admit that he would have liked to sent their rogues into a place that was most likely hell? Wait didn't he mention sending someone in there permanently earlier.
No one noticed Superman slowly inching away from the blade still pointed at him while the Ghost King's attention wasn't on him. Well the bats noticed but didn't react to it, deeming it safer for the Super.
"Uh you said you dumped someone permanently in there?" Red Robin tried to keep the attention on them.
"Well yea." The Ghost King casually shrugged, adjusting the blade so Superman could no longer inch away from him. "I looked away from the Ice Mirrors for a week and someone dared to hurt Moma Bat. Of course I was enraged and snatched that guy off the street to permanently drop him in there."
There was a beat of heavy silence. Batman under his cowl bluescreened especially with how casually Danny just admitted at having snatched up his parents murderer to punish the man. Well that explained why he never found the culprit.
"Now If you excuse me little Babies I am gonna finish this talk with the Kryptonian and make sure he knows what will happen if he hurts Baby Bat."
With this the Ghost King turned back to the rapidly paling Superman with a feral grin. The Birds sweat dropped as Batman was still not mentally present, his mind still working through the information.
"Think I would be able to borrow that sword?" Red Robin suddenly asked as Nightwing eyed Batman worringly. "He only said that Great Grandma forbade him to use it on humans. He never said we couldn't."
"Don't let Robin or Hood hear that." Nightwing said, even if he wanted to borrow it himself too. With B mentally still checked out he had to act as the responsible one. That wouldn't stop him from asking their Ghost Uncle later if he could borrow the sword anyway.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#dp x dc#fanfic#crossover#tim drake#dick grayson#bruce wayne#superman#john constantine#DPxDC#Ghost Uncle Danny#Shovel Talks#dc x dp fic#crackish#no beta wie die like danny#drabble
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popular girl mary x loser pandora mentioned
OK so this is sorta the same universe as this post (self plug)(trigger warning: outingand murder and suicide and murder)
so in like primary mary was like sorta bullied and in the late primary school area she gets paired off (by the tr bc noone wanted to offer to pair up w her) w this weird blonde haired and big blue eyes and ...are those bugs? g r e a t.
So yea they pair up and Mary on one hand does not Like pandora bc while yea maty IS a loser she's trying to not be one while pandora dgaf on the other hand pandora is maybe the onky person in the school who's like less cool than mary soooo maybe if mary makes fun of pandora she'd gain social points??
And so the project continues and pandora says the weirdest shit ever and when ppl smirk and snort at her she throws bugs at them and when mary asks her avt the project she replies w the most random sentences ever and is always practically vibrating w manic energy and this is how a convo bn them would go
M "mrs hannah says we need to show her the draft by sunday can u do Sunday"
P "my hands are so dizzy rn. I think its bc of the rainbo2 bugs i ate today"
But also one secret hidden part of mary wishes she was like pandora who Gen could care less abt what ppl think and talks abt her bugs and doesn't flinch when the students snicker at her when she starts her sentences w "greetings " and she doesn't feel embarass3d dor walking around on her own gasping at the walls of the school and singing the national anthem and yeah
And once mary has pandora over and pandora doesn't seem phased by Mary's whiny Lil siblings and the fact that her dad is out like 90% of the time working his ass off and so noones home and doesn't seem phased when they have to eat Ramen for dinner infant she even asks for ketchup to add on it
And Mary makes run of pandora to her friends but once again she takes things So Far she litr made fun of the underwear she saw In pandoras drawer from that time she was in her house for the project and everyone was like "mary that was kinda mean" and Mary's so confused bc she thought it was normal and once again she is an outsider
Ev mady goes to hs and she's starting to be Cool and once she's sure peter (another person from her primary in her hs) won't say anything abt the "old her" she begins to completely destroy her sense of self and just becomes a new person entirely and in fact forgets all abt pandora (not rlly)
And then.
Guess who transferred.
Guess. Who. Fucking. Transferred.
UGHHSGJ <- mary rn
after trying so hard to keep primary in the past, the ONE person she would have bated to come back to her hs is pandora
And the rzn she came here is bc she like, set her school on fire ""on accident"" and so she goes to the hs and yeah and Mary's like whatever we probably won't interact and Mary's so mean to pandora when pando4a tries talking to her She walks past her w her friends and tells her friends she's "just a loser" loudly so pandora can hear her and we'll pandora IS tech a loser in hs too BUT u kno how the school heretical structure is acc more common in middle school and not hs?? Yeah. Quiete a few ppl think pandoras funny and well since pandora has never cared on what ppl think of her She litr is unaffected but mary is SEETHINGGG bc how??? Mary has been training for the social heirchacial structure in hs her entire life and this bozo just got popular (not rlly) for no rzn????
And rmmbr how mary wants to do robotics ?? She goes into advanced phy and NONE of her main friends are there but she has many casual friends she could sit w right? But today somehow maty was running kate SKMEONE had shoveled snow infornt of her house (wonder who...) And well she enters the class late and everyone is in their sea5s...paired up...excpet ....pan fucking dora
So she sits next to her and can feel the eyes on her (noone cares) and to make things worse the tr said this is their perm seat chart and Mary thinks well they don't have to talk do they? And the tr gave them a group oroject...great
And pandora isn't oblivious so she knows what Mary's doing to her but doesn't care bc she thinks mary is hot and pandora is still weird but like more mature and she like I said has the MAJOR hots for mary but maary is so focused on popularity its sad so pandora will help her and see!! She's a good person!!
And so pandora arranges meetings for the projects in outdoor parks and enjoys watching mary squirm as pandora approaches her in the school hallway and those meetings in parks pandora ON PURPOSE keeps distracting mary and mary is so weirded as fuck looking at pandora w her face scrunched up and koyth slightly agape bc what type of bullshit is this bitch ssaying?? Qnd she forgets abt doing the project and pandora feels so proud bc mary litr would nvr do that 4 any1 else
And pandora let's mafy tmi to her and infact tmis BACK even tho she typically doenst like doing that and mary likes this (and of mary after realizing that pandora does this, strategically tmis not so embarrassing info and starts collecting embrassing info on pandora well...thats not here nir there is it 😇)and pandroa wasn't as Abad as she was in primary bc even tho she dgaf she has had to tone down a bit of her acc personality
And in one of their inc stupid convos pandora casually says she's bi and Mary's like wait how do u kno and pandora tells her and Mary's like u can't love girls AND boys and pandoras like nu uh and then she kisses her to let mary kno if she likes girls and it's so clumsy and flimsy bc they're 2 stupid teenage girls and pandora is like wow. Bc mary tastes like strawberry and she's licking the rem taste of her lips and Mary's like "uh oh" and they have a situationship and mary writes pandora stupid poetry and pandora tells mary abt taxidermy and they're so cute tighter excpet 4 the fact mary doesn't talk abt this 2 any1
Mary then realizes that the project isn't getting done and confronts pandora abt this in the hallway and it escalates...alot pandora doesn't like the fact that mary is yelling at her when her plan was going oerfectly and she doesn't like being yelled at in Gen and also she dgaf abt being embarrassed so she qkly starts yelling while mary who was in like survival mode all her life can see her status go to shambles in like 4k and so imm starts bringing up EVERY SINGLE TMI piece of info pandora told her INCLUDING THE FACT THAT SHES BI (its a catholic hs) until they're having a screaming match which then leads to a brawl where pandora scratches marys lip and bites her (??) And Mary pulls pandoras hair and manages to slap her like 5 times bc she got training from fighting h3r younger siblings
and they get sent to the principals office and mary after calming down is like acc tweaking bc she's nvr been sent to the principals office evr in her entire LIFE and pandora is si5ting there like woah. Bc mary tasted like strawberries and she's like licking her lips to get the rem taste (also she v much didnt mind being slapped but shh)
And bc mafy doesn't have ar3cord she gets 5 d3tentions and pandora gets suspended for a month but mary cries sm every1 thinks SHEs the one that got suspended
Ane when pandora came back mary did Damage Control and now somehow everyone HATES apndora so she changes schools and while she doesn't typically feel this much she's sEETHING AND THE ANGER FESTERS AND FESTERS BC MARY MADE HER THINK SHE CARED
so pandora becomes a stalker stalking mary all the way thru marys uni and her sm acc inc her spotify and knos her gmail and can c her utube history and can tell when she starts dating a girl (owie) she sees red
So she buys a truck
And gets her uncle to offer mary a job interview
And drives said truck
the last thing she tasted was mary
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Wheezing at both alba and alexia asking soleil if estrella has forced her to date ?
Well can't wait for more of estrella's big sisters ona jana aitana patri meeting her gf and everyone adoring soleil while estrella is pouting on the other side because she is not getting any attention
— this is post estrella’s backward shovel talk
— estrella was excited to introduce soleil at first, but she quickly realized she had made a mistake when her so-called “big sisters” completely abandoned her for her girlfriend.
— ona is the first to swoop in, immediately taking soleil’s hands with a warm smile. “finally, we meet the person who’s been keeping estrella from causing even more chaos.” soleil giggles, and estrella mutters, “i cause an appropriate amount of chaos, thank you very much.” no one listens.
— jana is right behind, nudging estrella out of the way to stand next to soleil. “you’re even cuter in person. how did estrella manage to trick you into this?” soleil tilts her head. “trick me?” “yeah, like… how did she convince you she was a good idea?” estrella gasps. “excuse me! i am a fantastic idea.”
— patri leans in with a smirk. “so, soleil… do you need help? blink twice if you’re in danger.” estrella groans while soleil just laughs, completely unbothered.
— aitana walks over, eyes narrowed at estrella. “so you do have a soft side,” she teases. estrella crosses her arms, scowling. “i do not.” soleil reaches for estrella’s hand, and she instantly softens. aitana grins. “liar.”
— estrella starts sulking when she realizes that no one is even paying attention to her anymore. she’s used to being the center of the universe, and now all her friends are fawning over her girlfriend. she dramatically throws herself onto the couch with a pout.
— “so this is what betrayal feels like,” estrella mutters to herself as she watches them all talk to soleil, completely absorbed in her every word.
— soleil, bless her, notices and walks over. “estrellita, are you okay?” estrella sighs loudly. “no. my so-called sisters have abandoned me for you.” soleil smiles, leaning down to press a kiss to estrella’s cheek. “but you still have me.”
— patri, watching from across the room, snickers. “this is the funniest thing i’ve ever seen.” jana nods. “she’s so used to being the little menace. now look at her. suffering.”
— ona finally takes pity on estrella and waves her over. “okay, come back, bebita. we’ll share.” estrella scowls. “i don’t want to be shared. soleil is mine.”
— aitana smirks. “hmm. possessive. interesting.” estrella glares. “shut up.”
— in the end, estrella sits next to soleil and wraps an arm around her, just to make sure everyone remembers who she belongs to. the girls all tease her for being clingy, but soleil just smiles, used to estrella’s dramatics by now.
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leah williamson 🫶
reader saying i like you instead of i love you to leah and leah getting annoyed
the bet II l.williamson
"do you want anything love?" your girlfriend murmured quietly where she was squished in beside you, about to get up to grab a drink where you were sat down for a movie night with some of your friends.
"another slice of pizza? please." you smiled hopefully which the blonde returned. "course, anything for you." she mumbled pecking your lips a few times sweetly causing your cheeks to warm.
"i love you." you sighed happily, both of you staring into one anothers equally as lovesick eyes. "i love you." leah whispered back kissing your nose. "i love you more." you grinned kissing her cheek. "i love you more." leah retaliated with a cheeky smile, pecking your lips.
"oh would ya give it a rest! shut up man." katie moaned from the floor, a pillow smacking the two of you in the head as the irish woman launched it your way.
"i love you most, end of." leah warned with a playful glare, kissing you softly again before grabbing the pillow and standing, swinging it with much more force than katie had as it thwacked her in the side of the head causing her to nearly topple over.
"oi!" you rolled your eyes with a snicker as the older girl shot up to her feet and chased your girlfriend out of the room, the sounds of their squabble echoing from the kitchen.
"you are down so bad." laura shook her from beside you as you gave her a strange look. "who taught you that? shut up!" you laughed quietly, knocking your shoulder into hers. "she's not lying. disgustingly in love!" beth fake gagged from on the other lounge.
"you're one to talk bethany!" you scoffed at the girls own neediness. "i do not shove my tongue down my girlfriends throat or feel the need to tell her i love her every thirty seconds!" beth defended herself, movie now forgotten.
"leave them be they are very sweet." lia chuckled as you sent her an appreciative smile before turning a frown on beth again. "i am not needy! and we don't do that." you huffed at the accusation.
"you do. i bet ya couldn't go one full training session without telling leah you love her or lockin lips!" beth challenged as your eyes narrowed and laura oohed beside you as again you shoved her.
"i could too! you're on mead, tomorrow." you accepted, beth settling back into the lounge with a satisfied grin as viv rolled her eyes at the theatrics.
