#(it was jun) didn't even look like he had just come out of the military because his skin looks oh-so-light and lovely
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neomuni · 1 year ago
didn't even hear about the shinee thing until just now and just.... *big disappointed yet not surprised sigh*
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nick-writes-stuff · 30 days ago
Special Delivery
Hwang In-ho x gn!reader
summary: After Dae-ho goes into shock, you decide to take the ammo out to the rebelling players. You witness your closest ally turn on the other players, but after you are injured, he proves his loyalty to you. (~5k words)
!warnings: canon-typical violence, seriously injured reader, mentions of PTSD, swearing, use of y/n
As your friends started planning to overpower the guards, you couldn't help but feel nervous. While you believed in the cause, you just had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to go the way they hoped. When the group split apart after Gi-hun's presentation of his plan for the upcoming brawl, you found yourself sitting next to Young-il. You tried to ignore your heart leaping every time your shoulders touched, no matter how fleeting.
“What do you make of all of this?” He asked you.
You sighed with a shrug. “I don't know. I think it's a worthwhile fight, but it won't be an easy one.” You said. You glanced over at him. "And you?" You asked.
He nodded slightly. “I don't know either. We tried so hard to make it through the games, so going out there and risking our lives feels like we're throwing it all away.” He said.
You paused for a moment. “I could give you the lecture of ‘It's for the good of the people’ but that's bullshit.” You said.
He turned and looked at you, surprise evident on his face.
You turned to look at him. You spoke with a serious tone. “You don't have to do this, you know?” He stared at you for a moment. “You can say no.”
He shook his head. “I can't just abandon them like that. That's hardly what a good friend would do”
“You have every right to value your own safety over the good of the people, so deciding not to help doesn't make you a bad person. ” You said softly. “It's your choice.”
He sighed. This conversation was fascinating to him when he considered his position. Would you still say that if you knew who he really was?
After a moment of silence, you looked back over to him. “I won't think of you any differently if you decide not to help stop the games.” You said softly.
His breath caught in his throat as he turned to you. He was suddenly aware of your proximity to him. His eyes landed on your lips, but before anything could happen, he heard the commotion coming out of the hall that led to the bathrooms.
He leaned back a bit before clearing his throat. You felt your cheeks flush, but you didn't say anything. You made your way to where your alliance was typically placed and crawled under the bed.
As this plan continued to unfold, you got increasingly more nervous about how good of an idea this was. You knew that some of them had military experience, but this seemed like an uneven fight. What were a dozen starving, sleep deprived players with limited ammo going to do to take down the small militia carrying out these games?
Before they left, you took a step toward them. “Good luck out there.” You said. Your eyes scanned the group before landing on Young-il. “Come back here safe, alright?” You were both speaking to the group and him specifically. He smiled slightly, giving you a nod before following the rest out.
You stood still there for a moment, but you eventually sat on a bed near Jun-hee. She was really the only one you knew who was still in the room. You've talked to some of the others before, but she was the only one you really felt safe around. You would be screwed if none of them returned. All of your allies were in danger. You'd be left alone.
Even outside of the strategic aspect, you didn't think you would be able to get over their deaths. How could you? Especially Young-il. That first night after Red Light Green Light when neither of you could sleep, it cemented him as your closest friend here.
And you tried to hide it as much as possible, but your feelings for him had grown more than platonic. You knew it was stupid to let yourself catch feelings while in a death game. You mentally scolded yourself every time you felt butterflies in your stomach whenever he laughed at a joke you made. You pretended you didn't feel sparks fly anytime you accidentally touched him. When he grabbed your hand during Mingle, you felt like you could faint.
The only thing that made you hesitate was the fact that he later used that hand to break a man's neck right in front of you.
He knew what was happening despite your attempts to hide it. He found it fascinating, but he couldn't lie and deny that the feeling wasn't mutual. It would be hypocritical to call you naive when he was in the same boat. He had come into the games to watch over Gi-hun and learn more about what makes the man tick, but he found something that intrigued him even more. You.
Maybe it was twisted for him to say, but he was very curious about how you would react when you thought he was dead. And that thought led him to consider finding a way to let you live. But what would you do if you found out he was pulling the strings?
You didn't know what to feel right now. You wanted to be hopeful, but you couldn't quell the feeling that something was going to go wrong. That feeling only grew when you saw Dae-ho rush into the room. He was trembling, fumbling around in the pockets of the deceased guards. You stood up, moving toward him. “Dae-ho, what's going on?” You asked.
He stumbled over his words, hardly getting out a coherent sentence. You thought you heard something about ammunition, and your assumption was confirmed when he shakily grabbed a magazine. You turned back toward Yong-sik and his mother. “Can you guys help gather their magazines?” You asked. Dae-ho stammered out a word of thanks for your help.
The four of you gathered all of the ammo the guards had on their person. It wasn't much at all, definitely less than 20 magazines. It would help a bit, but this seemed like it wasn't going to be enough. Geum-ja had the idea of wrapping them up in his jacket to make a makeshift bag. She said something about having to do that back in the war. You couldn't really focus on her words as Dae-ho ran back to the hall. You took a deep breath before going back to your spot.
You didn't get to stay there that long. He ran back into the room with his hands over his ears. You grimaced, knowing he was probably reliving memories he'd rather forget. But then it hit you that he never delivered the ammo. They needed that ammo desperately.
Despite your better judgment, you got up from your spot, heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” Geum-ja called out.
You looked back at her. “They need that ammo.” You said. You left the room before you could change your mind.
You saw the radio, but you left it there. You wouldn't know how to work one anyway. You found the ammo where he dropped it. You wrapped it back up and started walking into the unknown.
You quickly noticed the broken security cameras, likely Hyun-ju's doing. You followed them and the sound of the gunshots. It made you nervous that you were running into danger, but you couldn't help but imagine how grateful Young-il would be when you brought it to him. The way the lines around his eyes would crease when he smiled.
You stopped yourself from continuing the thought. Daydreaming would get you killed out here.
You didn't see any guards on the way. You didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign. You did eventually find Hyun-ju and the others. Well, some of them.
She looked shocked to see you. “Y/N? What are you doing? Where's Dae-ho?” She asked. She was glad you got here in one piece but she was somewhat shocked at the poor decision making that led to you coming here unarmed.
“Dae-ho is out of commission. I think he's having a PTSD episode.” You said. From what you had gathered, Dae-ho's time in the Marines wasn't exactly a good one. She gave you a knowing look. You set out the magazines on the floor. One of the men came to start distributing the ammo. They got 2 clips each, if that.
You looked around at the people she had left. “Where's everyone else?” You asked. Your heart dropped to your stomach, but you were somewhat relieved by her words.
“456 and 390 ran up ahead a while ago to try to find a control room. They got pinned out there. Young-il and two others went to try to help them.” She said. You tried to hide your instinctive wince upon hearing that. Did he really have to go out and play the hero?
“Do they still need ammo?” You asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, I can run it out to them.” She said.
“Maybe you should stay here. You guys are the last line of defense to the others.” You offered.
She chuckled lightly, but she was definitely confused. “And what are you suggesting?” She asked.
You shrugged. “I could take it.”
She shook her head. “Hell no. That would be a suicide mission, especially without a gun.”
“Who said I wouldn't take a gun?” You countered. Unfortunately, there were a few downed allies among them. Their guns lay next to them without their magazines.
You really didn't want to take the gun.
“Have you ever held a gun before?”
You shook your head. “I could still take one. How hard could it be?”
She looked very annoyed by your statement. She knew there would be no use arguing with you. “I'm not giving you a gun, but if you want to run in there blind and unarmed, I'm not gonna stop you. I'll at least make sure you have some cover.” She leaned down and pulled a few magazines for herself before gesturing to you to take the rest. As you scooped up the rest of the ammo, she yelled “Covering Fire!”
