#(n also w redheaded siblings)
angel-sweets666 · 8 days
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Hallway crush
katsuki bakugo x general studies! Reader
Bakugo never had a crush before, now he’s got his eye on a girl from general studies.
Mentions of Hitoshi Shinso
a/n tbh w you I think the bakugo photo is a bkdk photo (IM SORRY I JUST DONT SHIP BAKUDEKU I DONT SEE THEM TOGETHER)
It all began on your first day at UA. Bakugo noticed you in the halls, walking with a certain purple-haired boy named Hitoshi shinso . He couldn't take his eyes off you; you were just his type, even though he never realized he had a type until that moment. He had never really paid much attention to girls before. Sure, he had a few girlfriends in middle school, but he never felt anything special for them.
As you strolled down the hallway, your smile lit up the entire space. Bakugo watched, captivated, as you giggled with your violet-haired classmate, practically skipping along down the hall. You seemed to be in such a good mood for someone who hadn’t made it into the hero course. Your positivity was infectious, making him actually want to be around you
Every time he saw you, his heart would beat a little faster, and he found himself wanting to know more about you. What made you laugh so easily? What was your favourite food? Did you have siblings? Would you like a hot head like him? Could you even handle bakugo? You were a mystery he wanted to solve. Bakugo didn't understand why he felt this way, but he couldn't deny the growing interest.
You were always surrounded by friends, your vibrant energy making you the center of attention. Despite the fact that you weren't in the hero course, you carried yourself with a confidence and joy that Bakugo couldn't help but admire. It was as if you had your own hero-like aura, one that drew people in and made them feel at ease.
Bakugo began to realize that his feelings for you were more than just a passing curiosity. You had awakened something in him, a desire to get closer to you and understand the person behind the radiant smile. And so, he watched from afar, waiting for the right moment to make his move and hoping that one day, he could be the reason for your laughter and joy.
Kirishima raised an eyebrow as he watched Bakugo turn his head in your direction, his usually rough and angry face softening into an unexpectedly tender gaze. Bakugo was actually admiring someone? The redhead grinned, his sharp teeth flashing. "Has someone got a crush?" he teased, nudging Bakugo playfully on the shoulder.
"Shut it, shitty hair, I do not have a crush," Bakugo growled back, his entire face turning a shade of pink from embarrassment. Kirishima chuckled at his friend's flustered reaction, but Bakugo's glare was deadly serious.
Kirishima placed a reassuring hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "Hey man, it's okay! She's cute."
"Back off," Bakugo interrupted, his voice low and dangerous, as if claiming dibs on you.
Kirishima raised his hands in mock surrender, stepping back. "Backing off. I'm backing off," he said, showing respect to the blonde. He couldn't help but grin at Bakugo's protectiveness. It was rare to see this side of him, and Kirishima couldn't resist giving him a hard time about it.
As Bakugo tried to shake off the embarrassment, his eyes found you again. Despite his rough exterior and harsh words, there was no denying the softness in his gaze. Kirishima had never seen Bakugo like this before. It kind of scared him, but it also made him realize that Bakugo wasn’t some heartless, angry boy. He was just a teenage boy with a crush on a girl. A hallway crush
on the day Bakugo finally grew the courage to talk to you, which was the first day he ever had to muster the courage to do literally anything, was a couple of days after the sports festival. You had performed well enough in the festival that he actually had something to talk about.
As you were eating your lunch in the cafeteria of UA High School, you felt a strong hand tap your shoulder. “Hey… you… you fought Denki Kaminari,” Bakugo said, his cheeks pinker than usual.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to send his quirk into overdrive!” you gasped, looking genuinely concerned.
“No! No, it’s fine… it was funny… he’s dumb,” Bakugo tried to calm you down, stumbling over his words in a way that was very uncharacteristic for him.
You laughed softly, the sound easing some of Bakugo’s tension. “Well, I’m glad it was entertaining,” you said, smiling up at him.
Bakugo’s heart skipped a beat at your smile. He had never been this nervous about talking to anyone before, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying. “You did good out there,” he mumbled, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the admiration in his voice.
“Thanks, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you,” you replied, your eyes twinkling with genuine appreciation.
Kirishima, watching from a distance, couldn’t help but smile. Seeing Bakugo like this made him realize that even the toughest people have soft spots. And for Bakugo, that soft spot was you.
And that’s how your friendship blossomed. Bakugo would practically run out of his classroom every day, with Kirishima trailing behind him, usually shouting, "Wait up, man! You'll see her soon!" But Bakugo wouldn't listen. He just wanted to see your sweet face.
You developed your own crush on Bakugo. For someone so accomplished, who believed he was better than everyone else, he was surprisingly a good friend. He always grabbed your bags for you, helped you with your homework—hell, he even did your homework for you sometimes! He made sure you had all your stationery before class. It made you want to kiss him all over his pretty face.
In your eyes, Bakugo was a sweet boy, while in his classmates' eyes, he was rude and loud. You rarely saw him in that state. Sure, he called you "dumbass" from time to time and scolded you for doing something silly, but he never outright yelled at you. He could never bring himself to yell at someone so pretty.
Bakugo’s friends noticed the change in him whenever you were around. His usual fiery temper seemed to mellow, replaced with a gentleness that was almost unrecognizable. They teased him about it, but Bakugo didn't care. Seeing you smile made everything worth it.
Your friendship grew stronger with each passing day. You found yourself looking forward to the moments you shared, whether it was walking to class together, studying side by side, or simply talking about your dreams and aspirations. Bakugo’s rough edges seemed to smooth out when he was with you, and you cherished the soft side of him that he showed only to you.
The day he asked you out was adorable and you’d never have it any other way
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of another intense day at UA High School, Bakugo had a plan in mind. He had been working up the courage to ask you out for weeks, and today, he decided, was the day.
"Hey, dumbass," he called out as he approached you in the hallway. His tone was gruff as usual, but there was a hint of something softer in his eyes. "Got a minute?"
You looked up from your locker, surprised to see Bakugo waiting for you. "Sure, what's up?"
"I was thinking… maybe we could hang out for a bit. Just the two of us." He shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to play it cool.
You smiled, delighted by the idea. "I'd like that."
As you walked out of the school together, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the campus. Bakugo led you to a quiet spot behind the school where you often studied together. It was a small garden area, secluded and peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.
You sat down on a bench, and Bakugo joined you, his usual confident demeanor somewhat replaced by a rare nervousness. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
"Look, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," he began, avoiding your gaze for a moment before finally looking directly into your eyes. "You're important to me. More than anyone else. I… I like you. A lot."
Your heart skipped a beat. You had always sensed there was something more between you two, but hearing Bakugo say it out loud made your chest swell with emotion.
"I like you too, Bakugo," you admitted, your voice soft but sincere.
His face lit up with a mixture of relief and happiness. "Good. 'Cause I wanna be more than friends. I wanna be your boyfriend. So, what do you say?"
You reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'd love that."
Bakugo's trademark smirk returned, but it was softer, filled with genuine affection. "Great. Now, let's get out of here. There's a café I know nearby. I'll treat you to something nice."
As you walked away from UA, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel that this was the start of something wonderful. Bakugo, despite his rough exterior, had shown you a side of him that was caring and gentle.
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futurefind · 2 years
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Oh Celestia there’s two of them—
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fuckmymunson · 2 years
Anon from yesterday hehe, so what I had in my mind was that, reader is James' stepsibling (since I'm poc) and is in Slytherin. Hence he hates them. Even in Slytherin they're not respected and bullied cus they're nice. They also try to be like James and are animagus only so could get love but James confesses he hates his sibling.
Fast forward, reader marries regulus who again treats them like crap. Their marriage is sad. Until maybe something happens and regulus realises their value and later even James accepts them. So basically shit ton of angst with happy ending.
Sorry for long request. You can make it as dark and angsty as you can
𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 — 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
☆ CW: ANGST, suicide attempt, a lot of cursing, family issues, bullying, James (probably OOC, but idgaf<3), being really, really mean, Regulus being a bad husband. | word count: 5.4k. ☆ a/n: First time writing Reg, sorry. Part II it's still in the making (yes almost a year later, leave me alone lmao)
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Can’t the dark side light my way?
Another morning was waking up to an empty bed. 
Rolling on your side, you sighed pressing your cheek against the silk pillows. Every morning was the same, every day felt the same in this old house. 
Wrapping yourself in the soft robe, you walked downstairs, to the kitchen, where your husband was already, a cup of black coffee in one hand and the daily prophet in the other. 
“Good morning.” You said as you did every morning.
“Good morning,” Regulus muttered back, as he did every morning. 
Monotone, a routine, tasteless. That's how you could describe your marriage. Oh, and loveless. 
“I'm going to Diagon Alley, do you need anything?” You asked, side against the doorframe. 
“Can you buy more of those cinnamon rolls you brought last week?” Regulus lifted his gaze from the newspaper. 
You nodded and he muttered a quiet thanks, and with that, you were off. It was always like this, boring conversations, obligatory questions, obligatory answers. He wasn't your husband, he was more like your roommate, perhaps a stranger whom you shared a roof with. 
Diagon Alley was crowded, as it always was. Store after store, you stopped by the local bakery, smiling at the (apparently) only thing you had in common with your husband.
To say you didn’t care about Regulus would be a lie, even if it was an arranged marriage, and even if you two had your discrepancies in the past, he was now someone who circulated your orbit daily. Someone whom you liked it or not was going to be there for a long, long time. Regulus was more of a ghost, a phantasmagoric entity that floated around you from time to time, barely speaking, barely acknowledging your existence.
But fights? Were there too. Rather constantly. 
Sometimes over nothing, sometimes over past wounds, that were still fresh, sometimes because of his family, sometimes because of yours. Fights always ended up the same, with you sobbing against your silky pillows, and Regulus sleeping in one of the guest rooms. 
“Excuse me” A feminine voice behind you dragged you out of your melancholic daze. Turning around, your eyes widened as you recognised the redhead woman in front of you, with a shy smile and a baby with wild hair and green eyes in her arms. “I’m sorry for bothering you, I was just passing by and I saw you here. Say hi Harry.” She cooed at the smiling baby in her arms, who eyed you curiously.
“It’s okay.” You assured her, not sounding convinced at all. “Hello there.” You smiled at the little Harry, who just giggled, his little teeth peeking through his small lips. 
“How you’ve been?” Lily asked, clearly trying to start a conversation. “I’m sorry if it seems a bit… meddlesome. It’s just, I never see you around and, you know.” She looked around, visibly nervous.
“Lily.” You spoke softly. “I understand.” You knew where this conversation was heading, and it was something you weren’t really in the mood for. “You don’t have to talk or interact with me if you don’t want to, I don’t mind.” You stopped caring about that long ago.
“I do want to!” She chirped, almost offended. She understood how difficult your situation was, but she was, after all, your stepbrother’s wife. “Harry’s birthday is next week, I was going to send you the invitation, but, hence we are here—”
“James won’t be happy to see me there.” It was true, a crude truth though. Lily frowned but didn’t object, proving you right. “I don’t want to ruin Harry’s birthday party with my presence, besides, I don’t think Regulus would even consider it, I’m pretty sure his brother will be there. ”
“Oh.” Lily quietly muttered, she didn’t think about that further. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You gave her a faux smile, one she didn’t believe at all. “Excuse me, I have to go. I’ll see you around.” Another lie. “Goodbye Harry.” You waved at the infant, who just looked at you with his big, green eyes.
The second you stepped out of the bakery, you heard Lily’s voice calling your name. Once again, you turned around, clutching the paper bag against your chest. You really wanted to go home, but you were too polite to ignore her. She approached you, with a fierce determination in her eyes.
“Look. I know James isn’t the best brother.” She didn’t use the correct title, just like she always did back at school, and James always corrected her, frustrated. “I know he was a total asshole in school, and I’m sorry I never speak up or did something to stop him. I understand family can be difficult, God, my sister? Petunia, she despites me.” She chuckled slightly, shaking her head. “I’m not trying to be a bridge between you two, I won’t force you to reach out to him either, I just want to see you happy. I’m was going to talk to James tonight, and probably scold him for everything he has done these past years, perhaps a few years late, but better late than never, right?”
It seemed too, genuine.
You were speechless. With a deep sigh, you give in, Lily was too persistent, and you were sure she wouldn’t give up, she was head girl after all. 
“Fine.” You smiled, this time it was a real smile. “I’ll talk to Regulus tonight as well, I can’t promise you anything, but, I’ll try.”
“Thank you.” Your sister-in-law hugged you, for real. She smelled like peaches and cinnamon, and baby powder. “Thank you, I promise you, everything will get better.”
Everything will get better. 
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“No. Absolutely no.” Regulus stood up from the armchair, frowning. “Are you out of your mind?”
“It’s just a party, Regulus.” You interjected, pinching the bridge of your nose. Why did he have to be so uptight? “It won’t hurt. Lily really wants us to go.”
“Us?” He asked, raising his hands, annoyed. “There is no us.” 
He was right. There was no us. 
Regulus saw, firsthand, how your chest deflated, how your gaze lowered, and how you sighed. He was right, there was no us. It was only you, It was always just you.
“I’m going to bed.” You announced, turning around to hide the tears. Fights weren’t new, but what was new, was the raw twist in his stomach, at the sounds of your sobs on the other side of the main bedroom door. Regulus pressed his back against the wooden frame, listening to how you cried. It wasn’t the first time you cried after a fight, but why did this time make him feel something?
Was it regret? Guilt? Remorse? All of the above?
He slept in the guest room that night, and as he lay on the pillows, he realized he couldn't recall when was the last time he slept next to you. 
Dreams weren’t nice either, they weren’t an escape from the cruel reality. Dreams, at least for you, were a constant reminder of how miserable your life was.
Dreams. Memories. Nightmares. 
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Laughs, evil laughs. Evil snaked dressed in green and silver surrounding you, mocking you. You rubbed your eyes, groaning at the sticky feeling of your fingertips over your face, your hair, your uniform. Someone spilt a glass of orange juice over your head, and no one did anything to stop them. No one cared, no one overlooked. 
For the proud and ambitious house of Slytherin, you were just a poor joke. You were the insignificant excuse of a wizard, and definitely, you didn't belong with them. You were too nice, too soft, you were a gentle soul. Qualities that, the Slytherin house wasn’t quite fond of. 
And they were sure to remind it every day of your school life. 
Across the dining hall, students from other houses looked at you with pity, amusement and even curiosity. Were they expecting you to defend yourself? Probably. Were you going to? Probably not. Instead of giving them a piece of your mind, you just ran away. Once again, as you rubbed the orange juice off your eyes, now mixed with the salty tears of humiliation, they laughed, and their cruel barks echoed in your ears, your mind and your heart. 
How did this fit in your story?
Outside, under the dark night sky, the stars were bright. Glowing carefree in the firmament. Your feet wandered around the edge of the astronomy tower, wondering how it would be to be a star. Maybe this just wasn’t your timeline. Maybe you weren’t born to succeed, to achieve great things. Everything just felt empty, flavourless, pointless. Since when did that bright smile change into a sorrowful grimace? When did everything go downhill? Questions, questions, so many questions and no answers. Shaky hands held tightly on the chilly rails of the tallest tower in Hogwarts, where the wind was colder and the stars were closer. 
Have you ever dreamed of being reborn as a star? Many times. A wish, your last wish, as your feet started to move away, closer to the sky. Star light, star bright, wish you may, wish you might. Closing your eyes, ignoring the tears streaming down your cheeks, you let go of a hand, darting dangerously around the edge. Everything would be quick, painless, and that’s what you wished for the most, for the pain to just stop. 
"Wait!" A voice, a masculine voice. A voice of a star, the brightest star. You opened your eyes violently, gasping at sudden vertigo in your stomach, your feet slipped, and realizing for a fraction what you were about to do. It was too late now, your hands were away from the rails, as your body sway almost gracefully, towards death. 
His hand grasped yours, it hurt. Great, just what you needed, more pain. Regulus held firmly to your hand, as you sobbed. Carefully, he eased you back into the ground, your knees wobbling the second you landed on the stone floor. Hard sobs rocked your body, your heart pounding wildly inside your chest.
“Why?” You asked, between sobs. “Why did you stop me?”
“Why were you… going to—” Regulus started, breathing heavily, shocked by what he just witnessed.
“Because I knew no one would stop me.”
"I'm sorry for what happened in the Great Hall." He already said that, why did he insist upon it? "I should've said something, what they did to you was so unfair, even if…” Even if it what?
“Even if  I deserved it?” You suggested with half-lidded eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Regulus kneeled next to you, keeping a prudent distance. “I didn’t mean it that way, sorry. I don’t know what to say. It was wrong, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
Pity. It was pity. 
“Regulus.” Hugging your knees, you inhaled the sweet scent of orange juice lingering in your uniform. “Don’t pretend you overlook me. They have been pestering me for years, and you never seemed to care about it. If this is a joke, it ain’t a funny one.”
“It’s not a joke!” He protested. “I just… never actually cared, yeah. Until now.”
Until now. 
“Until now?” 
Days later, you found out, what ‘Until now’, finally meant. It meant a black, wax-sealed letter, a bad omen. Just a few words were enough to crumble the little piece of peace you had. 
War. Fiancé. Marriage. Regulus Black. 
You threw the letter to the fire, watching it twist and burn in the desertic common room, late at night with a blanket around your shoulders. You were too immersed in your own thoughts to notice his presence. Regulus called you, making you jolt in surprise. He saw the envelope next to the fire, and the ashed on the wood confirmed his suspicions.
“So, until now, uh?” You asked, with a harsh tone, harsher than intended, not bothering to look at him.
“I’m not happy either.” His voice was a brick, and you were sure he had an unpleased frown. 
“There must be a way. I’m sure.” Standing up, the blanket rolled down your shoulders, pooling on the thick green rugs. “Fuck.” You cursed under your breath. “This can’t be happening.” 
“It’s borderline ironic.” Something about Regulus’ tone didn’t sit quite right with you. 
“Ironic? How so?”
“She's vivid by the idea of me marrying a pureblood, a Slytherin, she didn't even care that your Mother was married to a Potter. A blood traitor, just like my br— just like Sirius.” Of course, it all came to that. Of course, Regulus was just like his family, just an elitist, classist piece of shit. “Perhaps we can tell my Mother how much of a coward and weak you are." His words tensed you, were all the Blacks so venomous? "How you aren't a real Slytherin.”
That was the last drop, your thirteen reason. “Sure, and we can tell my Mother how much of a self-centred asshole you are. How you can't see beyond your fat nose and realize there are other people besides you." Your nostrils flared with rage, no tears, just rage. 
Regulus’ face contorted into one of anger, outraged by your words. 
“I regret walking on you that night.” He scoffed, looking at you as if you were nothing more than a speck of dirt in his expensive leather shoes. “I wish I could travel back in time and stop myself from not letting you fucking kill yourself, giving up like the coward you are. Absolutely pathetic.” His words were pure venom, living up to his house and its emblem. 
You slapped him. His face distorted into one of surprise. "I wish I had died that night. So I don't have to watch your ugly fucking face daily."
That night, like many others, you cried yourself to sleep, casting a silencing spell around your bed, hiding from the world, letting the pain consume you, poisoning your soul. Days only got worse, your grades dropped, and soon the whole school knew you were engaged to none other than the Regulus Black. Students stared at you more than usual, whispered louder than usual, and you ever wondered if you became a zoo animal without noticing it. The little contact you had with other students was now unexistent, you spent the majority of the time alone, in the library, where books couldn’t hurt you. 
The library became your safe space, a bubble to hide from the real world. Standing on your tiptoes to reach the highest shelve, your attention caught a familiar voice, a loud one, too loud to be allowed in the library. 
"Moony c'mon, we'll be fine!" James, it was James.
"Stop insisting, Prongs." Remus answered, and he sounded annoyed. With silent steps you walked closer to them, leaning over a bookshelf, eavesdropping on their argument. "Last full moon was a disaster."
"You know who's fault that was." That one was Peter. 
"Keep it down, please." Remus sighed. "You're lucky she knows how to heal a scratch like that. Because if Madame Pomfrey ever hears about this—"
"She won't!" James interrupted him. "She said that she'll be close so if we need her, she'll be there."
You heard Remus's breath hitching. "Are you out of your damn mind? I'm not going to let her near me when I'm a fucking werewolf, Prongs."
A werewolf. 
"Calm down, Moony, we know is your time of the month." Sirius's teasing tone only had the opposite effect. "Ouch! Fine, fine, I'll stop. But don’t pinch me like that, it hurts.”
“Great, now shut up.” Remus groaned, annoyed. 
It made perfect sense. Years ago, you heard Severus teasing him in one of the few classes you shared with them, calling him "Loony Lupin", a freak, pointing out his scars... Speaking of scars, he had a lot of them.
A couple of essays and works about werewolves had taught you only one thing: They were cruel creatures and extremely dangerous, but, Remus never, in a thousand years looked like a cruel person, he was the only one of James's close friends who had never actively participated in your stepbrother's antics to humiliate you and bother you, but he didn't do anything to stop him either, and you learned the hard way that doing nothing was also part of the problem. 
“I still can’t believe you three spent three damn years, putting your lives at risk to become an animagus.” Remus scoffed, but then laughed. “You guys are insane.”
“Hey,” Sirius said. “Anything for our Moony.”
What the hell was happening? First werewolves and now animagus? It really, really, really made perfect sense. Padfoot, Moony, Prongs and Wormtail. 
If James and his friends could transform themselves into an animagus, how hard could it be?
It was hard, extremely hard. 
It could be considered delusional and psychotic, attempt it without previous preparations, and professional supervision. Being young and naive makes you do stupid things, just for the sake of being accepted and loved. Book after book, the migraine drilled deeply into your skull, it was borderline impossible. After two weeks of exasperating research, two broken quills and a roll of paper, you always ended up with the same conclusion: It was dangerous. Becoming an animagus without any type of help or supervision from the Ministry of Magic was basically a premeditated suicide. 
Constantly asking yourself how could they manage to do it without getting caught, how were their methods, how were they still alive? After your third attempt that night, hiding in the Astronomy tower, your whole body ached, a bad move could ruin your life forever, becoming a half-human half-animal, or in the worst case, becoming a corpse. The books you had scattered around the cold floor were useless now, they only repeated the same words with different fonts, words that only vanished your enthusiasm. You didn’t have enough time, enough skills and enough confidence. 
"Come on, come on." You whispered to yourself, closing your eyes, feeling the magic flowing through your veins, powerful, strong, earthly. It felt natural, it felt yours. 
It was there, you could feel it. You were so, so close. Your whole body tingled, the sparkles in your soul the purpose of your efforts igniting the magic within you. Just a little bit more...
It was gone, and you groaned in pain. It vanished as quickly as it approached, four failed attempts were enough for that night. So, while throwing the useless books inside your backpack, you walked back to your dorm carefully to not be caught by Flitch or Mrs Norris.
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Full moon. It was time, it was your last chance. 
It was risky, worst case scenario you could die, your corpse rotting the night. But, death wasn't a thing you were afraid of, at least not anymore. You planned every single step that night, you went through it the whole week. You avoided Regulus, you avoided James, you avoided everything and everyone. The hardest thing was to know when and how to follow them. You knew they were leaving the castle at any time soon, you were a smart girl after all. Logically, Remus couldn't transform near school, for the safety of other students and himself. Dungeons? No, inside the school it was impossible, very noticeable too, and too easy to guess. It must be out of the school grounds. 
