#(in my heart she's dancing with donna by the way)
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OC Edit Bingo ✤ Kinsley Kord
Here's the thing, I can't do anything right Try as I absolutely, totally might
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
Request by: @ginevrastilinski-ocs
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
You talk all the time, but you never say anything.”
“I know.”
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horeformilfs · 6 months
Donna Beneviento x Fem!Reader
TW: Depression
Lady Dimitrescu, adorned in her regal attire, glided through the ornate halls of Castle Dimitrescu with her customary grace. As the mistress of the grand estate, she was accustomed to the daily routines that unfolded within its walls. Yet, on this particular morning, there was an unsettling absence that cast a shadow upon her usual composure.
Y/N, her devoted personal maiden, had failed to attend to her duties. Alcina Dimitrescu, though initially unperturbed by the absence, couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that settled within her chest. She dismissed it at first, attributing Y/N's absence to a minor inconvenience, perhaps a fleeting illness or an errand that required immediate attention.
However, as the sun climbed higher in the sky, and the hours stretched on, Alcina's concern morphed into a palpable worry. Y/N was a fixture in her life, a steady presence that had become intertwined with the fabric of her existence over the past four years. The thought of her sudden disappearance sent tendrils of apprehension snaking through Alcina's mind.
Summoning her daughters, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela, Alcina gathered them in her chambers, her expression betraying the gravity of the situation. "Have any of you seen Y/N today?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.
The sisters exchanged glances, their brows furrowed in confusion. "No, Mother," Bela replied, her tone laced with concern. "We haven't seen her since yesterday evening."
Alcina's heart sank at the confirmation of Y/N's prolonged absence. A sense of foreboding settled over her, casting a shadow upon the opulent surroundings of her chamber. Y/N's disappearance was an anomaly, a disruption in the carefully choreographed dance of their lives within the castle walls.
Determined to unravel the mystery shrouding Y/N's whereabouts, Alcina resolved to scour every corner of the castle until she found her. With each passing moment, her worry deepened, fueling her determination to reunite with her beloved Y/N and uncover the truth behind her sudden disappearance.
Alcina's concern deepened as she stood in the threshold of Y/N's chamber, her gaze fixated on the figure lying motionless upon the bed. With each passing moment of silence, her apprehension grew, mingling with a sense of helplessness that threatened to consume her.
"Y/N," Alcina called out softly, her voice carrying a note of apprehension. "Is everything alright?"
Y/N's response was barely a whisper, her words devoid of their usual warmth and vitality. "I'm fine," she murmured, her voice hollow and distant.
Alcina's heart clenched at the lackluster response, a gnawing unease settling in the pit of her stomach. She took a step closer, her gaze searching Y/N's form for any sign of distress or discomfort. But Y/N remained unmoved, her back still turned to Alcina, her presence distant and detached.
Unable to suppress her growing concern, Alcina pressed further. "You don't seem yourself, my dear. Is there something troubling you?"
Y/N's reply was curt, her tone devoid of emotion. "I said I'm fine, Lady Dimitrescu. Please, don't worry about me."
But Alcina could not shake the feeling of disquiet that lingered in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to suffuse the very walls of the chamber. With a heavy heart, she retreated from Y/N's bedside, her thoughts consumed by worry and uncertainty.
Determined to uncover the truth behind Y/N's sudden change in demeanor, Alcina made her way to her study, the weight of concern pressing heavily upon her shoulders. With trembling hands, she reached for the ornate telephone that adorned her desk, her fingers tracing the familiar contours with a sense of urgency.
Dialing the familiar number, she waited with bated breath as the line connected, her heart pounding in her chest. When Donna's voice echoed through the receiver, Alcina wasted no time in conveying her fears, her words tumbling forth in a rush of urgency and desperation.
"Donna," she began, her voice betraying the tremor of anxiety that gripped her. "It's Y/N... something's wrong."
As Donna's voice emanated from the other end of the line, Alcina hastily recounted the peculiar behavior exhibited by Y/N—her listless demeanor, the vacant responses, the unsettling silence that hung in the air. Donna listened attentively, her intuition sharpened by the connection she shared with Y/N over the past seven months.
Alcina could sense the gravity of the situation in Donna's measured response. "Alcina, I know what's happening with Y/N. I'll be at the castle soon," Donna assured her, her voice a soothing balm to Alcina's troubled soul.
Relief mingled with curiosity as Alcina pressed further, "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm worried about her."
Donna's response carried a gentle but firm tone. "Alcina, this is something very personal to Y/N. She may not want anyone else to know. When I arrive, I'll handle it. Just give us some space, alright? It's Y/N's choice whether she wants to share this with you or not."
A mixture of understanding and concern settled within Alcina. While her instinct was to protect and care for Y/N, she respected the boundaries that Donna was urging her to recognize. Nodding, albeit in solitude, Alcina acknowledged Donna's request. "Very well, Donna. I'll await your arrival, and I'll respect Y/N's wishes."
Donna entered Y/N's chamber with a quiet determination, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the swirling uncertainty that enveloped the room. Alcina watched from the doorway, her gaze fixated on the delicate interplay unfolding between Donna and Y/N.
Removing her veil with practiced grace, Donna approached Y/N's bedside with cautious steps, mindful of not startling the young maiden. With a softness in her voice that bespoke of both empathy and authority, Donna knelt before Y/N, her eyes meeting hers with unwavering compassion.
"Dolcezza," Donna murmured, her voice a gentle reassurance. "It's me. You're safe."
Y/N's gaze flickered briefly, a flicker of recognition dancing in her eyes before the veil of despondency once again descended upon her features. Donna's heart ached at the sight, her resolve strengthened by the urgency of the moment.
"What's troubling you, my love?" Donna inquired softly, her words a soothing melody in the midst of Y/N's turmoil.
Y/N's response was barely a whisper, her voice tinged with a sense of resignation. "I... I'm not sure. Everything feels... heavy."
Donna nodded understandingly, her gaze never wavering from Y/N's troubled countenance. "Let's start with something simple. What have you eaten today?"
Y/N's reply was barely audible, her voice hollow and distant. "Nothing."
Donna's heart sank at the admission, a pang of concern coursing through her veins. "Would you like to take a bath, dolcezza?" she offered gently, her words imbued with a tender concern for Y/N's well-being.
Y/N nodded slowly, her movements sluggish and hesitant. "Yes, but... I don't know if I can..."
Donna reached out, her touch feather-light as she wiped away a solitary tear that trailed down Y/N's cheek. "Shh, it's alright, my love. I'm here to help you," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm to Y/N's fractured spirit.
With each word, Donna sought to chip away at the walls that surrounded Y/N's heart, offering solace and support in equal measure. As she cradled Y/N's trembling form in her arms, Donna vowed to guide her through the darkness, to stand by her side until the shadows receded and the light of hope shone once more.
As Donna lifted Y/N's slight frame in her arms, a sense of tender determination filled her heart. With careful steps, she carried Y/N to the spacious bathroom adjacent to her chamber, Alcina's watchful gaze following their path.
"I'll take care of her, Alcina," Donna reassured, her voice a soft murmur that echoed through the silent halls. "I'll check in with you later."
With a nod of acknowledgment, Alcina retreated from the doorway, leaving Donna to tend to Y/N's needs. With practiced ease, Donna set about preparing the bath, the warm water filling the marble tub with a soothing embrace.
Guiding Y/N into the water, Donna's touch was gentle yet firm, her movements a symphony of care and compassion. She washed away the traces of distress that clung to Y/N's skin, her fingers working diligently to ease the burden that weighed heavily upon her heart.
As she rinsed the soap from Y/N's hair, Donna's voice filled the air, a melodic whisper that seemed to chase away the shadows of despair. With each stroke of the brush, she unravel the knots of tension that had ensnared Y/N's spirit, her touch a tender caress against the backdrop of uncertainty.
Once Y/N was cleansed and refreshed, Donna wrapped her in a plush towel, the soft fabric cocooning her in a comforting embrace. From the array of garments adorning Y/N's chamber, Donna selected a set of clean clothes, dressing her with a delicate touch.
With each movement, Donna's care was palpable, her presence a beacon of solace in the midst of Y/N's turmoil. She gently brushed and braided Y/N's hair, her fingers weaving a tapestry of comfort and reassurance.
Returning Y/N to her bed, Donna tucked her beneath the covers, her gaze tender as she met Y/N's weary eyes. "Are you comfortable, dolcezza?" she inquired softly, her voice a gentle murmur in the quiet of the chamber.
Y/N nodded, a small smile gracing her lips as she reached out for Donna's hand. "Will you stay with me?" she whispered, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
As Donna settled beside Y/N, she gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, her touch light and tender. "Rest now, amore mio," she whispered, her voice a soothing murmur in the quiet of the chamber. "I will be here with you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered closed, her breathing steady as she nestled closer to Donna's warmth. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
With a soft smile, Donna began to sing, her voice a lilting melody that filled the room with a sense of peace. The Italian lullaby flowed from her lips, its words carrying a timeless rhythm that lulled Y/N into a gentle slumber.
"La nanna della luna, Che fa sognare il cuor, Con le stelle come lacrime, Che cadono dal ciel." (The lullaby of the moon, That makes the heart dream, With stars like tears, That fall from the sky.)
As Donna's voice wove its enchanting spell, Y/N's breathing grew deep and even, her features relaxed in the embrace of sleep. With each verse, Donna's touch became a tender caress, her hand tracing soothing patterns along Y/N's back as they drifted into the realm of dreams together.
In the quiet of the night, their bond transcended words, their hearts entwined in a symphony of love and solace. And as the lullaby faded into the gentle hum of the night, Donna held Y/N close, her presence a testament to the enduring strength of their connection.
In that moment, amidst the stillness of the chamber, they found solace in each other's arms, their souls bound together by the unbreakable threads of love and devotion. And as dawn broke upon the horizon, casting its golden light upon the world outside, they knew that no matter what trials may come, they would face them together, united in their unwavering commitment to one another.
As Y/N succumbed to the embrace of sleep, Donna held her close, her presence a steadfast anchor amidst the turbulent sea of uncertainty. In the embrace of the night, they found solace in each other's arms, their bond a beacon of hope in the darkness.
Meanwhile, Alcina returned to Y/N's chamber, her steps light as she approached the closed door. Peering inside, she beheld the tender tableau before her—Donna cradling Y/N in her arms, the soft strains of a lullaby drifting through the air.
A small smile graced Alcina's features as she quietly closed the door, a sense of gratitude warming her heart. In that moment, she knew that Y/N was in good hands, her struggles tempered by the unwavering support of those who cherished her most.
With a sense of peace settling over her, Alcina made her way back to her study, her thoughts filled with hope for Y/N's recovery and gratitude for the steadfast presence of Donna in their lives.
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artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} OFC x Harvey Specter {Pt.2}
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Helllloooooooo. This is probably the filthiest thing I've written in a long time so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. As I've been writing this part, I've tortured @rosedpetal to no end with a few teasers and I cannot wait for her reaction. As always, if anyone wants to be tagged in the next part lmk in the comments!!! I love seeing your guys' reactions it makes my day. enjoy loves <3 p.s. this is my birthday gift to you guys (even though it was two days ago it still counts)
Pt. 1 Character Playlist
Word count: 13,156 (holy shit)
Warnings: age gap, smut (18+), degration, exhibitionism, dom/sub vibes, language, anxiety/anxious thoughts, angst, a touch of fluff, more inaccurate lawyer shit
Summary: After Claudia and Harvey win their first case, the week and a half that follows is filled with more of Harvey's 'confidence boosters' and valuable lessons ;). But when they hit a snag in the case, Harvey can't keep the one promise he made to Claudia.
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo
When I woke up the morning after, I didn’t know what to think. And I surely didn’t know what to do the next day. Or the day after that. Even a week later, mostly consumed with thoughts of Harvey and how to avoid him, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we were doing was wrong. 
I mean, in ways it was. For starters, he was a name partner and I was a first year associate. He was at least ten years older than I was. Probably more. What would my parents think? My brothers? 
Hell, what do I think? 
It’s no secret that Harvey is a good looking guy; his sharp jaw, his cunning eyes and fierce smirk that always appeared whenever our eyes would meet. Just because I said I tried to avoid him, doesn’t mean my evasions worked. Nine times out of ten it always fails. Miserably. 
By the time the elevator chimed, the doors whisked open and I immediately looked to his office. Good, he wasn’t there. He always seemed to be waiting for me in his office, just watching. It was like he was stalking his prey. Which, in a way, always sent my skin burning and my mind running. Running right back to his tongue on mine, his hand in my hair… my hand wrapped around-
“Good morning, Claudia,” Donna’s perky voice nearly sent me to the hospital. She was already sitting in my cubicle. When did I end up in the bullpen?
“Jesus, don’t you know how to not give a girl a heart attack?”
She chuckled, “I like to start every day off with a surprise.” In her hand was another blue file. Labeled Friddle vs. Gustoson. It was a corporate case, something about some patent being violated and a stolen technology design.
“What is this for?” 
“Harvey wants to work with you on another case. He has not shut up about how well you did on the last one and knows you’ll bring this home too,” she was grinning. A look that meant trouble.
“Is that… all he’s talked about?” I had to be cautious. If she knew about what happened, I knew she’d tell me. But if she didn’t I certainly didn’t want her to find out. 
“I mean, he raved about that cross examination you gave. And about how nervous you were, but that he’s gonna keep working with you to help build that up because we all know you are the best damn associate this firm has to offer.”
Holy shit she didn’t know. She had no idea. Keep it cool, Claudia, don’t let your face give it all away.
“Oh,” I tried not to sigh in relief. “Yeah I was shitting bricks before the trial. But I did it, I guess.”
“You’re goddamn right you did,” she stood up, taking my hands in hers. “And you’re gonna kick ass again. And, since I know Harvey won’t say it to you, I’m proud of you. Good work, Claudia. Keep it up and Junior partner might be here sooner than you think.”
Donna’s ginger hair swayed back and forth as she waltzed away. That was a perfect way to describe her walk, a dance. I should learn how to walk like that.
I sat, firing up my computer and sorting through the motions and other filing work on my desk. It seemed like this part of the job never ended. We had to single-handedly be the reason twenty percent of the Amazon was gone. 
Other associates around me were gathered at Griffin's desk, chatting about whatever they did over the weekend. I had never, not once, been invited out for drinks or to lunch by any of the associates. Not that I expected to be, I never really made an effort. Not that I wanted to befriend any of these assholes. 
After I won the case, instead of congratulating me on keeping Harvey’s client with the firm and sending the losers running with their tail between their legs, all I got were dirty looks and hushed whispers behind closed doors. 
It made me feel nauseous. What if they knew? What if they found out about Harvey and I’s… whatever it was, and were spreading it through the office? Soon it would reach him. And if Harvey hear rumors then Donna would, and then Louis and Jessica and god knows who else-
“Griffin, Harvey wants to see you in his office,” Donna’s voice rang through the bullpen. Him and his group of dogs were not shy with the looks they gave me. My heart sank in my chest. At the same time I was relieved that it wasn’t me; at least then I wouldn’t have to deal with the hateful, resentful looks. Those were even worse than the ones of triumph. 
I occupied my ever anxious mind by burying my nose in the legal book next to my keyboard, highlighting rapidly to find the errors of some of the other associates' mistakes. Louis always had me check the others' work. He knew– either because Donna vouched for me, or he just saw that I was half competent– that I wouldn’t let careless mistakes slip through. So I always got them.
Lucky me. 
From grammatical errors to punctuation, it was endless. I wasn’t sure who this was, but they clearly have never taken an English class because they used ‘affect’ wrong. It needed to be ‘effect’. Within the same brief, they used ‘to’ instead of ‘too’, and ‘accept’ instead of ‘except’. I wanted to find whoever this was and smack them across the face because this was completely unacceptable for a Harvard graduate. 
I mean, how does one spend well over a hundred thousand dollars and not know the difference between their, there, and they’re? It pisses me off. If Louis ever saw these things before they were edited he’d have a coronary. 
A hand slammed down on my desk. I jumped halfway out of my skin and bit down on the cap of the highlighter, hard enough to have it crack and pinch my tongue. 
“Harvey wanted you instead,” Griffin bit out. His face was twisted and contorted. Obviously pissed. 
Why did he want me? 
I scrambled a little, careful to put all my papers away so we wouldn’t have another incident like I did with my first case. And I made sure to bring it with me this time, basically implanted it in my hand, just to be safe. 
“Mr. Specter, you wanted to see me?” He was looking out the window at the view below. Sometimes it made me lightheaded to think about how high up we were. I’ve never been good with heights. 
“Yes, I did.”
“Can I ask why you called Griffin in first instead of just coming to me?”
Harvey turned around, fussing with his cufflink before sitting down on the corner of his desk. “I just thought you’d like to have the satisfaction of Griffin being turned away.”
I blinked, “Satisfaction? I don’t understand, you did that on purpose?”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” Harvey’s smirk was evil. 
“Why?” I still didn’t get it. Why bring Griffin in and then tell him ‘sorry, I actually meant the first year, not you’. It seemed kind of pointless when he could’ve just… “Oh…”
“Now you understand?”
“You wanted Griffin to know that he is still not the first choice, and that that first choice is me.” “It has been, and it will continue to be. If he can’t see that, then I’ll make him,” Harvey stood, coming to stand in front of me. Almost too close; we were not in the safety of an empty office, I couldn’t let him get too close.
“Why not just come to the bullpen and do it yourself?”
“Because,” he squared his shoulders, “I wanted to knock him down a peg. When I call someone into my office, or have Donna do it, it means I need them for something. I just wanted Griffin to tell you that I needed you for the sole reason of getting under his skin.”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Mr. Specter-” “Harvey.” He corrected. 
I swallowed. “Harvey, I appreciate it. Well, in theory I do, but that is besides the point. Ever since we won-”
“You won,” he corrected again. I see what he’s doing. 
“I won,” I huffed, “ever since, I have had a target on my back. People are whispering about me and I don’t need you to escalate the situation. Especially with someone who already hates me.”
Harvey cast his eyes away from mine. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put unnecessary pressure on your shoulders.”
My lips pressed in a line, arms crossing over my chest. I knew what this would do, what it would look like from outside eyes: that Harvey was doing me a favor. Giving me special treatment. In a way I guess he was, but it was because I earned it. Right? I had earned this? My place by his side as an associate? Not by his side, at his side. I worked with Harvey side-by-side. And you’re goddamn right I earned it. 
Maybe Harvey’s weird Jedi mind tricks are working. As weird as they are. 
“You’ve got that look in your eye,” Harvey spoke softly. 
“What look?” He smiled, “The one where you’re having some internal conflict. Battling it out in your head like Rocky and Apollo, two greats against each other. Claudia, you’re doing great here. And I know you believe it, but you’ve gotta learn to not spiral out of control when something comes up. You can handle it.”
He’s right, Harvey’s always right. Most of the time. 
