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signorpaolinopaperino · 2 years ago
hey! This blogs been mostly-dormant for a while but I will be uploading some issues + scanlations soon :)
It’s not super-organized right now but you can take a look at my comic tracker trello board (in pinned) to see what’s coming soon (and what I’ve already done but haven’t posted yet lol)
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expression-of-doubt · 6 months ago
Man, you look like you’ve had a hell of a night. You get any sleep?
Kinda. I went down this rabbit hole at like three in the morning – bad idea. Anyway, I’m here now, so might as well get done with it.
You spent the whole night reading some dumb shit on the internet?
Nah, it was about this woman. Real mean kinda bitch. Had a pretty rough life… or something like that.
Man, you really need to get laid. Less reading about them and more talking to them, alright?
Why are you wincing at me, man? You know I’m looking out for you! Besides, what’s so special about your girlfriend? She got a number?
Yeah, if you like women with a body count.
Shit, what kinda whores you be reading about, man? You looking for a woman with experience? There’s plenty of fish in the sea for you to be fishing upstream.
No, I meant like an actual body count.
I always knew you was into crazy. Though now I’m starting to get interested. What this crazy bitch do? How much time she doing?
Never caught her, apparently. I haven’t really gotten to the end of it, but she was out for revenge on some old guy, who really messed with her head. Ended up doing some fucked up shit and killed a couple dozen people to get to the fucker and get him to look her in the eyes.
Sounds like just about any woman I know. If she’s such a big deal, then how come I’ve never heard of any of this on TV?
Website said it was in one of them eastern bloc countries. No info coming in or out, ya know? Tight ship. Press kept quiet about the whole thing just so that they could save face. Ended up brushing the whole thing under the rug.
Hold on, hold on… some true-crime-ass bitch shows up and starts murdering people left, right, and centre, and all they do over there is tough it out with their tail between their legs? What kind of stupid, made up, conspiracy theories are you reading, man? Eastern bloc, my ass… Those fuckers would fuck her up and not think twice about it.
If you won’t take it from me, here, see for yourself: https://www.thebackgroundworld.net/cases/poison-ivy.html
Nah, man. I ain’t about to be getting no malware from no cyber cult or whatever you’re into. She’s all yours! Sounds just like your type too – crazy and 100% fictional.
You’re the one that asked. Suit yourself.
Man, shut up and show me where you hid the stuff. You did do what I asked you to, right?
Yeah, they’re in the back of the car under the spare tyre. Here’s the keys. There’s also one in the glovebox in case some shit happens on the way there.
Alright! Now we’re talkin’!
This better not come back to bite me in the ass.
Man, when we flip this shit, you ain’t gotta worry about nothing no more. You can buy yourself a bunker somewhere out there in the Midwest and fuck around with your psychopathic commie girlfriend as much as you like. Meanwhile, I’ll be living large down south with supermodels and that top shelf kinda booze you can only order when you have a pool with name tiled on the bottom of it.
Just get out of here before I change my mind.
“Why yes Mr. Sumner, would you like more champagne? Certainly, Mr. Sumner, I’ll go fetch it now!” Phahahaha!
That car better come back in once piece when you get back – it was my dad’s. It’s a lease.
You worry too much, man. I’mma head out. Beat the traffic. Better take a good look at me while you can, cuz next time you see me, I’ll be looking like a million bucks!
Yeah, I bet.
He just left. Headed north – north-west. We got all of that on tape, right?
You bet. We’re waiting for him a couple of miles down. Good work.
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night-will-fall · 4 years ago
ok i have a quick rant on the Darkling/Darklina/Shadow and Bone trilogy i have to get out. i genuinely feel she let down his character, alina’s character, and in general the whole arc of the narrative.
**i want to clarify first that I am not anti Leigh. i’ve tagged that per someone’s request, but the truth is i simply feel that anybody who decides to put a story out there in the world, or any kind of writing, will be subject to criticism. that’s part of writing, it’s part of art, and it’s just part of creation and the real world, no matter your intentions or motivations for your piece. just like this post—it should be subject to criticism, too. that’s how discussion happens and people learn. it’s not an attack on the original writer because the writer is not their work. i love Leigh and her choice to put her stories out in the world, even if i disagree with some of the choices she made. it’s only because of her that we get to have these conversations about our favorite characters in the first place. (I also don’t think it’s fair to her and all the work she put into SEVEN novels to reduce the decisions she made about her characters and plots to ‘coping’ — just my two cents. I’m sure her trauma influenced her work, it’s hard to imagine otherwise. but I doubt she or anyone else would vouch for people refusing to critique their work because of something she went through that does not define her.)**
the problem i have with Leigh’s writing of the Darkling is that after Shadow & Bone, it was so forced. she wrote him doing all of these implausibly horrible things after the fans started to like him to force it down our throats that he was the irredeemable villain. and yet when he was first introduced, i was so hopeful that this character called ‘the Darkling’, a shadow summoner and master of darkness, wouldn’t fall into the predictably, disappointingly easy trope of evil as darkness and good as light. so when she did exactly that, it felt like a betrayal of the character after he had already begun to take on a life and heart of his own. we connected to him. and she did her very best to sever that connection in favor of an emotionally manipulative boy who did almost nothing to help alina grow. Mal actually hindered and harmed her growth, constantly guilting her for having wants, desires, and feelings of her own that didn’t revolve around him, whereas the Darkling never wanted her to be anything but herself. he, like her, was capable of seeing the bigger picture, whereas Mal was an absurdly selfish and bizarre character that cared about none of that (and didn’t even “want” alina until she was famous and desired ?!! like come on). i sincerely can’t believe he was intended to be the love interest we connected with and rooted for.
and i know she likely had personal reasons for characterizing Aleksander the way she did, possibly attempting to embody anecdotal experiences with a specific person who did her harm in her own life, but with this character it felt unnatural and forced. she basically ignored of all of his character’s potential as a complex, nuanced human tortured by watching generations of his people’s pain, trauma, exploitation, murder, etc. (even if it was true that he had eroded morally/emotionally because of the mervost and centuries of standing witness to these atrocities), ironically dismissing his potential to grow in a story that was supposed to be all about growth (another narrative failure i won’t get into here). not to mention that his mission’s intent wasn’t even inherently evil (morally grey at worst, which is so much more compelling than pure evil anyway, which makes it extra disappointing that she bungled this), and by the end of the series all of his completely valid points just went unaddressed and people continued to suffer for it. his attempts to solve that problem were simplistically reduced and deemed as plain ‘evil’, with very few people recognizing the deep empathy and collective pain that drove his actions—something that alina actually did understand. 
i feel bad for him. that’s why i like him and that’s why i like Darklina. he deserved better, and so did alina. their chemistry was so eloquently written (and portrayed in the show) and i truly believe they could’ve helped each other grow. but we never got a chance to see or explore that because of how Bardugo’s personal feelings obscured the natural direction of her characters’ development, ultimately doing a serious disservice to her narrative (she does this a few times — prioritizes certain plotlines and actions that she wants to include even if they don’t align with the natural progression of the story). she tries to make us believe certain things and feel certain ways about her characters and plot points in opposition of the simple truth that they just don’t fit. alina’s character essentially ends up right where she started with only a few slight differences, one of them being the loss of power, which was something that made her uniquely, intrinsically her, and was cruelly ripped away in a nonsensical punishment for what? daring to trust? daring to break away from the insecure hold Mal had over her, and constantly used against her? daring to grow and learn? daring to delve deeper into her own power as a Grisha? daring to connect with the Darkling and the nobility of his motives? it was all around just a sad and disappointing direction to take a story that had so much potential to be powerful and different.
[not to mention all of the beautiful balance in the light/shadow trope, the star-crossed lovers torn apart by situational and ideological conflict, the novelty of their powers and their mirroring inabilities to “fit in” or find others like them, like. come ON, that could have been so great. ugh. just to abandon it all for dusty, insecure Malware. pls.]
ok end rant. thank you if you read my heated word vomit.
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babbysquid · 4 years ago
Not A Whiskey Drinker
Author’s Note: Okay weeee I’m super excited about this. I’m really happy with how this first chapter turned out and I already have plans for future chapters. I am such a sucker for Whiskey and I can’t wait to write more.
Warnings: some slight cursing
Length: 1,934 words
For as much as you loved New York City, you absolutely hated its winters. Snow in the countryside was beautiful; white and fluffy, it stayed perfect for days on end. Snow in the concrete jungle however; wet, slushy, and turned disgusting in a matter of hours. Trudging your way through Central Park, the snow and salt crunching beneath your feet, you mind drifted. You had just been let go from you recent job, a personal assistant at a high end marketing office. Sighing to yourself and thinking about the possibility of moving back home your foot slipped. Before you could catch yourself you shut your eyes tight, preparing to land hard on your ass. But that smack never came. Opening one eye you were standing face to face with…
“A cowboy?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow at the man in front of you.
“In the flesh.” came the sweetest accent.
Opening your other eye you realized that the cowboy in front of you had snaked a hand around your waist. No wonder you hadn’t fallen. A beat passed and you realized the cowboy still had his arm around you. You stepped away and out of his hold.
“Thank you.” you said, giving an awkward cough and taking a closer look at you savior.
Not to be a cliché, but he was tall, dark, and handsome. Atop his head was a black Stetson, an odd sight in the middle of New York City. He had a perfectly trimmed mustache, and a small smirk underneath it. You silently thanked the cold for hiding the blush that crept up your face. The redness could easily be passed off as a flush from the biting wind.
“Anytime darlin’.” he said, shooting you a wink with eyes that you felt could swallow you whole. “Anyways, I best be on my way.”
Giving you a dazzling smile, he tipped the end of his hat with a gloved hand and brushed past you. You could’ve sworn that his hand grazed yours, but because of your thick mittens it was hard to tell.
Shivering slightly to yourself, you pulled your coat tighter around you and continued your walk to your apartment.
Unlocking your door and sighing to yourself you looked around your small studio apartment. It wasn’t much, but over the past year it had become your home. Shucking your jacket off you headed to the couch and sat down to pull off your shoes.
‘Guess I won’t be here much longer’ you thought to yourself.
After making yourself a steaming cup of tea you decided you may as well look at your email. Two days ago when you were told of your “dismissal” you had signed up for a couple different job search sites. If you were lucky enough maybe someone would offer you an interview, but your hopes were low.
You crossed your legs underneath you trying to generate as much heat as possible. As much as you loved your tiny apartment, it was an older building so the heating was shit to say the least. You clicked on the mail icon on your desktop and silently prayed to yourself. 10 new emails. Maybe there was hope.
10 Kale Dishes That’ll Be Sure To WOW Your Houseguests!
Most of the emails were similar to those: junk and spam, until your eyes landed on the last email.
RE: Y/N Y/L/N Job Opportunity FOUND!
Your eyes widened at the subject. Clicking on the email you realized that it wasn’t a scam, it had really come from one of the job search sites. Swallowing hard you hoped that it wasn’t just an offer from one of those salad making chain restaurants. You had your fair share of beginner jobs; barista, Subway, etc. After getting a taste of something more professional, you knew that that’s where you were meant to be. Besides, the pay that Starbucks gave was certainly not enough to live in New York City on your own.
Dear Ms. Y/L/N,
My name is Mr. Daniels and I am writing to inform you of opening at Statesmen Brewery, the New York City branch. I have been in search for a PA since my previous one left. After reading your resume I have become very interested in your skills and talents. Please let me know what days you are free in the coming week.
Jack Daniels
Head of Statesmen NYC Branch
You snorted at the sign off. There was no way someone’s real name was Jack Daniels and worked for a brewery. It was comedic to say the least, but there was no harm in responding to his email and getting an interview. Maybe this was your chance to stay in the city you loved, even if its winter was disgusting. Taking a sip of your tea you started to write out your response.
Mr. Daniels,
Thank you so much for your offer. I am very interested in an interview and am free Monday all day. Please let me know what time is best for you. Is there anything specific I should bring besides a printout of my resume and documents?
Thank you for your consideration,
It was currently Friday so you had the whole weekend to prep yourself for the interview. If you were honest, the idea of an interview created a small pit in your stomach. It had been over a year since you’d been interviewed for a job.
May as well do some research on Statesmen.
Pulling open a new browser you typed in ‘Statesmen Brewery’ and clicked on their website. Clearly the company had some tech savvy people working for them as their website was modern and easy to navigate.
Statesmen Brewery has been brewing fine whiskey since 1885 and serving people all across the country and world.
No wonder you never heard of the company, you had never been big on whiskey.
The brewery had its start in a small barn in Kentucky and has since expanded to include two offices in New York, New York and Los Angeles, California. While our reach is wide, we consider every employee and consumer of our alcohol a close family member.
The rest of the front page went on to describe their whiskey and how smooth it was, as well as some fun facts about the company. You closed your laptop and picked up your tea, holding it close to your face and letting go of the tension in your shoulders that you didn’t realize was there. Before you could fully relax you heard your phone buzz on the couch cushion next to you.
It was your best friend Parker. When you first moved to NYC you decided to visit a small bookstore/coffee shop and accidentally grabbed the wrong drink. Turns out that drink belonged to Parker. She had come to the coffee shop to work on a script for an up and coming TV show that was set to be filmed in the city. The two of you became fast friends. You were slightly jealous of the girl as she really had landed her dream job.
Opening the text she had sent it was a photo of her holding a script she had written. Her round face was pulled up into a smile, her auburn hair slightly frizzed from what seemed to be an all nighter. You smiled at the photo and read the text that followed.
Guess who just finished her first script for SVU!
Quickly you typed out a response:
Congrats! Proud of you P. I have some good news too. Landed an interview with a fancy brewery.
Suddenly your phone buzzed nonstop, Parker was calling you.
You pressed the button to answer the phone and before you could say anything a scream hit your ears.
“Haha, thanks Parker. Honestly I’m a bit nervous. I did some research and the company seems to be a pretty big deal.”
“What’s the company?”
“Statesmen Brewery.”
“Oh shit my parents love their stuff.”
“I literally know nothing about whiskey other than the fact that I don’t like it. I feel stressed. The interview is on Monday.”
“I’ll come over tomorrow and help you with prep. Also you know I gotta help pick out the perfect interview outfit.”
“Thanks babe. You’re the best.”
“I know.”
You snorted at her response. Parker was confident, and more importantly confident in you. The thought of having her help you prep eased the knot in your stomach.
