#(now i'm doing them on my own for the first time and they're not going. well. to say the least)
They're my babies! (Lando Norris)
While preparing for baby number three, you start to notice just how grown up Matilda and Fraser are
Note: english is not my first language. I'm back and I'm not sure if I still know how to do this 🫣 Thank you for being so patient ✨️ I hope it's enjoyable to read!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not actively taking requests right now, so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to send them in but know that I don't know when I'll be able to get to them!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant, mentions worries associated with pre-eclampsia, prematurity and themes associated with them
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"And where are my two boys going?", you inquired as you heard Lando tell Fraser to finish his breakfast so they could get ready to go.
"Daddy is taking me to get a haircut!", Fraser beamed as he ruffled his curls, "they're hindering me in the eyes", he explained.
"I'm getting my hair trimmed as well", your husband offered, kissing the top of your head after he set your tea next to your plate.
"Thank you, love", you whispered, "me and Tilly are staying in today, aren't we, princess?", you checked with your daughter. When you were putting her to bed the previous night, she asked if you could stay home for the day so she could help you with preparing the nursery for the arrival of your babygirl - the furniture was already in place, now you just needed to fill it with clothes bedding and all of the products you needed for your baby girl.
"Yes, I'm helping mummy with Lottie's things!", your oldest daughter smiled before taking a spoonful from her porridge.
"That's very nice of you, sweetheart", Lando praised, kissing the top of her head and getting the plates from the table to put in the dishwasher.
The boys headed upstairs to change while you and Tilly stayed back downstairs, giving her your undivided attention as she told you about what happened in school. With the approach of the baby's arrival, you and Lando made extra effort to spend alone time with each of your kids.
"Mummy! Tilly! I want to show you something, where are you?", Fraser called just as you were getting ready to go upstairs yourselves.
"We're heading upstairs!", Matilda replied.
At the top of the stairs, you were met with your husband and your son dressed in a white t-shirt and dark green shorts. Apart from the little cartoon Fraser 's t-shirt had, they were identical to the eye.
"Are you matching? Look at you two!", you cooed, stretching your arms so you could take him in and have the little boy close to you.
"I don't want to hurt you, mummy - I'm a big boy", Fraser mumbled as he set him on your hip.
"You won't, my love, I'm good", you assured as Lando also rubbed your back, "you two look so handsome".
"It's true, daddy and Fraser look handsome! Can we match today too, mummy?", Matilda asked.
Lando blushed slightly at the attention he was getting, hiding his face on your daughter's neck and blowing a raspberry there, making her let out a loud squeal followed by her melodic laugh, "that tickles daddy!".
"You look really beautiful, mummy", Fraser whispered on your ear, resting his head on your chest and playing with your hair.
"Thank you, baby boy", you kissed his cheek, "are you planning on giving me a new hair do too?", you joked.
"No, it looks pretty like this, but I just like to play with it", he mumbled.
The four of your stayed in the hallway for a bit before, just taking in the moment before Lando and Fraser really had to go, not wanting to miss their appointment.
Matilda helped you pick out a loungewear set that was comfortable and breezy before she went to her wardrobe to grab one of her lavender dresses, thinking the colour was perfect to match your own clothes.
"Where are we going to start, mummy?", Matilda wondered, sitting down on the rug inside the nursery and looking at all the boxes filled with unfolded clothes.
"These are all washed so we just have to fold them and organise them into the drawers - I'd you want to play or do something that you find more fun, you can do it, Tilly, I don't mind", you assured, hardly thinking folding clothes would be the funnest activity for your seven year old.
"No, mummy, I want to help you! Can you just put some music on your phone, please?", she asked, prompting you to play some of your favourites in your Spotify app.
"The top ones can be for the baby grows - we'll go through a lot of them so they need to be quick and easy to grab", you explained as you got the folded clothes from her hands.
"This one here is so pretty, mummy!", Matilda pointed to a babygrow you remembered her wearing when she was a baby.
"We got this one from uncle George and auntie Carmen when you were born", you smiled, unfolding the piece to take a good look at the embroidered stars on the piece. Despite having been worn multiple times by both Matilda and Fraser, the piece was still in good quality given the materials it was made out of.
"Me? Was I ever this little?", Matilda argued softly, standing behind the piece so she could see the difference, "wow, it's so hard to believe that", she mused.
Your emotions got the best out of you as your memory took you back to the times of newborn Matilda. You and Lando were first time parents and naturally things didn't fall into place right away - there was a lot of learning still and finding out what worked for your baby and your family despite everything you read on the books, but the newborn bubble was a time you cherished fondly.
"You were! I even remember this one being a little loose on you, daddy had to roll up the sleeves so they wouldn't bunch up on your hands", you recalled your husband doing so, holding her to his chest as he adjusted the fabric on the little one's body.
"I'm so much bigger now!", Matilda smiled before folding the piece again and placing it in the drawer.
"Yes, you are", you gulped, keeping the tears at bay as you watched your not so little girl independently carry on with her task.
A call interrupted you, Matilda handing you the phone from its spot on the chest of drawers so you wouldn't have to get up.
"Thank you, my love - hello!", you asked to the other side of the line, engaging in conversation with your sister in-law.
"Is it Nana Cisca or auntie Cisca?", Matilda asked when you put the phone on speaker so they could talk too.
"It's auntie Cisca, Tilly! How is my little princess?", she asked over the phone.
As soon as they talked about everything they needed to talk, and ending the call with a promise of a drawing session in the garden for when the weather looked nice, your daughter and you bid goodbye to your husband's sister.
"Mummy!", you heard Fraser call after the door closed just as you were plating up some snacks for you and Matilda.
"You boys got home just in time for snack time!", you called back, bringing the plates to the table before Lando and Fraser stepped inside the kitchen.
The sight before you could only be disguised as double vision. Fraser always looked a little bit more like Lando when compared to the physical traits he got from you, but right now, there was Lando and a mini Lando.
"Do you not like my haircut, mummy?", your son asked as a tinge of insecurity made it to his voice.
"Of course I like it, Fraser - I love it!", you quickly assured, picking him up so you could take a good look at his handsome face, "you look so handsome, my love! You and daddy look so much like eachtoher, that's why I was quiet for a bit", you explained.
Lando approached you, pecking your lips and rubbing your baby bump, "the hairdresser said the same actually", he mused as he sat next to Matilda and stole one of her strawberries.
"There's enough food for all of us, let me make some more", you smiled at their antics.
"I want to go down, mummy", Fraser asked so you could set him on the floor.
Lando took the opportunity to swap with the little boy, offering him his spot at the table and heading to stand next to you by the counter.
"And do I look handsome too?", your husband whispered on your ear as he circled your waist, his hands landing on your baby bump and feeling her move.
"The most handsome of all, although Fraser is serious competition", you giggled.
"He's one cute little dude, isn't he?", your husband stated, "what can I say? We make really cute kids, Y/N Norris", he kissed your neck, "and we're about to have proof number three of that - how has she been?".
"She's been well behaved today, although as soon as she hears your voice, she goes back to being a wiggly baby", you chuckled as you felt a particularly hard kick.
"Calm down, sweet girl, daddy is excited to be home too but we can't kick mummy like that, can we? You can't be a trouble maker already", Lando spoke softly, kissing your cheek one last time before he carried on helping you make something to eat.
"And that way, she always knew that she could count on her friends", you finished Fraser's bedtime story, tucking him in properly before setting the book back on the shelf.
"Good night, mummy", Fraser mumbled sleepily, "I love you to the moon and back".
"Sweet dreams, Fraser, I love you all the way around the milky way", you mumbled back, kissing his forehead and leaving the room once you turned off the light.
You could faintly hear some noise coming from Matilda's bedroom, knocking on the door softly before opening it and seeing Lando sat on the bed with Tilly on his arms, a finished book on his thighs as they spoke softly.
"Still not asleep?", you nudged.