I followed his eyes to the corner of my mouth. He furrowed his brows, bringing his hand up. His thumb brushed against my skin and I froze. Spine cemented in place. What is he doing? Doesn’t he know how many people could be-
“Just some highlighter,” he reassured. I must’ve missed the cap once or twice. “Have you had a chance to look at the case?”
My brain was half melted. “Sort of, I glanced at it when Donna gave it to me. Seem’s… ballsy.”
“It certainly isn’t gonna be a walk-off,” he sighed. “Which is why I want you to come with me to the meeting with Jay Friddle. He wants to settle with Gustoson.”
“And you don’t want him to?”
“You’re goddamn right I don’t,” Harvey snapped. Not really at me, but at me. I couldn’t help the flinch, and I could see the hurt in his eyes. “Sorry. No, I don’t want him to settle. I think there is some shady shit going on, and I think he’s being framed. I’ve known Jay for five years and I know he didn’t steal their design. Whoever is behind this set him up and made this whole thing look like his fault.”
“When is the meeting?”
“Later today, two-forty.”
“Okay, give me some time to review and do some research on the employees. If he’s being framed, maybe it was an inside job. There could be someone who is from Gustoson’s posing as a loyal employee, or maybe someone cut a deal with them for a pretty penny.”
Harvey gave a firm nod, and I turned to leave. His hand wrapped around my arm and kept me from going. 
“That’s my girl,” he moved a piece of my hair from my forehead. “Always so eager to get to work.”
“Harvey,” I warned. “N-Not here.”
“No one is watching.” “How can you be so sure?” I felt that tingling feeling prick my fingers. The kind of numbness you get when something unexplainable happens and you’re not sure if it’s real. Or when your life flashes before your eyes. 
“Look around?”
I gently turned away from his touch, looking around at the weirdly empty office. All those around were occupied, engaged in conversation and not paying attention. Even Donna was nowhere to be found.   
“I can see that our first… session,” he decided on. His front was pressed close to my back, lips right against the shell of my ear. “Has started to work. You took precedent and responsibility without a second thought. But, you were still wary when I called you in here. I think I need to weed it out of you. Give you something to be in control of.”
A single finger trailed the length of my spine. I could barely breathe. My body, which was not helping me in any way, leaned back into him. 
“How about this, while you’re doing your research, you think of what you want. Of how I can please you, of how you can take control of me. Then whenever we get back, meet me in the file room on the fiftieth floor. How does that sound, sweetheart?”
He was a twisted son of a bitch, that's for sure. 
“Yeah,” I nearly choked on my own tongue when his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. “Yeah I’ll think about it, Harvey.”
“Good girl, Claudia.”
Focus? What was that? How does one simply focus after they’re told they’re gonna have their deepest fantasies lived out in just a few hours? All I could do was think about Harvey between my legs. His fingers wrapped around my neck. 
Of course I knew what I’d ask him to do, but physically saying the words out loud was a whole other thing. That’s what I'm not sure I can do. And I know he’ll make me say it before he’ll even think about giving me what I want.
God damn Harvey Specter. 
At first it had been anxiety that consumed me about him; wondering when he was gonna pop by and request, demanding rather, that I help him with something. But now it was different. I craved him. His mouth on mine, his scent. Harvey always smelled so good. It was calm and didn’t give me a headache like most of them do. Definitely not a cedar or pine or some other woodsy bullshit. Mellow is a great way to put it. 
His hands certainly won’t be mellow when they’re working in and out of- okay Claudia that’s enough. My computer is spinning spinning spinning in circles as I wait for some files to be uploaded. 
When Harvey had me leave his office, not without pressing his obvious need into my ass, I went straight to looking into those employees. About four hours of searching through employee records and cross checking them with ex-employees of Gustosons. Most of them were clean, a few that had a past, but nothing in relation to what we needed. 
That was until I stumbled across one of the hiring managers. His name was Nelson and he seemed like a grade A asshole. He had worked with Gustoson for ten years before leaving and making his way to our client. And he brought over some of the IT department. 
“Hey Claudia, Harvey wants to know if you’re ready to go for the meeting?” Donna paused by my desk. 
“Yes, I just need to run to the printer and then I will be right in,” I smiled up at her, tucking my file under my arm and grabbing my keys. “Tell him I’ll be right there.”
She hummed and waltzed off. If I had been alone in the bullpen I’d one hundred percent be trying to copy her movements. I mean, how was it possible that she moved so smoothly in a pair of stilettos? I could barely walk in a straight line with flats or a wedge. 
Donna was mind blowing. Donna was Donna. 
By the time I made it to the printer, my papers were there and I just skimmed over them just to make sure I wasn’t taking anyone else's. I had done that before; one of the first weeks I had been working here. I sent my papers to a printer three floors below ours and accidentally grabbed another associate’s. I was mortified, but the girl, Kathrine Bennett? Kaitlyn? Something like that, but she was really nice. She had done the same thing once. I think she got fired and was now at a rival firm. A shame, I wish I got the chance to know her. 
This might seem kind of weird, but I oddly loved the feeling of freshly printed paper. It was always kind of warm and had this very light scent. And it was smooth and easy to flip through. One of those things that brings me a little bit of joy in this hellscape. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” I damn near buckled to the floor. Harvey’s voice was right against the back of my neck, and the presence around me suddenly felt all too warm.
“Jesus Harvey,” I chuckled, trying not to let my fingers tremble. “Maybe don’t sneak up behind me like that?” “I said your name, but you obviously didn’t hear me.”
No. I didn’t. But I did feel his hand slip up the back of my thigh. I went motionless. My breath came out in stutters as he dragged it across my ass, up and around my hip, palm flat against the space right below my belly button. Harvey pulled me back into him, his earlier arousal still there. 
Had it gone away at all? Or did he walk in here just now and get another? No, that couldn’t be. I mean, it wasn’t like I was trying to get a reaction out of him or anything. 
“Harvey I-”
“I locked the door.”
That settled me instantly. I let my hand find the back of his head, letting his lips brush over my neck and shoulder. “Seems like you’re the one who couldn’t wait.”
“Not when you look like that, no. I can’t resist you when you taunt me like this. With a skirt this short, those buttons undone a few more than they had been earlier.”
“I was just hot,” I explained. 
“Oh trust me, I know how hot you are.” Harvey must’ve seen my eye roll at his terrible joke. “You’re right, I couldn’t wait until after our meeting. I needed to have something to hold me over.”
His hands crept around to my chest, fingers ever so gentle as they skimmed over my shirt. As if Harvey’s hands commanded my will, there was nothing I could do to keep from sighing out when he pinched my nipples. It forced me to arch back into him. 
“You’re sensitive, aren’t you? That is very good to know. Where else are you so sensitive? Here?” He kissed right below my ear, then nipped at it. Another spine bending shudder. God damn that laugh of his. “What about here, hmm?” He tugged up the edge of my skirt, toying with the waistband of my underwear, letting it snap back against my skin. “Aww, look at how much you want me to touch you. You’re a writhing mess aren’t you?”
“Harvey,” I pleaded. 
“Harvey what?”
That son of a bitch. I knew he was going to do it and yet I still wasn’t prepared. 
“Harvey, we're gonna be late for the meeting.”
“It’s at three.” 
He turned me around, hand on my neck, so fast I almost went dizzy. He backed me up against the wall and had this devious look on his face. Harvey crushed his mouth to mine and wasted no time sweeping his tongue into my mouth.
I sure as hell wasn’t going to stop him. He was such a good kisser, so dominant and reactive to my endless noises. And he was really good at pulling them from me. 
Harvey lifted under my thighs and pushed my skirt back in the same motion, planting me against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist. It was hard to remember what happened next, but he was quick to pluck open a few more buttons of my shirt and pull my bra down.
If I thought his tongue felt good on mine…
I had to put my own hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t make any noise. Well, I did a shit job, but it wasn’t too loud. 
His mouth was hot on my skin, leaving behind small bruises and wet marks. He bit down, and I hissed, and he grinned before letting up. He slowly set me down, not breaking eye contact as he seamlessly fixed my bra and shirt, reshuffling my skirt back to where it was before. 
“If you liked that, just wait till I get my tongue between those legs of yours. And don’t you worry, sweetheart, I promise I will be far less controlled when I taste you for the first time.”
And then he was gone. He left me there. 
I ran my fingers through my hair, schooled my face into the best neutral one I could and followed him out. Not too close, I didn’t need anyone speculating. 
How Harvey managed to keep his face unreadable was unbeknownst to me. It seemed impossible, I’d need a cold shower and at least seventy-two hours notice to get my head back on. But there he was in the lobby. Totally stoic. Totally unphased. Totally not looking like he had his teeth leaving marks on my chest and making wetness pool between my legs. 
“Oh, there she is,” Donna sighed in relief. “We were starting to think you ran away. Get going you two, you’re gonna be late. Go kick their ass in that depo.”
“Seems like that's all Claudia knows how to do,” Harvey said, giving me a wink when Donna walked off after wishing us good luck.
“You really do not know how to keep it in your pants,” I led the way to the elevator. 
“Why would I want to when I have you to take care of it?”
I just stared blankly at him, his grin spreading wider and wider. God damn Harvey Specter. 
When we slid in the backseat of the car, his hand immediately went to my thigh and it was all I could think about. It was so warm, and so deceptively big. Long fingers brushed over my skin, leaving goosebumps behind.
I had a feeling he was doing all of this on purpose, trying to get me riled up for after this meeting. Since I can’t get away from him, especially right now, all I could do was think about what I wanted most from him. 
To see him smirking between my legs while he made me come undone has got to be at the top of the list. I wonder if he’ll like the way I taste. Shit I haven’t shaved in for-fucking-ever. Is he gonna be disgusted? What if he thinks I’m unhygienic for not taking care of it?
I mean… it hasn’t been that long, a month or two? But I wish I would’ve thought about it. It never occurred to me, even after the endless daydreams, that we’d actually continue all of this. Especially to this much. 
By no means was I a virgin, but I haven’t been in a serious relationship in well over a year, so why did I need to keep things neat down there?  I do not do hookups. Never had, never thought I would. But this technically also wasn’t a hookup? 
What the hell would you even call this? 
My mind was rampant at this point. Going in a billion different directions, all delusional thinking. It was irrational. Not true. And I knew that, but that didn’t stop me from thinking about them. I couldn’t steer my mind away from one in particular: did Harvey even think I was attractive? 
It might seem like a silly question when, about twenty minutes ago, he had me moaning his name in the file room. But it still crossed my mind. Maybe he just thought I was naive and easily manipulatable. That he could have me just because he could, you know? 
It made me feel sick to my stomach. 
Why are you torturing yourself, Claudia? Obviously Harvey finds you attractive. He straight up left bruises on your skin with how eager he was to get at your tits, give yourself a little grace for once.
Why was my inner conscience now sounding like Harvey? I never told myself to ‘give a little grace’. He’s getting in my head. Changing the way I think and talk about myself. Then again I guess that was his whole reason for doing this in the first place-
“Hey pretty girl,” Harvey tapped my leg. “What are you thinking about so hard? You’re white-knuckling your seatbelt.”
Pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl…
I broke out into a huge smile. “Nothing, nothing at all.”
My grin was permanently plastered on my face. We absolutely blew their fucking heads off in that depo. They had no idea what hit them.
“And when you threatened to put Nelson on the stand? Ugh, perfection, the look on their face was priceless. I’ll be replaying it all night and into tomorrow. That shit was awesome,” I couldn’t help the giddy squeal I let out either.
Harvey smiled brightly, a fondness to his face that I hadn’t ever seen before when our eyes met in the elevator on the way back to the firm. 
“Now do you see why I like winning so much?”
I nodded, “Yeah, I can definitely see how it gets addicting. That was… wow. That was amazing. You were amazing, we were amazing.”
“...And?” He pressed. I flushed, I couldn’t fucking help it. 
“And I was… amazing.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”
“You’re one cruel son of a bitch you know that right?” I rolled my eyes. “I was amazing.”
“There you go,” that same fond smile from before showing again. “Now say it again like you actually believe it.”
“I do actually believe it-”
“Say it again.” The smile was gone. 
My throat worked down and I shifted on my feet, clutching my purse in my hands. Just do it and get it over with.
“I did fucking amazing,” I said with a little more umph. It worked, Harvey grinned like the Devil and caught my mouth with his right before the door chimed open. 
“Oh, and before you go and spend all night replaying it over and over, there’s something else I’d like to have you remembering more.”
When I glanced up, I saw that it wasn’t the firm, but the fiftieth floor. The goddamn file room… I had forgotten. How could I have forgotten? I trailed behind him as he led the way, anxiety swirling so violently in my stomach I wasn’t entirely sure that I wasn’t gonna vomit. 
My brain immediately kept trying to think of ways out of it. But my stupid fucking feet kept moving. Why did they keep moving? I didn’t want them to move-
“Claudia, is everything okay? You look… really pale,” Harvey asked once he shut the door and locked it. He looked incredibly concerned, which really only made it worse. “If you don’t want to do this right now we don’t have to.”
“It’s not that,” I shook my head, plastering a smile on my face. Don’t let some god damn hair ruin this, Claudia. You’re gonna be fine. Deep breaths. “Well?”
“Well… what?” He took a step closer, taking my purse from me and setting it on a cabinet. 
“Aren’t you going to ask what I’ve been thinking about? What I’ve been wanting all day?”
“Oh I already know,” he said. “I just want to see if you’re going to tell me or not.”
“I don’t need to ask you,” I felt my anxiety melt away, and that surge of power rush in my veins. The same way it did Harvey and I’s first night. “You said you wanted to please me, and if you already know what I want, why aren’t you already between my legs giving it to me?”
His hand on my neck was the only validation he gave me before lifting me up onto a counter, or a cabinet, I didn’t really care.
Wow I can’t believe that actually worked. We’re getting the hang of this, bitch. Keep it up.
Harvey’s tongue tangled with mine, pulling strings of pleas and moans from me. He unbuttoned my shirt yet again, adding to the marks he left earlier. I laid down; thankfully whatever I was on was long enough. Being tall has its perks for sure, but doesn’t necessarily work for these particular scenarios. 
As he bent over me, I let my shoes slide off, wrapping a leg around his hip so my front melted with his. I ground against him, and he wasn’t shy about what it did to him. He pushed back, hand palming at my chest, the other pinning my other thigh to the surface. 
It was so hard to breathe with him over me. But in the most pleasurable way possible. An intoxing sort of suffocation of having his mouth on mine, his chest pressed close, his very obvious arousal doing wonders for my own. 
The second his hands began to push up my skirt, those thoughts came with it. I felt the panic rise in my chest, and the confidence I had built up crumbled to the floor. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” His voice was sickly sweet and it almost made all those thoughts go away. 
“I umm- I just don’t want you to be- I haven’t… god I am so sorry.”
“You’ve never had someone go down on you?” Harvey asked, eyes wide. “Who the hell have you been with in the past cause they were obviously assholes and I’ll-”
“No no Harvey,” I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what, Claudia.”
“Nothing nothing, it’s fine, just go back to-”
“Not until you tell me everything's okay. Just tell me, it’s alright, sweetheart,” his voice was so tender. And his eyes, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that they were loving in a way. But that was most certainly an irrational thought. 
I blushed, so much felt it go down my neck and light up my chest. 
“Claudia-” “I haven’t shaved,” I blurted out. “I didn’t know this was happening and if I did I would’ve cleaned up for you so if you don’t want to I understand and we can do this another time but I don’t want you to be disappointed and grossed out and-” I actually yelped. He forced my skirt off, pulling off my stockings and tossing them over his shoulder. Then slid my underwear down my legs, not before he made fun of the little pink bow that was on the front. 
He splayed my legs wide, throwing one over his shoulder, pinning the other down. The first touch of his tongue nearly made me tear up. His mouth was so hot. So warm and it felt so good as it curved in and out of me. 
Bliss. Pure, raw, satisfying bliss encased me. I jolted when he flicked over my clit, sending a very much welcome tremble down my spine. I arched up and couldn’t help but grind against his face.
Harveys nails left dents in my skin. I hoped that they would bruise. He was not shy about how good I tasted. He had such a filthy way of describing what I did to him, and he knew that every word would get an even more filthy noise from my chest. 
I could see my wetness smeared on his cheeks; I was a mess since the car on the way to the meeting. Which was well over two hours ago now. It made everything feel that much better. 
Harvey took my leg off his shoulder, pushing it flat to the counter. He then took my chest between his fingers, definitely not careful with how hard he pinched and pulled. My legs quivered, clamping against his head, only for him to force them back down. 
“Keep them there,” he stood, wrapping his palm across my throat. “I’m gonna make you cum on my tongue, but you’re not going to do it until I say, understand?”
“Yes, Harvey.” I thought about calling him sir, but I wasn’t sure what it would do. I really really really wanted to know, but it was more than likely something we should save for the privacy outside of the office because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my screams at bay.
I could barely do it right now. 
He brought me in for a possessive kiss before laying me back down and settling between my legs. His fingers scratched and marked the insides of my thighs. I could feel my release building, and how on earth he knew I’ll never know, but every time I got relatively close, he slowed down, sending me right back to the start. It was infuriating, and I almost said something, but then he kept going. 
And kept going and going and going-
“Harvey,” I sighed, breathless and airy. I had to bite on my fingers to keep from making too much noise. Again, I was doing a really shit job. 
“Not yet,” he ordered. “Harvey I can’t…”
“Yes, you can, sweetheart. And you will because you love doing what I tell you, don’t you? You love being on display for me while I have my way with you.” I did. “You don’t even need to say it, I can taste how much you want it. Such a good girl for me, now be good and take it just a little longer and I promise I’ll make it worth it.”
I had no doubt that he would, so I nodded. I bit my lip and nodded. His smirk was devastating as he swiped his thumb through my folds and pressed it to my lips. I sucked urgently, showing him just how good I wanted to be. 
Something changed in his eyes then. It wasn’t just dominance that resonated behind his shaded eyes. It was a look of possession, of ownership. There was definitely a whole other side to Harvey I hadn’t seen yet, but I’d be damned if I didn’t do anything to see it. 
So I placed my foot on his shoulder and pushed until he knelt back on the ground. His grin was wild, purely animalistic and feral in a way. 
Harvey Specter, aka the best damn attorney in the state of New York just knelt to the ground because you told him to. This man is bent to your will, you can make him do anything.
He resumed his mostions, taking the time to mark my thighs even more. I couldn’t think straight anymore. I don’t know how long it's been since we started, but I was quivering, begging for a release. It was right there, so close and so far away at the same time but if I could just get a little more…
“You taste so fucking good, Claudia. I want you to cum on my tongue and don’t you dare be fucking shy with those pretty little noises of yours. I want to know exactly how my tongue is making you feel, just how good you feel. You want to be good, don’t you?”
I nodded rapidly, saying just as much. “Yes, Harvey, yes I want to be good for you.”
“You’re learning so well,” he looked like he was in a daze. “Cum for me, sweetheart. Be my good girl and give me what I want. I know just how much you need it.”
