#(it's hard the first art that I'm not ashamed to show)
lunameimei · 4 months
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Scared little butterfly 🦋
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 days
I'm getting so fucking sick of the pjo fandom. It was bad before yes, but ever since the show casting came out, y'all's behavior has been down right disgusting.
The harassment Leah, a literal child, faces due to the color of her skin from you racist fucks is just outright appalling and every single one of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You pieces of shit even got her social media account banned and have told her to kill herself because she's black. And I don't wanna hear "it's just cause of the color of her hair!" Cause it's not and we all know it's not.
Two, the treatment of fan artists is just gross. Multiple fan artists are getting their art stolen and whitewashed not to mention the harassment they get whenever they don't draw a character exactly the way people want. Guess what, their art isn't for you, and you aren't fucking entitled to it.
And three, I was really hoping that y'all would be more accepting of people who just watch the show. But no, you're calling them idiots and harassing them just for not knowing the biggest fucking plot twist of the first book. (Most of y'all didn't know Luke was the traitor when you first read the books either, so shut the fuck up) I need y'all to get off of your damn high horses, you are not better than them just because you've read the books. Your opinion of the show doesn't fucking matter, let people enjoy it and stop telling them to "just read the books" especially if they've said they don't want too. The show makes the story of Percy Jackson more accessible to more people and your hatred of show watchers are driving people away from the fandom. Most of y'all have forgotten, but the book series is about kids with adhd and dyslexia, two disabilities that make it hard to read through one book let alone an entire book series. Not to mention that books are expensive and not everyone has access to them. If you don't like the show, fine, don't watch it, but leave the people who are the fuck alone.
And four, and this is less about the show and just about shipping in general. But ship discourse is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. People are literally told to go kill themselves because of what they ship. It doesn't matter how gross you think a ship is, they're fictional characters; leave people alone and learn how to use the fucking block button. If you don't like a ship you can make your own damn post and tag it as 'anti*ship*'. do not go onto someone's post about that ship and start hating on what they're talking about, it just makes you an asshole. There are ships I don't like all that much so I've blocked the damn tag, it's so easy. I've even blocked the anti tag for ships I ship because there's no point in reading something hating on something I like. Stop hurting your own feelings by reading shit you know will upset you and leave people the fuck alone. (If you're a roleplay account it still doesn't give you the right to hate on someone's ship, especially on their posts, again leave people alone).
People are leaving the fandom because of y'all's behavior and y'all need to learn some basic human decency and grow the fuck up.
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michealhehejackson · 1 month
Went through the Luca art book for the first time! I love how detailed it is, and the colors are beautifulll
One of my favorite parts is how they captured flow and grace when drawing Luca in his seamonster form. I love the shapes they used.
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It's also pretty funny that they chose these drawings to introduce Albertos' character in the book 😭 I also thought it was cute how the book captured Giulia's more "witty" side to her character and most of the concept art is just her working hard for the family buisness <3
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Something I wanted to point out though are these two parts. I thought it was pretty cool how this piece of concept art sort of looks like Luca and Alberto looking at future versions of themselves.. 🤔 (I'm pretty sure this was just a coincidence, I don't think this was intentional).
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And then this part, where it shows a different story board of when Luca finds Alberto in the tower after the fight. It starts off by showing Alberto throwing cans at a wall, and then Luca confronting Alberto. It then transitions to Luca finding a clam?? Alberto is then shown as if he's confessing something or as if he's ashamed. I thought this was SUPER interesting because it confused me a lot.
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And here's some art inspired by the book. Alberto wearing Massimo's gold chain and Giulia's slippers. And then, Luca wearing a outfit inspired by some of the concept art.
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kirathehyrulian · 6 months
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♥Help Milana Auction Winner for Art Offer #1♥ (placeholder): 🐟Ocean Fishing🐟
*Do not Repost, Alter, or Use without permission of @wetsammywinchester.*
This work was inspired from @wetsammywinchester 's J2 fic Enthrall (For better viewing on desktop, click the image, then right click the enlarged image, and then click "open image in new tab".)
For more stuff from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr or my AO3.
👇( wip screenshots and notes below the cut) 👇
For more detailed notes: [AO3 link]
Art Notes:
In early Oct 2019, a section of the creator community held/organized a fandom charity auction to help out a fellow creator who had fallen on hard times (for more info on the past auction click here). I offered three commissions towards the auction. Paula was gracious enough to bid for and win my 1st offer for $30.
The details of that offer was: One title card and one illustration for a fic.
Because life events and burnout got in the way we didn't finish talking out all the particulars, but I just decided to go ahead and make two illustrations for now, and if the particulars ever get fleshed out in the future, I'll do the official title card and illustration that more closely fits the story of the scene and overall feel that Paula would like to be depicted from the fic.
So these works are more a placeholder. I made these because it's always been in the back of my mind for 5 years now to complete the offer because that was 30 dollars donated with nothing given from my side to show for it. So at least now it has something to show for it even if it's not the official work that was supposed to be done.
WIP Screenshots:
This was the first sketch idea that I abandoned because I felt like I didn't know how to actually make it and Jared's face would be mostly hidden, which was not a good thing in my book. I succeed more with Jared's face than I do with Jensen. So I had no confidence going in for this idea:
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I ended up settling for a sketch of mer!Jared in the water and then I later thought that just doing Jared wasn't fair so I made another canvas for a Jensen fisherman companion piece to the mer!Jared one. Also, I tried to make Jared look 14-ish because I was told Jensen was around 18 in the fic, but up to the view if the attempt translated well. And this is the wip of both of those:
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The mer!Jared illustration obviously was more intricate so that process took longer and had more wip screenshots than the Jensen one. I admittedly was getting burnout when working on Jensen's so I took some shortcuts with the t-shirt decal and the bags and containers surrounding Jensen. I just found some images on google and traced them instead of eyeballing it which saved me time and effort that would have made the burnout worse to the point that I might have finishing this work a lot later than now. So I'm not upset or ashamed about doing it for that reason.
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I started this project around Feb 8th this year and finished it all March 14th (today). And that's it for now. Thank you for getting this far and-
Enjoy, if you can!♥♥♥
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heatherhpogson · 9 months
Week One: Good Omens "The Flaming Sword"
First, I want to take this moment to dedicate this artwork to the Good Omens community, to @neil-gaiman (and co-writer Sir Terry Pratchett R.I.P), to the cast and crew of Good Omens, and to @goodomensonprime. Thank you for inspiring me to create this year. Enjoy the journey.
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25+ hours in the making, I've finally finished my first artwork of the year! Since this is a series, this is number 1 out of 52! If you want this on your computer screen, check out my link tree! (If I did this right, it should be linked on the photo. Spoken by a Tumblr noob).
This took a lot longer than I originally thought, but I was having so much fun trying different things. I'm unsure if it's always going to be like this, fun that is, but it is a 52 week challenge. Eek! Did I get myself into deep waters?
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Anyway, about the scene and why I chose it...
I think a lot of people like this exchange between Crowley and Aziraphale. It's the first time we're meeting them. Crowley inquires about Aziraphales's missing flaming sword and the poor angel is ashamed to say he gave it away! When Crowley hears this tidbit of information, he appears to be amused. (I was too).
