#(like hopefully Tomorrow soon)
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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buglaur · 1 year
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munchboxart · 5 months
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pluplupluto · 2 months
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IshiMondo Week Day 7: FREE DAY!!!!!
Each of the slices is a reference to different AUs, so bonus points if you can figure out which is which. (There's a little derogatory language on the right hand side so warning for that!!)
Ishimondo week was so fun this year, and I hope I still love danganronpa as much as I do now for next year's! Seeing everyone's submissions was awesome, and this was a good opportunity for me to get out of art block and draw once a day for a week (truly a once in a lifetime event). Thanks so much to the organisers for setting this up!!
Here's your final bonus doodle:
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(It's me after finally finishing this after an hour and a half)
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danieyells · 4 months
I also though the same when I read Jin's stigma!! Like at first being something mild like 'hug me' 'stay seated here' to things like 'kiss me' 'dont talk to any other man today' to 'bend over' 'stop crying' 'spread your legs'. But I also haven't played much lol
On one hand i agree he'd probably start small. . . .
On the other his Affinity 4 chat has him ordering you to clean his room and taking off his shirt in front of you because he wants you to wash it(getting mad and telling you to stop complaining when you get embarrassed). . .and he calls the pc "servant". So if he wants something from you. . .I don't think he'd hesitate to escalate even if he doesn't know you too well heheheh
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But yeah the idea of Jin using his stigma for sexual purposes--whether the person he's commanding likes it or not--is so appealing to me. Realistically I don't think he'd go that far but. . .it also doesn't feel entirely out of character for him to go "shut up and obey" and not care if you cry or fuss, just. . .grab your hand and use his stigma to control you if you're disobedient.
It just has such potential. For like damn near any kink you could want really. He could tell you to go about your day without your clothes, exposed to the whole school. . .he could tell you not to leave his room until commanded otherwise. . .pleasure yourself in front of him. . .don't go home, sleep in his bed. . .or on the floor at the foot of his bed, like a pet. I like "don't talk to any other man today" that's a good one hehe.
His New Years line even has him say "Hope you're ready for another year being at beck and call, servant." And if you haven't logged in for a while he says he has to retrain you.
Eventually he's just going to tell you what to do, no stigma needed. And you'll obey. It will be second nature for you. No questions, it will just be what you do.
Just. . .yeah. The potential is there. I don't think his stigma can actually be used for things like extended actions(like "don't do x all day") but the idea is there and it's so hot. And even if he couldn't force you to with his stigma, it definitely wouldn't stop him from commanding you to anyway. And he'd teach you to do what he says. You'd learn to be obedient.
Tbf about not playing much, it takes a lot of time to advance story things in this game lol. Like after hitting four affinity on everyone it's taking a while to get to 6 lmao. That's part of why I'm sharing the things I datamine--because it's such a slog to get things! And I've spent money on the game!!
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toxooz · 11 months
lords gon hafta drag me outa the kitchen cause im cOOKIN AGIN
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youchangedmedestiel · 3 months
I might post a new fic tomorrow. It has been a while!
I think I finished it but should reread it for the 5th time to be sure you know.
It involves some dancing. That's all I'd say.
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heybaetae · 6 months
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causenessus · 2 months
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sunlitsighs · 12 days
starting to feel increasingly miserable but it's okay and it will be because i am trying and i am making an effort and soon i will go and shower and feel a little bit more human and alive and then i will attempt my work again and then i will do something that brings joy and it will help
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ace-marshmallow · 6 months
I gave you a bouquet of red roses when coming back home. Your round cheeks rose to your eyes as you smiled brightly. You looked so happy, so content and breathtaking.
I gently grabbed your wrist and lead you to the couch, letting you the opportunity to free your hand easily had you decided not to; but you didn't. You're so good for me. I sat you down on the couch and brought some mini pastries: eclairs, cream puffs, salombo, financiers... An entire plate full, just for you. I sat on your lap and offered you to play a game, to make them last so you would enjoy them more.
I leaned into you, my head on your shoulder and grabbed a rose. You will only put a pastry in your mouth when I pluck a petal off this rose; and you obey. You play so well and I can tell you are as excited as I am. I see your breath catching and you're breathing more heavily, your chest rising and falling and both of our heartbeats.