It came so fast it caught me off guard. His fingers… his tongue… it was otherworldly. I haven’t ever felt this euphoric. I kept my noises down, but my breath was out of control, and I had to squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth. 
Harvey didn’t let up even with my release, he kept going going going even well after I began to settle back down. I tried to get him to let up; I couldn’t speak so I pushed against his shoulder but he pinned my ankle down.
He wasn’t done with me. 
He licked me dry, gently kissing my skin when he was done. Sweat lined my hair and back, but he was done. And I was limp and thoroughly worked over. 
“I knew you could be good,” he cooed. His hand brushed over my exposed chest, toying with me a little before helping me sit up. He carefully helped dress me again, letting my head come back before kissing me again. Not only did he taste like me, he smelled like it too. 
But his kiss was soft. Softer than it had been before. 
“Feel alright?” he asked, and all I could do was nod. He chuckled, motioning for me to hop down. Harvey’s hand steadied me as he picked up a foot and placed my shoe one, doing the same for the other. This… fizzy feeling bubbled in my chest as I watched him. 
It made me smile uncontrollably. 
“What are you so smiley about?” He asked, welcoming me when I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. 
“Nothing,” I sighed, a content sigh and let my chest rest against his, chin on his shoulder. “I just feel… nice. Really really nice.”
Harvey laughed, “Well I’m glad you feel really really nice. You tasted really really good.”
I swatted at his chest. When we were this close, it was easy to forget all the complex things about our situation: the fact that he was my boss, or how much older he was than me. That he just ate me out like a god in our file room after a huge step in our case. There were so many risks in all of this, but right here none of them seemed that big. A swirling thought in the back of my head wouldn’t let them go, but they could be tamed in this moment.
“Oh, don’t you ever feel embarrassed about not being ‘cleaned up’ for me. I don’t care. Getting to be between your legs is an experience I am beyond privileged to get. You don’t ever have to worry about me being disgusted by you or your body. It’ll never happen, never gonna be possible, Claudia.”
For a long time, I had always thought that Harvey was kind of a dick. They he never gave a shit about anyone other than himself and his reputation. Clearly that wasn’t the case. He, very obviously, cared a whole hell of a lot more than I thought. 
Clearly Harvey cared for me beyond the idea of our sexual desires. I genuinely believe that he wants me to have more confidence in myself. This is just killing two birds with one stone. And I certainly didn’t mind having Harvey Specter between my legs.
“Would you like to-”
“Oh, Harvey what are you- oh, hi Claudia. What are you guys doing in here?” Louis asked. I instantly detached myself from Harvey and took a huge step back. “Is everything alright? Claudia you look really flushed, are you not feeling well? Do you need to go home?”
“No, no Louis I’m alright,” I could feel my skin ignite. “We were just… looking for old files for our case. I just needed a hug. Stress is a bitch.”
How did you manage to pull that outta your ass? 
“Well, you’ve come to the right place. I give the best hugs on earth. Get over here,” Louis insisted. 
“Thank you Louis, but I’m-”
“It’s non negotiable,” he nodded. “Come on, bring it in my dazzling little friend.”
I looked at Harvey who was clearly trying not to burst out in hysterical laughter. I hugged Louis, and it was surprisingly good. Not as good as Harvey, but then again maybe I was just a bit biased. 
“You know my door is always open to you, Claudia,” Louis reassured before he grabbed a box, the one right where I had just been laid out, and practically skipped away. 
When the door shut, I covered my face and Harvey nearly fell over. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. I wanted to evaporate and never be seen again. There was no way that Louis just… I appreciated his complete obliviousness. More so than ever.
“Okay, that might’ve been more entertaining than sticking it to Gustoson.”
“Not a word, Specter,” I warned. 
“Specter, huh? Well, Martin, you’re lucky I’m in such a good mood because I would really love to go tell Donna about this little interaction.”
My heart sank. “Does she know?”
“No,” my heart began to beat again. “Which baffles me. You are really terrible at wearing your emotions on your face, by the way."
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm, it makes no sense. My brain scrambles and my mouth disconnects from it. I couldn’t believe I managed to spit out something coherent when Louis walked in.”
“It’s cute watching you stutter.”
I blushed.
“That's cute, too.”
“Shut up.” Harvey smiled. “Would you teach me? How to have some sort of a poker face?”
“You want me to?” I nodded, and he looked off behind me, obviously thinking of something. “Okay, stay after everyone has gone home tomorrow, I have an idea.”
“Uh oh, don’t hurt yourself.” He grabbed my arm, laying a firm hand on my ass. I yelped at the smack, eyes going wide.
“Wanna try that again?”
“If we weren’t in an un-sound-proofed office I’d say yes.” That didn’t stop him from doing it again, only this time spinning me around and pushing me down on the counter, fisting my hair and yanking hard enough to bring a tear to my eye. 
“Two strikes, Caudia. Be careful how you read the next pitch.” I really wanted to make an awful sports joke, but I didn’t need to risk someone else walking in and seeing this. There would be no way to explain around it. 
I’d have to move to Antarctica and become a penguin. 
“Okay okay,” I mumbled out. He released me and I turned around. Not without feeling how hard he was. I pulsed between my legs again. Man, did I want to feel that between my legs. I already had a good idea of what he looked like, and god damn did I want it. 
“I’ll be in my office if you need me,” Harvey said, playing with my hair. “Try not to think of me too much, my Claudia.”
My Claudia…
My mouth was dry. “You know I will.”
“Of course you will,” he winked before turning.
I was certainly not going to let him have the last laugh. 
I’d wait a couple hours and then attack. I had a plan, surely one he’d never see coming. It was almost six now and I couldn’t think of anything work related. Just Harvey. I had that sore, sweet burn of an overstimulated release still, and couldn’t feel more content.
But I wasn’t satisfied by any means. 
I waited a little longer before printing out the transcription from our depo to go over. Yes, we had boxed Gustoson in and backed him into a corner, but like Harvey always said, when there was a gun pointed to your head there were seventy-five other ways out. We had to be prepared for every single one. 
When I picked them up, I swung by Donna’s desk.
“Hey hot shot,” she cheered. “Heard about the depo, you really are one hell of a lawyer, aren’t you?”
“Well, what can I say? I’m just awesome at what I do,” I beamed. “Do you know where Harvey went? He wanted to go over it so we can get a clear idea of what their next move will be. I think they’re all out of cards to deal, but you never know.”
“Harvey really is rubbing off on you,” she looked me head to toe. Hide the face, hide the face. “Did something happen between you two? You’re like- glowing.”
Shit shit shit shit shit-
“No- well, no not really.”
“What do you mean ‘not really’?” She joined me on the other side of her desk. “Claudia, did he yell at you cause if he did I can-”
“No no, Donna. Everythings fine, more than fine actually. I am just… starting to feel more comfortable around him, is all. I don’t feel so nervous to be around him.”
“That’s fantastic,” Donna smiled, bringing me in for a hug. I prayed she didn’t feel my sweat back. “Good for you, Claudia. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I know he can be a hardass, but there is a method to his madness.”
“You don’t say,” she had no fucking idea. This was great. “Let me find him, I’ll be back before you leave to let you know how the depo really went.”
She just raised her eyebrows before I walked away.
Time for some real fun.
I pushed open the bathroom door, someone on their way out giving me a weird look. Harvey was at the sink washing his hands when he saw me.
“Claudia, what are you-”
I looked under the stalls and thankfully no one was in here. I locked the door. As I planted myself in front of him, I spoke so coolly it didn’t even sound like my voice. “You didn’t think I could leave you high and dry, did you? What kind of good girl would I be if I didn’t return the favor.”
“Claudia, sweetheart you don’t have to-”
“I want to. And I’m going to.”
I slipped to my knees, my eyes never leaving his. Even as I popped open the button of his trousers and untucked his shirt. They fell to his ankles and I let his briefs join them. He was hard and waiting for me so I didn’t waste time to build the confidence.
It was already there. 
Harvey braced against the sink when my tongue ran up the backside of his shaft, slowly starting to take him into my mouth. I worked it all the way in, earning a deep, guttural noise from him. 
“Jesus fucking… Claudia…”
I felt a rush of pride run through me at the thought of him not even being able to speak. It only motivated me that much more. 
I worked up and down, pausing every now and then to focus on the tip, ever so gently letting my teeth graze for a little extra pleasure. I wasn’t sure if he was going to like it, but he shivered. And when I did it again, he did it again. He was under my control.
I couldn’t help the spit that collected and fell down my chin, or the tears that fell from my eyes and smeared some of my mascara. I knew he didn’t mind because when he looked down, he swore and bucked his hips.
“God you look so hot stuffed full of my cock,” he put his hand on my head and pushed me all the way down. “And you know how to take it all the way, I didn’t even have to teach you. Such a good fucking girl, Claudia. If your throat feels this good I can’t fucking wait to be inside that pretty pink pussy of yours. I know it’ll be a tight fit but you’ll take it like such a good girl won’t you?”
I nodded, humming around him as he began to fuck my mouth. 
“Yeah, you love this, don’t you? Being full of my cock. I just know you were dying to taste it, huh? Go on then, open really fucking wide for me.”
His hips were brutal, pushing more tears out with every thrust. Harvey let the praises and moans fall from his mouth like the sweetest candy. I had to brace my hands on his thighs so he wouldn’t break my nose. That’s how hard he was going. 
“Gonna cum, sweetheart. You're gonna take it all down, aren’t you? Just wait until I get you on your hands and knees so I can fill you up and have you begging for it.”
I couldn’t help the whine that came out. Granted it was broken up by his thrusts, but that somehow made it dirtier. 
Harvey released, stilling his hips, pushing deep until his body lay flush with my face. He pulled out, cum coating his skin. I was more than happy to clean it off for him. 
“Awww look at you, Claudia. Being such a sweet girl and cleaning me up. God you are such a funcking slut for me. Show me.”
I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, presenting it to him. Again, that dark, feral look was in his eyes. He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me to my feet. His eyes never left my tongue.
I did. Harvey’s laugh was cruel. His thumb was pressed right up against my esophagus, and I knew he felt it go down.
“I am going to fucking ruin you for anyone else, Claudia. I am going to take you apart and put you back together over and over again until all you’ll know is my name and how to breathe.”
I clenched my legs together, already feeling my desire come back. He let go and I bent to put him back together this time. When I put the button back through the slit, I made sure to keep my eyes on him. I gave a pat to his chest before turning for the door.
Before I left, I looked over my shoulder, swiping my thumb across the corner of my mouth to get a remaining drop of him. I dragged it over my tongue, giving my own devastating wink before leaving him alone.
There were plenty of ways I could’ve spent the next twenty-four hours. Were any of them productive? Absolutely not. No matter how much water or tea I drank, I could still taste him on my tongue, and it only made me that much more distracted every time I remembered it.
I loved it when he told me how good I felt. 
Not only was Harvey incredibly good at being a lawyer, he was very diligent with his body. So responsive to every touch and noise I made. He made doing all of this feel not so intimidating.
Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I did feel like it was working. never in a million years would I have the balls to initiate an intimate moment with him, let alone any type of moment.
His madness was working. A little too well.
What he had planned next was beyond me. Apparently he went out for the day, according to Donna, who also told me he cleared the rest of his schedule for the night and asked if I knew anything about it. I felt bad lying to her, but I didn’t really know what else to do. She couldn’t know yet, I needed to wait. 
But when she came to check on me, eyes a little bloodshot from staring at this damn computer all day, she wished me good luck tonight and headed home. She hoped that Harvey wouldn’t run me into the ground.
I knew we weren’t going to get any work done. 
And I was so excited. 
I waited. And waited. And waited for Harvey to come find me. Maybe he was still out? I had no idea. I was about to call him when he walked into the bullpen.
“Oh, hey I was just looking for you.”
“Good,” the corners of his mouth curled up. “Come on, let's go to my office.”
I was more than eager to follow. When I got there, there was a bag on the corner of his desk, a note pad and a pen. “What’s all this?” “You asked me to help you with keeping your face unfazed. Well, I’m gonna help you. You’re going to sit in my lap while I’m inside you and we’re going to sit on this conference call with one of my clients in California. You’re gonna learn how to keep your voice steady while taking notes for me or everyone's gonna know what we’re doing. Are we clear?”
My whole world was tilted on its axes. This could go wrong on so many levels. My mouth voided any saliva and I couldn't process this idea.
“Harvey is this really a good idea when-” “You always do this, Claudia. We do something, you question it, and then you realize afterwards that I was right. When are you going to start trusting my ideas and just do what I say?”
I just rolled my eyes, “Fine. You’re right, and I do trust you."
“Of course I am, I’m Harvey Specter.” I really wanted to smack him, but he moved away before I could. He opened the bag and pulled out three boxes of condoms. “I wasn’t sure which kind you preferred so I grabbed a few options.”
That was, weirdly enough, one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. I know, it seems kind of lame, but it was incredibly thoughtful. I read the back of the boxes, settling on one and putting the others back in the bag. 
Everything’s gonna be fine, Claudia. He’s right, he knows what he’s doing. We’ve got this, just breathe and everything is gonna go great… holy shit you’re about to fuck Harvey. This is really about to fucking happen holy fucking fuck-
His presence in front of me took my rushing thoughts away. I smiled up at him before kissing him a few times. No turning back now. 
We didn’t dare fully undress, but I slipped down my bottoms and hiked up my skirt, Harvey doing more or less the same. Harvey brought my back to his front and gently swept my hair over my shoulders to help soothe me. I was shaking a little. 
“Relax, sweetheart. You’re gonna feel so good, I promise you.” Chills. All over my body. 
I eased down onto him, with his help, and settled into his lap. It burned and stretched so well. It took a good few steady breaths to adjust and let myself loosen up. 
“Good girl, Claudia,” he praised, that sickly sweet tone back once again. “That’s it, just lean back and let me do the rest.”
Harvey trailed his hands over my thighs, pulling my knees open so they fell over his own. I sighed out when his finger dragged around where we connected and up up up to where I was still so sensitive. I jolted, and he turned his face into my neck.
“Ready?” He asked, and I nodded. He dialed a number on the phone and it rang a few times before a voice came through the other line. “Brian Fergison, how is the West Coast treating you?” “Oh it’s a dream, Harvey. An absolute dream, you gotta come out here one of these days,” Brian said enthusiastically. “I have my insurance broker, CEO, accountant and consultant on here as well. Thomas, Daniel, Michael and Henry.”
A collection of hello’s and hey’s came through. “Nice to speak with you gentlemen. I have my personal associate, Claudia with me here. She’s been helping me out on a few cases recently and I thought I’d show her more of the big leagues.”
“It’s a pleasure to have you, Claudia. If you’re Harvey’s personal associate, you must be one hell of a lawyer,” Brian boasted and I could feel my flush. 
“Lets just say that I can give one hell of a nasty cross examination,” I said, voice calm and collected despite Harvey's fingers between my legs. “Most first years don’t get an opportunity like this so I appreciate it.”
“Wow, Harvey, where do you keep finding all these kick ass young stars?” “Harvard,” I answered for him, earning an array of laughs through the phone. I looked over at Harvey who had a devious grin plastered on his face. He thrusted up particularly hard, almost making me gasp out loud.
So that's how it's going to be?
I clenched hard, making him flinch. He dug in his nails as a warning. I listened.
“Alright, let’s get to the business at hand. I was hoping we could all discuss what is at stake for my company with the new rules and regulations…”
The conversation faded out for me. I half paid attention to what they were saying, but focused mostly on Harvey. And these stupid notes he had me taking. It was a steady pace, not fast at all, leisurely. He hit deep inside me, and it was incredibly difficult to not make any noise. I did my best to keep my face neutral, even though we weren’t on camera or anything. 
His hands crept up my shirt and played with my chest, making it even harder. I throbbed around him, hissing slightly. His grip shifted my hips, rocking me back and forth to grind even deeper. 
My wetness stuck to him and made noises I thought only we could hear.
“Is someone eating or something? What is that noise?” Brian asked. I went frozen, but Harvey pinched my nipple again as if to say ‘go on, answer him’.
“Sorry, Brian,” I responded, voice still together. “Harvey is a bit of a hardass and hasn’t let me have a break all day to eat. I’ll put us on mute and we can chime in if need be.”
“All good, and make sure Harvey hears that he needs to take it easy on you over there. Give that poor girl some time to breathe, man.”
“Don’t worry, Brian, she can handle that and a whole lot more.” Even I could hear the grin in Harvey's voice. I reached around me and hit the mute button, then sat up so abruptly I nearly smacked into the table. He placed one hand on the center of my back, holding me there, the other fisting my hair and pulling. Hard.
“You’re asking for it, aren’t you?” “And if I am?” I said, my breath stilling in my chest. 
“This is not how this call is going to go. It’s forty minutes long, so I hope you’re ready for that. Be careful how you speak about me because I can make this really fun for me and miserable for you.”
“I thought this was your idea in the first place,” I wasn’t going to be bullied by him. I wasn’t afraid when we were like this. “Bring it on.”
We were up so fast and I was chest down on the desk. Bent over me, cock still shoved all the way in, he whispered, “I am gonna take that phone off of mute, and when I do, you’re gonna say you’re going to the bathroom and I am gonna fuck those bratty words right out of your head. If you make one fucking sound I will make you cum. And if you make a sound when you do, I’ll do it again and again until you learn.”
My toes barely touched the floor. Harvey hit the button and nodded for me to speak. I waited a moment until there was a lull in the conversation. “Hey, I’ll be right back. Don’t rip on Harvey without me.”
“You got it, Claudia, I’ll save all his embarrassing college stories for the end.” I was going to get it for sure after that comment.
Harvey started a more than brutal pace. Thankfully I was adjusted to him so it wasn’t as bad, but with the force of his thrusts… gods help me. 
I bit down on my lip, fingers clenching the edge of the desk as he rammed into me. It was so hard to keep from crying out, to keep my knees from hitting the desk. 
“Harvey, I was wondering if there was anything I needed to do to get my patent’s turned over? Or if there is something extra I need to get to make them usable in California?” I knew Harvey spoke, but I didn’t understand. I was far too focused on him pulsing in and out and in and out of me to care. It felt so fucking good. With one particularly hard push of his hips, the whole desk shifted and I clamped a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. 
Then my hand was gone. His hand was big enough to wrap around both of my wrists and force them behind my back. 
God fucking dammit-
“Is Claudia back? I had a question for her,” Henry, the consultant, asked. Shit shit shit shit shit.
“Yeah she just walked back in,” Harvey said, dragging me back into his lap as he sat, fingers immediately playing with my exposed chest. 
“Hey, what did you want to ask?” Still ice cold. 
“I was just wondering what your thoughts were on the idea of handling a personal case for me. My lawyer just retired and obviously you seem more than qualified, even if you are a first year associate.”
I was genuinely shocked. “Oh, sure. I’ll get your number and email at the end and I’ll make sure to reach out about the details.”
“Sounds good,” he said, switching to ask Harvey something. A brush of his finger between my legs told me I did a good job. 