"do you want a tea for the meeting babe?" leah asked sweetly as you played with her fingers where they were interlocked with your own under the table, everyone finishing up breakfast as todays session was an earlier one.
"yes please." you smiled appreciatively, leaning in to peck her lips but with a subtle kick to your ankle you turned your head to glare at beth as leahs lips fell to your cheek instead.
"forgetting something are we?" beth smirked as your girlfriend left and you remembered the bet from last night, sighing tiredly and shaking your head. "no! starts from now." you huffed, shoveling the last mouthful of your fruit salad into your mouth.
"you won't even last the first hour." beth teased with a smug smile as you ignored her and engaged lia in conversation instead. "here you go gorgeous." leah dropped back down in the seat to your other side with a smile, placing down the takeaway cup of tea in front of you.
"thanks baby." you hummed appreciatively, everyone starting to make a move for the meeting room. "i love you." leah smiled softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "i appreciate you." you returned her smile, booping her nose with your finger.
"stop!" you whispered with a grin, shoving away leahs hand which wandered higher and higher up your thigh, the blonde giving you a cheeky smile seemingly in quite the mood today.
"no." leah whispered back, hand darting out to pinch you as you smacked her, the two of you resorting to playing footsies as the meeting continued.
"do you want to go for dinner tonight? i can call and book us in somewhere after this." leah asked quietly, arm now draped across the back of your shoulders as your hand rested on her knee, finger tracing absent minded shapes.
"yeah that sounds nice." you agreed, kissing her cheek quickly and turning back toward the staff at the front of the room. "i love you." leah whispered, finger dipping just below the collar of your training top.
"we could go to that new italian place that just opened? i'm sure they have a childrens menu for you baby." you teased, leah rolling her eyes playfully as you both paid closer attention once the defensive tactics came out.
"looking good number twelve." leah whistled as she wandered past where you were squatting, steph shooing her away as to not distract you as the two of you were partnered up to spot one another.
"away with you!" steph warned as leah sent you a wink and a wolfish grin over the australians shoulder and returned to her own program where kim was waiting for her.
but of course considering the mood leah was in it wasn't long before she was hovering nearby again, everyone now having broken off individually to stretch and cool down.
"hello sexy." leah dragged her mat over and sat right beside you where you were rolling out some tension in your hamstrings. "hi." you smiled, not missing the way her eyes roamed your legs as your free foot shot out to kick her.
"eyes to yourself thanks we're in a work environment." you teased, switching over to the other leg and exhaling as the knot you were working on slowly started to dissipate.
"not illegal to look now is it? don't think i could bare to exist in a world where i couldn't stare at you." leah cheesed with a charming smile, laid down on her mat.
"stop perving on me and start stretching williamson." you flicked her with your towel as her grin only grew but she focused a little more on her stretches. "i love you." your girlfriend sang out with a wink, grabbing her roller and starting to work on her calves.
"i love me too, so glad we have so much in common." you teased, well aware of beths eyes on you from the other side of the room as you gave her a sarcastic wave.
"i love you." leah repeated, a slight frown growing when you pretended not to hear her, turning to work on your other leg as you chatted away to laia who was on your other side.
"i love you." you felt your girlfriend poke at your shoulder and you could practically hear the pout in her voice as again you pretended not to hear. "ow! leah." you felt a sharp pinch to the back of your leg and glared at her over your shoulder.
"i love you. say it back!" the blonde scowled as you rolled your eyes. "don't pinch me when you don't get what you want, you're not a five year old." you warned, finishing your stretches and getting to your feet leaving her behind with a bewildered look.
"thats good thats good! now press in tighter leah, block off any options of them getting it in the air lotte." jonas called out, arms crossed as you sat on the sideline with your water bottle, the team split into four as a series of small 6 on 6 games were being played as a cool down.
"so, how are you surviving without all your love and affection?" beth slung an arm round you from where she sat beside you making you roll your eyes. "perfectly fine! see i told you i could do it." you smiled victoriously.
"do what exactly?" alessia asked curiously from your other side with a raised eyebrow. "beth bet me i couldn't go all of training without kissing or telling leah i love her." you rolled your eyes as alessia hummed and beth made kissy noises at you.
"well that makes sense then." the blonde shrugged as you gave her a curious look. "what makes sense?" you questioned as beth finally left you be to annoy poor stina instead. "you haven't picked up on it?" alessia asked surprised as you shook your head.
"picked up on what?" "on leah!" "what about leah?" "how she's acting." "less i would appreciate it if you stopped speaking in riddles and explained yourself please."
"she's been grumpy all afternoon. even asked me if you'd said anything about being upset with her, and you've been avoiding her all training." alessia pointed out, taking a large scull of her water.
"well yeah because she looks like a kicked puppy every time she says she loves me and i don't say it back!" you groaned quietly as alessia smiled. "only proving my point that you are both disgustingly in love. its only been a few hours!" beth chimed in as you sent her a glare.
"less! don't encourage her." you smacked your friends knee as she grinned at beths words, the whistles blowing to end the session as everyone gathered around listening as the water bottles were passed around.
you could feel your girlfriends eyes burn a hole in the side of your head and it took every ounce of your self restraint not to turn to meet her gaze, skin prickling under the intensity of her stare as everyone was dismissed.
"now remember training doesn't officially end until you leave colney. no cheeky change room kisses!" beth warned with a wag of her finger and a grin as you pushed her off you with a huff and headed away back toward the training center.
"oi!" you heard the familiar accent call after you but pretended not to hear, walking a little faster as leah ran to catch up with you. "are your ears blocked today?" you skidded to a halt as leah popped up in front of you, arms crossed over her chest and scowl embedded into her features.
"maybe a little, hot shower might help." you tried to duck past her but had no luck as your body thumped into hers. "you're being weird. why are you being weird?" leah questioned, and you shot beth a glare over her shoulder as she waved at you happily.
"i'm not being weird. i'm just...tired." you lied with a small smile, patting her shoulder and stepping around her as her steps fell in line with yours easily, legs longer considering she was taller as again she stepped in front of you.
"okay. when we get home i'll run you a bath and give you a massage and we can take it easy babe, we can go for dinner another night." her hands gently fell either side of your face, eyes bright with concern as your stomach dropped with guilt.
"sounds good." you nodded with a smile, ducking as she leaned in to kiss you, her lips meeting thin air as you pried her hands off and hurried toward the training centre.
"babe!" leah huffed after you with a confused frown, concern melting into annoyance at your odd behavior as you spared her a glance over your shoulder and practically sprinted off away from her.
it didn't take long before she cornered you again, towering over you at your cubby. "are you mad at me? did i do something? say something?" leah asked, eyebrows knitted together as you shook your head.
"then why are you being so weird! you won't kiss me, you won't tell me you love me, anytime i try to speak to you you run away?" leah threw her hands up with a deep exhale and yet another signature scowl.
"yeah, you are being pretty weird! why is that?" beth decided to chime in, false concern written on her face as leah agreed and set her glare down onto you. "baby. i'll explain when we get home, promise." you stood and squeezed her bicep.
"kiss me." leah demanded, tapping her lips expectantly. "leah!" you blushed, well aware of more of the girls tuning into your conversation. "what? you don't normally care unless we're in the middle of a game or a session. so, kiss me." your girlfriend demanded again as beth grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.
"i can't. i've got a...a cold sore. so we should get home!" you grabbed your bag and tried to leave but the taller girl moved to be in the way. "you didn't complain about a cold sore this morning." leahs eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"its only come up today." you lied, clutching your jaw with a fake wince of pain as alessia shook her head from behind leah at the display. "fine. i love you." leah spoke, raising an eyebrow.
"i value you." you replied with a soft smile which did nothing to melt the annoyed frown in her features. "i love you." she repeated again, tapping her foot impatiently.
"i appreciate you." "i love you." "i really like being with you." "i love you." "i really like you." "i. love. you." leahs jaw clenched as beth watched on with delight at your obvious struggle as the changing rooms started to empty, viv and alessia watching on with a wince at the awkward exchange.
"thank you?" you tried every way you could to get around it, though that last response seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as the vein in your girlfriends neck looked ready to pop.
"really? you can walk home then!" leah spun around on heel, having driven the two of you today, and started to storm towards the exit as alessia shoved you from behind and gestured toward leah.
"wait!" you called after her, the blonde pausing but not turning around as you chanced a glance to beth whose smile almost looked like it was hurting her it was so wide.
"i made a bet with beth." you sighed, leah spinning around and eyes narrowing as she strode on back toward you. "you what?" the older girl stopped once again chest to chest with you.
"beth wouldn't stop teasing me about how affectionate we are and calling me needy, so she bet me that i couldn't go one training session without saying i loved you or kissing you." you admitted, the defender scoffing.
you prepared yourself for her to rant and rave, to yell and scold, to drive home without you and for a night to be filled with grovelling.
what you didn't prepare for was for leah to look right over your head, glare directed not at you but at beth who paled at the sight. "beth." leah dropped her bag to the floor and gently moved you aside, fists balled by her side.
"five, four, three-" leah started to count down, beths eyes widening as she looked around the room, jumping to her feet and running off as leah took off after her. "leah!" you called after her with a groan, hearing them start to argue outside.
"huh, that was not what i expected." alessia pondered as you sighed, grabbing both your bag and your girlfriends and hurried off. "really?" you stepped out of the change rooms to find leah had beth in a headlock yelling at her, the shorter girl fighting to throw her off.
"leah!" you called out, both of them stopping at your words, beth still locked up in your girlfriends arms. "i love you very very very much. can we go home now please? and i'll show you." you spoke calmly, your girlfriend instantly perking up at your words as beth groaned in disgust at the not so hidden intent behind them.
"oi!" the girl yelled as leah let go but not before pushing her to the floor, ignoring the colorful language hauled her way as viv appeared and helped her up, a smile of amusement painted on her lips having already tried to warn beth against meddling between the two of you.
"hey you lost the bet!" beth yelled after you in reminder as leah grabbed her bag and slung an arm over your shoulder steering you toward the exit. "yeah i did. but we didn't actually bet anything for if i lost beffy, have a nice night!" you grinned at her as her jaw dropped in realization.
"come here." leahs soft voice commanded your attention, her hand grabbing your jaw and tilting your head to the side, her lips ravishing yours as whistles sounded after the two of you at the display.
"leah." you pulled away with a slight blush as her tongue swirled the inside of your mouth and she sucked on your bottom lip before dragging her teeth down to release it with a slight pop, smirk present in her features.
"what? you've got a lot of making up to do baby girl."
#woso x reader#woso#leah williamson#engwnt#woso blurbs#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso community#leah williamson x reader
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the gwaine is gasping all offended and is like “this whole time???” looking between merlin and will like they just stabbed his mother “can you imagine all the pranks we could’ve been pulling??” and merlin laughs and shakes his head and elyan narrows his eyes at him and is like “wait merlin if you grew up with a sorcerer and knew this whole time…….has will ever taught you a spell?” and merlin is caught so off guard that he hesitates before denying and percival is like “lol yeah right like that was believable” and they all team up to pressure him into doing magic, even lancelot (“et tu, lance?”)
merlin is like “you guys are insane. even if i could, why in the world would i use magic?” and leon shrugs and is like “honestly if any one of us could use magic and get away with it, it’d be you. no way in hell would arthur execute you.” at arthur’s betrayed look, leon shrugs again. arthur sighs and turns to merlin and is like “whatever. go on. do your little magic.”
merlin is in disbelief. no fucking shot this just happened. there’s no way he heard arthur right. arthur rolls his hand out in a ‘go on’ gesture and merlin is just like “uh. um. uh. alright. yeah. sure. why not.”
will survives the attack on ealdor and arthur spares his life despite believing him to be a sorcerer which wins some points in will’s book and (like merlin) becomes this annoying leech that won’t leave arthur alone. he follows merlin to camelot and arthur tries many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times to get rid of him but he just keeps popping up and ends up getting a job as a servant in camelot. and ends up serving either gwaine or lancelot bc he and gwaine are a lot alike or bc lancelot knows about merlins magic and guards that secret with his life. anyways he comes with merlin and the crew on all their little hunting trips and quests and teams up with everyone to be an absolute Menace to arthur. late at night, he’ll take out his lute and strum some chords to a song from ealdor and goads merlin into singing and it becomes a Thing that they perform folk songs from ealdor whenever they’re all out in the woods
#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#knights of the round table#arthur pendragon#will of ealdor#sir leon#sir elyan#sir percival#sir gwaine#sir lancelot#merlin awakens something in arthur that night as he watches merlins eyes flare gold#wayyy later that night when theyre all snuggled into their bedrolls#arthur pokes merlin awake and is just like#‘show me more’#it obviously ends with a makeout session#a HEATED make out session*#that only ends bc of a muttered ‘finally’ across camp followed by poorly muffled snickering#will gives arthur the shovel talk in the morning#‘youre threatening ur king?’#‘what? no! if you break merlin’s heart he’ll break ur legs. don’t say i didn’t warn you.’
