#(it was genuinely hilarious lol)
gncrezan · 1 year
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the photoshoot from @infamous-if !!!!!! it was such a cute scene that really showed how close the band is and the paint concept was so clear in my mind that i wanted to draw it <3
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xiaq · 5 months
One of my former students who I used to talk to about hockey before and after class is now engaged to an NHL player. So, follow your dreams, kiddos.
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gamora-borealis · 5 months
only tangentially related but your internet cult leader post reminded me of when my friend said they didn't trust Dan bc he has "the eyes of a manipulator" like...what a wild thing to say lowkey kind of true tho lmfao
LMFAO idk what eyes of a manipulator means but yeah like bro is very charismatic when public speaking and understands his audience to a terrifying degree. He's such a magnet for all of us freaks (especially those of us who started watching him at an impressionable age lol). And he's so smart, like he could wield this power for something far more selfish and yet he does stuff like writing a book that turns his struggles and experiences into something that can help people and doing silly performances that are entertaining but inevitably have positive moral takeaways and affirmations of queerness (and neurodivergency). like he's manipulating us into growing along with him and it makes me 🥹
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elleniemae · 28 days
Me rn (ao3 is down)
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yall im pretty sure someone just human brake checked me in the hallway
i looked down at my phone for one second and the next thing i know someone’s throwing themselves in front of me and psych-ing out of the way at the last second
yall i swear i saw my whole life flash before my eyes and i just looked up and kept walking
like i was genuinely scared and i just tried to play it off afterwards and laugh but my eyes were like WIDE open after that
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
a list of creatures my sister has likened alex turner to:
• a rat hungry for cheese
• a porpoise
• a french duck called gertrude
• a strange but alluring woodland cryptid
• “one of those birds that mate for life and do really weird showy sexual dances to entice their partner”
• bambi in a leather jacket
• “some kind of mysterious siren”
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acrosstobear · 2 years
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my man is……….. buying a car??????? oh and also watching Wednesday 😂
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len-wither · 1 year
People be like "OmG tHiS sEaSoN iT's GonNa Be A jOeL wIn/ ClEo WiN/ etc etc"
no <3
no bestie. This looks like the second win for either Scott or G! like have you seen these kills this session XD
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
i genuinely genuinely love when someone sends me an ask on bearotonin telling me about katmai fat bear week
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bobzora · 14 days
there’s definitely a lot of room for interpretation in his character but i think it’s really funny when people misunderstand parts of Akechi Lore that are like. just straight up told to you. like i’m not trying to say anything but i think some people need to rewatch engine room.
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cinematicnomad · 17 hours
i’m at a beach resort on the mediterranean with a friend in turkey after our weeks of work travel and the weather is perfect, the water is crystal clear, the food is good, and i think i’m healed.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
No offense but trans-masc/trans-man headcanons about Arya are so incorrect, I'm sorry. I can't even take them seriously considering this fandom's desire to separate Arya from girlhood/womanhood. I would love it if people would stop trying to divorce female characters (and real women) from their identities as women just because they aren't traditionally feminine.
If we're talking about actual good-faith interpretations, ones that actually work with how Arya is written, then trans-femme is a much better fit. Arya has never had the desire to be a boy or be seen as one, she is fiercely insistent on her identity as a girl and corrects people several times, she doesn't consider herself a "real" Lady because she's not one in the same way her mother and sister are (!!!), she has self-esteem issues from her looks and ability to perform feminine tasks, she actually spends time pretending to be a boy but never considers herself one or enjoys doing it, as time progresses she loses the ability to pass as a boy (!!!), etc. Look at the material!! There's so much there to discuss from that perspective! Arya's non-conformity and how that fits into a society with such strict gender norms is fascinating and there's a lot to discuss there, but calling her trans-masc is one of the laziest interpretations to come up with.
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datingdonovan · 5 months
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a/n: stfu I found yet another makki timestamp I never posted. guess I was like obsessed w makki during the era right before I stopped writing for hq *cough* you mean the era right before I got my tsukki bf and disappeared from Tumblr anyway if you haven't been following my tags & tales, my roomie is watching hq for the 1st time and it's causing me to want to possibly get back into writing for it, or at least post all the old stuff I wrote and never published. so anybody who's still in this fandom on here, come get your freakin FOOD!!!!!!
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4:35 pm
Hanamaki Takahiro (27) is no longer between jobs. Well, actually, he’s sort of between being between jobs. Basically, he doesn’t think that scooping ice cream is a real use of his talents, but a friend of a friend landed him this gig, just until the summer’s over. Despite the fact that it sucks, he’s never been one to say no to cash. And there are some upsides. Namely, the fact that this kid around his age drops by every Thursday after they get off work. Hanamaki’s not saying he’s in love or anything. He just thinks you’re the most attractive person to ever order ice cream.
It’s been about a month since you started coming, which means he’s really only seen you a handful of times, but he doesn’t plan on forgetting you anytime soon. The way you sort of awkwardly fumble your cash out of your wallet, the absentminded look in your eye as you study the board of flavors, the fact that you say “No, thank YOU!” right back to his coworker when you tip way too much. He loves it. He loves the way you wait at the counter, swiveling around in your chair without a care in the world, just existing there in your own pleasant daydreams. He’s pretty sure you’re begging to be watched.