Soon enough, we were back on mute while Brian took a moment to get his kids settled for bed. Harvey was quick to start talking.
“Look at you, taking me so good. I wasn’t sure how well I’d fit but you’re just such a good girl, Claudia. I bet you love this, being split open while others are just one moan away from knowing what I’m doing to you.”
“I can’t take it much longer,” my voice was trembling. 
“You’re gonna take it as long as I say. We’re over halfway, my pretty little toy. You can stay seated on my dick for a little while, can’t you?” I nodded, my brains almost gone. “See, still such a desire to please me. I think you’ve earned a little reward, no?”
His fingers circled around my clit, sending waves of pleasure and hurt through my body. I let the noises built up in my chest slip through, trying to shift away from his touch when it became too much. 
“I will put you back on that desk and tie your hands behind your back if you don’t stop moving. Sit here, be still, and take my cock like you should. Do not make me tell you again.”
I shut my mouth quickly, occupying my hands in his hair. With one hand between my legs, the other on my throat, his lips trailed over my neck. I did my absolute best not to move, but it wasn’t easy. I writhed and whined and begged for him to let me reach my high. 
“You wanna cum on my cock? Is that what you want? Go on then, make a mess all over me.”
It wasn’t even pleasurable at this point. It hurt in the most amazing way possible, but I was to the point of numbness. He quickly hit the unmute button and I bit my lip so hard I knew it’d bruise. He drew lazy circles through my slick and I was on the verge of tears.
Guess he wasn’t kidding when he said he’d break me down and build me back up over and over again.
Harvey’s hand came and clamped over my mouth when I shuddered around him. His whole body tensed and clung to me, forcing me to still even though I wanted to fall onto the floor with the strength of my release. 
Stars danced the backs of my eyelids. My voice would be rubbed raw tomorrow for sure. I’d be more sore than I had ever been. 
My chest rose and fell quickly as I came down from my high, legs and arms tingling. I don’t think I made any noise, if I did, they’d surely know and we’d be in some deep shit. But when I looked at the phone, they were still carrying on with their conversation. 
“I’m thinking of having a company party. And Harvey I’d be thrilled if you could make it out, even bring Claudia if you want. I’m sure Henry would love to meet her, as would I,” Brian spoke.
“That sounds good, Brian,” Harvey’s voice was thick, very clearly too turned on for his own good. 
“I’d be honored to come out,” I said, voice wavering just a tad. “When are you thinking of having it?”
“Not until we get everything squared away on the legal side of things. Then I’ll worry about all that stuff,” he gave a big sigh. “Man there is a lot that comes with running a business.”
We all have a laugh, Harvey starting up my hips again. I didn’t even feel it, couldn’t rather. He was content using me to get off and I was content to let him. I stayed quiet, using my legs to push up and down, rock back and forth, anything I could think of to make him miserable. 
His fingers were locked onto my sides, thrusting up into my down strokes. The noise was minimal, but still sounded around us. Hopefully just us. 
I felt his teeth lock onto the back of my shoulder and yelped. 
“You alright, Claudia?” Brian asked. 
Yeah it’s just Harvey fucking bit me, I almost said. “Yup, just stabbed myself with my pen.” Nice cover, idiot. 
Harvey let up then, kissing over the indentations. His hips stuttered, and his breath was hot and fast on the back of my neck. I leaned forward and hit the mute button. 
“You close?” I got a grumbled string of pleas. “Come on Harvey, you know how much you’ve been waiting for this, don’t be shy now. I want it, sir-”
The words weren’t even out of my mouth before I was gagging on his fingers. I struggled to breathe, eyes watering with the force of it. He fucked up into me so hard I had to brace on the desk and the chair. A noise tore from his chest, so deep it sent goosebumps scattering across my body. His hips were flush with mine, his hands forcing my hips flat, taking taking taking all of him at once. 
“Say it again, Claudia,” he commanded. 
“S-Sir?” I hadn’t even realized I said it. Now or never, I guess.
“Fuck,” he swore. Harvey pulled me off his lap and stood, dragging me over to the window. Don’t look down don’t look down- “Want it, sweetheart? You want my cum, huh?”
“Yes sir,” my voice was barely there. I gasped when he lifted me into the air, pressing my back to the window. Holy shit I hope this fucking glass doesn’t break.
Harvey damn near made me see stars when his hand wrapped around my throat. Between that and his tongue on mine, his cock shoved all the way in, so deep it was painful, I was in the most glorious twilight state I’ve ever been. 
He had his way with me, brutal and erotic and of pure primal instinct. It was clear he didn’t give a shit about if he was hurting me or not. He wanted one thing. And I was gonna let him have it. 
The release caught us both off guard, nearly sending us both to the ground. I clawed up his back and his fingers tightened on my neck. His hips were flush with mine again, jerking in and out at random convulsions. His forehead was damp against my chest.
When he eased me down, my legs were shaking so bad I couldn’t stand. I tripped over my feet trying to sit down. Harvey was far steadier, handing me a bottle of water from a drawer in his desk. While I sipped, he tucked himself back into his pants, and we gave our final goodbyes and email exchanges to Brian’s team. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes after the call ended that we looked at each other. 
“You uhh… you alright?” He asked. 
I was a little stunned, did he just stutter? “Oh, yeah Harvey I’m fine. Are you?”
“Yeah yeah I’m good.”
Silence. I tapped my thumbs on the plastic bottle, combing my fingers through my hair. Our eyes met again and we both broke out into wild smiles. 
“So 'sir' really does it for you?”
“I wasn’t exactly expecting to hear you say that,” he looked mildly embarrassed. “It just- it’s a power move, for sure.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind.” He shrugged, “I am far less forgiving when I am in that state of mine. I am not nice and don’t necessarily give a-”
“Harvey,” I stopped him, standing. I took his outstretched hand and let his hands land back on my hips. “If it was too much, I would’ve told you. And besides, I’ve been dying to see that side of you ever since you first mentioned it.”
“You have?”
I nodded, humming and nodding my head. “Just like you I have my secrets. One of those is my undying desire to please. I’d find a way to get it one way or another.”
His smile was devastating. He swooped down to pick me up in his arms and gently spun me around. “God Claudia you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear someone say that.”
My heart clenched and my stomach dropped at the same time. I didn’t want to read too far into his words but how could I not when he said things like that and placed gentle kisses along my collar bone? 
We grabbed our belongings and headed for the elevator, it was well past eleven now and we both wanted to go home. Harvey insisted he drop me off, and I wasn’t in the position to say no. my feet were killing me, and so was pretty much every other inch of my body. 
The car was warm despite the bitter February wind. The city lights were as bright as ever as we raced down the street, just a couple of city blocks, to my apartment. 
It took every bit of my willpower to not ask him to stay over. That wasn’t part of the deal, I kept telling myself. He wasn’t obligated to comfort me afterwards. And I wasn’t obligated to do the same. 
“Have a good night, Claudia,” Harvey said, brushing his thumb across my cheek.
It was really fucking hard to not melt into him.
“Good night, Harvey.”
The next day I didn’t see Harvey at all. When I asked Donna where he was she said he had to take a trip upstate to see his family. I didn’t want to pry, it certainly wasn’t my business, and if he wanted to tell me he would. 
But I got concerned when I didn’t see him the rest of the week. Well, I saw him, just could never catch him at the right time. He stops by my cubicle for two seconds, dumps a stack of papers and says ‘have these organized and on my desk ready to go for tomorrow’, and then disappears. 
What in the hell was going on? “Donna, I really need to talk to Harvey,” I stood my ground. He was in his office, sitting at his desk, the desk that held more than a few intimate memories.
“Claudia, now is really not a good time,” she insisted. I rolled my eyes, huffing and turning away. I’ll catch him before he leaves.
I didn’t catch him before he left. Or when he showed up the next day, or the next. A goddamn week went by and I could barely get two words in. I was getting a little pissed off. And of course my mind had been running rampant with anxious thoughts: he got what he wanted, now he didn’t need you anymore; he was just using you to get the job done and he’ll move on to the next associate. And in big bold letters: Harvey fucking used you.
I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, pricking my nose and burning my throat. 
I can’t take this torture any longer. I need to find him. Now.
I marched right past Donna and into Harvey’s office. I did have our complete case file in hand as an excuse, but I wasn’t really planning on talking about the case. My brain was on fucking fire at this point, I didn’t know what I was going to say, if anything at all, or if I was just going to break down like a pathetic little girl who couldn’t take it.
“Claudia, now is really not a good-” “It never seems to be a good time, Harvey,” I cut him off, watching his mouth snap shut at my harsh tone. “I have been trying to get this to you for four days now, you gonna take the five minutes it takes to go over it or do I need to FedEx it to your apartment so you can get to it in two to three business days?”
His eyes were wide. He stood up from his desk and took the file, but set it on the table. 
“Harvey just take one fucking look at it-”
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice calm and steady.
“You’re sorry? For what, ignoring me the past week?”
“Claudia I wasn’t-”
“Are you sure because it seems like ever since after that conference call you’ve been actively avoiding me like a fucking disease. I-I-I don’t understand what I did, Harvey. Was I not good enough for you? Did I make too much noise or-or did I say something wrong when you dropped me off?”
“No, Claudia I have just been-” “Using me? Leveraging me to climb the corporate ladder?”
“How dare you accuse me of that bullshit,” Harvey bit out, a venom laced in his words. “I can’t believe this, after everything I’ve been trying to help you with, you’re gonna look me in the eyes and say I’m using you?”
“It sure seems like it to me because I can’t think of another goddamn reason why you would go through all that trouble just to practically ghost me.”
“I have been trying to tell you that I’m not avoiding you, but you cannot take down your alligator filled moat for two fucking seconds to let me explain what the hell I’ve been doing.” 
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Donna shouted over both of us. I snapped towards her, flushing a deep shade of red. 
“Nothing, Donna,” Harvey pressed his lips in a flat line. “We don’t need you to intervene-” “Well it sure as hell sounds like you do,” she came and stood at my side. “What’s going on?” “I was just trying to tell Claudia that I haven’t been avoiding her, that I have been busy being a goddamn name partner and trying to keep this firm above water. In fact, I’ve wanted nothing more than to just put everything else on pause and actually get to sit down for half an hour and discuss what we’re gonna do in court because I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, Claudia, but we are in some deep shit with this Gustoson case.”
“Which is why I have been doing everything in my power to hunt you down and give you that file.”
All eyes landed on it, it’s tan envelope. Harvey flipped it open and scanned the document.
He ripped it up and threw it in the trash. 
I stopped moving, I stopped breathing. 
“Are you out of your goddamn mind, Claudia?” 
“Harvey,” Donna was baffled at his tone. 
“You seriously want to file a motion to dismiss? In what way would that benefit us? Cause it seems like all you want to do is throw this case away and let Gustoson win.”
“No, I want to get their lawyer off the case so that way we can go after him, because he’s in on it and-” “We have no proof of that.” I wanted to rip out my fucking hair. “I was working on getting it.”
“Claudia, we don’t have time for you to just stumble upon evidence and hope it works,” Harvey let his hands slap against his thighs, eyebrows knitted together. “I needed an idea last night, and since you clearly can’t get the job done, maybe it’s you who should be thrown off the case because you clearly have no idea what the hell it is that you’re doing.”
There was nothing I could do to keep the tears from burning tracks in my skin. He promised… Harvey promised…
“Okay, let’s just take this down a few notches,” Donna stood between us.
“No,” Harvey shook his head. “Claudia, you’re going to learn real fast that just because you’re my associate, that doesn’t mean you get your ass kissed. I am not gonna sit here and baby you on every case. If you can’t come up with a different idea by the end of the day, I’m gonna put Griffin on this case and you’ll never get the chance to work with me ever again. I don’t lose, and I’m sure as hell not gonna risk that just because you don’t know how to do your goddamn job.”
All I could do was stare at him. Stare and stare and stare. 
My hands didn’t even shake. My breath didn’t pick up, and my tears didn’t fall. I was utterly tranquill, like a certain part of me was expecting this to happen, and here it was. Served to me on a silver platter. 
I hiccuped a sob. It hit me out of nowhere. I couldn’t do anything to control it. 
“You promised…” I wasn’t even sure I actually spoke the words, I may have just mouthed them, be he understood. I watched him snap out of his heated daze and take a jarring step back. But I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to give a fake apology.
His intentions, from the very beginning, were blindingly clear. Harvey didn’t want to work with me, he didn’t think I was a good lawyer, he just wanted to get in my pants. 
I was disgusted by him, my stomach churned and I knew I was going to vomit. 
“Claudia-” Harvey gasped, like had been punched in the stomach; I wished it was Donna who socked him.
“You’ve done enough,” she said, and placed her hands on my shoulders. She steered me out of his office and my vision blurred. 
I was one sorry son of a bitch to believe that Harvey actually gave a shit about me. Why would I ever fucking believe that? I should’ve seen it coming. I should’ve known it from the start. A man like him does not fall for a woman like me, they only pretend to when they need something. 
“Claudia I am so sorry about-” “I wanna go home.”
She was quiet for a long moment. “I’ll tell Louis you had something come up.”
I just nodded, grabbing my purse and jacket, heading for the elevator. 
He promised… he promised… he promised…
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Hot Stuff
Nico Hischier x Latina!Reader
Synop: y/n and friends go out to a 80s theme night club because why not.
cw: drinking
a/n: this is very “cheesy”, very movie magic, does not happen in real life
You were dressed in boot cut jeans with black booties and a satin button up blouse, with the top buttons unbuttoned.
“Do I or do I not look hot?” Your friend walks into your room posing in her 80s themed skimpy outfit.
“You look hot.” You say with lack of emotion as you zipped up your boots.
“Wow thanks I really believed you there.” She nudges your shoulder and looks at both of your reflections in the mirror.
“I look hot. You look hot. So cheer up and let’s go to the kitchen, everyone is taking pre gamers!” She hugs your shoulders tightly before joining the rest outside.
“I’m not drinking tonight!” she was long gone to hear. You weren’t much the drinker, other nights you would participate but tonight seemed better sober.
You walk out to the kitchen to see everyone in their get up and truth be told everyone did look hot.
“Cmon y/n/n! Take at least one shot!”
“Yeah how do you expect to dance tonight without being intoxicated?”
One of your friends was right, to dance to 80s jams without any alcohol in your system seemed futile.
“Alright,” You swished the drink down and the Uber was ready to pick you guys up.
To your surprise the club had a lot more people than first to be expected. There were many madona blondes and Michael Jackson thrillers. It was the month of October, so in a way tonight was kind of a Halloween celebration.
As soon as you and your friends walked in, one dragged all of you to the bar, swiftly ordering tonight’s meal.
So much for not drinking, because before you knew it you’re three beers in, starting to feel inebriated, dancing your heart out with friends to Hot Stuff by Donna Summers.
“I need some hot stuff baby tonight!” Your friend screams.
“I need some hot stuff baby this evening!” You scream.
Screaming horribly pitched singing and dancing but having the time of your life in this moment. You and your friend laugh at your guy’s antics.
“I’m gonna get a beer! You want something?” You yell
“I’m good!”
As much fun and liberating dancing is, it’s a goddam workout. Surely alcohol will keep you hydrated.
“I’ve never seen Top Gun.” Nico stares at Jack whose holding a green aviator jumpsuit for him. An exact replica of what’s he’s wearing with a white t-shirt under and sunglasses propped on his head.
“I know but we will look cool together, like maverick and goose.”
“What the hell is a maverick?”
“Just put the suit on.” Jack throws the suit towards Nico and pushes him to change.
Nico walks out twining like his teammate, with his sunglasses on.
“Hell yeah, I’m maverick and your goose.” Jack says all excited.
“Okay.” Nico states blandly.
“We’ll watch the movie after tonight so you can understand. Now let’s go and boogie.”
“Should’ve watched it before tonight” Nico murmured.
Nico wasn’t one to go out and dance, especially not a decades theme dance. But here he is standing in the corner of the club because his friend dragged him to dress up as pilots. When he first walked in he admired everyone’s costumes and understood most 80s references, the music on the other hand was interesting to say the least
It’s 80s music, it’s hard to not stomp to the beat. Jack was somewhere else, probably talking to one of the madonas in the building, and Nico just people watching while sipping his drink.
Then the beat of the music started to kick up and his eyes caught on two girls dancing and singing the lyrics of the song. He couldn’t help but laugh at the site, not in a bad way but in awe as he saw people having fun. Maybe he should have fun tonight too.
As the bartender brings you another beer, Donna’s melody comes to an end and the classic slow song of the 80s begins.
“…my foolish lover's game,” you mouth to sing along right before you take a swig.
You turn to see couple gathered at the floor swaying to the music and you couldn’t help to sway as well, it really is something about 80s music!
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say
You decide to people watch as you cater your glass bottle and your eyes land a pair of brown eyes across the room as the chorus lands.
Take my breath away
You and this annoyingly handsome man who is ironically dressed in an aviator outfit, hold eye contact as the chorus ends.
You being the first to break eye contact, turn to the bar and talk to yourself, “what the hell was that.”
That was weird, Nico thinks to himself. He didn’t notice as he was people watching, his eyes followed on one of the girls that were dancing to the bar.
They held eye contact what seemed like forever with the slow song blasting through the room. Nico hiccups his beverage and looks to find Jack.
One of your friends finds you at the bar,
“All these couples make me gross and sad for being single.” She leans her head on your shoulder.
“I think I fell in love with an aviator.” You yell calmly.
“Huh?” You’re drunken friend asks
“Like from Top Gun, I don’t know if he was maverick or goose but what just happened was too real to ignore.” You say looking forward replaying the moment back and forth in your head.
“We’ll where is he!?”
You quickly turn around to see if he’s still there but he’s gone now. You scan the dark room for his green jumpsuit but to no avail.
“He’s gone now.” You thought to yourself maybe you imagined things.
“Wait I see him!” Your petite friend points out an aviator but it’s not him.
“That’s not him, he was taller.” You sulk
Then the other half pops into view, the maverick you held eyes with taps on goose’s shoulder to talk with and again makes eye contact with you and they both look in your direction.
“They’re looking at you.” You’re friend whispers as if they could heard across the loud room.
“I know.” You grit and make a gesture to the boys to follow you off side the dance floor.
“Follow me,” you demand as you drag your short friend to meet the men.
“Hi ladies” the shorter aviator says as he styles his sunglasses on top his hair.
You and your maverick still continue this unofficial game of holding eye contact and observing one another’s style and presence.
“Yours guy’s costumes are so cute.” You drunken-tired friend says, making you lose this round of the game.
“Yeah let me guess, are you goose and he’s maverick?” You ask the dark blonde
He’s taken back as he stutters to correct you, “actually I’m mav and he’s goose, it’s not oficial or anything.” He mutters the last part.
Your mouth makes an O shape to understand but kept to yourself that the man directly in front of you looked more like a maverick than a goose.