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Chapter 15- She Shoots, She Scores
Summary: You and Javi go to visit your family in Chicago. Javi gets his first chance to see snow, the two of you are tasked with unexpected baby sitting duty, and your family is... well, your family.
Word Count: 13.3K (I mean like... Could be worse?)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (don't be a fool, wrap your tool), creampie, praise kink, big ole breeding kink (you watch Javi hold a baby, what do you expect), talks of building a family, grief/loss of a family member, trying to talk about death/loss with a child (UGH sweet little Olivia), mentions of eating, mentions of drinking/being hungover (your dad had a rough night out with his besties), there is literally so much future dad!Javi content in this chapter and I am not sorry about it at all
A/N: Okay I am not gonna lie, the self indulgent part of me was SO excited to get our girl out on the ice in some hockey skates and kick ass 🤪 There are so many things that make me smile about this chapter besides that- the fact that Javi has probably never seen snow before this trip, Javi and Osita babysitting together and being the cutest future parents (please excuse me while I SCREAM into a pillow) and Osita's family just being who they are. Nothing really holiday themed about this chapter at all, just some good, old fashioned midwest winter fun!
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“Baby, I’m telling you, you’re gonna wanna pack warmer stuff than that. I don’t think you understand how cold Chicago is this time of year.” You laughed to yourself as you peeked over at Javi’s suitcase, sitting on top of yours to try and cram as many sweaters and sweatshirts in as possible to brace yourself for the reality you knew was winter in the midwest.
After spending the first half of your winter break together in Laredo, you and Javi had agreed to make your way out to your family to spend the second part of the holidays with them. As much as you had grown to love everything about life in Laredo, there was something about Chicago at Christmas time that filled you with a warmth and happiness you couldn’t wait to share together with Javi. The only problem was, Javi had never once experienced weather colder than your last trip to Chicago in October, let alone the brutal Illinois winter he was in for tomorrow when your flight landed, and the temperature was about to drop 40 degrees.
“Osita, I find it hard to believe that it’s that fucking cold. I have plenty of stuff packed that I’m sure will be fine.” Javi smirked, now laughing at you, wrestling with the zipper you had barely managed to close from your overflowing outfit choices.
“Javi. It’s Chicago. In December. It’s fucking cold. But who am I to say anything? I’ve only spent every winter in Chicago since birth, so what would I know?” You groaned, overdramatically rolling your eyes at Javi, who you had spent the past few days trying to prepare for the bitter cold and snow that he was drastically unaware of. “Will you please put like, a few more sweatshirts in there? I promise I’m not trying to be overbearing, I just know you have literally spent your entire life in the sun and if you thought 50 degrees was cold in October, you’re about to be in for a rude awakening, mister.” You snickered, plopping yourself down on the bed next to Javi’s suitcase he found himself hovering over before looking at you, shaking his head.
“Fine, I will put a few more in there.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on your head before heading back over to his drawer to throw a few more sweatshirts and long sleeved shirts in with the rest of his clothes. “I am actually really excited for the snow.” Javi smirked, a boyish grin growing across his face.
“God, it’s so weird to me that you’ve never seen snow before. It’ll get old fast, believe me. Especially when you have to spend all morning shoveling it out of the driveway before you can go anywhere, or when I kick your ass in a snowball fight.” You reached over, giving him a playful punch before squealing as Javi lunged on top of you, making you bounce on the bed as he peppered ticklish kisses across your neck and chest, leaving you giggling and swatting beneath him.
“Yeah, really? You’re gonna kick my ass? How the fuck do you kick someone’s ass at a snowball fight, hmmm?” He questioned between pecks of his lips against your skin before finally pulling away, letting you catch your breath from your laughter.
“You’ll find out once you have a big ole snowball in your face, won’t you?” Leaning back against the headboard of the bed, you crossed your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow at Javi, giving him a little shrug. “Don’t think I’m taking it easy on you because you have no snowball making experience. This will be an all out war, Peña.”
“I don’t think I’d ever expect anything less from you, Osita.”

Javi was just as thankful as you that this trip to Chicago seemed to be less nerve wracking than your first one a few months ago- for the sake of your own sanity and the bones in his hand, considering your only slightly eased death grip around it on the 3 hour flight leaving Laredo. The O’Hare International Airport was buzzing with the hustle and bustle of holiday travelers, people dashing through the terminals, crowding at gates, and fighting for taxis. You couldn’t believe how busy it still was after Christmas had passed, considering the fight it had been to try and hail a cab to get to your parents house.
The drive to your childhood home from the airport had felt starkly different than the one you and Javi had taken in October, a sense of comfort and relief washing over you in having ripped off the band aid that was your first trip back home since Patrick’s death, which was approaching almost exactly a year ago. To be honest, there was a part of you that was expecting this trip to somehow be more painful- having to face your first Christmas without your brother- your last one being only days before he had passed away, getting dumped by your ex, and running half way across the country to try and forget anything and everything you could about the life that had crumbled at the seams beneath you. But as you ran your thumb gently over your ring finger, pressing against the delicate gold band that had made its home there since Thanksgiving, staring at your future husband, excitedly looking out the window at the thick flakes of snow falling from the sky, you couldn’t help but smile at just how lucky you were. You also couldn’t help but think how happy your brother would have been for you, too- to know his death hadn’t meant that your life had ended either. Truth be told, it was only just beginning.
“What do you think?” You asked, biting down on your lip as you gave Javi’s hand a little squeeze, taking in the cuteness that was watching him watch the snowflakes gently drift through the winter breeze before landing in the already massive piles lining the streets below. His eyes lit up with a childlike glow, trying his best to contain his giddiness as he looked out the window before looking back over at you.
“It’s… Fuck, it’s beautiful.” Even though you knew he was talking about the soft, white flakes falling behind you, the way his eyes never left yours as the words fell from his lips made your cheeks warm in a way that would have melted any snowflakes that would have landed there. “I’m so glad that our kids will be able to grow up knowing what it’s like to have snow.”
“It is a lot prettier when you know you only have to be in it for a week, and not multiple months.” You laughed as you shook your head, admiring the snow covered suburbia outside your window. It made your smile just a little bit wider as you watched kids playing outside in their front yards, rolling giant snowballs for snowmen or, digging holes in the snow plowed piles along their driveways to make forts, knowing that one day, your children would get to do the same with you and Javi. “Yeah, it is nice that they’ll get to have both. Unless they inherit your warm weather genes, and complain every time it’s colder than 70 degrees out. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to teach them well so we can gang up on you for all the snowball fights.” Javi looked over at you, smirking to himself as he reached across the backseat to grab your hand, intertwining it with yours.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
The rest of your drive was spent quietly, hand in hand, as you admired the snowfall from your windows, gently music playing softly from the car radio as Javi’s thumb rubbed against the soft skin of your knuckles, taking an extra few moments to touch the beautiful ring forever wrapped around your finger, excited for the winters ahead he got to spend with you.

“Listen… I’m not trying to say I told you so but-”
“Yeah, it’s fucking cold, okay? You win, Osita.” You tried your best to keep from bursting out into laughter as you could see Javi visibly shivering, pulling out your suitcases out of the back of the cab, trying his best not to drop them in the slush covered streets of your neighborhood. The beautiful facade of the winter wonderland Javi had been admiring through the window of the taxi quickly faded as he stepped outside to face the reality of a true Chicago December. Grabbing your own bag, you hoisted it up over the pile of snow on either side of the walkway up to your house, making sure to take an extra big step over the mound at the edge of the curb you had learned over the years that your dad was too lazy to shovel to avoid ending up with a shoe full of snow.
“Oh fuck me…” Javi sighed, now ankle deep in the pile you had forgotten to warm him about, frantically shaking his foot to try and get the snow off his foot.
“Like I said, I’m not trying to say I told you so…” You grimaced, looking down at Javi’s snow soaked foot before looking back up at him, giving him a sarcastically sympathetic shrug.
“Pendejo. Can we please go inside before we fucking freeze out here?”
“But I thought it was so beautiful? Have you changed your mind, you warm weathered, sun spoiled baby?” You teasted, giggling to yourself at the annoyed look on Javi’s face before turning back around to head towards the house.
Almost to the door, you practically froze in your tracks, your jaw hanging open in shock as a cold, hard thump hit the back of your jacket, whipping your head back around the see Javi pulling his hands out of the snow, wiping them on his jeans before glancing down to see the little white blob that had slid down your back, landing by your feet. “Did you just throw a fucking snowball at me?!” You yelled, a devilish smirk spreading ear to ear across Javi’s face as you stared at him in disbelief.
“It was just so beautiful, I couldn’t help it.” He mocked, raising an eyebrow at you before finishing the rest of the journey up the pathway to your door, giving you a playful nudge as he passed you.
“You’re the worst, I hope you know that.”
“You’re the one who said yes.” He smirked, gesturing down at the ring on your finger before placing a quick kiss on your rosy cheek, opening up the front door.
“Hey you guys we’re-”
“Oh thank God you’re here.” Charlie sighed, frantically shoving an oversized diaper bag in your arms as he ran down the stairs next to the entryway of your parents house.
“Good to see you too, Charlie? Thanks for the diaper bag? Where’s everyone else?” You questioned, a puzzled look growing across your face, as Charlie rapidly ran back up the stairs, only hearing his voice shout down the hallway.
“Natalie! They’re here!” You looked up at Javi, the two of you stumped as to what was happening before Charlie was speeding back down the steps, the sound of little feet following behind him.
“Auntie Bear, Auntie Bear, Auntie Bear!” Olivia squealed, her tiny feet pattering down the hallway, outstretching her arms to be picked up for a hug. Quickly setting down the diaper bag you had been handed to avoid getting run over by your niece, your arms mirrored hers, scooping her up, giving her a big hug.
“Hi, cutie pie!” You grinned, giving her a big kiss on the cheek before setting her back down, Olivia then swiftly making her way over to Javi.
“Hi Uncle Javi!” She beamed, wrapping her little arms around his waist, hugging his hip.
“Hey, Olivia!” Javi smiled widely at his new title, rubbing his hand against her head, ruffling her hair.
“Hi Awnt Bawwwww!!.” A little voice screeched, Brianna waving her tiny hand at you as she tumbled down the stairwell, following her sister.
“Hi Lil Miss! C’mere, sweetie!” You giggled, picking up your other niece and hosting her on your hip, planting little kisses across her face, making her squeal, before gently placing her back on the ground. You were so focused on your adorable niece’s hugs and greetings, that you hadn’t been paying attention to Charlie scurrying through the living room, cleaning and gathering items that had been scattered around your parents house by his daughters. Swiftly making her way down the stairs with the newest addition to your family, your new nephew Lucas, Charlie’s wife Natalie was already handing him off to you as she fixed the earring she was trying to place before helping Charlie in the living room.
“You wanna tell us what’s going on?” You questioned, laughing at your brother and his wife frantically running around the house as you carefully held up Lucas, melting at his sweet, rosy cheeks and messy blonde tufts of hair, finally getting to see him in person for the first time. “Oh my God, aren’t you the sweetest thing? Hi, little Lucas! What are your crazy mom and dad up to, huh? What’s happening that’s got them running around like psychopaths?” You giggled, talking to him in a high pitched voice as he babbled, resting his tiny head against your chest.
“Can you guys babysit?!” Charlie paused, shoving a few more items into Lucas’s diaper bag sitting by your feet, a pathetic and guilty look growing across his face.
“Wait, babysit? Where are you two going? Aren’t mom and dad-”
“Well David was supposed to, but he got called into work today because they were short staffed. Natalie’s work Christmas party is tonight. Our idiot brother told Mom and Dad that you guys weren’t coming until tomorrow, so they planned dinner with the Kolawski’s tonight, and our babysitter is out of town for the holidays so we don’t have anyone to watch the kids.” Charlie grunted as he shoved the last of his shoe on his foot, standing up and looking at you with pleading eyes. “Mom and Dad were watching while we were at work and when we found out you guys were actually coming in today, we stayed hoping that you could watch them, too. Please Cubby?”
“Well, I think your first mistake was trusting David to relay any accurate information at any point in time.” You rolled your eyes, readjusting Lucas, cradling the back of his head.
“If you could, it would mean so much. I’ve been looking forward to finally going back to see everyone at work for this party. I know it’s so last minute. I’m so sorry you guys, if you can’t it’s okay, we don’t have to go.” Natalie smiled sympathetically, leaning down to give Olivia a quick kiss on the head as she wrapped her arms around her mom’s leg.
“Please Auntie Bear? Please, please, please, please?” Olivia begged, looking up at you with big puppy dog eyes.
“I don’t see why we can’t? Is that okay with you, Jav?” You shrugged at Charlie before looking over at Javi, eyes wide as he stared at you bouncing Lucas in your arms, your words seeming to go in one ear and out the other watching you hold your nephew.