The rest of the afternoon was spent talking to Parker over the phone. Eventually the two of you ended your call and you were left to do some random chores around your place. As you mopped the floor you slipped a bit but caught yourself before you fell over. Your mind flashed back to earlier in the day.
At the time you didn’t realize how strong the cowboy’s grip was, but it was not overpowering. You remembered how gentlemanly he was. Looking back on it you tried to remember his face. While it was a short interaction, you couldn’t deny that he was easy on the eyes. Sighing softly you tried to remember the last time you went on a date. It had been several months ago. Your busy PA job never really allowed for romantic relationships. Shaking your head you got on with your day, finishing your chores, eating some leftover Chinese food for dinner, and sinking deep into your bed.
You were awoken by a knock on your door. Grunting as you got out of bed you swung open the door. The only person who would bother to come over without letting you know was Parker. Your suspicions were correct as she walked through the threshold and made herself at home, talking a mile a minute the entire time.
“Okay so first we need to talk about clothing options.” she said dumping her bag on your couch.
“Not prepping for the interview?” you said giving her a confused look.
Parker sighed.
“Look, I already know you have this interview in the bag. Sure, you may not like whiskey, but you are a wonderful person. While you may be stubborn” you frowned at her comment, “that can be super helpful in interviews. You are a go getting Y/N. I have no doubts about that.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Fashion show time!” she said, opening the small closet and rummaging around to find something suitable.
After an hour had passed the two of you finally settled on a suitable outfit. It was professional but still had a touch of you in it. A simple black skirt with a fun silky button down shirt that had a cool pattern on it. As you looked at yourself in the mirror you couldn’t deny that Parker knew what she was doing when it came to fashion.
“Okay finishing touch time.” she said as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt.
“Parker! This is a job interview, not a date.”
“Ugh. It’s a brewery, they’re gonna be more relaxed about these things. Plus you never know, this Jack Daniels could be a cutie.” she said, giving you a wink.
You chuckled and shook your head. Parker was eccentric but you really did love her. You still had a small bit of anxiety running through your body, but the help of your best friend made you feel more positive about Monday. Maybe you’d be able to stay in New York. Maybe this job might be better than the previous.
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waywardwrestlewritingwaif · 4 years ago
The Wages of Sin
Before I found tumblr, I seriously believed I was the only person on Earth whose pulse went up when Samoa Joe appeared. He just broadcasts pure dominant energy and power. I miss seeing him in the ring but I’m glad he’s still on my tv on a (mostly) weekly basis. 
Pairing: Samoa Joe x reader
Word count: 3,732
Content advisory: BDSM smut
It was all you could do not to roll your eyes at his expression when you came in the door. It was always the same with men: they called to have a computer technician come over and when a woman showed up, they looked at you like there had been some mistake. Some would even be so gauche as to ask if you were qualified to do this sort of work. This guy wasn’t that bad but when he saw you, his eyes swept up and down over your body, lingering on your breasts longer than he should have before he waved you inside with nothing more than a grunt. 
“The computer’s in the office,” he informed you. “First door on the left back there. Off the kitchen. It’s been slowing down for a while and now it won’t even start up.”
“Ok. Other than slowing down, have there been any other problems you’ve noticed, Mr…” 
“Joe,” he grunts. “Joe is fine. And yeah, there have been a bunch of programs crashing.”
“Well, Joe, why don’t we have a look and see what the problem is?”
You head in the direction that he’s indicated and enter a neatly organized office space. There’s a desk in one corner, but the room is dominated by a large section coach flanked  by a couple of odd looking benches. It’s strange, because there’s no television in the room, no books, nothing that would indicate this was a place where one would sit and relax. You shrug it off. Maybe he likes to take a nap after he’s done working. Maybe this is where he takes women to seduce them.
Immediately, you try to push that image from your mind. You hate to admit it, even to yourself, but when he gave you that once-over, you’d felt a shiver run through your whole body. He was massive and while at first glance he’d appeared fat, you quickly saw that he was just powerfully built. As he stood behind you and watched what you working, he unbuttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt, pushing them up and revealing forearms like iron girders, the kind of arms you could imagine holding you down with ease, choking you, forcing you to do whatever he wanted. 
You try to shake those thoughts out of your head and focus on the task at hand. You boot up his computer in safe mode and, once you’re able to get a look around, it’s clear that the problem is a large number of files that have taken up so much space that the computer barely has any available memory to launch or run anything. On top of that, there are multiple malware programs that are deviously working away. You’ll have to work on those right away in order to get the computer stable enough for you to see the files and try to clear out some space. 
He stands behind you as you start to untangle the electronic knots, his breath heavy and incredibly distracting. 
“This is gonna take me a while,” you tell him.
“Well I’ll leave you to it then.” His tone is friendly but there’s a dark undertone to it, like he can see inside your mind and know that he’s having an effect on you. 
Once he’s gone, you settle down and focus on the task at hand. He pokes his head in a couple of times but leaves you alone otherwise. It’s just as well because what he’s got is a real mess and it takes a lot of work to identify and then scrub the malware. Normally, you could run a program to deal with the majority of the work but his computer is so unstable that it can’t run anything, meaning that you have to do everything manually. 
Thirteen programs. It takes two and a half hours but you’re finally able to remove all traces of the thirteen programs that have contaminated his hard drive. The early winter light is already starting to fade and now you have to start isolating files. Protocol is that you identify duplicates and separate them onto a second drive without ever looking but everyone takes a peek to see what secrets a client has. Nine times out of ten it’s porn, usually varying flavors of vanilla. It’s never happened to you personally, but a couple of the people you work with have found photos or videos of kids, something that immediately gets reported to the cops. (Peeking at a client’s files is unethical but not illegal, meaning that what the technician sees is fair game.)
When you see that the files are almost all videos, you figure you pretty much know what you’re in for. The nature of the videos, though, is more than you bargained for. This is hardcore stuff, all women getting flogged and bound and taken roughly in every hole as they scream in pain and ecstasy at the same time. There are dozens if not hundreds like this and mixed in among them are videos of Joe himself, proudly displaying his naked body and a thick cock that you can imagine would be rough to take even under normal circumstances.   
Watching all this, you feel your breathing grow faster and that familiar wetness in your core soaking your panties within minutes. The fact is that you’ve desperately wanted a man who’d take you like this, who’d use you and brutalize you, but you’d never found one. You’d eventually had to dump your last boyfriend because the sex was so boring you found yourself repulsed by it. You’ve watched plenty of videos like these at home, but knowing you were only a couple of rooms away from a man who clearly indulged in these activities a lot makes you squirm in your seat, trying to get some friction against the seam of your jeans to relieve a bit of the pressure. 
Your eyes flicker towards the benches you’d noticed when you came in and now you know what their purpose is. You open another file, Joe again with a woman tied up and bent nearly double, his hand wound around her pony tale as he pounds mercilessly into her. 
Looking once again at the benches, you imagine him strapping you to one and whipping you, making you beg for him. 
The woman in the video is screaming non-stop about how good he feels, how she deserves what she’s getting, welcoming every vile slur he hurls at her. 
You’re so caught up in what you’re seeing and in what you’re imagining that you don’t notice that the sound on this video is a fair bit higher than in the others, and are caught totally off-guard when you hear the voice behind you. 
“See something you like?” he drawls. 
Right away, you feel not just your face but your whole upper body grow hot with humiliation. It’s one thing for you to be fantasizing but this is you getting caught invading a customer’s privacy. Even if it’s understood that everybody does it, you’ll be lucky to keep your job if and when he complains. 
“Not really my scene,” you lie. “But I don’t judge. I just need to sort through stuff to free up some space. I’m going to install an external drive and move your videos there. It’s an extra charge but it’s not too much. You can call the office to find out the exact amount if you want.”
Joe gives a noncommittal sound and walks away without another glance. Your cheeks are still burning an hour later when you’ve dutifully moved the files onto the external drive, careful not to open a single one, even though you’re dying of curiosity. Trembling, you pack up your stuff and prepare to make a shame-faced exit. You’re wondering if you should just apologize to him, maybe say that you opened one of the files by accident and just started poking around, not quite believing what you were seeing. You’re unable to decide if that would be better than saying nothing and trying to pretend that nothing had happened. He’s standing in front of the door with an unfriendly look on his face. 
“Well,” you begin unsteadily, “you haven’t lost any files. There wasn’t any permanent damage, so other than moving some stuff to an external drive, everything will be exactly the way it was, but it’ll run a lot faster.” 
He folds his arms and looks down his nose at you without speaking. It takes you a few seconds to figure out what to say next under the weight of his stare. 
“There were a bunch of malware programs I had to remove. That was what was causing most of the problem. There are certain sites that tend to… have… lots of those things. Anyway, I installed newer antiviral software that should block them.”
You sound completely lost and you are. You feel like, rather than registering a complaint with your employer, Joe is preparing to kill you and eat you for violating his privacy. In the interest of getting out before you’re made into a main course, you opt to stop speaking and to leave the subject of your intrusion out of the conversation. 
As you reach for the doorknob, though, Joe presses his arm against the door and his scowl deepens. 
“You lied to me,” he seethes. 
“Excuse me?”
“Before. You were lying when you said you weren’t interested in those videos. I can always tell.”
“Oh,” you murmur, “about that. Look, I’m really sorry that I was going through your-”
“Yeah, that’s not what we’re talking about little girl.”
“It isn’t?” You feel yourself shrinking back from him and he leans closer as you do, until your back is pressed into the doorframe.
“No,” he purrs. “We’re talking about you and how you were turned on by what you saw. We’re talking about how your panties are probably still soaked because you were so excited.”
Your mouth opens and closes a few times as you fight to think of something to say. His broad chest is just inches from you, heat radiating from him and clouding your thoughts even more. 
“I have to go,” is what you’re eventually able to croak. 
“Is that so?” he hums. “Well I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna go get into something more comfortable. If you want to go, you go. I won’t stop you. But if you want to find out what I can do to you, what I can make you feel, then you get back in the office and wait for me.”
He steps back and heads up the stairs without another syllable, leaving you with a decision to make. There are assuredly better ways for you to find a man to dominate you. But you’ve seen what this man can do and you’ve felt the power and confidence roll off him, leaving you quivering inside and out. You take a deep breath and head back down to his office. 
He makes you wait. It’s a good fifteen or twenty minutes before he reappears wearing nothing but boxers, a towel over his shoulders and an arrogant expression that says he never had any doubt you’d be here. 
“Eyes down.” It’s an order, you know, even though he speaks as quietly as ever, and you immediately comply. 
You’re able to see him toss the towel on the sofa and you hear him opening something- a drawer?- and then close it again a second later. Whatever he was looking for, he knew exactly where it was. 
“Top off and hands behind your back.” His voice is behind you, even as ever. 
You comply right away, stripping yourself of your sweater and t-shirt, hesitating a little at the thought of removing your bra. 
“Everything off,” he whispers, much closer than he was before. 
Keeping your eyes on the floor, you remove it and try to steady your breath. You feel a light line traced across your back by something you can’t identify. It’s thin and pliable, but has some strength to it, like the branch of a sapling. It makes you shiver as he continues to move it softly back and forth across the widest part of your back. 
“So you like snooping around in other people’s things, do you?”
“No,” you stammer, “I don’t usually do that, I don’t know what I was-”
Immediately, there’s a sharp crack as he brings the branch-like thing, a riding crop, you guess, down on your back with force. You give a short scream and your breathing speeds up as you feel the pain leak from the narrow band of impact across your skin. 
“You’re lying to me again,” he taunts. “We both know you do that kind of thing all the time, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you gasp, trying to focus on anything but the pain and at the same time feeling the juices pooling between your thighs.
“What a bad girl you are.” You flex your muscles, anticipating another strike but he does nothing. You let yourself exhale and relax just a little and that’s when the second blow comes, even harder than the first. The scream you give is louder and tears spring to your eyes. Behind you, you hear him hum in satisfaction and it reverberates in your core. 
“You were watching quite a few of those videos. I saw you,” he continues, to your shame. “Tell me, what did you like the most about them?”
“I- I don’t know…”
This time, the strike hits the flesh of your inner arm, exposed because you have your hands clasped behind your back, the way he told you. 
“If you’re not going to be honest with me, this is going to be a very rough night for you.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” And there’s a sharp impact on your other arm that draws a sob and a long whine. 
“Get to the point, little girl.”
“I liked seeing you. I got turned on by what you were doing to those women because I’ve wanted someone to do those things to me.”
He presses himself against your back, running his thumb roughly along one of the whip marks he’s made there. “Now was that so hard?”
You shake your head, struggling to keep your eyes fixed on the ground as he circles around you. He presses the handle end of the riding crop- you were right about that- under your chin. 
“Look at me.”
You do as you're told, more tears dripping from your eyes as you lift your head. 
“Already crying? Are you sure you want this?”
“I do,” you assure him, nodding your head vigorously. 
“It only gets rougher from here,” he warns you. “So if you want it to stop…”
“I want to keep going.”
“So you think you deserve to be punished.”
“I do.”
“You know what you did was wrong. And you know that you’re a filthy girl for liking what you saw so much.”
“That’s ‘yes, sir’” he corrects you sharply. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you think about doing things like that when you’re by yourself? About big, mean taking whatever they want from you? About them hurting you and using you?”
You hear the sound of the riding crop cutting through the air, but not in time to brace yourself for the impact. It hits right across your nipples and if you had thought that the blows to your back and arms hurt, they were nothing compared to this. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir,” you sob. 
He snaps the riding crop across the same point, the center of both nipples, making you shriek. 
“Show me your hands.”
You lift them for his inspection and he whips your palms repeatedly, like you’re a misbehaving child. 
“Now take off the rest of your clothes,” he instructs. “And give me your panties.”
You move to follow the order, flinching in pain at having to use your wounded hands. He paces in front of you, seeming impatient but letting you take the time you need to get fully undressed. When you’re done, you offer him the garment he requested, which he snatches away from you. 
He smirks as he rolls them around in his hand. To your relief, he places the riding crop on the desk behind him before he approaches you. 
“What’s this?” he sneers, wiping the soaked cotton over your face. “Is this because of what you saw?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You liked it even more than I thought. You really are a dirty little slut. Do you think you deserve to be punished more?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ask me.”
“Please, sir,” you stammer, “I want you to punish me because I’m a dirty slut who got turned on watching your videos.”
He gives you a smirk that carries just a hint of approbation. “Very good, slut. Go kneel on the sofa, ass out, arms on the back.”