“Y/n Im gonna find the girls, I think the night is coming to an end, at least for me.” She covers up her yawn
“Okay I’ll be there in a bit.” She leaves you with the duo
“I’m y/n by the way” you extend your hand to your maverick, curious of his name.
“I’m Nico” he shook your hand softly but noticed your strong grip.
Both of you stand in awe in one another, rethinking of the eye contact and the tension across the busy room.
A forced cough could be heard, “yeah I’m Jack.” A quick second passed before you turned to acknowledge the blonde, “hi” you swiftly say before locking eyes again with Nico.
Jack stands beside you two with googling eyes, “Okay then, I’m gonna go back to the dance floor.”
No one heard Jack’s dismissal.
“That song, the song we made eye contact with, a bit ironic isn’t it?” You ask looking up at the gorgeous man.
“Why is it ironic?”
You started to slightly panic, “because you’re dressed as a pilot from Top Gun, are you not?”
“Oh yeah I guess I am. Is the song in the movie?” Nico tilted his head in curiosity
“The song is the movie. You never seen Top Gun?” You ask in bewilderment
“No, jack made me dress like this to match him. I still don’t know what a maverick is.” He laughs nervously
“Maverick is the nickname for the main character, essentially. You should watch the movie, it’s good.”
“Maybe we could watch it together” Nico shyly but boldly says as he scratches the back of his neck
You were stunned at his boldness but didn’t let it show. A smile crept up on your face and you nod your head, “I would love to see it with you.”
a/n: lazy ending but I tried.
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leprosycock · 4 months
what would you say are *thee* jlud streams. the definition jlud streams. the criterion collection if you will
- name your price + jrma’s hey donna episode double feature [insanely horny, chock full of extremely meta references to the narrative and condition of their relationship and the way they view each other, jrma is needlessly homosexual, they’re very touchy and flirty, “it’s always been me and you babe”, and qt is relentlessly jealous and possessive over lud throughout the entire hey donna episode in a way that she never is on any ordinary stream of hers. this double feature feels like it was written into an indie movie or something because of how tightly and perfectly it’s wound within their narrative and it’s insane]
- beerio kart [shakespearian. words can’t describe the utter yearning, longing, desperation, and desire displayed on screen.]
- juiced [one of the most sexually charged streams they’ve ever done together. tons and tons of physical contact, a ridiculous amount of tension, and a near breaking point that has to be seen to be believed. they choke each other’s own little world out in this stream.]
- dollhouse [you can’t beat the classics. it’s raw. it’s real. it’s the birth of summer love. the intricacies of it and how they both hide it behind layers and layers of fiction as they dance around each other for the very first time is foundational for them and their relationship. never forget that Iudwig stole holly’s choker and wore it for two days of shooting, making it integral to his costume.]
- bro vs bro [they have an insane amount of fun together, j is constantly writhing in embarrassing and the prison of his own self-awareness and insecurity, they play teacher/student, lud is a wrathful sick little freak, j writes fanfiction in his own head about how he was supposed to show up to lud’s house in a milk maid outfit. it’s nonstop thrills]
- the streamer awards 2022 [this was pretty painful to watch but their interactions were so valuable that it’s necessary to remark upon]
- risk [it’s spread out and pretty underrated but there are some really really good moments in this. jrma is mean and i don’t know why but it’s awesome]
- shufflemania [there is so much bullshit you have to fast forward through but the moments between the two of them are. like. Holy fuck it’s insane. this was during the divorce arc and they clearly wanted each other back so badly]
- the replacement stream [watching this feels like gargling a bucket of thumbtacks but it’s so unbelievably fascinating and it’s exhilarating to watch lud’s jealousy and resentment and possessiveness in action]
- battleship [soooooo cute so so so cute… watching them begin to fall in love with each other makes my heart ache :((((]
- first house flipper tournament [not nearly as insane as a lot of other streams but i go crazy for lud being a jealous crybaby piece of shit and begging for j’s attention and this is like candy in that regard]
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mad-maximoff · 2 years
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Dark AOU WandaXReader (Quick Fic)
Summary: Wanda is adjusting to living in a new country. In a new home, Tony decides to throw a massive party to celebrate defeating Ultron. Wanda becomes quite attached to you. Once she sees Natasha flirt with you, she wants you to know who you belong to.
Warnings: Dub/con, Language, Possessiveness, BDSM (bondage/degrading/Wanda dom/R sub), magical cüm-filled strap use, drinking, drunk sex, jealousy
Word Count: 4,907
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The party was in full swing. Everyone was celebrating the defeat of Ultron a couple of days later. Everyone mourned the deaths, especially Wanda. She was at the stage of anger in grief. She snapped at every second something upset her. Who couldn't blame her? Her twin brother, the only family she had was killed. You couldn't imagine what she was feeling. She never opened up to you. You were her handler. You made sure she made her way around upstate New York. Her English wasn't too confident but she made due. You were young, and wanted the job Tony gave you. You worked for Stark Industries for two months before Ultron was created. You were assigned to help with Tony's image. Tony is tech-savvy yes, but your 21-year-old mind was built for social media. You made sure the Avengers (especially Tony) had a good social standing on all social media platforms. Plus you kept the entire world in the loop in their lives. You couldn't release top secret information on the internet but you shared funny clips or photos of all of them. Just to show the world that the Avengers are normal people. You lived in the new compound, it felt like you never left. So Tony decided to allow you to stay in one of the numerous extra rooms he had. 
You were in your bedroom finishing off your makeup and hair. You'd hate to admit it, but you've become more vain living here in the compound. You were surrounded by perfect bodily heroes. They woke up and didn't have to do much to look good. You always had to stay on your a-game. You adjusted the straps on your new Versace platformed heels feeling 6 feet tall. You weren't too comfortable in heels so you had no idea why in the hell you let Natasha persuade you into buying them. However, she was right. They matched your black lace bodycon dress you are wearing tonight, and you tried to pair your outfit with the right fragrance. Burberry? Dior? No. Yes, Valentino Donna. It smelt amazing; just a few sprays made your confidence skyrocket.  
Once you stepped out of your room you noticed the difference when Tony told you the bedrooms are noise cancelled. The music was blaring, it was deafening. You got closer to the huge living room crowded with dozens of people. Tony was near the DJ taking song requests, Steve was chatting with Sam, Thor and Banner were conversing with other geeky guys and Natasha and Clint were behind the bar serving drinks. From where you were standing, you couldn't see Wanda. She's probably hiding in a corner of the room only observing. You made your way down the staircase to the main dance floor cutting threw dancers. Countless men stopped mid-dance, or sentence just to stare at you. You weren't interested in chitchat, nor were you interested in men for that matter. Even when Stark and Pepper tried to set you up with hundreds of men they thought you'd like. You never had the heart to come out and tell them. Not quite yet. 
You made it to the bar waiting patiently for either Nat or Clint to see you. You could tell what their game plan was. Clint handled the beer and other already-made drinks, as Nat was the real bartender. You admired their friendship. You wished you had something like that.
"Hey there pretty lady, unfortunately, I need to see some ID." Natasha leaned over the counter making eye contact with you. You laughed abruptly looking around the room making sure no one else heard her. 
"Oh my god! Stop it! Haha! You know damn well how old I am." Natasha chuckled to herself shaking a shaker full of liquor. 
"I don't know, pretty thing like you. Under all that makeup, you could easily be a minor." She unscrewed the cap and poured a red liquid into two martini glasses, handing it to two blondes to the right of her. 
"Jesus Romanoff, are you trying to flirt with me?" You grinned fidgeting with your dangly diamond earring and playing with your earlobe softly. 
"On the contrary Miss Y/n. All I'm trying to be is a good bartender. So, what'll be?" Her arm reached pointing behind her back to the countless decisions of booze to choose from. 
"Make me a screwdriver. Extra vodka." She adjusted your posture looking out onto the dancefloor, but still no sign of Wanda. "Where's Maximoff? She's not cooped up in her room again is she?" You turned your back to the bar leaning against it. 
"Oh, you're really getting drunk tonight huh? You're off the clock Y/n, you don't have to worry about her." Natasha lifted the bottle pouring more vodka than orange juice into a short glass. "You should be enjoying yourself. Instead of searching for her, search for someone to hook up with." She winked handing you the glass. 
"Ha! Me? Hook up with some random woman? I could never." Your lips pursed connecting to the rim of the glass, the ice hit your lips first allowing the orange liquid enters your mouth. You shouldn't have asked for extra vodka. You remembered Natasha always was heavy-handed with the liquor. Your drink was basically all vodka and a splash of orange juice. 
"Yes beautiful, you can get any special lady you want. Looking the way you are." Her hand reached over touching your exposed bicep. Her thumbs caressed your skin. You blushed to feel the heaten quicken. "You're a damn flirt, Nat." You flicked your wrist towards her. 
You left the bar area stepping down the steps to the dance floor. You're entire body burnt. You haven't finished your drink yet but the burning sensation came quickly. 
"Haha fuck this drink is hitting quick!" You talked to yourself under your breath. The burning felt like a lighter under your ass. It wasn't a drunk burning, it was like you were set ablaze. You made your way to stand beside Steve. 
"Hello fellas, found any luck with the ladies yet?" The burning was starting to startle you when it was becoming hotter. You tried to push through it thinking maybe being smushed against so many people in one room with loud music was making you feel this warm. 
"Nope." Both Steve and Sam replied clinking their beers together. "You might have more luck than us though." Steve fluffed his plaid shirt; fixing his leather up. You chugged the rest of your drink knowing if you didn't you'd leave it somewhere and forget it. "Hm? Why's that Rogers?" Your fingertips clung to the rim of the glass. Sam chuckled to himself folding his arms across his chest. 
"Cause Wanda is staring you down like a hawk." Steve pointed with his hand that held his beer. You turned your head around your shoulder finally seeing Wanda. 
Her hair was slicked back into a high ponytail, wearing a deep crimson sundress with outlines of white flowers as the print. Over her dress, she was wearing a faded black leather jacket, with matching leather armbands. Her head tilted directly looking at you. Her eyes were burning red, she seemed angry. Her platform boots scuffed across the floor making her way to you. 
"There you are! I've been looking for you! Where were you hiding?" You sat your empty drink on a table meeting Wanda's gaze. She didn't initially speak she sat an unknown bottle wrapped in a brown paper back and duct tape beside your glass. 
"I've been here this entire time detka. Fata prostuță. You wanna drink? I brought a special treat back from Sokovia." Wanda's ringed fingers circled the rim of the cap of the bottle. She undid the tape pulling the bottle out of the brown bag. The bottle wasn't in English, all written in Sokoivan. 
"Oh yeah? Eu sunt fata prostuță? What is it even? Is it vodka or gin?" You grasped the bottle from her hands trying to make out what it was. Your Sokoivan was good but this bottle was hard to read. It was like the print was printed on accidentally twice. Red and Black. All you can read was the name of it printed big in the middle of the label "SOKOVI". Both Steve and Sam joined, telling Thor to come over. 
"It's just liquor. The only way for anyone to buy this is to be a Sokoivan citizen. You can only buy one bottle a year. This stuff is so strong they photocopy your ID. 
"Holy shit kid, this stuff is 100% proof. I think you can fill a Toyota Corolla with this. You sure this is legal?" Sam peered over your shoulder. Thor cackled hitting his hand this his chest. "No matter. This Midgardian drink is no match for my Asgardian liquor. This is no drink for normal mortals." He pulled out a metal flask raising it to the sky. 
"Well, then you wanna put your money where your mouth is Thor? We drink a shot of each and see who's left standing hm?" You were cocky you'd admit. So, originally you thought Thor would take your sarcastic remark and laugh it off. To your shock, he did the complete opposite. "Fine! A dual of drink it is! Natasha, bring the young girl and I shot glasses!" He threw his flask down next to you on the table pulling out the metal chairs. 
"I must warn you two. When I was 9, me and...Pietro... stole a bottle of beer from our neighbour's balcony. We sat on our step outside taking sips of it feeling grown. Our father caught us, he sat us down and made us take a teaspoon size amount each of SOKOVI as punishment. We both were sick for two weeks afterwards. I didn't even start drinking again until I was 22." Wanda laughed touching her hand to her chest. It was the first time you saw Wanda happy, genuinely in a long time. The last time you saw her this happy was when she met Clint's newborn, Nathaniel Pietro Barton. He was named after her brother. She wished he met him. She looked so cute holding the baby.
The crowd started to surround us after hearing Thor boast about him kicking your ass. You were not afraid. You knew you could hold down liquor. Though these both weren't ordinary drinks by no means. 
"Honey, you can always opt-out. If you're not comfortable saying no I can tell blondie for you." Natasha came with the shot glasses for both of you. Grazing your hand as she dropped off the glasses to the table. 
"Thank you, Romanoff. But I think Y/n can handle it. She's stronger than you think." Wanda gritted her teeth towards her, hovering behind you. Her brows furrowed flipping her ponytail to the other side. Her hands pressed down on your shoulders, your dress had spaghetti straps. Your body jolted feeling Wanda's small cold hands touching your exposed skin. Her rings on her finger dug into the tops of your shoulders. It was sharp but in a way, you enjoyed feeling her on you. 
"Oh don't get me wrong Wands, I know she's a tough girl. But she's going against a god with a drinking problem. I just don't want her to overdo it." Natasha could tell Wanda was mad at her piping up, she looked down at you in confusion. You gave her the same expression wondering what had gotten into Wanda. Until Nat gave a little cheeky smirk. You couldn't tell what it was for. 
"What? You don't think I can take of Y/n? Is that it?" Wanda's hands lowered off your shoulders down to your biceps. Stroking the outside of your arms with her thumbs. Her nails were naturally long with a coat of cracked black nail polish, and every circle she made with her thumb ran a sharp fondness of her nail. 
Natasha's smirk never left staring directly down at you. "Oh no, don't mind me. If you think you can take care of Miss Y/n. Then be my guest. She'll be the last drunk I have to deal with at the end of the night I guess. I'll leave you two alone." She snickered staring directly at Wanda, before leaving you two she looked at you once again giving a wink. Retreating to Clint who started taking bets on you and Thor. 
"You do that Romanoff." Her tone was cold. "Don't let her scare you detka. You're a big girl. You can take it." Her hand joined your jaw doing the same circular motion she was making on your arms. 
"Now. Open up." She held your jaw tightly, using her other hand to grab one of the shots. Both were clear so we all didn't know which is which. She let your lips softly touch the prim tipping the liquid into your mouth. It burnt worse than the burning feeling you felt moments ago. It tasted like gasoline but 10 times worse. Like flavoured gasoline. Peppermint? Maybe. You couldn't fully get the real taste of it thank god or else you would've puked. Either way, it tasted awful. Thor did the same shooting back either one, letting out a huge cheer. 
"That's the spirit, Wanda! Let the game of drink commence!" He swiped his other shot throwing that one back as quickly as he let go of the first one. You grasped onto the glass doing the same motion. You almost puked. The second one was way worse. Much, much worse. You'd rather drink the peppermint gasoline. It just tasted like straight bleach. The smell, the taste. You swear for a brief moment that's what they gave you. 
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An hour or two has passed. Maybe it was only 30 minutes. You couldn't tell, you couldn't even remember who you were. Steve was by your side helping you sit up straight. You were sweating bullets. You were a mess. Your dress straps hung off your shoulders, Wanda constantly had to fix them as you moved in your seat. You were too stubborn to give up. You and Thor were on the sixth set of shots. Thor was slurring, frailing his muscular arms around like a lunatic. 
"You okay frumos? You look like you should tap out huh?" Wanda caressed your temples lifting your head to look at her. Your reflexes were involuntary, your lips lifted on each corner. "Nah!! I'm fucking fine Wanda! I can do another couple of rounds." Your body slumped forward making your tits bounce against the table. Your head was too heavy for your neck letting your face smash into your chest. Steve and Wanda took either side of your body pushing your back onto the chair. Wanda wrapped her hand around the back of your throat holding you up. "Come now Y/n. You proved you're point. You showed me and that little flirt Widow you can hold your own. Let's bring you back to your room." Her cheek grazed yours as she whispered in your ear. 
"No Wanda! I'm not done yet! I take care of you! Not the other way around! Thor! Pour me another!" You slurred letting the words drool out of you. You bolted from your seat standing straight. The Sokoivan and Asgardian liquor hit you like a ton of bricks once all the blood flow is released into your legs. You almost fell flat on your ass. Steve had quick reflexes hositing you up by your wrist. 
"Woah there come on Y/n. Please sit back down." Steve gave your wrist a tiny tug trying to lead you back to the seat. You looked over at Wanda seeing her facial expression from a smirk to a hostile glare. Her head tilted again looking down through her eyebrows. Her eyes changed from green to deep red. "Y/n. Listen to us. Now." 
"What is your neck and ears broken? I told you no! Come, come Thor. Pour em!" You twitched breaking free from Steve's hand. Sam shook his head pouring two shots of each liquor for Thor and yourself. "This is it, guys. This is your cut-off. I don't care who wins. Let's hope you both survive tomorrow morning." He pushed two shot glasses in front of you and him. Sealing on the caps tightly. Tony was video recording the entire event. Clint and Natasha were sitting at the bar table watching the disaster from the distance. You threw the one shot into your mouth almost forgetting to swallow. 
"Y/n. Listen to me. Be a good girl and sit your ass down." Wanda's small fingers pointed sharply at the chair behind you. You knew you were too drunk to answer. You had other thoughts brewing. 
"Wanda? Give me my last shot! Then I'm done!" You whipped around facing her directly. Wanda raised an eyebrow grabbing hold of the last shot. "Really now? You promise me?" 
"Fuck yes! Let's do it!" Your head bowed staring at Wanda's boots. 
"Will you let me do it my way detka? Huh, baby?" Her finger lifted your head from your chest. 
"Yes..let's get it over with it." Your arms wrapped around Wanda's hips. She jolted bucking your hands away. "Drink now. Play later." Her arm pushed yours away. You gave a puzzled look at her remark, not fully knowing what she meant. She pressed her lips on the shot glass drinking it back. 
"Hey!!" You were too drunk to talk, every word slurred any emotion. She didn't swallow the liquor, her head leaned forward crashing both of your lips together. Her lips parted allowing the liquid to glide from her mouth to yours. Everyone cheered and hollered at the sight of us. Wanda was taller than you, but your heels made you two the same height. Her hand was behind your head showing her dominant nature you've never fully seen yet. She let you go catching her breath. You swallowed the liquor, plobbing back down on the chair. 
"I told you I'd do it my way Y/n. Now, you're done for the night." Wanda's arms flung around your neck placing her chin on your shoulder. "Let's bring you upstairs. I'll take care of you better..." 
"Alright, just give me a second. I forgot to give Nat a case file this afternoon." Your task made you sober up for a milli-second remembering you forgot to do something before Natasha's mission tomorrow. Wanda's arms tightened around your neck, her nails dug into your bare shoulders. "How about I go and grab it tomorrow morning? I don't want you to go near her right now." You stood up pushing her away. "Wanda I'm fine. I can grab it, I'm not that drunk." Your posture was slouched stumbling to the glass doors to the research office, where the printer was. 