The first step was to successfully walk out of the school without being caught, and perhaps one (if not) of the most challenging (asides from the transformation itself), then all you had to do is wait. Wait for a signal, for voices, steps, anything. Hiding outside of the castle, next to the greenhouses, the night air was cold, really cold. Wrapping yourself in your jumper, you waited to hide next to a pile of dirt sacks, patiently. 
Forty minutes or so later, when you started to doubt your plan, you heard them. Not them exactly, but you could recognize McGonagall's voice everywhere. Taking a quick peek, Madame Pomfrey was also there, and they were escorting Remus, who was silent between the two women. Taking a prudent distance, you followed them all the way to the Whimpering Willow, and you watched in awe how McGonagall with a flick of her wand paralyzed the tree, walking right into a hole next to the prominent roots, followed by Remus and Poppy. So, there was a secret passage. It made sense. But where did it lead them to? Hiding behind a big rock, you waited again. Until they returned, chatting in a low voice. 
Until you were sure they were far gone, this was your only chance. Mimicking Minerva's movements, you hoped a simple paralyzing spell would do the trick, and to your surprise it did. Wasting no time, you slid under the tree, scratching your hand as you did so, wiping the little pearls of blood in your jumper. The dark pathway was lugubrious, and you weren't exactly sure where it would lead you, you reached the end, and a weak ray of the pale moonlight guided your steps until you were outside of the Shrieking Shack. This was an excellent location, away from Hogwarts and away from Hogsmeade, plus, the abandoned house had the reputation of being haunted, so, naturally, no one approached it. It was brilliant! 
You heard voices, and this time it was them. Running to the nearest tree, you hid behind it, cold sweat running down your face. The unmistakable sound of Sirius' laugh filled your ears, and you watched how the entered the house. The moon was almost at its peak, almost ready to take its protagonism in the dark sky. 
A deep, crucifying silence reigned over the terrain until you heard it. A howl, a deep, loud howl, mixed with pain and ache. It was your signal to go with the final step. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. Inhaling, exhaling. It was now or never.
There it was again, that sensation running through your veins, pumping magic through every cell of blood. Your skin felt warm, tingling, you felt every hair, every pore. Taking a deep, long breath, you closed your eyes. Wand in hand, you took another profound breath, placing your wand-tip against your heart, begging to the stars. 
“Amato Animo Animato Animagus.”
Blazing pain and an intense shiver ran through your body. The bright moon witnessed everything, how your body contorted in agony, your heartbeat was loud, hard and fast, and then it stopped, for a brief instant. Then two. Double heartbeat. It was too late now. There was no going back. A dark cloud fogged your mind, and it happened, you saw it, inside your head, and it was beautiful, it was graceful, it was you. The fear that followed you through the transformation started to crumble your bravery, but surrendering only meant one thing:
Opening your eyes, everything was… different. The sounds were louder, the scents were stronger. The perspective was abysmal, what was big was now small, and raising your gaze, there it was, the full moon, golden and proud, smiling softly at you, or at least it seemed to. 
Their scent was strong, mixed and together, they were a pack. You heard them from miles around, and the rational voice inside your mind kept you in line, it would be too abrupt to approach them firsthand. Sneaking silently around the abandoned building, you devoured your surroundings, every rock, every stick, every curve. The fresh imprint of paws guided you through the woods, closer and closer to the forbidden forest. Still keeping a safe distance, you joined their voices, still hesitant. 
The big, grey wolf was the first one to approach you. Slowly at first, reluctant. Were you a friend or an enemy? The tension was high in the skies. He growled, cautious. It was him, it had to be him. He sniffed the air, your scent, and taking a seat, he maintained eye contact, narrowing his golden eyes.
You didn’t felt threatened at all. It was an innofensive interaction, you could smell his curiosity, if that was even possible, or even rational. The atmosphere relaxed for a bit, and the wolf laid down, resting his snot in his long paws. He accepted your presence, but it wasn’t an invitation either. You chirped happily, progress was progress. 
Until, the rest of them emerged from the shadows. Larger than you, stronger, angrier. They didn’t liked you, at you could sense their discomfort and hazard. The large, black dog, barked at you, a simple warning: ‘Stay away’. You remained still, blinking slowly, showing them no harm was planned. At least not from your part. The stag was the biggest of them all, with enormous, extravagant horns, graceful swirls in a soft bone colour. The usual prey now looked and acted like a true predator, and the brownish stag was the first one to walk closer to you, looming over you. Stretching his neck, the animal attempted a showoff of dominance, to express how proud and unwelcoming he was. 
Behind him, the black dog growled again at you, this time louder. A second warning: ‘Leave’. But you didn’t. You remained still, strong-willed. 
A sudden high-pitched squeal caught your attention, and you observed how the wolf was stepping on the tail of a abnormal big rat, not in a dangerous way, more leaning into a playful manner. Unfortunately, letting your guard down for a brief second was a mistake. The black dog pounced, this was the third and final warning. He hovered over you, the drool dripping down his canines. Rolling over a couple times, you tried to fight back, but it was hard, this new form was still new, and your movements were clumsy and dull. 
His sharp teeth were wrapped around your throat, hard enough to pierce the skin but not to be considered mortal. The primal instinct of survival ran through your veins, and using every ounce of strength you had in your animalistic personage, you pushed him off you. It wasn’t a fair fight though. The painful stab of the Stag’s horns against your sides caught you off guard once again. 
Wheeling over the dirt, you hissed in pain, panting. The adrenaline was high and the anxiety too. Loud alarms inside your head screamed at you. Run, run, run. On all fours, you sprinted away, quickly being pursued by the two aggressive animals. The wolf’s howling broke the silence surrounding you, it was a long, melancholic howl. From the sounds of heavy steps behind you, you knew they were getting closer. They knew how to move, you didn’t. Your legs gave up, sore and pristine to this new anatomy. Those sharp, brutal teeth caught the flesh of one of your back legs, as you cried in distress.
«No, no, no, this can’t be the way I die.» The rational and human voice inside your head sobbed. 
A flash of gray freed you from the dog’s grip. The two canines fought against each other, barking and howling at each other, as if its human sides were in a heated argument. You suddenly remembered, the stag was still there, and you wouldn’t comit the same mistake twice.
Duels for you, were never fair, less, if your adversary was your stepbrother, James. 
The stag was stronger and bigger, but you were lighter and faster. Dodging every lunge and assault, the strong scents of their proximity clouded your common senses. This wasn’t correct, you never meant to hurt them, especially him. For a very strange reason, you still cared for him, even after all he had done. 
Bright, warm rays of sunshine dazzled you, the sun was rising, which only meant one thing; The world stopped for a minute, and everyone ran back to the Shrieking Shack, where they were supposed to be in the first place, but this was far from over. 
Running back to your first hiding spot, you closed your eyes again, resting your shivering form against an old tree trunk, accumulating all the last resilience you had to transform back. If someone had told you a month ago, you would’ve been hurriedly dressing back up, bleeding for a hundred superificial wounds, next to the Shrieking Shack, you would tell them they were out of their fucking mind. The sun was brushing the horizon, carefree, as the moon waved back, ready to leave and gossip with the stars. With trembling steps, you walked towards the haunted house, panting, one hand making pression on your stomach, where your most profound wound was. 
Inside the old place, it reeked of dirt, old magic and a hint of cinnamon, and maybe citrus, and odd combination, to say the least. Their voices were loud whispers, and, turning around a corner, you found them.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” James shouted, however, this time you didn’t backed away, to hide and cry. 
You were too tired to run away.
“You almost killed me!” You snapped back, surprising him with your offputting attitude. 
“Stop,” Remus interjected, standing up from a broken, dusty bed, just to groan slightly in pain and sit back down. “Shit—. She knows, she knows too much.” His face was bloody, he was wrapped in a yellow blanket, his silver scars peeking through the fabric along with new ones, angry red and still bleeding. 
“Fucking idiot.” James stepped closer, clutching your shoulder. “You ruin everything. You’re so selfish, you are so stupid.” He continued, unloading his anger on you, just like he always did. “Do you know the risk you made us take? Just because of your senseless actions!”
“James.” Remus called him again, this was going too far.
“Remus, he’s right.” Sirius spat, sharing the same venomous look his brother did, nights ago in the Slytherin’s common room. “She knows too much, and if she opens her big, fucking mouth, it would be the end of us.”
“She’s not going to, right?” James pressed, looking at you dead in the eye, you had never seen him this furious before. “She won’t if she knows what’s good. You’re just a self-centred bitch, you can’t stand people having friends right? Just because you’re a loner and no one fucking likes you—”
You slapped him, all across the cheek, knocking off his glasses and successfully shutting him up. Tears ran down your muddy cheeks, this was it, this was your limit.
“Me? Me?!” It was your turn to shout. “Since I met you, you've done nothing but make my life miserable!” Breathing heavily, chest rising with the unpleasant feeling of resentment and rancor. “I did everything! I tried everything for you to like me! I just wanted to be your fucking friend James. I just wanted to fucking be happy, for once!” 
“So you became an animagus, in the ridiculous attempt to join us?” His tone was mocking, the tone every student used to address you. “Pathetic. I would never like you, you’re just a lying snake. You don’t care about us, or my father, your mother is just marrying him for Godric knows what. You would never be part of my family.”
“I fucking hate you!” You stomped your shoe at the creaking wood flooring. “I fucking hate you James, you’re just an arrogant piece of shit! You think everyone likes you, you think you’re the greatest, but no. You are just a pretentious, smug fucking loser. You’re the one who doesn’t belong to Gryffindor, you’re a bigger snake than I would ever be!”
James pushed you, face red with rage. You collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain, from head to toe your body was sore, every inch of skin screamed in agony.
“Take it back.” He demanded, forcing you to look at him. “You think you hate me? Then I hate you ten fucking times more.” He spat. No one uttered a word. “I wish you were dead, I wish my father had never married your golddigger mother. You don’t deserve my last name, my house, anything!”
“Fuck off!” You replied, kicking him, crawlinging backwards, attempting to move away from him. “Get away from me!” His hand yanked your hair, making you sob.
“You’re fucking dead to me. I would never, ever see you as an equal. You’re nothing, you’re useless. Everything everyone says in school is true. You’re nothing more than a pathetic mistake, and you dare to call me a loser? At least I have friends.” He let go, turning around to pick up his glasses. “Everyone is right; You are just a hindrance. You don’t belong anywhere. 
“One day.” You promised. “One day you will fucking regret those words.”
James laughed, Sirius laughed, Peter was to stunned to speak, and Remus was too tired to even think properly, besides, this wasn’t his battle. Nor of Sirius, or Peter.
In the end, it was always, only you.
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Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. I appreciate any feedback!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Our Last Dance
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Natasha x Fem! x Yelena (Adopted Siblings)
High School Sweethearts AU
Fluffy, but definitely Angst with no happy ending
Warnings: Sick!!! Reader, Drugs, Saying Goodbye, Grief, Cancer diagnosis, Car accident…
Smut: Fingering (W), Marking (R/W)
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| Puny | Powerless | Weak |
The same set of words you’d repeatedly heard in your youth; every single time you were looked over by prospective parents, or picked upon by the other kids in The Red Room—the orphanage, it was just affirmed in your mind.
A tragic start doesn’t necessarily equate to a bad life though, because after five years of being alone in there you’d found your saving graces in the delinquent labeled pair of Russian’s that had been ruthlessly dropped off by another set of useless parents.
Natalia Romanov—the buff redhead with piercing green eyes, she was twice your age, nearly double your size, and the older of the two girls; Yelena Belova—the quiet blonde, eyes of varying shades, she’d appeared lean under her monotone attire, but much to everyone’s shock she packed quite the punch.
They were blank faced when they’d arrived, their eyes full of mystery, and a deep rooted pain that’s expertly masked to the average onlooker. Silently they’d observed you, a shocking sense of pity consuming them when saw you being mistreated by all parties.
Though they felt bad they kept their distance, never engaging in such bullying tactics, but also regretfully turning a blind eye to it. It wasn’t until one of the boys—Brad, had attempted to pick on Yelena while Natasha was nowhere to be found that they took you in. Sure she could handle herself, but you weren’t aware of this, so when the irritating boy had approached her you’d immediately intercepted. He’d pulled on her braid, and in an act of childhood bravery you’d shoved the boy.
“Oh, if it isn’t little old Y/N, the unwanted one. Beat it would ya!”
Stuttering as you do, you responded to the boy,“Leave her alone Brad!,” puffing your tiny chest out to appear tough, but falling short as you really just looked beyond adorable.
Yelena had never heard your voice before, it was an equal match to your stature, you were soft spoken, there was also this innocence that carried your words, and in that moment the blonde felt it was her job to protect you from anything that could ever do you harm again. Natasha’s response was much the same as she saw what happened from the corner, and as the boy went to approach you she followed suit.
Yelena was quick to yank you behind her body, but before she could lay the smack down on him Natasha already had him up against the faded walls by the collar of his shirt.
“Do not touch them, big mistake if you do.” Her raspy accented voice filled the space around all of you, the threat glaringly obvious, and the fear it elicited even more so as the boy’s eyes widened and his body scurried away once his feet were back on the ground.
Natasha turned to face her sister, glancing over her shoulder at you with a spine chilling smirk. With relative ease she lifted you up by your armpits, and settled you on her hip, “Welcome to the pack malen'kiy volk.,” and from that day forward the words had reigned true. (Little wolf)
When a burly man, and his petite counterpart entered the orphanage one day it was clear to you that your found sisters were likely leaving. The mans’s loud, booming Russian accent a dead giveaway to you, plus the accompanying ‘Do you have any Russian girls for us?’ sealed it in. His wife had quickly slapped his arm, which immediately shut him up, then in her clearest way she’d said much to the same effect, but in a way less creepy way.
Natasha and Yelena had been playing a riveting game of ‘Arm Wrestling for chocolate,’ which was really just their way of taking candy from the cocky little boys while also knocking them down a few pegs. Neither of them had even noticed the couple at the front desk, but Yelena did however notice your saddened expression, and the sudden flow of tears soaking your pillow while your frail body lay atop the cot.
The redhead looked up to her sister while she effortlessly slammed the brunette boys hand against the table before popping his rations of chocolate into her mouth, and smirking once his sobs were audible. Then she realized it wasn’t him crying, but you, and the game was brought to an end.
“These two here come as a package deal, Natalia and Yelena, as Russian as they get.” The clerk mutters, annoyance at having to do her job clear as day, and the girls blink up at the couple in their way on their journey to you.
“They’re perfect! We take.” The man boasts, and both girls cringe when crumbs from his beard fall atop their shirts.
“Hi girls, I am Melina, and this is my pig of a husband Alexei.” She greets, hand reaching out to wipe them clean, but they collectively wince away from her touch.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you girls uncomfortable.”
“We will go with you, but only if Y/N comes.” Natasha commands, Yelena at her side firmly nodding while grabbing her sisters hand.
“Y/N? No, you two will go with whomever is willing to take you, they wanted strong Russian girls, and that’s what you are. There’s no negotiating in adoption, go collect your things.” The clerk dismisses them in a furious state, but neither girl even flinches, instead they continue to look passed her and at you who’d apparently fallen asleep.
Melina winces as the woman beside her speaks so poorly to them, clearly disregards you as not worthy, and this had intrigued the woman who’d once been in your same shoes.
“No, we wish to see this Y/N at once.” Melina announces, elbowing her husband before he could rebut the notion as they’d really only come here for one kid.
Yelena took her interest as a basis for trust, dropping her sisters hand she slips hers into her prospective mother’s, then without a word she guides her towards your sleeping form.
“This is Y/N, nash malen'kiy volk, we protect her, and she loves us.” Yelena announces, hand tenderly landing on your face, thumbs wiping the remnants of your tears away, and your eyes flutter open at the contact. (Our little wolf)
“Y/N, this Melina,—.”
Tears brim your eyes once more as you manage to whisper, “Your new mama… I know..,” over a lip that betrays you as it trembles.
“Our.” Natasha corrects you as she sits down on your cot, and protectively pulls you into her.
“Would you like that malen'kiy?” Melina coos, hands hesitantly reaching out for you, and Natasha allows her to pick you up, but her protective stance never falters. (Little one)
“You want to be my mama?” You whimper, and the older Russian guides your crying face into her neck, and sways you around soothingly.
“Da malen’kiy...” … ”We take all three.”
Everything went up for you after that day, Melina took you under her wing, and the both of you geeked out over her work at the lab, while your sisters much preferred engaging in the world of sports with Alexei. Melina worked closely with you over the years to improve your physical form, helpfully tailoring your diet without any type of restrictions, while also finding the perfect fitness regimen to aide you in defining your body as you wished.
Those same words now repeat in your mind though as you stare down at the paper in your hands, the one confirming the fear that’s been plaguing your mind for the last year, and after your interaction with Natasha last month you’d had no choice but to get said confirmation.
Tommy and Lily had been begging your wife and you to sign them up for soccer for months, but with the demands of your jobs you’d been unable to fulfill their requests until today. Work had slowed, and you finally had the energy to train with them, or so you thought you did, but now you’re not so sure.
The twins were running circles around you, and the amount of water breaks you needed had thrown you off. Sure, you hadn’t been to the gym in a couple months, but there’s no way in hell you were this bent out of shape. After only thirty minutes you were tapping out, taking a seat on the bleacher while the two continued to play some one on one.
Natasha had agreed to help you, something you’d forgotten about, but when she arrived she decided to lurk in the shadows for a bit. She’d wanted to give you some fun mommy bonding time before she wiped the field with you, but then she noticed you struggling, and all she felt was concerned at the sight of you. It was clear to her that you’d lost weight, an unnatural amount for only two months apart, and the light jog across the field shouldn’t have made you so winded, nor lightheaded as she clearly inferred from when you shakily sat down on the bleachers
‘Russian spy in another life’ is what your father always used to grumble when she’d catch him with cookie crumbs in his beard after he lied about finishing off the pack.
You were in your own world, laying flat on the bench with an arm draped over your eyes in the hopes that it would help to calm your beating heart. So you failed to notice your sister approaching, and there’s no way you’d hear her quiet footsteps, she’s of course classically trained to have a light step.
You jumped up, nearly falling off the bench with your hand clutching your chest, and Natasha rolled her eyes at your display.
“Natasha, when did you get here?”
“Four o’clock, as we agreed upon.”
“It’s five…” You said while skeptically eyeing her over your watch.
“I know, I’ve been observing.”
Something about her tone makes you uneasy, it’s not the playful one that accompanies a day with her niece and nephew.
“Y/N, we need to talk.”
There it is…
“Well the kids need us to train them, can it wait?”
Natasha’s firm hold on your shoulders keeps you sat, then she kneels in front of you as to not look so intimidating as she speaks.
“Something is wrong with you.”
You scoff, “Natasha, get over yourself, I’m fine.,” but still her hold is too tight, and as her words reign true you have no fight in you.
“We both know that’s not true… How long?”
A few tears slip down your cheek, then you take a shaky breath in before whispering your secret, “a little over a year…,” groaning as her nails dig into your shoulder.
“Why didn’t you—.”
“Keep it down Natalia, the kids don’t need to be unnecessarily spooked.”
“Why didn’t you say something?
“We all have things we don’t talk about…”
“Why not go to the doctors then?”
“I’m scared…”
“Don’t you get it? You should be scared! Look at all that you have to lose, how could you be so fucking selfish?”
“I’m sorry…”
Natasha chances a look back at the giggling kids, heart effectively breaking as the reality of it all dawns on her, then her anger settles as she takes in how broken you are up close.
“I know you are malen'kiy volk.” Natasha resigns, pulling your trembling form into her lap, and running a soothing hand down your back while being grateful your innocent children were so preoccupied.
“I’ll seek help..” You whisper against her chest, and she places a kiss to your forehead while maintaining her soothing.
Tears smudge the ink, but the words remain clear as day: Stage 4 Metastatic cancer of the Lungs, with tumors that have spread to the brain/heart.
Prognosis: Less than 6 months.
Treatment: Chemotherapy an option to prolong life expectancy, Immunotherapy, but the progression is too far along to be curative.
“Honey, I’m home!! Are the twins with you?”
Panic fills your weakened body at your wife’s call, your head currently hanging over the toilet bowl as you continue to vomit up stomach acid. What had started as a blinding headache rolled directly into waves of nausea, and now you were left to fight it off for the sake of your wife’s naivety to your month old diagnosis.
“They’re with Lena, she took them to that new soccer field for some much needed practice.” You manage to shout down the stairs, then swiftly shut the door to remain in your secret awhile longer, using the running shower to cover up the sounds of your retching and leaving Wanda none the wiser.
Wanda Maximoff—the woman who’d always loved you as you were, and the same one you promised you’d never leave behind…
She’s had it just as rough as you, if not more so, having lost both her parents in her early youth, to then losing her twin brother right before Junior year of high school. You had went from having nothing to something to everything, and she’d oppositely paralleled you.
Wanda’s obviously no stranger to loss, but having to tell her she’d soon be a widowed mother of two in her early thirties felt overtly cruel, but if there’s one thing you’ve learned in this life it’s that nothing is ever fair.
After your nausea subsided enough for you to get off the floor you shakily moved around, brushing your teeth before throwing yourself into bed, thoughts of finally telling everyone what’s going on tomorrow, absolutely dreading having to break the hearts of your family, but knowing it was absolutely the right thing to do.
Wanda was off to work before you’d even had a chance to enjoy your mug of tea, she’d kissed your cheek then lips as she told you she’d run the kids to school, hurrying them out the door the next instant, and leaving you behind a bit confused. She’d seemed rather jumpy, and if not for the debilitating headache encroaching your mind you’d have stopped her to check in.
Truth be told she’d known something was wrong with you for awhile now, but just the same as you she just didn’t want to believe it could be true, but after last week’s love making it’d been all but confirmed.
After an exhausting day in the office, where you no longer worked, but just stared at photos of your family while putting together a handful of painful goodbyes, and handling your final affairs all you’d wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep for a hundred years.
Upon entering your house though you realized your wife had other plans in mind, and you were too afraid to turn her away, because up until this point your sex life had been healthy. The house was cloaked in a layer of darkness, the playlist you’d curated together lightly playing, and your wife was cooking in nothing but her red silk robe as the kids were at a friends house.
Wanda and you usually took every free moment to make love, or occasionally engage in a quickie, because truth be told your wife was beyond beautiful and it was hard for either of you to keep your hands to yourself. So when she runs over to you, robe exposing to you her perfect physique you can’t fight the arousal pooling in your exhausted body.
“Welcome home my love.” She whispers against your lips, wasting no time she wraps her arms around your neck and slams her own to yours.
Your arms wrap around her waist, pulling her flush against your own body, and relishing in the feeling of having her close, but also being mindful of the way that your lungs ached beyond normalcy so you pulled back, allowing her lips to travel elsewhere while you tried to steady your breathing.
Wanda eventually pulled back, unknowingly appreciating the way your chest heaved over the simplest of her touches, and with quick hands the women shut the stove off then dragged your aching form up the stairs. Nimble hands were all over the place, ripping the buttons of your low cut flannel shirt clean off before pushing it all the way off your shoulders, and exposing your chest to her.
The want to be touched just wasn’t there for you anymore, but the need to please your wife would forever be, so before she could try to take you you flipped the script. Taking the initiative you swiftly spun her around, then threw her onto the bed, willfully ignoring the way your head pounded in the process as you removed the final pieces of her clothing.
You were into it, of course you were, but that didn’t make your movements less sluggish. Pumping your fingers into her at the only pace you could keep up with, shoving your face into her neck as you panted unusually hard, and successfully avoided the usual kiss that would leave you dangerously breathless.