I like this exchange because they don't despise each other. They just accept one another in each other's presence. When Aziraphale covered Crowley with his wing, it solidified my eyes to the screen. I had to see what was going to happen throughout the rest of the show. An angel and a demon? Friends?
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The 25+ Hour Journey...
I am not a digital artist, or even a professional artist. I just do this for fun (and sometimes torture). So, when I declared to myself this challenge of doing fan art every week, I was thinking, "this is going to help me improve my art! It's going to be fun." Hmm...Sure, Heather. Fun. Turns out, fun was going to be secondary as I kept running into challenges!
We were sick over the holidays, and to get a good start on this very serious project, I decided to start early. Little did I know when I closed my art program for the weekend everything I worked on for the day would vanish. Poof! Into the nether. Sigh... don't worry, I learned my lesson. Save frequently. Seems common knowledge, but when you have kiddos constantly beckoning you, you sort of forget if you saved.
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Then, I decided to color Aziraphale's eyes. Since Crowley's eyes were already a beautiful shade of yellow, Aziraphale needed the same sort of love. Only, as I re-watched the show, it wasn't clear what color his eyes were! They changed from blue to honey in a matter of seconds! So, I played around with it and came up with something I rather liked a lot.
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So, despite my mini hardships, I had did have fun with this piece. I usually don't draw backgrounds, but since I want to do more personal artwork of my own characters, I'm trying hard to learn composition.
The end result might not be a masterpiece, but it still means something to me, and I hope it will mean something to others. Don't forget to download this for your computers, let me know if you like it, and have a happy week! Bonne journée!
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
okay so after seeing all of the first three episodes again last night with friends and falling even more in love with the cast than before, i finally got around to episode 4 today. some thoughts:
i can't gush enough about the set design, it's all absolutely gorgeous. i was completely in love with the little clearing where young zoro and kuina have their match, just seeing the sunlight filtering through the trees...it really gives off that kind of nostalgic, romantic feeling that you get when you think back to a simpler time in your life. and of course, kaya's mansion is gorgeous! it doesn't look like yet another generic rich person mansion. it has character! i loved all the wall art in their dining room, i like the orderly yet cozy cluttered feeling of the kitchen, i love how it all feels lived in, like it has a history
talking more about the technical aspects, i love the costume design too! i like the slightly too clean look of the marine uniforms - it brings notice to the fact that these are new cadets who don't have much fighting history. i like that both nami and sham get to wear practical clothes! no stupid high heels for nami! no short shorts!
i didn't mention this last time, but i LOVE jacob's version of usopp. it's crazy that they managed to find a guy who can do usopp's over the top facial expressions in real life. they really lucked out with this entire main cast, i can't imagine literally anyone else playing our beloved straw hats. i hope we can see at least one more season, and i hope i adore robin and chopper just as much as i love these the east blue crew
as sad as it is, i'm glad that it seems like merry really is dead. i like this more brutal direction for the live action, because it feels like there are actual consequences for them, and i like that you can't take for granted that just because someone survived in the manga/anime, it means they'll survive in the live action too
the child actors are a little stiff, but i think they're really doing a good job given how young they are! young zoro's actor was definitely doing a better job that kojiro's. he sold his grief over kuina's death very well
speaking of koshiro, i still fuckin hate that dude. he did kuina so dirty with his sexism, convincing her she had no future as a swordswoman, making her believe that she could never stand up to men.
i think having koby and helmeppo show up at kaya's mansion and inevitably get duped by kuro was a good choice. it lets koby get a little more experience in a leadership position, and more than that, it helps establish usopp's distrust of the marines. from the beginning he was always interested in the romantic view he had of pirates because of his dad, but seeing that the marines failed him, even after they said they would help him, and that they didn't believe him no matter how much he begged them to, it helps establish a reason for him to go along with the pirates when they invite him to. the marines didn't do shit to protect kaya, but luffy and his friends did everything they could. they loved kaya, maybe not as much as usopp, but they wanted her to be safe.
side note, it's kind of hilarious to think about helmeppo trying to kill luffy, and then going back to the ship and finding out that he's garp's grandson 💀💀
when we are! started playing in the background as the going merry set sail for the first time with her crew...i cried, i'm not ashamed to admit it. gosh, i missed her, and i miss the first opening. it's so nice to see her get to go on more adventures with her crew in this new medium! i know some people were unhappy with her figurehead, but i just adore it, it suits her crew well
luffy's little shit-eating grin when kaya just gives them merry for free, and nami being just SO exasperated because he's gonna be so insufferable now, it made me laugh so hard! i love these idiots
when usopp and luffy were arguing about which one of them was captain, and nami just burst out laughing? and then zoro started chuckling too? that was so healing! they've already had good chemistry so far, and they've shown loyalty, but it's so nice to finally see zoro and nami kind of starting to admit that they do like these people they've become friends with, and it's nice to see that they're coming around to how much they care about luffy
i was a little iffy about them doing the garp reveal at the end. my first instinct was to be really annoyed by it, but after thinking on it for a moment, it honestly does make sense. in the first place there wasn't really a plot reason to put off the reveal until post enies lobby anyways. and then you also have to take into account that it would be a huge success if we ever even get a second season, let alone reaching post enies lobby. so it's not ideal, but i'm not too upset at them about it. ALSO, seeing zoro, nami, and usopp's reaction to the news was fucking hilarious. i hope we get some good dynamics in the next episode! i want to see garp call luffy his idiot grandson. i want that funny family dysfunction.
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Stephen's Hands
Fluffy/ Comfort
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
A/N: I'm not sure what this is, it's probably the result of my ramblings about how beautiful Benedict's hands are. Anyway, I liked the way it turned out. I hope you like it too.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual activies
Word Count: 1k
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You love Stephen's hands, you love to hold them, you love to bring them to your lips and kiss them. Their warmth, the way they wrap around yours. You love every detail of his hands, even the way they shake, or the roughness of his skin, the lines of his scars.
You love everything about Stephen, but his hands are special to you.
His hands are magical, not just because he uses them to literally do magic, but for everything they represent and especially the way they make you feel.
When you're having a rough day, an anxious crisis, or anything else that makes you nervous, Stephen takes your hand and wraps it in his and that gesture alone is enough to make you feel better, safe, and loved.
Sometimes when the two of you are together, but distracted each with your activities, Stephen usually reading, you usually finishing something from work, you don't even need to speak, but your hand reaches out for his, your fingers playing with his, squeezing. , scratching his palm, stroking. You don't think much about what you're doing, it's instinctive, but that gesture of holding his hand makes you feel complete.
You know very well that Stephen's hands is important to him, for everything that has happened to them he has hit rock bottom and come back as the man you know and love, the great Master of the mystic arts. While you may see this as a source of pride, you are perfectly aware of his insecurities with his hands.
It was you who worked hard to convince him that he didn't need to wear gloves to hide his scars, Assuring him that there was no reason for him to be ashamed of them, but although he shows them off to everyone now, you know that deep down he still has issues that need to be sorted out and even though it's been years since the accident, he still has a long way to go in acceptance.
Maybe that's where the special affection you feel for his hands comes from. You make a point of assuring him that while there are things he can no longer do without magic, he is not weaker for it, quite the contrary. And when he is in pain, which unfortunately is recurrent, especially in winter, you are always there for him.