I pluck a petal and it starts. You put the first eclair in your mouth: the cold cream hits your tongue as the sweetness disperses in your mouth. The cream feels rich but you can't get enough and too soon, you swallow it.
I look at you and pluck another petal and it starts over: The buttery and nutty cake melts in your mouth and you want to reach for another. You want it so badly. And I give it to you. I pluck two petals at once and you finally have that sweet cream coating your entire mouth, the two different flavours mixing into something even more delicious.
I pluck another and another pastry goes in your mouth but I see you are getting impatient. These small pastries aren't enpugh for you one at a time, are they? My greedy angel needs more, right?
You have followed everything I asked you to so I just throw the rose back with the others and nod, giving you the approval you needed.
You scarf them down and I rub your soft and squishy tummy.
I'm glad you liked the roses.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
I should probably be at least slightly concerned about the flood risk but honestly this is my favorite kind of day. Cozy and rainy with just enough wind. I love it.
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royalarms · 2 months
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writing a fic with a darker tone, also known as “how many times can I riff on ‘smiled softly’ or ‘smiled sadly’ until it becomes too much??”
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s2 episode 2 thoughts
woohoo! we are back for another s2 moment! each night i do my duolingo and then have mulder and scully time <3
so we open on a boat which is already awful. boats are lowkey horrific. and something grabs a man working on the sewage and pulls him under. what the hell! worst case scenario on MANY fronts
then we see our good friend mulder who is listening to audio recordings. and boy was this a scene, because he had sunflower seeds everywhere, cartons of takeout scattered, a million empty cans and cups, and a page of little doodles. all while he sits in the dark.
i figured perhaps this was the squalor of the single man apartment, but no! someone opens a door and light pours in, and tells him he has to leave and someone else will take over his case. and that poor man gets forced into his disgusting space. truly the king of not giving a fuck. please try and give one fuck for me mulder
skinner moves him to a murder case in new jersey and he's all "but why did skinner want MEEEEE"
anyway he goes into the sewers, which are thankfully now free of eugene tooms due to the hard work of that one escalator... everybody say thank you escalator... and he finds a body and says send that back to the FBI
mulder busts into skinner's office to yell at him while he was IN A MEETING oh mulder!!! i get ur mad but have some decorum! he's like WHY are you wasting my time! well mulder if you want to work your way back up the ladder i think screaming at ur boss is not a good place to start!
(we also see that skinner's first name is walter and that he has a picture of bill clinton on the wall which i know made sense at the time but in 2024 it's just really funny. there's old willy looking over business)
cutscene to mulder Pondering in the dark and look! enter our dear friend scully!
"is this seat taken?" she asks "no, but i should warn you i'm experiencing violent impulses" he replies. "well, i'm armed, so i'll take my chances" she answered, and i audibly said "AWWW" <3 how sweet
he says he wants to leave the bureau! but she is his only reason to want to stay! gasp! we are gonna have to unpack that later!
she's like but you have a body right...? can i see the body....? can i pls pls pls pls be involved in ur case?
girl's night: autopsy edition! this body was quite decomposed and it had me wondering how exactly they film these scenes, and while i was pondering the process of making a prop body, we hear a loud thunk of scully removing the dude's rib cage to which i nearly fainted but we were Fine it's okay
and i'm holding my breath trying to deal with seeing this dude's insides when we get a WORM JUMPSCARE crawling about in his corpse
back in new jersey we see more sanitation workers and another man getting pummeled by the sewer beast... have we considered giving these men a raise?
the man has a nasty wound and i wrote "i am not built for this" in my notes but mulder strolls into the doctor's office while he's being checked out to investigate... we see the wound that the sanitation guy thinks is a snake that got into the sewers... and i'm thinking that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about sewers to dispute that information
scully calls and he has to hang up and he gets ANOTHER call and picks up like "scully not now >:(" BUT THE GAG IS... it isn't her... it's some guy saying he has a friend in the FBI....... um
scully has mulder come down to the lab to show off the worm she found and give the audience a nice PSA to not eat raw meat! thank you dr. scully! we then get some worm facts and she seems pleased
BUT MULDER IS MEAN and he accuses her of being responsible for the phone call and she looks so hurt! she says she wouldn't betray his confidence by talking about him wanting to leave! mulder i get that you're in your questioning era but literally one episode ago she picked up your mostly dead body from a jungle compound so?? let's be rational here???