“Hmmm? Oh yeah. Yeah! Yeah, of course we can babysit.” Javi visibly shook his head to snap himself out of whatever daydream he was having as he looked at you, bringing himself back to reality.
“Yay! Auntie Bear and Uncle Javi are gonna babysit!” Olivia squealed, squeezing Brianna in excitement, the two of them giggling and bouncing up and down before running off into the living room, heading back to whatever toys they were playing with before your arrival.
“Oh my God, thank you so much, Cubby. We owe you big time.” Charlie reached over, giving you a quick side hug before reaching for his and Natalie’s coats behind you, hanging by the front door.
“It’s not a big deal at all, Charlie, we’re more than happy to. Anything special we need to know with this lil cutie? The other two I’ve got down pat.” You leaned over, kissing Lucas’s soft, feathery hair as you held him.
“Keep him alive? I don’t know, Cubby, he’s a baby, it’s not that hard. Feed him and put him to bed when he falls asleep.” Charlie raised an eyebrow at you, shrugging as he put his coat on.
“You’re not the one that question was directed towards, idiot.” You rolled your eyes, looking over at Natalie, laughing to herself as she shimmied her coat over her arms.
“I just fed him an hour ago, so you can feed him at 8, diaper bag has everything he needs in there, his pack-n-play is set up in the spare room, and if he’s fussy, put him in the baby rocker and he’ll fall right asleep. You can call Charlie’s cell if you need anything, and I’ll answer.”
“Thank you for that helpful information, Natalie. Crazy that I’d wanna know those kinds of things before having a 3 month old baby dropped in my care.” You jabbed at Charlie, oblivious to your remark as he was already opening the front door.
“Yeah, sure, whatever. Thank you Cubby, we’ll be back at like, 10? Okay, bye you guys, be good for Auntie Bear and Javi, love you!” Charlie half shouted as he booked it out the door, Natalie following behind him.
“Thank you guys, so much. I’d apologize for Charlie being the way that he is, but…you already know. Bye girls! I love you both, Daddy and I will see you later, okay? Have lots of fun!” Natalie gave you a quick hug before waving goodbye, following Charlie out the door, leaving Olivia, Brianna, Lucas, in your care for an unexpected night in on babysitting duty.
“Is this okay? I’m really sorry, I know we just got here, I wasn’t gonna say no, but I-”
“Hermosa. Of course it’s okay.” Javi smiled, cutting you off as he placed his hand on the small of your back, his thumb tracing soft circles along your jacket you still had yet to take off from your arrival.
“Okay. You sure? You were giving me a weird look when I asked you at first.” You questioned, raising an eyebrow at him before pressing a soft kiss onto Lucas’s head as he cooed. Javi looked back at you, letting out a sigh, biting down on his lip and he leaned down to give you what you thought was going to be a kiss on your cheek, before he stopped at your ear.
“Maybe it’s because watching you hold that baby is making me wanna put one in you right now.” His words sent a shiver down your spine, his breath hot and heavy against your neck as he pulled away, giving you a quick wink while your eyes just about popped out of your head from his unwarranted comment.
“Jesus Christ, Javier Jesús Peña. You cannot just be saying things like that to me, or I’m gonna throw my fucking birth control out the window and spontaneously combust.” You sighed, jabbing his side as the two of you laughed to yourselves.
“Auntie Bearrrrrrrr! Me and Bri Bri are hungry! We want dino nuggies, pleaseeeee!” Olivia shouted from across the room, waving one of her many stuffed animals at you to get your attention.
“Okay, cuties! Let’s go in the kitchen and we can make some dinner, alright?” You called back, thankful for your niece’s impeccable timing before you melted into a puddle from Javi’s suggestion. “You’re a menace, you know that right? This is about to be the most challenging night of babysitting ever because of you. You haven’t even held Lucas yet, and just the thought of it is making me want to do unspeakable things to you.” You sighed, making your way towards the kitchen, trying your best to not even look at Javi before you completely fell apart.
“Is that a threat, or a promise?” Javi smirked as he followed behind you, making you whip your head around, giving him a stern look for the sake of your sanity.
“A menace, I swear.”

Olivia and Brianna had somehow charmed you and Javi into convincing the both of you that they needed not only dinosaur chicken nuggets, but also mac and cheese, compromising with carrots as the required vegetable to go with their meal if they wanted the hot chocolate they had also requested for after dinner.
“Uncle Javi, will you play reindeer with us while Auntie Bear finishes cooking?” Olivia asked, dangling her legs off the counter where Javi had put her after her request to help with placing the chicken nuggets on the baking sheet before they went in the oven. You smirked at Javi, holding Brianna on your hip as she fumbled with a noodle you had given her to play with while you stirred the mac and cheese.
“Reindeer?” He asked, leaning against the counter next to Olivia, hand on his hip as he began to intently listen to her explanation.
“Before Mommy and Daddy left, Bri Bri and I were reindeer and Daddy was Santa and he had to chase us back to help get ready for next Christmas!” Olivia stated, matter of factly, as if everyone should have already been aware of how to play.
“Yeah, you dotta wun weeeellyyy fast!” Brianna chimed in, finally plopping the stray noodle into her mouth, chewing loudly in your ear.
“What, are you saying I’m not fast enough, Missy?” You smiled at Olivia, making her giggle as you set Brianna down before giving her sides a tickle and picking her up off of the counter and placing her on the ground next to her sister.
“No, it’s because Uncle Javi has to be Santa and you have to be Mrs. Claus so you can watch the baby elf.” She told you, pointing over at Lucas, sound asleep in his rocker, a mischievous grin on her face. “So Uncle Javi has to chase us or else we won’t be playing it right. Please Uncle Javi, will you play reindeer with us? Pleaseeeee?” Olivia pleaded, looking up at Javi, pouting her bottom lip, quickly joined by Brianna, stomping her feet in excitement.
“Do we have enough time to play reindeer?” Javi grinned, raising an eyebrow at you as you stirred the pot simmering on the stove, looking over at your timer.
“You guys have 6 minutes before dinner is done, got it?” You smiled at the girls as they began to squeal in delight. “But… Reindeer are extra fast if they eat carrots, so one carrot for each of you before you play okay?” You grabbed two carrot sticks from the bag on the counter, holding them out to the girls who gladly agreed at their newly promised speed.
“Okay!” They chomped, Olivia stopping mid-bite, pointing towards Javi. “Doesn’t Uncle Javi have to eat a carrot, too?” She questioned, now debating the fairness of your carrot trick.
“I thought Santa just got to eat cookies…” Javi grumbled, trying to get out of paying your carrot toll.
“Oh, that is a good point, Olivia! Santa should have to eat some carrots, it’d be good for him.” You snickered, holding out a carrot stick for Javi, grimacing as he crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to take it from you, knowing that you were well aware of his disdain for this particular vegetable.
“Last time I checked, Santa doesn’t like carrots.”
“Last time I checked, Santa was a good role model for his reindeer who ate his carrots and didn’t complain about it.” You shoved the carrot in Javi’s face, laughing to yourself as he rolled his eyes, painfully taking it out of your hand, looking at it with regret before taking a bite. Javi tried his best to hide the disgusted look on his face as he chewed, letting out a gulp as he swallowed, trying to play off how much he had hated every second of what he had just done.
“Wow, SO good.” Javi glared at you as the two girls took off running out of the kitchen, screaming and screeching for Javi to come catch them while you looked back at him with a smug smile, shrugging playfully. “You make me eat another carrot and I’m on the next flight home to Texas.”
“UNCLE JAVI YOU HAVE TO COME CATCH US NOW!” Olivia yelled from the next room over, you and Javi peeking out from the kitchen to see her and Brianna doing laps around the living room.
“You are such a baby. A 3 and 6 year old complained less than you did. Now go, you have some very fast reindeer to catch, Santa. Don’t make me give you another carrot.” You giggled as you pressed up on to your tiptoes, cupping Javi’s cheek as you gave him a quick kiss, Javi wrapping his hand around the back of your head to hold you there a moment longer, his voice low and hushed as his lips barely parted from yours.
“Careful what you ask for, baby. Can’t give you my North Pole later if I’m all the way back in Laredo cause you made me eat another fucking carrot.” With a wink and another quick peck on your cheek, Javi pulled away, making his way towards the girls in the living room as you gave him the most over dramatic roll of your eyes you could conjure.
“JAVIER PEÑA. You are the most ridiculous person I have ever met, I swear to God.”
You had most definitely let more than your promised 6 minutes go by as you stood in the entrance to the living room, watching Javi chase Olivia and Brianna in circles around the couch, the 3 of them laughing and smiling as he would purposely let them pass him, only to grab them both a few moments later, tossing them onto the cushions before the girls crawled over the sides of the sofa to escape again.
It was a good thing you hadn’t watched him hold Lucas yet, because the sight of him playing with your nieces alone was enough to have you weak in the knees, thinking about how goddamn sweet he was with them, and much sweeter it would be once it was your own kids, not just Olivia and Brianna.
You were so in love with this man, it physically hurt.
The four of you chatted away at dinner, listening to Olivia talk about her class party at school, what gifts they had gotten for Christmas, and what toys they were most excited to show you from Santa. Your reindeer trick had worked wonders to get them to eat the rest of their carrots, along with their nuggets and macaroni, the girls both very adamantly reminding you that they could get their hot chocolate now that they had finished all of their dinner.
You and Javi had agreed there had been plenty of reindeer chasing for the night, and with it starting to get late, that you all could pick a movie to watch while drinking your coco as the last activity before getting the girls to bed. You helped Olivia and Brianna get changed into their pajamas and put Lucas down for bed while Javi finished cleaning up the rest of dinner and starting the hot chocolate.
As the girls paraded back out into the living room in their matching snowman pajamas, they shrieked in delight to see that Javi had somehow managed to find every spare pillow and blanket in your parent’s house, making a giant, cozy nest in front of the couch, complete with the glow of your parent’s Christmas tree in the background, and mugs of hot chocolate resting on the TV stand waiting for them. A few minutes later after putting Lucas down to bed, you followed behind, hearing their giggles and squeals as they nestled into the comfy pile on the ground, Javi sitting on the sofa waiting for you.
“Auntie Bear, look! Uncle Javi made us a blanket pile! And he put extra whipped cream in our hot chocolate!” Olivia beamed, whipped cream smeared across her face as he smiled at you.
“Da hot chocwate is weelllyyy yummy!” Brianna joined in, her whipped cream mustache almost as thick as Javi’s real one.
“If they’re up at midnight, I’m telling Charlie and Natalie it was your fault.” You whispered to Javi as you sat down next to him, Javi automatically wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you curled up in the broadness of his grasp.
“You’re the one who promised them hot chocolate, Osita.” He whispered back, giving you a little nudge and a wink.
“Not hot chocolate and half a can of whipped cream on top.”
You rolled your eyes at him, laughing to yourself as you watched the girls chug the rest of their drinks, passing Javi the remote to the TV. “The girls voted for Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer. I told them I met some really cool reindeer earlier, but they kept trying to run away from Santa. I wonder if they’re in this movie too.“
“Oh my goodness, Olivia and Brianna are my favorite reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh, you saw them earlier? I’m so sad I missed them!” You and Javi smiled as Olivia and Brianna broke out in hysterical giggles.
“No Uncle Javi and Auntie Bear, that was us! We’re not really reindeer, Uncle Javi was just being silly.” Olivia laughed, her cheeks turning pink and rosy from her grin.
“He is very silly, isn’t he? You ready for the movie, my favorite little reindeers?”

It wasn’t long before the giggles and sing-alongs of Rudoplh had quickly turned to soft, sleepy snores from Olivia and Brianna, curled up in their blankets and snuggled up with their stuffed animals long before the film had finished.
“I think you wore these reindeer out, Jav.” You smiled, looking down at the girls sound asleep, tucked away in the piles of pillows around them.
“I think those reindeer wore me out. Jesus, I gotta stretch before I do that next time or I’m gonna throw out my back.” The two of you quietly laughed to yourselves, Javi resting his hand on your thigh, squeezing it gently. The two of you turned your heads as you heard a muffled cry coming from the baby monitor you had set on the end table near the couch, realizing that Lucas was awake, and needed something.
“You wanna come with me to check on him?” You grunted, pushing yourself to stand from the couch, carefully stepping over your nieces, tucked away in the sea of pillows and blankets at your feet.
“You sure they’re okay out here by themselves?” Javi gestured over to the girls, both sound asleep.
“Jav, I’m pretty sure a tornado could blow through this house right now and they’d sleep through it. C’mon.”