You scurry over and do exactly as you’ve been told. Once you’re in position, he follows you, hovering over you. 
“Your eyes stay straight ahead,” he cautions. 
He kneels on the sofa beside you and reaches down, producing a pair of handcuffs already attached to the old-fashioned heater, obviously installed for the purpose of chaining women in place. You let him take your wrists and manacle them, flinching because the metal is actually hot on your skin. Once again, he disappears behind you. 
His hand comes down on your ass with a thunderous noise and you swear you can feel the reverberations in your skeleton. You let out a half-gasp, half-cry but before you’re able to regroup, he smacks your other cheek just as hard, if not harder. He continues this, increasing the pace as he does until you’re screaming and crying. 
“Have you learned your lesson?”
“I… I think so?”
“I don’t know,” he muses, “your pussy is dripping. I think we might need to look at punishing you another way. I think I might have to pound that slit with my cock to show you what happens to dirty sluts who go looking at things they’re not supposed to.”
“Yes, sir, you should.”
“Is that what you really want?”
“Yes, please, sir, I want your cock.”
“What’s that?”
“Please fuck me, sir. Show me how bad I am.”
He bends over you, pushing his boxers off, and whispers harshly in your ear, “Well as long as you’re absolutely sure.”
You nod and he accepts that, grasping your bruised ass tightly and ramming into you like a jackhammer. He pounds relentlessly, leaving you with nothing to do but take what he’s giving, gasping and mewling in ecstasy as each brutal thrust seems to increase the sensitivity of your cunt, the sensation of pleasure flooding through you. 
“Is this what you needed?” he snarls, panting. 
“Yes, oh god, yes!” You’re a little shocked at the volume of your own voice but all you want to do is scream because what he’s giving you is what you’ve fantasized about for so long, what your body has always known it needed but could never get. You can feel every nerve rushing towards climax and just as you feel yourself teetering on the edge, he pulls out, pressing the tip of his dick against your tailbone, just above the crack of your ass, and he comes, the hot liquid trickling down between your ass cheeks and your swollen lips in streams. He traces the flow with his thick fingers, up and down, making you whine in need. Finally, he grabs the towel he brought with him and wipes you off. You’re still whimpering, moving your hips all around, searching for any kind of contract. 
He gives a dark chuckle and you hear him walk away. You want to cry but he’s back in a moment, close by you. Immediately, he starts to wind a rope around your legs, soft like silk and strong. He binds your thighs to your calves, your ankles together and then he flips you over, the chain on the handcuffs pulling your arms taut. 
You could not be more vulnerable, spread open before him. He wipes his dick across your chest to remove the remaining mix of your juices. 
“I’ll bet you think you deserve to come, now, don’t you?” 
“Yes, please sir.”
“Why should I let you.”
“I’ve tried to be good for you, sir. I’ve done everything you asked. I’m sorry I lied to you before but I told you the truth after. And you just turn me on so much, sir.”
He smirks again and plants his tree trunk of a thigh on the sofa between your legs. 
“Like this,” he growls. “You want to get off? You fuck yourself on my leg like an animal who doesn’t know any better.”
Part of you wants to resist, but you’re so desperate for it that you press yourself against him and start grinding into his thigh. You can feel the powerful muscle beneath the flesh as he flexes, giving you a little more friction. It’s still slippery and the way that you’re bound makes it difficult to move the way you need to, but you’re able to make it work. 
“Are you close?” he rasps. 
“So close, sir!”
“And am I good to you, letting you cum on my leg like this?”
“Yes, thank you!”
You thrust yourself even harder against him to add just the little bit more pressure that you need, moving faster as you can feel your orgasm ready to burst through you. 
And with a nasty grin, he steps back. 
Your clit is so engorged that the sensation of air hitting it is actually painful. Although you’d like to remain composed and be angry, you just sob, tears welling up yet again. 
“Why?” you cry at him. 
“You don’t get to cum until I decide you’re ready.”
“Please, sir, I’m begging you, I need to.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Not yet.”
He pulls his boxers back on and grabs the towel, heading towards the door. 
“Wait!” you yelp after him. “Where are you going?”
He laughs again, deep and almost demonic. “I’m a busy man. I’ve got a lot of things to do.”
“Aren’t you going to untie me?”
He smirks and throws the towel over his shoulders again. “Oh no. You’re gonna stay right there until I’m ready to use you again.”       
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danetobelieve · 5 years ago
Short Circuit || Jane and Winston
NB: This happened before the eye potw.
Ping. Jane swore quietly as another chat message popped up onto her computer. Admittedly, she wasn’t great with technology, but she knew how to use google like any other asshole. Except her work computer wouldn’t even let her use google. This had to be some sort of virus that Marley installed as a prank. It wouldn’t even let her force the machine to shut off and it hadn’t even run out of battery yet. Damn, she really regretted getting that replaced. She glanced over the message from KindledSpirit29. 
Why won’t you talk to me :’-(
She was certain that Marley had to have done it because her user name was SexyDetective. Nope, that did it. Jane slammed the laptop closed and tucked it under her arm as she went straight for Winston. She had an appointment with them to drop it off anyway, but this was getting ridiculous. “Hey Winston,” Jane said. “Here it is. Sorry, I swear I’ve tried everything, and the stupid thing won’t even shut off properly. It just starts flashing.” 
Winston had gotten permission from Roland to take the time off of work but they’d found themselves going in anyway. They’d wanted to be here with everyone else because at least then they weren’t alone with their own thoughts and they weren’t alone to crumble under Bea’s loss. Looking up, they shakily reached out and scooped up their mug of coffee and swallowed the cold dregs of it with a wince. They didn’t care enough to actually heat it up. “Hey Jane,” they said a little glumly but they could get away with acting as if they didn’t want to be at work, “don’t worry about it, from everything you’ve said to me it sounds like malware or something. I’m sure I can fix it. Let me take a look.” Winston had their recovery USB ready for this,  having all the software you needed in one place was a much more convenient way to do it. “Did you have to call yourself sexy detective though?” 
Oh shit, the kid looked pretty glum. Maybe Jane should have rescheduled or bothered her nephew to help her. He may be twelve, but that kid could do way more than her any day of the week. Maybe they just didn’t want to be at work. That tracked for a lot of twenty-something year olds. Still, she handed over her laptop, and shrugged. “I hope it’s that simple.” Computers were the devil - well, not really, but sometimes it seemed like every damn update they had were meant to muck up whatever older version was on there before and just cause more trouble. She frowned, looking at them. “I didn’t! At first it said DetectiveWu but it changed! Stryder must have changed it to be annoying.” Another ping from KindledSpirit29. 
Who is that? What are you doing?
Jane frowned. “Look at that. That’s creepy.”
 “That is really creepy,” Winston agreed with a frown as they plugged the USB drive into a port and began running various command lines to ping different functions and see just how deep the problem lay. “You think that Marley did this?” No offence, but Winston could already see from the sophistication of the design of the chat that this was not something that someone was just going to be able to pull up. This looked like a very specifically and deliberately designed function that someone had clear plans for. “Well, DetectiveWu, or sexydetective, I mean who am I to judge?” Winston was trying to be their usual sarcastic and jovial selves but right now it was hard. “I think that the problem is that whilst this just looks like a chat it is actually something more, i’ve heard that if you can talk to the bot it can give you answers which are clues on how to turn it off. I’ve never actually tried it but my only other idea is to entirely wipe the harddrive, so we might as well try that. Have you responded to any of the messages yet?” 
“You know, because of the prank war.” Jane looked over Winston’s should, watching them as they typed incoherent things onto the computer. Winston sounded like they doubted it, though. Jane frowned. “I don’t know how else it could have gotten on there, I have an airtight anti-virus on it. Or, well, it’s supposed to be an airtight antivirus…” Maybe someone had scammed her. That could always be a possibility but that was kind of annoying if that were true. Jane balked slightly when Winston said other than talking to it, the other option was to wipe her harddrive. Shit. She was sure she had a backup, but that was a lot of work. “No, I thought it was just some spam bot or something.”
I am not a spam bot! Talk to me :) Get rid of the kid. 
Jane wrinkled her nose. “Okay, maybe we should wipe the harddrive. That’s really freaky. How does it know - is it using my camera??” 
“Oh, right, yeah that was pretty funny for a few days although I’ve got to say you guys weren’t as imaginative as you could’ve been.” Winston didn’t want to brag but they were sure that they were more then capable of coming up with something better then the variety of pranks that Marley and Jane had played on one another. “Sometimes even if you’re really careful these things can happen, it’s fine, we can clean it up, I’d just rather not wipe everything if we can help it.” Winston examined the computer and frowned at the message. “I don’t think the camera’s on, but just in case.” They pulled a piece of masking tape off and firmly stuck it over the camera. “We can wipe it if you really want, but it’ll get rid of everything you’ve got on there, so if anything isn’t backed up….” 
“Are you saying I lack imagination,” Jane said, a grin growing on her face. Bold kid, funny too. “I thought the popcorn filled office space was imaginative.” And really annoying to clean up. “What would you have done  if you were in a prank war?” She was still considering gluing Sarge’s stuff to the ceiling. Or at the very least, paw patrol’s stuff to the ceiling. Maybe not the skulls though, he seemed a little too creepily attached to them. She watched as Winston stuck a piece of tape to the camera. “My father has a stamp stuck to his at home. Used to tell me big brother was always watching.” Jane considered a moment, before shaking her head. “Alright, alright. We can try responding to it.” Jane reached over, pulling the computer a little closer so she could type. What should she say? 
SexyDetective: How do I remove this from my computer? 
There screen flashed. “Ah! See, this is what happens when I try to emergency shut down!!” 
“The popcorn stuff was very freaks and geeks,” Winston replied with a shrug, “I’m not saying that it wasn’t cool. It was. I just think you could’ve been more imaginative. Besides, did you think that Marley’s computer just started playing a Nic Cage soundboard spontaneously?” Winston shrugged gently. Getting involved in the unfolding prank war hadn’t been something that they had been planning but it was something that they had been roped into by Sarge and Winston couldn’t say no to him. “I mean, they can gain access to your camera, normally you don’t have to but I guess there’s no harm in always having one there and just taking it off when you need it. Winston watched everything that unfolded and frowned. “That’s weird, maybe ask it if you can get to know it in person? Worst comes to the worst you arrest a creep right?” 
“That was you?” Jane said. “She thought that was me! Ha! That’s hilarious,” Jane snickered. She didn’t know what the deal was with Nic Cage, but there was something about his face that and over all vocal intonations that made him especially annoying. God, when did she get to be a Nic Cage Hater? “I’ve had a few cases like that - back when I worked in Portland,” she told Winston. “Where people would gain access to the camera in a computer to spy and be overall disgusting.” Her nose wrinkled, and she didn’t elaborate farther. “You think this is a real person and not some… artificial intelligence?” Ping! Jane looked at that screen. 
I am not artificial intelligence! 
Jane frowned. “Can it… hear us too? I didn’t even know my computer had a microphone. Stop that!” 
You don’t like me! It accused them.
The screen started to flash again, and she swore she saw something spark. Jane placed a hand on Winston’s shoulder. “Uhhh, I think we should get away from it. I think it’s broken.”
“Technically, and you can’t tell anyone, but Sarge actually asked me to do it, not sure why. I don’t really ask questions when your boss asks you to do something like that.” Frowning gently, Winston shrugged. “There’s a chance that this is a bot or something like that, but AI doesn’t really exist to a level that is sophisticated enough to think independently. At least, not yet. Maybe in the future but not currently.” Winston shrugged and squinted at the screen. Winston reached out and placed their hand on the computer, reaching out with magic and examining it to the best of their ability. Interacting with technology like this was complicated. But it was something they were getting used to. Something felt wrong here, and Winston frowned as a new set of messages flashed up on the screen.
“What are you doing?” Jane asked as Winston reached out, putting their hand on the screen. “Winston, I don’t think you should -” More messages flashed up onto the excreen, and from what she could see there was a series of expletives. The computer’s charging port sparked. “Winston, get away from the computer right now.” Jane’s voice turned authoritative as she realized it was dangerous. She didn’t want them to get hurt. Jane was just considering the pros and cons of firing her weapon at the laptop in the precinct, but didn’t get the chance to think further when the laptop flew off the desk and crashed into the wall. Jane stopped and stared at the empty spot where her laptop was, before looking to where the broken pieces were on the floor. “What the hell was -” 
A burst of electricity was coming from the broken pieces. Sparking in strange ways. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. “Winston,” Jane said, slowly. “Get…. behind me?”
“It’s just a … trick that my tutor taught me,” Winston lied unconvincingly. It was a flaw that until recently they’d been proud of, being unable to lie had never really been a huge problem until now. Now that they were risking their life on their inability for deception more and more however they were starting to think that they might have to get better at it. “Ah, Jane what’s the plan here?” Winston asked as they obligingly stepped behind Jane. “I’m not sure that shooting your laptop because it’s threatening to pretend to be an EMP is really going to help…” Winston’s mind was racing as they did everything that they possibly could to think of a way to fix this without magic. “You ever seen anything weird like this before?” Winston really hoped that Jane was one of the cops that was cool with the supernatural because otherwise they were going to be a bit concerned by all of this. “I can definitely do something about this but if you’ve got a better idea I’m all ears.”  
“I’ve seen some strange things, yes,” Jane said, glancing back at them. She hadn’t exactly seen anything like this before, with the flashing and sparking for the laptop getting worse. “Speaking of ears - cover your ears.” Jane said flatly. She drew her gun and swiftly shot the laptop 3 times in a row. The laptop shattered into more pieces, a loud whirring voices coming from nothing. She didn’t understand, shooting it should have worked. It was probably overkill, but come on, it was just a goddamn laptop! What was it, a laptop zombie? Wait. Jane stopped, frowning as she lowered her gun. Electric zombie? Were electric zombies things? Was it an electric zombie that was trying to be her friend? She just barely got the thought out when the damn thing, whatever it was, tried to attack. A flash of electricity had Jane jerking backwards, elbowing Winston out of the blast. “Sorry. Sorry. Crap. Okay, so my method didn’t work. Maybe we should get the fire extinguisher? What the hell is that thing? It’s definitely not a zombie.”