"I wanted Tilly to show you this", Lando pointed to the drawing on top of her desk, "tell mummy what that is".
"This is our family, and we can use this to teach Lottie when she's born", Matilda clarified, "Nana Cisca has the same name as auntie Cisca, Lottie can be confused, mummy", she reasoned.
"That's very nice and thoughtful of you princess", you smiled, tracing all the lines on the paper.
You and Lando wished her a good night before leaving her bedroom, Lando popping into Fraser's room to kiss him goodnight another time and to check if he was asleep before meeting you in the bedroom.
"This morning, Tilly found the baby grow with the stars George and Carmen gifted us and she held it up against her chest and I have been a mess since", you admitted as Lando held out his arms for a cuddle.
"She's really grown up, isn't she? I have no idea how she thought about the names", Lando chuckled.
"Your sister called this morning and she wondered if it was her or your mother - she seemed to stick with the thought but I didn't think much of it", you shrugged your shoulders as you rocked in eachother's embrace.
"She's really clever, she gets that from you, that's for sure", Lando offered.
"Seems right since you managed to get rid of my little baby boy and bring back a mini you version from the hairdresser!", you scoffed as Lando looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, "don't act all innocent! Fraser was my cuddly baby boy this morning, then you took him to get a haircut and suddenly he looks like a pre teen! And he said he didn't want to cuddle me", you pouted.
"Well, I did take him for the haircut, but I didn't actually do it myself", Lando argued playfully, earning him light slap on his chest, "but I did tell him he had to be careful with you now that you're towards the end of the pregnancy", he nudged.
"Lando", you pouted.
"I didn't tell him to not cuddle you! I just told him that he needed to be careful with you carrying heavy things and stuff like that - he was the one to suggest that from now on he would only cuddle you when you were laying down!", your husband told you in his defense.
"He's still my baby! And Tilly is too! I want cuddles with my babies no matter what!", you stated, feeling Charlotte kick Lando's tummy since you were still glued together, "you too, my love, in due time", you mumbled the last part.
"I tell you what, tomorrow we'll have a cuddle session in bed, all of us and I'll make sure Tilly and Fraser are as close to you as possible", Lando smiled.
"That sounds good", you agreed, kissing his lips before you started getting ready for bed.
As you sat down after pulling the covers, Lando noticed there was still something that was leaving you unsettled.
"I can tell something is worrying you still - you have that frown line Fraser has on his forehead too", Lando nodded as he rubbed your feet and ankles since they had swelled a bit lately.
"What if I can't be a good home for this baby, too?", you asked as Lando quirked an eyebrow at you, "Fraser had to come earthside earlier because my blood pressure was a mess, and before that I spent days in hospital trying to make sure he had the least amount of deficits possible. What if I can't carry to term this time around either?", you whispered the last part, almost like if you said it any louder, it was bound to happen straight away.
"I'm scared too, my love", Lando spoke after gathering his thoughts, "but we are doing what we can to make sure this baby cooks for as long as she has to before coming to us - we're having extra appointments to check with everything, we're being active and healthy, I'm also travelling as less as I possibly can, and we have both of our parents coming here for help on a schedule so you don't stress out so much - I know you'll never admit it because you think it's a dirty expression, but those two?", he pointed in the direction of the kids' bedrooms, "they're definitely my children because of the chaos they cause and it's stressful. I love them to death - I'd do anything for them -, but, my word, is it hard sometimes?!", he giggled as you nodded in agreement, "I'd never want you to feel all the parenting stress on your own, it's not good any other time and it's especially not good when you're carrying our little girl", he smiled, kissing just above your baby bump.
"I just want to be a safe home for Lottie", you rubbed your babybump.
"And you are, Y/N, her first home and the safest of them all - and even though I'm not wishing for it, if it happens again, we know we can handle it and most of that is because your such a strong woman", he praised as he sat next to you and held your hand in his, "we're in this together and you can always come to me whenever these scary thoughts come around", he kissed your lips.
"Thank you", you whispered again, pecking his lips.
"That's not a nice greeting, I deserve better, gorgeous girl", he smirked, supporting himself on his arms while carefully hovering over you while he was still able to, "you deserve better, and apparently they say this can be very relaxing and lower your blood pressure, so you're in for a fine night, pretty mama", he said as he stole a proper kiss from your lips.
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spinchip · 2 days
He keeps ending up in these situations- these soft, quiet moments with Zane where everything Lloyd wants to say is crowding behind his teeth before he swallows it all back down. He never felt bold enough to disturb the piece, or maybe he never felt sure-footed enough to navigate the conversation. The land around the topic of the Never Realm was still littered with landmines and sinkholes. Zane didn't talk to them about it.
They're stargazing. Lloyd was out here first basking in the rare alone time. He'd turned Kai away two hours ago when he'd come to check on him, but when Zane stood over him and blotted out the stars with a weak smile- Lloyd invited him to stay, and promised himself he wouldn't shelve this conversation for another day.
He's look at Ursa Major when he says it, "I'm Afraid you'll never be okay again."
There's a soft pause.
"I am okay, Lloyd." Zane reassures him in a voice that is so much more monotone than before the Never Realm, "Therapy has been extremely rewarding. I feel like myself again."
He sits up, propping himself up on arms that don’t tremble, “You’re not yourself, though.” He feels like he has to force the words out from behind the lump in his throat, “You don’t cook, or meditate, or bird watch anymore-” He stops to center himself, “...I’m scared you’ll never go back to normal.”
Zane is the quiet one this time.
Lloyd lies back down, feeling worse than before. They watch the stars trek across the sky.
“I believe this is the new normal, Lloyd.” He says very, very quietly.
Immediately Lloyd sits up again, twisting to face Zane, “How can you say that? Two months ago you were acting totally fine! Yeah, when you came back from the Never Realm you spent a whole month alone in your room... but then you were Zane again, and now- now you’re…”
“Different.” Zane finishes, “I have changed.”
“Yeah.” Lloyd turn forward, staring down in his lap.
No one says anything. Lloyd feels like he's royally blowing this conversation and making everything worse.
“...When I first returned from the Never Realm, I was... in a dark place. It was easier to hide and sort through things on my own, But I… had not dealt with it as well as I could have. After I spent that time alone and I returned to the team, once more joining with the group socially, I was still a mess. I did not know who I was, and I did not feel like anyone- not Zane, and not the emperor. So I looked in my memory banks and pretended.”
Lloyd looks back at Zane, who’s eyes are fixed resolutely on the moon and not Lloyd's reaction. “You… what?”
“I did not want to worry you. My theory was that If i acted like I was okay, I would be. I hoped I could figure it all out before anyone realized I was wearing a mask, that I could fix myself to the point where I could stop pretending.” He links his hands together on top of his stomach, “Then Cyrus Borg put me in touch with his therapist." Two times a week, every Monday and Thursday. Lloyd knew that. "She helped me realize that this act I was putting on was not a positive move for me and my recovery. It is not that I have regressed, Lloyd- i have simply stopped pretending to be who I used to be.”
“You were trying to protect us?”
There’s another pause, “It was partly selfish, too. I was… afraid. I was scared that if you and the others realized just how much I had changed, you would not see me the same. That the love you had for me would not be able to adapt to who I have become.”
“I- of course we would love you! Always!” Lloyd insisted immediately, “It’s not- I didn’t mean- I was just worried. I’m sorry.” He feels shame curdle in his gut at his earlier words, unintentionally picking at Zane's insecurity.
“I understand your feelings, Lloyd. You do not need to apologize,” He smiles softly at him and its not the same smile Lloyd is so used to, but it has its own warmth, “Change is not… a bad thing. The circumstances leading to this were, but this is what healing looks like for me at this point. I am figuring out who I am again- I do not bird watch or cook or meditate, no, but I think you’ll be surprised at how good my knitting has gotten.” He offers Lloyd another tiny smile, “I am finding my happiness again.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Zane's soft blue eyes flicker back up to the stars and his smile turns gentle, “You are always helping, even if you do not realize it. All of you are.”