Sneaking quietly down the hallway into the guest room, you gently pushed open the door to the sounds of a wailing Lucas, writhing in his pack-n-play, tiny fists shaking in the air. “Oh c’mere, handsome.” You cooed, reaching down to pick up Lucas, hugging him against your chest as you bounced him up and down. “What’s the matter, bub?” You continued rocking, giving him a little kiss on the head as you held him. “Well, it’s not his diaper, and I just changed it after the girls put on their pajamas.” You shrugged, talking to yourself, tilting your head down to sniff near his tiny bottom, free of any suspicious scents. “I fed him then too. The little guy was out cold after that. What’s goin’ on, sweetie? Maybe you need to be burped again, ya little gassy monster. Here, Jav, can you hold him while I go get the burp cloths from the diaper bag?”
The way you had picked Lucas up, you had your back to Javi, talking to your little nephew without even looking over at your fiancé. You figured he probably just hadn’t heard you, and had mistaken your question for him with the babbling you had been doing with Lucas. “Jav?” You asked again, this time turning around to face him, greeted by the awestruck look on Javi’s face, eyes wide and jaw slack as he stared you up and down.
“Hmmmm?” He asked, shaking his head, letting out a loud gulp as the Adam's apple of his throat bobbed in his neck.
“Can you hold Lucas while I go get something from his diaper bag?” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him, dying to know the thoughts swirling in his brain that had his face looking as dumbfounded as it did right now.
“I uh, yeah- um, yeah, I can.” Javi responded, now looking flustered and nervous as you outstretched Lucas towards him. “Do you trust me to hold him?” He asked, reaching his hands out to take Lucas from you, his question quiet and sheepish. You cocked your head in confusion as you stared back at him.
“Baby, of course I do? Do you not wanna hold him? You don’t have to if-”
“No, I do, I just- He’s- I don’t wanna hurt him or anything- I don’t- I don’t think I’ve ever held a baby this small.”
Javier Peña was a man who had faced many dangerous things in life- the cartel, violence, drugs, literal life or death decisions- Things that would make the average person tremble in fear, that Javi had learned to deal without a second thought. Yet, the prospect of holding a tiny, 3 month old baby in front of his future wife had Javi more nervous than he could remember being in the past decade. 8 months ago, he had no plans of ever finding someone, let alone plans to get married, or to have children of his own. Now, he wanted nothing more to give you a family- fuck, he’d give you all the kids you want, but that meant the reality of this future prospect was finally starting to sink in with Javi.
He was terrified to be a dad.
Not because he didn’t love you. Not because he didn’t want to be (because fuck, did he want to be), but because the idea that the tired, worn, and damaged man he’d written himself off to be was supposed to raise, protect, and nurture the tiny, little person the two of you would someday bring into the world scared the shit out of him. And all it took was you outstretching your crying newborn nephew in front of him for that earth shattering reality to sink in.
“Javi…” You sighed, almost laughing to yourself with how worried your sweet fiancé was about being so careful with Lucas. “Baby, it’s okay. Here, why don’t you go sit down on the chair that’s over there and I’ll hand him over to you. We can take standing out of the equation if it makes you feel better.” Javi nodded, quickly sitting himself down on the oversized, cushioned chair in the corner of the guest bedroom. Bouncing Lucas a few more times to try and ease some of his tears before handing him over to Javi, you passed him off to his outstretched arms, carefully cradling him along his chest and shoulder. “You got ‘em?” You smiled, watching Javi’s eyes light up as he held Lucas, his tension visibly starting to ease once he was in his grasp. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
You had no choice but to hightail it out of the guest room without looking at Javi for too long, knowing you would very much need to brace yourself for the image of Javi holding a baby before returning, considering you were going to absolutely crumble like a piece of paper the moment you really got a good look at him.
As soon as Lucas was settled in Javi’s arms, his crying immediately began to ease, Javi gently rocking him in hopes that it would help to settle him down more. “Shhhhhh, hey, it’s okay, big guy.” Javi whispered, grinning to himself as he gazed down at Lucas’s bright eyes and rosy cheeks. “Fuck, you are cute. Sorry, I probably shouldn’t swear in front of you. Well, I don’t know, you’re a baby, you can’t understand anything I’m saying, can you?” Chuckling to himself, Javi leaned further back into the chair, pressing Lucas’s weight against his chest, resting the width of his large palm over his tiny head and back. “You think your Aunt’s gonna let me give her one of you soon? I sure hope so.”
Turning the corner down the hallway back into the guest bedroom, you were 100% correct in realizing that there was no amount of mental preparation you could have done to brace yourself for the sight that was your future husband, snuggling and smiling with your nephew, who on top of everything else, had also gotten him to somehow stop crying.
Jesus Christ, you were so fucked and needed him to give you 14 children today.
“Wow, I leave for 30 seconds and you get him to stop crying?” You smirked, biting down on your lip as Javi looked over at you leaning in the doorway, holding your stack of brightly colored cloths from Lucas’s bag. “I didn’t know you were a baby whisperer, too.”
“I didn’t think I did anything, I just held him and he stopped. He’s been fine since you left.” Javi shrugged, gently combing his fingers through the wild, sleepy ends of Lucas’s hair.
“Alright, message received loud and clear, Baby Lucas, you like Uncle Javi better than me. A little rude, but alright.” You giggled, making your way next to Javi, standing beside him as you leaned down to press a kiss onto Lucas’s forehead before doing the same to Javi. “Well, I guess whatever was wrong, he’s fine now. He must have just needed you to hold him. Which, I really can’t complain about.”
You should have felt at least a little guilty for subjecting your infant nephew to the now palpable tension flooding the guest room, completely lost in your own world as you soaked in every ounce of watching Javi cradle Lucas in his broad grasp, using all your self restraint to keep from pouncing on him. You were so lost in your fantasy, that you hadn’t even heard Charlie and Natalie make their way back through the front door, down the hallway and into the guest room.
“You babysat and knocked both the gremlins on their asses out cold? Man, I really do owe you two.” Charlie’s voice startled you, making you gasp as you whipped your head around to see him standing in the doorway. “She’s got you on baby duty too, Jav? Goddamn, I owe you a beer, man. Honestly something stronger than that. Here, I’ll take him.” Charlie laughed, reaching out to grab his son as Javi slowly stood, carefully holding Lucas as he rose out of his seat, passing him off to your brother. “Thanks, man. You lookin’ to throw down tomorrow? David’s got the day off, and since dad’s retired, he has put every ounce of time and effort into the ice rink since the weather has gotten below freezing. I think he’s hoping the NHL will come and scout him for his backyard rink building skills.”
“Uh, yeah- yeah, for sure. We’re up for whatever.” You replied, still distracted by the sight of Javi, not even holding your nephew anymore, but the image still fresh and burning in your brain. “Hey, uh, did Mom and Dad say when they were gonna be home?” Watching Charlie collect Lucas’s things from the guest room in his free arm, you shot Javi a desperate look, filled with need and want, biting down on your lip to see his gaze match yours.
Unaware of yours and Javi’s silent exchange, Charlie picked up Lucas’s bag, shuffling it on his shoulder as he responded. “Uh shit, I don’t know. I mean, they’re going out with Gary and Marcella, which means at this point, that Gary’s got dad 6 Irish Car Bombs deep and Mom and Marcella are probably asleep on the bar, my guess is not for a while.” He chuckled, giving you a suspicious look as you nodded in agreement, Charlie looking back and forth between you and Javi, now picking up on the undeniable tension. “Just don’t fuck in my old room, okay?”
“Fuck off, Charlie. Your room still probably reeks of all your old hockey gear you refused to wash anyways.” You sighed, grimacing at him, trying to keep your face from turning any brighter red than it already was.
“Night lovebirds. Thanks again for watching the gremlins. See you tomorrow?” He smirked, winking at you and Javi before slipping out the door, leaving you two standing alone in the guest room.
“Good night, you guys! Thank you again!” Natalie shouted from down the hallway, you and Javi still standing frozen in place as you heard the front door open and close, locking behind your family traveling out of it.
From the moment you knew the door was closed, you practically pounced on Javi, grabbing fistfulls of his shirt as your mouth met his with an electric intensity. Your lips crashed together as Javi ran his hands down your body, grabbing you under your thighs as your legs wrapped around the small of his back, hands tugging at the dark curls of his hair. “I need you so bad.” You moaned, your words barely escaping your lips above a whisper.
“You sure your parents are gonna be home soon?” Javi groaned, making his way out of the guest room before carrying you down the hallway, your kisses still rushed and frantic as he made his way up the stairs towards your room.
“What are we, 15? Charlie’s right, they’re both drunk off their asses so they won’t be back for hours, and even if they weren’t, I wouldn’t care. Fuck, watching you hold that baby did things to me.” Using his back to push open your bedroom door, Javi threw you down onto your bed, already shedding his shirt as you bounced on the mattress, a hungry look in his eyes as he reached down to practically rip your clothes off your body, tossing them in a heap on the floor.
“Yeah?” He smirked, hovering over you, trapping your body under his as he planted his hands into the mattress on either side of your head. He dipped his head down, slowly kissing his way up your body, his lips hot and heavy on your skin as they traveled up your stomach towards your breasts, swirling each pebbled nipple with his tongue, releasing with a wet pop, taking his sweet time as he worked his way up the exposed skin of your collarbone. “You like that? The thought of me putting a baby in you? Making me a dad?” You could feel his devilish grin pressed against your neck between his nips at your pulse point, basking in the power he knew his words had to make you lose your mind before even laying a finger on you.
“Holy fuck…” You whimpered, already writhing beneath him, the ache building between your legs desperate to be filled even before Javi had begun whispering sweet nothings against your skin. “Javi, please, Jesus Christ.” You could feel yourself growing impatient as he toyed with you, working you up to the point of becoming unbearably needy before his hands had even met your body, getting you exactly where he wanted you.
“Please what, Osita? Don’t think I heard you answer my question yet.” Javi mewled, a smug grin spreading across his face as he began to trail his kisses back down your body, finally bringing his hands to knead at the soft flesh of your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers, making you gasp, now only finding it harder to find the words for a coherent sentence.
“Yes. Fuck. Fuck, I want you to put a baby in me so bad. Jesus, I’ll have as many of your babies as you want.” You paused, lifting your head up to watch Javi, sinking down to his knees at the end of the bed, nudging your legs open as he draped them over his shoulders, now satisfied with your answer. He looked up at you, noticing the equally big smirk on your face as you bit down on your lip. “You really want me to make you a daddy, huh?”
Two could play at this game.
As much as you joked about it, that one sent the blood flow straight to his cock, now painfully straining against the denim of his jeans, making him have to bite his tongue to keep from audibly groaning. “Fuckk meee.” He whispered, shaking his head before locking his arms over your legs, scooting you closer to him, now coming face to face with the worked up and dripping mess you had already become. “Seems like the answer to that question is already between your legs, baby. Pretty fucking pussy’s soaked and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Javi, Jesus Christ, pleaseeeee.” You moaned, nearly bucking your hips at him in your desperate state.
“Please, who?” Javi smirked, darting his eyes up at you, making you tremble as you felt the strong arch of his nose bump against your clit.
“Seriously?” You huffed, rolling your eyes at Javi 1- for making you wait any damn longer, and 2- knowing the answer to his question, even if you only used it jokingly with him. Javi raised an eyebrow at you, letting out a little shrug that lifted your legs draped over his shoulders, waiting for your response.
“Please, daddy.”
“There ya go, baby.”
“Wasn’t planning on venturing there today, but can if you want me to.”
“Jesus Christ… Javi, for the love of God, please, just fuck me. I am dying up here.” You sighed, laughing to yourself to ward off the impatient mess Javi had turned you into with his antics.
“Wow, someone’s needy, hmmm? You want me to fuck you, sweet girl? Sure you don’t need me to-”
“I need you so bad, Javi.” Sitting up on your elbows, you reached in front of you, trying to bend over the edge of the bed to prompt him to stand up so you could tug at the waistband of his jeans and unbutton his pants. Following your request, Javi rose up, now almost as frantic as you as he began to push his pants and his boxers down his legs, letting them pool around his ankles before stepping out of them, cupping his his hands around your cheeks, pressing his mouth against yours as his tongue swiped along your bottom lip. Just like that, his cool and collected facade had faded, leaving him just as worked up and wanting as you, his hands roaming every inch of your body before gently pushing you down to lay with your back on the mattress, prompting you to bring your knees to your chest as he stood at the edge of the bed. Reaching down to stroke himself, Javi lined his cock up with your dripping heat, collecting your arousal as his tip slid through your folds before pressing into you, the sweet stretch making you whimper. With how worked up you’d been, Javi slid in easily, flushing his hips against yours, his tip brushing along your cervix, pausing for a moment, buried deep inside of you.
Before you could say anything, he pulled back out, setting a pounding pace as he thrusted in and out of you, his fingertips gripping at the meat of your thighs as they pressed against your chest. The fullness of his cock ramming into had you whining, your jaw going slack as stared up at Javi’s broad body hovering over you, the muscles of his arms flexing as he leaned further into you, snaking one of his hands between your legs to circle at your clit. “This what you wanted, Hermosa? Fuck you like the good girl you are? Fuck you like I’m gonna fuck a baby into you?”