She shot it anyway. Great. Anything that Winston might have been able to do might as well now be useless. “I was being nice when i said I wasn’t sure it was going to help, now what are we meant to do?” Winston frowned gently however at the fact that it was still sparking as if it might explode at literally any minute. This was not what they had expected when there had been a problem with the chat. “You know about zombies?” Winston asked frowning, maybe Jane wasn’t one of the people who were completely oblivious to the supernatural anyway. “That definitely isn’t a zombie, I don’t know what it is but I would guess some sort of spectre from all the electricity and the sparking and the fact that you shot it and it’s just freaking out even more.” The laptop began levitating. “I am not an exorcist, but I have an idea, I need you to and seriously be really super careful, but grab a chair, break it so you’re holding a bit of wood and when I tell you I need you to hit it out of the air and then maybe I’ll be able to get it to stop freaking out for long enough for us to get a professional in here to deal with it.” Winston looked at Jane expectantly, “Okay?” 
“Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time,” Jane said, frowning. She had hoped that destroying it would prevent it from doing anything else, but guess not. “I do know about zombies.” Jane replied back, happy enough that her hair was blocking the scar on her neck. She was more than a little concerned that the kid seemed to know about zombies too. “Spectre?” Jane was immediately reminded of the stupid step stool her and Marley had trapped in a dog cage in her living room. How irritating, had something gotten her work laptop too? “I have some familiarity with those too, just not this. There isn’t any salt in the breakroom is there?” Jane muttered, more to herself than Winston, as she went to swiftly break a chair into two. She supposed that she was going to have to trust them. Sorry to whoever’s chair that was, but if there weren't exactly many other options. She grabbed the chair leg and nodded. “Let me know when you’re ready. And be careful.” 
“Yeah, I get that,” Winston honestly had seriously considered buying a hand gun until someone had told them that they were a literal human handgun. Not that that had made them feel better, but sometimes you wanted to shoot something dead. “You do?” Winston was a little surprised. They kind of just assumed no one else knew. Maybe that was a mistake. Their own ignorance getting the better of them in this case. “Uh, salt is a good idea in case this doesn’t work, I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to encase the computer in salt or iron to keep the ghost in there until we can get an exorcist out here, I’m just hoping this will work for a bit, like a bandage.” Winston cracked their knuckles and took a deep breath, ready for action. “Whenever you’re ready,” as Jane smacked the chair down onto the laptop Winston darted forward and to their pleasure and extreme displeasure they caught the still sparking laptop. Fortunately they had a spell planned for this, unfortunately the energy wasn’t exactly something that they had planned on. Wincing as they smelled the electricity burn their hair, Winston extended their will into the technology as they had before, it felt completely different from any other magic Winston had ever used. The electricity coursing through them and the laptop as if it were blood in a vast circulatory system, pumped onwards by a beating heart. Groaning with exertion, Winston forced everything quiet, the electricity stalling to a halt before disappearing momentarily, though Winston knew it would be back. “Oh, fuck,” they muttered before collapsing to their knees.
“I do.” Jane made a note to rush for the breakroom after Winston did whatever they were about to do to grab the Morton’s salt she knew was in there somewhere. She wondered if Marley was also allergic to iron too, since she avoided salt. Things to take note of and ask later. Now she waited for Winston to give her the signal and she swung the the chair leg hard down onto the laptop. “Winston, no!” Jane just about rushed forward to yank the possessed, broken-beyond-repair laptop out of their hands, when she realized they were actually doing something. Jane froze, staring at them like they had many heads. “What are you - oh -” The electricity in the air seemed to disappear as the vague smell of burnt hair filled the air. Shit. What the hell was that kid doing? She was reminded, as Winston fell to their knees, of when Otto had saved her from falling off that cliff. She shook it off, running to their side. “Winston? Are you alright? What the hell did you do to it? Here, come on, let me help you up.” She would take them to the breakroom, stick a snack in front of them, and then run back to dump salt on the computer and lock it away in a filing cabinet. 
“Woah,” Winston replied somewhat slurred. That had taken a lot out of them. They were really feeling light headed. They were sure that their vision didn’t normally swim in and out like that, and there weren’t normally dots in front of their eyes. Don’t fuck with electricity and magic. Seemed to be the lesson. “I’m -” they took a breath, “okay I think…” frowning gently, Winston accepted Janes help and staggered over to the table they’d previously been working at, riffling haphazardly through their bag they pulled a candy bar from it and ripped it open, biting into it. “Sorry,” they said through a mouthful of chocolate, “it really took a lot more out of me then I thought it would…” wiping sweat from their forehead they looked at the laptop, “Breakroom?” they asked, “we need to salt that and I need more food if I’m going to be able to drive home. I don’t really want to get my room mate to pick me up because of ma- exhaustion again.” Had they really just said the word magic in front of Jane?
“Are you sure?” Jane said, doubtfully as she practically carried Winston back to the table. She leaned back against it, examining them as they grabbed the chocolate bar. “What exactly did you - oh. Right. Here, stay right there.” Jane left their side for just a few minutes. It took her a bit to find where the giant thing of salt she had gotten too, and she swiped her lunch box from from the refrigerator as well. Lucky for Winston, she was planning on working overtime tonight, which meant she had packed a lunch and a dinner. Maybe a little less lucky, she really had only made a roasted chicken sandwich along with a thing of chips for dinner. Not exactly her most spectacular display of cooking. She came back, sliding her lunch box in front of him. “Do you eat meat?” she asked, worriedly. “Eat that, if you do. It’s just a roasted chicken sandwich. I’ll deal with the laptop. I figure I’ll empty out a drawer, line it with salt, dump salt on the actual laptop, and then stick it in there. It shouldn’t be able to get out after all that.” Jane knelt down on her knees and immediately went to work doing just that. She would question Winston  when they were feeling a bit better. She had caught their ‘ma-exhaustion’ slip up, but maybe now wasn’t an appropriate time to grill them.
“I’m sure, I -” Winston was so far from sure what the next appropriate thing for them to say in this instance was, they were 100% certain that a trained officer like Jane wouldn’t have missed the fact that they had always said magic, “it has happened before and I am bad at managing my blood sugar levels because I sometimes forget to eat,” they had forgotten breakfast, “so I am sure that this won’t be the last time that it happens either.” Winston looked at her food sadly and sighed. “Are you sure? I don’t want to eat your food if you haven’t got anything else…” deciding that it was that or passing out, Winston slowly bit into the sandwich and chewed on it thoughtfully. “That’s probably a good idea,” Winston looked around, “I am going to buy an iron lined box next time, I think that if another ghostly thing tries to attack me then I’m going to be pissed, because that really wasn’t my idea of fun.” They looked up at Jane. “I don’t think you missed the laptop once though, which is cool, Sarge would not be happy about bullet holes in the wall.” 
“Right. Blood sugar levels,” Jane said in that type of tone that meant she didn’t believe them. She used that a lot in interrogation, but she still maintained that interrogating Winston on whatever they had done to the laptop that had caused that level of exhaustion. For the second time, she was reminded of Otto and his bloody nose. Ma-exhaustion… Magic. Hm. Noted for a later conversation  - at least until they had eaten her dinner. “Oh, don’t worry about it, I just feel bad I didn’t cook anything exceptionally yummy other than a chicken sandwich.” Jane opened a drawer, and took everything out before she started lining it with salt. “If you had told me this kind of thing existed a few years ago, I would have laughed my ass off at you,” she muttered. She glanced at them as she grabbed the broken pieces of the computer and carefully put them in the drawer, careful not to break the salt line. “I have great aim, usually. I’m sure Sarge will get on my ass about the paperwork I’m going to have to fill out about the three shots I fired into it in the precinct.” She laughed. “Or the paperwork I’m going to have to submit to get my laptop replaced. Are you attacked by ghostly entities often? You wouldn’t happen to know an exorcist would you? I have a possessed step stool at home that I’ve affectionately named French Fry, but it unfortunately very much wants to kill me.”
It didn’t take a world class detective to tell that Winston had been rumbled by Jane. But unfortunately Winston was exhausted and drained and not really thinking about how clearly it was that they had used magic. In fact, they would silently congratulate themselves on their subtlety after. “Well, if we ever have to do this again I’ll make sure that you make me a full meal, I’m joking really, my room mate Ricky is the best cook I’ve ever lived with outside of my own mother and he usually keeps me pretty … you know sorted.” Winston nodded along as they finished the sandwich. “If you had told me this six months ago then I would have joined you and the worst thing is that I have been in White Crest my whole life and never ever seen anything like this. I guess I was just ignorant or in denial? Who knows.” They smiled and nodded. “You really do have great aim, but if you want I’ll try and get your paperwork through without getting anyone who’s too much of a stick in the mud to sign off on it, I have my ways you know.” They paused for a second. “Yeah, I know several exorcists. One is more reliable but I haven’t heard from her in a while and the other I haven’t heard such good things about.” 
Jane grinned. “Well, I do like to cook - I’ve been told most of my food is pretty great. Sounds like you have a great roommate, though. Good to see kids not relying on instant ramen.” She thought of Dario then, a grown ass man relying on instant ramen, and then of Sarge and his lean cuisines. God, she should teach a cooking class or something, this was pathetic. She looked at Winston. It was clear that they were far more in the know than she originally anticipated, zombies and ghosts and magic and who knows what else. “I couldn’t imagine growing up here,” she said with a frown. “I’ve always been more of a city person, but I swear this small town is more active than Portland ever was - it’s hard to see a whole town so wrapped up in denial.” She stood, brushing the salt off her pants. “If you could do that, I’d owe you definitely more than a sandwich. I’m still new, and I don’t want to cause too much trouble trouble, you know? I’ll take both exorcists names, though, they’ll probably take French Fry off my hands.” 
“I have the best room mates actually,” Winston replied with a shrug, “ I guess that I just really lucked out with them or something like that. Otherwise, yeah, I’d be relying on instant ramen or just going home for dinner every night or something like that.” Winston shrugged gently and smiled. They were blessed in someways. “Believe me, I couldn’t imagine growing up in a city and I don’t think that I will ever leave now that I know the truth about this place because there is way too much shit going on to do that, like I think if I did leave I would come back and there would just be nothing left of this place.” Winston shrugged gently. “I need to … check that they don’t mind me giving out their names, I assume that they won’t and I can’t imagine that it’ll be an issue but once they’re fine with it then I’ll put you guys in contact, it’s just the whole supernatural thing is complicated with ‘outting’ people.” Winston stood and glanced at their watch. “I’ll get your new laptop ready tomorrow, is it okay if I head home? I’m pretty exhausted…”
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logicaldreamer96 · 5 years ago
The Dark Kingdom Communications
So i don't normally do this type of thing, but i came up with a Modern Cassarian AU idea and decided to make a fic out of it. I'm not the best writer, but i hope you enjoy it!
The Dark Kingdom Communications: Chapter one
‘No, no, no.’ Cassandra cursed as she frantically clicked her mouse on the Wifi icon, praying that it would finally come up.This was not good, she had to submit the application in by five o’clock or she couldn’t for another few months. 
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “It will be okay, everything will be okay.” She whispered as she let the breath out. She still had time before the deadline, hours in fact, she didn’t have to feel so anxious.The Wi-fi could come back on at any minute, so she didn’t have to worry. She had the day off so all she had to do was wait. 
She wasn’t a big fan of that word
Normally, she was a really patient person. She was willing to wait in the wings while others took center stage, but the longer she stood in the shadows the more it was expected of her. It felt like her time in the sun had come and passed and she missed it. It felt like someone stole her destiny, but no more. She was done waiting. 
She had to wait to apply to the Police Academy until she had a full college education, but now her father dIdn’t have any excuse for her not to join. Honestly, he shouldn’t be surprised that this is what she wanted to do. He was the Captain of the Corona Police Department and from a young age he taught her self-defence, and when she was legal, how to handle firearms. She was confident in her abilities, so why wasn’t he? 
She took another deep breath and got out of her swivel chair. This was just her anxiety acting up. “Everything will be fine.” she repeated to herself as she went to her kitchen counter for some coffee. This was going to be a long day. 
She grabbed her favorite mug and filled it with the hot beverage before leaning on the counter just staring at the computer. She needed a distraction, something to take her mind off of the internet. She tapped her finger against the mug in her hands and smiled softly. 
It was a blue ceramic mug from one of those “Paint your own” places. When it first opened, Raps was quite insistent that they go in and make something for each other. Honestly, she felt bad for what she gave her best friend. Unlike Rapunzel, painting wasn’t her strong suit. She traced the detailed owl her friend had painted with a small smile. It’s a wonder why Raps went for a law degree and didn’t pursue art, she was very talented.
Rapunzel! Maybe the ball of sunshine could distract her? She grabbed her phone and went to her contacts to call her. She licked her lips and shifted her feet as she listened to the ringing only to hear the dreaded voicemail. She hung up and sighed. She forgot, Raps was shadowing her father at his law firm today and wouldn’t be available until later that night.
Cass let out a groan and scrolled through her contacts. She felt a pang of loneliness when she realized how small the list was. She stopped at Fitzherbert’s name before letting out a laugh. She wasn’t that desperate. 
She lifted her coffee to her lips and took a small sip as she gazed at the computer again. Maybe it was working again? She walked over, sat her mug and phone next to the laptop, and tried the Wifi button one more time. 
Please, please, please...
Fine. If she was going to waste her day anyways might as well get this thing working. She grabbed her phone and dialed the Dark Kingdom Communications helpline. 
"Ahuh...ahuh...yeah...okay." Varian nodded as he listened to another "Karen" on the other end of the phone complaining about her computer not turning on. This was the fifth time she called that day and it seemed like every solution he suggested didn't work and she was growing aggravated. 
He wasn't the biggest fan of working in customer service. True, he was good at his job and knew what he was talking about, but some of these customers… He worked better in solitude when it was just him, Ruddiger, and his science equipment. 
He genuinely wanted to help people, but he had hoped with one of his inventions, not tech support. 
He took a big sip from his cheap black coffee and rubbed his tired eyes as he listened to the woman on the other side insult him and the company he worked for. 
"Ma'am...ma'am…" he tried but she kept on complaining, "MA'AM!" He called over the phone and that seemed to finally silence her. "Have you checked the plug?" That seemed to offend her as she started in on him again, only to go dead silent. He heard a quiet "oh" on the other side and then a "click" to let him know she hung up. He leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. 
He closed his eyes, exhausted. It was his own fault for staying up so late, but he had a breakthrough in his invention and he had to test it out! ...which resulted in a total power surge in his building. Thankfully, everyone was asleep and didn't notice him sneak down to the basement of the building to fix the fuse box. 
He sat forward and rolled his chair closer to his computer. Fortunately, it was a Friday, and every Friday night he liked to take the night off to order a pizza and watch a movie. It was a way to rest before going to his projects again. He would always invite his neighbor to join him, but she was usually too busy to come.