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st-danger · 10 hours
I have a request: a hookup that keeps getting interrupted. They're trying to fuck and someone interrupts with urgent business and damnit, it'll have to wait. A quick handjob before mass but ahh fuck they're supposed to do something for Papa and it'll have to wait. Until they finally get a minute alone and just end up grinding against each other for a second before one of them comes in their pants. Nice and quick and unexpected. And then the other get pressed against the wall and a hand on his dick through his pants until he's coming too. Pairing of your choice but you know what I like better than anyone xx
The first time they're interrupted four hours earlier, it's by an exceptionally flustered Nihil who, apparently, spends more time in the library than either of them thought, it was funny even through the mild frustration. A bit disappointing, of course, but they both have to agree that the look on his face was undoubtedly worth it. Nihil, or rather his ghost, calls after them, whining about wanting to watch. That part isn't as funny and Dew miming retching over the thought? Aether would agree.
"He's dead," Dew mutters as they stride out of the library with haste. "How the fuck is he horny."
"Not to worry. I'm sure you'll be a pervert when you're dead, too."
"That's actually really nice," Dew says. "Knowing you believe in me." Aether places a small kiss to the top of his hair and sighs heavily.
"C'mon," he says. "Make it up to you later."
Later, as established, is four hours later, having blown through the list of daily tasks as fast as inhumanely possible. A quick nod from Aether is all it takes, and while they don't exactly run (a purposeful speedwalk, he'd say), they still manage to almost knock over a Sibling going round a corner. Aether apologizes, Dew does not.
He has him against the door the moment it's shut, shoving him into it, Dew's back hitting the wood with a thud. Hands much more careful that they were a brief moment ago come up to hold Dew's face, cradle it and hold it still so he can duck his head and lick into his mouth. Dew has fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him in close. Preventing him from leaving.
"Can I have your mouth?" Aether breathes against his neck, peppering it with sucking kisses, a line that begins underneath his jaw and ends under his ear so he can scrape his teeth against the lobe. "Been thinking about it. Would you? Please?"
"'course," Dew nods, hands flying to the snap on Aether's trousers, unbuttoning and shoving the zipper down before wriggling out of his grasp enough to drop to his knees and violently tug both the waistband of the jeans and underwear down to pool at Aether's feet. He's not even hard yet. Plump, sure, but like this, Dew can take the entirety of him into his mouth. He does so now, no preamble, no looking him in the face while he slaps the head against his tongue. Sucks him all in at once and swirls his tongue, massaging as he feels Aether start to fill out for real, and when he's hard enough Dew can't keep his nose pressed into the nest of soft curls at the base, he pulls off with a pop, jerks him so he can tilt his head and kiss on his balls. Aether pets his hair, head back, enjoying.
"Don't think you're gonna finish in my mouth," Dew warns. "Inside or not at all." He still sucks until the meat of his thighs are trembling, until he has to pull his own cock out because it's too uncomfortable to keep it straining against his pants.
When Aether finally gets him on his hands and knees, slides a lube drenched finger inside him in one slick glide, the only sound Dew can give is one of relief, a pleased exhalation into blankets. In, out. Petting. Searching. Curling until he earns a low grown.
"That it?" he asks. Like he doesn't know. Normally Dew would have a snippy remark towards a question like that, but it's a sign of just how much he wants more that he says nothing save for another moan and a nod of his head.
"Hurry," Dew urges, "and I'll let you put a plug in after."
Aether isn't weak, per se, but the idea that he has any control left after being told Dew is wanting and willing to keep his cum inside after is a joke. One, two, and then three drilling in and out while the heavy strokes against a special spot force Dew's cock to drool out pre onto the bed sheets. He's just slicking himself up when a cruel thing happens.
The second interruption is so far from funny.
Someone knocks on the door like they're trying to break it down, and they both startle, Aether jumping more than Dew only because he's sitting up and not face down ass up, presenting his hole to be used thoroughly and well.
"What?" Aether growls, rubbing the wet head of his cock against Dew's rim.
"Imperator wanted me to come find you," comes Rain's muffled voice, urgent and uncomfortable as he'd clearly been the target of her ire. "Mass started fifteen minutes ago and Copia-"
"Fuck," Dew mutters, shoving himself away with great difficulty. "This was- fuck, he's making an announcement, we were told-"
"Not to miss," Aether says, his excitement deflating and quickly being replaced with a mild panic.
"Yeah, the thing she told us not to miss." Dew grabs one of Aether's used shirts from the floor and starts cleaning himself up before he can protest the abuse of clothing.
"Hurry up," Rain urges. "She's not happy."
"Neither am I," Aether says, and chokes on his tongue when he sees Dew snatch the plug from the bedside table and pushes it inside himself.
They both have to tuck their cocks under the waistband of their pants in a pathetic attempt to be inconspicuous, both hoping that if they rush to the chapel, enough blood will divert by the time they sneak in, carefully avoiding Imperator's judgemental gaze. Dew squirms and Aether can't think about the reason for why that is too much or he'll not be able to stand and leave when all is said and done without embarrassing himself.
It's an easy choice to skip dinner. They'll sneak into the kitchens later to forage for something, pilfer whatever they find if a Sibling isn't around to provide them with something. Aether can live with a rumbling stomach; he cannot, however, live with aching for Dew like this. They don't even make it back to their common room. Dew decides a dusty old room is good enough. The filing cabinets and boxes of papers don't deserve to witness what they're both desperate to make happen, but as they aren't animate, they aren't about to complain.
Still, they really don't deserve it.
It's dark. No windows, no lightswitch that they have the patience or piece of mind to search for, and Dew stumbles over a pile of ill-placed black instrument cables, falls forward and hisses in pain when his knees cushion the fall.
'"Fuckin- what the hell," he bites out, turning over to rub his kneecaps. "Who left that there?" Aether says nothing and decides it's easier to simply join him on the floor. "Not how I planned to bruise my knees, so you know," Dew continues. If there was enough light, Aether would be able to take in the scowl in glorious technicolour. For right now though, he uses his imagination. Certainly he's seen it enough in the past to recall an accurate depiction. Their noses bump together in the dark finding each other's lips, and Dew shoves his hand against Aether's crotch immediately, groping. More of a demand; nobody is as skilled as Dew at making Aether feel like he has and is owed free reign over his body. He's more than okay with that. It has never stopped being a thrill.
"Get it hard," Aether breathes between lewd strokes of Dew's tongue against his own. "Squeeze it."
Dew can be an awfully good listener when the situation requires it. He gropes and fondles and rubs in the neediest way, groaning when Aether sneaks a hand up Dew's shirt to tweak sensitive nipples. It comes as no surprise that Aether fattens up quickly, Dew stroking up and down the length where it's pressed against the material. The harder and faster clever fingers toy with rings, the more insistent the groping becomes, Aether's hips hitching forward into it. He knows his face and neck must be flushed. He feels overwarm, but abandoning pleasuring Dew's chest to peel off his shirt feels unfair. He aches, throbbing under a palm so warm he can feel it through his pants. Dew is just so insistent, so-
"Slow down," Aether whispers between kisses.
"No," Dew responds, gripping harder, stroking him without a care to his protest.
It feels good. Almost unfortunately, too good. Aether is keenly aware of the fact Dew still has a plug in his ass, and that the way he squirms is to allow for more stimulation. He makes devastating sounds with every tweak on his nipples, and he knows just how to fondle his thick cock to make him insane. He's increasingly aware of the way he's tingling, the way his balls feel so full as his sack gets tight.
"Dew, seriously," he says, much more urgently as the realization of how close he is so fast smacks him in the face. Dew's only response is to kiss him deeper and Aether begins to tremble, desperate for breaths in between sloppy kisses. "One second, love, please-"
Dew focuses on the head, squeezing and stroking and that's- that's a terrible thing. What happens next is worse:
"Get inside me and you can watch it drip out later," Dew breathes.