You dashed your way across the balcony they were shooting from. You eventually made it into a set of hallways in a different design scheme than the stairs. You hoped that was a sign that you were on the right track.
And you were on the right track. You could tell because they had made a trail of dead guards, bloody footprints, and broken security cameras.
You were surprised that there weren't more guards out and about. They seemed innumerable every other time you saw them. During Mingle, there had to be 100 guards at least helping to carry out the game. It made you a bit suspicious, but you didn't have much time to think about that.
The sounds of gunfire got louder and louder until you saw movement down a corridor. You stopped to peek out from the corner. You were greeted with teal jumpsuits. Jung-bae and Gi-hun.
You moved close to them. “Hey, don't shoot me.” You called out. Gi-hun jumped and turned toward you. His gun was pointed at you for a moment before he realized it was you.
“Jesus, Y/N, you scared the shit out of me.” He said, exasperated from shock.
Your name got Jung-bae’s attention. “Y/N? What are you doing here? Where's Dae-ho?” He asked.
You hesitated for a moment. Would Dae-ho want you to tell him? Would he be okay with showing that vulnerability, or would he want you to hide that and maintain his ex-marine facade? You decided to tell the truth. It was easier to explain than making up a lie. “I think he's having a PTSD episode. He couldn't come back out here.” You said.
Jung-bae gave a knowing look, just nodding. You hoped that meant he understood.
“But why did you come here unarmed? That's too risky.” Gi-hun asked.
You chuckled. “Hyun-ju wouldn't give me a gun. She was going to run it over to you, but they… took some casualties.” You said, trailing a bit on the last few words. “Where's Young-il?” You asked, raising your voice to be heard over the gunfire. You started to pull out two magazines for Gi-hun from the bundle, handing it to him as he answered you.
“You just missed him. He and two others ran ahead to find a way to ambush them.” He said.
You grabbed two more clips from the bundle for Jung-bae. “Cover me?” You requested. He leaned over and began shooting at the guards. You dashed through the gap, dropping the clips near the man before trying to find where the trio went.
It was fairly easy to guess where they went, seeing as they were only trying to get around the guards. There seemed to be only one way to do that. Everything went quiet for a moment. That made you even more cautious, checking around each corner before you continued. Eventually, you saw who you were looking for. Another figure in a teal jumpsuit with no guards around.
You realized you were smiling. You were happy that he was okay and that you would be able to help him after all and-
A series of gunshots rang through the hall. Your smile dropped. You felt your blood run cold.
If the guards fired… why was Young-il still standing still? As he took a step forward, you slowly crept toward him, praying that he didn't hear you.
“It's over, Gi-hun. I'm sorry.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. You peeked slightly around the corner.
That image would forever be burned in your mind. Young-il was very much alive. He was low to the ground, holding out the radio to the player as he took his last breath. Then fired one more shot into the man's head. He turned a dial on the radio with certainty.
You heard him clearly. You were sure of it.
“Let's wrap this up.”
You started to back up, but you stopped when he turned. Your escape was interrupted by his voice.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked. He turned toward you and, in turn, pointed the gun at you without thinking about it.
You froze, instinctively dropping the magazines. You held up your now trembling hands.
He looked at you confused, almost hurt that you thought he would shoot you. Then he realized he was still holding the gun. “Oh shit. No, no, I'm not going to shoot you.” He said, slinging the gun's strap around his shoulder.
“What the hell just happened?” You asked, mostly just confused but also a little nervous.
He sighed. “I know, I have a lot to explain but we can't stay here, okay? Follow me.” He said.
This confused you further. After what you just witnessed, you weren't going anywhere without a bit of explanation. “Where are we going?”
Before he could respond, you heard a pair of footsteps coming from behind you.
Two armed soldiers were coming up the hall. You raised your hands again. One aimed at you. The second lagged behind the other and tried to stop him, reaching for his shoulder and shouting “No, don't!” But he didn't react fast enough, and the soldier put a round in your gut before realizing who he was aiming at.
You screamed, hands shakily touching the wound. Your hand came back bloody. You stumbled slightly, but Young-il caught you, helping you down to the floor.
The voices around you were coming in and out of your awareness. You could see that Young-il was saying something to you, but you only saw his lips moving.
In-ho looked you over. “No, no,no. This wasn't supposed to happen, I'm-” His gaze then darted up to the soldiers.
He glared at the one who shot you. His tone was cold but you could hear the intense anger behind it. “I believe I made the instructions very clear. Player 134 was to be unharmed. Also, your aim could use some work.” He said before aiming his gun at his head and firing.
At the noise of the gunshot, you cried out, thinking someone was going to come finish the job. He looked back down at you with concern. “Hey, hey, it's okay.” He murmured softly.
He gently peeled the shirt from your wound. You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut. “Sorry.” He said. The wound looked to be away from any vital organs, mostly a flesh wound. “You're gonna be fine. I'm going to get someone to help you, okay? You'll be okay.” He rambled, both reassuring you and convincing himself.
He stood up and addressed the soldier who was still living. “Get them to the doctors. If they die, so do you.” He ordered before storming off toward the management room. Honestly, he was going to kill him anyway since he saw his face.
Unfortunately, he still had a part to play in this special game. He entered the control room, going into the restroom that had been deemed the dressing room for the special game. He needed to get dressed into the Front Man ensemble, but first, he tried to scrub your blood from his hands. His hands were trembling, and his breathing was fast. He felt like he could still see the red staining his hands no matter how long he washed them. If you died, he would probably see it for the rest of his life.
Your memory of the next several hours were flashes of hot pink and black and too much blood. You were taken to an area of the compound that was clearly not meant for players to see. It was very industrial compared to the surreal colorful halls meant for the players.
You were eventually lying on a table with someone who appeared to be a doctor standing over you. You heard someone stressing that you were supposed to be kept alive and with your organs. You would have laughed if you weren't in immense amounts of pain. Eventually, you blacked out.
You came to on a leather couch in a room you didn't recognize. You felt the dull ache radiating from your side. It took all your willpower to lift the fabric off your stomach. The wound was bandaged up, which was a good sign. They wouldn't have taken the time to dress your wound if they were going to kill you.
Before you could even think about getting up, you heard a door open. You stayed still, not being able to see who it was. You could hear the faint sound of a dial tone, and you heard a voice.
“Front Man speaking:” He started speaking. The voice was coming through a voice filter, but you knew who it was. It was him.
“I believe I made myself clear during our discussion, but apparently, I was mistaken.” You heard him say.
He paused for a moment, presumably listening to the person on the other end of the line.
“I gave them an order which they disobeyed, and we both know what happens to people who disobey orders.” He said.
Despite your better judgment, you decided to attempt to stand up. You slowly sat up, holding your breath and wincing from the pain. You didn't make a sound even though it was intense. From there, you stood up with fewer difficulties. You took a few steps toward him until he started speaking again.
“The player is fine, luckily.”
He was talking about you presumably. And whatever the person on the phone said pissed him off even more.
“It doesn't matter what you think about the orders. You are expected to follow them. I don't care if you think my feelings are clouding my judgment. That's not for you to decide. Now you can either stop your train of thought here or we can discuss your future here in this operation.”
You opened your mouth in surprise. His feelings? What feelings? You were shocked and excited at the prospect that your feelings may be mutual.
“Continue the protocol as usual. The next vote will take place at 0600 tomorrow morning. I'll see you then.” He said shortly before putting down the receiver. He turned around and froze when he saw you.
He stood there for a moment, expecting you to say something, but you just stood there silently. He was confused for a moment until he remembered you were seeing the polygonal facade. He pulled off his hood and the mask, tossing the latter to the floor without a care.
You had already known it was him. That was an easy assumption to make. But seeing the concerned look flash across his face as well as the realization that you had been listening made the butterflies return to your stomach.