Oh, Cassandra. She was a beautiful, smart, independent woman who's grayish green gaze made him melt into the floor like a melted ice cream cone. He’s tried to impress her and make her notice him, but he doubted she even knew his name. 
He stretched his head around his cubicle to glance at Eugene who was chatting with Lance near the coffee maker. Eugene was the son of the owner of the Dark Kingdom Communications and was the head of marketing. He was the smoothest and most charming man he's ever met and he really admired him. Sometimes he wanted to ask for his help with speaking to Cassandra, but he would always chicken out. Maybe someday he would grow out of being such a coward.
He let out a small groan when he heard a new ringing in his head piece telling him he had another customer waiting for his assistance. He sat back in his chair and pressed the answer button. "Hello…"
"...Dark Kingdom Communications, this is V speaking, how can I help you?" Cass heard over the phone and sighed in relief to finally get rid of that obnoxious hold music. 
“Hello, I can’t find the internet” Cass lifted her head from where she set it as she waited for someone to answer.
“Sorry?” V questioned, confusion laced in his voice, causing her to be more irritated than before. 
“The Wi-Fi is down and I can’t for the life of me get it back up.” Cass continued, moving her mouse to keep the screen up. 
“Oh!” the man on the other line exclaimed in understanding, “Sorry, that was just an odd greeting.” he chuckled, trying to keep a friendly atmosphere on the phone.
“Well, one tends to be a bit frazzled when they had to sit through hold music for twenty minutes when they are on a deadline.” she snapped at the man.
V was quiet for a moment, probably trying to find a way to get things back on topic of her call. She was surprised when she heard a soft chuckle on the other end and him voicing his agreement. “It is pretty bad isn’t it?” 
She raised her eyebrow in confusion and nodded slowly even though he couldn’t see her, “Um, yeah….anyways, my internet isn’t working.”
“Right, of course!” V cleared his throat and she heard typing on the other side of the line, “I just need a little information before we begin.”
Cass shifted in her seat, frowning, she didn’t like giving people she didn’t know personal information “What kind of information?” she asked, almost defensively, ready to call whoever was his supervisor for his unprofessionalism. 
“Well….I need your name in order to pull up your file and to access your computer to work on fixing the problem.” V said slowly, almost reassuring. She slowly relaxed at his words. She had nothing to be tense about, it was just the tech guy. Why was she feeling so anxious?
“Right.” she licked her lips as she played with the glove on her left hand, “My name is Cassandra, Cassandra Moon.” 
Varian froze in his chair at the name. Cassandra, his neighbor, was on the other line. Beautiful, smart and independent Cassie…
“Hello?” Cassandra questioned him on the other line and that seemed to snap him out of his trance and had him get right to work. 
“Yes, hi, sorry. I found your file right here.” This was his fault, her internet was down because of his machine. Now she is going to hate him and she will never come over for pizza and movie night...not that she has before, but he kept hoping that she would someday. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice going up an octave without his consent. He cleared his throat again, pushing the reading glasses, that he always kept on top of his head, down to the tip of his nose.
“Well, like I said before, the WI-FI won't connect to my computer.” Cassandra repeated, the irritation back in her voice. He felt his heart pick up with nerves, he didn’t mean to make her annoyed with him. 
“How do you connect to the internet? Do you use a Modem, or your smartphone, or a broadband?” He questioned as he started the program to grant him access to her computer to look for any viruses or malware that might be causing problems for her. 
“I use a modem.” She mumbled on the other line. 
“Okay, and is the light for the internet doing anything? Is it on? Off? Flickering?” Varian asked, finally getting into the swing of his job. He could freak out about his crush calling later, right now he had a job to do. No matter what, he was going to fix her wifi. 
After about an hour of going back and forth of them trying multiple tricks and resetting different things, they finally got her internet connected and running, 
Cass looked at the clock and let out a sigh, she was going to make it. “Thank you so much.” she told V, her heart swelled with gratitude. “You have no idea how thankful I am that you were able to fix this.” 
V’s breath seemed to hitch at her words before they tumbled out quickly, “n-no problem at all! It’s just part of the job!” his voice seemed to raise again and he cleared his throat. “If you enjoyed the experience, please make sure to take the survey to let us know what you thought.” he suggested for maybe the hundredth time that day. 
She smiled as she pulled up her web browser and went to the bookmarked application. “I will….hey, I’m sorry about the way I acted before.”
“It...it’s alright, Cassandra.” He said softly, but she could tell he was smiling. She was happy she was able to make him happy after she was sure he had a rough day full of unreasonable customers. She felt her heart sink, she knew what that was like and she knew she didn’t help with the way she acted earlier. 
She was about to say goodbye, when she heard him ask, “What would you rather have?” 
“Sorry?” she paused in filling out her application, knitting her eyebrows together. 
“For the hold music? What would you rather have?” V asked quickly, taking them back to the beginning of the call once more. 
She tapped her finger on her chin as she thought about it. “Something upbeat, but not that annoying techno whatyoucallit that seems to be popular nowadays.” Cass hummed as she considered the question. 
“Oh, yeah, I agree. Honestly, in school I was a bit of a theater kid, I feel like something like that would be good hold music.” he said, surprising her with her exact same thought process. 
“Yes!” Cass agreed, surprising herself with how enthusiastic her response was. That was a bit uncharacteristic for her especially with someone she just met. Rapunzel was really rubbing off on her. She rubbed her eyes and looked back to her screen. She let her eyes wander over the page to make sure all the information was correct. She smiled in satisfaction, it was ready.
V was silent on his line for a long moment and she thought he hung up before he spoke again, “What about “Oh, What a beautiful Mornin’” from Oklahoma?” He suggested, she once again could hear typing on the other end. 
Cass raised an eyebrow, “It’s good...but a bit older. Those who are waiting might not like it.” she grabbed her mug again and took a sip. 
She heard V scoff in defense, “It’s a classic! I’ll have you know that I blew the audience away with my version.” 
“I’m sure mommy and daddy were so proud.” she mocked in a playful tone, suppressing a smile in her mug. 
“Uh...well, my dad was.” V mumbled, the vibe suddenly felt very heavy, “or I hope he was...” he added under his breath. 
“Sorry.” Cassandra frowned, things were starting to get too personal for a customer and a tech support guy. She better end it soon. 
“It’s alright.” he said, his tone light and happy, surprising her, “What do you think it should be then, since you seem to know so much about music?” 
She glanced at her application one more time before hitting the submit and letting out a breath. The weight lifted from her shoulders as she slowly relaxed. 
“The Greatest Showman.” she said simply, “The movie was a hit and I doubt anyone would find it irritating to listen to.” 
“Yes, but it would also cause a problem.” V said seriously. 
“And what problem is that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow
“I'll be forced to sing along each time it comes on.” He said, causing her to let out a laugh. 
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killer-squirtle · 5 years ago
Okay so my computer might be dying on me or something. Worst time for this to happen with quarantine because repair places are probably closed.
If anyone could help me, I’ll list the weird ass symptoms below.
So my computer really isn’t old, only like two years at the most and I’ve been very careful and know for a FACT that it is not a virus. I’ve done virus and malware checks like five times by now. 
Anyway, the best way I can describe it is my computer is saying I’m no longer admin, even though I’m clearly shown as BEING admin in every security and permission setting I have. More and more of my files I just straight up do not have access to anymore, and it’s not even stuff that would normally be put in high-security lockdown. I’m talking like most of my image files that I have saved as showing up as being there, but without an image preview and when I try to open them up in whatever image viewer program, they just never load in. And this started with me trying to manage mods for fucking Stardew Valley. My backgrounds is just a black screen cuz it can’t access my wallpaper files!
Hell, Discord won’t even boot up because it says that it can’t find the path or I do not have permission for that program. And whenever I start up my browers (I use brave) it can’t even load my profile and settings for that so its like I’m starting fresh each time without cookies or logins or anything.
I’ve tried to reassign permissions and ownership over all of my files several times over now but its only getting worst. I’m really frustrated...
My brother said it might have been due to my computer ignoring a win10 update from two years ago and breaking down because current updates rely on files from the one that was skipped, but I’ve updated my win10 like six times to the point where I have no more to download and things are still broken. 
Any help?
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erlenmeyertrash · 6 years ago
hi :) i apologize in advance to a) anyone on mobile or b) anyone Tired but like. something recently happened that upset a number of people. and. there definitely needs to be some clarification. speaking of: this whole blurb is specifically about ~fandom things.~ there are spaces where this is wrong or some things don’t apply. don’t reach.
and anyone who knows me knows i really truly don’t like public debate-y stuff especially in this fandom but on this one i gotta make a post because i’ve seen a few comments that are gaining popularity but are... well. they’re wrong. so. without further ado.
// this is about people ‘ruining’ other people’s posts- or, really, the impossibility of that happening.
hot take that isn’t really a ‘take’ because it’s just. how tumblr works: you can’t control what people add to your post. intent does not grant the right to any intended effect. granted, you control the original post. it’s your intellectual property- that’s why reposting is an issue. but you cannot control replies, comments, reblogs, any of that. it’s in tumblr’s terms of service.
when you make a tumblr account, you agree to the terms of service. this means when you post any content to tumblr, you’re giving the platform’s other users the right to reblog it and add anything they want that doesn’t violate any further policies. so someone reblogging your post and adding a reply that involves, say, a fraudulent link that’ll give you malware? that violates community guidelines and will be taken down. someone from another corner of the internet making your post relatable to their interests? that’s allowed. so if you make a post about Prince Harry and the Harry Potter fandom takes it over, sorry, there’s nothing you can do.
//also the reverse totally applies: if you see a post about Prince Harry, and you think “...hey, that could be about Harry Potter!” guess what dude? you are 100% completely and totally allowed to reblog that post and make it about Harry Potter.//
//also (so sorry), an important distinction: if that prince harry post says ‘HP fans don’t interact...’ can you, i dunno, respect that blogger and not make their post about harry potter? absolutely. don’t be an asshole. but this is more about being op than reblogging, so i digress.//
“but I hate all the notifications i’m getting about HP blogs adding to my post!! they’re making it into something i didn’t want it to be!!” welp. i’m sorry, but you cannot stop them from doing that. this is per the guidelines. they aren’t violating any terms of service. are they specifically targeting you with harassment about it? because that’s a different matter entirely. or are they simply doing something you didn’t want? unfortunately, you can’t keep that from happening. you can reblog your original version without their replies and try to make it more popular, but that’s about it.
it’s important to note that these people, in doing so, are probably not doing it out of spite. and even if it is, guess what? they get to be spiteful little nerds. sorry lads. they’re not forcing you into an argument about it, either. and you don’t get to tell them what they can or can’t do on your post. you can, however, choose to continue to be bothered by it, or to ignore it.
“but fam i really hate these notifications. i have a horrible fear of ron weasley and every time he’s mentioned it freaks me out, and every time anyone reblogs my post the activity feed blares directly in front of my face and i can’t look away.” see but here’s the Cool Part: if you don’t want to get notifications on a post you made, then you can delete a post from your blog. of course, by doing this you are not deleting all reblogs of the post. but what it will do is take any more reblogs, replies, comments, likes, etc. out of your activity feed. the post will still exist in many forms. but you won’t be updated on it anymore!! you won’t see it again!!
“but i am seeing it! some of my friends i follow are in the HP fandom!!!” okay well. good thing there are lots of ways to get around this one!! and xkit has even more!!
1. filtering tags!! 2. unfollowing users!! 3. blocking users!! 4. logging off!!!!!!!
...and this is where we run out of rope.
anyways. long story short, tumblr is made to curate your personal experience. you do not have any control over what other people do, short of reporting things that violate the guidelines. i’m sorry your post didn’t elicit the intended response. i’m sorry your activity feed got blown up by HP fans. but there’s nothing you can do to HP fans about it. if you choose to call them out, to reply to each HP fan and go “no, you’re wrong, this is a Prince Harry post, you can’t say that,” that is on you. you have the right to reply to them saying that... but are you correct in saying there is only one way to interpret something? do you have the authority to control someone else’s fandom experience?
#sanders sides#also pls msg me if u have comments/'abby ur wong here's why'/questions#disk horse#listen. respect people and what they are uncomfortable with#that is first and foremost important. like. be kind#but you have /no/ right or reason to respond to any comment you don't like on your post *telling people they are Wrong*#that is not how this platform works and you know it#works and pieces and yes even shitposts are open to *interpretation*#if someone sees a funny quote and wants to reblog it and add 'haha that sounds like X and Y!' guess what? they're right!#it's how THEY feel about a post#at that moment that post no longer falls under your jurisdiction or lens#telling people 'don't make a non-shipping post into a shipping post!!' when the real issue is you just don't like Char. X? no.#stop.#literally just!! stop!! i really do empathize with your discomfort#but people are 100% allowed to turn a post into something that fits their interpretation /of something in the entertainment industry/#you have NO right to tell people 'you can't ship this' 'stop shipping this on my post'#like. is the pairing illegal in society? is it inherently always causing harm? no? then :) let people enjoy things :)#you can spend 300 hours on a painting of a seal but if some kid thinks it looks like a horse then :) it's his horse!#you cannot demand of that kid to interpret it as anything else like you just. don't have the right/power/sway/AUDACITY to do that#i'm annoyed lol#you can ask people to stop but keep in mind that not everyone sees everything#and some people are just rude. and you literally must ignore them to avoid detriments to your well being#i literally got embarrassed out of fandom really early on bc i added a reply to a post and someone. snarked the shit out of me for it#also for the love of god don't like. lash out and make it an Argument if all you're doing is getting More Upset#self-care is deleting asks that send you deeper into wallowing/discomfort either by agreement/inflation or argument/causing more conflict#please log off and take a break#okay abby out. let ppl enjoy things and interpret them as they see fit. dont bother urself for a totally avoidable reason#ben_affleck_smoking.jpg
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ali4800064 · 5 years ago
Affordable Data Recovery Services in Dubai
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Data adversity can be particularly upsetting. Losing information causes pressure and craze. Individual and master data are the total of essentialness. Everyone endeavors to keep it as secure as could be normal considering the present situation. Nevertheless, we can't control contraption glitch. Most of the data recovery master associations in Dubai have central points like On-time movement, movement and transportation administration, 24*7 customer support, Master experts, Experienced information, Free expressive help alongside Smart game plans. Machines don't consistently make bumbles. But on the off chance that there is something out of order with them. In any case, that can't be said concerning us individuals. We eradicate records or restarting the parts we didn't intend to. Likewise, we do it without creating a reinforcement.
