#(my vision for romantic ekurei is basically the same thing
scribefindegil · 2 years
QPR ekurei is such a great dynamic you are so big brain
My Vision for queerplatonic ekurei is like. it's slow and it's gradual and they don't really talk about it. it's just, you know, Dimple keeps hanging out around Spirits and Such even when Mob isn't there, and if Reigen asks he'll say he was bored or hungry or that he can't let Reigen die because then Shigeo would be upset and flunk his exams and they can't have that now can they? and maybe a couple of times he has to walk Reigen home after a job goes sideways just to make sure that there's no spiritual nonsense on him that they missed, and maybe Mob's busier with schoolwork in the evenings and so Dimple can't hang around and bother him as much, and sure he could just drift around people-watching and looking for weaker spirits to eat, but it just doesn't scratch the same itch anymore, and so he finds himself going to bother Reigen instead.
and this goes on for years, with Dimple being a fixture at both the Kageyamas' and Reigen's apartment. and then Mob moves out for school and tells Dimple that he doesn't want him coming with because he needs privacy and his own space. and Dimple's a little cut up about it even though he pretends that he isn't, has a moment of wondering what his unlife is going to look like now that the person who brought him back to it has moved on, now that he's going to lose that anchor that feels like home, and he probably goes and sulks for a while, but eventually he finds himself coming back to Reigen. and Reigen's feeling a little weird and empty-nest-ish himself but he's like well. at least you can still haunt me.
and it's only later as Dimple is sitting on the couch of Reigen's apartment while they argue about what movie they're going to make fun of that night, sipping a beer that Reigen can't drink but buys for him anyway, that he realizes oh. he does have a home. and it's here.
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