"Oh, no, Dew, oh no, oh-"
His eyes roll and his hips twitch as the comment proves to be too much after the misery of the day. There's a quick moment where his stomach twists, a small speck of suspension, and then he throbs hard and-
Aether whimpers pathetically as his cock flexes in Dew's hand and spits out everything he has to give in his pants.
"Fuck," Dew panics, but to his credit gropes him through it. "No, fuck, you weren't- unholy shit, why-"
Aether shudders, and is acutely aware of the wet spot soaking in and spreading, face burning with the embarrassment and each wave of pleasure, twitching under Dew's fingers.
"I'll make it up to you," he grits out, and Dew's breathing, harsh to his ears, intensifies when he gets his faculties back and presses Dew back onto the dusty floor and fights the urge to unglamour enough to draw sharp claws over the jeans to tear them off.
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dira333 · 1 day
Behind the scenes of a Tumblr Writer - Tag Game
Hey there, I love behind the scenes and since this is something that's rarely talked about, let me start the chain... if you feel uncomfortable with a question, just skip it. You can add some if you want as well.
Tumblr media
Started writing: I wrote my first Harry Potter fanfic at age 10. Started posting around 15,16 years old. I'm now 31, so...
Started blogging: I started on a German fanfiction site around 2010/11 I think. Might have been earlier too, but back then I was mostly reading, no posting. I really started when I got into One Direction (very late, tbh)
Followers: Currently at 961, which is wild to me. I don't even know that many people IRL. I convince myself that half of them are bots tbh, so I don't freak out all the time.
Communication: The people I talk to regularly are: a few writers who answered after I constantly reblogged and commented on their works and a few people who commented and reblogged my work. Writing and blogging on here can be pretty lonely, depending on your personality and the time you're active (I'm from Europe and a lot of my followers seem to be living in Northern America, so there's the Timezone thing) ... And I found that the best way to strike a conversation is to reblog, comment, and to not be shy. I do wish I got more asks, though....
Likes: I actually filter them out. I have 793 original posts up at the moment. It doesn't give me anything to know how many likes a fic has other than to tell me which characters are liked more than others or maybe that one fic does especially well. My activity only shows me comments, asks, reblogs with tags, and answers to my own asks. I live for the tags and the comments.
Requests: I love talking to people about ideas. That's how I started the plotbunny game because I have so many ideas and so little time. And sometimes an idea just doesn't want to be written out fully. Requests are fun because YAY, I get some mail... but then I freak out because I don't really know how to write this NOW and then I freak out because it's been a week already, two weeks, wait, two months? I'd rather have suggestions where people tell me vague things like "I'd love to read something about this side character" or "Have you ever considered this character with a soulmate trope"? because then I don't have the feeling of failing the request when I write it a little bit differently.
Writing: I am a fast writer. I know that's one of my talents. I can churn out a oneshot of 1k words in less than an hour. People read slower than I write. That can suck sometimes because you've just posted this and you want to know what people are thinking but they're not as fast as you are. I do have a lot of ideas. I want to write constantly but my brain doesn't always want to. I am trying to respect that.
There are also certain things that I just feel wrong writing. I cannot write anything suggestive (I also don't like reading it) and everything past that gives me panic attacks. I can hardly write mean characters and jealousy feels so wrong to me that I cannot write it. I've also overdone it with the soulmark trope and now I feel like everything I write about it feels lifeless.
I write best in the mornings before going to work, but I don't have much time there. I don't need special music (but it helps), but I need to have at least some energy left and at best, no distractions. But I have been writing for over 20 years, so I will say experience helps a lot.
Tagging: @revasserium @shoulmate @lemurzsquad @screamin-abt-haikyuu @toomanygoldfish @satorisoup @emmyrosee @reverie-starlight @alienaiver and @writingsofanomnivore and everyone else who wants to join
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gwandas · 15 hours
Alright, time to elaborate on that other post. Elain by far has had the most free will, the most agency out of the three sisters. Elain stans love to say Nesta coddles her when the reality is Nesta consistently relents to what Elain chooses for herself.
In ACOMAF, Nesta doesn't agree at first to Feyre's request to use their house because she doesn't want to compromise Elain's engagement. Elain is the one to push back, and Nesta relents immediately. What Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
We know that Nesta doesn't approve of Greyson. She agrees with Cassian that Elain deserves better, but what Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
In ACOWAR, Elain is catatonic. If anything, she should be coddled here. Her and Elain were stuck with these strangers for months. Strangers who were also the people who got them into that mess in the first place. Finally, Feyre shows up to help Nesta figure out how to help their sister. Madja is brought in, who recommends Lucien try to figure it out since they're mates. Nesta pushes back in what might arguably be coddling to keep Lucien from Elain. Feyre tells her to shut the fuck up and let Lucien try. And what do you know? She relents again -- What Nesta thinks is best is ignored because Nesta doesn't have any power in this situation.
In ACOFAS, Nesta has pushed Elain away at this point. She tells her “You have your life, I have mine." That's more or less Nesta saying do whatever tf you want Elain it's not my business. Not coddling!
In ACOSF, ohhh the infamous scene when Elain finally develops a personality starts coming out of her shell. Please try to remember at this point, Nesta has been locked in a house and barely sees Elain. The IC doesn't give a fuck about what Nesta wants for this whole book—Why would they choose now to listen to her? Literally everyone except Azriel agrees that Elain should be able to scry if she wants to. It would literally be easier for the IC to let Elain do it over waiting for Nesta who didn't want to do it.
"Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater."
Elain says all this and then... goes back to "tend to her little garden." It's a toothless moment. Elain stans would rather blame Nesta for coddling her than consider that maybe Elain just didn't try very hard to take on some responsibility for her sister who was supposed to be in "rehab." It sounds fucking stupid in the context that Elain hasn't seen Nesta at all between ACOFAS and ACOSF -- Nesta physically isn't around to coddle her. Elain doesn't contribute because she chooses not to or because the IC simply doesn't ask her to. We don't have any context for what she's been up to aside from some vague comments about lying about gardening or whatever Cassian said.
Amren admits that they're using Elain to manipulate Nesta. There was zero practical reason for them to do this other than because they care more about Elain's safety than Nesta's safety. The IC are the ones who have the power to "hold Elain back," not her sister who is locked in a house and never sees her—The IC could easily say fuck you to Nesta and have Elain do it. They didn't even need to bring Nesta into this conversation!! They could've gone to Elain first!!
Some Elain stans want so badly for Nesta to be the thing holding Elain back and it's very transparent to me. I have seen people go so far as to blame Nesta for Elain's uselessness in the cabin and that Nesta abused her too—sorry, what? I mean nice try, but Elain already admitted to being just as neglectful, and not even because she was genuinely remoseful towards Feyre—She said that shit to defend Nesta from Cassian.
I'm not even saying Elain isn't coddled but Nesta sure as fuck isn't the one doing it. Nesta doesn't even have her own free will how the fuck is she supposed to take away someone else's? Nesta choosing to do things so Elain doesn't have to isn't coddling. It's well established that if Nesta couldn't successfully scry, they would've gone to Elain, which means Nesta never had the power to stop Elain from scrying. Nesta has never tried to take away Elain's free will and even if she wanted to, she has no power to do that.
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daemon-in-my-head · 16 hours
At last. My personal 100% fav interpretation/hc of the tyrant and his mind.
Gortash is absolutely and incredibly possessive and Durge's disappearance did break him. But not because his lover left or smth. It's because someone 'stole' his possession (possession being Durge). Quite frankly, it didn't even matter whether it was Durge or someone else he held to the same standards. But since it happened to be Durge he now also had to deal with the uncontrollable but that is Orin which is even worse.
I mean. Y'all. Gortash has the fucking Iron Throne and he.did.not.change.its.name.
The Iron Throne and it's layout was specifically designed by Sarevok to resemble Bhaals own physical plane. And Gortash kept it untouched. Not even changing the name. He essentially just said: Hey bhaal your plane is now mine and u can't do jackshit about it.