“Hey.” You said softly.
He smiled. He closed the distance between you and pulled you into the gentlest hug you had ever had. This hug had been meticulously planned in his mind, just like every other action he takes. He thought out the placement of his hands, the tightness of his embrace, everything.
You melted into his arms, taking in a deep breath and leaning into him.
On the other hand, he was tense, like he was carrying a heavy weight. Which he was. He was carrying the weight of his fear that you would hate him for every decision he has made.
“Thank you.” You murmured.
“How are you feeling?” He asked you.
“Like I got shot.” You said. He could hear the smirk in your voice. You laughed a bit at your own joke, but he just let out a deep sigh. At this, you pulled away to look at him.
He looked anxious, an emotion you never saw in him. Even in the most dangerous situation, he managed to keep a cool and level head. It's something you admired in him, so seeing him so worried about something was concerning. But you need clarification.
“Young-il, what's going-” You began, but he cut you off.
“In-ho.” He said.
“Hm?” You hummed in confusion, eyebrows knitted together.
“My name is In-ho.” He said.
You didn't have much of a reaction to that statement. “In-ho, what's going on?” You repeated. He was taken aback by how nonchalant you were about this whole thing. He just admitted that he'd been lying to you and hiding his identity, but you didn't seem to care.
“You're all stitched up. The doctors made sure of it.” He said
“I mean with what happened before that.” You said. Your voice was a strange mix of stern and soft. You were trying to be gentle, but you wanted answers.
He sighed. He felt his heart drop as he began to speak. “I'm the one who organizes the games.” He admitted. You didn't seem shocked because that felt very obvious to you. “I went into the games to watch Gi-hun and make sure he couldn't succeed with his attempt of a takeover.” He said.
You nodded. “What happened to them?” You asked.
He didn't look at you. “Jung-bae is dead. The higher-ups have plans for Gi-hun.” He said.
That did surprise you. From how Gi-hun explained it, you had assumed the man in the polygonal mask was the man in charge, but apparently, he wasn't as pivotal as previously thought.
“Did you really tell them not to hurt me?” You asked quietly.
His gaze landed on you quickly. “Of course I did.” He said, matter-of-factly. He felt that was obvious. He cared about you more than he could wrap his head around. “I didn't want you to die in here. If you hadn't come out with the ammo, I was going to arrange a way to get you out safely.” He said.
Your eyes widened with surprise. “Oh.” You murmured. You paused for a moment before speaking. “You know, I only came out with the ammo because of you.”
“I'm still not sure what happened there. Why were you the one bringing the ammo?” He asked.
You sighed. “Dae-ho came back and tried to gather the ammo. I think he went into shock. He wouldn't leave, so I brought it out. I didn’t think that would end well if you all ran out of ammo.”
He nodded. “By the way, what were you thinking? You went without a gun?” He asked, playfully scolding you for the poor decision.
You scoffed. “Hyun-ju wouldn't give me one.” You insisted.
“I don't blame her.” He said with a smirk.
You crossed your arms, sending him a lighthearted glare. “You know, next time I'll leave you to rot.” You said, even though you knew that wasn't actually a possibility in this scenario.
He laughed. “How about there's no next time?” He offered.
You smiled at him. After a moment of quiet, you asked the question that part of you was dreading. “So what happens now?” You were afraid he would send you home. Would you ever see him again? He wouldn't kill you… right?
He seemed to have been dreading that quite as well. “I could arrange a ride to the mainland if you would like.” He said softly, trying to gauge your reaction to the statement. “But if you don't hate my guts and think I'm an irredeemable person, you're welcome to stay here if you like.” He offered. He sounded defeated almost, like he already felt like you hated him.
You had to hate him, right? Everyone always does. He put you through all of this. The bloodshed, the danger, the trauma, it was all his doing.
Maybe others would despise him. But not you.
“I told you already, ‘I won't think of you any differently if you decide not to stop the games.’ Remember that?” You asked. “Nothing's changed.”
He shook his head adamantly. “But I put you through all of this. You got shot for goodness sake.” He raised his voice somewhat at the end, clearly getting more emotional. He couldn't pinpoint what emotion it was, but you knew it was just anxiety.
You reached out and touched his shoulder, hoping it would catch his attention and get him to look at you. “You saved my life. Without you, I'd be in a black box.”
“But I-” He said shakily.
“The blame isn't as black and white as you think it is.” You cut him off. You took a deep breath, shoulders shaking slightly. “Plus, outside of here, it probably would have been worse for me.” You said. You hadn't talked about it much, but it wouldn't have been much longer until your debts would have caused some serious dangers to you.
He still wouldn't look at you, so after a few seconds of silence, you continued speaking. “At least here I met you.”
His breath hitched at your words. He finally looked at you, and you could have sworn his eyes looked somewhat misty. You pulled him into a hug.
He quickly reciprocated the hug, no longer as tense as the first, but he was still cognizant of your injury. He tried his best not to shed a tear. He was just so happy. After years of being alone, he finally found someone who wouldn't shut him out just because of his position in the games.
More than that, he finally found someone who he didn't have to push away because he was afraid of them turning on him once they learned of his work.
Cutting ties with his brother was the hardest thing he'd had to do in his life. After the confrontation with Jun-ho, he thought he would have to resign himself to a life of isolation and live with the fact no one would see him as anything more than a ruthless leader ruling with an iron fist and a penchant for murder.
You didn't take much care to the moral dilemma he created. Playing the games firsthand and seeing so many of your friends die really changed you. This same thing would have happened out there. Maybe this wasn't the best solution to this societal issue, but you sure as hell didn't have a different one that would actually work.
Regardless, you really cared about In-ho. You had grown to trust him the most, not only in the games but probably of everyone in your life. You didn't care that he had been hiding his identity or that he was running the death game that could have killed you. He cared about you. He went out of his way to keep you safe. Hell, he was willing to break the strict rules of the games just to save you.
And he'd do it again in a heartbeat. If his work somehow put you in danger, he would do anything for you. He'd burn it all down if he must. You were the first person who had managed to break through the walls that he had put up.
You pulled away from the hug, still standing close to him. When you looked up, he could see a slight mischievous glint in your eye, but he missed your eyes taking a glance at his lips for a fraction of a second.
“You know, after almost dying, I'm going to do something I would have regretted not doing if I had died.” You said. Before he could ask, you grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him closer to you, pressing your lips against his.
He was surprised for a second, but he quickly began to kiss you back. You smiled slightly against his lips.
This should be something that felt foreign to him. He hadn't kissed anyone since his wife passed. It should remind him of her, but this was an entirely new feeling for him. Kissing you just felt so right.
You felt the same way. He kissed just like you thought he would. Everything felt methodical and planned, but there was also some underlying force underneath it all. It was exhilarating.
When you pulled away, you both were breathless. He chuckled lightly. “You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.” He said softly. You nodded in return.
There was still more you had to talk about. You wanted more information about how he got involved in the games in the first place. You wanted to know what happened to Gi-hun. You wanted answers, but you allowed yourself to enjoy the moment a little longer.
But maybe this was a decision that would doom several thousand people's lives. You could be dooming Gi-hun by not taking the initiative to get information. Maybe you could save him or even stop the games entirely.
Or maybe you'd be performing a suicide mission. It would ruin the strongest connection you have forged. You could be kicked out of this place and back onto the streets. You would be at the mercy of the loan sharks waiting to take out their prey. Maybe the soldiers would kill you on the spot for trying anything. Maybe In-ho would have to kill you. You'd become another face that would haunt him whenever he dared to close his eyes.
Perhaps it was selfish, but you didn't care.
