#consider these very much needed updated refs for these dorks
moopermoment · 2 years
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oh yeah i should post the refs i made for art fight!
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torrikor · 5 years
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finally, the ref update for the swapfell sisters! including pocky apocalypse, their shared ball python :D
i may do an updated ref for zia later on, but for now, this is all of them! i’ll probably post a compilation of them tomorrow just so they’re all in one place & easy to find :> brief infodumps are under the cut, as per usual!
by far the quietest person of her ‘group’, siren is particularly difficult to befriend or get any kind of a read on. she’s been through hell and back and has the scars to prove it, and all those experiences have left her with a noticeably not-very-sf-sans-like attitude. at least, on the surface. should someone happen to befriend her or watch how she behaves among people she considers safe, they’d see that she’s by no means devoid of any personality. si can be petty, and competitive, and is incredibly skilled in certain aspects that she puts effort into perfecting; she knows what her strengths are and knows exactly how to play to them in order to do what needs to be done. there are few people in the world with as much patience as she has - her knack for timing applies to many things she does and many of the interactions held with her. she has a penchant for trading quips and sassy remarks with friends, and shares ruby’s love of grossing her sister out (she’s just.. a bit more subtle about it). although not having had the chance to train in fighting before the timeline shenanigans, siren is an absolute parkour beast - she quite enjoys surprising people with this skill. she also happens to be the fastest runner out of her ‘group’. she can be very hesitant around new people, and greatly dislikes being left completely alone for long periods of time.
a rather odd mix of social butterfly and introvert, rus seems to adapt accordingly depending on who she’s with. she has many more people that are classified as ‘acquaintances’ rather than real friends, having a habit of keeping people at arm’s length until she deems them trustworthy enough. despite the outward Cool Person Vibe(tm) she tends to give off, she’s... actually kind of a dork. you may find her on the streets kicking a ball back and forth with some kids, sharing a snack with a stray cat, or if you’re really sneaky you may even catch her in the act of getting something a friend mentioned they wanted. she’s got a soft spot a mile wide for young kids, & there’s few lengths she won’t go to for them. she frequently sets up facepainting booths at local events, or will humor kids who came up to her while she was drawing by doing a few sketches for them. speaking of, rus loves to draw and paint - the wall on her side of the room is covered entirely in chalk paint for her to draw on as she pleases. she will also frequently draw on friends’ arms, be warned. for someone so outwardly laid back, it often comes as a surprise when people find out just how much energy she has - this tends to manifest in chaotic shenanigan-prone tendencies that have earnt her local cryptid status many times over. she’s deceptively strong and flexible, having been working as a skilled pole dancer before the timeline shenanigans.
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fearofflamingos · 6 years
From One Captain to Another
Summary/Author’s Note: so since this is fake I took a scene and pretty much changed everything so this is supposed to be their second time ever meeting after the initial muffin incident & in this story Buffy’s still on TJs team & Cyrus is a cheerleader so yee enjoy please !
Includes: cheerleader!cyrus, Tyrus, POV!TJ, concerned!cyrus, angsty!TJ, underlying romantic tension
Warnings: somewhat gender stereotypes addressed, none
Word count: 797 (very short)
Genre: oneshot/ AU
“Ref! Come on you can’t call that a foul!”
I couldn’t stop my face from turning red with anger. I barely tapped the Raptor’s pointguard and he’s a baby, they’re absolute jokes. But yeah, I got switched with Buffy to be on the bench.
No way was I gonna sit there and watch them fail miserably without me. I needed some time to cool off so I headed for the vending machines.
I entered the small snacking area briskly before approaching the closest machine. I stared off into space as I scanned the options of Cheetos and Funyuns.
They benched me? They benched me? Good luck winning.
I faintly heard a door open from bedside me and I can’t be bothered to look but I can somewhat hear their feet stop right next to me. A small unidentified voice chirps up from my right.
“Eating your feelings? I do that too.”
I blinked a couple of times before turning to face a small figure dressed in bright white and baby blue.
Buffy’s little friend?
I raised an eyebrow before acknowledging him.
“Chocolate chip muffin.”
A pretty smile crossed his face.
“Nice to know I’m not completely forgettable.” he joked... at least I hope it was a joke.
I nodded slowly before pushing the buttons for a bag of Cheese Cheetos.
“Scary basketball guy, right?” he asked tilting his head.
I grabbed my chip bag before straightening up and answering.
“TJ, actually.”
He saluted to me before pointing to himself.
I nodded before taking a seat at the closest bench.
“Shouldn’t you be cheering?” I said gesturing towards his uniform.
“Shouldn’t you be playing?” he countered pointing at my jersey.
“Yea, I should. But I don’t have a choice.” I scoffed.
He made his way to a chair across from me and sat down.
“Well my squad is taking a break right now so I thought from one captain to another checking in would be a nice gesture.”
I rose my eyebrow. He’s the cheer captain?
“Yea I’m the cheer captain. I supposed based on that expression you expected a girl?” He said with a lopsided smile.
I shrugged. I guess I did... but that smile should have clued me in, it was far more inspiring than any chant the cheerleaders could shout.
“Sorry.” I simply answered.
“It’s cool. I’ve come to terms with my interests being stereotypically feminine but get with times grandpa. I’m cheer captain, the wonderful Buffy Driscoll is on your team, it’s 2019, I mean really..”
He spoke with a smile so I guess he didn’t mean it aggressively but he spoke firmly so I know he meant it and he talked about her (Buffy) so fondly is-
“-she your girlfriend?” I asked aloud.