And if we dig even deeper it is a message to Durge too; Hey babe I'm now the owner of your father's treasured possession (which is u ourself Durge) and also I've replaced the being you worship as your God with myself. Xoxo Gortash.
He's also playing with Durge. The carot and the stick treatment all the time. Their rs is more akin to a power struggle and any and all weaknesses will be observed, noted, and if necessary used against them. By both of them.
He worships Durge, but in a way that he wants to rip them from Bhaals grasp and lock them in the cage he lovingly prepared for them. He thinks they're equals, yes, but that doesn't mean either of them will start playing fair. Their refusal to do so is what made them equals in the first place.
He's possessive and mad and quite insane and willing to go to frightening degrees in claiming what he considers to be his. It's a violent obsession, literally and figuratively speaking.
And ofc, he is capable of softness. But that softness always has an ulterior motive. He is not nice to be nice, he is nice to bind them closer to him. To ensnared and trap them. To find weaknesses and ways that work. It's the carrot and the stick and lovebombing all over again.
The more time he spends with them, the more gruesome and all encompassing his obsession grows and he wants to steal from a god. Essentially, he's Karsus but it's not Mystril he's up against, it's Bhaal and the weave is a little Godling.
Also ofc they've been doomed from the beginning cuz ofc they are, Gortash grows mad and violent as the mad dog that is durge grows more reasonable and chill until they do the fire and ice thing and go up in smoke.
And now in part 2 I shall elaborate how I enjoy my durge-
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misc-obeyme · 1 day
Barbatos is loved for his perfection, but what if we love him and were not perfect?
This is something I think about a lot. Barbatos is famously good at everything he does, and while that may simply seem impressive and admirable. I van only ever imagine it being slightly painful. Yeah, at the start, I'd be like "Wow, I love my multitalented boyfriend. I love to watch him work his magic." But then when it comes to something I also love doing, I'd just feel inferior.
I'll be using gardening as an example. I love gardening! I've had flower and vegetable gardens my whole life. In fact, I just planted one for this season, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. So, when I ask Barbatos for some help with my garden, it'll all be fine and dandy, and we'll have a nice little gardening date. All is well until I go to the Demon Lord's Castle and bare witness to the huge gardens with herbs even the masters couldn't cultivate. (Simeon mentions this about Barbatos' Dark Thyme, I believe. Could be wrong, though)
So now, whenever I ask Barbatos for help in my garden, I can only feel that he's bored and believes I'm doing something wrong because he is so much better than I.
Even if it's not him who harnesses a skill, just someone he knows. Barbatos is the butler of the future king of the Devildom, meaning he attends all the balls, meaning he sees the live orchestra. Imagine how inferior I would feel when I find out Barbatos has seen the best cello players of all time play in front of him several times over. Do you think I'd ever want to play for him after that? No way!
That's another thing I often think about. Just the fact that he's done or seen far better shows of skill would completely put me off and make me not want to show him anything in the first place.
I know he'd say I'm silly and reassure me he loves me no matter what. He doesn't care about my level of skill! BUT I CARE ‼️
I think perhaps you're missing one very crucial thing here. Barbatos would love to help you with your garden because it's yours. He would love to hear you play the cello because it would be you he gets to hear. He would see you putting your heart and soul into something you love and that's the part that would matter the most to him.
Imagine that someone you love, who has never gardened before in their life, decides to start a garden. Would it bore you to help them? Or would you see that as an opportunity to flex your own gardening skills? Maybe you tell them about things that messed you up in the beginning and save them from undesirable results. Maybe you feel happy when they succeed because you gave them good advice. Maybe they come across a problem in their garden that you didn't have to deal with in yours, but with the experience you already have about gardening, you're able to help them find a solution.
I feel like I can give some insight on this concept in a more general sense and inevitably it informs how I think Barbatos would be.
I'm kind of known irl for being "the writer." And that means that people want to show me their writing. I've never once read someone else's writing and been like, wow I'm bored and I know I could write this so much better. It isn't my story. It's theirs. And it's theirs in a way that is unique to them. I could never hope to replicate it. Just because they're not as experienced at it as I am doesn't mean it isn't just as important as anything I've written. I get excited when I see people writing because I love to write and now this is a passion we share.
I think Barbatos would be absolutely thrilled that you enjoy gardening. Because it's something he enjoys, too. I don't think he would ever compare you to anyone else, whether you're gardening or playing the cello or writing or even making tea. It doesn't matter how skilled he is or how perfect he is. What matters is that you're doing something that you love and he gets to share a piece of that with you.
Everything has been done before and there will always be someone better at something than you. What makes that thing special is that it's yours. And I can't imagine for one second that Barbatos wouldn't understand that concept on such a deeply fundamental level that he probably doesn't even realize it.
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silenzahra · 2 days
I'm sorry but I NEED to take this out because you guys are FEEDING me lately with content revolving around my favorite couple and I just. I CAN'T HANDLE IT.
For those who don't know, I LOVE Luaisy and I've written about them in the past and plan to continue to do so, like, FOREVER. But specifically, I'm planning two fics that are in the works and for which you guys keep FUELING my desire to sit down and write them NOW. And I'd like to include here all the sources that are inspiring me and of course, ask for your permission to include them on my fics as they're just PERFECT for our green plumber and flower princess 💚🧡✨
-Green, Gold and tons of Purple. I've talked about this one a few times now and revealed the official title here. The main source of inspiration was this lovely art I saw a while back by @ruart17 that made me immediately want to write a fic in which these two got married, as the art perfectly represents all the love and trust they have on each other. Still, I didn't have any specific ideas.
AND THEN, my dear bestie @bberetd came along with this WONDERFUL post that gave me SO MANY IDEAS and made me just want to go and narrate all of it as it really is the perfect wedding for our babies 💚🧡✨ I'm obviously adding my own ideas here and there, like the specific theme of the wedding (two specific books: Luigi's and Daisy's favorites!), as well as the vows!
I also intend to make references here and there to their first date, which you can read here if you'd like, and also, this lovely post by @maviyenot that my dear friend @vulpixfairy1985 showed me has also made me think of another date I could talk about on this fic 🥹 Hope it's okay if I take inspiration! 🌼📚✨
I cannot fail to mention this wonderful post by @kimasousparky that my dear friend @peaches2217 showed me as it totally FITS them as the amazing Flower Couple they are. I personally headcanon my boy Luigi to be an amazing gardener (a headcanon I share with my dear friend @itsavee4117), and I had him grow purple daisies for his girl on my first fic of them, so I'd also like to include this idea on the wedding fic if that's okay! And also... I intended the decorations to consist mostly of daisies (especially the purple ones), buuuuuut I might go and also add the superball flowers in, if that's okay! 🤭 I just love this idea SO MUCH! 👏👏👏
Last but not least, regarding the dances they'll do as husband and wife, I must mention two specific posts that have inspired me! The first one has to be this one by @kelbreyworshipper as I LOVE how dancing becomes something SO important for them and that they enjoy as a couple both physically and emotionally 🥹 And also, this lovely one by @artycomicfangirl may or may not have inspired me to add one more dance style into the ceremony 🤭 Hope it's okay if I take inspiration!
-So sweet. Okay, this fic is gonna be sexually explicit, so it's obviously totally fine if you'd rather don't read this one as I understand this kind of content is not for everyone, but yeah! I was first inspired by this song by Estopa, my favorite Spanish band (I'm Spanish lol), and I provided some translations here in case you'd like to read them! Of course, I have to mention again @kelbreyworshipper's wonderful post as I only had a very random idea with the song, but her post has finally provided me with some specific ideas to work with so as to give this fic context and such! Of course, whenever it's ready, I will label it appropriately as it'll be explicit, but I hope whoever gets to read it enjoys it! 🧡💚✨
I think you can easily tell that I LOVE this couple with all my heart 😂😂😂 It's actually my favorite from the Super Mario franchise! I generally enjoy all kinds of ships (except for the illegal ones obviously), but Luigi and Daisy together are just. PURE PERFECTION to me. They mean the entire world to me, and I can never thank y'all enough for feeding me with your amazing content and adding more and more inspiration to work with! 💚🧡✨
Also! In case you'd like to read it, please allow me to add here the link to the first Luaisy fic I wrote and posted on Valentine's Day! I intend the wedding one to be some sort of follow-up for this one 🥰💖 (something you can tell by the similar titles 🤭💖)
You can also read it on Tumblr if you'd like!