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kalena-henden · 10 days ago
MY DEAREST NEMESIS had such a great start! It was funny yet cute and sincere. Great references to gaming culture and webtoons as well as several mini-cast reunions for TRUE BEAUTY and RACKET BOYS. During the romantic trope moments, I delightfully gasped. This type of silly romcom is right up my alley. In Korean, the title is 'Black Salt Dragon'. While the English title gives more what it's about, I like it being named after his secret gaming persona. Since her gaming persona was nicknamed Strawberry, I think a more unique title would have been 'Strawberry for a Black Salt Dragon'.
I was sadly disappointed with MELO MOVIE. The Good: Choi Woo Shik is such a cutey and definitely worthy of leading man status acting his heart out. There were even a few moments he was so handsome it took me aback. I'm also always here for Lee Jun Young singing. Already added his song to my playlist and Emma's OST masterlist. The Bad: I could not connect with this story at all. I LOVE movies, shows, and music! IRL I'm basically a walking, talking IMDB. I'm also cool with slice-of-life and angst. Unfortunately, here it just felt like a series of cliche moments that were never given time to breath and be explored. Instead, everytime we were finally going to dive deep into an important moment, it was interrupted by either a flashback that didn't add anything relevent or a montage speeding us along to the next storypoint. There were too many "profound" statements from characters that were completely unearned in the narative as well. Much like the movies they were supposedly being critical of (like the ML) and making (like the FL) in the show, it was pretty to look at but left me empty.
There are so many shows coming out right now I want to see! I think I'm going to bingewatch STUDY GROUP after all the rave reviews. I might start UNDERCOVER HIGH SCHOOL which is Seo Kang Joon's first project post-military and I want to see the glow-up. Then there's the HIDDEN LOVE spin-off THE FIRST FROST with Bai Jingting from RESET. And THE POTATO LAB with Kang Tae Oh is just around the corner. Which means I sadly don't have time for BURIED HEARTS with sexy Park Hyung Sik right now. He looks great in the screencaps I've seen so far though.
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bitchofdarkness · 1 year ago
Just got the sudden urge to talk about this, cause I think we're not talking about it enough.
Han Ho-yeol really wasn't cut out for the military. He was a soft hearted guy, who tried his best to fit in with the other's, found sneaky ways to survive the craziness. Hell, he even full-on acted when he had to be tough. His little embodiments throughout the show are awesome, but also tell us a lot about Ho-yeol. He isn't tough, but that other person he impersonates is. I bet that he did the embodiment thing before entering the barracks to talk back at Jang-soo with ease.
In season 2 their MP Commander Yang Du-Gwan basically tells Ho-yeol his whole career is a pile of shit, meaning he probably spent a lot of time in the hospital for various things. What we know for certain is of three incidents:
1. after he got stabbed. (still as a Private)
2. his breathing problems before he comes back and meets Jun-ho. (had been a Corporal before that already)
3. after Suk-bong's attempted suicide. (Guess that experience was rewarded with the Sergeant rank or whatever)
We don't know exactly how long he stayed each time, but the last one was apparently 3 months- according to the MP Commander- maybe four when he actually got back into the field.
My best guess when Ho-yeol described it to Jun-ho in season 1 regarding the second hospital stay "I had trouble breathing, but they didn't find anything and wouldn't let me go to a hospital outside" is that he had panic attacks. Probably so severe that people didn't associate it with that and really assumed it was something physical.
I think those panic attacks probably go back to the first stay, due to the stab wound Nina gave him. I can only assume how afraid he must've been and frustrated that his teammate Park Sung-woo was more interested into partying than actually working with him side by side. There was no feeling of safety, or like someone had his back. The possibility of deserters getting violent had always been high, but after the attack it was a lot more palpable to him. So I wouldn't be surprised that some tight spots working a case just triggered a panic attack and thus eventually led him to the hospital.
Then we got the third incident where he went fully mute due to PTSD. He might've also been afraid to say something, knowing he would have to go back and possibly witnessing/living through more traumatizing stuff than he already had. Or maybe the muteism stemmed from the idea that his words don't change anything anyways, like with Suk-bong. He had tried so hard to talk the guy off his murder-suicide path and was met with disbelief and then the suicide was still attempted right in front of his eyes.
And I know what you might think, Ho-yeol was doing fine when he was at Jun-ho's side and yeah. That's a big point. Remember how Ho-yeol congratulated Jun-ho for beating up Park Sung-woo? He knew exactly why Jun-ho had done it and he also was immediately reassured that he'd be safe with that new fresh faced Private. Someone who could beat up a dude like Sung-woo? And who had to be pried off of him by multiple people? Someone who had been THAT mad about neglecting his duty as a DP and endangering a deserter? Yeah, Ho-yeol would not have to be afraid of deserters attacking him, he could finally breathe knowing he wouldn't be harmed. His anxiety wasn't gone, but he could cope better, since he didn't have to assume each encounter with a deserter would mean physical harm.
And look, season 2 Jun-ho made it even clearer that no one was gonna touch our sweetheart while he was around. So I guess Ho-yeol's faith in Jun-ho was valid.
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3:20 am
I accidentally awaken, I saw that the light in the kitchen is open and the lamp light here in the living room is off...
I went outside to ask RV if he left the light on in the kitchen and he said yeah! I forgot coz supposed to be I will cook... I said ohkay.....
But who pull out the switch of lamp in the living room?
I always leave a light in the living room to remove evil spirit.... Though, I can sleep in total darkness but there are times we need to remove some negative element by leaving lights on even a lamp...
I still have windblow trap.... Hmm....Hmm....Still, I wanna leave the hometown...
7:59 am
Uncle Jun went out to forest of his Georgia'Z gang as well and never say a thing and changing his behaviour...Even here in the house we are flat again coz of their leadership,I can feel it... There is an old pattern again of Uncle Jun's behaviour... Even Uncle DD's strange behaviour of trying to find the tank of his vacuum not only the circular cover of his vaccum...
Well,I'm thinking these things...
8:12 am
Uncle Jun and Kuya Marvin is on the fire fighter track announcing a free vaccine for kids starting 9 months for german measles and flu, at the covered court...
I hope our playground here will be transformed into gym coz I guess nobody is going there to play... Just thinking but I wanna go back to the gym outside...
We have no pool here coz this is originally a military village... There is a security on the gate, at the opposite direction of our street here...
I still wanna leave the hometown... I still need a job away from here...I don't have plans to be poor here in the Philippinea of wild animals and some bad monkeys....I need a love and care coming from an alien who will be mutually compatible with me, my view and craziness about life... The shallow happiness of Hime, to buy starbucks everyday... And be boring with me.... But I love adventure...
11:08 am
Looking for my own wind beneath my wings angels...
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2:11 pm
I still have the windblow trap... I feel frustrated and still watching so many Netflix blah2x such as "Desperate Housewives" Season 7 Episode 5, Kyle's story was really intriguing and indirectly... I already explained this kind of situation, it is a private matter... Still, on "Superstore,Cloud9" and reviewing anime "1 piece"....
My personal thing I wanna leave the hometown... No saviour... No rightful Jesus... I don't like anybody here... I FEEL.TRAP!
3:55 pm
I'm wishing that there will be a new changes in me soon, a good soul will come my way...I feel bitter... I have a windblow trap... I never really betray a friend coz it is bad to stab a friend from behind... But simply describing the situation is different...
I feel hurt and bitter... I wanna leave the hometown... I wanna grow and gain new friends away from here, if I can't find new friends to have here and there...
Well, my upbringing here in this village, I had a curfew when I was 13 years old until I finished college....I had to be inside the house before 6pm, even a 1 minute late is considered a late time, meaning I will be grounded for a week or a month... My upbringing just be decent on your neighbor,smile and help or be simply a good person if they need you. But I hate people that will overlap my presence...
It is not my character to hang-out outside for no reason... But my actual friends are not in this village... My neighbour here didn't actually know us here coz it's been a long time since this tight situation is presently existing in our family... People here had their own private lives....