Visit their areas to get additional information about the kind of occupation they perform. You can in like manner think about their expense. In the wake of going through the aggregate of this information telephone them to profit of the services and select an Information Recovery Center. Keeping these reasons aside, there are various things like fire hurt or a tumble from an extraordinary height that can provoke decisively the particular indistinguishable thing occurring. In cases, for instance, these, we every so often can't fix the contraption yet that is no reason behind your data.If you've maintained up your PC to a secured territory by then there's nothing stopping you from getting your data back. You can contact a couple of data recovering services in Dubai to restore your information. That is the inspiration driving why it is continually recommended to make a reinforcement. Official data disaster can cause as much wickedness that every so often it's irreversible.
Official data include association history, information about the customers, work info, private and financial info, etc. From now on, you can imagine how the diminishing of the information can be for an undertaking. At the point when the data saved in a grouping of contraptions, for instance, a PC, hard circle, USB, etc have unintentionally eradicated or if it gets defiled, by then qualifies as information decline. Regarding the explanation, it may occur for a not too bad game plan of explanations. Losing individual data brings about a security infringement. Additionally, if it's corporate or authoritative data that is lost, by then it suggests losing time and money. This is the spot eminent comes in to play.What does data hardship mean and for what reason does this happen?
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dxxtruction · 5 years ago
Mr.Robot: Season 2 Episode 4
break-down / character analysis / head canons 
(Spoilers obviously, but contains stuff up through end of season 4)
A: first scene
I love this scene a lot so I wrote a lot. 
(The Memorial Day situation)
Elliot had been pen-testing, doing white-hat hacking for some wall-street gig. (Timeline= ?-May 2014)
He was on some type of project where he needed to hack until it was un-hackable. (Seemed dedicated to his job there)
Elliot is court ordered into anger management with a shrink (Krista) after being fired for destroying the servers. Hs he claims he was locked in there and fell asleep then woke up in a destroyed room. (I still suspect this retelling to be halfway unreliable even though it’s how it’s told at least twice in the show.)
This happened Memorial Day weekend. - night or around 5pm presumably - people wanted to go clubbing etc. and Elliot did not. They couldn’t leave because Elliot was working. (He didn’t care about them enough to let them go, or was just dedicated to his job you choose.)
        2. (Job offering) 
Elliot is offered to work at all-safe by Angela around this time (Halloween 2014) but it’s been months since he had been working so what was he doing?
A bunch of Grey-hat hacks to get shady people arrested? Seems he may have just finished one when Darlene arrived. 
He sees some potential in accepting, because it a Trojan horse (both what you think it is and slang for a backdoor into a server network). 
He’s been thinking about it, though we don’t know how long he’s been sitting on this offer. “the right access the right malware.” His plan is to take down Evil Corp (It’s the first time he’s voiced this, and Darlene doesn’t take him entirely serious at first.)
      3. (Darlene and Elliot)
Darlene comes on halloween, she seems bothered by something that may have happened that night (if my timeline is right it could be she had a fight with Cisco because they should’ve still been together then) whatever it is Darlene feels she needs Elliots company that night. 
This is the first mention of init-1 the code between her and Elliot. He tries to excuse himself when Darlene first answers, with an excuse he’s going out. Darlene picks up that this is half-assed, showing us that despite her being gone she knows her brother well. (It’s little things like these that give hints as to the hosts habits and how much they overlap with MM’s)
“Great Darlene, haven’t seen you in a long time either. I’d love to hang out.” Judging by the fact Elliot is just now telling Darlene he’s been fired we can assume the extent of there communication is pretty much zilch. Darlene has been away from the city for some time, but I’m not sure its ever mentioned how long. 
Per tradition, they’re smoking weed while watching the careful massacre of the bourgeoise (1984). (Darlene is a talkative/hungry type of high and Elliot just chills... and maybe has deep philosophical conversations) This movie carries a lot of importance because it becomes symbolic of F-Society. It starts out with the masked man killing the bourgeoisie kids at a new years eve party, but I do wonder if thats the entire plot or not.
Darlene says several things about it: 
(A) The movie was made to disprove meritocracy. (showing the separation of class through the absurd ways in which the characters act.) 
(B) it was the source of their psychological dysfunction. (Probably because it’s x-rated, I think this line should only be taken as a joke)
In the dream sequence later in the episode Tyrell and Joanna are wearing similar outfits to the brother and sister in the movie (hinting how Elliot probably sees them)
We get clarification on Darlene having Panic attacks, this is something that has come up before. Elliot shows genuine concern for her mental well-being.
 “Since when did pretending everything is okay become the all mighty norm?” *proceeds to act like that at the beginning of season 2* 
Unlike Elliot, Darlene has a digital social life. Has instagram, and orders off postmates probably lives a normal life of a 23 year old who happens to be really smart and good at stuff. I definitely think all that go thrown in the trash the second f-society became more than just a what-if. By the beginning of season 1 she’s just as off the grid as Elliot is. (But like I just wanna see Darlene live her life again dammit.) 
Sidenote: I wonder who this one is. Part of me wants to say this is Elliot the  host, but I have my suspicions MM took over after Memorial Day, (or at the least started to front more often…). Though it does leave me asking why there are sudden amnesia barriers in the time leading up to 5/9. Fragment Krista says MM found it important to start messing with Elliots memories and his past and inadvertently this meant forgetting his sister? Was it a subconscious choice? I can’t confirm, but I still do wonder how much of Elliot we really see in flashbacks and how much of it is MM.
         4. (“Do you talk to mom?”)
Dialogue: “No. You?” (“Fuck no, she still shits on dad every time I talk to her… I wish I remembered him better.”)
I don’t have a note really, but this moment is fairly awkward given what we know about Ed—d. Not sure how I read Elliot’s face here, but I think he’s probably on the same page as her because- 
Elliot has kept the Mr.Robot jacket.
I believe this indicates the host and MM I think are (were) both protected from knowing about what their father did otherwise that shit would be trash. I wonder Does host Elliot also have the view of his father as his only friend? Anyway I definitely see this as a trigger for Robot, like, thats his clothes for one and ed—d is sort of the trauma he holds.
A switch definitely occurs once the mask is on. There’s an awkwardness where Darlene loses her laughter: does she know exactly what his disorder is? I think at the very least she suspects and picks up on these things. She knows that Elliot is forgetful and experiences moments of derealization because she’s dealt with those moments with him. They are siblings after all, and I think this scene is pretty much in here to hone that in.  
Mr.Robot starts a whole speech about a plan to take down E-Corp. Elliot (in reference to everyone because I think this is a shared understanding) knows the hard part of this hack will be he fallout (“that’s the key, the follow through.”) 
More indicators he’s been really thinking about this for a while (At the very least since Memorial Day so 6 months; at most since his dad got leukemia). He (Mr.Robot) works out that E-corp will try to come back from the hack and there needs to be a way to stop the from happening. 
Destroy public confidence = destroy E-Corp  (And this is what Darlene’s been shown doing this season so far) 
He then takes off the mask and he’s gone quiet (dissociated?) Probably a switch back. (He looks at it in a way that makes me feel like he doesn’t remember putting it on.)
End scene. 
B: Darlene’s visit
“The only way to patch a vulnerability is by exposing it first. The flip side is exposing the vulnerability leaves you open for an exploit.” (I believe this line tells us this episodes logic)
(Plan discussion.)
The plan involves losing confidence in e-corp and Elliot has lost confidence in the plan. (though we are aware phase 2 isn’t necessarily just about losing public confidence, Elliot is later shown to not want this either). He sees it as too dangerous to continue on with, and he feels guilty about it given how Gideon was killed, he doesn’t want more people to die. 
However, I feel as if he probably already saw into all the vulnerabilities (because he’s like that). Already figuring they could be exposed (hence danger). He sees the best option would be to quit while they can, but Darlene is refusing. 
“What did you guys think was going to happen exactly?” - Darlene referring to Elliot as plural. (We love to see it)
Elliot says it wasn’t him who said everything. (Clarification that a switch did happen in scene 1.)
      2. (“This is what she does”)
What does darlene do? 
Likely: When she wants something but doesn’t give full honesty about it and doesn’t tell Elliot everything. In other words Darlene keeps secrets, and hides the important bothersome details. She sort of beats around the bush. (She does something like this in scene 1 she needs Elliots company but won’t talk about or say why then avoids confrontation of her mental health)
She’s doing it here not so much for her own comfort but the safety of her brother, because she knows he has vulnerabilities, and can be triggered and emotionally unstable. She doesn’t want to upset him because she needs him to help her and he can’t do that in an unstable state.
C: Chess 
1. (Meeting with Ray to play chess)
Chess isn’t really the focus here; Ray picks up on a lot of conflict happening internally, and as an exploit to get Elliot to trust him gives the chess board over. 
We see how guilt is burdening Elliot, and he is considering owning up to everything he did. Even mentions how it could stop Darlene from doing “crazy shit”. He doesn’t want to lose her either; or lose any more people for that matter. Losing people was not a part of saving the world he signed up for. There’s also guilt in general because of 5/9 because things are turning out bad. 
I’m fairly convinced Mr.Robot is incapable of feeling guilt, or is just hiding it behind the 10 layers of clothes. (Though I guess he’s never met Gideon so why should he care?). Anyway he is consistently focused on seeing everything through no matter the costs. 
I just find Mr.Robot coming in and saying he’d swan dive off a building for saying anything pretty funny (don’t ask)
He exaggerates a lot of the time but honestly sometimes he is dead serious about putting the body in pain or in life and death scenarios and so he can be fairly destructive so it’s hard to tell if he is joking, but hey MM (and to my hc host) does hard drugs, so...
2. (A game to end all games between us)
“Winner takes all.” (“Of what?”) “Us.”
(Mr.Robot really do be like “I’mma kill you or myself” Bitch I do not think..)
Robot says Elliot “will be absent from knowing. Losing time forever. A deep black void.” Basically he’s gonna throw him in a pit. And honestly it sounds confident, like he probably feels he can take full control since he’s been around the longest along with the core. (But we know he wouldn’t do it even if he could, the guy has a soft spot. Anyway this is like the IDK what number of times Robot be doing a loop around to get a point across to Elliot. He do be playing the long game and I think secretly he loves a good scheme.) (This is what Mr.Robot does.) 
Elliot gets visited by Krista in prison and has told her about the game. (Judging by the fact they meet in her ‘office’ and not in the “Kitchen table” setting we can assume they’re allowed to meet in a private location.) (Edit: disregard this bit I forgot about the reveal that he’d just imagining it on like two separate layers to feel safe enough to speak)
“Krista’s wrong annihilation is always the answer” (He’s just as bad honestly, Krista teach this boy constructive ways). He sees annihilation as self improvement, getting rid of parts of yourself that are ugly or unwanted. We create our identity around desire, and that means destroying parts that are undesirable so all thats left is practically a mask of who we are. (I think the tie into Whiterose through this spill about annihilation is a bit cheap but like I understand the choice) Anyhow Elliot’s pretty much agreeing to a western showdown and has no idea it’s all a rouse so Robot can have his point. 
4. The chess match
Ed—d apparently taught Elliot his first ways to code through teaching him computer chess. He talks like he really understands all the logic of chess which makes me think he was letting Ray win before. 
Mr.Robot definitely feels a bit uncomfortable with being associated with him just a hint in his voice. 
Ultimately they find out neither of them can either win or lose but Mr.Robot knew all along that would happen.
“Fighting for the future we want, it isn’t about playing chess is about what we do out there with them.” (peaking out of his ten layers to show he cares about the outside world, while also expressing how they need to get out of prison.)
“I want to be here Elliot, with you.” (God my heart.) 
D: Darlene and Cisco’s hook up
Darlene is very paranoid while walking around, she isn’t sure if F-society really are being offed. However in front of F-society she tries to comfort their suspicions. 
Cisco comes to Darlene to warn her about getting killed by DA… but he’s the one who ultimately gets offed. (Poetic cinema)
We learn Darlene’s the type to get upset and defiantly end up having sex in the bathroom of a shady dive bar with her on and off again boyfriend (also Cisco why didn’t you pull out before talking about Dark Army again, like dude lol.)
This is definitely the point they start getting back together. 
There a message in gold written on the wall that reads “There's an unequal amount of good and bad in most things. The trick is to figure out the ratio and act accordingly. Stay frosty all. Peace.” - its from this tweet: x 
Operation Berenstain is first mentioned. I’m in agreement the name references the popular conspiracy about alternate timelines. 
E: Leon lays it down
Leon asks Elliot if he wants to even be here, tells him he “has to dream in order to find out the future he’s fighting for.” (My initial though is I’m not sure if this means here as in prison or here as in alive, sorta feels like the latter)
“If you like it” (The future you envision) “then it’s beautiful, if it’s not then you might as well fade the fuck out right now.” (Hard) (definitely means the latter)
I appreciate Leon so much. “Existence could be beautiful or it could be ugly. But thats on you.” He’s really good for Elliot, really no bs, no loop arounds, he just tells it straight. And you know what? He listens to him because he actually goes to bed dreaming about it. 
“What is the future? Leon says one needs to understand that before they’re ready to fight for their existence.”
This dream sequence is so impactful, Leon’s influence. I’m not gonna go in on the shots, however we do get to see a really honest view on how Elliot truly sees the people that have been a part of his life in a variety of subtle ways. We see a lot of what he desires or seeks is happiness for everyone around him. 
“Will I reconnect for those I care for. Will I reunite with old friends long gone. See the ones I love find true happiness. Maybe this future includes people I never dreamed of getting close to. Even make amends with those I have unfairly wronged. A future that’s not so lonely. A future filled with friends and family. The world I’ve always wanted. And I’d like very much to fight for it.”
I bold texted that last bit because it really hits, and I think its what becomes the foundations for what Elliot ends up saying to Whiterose at the end. Not to pull a Darlene but this show is clearly trying to say how hard it is to find connection in a world of capitalist alienation. 
When Leon sort of digs into Elliot and asks if he really does want to die. Elliot’s dream confirms, no, we find out Elliot actually wants to live in order to improve the future, and he wants connections to be there. It’s what he’s always wanted. (Yet he still does the end all match right after this sequence because he’s convinced he’ll win and get that future on his own. Both these boys are very stubborn.) 