Sorry if this is, like, too much, but I just needed to let this all out 😅 Hope you'll enjoy the Luaisy content I'm working on whenever it's ready! 🧡💚✨
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fayeandknight · 2 days
Something I've been chewing over is Forte's work as a service dog, or rather how I utilize him as one.
I put so much time and effort into training him and, aside from the odd outing or event, I really only take him on grocery runs.
Don't get me wrong, he is amazingly helpful to have on them and I've been able to improve my diet because of him. He's also super helpful at home. But a big part of my drive in training a service dog in the first place was to make my world bigger. To give me the ability to do the things I want.
I had that with Faye. We went shopping for clothes so I could wear things that made me feel good about myself instead of just whatever t shirt and leggings were clean. We went to movies and the zoo. Heck I had a membership to the semi local aquarium because of how often I went. And while human company would have been nice, it was so life affirming to be able to enjoy those things on my own terms.
And I really don't do that with Forte. Not because he isn't capable of it, he proves that he is any time I "dust off" his public access skills and go somewhere. Like today I got out of work early so I stopped at the mega mall on the way home, just to see how he'd do and refresh his training in a bigger/busier place. He did amazing. He switched between casual heeling and fmp as directed, ignored the people calling to him, alerted in a timely manner, and after an hour of wandering around - led me to my car in the giant parking lot. And he did it all happily. Nothing bothered him, not the flashing lights of an arcade, not the toy gun range, not the indoor bounce house, none of it.
So why don't I utilize him more?
When I sit myself down and really think through it, it's internalized ablism.
When I lived further from my family I was free from their direct input on deciding to go out and do things with a service dog. Now that I'm with them again, I live with their constant pushback around bringing my service dog. They want to go out to eat, but do I really have to bring him? It's such a hassle and really they're family and that should be enough for me. They want to see a play but there's no need to bring the dog when we're going together. And on and on until somewhere along the way I just started opting out of going because it was easier.
No amount of 'but we're your faaamily' changes my disabilities or benefit of having a service dog. But I've grown so accustomed to anticipating complaints that I talk myself out of going now before they can.
And honestly I'm pretty disappointed in myself to come to this realization. I don't want my life to consist only of home, basic errands, work, and nothing else. I worked so hard to give myself an avenue of independence and I'm wasting it.
So here's my pledge to myself. I will do more. I will go to places and enjoy the world again. I will visit the library and bookstores and cafes more than every once in a blue moon. I will see that really interesting museum exhibit. I will go to the aquarium because I absolutely love it.
I'm going to focus on easing him back into working more frequently out and about and for longer durations first. But I am also going to trust him more to do the job I worked so hard to train him for. The job he shows me he loves at every opportunity.
It's past time to start living life again.
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 hours
Awaken Belphie! Trashland Showdown (Niflheim Event React I)
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Spoilers ahead! (Had to put the warning here in case someone hasn't played the event just yet) Let's get into it ya'll!
First, let me introduce a new style I'm trying for my reacts. I have combined some screenshots into ONE photo that way it can cut down the number of parts to these reacts for the photo limit lol
How to read: Left to right /top row to bottom row Overall for this event, I'm feeling that it went very well for our introduction to Niflheim. This honestly gets me HYPED for Abaddon and meeting Asmodeus (even though we know his personality from the Doki Doki Academy game made by PB)
Belphie and Beleth are baes and I love them dearly. I am down bad for my babies. We also get to see some familar faces that are WAY over due
So grab a snacky snick snack and enjoy lovelies it's time to wrangle up 'dem devils!
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So we start in the vast desert of the borderlands between Avisos and Niflheim. Bael and Stolas walk amongst the dead angels and starting going over why they were there in the first place. Bael basically called up Niflheim and asked them to take care of the angel attack involving hostages and three of the cherbium demanding things. Normally a country in hell would handle their own battles, but Avisos isn't the kind of country to not ask for a hand, and Niflheim gets the job done fast. because that's what they're good at.
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The funny part though is that apparently Beel ended up helping too, at least that's what it seems like because Bael mentions he wouldn't have bothered calling up Niflheim if he knew otherwise.
Stolas makes a comment that the devils of Niflheim give him a bad vibe essentially and aren't normal, despite when he asks his friend Bathin more details about their culture.
A funny bit tho is Bael telling Stolas he ain't no better for not understanding, and Stolas is like I FELL ASLEEP IN CLASS BAM JOKES ON YOU BAEL
ANYWAYS Bael continues to tell more about the land of Niflheim to educate Stolas (who knows if he was listening probs not)
And it brings us to-
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Now....a user (🦐) did mention something about the name, the scenery, and tbh I did get the same vibe from this.
>Japanese buildings and themes >the citizens wearing yakuza type outfits, oni masks on the wall, clearly Japanese influenced designs >the land of trash (or slums) I ain't trying to start shit, but it's not hard to see (to me) that there's some odd sense of shade being thrown and I even brought up "Did Bimet write this narration?" Because they first compared Tartaros to this land and I'm like damn what a weird introduction because...
BUT as I said, it's one of those things where it's like, yeah if all it takes is a couple folks to notice before it becomes obvious. I digress.
Back to the programmmm
Niflheim lore real quick: It was uncertain whether or not God intended it to be untouched or if it just ended up that way, but it was described that this place is basically lawless, shunned even. But this event will tell us how it was restored.
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We see Bael tired as hell, going through the bills that Beel apparently racked up. And what's hilarious is.... Bael was feeling sorry for his friend, being all like "damn I guess he's alive and well living his life if these bills are being sent back, I just wish he'd come and do some work but I'm glad he's okay"
Only for Beel's ass to show up, give him a bill and point at it telling him to take care of it 💀
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He ends up punching him (or trying to) and Beel blocks him and pretends he didn't do anything wrong (love him tho the trick bitch) Bael and Beel just doin' their thing of bantering like old friends or a married couple lmao (leaving Bael with their bad ass kids running around *the nobles* and racking up bills) But then Beel suddenly senses something...
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the sky has turned an inky black color and the devils of Avisos are screaming and what not and there's loud booms and shit
Beel is just chill asf and Bael is like WTF IS HAPPENING So now they are leaving to investigate who is waking up
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So get this, his fucking eyelashes fluttering, and his breathing literally is causing pandemonium around him and that's just him being awake. I wonder what happens when he's fucking sleeping?! And if you read in between, it seems like he's even tired from just blinking and sighing, which reminds me of Sloth from FMA who was only digging and he was exhausted, also didn't want to unalive himself because it was also too much work.
This grumpy grouch of the trash king that doesn't want to wake up has my heart though
And apparently he's country asf
Southern dialect and erthang
Where I live, folks talk like this pretty much if you go further south in the state or in different rural areas. In the city you get some who still have that southern drawl but it's not as thick. OTHERWISE that is uh not what I expected him to speak like. Maybe Beleth because it makes sense cause a southern talkin' fallen angel seems like that would be his thing. But it makes it better for me because while I lack the southern accent *ya'll heard my voice before* I am native to the southern area of the US so this is my comfort points for Belphie.
But in that case PB should of went with a more western type thing, boots, cowboy garb, that sort of stuff. Oh well.
I have to admit tho the "What in tarnation, I'm awake" sent me. Because he was just that surprised he woke up like?
