#(oc tag) dera
caramel-caracal · 2 years
Cowboy Submas AU: Troublemakers
Ingo and Dera have verrry different ideas on how to handle a few grunts up to no good. Nothing that can't be resolved in a safety meeting....right-
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My AU includes @pigdemonart 's take on the Depot Agents, and this time Jackie is here!
Ingo is trying to fit in, it's a bit of a learning curve-
(I got an ask with a similar premise but was sketching this already so here we are haha)
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moopermoment · 1 year
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2023 Art Fight Attacks Wave 1!
VantaViolet (Art Fight)
tofudemaru + tofudemaru (Art Fight + Instagram)
@girl-help-im-hyperfixating + Merimutt (Tumblr + Carrd)
Swamperite13 + pancakecookie_13 (Art Fight + Instagram)
IeattoothpasteVEEVO + @ieattoothpasteveevo (Art Fight + Tumblr)
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thehandworld · 15 days
[ angst mun meme ]
😏: What angst tropes are you a sucker for?
😕: Do you thrive on angst, or can it get a little overwhelming after a while?
😈: What are some of your favourite angst threads?
The Angst Meme @parallelroutes-ooc
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Angst tropes I'm a sucker? Oh let's see... Hayato has one of the main of it, a broken heart from a past love. TYL Takeshi has, slowly physically gotten ill and of course depressed. There is also the one where the loved one is slowly dying that is really *chef kiss*. I also love love love, one-sided love! Basically those.
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Everything in excess can be overwhelming after a while. The key point is that my, after a while... Takes a bit longer. Mostly because when I write angst I project the pain I'm feeling and thus I feel happy while writing. Which... Makes this process really long for me to burn out. So I guess... I thrive on angst?
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... Don't make me pick... Don't make me pick... FUCK. I don't know honestly... I would recommend looking at 80daysofrain tag in my blog, or in the loyalrighthand blog... Whiskeysmulti020 tag is also one of the top favorite angst threads. There was... Once a naturalborn-hitman thread that was also my favorite. FUCK... Basically, before the hiatus, i played a lot of 8059 and that was the root of a lot of my angst threads but now... Hm... OOOOH I KNOW one that is also 1859 LOL. I had threads with Kouhai muses where Dera had one-side love for her OC, who was in love with Shu's Tsuna. That was fun... Fuck... I had so many fun angst threads. I'm slowly creating a new selection tho. Since except the one with Whiskey, are all old threads xD. PS: Gimme reason for angst Yuni. That is also my dream ~.
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fractured-shield · 2 months
Writerly questionnaire
thanks for the tags @honeybewrites and @nczaversnick!!
about you:
when did you start writing?
I was stapling together loose paper and handwriting weird shit on the playground instead of socializing for as long as I can remember, but I was 12 when I first got serious about telling any kind of coherent narrative and 19-ish when I overhauled FS into it's current form
are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
oh, nah, I'm a sucker for the same cliche high fantasy tropes as I write. I got really into LotR in 6th grade (like, reading the silmarillion and other supplemental texts the following year. don't ask me about my favorite traumatized elf guys unless you want the most incomprehensible rambling response. i've been told it's all very predictable of me on no less than half a dozen occasions) and that shit was a formative experience I can't go back from
is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
yeah i think every high fantasy writer gets compared to tolkien at some point, the whole mt fuji analogy of the genre and all that. I'm not really trying to emulate the same scale or depth of lore, but I find that a lot of the themes really speak to me now in my mid-20s more than they did as a kid, so I like to lean into some of those in my own writing, and keep (and occasionally fuck around with) the typical high fantasy trappings along the way
can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
eh...don't really have one rn. i'll write anywhere from scrap paper during church (i'm a church musician only so i don't lose my skills lmao) to my phone, to actually sitting at a desk. but i recently had to move pretty suddenly and don't have much set up yet
what’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
find yourself in traumatizing situations and project them onto your characters instead of getting therapy long car rides listening to music
did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
i'm sure it did a bit subconsciously, but most of my formative years were spent using fiction as escapism, so not too much
are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
grief and trauma and coping with things out of your control, finding purpose, found family and good supportive familial relationships, feeling lonely and othered and using self-improvement as harm...etc. normal stuff like that. i'm doing so good i'm so well adjusted please believe me
your characters:
would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
😔 <- character profile link. i cannot pretend anyone else is my favorite when i literally have a tattoo in honor of him. (tldr that's my protag's father. she wouldn't even be mad she's relegated to second favorite, she'd agree with me)
which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
i think i'd get along with a lot of them actually. therien, oenith, and waith would all have some initial conflict but we'd figure it out. hal would be chill. i wish leithe and idhren were my parents
which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i think if i met maithyr he'd kinda scare me tbh. and i'd be so tired of dealing with malin's genuinely friendly extroverted behavior, love the guy though. waith's parents piss me off, as do deras and ealrid. alfrin is a little shit and, like therien, he'd get under my skin. unlike therien, i'd be too much of a coward to punch him
tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
uhhhhhh therien and oenith kinda happened on accident...? a friend and i were fucking around and wanted some sick ass fantasy self insert ocs and now it's 12 years later and they're their own fleshed out fully different characters. waith was originally a shared oc with a different friend, and she's still pretty similar and they get consulted sometimes about how i write her. idhren and leithe were always therien's parents but their role wasn't originally supposed to be this big. maithyr and linna are shamelessly based on the vibe of a popular ship in a fandom i've been in but i made them debatably worse. hal just showed up one day and malin reinvented his whole self when i wasn't looking. ...mor and arennir and alfrin were...interesting cases...
do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
mostly the trauma, yeah
how do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
i've had them all for long enough that it's some fluid mix of faceclaims (one very notable story about that), picrews, video game character builders, and just imagined collections of features and vibes
your writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
idk i didn't know it'd be 12+ years of these guys with no signs of stopping when i made therien and oenith and idhren back in 2012. they're like real people to me and i'm very fond of them, so i enjoy thinking about them and i think their story deserves to be written
is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i really like when people connect with my characters. particularly therien and idhren, any "oh my god she's weird as fuck i love her" or "ohhh im sad about him i think a hug from him would fix me" is like. going to make my entire week
how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
tbh i've never really thought about how i want to be seen as a writer. i just want to tell a story people connect with, i'd rather readers find characters as inspirational rather than myself
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
probably characters, but only within FS. I don't think it's a strength, like any new character I make for another project is whatever, but with these guys—I hope they feel complex and realistic, I've been thinking about them for long enough
what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
i've been told I write dialogue well I think? I also got a comment from when I submitted ch1 of my current draft for a class critique last spring where someone said I wrote anxiety/panic in a very realistic way. that scene wasn't even in the outline lmao my characters do what they want
how do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
it's...fine I guess? It's definitely gotten noticeably more consistent and closer to what I want it to be in the past 2-ish years, but I still struggle a lot with feeling like the style is bland and the topics forgettable. I try not to linger on it too much because I primarily write for my own sanity, the approval of any readers is just a bonus
if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
oh yeah, i'd keep writing. i like my characters and i like seeing new parts of them and their stories revealed to me as i progress
when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
nah, not really. i mean, aside from "if i introduce this thing earlier it'd make more sense / breaking the chapters here would flow better for readers" type things. the actual content and themes and characters are purely what I enjoy. i'm not delusional enough to think publishing is likely anyways, i know the whole "cliche high fantasy" thing isn't terribly marketable, especially how it falls in the overlap of YA and adult
open tag for anyone who wants to join! doing open tags until I get caught up I think
tag list: @just-emis-blog @orions-quill @honeybewrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @robin-the-blind-sniper-rifle
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outdatedthoughts · 3 years
Death Cab for Cutie & Agnes Cecilia
– Någon gång 2007, svarade jag försiktigt, som om mitt värde hängde på rätt sifferföljd. Faktum är att det var i slutet på mars året därpå, men 2007 är för mig ett estetiskt vackrare årtal, i såväl artikulation som i skrift. Likt 2002, 2014, kanske 2022, bjuds en in till nyfikenhet och tolkning på ett sätt närliggande år har svårt till att göra.