Wanda was so consumed by the pleasure rolling through her body in the moment that she’d overlooked the way your lips had evaded hers, and how your normally healthy skin had lost its luster as her nails painfully dug into it, or the way that your bones were starting to protrude against the skin in ways they’d never done before.
With a few final expert curves, and with a delicious pressure applied to both her clit and pulse point she came crashing into her orgasm fairly hard. Walls clinging to your fingers for dear life as her entire body trembled beneath you, and as hot as it all was you couldn’t wait for it to be over. The alarm bells only began to ring for her when you’d rolled off of her in a overtly breathless manner.
Normally you’d be giddily anticipating another round, better yet you’d be begging for her to take you next, but your eyes were closed tight, and your breaths had all but evened out. Wanda finally noticed just how different you looked in this moment, it was truly clarifying for her, and in a way earth shattering.
“I love you Y/N… My beautiful, healthy wife..” She quietly whispers her falsehoods against your skin, lips gently landing on your own before she cuddles up to you in a desperate attempt to keep you close.
Truth is Wanda didn’t go to work, she actually hadn’t been going to work all week, she’d been dropping the kids at school, then driving herself to the library for researching purposes. Mistakenly hopeful that the diagnosis she’d stumbled upon when you were sleeping one afternoon last weekend could be reversed.
Since you couldn’t tell your wife and kids before they took off you decided to start with your found family instead, collecting all your paperwork you jumped into the car and drove the hour out to your parents farm, your sisters texts confirming their arrival popping up as you drove, and you took the extra long route for a few extra moments of peace.
Parking your car behind Natasha’s you gazed upon the quaint little home you’d experienced countless years of joy in, an uneasiness soon plaguing your already sick body as you slowly made your way to the door. It swung open before you could even reach for the knob and Yelena pulled you into her tight embrace, causing your manila envelope to hit the floor.
“Sorry Y/N/N, I’ll pick it up.”
Melina’s next to pull you into her embrace, arms encircling the entirety of you, and her heart immediately stills, a gut instinct telling her this isn’t natural, and so she pulls back to inspect you closely. Hands cup your cheeks, feeling how the natural chub had melted away, but before she could scold you for not eating enough Yelena’s voice cut through, “what is all of this?”
You sighed, falling forward into your dad before ushering everyone to sit on the couch. Natasha the last one to take a seat as she herself wanted to make sure you made it into your own, and the tension only thickened at the obvious concern.
“Natasha, you’re being awfully quiet.” Melina, ever the perceptive one points out, and you cut in to save your sister the unfair scolding.
“Mama, don’t start… I’m here because…”
“You have cancer.” She cuts you off, needing to say it aloud herself before you were to confirm it.
“Ha! That’s ludicrous, cancer doesn’t even run in the family! Y/N is fine, just a joke right?” Alexei humorously deflects in a panic, no one having the energy to remind the big oaf that genetically there’s no tie here, and you just smile sadly his way.
“Look, I have been—.”
“Fine, you’ve been fine. It simply isn’t true.” Yelena cuts you off next, somehow thinking that if you don’t say it, then it just can’t be true.
Natasha watches you sink into the couch you’re on, anger prominently coursing through her at the way your collective family is behaving. Not that she’d been any better two months ago when she yelled at you in the park, but even then she pulled herself together fast and was able to comfort you as you needed.
“It’s true.” Natasha proclaims, everyone’s eyes shifting to her and she grimaces at the varying shades of betrayal that befall upon her, Yelena’s the most painful of them all.
Yelena jumps up off the couch, finger jabbing into Natasha’s chest as she shrieks, “You knew! You fucking knew and didn’t tell me!” Alexei jumping in right behind her as he grumbled in Russian, and Melina just sat there in silence. You on the other hand felt as if you were about to vomit, with every rehearsal of this moment you’re not sure why you didn’t account for this.
While they continued to bicker back and forth your eyes were tightly shut, junked up lungs straining to pull the necessary oxygen into your body to keep it upright, and so you fell forward, crashing into the coffee table, glass overlay shattering under your weight.
Melina was first to jump into action, pushing you back into your seat, and watching fearfully as you coughed without an end in sight. Your weak hands pitifully clawed at your shirt, desperately trying to ground yourself, and everyone in the room was in a fit of tears as they helplessly watched you struggling.
Yelena was next to try and help, hand harshly slamming into your back, cringing at the far too detailed feeling of your spine under her. Natasha was the only one who managed to speak, whispering a lullaby she’d once used to sing to you in the hopes that psychology could break you from this fit of coughs.
After what felt like an hour, but was only five minutes you’d fallen out of the fit, and instead into a far less scary fit of wheezing. Everyone took their place back on the couch, each one overlooking a piece of paper you brought while you worked to just breathe again. Eyes slowly trailed up, one by one, to look for answers in your own lackluster set, you offered them a tight lipped smile as to avoid the grizzly sight that was your bloody teeth.
You took a necessary sip of water, the metallic taste continuing to linger, but you digressed.
“Mama, you first.”
“When did the symptoms start? Why—.”
“One at a time please; a little over a year ago, I noticed it was abnormally hard for me to breathe when Lena and I shared a joint on the roof at her 34th birthday party.”
Melina fixed a glare onto your blonde sister, then continued with her questions, most of them scientific in nature, and you’d answered them all while your family just nodded along as if they understood you two.
“You going to be okay right? That was scary, but there’s medicine to fix you right?”
“No papa, I found out too late..”
Yelena cuts in,“How long?,” her reminiscent mask back up, but just as before you see right through to the hurt, and it’s like she’s that broken seven year old little girl in desperate need of love again, and you absolutely hate that you’ve put her in this predicament.
“Five months, give or take…”
After your daunting confession the room fell silent, everyone taking a moment to process exactly what you’d said. Yelena stood from her place on the couch and you were certain she was going to leave, but when she settles into your lap instead you sigh in relief.
“I’m so sorry Lena…”
“I’m sorry too…” She sobs against your chest, and you just hold her as tightly as you can, mumbling your ‘I love you’s’ over and over in the hopes that it’ll fix her broken heart, but knowing the phrase was nothing more than a place holder for what she really needed—time.
Natasha walked you out to the car, hand steadying you as you walked, and upon reaching the car she pulled you in for a bear hug, and you did your best to return it.
“Do you need me there for when you tell Wanda and the kids?”
“Thank you Natty, but no, I think it’s only fair I give them the same treatment…”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right… Call me if you need anything Y/N/N, even if it’s two am.”
You gasp, “Natasha Romanoff, did you just willingly allow me to call you at two am?”
“I never said I’d answer.” She teases right back, and when she relinquishes her hold on you she notices your glossy eyes and she leans forward to settle her forehead against yours.
“I love you Y/N…”
“I love you too Tasha.” You lightly sob, then move away to enter your car, handing over a box full of important documents to your unsuspecting sister, then quickly shoving the keys into the ignition.
“Drive safe…”
While driving back towards your house you were going over what it is you’d say to your dearly beloved, and your two greatest accomplishments, and no matter what you came up with it consistently fell flat.
How does one look their happy go lucky twelve year olds in the eye and tell them their mama isn’t going to be around for much longer?
Better yet, how do you tell the love of your life that she’s about to lose her life partner, and be left behind to finish raising your kids?
As you went to turn right onto your street a truck came barreling down the road, uncaring of the residential speed limits, and even more so of the stop sign they just ran right through. You’d tried to stop yourself from going further, but they still managed to clip the front of your car, sending you spinning until the drivers side of your car smashed into a telephone pole, and your thoughts were put on hold as darkness filled your already fleeting mind.
Wanda ran into the hospital like a chicken with its head cut off, your name shouted at the front desk lady who just stared at her for a moment. Wanda had already called your family, and your sisters were on the way, while your parents remained back promising instead to pick up the twins from school.
After a long bit of back and forth Wanda is ushered off to room 304 in the ICU, being told that in your state your body was too weak for any extraordinary measures, and she was gone before they could tell her to prepare to say her goodbyes.
Upon entering the room she feels as the wind is knocked out of her, faint beeping all that fills the space, and your once strong body lies there so unbelievably broken before her. The sobs wrack her body within an instant as she steps even closer, your eye’s straining to open, but eventually managing to do so as you will them to for the sake of your wife.
“Wanda…” Your frail hand reaches up to brush her tears away, eyes roaming the expanse of her distraught face, then your chapped lips smack together as you work to ask her for one final thing, “One last dance my love?”
Wanda was sat in the quad as she waited for the school day to start, pencil to the paper as she pretended to be interested in sketching, but really she was just waiting for you to get the nerve to finally approach her over staring. You’d been dancing around one another since a month into meeting one another sophomore year, and it was painful for your sisters to observe from afar, which is why Yelena was in the process of coaching you, and Natasha was sat in the car rubbing away a migraine.
“Don’t ask, tell her she’s going to prom with you, girls like it when you take control.”
“No, Y/N, for god’s sake don’t do that! Yelena get in the car… Y/N/N, just be yourself, and ask her—she’s literally not going to say no.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me—the one who’s actually in a relationship, not doofus over here who’s still pining herself over the Bishop girl.”
“I’m playing hard to get..” Yelena grumbles, but pipes down at the glare Natasha sends.
Natasha winks at you as she tosses over your lunchbox, “Go get ‘em tiger,” is the last thing you hear before she tears off in her corvette. You take a steadying breath, your fingers reflexively tightening around your backpack straps before you make quick work of approaching the Sokovian of your dreams.
Wanda smiles behind her book, then drops into a rather neutral expression when you sit beside her, eyes trailing up at a leisurely pace as to not give way to her giddy anticipation.
“Hey Y/N/N…”
“Wands…” You cooly greet back, shyly smiling at her as your feet sway into the brick your sat atop of.
“So, I was actually wondering if you’d like to go to prom with me, as my date, but if you don’t want to that’s chill, we could even go as just friends, unless you already were going with someone but I think I’d know that…”
Your heart skips a bit at her quick dismissal, “Oh, that’s fine too, I’m going to head to class.” Quickly jumping up you attempt to move away but Wanda’s hand spins you back around to face her, slowly she rises until your nose to nose.
“That’s not how you ask a girl to prom Y/N/N, try again…”
“Should I have just commanded you to go?” You whisper into the thin space between you.
She snorts, “absolutely not, come on, I know you can figure it out,” then she walks away leaving you to ponder what’s to be done.
After a tireless weekend spent using Yahoo and Google interchangeably for your research you fell back onto your bed in a huff having come up with nothing to asking a girl to prom. Your sisters were equally as stumped when you told them, but seeing as how neither had gone to their own prom it was a hopeless case to ask them for help anyways.
Then you had a sudden epiphany, grabbing your gel pens, and an unused board for one of your school projects you quickly got to work. Sending off a cryptic text to Wanda on your flip phone once you finished, just hoping that you weren’t making a fool of yourself. You then convinced Alexei to let you borrow the truck, and he only relinquished the keys after you painfully listened to his ill informed attempt at the ‘birds and the bees.’
Wanda had been sat by her phone all weekend waiting for you to try again, part of her now regretting ever saying no in fear that you’d just asked someone else out because it would be easier. She was sat on her aunt’s couch sketching a photo of you from memory when her phone buzzed, and the pencil dropped from her hand, then the sketchbook from her lap when she jumped up in a fit of squeals.
Wanda had changed into her signature outfit, a pastel pink colored skater skirt, with a dingy punk band t-shirt that was half tucked in, with the other half loosely hanging out. Her nails were painted jet black, fingers were covered in various rings, and her face was done up nice. A corresponding pink adorning her lips, cheeks, and eyelids, while the remainder of her eye makeup was black. Then after spritzing herself with the perfume she knew drove you wild she took off on her scooter.
You had decorated your fathers truck bed, settling a blanket down to make it less bleak, you then layered it with all of Wanda’s favorite snacks, in the center was a boombox playing off a mixed cd you’d burnt for her of ‘06, and this years greatest pop-punk hits.
Pacing the field of Westview’s finest park you can’t help but to hear your internal monologue screaming at you to drive away, but the not so distant crunching of dead grass beneath familiar combat boots tells you it’s too late. Your sweaty hands grab the board, and without much consideration for rehearsal you awkwardly lift the sign above your head, and wait for Wanda to hopefully appreciate the effort.
“We're going down, down in an earlier round
And sugar, we're going out dancing.
I'll be your number one with a corset.
A loaded god complex, fuck it and say yes..”
Wanda’s truly stunned at the spectacle before her, she’d hoped for you to just bring her flowers or candy, and to ask less nervously. Instead she got you pulling all the stops for her, and using her interests as a means for creativity, and it makes her want to burst into tears, while also pulling you in for a kiss.
Her silence terrified you, because if this wasn’t it, then you’d had no idea what else to do, so you took a deep breath in before trying again, “Wanda Maximoff, would you be interested in accompanying me to prom as my date?”
Wanda smiles at you, the cheeky one that usually is followed up by a ridiculous quip,“Well Y/N/N, I’m thinking I’ll have to go with yes, because going without you I know I’d be Miserable at Best…”
You giggle at her playing into your little musical play on words game, then you set the board down in the truck before you’re taking a confident step towards her, and continuing, “Yeah? We both know you’re not much into the business of misery…”
Wanda launches into your waiting arms, heart absolutely soaring at your adorable nature, and you just hold her close while your beaming smile never fades.
The night of the dance was magical, Wanda had stunned you when she showed up to your house in a modest red dress that fell to her knees, but still managed to accentuate her perfect physique in a deliciously tasteful way. You’d dressed up to match her in one of Natasha’s many suits, then Melina bombarded you both for a never ending flash of photos.
Once you’d entered the stuffy arena full of underage idiots you’d paved a way for your date and you to reach the punch table. Wanda watched in amusement as you spit the liquid back into the cup, because no matter how many times you’d accidentally sipped on your Russian father’s vodka you’d never get used to the bitter taste or the unwelcome burn.
“Jeezus, that was disgusting.” You whine, and Wanda notices how you’ve picked up on and adopted your blonde sisters accent for the most random of phrases.
“Yeah, totally.” She teases you, slamming the glass back in one fluid motion before dragging you off to a corner for the preferred privacy.
The music in the place is decent, definitely a nice blend between the mainstream and the classics, but you could tell Wanda was a bit underwhelmed, so you happily resorted to Plan B, pulling your iPod nano from your pocket, and watching as her eyes light up once you settle a earbud into her ear, and settle the device in your suit pocket after selecting the playlist of your choice: “Wanda <3”
The night is a blur of jumping around, and being absolutely bat shit crazy up until the moment your device dies, but the fun doesn’t end as Wanda drags you outside, and shares with you a special sort of greenery meant to ‘enlighten’ your mind, and within minutes you’ve dissolved into a giggling mess.
“Near, far, wherever you are…”
“Oh my gosh! Wanda, if you love me you’ll slow dance with me to this song, it’s one of my favorites!”
Wanda pays no mind to the words you said, true as they may be she’d never admit it while under the influence—it’s be too cheap, but she does extend her hand out for you to take, giggling wildly as you pull her back inside to dance amongst the sweaty student body. Fortunately, most of them found no interest in a song they couldn’t grind against each other to, so it was just the two of you and a handful of couple out there.
“Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go 'til we're gone
Love was when I loved you
One true time I'd hold to
In my life, we'll always go on”
Your stare is intense as the lyrics loudly play, definitely fueled by the drugs, but more so by your unwavering affinity for the beautiful girl stood before you, the same one who’s grateful for the darkened room and her concealer for hiding her blushing face.
“You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart and
My heart will go on and on”
When Wanda can no longer take the tension she lunges forward, lips passionately colliding with your own inexperienced pair, but in the weed fueled haze neither of you seem to care. Her lips are soft and taste faintly of vodka and strawberries, and you feel this pull to never let her go, hands falling to her hips to ensure it as the case, if not forever then for at least another minute.
Wanda is the one who breaks the kiss, realizing you’d forgotten that breathing is necessary, and she giggles wildly once you seem to have regained your cognition, but somehow managed to only mutter out a simple, “Wow…” before burying your face into the crook of her neck embarrassingly.
“I think I’ll keep you krasivaya… maybe we’ll make the greatest escape, leave this small town, and thank it for all the memories.”
Wanda smiles widely as you laugh uncontrollably against her, residing in that moment to never stop making you laugh for as long as you both shall live.
Wanda presses a kiss to your palm, then another to your fingertips as your hand falls from her face. Nodding almost violently she shakily begins to remove the hospital’s life sustaining IV’s and cords from your broken down body, absolutely hellbent on giving you what you want, and really, what she needs in your fleeting moments…
She cradled your slackening form to her chest, swaying you around in the dimly lit hospital room to the tune of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ as her tears fell without reserve, eyes tracing over every feature of yours in fear that she might one day forget the beauty that is your face, knowing though that it’s not likely to happen.
Wanda recounted her fondest memories of your life well spent together aloud for you to hear in your final moments, while staring down at your peaceful face, and wishing for time to undo its greatest mistake in taking you away. Time had always been so cruel to her, and she’d mistakenly thought she finally had succeeded in beating it at this twisted game. Apparently it was all a well planned out blanket of security bestowed upon her, fifteen years worth of love could never be enough for her, or for the children you brought into the world.
Wanda moves her face closer to your own when she sees you speaking in a hushed tone, “I love you guys so much, kiss the twins for me…” leaving your lips, and a whimper leaves her own when she realizes this is it, it’s all over…
Wanda whispers, "Until we meet again my love..." against your lips before gently kissing you through your last breath.
Natasha stood outside the hospital room with Yelena’s trembling form held close as she repeatedly whispered, “we still had five months,” as if that would change anything. Tears of her own fall down her cheeks when she sees the exact moment your chest no longer rises, and she realizes she now has to live in a world without your perfect laughter.
“Natasha, my fiercest protector, please take care of them, and while you’re at it yourself…” reads the final sentence of the crumpled up note in her hand, and the moment your wife fell to her knees she vowed to do as you wished.
“You can rest now malen’kiy volk…”
6,914 Words
This is August Angst 😳
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥺
351 notes · View notes
thetargaryenbride · 1 year
𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 - [5]
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Warnings: blood and gore
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!Byers!Reader
Word Count: 4576
𝐀𝐍: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘴𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺. 𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌~ 💚🐸
𝑨𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝑰’𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑶𝑶𝑪 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚. Thank you for reading. Hope you like it! 💚🌿
Masterlist || Chapter 4 || Chapter 6
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“Okay, hold on for a moment,” you ceased your running and your brother stopped immediately, looking up at you expectantly as his chest heaved. “The bags keep sliding off my shoulder. Can you carry one of them?” you asked and he nodded, taking one of the bags off your hands and putting it on.
Now that you have stopped, you finally got the chance to drop the bag on the ground and open it so you could shove the pack of knives inside instead of keeping them in the uncomfortable place they were previously shoved in – your corset.
Murray had been true to his words. You had believed it would be hard to run in this dress but it wasn’t. The slits he had made helped greatly and the fabrics were light. It also helped that the dress fell just a bit below your knees instead of to your ankles because then it would’ve been a hassle to run even with the slits.
Murray was truly a magician of fashion.
You put the ax inside the bag as well and secured it properly so it wouldn’t move. A part of it was sticking out but at least you weren’t clutching it in your hand anymore and if push came to shove and you needed to use it, you could easily grab it and yank it out.
“Max, did you manage to-“ you began as you turned around but there was no redhead in sight, making you furrow your eyebrows in worry and confusion. “Max? Max!” you whirled and searched for her with your eyes but she was nowhere to be found.
“I didn’t even see her run away from us,” said Will dejectedly and you sighed.
“I can only pray… for her safety... Come now, we gotta keep moving. We’re not far enough from the Cornucopia yet,” you bent down a bit and picked your brother in your arms.
“W-what are you doing? I can walk on my own.”
“Oh, no, you’re staying safely tucked in my arms and that’s final. Besides, you can be my eyes and watch my back,” you placed a kiss on his temple and he grumbled in agreement, clutching your neck and leaning his head on your shoulder.
Just then, you heard rustling in the bushes. You didn’t waste a second and immediately began running. You did not remember a time in your life when you had to run this fast.
There was this one moment when you and Jonathan had been in the woods alongside the others, cutting trees. Will was little then, only eight years of age, and he had been curious as to where his siblings went off to every day so he had followed you. The sky had filled with dark clouds later the same day and you could literally smell the forming storm. Then strands of your hair had begun rising. Jonathan had been the one who had pointed it out, face distorting in utter panic. It meant one thing – lightning was about to fall right where you were standing. You had taken Will into your arms and you had run without stopping until you had reached the nearest shed. And then you had watched the lightning bolt hit a tree and set it on fire – right where you had been standing a minute ago.
Now you ran even faster.
Somehow, meeting death in the form of humans coming after you was scarier than meeting death in the form of natural disasters.
“Y/N there’s nobody behind us,” informed you Will, and you slowed down to a jog. “The rustling was probably an animal.”
“Are you sure you see nothing?”
You let out a sigh of relief, chest heaving, as you came to a full stop and put Will down, bending a bit so you could calm your racing heart and aching lungs, placing your hands on your knees.
“Holy shit,” you muttered a while later after you finally regained your breathing and got the chance to properly look around. “This is a swamp.”
“How could you tell?” asked Will curiously.
“For one, the soil is extremely soft and wet and…there’s more moss than grass. And look ahead,” you pointed and he turned around, previously having his attention solely on you, finally seeing what you were focused on.
There was a big body of water in front of you, seemingly stretching on for miles and spreading. Multiple trees grew strong on each side, their roots so overgrown they almost covered the entire ground and entangled in tricky ways that could probably make you trip multiple times.
It was hard to navigate through swamp areas because there was water everywhere and you could easily find yourself stepping into an area where at first the ground looked normal but once you set foot on it, it would sink. There were many muddy places too but what you worried more about were the animals that could be inhabiting this place. Alligators, frogs, and snakes were usually living in these places, and that scared you.
“C’mon…let’s use the moonlight while there are still no clouds in the sky,” you lifted Will in your arms and began walking, this time allowing yourself to move at a slow pace so you could regain your strength properly.
You stepped carefully, observing your surroundings and taking notice of where the water was most shallow.
“What if it’s acidic?” asked Will and you hummed.
“Well, there is one way to find out.”
You dipped your toe once you reached the place, feeling the temperature, and you thanked the heavens that the water was not actually acidic. After all, you had to suspect everything around you. Hopper had told you about his own games and how the meadows and the forests had looked like paradise and that there had been tons of fruits you could eat but everything turned out to be poisonous and deadly. So now you were vigilant even of the water.
You easily crossed it, the water reaching only to your ankles, although you didn’t much appreciate the feeling of moss and mire on your skin.
“We should find you a pair of boots,” pointed out Will.
“I’m used to walking barefoot. I do it often back in the forests at home. I’ll be fine.”
You expertly weaved your way around the roots and the trees, trying to find one that could be hard to climb for other people but easy for you since you spent your whole lives climbing trees and you could climb even the steepest ones with straight barks where there were no branches or anything to grab onto. Having grown amongst such ‘obstacles’ and being used to swamps and vast forests was very much to your advantage.
It seemed luck was on your side…for now.
“Okay, this one is perfect! Go on, baby,” you put him down at the base of one huge tree and he began climbing while you looked around, scouting the area for any Tributes, just in case. Once Will was high enough, you followed after him. The two of you climbed until you reached high branches where nobody could spot you from the ground. It was helpful that the trees were very high, very wide, just large trees in general, with thick branches that could fit two people if they were to sit next to one another.