You nodded frantically, your mind going blank with each push and pull of his length sliding from your heat and rub of his fingers against your throbbing bundle of nerves, relishing in the sweet sound of Javi’s thighs slapping against yours, over and over. “Yes- fuck- oh my god, yes. Fuck, you feel so good, Javi. I want more. Baby, please, fuck me harder.”
Your request had Javi’s eyes going wide, letting out a low groan through gritted teeth, his pace still relentless as he gazed down at you, watching you nod your head in silent reassurance. “Fuck. Turn around, Osita.” He hissed as he pulled out, watching you flip over as your chest laid on the mattress and stuck your ass out, Javi instinctively gripping his fingers into the soft flesh of your hips as he guided himself back into your cunt, the both of you moaning as he filled you with the delicious sting of his cock. He began snapping his hips against your ass, feeling you press yourself back deeper onto him with each thrust, knowing he was buried well within the spot that would have you teetering on the brink of coming undone. The lewd noises between your bodies fill the room- your hungry moans, the slapping of your skin, the wetness of your throbbing cunt as Javi pounded into you repeatedly, the filthy words falling from his mouth as he dug his fingers deeper into your hips.
“Fuck Javi, oh my god. Fuck, don’t stop. Don’t stop baby. Fuckkkk.” You whimpered, feeling the delicious tingle beginning to build at the base of your spine and your pussy starting to flutter. Javi wasn’t sure what it was- maybe it was the fact that you had practically begging him to fuck you, then give you more. Maybe it was watching you all fucked out and moaning beneath him. Maybe, it was the fact that watching you hold that baby made him want to give you your own. Whatever it was, something feral, almost primal ignited in him, reaching his arm underneath you to pull you up, pressing your back against his chest, wrapping his hands around your body, like he needed you as close as he could have you. One hand grasped at your breast, squeezing the plush skin between his fingers while the other draped across your waist, the heel of his palm rubbing against your throbbing clit as he feverishly fucked into you.
“I’m not gonna stop, Osita. Not gonna stop until you cum around my cock and I fuck myself so deep inside of you, I’m dripping out of you for days. Fuck myself so deep inside of you, maybe’ll fucking beat your birth control, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You could feel your body beginning to tremble as the coil in your belly snapped, your orgasm ripping through you with an intensity that made your back arch against Javi’s chest, and legs shake, screaming his name as your cunt clenched tighter and tighter around his cock as the pleasure washed over you. It was only a few more thrusts before Javi was chasing his own high, ramblings of incoherent Spanish and English falling from his lips as he spilled deep inside of you, milking himself of every last drop with one final pump, feeling the mixture of your spend dripping down your thighs as your chests rose and fell in sync, the two of you trying to catch your breath as you hunched over against the bed.
“Holy fuck…” You whispered, quietly laughing to yourself, laying face down on the bed as Javi grabbed the box of tissues from your dresser, unfamiliar where anything else was to help clean the two of you up, gently wiping the mess between your legs before throwing the wad of kleenex into the trash can. You crawled under the covers, smirking at Javi and biting down on the tip of your thumb as he made his way back to you.
“What’s that look for?” He asked, chuckling to himself, sneaking under the covers next to you, squeezing his way into the cramped space that was your full-sized childhood bed. You draped your arm across his waist, resting your head on the bare skin of his chest, tracing gentle circles on his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in tighter.
“Holding that baby really did something to ya, huh?” You giggled, giving him a little playful shake in your grasp.
“Did something to me? Says the one who was literally begging me to fuck her from the moment your brother picked up the kids and left.” Javi chuckled, gently stroking the messy ends of your hair through his fingers, nudging you back.
“Okay, but can you blame me? Have you seen yourself hold a baby? Jesus Christ, Jav.” The both of you laughed, laying together for a moment before you felt Javi take a deep breath, your face rising and falling with the exhale of his chest.
“Do you- Do you ever worry that I’m not gonna be a good dad?” Javi mumbled, his shaky voice barely above a whisper as he fidgeted with his fingers, his thumb carefully running over his knuckles. You paused for a second, almost wondering if you had misheard him, tilting your head up at him, shocked by the genuine concern pooling in his dark brown eyes. You pushed up on your elbows, resting your hand on his cheek to force his gaze onto yours.
“Javi… Baby, are you serious?” You couldn’t help but almost laugh at the question, wondering how in the world Javi could be asking it with sincerity. He sat silent for a moment, his eyes darting away from yours, a small frown drawn between his lips. “Javi. Of course I think you’re gonna be a good dad. Why- Jav, why would you think that?” You brought your other hand to his face, drawing his attention back to you, trying to reassure him with your soft and sweet voice.
Javi let out another sigh, anxiously chewing on his lip. “I just- I don’t know. I’ve done a lot of fucked up things. Things I’m not proud of. Holding that baby today made me realize how goddamn terrified I am that I’m gonna do something to fuck up. I’d do anything for you or our family, I just- fuck. What if it isn’t enough? What if I’m not good enough?”
You could almost feel your heart shatter from the dismay of Javi’s words, immediately wrapping your arms around him and squeezing him as tightly as you could to comfort him, resting your head in the crook of his neck. “Javier Jesús Peña. Look at me.” You grabbed his face again, forcing him to let out a little laugh at your sarcastically stern tone. “Javi, there is no one else on the face of this earth I want to be the father of my children more than you. And not just because you’re gonna be the hottest dilf I’ve ever seen.”
“Dilf?” Javi raised an eyebrow at you in confusion.
“Dad I’d like to fuck. Jav, you are the sweetest, most thoughtful man I have ever met. You are so good with Olivia and Bri and Lucas, the Murphy girls, even my class of buffoons you were so patient and kind to. The fact that you even care enough to worry about these kinds of things tells me you’re gonna be the most amazing dad. I love you, Javi.” You smiled softly, pressing a tender kiss onto his lips, twisting your fingers through the dark curls at the nape of his neck.
“I love you too, Osita. God, you’re gonna be the best mom. Our kids are gonna be so fucking lucky.” Javi grinned, gently brushing a strand of hair out of your face, the tension beginning to release from his body.
“Oh believe me, I worry all the time that I’m not gonna be a good mom either. Knowing what a little menace I was as a kid, plus all the crazy little demons I’ve worked with throughout teaching… I’ve learned a lot of ways to not be a good parent, but I still always worry that I’m gonna end up raising a little Miguel who tries to hot glue his hands together or shove crayons up his nose and makes his teacher wanna cry everyday.” The two of you laughed, shaking your heads thinking of some of the many horror stories Javi had heard and you had witnessed over the years from children you were very glad were only your responsibility for one school year.
“I hope our kids are like you.”
“Really? You want our kids to be sarcastic, stubborn pains in our asses?” You teased, giving Javi a little nudge. “They better get your good looks if they’re gonna have my personality.”
“Shut up, you dork.” He sighed, prodding you back, gently tickling your ribcage, making you giggle and squirm before wrapping his arms back around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. “Sometimes I still can’t fucking believe it.”
“Believe what, ya goof?”
“This. You. That I’m gonna fucking marry you. That you wanna give me a family and spend the rest of your life with me. That you fucking love me. I’d thought I’d given up on all this shit a long time ago. I’m really glad I didn’t have to.”
“I’m really glad you didn’t have to either.”

“Jesus Christ, could you not be so loud?!” Your dad whined, scrunching his brow in pain as he rubbed his temples with the worn callouses of his fingers as you and Javi made your way down the stairs, meandering into the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too.” You laughed, reaching up to grab coffee mugs for you and Javi, as he leaned down, patting your dad on the back to greet him.
“Hey, good to see you Mr.-”
“For fucks sake, please- Jav, buddy, I love ya, I swear to God, if you keep talking so loud, I’m gonna sock you in the face.” A dramatic wince spread across your dad’s brow, pinching the bridge of his nose, holding up his free hand to stop Javi from speaking any further.
“Fun night last night?” You snickered, setting down a warm cup of coffee for you and Javi as the two of you pulled up chairs at the kitchen table where your dad was sulking.
“Well someone seems to think that every time he goes out drinking with Gary, he’s 21 again and isn’t going to suffer the consequences of endless Irish Car Bombs the next day.” Stumbling into the kitchen to join you, your mom grumbled as she wrapped her robe tighter around her chest, her look equally as disheveled as your dad’s. “Good to see you two, but what your dad said, not so loud, please.” Your mom sat down next to you, letting out a loud groan, reaching over to steal a swig of Javi’s coffee. “Sorry honey, you’re family now, and I’m hungover as shit.”
“The coffee’s all yours.” Javi chuckled, pushing the mug over to your mom.
“So what are all you idiots up to today?” Greg mumbled, taking a sip of his own coffee, trying his best to be interested in your presence, despite his pounding headache.
“About to put that ice rink of yours to good use, old man.” David laughed, hands outstretched for high fives from you and Javi as he burst through the front door towards the kitchen.
“Will you keep it down, you motherfucker? You won’t be alive to make it to the backyard if you keep screaming like that.” You could feel the annoyance radiating from your dad as he buried his face in his hands.
“Love you too, dad.” David snickered, giving your dad a hearty slap on the back, playing into his post-drinking pain.
“Do you guys actually have an ice rink in your backyard?” Javi asked, trying to peer out the window over the kitchen sink to see if this was just your family trying to pull one over on him.
“Yes, actually. Since we have such a big backyard, my dad decided to build one when Charlie first started skating, and it’s been there every winter ever since. I’m pretty sure Dad loves that rink more than he loves his own kids.” You laughed, rolling your eyes as Charlie slapped your dad, making him let out a long, exasperated sigh.
“Honey, that is not true, your dad loves you very much!”
“Right now I love the rink more than them. You know why? Because the rink is silent. It’s not yelling in my goddamn ear. She’s a beauty this year. Best it’s ever looked.” Your dad nodded, a slight grin building under the pain of his hangover.
“I’ll believe it when I see it, Gregory.” Standing up out of his chair, David grabbed your dad by the shoulders, giving him another hardy slap on the back before heading back to the front door, returning with his skates, hockey gloves, and stick. “You guys ready? Charlie and Olivia should be here soon too.”
“Only if you’re ready for me to kick your ass.” You smirked, joining David as you stood, leaving Javi still sitting in his chair, looking utterly terrified. “C’mon!” Outstretching your arm towards Javi, encouraging him to stand up with you and your brother, he slowly pushed himself out of his chair, wearily looking back and forth between the both of you.
“I don’t uh- I don’t have any skates?” Javi grimaced, trying to think of an excuse for the inevitable embarrassment he knew he would be subjected to if anything other than shoes were on his feet.
“Don’t worry, you’re not getting out of this one so easily, Jav. If there is one thing my parents will never get rid of, it’s skates, and I’m pretty sure we have at least one pair in every size known to man in the basement. You two go change, I’ll grab the gear.” David snickered, sneaking his way between you two towards the basement stairs, loudly pounding down each step.
“Not so loud David, Jesus! Your feet are made of fucking cement!” Greg sighed, laying face down into the table, you and Javi trying to contain your laughter as you headed back upstairs to change.
The forecast for today called for sunny skies and just below freezing- the type of day that was made for outdoor fun in the snow that came few and far between in Chicago’s cold and cloudy winters. Shuffling through your bag, you pulled out your thickest pair of leggings, along with a heavy heather gray hoodie, topped with one of the 3 Blackhawks jerseys still stashed at home in your childhood bedroom and your favorite Blackhawks beanie that had gone untouched since you had moved to Texas, not feeling the need to bring warm weather accessories with you.
“Do you put the coat on over the jersey?” Javi asked, shuffling through his suitcase, looking for another layer to add over his long sleeved shirt, trying to brace himself for more than 30 seconds out in the cold.
“Nope, no coat. It’s a balmy 29 today, Jav, that’s no jacket weather. Welcome to a midwest winter, babe.” You laughed, pressing up on your tiptoes to give him a quick kiss as you readjusted your hat on your head, making your way out the door, letting out a squeal as Javi brought his hand down to your ass, giving it a playful slap.
“You look fucking hot in that jersey.” Javi bit down on his lip as he looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow at you as you whipped your head back around.
“If you think trying to butter me up with compliments is gonna get you out of putting skates on, you are sadly mistaken, Mr. Peña.” You giggled as Javi pulled you back in, wrapping his arms around your hips, planting another soft kiss on your lips, his hand cupping your face.
“A man can try, can’t he?”
“C’mon, goofball, it’s hockey time.”

“Auntie Bear, Auntie Bear! Watch me do my backwards skating! Watch, watch! I’m getting so good!” Olivia squealed as she watched you and Javi make your way out to the backyard through the path that had been plowed from the house to the homemade ice rink, which, all credit to your dad, looked better than any year you could remember it before. You and Javi clapped and cheered as you watched Olivia clumsily glide backwards across the ice, making it about halfway before plopping on her bottom and falling. “Oops! Okay, Auntie Bear, pretend you didn’t see that part!”