– Cure fan? – Up until this record – Oh really? You gonna tell me you don’t get chills everytime you hear the violin on ‘To Wish Impossible Things’? – Yeah, everytime, but I don’t remember the day. Like with Disintegration, I remember the very first time I heard that record, I remember everything about that day, the weather outside, the smell in the air, because that day I fell in love with something – You fell in love with an album – No, I fell in love with music Dialog mellan Peyton och hennes mor i One Tree Hill säsong tre. Jag uppfostrades på olika sätt under min uppväxt. Av min mor kom kärlek och moral, om än ibland på ett hårt och dömande vis. I musiken blev jag inkluderad och fann trygghet. Från OTH lärde jag mig att förstå, hantera och uttrycka tidigare outsägliga känslor. Peyton, emotjejen, var den karaktär jag identifierade mig mest med och som kunde beskriva det jag ofta oförklarligt kände. Hon var den ensamma, den sorgsna, den oförstådda, den med borderline. Det var dock i hennes musik och den beskrivande dialogen som fick mig bli ett med karaktären. Visst minns jag den regniga dagen i Kalmar jag köpte min första CD, Vapen & Ammunition, och hur jag tjafsade med min kusin den kvällen om hur textraderna i FF gick. Likt jag minns alla gånger jag satt på vardagsrumsgolvet intill stereon och sjöng med i Du & jag döden och Ett kolikbarns bekännelser ett par år senare. Men det var en vanlig vardagseftermiddag 2007 jag blev förälskad i musik. Far hade ett religiöst förhållande till The Beatles. Född '49 på tyska landsbygden kom han att bli rebell och flydde till London som tonåring i dröm om att, i sitt kontroversiella långa hår, träffa John Lennon och Paul McCartney. Han fick träffa Ringo Starr och åkte aldrig hem igen. Hos honom var Revolver, A Hard Day’s Night, Help och Sgt. Pepper’s det enda som spelades, snark. Min mor spelade på sin höjd Ted Gärdestad, någon hitlåt från Tom Jones och Shakira, så musikintresset fick jag forma på eget vis, på annat håll. Min kusin Tino hade till hög grad influerat den låtlista jag varsamt valde ut att fylla min iPod Nanos låga minnesutrymme med. Det var Blink-182, Breaking Benjamin, Jimmy Eat World och mycket från genren vi kallade för OC-musik; indiepop i allmänhet. Ihop startade vi även vår egna webbradio ‘OC-musik 24/7′ en afton och skickade IP-adressen till såväl vänner samt på forum. Drömmen om rullande radioproduktion dog förvisso redan följande dag när det relativt massiva lyssnarantalet tillkallade hot om stämning för illegal musikströmning. Men på de femton-sexton timmarna vi sände kom även supportande lyssnare med värdefulla musikrekommendationer. Death Cab for Cutie var nog bandet som önskades mest att spela, av vilka jag bara hade hört A Lack of Color sen innan. Ett par dagar senare kom jag för tidigt hem från skolan, något i bamba hade gjort mig ledsen och jag laddade ner Death Cabs senaste album Plans. Jag ville bara ha något att lyssna på för att fly undan verkligheten ett tag.