On these days You usually prepare a basin with warm water and lavender for him to dip his hands in when he comes home after a day of training at the Kamar Taj or some mission. At first he questioned the effectiveness of it, but little by little he began to realize the relief it gave him and sometimes he even asks you to prepare it for him. His hands always lessen from shaking afterwards and you usually massage them gently ensuring the pain goes away or at least eases a little. Those moments when the two of you are in bed and you are taking care of his hands are more intimate than sex, you like to think that there is no one Stephen feels more comfortable and safe with than you, and you know he likes that. You surely do.
Stephen's hands also work miracles on you. You love it when he massages your shoulders, taking all the tension away after a tiring day at work. You know he uses magic to keep his hands steady and you've learned to recognize the warmth of his magic on your skin. By the way you feel relaxed after these sessions you always wonder if he doesn't use some other kind of magic in that massage as well. Oh sure, you love watching Stephen do magic. You love watching his complicated finger gestures, or even the simplest ones. You feel so special to have him by your side.
Stephen's hands are big, his fingers are long and you don't talk about it much, but there is a part of you that is sexually attracted to his hands. Where Stephen sees flaws, you see charm. And to think of all the things those hands are capable of...
You particularly like the way he squeezes your tits, or when he slaps your ass cheeks, you love it when he uses that huge hand to hold you by the throat while he fucks you senseless. In a way, everything always revolves around his hands.
Stephen knows how you feel about them, especially sexually. You have a way of holding his hand and squeezing it that he's already cracked like a code for sex, but if you're alone, you'd rather not be so subtle, instead you prefer to grab one of his hands and drag it between your legs.
Either way, his reaction is always an eyebrow raise and a cute smirk.
You love it when he penetrates you with his fingers, when he lets you suck his thumb while he makes you feel so good that nothing else matters but the feel of his cock inside you and his finger in your mouth. You love it when he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you to him, when he grabs your chin making you look at him because he wants to look into your eyes as you come.
Stephen's hands, whether in the most innocent way or the most filth, is a big part of your relationship with him, just as it's a big part of who he is and you love them, you love them with all your heart.
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Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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adiduck · 1 year
okay i saw the no limit to your guesses bit this time in your post so imma just throw out so many i’m not even ashamed
- the daggers first time meeting 86’ mav n ice
- cyclone who greatly admires iceman seeing young iceman and being Normal about it
- smth about preferring volleyball to football
I... do not have any of these exactly I'm afraid 😂No reason, really! I just didn't include them meeting Mav because that's about the same, cut the scene where Cyclone would have met '86 Mav and Ice for the sake of the convo being very stilted and unnecessary to the plot, and didn't think to make a joke about volleyball v football! As a consolation prize, please accept the daggers seeing Admiral Ice for the first time, via '86 Mav, who definitely has a normal appreciation for the figure the Admiral cuts walking up an aisle:
“There’s one more thing,” the Captain says, as he finishes explaining the specifics of coffin corner. A difficult bullseye at speed after a sharp descent and immediately followed by a climb of at least nine Gs--what the fuck? “As many of you may know, our efforts here are being personally sponsored by Admiral Kazansky, who I imagine needs no introduction,” the Captain drawls. Next to Maverick, Ice stills. Maverick looks at the way the Captain’s eyes are dancing, the little smirk he’s wearing, and his heart kicks up. “As the timeline has moved up, the Admiral has opted, as is his prerogative, to sit in today and monitor progress. Let’s try to give him a good show, shall we?”
In the back, the door opens.
“Attention,” the Captain snaps out, and Maverick is on his feet and saluting on reflex--
And that is how Maverick gets his first look at Admiral Thomas “Iceman” Kazansky, COMPACFLT.
He’s tall, Maverick thinks first, which is fucking ridiculous--Ice is a tall guy. It’s not like he’s going to shrink. But something about the way the Admiral walks accentuates it, makes him ten feet tall instead of six, makes him fill the room. His hair has gone all silver now--or maybe he just stopped dying it between when his official portrait was taken and 2019. The stars on his shoulders catch the light, impossible to ignore, and the set of his jaw and the tilt of his mouth sharper than Maverick remembers, but familiar in a way that hits Maverick straight in the gut.
His pace is even, eyes front, something about the set of his shoulders broadcasting that he owns the room and everyone in it.
Because he does, Maverick thinks, and fights down a smile.
He turns to the room when he hits the podium and returns the salute, eyes sharp as he takes in the service members arrayed before him. He barely spares Maverick and Ice a glance of their own--or at least no more than anyone else.
“As you were,” he says, and his voice is… hoarse, raspier than Maverick was expecting. Maverick blinks, and frowns a little. Is he sick? Now that Maverick’s looking, the Admiral might be a bit on the thin side, might be a little pale. The way he leans on the podium as the Captain steps away looks casual enough, but there’s something about the way he’s holding it that seems like he might be steadying against it. It’s hard to say--Ice has always been hard for Maverick to read when he wants to be, and the Admiral seems to have turned that into an art form. He squints. Maybe it’s not that he’s pale so much as he’s a little flushed. Too much color high in his cheeks.
Maverick settles back into his seat. Around him, the others do the same. It takes Ice a second--staring at the Admiral, mouth thin, eyes narrowed--before he blinks and lowers himself into the chair. The Admiral’s eyes rest on him again before drifting away to take in the room again.
“This is a mission very few would be able to fly,” he says, still in that same growly rasp. “But you’re all the best the Navy has to offer. I’m expecting to be impressed today.” His eyes slide over to Maverick and Ice again, still the same clear, sharp gray-blue. He nods, once, like he’s come to a decision, and steps back from the podium. “All yours, Captain Mitchell,” he says, and turns to make his way to a chair set up against the back wall, next to where Cyclone and Warlock are seated. His gait’s still steady and strong, though he reaches for the back of the chair as he lowers himself into it. Maverick can feel the frown on his face deepening.
There’s not time to worry about that, though, because the Captain clears his throat, drawing all eyes back to him. “Schedule for hops should be in the briefing in front of you,” he says. “I’ll expect your preflights done in half an hour. You’re dismissed.”
There’s shuffling behind Maverick, and he glances behind him, watching the others gathering up their paperwork, glancing at the schedule to file out of the room. The Captain watches for a moment and then turns to walk over to the Admirals, giving another salute before crossing his arms over his chest, saying something too low for Maverick to hear. It must have been a joke--Warlock gives a familiar amused smile as Cyclone sighs.
The Admiral, on the other hand, laughs, then rolls his eyes expansively. It’s such an Ice expression to Maverick being a dumbass that Maverick can’t help smiling himself.
“Come on,” he says, turning to Ice. “We gotta--”
Ice is still staring forward, mouth pinched.
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Ortega. The Yuma lookalike
First post test. Just because.
You guys ever noticed how Ortega in Pokémon Scarlet and violet looks exactly like Yuma from MDA: Raincode?
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I've always wanted to point that out because I find it hilarious.
• BOTH are males
• BOTH have purple eyes
• BOTH have a short physical build
• BOTH have pink hair styled in a bowl cut
Either way I freaking adore them both! 🩷💜
Ortega is Fairy Type Yuma while Yuma is Ghost type Ortega.