There sat a fairly large green folder. Your hands were going numb. You had trouble trying to grasp the folder. You knew you shouldn't have had that last shot, it was beginning to fuck you up. You must have looked like a complete idiot trying to grab this folder. Someone was laughing behind you. "Y/n? If you forgot my folder you could've told me. Instead of looking like an idiot." Natasha chuckled clicking her heels closer to you.
"I'm sorry I forgot." You didn't realize your hands were not even close to the folder, you were trying to grab it a foot away. "Here мед, let me help." Nat's body was against your back, her hands rolled down your arms clutching your hands. Your hands finally touched the green folder. "Oh finally! Thank you, Natty!" You flipped around still having Natasha close to you. Her hands reached up to your cheeks. "You're welcome you little cutie." She grinned softly, looking directly into your eyes. Her head came close planting a tiny kiss on your forehead. She let go whisking the folders away. "Come on now, Ms. Maximoff is probably having an aneurysm your not near her 24/7." 
You giggled brushing her retort. "Oh shut up, Wanda's harmless. Besides, I've been assigned to her for so long, of course, she has an attachment to me." You followed behind Natasha; shutting off the lights behind you. 
"Come now Y/n. She almost tore my head off when I told you not to drink with the god of thunder. I don't want her to get in my head again." You both walked shoulder to shoulder looking out into the crowd. You couldn't see Wanda in the crowd. You didn't realize she was behind the both of you. She was watching you two through the windows. Her eyes pierced into your body. The burning sensation came back. It felt as though your soul was being stretched like an elastic, about to snap. You initially thought you were having a heart attack. You stopped in your tracks as Natasha continued walking until she realized you weren't following her. "Y/n? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Her heels pivoted clicking on the laminate. 
"She's fine Romanoff. Go back to the party I'll take care of her." Wanda's eyes glowed with her hands dancing a crimson light. Her wrist flicked and Nat trailed off forgetting about you. Wanda stepped behind you, feeling the padding of her bra graze your shoulder blades. 
"Ești o curvă murdară..Hm? You're a cheap slut aren't you?" You couldn't speak. Your throat dried up making your saliva feel like you were swallowing sand. It hurt to breathe. "N-no...I'm not a..." Your eyes became a disco ball, black darkness with white sparkles all over. You couldn't form a coherent sentence to protest. Wanda's hand dipped under your dress cupping your crotch forcefully. 
"No? Cause you feel soaked already. Face it detka. You're a stupid slut that doesn't know how to act." Her voice strung along as you faded out.
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You woke up cold. You were somewhat sober, your head still sprung around but you were conscious. You went to sit up until you felt your arms lock above your head. You looked seeing your arms locked in leather cuffs over your head on the headboard. So were your legs. You didn't realize you were naked until you saw your ankles cuffed, your legs spread wide open showing off your small center and the light fuzz trailing down your pubic bone. 
"Awe great, you're finally awake. Good. Now we get to have some." She sat in an armchair beside the bed. She was hunched over with her hands between her legs. Her makeup was ruined, her face was naturally rouged either from anger or from crying. Her black makeup was smudged all over her cheeks. 
"What? What the hell is going on Wanda? What are you doing to me?!?" You flexed your arms trying to unhook yourself. 
"Oh no, no. You don't want that Y/n. You bruise very easily. I think you should get yourself checked. Look at the number I've done, You could connect the dots." She laughed sitting up from the chair. Her hand grazed your thigh, you saw her work and it instantly made your stomach drop. It was a mixture of big purple and red bruises. Some had teeth marks near your opening. The inside of your legs across your panty line was coated in circular teeth marks breaking blood under the skin. My god, she was right. She did do a number on you. 
"When did you do this? I don't feel good Wand." Your stomach felt hollow, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. You felt like you were going to puke or pass out again. All of this at the same time was making you feel extremely weird. You liked Wanda, but she scared you in this moment. You had never seen this side of her. 
"Nu contează detka. You need to realize you're mine. You need to stop flirting with that little tart Widow. You work for me. So all of you is mine." She didn't have her leather jacket on, she leaped onto your stomach. Her thighs glided across your tender skin. She was soft but her skin felt sticky. 
"You're going to be a good slut for me? You better be you ungrateful drunk whore." She spat out pulling her dress over her head. She threw her dress on the floor exposing everything. Her full breasts were pierced with black jewelry. They became instantly erect as the air touched them. 
"Oh god-...Wanda please no..." Your head moved around left and right thinking maybe it was a terrible dream. 
"Oh no? No? You don't have a say in this matter. You deserve to get what I'm giving you. Slutty drunks need to be taught how to act in public." Her eyes glowed red again as her hand dangled between her legs. A red sparkled cock appeared attached to her mound. You twitched trying not to cry. Your entire body tensed up knowing what was going to happen. You didn't want this to happen like this. Hell, you didn't know you'd end up like this tonight. 
"You'll love me inside you once you calm down. Be a good fuck toy for Mommy hm? " Her hand dropped down running her fingers roughly through your folds, and finally found your clit. You thought you didn't want this? So why in the hell are you wet? 
“N-no please…not like this Wanda…I didn’t want it to be like this.” You begged thinking your cries may move your capture.
“Not like this huh? How would you want it? You don’t realize I went through your search history…” Wanda’s finger traced along your breast, her nail dug into your nipple. Your face was heated knowing what she was talking about. “I saw all your porn searches, you like to watch European girls dominating and tying up other girls huh? So you’d like this then?” Her hand flicked with a red mist wrapping around your wrists and legs. The grip felt like cement around your skin. 
“Isn’t this what you imagined Y/n? A European woman dominating you? Fucking you? This Sokovian wants to teach you a fucking lesson. You’re such a dirty little slut.” Her pinky fluttered wrapping her mist around your throat tightening the grip all over your body. Wanda's index and middle fingers spread your center. "La naiba, fetița...all open for mommy." You felt the object part your folds, and you winced rightfully knowing you couldn't escape. Her hips slowly leaned in, eyes burning red. You whined sucking in air between your teeth. Her lip curled to the side smirking at her good work. "You were such a drunk slut, thinking you can just cozy up to Romanoff like I wasn't fucking watching! You're such a perfect fit Y/n. You were made for me. Just me." Wanda's hips bucked thursted out pushing back in. You whined again and came out as a moan. 
"Ah-..." Your hands twitched trying to move your fingers. Your toes curled finally feeling the pleasure overcome you. The painful sting went away, it was a calming sensation. Like Wanda let her guard down while she was inside you. You read it on her face. Her brows weren't furrowed, and her teeth were bitten into her bottom lip with her eyes closed. You let out your moans fully noticing the red around your throat turning a lighter shade of pink. 
"Oh, you like that huh? See. You are a dirty little whore." She hummed watching her strap fill your tight pussy. Your breathing was ecstatic, your drool was all over your chin dripping down your throat. "Y-yes! I'm a dirty whore. I'm a slut! P-please fuck me! Harder please!" You panted seeing her hands grope your free breasts. 
"It's good you see it my way. I'm pumping detka." Wanda's hips hit harder, the sweat from her inner thighs hit your bare ass. The friction from her skin onto yours was causing blotched burns every shade of red. 
You asked to be fucked harder. Harder she did. Every thrust into your pussy felt like it kept slipping in and out. A huge pool formed in the sheets underneath you two. You were reaching the top of your climax ready to crumble like a ton of bricks. Wanda was too, her magical strap made her feel every movement. She was cumming too. Wanda's head went back climaxing without you. You weren't that far behind, however. Seeing Wanda cum made you tip over. You screamed out as you came. 
"Fuck Y/n! Fuck!" Wanda screamed sliding herself out making the twitching strap disappear. 
All of her mist disappeared also freeing you. You leaped up onto your knees. Wanda's back was turned to you. "What are you doing detka?" She ran her fingers to her scalp pulling out the elastic. Fluffing out her brown locs to take out the kinks. "I'm going to show a western custom." You kissed her shoulder, you grabbed her shoulders pulling her down into her bed. Getting on top of her. "What in the hell are you doing?"
"Come cuddle with me, please?" You wrapped your arms and legs around her torso like a spider monkey. You buried your face into her chest. 
"Îmbrățișa?" Wanda's voice was confused like she didn't know what you were talking about. 
"Da. Îmbrățișa.We cuddle afterwards." Your cheek rested on her as Wanda's fingers interlocked with your hair. She huffed breathing in. 
"Fine. This is a weird custom Y/n."
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callsigns-haze · 7 months
Short love: Chp 3
The first date
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting
As the evening approached and the sky outside darkened, Y/n's tiredness began to fade, replaced by a sense of warmth and contentment. With Stephanie and DJ tucked into their beds, she sat at the edge of their room, ready to fulfill her duty as the bedtime storyteller.
"Alright, you two, are you ready for a story?" Y/n asked, her voice soft but playful as she watched the excitement dance in their eyes.
Stephanie and DJ nodded eagerly, their faces lighting up with anticipation. "Yes, Aunt Y/n! We love your stories!" DJ exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Y/n couldn't help but smile at their excitement, feeling a swell of affection for her nieces. "Alright, then. Let me think of a good one," she replied, her mind racing to recall a tale that would capture their imaginations.
As she began to weave a story filled with adventure and magic, Stephanie and DJ listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder as they hung on her every word. They gasped at the daring exploits of the heroes, giggled at the antics of the villains, and sighed with satisfaction as the story reached its triumphant conclusion.
"And so, the brave knight and his trusty companions defeated the evil sorcerer and saved the kingdom," Y/n concluded, her voice soft but filled with conviction.
Stephanie and DJ clapped their hands in delight, their faces alight with excitement. "That was amazing, Aunt Y/n! Can we hear another one?" DJ asked, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Y/n chuckled at DJ's enthusiasm, feeling a sense of joy fill her heart at the chance to share her love of storytelling with her nieces. "Of course, my darlings. But for now, it's time for bed," she replied, her voice gentle but firm.
With a sigh of disappointment, Stephanie and DJ reluctantly settled down under their covers, their eyelids growing heavy with sleep. Y/n tucked them in with a gentle smile, pressing a tender kiss to each of their foreheads as she whispered her goodnight wishes.
"Sweet dreams, my loves," she said, her voice barely above a whisper as she tiptoed out of the room, leaving Stephanie and DJ to drift off into a peaceful slumber, their hearts full of the magic of storytelling and the love of their dear Aunt Y/n.
As Y/n made her way through the quiet hallway, she couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity tug at her. Peeking through the slightly ajar door of Michelle's nursery, she was met with a heartwarming sight.
There, bathed in the soft glow of the nightlight, Jake sat in the rocking chair, cradling Michelle in his arms as he swayed gently back and forth. His voice, soft and melodic, filled the room as he sang an Elvis Presley tune, his eyes fixed on Michelle's sleeping form.
Y/n couldn't help but smile at the scene before her, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the sight of Jake's tender care for her niece. Despite his tough exterior, he had a heart of gold, especially when it came to Michelle.
She watched in silence for a moment, not wanting to interrupt the peaceful moment between uncle and niece. The love and affection that radiated from Jake's every gesture filled her with a sense of gratitude, knowing that Michelle was in the best of hands.
With a contented sigh, Y/n silently backed away from the door, leaving Jake and Michelle to their private moment. As she made her way down the hallway, her heart felt light with the knowledge that her family was surrounded by love, even in the quietest moments of the night.
As Y/n stepped into her room, anticipation bubbled up inside her like a fizzy soda. Tonight was the night she had been looking forward to — her date with Jake. With a smile tugging at her lips, she made her way to her closet, her heart fluttering with excitement.
Rummaging through her wardrobe, she finally found the perfect dress — a stunning red number that hugged her curves in all the right places. Pulling it out, she couldn't help but admire the way the fabric shimmered in the soft light of her room.
With a quick glance in the mirror, Y/n began to carefully apply her makeup, opting for a classic look with a bold red lip to match her dress. As she swept the mascara through her lashes and dabbed on some blush, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence wash over her.
With one final look in the mirror, Y/n smiled at her reflection, feeling ready to take on the world. Tonight was going to be special, she could feel it in her bones, and she couldn't wait to see where the evening would take her.
Stepping out of her room, she made her way to the front door, excitement bubbling up inside her like a champagne cork ready to pop.
----- As Y/n stepped out of her room, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Jake waiting for her just outside her bedroom door. His eyes widened in awe as he took in her appearance, a smile spreading across his face.
"Wow, Y/n, you look... incredible," Jake breathed, his voice filled with genuine admiration as he drank in her beauty.
Y/n felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks at his words, a shy smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Jake," she replied, her voice soft but filled with gratitude.
Jake stepped forward, his eyes never leaving hers as he reached out to gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Seriously, you take my breath away," he whispered, his tone filled with sincerity.
Y/n's heart fluttered at Jake's touch, her pulse quickening with excitement as she met his gaze. In that moment, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world, and she couldn't help but be grateful to have Jake by her side.
With a smile that lit up her face, Y/n took Jake's hand in hers, her fingers intertwining with his as they stood together in the hallway. Tonight was going to be a night to remember, she could feel it in her bones, and she couldn't wait to see where the evening would take them.
As they made their way towards the front door, hand in hand, Y/n felt a surge of happiness wash over her. With Jake by her side, she knew that anything was possible, and she couldn't wait to embark on this new adventure together.
As Y/n and Jake rode through the dark streets of San Diego on Jake's motorcycle, a sense of exhilaration filled the air around them. The cool night breeze whipped against their faces, sending strands of Y/n's hair dancing behind her like ribbons in the wind.
With every twist and turn of the road, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over her. There was something intoxicating about the open road stretched out before them, the promise of adventure beckoning them forward into the night.
As they approached the fancy Italian restaurant, the soft glow of the city lights illuminated their path, casting a warm, inviting glow over the streets below. Y/n's heart raced with excitement as they pulled up outside the restaurant, the rumble of the motorcycle fading into the background as they came to a stop.
Stepping off the motorcycle, Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins. Tonight was going to be special, she could feel it in her bones, and she couldn't wait to see what the evening had in store for them.
With a smile and a glance exchanged between them, Y/n and Jake made their way inside the restaurant, hand in hand. As they settled into their seats, the soft candlelight casting a warm glow over their faces, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for this chance to be with Jake and share in this special evening together.
As Y/n and Jake savored the delicious pasta at the fine Italian restaurant, their conversation flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and shared moments of connection. Amidst the clinking of glasses and the murmur of other diners, they found themselves lost in each other's company, reveling in the joy of being together.
"So, tell me more about your music career with 'The Rippers'," Y/n said, her voice filled with genuine interest as she leaned in closer to Jake.
Jake's eyes sparkled with excitement as he began to recount tales of his time on the road with his band, his passion for music evident in every word he spoke. He spoke of late-night jam sessions, sold-out concerts, and the thrill of performing in front of adoring fans.
Y/n listened intently, her heart swelling with pride at Jake's accomplishments. She couldn't help but admire his dedication and talent, feeling grateful to be able to share in this part of his life.
As Jake finished his story, he turned the conversation to Y/n's latest work adventures. "And what about you, Y/n? How's the radio job in Australia treating you?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.
Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the opportunity to share her own experiences. She spoke of her time in Australia, of the challenges and triumphs she had encountered along the way. She talked about the thrill of reporting from new and exciting locations, the rush of adrenaline as she chased down stories, and the satisfaction of knowing that her work was making a difference.
As they exchanged stories and shared laughter, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the chance to connect with Jake on a deeper level and share in each other's dreams and aspirations. And as they finished their meal and prepared to head home, she knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a bright future.
As the conversation between Y/n and Jake flowed effortlessly, a brief lull fell over them, prompting a moment of reflection. In the midst of their laughter and shared stories, they both sensed an unspoken truth lingering between them — the acknowledgment of a significant gap in their communication.
"You know," Y/n began, her voice soft but filled with sincerity, "it's funny how we've been so caught up in our own worlds that we haven't properly talked since that New Year's Eve five years ago."
Jake's expression softened, a flicker of understanding dancing in his eyes as he met Y/n's gaze. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he replied, his voice tinged with regret. "It's like time just slipped away from us, and we never got the chance to really catch up."
Y/n nodded in agreement, a pang of nostalgia tugging at her heartstrings as she recalled that memorable night they had shared together. "I guess life has a way of getting in the way sometimes," she mused, her voice tinged with wistfulness.
Jake reached out to gently squeeze Y/n's hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "But you know what?" he said, his tone filled with determination. "Tonight feels like a fresh start. A chance for us to reconnect and really get to know each other again."
Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of hope wash over her at Jake's words. "I like the sound of that," she replied, her voice filled with optimism. "Here's to making up for lost time."
And as they toasted to their newfound resolve, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the chance to bridge the gap between them and forge a deeper connection with Jake. With each laugh and shared story, she knew that their bond was only growing stronger, and she couldn't wait to see where their renewed friendship would take them.
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invisiblequeen · 4 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay, Day 41, Part 1
This and the next one are gonna have the least amount of words ever. But don't worry. You won't need it for this one. It's a big one. And it's only part one.
It all started when The Lady Of The Hour, My Simself, Miss Noe Bodi got dressed to go out tonight.
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I sent her to Newcrest, where I put all the community-based lots, including this spooky as nightclub I found in the gallery.
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At first, it was only her.
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But then all the sims I had so eagerly collected from you beautiful simmers started to show.
First was Luco Macario (@tr-angyo).
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Then came Callie Mackey (@bakersimmer). I know it looks like Ms. Noe was ignoring her but I swear they greeted each other pleasantly.
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The smoothest ever Zombie to hit the block, Leslie Stanfield (@zestykim). Looked around and said, "I will curb my hunger for the sake of the party."
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All four of them sat at the table and just talked like old friends.
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But we're not done.
All the way from Moonwood Mill, we got our boy Rivers Granite (@gloomiegalaxie-sims) entering the scene! That big smile got Noe tucking her hair behind her ear!
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The smooth and suave spellcaster Pace Duarte (@lazyteapot) came up right behind him dressed in his velvety best.
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I caught him in a weird face moment, but my personal crush Zavier St. Tompkins (@westonsims00) popped up from the other entrance!
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And, oh shit, it's Pace Duarte's fellow spellcasting hearthrob, Felix Koldvell (@madfeary) flashing a model smile at all the ladies!
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Now they had two tables filled as the atmosphere got more and more jovial.
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But we're still not done!
Rain Drop (@riverofjazzsims) showed up with a @rhdweauni0 townie (not together on a date, just coincidentally), and you can tell she's still not a fan of the cold.
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Loverboy Darrell Parker (@simsinfinitylt) popped in with headphones on just in case the music was trash...
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Khalil Palma (@fl0ptrait), resident playboy, didn't see a DJ Booth to set up, but did see a cute ass cowgirl sim that tickled his fancy...