My childhood bestfriend in this Village is Apple or Diana Cuizon is somewhere out there, she is a teacher somewhere here in Cavite...She is super busy now....I feel self-pity coz I can't get success... I really feel self-pity...
I wanna leave the hometown... I feel hurt they all overlap my presence... I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I wanna leave the hometown....I feel bitter....I feel self-pity for 16 years...
I still hate the Georgia'z, BetsilogZ Gang plus their Daddy Jun plus their Uncle DD... They all organize to go up. .
I need to leave the hometown... I feel self-pity... I lost xfactor... All of my gf's are betraying me, I guess at the back stage???
9:03 pm
I hate being 2nd choice...Last on the line to be seen...Why? Why, I'm just always a 2nd choice?
9:23 pm
9:43 pm
??? Get it right now...
I feel bitter...
11:38 pm
Done,showering....Still,have windblow trap... I have complex....Sometimes I hate men and hate women who will overlap me... I feel that I wanna kill men for damaging me for 16 years or trapping me unfairly....
You feel that you are longing to see your old friends so that you can hear good things about yourself coz they are your friends... But what if some old friends are damaging me at the back stage or they just chose to be in the bathroom forever and happy fucking one another and they just need me now to bail them out??? It is totally unfair and painful in my part...
I need explanation... I deserve to hear their explanation....
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rose-likesto-write · 3 years ago
2PM Reaction:
Werewolf meeting their mates....
A/N:- Here is the awaited second part of this reaction... So, sorry for the delay. I hope you will all like it!! Gifs aren't mine.. enjoy!
Part 2
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Wooyoung- Zeta
OH?! How could I forget that Wooyoung too is a part of the 'i have too much work to find a mate' category along with Taecyeon and Jun...
Wooyoung is the Zeta wolf or war general. The Zeta wolves are entrusted to plan out the war strategies and trainning of the pack with Delta wolves and the omegas who join in. Along with that they always keep a guard at the territories along with Alpha and because of the continuous training and warfare practices, they are quiet aggressive after the Alpha in nature.
So, all the wolves in lower ranks try best to not get on their aggressive side.. This might have also raised a question that if they are aggressive, then what about their mates? Nope, they aren't agressive but like wrapped around the pinky finger of their mates as much as they wanna deny this but they are too soft.
Wooyoung met his mate at the University where he was a TA and student studying ancient military warfare (See his dedication as a war general) while she was a clinical psychology student. So, how did you two meet or should I say he found you out? Let's just say that both of your proffessors played the roles of cupid.
Since, psychology also talks and discusses about various practices people did in ancient times when people had little to no knowledge about psychological disorders especially when it came to general folks or when how to confront soldiers who witnessed mass killings or massacre and Military warfare spoke of various strategies, techniques and some recounts of emotional experiences the proffessors thought this would be a great idea to do a research project on it and guess what, you two were paired together.
Things were okay between both you as you didn't like to talk that much unless you are close with people while him didn't speak at all except for what all parts to do and how,ie, related to work. So, yeah you didn't give much a thought because you have known and seen people with similar personality of his and more reserved ones.. but this changed one day...
After, the project got over, both of you parted ways and thanked the other and whenever saw each other would just acknowledge presence or maybe ask about the day but one day what happened was that you really didn't had a good day and when you saw him looking at you, you just ran away to field.
Wooyoung rushed to your side even though he didn't knew but he felt that he needed to be next to you because the field wasn't particularly safe when it's about evening time. He saw your small crouched figure while you gently sobbed breaking his heart.
Wooyoung:- Y-Y/N? Y-you okay?
Y/N:- Nah, it's okay. J-just th-thin-things d-didn't go m-my way... Yo-
(He hugged your crouched figure and pressed your head against his chest)
Wooyoung:- It's okay to let out you know.. I know that you don't like to show your emotions especially your vulnerable side to others. It's okay, you are safe with me.
(He doesn't know from where did this come from or what will happen now but you didn't care at the moment, for the first time you saw someone to just let you be you in your emotions which made you hug him more tightly.. )
Y/N:- Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me..
Wooyoung:- It's okay love. I am here for you now and always...
This led to far from the old aye mates to something new relationship...
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Junho- Delta
Delta wolves are third in command with Alpha, Beta and Zeta wolves. Their main work is to maintain the pack and train up the pack members when Zeta and Alpha aren't there.
Delta are also made to keep in touch with other alliances and notice the strange activities of the rival packs or creatures. They too like Epsilons are calm and care free personality type wolves but don't think they are weak, they are pretty dangerous especially when they are too calm to give a reaction.
Junho met his mate 'accidentally' when he was travelling to other city for a meet of the company and wolf alliance as well. During this he stopped at a nearby book store cafe where not books are available for borrowing or purchasing but snacks and beverages are too served. He was looking for a book when he heard a soft voice.
Y/N:- Excuse me sir, do you need some help ?
(both you and him were mesmerised by each other's presence and lost in a small staring contest before you composed yourself again)
Y/N:- Sir?
Junho:- I am sorry. It's just that I haven't seen a pretty girl before and yeah I needed some help, can you let me know where is the mythological and fantansy section? (smooth asf)
(if you wouldn't be red at first but now you are a tomato)
Y/N:- Right this way sir...
(after a couple of mins, he went to the counter to see you there)
Y/N:- Thank you for purchasing. I hope you have a great day and will visit us soon.
Junho:- Ofcourse hon.. I will
(he kept that promise)
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Chansung- Eta
Eta wolves are the ones who are doctors of the pack and they have the we know it all experience, knowledge and various not so seen and heard tools as well. Sometimes, it feels as if the Etas aren't wolves but some magical creatures because of their knowledge, strong sense of smell and sharp fine motor skills.
Chansung was the youngest one among the rest of his members in pack but highly knowledgeable as if he is doing this for ages that could be remembered and in human form too he was a doctor.
Being in the youngest in pack, he didn't give much a thought about mates though he had heard about how much others were after Taecyeon and Jun to start searching for their mates and sometimes he used to think how and when will he meet, what scenario etc.
But nothing could be compared when he met his mate in his hospital at the department where he never went at first, soon after the visits turned more often.
His mate worked in the Paediatrics as an assistant to the doctor and was incharge of the daycare facility available.
Her laugh and smile had caught his attention because of which he used to come and see her from afar as he was shy and heart was accelerating.
One day, while he went to the department, he didn't saw her and rather someone else was in position of yours making him really sad and upset. He was about to return when a voice stopped him, making his heart go frantic and eyes widened.
Y/N:- Mr Hwang ?
Chansung:- Yes miss...
Y/N:- Sir, I am Y/N Y/L/N, assistant of Dr Kim and these are the reports which Mr Kim had asked me to give if you or anyone comes from the Neurology department.
Chansung:- Me? O...oh, yeah, sorry. Actually, I had some work and kinda forgot about it. Thank you so much though.
Y/N:- Not a problem sir, I will be get going now. Have a good day.
(with that you let him hang in there, trying to process your words, your smile and your perfume before an idiotic smile comes over his face)
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marssworlds · 5 years ago
Seventeen as Random Chaotic Stuff I've Done
I was inspired to do this after reading one of @cupidhaos posts so yeah. My life is really boring, so please forgive me. Anyways, here are really random chaotic or dumb things I've done or have had happen to me that I think the Seventeen members would probably go through as well.