“Nice job, Missy! You’re gonna be skating faster than me soon!” You grinned, sitting yourself down on the worn picnic table that had been your family’s skate tying station for more than 2 decades, pulling out your skates, gloves and stick, along with the pair David had picked out for Javi. You kicked off your boots, slipping on your skates and yanking the laces, the familiar squeeze of your foot inside for the first time in over a year bringing a childlike grin to your face. “You want any help?” You asked, looking over at Javi, unconfidently lacing up the rest of his skates.
“I can help you, Uncle Javi! I’m helping Bri Bri learn how to skate since she doesn’t know how to either!” Olivia shouted from the other side of the rink, waving her arms at the two of you.
“Just need help not getting my pride bruised by a 6 year old who can skate better than I can.” Javi sighed, pressing his hands on his thighs as he stood up, trying his best not to wobble at the lack of stability. “You have to promise not to laugh at me…” Taking another step towards the rink, Javi mumbled under his breath, looking over at you.
“I promise… To only laugh a little.” You smirked, speeding off across the ice, using your stick to grab one of the pucks from the pile that had formed along the edges of the snowbank walls. Dragging it along the frozen surface, you weaved it between Charlie’s legs without him even noticing, speeding past him before he even had a chance to stop you. David, who could now see you coming, put himself in the way of your path, holding his stick out to try and snatch your puck for the rest of your lap. Cradling it in your stick, you shuffled the black rubber back and forth, giving it a backhanded nudge, spinning around and taking the puck with you as you flew past your brother. Making your way around the last curve of the rink, you swooped around, facing yourself towards the net, drew your stick back and slapped the puck into the goal.
“She shoots, she scores! Go Auntie Bear!” Olivia squealed, pumping her fists in the air as you skated back around to grab her, hoisting her up off the ice, giving her a little shake before gently setting her down and making your way back to Javi.
“Showoff…” Javi laughed, trying his best to roll his eyes despite his genuine admiration for how impressed he was with what he had just watched you do.
“Sorry, I’m done now. Gotta put everyone back in their place now that I’m home.” You smirked, giving Javi a little shrug as you nodded towards the rink. “C’mon-I promise I won’t laugh at you, I swear. At least for the first part.”
You weren’t sure if it was Javi trying to muster every ounce of athletic talent that he had in his body, or simply the fact that he was just as stubborn as you (even if he wouldn’t admit it), but after only a few wipeouts (and some helpful tips from Olivia), Javi making his way around on skates well enough to not be completely embarrassed for his first time on the ice. It didn’t take long for skating to turn into grabbing fist fulls of snow from the edge of the rink, pressing them into snowballs and hurling them at one another, all of you slipping and sliding across the ice in laughter and hysterics from your battle. After a quick break inside for hot chocolate, Olivia had somehow roped you and Javi back outside to build a snowman before she went home, insisting that her Uncle Javi needed to learn how to make one since he never had before.
3 hefty balls of snow and several carefully selected sticks later, your snowman was nearly complete, You, Javi and Olivia taking a step back to admire your work, assessing what final touches needed to be added before you could call your project completed. “Alright, cutie pie. What else does our snowman need so we can finish?” You asked, shaking Olivia’s shoulders as she took her mitten covered hands to scratch her head, deep in thought as she analyzed your creation.
“Hmmmmm. It still needs eyes… and a nose… and a name!” Olivia beamed, looking up at you and Javi.
“Well, I think we can find some rocks for eyes, and I bet you can ask Grandma and Grandpa for an extra reindeer carrot for the nose, and we’ll let you decide on the name, Little Miss!” You smiled as Javi draped his arm over your shoulder, pulling you in closer to press a little kiss onto your beanie while Olivia had turned back around to gaze at her snowman.
“I think… I think that his name should be Uncle Patrick! So that way he can still be here because I bet he misses playing hockey, and he’s really close to the ice rink. Do you think he misses us, Auntie Bear?”
Over the past year, you had learned to deal with the comments and questions about your brother with less pain and suffering and more acceptance and forgiveness. Unfortunately, there was nothing from the past year that could have prepared you for the sucker punch that was your sweet, 6 year old niece, who didn’t even fully grasp the concept of death, let alone the reason why he was gone, to ask if your dead brother missed her. You took a shaky breath, trying to compose yourself before you spoke, fighting back the tears that had instantly begun welling in your eyes and pit growing in your stomach.
“I uh- yeah, um. Yeah. I do think he misses us, Olivia.” You mustered everything you could to spread somewhat of a smile as Olivia turned back around towards you and Javi, a puzzled, sad look growing across her little face.
“Then why did he have to leave if he misses us? Did he not love us?”
You weren’t quite sure how a tiny voice had left such a big hole in your heart. You tried to find any words to answer her innocent question, racking your brain for ways to provide any explanation that you could rationalize to her, or yourself.
“Well, um…” You paused, taking a moment to get down on her level, almost as if to try and find a way to buy yourself more time to formulate your response. “Um- Olivia- Your Uncle Patrick… he was really sick. Not in a way that you get sick when you have a cold, or the flu, but sick in a way that makes your brain and your heart really sad. He did love us. He loved us a lot. But sometimes- sometimes when people are sick like how Uncle Patrick was- It… it doesn’t matter how much they love you, or you love them. Their heart hurts so much that they can’t see it. It- it hurt his heart less to leave than to stay.”
A bitter silence hung in the air, the wetness from your eyes cold against your cheeks from the sting of the December breeze. You could feel the weight in your heart tugging towards the pit of your stomach from your painful admittance. You took a shaky breath, waiting for someone to say something, anything, before the hurt in your own heart built enough for you to lose your composure and burst into tears. You could almost hear the gears in Olivia’s little brain turning, her head gently tilted to the side, leaving you holding your breath as you waited for her response. She let out a little sigh, staring at the ground before staring back up at you.
“I miss him, Auntie Bear.”
“I miss him too, Olivia.”
Reaching her arms up, Oliva wrapped herself around your waist, tightly hugging your hip, pressing her face into your jacket. The two of you stood there for a moment, tears welling in your eyes as you engulfed your niece in your grasp.
“Olivia! Time to go, munchkin! Momma’s gonna be mad if we’re late for dinner!” Charlie yelled, peeking his head out of the doorwall to the back porch, the glow of the house gently shining into the snow against the slowly darkening sky.
“Okay, Daddy!” Olivia called back, lifting her head up from against your coat where her face had been resting. “Bye Auntie Bear! Love you!”
“Uh-yeah, yeah, bye Cutie. Love you, too.” You stammered, choking back your tears, staring at the unfinished snowman in front of you.
“Olivia, why don’t uh, why don't I take you inside, okay?” Javi chimed in, gently wrapping his arm around Olivia’s shoulder, ushering her towards the house, shooting you a sympathetic smile, trying to find a way to give you a moment to yourself. The two of them made their way back to the house, stomping through the snow as you were left alone, silent sobs heaving from your chest. The longer you looked at the three snowballs piled on top of each other, the wetter your face became, the unfinished piles of snow, just as unfinished as the life Patrick could have had ahead of him. So caught up in your grief and tears, you hadn’t heard Javi trudge his way back, immediately wrapping his arms around you as soon as he could reach you, holding you tightly as you sobbed into his coat.
“Why’d he have to go? Why did it have to be him? It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair. I miss him so much, Javi.”
“I know, baby. I know.” Javi sighed, pulling you in closer, pressing you against his chest, letting you soak his jacket with your tears until you didn’t have any left, your breaths becoming slow and deep as you finally looked back up at him with your red, wet eyes.
“Does it ever get easier? Does it ever stop hurting so much?” Your voice trembled, sniffing between each word, trying to pull yourself together. Javi paused for a moment, letting out a long exhale, his hot breath fogging against the cold December air.
“It’ll- it’ll always hurt. I don’t know if it ever gets easier, but you learn how to live with it. But if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that being mad about it only makes it hurt more.”
“Well I am mad at him, ‘cause he’s a fucking idiot.” You managed to let a small huff of laughter out between your tears, bringing your hand up to wipe your face, cheeks red and wet from your crying and the cold. “Sorry, I just… Olivia hasn’t talked about him a lot since he died, it- I was trying really hard not to think about it. Tomorrow will be one year since he’s been gone. It kinda all just hit me at once. Stupid fucking snowman.”
“Osita, you don’t have to apologize. It’s okay, baby. And hey, I think whoever made those snowballs did pretty good fucking job.” He smirked, giving you a little shake in his grasp, as the two of you looked back at the snowman.
“Yeah, he did alright.” You let out a little laugh, poking fun at Javi’s work before turning as you heard David’s footsteps clunking his way through the snow, making his way towards you.
“Olivia make you cry about the stupid snowman, too?” David sighed, gesturing at your messy wet face before nodding back at the snowman, the 3 of you silently laughing to yourselves. “God, I miss that stupid motherfucker.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
“You missed out on the best rink Dad’s ever made, shithead. Your loss. You’re lucky your niece is nice enough to still want to include you. Serves you right she left you with skinny ass twig arms and an unfinished face.” David huffed, playfully kicking a pile of snow at the snowman, crossing his arms over his chest. “Jesus, I can’t believe I’m shit talking my dead brother beyond the grave through a fucking pile of snow.”
“Like he wouldn’t do the same for you?” You smirked, giving David a punch on the arm as he rolled his eyes at you, shoving you back with enough force to make you stumble, toppling you over into a laughing heap in the snow. Sitting up, you looked over at the hockey rink, shimmering in the overcast of the porch lights, covered in the pucks and sticks that had been left from earlier. You smiled, pushing yourself out of the snow, making your way over to the ice and picking up one of the hockey sticks, dragging it back with you before propping it up against the frame of the snowman to make it look like he was holding it. “Can’t say we didn’t at least try to include you, jackass.”
You let out a long exhale, nodding to yourself, a small smile drawn between your lips as you looked back at David and Javi, giving them a reassuring grin before turning around to head towards the house. Giving their own silent nod to the snowman, David and Javi followed behind, the 3 of you trudging through the white, fluffy snow, crunching under your boots.
The rest of your time at home, you couldn’t help but find yourself peeking out the back porch window, a silent smile creeping across your cheeks as you watched gentle white flakes fall on the snowman sitting in your yard, hockey stick resting in its twig hand as it sat next to your rink. It was a sight that somehow hurt and healed you at the same time. It pained you to know that a half-assed snowman in your backyard would be the closest you’d ever get to having your brother around again- that just like him, one day, as the weather turned, your snowman would start to fade away, melt into the earth, and disappear, never to be seen again.
But, just as seasons come and go, bringing change with each new month, you couldn’t help but feel your heart grow warm as you looked out at the rounded piles of snow stacked on one another- Patrick’s passing had forced you to change, to grow, to become a stronger person than you were a year ago. Change that had started off as fear and heartache, that somehow turned into the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Change that helped you find the love of your life when you least expected it. While Javi could never replace Patrick, his presence in your life, and your family’s life, had filled a void that all of you didn’t know you needed until he was in it. And while you’d never stop wishing you could have changed the end to your brother’s story, you knew he’d be smiling looking down on you, knowing the end of his story helped to change yours for the better.

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Indecent Proposal (9.2)
Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: tension, sexy mobsters, fluff, talk about sex, making out, voyeurism, established Stucky, mentions of a foot job
Indecent Proposal (9)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
“Our pretty angel is still asleep Stevie,” Bucky smirks while watching his husband stare at you. “What are your plans for tonight? Do you want to go easy on her or ruin her completely?”
Steve smirks. “I will make her feel so good and fill her up. Our sweet doll will melt in my arms, just like you did when I kissed you for the first time. But we need to go easy on her only for today. She needs a rest, or we will break her.”
Bucky laughs. “Baby, it was you whimpering after I shoved my tongue down your throat and my hand down your pants. You’ve been putty in my arms.”
“I think you remember wrong, Buck!” Steve’s eyes darken and he purses his lips. “You were the one moaning my name first.”
“Because you were so damn good a sucking cock,” Bucky grins. “You still are the best, baby. No one can compare with that dirty mouth of yours.”
“Debatable, babe,” Steve shrugs. “I agree on the fact that I’m the best at sucking your dick.”
“So…breakfast and naughtiness or only breakfast…?” Bucky hopefully looks at his husband.
“Well, you are already needy, and we should let Y/N sleep a little longer,” Steve slaps his husband’s ass. “In the showers, dirty boy. I want you to scrub the naughtiness off your skin.”
“Ha, like hell,” Bucky snickers and runs off, shaking his ass on purpose. “Catch me if you can, Stevie. If you catch me, you can scrub the naughtiness off my back.”