F: Do you remember the first command you ever taught me?
Init 1. 
What Elliot taught Darlene when her computer kept crashing. She says this in scene one, and its what makes Elliot stop making excuses. The same thing happens here, Elliot has no choice but to help. Thats what the code between them means: Drop everything and help me.
What is it? Init 1 is a run level in linux which indicates a single-user/emergency mode. Streamlining the route to only the root, while disconnecting from the network or multitasker. Used for administrative tasks.
Elliot has to stop the FBI from owning f-society and the only way to do that is by using Ray’s computer. (fuck Ray btw). Just to make sure, he asks Darlene is he is really needed by her or if she wants Robot. I think he needed the reassurance that Darlene still cares (and of course she does). 
The second part of the title is .Asec - android files preventing corruption from other programs. So the whole title translates to roughly; Help prevent corruption. And a nod to the way of doing it through hacking into the FBI android phone network. (These titles are genius and have so many layers)
G. Side stuff
1. The FBI have found Fun Society LLC through Dom. I love Dom but idk how I feel about her in these early episodes. She is a fairly good detective though. I think Romero’s character being linked to stealing power from the grid is a nod to the novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Ellison touches on social and intellectual issues faced by the African Americans in the early twentieth century. Also I noticed Dom’s supervisor is there and he’s already seen trying to sway the direction away from uncovering he truth. 
2. On that note so is Angela. I think we’re intentionally supposed to be annoyed with her because she’s staying at E-Corp even though she knows she’s being manipulated. 
“All of my dreams are coming true right now.” - as the bastard guys are being arrested. Not to say this slapped but it did.
We find out Whiterose and Price are in bed together on this thing and this has something to do with Angela and the plant negotiations in the lawsuit. On the phone Whiterose is fussy about moving her operation to the Congo quickly. (lets not try to reason how this plan of hers all works or what the hell it even is). Things are awkward knowing that Price is Angela’s dad, I can’t tell if he’s actually getting close because he wants to know his daughter or if its purely out of getting her around he and Whiterose’s fingers. (both? both.) 
In any case I think Esmail sets up the Angela as a counter vulnerability within the main plot, as she’s being open to exploitation by remaining at E-Corp. (refer to the logic set-up) 
3. I don’t care for Joanna’s appearance in this episode but she’s running out of money to pay of this guy who has information that could frame Tyrell for murder and is still seeing this guy she definitely hates or likes him but doesn’t love him. Complicated. She needs the severance package to pay this guy off. Tyrell is another vulnerability but he’s undercover.
H. Head canons I thought of while watching 
If Elliot hadn’t opened the door when he did Darlene would’ve picked the locks.
Darlene’s go to is always some type of asian food.
The weed is Elliots but the Bowl is Darlenes.
We see coats on the wall hooks in Elliots room, but I think the likes the cold because its grounding so he usually leaves without one on.
When Robot is high (on weed) he just talks like nonstop.
Not a head canon really but I notice Elliot never uses the backrests in chairs. However Robot becomes the chair he is the chair.
Darlene stopped going to dance classes after the hack, I think Angela has also stopped going.
Leons favorite subjects are philosophy and history
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5CloudHost Review
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Something different I love about CloudHost is the speed. For such a low worth the speed is something that I didn't foresee. Loads of times we pay a ton for encouraging goals anyway the speed is too postponed to even think about evening consider evening do anything on it.
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bills-pokedex · 6 years ago
Good day, sir. Do you have any advice on raising a Porygon, as well as its evolutions? It's my favorite Pokemon, and I'd like to have one as my own.
Excellent choice!
Believe it or not, porygon (and its evolutions) are actually some of the easiest pokémon to care for. A porygon (or its evolutions) doesn’t actually need much in the way of food, and water should be kept to an extreme minimal anyway (as it doesn’t interact well with its electronic-digital nature). It can eat if they choose to, so it wouldn’t hurt to offer the option. Should you choose to do this, porygon and its evolutions will literally eat anything you tell them is food, and they will do so happily. The same sort of kibble you give the rest of your team or small, extra portions of whatever your other teammates will eat should do. Alternatively, you can offer an extra portion of your meals whenever your porygon seems interested. Remember, the main point is feeding porygon only if it seems interested, not because it needs to, as it really gains no nutritional value from what it eats. On the other hand, your porygon will likely engage in mirroring, or the act of mimicking the humans or pokémon around them in order to understand and bond with them.
In truth, what a porygon needs more than anything is a computer. That’s where most of your maintenance will occur. Porygon aren’t tied to any specific computer, so you won’t have to worry about, say, needing to transfer your porygon whenever you buy a new computer. However, it’s always a good idea to start out with something sturdy, quick, and equipped with a considerable amount of RAM and powerful antivirus and anti-malware software. A connection to the internet is also highly recommended to allow your porygon to move from one device to the next without having to exit into the real world. (I would also recommend coupling other devices, such as your pokégear, pokénav, phone, or so forth, with your computer from time to time to allow your porygon to jump from something you own to another piece of personal tech.)
As a note, whether you want a laptop or a desktop is entirely up to you. Desktop computers tend to be sturdier and have more power, but laptops are portable, allowing your porygon to have a refuge no matter where you go. Thus, if you tend to stay at home, consider a desktop, but if you frequently travel, a laptop should do.
That said, once you get this computer, power it on for at least a few hours every day. Encourage your porygon to enter your computer at least once a day to recharge, which is its equivalent to eating. During this time, run your antivirus and/or anti-malware software to “groom” your porygon. If you have a poké ball transporter and a home connection to the storage system, I would also recommend uploading your porygon’s poké ball and running the system’s backup software. This will also pull a backup from your porygon, even if it’s not within the storage system itself.
Also, don’t worry about your porygon wandering around the internet. Porygon and porygon2 are extremely obedient, and it’s unlikely that they’ll wander too far without you. This is also tied into their care regarding play and training. Porygon need very minimal training, not only because they don’t often display behavior that needs to be trained but also because their bodies don’t require much exercise. The only thing you’ll need to be concerned about is really target practice; it’s essential that you hone your porygon’s aim and accuracy especially, as these need to be calibrated over time and are key to their beam attacks. As for play, porygon and porygon2 are fantastically intelligent but also extremely agreeable, and they can get the psychological relief they need from playing any sort of game with you, from fetch to chess. You can even open up a creativity program such as Photoshop and let your porygon play through artistically expressing itself. (You won’t believe how much art on the internet was actually created by porygon. It’s quite fascinating, really.)
Of course, this leads to the metaphorical donphan in the room: porygon-z. Porygon-z, being a pokémon with rather unconventional origins, has a risk of tripping your antivirus software or negatively affecting any computer it touches. For this reason, it’s important for you to be extremely careful when it comes to handling its maintenance and its training. Don’t run your antivirus software on your porygon-z, but if you absolutely must, make sure your porygon-z is whitelisted. You should still run the backup, however; rest assured the system administrators have taken porygon-z’s unusual nature when designing the backup system.
So really, your biggest concern is training, as porygon-z gains more of a personality and thus may pick up several bad habits. Luckily, it’s not as bad as many experts will lead you to believe. In truth, the only reason why porygon-z seems like an insurmountable challenge is because trainers are used to training porygon and porygon2, both of which are among the easiest pokémon to train (in terms of behavior, anyway). With that in mind, porygon-z is really just about as easy to train as any other pokémon; it’s just that you may need to deal with its newfound curiosity. Keep an eye on it and have patience with everything it does. Teach it the difference between exploring its world safely and doing so impulsively or dangerously, and don’t be afraid to use positive reinforcement to help it understand right from wrong.
Best of luck!
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listeningboy · 6 years ago
My laptop's touchpad, specifically the keys, broke over Christmas, and I had my parents bring it in to the repair shop. Apparently they just agreed with whatever they were told, and gave them permission to wipe everything. Pictures, writing files, apps, games, all of it is gone. This isn't me being stupid for not backing up my files - I literally couldn't go through almost everything, much less move them, because of the way the touchpad had broken, and I don't have anything to store it on anyway, so I did my best to take precautions against my personal files being found but couldn't do anything to protect against this.
Now, this is all bad enough, but I could deal with it normally. My pictures are the worst of it, because it's a lot of fan art that I won't find again, but the rest I either didn't use or could get back, though for the games it would take a while and I'm sure I would forget a few.
That's under normal circumstances. Because, this is the best part, they didn't actually fix anything. The touchpad would have cost me over $100, so I'm trying to find a new mouse instead, and the only software problem I was having trouble with, which was almost certainly related to the touchpad issues, is still present. I didn't have viruses, or malware, wasn't running out of space, there was literally no reason for them to need to delete everything.
My only hope now is that the system restore points I had saved are still there, but I am not hopeful. I can't even do anything until I get a working mouse, anyway.
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hvalross-artinactive · 7 years ago
All Of Me
Series: My Hero Academia
Story Rating: Teen (cursing and adult themed humor)
Genre: Romance / Humor
Main Pairing: Bakugou x Koge (OC)
When a raging storm traps her alone with her crush, Koge finds out she's not the only one suffering with unbearable feelings.
'Koge reached up and touched her bottom lip lightly, feeling her stomach churn uneasily. "What just happened? Did he almost kiss me? Or did I almost kiss him?"' Bakugou x Koge (OC) One-Shot
Read On: AO3 | FF.NET
Or below the cut!
Koge gave a small sigh as she flopped down onto her bed in her dorm room, letting her arm fall over her eyes. She was exhausted, the days worth of class and some physical hero training completely wore her out. “I think an early bedtime is a good idea tonight…” After a large stretch, she rolled over onto her side, cuddling her face into her pillow. Even though she was still dressed in her uniform and the light from the room was bright to her tired eyes, her bed was like heaven, and she could already feel herself starting to drift away. Just as she was being pulled into darkness, there was an annoying buzzing, starting through her fingers and vibrating all the way into her mind.
Eventually, it became so annoying that she finally opened her eyes, first noticing the light from her phone, which rested by her left hand. It was buzzing over and over with the screen shining brightly, telling her that she was getting a phone call. Still within the first grips of sleep, she fumbled with it, swiping to answer without even looking at the name. Laying it down on her cheek, she didn’t bother holding it, closing her eyes. “Yes?”
“What the fuck? What type of way is that to answer a phone call, Utsuro.”
“Ah, Katsuki… I’m sorry, I was falling asleep.” Her mood instantly boosted by hearing Bakugou’s voice, on top of the fact that he had actually called her first. She felt her cheeks flush a bit, cuddling a pillow tightly to herself. “I wasn’t expecting a call.”
“Sleeping already? That’s fucking lame.”
“I had a pretty exhausting day. You must be in your dorm room, too. Otherwise you wouldn’t call me.” She could hear the sound of typing in the background, and she guessed he had her on speaker while he was on his computer.
“Yeah. I’m having a fucking problem.”
“A problem? Like what?” Holding her phone to her cheek now, she sat up, giving a yawn as she rubbed her face. “Your computer?”
“Fuck! Yes, I-...” Koge heard him grumble in irritation, and she grew curious if he were hiding something. “Some bullshit is going on with it, I can’t fix it.”
Koge stood, turning her phone on speaker before she placed it on her desk. Walking towards her wardrobe, she began to unbutton her uniform, wanting to change into something casual. “What is it doing?”
“This stupid shit keeps coming up every time I try to use it, even if I restart it. I’ve tried all kinds of things, its fucking pissing me off.”
“Huh, sounds like some type of virus or malware.” As she shed her uniform, she tried to think of what it could be, though found it could be a multitude of things. One of her passions was computers, programming in particular, and she had worked hard to teach herself many things. Every once in a while, she found herself dragged in to helping her friends fix something wrong with their electronics. She didn’t ever mind, as it gave her some extra practice. This time however, did bother her. Not because she was being asked for help, but because of who was asking.
Her crush on Bakugou had escalated since his kidnapping, and she had been struggling with not spilling her guts to him any time they talked. If he asks for help, I’m going to have to go over to his dorm. She thought, pulling on some shorts. And be alone with him. In his dorm room. For who knows how long. Oh god. She swallowed the lump in her throat, buttoning her shorts as she looked over towards her phone, able to hear angry grumbling and typing.
“Well I can’t fucking figure it out, whatever it is! Fix it for me!”
There it was, making Koge’s stomach instantly lurch. Sure, they had been alone together many times through the years, but never like this and not with her feelings so intense. “Want to bring it over here, or..?” Stay cool, it’s fine. It’s fine.
“Just fucking come over here, people will ask a lot of questions if I go walking around. You’re basically invisible, no one ever notices you.”
Koge scoffed, rolling her eyes as she finished dressing, walking back over towards her phone. “Geez, don’t have to rub it in. Besides, that’s not true. You notice me.” She said this with a teasing tone, stifling a giggle at the incoherent ranting that came from the phone speaker. While it was still going on, she turned her phone off speaker, bringing it back up to her ear. “Okay, okay, Katsuki, I know you’re frustrated. It was just a joke.”
“Well you’re fucking shit at jokes. Of course I notice you, I’ve known you for fucking ever. Just hurry up before it gets too late and you can’t come.”
“I’m coming right now.” She grabbed a small bag, taking a moment to shove some snacks inside. “I hope you’re decent.”
“Oh shut up! Just hurry up.”
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” There was only a huff in response before the phone hung up, and Koge pulled it from her ear to gaze down at her screen. She stared at his name as her phone defaulted to her recent calls list, noticing that out of the first five visible, only one was not him. Feeling her face flush, she sighed, locking her phone and putting it away in her pocket. Stupid jerk. He better tell me thank you after I fix it for him. After taking a quick glance around her room, she headed out, going down the stairs of her dorm building and out the front door without anyone noticing her.
Although all the dorm buildings on the UA campus were all in the same area, hers was a decent walk away from the building for class 1-A. It was a warm evening with the sun already beginning to set behind the trees, though the beauty of the sunset wasn’t what caught Koge’s attention. Dark storm clouds were making their way towards the campus, lightning flashing within the belly of the clouds. It was a huge, dark storm, and Koge could tell it was going to be intense. I hope the power doesn’t go out while I’m working… that would just ruin everything.
Able to make it to the dorm building before the storm hit, Koge headed inside, glancing around. Luckily, anyone who was in the common area were gathered at the windows, conversing about the approaching storm. Before she was noticed, she quickly snuck into the stairway, being sure to close the heavy door as quietly as she could. Although Bakugou picked on her for it, she was glad for this uncanny ability to be quiet and go unnoticed when she did things. It often helped her to avoid unwanted social interaction, and break the rules, much like she was doing now.