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at first, I didn't know what they meant by "lack of color" in referring to black when in art class we learned that black is basically all colors combined together, but when it does come to physics and light, black is the absence of color (woohoo i know a thing) But after they explained what they meant in his appearance I start to understand and honestly the more they described him the more I'm attracted to him
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Now when they were describing the double pupil, they lead in with saying something about him oozing violently with sex (appeal) regardless of how many he has. And I'm wondering if the double pupil has something to do with that creepy angel thing with the multiple eyes we saw in the preview, or if this has something to do with him in particular. Either way. Wake up Belphie bae it's time to get a mosey on.
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I reckon it's bout time for you to loosen your joints and ahem....work out a bit of that tension mhmmmm Which btw they revealed he's been asleep for like hundreds of years and I screamed lmao I wish I could sleep that well and still wake up alive
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So he finds it annoying that he has to wake up and be king and even refers himself as a lowly wretch (you're perfect babes you can do it)
Buttttt we already know he ain't gonna do it all the way he's going to find another way to do it. As some folks say, the laziness person will find the fastest and smartest way to get something done.
In fact, he's going off to find someone else who's strong enough to do it.
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his titties can point you in the right direction trust him.
Also I've seen his sprite and them sneakers look like air force one high tops so at least he got style, but count on Belphie to be comfortable in a freaking kimono that's barely tied on him with some sneakers.
Love him.
So when he arrives in the city, it's a weird balance of poverty and poverty, sewage, trash, debris but also has jewelry and gold decorated about?
Sounds chaotic. Like my place ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (no srsly if you knew how the house I'm in was built like you'd agree lmao)
He runs into these raggamuffin devils just out and about and they have guns and don't even know who he is. Which leads me to believe that they can't tell he's a king simply because he doesn't give off that much aura about himself or care to do so. I'm assuming nobles and other kings can tell though.
They ask him who he is and irritate him enough to say
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He just like me. I do not like repeating myself if I don't have to. Pure annoyance having to.
But they aren't really listening to him, thinking he's just stirring up shit to be a tough guy and this is when Belphie gets serious
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if he has to repeat or ask you something three times that's it, you're out of here and I'm surprised he lets you make it to three times so it's like ya'll better learn quick or-
and they don't learn a damn thing. one of them charges at him and he literally just nudges his head and that guys hand is gone, Belphie's body ATE it.
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btw this expression reads "really bitch? you stupid asf"
*kisses his nose and noggin*
But it appears that Belphie is unable to control his powers, because it's not just eating this guy's arm but the black aura is swallowing up everything and the sky and it's making it super hard for anyone to breathe.
Now this is immensely dangerous even for very little movement he's doing. Belphie is a force to be reckoned with just based off these small instances of his strength we've seen.
But...he chills out when he sees-
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Beleth, tobacco fallen angel daddy.
*squints at the word "tanned" fix his sprite goddamit parts of him are literally a whole different shade
also another gripe I'm not sure if "faded" is a correct word? maybe "kissed by the sun" or something like that.
If I had to guess his skintone is suppose to match that of Beel's or (if any of you read birds of shangrila, the character Phi is sun-kissed tan)
when they describe him with golden eyes, a hunger for the hunt like an animal (hehe)
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love bites i tell ya....he is very much loved, probably has a biting kink in there along with his original one
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I would like to think that the scar around his neck is from when he had fallen, perhaps struck down by a higher-ranking angel, or he tried to unalive himself but failed but regardless I love that we have confirmed bisexual representation because it's not only women he sleeps with, the men get some toooo
Also I just love how I read the last part knowing that PB means that his scar is evidence that his life hasn't been easy but my mind is like
"damn falling from heaven, living in a lawless country that smells like trash and sewage, dealing with these rowdy ass devils, and slangin' dick, phew it's been hard"
*cough I volunteer btw, call my coochie nyquil the way I-* EXCUSE ME let's get back to the story :D
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it's funny how he says "again" as if he's caught them just straight up chillin'. which i imagine so sounds like there's nothing to do at the moment in a ghost town like this one.
he approached Belphie with such casualness, mostly I assume to look cool while smoking his cigarette and the devils all surround him and start sniveling and crying like bitches being like "brother Beleth this guys trouble! help us!"
Beleth is just like yeah uh who are you? And he takes his time saying it too, he keeps his cool so well.
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Ofc Belphie ain't got time for that. Now he has to repeat himself a third time lmao
But he does it because he acknowledges Beleth's power. He's happy that his search is over which I assume didn't take him long at all (I know how he feels) and thus he beckons Beleth to come to him. Even with or without the hesitation, the sky is swallowed up by that inky black aura again, blowing back everyone except Beleth who can hold his ground but knows this shit is bad and he's in it deep.
This lung choking aura of belphie's really interests me because he barely has to do anything to get it going but also he can't really control anything when it does happen and it's chaotic in nature. Perhaps that's how he is inside, just wild and unruly, nothing is structured when he has to be bothered and not go at his own pace with things. He just wants it done and done fast.
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But either way Beleth seems to having a hard time handling his power, feeling like he's being swallowed up and taken over. But man's still has time to pop a cigarette in mouth and just accept it.
Or not
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Now this is interesting because he compares Belphie's power to Lucifer. That's really crazy to me considering that I already thought Luci was pretty powerful with his "I speak and it happens" type deal.
Beleth goes into survival mode and starts to transform, (he's a kitty!) BUT Belphie is just like "aye, chill out what are you all riled up for?" and it's funny because it's like Belphie. Babes. You literally swallowed the sky and land around you in darkness and this man is over here dying what do you mean?
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see? this basically means he ain't havin' it lmao he just wants Beleth to do the build a country thing not fight him and get all beat up or killed over it, which he was about to...lmao
WE have hit the limit for this part, so I shall leave it here.... See you at part two~
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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adore-gregor · 4 days
ugh there it goes
#our promotion 😢😢#1st place is gone#today was tough our opponents were all way better than us#we only won 1 match out of 6#now they're leading our league well we should at least win our last matchday and get 2nd place#the no1 seed was in another league from ours 6:0 6:0 altough she's quite a good player at our club#we only won one doubles match altough they were not as good by far as their other players#and all the matches were quite one sided they were also way higher rated than us#i also lost my match 😫 altough it was quite close actually but that is even worse sometimes idk#i certainly could have won idk why i didn't i mean there were not many chances but they were there#i lost 5:7 4:6 ugh 😭#maybe with a better serve i would have won#but i was 5:4 up and i didn't win that point like that's when you have to be there and make it#i think this might just be one of my weaknesses i'm really good at conebacks and believing in that i'll win but i have to be more effective#and 'cold' when it matters sometimes i'm quite wasteful with my chances#i often make the craziest most difficult shots which are 'impossible' to get back but then fail at the easiest one's#especially in the crucial moments maybe i should play it safe more and be more patient#nah but winning that first set would have changed everything because 3rd sets are more likely to be my advantage with my speed and fitness#and in the 2nd i was just always one behind i always caught up but never went ahead#my serve also wasn't really there today and my 2nd serve is still too weak opponents take advantage and if i have a bad 1st serve percentage#like today it makes it difficult to win my own serve and i also made many double faults (4) 😕#i aced her once tho 🤪#but my serves are sometimes great but very inconsistent dependent on the day (the 2nd one always bad)#my backhand also wasn't as good as usualy i hit a lot of them out but it got better altough then i took many with my forehand which worked#and my opponent had riddiculous stops they wouldn't go up the ground again 🫠#and she was so good at net and also whenever i went there she'd pass me or lob me 😅#i gave up doing that very soon my best shot at this was just hitting winners and hitting balls deep to her forehand#i succeeded at that a couple of times but it was not enough#i mean i didn't play badly but what a shame#she was very nice though and very fair it was a pleasant match and she told me she was the best opponent she encountered in the league
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pirefyrelight · 7 days
Ive been riding my bike to work for the past week or so and I've noticed a few things. One, of the two major roads that have bike lanes, both of them are shit and I have simply found an alternative route that uses sidestreets with less traffic, and two, random children on parking garage rooftops wildly overestimate my abilities.