“I lied,” said Will suddenly and you looked at him confoundedly.
“What do you mean, honey?”
“When I said that I hoped all of us would fight with honor. I ended up lying,” he fiddled with his fingers. “Half the Tributes had begun undermining each other since before the games began. And at the bloodbath…you blew up one before we started playing.”
“Will,” you sighed heavily as you adjusted your position on the branch and sat more comfortably, facing him properly. “Listen…honor is a good quality to have. It’s a must quality to have. I want you to always be honest and honorable. But when the life of a person you love is at stake and you are forced to choose between keeping your honor or letting your beloved person die, would you pick honor? Honor over the life of, let’s say, mom? Jonathan? Me? Mike, Dustin, Lucas?” you asked and he shook his head.
“I would choose you,” he admitted and you smiled sadly.
“Honor is good. It’s noble. But it’s not always going to save your life.”
“So it depends on the situation then?”
“Exactly…and honestly? It doesn’t really make you less honorable if you choose to save the lives of your loved ones instead of playing fair. If anything, it shows that you’re ready to do anything to protect them. It shows your good qualities. And what makes us humans if we don’t protect and help one another when we need it most?”
“You’re right,” smiled the boy and you returned it, bringing him close to you as you settled against the bark of the tree, leaning as comfortably as you could.
“Don’t think way too much about this now. If your mind is preoccupied and tired, it will reflect on your body and on your ability to think. And we need to be sharp and strong,” you advised. “Let’s rest for now. Tomorrow will be a long day.”
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“Good morning, sleepyhead,” sounded a smooth voice from behind and you turned around, coming face to face with no other than Henry Creel himself.
His startling blue eyes sent shivers down your spine and you didn’t know why but his pleasant, chill behavior didn’t ease you at all. If anything, it made you feel creeped out as this unsettling sensation washed over you.
“Sleepyhead? Why would you call someone that way?” you asked confused and he smiled.
“You’re always later than the others.”
“I’m just not, particularly a morning person.”
“Because you are a night owl,” he said knowingly and you gulped, fidgeting in your spot before outstretching your arm.  
“Y/N Byers,” you introduced yourself and he looked at your hand, then at you, before accepting it for a handshake.
“Henry Creel. Although I suppose you already knew who I was as I know who you are.”
“True. But I believe introductions are simply…basic manners,” you told him with a tight smile and he chuckled. “Well…if you don’t mind…I should be off training now. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Creel. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of ways you have invented for the killing of children this year,” you chirped and his smile curled into a smirk, eyes glistening teasingly.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he spoke lowly as he took a step closer, casually putting his hands behind his back, the distance between you suddenly diminishing to none/nul. “And you would wish you have indulged some more in my company,” he muttered and you could feel his breath on your face, making you gulp as you tried not to look into his eyes but found the resistance too easy to break from. “I can be a useful ally. Better than any pompous Sponsor who plays by the silly, little rules,” he drawled and you traced each and every shade of his irises, tilting your head ever so slightly.
“Isn’t that a dangerous thing to say?” you whispered and his smirk grew.
“I love living life on the edge.”
“So, do you offer your… help, to every Tribute?” you asked.
“Only to those who hold potential…and fire in their blood.”
“So you’re saying you can help me and my brother?”
₊˚ʚ 🌿 ₊˚✧ ゚.
You came to with a sharp gasp, eyes darting around widely as you tried to gain control of your erratic breathing. Once you registered your surroundings you calmed down and pressed your palm against your forehead, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
“Are you alright?” asked Will worriedly and you nodded, pulling away.
“I’m fine, sweetie. I’m okay. ‘s just a nightmare,” you breathed out and he hugged you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You had been awake for almost the entire night, too afraid to allow yourself to fall asleep. You worried that anything could come through the branches and that you weren’t safe even in the embrace of the thick tree crowns. Apparently, you had dozed off at some point early in the morning but you were glad you woke up quickly. You didn’t exactly wish to be trapped in this particular dream.
Because it wasn’t a dream
It was a memory.
And you didn’t want to think of its continuation.
“Listen, I’m going to climb to the top of the tree and scout the perimeter,” you informed him. “You stay here, okay?”
You took the bag off your back and handed it to Will before calculating your route up and grabbing the nearest branch to haul yourself up. You let out a grunt as you pulled yourself over and over again until you finally reached the top and felt the warm sunrays caress your face. You let out a breath as you saw the grounds below. The tree was so high that it felt as if you were seeing everything from a bird’s point of view. You could see the whole swamp from here and it was indeed a huge area that was mostly overtaken by water and trees.
“That would be a nightmare to navigate through,” you whispered.
You could only hope that there would be more solid soil under your feet because if you had to walk through water all the time, you were sure you’d get sick.
“We’re still pretty much at the center of the Arena. The Cornucopia isn’t too far from here and I was able to see that it has been turned into a camp,” you informed Will once you dropped down onto your branch. “Most probably by One, Two, and Four. But they were nowhere in sight. I suppose they are hunting other Tributes throughout the swamp.”
“What do we do then?”
“I suggest we move further into the Arena and hide in the trees. Let them kill one another. Whoever is left after the carnage…I’ll cut down,” you told him and he gulped, nodding.
“Let’s check the bags. We didn’t get to see what we’ve gotten last night,” he offered.
“Yeah, we should do that,” you agreed as you took your bag while Will opened his and the two of you began rummaging through them, taking out the items and inspecting them.
Inside you found a rope, matches, bandages, two empty metal flasks for water, a blanket, a net, and three sandwiches, besides the pack of knives and the ax you had gotten.
“Okay, that’s good. These are all useful,” you grinned and Will lifted his hand to give you a high five. “Here, eat this,” you unwrapped one of the sandwiches and handed it to him, scrunching up the paper and shoving it in the bag.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked and you shook your head.
“No, honey, I’m not hungry yet. Maybe I’ll grab a bite later. I promise.”
After that, you waited for him to finish eating and once he was done, you climbed down the tree and kept on moving further away from the center. You don’t know how long you walked but eventually, you reached that part of the swamp where water level was higher and solid ground was no longer under your feet.  
“Okay, listen, there’s no way around the water. We’ll have to cross it to get to the other side of the forest. We’ll have to get a bit wet.”
“That’s fine. I’ll survive,” he shrugged and you chuckled.
You decided to first fill your bottles with water and you crouched down to scoop some of the liquid in your palms, bringing it to your lips to take a sip.
“Thank God, it’s a freshwater swamp,” you sighed in relief and you filled the canteens before shoving them back in the bags. “Alright, now, you take the bag with the ax and I’ll take yours,” you instructed as you switched bags so he could be able to get onto your back. “Come here,” you crouched down and motioned for him to climb on and he didn’t hesitate to follow the order, wrapping his legs and arms around your torso. “Now hold on tightly because I won’t be able to support you. I gotta use my arms to navigate.”
And then you entered the water. It was warmer than last night which was good. The weather itself was warm which put you at ease.
You kept on going, using your arms to scoop the water away and help yourself move faster. It was slowly beginning to rise and was reaching your hips as you went in further.
“Why is there so much water?” groaned your brother as he looked at his reflection and you chuckled.
“Well, swamps are transition areas. They are neither totally land nor totally water. They usually form around lakes and streams, and rain and seasonal flooding cause water levels to fluctuate,” you explained. “Don’t worry. There might be lots of water but they are usually shallow.”
“Okay, but what are those?” he scrunched up his face in disgust as he unhooked one arm and reached to grasp some of the green plants covering the majority of the surface.
“Oh, it’s just duckweed.”
“It feels nasty,” he shook the offensive greenery off his hand and you snorted.
“Tell me about it…Hey, I thought you were supposed to pay more attention in geography and biology class,” you lifted a brow playfully and he sighed.
“You know I prefer science class.”
Education wasn’t that good in the majority of the Districts but you were at least required to learn some basic and important things. Will has always been fascinated by science. He always had questions and always wanted detailed answers about anything and everything. It hurt you and your mother that you could not provide him with what he craved, simply because the Capitol was controlling many of the things you were supposed to learn and know about the world.  
As you kept on moving, you were beginning to feel more and more confused because the water level kept on rising. It was now almost reaching your chest and you feared that soon you wouldn’t be able to feel the bottom. You weren’t the best swimmer so it would take you quite some time to exit the water if you had to swim.  
You cursed yourself when your thoughts came to reality. It felt as if you jinxed yourself when you couldn’t properly walk on the ground anymore and the water licked at the base of your neck and kept rising.
“Alright, maybe this swamp is different than the others and I underestimated the skills of the Game-makers,” you grunted as you struggled to paddle. “Good news is, we’re halfway there.”
₊˚ʚ 🌿 ₊˚✧ ゚.
“All right, Dr. Ellis, let’s show her that she should have kept those boots on,” commanded Henry and the woman in question nodded, her finger making contact with one of the multiple holograms laid out in front of her.
“Activating the live plants, sir.”
“Connie, release version P-5 of the mutts in five, four, three…”
₊˚ʚ 🌿 ₊˚✧ ゚.
You froze, chills racking your spine as you felt something brush against your calf. You cursed under your breath as you began paddling faster and Will looked on with confusion as fear began overtaking him at your sudden reaction.
You let out a sharp gasp when you felt something wrap around your ankle and pull at you, causing you to lose some of the strength and balance that was keeping you above water and it didn’t help you had reached a spot where the water was deep enough to fit your height twice over.
“Will, take a knife out,” you barely spoke out before the vine pulled you harshly, submerging you underwater.
The boy was forced to let go of you and he looked around frantically as he clumsily tried to take the bag off his back. You returned to the surface, taking a gulp of air as you grasped onto your brother’s shoulders and tried to help him open the bag so you could take a knife out.
Suddenly, a rope was thrown your way and your heads snapped to look in the direction it came from, eyes widening when you saw no other than Max on the shore you had been trying to reach. She had tied the rope around one of the trees and was waiting expectantly for you to grab a hold of it.
“Go on!” you barked out at your brother as you struggled against the hold of the vine and he anxiously looked between you and the rope. “Go!” you yelled and he grabbed it, kicking with his legs and pulling his body with his arms. Max also helped by pulling the rope towards the shore and in the meantime, you took a deep breath and dived into the water, hand clasping around the vine while the other tried to cut it off with the knife.  
As you were cutting it, you felt something else brush your leg.
‘Not another’ you thought in exasperation as you had just gotten rid of the one holding you, when you felt something sharp pierce your skin, making you yelp in pain and gulp some water in the process. You quickly came back to the surface, coughing. You searched wildly for your brother, watching on with relief when you saw him reach the shore and get out with Max’s help.
Then you felt your skin being pierced again and realized there was an animal down there, biting you. You kicked your legs, trying to shove it away but it kept on coming and then you felt it bite your leg in two places at once. Realization hit you like a ton of bricks when you felt numerous small bodies bump against you and begin biting at you, making you scream and trash around.  
The water was littered with piranhas.
“Y/N!” hollered Will, panic wrecking him, and you snapped to look at him, worry swimming in your eyes.
“Don’t come in the water!” you yelled as you kept kicking your attackers and trying to simultaneously swim to the shore, eyes widening when you saw him take a step forward. “Stay there!” you bellowed, pain and desperation lacing your tone as you felt your ankles and calves being shredded by the sharp teeth of the fish, blood staining the water around you.
The pain had become so unimaginable and unbearable that your body just spasmed and got into shock, rendering you unable to keep swimming and you could only frantically try to get rid of the little monsters, kicking and screaming, and trying to pry them off with your hands.
₊˚ʚ 🌿 ₊˚✧ ゚.
“Okay, that’s enough,” ordered Henry leisurely, and Connie, Dr. Ellis, and the other scientists and workers, looked at him weirdly.
“But sir, we can’t just withdrawal them.”
“We have prepared the canon.”
“I said…enough,” he spoke lowly, leisure and chill gone and replaced by malice, and locked eyes with anyone who dared to talk back to him, and they shared a look before sliding their fingers on top of the holographic tablets and commanding the mutts to retreat.
₊˚ʚ 🌿 ₊˚✧ ゚.
Suddenly, you felt the piranhas stop their vicious attack and swim away, releasing you from the clutches of their deadly teeth. You heaved as you tried to stay afloat but the blood loss and the anguish your body was going through were too overwhelming, causing you to lose any strength you had left and sink underwater. Through bleary vision, you could see the mutts disappear and the vines slither back into the muddy bottom of the lake.
Just when you thought you were going to pass out and find your death here, you felt two arms wrap around yours and pull you up. A few seconds later you were desperately gasping for air as you breached the surface and saw it was Max who had come to your rescue. You wondered how was she able to swim to you so fast and pull you with such ease but then you remembered she was from District Four.
Will watched on with shock, tears sliding down his cheeks, as she dragged you onto the shore and knelt by your side, inspecting the damage.
“My legs,” you sobbed and let out pained grunts as you lifted yourself slightly to look at them before plopping back down on the ground. “My legs.”
“It’s okay! I got you! Y-you’ll be fine,” tried to reassure you the girl as she tried to grapple with her own panicked state, eyes wide with fear and worry at the sight of your wounded and bleeding flesh, hands hovering over your limbs as she didn’t know what to do.
Will sniffed and hiccupped, wiping his eyes roughly, as he opened the bag and took out the bottle of water, pouring it onto your torn skin and washing off any blood and grime.
“Keep cleaning it, okay?” said Max as her shaky hands pulled out a bottle of alcohol from her bag and she waited for Will to properly clean your injuries, cringing at the sight of your mauled flesh.
The piranhas had bitten you so much and so badly that their bites weren’t even recognizable as bites because the majority of the flesh of your ankles, the top of your feet, and parts of your calves, were just torn.
You cried out in agony, body jerking and spasming, when Max began disinfecting some of the wounds that were more on a surface level. Those that were deeper, where the skin was almost completely gone and the meat underneath was visible, she didn’t clean with alcohol for it was going to do more harm than good. After that, she and Will did a quick job at wrapping your feet, ankles, and calves with the bandages.
“Careful. We shouldn’t wrap her with too many layers and it shouldn’t be too tight because they’ll get stuck in her flesh and it will be painful when we have to remove and change them later,” instructed the redhead as she guided the boy. “Besides, the tissue needs to breathe in order to heal.”
“How do you know all that?”
“I just get injured a lot,” she shrugged, eyes not leaving your form. “You know, back home. I’ve fallen from trees and stuff.”
“You’ve fallen from trees?” he asked incredulously and she snorted, rolling her eyes.
“Not everyone is lucky to have grown up in the forest like you all from Seven.”
“The forest,” you breathed out and the children looked at you. “The trees,” you reminded Will, and his eyes widened in realization.
“That’s right, we wanted to get further into the Arena and hide in the trees,” he told Max. “They won’t find us there.”
“I’m not good at climbing trees,” muttered the girl.
“We’re not good at swimming,” told her Will and she lifted a brow.
“What are you trying to imply?”
“I’m just saying, we’re not good at what you’re good at. And you’re not good at what we’re good at. We complete one another,” he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and she looked at her lap, visibly thinking over his suggestion.
“Max,” you muttered and she locked eyes with yours.
“Come with us.”
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Idia, Riddle: An Adventure Awaits!
Sorry I’m late, Idia 💦 The holiday obligations are beating my ass right now… *coughs* also your birthday banner may or may not be overshadowed by episode 7 part 1 drop
This birthday piece has a slightly somber tone (well, it is Idia we’re talking about here), but it has a happy ending 😅 I drew some inspiration from the various meanings and interpretations of the flowers in his birthday bouquet, but I didn't want to make this too sad since it's meant to be celebratory!
A nice detail in Idia’s Groovy is all the snow! Between this and the leaves in some of the autumn boys’ Groovies, seems like the Groovy illustrations do pay attention to the season.
***Spoilers for episodes 1 and 6 of the main story!***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What’s one thing you hope to do this upcoming year?”
Idia hesitated. He stared at his interviewer with wide, buggy eyes, the sickly pallor of his skin somehow even more pasty than usual. As helpless as a loading bar stuck on 99%.
“… You must properly answer this, Idia-senpai,” Riddle prompted, frowning. “I will not tolerate a wishy washy reply! Stand up straight, maintain eye contact, speak with a proper indoor voice, and let me hear it!!”
“………………………. Go out. I-I’d like to go out.”
“Excuse me?! Did I hear you correctly just now? You want to… go out? Not stay cooped up in your room avoiding sunshine like it's the plague for the next year?”
“When you give a reaction like that, it makes me reconsider…”
“What was that?!”
Idia startled, throwing both arms up to shield himself from his interviewer’s rage. “E-Eeep…!! N-Nothing, it’s nothing at all, Riddle-shi!!”
“… Very well.” The redhead’s face relaxed. “Why don’t you elaborate on the answer you’ve provided then? What is it that you most look forward to doing when you go out?”
“Hihihi…" Idia's mouth stretched into an eerie grin. "Isn’t it obvious? Of course, the only reason to part with the sweet sanctuary that is my room is… irl events with no 100% online or streaming alternatives!!”
“… In other words, if you have literally no other option…” Riddle sighed, a hand to his forehead. (Had he really been expecting anything less of the introvert supreme?)
“That’s right.” The birthday boy’s timid tone turned decidedly confident. His blue-lipped smile was smug and as sharp as his teeth.
“Recently… I’ve been playing this augmented reality game, *Dokémon Go. But you can’t catch many monsters if you stay in one place, because they spawn as you visit new locations. That kind of suboptimal play won’t make me strong enough to dominate all the raids and gym battles on Sage’s Island!!
“The burger place in town is having a limited time promotion, so I plan to start there to replenish my health bar for the long trip ahead, then head to the park—a prime location for…”
“Again with the obsessive gaming talk,” Riddle shook his head, remaining patient. “I didn’t expect you to be quite so adventurous, even if it is a hobby of yours serving as your motivation.”
“W-Well… I-It’s not that, really.” Idia shyly glanced away, clamping a hand down on the crook of his arm. “It’s… Ortho.”
“Your little brother?”
“Yeah. I had zero interest in playing that sort of game, but he was the one that suggested it to me. He wanted to play it together, even looked up places to go… so I couldn’t really say no.”
Riddle chuckled softly. “It seems that you have a particular weakness for requests made of you by Ortho.”
“H-Hey, I didn’t come here to be bullied by my junior, so cut it out!!” As frantic as Idia’s pleas were, the tips of his flaming hair were turning a bashful hue of pink.
“You needn’t be shy about it. I can’t say that I understand the experience of having a sibling—as I am an only child myself. However, I can say with certainty that your bond with Ortho is a special one. He is your hope in the darkness that is the Underworld, no?”
“E-Eeeep!! Wh-What’s with you suddenly giving super inspirational speeches like a high and mighty shounen protagonist standing triumphantly over his defeated rival?!”
“I am only speaking my mind.” Riddle straightened, gesturing toward himself. "It was not long ago that I was in a dark place. Since my boyhood, I was expected to excel--but though I was always surrounded by stacks of study materials, it could never truly replace the good company that I was lacking in my life.
"The more I buried myself in my books and my rules, the more estranged I became from those around me... almost as though I had fallen down a rabbit hole and into a topsy turvy world, leaving the others behind in the old world. It is for that reason that I am happy to see that you have found that 'light' for yourself in Ortho."
"A-All those lofty expectations put on you from such an early age..." Idia's voice was lost with his train of thought. "It sounds..."
Just like me.
The memories were so clear. Harsh and bleak, like glaring lights set upon a test subject raised only in darkness, like shards of glass piercing his flesh.
Cold, sterile laboratories. Endless textbooks and tests. Isolation.
Faceless guardians, too distant to be called parents, an unfeeling absence. Men and women in lab coats and nitrile gloves. Rows and rows of cells, inhuman screams and screeches radiating from within.
A bedroom littered with games and shows that told of a wonderful world beyond his bunker. The two young boys playing in it. Talk of stars and superheroes.
The promise left unfulfilled.
"Let's go on an adventure together, Nii-chan!"
"Okay. Leave it to me."
And then...
Idia squeezed his eyes shut, fighting off the thought--and the tears that came with it.
He willed sarcasm to return to him as he spewed out his next words. "... It sounds like you had a traumatic childhood. Haaaah... it suits your character archetype to a T. Must've been pretty rough."
"Hmph." Riddle crossed his arms and frowned. "In any case, the past is in the past. We must focus on the present if we are to have any hope of shaping our futures. You agree, don't you, Idia-senpai?"
"H-Huh? What, me?!" The birthday boy startled. "S-Sure, I agree..."
"That was surprisingly fast."
Idia felt as if all of the elements were clashing with each other within him. Roaring wind, searing fire, numbing ice, and rumbling earth. His legs shook, and he clutched harder onto his broom to keep himself upright, to not collapse in an embarrassing heap before Riddle.
A promise.
A promise of adventure.
He took a deep breath. "A long time ago, I told Ortho that we'd go out and see the world together. That's why... I have to try, even if it kills me...!! I have to keep on living, just like Ortho wanted me to."
"Fufu, well said." For what seemed to be the first time that day, Riddle's mouth bloomed into a rosebud of a smile. "Now then... You shouldn't keep Ortho and the others waiting. They're waiting for you, adventurer."
"Hihihi... Who knew that you could actually be light-hearted?"
Idia laid oddly upon his broom, pressing a pale cheek against the wood of the handle. "O-Okay...! I can do this. Be like the wind, summon all your strength...!!"
Be ready to face tomorrow.
Riddle would have lodged a complaint about his flying form, had the broom not already begun to levitate off of the ground. He zipped his lip and stepped back, granting space.
"... Ne, Riddle-shi."
"Yes? What is it?"
"It's--" Idia hesitated, keeping his eyes trained not on his underclassman, but on the frosted road ahead of him. "It's... not actually a bad idea to enjoy this while I still can. The time I have with Ortho at this school is limited. I can't waste it."
Snowflakes kicked up, nestling in Riddle's tresses. Rose red turned into snow white--and when he looked again, Idia was already hurtling towards a sea of dead trees, their twisted limbs extending toward the blue-grey sky.
A cheeky grin spread across his face.
Today, the clutches of Death did not reach for him.
No--he had escaped it.
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
Could you please write a jealous Pepa when fem reader (who secretly also has a crush on the middle Madrigal) is said to like another person from the town? How her siblings would tease her about her moody self
Pepa x fem reader
genre: fluff!!
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Pepa was coming back from a long day of watering the fields. She was on her way home, and in a terribly bad mood. This was because she heard rumors that you were seeing some guy. He was your work partner and you guys helped each other build things. People had seen you spending a lot of time with him lately and they claimed they even saw you holding hands. She was angry obviously because she had a crush on you, and unbeknownst to her, you had a crush on her too and you guys were close. Plus, you had never mentioned anything like this before, and she figured you would’ve told her about it by now.
She just needed a break from all of this nonsense. A cloud was floating above her head as she reached her doorstep. Opening the door of her home, she walked inside and closed it, sighing in defeat.
“God what an awful day. Why me?” the woman said, rubbing her eyes in exhaustion. Walking inside of the kitchen, the redhead sat on a stool in front of the counter and groaned loudly, putting her head down.
Julieta saw her little sister walking in, noticing her snappy behavior. Something was up. Turning around, she faced her sister and tried asking her what happened.
“Hola Pepa, what’s got you like this? Talk to me” the brunette said as she rolled some dough.
There was silence for about 5 seconds before Pepa sighed. Julieta wasn’t going to leave her alone until she found out what happened.