And he’s even more sure now that you’re here, for the fifth week in a row, and you’re glancing at him from your seat at the bar. He misses it the first time, so shocked at being caught staring that he doesn’t quite register that actually, you were looking at him, too. He can’t even remember who looked first. Had he even been staring? Or had he been casually looking your way when he noticed you looking at him? He decides it’s no use wondering, and as he serves another customer their sundae, leaning over the counter, he sneaks a glance at you. And you are watching, dammit. Your eyes aren’t on his, they’re in his hair, and running along his bicep, and then you look up, and he smirks, and this is definitely the best job ever. He turns back to his work, willing himself not to actually do a stupid fist pump. Instead, he busies himself with crossing the delivered order off the list in front of him, starting on the next bowl of ice cream.
He’s trying really hard to focus on delivering ice creams. He really is. But he keeps looking up at you, now, every time he comes to the counter. When you make eye contact again, he sees the smile creep onto your face, and he can’t help smiling too. And you keep smiling at him, each time he comes over, like looking at you was the right thing to do. Two cones, a cup, and a milkshake later, he licks his lips and flexes a little as he walks away, and he’s pretty damn sure he hears you snort. And his heart’s starting to beat fast, because you noticed. You’re watching him intently, even when he’s not watching you.
And then it hits him. You’ve been sitting there a really long time. Without ice cream. Whoops.
Right about that time, it seems like it hits you, too, because he watches you nonchalantly get up from your seat and walk over to the register, questioning the blonde man about where your cone might be. The guy walks over to Hanamaki and starts rifling through the order list, and sure enough, there’s your cone, line straight through the order. “You crossed it off like you already finished it, idiot!” The blonde laughs and knocks his arm against Hanamaki before coming back to you at the counter. “Sorry. He’s not the brightest.”
Your ice cream is ready faster than any of the ones you’ve seen come out before, and the blonde man watches with a laugh as Makki hands it to you. “I swear, I’m not new.”
“I know,” you say. And you don’t know what’s gotten into you, because you add, “They just keep you around cause you’re cute.” And you leave him standing there, mouth hanging open, and walk to sit at one of the tables outside.
It’s not five minutes before he sits down next to you. “Hey, pretty thing.”
You look over and roll your eyes, trying not to smile. “What, do you need something?”
“Nope. Just got off.”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“If it means you’ll let me sit here with you while you eat your ice cream alone instead of forcing me to go back inside—“
“So dramatic.” You laugh. 
It takes a minute for him to work up the courage to say it, but he eventually does. “You really think I’m cute?”
You shrug. “I was just messing around.”
“Well, don’t all good things start with messing around?” He swivels to face you and flashes you that lazy smile. And he definitely leaves with your number… even if he’s getting dragged away by Ukai.
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kennys-parka-jacket · 26 days
Only time yall will ever see me post about AI on this blog:
I'm glad that most people aren't treating Character.ai the same as something like Stable Diffusion. Online writers are way less protective of their work than digital artists. Maybe in individual cases there are exceptions, but by and large it is not the same at all.
With that said though, it always struck me as weird that fanfiction writers legally can not make money off their work, yet it *is* legal to use fics to train chat bots and then charge a fee to use those bots. Just incredibly weird.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
it's actually, genuinely, honestly hilarious that in a fandom where popular ships include characters who are biologically related, characters with a 10+ year age gap who met when one was a teenager or even a child, and characters who have tried to kill each other, people hate on a friends-to-lovers ship with a <2 year age gap where the characters have a deep emotional bond and plenty of romantic subtext, because "they're siblings". my brother in the force they are literally not.
#i'm just saying. out of all the ships in the star war; sabine and ezra have one of the healthiest dynamics#right up there with kanera and bail and breha and obitine and maybe a few others. there are SO few 'problems' with it.#not that those 'problems' make a ship BAD when it's written well or in certain context.#just that out of all the ships to pick on; people choose THIS one?????#the one with character growth and found family and mutual respect??#the one with self-sacrifice and decades-long loyalty and obitine parallels and a jetpack chase scene????#what's there to hate???#and i would add a disclaimer about how if you dont ship them its fine as long as you dont bully but honestly?#i am so so tired of having to qualify my statements.#this is about the targeted hate. this has always been about the targeted hate.#and i don't care if someone loathes something i love as long as they they keep that loathing out of my personal space.#this has been a tag rant. thank you for reading.#btw i'm not being sarcastic about it being hilarious. it genuinely cracks me up to see people get SO hateful over this#for a reason that does not exist#as opposed to several other ships which DO IN FACT HAVE THAT OBJECTION.#like. oh my gosh. are you even listening to yourselves.#if u wanna have the don't-ship-siblings fight then puhLEEZE bring it to someone who ships siblings.#jessica's controversial star wars opinions#sabezra#(don't worry that this post is a vent because i'm getting bullied or anything. im not visible enough for that i guess lol)#it was written in humor not in hurt :)
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