Jag hade så gärna för sakens skull berättat vad för doft jag kände och vad för väder det var just i det ögonblicket, men likt alla andra dagar var jag framför datorn med persiennerna nerdragna. Det förtar dock inte den massiva känslovåg som sköljde över mig redan från första tonen av introt till spår ett, Marching Bands of Manhattan och som varade till sista stycket av spår elva, Stable Song. Jag berördes, jag kände mig fulländad, sorgsen, lycklig och fri. Minnen, trauman, hopp och förtvivlan med tillhörande imaginära bilder jag än idag kan se framför mig till tonerna av låtarna. Känslor som då inte var direkt kopplade till texterna men i den hela surrealistiska upplevelsen. Även om Adam’s Song förblev på repeat varje promenad till skolan flera år framöver om morgnarna så kom Death Cab att ta över hela mitt musikbibliotek och bli en central del av mitt tonårsliv. Gudskelov lyckades jag förbereda mig emotionellt på deras kommande albumsläpp. Narrow Stairs (2008) sparade jag till första dagen av sommarlovet, med känslan av dess frihet i bilen till Öland. Codes & Keys (2011) ute på klipporna en varm sommarmorgon, med sjöbris mot ansiktet och god picknick. Kintsugi (2015) i min favoritpark i London och Thank You for Today (2018) deprimerad på ett okänt fält en bit från en ändhållplats vid gränsen till Halland. Death Cab blev också anledningen till att jag träffade Agnes. 2010 började jag på ett estetikfrämjande gymnasium och trots att jag gick på samhällslinjen så var det Broder Daniel-patches och indieenergi var du än gick. Min klass var relativt skonat från sånt därnt, jag kom överens med alla förutom en tjej, Cecilia, som av ren instinkt hatade den utåtagerande fotbollskillen jag framstod som. Med sin BD-väska och ibland stjärnor under ögonen fnös hon ofta i min närvaro. Hon drog sig inte från att uttrycka öppet hat mot min existens eller agg när hennes vänner pratade med mig. Två år senare var det mig hon vände sig till när hon skulle hoppa, men det är en annan historia. En gång var det bara var vi i klassrummet. Jag hyste vördnad över hennes t-shirt, på vilken hon hade blink-182s självbetitlande albumsmiley på. Vi snackade ett par minuter. Hon log faktiskt vid ett tillfälle och la senare till mig på msn. Under resterande tre år vi gick ihop skrev vi regelbundet någon kväll i veckan, ett par timmar åt gången. Resterande dagar var vår vänskap ickeexisterande, literally, i synnerhet under skoltid En vårdag i slutet på första läsåret ville hon introducera mig för en tjej som gick på estetlinjen. Agnes favoritband var tydligen också Death Cab, men det var unheard of att någon från estet skulle vilja prata med någon från samhäll, i synnerhet inte en fotbollskille som jag. Under en kvartsrast utanför biologisalen kom en jättesöt, två år äldre, fräknig tjej med vackert utsläppt brunt hår, fina läppar med ett tillhörande födelsemärke och frågade rart om mitt namn. Hon hade gul tröja med grön fjällrävenväska på ryggen, jeanskjol och knähöga strumpor, vita med röda ränder. Jag var ett förfall, fick knappt fram ett ord och det dröjde inte länge innan killarna i min klass snappade upp att det på riktigt var mig hon ville prata med. De började grabba sig, skrek dumma saker. Jag ursäktade mig därifrån. Vi fick dock kontakt på musikforum efter ett tag, vår första konversation gick ungefär: – Så hur kom du i kontakt med dem? – Från OC, någon gång 2007, tror jag. – Åh, då har du lyssnat längre än vad jag har gjort! Jag fann Death cab 2008 via en vän. Agnes kom att bli en otrolig viktig influens i mitt liv. Hon var den första personen som genuint visade intresse för mig och mitt liv. Vi pratade om kärlek, killar, tjejer, drama, s*x. Vi skapade spellistor och delade fotografier. Hon introducerade mig för tumblr och massvis med musik jag än idag lyssnar på. Till förfasa ville hon så småningom träffas utanför skoltid, på konserter och i stan. Jag var för awkward för att kunna tacka ja till någon form av social interaktion, kommunikation fick helst ske uteslutande online, det var tryggas så. Min självforcerande isolering var och är än idag otrolig påtaglig i dess skada och konsekvens, i utsträckning jag upplever folk har svårt att greppa. Jag tror faktiskt vi aldrig kom att se varandra efter hon tog studenten drygt ett år därpå, hon flyttade till annan ort och fick nya bekantskaper, vår kontakt dog ut. Vad för relation hon tyckte vi hade vet jag ärligt talat inte, jag är bara ledsen över att jag inte tog tillvara på den bättre, oavsett vad det var. Jag ångrar att i min omogenhet och osäkerhet kunde vara dramatisk, provocerande samt ibland utmanande. Även om det är ett avslutat kapitel är jag så otroligt tacksam för hennes del i mitt liv, det formade mig mer än vad jag någonsin förstod då och gav lärdomar jag behövde. Något jag också var duktig på att undvika dcfc konserter
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ao3feed-lams · 7 years
Spark to Flame
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xbWuLS
by thebriars
The kingdom of Britania is ruled by the ignorant and cruel King George III. John Laurens, a young noble from the south, travels to the capital city to start his training as a knight. There, he meets the wealthy Schuyler sisters and is drawn into their world. The king's step brother and Captain of the Guard, Washington, is leading an uprising against the crown and John soon becomes embroiled in a conflict of ruthless nobles and passionate deras. What will happen when the world he knows and the people he loves hang in the balance? Will liberty triumph, or will John and his comrades fail in their pursuits?