“It’s nothing, it’s just that… I heard rumors that Y/N was seeing someone that’s all” the cloud above her head grew darker.
“And this bothers you because…. you like her. Right?” her sister responded.
Pepa jerked her head up and a blush formed on her cheeks “W-well I didn’t say that it’s that I-” she twiddled her thumbs “ugh Juli! Why do you always have to be right about everything?!”
The oldest triplet chuckled “You’re just easy to tease Pepa, and it’s obvious you like Y/N.”
Wanting to tease her sister a bit more, Julieta continued
“You better do something about it before she gets taken from you.”
Pepa frowned. “You really are terrible Juli! I don’t know why people call you an angel! You’re so… evil!”
Julieta fake gasped as she put a hand on her chest to pretend she was offended.
“Oh no! I, señorita perfecta could never be evil! I am just too kind!” the woman put the back of her hand on her forehead as she leaned back, pretending to be in a TV drama.
Julieta leaned forward, getting close to Pepa’s ear and whispering
“You wanna kiss her, don’t you?”
As Julieta said this, Pepa turned beet red and she tried to hide her blush by covering her face. She got up from where she was sitting, turning her back to Julieta as she hunched over in embarrassment. The oldest triplet couldn’t help but laugh when her little sister mumbled to herself like this. She was a nervous wreck and it was adorable.
“I do not…” the girl said under her breath.
“So you wouldn’t care if I… let’s say, kissed your precious Y/N?” the healer asked, raising her eyebrows.
Pepa turned around, her cloud now starting to drizzle.
“Hey, you don’t get to do that!” the redhead yelled, slamming her fist on the counter.
“Why not? Is it because you do in fact want to kiss her? And you want her all to yourself?”
The brunette smiled, knowing what her sister was thinking.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you? Jealous of whoever is spending too much time with your dear Y/N?” the oldest triplet teased. Her laugh echoed throughout the halls of the home, attracting the attention of their younger brother, Bruno.
Walking into the kitchen with a rat on his shoulder, he asked “Hey? What’s going on in here? I heard laughing.”
“Oh it’s nothing…” Julieta responded slyly “Pepa just has a little crush.”
“Ohhh so that’s what this is about” Bruno fed a piece of cheese to his rat, hoping that his youngest sister wouldn’t ask for a vision of her future with you.
The poor girl just stood there with her fist on the table, hunched over and all flustered over you. Until she came up with a great idea.
“Oh oh oh! I have a great idea!” she said putting her arms out to Bruno.
“You can give me a vision of us!”
“You can ask the girl out…”
These two said this at the same time, Pepa asking for the vision and Bruno telling his sister to ask out the girl. The redhead froze, leaving her arms stretched out as she made a ‘yikes’ face.
Bruno looked at Pepa, wide eyed. He fed another piece of cheese to the rat that sat on his shoulder.
“Why can’t you just ask her out? If you see what gonna happen, things could change.”
“Please Brunoooooo” Pepa begged “Pretty pleaseeeee with cherries on top?” Pepa pursed her lips as she clasped her hands together.
Bruno’s eyes widened, the man shook his head and he put his hands out in front of him, shaking them in a ‘please no’ motion. He wanted his sister to forget about the vision and the only way he could do that was by joining forces with Julieta and teasing Pepa.
“So you’re saying you need my vision because you’re too scared to ask her out yourself? Sounds a little cowardly to me” the man said, crossing his arms as he grinned.
This set Pepa off. She was done being teased, done being scared of everything, she was going to do something about her feelings and that was final.
“Fine! I’m going to go ask her out and kiss her right now!” the girl said angrily, pointing at the ground in anguish. Her cloud grew bigger and she furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. Her siblings laughed. Who said anything about kissing you? They were just talking about how she was too scared to ask you out.
“Want to bet on it?” Pepa heard her sister ask. Without thinking, the girl nodded. Slapping a hand on the table, she looked into the eyes of her older sister.
“I bet that if I kiss her right now, you owe me extra arepas every night after dinner for a month!”
“Deal” the brunette said, trying to hold back a smile “And if I win the bet, you have to cook every family meal for the next month. No take-backs, no free passes, no complaints.”
“Deal” the redhead responded, almost immediately. A look of determination was plastered all over her her face as she stomped out and went to look for you.
Watching Pepa walk out, Bruno and Julieta looked at each other. Bruno had a worried face while Julieta had a large smile on hers.
“You really are evil Julieta. You always send her out there with the most bizarre missions in mind” the youngest triplet scolded.
“Ay Bruno, no need to be so uptight. It’s fine, at least now Pepa will stop complaining about nobody loving her” Julieta responded, crossing her arms.
Bruno sighed and rolled his eyes, holding back a smile “Gosh, what am I going to do with you two?”
You were with your work partner, Pablo. You guys were fixing up a fence when you heard a clap of thunder and a patting foot on the ground. After jerking in fear of the sound, you turned around and saw Pepa behind you.
She tapped Pablo’s shoulder, and he turned around in confusion, his expression softening when he saw the woman. However, her expression seemed angry… and determined.
Her orange hair ruffled and danced along the wind in her cloud. She loomed over you and Pablo, a wave of fear washing over you. Her frown was complimented by her furrowing eyebrows and intimidating energy.
Turning around, she began “Hey man, I don’t know who you think you are, but Y/N is mine! I don’t know what funny business you’re trying to get in with her but she wants nothing to do with it!” the man’s eyes widened and his jaw was practically on the floor. You just stood there, mouth gaping wide open as you tried to think of something to dissolve the awkwardness. She let out a small “hmph” and took your hand, pulling you away. You mouthed a quick “sorry” to the shocked man before trying to figure out what the hell Pepa was thinking.
You were so shocked you couldn’t speak. The only sound you made was a yelp when Pepa pulled you by your arm and dragged you away from Pablo. You almost tripped over your own two feet as you studied the woman’s grip on your hand, face heating up at the thought of it doing unimaginable things to you. You watched her braid sway from side to side and the wind blew through it as her perfect yellow dress was ruffled by the wind from her cloud.
Finally stopping under a tree, she faced you, and realized that you were blushing. She suppressed her nerves and began.
“Sorry for bringing you over here, with no explanation. I just have a question. And it’s a weird one” the woman said, biting her lip as she tucked a hair behind her ear.
“Sure” you responded, heart starting to race, hoping that she would ask you the question you had been hoping for her to ask for so long.
“So what if I have to kiss you to win a bet?” she asked, cautiously. Your heart was now beating a million miles a minute and so many thoughts were racing through your mind. Where was this coming from all of a sudden?
“Y-you don’t have to if you don’t want to… I mean- I get it if you think it’s weird I-”
“Sure” you said, cutting her off.
Pepa gasped. “Wait… really?” She felt her cheeks heat up and she stared at your lips in anticipation.
“So you’ll do it then?” she asked.
You answered her question by inching closer to her. Hovering over her face, she shuddered to the feeling of your warm breath on her cheek. She finished what you started by enchanting you with those gorgeous green orbs as she brought your face close to hers, planting a soft kiss on your lips. It was fireworks. You could’ve sworn you heard the crickets cheering you on as their signature sound filled your ears.
You pulled away slightly, enough to see Pepa’s reaction to the kiss. Nothing was on your mind besides the woman, and you were so ready to kiss her again. She exhaled and smiled at you, tilting her head slightly. When you returned her smile, she grabbed you by your shirt collar and kissed you again, deeper this time. You didn’t hesitate to kiss her back, wrapping a hand around her waist as you did so. Pulling away to breathe, you left a trail of kisses down her jaw, leading down to her neck. She giggled in response to your actions and she took your hands in hers.
You held her hands, getting flustered over her gentle touch and asked her “Is that enough to help you win your bet?”
You two touched foreheads, and she let out a hearty laugh. She was so beautiful. The sun shone in her red hair, making it glow, like the sun.
“More than enough, thank you mi amor” she kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly, snuggling into your warmth.
“Hey Pepa?” you asked.
“Hm?” the woman responded as the sun was shining brightly above you two.
“Were you jealous that I was spending so much time with Pablo? I mean he’s my work partner.”
The woman hugged you tighter “I heard a rumor that you guys were being all lovey dovey… and you didn’t tell me anything, so I guess I got jealous.”
Laughing in response, you kissed the top of her head. “Just because something is said, that doesn’t mean it is true, mi dulce. That’s why it’s called a rumor.”
The woman’s heart skipped at the mention of that adorable nickname.
“I know but I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry if I overreacted but I really like you. And I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” Your heart fluttered over this woman being so possessive over you. This meant she liked you too, right? You acknowledged her apology by drawing small circles on her back and kissing her forehead non stop. Pepa rolled her eyes lovingly, taking in every kiss and every second of attention that you gave her.
“I also heard a rumor too” you said flirtatiously.
“And what could that be?” she asked, burying her face into your chest.
“I heard that you claimed me as yours… To Pablo.”
The woman’s face started to heat up again, flashing back to 5 minutes ago when she screamed at the poor man. A rainbow appeared over her head.
“Is it true?” the woman fearfully asked, looking up at you. Her green eyes peering into yours, in seek of any approval for her question.
“I’d say yes” you answered, wiping away an eyelash that fell off and landed on her cheek.
“And are you mine?” you asked her.
The woman nodded, smiling widely. She looked up and those gorgeous eyes met yours, her adorable tooth gap showing because her smile was so big.
“Yes. Yes I am, most definitely.”
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maximoffwitch · 3 years
Heart on Fire: Chapter 2 (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
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chapter summary: As the weeks go by and you adjust to the Avenger life, you try to connect with Wanda.
warnings: hints at ptsd, poorly google translated russian (again sry :/)
word count: 3.5k
a/n: second chapter! here we’ll get to see more of wanda :) enjoy! also the next update may be a little slow (same w the rest of my writing) until after finals but then i should have plenty of time to write during break!
Chapter 2: Kindling Slowly
The next few weeks consisted of training with Wanda and Nat, both in your powers and regular combat, getting acclimated to the team, and adjusting to what normal life was life, or as normal as one could be as an Avenger.
Considering that you and Wanda spent nearly every day together, you developed a, well you wouldn’t call it a friendship rather, an interesting relationship. You noticed the little things about her, like the way she scrunched her nose when she laughed or tilted her head slightly before she delivered the knockout blow. And while you knew from Natasha that she had had a twin brother, you learned the hard way that the subject was still a sore spot for the witch.
“Hey, Wanda,” you approached the other girl after one of your sparring matches.
“What, (Y/N)?” Wanda turned to you, annoyance radiating off of her, as she packed her things, clearly wanting to leave.
You nervously bit your lip, as you contemplated your next words. Although you and Wanda weren’t the closest, despite training all the time together, you were hoping to become friends, especially given how much the two of you had in common. Being experimented on, losing your family, losing a sibling.
“Um, I was wondering if you could tell me about Pietro?” you offered her a soft smile, hoping to convey that you truly meant well, but the next thing you knew, you were thrown across the room by wisps of red magic. Clearly that wasn’t the way to go about this, you thought to yourself, wincing in pain.
“Don’t,” Wanda hissed, standing over you, “talk about him.”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you apologized earnestly, as you got up, ready to propose an alternate topic of conversation. But before you could speak, Wanda turned on her heels and stormed out of the training room.
After that day, the air had been tense between you and Wanda, despite your attempts to crack jokes and lighten the brunette’s mood. For some reason, one you couldn’t quite pinpoint, you wanted Wanda to like you. You wanted to at least be her friend, so you made any attempt to invite her to spend time doing things that didn’t consist of beating each other up.
Devising an idea, you planned everything to a tee, even consulting Natasha for her advice. Once you had it all sorted out, you decided that it was now or never.
That morning, as Wanda went to grab milk for her cereal, she paused.
“What’s this?” Wanda peeled off the red sticky note that was stuck on the fridge and turned to Natasha.
“I dunno,” the assassin shrugged, her spy training coming in handy, as she pretended as if she didn’t know what you had planned. “What does it say?”
“‘Wanda, Meet in the lobby at 6,” she read aloud, eyebrows scrunching with confusion, “‘smiley face.’”
“Who’s it from?” Natasha sipped her coffee to hide a knowing smirk.
“Doesn’t say,” Wanda twisted her lips before crumpling the note in her hand.
“Hey!” Nat protested, offended as if she had been the one to write it. “Aren’t you at least gonna check it out?”
“Uh, no?”
“Why not?” the redhead pushed the younger girl.
“Why would I?” Wanda shot back. “For all I know it could be some HYDRA agent trying to kidnap me.”
Natasha raised her brow incredulously. “You really think a HYDRA soldier would leave you a sticky note on the fridge with a smiley face? Wanda, if they wanted to kidnap you, they wouldn’t ask.”
Wanda felt her cheeks warm, causing Nat to grin amusedly.
“Just go for it,” Natasha urged. “What do you have to lose?”
After a moment of contemplation, Wanda relented. “Fine. But if I get kidnapped, you better come find me.”
“I promise,” Nat chuckled.
A couple hours later, Wanda made her way down to the lobby, slowing when she saw you leaning against the desk with a grin.
“Hey, Maximoff,” you greeted, holding her coat out for her.
“You were the one who wrote that note?” she tried to hide the surprise but you could tell by the way her eyes widened slightly.
“Yeah,” you scratched the back of your neck. “I knew if I asked you in person you would’ve said no.”
Wanda internally cringed at that because she knew it was true. “And what would I have said no to exactly?”
“Well, there’s this Sokovian market in Queens and they’re having a Christmas themed night celebration thing,” you trailed off, trying to gauge her reaction.
“And you wanted to me to go with you?” Wanda asked, this time genuinely curious.
“Yeah,” you nodded, the smile returning to your face. “I mean I’ve never been to anything like this, so I thought it could be a cool experience, and I know you miss your home, so I thought this might be something you’d enjoy but if you don’t wanna go, I totally understand. And I thought that this could be a good way for us to spend some time together, you know, outside of training. But again, if you don’t want to—“
“(Y/N),” Wanda interrupted your rambling, causing you to chuckle sheepishly. “I’d love to go.”
“Really?” your eyes lit up, not expecting her to agree.
“Really,” she nodded, taking the coat from your hand. “I’ve been dying for some pryaniki.”
“Oh, that sounds delicious,” you agreed, as the two of you made your way outside to where Happy was waiting. “We’ll have to bring some back for Nat.”
That night, the two of you strolled the Sokovian Christmas market, buying a variety of treats to bring back to the tower. While you’d had the most fun in a while, and you could tell Wanda enjoyed herself as well, your conversations were surface level. Every time you tried to get to know her, Wanda switched the subject, brushing you off. At one point, she even wandered off without you, claiming she had to go to the bathroom.
When you got back to the compound, Wanda thanked you with a tiny smile before quickly scurrying into the elevator, not bothering to wait for you, despite the fact that your rooms were on the same floor. You felt defeated, not understanding why the other girl didn’t like you.
“I don’t understand,” you waved your hands exasperatedly, as you paced in front of the sofa where Natasha currently sat watching you. “I’ve been nothing but kind and amicable to her.”
You plopped down next to your friend, sinking into the cushions. “I just wanted a friend,” you mumbled frustratedly, playing with the hem of your sleeves.
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Natasha joked.
“You know what I mean,” you lightly nudged her shoulder, sitting up a bit.
“Are you sure it’s not because you want her to be more than a friend?” she asked, her tone teasing but you could tell she was intrigued.
“What?” you sputtered, feeling your face warm. “No, nothing like that.”
“Mhm,” Natasha knew you were lying but decide not to push it. “Look, (Y/N), Wanda’s been through a lot,” she held up her hand to stop you when she noticed you were about to interrupt, “and I know you’ve been through hell too, but a lot has happened to her in the past few months. It’s a lot to process.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I just thought that we could connect, support each other, you know, like you said.”
“I know, (Y/N/N),” Nat sympathized, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and bringing you in closer to her. “But everyone grieves and handles loss differently.”
“You’re right,” you leaned into the older woman’s embrace.
“I know,” she said smugly, causing you to playfully slap her shoulder. “Now, shush, you have a lot to catch up on and I wanna show you my favorite movie.”
From then on, you decided to give Wanda some space.
You only spent time with her and spoke to her during trainings and team meals. While you were still as friendly as before, you didn’t make the same effort, and Wanda didn’t seem to mind.
Although your efforts at friendship had been thwarted, your hours and hours of training your powers had paid off. You were able to produce and control fire a lot more easily, and you could also warm your body up higher than your already abnormal body temperature.
Not only were you becoming more comfortable with your powers, but you felt as if you were becoming a part of the team. Clint told you about his family, showing you some adorable photos of little Nathaniel; you started joining Steve and Sam on their morning runs, which the latter was pleased about, finally having someone his pace; and Bruce and Tony indulged your nerdy side, bouncing ideas off of you about new experiments and inventions.
With Natasha back in your life and being a part of something good, you finally felt as if you had a home. Though you couldn’t help but notice Wanda’s glare whenever you were spending time with anyone on the team.
That night, against your better judgement, you knocked on her door.
“Come in,” she directed softly.
“Hi,” you poked your head in. “Nat and I were gonna watch a couple episodes of a TV series if you wanted to join?”
“What show?”
“I think it’s called Bewitched or something,” you answered, tilting your head as you tried to remember. “I don’t know what it’s about. Natasha picked it, said I needed to watch it.”
“No, thanks,” Wanda declined, despite wanting nothing more than to join you and watch her favorite show. “I don’t want to interrupt.”
“You wouldn’t be interrupting,” you insisted.
Wanda bit her lip and after a moment of contemplation, she shook her head. “It’s alright. I want to finish my book.”
“Alright,” you smiled softly, trying to mask your disappointment, “maybe next time.”
“Sure,” she nodded, as you retreated back into the hallway.
“No?” Natasha looked up, as you entered the living room.
You shook your head and claimed the spot next to the redhead. “She said she wanted to read her book.”
“Really?” Nat raised her eyebrows. “Bewitched is her favorite show.”
You picked at your fingernails, trying to stop yourself from getting lost in you deprecating thoughts. As if she was the mindreader of the team, Natasha reached out and took your hands in hers.
“Hey,” she gently squeezed your hands, “her decision has nothing to do with you, alright? Remember what I told you?”
You nodded with a sigh.
“Good. Now,” Natasha began to smirk as she lifted your intertwined up to your face, “remember what I told you about picking at your nails?”
Rolling your eyes, you pulled your hands back from hers and turned to face the TV. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, все что (whatever).”
After watching the first couples episodes of the sitcom, you could see why it was Wanda’s favorite show. You mentally cursed yourself, as your thoughts once again drifted towards the witch.
“You wanna watch another episode?” Natasha, thankfully, pulled you out of your thoughts.
You glanced down at your watch and shook your head. “It’s getting kinda late. I think I’m gonna head up to bed.”
“Okay,” she contently closed her eyes, as you leaned down to kiss the crown of her forehead. “I’m gonna stay down here for a little longer.”
“Waiting for a certain super soldier?” you teased, ducking to avoid the pillow that narrowly missed you.
“Shut up!”
“Love you too,” you called back with a chuckle before making your way up to your room and calling it a night.
“(Y/N)?” you heard a voice whisper, as you were pulled from your slumber.
Your eyes flew open, relaxing slightly when you saw it was only Wanda. “Wanda,” you gasped, flopping backdown onto your bed, “jeez, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” she grimaced.
“You’re lucky Nat took away my Glock,” you mumbled under your breath, evidently not so quietly as Wanda’s eyes widened.
The sound of the door handle woke you, and as the footsteps approached your bed, you discretely slid your hand under your pillow to grab the gun you’d hid.
Before the intruder could lay their hand on you, you sat up and aimed at them.
“Woah, (Y/N). It’s me,” Natasha held her hands up, not wanting to startle you even further.
“What the hell, Nat?” you hissed before turning the safety on and setting the weapon down on your nightstand.
“You’re asking me that?” she exasperated. “Why are you even sleeping with a gun?”
“Makes me feel safer,” you shrugged. “You of all people should understand.”
Natasha sighed, as she sat on the edge of your bed, hitting your leg lightly so you’d make room for her. “I do understand.”
Lifting your head, you observed the older woman. Her face had become more defined over the years and her hair longer. While there was a certain glow that she radiated, you could tell that the nightmares and memories haunted her. Patiently, you waited for Natasha to continue, knowing she had more to say.
“It took me months to adjust being here,” she revealed. “Not only being on the good side of it all and fighting for the good guys, but also being here, in a place I knew was safe, where I had other people on my side.”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you, your eyes not leaving her. She turned to meet your gaze and offered you an affirming smile.
“You’re safe here,” Natasha squeezed your knee. “I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”
You knew that the redhead was still feeling guilty about your whole situation, feeling as if she could’ve done more, but you also knew she would deny your protests, so you let it go for now.
“I know, Nat,” you dropped you head onto her shoulder.
“Good,” she leaned her head on top of yours. “I’m taking your gun away.”
Too tired to object, you just huffed, as your eyelids began to droop.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, pushing the memory to the back of your head. “Wanda, what are you doing in my room,” you glanced at the clock, “at 1:18 in the morning?”
“Um, well,” she stuttered, “I think the heat broke in the compound, and it’s freezing in my room so I was wondering if I could stay in here?”
She rushed out the last part so quickly that you almost missed it.
“The heat’s broken?” you scrunched your nose and she nodded. “Huh, I didn’t notice.”
Wanda raised her eyebrow at you with an incredulous look.
“Right,” you chuckled awkwardly, remembering you were basically a human heater. Pulling the sheets back, you tapped the spot next to you. “Well come on then.”
“Really?” A mixture of surprise and fondness washed over Wanda’s face.
“Just get in before I change my mind, Maximoff,” you teased lazily, as you concentrated on radiating warmth off your body.
Wanda carefully climbed under the sheets, sighing contently as the warmth engulfed her. For you, the presence of another body in your bed brought a whole other kind of warmth to you, one you weren’t familiar with.
“Better?” you closed your eyes, hoping the darkness of the room would hide the blush on your cheeks.
“Much,” Wanda hummed sleepily. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
Though you were too tired to voice your response, you fell asleep with a small smile on your face at the sincerity in Wanda’s voice.
As the sun crept in the next morning, you woke to an arm across your torso and legs intertwined with yours. Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the sight of brown locks splayed across your chest. During the night, Wanda had somehow made it over to your side of the bed, seeking the warmth of your body.
Turning your head slightly, you observed the sleeping woman. The morning light shined on Wanda’s face, giving her an angelic glow. Up close, you noticed little features you hadn’t before, like the freckles that dotted her face or the way her eyelashes naturally curled. She was breathtaking.
Not wanting to wake her, you remained still and let your eyes close again, falling back asleep.
The second time you woke, you immediately noticed Wanda’s absence. Sighing, you pushed down disappointment that was creeping up. You slid out of bed and got ready for breakfast, remembering there was a team meeting this morning.
“Sleep well last night?” Natasha greeted you with a teasing grin, as you entered the kitchen.
“Uh,” you knitted you brows, moving to grab a doughnut from the pink box on the counter, “yeah?”
“I’ll bet,” she smirked, as she sipped her coffee. You eyed her suspiciously, trying to figure out what she was hinting at.
“просто выплюнь это (Just spit it out), Natasha,” you demanded frustratedly.
“I didn’t know you were a cuddler, маленький (little one),” she said, as a wide grin formed across her face, causing your eyes to widen.
“I-I’m not,” you stammered, letting out a nervous laugh. “I don’t know why…what would make you think that?”
Natasha rolled her eyes at your attempt to be nonchalant. For a former spy, you were truly a horrible liar.