Yuma is kindhearted with a strong sense of justice while Ortega is competitive, bratty and short tempered while hiding real feelings behind the insults he throws at people.
Just some things about me:
By the way this is my first ever Tumblr post. I'm a new guy so I'm the newbie dumbass. I'm a massive fan of MDA Raincode, Danganronpa, Monster Hunter alongside other video games. I actually research multiple video games and really look into any new characters that catch my interest.
Usually I've been in the dark because I don't use many forms of social media (I was raised strictly so I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone online until I was 19 in 2019) so yeah... I'm an internet hermit. I first had a taste of online socialising when I created a YouTube account to talk in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate streams I was taking part in. Then from there I joined Discord just so that I could remain in contact with my friends I made there. However after years of struggling with fitting into online communities I've had no choice but to back away from people due to my health. Having social anxiety really doesn't help, plus I'm autistic so I really struggle with a lot of basic things people can do easily. (For example instructions have to be simplified for me so that I can understand them step by step).
I'm a gamer who loves multiple video games but always struggles with talking about my passions wherever I go. People find me annoying, see me as a spammer (especially as I love posting memes I find on the internet just to spread joy and try to make people laugh) and ban me from community servers because I'm too emotional (when I feel low I have a bad habit of venting just so someone can show some kind of support, as I don't talk to anyone in reality. Unfortunately there's a lot of people who can't stand people like me, since my depression is triggering for them, so they throw me out, never speaking to me again.
This of course made me feel worse about myself and I've been isolating myself. Due to my lack of socialising (I've always had problems with making friends) I find peace with the characters I fall in love with in video game. Mostly because I can relate to them. I believe that everyone has their mains. Their number one character(s) they love the most. That's the main reason why I love the games I play.
I'm going to give Tumblr a go. I know that people often use this place for fanart however, I'm a really terrible artist so I won't post any of mine. Also I'm extremely reluctant in showing off any random fanart I find online because I learnt the hard way that it's extremely rude to just post other people's art without crediting them. I'm deeply sorry.... I didn't get a manual of online art posting etiquette so I was completely clueless and I'm permanently ashamed of it. It was because I was so used to copying and pasting any nice pictures I saw online onto my private discord server. So I wasn't used to big communities (an example of my dumb brain however it's wired differently and I take things literally so I'm just not going to post any fanart whatsoever in public) yes.. I am terrified of being told off, and it's got only worse after getting banned from four discord video game communities. I'm also an ex mod so I can tell whenever a server mod is more into status than actually caring for the community.
I'm sick of explaining everything about myself as a human being who just happened to be born a little bit different than most people who spend their whole lives on social media. I'm sensitive, outspoken and I just want a place in the gaming community who will just accept people like me. I'm the kind of person who speaks their mind and when upset or angry I tend to say nasty things at people but I immediately regret it.
At least here i can just post random crap that's on my mind. About my favourite video games and characters while people can choose whether they want to hang out or not.
I'm a kind hearted person who looks out for everyone. I allow people to vent if ever they feel sad or alone. I hate to see people get hurt and I'd love to see them get well ❤️‍🩹. I will never push anyone away just because they are being too "triggering" while I understand that these things can upset other people it still doesn't make it right to criminalise the person who is in need of support from other humans. Treat others how you'd want to be treated. Yes I do talk about deep topics if I must, I am into horror game lore after all so I've heard it all. However hopefully I'll warn everyone if something I'm about to talk about is too dark.
I'm going to say this as well. I apologise if I type too much. Because of the way I am I go into as much detail about pretty much everything as possible. Yes, I've had nasty comments about it.
I DO make videos on YouTube but at the moment I've shut myself down from it. Hopefully if I feel better I'll open it up again.
Anyway I'm glad to get most of that personal shit out of the way just so that you have an understanding of what to expect from me, I'm certainly not mainstreamer. For the most part I'm just a geek for multiple video games.
P.S I suck with hashtags by the way.
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (I.4)
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IV. Pumpkins, mischief, and trolls
Chapter Summary: You were testing barriers
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, injuries in Quidditch
Wordcount: 2.6 k
Notes: Here we go again muahaha This ofc isn’t getting enough traction and I get it… I really hope that it does later on because I'm really excited  :( 
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You were in the astronomy tower with Blaise, Draco and Matthew, you had brought, as promised, your telescope and were trying to explain the homework to Matt, that was only mocking the boys and not paying attention, it was sort of frustrating
When he spoke to you, Draco quickly answered for you, or simply stood between the both of you, you didn’t understand why, but finally he managed to see the constellation he picked and wrote down some things in a parchment, and then it became late and you had to come back to the commonroom so you wouldn’t be caught after hours out of bed.
Blaise and Matthew walked in front of you, and you managed to grab Draco and pull him back, as soon as you were walking by his side you asked him, point blank
“Are you ashamed of me?”, you asked bluntly, he looked at you frowning, like that was the most stupid thing you had ever say
“Why would you think that?”, he snapped
“You never introduced me to your other friends”, you said quickly
“I did! you know Crabbe and Goyle”, he said easily
“But not Nott and Zabini”, you corrected, “Or Matthew”
“He is different”, he said, quickly, “I didn’t know it was so important”
“I feel like I’m an outsider”, you said
“YOU ARE NOT!”, he snapped
“Is it because we don’t know who my father was?”, you asked shyly
“We know he was one of the sacred 28 that is enough for me!”, he said back, yes actually that is the only thing you knew about him, him and the fact you didn't have any direct family like grandparents or uncle and aunts
“But still…”, you murmured
He had this guilty look on his face, after he told you you couldn’t borrow his racing broom he had at the manor, when he didn’t want to share but he felt guilty because it was you
“You are my best friend”, he said, as he was actually not only apologizing but giving an explanation. 
You decided to drop it, as you got to the common room and separated to go to your own rooms.
“Good night”, you said shyly
“Good night”, said Draco and Blaise as they walked towards their room, and Matthew just stood there and watched you go inside your room.
The very next day, you had defense against the dark arts, which you, by reading your book, thought it was going to be the most interesting class, but alas, you had Professor Quirrel
He wasn’t a bad teacher, but the way he spoke nervously, and stuttered a lot, made you nervous and it was hard to follow his instructions, and he always spoke sentences as questions, so you didn’t know if he was making a statement
But you did well in his class
And just like that, weeks went by and now you were enjoying the Hallowe'en feast, you loved Halloween, you loved to carve the pumpkins, and the candy, and you felt like it was the only day of the year in which wizards and witches could mingle in the muggleborn without being treated as weird
The muggles were the weird ones, you thought 
Anyways, tomorrow, the classes were suspended because of the holiday, and you were going to go to the pumpkin patch outside of Hargrid’s house to grab pumpkins to carve and bewitch. It was one of the few activities that were available for first and second years since you weren’t allowed to go to Hogsmeade, the little town near the castle grounds 
Draco did not want to go, under any circumstances to go near “Harry Potter’s best friend Hagrid”, but you did, so he was forced to accompany you and Millicent, who also showed interest
“I dare you to eat one of those”, mocked Mathhew to Draco, pointing at a bowl of magical gummy eyes, they were enchanted to look and move like real eyes, but they were made of gummy, but they give you the creeps because of how… wet… they looked
“No way!”, laugh Draco, “I’ll give you my next treat box if you eat one”, you giggled as you grabbed a huge black and orange lolly as a dessert
“TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!”, a scream interrupted everyone as professor Quirrel entered the great hall running desperately, “TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!”, he screamed again as he was running to the huge table where the teachers were, “I thought you should now!”, he said wobbly, and collapsed to the floor
You exchanged concerned looks with Draco and you both screamed at the top of your lungs in desperation alongside all of the students
A troll! They were huge, smelly and dangerous!