Words: 1480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Angelica Schuyler, George Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Charles Lee, James Reynolds, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, ocs maybe, ???????????
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr
Additional Tags: High Fantasy, Feudalism, Angst, Love, War, Revolution, i'm not going to be nice, pining af, angelica/badassery, being gay is illegal here uGH, historical to an extent, wtf is cannon, francis kinloch is a piece of shit, so's charles sorry, not accurate haha, What Did You Expect, Alternate Universe - Medieval, sorta - Freeform, what
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xbWuLS
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by thebriars
The kingdom of Britania is ruled by the ignorant and cruel King George III. John Laurens, a young noble from the south, travels to the capital city to start his training as a knight. There, he meets the wealthy Schuyler sisters and is drawn into their world. The king's step brother and Captain of the Guard, Washington, is leading an uprising against the crown and John soon becomes embroiled in a conflict of ruthless nobles and passionate deras. What will happen when the world he knows and the people he loves hang in the balance? Will liberty triumph, or will John and his comrades fail in their pursuits?
Words: 1480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Angelica Schuyler, George Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Charles Lee, James Reynolds, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, ocs maybe, ???????????
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr
Additional Tags: High Fantasy, Feudalism, Angst, Love, War, Revolution, i'm not going to be nice, pining af, angelica/badassery, being gay is illegal here uGH, historical to an extent, wtf is cannon, francis kinloch is a piece of shit, so's charles sorry, not accurate haha, What Did You Expect, Alternate Universe - Medieval, sorta - Freeform, what
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2xbWuLS
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caramel-caracal · 6 months
Mostly did this one as practice/for myself for fun, using my character Dera (they/them). But I'm okay with how it turned out, so why not share?
Absolutely not perfect, but I had fun! Boogie Woogie 🕺
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caramel-caracal · 2 years
Cowboy Submas AU: Lentimas (Pages 1-3)
Dera decides to take Ingo to their hometown to see if they can uncover more of his foggy history-
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So here's the first three pages! I visualize this comic in my head and realize it's probably gonna be long- I'm going to be posting it in segments so I can share quicker!
This one's gonna be a fun ride I'm excited-
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caramel-caracal · 1 year
Been busy with an art event in @bunnyangeltuber 's server! We had a Marine Majesty themed Gala for our Characters-
So have Dera and Coop all dressed up for said Gala! Just a couple of sailors who definitely know about boats and the sea, trust-
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(Background by @bunnyangeltuber and @pigdemonart )
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moopermoment · 1 year
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since art fight is over. here is dump of all of my updated refs for this year!
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moopermoment · 1 year
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a pile of dera’s drawings because i’m playing as them in dnd!
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moopermoment · 2 years
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miscellaneous oc references and drawings!
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moopermoment · 2 years
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oh yeah i should post the refs i made for art fight!
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moopermoment · 2 years
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team gay little death mushrooms, how are we feeling?
also here is the link to my art fight .
i’m going to try and do a lot of art this year.
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moopermoment · 4 years
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you are a pirate
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