“(Y/N), I saw you and Wanda snuggled up together in your bed last night.”
“Oh,” you flushed red, tucking a loose hair behind your ears.
“Yeah,” Nat chuckled. “Care to tell me what that was about?”
“Well, Wanda said the heater broke so she wanted to, well, come stay in my room because I’m, you know, warm,” you cringed at your awkward phrasing.
“She wanted you to keep her warm?” Nat wiggled her brows suggestively.
“Yes,” you answered before shaking your head. “Wait, no. Not like that!”
“I’m just teasing, (Y/N/N),” she laughed, slipping off the stool to put her mug in the sink. “Remember, meeting in 5.”
With that, the redhead sauntered out of the room, leaving you to finish your doughnut and recover from your embarrassment. After shaking yourself out of your stupor, you scarfed down the rest of your breakfast so you could make it downstairs on time.
The meeting dragged on, as Fury outlined basic protocol updates, while Tony and Steve had their usual banter. You were just waiting for the end when missions and assignments were announced.
Finally, Fury handed everyone a manilla envelope, presumably containing the mission details. “This one’s all hands on deck,” he paused to address you, “including you, (Y/L/N).”
Nerves and excitement bubbled up inside you. While you had been on several small missions already, this would be your first serious one, one with the whole team.
As Fury explained what needed to be done, Natasha sent you an encouraging smile, which you returned, trying to show her that you were ready for this.
“We’ll be leaving tonight,” Steve declared, earning nods from the group, as you all dispersed to prepare.
You spent the rest of the day relaxing in your room, wanting some time to yourself and also to get ready for this upcoming mission. You knew you were ready, your powers were under control and you had just beaten Natasha in a sparring match the other day, but you couldn’t help but think of all the possible things that could go wrong.  
“Whatever you’re thinking, you’re wrong,” Natasha interrupted, leaning against the doorway.
“Even I was thinking that Natasha Romanoff is the best person in the world,” you joked, causing the older woman to roll her eyes, as she entered your room and sat on the bed.
“Even that,” she took a moment to observe you, and you knew that despite all the years you had been separated, the redhead could still read you like a book.  “You’re ready for this. You’ve been on other missions and executed them perfectly. This is no different, okay?”
Nodding, you took a deep breath and offered her an appreciative smile.
“Good,” Nat squeezed your arm. “Come on, it’s time to go.”
The hum of the quinjet did little to calm your nerves. While there were hushed conversations among some of your teammates, you thought if you were to speak, you might throw up. Time passed painfully slow and too quick at the same time and before you knew it, Steve was giving final instructions.
You patiently waited for your assignment, bouncing your knee up and down, until you finally heard your name.
“(Y/N), you and Wanda will be on the front line,” he announced. “Of course we’ll all be right behind but with both of your powers combined, those HYDRA soldiers don’t stand a chance.”
“Got it, Cap,” you nodded before glancing over at Wanda, offering her a small smile. The brunette’s eyes were already on you when your eyes met, but her face remained neutral.
Great, you thought to yourself, as the smile slowly dropped from your face, replaced by an awkward pout, this should be fun.
​.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・
taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @nfatale05 @iliketozoneout
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Oh Ik I’ve been sending requests a lot of bakugou but what about one with just Natsuo tickling Shoto!
Thanks for the request! Yes, you have been requesting a lot of Bakugou lol but he is a fan fave so I see why (I, personally, simp very much for soft Baku). Lee Todoroki also seems to be a fave among my followers so I figured you guys might like this. I had to read up a little on Nat’s personality but I think I got it, he seems pretty easy to write for. Also anyone who takes this as me shipping them, just- just leave, no, I do not ship brothers
Ler Natsuo, Lee (Shoto) Todoroki
Warning: lol no :>
Word count: 1007
A surprise visit from Natsuo.
One of the last things Todoroki expected.
And one of the best.
Nat was currently on a break and had decided to visit the UA dorms to see his little brother. This, of course, had sparked interest in the other students, who were all currently crowded around the college student, asking him various questions, most about how Todoroki was as a little kid. So they were all in the common room.
“Was he as much of a tickle monster as he is now?” Kirishima asked, glancing over at the infamous ler student sitting beside his brother, who wiggled his fingers threateningly.
“Well, he wasn’t allowed to talk to us much, but actually, he was more ticklee than tickler when it came down to it,” the white-haired visitor said, glancing at his now blushing brother. Todoroki averted his gaze, trying to suppress the blush.
“There’s no way, he’s so much more of a tickler now!” the redhead cried, not sounding bothered by it in the slightest.
“W-we’ve all fallen victim to him… o-once or twice…” said a blushing Izuku, thinking about the numerous times his best friend had ��attacked’ him.
“I see, and how many times have you gotten him back?” Nat asked.
“Uh, once or t-twice...” Deku answered, looking away.
“Hm. And he still hasn’t let up?”
“H-he’s gotten a little stubborn since moving here… thank Mina for that,” the greenette pointed
at the pink student, who just waved.
Natsuo chuckled. “Well, have you been making sure you’re not doing it too much?” he asked, turning to his brother, who nodded.
“I don’t go after them very often, just every now and again. It just seems like a lot because it’s been happening for so long,” the bi-colored student explained.
“And when they come after you, you make sure they don’t overdo it?” the white haired sibling asked, and his little brother nodded again.
“And have you told them your favorite way to be tickled?” he asked, a slightly teasing tone in his voice as he caused the teen to blush again.
“No, he hasn’t,” Kirishima answered for him, now intrigued.
“We didn’t know Todoroki-kun had a favorite way to be tickled!” Izuku realized.
“Then I suppose I should show you, shouldn’t I? Just to make sure my little brother doesn’t end up not wanting to be tickled anymore~” Nat turned to Todo, who quickly stood and tried to run, only to be yanked back down and into the older brother’s lap.
“N-Nat… you b-better not…” Todoroki was already smiling a little from anticipation.
“Shush. I’m teaching your friends something,” Natsuo playfully scolded the younger boy currently being held with an arm over his torso. “Now, I’m gonna be a bit of a teacher here for you guys. First thing you gotta do is make sure you’re holding him right. Now this,” he motioned with his free hand to the gentle but effective hold he had Todoroki in, “Isn’t it. I’m just doing this to make sure he doesn’t run away. He likes it best when you hold him like a baby. After all, with everything he’s been through, being treated like a little kid is comforting to him. At least, that’s what he tells me,” he explained, looking out at the students who were watching eagerly. Nat demonstrated by moving Todoroki so that he could cradle him in his arms, smirking down at his very embarrassed little brother.
“Naaaattt…” the younger boy whined at his brother, looking at his classmates. “It’s embarrassing…”
“I know. And it’s my job as your older brother to embarrass you. Now, where were we? Oh, right. Once you’ve got him all nice and comfy- You comfy, bud?” he asked the red-faced teen, who reluctantly nodded. “Good! Now, I want you guys to guess his favorite spot.”
“Uh, h-his hands?” Izuku asked.
“His ribs, gotta be,” Uraraka chirped confidently.
“Dunno, his fucken sides?” Bakugou tried.
The other students murmured among themselves, trying to figure it out, a lot of them theorizing that it was the same as their own favorite or worst spots.
“His belly!” Kirishima eventually piped up.
“You got it!” Nat told him, chuckling as Kiri did a little fist pump. “Little Shoto’s belly is his favorite spot. Me and Fuyumi loved to tease him about it, too.” “You two were so mean about ittttt…” mumbled the embarrassed student, flinching as Natsuo’s cold hand found its way to his belly.
“Now, this little peppermint brother of mine prefers his tickles in two stages. The first, is scribbling,” he demonstrated by gently scribbling over Todoroki’s tum, pulling quiet, unrestrained giggles from the dual-haired boy. “You wanna do this for a couple of minutes, not too long, though, otherwise he gets bored.”
He kept true to his word, keeping the scribbles up, keeping his brother giggling, and not even struggling or complaining. Izuku and Uraraka held back sweet little coos at how adorable their friend was, who was now resorting to burying his face in Nat’s hoodie.
Towards the end of his scribbling, Nat spoke up again. “Now, once you stop, you have to move fast! Lift up his shirt,” he said as he did so, “and!” He took in a deep breath, before blowing a long, vicious raspberry into Shoto’s belly, causing the younger to yelp before bursting into loud laughter, kicking his legs out, small tears budding in his mismatched eyes as he tried to pry the white-haired brother away.
And, finally, Nat let up, gently rubbing the phantom tingles out of his brother’s belly while said teen giggled away. Izuku (very kindly) got him a water bottle, which he took a sip of gratefully.
“And that’s little Sho’s favorite way to be tickled. Anything anyone would like to add?” He looked at his brother’s classmates.
“Uh, yea! That was adorable!” Mina squealed, which prompted a discussion among Class 1-A about their now sleepy classmate, who soon fell asleep in his brother’s arms, silently wishing that when this visit was over, he’d come back soon.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA I’m sorry this took so long but look at it. Look at my baby. It’s so beautiful.
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firewvlker · 3 years
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NAME: jason peter todd
NICKNAMES: jay, jaybird
ALIASES: red hood, robin, wingman, outlaw, nightwing, red robin, batman, arkham knight
AGE: 30
BIRTHDAY: august 16th
GENDER: cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
RELIGION: agnostic
SPECIES: mild metahuman
MARITAL STATUS: in a relationship with love quinn
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, portuguese, french, german, chinese, italian, russian
ACCENT: american
MOTHER: catherine todd
FATHER: willis todd, bruce wayne (adoptive)
SIBLINGS: damian wayne (adoptive), dick grayson (adoptive), tim drake (adoptive), cassandra cain (adoptive)
CHILDREN: tba w/ love quinn
FACE CLAIM: matthew daddario
RACE / ETHNICITY: white / italian, irish, english
HEIGHT: 6′ 4″
WEIGHT: 225 lbs.
BUILD: athletic
HAIR COLOR: black with a white streak
EYE COLOR: blue with a tint of lazarus green (from the pit)
DOMINANT HAND: ambidextrous
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: height, numerous scars (including an autopsy one), a “j” on his left cheek
RESIDES: gotham city
BORN: gotham city
RAISED: gotham city
VEHICLE: red batcycle, black & red 2022 dodge challenger
PHONE: red iphone 13
LAPTOP/COMPUTER: acer nitro 5
PETS: german shepherd named gunnar
OCCUPATION: vigilante, businessman, amateur chef
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: huge luxury penthouse apartment he shares with love
LOCATION: anywhere that isn’t gotham
SPORT: hockey
SHOW: n/a
MOVIES: action
BAND: queen
ARTIST: johnny cash
FOOD: chili dogs
BEVERAGE: whiskey
COLOR: red
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: suicidal depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, ptsd
SLEEPING HABITS: awful, he has a very hard time sleeping and only gets a minimum amount
EATING HABITS: also awful, he’s hungry like 24/7
EXERCISE HABITS: he runs or hits the gym daily also has an insatiable gf so he gets plenty
SOCIABILITY: introvert
BODY TEMPERATURE: cold-natured he died my dudes
ADDICTIONS: smoking but not really
ALCOHOL USE: socially
LABEL: batman’s greatest failure
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, determined, clever, protective, strong-willed, pragmatic, witty, empathetic 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: emotional/unstable, cynical, sarcastic, insecure, temperamental, ruthless, possessive, arrogant
FEARS: the joker, death, letting bruce down, not being good enough, being forgotten, being a bad dad, never living up to dick, nothing.
HOBBIES: guns, reading, acting, fighting, paintball, smoking, cars/bikes, messing with his brothers (damian esp)
HABITS/QUIRKS: speaks with his hands, very neat – keeps everything clean, tba
LIKES: guns, his girlfriend, neapolitan ice cream, redheads, cars, motorcycles, music
DISLIKES: clowns, crowbars, criminals, being told what to do
MBTI: istp
ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 – the nonconformist
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic-choleric
HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor 
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
PRIMARY VICE: wrath/anger
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
My Hero Academia Sentence Starters #11-20
A collection of the MHA sentence starters I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
11) Lee Kaminari, Ler Todoroki
“Get away from me,” Denki murmured into the pillow, shifting away from Todoroki. “You’re making me cold.”
Todoroki wrapped his left arm around the electric teen and pulled him back, pressing his face into his shoulder. “Come back, you’re leaving me cold.”
“Just use your other half to warm yourself up. Actually, warm us both up. You’re freezing.”
With a chuckle, Todoroki found the hem of Denki’s shirt and slid his hand under it, pressing his warm fingertips against his chest. “Better?”
“Mhm.” Denki sighed contentedly, then giggled. “Stop it, that tickles.”
“What? I’m just kissing you.” Todoroki pressed his lips to the back of Denki’s neck again, smirking. “You just can’t handle my love today.”
Denki giggled even louder, trying to squirm away but held firmly in place by Todoroki’s arm around his torso. “Stohohop…Todoroki…”
“You’re so ticklish.” This time, Todoroki used the hand that was already under Denki’s shirt to scribble along his ribs, chuckling when the blonde squeaked and squirmed even more. “Nuh-uh. You’re not getting away.”
“Nohohohoho!” Denki giggled frantically, beginning to kick his legs. “Lemme go! Todorokihihiehehehehe!”
“Mmm…but you’re so cozy,” Todoroki hummed, nuzzling into his shoulder and scribbling even more. “I don’t want to let you go.”
Denki whined, giggling and writhing, helpless to save himself. “Plehehehease, no mohohohore! Todoroki, please!”
“All right.” Todoroki stopped, resting his hand comfortably on Denki’s chest once more, getting settled as the big spoon behind him. “Just relax. I’ll keep you warm.”
12) Switches Kirishima and Todoroki
“You’ve never had a proper tickle fight?!” Kirishima exclaimed, staring at Todoroki, who lay curled up in a ball on the floor below him, still grinning widely from his brief tickle attack at Kiri’s hands.
Todoroki shook his head. “Tickling was never a thing we did in my family growing up. I didn’t even know I was ticklish until recently. So…no, I’ve never had a tickle fight.”
“But…but…” Kiri was incredulous. “Your siblings?”
“I never really hung out with them.”
Kiri shook his head. “This has got to change.” He slid onto the floor beside his friend. “Come on. Tickle me back. Let’s do this.”
“Yes, now. There are wrongs that must be righted!”
“Tickle me,” Kiri insisted, but when Todoroki didn’t move, he plunged his fingers into the boy’s ribs again. “Tickle me, or I’ll tickle you forever!”
“Aiehehehehehehehe!” Todoroki cackled, smiling wide and squirming on the floor. “Kiri!” Finally, he managed to reach up and scribble lightly along the redhead’s side. It didn’t really tickle, but for the sake of their play, Kiri pretended that it had by jerking back.
That was all the encouragement Todoroki needed. He lunged forward, latching his fingers into his sides and stomach, digging in deep and making Kirishima giggle brightly. “Thehehehehere! See? Thahahahahahat wasn’t so hahahahahahard!”
“How is this a tickle fight?” Todoroki asked, only to be sent into a fit of giggles himself when Kiri grabbed his hip.
“Because I’m going to keep tickling you back,” the redhead replied, pushing him onto the floor, “and you’re going to keep tickling me back, until one of us gives up. Hope you’re ready, Todoroki – I don’t go down without a good, long battle!”
13) Lee Sero, Ler Kaminari
“Wanna see a magic trick?”
Sero looked up from his book, blinking in surprise at Denki, who stood grinning at him. “Uh…sure.” He bookmarked his spot and set the volume aside. “Hit me.”
“Can I borrow some of your tape for this?”
“Sure…” Sero curled his elbow inward and started ejecting tape until Denki waved his hands, signaling that was enough. Then he was told to close his eyes. “How am I supposed to see the trick if my eyes are closed?”
“Just trust me,” Denki replied.
Sero closed his eyes. For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, he was shoved backward against the chair, his own tape being wrapped harshly around him, pinning his arms at his sides so he couldn’t go anywhere. He snapped his eyes open, staring at Denki’s smirking face. “Dude! What was that for?” He struggled, but his tape was nothing if not strong. “What are you doing?”
Denki hunkered down by his feet and peeled both socks off, wiggling his fingers teasingly. “Heh…always wanted to see if you were ticklish.”
Sero’s eyes widened. “Wait! Wahahahahahahait!” He tossed his head back with crazed giggles, wiggling helplessly in the chair. “Nohohohohoho! Dehehehehenki!”
“You are ticklish! I knew it!” Denki only grew more enthused at the discovery, peeling his toes back and raking his nails up and down the sole of his bare foot, sending Sero into cackling fits of laughter. “Bakugou owes me a soda.”
“Stahahahahahahap it! Denki! Plehehehehehehease!” Sero cried, giggling and squirming but going nowhere fast. “Why ahahahahahre you dohohohoing this?!”
“Because I want to, duh,” Denki answered, laughing as well, dragging a nail down his arch slowly, torturously. “Plus, your smile is the brightest thing in the room right now, and I want to make sure it stays that way!”
14) Lee Bakugou, Ler Kirishima
“I bet I can break you with just one finger.” The words sent a shiver up Bakugou’s spine as Kirishima settled himself on his hips, smirking confidently. “Better get comfortable. We may be here a while.”
Bakugou’s heart began pounding in his chest. Kiri’s weight on top of him was making his insides do flips and cartwheels. He swallowed. “Ei, you’re being stupid.”
“I think you’re just afraid that I’ll make you giggle when you really, really don’t want to, grumpy pants.” Kiri held up a finger, wiggling it twice. “Tickle, tickle.” The redhead giggled himself when he saw how red his boyfriend got at the teasing words. “Aw, look at that blush~”
“Shut up.” Bakugou turned his face away, but that was a mistake, because the instant his guard was down, Kiri jabbed that wiggling finger into his underarm and dug in, forcing the blonde to let out a startled squawk and bite his lip to stifle his mirth. “Kiri! D-Don’t-!”
“Don’t what? Tickle you? But I’m determined to make you smile, grumpy. So I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to deal with it.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too.” Kirishima leaned back comfortably, smirking, still wiggling that finger in Bakugou’s armpit, watching him squirm and smile and try not to break so easily. Eventually, however, the blonde had no choice but to let out some of his pent-up ticklish frustration by chuckling slightly, twisting his face into the pillow to try and hide it. “Uh-oh~ Was that a giggle?”
“No, idiot.”
“I think it was.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Too bad.” Kirishima ditched his pretense and vibrated his fingertips into his boyfriend’s belly and ribs, grinning when laughter finally burst out of his angry blonde. “Guess I’ll have to take it up a notch.”
15) Lee Deku, Ler Todoroki
“Wow, you’ve got such an infectious giggle!”
Deku whimpered, arching his back against Todoroki’s chest as he dragged his fingers up and down his sides and ribs. The teasing words made him feel ten times more flustered. He even let out a little snort as he giggled.
“Was that a snort?” Todoroki asked, chuckling, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer. He pressed his lips to Deku’s neck. “You’re so adorable it’s killing me, Izuku.”
“Dohohon’t say that,” Deku whined, but it was clear to his boyfriend that he was loving all of this attention.
“But it’s true.” Todoroki kept pressing little kisses to Deku’s neck, making the poor boy giggle and squirm, being driven insane from the light, tickly touches while also never wanting them to end.
Deku let out a small, contented sigh in the midst of his gentle laughs, and Todoroki wanted to just squeeze him so hard for how adorable he was being.
“God, Izuku, you’re killing me,” Todoroki murmured, teasingly pinching his hip and making him jerk in surprise.
“Todoroki,” Deku whined, “not there.”
“I can’t help it. I want to hear you laugh. I want to feel you move.”
“T-There are other ways…!”
Todoroki paid him no mind, gently pinching his hip again, smiling against his neck at the loud yelp Deku let fly. “Not tonight, there aren’t.”
16) Lee Todoroki, Ler Deku
“Aw, does this kiss tickle?”
Todoroki giggled hysterically. “No!”
“Then why are you laughing so much?” Deku chuckled, pressing another kiss to the spot right below Todoroki’s ear, grinning when the half-and-half hero gasped sharply before letting out another breathy snicker.
“F-Feheheheheels…” Todoroki tried to explain without using the word ‘ticklish’ but simply couldn’t do it. He squeaked when Deku nuzzled his other ear in the same spot. “Fuhuhuhuhunny…”
“Funny, hmm?” Deku smiled, pressing a kiss to Todoroki’s lips this time. “Don’t you mean ticklish?”
“It d-doesn’t…tickle…”
“You sure?”
Todoroki averted his gaze, lips twitching in an effort not to smile.
Deku hummed, dragging his thumbs down to draw tiny, precise circles in his boyfriend’s underarms. Todoroki let out a strangled noise and shot his arms down, throwing his head back against the pillow. “N-No, dohohon’t do thahahat!”
“Why not?” Deku started kissing his now exposed neck in tandem with the little circles. “Does it tickle?”
“Aww, well, why didn’t you just admit it from the beginning?” Deku smirked, biting his ear playfully. “Now I’ll have to show you what really tickles.”
17) Lee Kirishima, Ler Bakugou
“You asked for it!”
“I know! But I – I don’t think I can – WAIT, NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Kirishima screeched with laughter, desperately wishing he could squirm or flail but unable to do either.
Bakugou nibbled mercilessly on his ribs, holding his arms above his head by the elbows and lying on top of him so he couldn’t move at all. He smirked at the sounds he was producing. “Aw, what’s wrong, Kiri? A little too ticklish for this?”
“I AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAM!! I AM – PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Kiri gasped in grateful breaths of air when Bakugou stopped and propped his head on his boyfriend’s stomach, grinning up at him. “Please, I can’t…I can’t take it, Katsuki…”
“You literally asked me to do this.”
“I know!”
“You can’t take it back now.”
“But it tickles too much! I can’t – NO NOT AGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIN!!”
Bakugou laughed between nibbles. “Dang, spiky hair, you can’t stand it!”
Instead, the blonde took a big breath and started blowing raspberries along his boyfriend’s ribs.
“No way,” Bakugou teased. “You asked for this.”
“And if you really wanted me to stop, you’d be saying ‘strawberry.’ So sorry, Ei, but you’d better get comfortable. I’m just getting started~”
18) Lee Kaminari, Ler Kirishima
“This is a form of training! C’mon, just take it!”
“I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!! THIS ISN’T TRAHAHAHAHAHAINING!!” Kaminari squealed, laughing hard into the grass, pulling at his own hair to try and ground himself somehow. Kirishima was sitting on his calves, scribbling over the backs of his knees, and Denki was pretty sure he was going to lose his mind if the redhead didn’t stop soon. “KIRI THIHIHIHIHIHIS IS TORTUHUHUHUHRE!!”
“You can do it, man,” Kiri teased, smirking up at Mina, who sat beside them with a huge grin on her face from the cute scene. “How much time does he have left?”
“Forty-five seconds,” she replied.
It had only been a minute and fifteen seconds since Kiri started?! Denki wailed, wishing he could roll over or clutch his stomach or something, but he wasn’t going anywhere. “PLEASE I CAHAHAN’T LAHAHAHAHAHAST THAT LONG!! KIRIHIHIEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!”
Mina giggled at him. “You said you could take it, Denki. Come on, you’re so close! Just thirty more seconds!”
Kirishima glanced at Mina’s phone, saw he had twenty seconds remaining. “You are strong enough, Kaminari. You’re proving it right now! Just fifteen more seconds!”