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And then within 5 seconds of each other, three sims were caught jogging to the club; Ronan O'Calligan (@blackfern), Maike Zambrano (@fl0ptrait), and Donna Richmond (@elysiantrait).
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^^damn what's the long face for?
And let's not forget all the NPC townies we imported from tumblr: remember Butterfly Man (@cinamun)? Yeah he sauntered down the stairs in this scene like, "You're welcome."
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Meanwhile, two @rhdweauni0 townies pulled up doing a group dance with the Moth Man (@occultradio). As you can see they're struggling to find their footing.
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Bless their hearts.
Oop! It's the San My baddie Kleo Godinez (@lotusplum) arriving all bundled up and ready to party.
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And with PANDORA MEADE (@gloomiegalaxie-sims) and himbo Thunder (@occultradio) popping in to join the fun, we found ourselves a full house of NBGP sims making merry together.
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...and we're still not DONE!
[previous] - [next]
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doctorwho-rewatch · 9 months
S4E8 & S4E9 - Silence in the Library & The Forest of the Dead
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Count your shadows. Because you never know just what's lurking in the dark...
Ooof. What a two-parter. There is so much to unpack. I could go on about how sinisterly brilliant the Vashta Nerada are, hidden among the pages of the books that were harvested from the forests they lived in. Or how eerie it is to hear the dying thought patterns of someone who has just been killed. Or the concept of the Library itself, and the little girl CAL whose computer mind is so powerful that she can 'save' the Library patrons in a simulated world. Or the disappointment when Donna's simulated husband looks for her in the real world and misses her by moments. It's utterly brilliant.
But at the heart of this story is the real tragedy of time travelling. We meet River Song for the first time, a character we will become more familiar with in the Eleventh Doctor's time. She's a time traveller too. But she's going the other way. This is the first time the Doctor is meeting her. And so it is the last time she will see the Doctor.
There are so many questions when we meet her. How does she have a sonic screwdriver? A squareness gun (referred to in S1E9 The Doctor Dances)? A TARDIS themed diary? What sort of life has she led with the Doctor? He is as confused and bewildered as we are. And I wonder if it's the first time he has ever felt this way.
River sacrifices herself to make sure the Doctor gets a chance to meet her in the future. The only thing the Doctor can do is to 'save' a copy of her in CAL's simulated world. It's a bittersweet ending to a story that opens up so many possibilities for the Doctor's future.
This is a masterpiece in telling a story of science fiction time travelling and moving emotions. I cannot find a single fault here.
QUOTE: "River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear. There’s only one way I would ever tell anyone my name. There’s only one time I could." "Hush now. Spoilers."
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littldoctor · 1 year
Just watched the runaway bride and thought it was magnificent I did end up crying again bc Donna is like "you need someone to stop you" and the Doctor's face just fell, like complete devastation and then when she asks him for her name one last time his eyes just shine with contained tears and even his voice sounds thin and unstable and he says her name again and just leaves.
Like, he was so angry and sad at the beginning, with this screaming lady inside his ship and her taking Rose's shirt and telling him it was not the first time he kidnapped a woman before and his face, literally, he seems so lifeless for a moment there at the beginning, just hollow, no life, no excitement, no emotions, just a shell of a man.
And he tells her he lost her, but doesn't elaborate obviously and when he asks Donna to trust him, to jump into the tardis while being in a car on a highway and she yells at him "did your friend trust you? The one you lost?" and just it broke my heart, but he tells her "she's not dead, she's so alive." and that is true and it just hurts all over again bc she's alive but he lost her either way.
And the first time she ask for her name the doctor just changes the topic without a thought, just a wall there, like, no. We're not gonna talk about that. And Donna just has to deal with it.
Also the bit where he sees the blonde girl dancing and they just show bits of new earth when he helped rose up and held her, that, that nearly killed me, like really, how am I crying while some dude is fighting robots dressed as santa in a failed weeding? Like how did I end up here?
The moment where he asks her that she could go with him and travel just made me bawl my eyes out, the "you could come with me." of the doctor and Donna just literally said no so fast and he was like okay ill just leave then. She tries to get him to eat Christmas Dinner with her mainly and her bc he told her he did last year with his friend's family but he refused as well, literally was about to fly off but Donna screamed his name so he opened the door again and then she telling him he's going to find someone or something like that, that he can't be alone or that he won't and like, literally he just lost that, he lost his forever, he lost his Rose, his motivation, his everything.
And now there it is, another human telling him he's going to find that not knowing that he had it, but she won't go with him, she tells him to his face it is terrifying, that his way of life is too much, that he's going too fast.
Literally the doctor was just about to stop, he was literally heartbroken and just forced himself into working again to save Donna, if she hadn't appeared maybe the doctor would have just drifted away for centuries, mourning and grieving, and sure it wasn't healthy to just force himself into action again without a second to mourn Rose, but like there weren't any good alternatives left, really.
I loved this episode I really did, but as much as it made me laugh it made me cry bc the doctor just sees Rose everywhere and it's clear he's going towards a path of self-destruction now, without anyone to tell him when it is enough.
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merylstreepsworld · 1 year
Ohh lovely! In that case, may I request headcanons on how Donna and (preferably) fem!reader got together? Maybe reader is a guest at the hotel or something like that. With reader having a huge crush on Donna if that's possible. :)
Certainly! Thank you so much for the request! If you have any more requests, feel free to drop them in my request box!
Here are headcanons about how you and Donna got together:
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1. You, a guest at Donna's hotel on the picturesque island of Kalokari, first encountered Donna when checking in. Donna's warmth and welcoming smile instantly made an impression on you, leaving you with a fluttering heart.
2. It was practically love at first sight for you. Donna's radiant beauty and magnetic personality had you swooning, and you couldn't help but steal glances at Donna whenever you crossed paths.
3. You found any excuse to ask for Donna's assistance, whether it was with luggage or advice on where to explore on the island. Donna was always willing to help, and you cherished those moments.
4. Donna noticed your frequent visits to the hotel's common areas and bar. She often engaged in friendly conversations with you, learning about your interests and passions.
5. Over time, you and Donna discovered common interests, particularly a love for music. You bonded over your favorite songs and artists, and Donna even serenaded you with her beautiful voice one magical evening.
6. You started volunteering for small tasks around the hotel, like helping with decorations or organizing events, just to be closer to Donna and get to know her better.
7. You couldn't help but daydream about scenarios where Donna might return your feelings, and these daydreams often involved romantic walks on the beach, shared laughter, and heartfelt conversations.
8. Both you and Donna were hesitant to admit your feelings. You shared knowing smiles and lingering touches, but it took a heart-to-heart conversation for you to acknowledge the undeniable attraction between you. You would often blush or stutter in Donna's presence, making it apparent to anyone with a keen eye that they had a crush
9. Donna's friends and coworkers at the hotel would tease her about your infatuation, causing her to chuckle and playfully deny any knowledge of it.
10. Donna, while initially oblivious to your crush, began to sense your growing affection. She found herself looking forward to your interactions and appreciating your presence at the hotel.
11. The island's enchanting moonlit nights became the backdrop for your late-night strolls along the beach. Under the starry sky, you shared your dreams, hopes, and secrets, forging a deep connection.
12. It was during a starlit beach walk that Donna's hand slipped into yours, her fingers entwining with yours as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The connection between you both was undeniable.
13. One special evening, Donna invited you to join her for a private dinner on the terrace overlooking the sea. The intimacy of the setting allowed your feelings for each other to flourish, and a shared kiss under the moonlit sky sealed your attraction.
14. From that moment on, you and Donna became inseparable. You explored the island together, danced under the stars, and enjoyed each other's company in ways that made your bond unbreakable
15. Donna planned surprise romantic date nights for you, including candlelit dinners, stargazing on the beach, and even a private boat ride at sunset.
16. On a quiet afternoon, while watching the waves lap against the shore, Donna confessed her love to you. The words came naturally, as if they had been written in the sands of Kalokari itself. "I love you."
17. As your love deepened, you decided to make Kalokari your permanent home. Donna welcomed you with open arms, and together, you built a life filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments.
18. Sophie, Donna's daughter, was your biggest cheerleader. She encouraged your budding relationship and couldn't have been happier for her mom and you.
19. Together, you continued to explore the island, creating countless memories as you navigated the challenges and joys of your newfound relationship.
20. Deep down, you believe that Donna is the one who makes Kalokari the paradise it is, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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lady-murderess · 10 months
At the end of the day, there is a reason 10's face came back, and that is literally just to say goodbye to NuWho. The 15th Doctor is a complete reboot, RTD has said it himself. But coming from a character standpoint, there was reasoning for it. 14 still had all of 10's qualities. Now, he wasn't as cold as 10, he was more open and not afraid to be affectionate, but even then he still carried the same amount of shame on his shoulders and tortured himself with his trauma. To be honest, 14 seemed tired.
Bumbling about the internet, I have seen people bring up the Metacrisis Doctor when it comes to this finale, but the difference between this bi-generation and the metacrisis was the fact that the metacrisis was a two way thing. Donna became a Time Lord and the version of him that came from both Donna and 10's hand is completely human with quite a bit of her personality in him, and the bi-generation is literally just two of the exact same Time Lords. And that's it.
And to be honest, in some ways 10 wanted to have his cake and eat it. A part of him wanted to settle down and also be a Time Lord, because let's face it, he'd never be able to say goodbye to that life he's lived for all those many years, he even said that when Donna and 15 told him to let go and he was scared. And more proof of that was in series 2's School Reunion episode (which is one of my all time favourites) when Rose confronted him on why he never mentioned Sarah Jane, and then later on in the series finale of 4 where he and DoctorDonna leave the Metacrisis Doctor behind with Rose. He loved Rose, always had, but he knew it would break his heart to see her grow old and die, so really the Metacrisis Doctor got to have his happy end because he was human.
I think 15 was the part of the Doctor that still had the urge to keep going and wanted to be finally free from the pain of the past. Every Doctor has their own personalities and ways of coping with things, and I think 15 just wants to be carefree and happy and that's just what I get from the trailer for Christmas special where he is literally in a club dancing so freely... something we've never seen from the Doctor before.
I won't lie though, I don't understand the issue with it being Donna he gets to have that happy end with. He couldn't have it with Martha, she has Mickey and her family, Sarah Jane has been dead for a long time, he never got to truly know the Bannerman Road Gang, and Jack is out there doing things with Torchwood, so he couldn't have gone with any of them either, and the rest of the companions in NuWho are pretty much dead. So, why not Donna?
It's said by quite a few characters during the 10th Doctor era that he never stays, and he'll even admit multiple times he'll keep on running. And after losing Rose, we all saw how he just ran faster and grew darker. Martha gave him a phone so she could keep in contact with him, and what did he do? He denied the fact that he even had a phone when it rang and Donna asked questions about it. And let's face it, if the universe hadn't pulled him and Donna together for them to meet again, he would never have seen her again after the Racnoss. She offered him Christmas dinner with her and her family and he just didn't.
Overall, every companion of 10's all have their happy ends except for her. Yes, Donna has a family and she loves them dearly, but for those 15 years she felt that something was missing. So, she didn't really get a happy end because she had no closure and it plagued her and her family. But now here she is and 14 here is, happy because they both have closure. So, I don't know... It just seems rather fitting to me.
At the end of the day, this whole thing was just finally letting this face of the Doctor, this version of himself who's most damaged and tired, just be happy.
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13docwriting · 9 months
Hello! It's me again, giving my minute by minute review of The Giggle. I have not seen any spoilers or watched any trailers, so I know nothing. Well... I know that Neil Patrick Harris is someone lol. As a summary, I enjoyed Chibnall's era, loved the thirteenth Doctor with all of my heart, and know little about the classic series but am obsessed with nuwho. I am also weary of RTD's writing but I loved the first special and enjoyed the second. LET'S GO!
Again, last time I'll complain, I MISS LIVE REBLOGGING WITH FANS. 1. Oh my horror movie vibes again. Okay.
2. Uh. What's up with the accent for Neil Patrick Harris (NPH to make my life easier). That feels a bit... Not good. Especially with the "messed up" words to accentuate it. It just doesn't sound right. I know it's supposed to be a STUPID amount of fake, but it's boarding on offensive.
3. "I'll need a moving image" right to the jump scare lol. I don't MIND horror movies, but I don't necessarily want it for every single Doctor Who episode. A bit disappointed.
4. NPH dancing with David Tennant for those point two seconds did something to me. Also, LOVE NPH's makeup there.
5. I'm already so tired of UNIT having all this money. I don't know, it doesn't feel right. They were supposed to stay hidden so that people didn't know about them. Are we officially saying that humans know about aliens? That's the only acceptable answer I'll take as to why we got helicopters and military vehicles just out and about.
6. Awesome, AWESOME music. Always. Just, again, a thousand kudos to everyone doing this beautiful arrangement.
7. I LOVE Shirley. I love her. Representation done right, in my opinion. It's ironic that RTD can do something EXACTLY as it's supposed to be and the fumble the ball on something else in the very same episode i.e. the first special with Shirley right to "male presenting" Time Lord (see my first live blogging to hear the speech I did already lol).
8. KATE - KATE - KATE. My h e r o. My LOVE! We JUST saw her with 13 and I loved every single part she was in. Her finally seeing the inside of the TARDIS made me so happy.
9. KATE HUGGING THE DOCTOR. Awww! That is so gosh darn cute. I don't know how long it's been exactly since Kate saw 13 after the whole Master thing in Power of the Doctor, but it's so nice to see her hugging him. I was scared for a moment it was going to be a slap lol.
10. "How do we fight the human race." Uh... That's quite a plot, isn't it? I... The Doctor, thirteen especially, always made a point of saying how good "you humans" can be. Saying that humans are inherently bad just doesn't sit right with me. There's a speech roaring up with me about how RTD sees people in general and how that effects the optimistic and hopeful attitude of Doctor Who in gneral, but that'll have to come later.
11. OH HEY Melanie! I know that companion! Kind of! I've never see any of her episodes but that's awesome. SIDE NOTE... Just like with Power of the Doctor, I feel a little disoriented when I know I'm supposed to know something / really appreciate the moment and I can't. I'm so happy that Chibnall AND RTD are so very willing to let classic who people come back, I'm just always a little lost with things like this. (I wonder if other people my age feel that way? Any else 25?)
12. "Is park rude?" "Borderline". I... What? Why would you even turn to Shirley with a question like that? See what I mean about dropping the ball.
13. "Why should I care?" Prime Minister. "No change there then." Donna. hehe I love those little moments where DW shows current political distain.
14. We're... We're not gonna ask a million questions about what Vlinx is? What they're doing there? How they got there? The Doctor's not doing the usual excited dance and asking how hot their cortex runs, the amount of brain power they have, etc. Idk, seemed like a wasted moment. (Unless I'm missing some classic who stuff again?)
15. Listen, I'm a very simple lesbian... I see an "evil" Kate and I get a little excited, okay? Woman power and all that, am I right? 16. "As for you [Shirley], with that chair - I've seen you walk!" What the actual fuck. Listen, I know, I KNOW people are idiots about wheelchairs. I know some people don't know that some people who use a wheelchair aren't completely paralyzed, but to point it out in this way just feels... It feels like a misstep...? I have no right to comment, I'm not a wheelchair user, but the way RTD handles things like this always makes me nervous.
17. "The old archangel network" ahhh hello there preteen headcannons! Ahhhh the Master, how lovely a reminder of those days! God, what a plotline that was back in the day. I am not surprised at all that RTD fit that line in, let me tell you. The man seems to like to brag about his old stories (inconspicuously points to David Tennant and Catherine Tate.)
18. Why would Donna ever, ever guess that those brain waves were music? Where in god's name would ANYONE come up with that without ANY sort of hint? What kind of mary sue writing is that? I'm just supposed to take that? Talk about a convenient plot device. I don't like lazy writing.
19. "The very first image has been hiding in every screen ever since." See, THAT'S cool! I like that kind of story, where another god-like entity has that sort of power. Someone PLANNED that. As always, things like this are why I love when the Master comes back. His convoluted plots creates such great writing and stories.
20. "What, because you're so clever [at Shirley asking why they never found the Stooky Bill laugh before]." Hey 14, your 10 is showing - the parts of 10 that adult me has problems with.
21. "[The human race] is also savage, venal, and relentless." Alright, maybe I'm thinking too much about 12 and 13, mostly 13, but the distain that 14 (cough ten cough) displays for humans has ALWAYS been icky to me. The Doctor TRAVELS with humans, has worked with them, has LOVED them. You can't call an entire species monsters and then claim to love them. People CAN be monsters, but ten - sorry, 14 - has a habit of not taking the time to make that distinction between species vs person. 13, meanwhile, has never insulted a single human. She has encouraged people, genuinely wants them to be better, and only alienates herself not by pointing humans down, but by feeling so different than everyone around her.
22. "Using your intelligence to be stupid... And hating each other. You never needed any help with that". Well, congrats, this may be my least favorite episode of Doctor Who ever. I don't like getting insulted, I don't like the Doctor being mean, I don't like the tone of this episode... Doctor Who is a hopeful, lighthearted show that brings a smile to my face. Yes, it has moments that make me sob, but it's not some police drama. DW is a sci-fi show about traveling a beautiful universe. THIS is not what the show should be.
23. "Can we take out that satellite?" So Kate's waiting for permission... But, question... THE TARDIS IS RIGHT THERE. You're telling me the Doctor can't go up there, sonic the thing off to make it look like it's a technical error, and then eff of? I know writers OFTEN give the good old "the TARDIS is unavailable" to avoid thoughts like this, but RTD left the TARDIS RIGHT THERE. We have a time and space machine!
24. Side note, very side note, but are we ever gonna fix the gravity to "mavity" thing? Is that gonna come back?
25. The Doctor: "you have my permission" [to blow up the satellite]. But... But that's... What can UNIT say to that? "Oh yeah hey, our alien from outer space that we trust that you don't know gave us the go-ahead to blow your satellite up. Please don't fire missiles at us, we got the "OK." What? Just... What?
25. Oh hey, was Melanie at the therapy session for past companions in the Power of the Doctor? That would honest to god fit so well and I would love that. I'll have to look later.
26. Again, I almost have to laugh at the budget. All this money and we're using it to fire off a gun... In Doctor Who... Where the Doctor hates guns. Figures.
27. 120[k] plus five weeks' holiday." OH FUCK YEAH DONNA. Girl boss right there! You deserve that money! Freaking LOVE IT. And I'd love Donna working at UNIT. Maybe Martha and her could be best friends? Oh hey, where the hell is Martha and Mickey, btw?
28. Ha, Crowley, COUGH, I mean the Doctor on SoHo's streets once again. Hehe.
29. "Donna, I'm a billion years old". WOAH, WHAT? He can't be serious, right? No way 13 lived that long after 12's 2,000 ish years, right? Is 14 counting the confession dial? He has to be, right? I almost wish 13 mentioned her age now.