Seungcheol: Visiting a zoo and nearly getting my hat eaten off my head, BY A CAMEL, while we were taking pictures in front of the enclosure. The same camel then proceeded to try to eat my brother's hair
Jeonghan: Being told by a friend that I couldn't make powdered sugar just by blending normal sugar, cause I'm allergic to corn and normal powdered sugar has corn starch in it; proceeding to make powdered sugar just by blending it to prove her wrong (and it actually worked)
Joshua: Nearly being late to a cello audition cause my bow broke while I was practicing that morning, went to a music store about an hour before the audition, found out that they didn't sell the bow I needed, had a mental breakdown in the parking lot, got to the audition with just enough time to tune my cello and borrow a bow from another person, before proceeding to fail cause I was stressed and started crying halfway through it
Jun: Trying to help my grandmother find stamps, which led to me confidently mispronouncing the word 'bureau' (I still can't pronounce it right) and getting made fun of for it, I am still being clowned three years later, like come on guys, so much to the point that I now avoid saying that word at all costs
Soonyoung: Getting stuck in Osaka for two days cause the plane broke down twice, which led to us dragging our luggage back and forth between the hotel and the airport until we finally took off. The point of this was to tell you all that military grade planes suck, also, the plane we were on had no windows. None of us really spoke Japanese at the time, so we didn't know what to do
Wonwoo: Visiting the Library of Congress and going on an hour long hunt for The Lord of the Rings cause it's one of my favorite books, ended up falling down the stairs because I was reading and walking at the same time, also found out that they keep most of their books in a warehouse nearby and not in the actual library itself, was extremely offended by that knowledge
Jihoon: I used to carry an encyclopedia around (don't ask) and one time I was at the park with my friends, and we were hanging out near the back away from the rest of the group and one of my friends younger brothers came up to me and was generally being annoying so I yelled "FACEBOOK" and threw the book at his head
Seokmin: Playing a card game called Mao (mau) at midnight, that consisted of us getting increasingly louder and actively forgetting our own rules, despite them being the most easy things to remember, until we got scolded for screaming at 1 am
Mingyu: Walking past BTS in a Seoul train station and not noticing at all because I'm oblivious, despite the crowd and all the screaming. Found out two years later after my brother told me while I was trying to express how much I wanted to go to a concert someday. Had a mental breakdown
Minghao: Going to the Louvre with my brother so we could try to find the Mona Lisa for the one day that we were in France, got lost, ended up doubling back through the same room 3 times and ending up in a replica of Napoleon's rooms, only to realize that we were on the wrong floor, and the opposite side of where we needed to be, got lost two more times before getting the the wing we were looking for, got lost again, then finally finding it after wandering through crucifixion art for almost half an hour
Seungkwan: Got really tired at a friend's birthday/graduation party, ended up having a mental breakdown in the back room, screamed at someone for touching me, beat three older boys at arm wrestling, and apparently stabbed my best friend with a pen, that last part I have no recollection of, he told me three months later
Vernon: Went to a park with my friends to play kickball, and in the same day, I got stung by a wasp (which I'm allergic to) and almost got run over on the way back to the car cause I wasn't looking; I also had to pry a pinecone out of my dogs mouth because he's stupid and eats everything
Chan: Went square-dancing with my best friend, ended up tripping over my own dress during the Virginia Reel and almost face-planted into a chair. He didn't even help me, he just stood there laughing while the caller stopped everyone else so I didn't get trampled
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isisparker · 4 years ago
In one of your posts, you said the following: "I didn’t like having to watch Joon Sung betray Dong Jin like he did, but it’s good to know that for such a good guy he definitely is flawed." I didn't understand. Could you explain, please? He redeemed himself in the end, don't you think? Or do you think that the identity reveal was a form of betrayal? Also, I hope Min Kyu redeems himself because the drama showed that he has potential to be a decent person.
Hi, anon! Hope you don’t mind the long-ass response! In writing my answer to your Ask, I guess I’ve unintentionally created an analysis of Joon Sung and Min Kyu that no one asked for.
Re: Joon Sung
Because at the beginning of the drama, they seemed to build Joon Sung and Min Kyu as opposites in Dong Jin’s eyes: Min Kyu as the bad guy, asshole leader vs. Joon Sung as the good guy, compassionate leader. I mean, hell they even push that narrative a bit further by having Dong Jin form a comradery with Joon Sung outside of the ops and butt heads/conflict with Min Kyu during the ops.
And even when it was revealed that Joon Sung’s father was Lee Hyuk and that he was sent to Polaris to keep an eye on Min Kyu, Joon Sung still came off as a more decent and good guy because of how he treated others both on and off ops: with respect, consideration, and empathy. Hell, even when he butted heads with Min Kyu, he didn’t come off as bad or an asshole because even in a conflict he was calm, level-headed, and respectful.
It was only when that whole debacle with the camcorder happened that you began to question whether Joon Sung was no better or worst than Min Kyu.
When he destroyed that camera, I’ll admit that I was disappointed in him. I still liked him better than Min Kyu, but because my personal elevated level of admiration and respect for him probably matched that of Dong Jin’s own -- so at the time I could imagine Dong Jin’s look of betrayal when the truth comes out... And then it actually happened and Yep, we had similar levels of disappointment.
Because admittedly I put Joon Sung on a pedestal. Then he got knocked off that pedestal when he betrayed Dong Jin. Which of course later became more an error in judgement, in betraying someone’s trust despite his intentions to protect his family. More so when it was revealed that Joon Sung lobbied a deal with his father for the destruction of the camcorder [1. that they forgot it happened and 2. his father drops out of the Presidential race] AND that he kept the videotape itself just in case his father betrays him... I legit went “Huh. He’s not perfect but he’s good.” I realized then that he’s just as flawed and human as everyone else. And that’s a good thing overall. It shows that even good, decent characters can do bad things, make mistakes, have flaws. Makes them more likeable and relatable. 
Also, for transparency, I want to make it clear that even when Joon Sung seemed to take a heel turn in his arc, a part of me was going to still prefer him over Min Kyu because of his soft spot for Dong Jin. Heck, I’d even call it fondness because I’ve discovered in rewatching their scenes pre-camcorder, Joon Sung seemed a bit more attentive and protective of Dong Jin. And when Dong Jin discovered Joon Sung’s lies and what he did to the camcorder, and then called Joon Sung out on his character, the way that man couldn’t hide his hurt at Dong Jin’s disappointment in him just... SLAYED. ME.
But I digress...
Re: Min Kyu
Which brings us to Min Kyu and why I think he’s better as the antagonist than a redeemed character.
At first I wondered if it was because we saw Min Kyu [and in parallel, Joon Sung] through Dong Jin’s eyes that I already was wary of him and slow to trust or even like our asshole commander.
And listen, I am a BIG FAN of the Asshole Characters. But I also need them to be prickly on the outside and soft on the inside and for a bit, all I saw of Min Kyu was his need to get out of whatever shithole he found himself in and get back on track in his military career. And usually, that need to fix his situation results in assholes doing WHATEVER IT TOOK, even if it means Fuck Others, Get Me My Commendation. Those type of Assholes I’m not a fan of because the only loyalty they have is towards themselves.
A close mirror to Min Kyu could be found in Lee Hyuk, the actual antagonist of this series [and no, not the monster/creature Polaris is searching/hunting for]. Both have agendas outside of whatever they’re entrusting to others. Both don’t listen to their teammates unless the results will look favourable on them. 
Later tho I came to realize that okay, so maybe Min Kyu is actually capable of being the type of Asshole Character that I like: the one who is an ass except to certain others. Which is good because that means thankfully Min Kyu isn’t of the level of villainy of Lee Hyuk. There have been many incidents where Min Kyu’s decency and humanity revealed itself afterall. His bond to Moon Cheol is the best example of that. Another example was his initial reaction to seeing Dong Jin fall apart over Baek Jun’s death. 
However, as the drama progressed, I’ve noticed that Min Kyu actually shines when he’s playing and manipulating the system to get what he wants. Like when Min Kyu quickly realized that Lee Hyuk has connections and pulls a LOT of strings and that Lee Hyuk was in a position to give Min Kyu what he wanted. So what’d Min Kyu do? He made himself available to Lee Hyuk. Will that later bite him in the ass? Maybe. But we’ve also seen how smart and calculated Min Kyu can be, so at this point, I’m actually rooting for Min Kyu to make himself dispensable to Lee Hyuk and then betray the man when shit hits the fans.