Denki squealed and thrashed and laughed and begged and everything in between, feeling like he was dying all the while, amazed he hadn’t blown a fuse yet. When everything finally came to a stop and Kiri climbed off of him, he giggled tiredly into the grass, groaning, gasping for breath. “D-Don’t…dohohoho that agahahahain…”
Kiri and Mina exchanged amused glances. “Then don’t make bets you can’t follow through on, buddy.”
19) Lee Sero, Ler Kaminari
“It’s just a back massage,” Denki said with a smirk, knowing full well what he was doing. “Why’re you laughing so much?”
“Gohohohohohod dahahahang it, Denki,” Sero giggled, gripping his shoulders with everything he had. “It tickles, thahahahahahat’s why!”
Sero was lying on his stomach with his arms folded in front of him, chin resting on them. Denki was sitting next to him, gently massaging his fingers into his friend’s back, focusing on the knots of tension the tape hero had formed over the last couple of days of intense training. At first everything had been going just fine, but then Denki decided to try electrostimulation therapy and, well…
“Stohohohohohohop,” Sero pleaded, burying his face in his arms but still refusing to bring them down. “It tihihihihihihickles!”
“But is it helping?” Denki asked, grinning at how stubborn his friend was being about not moving, not even squirming. “Do you feel better?”
“Thahahahahat’s not the pohohohohoint!”
“I don’t hear you denying it.”
“Denki, plehehehehehease!” Sero gasped sharply, gripping his shoulders so hard his fingernails left imprints when the blonde reached his lower back. “Dohohohohon’t – nohohohohot there!”
“You know, you’re protesting an awful lot for someone who seems to be enjoying this,” Denki teased, switching from his light electric shocks to wild scribbling, enjoying the fresh round of giggles he produced.
Sero whined into his arms, snickering uncontrollably. “Shuhuhuhuhut up…”
20) Lee Shigaraki, Ler Dabi
“Stay still, boss!”
Shigaraki growled, clenching his free hand into a fist while he struggled to keep from touching Dabi with all five fingers with his captured hand. “Did you have to draw the map on me?” he snapped, pounding his fist into his knee to make up for having to keep his palm still.
Dabi smirked, dragging the marker up and down Shigaraki’s open palm, drawing a pretty darn good map, if he did say so himself. “Don’t have any paper around, do we, boss? I’m being resourceful. You’re welcome.”
Shigaraki glared at him. “Just hurry up.”
“You can’t rush me,” Dabi protested, focusing his marker on a particular spot right in the center of Shigaraki’s open palm that made him twitch, making the line as black as humanly possible.
“Ugh, knock it off,” Shigaraki demanded, gripping his knee with his free hand now, clenching his teeth to keep his mirth at bay. He hated that he was so ticklish here. He hated that he was ticklish at all. “Dabi, what are you—HEY!!”
Suddenly Dabi abandoned the marker entirely and gripped his wrist firmly, drilling his fingers into his open side. Shigaraki jerked and twisted, but Dabi’s firm grip made sure he stayed in place.
“Stop! What are you--?!”
“Ticklish, boss?”
Shigaraki blanched. “N-No! Get – get off of me--!” Then Dabi grabbed his thigh, pressing his thumb into the spot where it met his hips, and Shigaraki couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that escaped him. “Nohohohoho! Dabi! I demahahahahand that you stohohohop!”
“Not pushing me away, though, are you?”
“Do you wahahahahant to dihihihie?!” Shigaraki shoved at him with the heel of his free palm, careful not to touch him completely. “Ohohohohoff! Off! Stahahahahap!”
Dabi finally let up and let him go, sitting back with a lazy smirk. “Gotcha.”
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soliavenne · 3 years
Part 4 of Incorrect Quotes! Featuring more of Kankuro and Temari, and having Naruto as a guest star in one of the segments. XD
Temari: Having the best time of my life! :)
Y/n: Tem, Kankuro is drowning-
Temari: This ain't about him.
[AU where if Gaara and Shijima(from Gaara Hiden) got married]
Gaara, opening a present from Y/n: Oh, thank you for...divorce papers?
Y/n: ...He's gonna need them, let's be real, we were ALL thinking it...
Genin!Gaara: Your existence is confusing.
Genin!Y/n: How so?
Genin!Gaara: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Genin!Y/n: I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a heart, and capacity to feel.
Genin!Gaara: You take that back.
Y/n: Wow...
Gaara: What?
Y/n: *leans in close to his face*
Gaara, blushing: W-What are you doing?
Y/n: A study on cuteness.
Y/n: Did Gaara just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Kankuro: Yeah, he did.
Y/n: ...And did I do finger guns back?
Kankuro: Yeah, you did.
Gaara: Y/n and I are no longer friends.
Y/n: Gaara, that is the worst way to tell people we're dating.
Y/n: Hey, sorry if I disappointed you.
Gaara: It's fine, nothing in life can disappoint me more than my father and uncle.
Y/n: Oh...kay.
Gaara: Oh fiddlesticks. That really ruffles my sand-
Y/n, crying: pLEASE, JUST SAY FUCK.
Y/n: Ooooh, Gaara! You had a crush on me~
Y/n: How embarrassing~
Gaara: My love, we're married.
Y/n, blushing: Still...
Y/n: I had a boyfriend once. Sometimes it's like I can still hear his voice.
Gaara: My love, we literally got married six hours ago.
[Chunin!Gaara walks in with a pink shirt]
Chunin!Temari: Oh, my god.
Chunin!Y/n: Gaara's wearing pink, he's wearing pink!
Chunin!Kankuro: Are we sure it's not just a white shirt that's been bloodied from a mission?
Gaara: I tried to acknowledge their feelings. It wasn't easy. There were a lot of them.
[Earlier that day]
Y/n: I'm just so confused- Are you...Are you climbing out that window?
Gaara: *Halfway out the window*
Gaara: No.
[After Gaara gets kidnapped]
Y/n: What exactly is your plan?
Kankuro: Rescue Gaara and get home safely.
Y/n: Kankuro, that's not a plan, that's a wishlist.
Sasori/Deidara/Some other Akatsuki member idfk: Oh please, you wouldn't hurt a fly.
Y/n: You're right, because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.
Y/n: Hey, mind if I ride my skateboard outside?
Temari: Whatever, I'm not your mother.
Y/n: *runs off*
Y/n: Hey, I'm getting lunch at Subway, anyone want anything?
Kankuro: Yeah, could I get white bread with just every sauce in it?
Y/n: You disgust me, no you cannot have lunch.
Gaara: If sleep is water, then I am a cactus.
Y/n: I am a fish.
Temari: Gods, give me patience.
Y/n: I think you mean give me strength.
Temari: If the Gods give me strength, everyone would be dead.
Kankuro: Today, I'm pranking Gaara and-
Gaara, walking in and eating a bar of soap: Hello.
Kankuro: Are...Are you eating soap?
Gaara: I thought this taffy tasted kind of strange.
Gaara, continuing to eat it:
[After Y/n got badly injured from a mission]
Temari: You're losing a lot of blood! Quick, what's your type?!
Y/n: Redhead, blue eyes, likes cacti...
Temari: I mean your blood type!
Y/n: *squints at wound*
Y/n: Red.
Chunin!Gaara: I'm not in love with Y/n.
Chunin!Kankuro, ducking: Damn, your bullshit almost hit me.
Chunin!Gaara: Did you just duck?
Kankuro: Do you wanna see a butterfly?
Y/n: Sure!
Temari: nO-
Kankuro: *throws a stick of butter across the kitchen*
Gaara: Majestic.
[After the Konoha Crush arc, and if the Sand Siblings had to apologize to Konoha's students]
Gaara: Alright, Naruto convinced me not to end the exams in bad terms with everyone...
Gaara: So apologize to me.
Naruto: No Gaara, that's not how-
Y/n, trying to flirt: You know, you can just admit that you like me, it's pretty obvious pfft-
Gaara: I like you.
Y/n, blushing heavily: wait- WAIT, IT WAS A JOKE!
Gaara, sweating: Was I supposed to laugh???
Gaara: What's this movie called?
Y/n: I love you, man.
Gaara: I love you too, but seriously what's the movie called?
Gaara, confused but also decides to shout back: I LOVE YOU TOO, LOVE.
[After Y/n first moved into Sunagakure]
Y/n: Let's break a window, it's too hot.
Kankuro: Or you could just open one.
Kankuro: I dunno, but it tasted good.
Temari: *Slaps Kankuro*
Y/n, clenching their fists: Fight me!
Gaara, standing behind them, slowly uncapping his sand gourd and shaking his head: *mouths* Do not.
Genin!Gaara: I don't do "love". Love is for fools.
Genin!Y/n, approaching the Sand siblings: Hey there!
Genin!Gaara: Fuck.
Temari: I don't care what everyone says, the black cookie part is the best part of an oreo.
Gaara: Darkness without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Kankuro: It's a fucking COOKIE.
Gaara: *carrying grocery bags in both hands*
Y/n: *reaches out a hand to help him*
Gaara: *hands one of the bags to his controlling sand while the other bag rest in one arm, while his other hand takes Y/n's hand*
Y/n: *pouts, but doesn't pull away*
AAAAAA this is my favorite incorrect quotes chapter so far!! I love this soo much! 😭❤❤ Thank you very much for sharing this with the blog! I appreciate your effort and generosity as always, @its-sexy-beastington-to-you! 😊❤
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AverageWriter-InTheDark Masterlist
*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the sagas/universes that I write for which includes their characters, plots, etc. That all belongs to the original creators. this is fanfic. Also please don’t repost my works on other platforms.*
Currently not taking any requests!!
🔥-Allusions or mentions to sex/slight NSFW
Those that haven’t been linked are currently in my drafts.
Game Of Thrones
She’s his aunt (Eddison Tollett x Stark!reader)
The Lost Princess of Dorne (slight Benjen Stark x reader, eventual Eddison Tollett x reader)
Eddison Tollet
-You Never Raised Me🔥
Beric Dondarrion 
-The Flames Led Me To You (Priestess!Reader)💋
Jorah Mormont
-You’re More Than I Could Ask For 
Margaery Tyrell
A Lone Flower In A Garden Of Thorns
Eddison Tollett
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett    Part 2🔥
Edd falling in love with a Red Priestess
Jorah Mormont
Jorah falling in love with a belly dancer from Meereen🔥
Stark siblings (Robb, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon)
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett  Part 2🔥
Ned Stark
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett   Part 2🔥
HC’s that include multiple characters
Being a well known female warrior of Westeros and going beyond the Wall w/ Jon Snow & the crew. 🔥
Imagines w/ multiple characters
Long Lost Friend🔥
The Flames May Die, But The Phoenix Will Rise
Quiet As A Cat, Sneaky Like A Spider | Spider-Man No Way Home Series Masterlist
Premise: Having been pulled into another universe where an alternate version of her once on-again/off-again lover and occasional nemesis/ally exists, Y/N L/N finds herself having to suit up again as her long retried anti-hero persona in order to help three SpiderMen face off against some familiar faces causing trouble in New York City.
Loki falling in love w/ a SHIELD agent/Avenger
Baron Helmut Zemo
Riley Biers
The Other Redhead  Part 1   Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Prompt: The day Edward first saw Victoria on the baseball field, he saw a glimpse into her past. There, he saw a woman with fiery red hair similar to hers and memories indicating how close the woman is to Victoria. With the threat of her newborn army on the rise heading straight for him and Bella, Edward takes the risk of seeking out the woman in the flashbacks he remembered the year prior in hope she could be the one to stop Victoria on her path for vengeance. Little did they know, things were going to become more complicated when the two face off for the first time in almost a century, and the discovery that Victoria’s prized second in command Riley, is the one the woman has been waiting for all her life.
Demetri Volturi
-We don’t get fairytales in this life (Banshee!reader)
-Sing a Siren Song (Siren!reader)
-We Make A Pretty Good Team
Demetri Volturi
Being the mate of Demetri Volturi would include
Demetri having a former spy as a mate
Dancing outside the castle w/ Demetri
Playing chess with Demetri
Felix Volturi
Felix with a mate who’s an immortal witch
Felix finding out his mate can sing
Alec Hardy
A Foreign Affair  Prologue  Part 1  Part 2
Alec Hardy
Being a Barrister & D.I Hardy’s partner
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor
Being a member of Asgard’s Royal family and falling in love w/ the Doctor after being at odds with one another Part 1
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thinkingimmensely · 4 years
No Expectations
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Reader / MC [Jacob’s Sibling]
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m back with another x Charlie Weasley fic~ I found this a few days ago while I was going through my drafts and realized this was the prequel for After Breakfast. The story how Y/N and Charlie got together~ I forgot I even had this! So I decided to finish it (I was actually already halfway done with it before going on a hiatus), and now it’s here for you guys to read! <3 I hope you all like it because this was a lot of fun! 
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything in the Potterverse!
The leaves crunched beneath your boots with every step you took as you neared a homely cottage; its roofs rigged, a few of the wall boards had scratches and smoke coming out of its chimney.
As you stood outside the door with your hand raised to knock on the entranceway, you thought if this really was a good idea.
It’s been a year.
A year since you last saw Charlie Weasley since the lot of you graduated from Hogwarts and he immediately whisked away to Romania to follow his dreams to be among dragons while you tried to get your life together. Gringotts offered you a job— cursebreaker. The very title that was practically engraved in you right now. The only upside was that you got to work beside Bill Weasley, Charlie’s older brother and one of your best friends.
You could’ve gotten any job you wanted, your Professors back at Hogwarts even said so, but something inside you yearned for the familiar, at least for that moment in your life.
The door opened even before you got the chance to knock and you were left stunned, your hand still raised.
Charlie Weasley still had that effect on you.
He looked quite shock too, but a huge smile instantly broke out when he realized it was you. “You’re here!” Did his voice always sound that deep?
You smiled back at him, and he pulled you in for a quick hug– nothing intimate at all, he still smells like grass and honeysuckle though.
When you two pulled apart he opened the door wider and motioned for you to come in; the cottage surely wasn’t as lively as The Burrow, but it still had a similar aura to it. He had the kettle brewing with chamomile– your favorite. Your heart leapt a little at such consideration as you placed your bag down beside the sofa.
“This place is nice.” You commented and removed your coat.
He shrugged, “Well yeah, it’s pretty neat; and no brothers who take my stuff without permission so...” he trailed off and took your coat from your hands and hung it by the door.
When he stopped, you looked at him and raised a brow; he was looking right back at you but realization dawned in his features and he quickly turned away and cleared his throat. “Um, tea?”
You beamed, “Yes please.” He immediately shuffled towards the kitchen area and turned the stove off. He whisked his wand towards the cupboard and the cups came floating towards the table, softly landing on tiny plates.
After a few minutes, the both of you sat around the small dinner table with a cup of hot tea steaming on your hands. You took a sip and savored the the hot drink. “So,” you started, “when are you showing me the dragons?”
He grinned at you at that, he always was excited to anything related to dragons. “Is tomorrow good? I wanted to show you the entire sanctuary! We can go first thing in the morning.”
You talked more freely afterwards, like you two haven’t ever been apart. You had asked him all that he’s been up to, if he made any new friends and such. He had, actually, his companions at the sanctuary were as much his friends than the lot of you had been at Hogwarts were.
You had soon relocated to the sofa at the living room where he told you stories of how he got Hagrid’s dragon Norberta out of Hogwarts; Liz, Barnaby, Tonks and Tulip had helped him with that and you wished you’d been there too; but you and Bill were probably stuck at a ruin somewhere in Egypt at that time.
“So what about you?” He asked.
You quirked a brow, “What about me?”
He nodded and unconsciously scooted a little closer to you. “What’s new with you, I mean. Tell me anything and everything.” He leaned forward, his undivided attention on you.
You thought about it. What was new with you? Your hairstyle may have changed, you grew a little taller before stopping altogether but you had an inkling he wasn’t interested in any of that. So you shrugged, “Nothing, I guess? I mean... I’m basically the same since I left. Curses and all that. I don’t have any interesting stories like you.”
Charlie scoffed and leaned back on the couch, his head craned to look up at the ceiling and you flushed as your eyes studied his features for the umpteenth time that day. “Everything about you is interesting to me, Y/N. Ever since Hogwarts, and it hasn’t changed since.”
He turned towards you with a look you had never seen his face before. A look you saw on Andre Egwu when you had asked him to the Celestial Ball, the look when Barnaby Lee told you he liked you very much, right in front of Ismelda Murke no less when the lass was professing her feelings for him, and also the look Talbott Winger gave you when the both of you went on your first date together. But never Charlie.
Never Charlie Weasley.
Charlie smiled sweetly then got off the couch telling you that he had to prepare for dinner.
Were your eyes playing tricks on you? Or were you just seeing what you wanted to see for the past three years when you guys walked the halls of Hogwarts together? Because why now? True, you hadn’t been obvious about your feelings for the redhead before, but were you that obvious right now?
Calm down, this was nothing. You chastised yourself mentally. Things were always easier when you had no expectations regarding the ginger. You’ve never had any expectations that he’d notice how your gaze always found him, how every time you’ve ever hugged him, your touch always lingered for more than necessary as a friend. How you were willing to run away with him that one time during 6th year. Just to get away from everything, just to be with him.
“You know,” he called out from the kitchen, bringing you out of your hung-up thoughts about him, “There’s a pub just below the mountain. We should go there after dinner. It’s a homey place, good for a drink.”
You stood up from the couch and leaned against the entranceway of the kitchen, “Charles Weasley, I didn’t know you drank.” You said.
He grinned and gave you a shrug. “Occasionally, and you being here is an occasion isn’t it?” He got the pot out of the stove and placed it down on the table. “I mean, it’s not everyday I could snatch you away from my brother’s side.” He laughed.
You chuckled and took a pair of plates and utensils from his cupboard and set it down the table. What’s Bill got to do with anything? You thought idly as you sat and the two of you started eating dinner.
Right after doing the dishes, the two of you began your journey down the mountain to that pub Charlie mentioned. At one time, you almost slipped, luckily he held your arm just in time. “Careful.” He muttered as you regained your balance. He held your hand the rest of the way down. ‘So you wouldn’t slip again’ he said, and you were thankful for the night because you literally could feel the blood rush to your face.
The pub was quaint, there weren’t a lot of people either. Only wizards and witches went here, Charlie informed you as you took your seats.
“Ey Charlie! Surprised to see you here mate.” One person called out as a group of people entered the pub.
The two of you turned and Charlie immediately got off his seat and clasped hands with the group, greeting them. They approached you, wide smiles on their faces, “Y/N, these are my mates back at the Sanctuary. Guys, this is Y/N, we went to Hogwarts together.”
You got off your seat as well and extended your hand, which they gladly shook one by one, and they all started talking at the same time.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Charlie told us a lot about you.”
“Did you know that he carries a picture of you around?”
“It’s true, takes it everywhere with ‘im.”
Charlie pushed them all away, “Okay boys, that’s enough, try not to overwhelm her will ya?” He laughed.
The waiter served your drinks, two glasses of butterbeer. “Sorry about them. They always tend to overshare.” Charlie apologized, his face was flushed which took you aback.
Charlie Weasley was blushing?
“It’s alright, they’re a fun bunch. Seems like good people too, I can see why you’re friends with them.” You replied in a smile, taking a sip of the froth of your butterbeer; it wasn’t like Madam Rosmerta’s butterbeer, but it was close. “You carry around a picture of me?” You asked.
He flushed a deeper shade of red and you thought that was absolutely adorable. He cleared his throat, gulping down his butterbeer. “I-um...” he stammered, “I’ll go order us another serving yea?” He stood up and headed to the counter, escaping you and your confused look as fast as he can.
Did he perhaps...? You shook your head in denial, no expectations, you reminded yourself, no expectations.
You couldn’t help the frown that made its way as you saw a woman approach Charlie, a smile on her face and her hand on his arm as she chatted him up.
She fluttered her long lashes at him and flipped her hair back suggestively. You gulped down your butterbeer and stood up and made your way towards them.
“Maybe you and I can grab a few drinks sometime?” The woman flashed him her white pearls.
Before Charlie could even reply, you arrived by his side and his attention shifted to you fully. “Sorry, but he’s busy.” You interjected and grabbed your friend and pulled him back to your table, missing the way he smiled brightly at you. You took the shot of firewhiskey from his hand and downed it.
“You okay?” He hesitantly asked, his brow arched in curiosity.
“Of course.” You immediately answered. No expectations, you reminded yourself for the umpteenth time that day.
Besides that minor incident with the random lady, the rest of the night was relatively enjoyable. You switched your butterbeer for firewhiskey after that shot and the two of you joined Charlie’s friends and had a blast time sharing grand adventures and embarrassing stories.
By the time the both of you arrived back at the cottage, you were hammered, giggling at every little thing.
You crashed in the sofa with Charlie, the wood crackling at the fireplace, you two were still talking, energy nearly spent as your voices softened and more sighs escaped your lips. You were distinctly aware how the both of you were closely huddled up on the sofa, and maybe if you didn’t have alcohol running through your veins right now, you would’ve been embarrassed and utterly self conscious.
You looked at Charlie to find him already staring at you silently. He reached out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek lovingly.
“You’re beautiful.”
Your eyes widened and you could feel your heart hammering wildly against your chest. You gulped and wet your lips, an action that made him look down to it, and making his eyes glaze with an emotion you dared not even think about.
You took his hand in yours, “You’re much of a looker yourself.” You tried to pass it off as a joke, a compliment from one friend to another, but your voice wavered and you prayed he didn’t notice.
He grasped your hand tightly, you hoped he couldn’t hear your heart beat because it would be a dead giveaway of your outpouring feelings right now. He kissed the back your hand, and then slowly leaned in towards you.
Closing your eyes, you felt his lips press against yours soon after and you thought your heart might give out because this was everything.
You kissed him back almost immediately and he pulled you closer towards him, his hand behind your head while his other hand rested on your waist.
Your fingers ran through his soft locks as Charlie slipped his tongue inside yours, deepening the kiss and you barely register the fact that you were already leaning down on the sofa, the man of your dreams on top of you.
The kiss was intoxicating and you couldn’t get enough of him. Of his taste, of his smell, of his entire being and you would’ve been alright with the fact that his hand played with the hem of your sweater, itching to touch your skin until a dragon’s roar vibrated the entire house.
It was like you’ve been dumped with a bucket of ice cold water as you pushed him away from you. Trying to catch your breath, surprise and realization dawning on you on what was just about to happen had you not come to your senses.
“You’re drunk.” You stated with a shaky voice. “Hell, maybe I’m drunk too.” You mind was reeling as you ran a hand through your hair, frustrated at yourself, whatever happened to no expectations?
“I’m sober enough to know what I was doing.” He breathed, and that confession ignited that little ray of hope inside you. He didn’t try to close the distance between you right now, which you were thankful for. He always was considerate, and that made you fall a little harder.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, you could feel your eyes water because you loved Charlie Weasley. Loved him so much that it hurt. “What are we doing, Charlie?” That wasn’t what you wanted to ask him, but somehow you just couldn’t get the right words out.
Charlie faced you, and took your hands in his again; you didn’t even try to pull away and maybe that’s what fueled the determined look in his eye. You were there, sitting across him, with your heart on your sleeves, waiting for him to say something, anything.  
“I-“ he started, and took a deep, steadying breath, “I’m in love with you.”