30. "But you are busy every second of every day" uh, yes. That was 13's coping mechanism. If she never stopped, she never had to think. Granted, that was every single Doctor's coping mechanism, but 13 had a lot of crap to get through and the fact that she got sent to prison with all that MUST have destroyed them.
31. Donna trying to give the Doctor mental health advice will forever be a favorite moment between the two of them for me. I'm so glad to see how much Donna cares about him.
32. NPH is just fabulous. He really just takes over the scene, even against actors like David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I was mesmerized by the ball scene. Granted, the accent makes me squint my eyes, but still... Him playing the villain will always be exciting.
33. Oh the Doctor knows him! An old enemy, that can't be good. OH and with the first Doctor as well, talk about a VERY old enemy. It's only been a billion years, eh? Hm, and the Doctor seems terrified of him. I'm getting the Master vibes. Is the Toymaker a Time Lord?
34. I sincerely wish that the Doctor mentioned being the Timeless Child to Donna when the Doctor said "what am I without my toys". I just... Donna can't understand why this speech even exists without knowing that the Doctor's entire history was erased - was taken from him. People may hate the Timeless Child plotline, but it's THERE. If RTD is going to build the emotional trauma off of that, it should be mentioned by name. I'm glad we mentioned the Flux, but the Timeless Child is what drove the Doctor nearly insane. It's what drove the Master even more insane. It should be mentioned properly.
35. Why the fuck, after that emotion speech, would these two idiots even separate AN INCH? Donna just saw how terrified the Doctor was, the Doctor IS terrified, why would they not hold hands? Why would they not stick to each other like glue. Again, lazy writing.
36. I can not explain how much this doesn't feel like Doctor Who. I can not even being to rant about how much this doesn't feel like my goofy little sci-fi show that makes me smile. I feel cheated. RTD, you got your Midnight / stupid scary episode last time and I complimented it. I cannot believe I have to sit through another one of your horror episodes. Again, the spirit of Doctor Who is the relationship and connections to how amazing humans can be. It's about hope, and optimism, and learning. Of course there's scary episodes, of course there's a step to the left in terms of how the usual episodes go, but what the heck is this?
Is it good writing? Perhaps. The dialogue, tone, and plot is convincing, I'll give RTD that. But is this MY show, my Doctor Who? No. I've said before that RTD relies on nostalgia and this episode only ferments that. If it wasn't David Tennant and characters that weren't already introduced literal years ago, how'd we even know this wasn't the same show?
37. Why the FUCK is Donna so violent? We know she's a badass, we know she's sassy, we know she's fearless... But banging that doll into the wall, a furious look on her face? Where the fuck did she learn that one?
38. How fucking dare RTD mention the Flux but bypass the fam, Yaz, and Dan. How fucking dare he. How dare he pick and chose what he liked from Chibnall's era. And you know what, let's have a laugh, shall we? Maybe he can't mention them because all of them had a GOOD ending. All of them left of their own accord. They left feeling stronger, feeling good about themselves, feeling like they've see the universe and want to make their home, earth, better. What has RTD done but killed the Doctor's happiness? And don't come at me with my own words - the Doctor could have mentioned Yaz and the fam as a defense against himself. "But I've learned - I've learned that humans are strong, that my friends are stronger than I ever could be! Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brian, Dan Lewis - all them are safe. All of them are loved. They have always been the best parts of me. Now, Toymaker... I challenge you to a game." TADA. I even think I got David Tennant's correct cadence, and I never even wrote him!
If you are a showrunner for DW, you have a responsibility to the past writers to show some respect. The way RTD is handling the Flux is fine, but you can't erase the Timeless Child because it doesn't fit with your own version of Doctor Who. It has been done, get over it. USE it.
39. *Splutters* "I made a jigsaw out of your history". You will NOT be taking responsibility for the Timeless Child like this. You will not have a villain create the Timeless Child just to erase it. AND YOU TOOK THE MASTER FROM ME? MY FAVORITE MASTER? YOU TOOK SPYDOC FROM ME? Holy shit I need a drink. My rage is unfathomable.
40. To be fair, seriously, it's good writing if it WASN'T Doctor Who. I am being fair. It's heart pounding, it's exciting, but it's not the same show or the reason I love the show.
41. ... Okay, NPH... Yeah. That scene. I'm not even going to hint about what scene I'm talking about. Everyone knows. It was a 10/10 performance. It was fantastic. There's no criticism, I'll be watching that ten million times. (Damn shame they didn't let him sing it though).
42. The speech the Doctor is making to the Toymaker sounds AWFULLY familiar, doesn't it? Perhaps, the Master, once again? The Doctor just picks these god-like entities and goes "I will love you" and clings on for dear life. I assure you, somewhere in that tooth the Master is screaming "YOU ASKED ME FIRST".
44. "We can be celestial." Someone tell me if DT played Crowley season 2 before or after this. I could HEAR Crowley on that last word, come on now.
ALL BECAUSE HE WANTS TO KEEP DT. Someone sedate me, I'm going to be the one being on walls and screaming soon. Fuck me. Let the Doctor go! That's the whole bloody point. I can't with this. If you haters out there accept this one I don't want anyone ever coming at me about the Timeless Child again. I'll just throw pictures of up this regeneration scene with a bunch of arrows. And not to mention, I hate this idea? I hate it. I hate it. Regeneration was about change and rebirth, now it's about adding a little hint of something new. It was about letting go, getting ready for a new future, handing someone else the torch of this beautiful show. Oh my god, I hate it here. I'm STAYING for Nucti. I'm honoring his first performance, but I am pissed. I might not even be able to write more.
46. "Do you come in a range of colors." What. What kind of line is that? What... Why did we even have to mention that? He also comes with a different gender, Donna, I don't think his "color" matters. That was the point of the first special, if you could remember that.
I'm taking an effing walk... Off a bridge at this point.
47. Why didn't we give the 15th Doctor trousers? We didn't give 14 13's clothes now did we? But we can have the 15 Doctor running around half naked... On a family show? Come on now.
48. We... We really... We really wasted the Toymaker with a game of catch. Really. I was just complimenting the writing and then we did that?
49. I'm loving 15's care and love. His openness. Is this the Doctor forgiving himself?
50. Oh hey, what lovely person took the Master from that gold tooth, eh? Maybe... Missy, perhaps?
51. MENTION THE TIMELESS CHILD YOU FUCKING COWARD OH MY GOD. Not you, 15, you're great sweetie. RTD MENTION THE PROPER PAST YOU ASS. You can mention all the past adventures but not the latest one? Seriously?
52. Something, something, so glad 14 got a happy ending, something something, wish 13 had that, something something, too bad Chibnall followed the rules of regeneration just as all the writers did beforehand SOMETHING SOMETHING.
53. I'm getting the mildest hint of karma because I never understood why people said the couldn't understand Jodie... I'm actually having a bit of a hard time with Nucti lmao. I always use subtitles so it doesn't matter to me, but just thought I'd mention that.
54. Nucti better kiss a man full of the mouth. He is... Quite something. Jack Harkness would faint.
55. I have a question. How is 15 older? Isn't it like 2.2 seconds only, if anything?
56. I really am glad that 14 got a family. It is beautiful.
I usually do like a summary or whatever but I'm just so bitter and pissed. Here, 3/10, two of those points are for 15 and one is for the Toymaker... Even if the Toymaker character was wasted.
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Sky - Bangchan one shot
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You had been looking forward to this day the most throughout your trip to Australia. Seeing the Mamma Mia musical in Sydney. You grew up with ABBA songs as they were your parents’ favorite band.
Getting your ticket scanned, you made your way to the pit. With your seat in the second row, you giddily waited for the musical to start. You were used to traveling alone and spending time on a solo show. Visiting a musical on your own was no big deal.
The orchestra began to play, the familiar melody of Mamma Mia playing. And then you saw the actress playing the role of Sophie tonight. She was gorgeous.
Shortly enough in the show was when you saw him. The actor playing Sky. He was handsome, dimples appearing when he flashed a smile. Slim but muscular build, his wavy dark hair made the perfect Sky for the role. He hit the notes perfectly and performed like he was born to be on stage. He captivated your attention whenever he was on stage, even overpowering the solos of Donna.
During the encore when the cast plaid “Dancing Queen”, you danced along with the crowd, singing your heart out.
“You can dance!”, you sang and pointed your heart out. And froze. The actor in Sky was pointing at you too. He looked at you curiously before flashing a smile and returning to the choreography. You blinked and returned to the crowds, swaying to the music. It was like the world had stopped for a couple of seconds.
After the show was done, you happily skipped through the streets, the songs of Mamma Mia still ringing in your ears. The musical did not disappoint you, it was the perfect way to end your trip.
Another glance at your phone showed you that your bus was coming in 10 minutes. Your AirPods battery had run out earlier in the day so you looked up, looking around the nightlife of Sydney. You were standing next to a mother and her younger son. Probably waiting for the same bus.
And then another person stepped closer to you. You turned your head, just to be safe, who it was.
It was the actor!
You gasped as you realized it was him. He looked even more handsome up close, out of his show clothes. He had removed his makeup, his eyebrows looked a bit shuffled. Making him look younger.
He then turned his head too, and his eyes widened. “Oh, weren’t you in the show just now?”. He recognized you. Oh wow. You nodded shyly. “Yes, I was. It was a great show, by the way. You did an amazing job”, you complimented him with the truth. He flashed you a smile and your knees threatened to give up. He was so beautiful-
“Thank you! It’s my first big job on stage so I’m doing my best. It means a lot to me to hear this. Are you on your own?”, he then looked around to see if you were accompanied by someone. You nodded at the guy. “Yes, I’m traveling on my own. It’s my last night here in Australia actually”
Why were you telling a stranger this information? But he looked very trustworthy, in your defense. Tell this to the police officers when they found your body.
“Oh, that’s very brave, respect. And you liked your stay?”
“Yes, it was the best solo travel session I had so far”
He mirrored your smile and then tilted his head. “Would you… like to grab something together? Like ice cream? It’s a bit too late for coffee but maybe we could chat a little. I promise you, I’m not trying to lure you into something!”, he shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. You thought for a second before you nodded. “Sounds good actually. What’s your name by the way? I’m Y/N”
“It’s Chris. Technically my Korean name is Bang Chan but everyone calls me Chris”
“What would you like me to call you?”
His lips turned into a grin and you just said: “please don’t say the pickup line with TONIGHT”. He laughed heartily and shook his head.
“You can call me either. I’m fine with both. You have a very pretty name”
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hello! Would you write a (season five Michael Kelso scenario where he and reader broke up on good terms for some reason and they are still friends (but they still love each other) So say the group goes to some event with each other (like a dinner or something for a school event) and there’s live music and like an hour or so after being there Kelso Excuses himself to go the the “restroom” and a few minutes later he’s on stage embarrassing himself singing the readers favorite song to win them back and it’s just super awkward and stuff but he thinks it’s the best way because he’s Kelso 💀 thank you!!
Take a Chance on Me (Michael Kelso X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Senior year had been full of ups and downs for the gang. After having to convince some of your friends, you all go to the last dance of the year. Your ex-boyfriend Michael Kelso has a secret plan to get you back.
It was just another day in Eric Forman’s basement. Everyone sat in their unassigned assigned spots watching cartoons, wondering what to do for the weekend.
“We could go to the Hub,” Eric suggested, absentmindedly playing with Donna’s hair.
“Nah, we go there too much,” Hyde said. He tapped a random beat with his foot, trying to think. “We could go to the drive-in.”
“We have no money.” Fez countered. It was true; besides Jackie, the group was pretty broke.
“And all the movies there suck anyway,” Donna added.
“We could go to Spring Fling.” Kelso shrugged like he didn’t care about his own idea.
“Ew, I don’t wanna go to a stupid dance,” Hyde said with a sneer. You lit up, thinking about Kelso’s suggestion.
“You know, I bet it wouldn’t be that bad. It might be fun.” The others didn’t look too convinced. “Come on, guys. Spring Fling is the last event of the school year; we should go!” Jackie gasped, suddenly interested in the conversation. She turned in Hyde’s lap to face him, arms hooking around his neck.
“Oh, please, Steven, let’s go!”
“No, I don’t wanna.”
“Jackie, I don’t wanna go to a stupid dance.” Jackie pouted, staring down at him. After a moment, he broke, letting out a long sigh. “Fine.” She clapped with glee.
“See, guys, if Hyde’s gonna go, then it can’t be that bad.” You said. After a minute of thought, everyone agreed. Jackie jumped from Hyde’s lap, grabbing your and Donna’s wrists.
“Come on! You guys gotta help me pick out what to wear!”
After looking through her closet, Jackie decided she didn’t like any of her clothes enough to wear to Spring Fling. So the three of you loaded into your car and went to the mall.
“Oh my gosh, Y/n, you should get this. It’s totally your color.” Jackie said, holding a dress up to your view.
“Jackie, we’re here because you wanted to shop.” 
“I know, but it’s so cute.” She held the dress against your body, and even though you didn’t necessarily need it, you did agree. “Michael would absolutely die.” You immediately pushed the dress away.
“No, he wouldn’t.”
“Yes, he would,” Donna interjected. “The entire ride to and from California, all he did was talk about you.” Now that surprised you.
Before he and Donna ran away to California in the summer, you and Michael Kelso had been dating for almost two years. But you had accidentally scared him off from talks of the future, your future together in particular. It broke your heart when he left without even a note. But miraculously, when he and Donna were brought back by Eric, you two remained good friends.
So the fact that the man who was supposed to love you and then abandoned you apparently only thought about you when he was gone was utterly baffling.
“Well, either way, I don’t care.” You responded. But you did care. And Donna and Jackie knew it too. Jackie held the dress to you again.
“At least try it on, Y/n. You’d look hot.” 
“Fine.” You yanked the hanger out of her hand and stalked off to the fitting rooms. “But I’m not doing it for Kelso!”
You didn’t try the dress on for him, but Kelso was definitely part of the reason why you bought it. You and the girls got ready at your house while you waited for the guys to come pick you up. Part of you wanted to just go in your own car and meet them at the dance, but everyone insisted they go together.
A few honks alerted you and the girls that the boys were in the driveway waiting. You all rushed down the stairs and walked out to see Kelso’s van. He rolled down the window, sticking his head out.
“Y/n, you can come sit up front.” Jackie and Donna smirked, pushing you toward the front while they went to sit in the back. Kelso reached over to open the door for you, and you climbed in. Music played as he drove, everyone talking in the back. “You look pretty.” You were taken off guard by how shy he sounded. He glanced at you, borderline staring whenever you were at a stoplight.
“Thanks.” You looked at him, clearing your throat. “You look pretty too.” You wanted to slap yourself. You tried to compliment him back but didn’t know what to say. Before you could correct yourself, he grinned. He grinned the way he did when you complimented him when you were dating, equally shy and prideful from your attention.
The gym was filled by the time you got to the school. You were honestly surprised that this many people had come to a school event that wasn’t prom. But it seemed like everyone was having fun, especially with the live music. It seemed to be a group of underclassmen that didn’t have anything better to do.
“When can we leave?” Hyde immediately asked. Jackie slapped his arm, telling him to behave.
“We can’t leave yet hide.” Fez rolled his eyes as if Hyde had forgotten an important part of the night that would be happening at this dance. “We have to stay for when Kelso-”
“Hey, Fez, there’s a snack table. Go nuts.” Kelso interrupted, pushing his friend away. The rest of the group dispersed, leaving you and Kelso to dance, which was really just shifting your weight from foot to foot in time to the music.
“What was Fez talking about?” You asked. Kelso laughed nervously, waving his hand.
“Oh, nothing. We gave him some chocolate before we left, and you know how he gets.” Sensing he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, you nodded and pointed behind him.
“I think I’m gonna get some punch.”
“I’ll go with you.”
Like a shadow, Kelso stayed close to you for the rest of the night. But not in a weird way. In fact, it comforted you that he was near you like he used to be. He only left you to go to the bathroom, so now you waited for him in the crowd of friends and strangers. You were talking to Donna about something when she nudged your shoulder and pointed behind you towards the makeshift stage. You turned around confused but soon became horrified.
Michael Kelso was standing on stage, staring at you while he adjusted the height on the microphone stand, and the band behind him started playing a familiar tune.
“I’d like to dedicate this song to Y/n L/n.” He announced quickly before he ran out of intro music. He then went on to sing Take a Chance on Me from ABBA, smiling dumbly at you the entire time. For some verses, he would do little dances or act out the lyrics. He wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t necessarily good either. Everyone laughed, including the gang, but he didn’t care.
While Michael sang, you were hit with a flood of memories. This song played on the jukebox during your first date at the Hub. He was so nervous, which made you giggly because he had never acted so scared around you. That night, he walked you home and kissed you at the door; the rest was history.
It was a history that you wanted to keep buried. He had left you because he was scared about having a future with you, throwing away the good years between you when he ran to California.
But along with that history was your love for Michael Kelso. And everything was starting to come up to the surface.
Suddenly, he was standing in front of you. The song was over, and the band was now playing something else, distracting everyone around you, so you could only focus on each other.
“I want you back.” The statement hit you like a ton of bricks as if he hadn’t just dedicated a serenation to you of what you considered to be your song. “Please, Y/n. I want another chance.”
“You left me.” You don’t know why you said that. You wanted to say, ‘Yes, Michael Kelso, I’ll give you another chance because I never stopped loving you.’ But you guessed that your brain overrode your heart because it was supposed to know better.
“I know.” He sounded so sad and full of regret. “I freaked out.”
“You ran over 2,000 miles away.”
“I know.” Kelso started to sound defeated, which broke your heart. “I, I was scared. I didn’t think I was ready for anything after graduation. So when you started talking about life after high school, I realized I had no idea what to do.”
“Micah, please tell me there’s a ‘but.’” Calling him by the nickname only you would call him felt so natural, and he almost melted at the name like he used to. But he had to focus.
“But, when I was in California, I would try thinking about what I wanted to do if and when I came back to Point Place. And every time I had an idea, you were there. Every single time.”
You were speechless. In all the years you had known Michael, he was never this articulate or romantically outspoken with his feelings. Based on your expression, he knew you didn’t know what to say but would allow him to keep talking. So he did.
“I’m not going anywhere this time. I swear. I’ll get on my knees and beg you if I have to, Y/n. Please, all I need is one more chance.” He started to get nervous because you were still silent. You just stared at him. “Say something.”
“Okay.” It was quiet, and he shouldn’t have been able to catch it because of how loud and crowded the gym was, but he did. He grinned.
“Okay?” You nodded in confirmation.
“Okay.” You stood on your toes and threw yourself on him, arms around his neck and head buried in his shoulder. On instinct, Kelso wrapped his arms around your waist, slightly lifting you off the ground. You pulled your head up to look at him, noses bumping. “But just one chance.”
“That’s all I need, Baby.” He leaned forward and kissed you while you still dangled in the air. Your friends were probably freaking out at the sight, and other Spring Fling participants probably wished you would move because you were borderline making out on the dance floor. But none of that mattered. In your head, it was just you, Michael Kelso, and a new chance.
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