“SILENCE!”, Screamed Professor Dumbledore, “Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons”, he concreted, and your own Prefect did his best, though you all pushed each other to exit the hall, considering that your common room was actually near the dungeons 
But you didn’t encounter any trolls on your way there, and then you were safe inside it.
The very next day, the only thing everyone was talking about, is how Potter single handedly defeated the mountain troll that sneaked into the school, Draco was frowning all day in the pumpkin patch until you brought the pumpkins back to the common room.
It was a fun afternoon, MIlicent and you had carved the pumpkins, and Umbra was perched on your chair, eating the seeds you had leftover, it was quite funny actually.
You carved a toothy grin on your pumpkin, with sharp eyes, it looked a bit diabolical, MIlicent opted for a more complacent face for hers.
“You have the spell?”, you asked, just when Draco came back accompanied by Blaise, Theo, Matthew, Greg, Vince, Pansy and Daphne
“What are you both doing?”, asked Theo, making you both blush, it was no secret that he was the cutest boy in your class
“Head full of seeds, a funny bloke, make this pumpkin talk and joke!”, she chanted pointing at her pumpkin with her wand, and in a second the pumpkin started moving its face
“Welll…. hello!”, he said with a sharp voice, you gasped, surprised, taking out your wand, when the pumpkin started to speak rapidly, looking all around 
“Wicked!”, muttered Crabb, and everyone grabbed a pumpkin and started carving 
“Head full of seeds, a funny bloke, make this pumpkin talk and joke!”, you repeated religiously, and surely enough, the face of your pumpkin started moving, showing you an even wider, more devilish smirk
“Hello little lady”
“Would you tell me a joke?”, you asked
“No… but I know some good ol’ limericks that might interest you”, you were concerned to say the least, “There was a professor at Hogwarts, who had a complete set of Rose Quartz, he cleaned them and used them, but then he stored his…”
“NO!”, you interrupted him, afraid he would say something naughty
Your friends made their own Pumpkins, and they they brought them to life
Let’s just say that didn’t end well, you learn like 20 naughty words, and the noise got so loud, Professor Snape quashed all your pumpkins because they started singing dirty songs and jokes who made all the people in the painting to go away embarrassed and upset 
That was very funny, you had never laughed so much in your life, to see Snape’s face 
You giggled when you remembered it 
The other thing you did while you had free time, is to search for the trophies in the common room, specially the ones of Quidditch, your house won a lot! you had to train A LOT this summer so next year you were going to be able to make it to the team, as it was yours and Draco’s dream.
Only one year the Slytherin team had won every year, and you manage to steal a picture of the yearbook 1978 of the library of it, and you managed to actually ask the prefect to see that year’s playbook, and studied the plays, which he found odd, but didn’t say anything
Speaking of Quidditch….
Today was your first Quidditch game! not as players but as spectators, much to Draco’s dismay and pouts 
Your first Quidditch Game! 
But you were excited nonetheless, you were going to play against Gryffindor, the best game of the year!, and you couldn’t wait, maybe Potter would fall of his broom
So you put on your favorite piece of clothing of the uniform, the thick wooden gray and emerald green scarf, you fixed your hair in a way that it wouldn’t bother your eyes, because it might be windy up there in the boxes, and you ran out of the girl’s rooms to meet Draco in the Common Room
Soon you were cheering up in the boxes when the Slytherin team show up first, obviously, and they started flying around the field
You and Draco and the rest of your year were all in attendance in the same box and cheered loudly for the team, they looked so cool! you loved the dark green and the capes flying behind them, you couldn’t wait to join the team next year! 
A boy Lee Jordan, from Gryffindor, was narrating the match, and you thought it was like watching a game between England and Bulgaria narrated by a Bulgarian, so… Madam Hooch, your teacher from the flying lessons, was refereeing, as she stood in the middle of the field.
She had her broom in her hand, and the players of both teams got together around her ina  circle, the seeked even higher from the ground. 
Soon she grabbed the Quaffle, and threw it into the air, starting the game. 
A girl from the Gryffindor teams snatched it pretty quickly, she was fast and you really admired that.
You found Quidditch really breathtaking, professional players were so quick and smooth, and this was proven to be no different, your first Hogwarts Quidditch match! wow.
"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor -- what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too --"
"Sorry, Professor., giggled the narrator, "And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of Oliver Wood's, last year only a reserve -- back to Johnson and -- no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes -- Flint flying like an eagle up there -- he's going to sc- no, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and the Gryffindors take the Quaffle -- that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and -- OUCH -- that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger -- Quaffle taken by the Slytherins -- that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger -- sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which -- nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes -- she's really flying -- dodges a speeding Bludger -- the goal posts are ahead 149 -- come on, now, Angelina -- Keeper Bletchley dives -- misses -- GRYFFINDORS SCORE!" 
How could he breathe? you wondered 
The Gryffindors cheered loudly, luckily they were on the other side of the field, they were so annoying.
You saw both seekers, Potter and Higgs, flying above them all, watching carefully their surroundings for the sneakiest of the balls, the golden snitch
you looked back to the field and to your joy, your captain Marcus Flint took hold of the Quaffle, as he evaded a Bludger throw at him by one of the Weasley Twins
The father of the Weasleys had been to your house in the name of the ministry, searching for strange artifacts; your grandfather had to come all the way from France to recover dear artifacts that were family treasures. He was so upset it required weeks to convince him to let you stay in England.
But anyways, back to the game in question….
"Slytherin in possession," Lee Jordan was saying, "Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys, and Chaser Bell, and speeds toward the -- wait a moment -- was that the Snitch?"
The game seemed to stop as Pucey dropped the quaffle as he looked over his shoulders at the golden dop flying furiously and randomly.
Slytherin’s seeker darted towards it, faster that you had ever seen, and Potter too.
He had a Nimbus, and that gave him clear advantage.
A professor had given him that broom, was that even fair? You shook your head trying o wipe those thoughts out of your mind, and then… Flint scored for Slytherin
The entire box and the one next to it exploded in cheers and chants 
Flint was waiting for a pass from Pucey, intercepting Harry and he got himself an infraction for interfering, you growled in frustration 
The bludgers started to take more stage, flying more furiously as Gryffindor took possession again and the game became quicker and even more violent, of course the Slytherin were on edge because of the skills of Harry, which surprised everyone as it was his very first game
And then, loud gasps and shouts took everyone’s attention to Potter. When you managed to spot him, he was flying frantically, it seemed like he had lost control of his broom! you wanted to laugh, his broom was failing him! but then you gasped when he almost fell from it, barely hanging on with one of his hands, he was too high in the air! he could really harm himself if he falls
“What's happening to Potter?”, asked Zabini
“Too much broom for such a little Git”, mocked Draco and everyone laughed 
He started zigzagging in the air and everyone saw it, screaming and gasping, the Gryffindors asking for a timeout
But when Madame Hooch did anything to prevent it, the game kept going, Slytherin had taken possession again and 
You were winning! with 90 points and Gryffindor by 30, it was so exciting! you were wondering if they could manage to make more points that the snitch was worth, as you saw Terence HIggs and he was flying randomly, clearly he didn’t have the snitch on sight
You turned back to look at Potter and he seemed to have regain balance and control of his broom
You couldn’t believe that barely weeks ago he didn’t even know what Quidditch was and now he was playing for Seeker in Gryffindor
The snitch apparently showed itself to Potter, as he and even Terence spotted and started chasing it quickly 
They both were pretty high in the air and darted downwards towards the ground quickly, HIggs stopped but Potter kept going, his arm in the air ready to catch it. 
