tangled-on-ice · 8 years
So everyone wants Elsa to have a girlfriend now? Is it because her being gay would somehow make her more interesting?
At this point Elsa’s vague audience-assigned sexuality/mental disorders are the only things that defines her anymore. Like, seriously, what is Elsa other than a self insert?
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tangled-on-ice · 8 years
Imagine if the writers of The Lion King had written Frozen, and Hans Zimmer had composed the music. Like, just imagine.
It probably would have been a much more coherent story, and Hans no doubt would’ve incorporated a heavier Scandinavian influence in the music. Sigh.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
whenever I’m feeling down I just remind myself that a big hero 6 tv show is real and is actually happening
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
So the internet trolls whine about Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland or The Little Mermaid and many other better Disney movies that it's not "OMG not 100% cabron copy of the original story!!!111" (that in my opinion were very close to the source material) and yet they defent Frozen that has NOTHING to do with the original fairy tale? they even named the villain after the autor of the story. talking about hypocrisy!
So many hypocrites in the fandom lol
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
Tiana is actually included in set 1 of the official princesses figurine playsets (Disney split them up). You can find it on the website at least. Annoying cause Aurora and Cinderella got to have duplicates but I promise she was included, maybe your store didn't have it?
Oh did not know that. It’s misleading packaging though.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
Have you only just found out about Duke Weaselton? Even I wasn't impressed by that and I'm the one who sticks up for the original Duke.
I haven’t seen Zootopia, but I definitely heard about it before the film came out…because life hasn’t been saturated with enough Frozen apparently. I wonder if they’re going to make a Frozen reference in Moana as well.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
For those of you who haven’t heard the good news... What a pleasant surprise!
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Big news from San Fransokyo! Baymax and friends are returning for an animated TV series! 
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
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Frozen concept art by Mike Gabriel
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
it’s been almost 3 years now, Big Hero 6 is nowhere to be found, Frozen is still everywhere, and Frozen fans still complaining about people who don’t share their opinions
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
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Ain’t it funny how they have Tiana on this box but she’s not actually included in the toy set? Disney pls
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
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i’ll regret posting this, but here are some old and simple concepts from 2008 during my Disney internship for “Snow Queen”, now “Frozen”.  have yet to see the movie in theaters, but my idea was a story based on broken hearts and isolation from all things joyful.  am grateful my skills have improved a great deal since then.  bloody hell…
philip vose
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
What I wanna know is: why does Disney keeps on making the same female character body type ? Skinny, tiny waist, short, and so on. Why can't they do something different and be creative for once with their character design ?
I believe Disney is capable of making creative character design, but they:
1 - Afraid to take risks.
2 - Have to stick with “Women have to stay beautiful all the time”.
3 - MONEY!
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
To add to mockeryd’s post on the weird-ass focus on Elsa looking sexy (and my subsequent response that it made no in-universe sense), yeah, that’s literally it. I’m going to keep saying it. Elsa looks conventionally sexy to an audience, but this doesn’t reflect in her personality and doesn’t match up with anything we’re told or shown about her— she’s ‘depressed’ and ‘anxious’ and very clearly asocial and prone to isolating herself from the outside world, and the only mirror in the film existed in a psychological sense with Hans.  Despite Elsa’s being a miserable pile of secrets inadequacy and fear, she’s ‘a protagonist’ and is still obligated by a cosmic force (we call these “character designers” and ”executive producers”) to look good even if she doesn’t feel good, because someone out there is judging her. But then compare: this is what the concept of Elsa looked like back when she was the antagonist/evil.  She doesn’t have the ’innocent, angelic’ appearance of ‘heroic’ Elsa, she has an angular body as opposed to a rounder body, she doesn’t have the doe eyes and inexplicable long-lasting permanent makeup and long tousled hair, she’s fully covered— for all intents and purposes her design is not what a majority of the audience would think of as obviously sexy, but notice?
It doesn’t matter to her at all! It doesn’t! Her pose, her expression says she thinks she’s hot shit. She likes how she looks even if no one else is around to validate it, or even if people around her were to express the opposite sentiment. She’d still have the same amount of self-esteem. Why is it that evil!Elsa exudes confidence and embraces her powers fully, while heroic!Elsa is insecure and doesn’t know how to control it, and the audiences took to the insecure version more easily? hint hint it’s because of their internalized prejudices that judge a woman showing pride in herself as a ‘conceited bitch’ and automatically one-dimensional because of her ‘conceit’, ignoring whatever else could make her complex.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
I've said it before but...
I don’t think Elsa did anything important in this movie. Like…
Sure she unfroze the kingdom, (which was her fault in the first place), but that was about it, and she didn’t even figure out that crap on her own.
And, she didn’t even save her sister. You know, the one she was /so/ worried about losing? It wasn’t Elsa’s tears that brought Anna back to life, but Anna’s selflessness to sacrifice her life for her useless sister. Anna /saved/ herself.
See, it would’ve been nice for Elsa to figure out that she had injured Anna looong beforehand and actively set out to try and find her sister so she can attempt to undo the curse! However, all we got was a woman who ran away at every opportunity she had to be more than just a lady with a pretty face.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
Ok say what you want about Frozen but you have to admit that it was the first Disney movie where two characters were seperated for a long time and that cause emotional distress.
“Frozen is the first Disney movie where two characters were separated for a long time and that caused emotional distress”
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“Frozen is the first Disney movie where two characters were separated for a long time and that caused emotional distress”
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“Frozen is the first Disney movie where two characters were separated for a long time and that caused emotional distress”
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
I want to take a few minutes to unpack a common criticism of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, namely that it glorifies abusive relationships, telling impressionable young girls that it’s okay if their boyfriends shout at them and get physically violent, because they can “fix them with their love.” While it’s easy to look at the movie’s reputation in pop culture and make that assessment based on the broad strokes, if you look a little closer you’ll see that this conclusion is complete hogwash. Let me explain why.
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tangled-on-ice · 9 years
“Elsa are sisters, they’re suppose to look similar.”
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“I look just like my mother!”
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“Come on, Elsa and Anna look nothing like Rapunzel.”
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