To go into more detail on that second point:
The last stretch going to my work is a just steep enough decline that I've never noticed before when walking or driving, but am able to sail down into a pleasant breeze for about 3 blocks (baring stoplights and pedestrians). The downside, or rather the going up side of this, is that after a long day of work I might as well be climing everest biking home those first few blocks.
And of course, another thing I've noticed, is that no matter which way you're going there's a headwind.
So picture me, last week. 9 hour shift. No sitting down since I got on my bike that morning. Hot as balls but in that way it *could* theoretically be worse? In black pants and t-shirt as is dress code and I haven't gotten into the habit of bring shorts to change into yet. At the start of the summer I haven't been on a bike in at least 5 years, probably closer to 10, I am so incredibly out of shape.
So this goddamn child, this hooligan hanging out on the top of a three story parking garage, sees me battling for my goddam life, going uphill into a headwind and sweating so bad he can probably smell it from up there, calls "do a wheelie" like sir the only wheelie that's imminent from me is being blown back down the hill in such a way the front tires get caught first. The only trick doable from me right now is getting to the top without falling over.
#Pire.txt#I'm not actually mad#I know *do a trick* is just something people say to people on bikes and skateboards#or in a location that looks like they know how to do a backflip#I am mad about the bike lanes though#Even if they weren't shit on their own they aren't even connected to each other#They take up space on the road and for what#One is just painted lines and cars regularly drive with a wheel over the line#And the other road has barriers protecting the bike lanes but the bike lanes are like two times to wide?#You don't need two lanes for bikes on this road#You go one street to the right and you have a more scenic route with a nice wide sidewalk#You go one street to the left and you're actually downtown where all the stores and destinations are#Meanwhile I don't even drive on this particular road anymore since they still allow parking on the side that doesn't have a bike lane#And the street feels so fukin narrow now#'We need to slow down traffic in [this city]' our mayor has apparently said#To that I say shut the fuck up#I know capitalism bad but if you want to tax businesses you have to have businesses#And lately all of them have been going over the boarder to the newer city two miles away#I remember when we used to have corner stores now they're all gone to a new residential district#I also know car bad but people with cars are the ones spending money to tax#Idk sorry this was suppose to be a positive post#I think I've already noticed I'm stronger#I didn't have to stop specifically to push off for momentum at all coming home today#And my leg hasn't shaken while coasting last night or today#I am still panting like a dog and finding intersections newly confusing since I know I'm supposed to stop at stop signs#But cars don't seem to know that and wait for me even though they stopped first and are scarier#I also understand now the stereotype that bikers are pretentious assholes who ignore traffic directions because momentum is everything#I ain't coming to a full stop when I can see from a distance that there aren't any cars coming#Also I don't know if the rules are different when I'm on the sidewalk or the road I should probably look up specifics#Ups and downs to this I guess
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minakoaiinos · 3 months
#my favorite on first listen#i need to go back through the whole thing again but 95% of the time the album does exactly what it should#in terms of sounding like a txt album and doing the kind of experimental stuff a minisode should do#as a whole i like it and the aesthetic better than the last album#however i think the killa shouldn't have made it to the album idc#literally two days ago people were saying a zionist was involved in producing it and now it's all yayyy ~sex~ song#like it sounds generic and it doesn't go with the plot of the album and soobin has literally talked before about being oversexualized...#...making him uncomfortable and everyone just ignores stuff like that bc everyone acts like the second you don't make a idol sexy the...#...second they 'turn legal' that they're 'grown ass men' you're infantilizing#like. idk how to explain to you how annoying it is just to define being an adult by having sex like it's not universal 😭#i don't even mean to say this in some kind of puritan censorship kind of way it's just annoying to view adulthood just as sex time?#especially in this situation this is his job 😭 he's at work 😭#and everyone being like but this song sounds gay 🥺 well a zionist produced it i'm so glad you have moral standards#it isn't inherently infantilizing to not talk about sex or to not have sex either that's such an annoying marker of adulthood#and this little prince concept is so unique and interesting just to toss in a generic ass song#like stick to what makes txt unique and stop trying to make broad appeal music#they took me out with all of the bad collaborations last year like just stooooppp#especially when you hear members say they only get to make music that's their own personal taste sometimes like let them have more voice!!!!#anyway 😭#music
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imagine-nerd · 21 days
The fucking disconnect is so real.
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#theo's thoughts#Story time for the people who love reading tags bc I love sharing things in the tags#So I work at a therapeutic day school and this past school year like four school days before Thanksgiving break I was asked a question#The question was if I would be willing to step up and be a long term sub in a middle school classroom#To me this was less of a question and more of a hey we need someone to do this and you're who the assistant teacher asked for#Which cool yeah fine I'll give it a go I really like that person (the assistant teacher who asked for me) and I trust her judgement on this#I was asked and accepted on Thursday. Friday‚ Monday‚ and Tuesday happen. Then three day Thanksgiving break#When we got back from break I was the teacher and it was rough at first and it sure as hell was never easy but I enjoyed it#My formal teacher observation was my boss basically going like so I see you doing all the things and the basis is there#But it's not being followed through on because of behaviors from the most unmedicated classroom I've seen in all my years working education#And now for the summer they're changing 2/3 staff that were in the room and who even knows who the teacher will be (a new hire? Maybe?)#If there truly is a new hire coming in (fed to the wolves immediately btw what a dick move) but that new hire will be the fourth teacher#These kids have had in a year? A year and a half max. The fourth. After the only thing I've been repeatedly told by admin for months#Is that we need to be stable and consistent because we may be these kids' only reliable source of that consistency and stability?#So you're going to have me come in and tell me I've done such a great job and then tell me you're moving me to 'give me a break'#Trauma informed care my fucking ass. I hope those kids raise fucking hell over it.#The brutal satisfaction of watching your own crops burn and knowing that the invaders will starve is great and all but these are kids!#They're barely just about to be teenagers (11 at the youngest and 14 at the oldest) and this is what you're going to do to them?#Yes they can be complete assholes and are often dicks to one another but they're in our school for a fucking reason? I don't get it.#Then two hours later after being told abt the change‚ the clinical director puts me as one of the three main recipients in an email#Saying that there's going to be a new student starting in that room in the summer and the real icing on the cake?#This all happens on last day before summer break. we're out of session for two weeks now and you're just dropping these changes on us now?#God I'm so fucking tired
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goyurim · 29 days
exceptionally talented girls are on tumblr oversharing about their mistakes in the tags
#it's like this#so i completely screwed up my experiment#(for the second time!)#and i was supposed to complete this set of experiments like a month ago#my supervisor has already gone on about how i'm behind on my project yada yada#so that sucks ok.#but what's worse!!!#is that the sweetest guy ever#(who took out time for me and taught me how to do these set of experiments initially)#(now i'm doing them on my own for the first time and they're not going. well. to say the least)#is who i screwed up in front of.#like what's bothering me is not that i screwed up or i'm behind on my project#i'm bothered by the fact that not only did i embarrass myself in front of the nice guy#but i probably hurt his feelings too#like. what if he thinks he's a bad teacher. bc of ME#i annoyed him throughout the process too like at some point i am 100% sure he was done with my shit#but being the sweetest guy ever he didn't say anything about it and helped me anyway#and like. its AGGRAVATING why i'm like this. why am i so annoying#but also like. what's up with my priorities#why am i not bothered about the right things#why do i care So Much about how other people feel bc of me#also like. maybe it wasn't even me. like logically the poor guy was sick he wasn't feeling well#so the annoyed look on his face was probably bc he's busy or he didn't sleep well or whatever#like. not everything is about me. maybe his annoyance want about me#but i cant help but think that it was and i hate myself for it#when will i learn the simple act of Forgiveness and Moving On#like. i Know I'm overthinking this i Know it's irrational but. i'm just so hurt by the fact that i hurt him#moon talks
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