“How do you feel?” Bucky smirks knowingly as you hobble toward the kitchen counter. “What about breakfast? Ready to shovel down all the delicious food we made for you?”
You quirk a brow at Steve. “You made all of this?” While you glance at the food, Steve and Bucky look at each other. “Really?” You grab a plate and a fork.
“Uh-the cook made it,” Steve admits, earning a punch to his biceps from Bucky. “Hey, we don’t lie in our relationship.” Steve points out. “Y/N is part of this relationship too, and we won’t start it with lying to her.”
“Ah, we are playing knight in shiny armor today,” Bucky clicks his tongue. “I can be so good too. I can play houseman and use the vacuum cleaner.”
Steve snorts at his husband’s antics. “Buck, calm down. I only meant that we shouldn’t start our relationship with Y/N with a lie. She already knows that we are no angels.”
“How about we eat that food your cook made,” you step between the men to stop them from fighting. You don’t know yet that this is not a fight, but flirty banter. “It smells great.”
“You heard our girl, she’s hungry.”
“For cock?” Bucky grins. “Right, baby doll. You like a good cock.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Yes, I do,” you pat his chest. “But now that my brain is working again, we should talk a little before I eat your husband alive.” You turn around to wrap your arms around Steve’s neck. “Right, pretty man. I’m gonna ride that dick tonight.”
“Uh-huh,” Bucky slaps your ass. “This lady is hungry for you, Stevie. I’m afraid you cannot go easy on her. She wants to eat you alive.”
“First I want to eat pancakes and some eggs,” you snicker. “But I wanna sit in Stevie’s lap this morning. Maybe rub Bucky’s cock with my foot.”
“What?” Bucky choked on the coffee he tried to drink while you turned your attention toward his husband.
You look over your shoulder, smirking. “Don’t you like a good foot job, Bucky? I can make you cum only using my cute toes.”
“She’s a maniac Stevie and I love it!” Bucky is giddy to explore all of your kinks with you and Steve. “She’s a dirty girl too.”
“No sex this morning,” Steve tuts. “Y/N is right. We need to talk about a few things. The sex with both of you is amazing, and watching you is a turn-on. But we wanted to have her in our lives for more than good sex.”
“I wanna sit on your lap while we discuss all the things we forgot to talk about before we started,” you push Steve onto one of the chairs and hop onto his lap. “That’s better.” You grin and press your lips to Steve’s.
“The most important thing is to agree that we never lie to each other. This relationship and having a baby together will only work out if we are all on the same side.” Steve says and points out that they lied to you before.
“We agreed to not kill Scott but-“ Bucky huffs as his husband throws him an angry look. “What?” The brunette shrugs. “You wanted us to be completely honest. In all honesty, I enjoyed getting rid of that piece of shit.”
“You killed Scott,” you hum, and hide your face in Steve’s neck to nibble at his sweet spot. “Good. I think he was talking to the cops. I cannot risk that my men get arrested. How shall I survive without their cocks pounding me at least once per day.”
“What?” Steve and Bucky hiccup in unison.
“What?” You lift your head to smirk at Steve. “I knew that you wouldn’t kill him for me after I asked you to do so. But I knew that you would kill him for yourself because he lied to you. That hurt your ego and pride.” You giggle as Steve looks at you like you grew a second head. “I just had to lean back and act like I didn’t hear about his death already.”
“A match made in hell,” Bucky starts cackling loudly. “Stevie, she’s the one!”
Part 10
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November 14, 2024
“Are you sure?” Mackenzie asked Will again as she sat on his bed in the hotel room, she was fiddling with her rings.
Will and Mackenzie talked this morning about telling at least best friends and siblings about their relationship. Mackenzie really wanted to tell her people but she didn’t want to if Will wasn’t ready.
“Hey.” Will firmly but gently spoke as he sat down next to her resting his hand on her hand stopping her fiddling, “I don’t care who knows, the whole world can know or no one con know it is your choice and it’s your choice if people find out.” Will reassured her softly.
Mackenzie slowly nodded and smiled a little smile and nodded, “Okay who first?” Mackenzie asked her boyfriend, she’s still getting over her shock that he is her boyfriend now.
Will sat on the bed next to her and they both leaned against the headboard, “Do you want to go first?” Will offered her grabbing one of her hands and gently intertwining their hands.
Mackenzie nodded and grabbed her phone clicking on her group chat with Aiden, Connor and Cole and clicked face time.
“MackMackMack!” Cole immediately rambled out the second he joined the call.
“Shush.” Connor playfully shushed Cole when he joined, “Hi Kenzie!”
Mackenzie grinned as Cole started arguing with Connor over getting shushed and saw Aiden laughing.
Will smiled amused from where he was sitting next to Mackenzie not on the camera, he didn’t realize close Connor and Cole are.
Aiden cleared his throat stopping Cole and Connor’s playfully arguing, “Hi Zie what’s up?” Aiden asked knowing his sister well enough to know this isn’t a random face time call.
Mackenzie cleared her throat and shared a look with Will who gave her a reassuring look, “Uh you guys may have been right about Will.” Mackenzie awkwardly mumbled out not sure what to say.
“Right about what?” Connor raised a knowing eyebrow.
“I’m dating Will.” Mackenzie blurted out and showed Will on screen making him wave softly.
“Ha! i was right Cole!” Connor grinned his playfully and competitive side coming out.
“Buzz off.” Cole groaned dramatically rubbing his face annoyed he lost the bet by just over a week.
“I won.” Connor teased with a teasing smile making Cole flip him off.
“Won what?” Mackenzie asked suspiciously narrowing her eyes at the screen making Connor and Cole both freeze.
“Nothing!” They both said in unison but Mackenzie just stared at the screen.
“Wemadeabetwhenyouandwillwouldgettogetherwithryanandgabe.” Cole quickly rambled out.
“You made a bet with Ryan and Gabe?” Mackenzie didn’t even look surprised and Will shook his head because his best friends would do this.
“Maybe.” Cole dragged out as Aiden just laughed, Once Ryan found out about Cole and Connor’s bet he wanted in and he dragged Gabe into it too.
“Connor won than?” Mackenzie smirked teasing making Connor nod and grin.
“Unfortunately, couldn’t you have gotten together in October!” Cole complained.
“I’m so very sorry.” Mackenzie sarcastically spoke making Will snicker amused.
“Thank you.” Cole playfully nodded.
“Anyways, i’m glad you are together now,” Aiden piped in giving a supportive smile, “Smith treat her the way she deserves and we will have no problems.”
Aiden thought he would be more worried when Mackenzie started dating again but he has seen Will an show Will treats Mackenzie and Aiden knows it’s not like the situation with Mackenzie’s past relationship where Aiden thought he was good for her and wasn’t because everyone agreed Will is perfect for Mackenzie.
“I promise.” Will truthfully promised making the three boys all nod satisfied. They will give him more shovel talks when they see him next but for now he’s approved by them.
Mackenzie and Will talked with the three for a little bit more before saying bye and hanging up.
“One down.” Will softly spoke pressing a slow and soft kiss to Mackenzie’s forehead making her eyes shut as she enjoyed the contact from Will.
Will gave Mackenzie a moment before asking, “Ready?”
Mackenzie nodded and she fiddled with Will’s hand as Will stared the facetime with his sister and two best friends.
“Well hello Mr. Heart Eyes!” Ryan chirped the second Gabe joined the face time and he was sitting with Gabe in the dorm.
“More like puppy eyes.” Grace teased making Ryan and Gabe both laugh and Mackenzie had to look away to stop herself from laughing.
Will smiled shaking his head at their teasing, Grace and Ryan both tease him at least once a day about his feelings for Makenzie because in their words he has an very obvious crush on her.
“Want to hear my news or not?” Will raised an eyebrow.
“Yes.” Gabe nodded pinching Ryan to shut up.
“I asked Mack to be my girlfriend.” Will told them with a proud smile and he moved the phone back showing Mackenzie.
“OH MY GOD FINALLY I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR A BILLION YEARS!” Ryan loudly said with the smuggest grin that they finally got together.
“It’s barely been a year.” Gabe depended but Ryan just continued to grin smugly.
Will just rolled his eyes fondly at Ryan, he gets constant texts from Ryan with screenshots of media of him and Mackenzie with Ryan chirping him about his feelings for Mackenzie and how obvious he is.
“Thank goodness i want Mackenzie as my sibling.” Grace beamed looking happy Will finally asked her.
Mackenzie laughed at Grace’s words as Will gave his sister a deadpan look, “Thanks Gracie.” Grace just smiled.
“Ha i have to rub it in to Eisey that i know before him.” Ryan grinned pulling out his phone.
“Uh Cole already knows.” Will told Ryan.
“You told that BU player before me!!??” Ryan looked offended and disgusted.
“He’s your friend with how much you text each other.” Gabe bluntly told Ryan fondly rolling his eyes.
“Absolutely not, i only tolerate one BU player and that’s Celly.” Ryan firmly said, he would never admit to liking Cole once Cole joined BU.
“Well you’re the only likably BC player.” Mackenzie teased laughing at the offended look Will gave her, “Maybe Gabe too because he’s to nice.”
Gabe smiled softly.
“And this is why you are the only BU player i like.” Ryan laughed at her words and the look Will was giving her.
“Mean.” Will pouted at his girlfriend trying to not smile as he said his girlfriend in his head.
Mackenzie just smiled and squeezed his hand leaning more into his side making his pout go away.
“Anyways i need to know why Eisey hasn’t told me yet.” Ryan looked at his text pulling up Cole.
“Because we told Cole not to tell you as we told him only five minutes before you and he ended up blurting out he needed to tell your group chat.” Will bluntly told them.
“What group chat?” Grace tried to ask innocently but Will just laughed and gave her a look not buying her tone at her.
“Look the group chat was needed!” Ryan protested.
Will and Mackenzie shared a fond smile as they listened to Ryan’s reasoning why the group chat was much needed, it went well telling all six of them.
#mackenziecelebriniau#macklin celebrini#mc70#will smith hockey x oc#will smith hockey#connor bedard x oc#connor bedard#cole eiserman#ryan leonard x oc#ryan leonard#gabe perreault x oc#gabe perreault#bu hockey#boston university#san jose sharks#ty dellandrea#tyler toffoli#william eklund#nhl blurbs#luke hughes#jack hughes#quinn hughes#nhl x oc#nhl au#jack hughes x oc#luke hughes x oc#quinn hughes x oc#nhl#nhl blurb#nhl hockey
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Convos with Rin pt 2
Rin x Gn! Reader
No warnings! Just pure fluff, as with the first one you can read this as purely platonic if you'd like. Part 1 here.
“What’s your ideal type?” You ask suddenly.
The breeze blows through where the two of you sit on the bleachers, causing a strand of hair to pull from behind your ear to drift in the breeze.
“I dunno, never thought about it.” Rin replies, his brow furrowed slightly.
“Pfffft– laaaame.” You drag out, snickering mentally at the way his eyebrows crease at the sound.
“Then what’s yours?” He asks.
“Easy!” You say with a grin. “An eldritch horror.”
“I– what?” He questions, his head turning to meet your carefree gaze.
“An eldritch horror.” You repeat.
“Well, it’s like this: “Oh Cuthulu, harbinger of destruction and insanity, you ask me, a mere mortal, to become one with you for eternity? I’d be honored, o old one.” You say dramatically, crossing your hands along your chest in a dramatic manner as you serenade an imaginary Old One.
“Why the hell would you want that?”
“I don’t know about you, but near eternal slumber sounds like a delight to me.”
“…god you’re weird.” He says after a while, but his words hold no real weight to them.
“Hey, you talked to me first!” You protest, looking at him in mock offense. “You grabbed the shovel and dug your own grave, don't you forget that.”
“My biggest regret.” Rin says lowly.
“…I wish it was.” You say somewhat wistfully, your eyes briefly glimpsing a bittersweet memory out on the snow.
“Nothing.” You say, shaking your head. "How was your game Rinrin?”
“Don’t call me that.” He says curtly.
“Oh okay.”
You sit in silence for a while, taking in the breeze and the distant sounds of children playing before you open up your mouth again.
“How was your game dipshit?”
“You can fuck right off.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t have to resort to petty insults if you just admitted you like the nickname.”
“…whatever.” He scowls, turning away from you.
Unfortunately for him, you can see the tint of red on his cheeks.
“Oho? Is that a blush I see? The prince of darkness has feelings? Oh my god they grow up so fast.” You coo out, much to his annoyance.
“I should just leave.”
“But you won’t!”
“…but I won’t.”
“Heh, love you too.” You say with a grin. “You didn’t answer my question though.”
“It was the same as usual.” He relents with a sigh, and the conversation moves from there, flowing like the lazy breeze on that summer day.
#bllk x reader#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock x reader#itoshi rin fluff#itoshi rin x reader#itoshi rin#I’ve been in such a fluffy mood these past few days#what’s wrong with me
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