I mean, there are antagonists we love to hate, and then there are those that we love seeing doing bad things especially to bad people and I have a feeling that Min Kyu might be that key to helping take Lee Hyuk, the drama’s true monster, down!
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btskismet · 5 years ago
Kismet (Chapter 19): A BTS Jin Imagines Fanfic
First ever fanfic. Contains some fluff and smut. Please read sequentially as it is a long story arc. Please provide feedback! My IG is btskismet.
November 8, 1944
Jun-seok was greeted by the pleasant-looking soldier who was speaking with the woman earlier. He was taller than Jun-seok and had a nice smile. His dimples were showing and his build looked like that of a model - long legs and a long torso. If he wasn't in the military, he could be modeling suits or even come across as a lounge singer.
"Konnichiwa, Ittohei Sakurai. Watashi wa Jun-i Watanabe Nama." (Hello, Private Sakurai. I am Warrant Officer Nama Watanabe), the officer introduced himself with a bow.
Jun-seok bowed back and introduce himself with his Japanese name.
"Touma-san, it's good to have another soldier here who studied machinery very well. I've been waiting for your arrival. We badly need someone to help us repair the planes.", Watanabe said. This made Jun-seok smile as he was getting excited with the chance of looking at a fighter plane's engine.
"Has the Captain brief you on the other orders?", Watanabe inquired. Jun-seok's mood then changed to be quite serious. "Yes. I'll make sure to do what is asked.", Jun-seok replied.
Watanabe then patted Jun-seok's shoulder. "Don't worry, I will help you. I'll tell you more about the other soldiers so you know who to approach. I personally approve of this idea, even though the Captain doesn't."
Watanabe then brought Jun-seok inside the sundries shop to gather his supplies. They then walked to the barracks.
"You see, I've spoken to some of the soldiers in Akagi-san's platoon.", Watanabe expressed as they were walking side by side. "Some of the newer ones are quite scared of him and they are being forced to do what he wants. There are about half of the soldiers who are very loyal to him since they were part of his platoon from the very beginning. But there are newer ones who don't understand his orders."
Jun-seok contemplated on this for a few minutes. The newer soldiers will be easier to sway and he just needed to befriend them.
"The Captain doesn't believe that the minds of the soldiers can be changed but I do. After talking to them privately for the past few weeks, I can see that Akagi-san's hold on all of them is weakening. We just need someone to further break that hold.", Watanabe said with a harder pat on Jun-seok's shoulder when he said his last statement.
"I'll do my best, Jun-i.", he said to Watanabe.
Jun-seok suddenly had to urge to ask Watanabe about the beautiful woman he was speaking with, seeing that he seems to be the talkative type. But he hesitated. He didn't want the officer to think he had women on the brain. Next time I'll ask, he thought to himself.
The barracks were at least 2 kilometers away from town. It wasn't hard to walk the distance as they met more soldiers along the way. There were fields around the area with farmers picking out coffee fruits from the plants as well.
As he was looking at the fields, it made sense why the army wanted to have them converted into tarmac. They were the only expansive areas of land in the densely populated area of the town. The land was also hilly and there weren't that many long stretches of plains to build somewhere else. So, the fields had to go.
How the Major was going to convince the Mayor about giving up the fields would be a difficult task - it wouldn't be easy to take out these swaths of land, especially if the farmers needed it. He didn't see many plantations but the few he saw were really fertile as many farmers kept picking the fruits and left the field with baskets full of the fruit.
Watanabe brought him to his quarters at the barracks. He asked as to why he was staying alone and no one was bunking with him. "This is actually a storage area converted to your quarters. It's connected to the kitchen. I'm sorry if we couldn't get you a regular bunk with the other soldiers. The last rebel attack hit our existing quarters and we're still rebuilding.", Watanabe said, with a slight scratch to the back of his head.
Jun-seok was actually happy he was alone. He knew he had to connect with the soldiers of Akagi's platoon soon but for the first few days of his arrival to the country, he really wanted time for himself. He hasn't had a chance to sit down and really take all of it in ever since he arrived.
"This is good, Jun-i Watanabe. I will feel comfortable here. Does the cook stay near here too?"
Watanabe shook his head. "No, he's on the other side of the main quarters. You'll have to wait for him before you could eat. Unless you can cook..."
"I can.", Jun-seok said as he was looking at the food items inside the quarters. "If the cook needs help, I can help him out."
"Ha! Will wonders ever cease. You're a jack of all trades, Ittohei.", Watanabe said. "Let's not share that with the cook then. He's good but I know cooking is his passion and he doesn't want others to bother or compete with him. The food has been... edible with the scarce ingredients we have and we can get. Might hurt his feelings, you know, if he knew you can cook. He replaced the last one since Matsuyo-san... well..."
Jun-seok understood why Watanabe trailed off. The previous cook probably was someone dear to him if he couldn't even mention that the man died. Sadness could be seen on Watanabe's face as his fingers traced over cans of soup.
"If you have time to cook, then maybe we can all eat better. Hehe...", Watanabe said with a slight smirk to change the somber mood his silence brought.
"I'll leave you for now. Please report to my office this afternoon so you can start on knowing your tasks. I will need to check tomorrow how many planes are back for repair. I think we can bring them closer to the camp. Without the tarmac close to us, we got to be more creative in getting things done. "
"Hai, Jun-i. Domo arigato gozaimasu.", Jun-seok replied with a low bow.
Jun-seok spent the rest of the day going around the barracks and the camp surrounding it. He wanted to make sure he was familiar with his surroundings. He wouldn't want to be caught in a blind spot or be trapped somewhere if an attack happened. So, he made sure he knew where the armory was at. He would be getting his service pistol tomorrow but that wasn't an assurance in case of a rebel siege.
He didn't have a chance to meet the other soldiers he was supposed to investigate and convince since they were out for rounds around the perimeter. So, he was able to enjoy dinner by himself. He had some fish and rice from the store he went to that morning and some pickled vegetables. Eating them made him miss his mother's kimchi.
Jun-seok joined the squad that morning on their way to the perimeter line closest to the coffee fields.
The squad went to the storage area/his quarters that early morning and were startled to see him there. They went there to pick up supplies for the squad near the perimeter, which was also known as a hotspot for surprise rebel attacks. Jun-seok asked if he could come with them to check it out. Jun-i Watanabe went to the next town that morning to check the planes and he did say Jun-seok should wait until he finds a way to get the damaged planes closer to the barracks.
The squad agreed in having him join them as long as he helped bring the food.
Lugging a sack of rice on his back (and they made him work by giving him the heaviest bag), he came to know the small squad of 4 soldiers. They've been in the town for almost 6 months but they were originally deployed in the capital.
"Man, I feel lucky we're here now. In the capital, almost every other day, we were fighting with rebels. I hardly got any sleep when we were there. And the locals weren't as helpful or friendly than the ones here.", one of the soldiers shared.
"Yeah, Shosa's good relationship with the Mayor here is paying off. I haven't paid for much of my supplies from the merchants. They don't mind giving stuff for free. So I'm able to keep my money so I can send it back home.", another soldier shared happily in their conversation.
Jun-seok was starting to feel more at ease being assigned to this area. He experienced that nice hospitality as well yesterday. So, it wasn't just a random thing.
Even I have this unsettling task to do, at least it won't be too hard if the locals were friendly, he thought to himself. This made him feel more confident.
That confidence was about to wane soon though.
A light drizzle started and with the skies slightly dark, rain was bound to come. He felt relieved that wearing the extra jacket on top of his uniform wasn't a waste when he took it as an afterthought before he left camp.