Related Stories: After Breakfast | Before Dinner
Permanent Taglist:
@oreofrappiewithblueberry , @coffeeismylife28
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 3 years
okay so remember all this is stuff i do when i'm bored so it lacks a lot of logic and yea 👌🏼
okay so starting w malec kids we already know rafe and max and like they're a lot older in this scenario because yk they ARE the oldest and everyone else is like atleast 4/5 years younger to them
um okay so for sizzy kids i was thinking 3 kids. like an older daughter who they named after simon's sister, rebecca, and twins (boy and girl) named luke and leia because starwars✨
for like clace kids, we know ki jace wants to have a lot of kids but i don't have the creativity for each of them so like i have 2 siblings in mind from like rebecca and the twins ka age group (like all the characters i cAmE uP WiTh are this age group mostly) so one is the elder sister and i don't have a name for her but she is a badass lesbian icon and that is all. and a brother who they named stephen (because let's be honest even though he's a terrible father he's still jace's dad) and i typically imagine him to have blond hair and green eyes?
anyway okay i have other kids because ✨
so OKAY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE FAMILY DHSJJD so like i imagine divya and diego being endgame and diego taking up the joshi name (icon) so idk i just always imagined them taking in kids. like adopting. so i had w siblings in mind, who are indian (yes and they're very swag) like not joshis? or maybe? i like to think there are other smaller indian shadowhunter families, and basically, like grace and emma, their parents died when they were young, probably by a demon, and divya takes them in blah blah blah and yea. idk names don't ask me but i think natalia and arun (?) idk
anyway aLSO i felt like in the institute we needed more kids from other families so i like to imagine like the institute took in a cartwright kid or sumn (because idk)
okay idk 👌🏼 if you read this far, I'm sorry for the headache
I love the idea of sizzy naming one rebecca but IF I MIGHT SUGGEST bw two boy twins named george and jordan? IDK IDK and like maybe a girl named maryse for izzy  JUST A THOUGHT
ALSO CLACE KIDS OMG YES THE BADASS LESBIAN is an angry redhead like her mum but also has the herondale charm tm AND loves weapons like her dad AND STEPHEN IS LIKE he LOOkS LIKE jace a lot but hes SO MUCH LIKE CLARY ( and maybe a lot like matthew because I CAN) and him and Ash become besties
 DFJSJS INDIAN KIDS YES YES YES LETS GO I LOVE THIS ONE DIEGO IS ALREADY AN ICON he would totally take his wife’s name just because AND the adopted kids might have a middle name of rocio if  diego wants it hehe and like THE JOSHIS R GONNA BE AWESOME AND BESTIES W SIZZY N CLACE KIDS Oh and yk clace’s  badass lesbian daughter she DATEs ONE OF THE JOSHIS BISEXUAL DISASTER DAUGHTER OMG her name is natalia rocio joshi and shes indian and uses she/they AND OMG IM GOING TO FAR...
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
I Promise
Pairing: Stanley Uris x Bowers!Reader (young) 
Request/synopsis: “Hi! If you’re still writing Stanley Uris, could you write a little childhood piece taking place during the first movie where the reader is one of the bullies’ little sister and hates what her brother and his friends are doing to the losers and starts to hanging out with them and the boys make fun of Stan because it’s obvious that he likes her and one day they’re walking and end up on the kissing bridge and he just starts rambling to her about something he saw and she interrupts him by kissing him”
Word count: 4,390 I think I got carried away
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions of attempted murder? Use of the term flamer, it means flamboyant gay, Stan is called that by Patrick in the books. Mentions a lewd act that happens in the book as well. Violence from a brother. Bullying. Some angst? Pennywise, that should definitely be a warning lmao.  Blood/gore/violence, typical for the IT fandom. Sort of mentions character death.
A/N: Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted, I tried to do this request justice (since it was my first! Thank you to the anon that asked for it!) but I definitely took it on an angsty ride lol. I definitely focused more on Henry and the time in the sewers than I originally planned.  Sorry this took so long as well, I wasn’t sure how to fit all of my ideas together. I really like how this turned out, but it’s also like two in the morning so there could be typos. 
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Do you like being Henry's little sister? Of course not. Siblings or not, Henry treats you like shit too, at least he has the decency to keep it behind closed doors. On top of that, everyone avoids you, expecting you to be just like your brother or Greta. Greta is relatively nice to you, or as nice as demon spawn can be, she never makes fun of you or bullies you, she even tries to include you in her shit. Thinking, like everyone, that Henry actually likes you; and this way she can make a good impression and he can finally ask her out. 
You walk out of the front doors of the school on the last day to see your lovely brother and his idiot friends teasing Stan and his group of friends, stealing the curly-haired boys kippah. Richie, being his typical self, starts screaming and insulting Henry, making him angrier. Henry takes said anger out on Stan, pushing him to the ground and pulling his leg back to kick the smaller boy in the side. 
“Hey!” you scream and rush over to the scene, before you can realize what you're doing. 
“Come to defend your boyfriend?” your brother sneers before laughing like a lunatic. 
“Back off Henry,” you glare at him, stepping between him and Stan. You can hear the poor boy behind you struggling to stand up.
“Or what?” Henry leans in, face inches from yours. He has never made his dislike for you public, even his friends are shocked by his actions. “You gonna run home and tell Dad?”
“Tempting,” you push him away from your face, mindful that your father is on duty somewhere in the ocean of students. As he’s distracted by the shove, you yank the kippah free from his grasp. “You want them, you go through me.”
“That can be arranged,” he grits his teeth, gesturing for his friends to grab you. 
They look shocked for a second, before Belch wraps his large arms around your middle to hold you back. Your brother smirks at you as he advances on Stan, preparing to punch him. Your pleas for him to stop advancing on the loser’s, as they’re dubbed, fall on deaf ears. 
“Let go of me you creep!” you yell at Belch, before slamming your foot down on his. He lets go of you before bouncing around in pain, like a stupid cartoon character. You run between Henry and the Losers, but not before he can shove Richie to the ground. “Go home Henry,” you shove his chest again. 
“You can’t make me,” he flips open his switchblade as he advances on you. The rest of the world seems to still and all you can think is will Henry really hurt you? You hear the muffled cries from the boys behind you get louder with each step your brother takes towards you.
“What’s going on here?” your dad's voice cuts through the haze, Henry backs off and hides his knife before Dad can see. 
“I was just offering her a ride home,” Henry scowls as he turns to your father.
“And I was telling him that I was going to go hang out with my friends,” you use your thumb to point at the boys behind you. Your Dad eyes them wearily before ultimately coming to the conclusion that they’re a harmless group of nerds. He nods at you and sends Henry a small glare that if you blink you’ll miss before heading back the way he came. 
“Watch yourself,” Henry warns before making his way to Belch’s car, friends in tow. You let out a sigh as they drive away, shoulders slumping as your adrenaline wears off.
“I think this belongs to you,” you smile at Stan, handing him his kippah.
“Thanks,” he breathes, he looks like he wants to continue speaking but no words come out. As he grabs the kippah from you, his fingers brush against yours and a blush creeps up his cheeks. You grin at how adorable he is. 
“Are you guys okay?” you glance between him and Richie. Stan just nods and Richie rolls his eyes at the doe eyed look his friend is giving you. 
“I’d say we didn’t need your help, but Stan the man here certainly liked being your damsel in distress,” Richie smacks a hand on Stan’s shoulder and laughs, you soon join in. Stan smacks the boy with the glasses harder than you think anyone realized he could. “Ow, that fucking hurt” Richie whines, rubbing his arm and sulking off to Eddie. 
“D-do y-y-you wan-nt to go-o to the qu-qu-quarry wi-with us?” Bill asks and Richie smirks at the idea.
“I should go before Henry gets even more mad,” you play with the hem of your shirt. “But thank you for asking.”
“Please,” Richie clasps his hands and blinks dramatically at you, sticking his bottom lip out in an over dramatic pout. 
“Why not?” you grin at the losers, but at Stan the most. 
Over the following weeks you grow closer to the boys; Bev, Mike, and Ben too when they join the losers club. One day the eight of you are at the quarry trying to ignore the whole killer clown thing. Stan looks nervous about jumping into the water, even though you’ve seen him do it multiple times already. So you decide to grab his hand and pull him down with you withput warning. He lets out a high pitched screech that you almost can’t hear over the wind whipping past you. 
Once you and Stan, the last two to jump down, break the water's surface Richie grabs Eddie repeatedly screaming the word chicken and shaking the smaller boy. Bev grabs Ben’s hand to which he grins at. Richie and Bill share a look before the stuttering boy wades over to you. 
“W-w-will you b-be my par-pa-partner?” Bill smiles at you, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. 
“Of course!” you smile at your friend, happy that the group accepted you quickly even though you’re a Bowers. You don’t see the glare Stan is sending Bill as he pairs up with Mike. Richie smirks at the rest of the group, you and Stan oblivious to the looks they send each other and their plan to make Stan so jealous he tells you how he feels. 
“So Stan,” Richie sings.
“No,” Stan says, watching you and Bev ride your bikes to your house for a sleepover. Her dad was worse than normal lately and she needed an escape, and you loved the escape it created from your brother. 
“I never asked my fucking question,” the boy with the coke-bottle glasses pouts.
“Because nothing good ever comes out of your mouth,” Stan deadpans, finally turning to look at his friends. You rode past the curve at the end of the road effectively taking you out of Stan’s line of sight, so he had no reason not to look at his friends now. 
“You were holding hands with (Y/N),” Eddie speaks up from Richie’s side. “Which is just fucking disgusting! Do you know how many germs-”
 His voice is cut off when Richie slaps his hand over the smaller boy's mouth. The look of terror on the hypochondriac’s face is one that Richie won’t stop laughing at for years to come. 
“She pulled me off the ledge,” Stanley rolls his eyes, suppressing a blush as he remembers how soft and warm your hand was. “It meant nothing.”
“And big Bill doesn’t fucking stutter,” Richie rolls his brown eyes, which look like googly eyes since they’re magnified by his glasses. 
“What?” Stan asks looking at the road in front of him, not wanting his friends to see how red his face and ears are. 
“I thought we were coming up with obvious lies,” Richie shrugs. “You’ve been in fucking love with her since you two got paired up at the beginning of the damn school year.”
“Have not!” Stan tries to lie, but his face darkens three shades deeper. The red instantly gives his obvious feelings away to his smirking friends. 
“It’s that or you have rosacea,” Edidie looks up at the Jewish boy with mock innocent eyes. “Because your cheeks are bright red every time you're around her.” Stan doesn’t respond because he knows they’re right, so he just walks away from them.
“Do you like Stan?” Bev giggles at the sleepover. The two of you had been talking about her and Ben prior to the question. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, looking down at your hands resting in your lap. “He’s so nice, and so sweet, and so caring. Plus, he went out of his way to help me when I was confused in class this year.”
“Yeah-” you cut off the redhead. 
“And the way his curls fall in front of his eyes when he’s leaning forward, so he has to angrily huff at it to try to blow the curl away. And the way his face scrunches up all adorably when he’s concentrating on a hard problem.”
Before you can continue fawning over your friend, your door slams open. It hits the wall behind it with a loud crack, where you later find a hole in the wall the handle created. In the doorway is a pissed off Henry, steam practically shooting out of his ears. 
“I thought I told you to stay away from him and the rest of those fucking losers?” he shouts, you’re dad isn’t here to hear him. “And now I hear you talking about that damn flamer with the schools slut no less.”
“Funny that you call Stan a flamer,” you smirk at your brother as you stand from the bed, subtly stepping in front of  Bev so she’s behind you and away from your brother's wrath. “When Patrick gave you a hand job.” 
“How the fuck did you hear about that?” he slams his fist into the wall beside him, knocking off a framed photo of a bird Stan had sketched for you during the school year. 
“I saw it with my own two eyes, dumb ass,” you sneer at him. “Next time you want to get a hand job from your boyfriend, don’t do it at the dump.”
“I’m gonna kill you,” he roars, closing in on you. Bev lets out a small gasp behind you, you feel bad she has to witness this. Especially when she came here to get away from her dad.
“Go ahead, then run off to get your oral from him,” you laugh. Before Henry can do anything else, the front door opens and your dad calls for you two. You sigh in relief as your older brother storms out of your room. You and Bev never bring up what was said or what just happened. 
You got separated from Stan while in Neibolt, but luckily Bill was with you. The horrors you all faced in that run down house will forever haunt each and every one of you. You’re shaking slightly as Stan and you cling onto each other as the two of you walk out of that horrendous place. 
You gasp loudly and hide your face in Stan’s chest as Bill punches Richie in the face. Your body starts to shake slightly without your permission, being taken back to when Henry punched the wall a few days prior. Bev pulls you into her side as Stan and Mike help Richie up. Bill goes for Richie again, but Ben holds him back. Richie yells back in retaliation.
“Stop,” you whimper, body trembling worse. Visions of your dad and Henry yelling at each other and shoving one another flash through your mind. A memory of Henry punching the locker beside your head when you were the last two in school floats to the forefront of your mind. “Please.”
Stan immediately rushes over to you and pulls you into his chest, you don’t care if he finds out about your feelings anymore as you grip onto his striped polo. He’s an anchor in the storm of your mind. Even when Henry isn’t around, he’s still lurking in the back of your mind making sure he can hurt you. The rest of the group stops what they’re doing for a minute to glance at the two of you before walking in two separate directions. Bev gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she leaves. 
“How about I walk you home? Stan offers, rubbing his hand in a calming motion on your back. 
“Can we go on a walk instead?” you ask nervously, pulling away slightly. He keeps his arms wrapped around you as he studies your face. He keeps his arm around your shoulder as you walk through the park. 
You and Stan take a seat in front of  the giant Paul Bunyan statue, soaking up the summer sun and the sounds of the birds singing. For the next several hours you and Stan lay side by side on the grass as he points out different birds and tells you about them. Your heart pounds every time your fingers brush against each other as they lay in between you. Your body and heart are aching to slip your fingers through his, but your mind is telling you no. You ultimately listen to your mind, feeling dissatisfied with yourself at the awkward wave he gives you as he drops you off at your house. 
The days where the losers are fighting rush by, each of them spent doing something with Stan. before you know it, it’s nearing the end of the summer and Pennywise is gone. You reluctantly take part in the blood oath, wanting to leave this town as soon as you turn eighteen and never look back. But you would do anything for your friends, even risk your life for them again. As you're hugging Bev goodbye, you can’t believe she’s really leaving, Stan comes up beside you. 
“Will you go on a walk with me?” Stan asks timidly, not meeting your eyes. The puffy bandages around his face make your heart lurch at the thought of how much pain he must have endured. 
“Sure,” you nod even though he’s staring at the ground in front of his feet. Bev gives you a smile and a slight shove in encouragement. You give her one last smile as you start off down the trail, Stan taking long strides to catch up. 
“What happens now?” Stan asks, his fingers brush against yours as you walk side by side. 
“My aunt’s moving here, so I’m staying,” you don’t turn to look at him, scared to face more disappointment. 
You stop walking when you two reach the kissing bridge, not that you expected anything to happen, but it was a nice view. You look down to see the small S inside the heart you carved earlier in the year, it sits near Richie’s R + E. You absentmindedly rub your wrist, Henry had grabbed you so hard he bruised you when he caught you with his missing switchblade. But it was worth it, in twenty or thirty years from now those markings would still be there, your own little mark on history. 
“I’m glad,” Stan says it so quietly he doesn’t think you’ll hear him, but you do. You glance up at him and immediately frown as you get a better look at the bandages wrapped around his face. It takes you back to the day in the sewers, the day he yelled at you. 
“Stan!” you scream in fear as you wade through the grey water. Your heart is pounding in your chest, this can’t be happening! You can’t lose him, not Stan. One minute he was with the group and the next he's gone. “What if IT got him?” your voice shakes in fear.
“You can’t think like that,” Richie says firmly, but you can hear the fear in his voice. 
Before you can respond you hear a scream, one eerily familiar to when you pulled Stan off the ledge at the quarry. “Stan!” you scream again as you run past your friends through the dark smelly sewers to find the curly haired boy that you care for. 
You reach the closed door at the end of the tunnel, opening the rusty metal on your own thanks to the adrenaline rush. Your friends' screams of Stanley get louder as they catch up to you. All six of you rush through the door and look for Stan in the large underground room. You walk around and come face to face with the creepy women from the painting he hates eating his face. A strangled sound somewhere between a gasp and a whimper escapes your mouth, alerting your friends that you found him. 
“What the fuck is that?” Richie asks as Eddie shines Stan’s discarded flashlight at the thing. The multiple rows of teeth finally let go of Stan and the lady looks at the lot of you.
“Get off of him!” you scream, reaching down beside you and grabbing a rusty pipe. You chuck the metal at the creature smacking it in the middle of the face, it opens its mouth and hisses at you before retreating. 
You all breathe a small sigh of release, until Pennywise peeks his head out from behind the corner. All six of you let out high pitched screams, but all you can think about is Stan’s safety not your own. As Pennywise hides behind the corner again you run and drop to your knees at Stan’s side, the rest of the boys quickly following suit. You reach out and touch his arm, muttering his name in a soft calming voice, but all he does is scream in terror. 
“Get off me!” he pushes six pairs of hands off of him as he scrambles away from you and the rest of the losers club. “You left me! You took me to Neibolt! You aren’t my friends!” 
“Stan, we were looking for you. We were so worried, I was so worried,” your hand gently touches his cheek, trying to see how much physical damage IT had caused.
“Get away from me!” he glares at you as he smacks your hand away from him. “You're no better than Henry! Worse than him! You tricked me into being your friend just so you could hurt me!”
You rip yourself away from the curly haired boy so fast you fall flat on your ass as you try to move away. You gasp and tears fill your eyes, Bill’s hand gently squeezes your shoulder. He had been with you at Neibolt, he saw that your fear was Henry. Your feelings for Stan were obvious, so the accusations made the rest of the boys angry at Stan for hurting you. Tears fall quickly from your cheeks as you stand and back away from the group. You need to get out of there, away from Stan, away from the pain. 
The rest of the losers back away from their friend and get ready to search for their favorite redhead. You all find Bev quickly, and you smirk as Ben kisses her to wake her up. Pennywise soon appears, attacking Bill first, the rest of you try to fight the clown but it doesn’t work.
“Let him go!” Bev’s plea reminds you of yours from earlier. 
“No, I’ll take him” IT shakes its head with a grin. The killer clown explains to the group how it will eat your flesh as it feasts on your fears. “I’ll take him and only him,” IT offers. 
“Leave,” Bill begs the losers.
“I’m gonna have to kill this fucking clown,” Richie complains. “Welcome to the losers club asshole!” he screams, hitting Pennywise in the face with a discarded baseball bat. 
Chaos erupts, everyone grabs for a weapon to fight the clown with. As everyone starts attacking IT with the garbage they found, IT manages to slip away. You all decide, stupidly, to split up and look for Pennywise. 
“Good morning sunshine,” Henry’s annoying voice whispers into your right ear, dialogue straight from an incident where he almost seriously injured you. “Dad’s not home.” You can hear the smirk in IT’s voice.
“This isn’t real! You aren’t Henry! You aren’t real!” you scream, the losers stop their search for the clown and watch on nervously. 
“It’s time to play sis!” IT laughs like a maniac as he walks in front of you, you're forced to stare up into IT’s eyes. Pennywise steps closer so you step back, which you do again and again. A replica of Henry’s switchblade pops open and is pointed directly at your gut. “Daddy dearest isn’t home to stop me!”
“Go through with it! Do it! Do what the real Henry never had the guts to do!” you scream at your brother- well Pennywise. He has you backed into a wall, switchblade dully pushing into you just above your navel. Your chest rising and falling rapidly as you pant, angry tears mixing with the heartbroken ones from earlier as you stare defiantly at the thing that had been after you and your friends all summer.  
IT backs away slowly, your brothers-Pennywise’s- head tilting to the side as he studies you. A grin too large to be humanly possible splits across Henry’s face, rows of teeth on display as IT laughs in delight. You see your friends inching closer to you and the clown, you make eye contact with Richie giving him a slight shake of your head. He sighs in defeat, grabbing both Stan and Eddie pulling them back, the rest of the losers halt when they realize what the trashmouth did. 
“You were easy to crack,” IT giggles loudly, shifting back into a clown. IT lifts a hand up, finger tracing your cheek down to your throat, stopping directly over your artery.   
“Take me and leave my friends alone!” you glare up at IT. 
As the clown goes to open its mouth, Ben comes out of nowhere and stabs IT right in the back. The rest of the losers start attacking IT again, the clown shifts from fear to fear in hopes of getting one of the losers to stop. It shifts to Bev’s father, so she stabs a rusty rod right down IT’s throat in order to make him go away. The clown convulses and backs away from the group. 
“That’s why you didn’t kill (Y/N) and Bev, because they weren’t afraid of you!” it’s the first time you’ve ever heard Bill not stutter. “We aren’t afraid of you. Now it’s your turn to be afraid, because you’ll starve.” IT flips itself into a hole that leads lower into the sewer system, letting go and disintegrating before Bill can whack IT with a pipe. 
You all stare in shock for a few moments before making your way out of the sewers and towards your homes. The losers all talking amongst themselves, all but you. you’re ahead of the group, wanting to put as much distance between you and Stan as you possibly can. Eddie too, he had already asked what you meant while Pennywise was still Henry. Two conversations you definitely didn’t want to have. 
“(Y/N/N)? You okay?” Stan’s distant and worried voice breaks you out of your memories. “Where were you just now?”
“I’m fine,” you lie and he can tell by the flash of pain that crosses your face. “Just thinking about the other day.”
“I didn’t mean what I said,” Stan frowns, turning away from the carvings on the wood to face you fully. “I wasn’t in the right head space-”
“It’s fine,” you murmur, fingers gently running over the S carved into the wood.
“No it isn’t,” he says firmly, you look at him with wide eyes. You weren’t expecting him to get so serious about it. “IT messed with my head, made me see things that weren’t true and I took it out on you.” 
“Stan, I get it. IT knew how to hurt us most,” you reach over and lightly wrap your hand around his in a reassuring gesture. He stares down at your joined hands for a moment, ears turning a vibrant red, before continuing with his explanation. 
“He showed me a vision of you and Bill kissing,” Stan flips his hand over and laces his fingers with yours. 
“What-” you’re eyebrows furrow as you watch his face grow from pink to red. 
“I like you, (Y/N). A lot. And when IT showed me that it broke my heart. Deep down I knew it wasn’t real, but it felt so real. I’ve liked you since the beginning of the school year, and I never had the guts to tell you. Because why would you like me? You could have any guy, how could you ever possibly want me-” you cut him off by gently pressing your lips to his. It’s a soft and fast peck, but you still pull away smiling. “What?”
“I like you too, you loser. For just as long, I was scared to say anything because of Henry,” you giggle at his shock, mouth open and eyes wide. “Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.”
“Speaking of Henry,” Stan’s mouth snaps shut before his lips pull into a deep frown. “What did you mean back in the sewers?” You sigh, not wanting to admit it allowed. Stan pushes a strand of hair away from your face before cupping your cheek gently. 
“Henry thought I broke his Atari, so he screamed at me endlessly and threatened to kill me,” you admit softly, rage and sadness battle within Stan’s eyes as he takes in the information. “It wasn’t the first time he threatened that, but it seemed different that time. My dad had no idea, he only heard some of the yelling, which he screamed at Henry for doing. So that made Henry even more mad at me. But anyway, it turns out that it was Belch that broke it.”
“(Y/N),” Stan says softly, pulling you into his embrace. “I’ll never let anyone else hurt you.”
“Promise?” you ask hopefully, could you really finally be happy? 
“I promise,” he kisses your forehead softly. “I know this isn’t great timing, but will you be my girlfriend?”
“I’d love to,” you grin at him, gently caressing the bandages as you pull him in for another kiss.
tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
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