He fell to the ground, and he looked like he was going to be sick and then, to everyone’s surprise, he coughed up the snitch. 
"I've got the Snitch!" he shouted, waving it above his head
Nobody really knew what was going on
"He didn't catch it, he nearly swallowed it", your captain fought hard for the “win” to be dismissed, but the win was proclaimed and there was no turning back
Draco, instead of sad because we lost, he had that face that told you he was cooking up a plan
“The team is there, we need a better seeker”, and he was going to be that seeker next year
You smiled back at him
We still had two more games to watch, against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
You still had chances to win the Quidditch cup
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witchhatproductions · 8 months
Witch Hat News #5 - In Sickness and in Health
by Tata Calthrop
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This is an archived version of our microfiction newsletter! You can read along on our tumblr, or subscribe here.
Hey there! It's been a few months since you last heard from us, hasn't it? How have you been? I'll go first: I've been bad! Let's talk about creativity and mental health.
I don't speak much about my mental health publicly, but let me summarise it for you; I was a very happy teenager who plummeted into clinical depression at about age nineteen and never fully recovered, and it sucks.
That said, the consequence of this is that I've been in therapy for years and read dozens of books about psychology for both patients and professionals, so even if I'm depressed, I'm also wise as all hell.
(I suspect if I weren't depressed, I would probably be completely zen.)
I have an excellent relationship with my creative craft, and my evidence for this is that I am both alive and still actively creating things. A lot of people never learn to manage the balance.
Many of the artists and writers I meet are weighed down heavily by the burden of not being good enough. "I'm an artist, but I get so anxious that I only draw once every few months, and then usually throw it away," my friends will tell me, ashamed. "I'm not good at it."
"I'm not really a writer," say the people I meet on discord. "I have this idea for a story that I've had for years, and I've written down some small things, but not anything I can show anyone – I'm not good enough yet."
On the other end of the scale are the creatives who push themselves through constant burnout, who neglect eating and sleeping in order to create as fast and voraciously as possible. A "successful career" may be built on five hours of sleep a day and constant, haunting guilt about keeping up engagement and output.
I think it's very easy to hide in hard work. You can have terrible self-care and self-awareness and be falling apart in every area, but if you work hard, and succeed, you never need to feel guilty about the other stuff. 
You know who can create constantly, yet never get tired? Artists and writers who can spend hours every day effortlessly making things, while also being entirely present in their own lives? Children.
Human beings are born with the constant urge to be creative. It's pretty well-studied that imaginative play and brain development are directly linked in small children. It's in their nature to engage in make-believe.
Very few four-year-olds freeze in front of a blank piece of paper, because they know how terrible it feels to be bad at drawing and don't know where to begin with the idea they had without failing utterly. That's a particular madness we learn as we grow up.
I'm biased, but I firmly believe that playfulness is what makes us human. What we describe as "intelligence" in other animals is often correlated with their adaptability – their ability to conceptualise and understand things they've never experienced before, and maybe didn't even know were possible.
This, too, correlates with playfulness. Dolphins, crows, octopuses, and great apes – all very different animals – play games. Despite all having taken wildly different evolutionary paths to get there, they have all separately developed play.
To be human is to create. To imagine is to be human. So that's my way of not worrying about my creative output – whether I'm making enough, whether I'm good enough. I do not create art in order to sell it, or to gain praise for making it, although I would welcome it if either of those things started happening to me regularly.
My art does not need to be good, or valuable. It has the same value and function as the paintings I made at preschool when I was four; it is the byproduct of my humanity.
Let go of the idea of being a "good artist". Nobody is a good artist. The only thing any of us is really good at is being human, which tends to get in the way of the other stuff.
"How do I create more, without letting anxiety or laziness get in the way?"
I'm here again, writing my newsletter. How long until another mental health break knocks me flat again, I don't know. But right now, I feel motivated to put words to paper (or words to mailing list, as it were), and I'm going to follow that feeling until it's gone.
My advice to you is to do the same. Joy is a very precious gift; to enjoy creating something is divine. You are human, and that is enough. Put aside your doubts. Create ambitiously, stupidly, passionately, in any way you can, as long as you're having fun; and once you learn to have fun, the trick of learning how to create more and better is a very simple one. 
So, here: Three things that spoke to me about the subject of mental illness, death, and the arts. Let's drink to our good health, eh?
So Sad Today: Personal Essays by Melissa Broder. A series of devastating essays about illness, addiction, dysfunction, and brutal, intimate, visceral emotion. I have few words for this one. I found it indescribably powerful.
Sawbones have an excellent episode about personal mental health stories. This one's much easier to listen to, but it's still quite personal, as these things tend to be. It spoke to me as someone who, at the time, kept a lot of my issues completely secret.  
To The Moon by Freedbird Games: At the dying wish of a old man, two scientists must navigate and rewrite his memories of life. A short, funny video game, with very charming characters and hilarious jokes and – genuinely – one of the most sad and beautiful character dramas I've ever experienced in video game form. 
Your project here. Do you make art of any kind - visual, written, performed? Are you starting a project or recruiting co-creators? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected].
That's it from me. I'll see you on the flip side, however far away that is. I'm not giving up! And neither should you!
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qatheauthoress74 · 4 months
And So I Make This Wish...Rewrite!
Yeah, it's very original title, I know, but ever since I saw the concept art for Disney's Wish (along with watching a ton of YT vids analyzing the film and how much it could be improved) I've decided to throw my hat into the ring and tell my own tale.
The story will be about 17-year-old Asha, the apprentice sorcerer to King Magnifico, the ruler of the Kingdom of Rosas. With his wife, Queen Amaya, they grant wishes under the blessing from the Stars whom the people of Rosas both revere and fear at the same time like mortals towards gods. Asha has been training under Magnifico for the past ten years. Despite showing great magical potential she just can't seem to get the most basic spells working right and feels like a total failure. Which makes it hard for her to muster up the courage to ask Magnifico to grant her great-grandfather's wish.
Asha in my story is awkward due to low self-esteem inflicted upon herself for feeling inadequate and also coming from a mean girl named Grimhilde. Grimhilde acts all haughty and smug but is secretly jealous of all the attention Asha gets as the royal apprentice. Most of the people of Rosas love Asha despite her lack of self-worth and even call her their princess even though she technically isn't related to Magnifico and Amaya. She tries to make up for her supposed shortcomings by doing a lot of chores around the castle and also works as the kingdom's tour guide but gets easily tired from the work. The only friend Asha has at first is Dahlia the royal baker, but that's because Asha excuses herself as being too busy to hang out with the rest of the Teens as she knows she can't help them with their wishes like Magnifico and feels ashamed for it. She likes to draw and dance but keeps these to herself at first due to her confidence issues. The only other beings she lets her true self shine are her Saba, the animals in the forest, and her pet goat Valentino.