As they approached the perimeter near the coffee fields, they heard angry shouts coming from the forested area close to the field. They couldn’t make out what was going on from afar so they decided to go into the forest.
What Jun-seok saw made his heart sink.
--- to be continued - -
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years ago
i was literally just sitting there and got the exo notification from fb/insta/vlive and i was like W H A T no way!! but then they went and ghosted us for a whole ass month lol. if there hadn't been so many chanyeol updates i would've went insane. the promise for an nng video every 27th?? please bby you already have my heart, you didn't need to do anything else 😭 that first one with his birthday ads omggggg 💕💕💕💕💕 but also that update about myeon going to make ramyeon on his own?? mr rich man, really??? 😂😂😂
we just keep coming back to hurt ourselves LOL whyyyyyyy!? he was extra daddy in that suit omfg. myeon in professor vest suit with glasses will always be 👌👌👌 top notch. honestly i would not have questioned even if it was yours 😂
we are doing well!! ❤ have you seen that insta reel that goes along the lines of "for the first time in my life i don't need anyone because i have ..them" and it's exo? 🥺 ultimate feels for those ones!!
if you fly to korea, COUNT ME IN!! but we won't be fighting sm..hopefully we catch myeon and sehun on one of their outings 🤞 i feel like sehun sees him the most lol he misses his hyung even if he has his own real hyung 😂
ktown4u has it at 40% off for preorders 🤷🏻��♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ hehe we already know it will!! baek's face when he sung DONT FIGHT THE FEELING on his birthday live like he was waiting to get told off or was getting looks from managers behind the camera LOL
i came to this blog for your writing!! ❤ then you being such a BESTIE is a bonus heh i love your tags 😂
jun invented the word daddy don't think of changing my mind yo,,, HIM AS A TEACHER OMG got me imagining so much scenarios in my head sjhudfjihdhf professor kim i'd do anything to raise my average 😳
agh i haven't seen the reel!!! if u can pls send it my way!! also yay!! so glad you're doing alright!!! <33
the way i legit do want to go to seoul one day,,, i remember talking to my friends about where we'd travel and i said i'd go to seoul and go to an exo concert,,, omg the dream right there! and HELP THE WAY I ACTUALLY HAD A DREAM THAT I MET MYEON AND SEHUN... LIKE I WAS IN SEOUL WITH A FRIEND AND WE MET THEM AND I WAS LITERALLY CRYING KJSHDFJFH,,,, i miss junnie and hunnie my dynamic duo🥺🥺
ooo i'll check out ktown4u!! i hope shipping to the us isn't ridiculous LOL!! baekhyun is literally so precious i can't take it😭😭i hope he's doing well in military and taking good care of himself😭😭
aaaaaa u came bc of my writing!! thank u for your support!! i'm so sorry i haven't been writing as much defo next week i'll try to get back into the swing of things and finish all the requests i have!! it's been a tough time for me the past week or so but i'm getting back on my feet!! and AGH my tags are so annoying but i love writing them LOLL so glad u get a kick out of it!!
and i officially declare u as bestie anon!! <33 :DD
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bitchofdarkness · 1 year ago
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Office Struggles
Pairing: An Jun-ho/Han Ho-yeol Rating: Teen and Up Audiences A/N: There might come more eventually, it's just a prologue for now. My head is full of AUs and this one came to me recently. There is a bigger story lurking in the back of my head. You can also read it on AO3, if you prefer. I's advise to subscribe to the fic on AO3 if you want to be notified for more chapters once I upload. Word count: 502
A loud exhale turned into a groan as Ho-yeol dramatically fell back into his long chair, while Jun-ho was still standing next to the door. After a while he looked at his new secretary, who appeared to be a little lost with this type of emotional expression.
"An Jun-ho," he said slowly, noticing how the other man stood straighter at hearing his name. Right, the young man had absolved his mandatory military service already. "Why do you refuse to follow the concept your predecessor instructed you to use? The files will be easier to read by everyone."
"It makes more sense to me when I do it my way." Jun-ho admitted, "Closer to what I've learned at university."
"You only went one year, how could you possibly know what's easier," Ho-yeol snapped and Jun-ho looked down at his hands. "Everyone before you had a vast knowledge, even had a college degree and I gave you a chance regardless of what my father said."
Jun-ho mumbled something under his breath that sounded like "I still don't know why" but Ho-yeol generously ignored it as he looked out the window. "Sir, it's just….have you ever wondered why there've been so many secretaries before me? Maybe the system that was set out isn't as efficient as you think."
Ho-yeol's head immediately snapped back to look at his employee, "What did you just say?" He wanted to know and sat up. He could see how uncomfortable Jun-ho got, but he didn't look exactly frightened either. "Are you making me responsible because you can't grasp how a simple program works?" 
"No!" Jun-ho quickly replied, "It's…" he was lost for words and inhaled deeply before evenly asking, "can I show you?" 
That was how Ho-yeol found himself at Jun-ho's desk– a place he'd never sat at before in his entire career and Jun-ho leaned over him from behind to click through the motions. "See? It makes no sense, but if you do it this way, it's much easier and people might understand what those files really entail."
He hated to admit it, but Jun-ho was right. Ho-yeol also noticed that he smelled pretty nice and realized he had to get out of that chair as soon as possible. If he were to have an affair with one more of his employee's his father would fire him– possibly disown him too. At least that was the gist of his fathers lecture that Ho-yeol still remembered. "Are you telling me the program our first secretary invented is complete bullshit?" He asked and turned his head enough to look up at Jun-ho. 
Which was a bad, bad idea. The innocent face of his newest employee coupled with the little shrug he gave was almost too cute to handle. 
"To put it that way, yeah," Jun-ho said, gaze not wavering under Ho-yeol's inquisitive stare. Damn him to hell. "I think she did it on purpose when you fired her."
Come to think of it, that made an awful lot of sense.
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bitchofdarkness · 1 year ago
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Title: Wanna Play?
Rating: Mature
Pairing: An Jun-ho/Han Ho-yeol
A/N: when I saw all the stickers over the damn tablet Ho-yeol had in season 2, this idea just didn't let me go xD
Summary: Unbeknownst to them, Ho-yeol and Jun-ho had met before their mandatory military service.
Bongcheon-dong was not a place Ho-yeol liked to visit, but his mothers parents lived there and on some weekends they would come by. Ho-yeol had to admit he'd thrown a pretty big hissy fit over nothing just so he could get out of the stuffy apartment. His mom basically threw him out.  "Go sit at the playground, you're insufferable today!" And so he did as he was told. The countryside wasn't offering much entertainment for a twelve year old and none of the kids running around the playground looked his age. Which was how he got immersed in playing with his Gameboy. The batteries were new, but he accidentally forgot to take a different game with him. All he had was Tetris. It did take him a while to ignore the scratch one of his classmates had caused though.  His mom said his temper was unusually bad these days, but his dad said it was normal for boys his age. Ho-yeol wondered if his parents would ever share the same opinion on any topic or if they were destined to disagree.  The music completely entranced him and he was sure to reach his newest highscore soon when he suddenly became aware of his surroundings again.  A young boy, maybe five or six stood in front of him, a curious look on his face. "What?" Ho-yeol asked, his temper coming back again. He couldn't even tell why he was so irritated about being watched. "Spit it out, what do you want?" There went his chances of breaking his high score as the sound indicated him losing.  The boy was biting his lip and then he looked down. "Hyeong, will you tie my shoelaces, please?" He asked politely and then sent Ho-yeol what could only be described as puppy dog eyes.  Ho-yeol searched for a parent with a swift gaze upon the playground, but none of the adults sitting on the benches looked even remotely his way. "Don't you have a mom?" He countered with a heavy sigh and saw how the kid pushed his bottom lip forward. "Jesus, don't cry, I'll do it."
Read the full story on AO3
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