I saw his face fall and his eyes drop to the center of the table. I didn’t like being the cause of that.
“No....” he laughed nervously “girls aren’t really my thing.”
“So... boys then?”
I felt weird asking but it made this confusing happy feeling bubble somewhere inside me.
He seemed shocked I had asked considering his eyes immediately widened.
It was quiet for a few moments almost as if he were considering something for the first time.
“You’re a not-so-scary-basketball-guy, y’know?” he inquired.
“T-Thanks.” I answered confused.
Strangely enough this small boy whose sort I usually would strike fear into saw some good in me and he was optimistic.
After working so hard to create my strong reputation I wasn’t sure whether to be offended or flattered.
“I have to get back to the game. I hope you play again, Kippen.” He told me as he stood from the table.
He’s really kind.
Hold on.
“How do you know my last name?” I asked as he made his way to the door.
He turned around and titled his head
“I hope you know the back of your jersey isn’t covered. It’s says your last name y’know?”
Oh yeah.
Smart ass.
He’s surprisingly funny for a guy who was too nervous to grab a muffin.
The second his hand touched the handle my mouth spoke before my brain could catch up “You didn’t answer my question... the one from earlier.”
Maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut.
Without looking back he took a deep breath and said “Your memory is better than I gave you credit for.”
He let out a bright laugh, one that would ring in my ears even after I was left alone with my Cheetos.
“and to answer your question, yes.” he added before leaving the room.
Chocolate chip muffin was interesting.
A wonder of an awkward dork and a surprisingly witty cheer captain all in one.
I had only seen him in passing once before and yet both times he left a strong impression.
Currently, he’s the upcoming underdog of my thoughts.
Definitely interesting.
(A/N)Update: a few people asked for a continuation of this, if I do that send prompts for how you would like to see this story progress.
Send prompts or feedback to my inbox <3
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syx-blue · 7 years
For Mobile Navigation
About the Mun
Sam or Spider 30+ year old artist Timezone UTC-05:00
I’m Nonbinary or maybe Agenderflux? But She/Her is fine. I’m used to it.
I’m autistic, there are social things I struggle with and sometimes I swap words and don’t realize it, please bare with me, I do my best to proof read and spell check before posting
IC =/= OOC ; my muses might be jerks and villains at times but their opinions aren’t mine. I’m very laid back and if you ever want to chat my IM is always open. ^u^ I promise I don’t bite.
My Muses
Syx Blue is my canon Megamind but he is now canon divergent. I do have a canon verse but I mostly play a divergent multiverse and it's really the verse I'm most interested in. If you are only here for the movie version I am happy to interact, but just know I'm likely to get bored quickly. I prefer my characters to be able to grow and change not be trapped stationary.
As this is a multi-muse blog I know that can be overwhelming for some people. But I will always default to Syx if you don't specify someone else.
Though Tony and Belle are Human!AUs of Megamind they are so far removed from their source that I consider them OCs.
I would also really appreciate if you take the time to check out my links. I have a Quick Ref if you can’t read all the bios. It lists the most important facts and links to head canon and aesthetics. 
I’m Semi-Selective: I will rp with most fandoms and ocs. I prefer compatible writing styles and bios and rules to be available
Not Mutual Exclusive: even if I don’t follow you, feel open to message me or send in asks. Especially if you’re a side blog.
I don’t mind personals following me just DO NOT reblog threads you’re not involved in. Please!
I don’t have any major triggers but I avoid lots of graphic sex and body horror, I likely won’t follow or will unfollow if you post too much of that
If you post an unending stream of pictures that clog my dash, I will unfollow. I am all for aesthetic and art and all that, I post a lot myself, but please don’t spam. It’s really annoying.
Basic Rules
No Godmodding
No Smut with minors
I’m extremely selective about smut in general, don’t expect it to happen. Currently I have all of 4 people I’m willing to write smut with.
Always respect your partners, we all have lives
Take your time, don’t rush threads, and IRL is more important than RP
I don’t post much sexual material, but I tag everything NSFW
I tag basic things such as “tw: blood” but if you need something specific tagged let me know, I’m happy to do so
Don’t do OOC hate or anon hate or call outs. I have no tolerance.
IM is for OOC only, but please come chat and plot! I love chatting about our muses and plotting stories and ideas.
I post art and graphics of my muses and others things I’ve created, do not steal or repost art. Just don’t do that to any creator.
Formatting and Posts
I use icons usually but do little formatting. For readability I don’t like small text or overly formatted post, but it’s okay if you format. It can just be hard for me to read if everything if highlighted and slanty and small
I always try and match length but my preferred is single or mulit para
I usually get bored of one line exchanges or greeters very quickly but I can do them if it works better for you. The only time I really enjoy them is for witty banter and snark.
My ooc posts will be under the tag “out of plans (ooc)” and are mostly life updates and me rambling about my muses
I ship only with chemistry for romance.
However I am a shipping nut and I love platonic, family, hate, nemesis, crack, bropt, exes, and all of that. Just give me it all. Propose something and I will likely be head over heels.
Activity Level
I have several other blogs that I try to maintain. I’m often most active on one and go to semi active on the rest.
I work full time and when stress goes up writing goes down
I queue most posts and my queue length will vary based on irl factors
I do try to always get back to you and I’m sorry if I take a long time or if real life gets in the way, but unfortunately, life happens.
Other Places to Find Me: @sassy-blue-dork , @mischievouscourtfae ; @god-touched-monsters (others too but those are the mains)
Thank You so much for taking the time to read this! ♥
last updated 6/7/2017
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