Astrophil will be my starboy (or starbeing as in my story they are non-binary). Astrophil gets their name from Asha as a line-of-sight name from a collection of poems titled Astrophil and Stella, written by her late father's favorite poet. Astrophil came to Earth to help Asha fulfill her wish while also getting the chance to explore Rosas and learn more about Asha. Astrophil is pretty smitten with Asha and their dynamic will be similar to Aang and Katara's from ATLA. Astrophil finds the royal couple's excuse to only grant wishes from what the stars tell them as absurd and, with Asha's help, decides to uncover what's really going on in Rosas.
Magnifico and Amaya will be a classic villainous couple who put on metaphorical masks to look like benevolent rulers but only care about themselves. They get away with not granting everybody's wishes by stating that the Stars guide them to choose and will get offended if they make "wrong" choices. The reason they keep the extra wishes for themselves is revealed later on in the story and how it is tied to their magic.
There will be plenty of more characters involved with the story such as Valentino, Dahlia, the Seven Teens, and a few cameos from various Disney films but all with a Wish twist to them.
Once I have the whole story written out, I plan to upload the chapters onto AO3 under my name QAtheAuthoress74. I'm going to title the story as...
"Asha & Astrophil: A Retelling of Wish"
So, be on the lookout when I release it. Fair warning, I'm still in the VERY early developing stage of the story so it will be a while before it's published. But I was just too excited to share some of my ideas with you all.
@annymation @oh-shtars
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dracaelus · 2 years
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from batman 2021 annual by James Tynion IV
It's very (very) late at night and english is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar mistakes. But I'm having some pretty intense thoughts about how (in the comics written by James Tynion IV, that cannot be placed in the same continuity as Zdarsky's Batman: The Knight) Minhkhoa and his family are held at gunpoint by Master Midas and his goons, something that is implied to be the catalyst for him to become a vigilante; and later on, once he becomes ghostmaker, we never see him use a gun (ONCE AGAIN, in james tynion continuity - the guy who introduced ghostmaker and his backstory)
And now, this is just my personal interpretation and hc, but Khoa having an aversion to guns bc of this moment fits pretty nicely with the way his dynamic with bruce works
Bc bruce and him are really very similar, and this is both the reason why they get along and why they fall apart. They have a strong case of self recognition through the other (complimentary) (derogatory) (affectionate) (DENIALIST). Bear with me
Doesn't Khoa's backstory remind you of something?
Sure, the circunstances are different and his parents weren't killed, but it does have some glaring similarities to bruce's own backstory. And it's not hard at all to notice, especially when Khoa and Bruce meet paths later on.
But you know a funny little thing about Khoa?
He himself doesn't acknowledge those things. Or at the very least, he doesn't like to acknowledge
He doesn't like to think of this moment as being the main reason for him to become ghostmaker. He doesn't like to think he did it so he could avenge his family by dismantling the Midas family empire and others like them.
He prefers to say that he does it for the "art of it". He likes to think that bc he's a psychopath, he doesn't have feelings and cannot be moved by them. He likes to think that him being a psychopath means nothing can hurt or affect him. That's the version of the story he likes to tell himself
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So you can imagine how bad it was to find a boy in the same path as him, with whom he had an amazing connection, who he thought was the only person in the world who was just like him...
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Only to hear this:
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Like, are we at all surprised that he reacted like that?
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from batman vol 3 #104 by James Tynion IV
"some childish idea of vengeance" hm.
btw yeah, it wasn't a great moment for him to hear bruce saying those things. Everytime Bruce acknowledged something about himself it was like he was pointing out khoa's weak points, showing him a mirror who reflected everything he was carefully ignoring and intentionally denying.
And Bruce. Bruce never stopped saying it. It's the very first thing everyone knows about him. He became batman bc of his parents. Something terrible happened to him when he was a child. It changed him forever. He can never let go of his past. He's moved by it. It shaped the person he is. He doesn't use guns bc of it. He's very adept to adopting orphans bc of it. He'll never stop trying to fix gotham bc of it. He's not ashamed to say it.
This is how he copes with his own Tragic Backstory™. By recognizing how much pain it caused him.
Khoa? He copes with his past by not recognizing how it affected him at all. By pretending it doesn't matter. That he doesn't care.
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But Bruce makes it very difficult. He really does know him better than that
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(tumblr won't let me put any more images, but just so you know, khoa doesn't tell him that he's right and the case was personal for him. bc he's repressed, you know. Btw go read this comic if you haven't)
So yeah, khoa hates bruce bc he doesn't like the idea of being like him. And that's also the main reason he tries so hard to make bruce leave gotham and his past behind. He's gonna fix this emo boy to prove he has nothing to fix about himself, you know, as you do.
But also bc he just likes bruce and he wants to be vigilantes husbands with him and that won't happen unless one of them admits the other is right about them (and i say "them" bc their self image/beliefs is somewhat linked to the other - at least in khoa's case, bc he's the one who has the full picture of their parallels and won't share it with bruce. But for him, if bruce insists he cares, then he's also implying that khoa cares. And when khoa says he doesn't, he is also fighting for bruce to not care too. Like, one cannot be fully satisfied with their own truth unless the other agrees with them. Khoa just decided they have to be mirrors in all the ways that matter (and also in the ones that don't). Batman has a giant dinosaur in his cave, ghostmaker must have one too. Batman has a batmobile, ghostmaker must have a ghost-racer. Ghostmaker doesn't care about his past - Batman, c'mon baby, be just a little more repressed, will you?)
Btw i need to sleep i think i'm gonna pass out i hate this deranged old man he's my favorite babyboy in the world i hope he has a terrible day tomorrow and my god all i wanted to say is that i don't think he likes using guns for personal reasons he won't admit why am i like this
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prosciuttulipa · 5 months
RAAAAAAH i want a match ngl LMAO
Jjk match because Im a fucking simp, and a guy bcs I am in fact a straight woman thanks
I'm a big nerd. Like, a very big nerd. I do math for fun and I am not ashamed at all when I interrupt someone to correct them (I have autism and ADHD, how could you tell?)
I'm relatively closed off, and most of the time, insecure. I'm shy and I barely ever make the first move (unless I've had a couple of drinks or a lot of eyeliner). I think what people most define me as is the "old soul, young body). I'm like the mom of the group, though I am absolutely reckless when there's another mom in the group, since it takes the responsibility away from me.
I hate going out, and it's really hard to get me to go to the beach, for example. I think my best quality personality-wise is that I'm down to earth and realistic about my goals. A problem is probably how much self-doubt I have, since people constantly tell me I am capable of achieving more than I think I can. I don't settle for seconds, but I'm not too excited when I rech first, because there's always a new competition.
Oh yeah, I'm competitive. Very.
I'm a pessimist, though I like to say it's realism, because why be positive, hype myself up, only for it to go wrong and the disappointment hurt me? As I said, emotionally closed off.
