#(like >15min)
shyoyos · 2 months
note debuting with samu hcs yayyy likes & reblogs appreciated^^ written for taliaaa :p
osamu miya who, contrary to popular belief, is no less crazier than atsumu
osamu miya who has days where he wishes he’d gone pro to play along his brother like the good old days
osamu miya who will always plate your food before his
osamu miya who gives you the first bite whenever you share a meal
osamu miya who always asks you “did you eat yet?” whenever you meet up
osamu miya who still has his high school jerseys folded neatly somewhere in his closet
osamu miya who tries to attend every match he can, whether its for the msby black jackals or the japan volleyball league, just to cheer on his brother
osamu miya who hates to admit setters are cool
osamu miya who’s love language is acts of service
osamu miya who plays volleyball from time to time, just to not get rusty if he ever gets the chance to play with atsumu again
osamu miya who’s a gramma’s boy
osamu miya who kisses any crumbs off your lips
osamu miya who’s very clingy in his sleep, an arm (preferably two) always hugging your waist
taglist @daetko
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thewilddreamerrr · 4 months
OKAY ALRIGHT LISTEN UP BABES someone on X removed the music from the carriage scene and apparently Colin freaking Bridgerton says ''you are so beautiful" while kissing down Pen's neck and im- how am I supposed to function with this information??
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The tweet in question. Your welcome and all that
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
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Jour de brume
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beaulesbian · 11 months
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✨ Happy Birthday Roronoa Zoro ⚔️(11.11)
"Until the day I defeat him and become a master swordsman, I'll never be defeated! Got any problem with that, King of the Pirates?!"
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tobiasrieper · 9 months
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Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll go along with yer little charade for now, so... No need to rush outta here yet... Alright?
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dirtbagcore · 28 days
Saiki K + M!IK crossover AU!!!
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posting my demon!kusuo design for saiki k week 2024 day one: swap AUs!!!! ((cause species swap counts right? lolol)) thanks @idance2silence / @saiki-k-week for organising!
btw i do have a fic for this AU started, but idk when im gonna get around to finishing it soz :') we'll see!
closeups/art style reference under the cut :3
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yenskiers · 3 months
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spookmuth · 5 months
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Hey guys do me a flavor and never let me draw Winfrey without reference ever again
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warpfactor9 · 2 months
i love every time i'm watching tng and it suddenly cuts to geordi and data in the middle of solving The Problem of the WeekTM down in engineering and we get just a taste of the fact they've been working together off-screen for hours or days while the rest of the episode's happenings have been playing out. they're attached at the hip half the time they're on-screen, and those little moments imply the same is true off-screen, too
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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lifemod17 · 2 months
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azamonvoid · 2 months
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Chosoyuki for my bday 🥰
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lydiaalin · 4 months
I think more games should have a hand holding mechanic like sky cotl
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sualne · 4 months
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he's just SO annoying
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fujunfuren · 5 months
Spent 1hr 40mins….and we are given ep 15 unnecessary cliffhanger. Bye i just wanted them to hug and kiss under the snow. That was all I ever wanted, more of them, her remembering partially by 45mins in. But nope. Cant you just let us enjoy baekhong for the final 2 eps like is it so difficult to make us swoon for them being happy
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s3when · 1 year
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quick sketch of benny and rory dying in a glue trap
benny got tricked into it somehow, rory happily jumped in after his friend and doesnt regret it one bit
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