the next scene involved blood coming out of sanitation man's mouth and mostly what i wrote at this point was a few variations of "AUGH" "i cannot look" and "cannot handle this"
at the sanitation plant they capture whatever this Thing is and oh my. well. all i can really think of are those fake mermaids. you know the barnum fake mermaid hoax? or is that too 19th century niche? well either way, it looks like that but Worse. and equipped with suckers. it's a gnarly beast to gaze upon and i wrote more "AUGH"s here
cutscene to scully on a computer reading worm facts. back when you used a big ol computer to research creatures. i miss the 90's (disclaimer: i was not alive for them at all)
mulder lets her see the creature (which they have put in a mental hospital?) and she is SO excited to see this sort of beast BUT she figured out it was connected to the first attack because someone slipped a magazine article with a hint under her door!!!! looks like there really is someone on the inside...
she also says "i'd consider it more than a professional loss if you decided to leave" WAHHHHHHH <- me crying like a baby at this line
mulder's sitting in skinner's office like a kid stuck in detention and skinner says they're gonna prosecute the worm monkey baby thing and i nearly cried at the mental image of putting that beast on trial. skinner was like "you want to put it in the zoo?" I fear that's far more reasonable.....????? like how is he gonna testify he's WORM MONKEY BABY THING
mulder is again very pissed off and tells skinner that they could have saved the second man (who died in the shower while i was looking away from his bleeding) because he had agents who could have handled it but he shut the x files down and skinner is like. i know. but i was just following orders... tea....
okay so i THOUGHT the worm monkey was baby sized but now they're taking him somewhere else and he is full man sized... but he breaks out of his restraints, we hear a gunshot, and he escapes into a toilet... NO, i yelled to the sanitation worker on my screen, THE WORM IS INSIDE (he couldn't hear me)
mulder's at the scene and gets another mysterious phone call telling him he CANNOT mess this case up because there needs to be undeniable proof the x files must come back... okay no pressure!
so the worm monkey is somewhere in the sewer plant and scully calls like "i think the little worm we found was a baby and it's looking for a place to lay its eggs so we CANNOT let it escape"
(mulder and another worker go into the sewers without any sort of worm monkey handling equipment, idk i was thinking a shotgun might be appropriate here. like what did they think they were gonna do? wrestle it?)
the other worker falls in so NATURALLY our hero mulder (who is still a hero even if he has been cranky af lately) jumps in after him
and mulder GUILLOTINES the worm monkey in what can only be described as an average fox w 🔥🔥
at the end we see scully and mulder once again meet on a public bench in the dark, where she shares that the genetic testing proved that this thing was actually a mixture of human and worm that came from radioactive waste at chernobyl??? so. that's fucked up. haven't they suffered enough.
(but i like that this is a monster made possible by humans and yet still very real, even if that seems... an unlikely story... still, for dana scully's sake i'm happy this is something that can be proved by Science)
((although i hate to know what the implications are for the chernobyl dogs in this universe...))
we end with a shot of worm monkey baby, who has been split in half, re-opening its eyes. now i do think sea worms can sometimes grow back so this isn't SHOCKING. but it is displeasing nonetheless.
overall, listen; mulder, you've had it rough. they've slashed your life's work and you doubt reality. but man. clean your desk up. be nice to scully. skinner is clearly on ur side. i need to shake his stupidly tall frame and knock some sense into him. that beautiful woman wants to tell you worm facts and you should be writing it all down intently.
(good angst though, love that she's the only reason he wants to stay. and love her little autopsy time <3)
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tethered-heartstrings · 5 months
i'm basically done with writing my will/hannibal smoking ficlets. there are over a dozen different ones based on prompts from an old post of mine ranging from about 500 - 2k words a piece. they aren't inherently connected at all and are meant to be standalone fics, related only by the overarching theme of smoking. i haven't written anything like this before so want opinions/input.
*if i post them as one "fic", each chapter/story will have their own tags listed in the beginning and all the collective tags listed under the "fic". if i do a toc, it'll at list titles and prompts. no toc then prompts will be listed before the fic with the tags for said fic. each fic does have a title if that makes any difference
also not inherently bad to rb but don't bc the poll is really just for me lol
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