My personality is the infamous black cat, and I think (though I'm not sure), that a golden retriever boy is what would fit me best. (even though I simp for other black cat guys)
For hobbies, I'm boring, though I do have many. I play the guitar, do martial arts (krav maga), draw, sing, write absolutely filthy smut, and, most important of all: do math and study. Yeah, my main hobby is studying.
I'm not sure how I show my love? I don't, usually. I can love someone unconditionally and be absolutely lovesick, but only after a very heavy emotional session, may it be a fight or drinks, will I tell soemone how much they mean to me. I spent the last four years with my best friend, and only after a day's worth of drinking and crying did I tell her how much she meant to me.
I'm a bit icky with physical touch, but if I trust them, I'll let them cling to me. Initially push people away and only after knowing them do I let them hug me, kiss me, cuddle me. I am awful when dealing with compliments, and I cannot take a gift. So probably quality time is my love-receiving language when generally speaking. A boyfriend/husband would probably work with physical touch and words of affirmation, though.
I dont think there's any big turn-off or turn-on in relationships? Maybe not giving me enough attention and helping me emotionally, because I'm easily falling into insecurity, feeling like I'm not enough.
I have like medium curly dark hair and dark eyes. Eyebags, and a lot of moles all over my face. My body is relatively fit? I have a bit of fat ngl but I also have muscles. A bit of a tummy and thicc thighs (they do, in fact, save lives) that double the size when I sit (insecurity alert!) I'm pale, though I am a mixed baby. I dress in all-black most of the time, and all the color variations are like red or dark blue. (I AM NOT EMO). I wear eyeliner from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep and I have pierced ears. I also plan on getting nip piercings and plan on getting
I think i need more songs to listen to, so I'm going with the three songs he associates wit me.
Congratulations! You have been matched with...
Choso Kamo
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When people see you and Choso together, they immediately assume that you're just another average emo couple, quick to place stereotypes. But under the heavy eyeliner and dark clothes, are two people who are just trying to figure out life in their own way.
Choso is fascinated by your contradictions: insecure yet quick to correct others, pessimistic but burning with a competitive drive for more. Where some people may see indecision, he sees something much more real and human in comparison to the single-minded characters he's met during his time alive. Living is hard, has experienced it for himself, so he doesn't shun you for your contrasting perspectives. Instead, he wants to learn about the world alongside you, unpicking the way you think, wondering about your insecurities. Although he's been through a lot, there's something inherently innocent and simplistic in the way Choso sees the world. If you're an old soul in a young body, then he's a young soul in an old one. Perhaps by meeting somewhere in the middle, the two of you will get closer to unravelling the mystery that is life.
Choso doesn't mind that you don't like going out, but you often find yourself tagging along as he explores the world in small ways. A trip to the convenience store may as well be a museum visit, with the way he asks you about the products, eyeing them with confusion. He also admires the fact that you study math—to dedicate yourself to understanding anything in such depth is no small feat—and he's happy to sit next to you while you work, occasionally asking questions about your interest in the subject. His most common form of affection is just leaning his head against your shoulder, watching silently as you work.
Dates with Choso are pretty laid back, since he's happy to take the lead on whatever makes you comfortable. It doesn't matter to him where you two are. For him, understanding your mind (and falling in love with the way you think, the way you are) is what matters to him the most.
The Matchmaker's Gift:
Contrary to popular belief, Choso's music taste is rather soft. This song reminds him of the inherent dependence that comes with being connected.
Offering you this song with a curious tilt of his head, Choso asks you if this is how your pessimism feels like.
This is the song Choso uses to confess to you. His feelings are one of the few things he has to his name, and he wants to share them with you.
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zoology · 2 months
i wish my brain had a button that could just shut off a special interest ... the entire reason i remade was to distance myself from rh after jonny doubled down on continuing to play in israel, but god. i can't get the trivia out of my head and i can't bring myself to cut listening to their music cold turkey ... i still look back on last year's smile concert as the happiest night of my life. i've had other people tell me that this doesn't matter and i myself even listen to other bands and artists who are shitty people, but i feel so guilty and ashamed to publicly show love for a band whose member(s) are pro-genocide. even if thom, colin, and phil haven't explicitly voiced support for israel since october, the silence from a band who had previously:
done benefit concerts for a free tibet
criticized george bush at a time when other artists were getting dragged through the mud for it
wrote a song about how it's Bad To Kill Kids In Wartime
defended playing shows in israel in 2017 with "umm art is for everybody,"
... is damning. i had held out hope that this was the kind of silence you give when you realize that you've been wrong about something for a long time and feel embarrassed while you reflect on it, but jonny playing shows in israel, defending this with a complete non-explanation bullshitting about how protests and boycotts are divisive and ineffective and pointless and not once mentioning the word 'palestine' or even acknowledging the fucking genocide, not even calling it a war or a conflict .... ?!? ..... obviously i'm completely done with him. the refusal of the other band members to disassociate from him is unacceptable.
ed seems to be the only band member with a spine who has called the israeli occupation what it is and shown actual growth and humility, explaining how his thought process from the situation in 2017/2018 has changed and he is feels compelled to speak out against the violence and atrocities committed in the name of a settler colonial state. he's not perfect but god he's leagues ahead of the rest of the band. i love you ed.
circling back, though ... even if i listen to other artists who are terrible people, 4/5 of radiohead currently showing support for the genocide makes me feel absolutely awful and ashamed to enjoy their music or otherwise "promote" them by sharing any positive feelings about them ... i never usually feel ashamed of being autistic but my intense emotional connection to this band, my specialist of special interests, is so hard to sever. i wish i could just turn it all off. in the end this is the most pointed definition of a 'first world problem' but hey this is my blog and you will hear me mope about how it sucks not listening to ok computer twice a day. back to our regularly scheduled programming
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fashionablyiconic · 2 years
Let's Talk
Hey gang...it's been a while...again...
There are some 31,000 of you following this blog and so I feel like I owe you some sort of explanation for my lack of posting.
In short, it's getting really hard for me to post. Vogue now uses a paywall for their photos, I don't really have the resources to make original content, and quite frankly my life has been hella busy.
This blog has been a part of my life SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL! Together, we have gone through my high school graduation, university, Covid, finishing university, and being out in the real world. I don't talk a whole bunch about myself but maybe I should:
Hi! My name is Alexa. I'm based in Calgary, Canada. I am a writer and an actor. I'm literally in the middle of a run for my first-ever self-produced show that I'm really proud of.
I have Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I take meds and they help me a lot. I'm not ashamed of any of this.
I have a degree in Drama with a minor in Women's Studies (a.k.a Gender and Sexuality Studies) and I would like to get my master's one day.
I love Iris Van Herpen and think that Zuhair Murad is overrated as all hell.
I enjoy running this blog and it's been a part of my life for a really long time but it's getting harder and harder to prioritize this blog over everything else in my life. This is due to time restraints, barriers to accessing content to post, and the little to no money I make from this blog. I'm not asking for money...I'd love some but hey...don't we all. I'm certainly not the one who needs it the most.
So what happens now?
I don't know. I'm not shutting down the blog any time soon. I just might become really sporadic about when I post.
I'm still very passionate about fashion and adore the art form but I just can't always express that.
So yeah. I love you all dearly.
I'm a little more active on my personal @arthoewiththesocks
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