#(it is little more cloudy today and the air pollution is worse as well so makes sense)
Listen well children of the sand and neon, our mother space has party ready for us tonight so turn off your discoballs, gaze towards the sky and marvel upon her godly fireworks because Perseus is throwing us his shinning diamonds and it is time to feel their warm glimmer in your heart
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into-crazy · 5 years
Man Under the Makeup Pt. 1
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Female Reader series
Warnings- Cursing, brief harassment, bullying from teens, Arthur having a laughing fit
You can find the other parts RIGHT HERE and through the “Man Under the Makeup” tag lovelies!💘
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Gotham City. How does one begin to describe what it's like living here? What it is now, that is. You never used to mind it much when you moved here. People kept to themselves, the streets were a little more peaceful, and the air was definitely cleaner. It's only been some years, hardly time for it to change to what it has currently come to. Or.. maybe you've just gotten older, and come face to face with the bullshit reality. Because now, it seems like everyone has something to say, the streets have become dangerous at night, and the air is filled with pollution from excess trash piles and the nasty attitudes of the citizens.
Perhaps this is what life has always been like, and you were blind to it until you had to step out into the world on your own. The things that keep you going at night, though it doesn't interfere with your sleep much. Just an occasional thought that pops up when you're not preoccupied with anything else.
Making your way to work, this was one of those times. It's cloudy and cold out this morning. A typical Monday morning in the city. The streets reek of weeks old garbage which pile on the sidewalks.
Dressed for the weather, you're wearing a long blush dress, with a thick black coat, and black boots. You walk past the expressionless faces of many people, trying to get where they need to be. You're not apart of the blank crowd; No, you don't walk around with a smile 24/7. But you have some bit of life in you at least. Not getting why many people are so rude, why they walk around as if they're dead or of higher value. Hm, maybe it's the weather. Thinking of some possible explanation.
At least you're not the only one. There are individuals you can smile at, or of course greet.. The little old lady that sits at her building door as you walk by, the door man at your place of work, and a few mothers strolling along with their young children. They share the same energy as you, returning gracious nods.
Halfway to work, you make way through a busy area with small owned businesses and stores. A successful looking man eyes you up and down as you pass him. You pull your coat closed tightly, walking faster. That action is definitely high on your "Things I Can't Stand" list. You may not be as wealthy, however you've found your own success. Also, you will not let some rich snob think he can buy you. That's the way the rich feel, as though their money can control the world. Which it's arguably true, for the most part.
Ahead of you, a man dressed in a clown costume dances around with a sign: "EVERYTHING MUST GO!!" Painted with black and orange. You often see him out here in the mornings, advertising for one of the stores. Wearing his usual red and blue plaid jacket, deep purple pants, large clown shoes, finished with bright green clown hair and makeup. He's one of those people you tend to smile at when exchanging glances. You can't help but admire his liveliness every time you spot him. So much energy in the way he moves.
Just when you were about to walk around him, two teenagers hurriedly make their way by. One of them extends his arm and purposely shoves the sign. Causing him to bump into you, dropping the sign on your feet.
"Haha, freak!" The teenagers laugh as they speed away.
"Hey!" You shout at them, but they're already too far. Damn jackasses.
"I'm so sorry," the man apologizes picking up the sign, placing it against a trash can. The paint on it was still a little wet, so a bit had rubbed onto your boots. "I didn't mean to-" before he could finish he abruptly breaks out in a laughing fit.
Catching you by surprise, you nervously chuckle with him. Soon coming to the realization that he wasn't laughing voluntarily. They came out strangled and out of his own control. "Hey, are you alright?" You ask him.
He takes note of your worry and tries to speak between the slightest pauses. "Sorry I- I have a- have a condition-" he manages to choke out covering his mouth with one of his hands. The other searching his front pocket. He pulls out a small card, handing it to you. He tries desperately to get himself together as you read the card.
"Oh my- I didn't realize," you felt terrible for your reaction. "How rude of me. I apologize for laughing along."
He calms down after a few more hard laughs. Straightening himself out before responding, "that's alright, I didn't mean to- huh! Ha!- didn't mean to umm scare you."
"No I'm fine. I just want to make sure you are okay." You assure the poor man. Moving your head forward slightly to glance at him as you hand him back the note card. Tears welt up in the corner of his eyes.
"I'll be okay," he confirms glancing back down at your feet. "I got orange paint on your shoes," the man looks at you, "I am sorry." His face is full with concern. Possibly thinking he might have angered you, preparing for you to yell at him in disgust.
"Oh no, it's alright," you assure him, "it wasn't your fault. Those bad kids." You laugh shaking it off.
"Yeah," he fixes his clown nose, "they can be cruel sometimes." There's this childlike quality in him, with the way he moves and speaks. Very shy and timid.
"You're telling me."
"They do it to you too?" He curiously asks. His eyes. Up this close, you see something hidden behind them. Those big green eyes. Masked by a false appearance of happiness.
"Oh, um- no," you shake your head, "I meant that I know how these teenagers act. Such juveniles, with no regard for others."
His gaze lowers to the floor. Shooting himself down for thinking someone as yourself would experience the things he does. "I see. Well, that's just how it is here."
"It's not an excuse for them to be so cruel. Especially for no reason."
Times have been rough in the city. Everything seemed to get more difficult. It amazes you how he can keep a cheerful temperament with the way things are. Although it also saddens you on how he's treated. He seems really sweet and humble, why would he be met with the opposite?
"Well, they see me dressed like this and it's easier for them." He adds. "Happens even out of makeup."
"Really?" You ask. "Still terrible behavior, don't let it get to ya. Wait, I might have seen you before."
"You think so?" He removes the clown wig and nose, then slightly spreads his arms. He does look familiar, although you can't tell much given the amount of make up he has on.
"Okay, yeah. I think I've seen you around before." You laugh placing your hand out, "I'm y/n, by the way."
"Arthur, but my clown name is Carnival." He responds, feeling quite prideful he's made you laugh.
"I like it. Nice to meet ya Arthur slash Carnival," you smile as he shakes your hand.
"Same to you," he chuckles nervously, "I'm just glad you aren't chewing me out for ruining your shoes. Most people get pretty upset if I brush them by accident."
"What these?" You glance at your feet. "Noo it's fine. And as you can see, I'm not a narrow-minded narcissist." You note. "And from what I can tell, neither are you."
"Yeah, thank you," he nods in response. Unable to grasp how kind you're being towards him. Actually holding a decent conversation with him, not giving him the impression that you are uncomfortable- like most people tend to be. In fact, the way they are right now. Walking past, side eyeing the two of you. A look on their face indicating they're wondering why you are even talking to this nut case.
"Well," you start breaking him from his negative train of thought, "I gotta get going. Duty calls. I'll umm, see you around." You say before continuing on.
"Of course, see you, y/n." He waves as you start heading your way. Your words still pondering around in his head.
What an interesting man. You figure, wishing to stay and chat longer. But you have to get to your job, and Arthur back to his. No big deal, you'll see him around. Hopefully talk some more the next time you see him.
Little did you realize that Arthur also amazes himself. The world may be cruel to him, but he just smiles and shrugs it off. It's what he's been told to do. Trying his best to bring joy to this world. But with each passing day, it continues to get much harder. Deep down pushed away are his real feelings. Hidden behind a lock, almost ready to shatter. Completely unaware that it's going to get a lot worse.
Yet for now, he puts on his wig and nose. Working rather more cheerfully, mindful of y/n. The sweet young woman who made his day better.. today..
That's the end of part 1! Hope you like it so far. Fluff & smut will definitely come later on!
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