Just as she exited the stairway door to Bakugou’s floor, she stopped, hearing someone curse out as the door smacked into them. Holding her breath, she thought about what she could do. Run? Hide? Hit them with the door even harder and hopefully knock them out? No, that’s too much… Suck it up, maybe it’s Katsuki.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize someone was there.” She came out from behind the door, immediately feeling her stomach drop when she gazed upon the spiked red hair. Nope, not Katsuki. One eye clenched shut and rubbing his newly injured knee, Kirishima didn’t look up at her at first, too distracted by what had happened. “Ah, well, that’s alright! I mean, the doors don’t have windows, not like you could tell who- hey, wait!” He finally looked up, pointing his finger at her as a curious look came over his features. “What are you doing here?”
Koge clutched the handle of the small bag she carried tighter, hoping he wouldn’t be able to tell how nervous she was. “I, uhm, came to see Katsuki.” Kirishima seemed confused for a moment, placing his hands on his hips. “Bakugou? Why would you- oh!” A sharp toothed grin broke his face. “You’re Koge, right? His friend that’s a second year?” Koge nodded, beginning to scoot her way around him slowly, though he just turned his body to continue to talk to her. “That’s cool! I’m-”
“Eijiro Kirishima. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Koge wasn’t trying to be rude, but her phone was buzzing again, and she knew that it had to be Bakugou losing his patience waiting on her. Though, Kirishima didn’t lose his friendly posture, chuckling instead. “I forgot, everyone in the school knows our names, though I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing by now. Hey, why are you going in there, anyway? I don’t know if you should, he’s been yelling for the past hour.”
Koge couldn’t help but feel comfortable in his presence. With a personality like this, it feels like you could talk to him for hours. “His computer is broken, I was going to help him fix it.” Another curious look came over Kirishima’s face, looking down the hall towards Bakugou’s door. “Huh? His computer? Well I don’t know why he made you come all the way up here, he could have asked one of us for help. Want me to help-”
“No!” Koge was a bit louder than she had wanted to be, instantly biting the inside of her cheek to scold herself at her mistake. “No, no. Really, it’s okay, I can handle it.” The confused look he gave her only made her embarrassment grow, and she could feel heat rush to her cheeks, trying to avoid eye contact. Kirishima began to quietly snicker, leaning forward a bit to try and catch her eyes. “Oh, I get it. I didn’t know he was dating-”
“We’re not!” Once again, too loud, though this time she couldn’t control her panic as she began to back up towards Bakugou’s door. “We’re not- not, we’re not dating. I’m just being a good, uh, friend, you know. Helping him when he asks. Fearing for my life. You know the drill.” Kirishima laughed, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “Ah, sorry! Well, I won’t hold you up, then!” He grabbed the handle to the door, flashing her one last grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep this quiet to anyone else.” Koge gave a small wave, watching as he vanished behind the door. “Thank you, Eijiro.”
Once she was sure he was gone, Koge groaned out loudly, dragging herself towards Bakugou’s door. Oh god, I hope he didn’t hear any of that, he’ll be so annoyed. Standing before the wooden door, she could almost feel the anger radiating from within, and she knew this was going to be an interesting visit. She knocked a few times, listening as she could hear shuffling from inside. Eventually, the door opened, and Bakugou peered down at her with a sneer. “Finally! What did you do, crawl over here?” He stepped aside to let her in, and she took his invitation gladly. “No, I rolled.”
With a scoff, he shut the door a bit too loudly, storming back over towards his computer desk. “Shut up! Just get over here and help me before the storm hits!” As requested, Koge followed him over, placing her bag down on the desk. Without permission, she sat down in his chair, pulling her legs up to sit cross legged in the seat. “So, what is it doing?” One arm resting on the back of the chair, Bakugou leaned over, messing with the mousepad of the laptop to make the screen come to life. Koge tried to control the heat that wanted to rush to her face, finding his closeness a bit overwhelming in the moment.
“That fucking shit, whatever it is, it won’t go away.” He stood back up, though kept his place beside the chair. Pulling the laptop a bit closer to the edge of the desk, Koge looked over the strange pop-up curiously. “And you can’t do anything? No internet, no documents-”
“No!” Bakugou interrupted her, his patience obviously at it’s limit with the device. “If I didn’t have so much shit I need on it, I’d throw it out the fucking window!” Koge shook her head, beginning her work to rectify his problem, her fingers flying across the keys with her quick typing speed. “No need for that. Oh, I brought you those hot chips you like. They’re in that bag.” Bakugou grumbled as he reached into the bag, pulling out the chips. “Thanks…” His voice already calmer, Koge felt a smile tug at the corner of her lips.
Still, she found that she needed to know what he was doing to cause his computer to be burdened with such a virus, continuing her work as she spoke. “So what were you doing when this came up?” Bakugou was silent for a moment, only the sound of crunching chips coming from him. When he eventually spoke up, Koge could hear the slight uneasiness in his voice, and she didn’t believe him for a second. “I wasn’t doing anything, Utsuro,” he paused to eat another chip. “It just came up.”
Koge gave a small grunt in response, taking a moment to glance up at him. “You were watching porn, weren’t you?” Bakugou instantly went into a coughing fit, choking on the chips he had been eating. He slammed the bag of chips on the counter, leaning on it as he tried to recover, and Koge could see that his face had turned bright red. “No, for fucks sake! I wasn’t doing that shit!” Obviously embarrassed, he stormed away from the desk, leaving Koge giggling to herself and taking his chips with him. “It’s a joke, Katsuki! You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.”
“Shut up! Don’t call me cute!” He yelled at her from the direction of his bed, and she assumed he had laid down to sulk in his embarrassment. “What the fuck are you trying to do, saying shit like that to me.” Angry munching of chips followed his grumble, though Koge kept her focus on the computer. “Just teasing you, Katsuki. We haven’t gotten to hang out in a while, you’ve been busy getting ready for that license exam.” Finishing up something she was doing, she swiveled the chair around to face the bed, leaning back into it. “It wasn’t porn that it came from, looks like it was from a music file you tried to download. You should be more careful trying to get those things.”
Bakugou only grumbled, avoiding looking at her as he continued to eat the chips. He was sitting on his bed with his back against the wall, his legs stretched out and feet hanging over the edge of the small twin sized mattress. It was obvious to Koge that he was very frustrated, especially with his refusal to look at her, but he was much calmer than he had sounded on the phone. “Can you fix it?” Bakugou mumbled under his breath, his crimson eyes flashing to look at her only for a moment. Koge nodded, fixing her legs so that her knees were up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “Yes, I’m running something right now, though it might take at least an hour or so.”
With a small nod, his eyes moved to her once again before focusing on the window in his room. The blinds were open, and the storm clouds were visible, darkening the sky and swallowing the sunlight. Koge didn’t bother to look at it though, her eyes locked on the boy in front of her. Just looking at him made her heart race, feeling as if it were going to fly out of her mouth. Ever since he had been safely returned from his kidnapping, Koge had found herself hopelessly falling for him more and more every day. She was positive that by now, he could tell that she had a crush on him, but he had yet to show much interest. Koge knew that was because either he wasn’t interested, he was too prideful to say anything, or he was nervous about it.
She hoped desperately that it was the last option. Maybe he was just waiting for the right time to say something? Or maybe he wanted her to admit it first? Koge wasn’t sure. But, as he began to lick the red powder from the chips off his finger tips, Koge had to look away, hiding her face in her knees as her body flushed with heat. I wish he’d let me do that for him… No, Koge, stop it! He’ll notice-
“Something wrong, Utsuro?”
It took every inch of Koge’s self control to not jump at his voice, lifting her head up from her knees. “No, no, I’m alright. Still just a bit tired.” Her stomach bubbled violently as he kept a suspicious gaze on her, knowing that he must be able to see the red on her cheeks. Giving a small cough to clear her throat, Koge nodded towards the bag she had brought, deciding to try and change the conversation topic. “I brought some other stuff, too. Uhm… Gummy worms.” Bakugou’s eyes narrowed at her before he scooted to the edge of the bed and stood, walking over to throw the empty bag of chips in a small trash can. “You’re acting weird, Utsuro.”
“Weird?” Koge repeated, hugging onto her legs tighter. “How am I acting weird?” Bakugou pulled his gaze from her to look into the small bag as he came over to dig through it. “I don’t know. You were normal earlier.” A sly smirk crossed his face as he pulled out the previously stated gummy worms, opening the pack. “Are you actually embarrassed to be in my room like this?” Koge shook her head, doing her best to keep all emotions buried deep down. “No. I’ve been alone with you in a bedroom before.”
Bakugou scoffed, leaning on the desk as he ate one of the candies. “Not since before you moved, we haven’t. You are all fucking shy about it, aren’t you?” He pulled another from the bag, tossing it at her and hitting her in the cheek. Koge gave a small finch as it hit her, reaching up to grab it as it landed on her knee before popping it into her mouth. “I’m not, I’m totally fine.” I’m not totally fine, I’m dying on the inside.
After taking a glance to see what the computer was doing, Bakugou walked back over to his bed, sitting on the edge. “Yeah, sure. How long is that fucking thing going to take?” Koge gave a small shrug, turning the chair to look at it before facing him again. “I’m not sure… It’s not running as fast as I had hoped.” She watched him for a moment, craving another candy. “Toss me one?” Bakugou looked at the worm in his hand, folding it in half. “Open you mouth, I bet I can make it.” Though Koge felt the heat return to her face, she scoffed playfully, putting her legs down. “Yeah right, I bet you can’t.”
“Watch me! Do it!” A determined look came over his features as he readied himself to throw it. Koge gave a small roll of her eyes, opening her mouth and awaiting the candy as demanded. She gave a small gasp as it smacked into her cheek with quite a bit of force, bouncing off her face and landing on the floor. “Ow! Katsuki, throw it gently!” Bakugou scoffed, grabbing another candy. “Fucking ‘ow’, yeah right, you wimp. You’ve taken a punch from me in the face during training, and you’re saying ‘ow’ to a fucking gummy worm?”
Koge narrowed her eyes at him, gripping onto the arms of the chair as she braced her feet on the floor. “Bring it, then. Unless you can’t even throw a damn gummy worm.” She had to resist laughing at the glare he gave her, finding it hilarious how serious he was taking this, watching as he squished the gummy worm between this fingers. “Open your mouth, I won’t miss this time!” Koge did so, giving a yelp as the candy hit her in the eye this time. “Ouch! Katsuki!” Bakugou growled, crushing the bag in his fist. “Damn it, Utsuro, stop moving!”
Crossing her arms, Koge glared at him. “Excuse me? I’m not moving at all! You just have bad aim.” Bakugou grabbed more worms out of the bag. “My aim is perfect! You just have a tiny, useless mouth!” Koge felt her face flush, though she leaned back in the chair, laughing. “A tiny, useless mouth!?” She was unable to stop laughing, leaning back further in the chair, not noticing it squeak under her movements. “Katsuki, you’re so funny!”
Bakugou growled, standing in his frustration. “I’m not trying to be funny! I’m serious, you-” He was interrupted as Koge gave a squeal, the chair she sat in suddenly giving out under her leaning and falling to the ground. Now it was his turn to laugh, cackling at her as she rolled onto the floor out of the chair. “Holy shit, you busted your ass!”
Koge groaned, rubbing her head as she stayed on the ground. “K-Katsuki, I think your chair is broken, that shouldn’t have happened.” Through one squinted eye, she gazed up at him as he walked over, squatting down beside her. “Oh yeah, I broke it a while ago. Guess I should have told you not to lean back.” Koge glowered up at him, reached up to lightly flick him on the nose. “Jerk.” Bakugou gave a small jump at her flick, snatching onto her wrist with a snarl. “Hey! Don’t flick me like that!” Koge’s glare moved to his hand, feeling her heart racing at the heat and roughness of his palm.
Before she could say anything, he gripped her other arm and pulled her to sit up. “Get up off the floor.” As he pulled her up, her legs fumbled a bit with the chair, giving a wince as her forehead bumped into his chin. “Ow! You’re doing nothing but hurting me tod-” Her words caught in her throat as she looked up at him, feeling shock rush through her at how close she was to his face. Bakugou seemed surprised for a moment as well, though neither of them made a move to back away.
What’s going on…? Why isn’t he moving away? Koge could feel her face burning as she stared up at him, feeling his grip grow hotter against her skin. Her heartbeat was pounding all the way up into her ears, baffled by his calm expression and refusal to back away. Get away from me, Katsuki. I can’t do this. I can’t be this close to you! She could feel her entire body beginning to tremble, her mind barely registering that another inch had vanished between them. She could almost feel his lips against hers, the scent of whatever he was wearing making her head spin.
I can’t… Katsuki-
Just as her lips parted, her bottom lip brushing against his, a huge clash of thunder shook the building, lightning flashing into the room and breaking them out of their daze. His face flushing bright red, Bakugou brought a hand up and put it over her face, pushing her back a bit as he stood. “What the fuck are you doing, Utsuro?!” Koge was pushed back to sit on her butt, staring up at him in shock as he walked away. “I… Katsuki-”
“I’ll be back.” He didn’t look back at her as he walked out of the room, leaving her alone, trembling and confused. Her heart still pounding heavily, Koge reached up and touched her bottom lip lightly, feeling her stomach churn uneasily. What just happened? Did he almost kiss me? Or did I almost kiss him? She stood on trembling legs, taking a moment to pick up the crippled chair. She felt as if she were in a dream, as if she had really fallen asleep in her dorm room and this was all in her head. That couldn’t have just happened…
Nearly feeling faint, she sat back down into the chair, spinning it back towards the computer. “Oh… It’s ready…” Feeling tears beginning to well up in her eyes, she reached up and covered her mouth, pulling her legs back up into the chair. W-what do I do? What do I do now? He must be upset if he walked out like that.
Hugging her legs to her chest, she hid her face in her knees, breathing heavily as she tried to control her tears. “Damn it… I probably ruined everything.” She wasn’t sure how long she sat in silence by herself, though by the time she finally lifted her head, the room was filled by the sounds of the violent storm outside. Sniffing, she wiped her eyes and scooted the chair closer to the desk, going back to working on the computer to distract herself.
Eventually, the door opened behind her, though she didn’t have it in her to turn around to face him. Instead, she continued her work, listening as the door shut and the familiar sound of his footsteps went towards the bed. Fingers trembling, she found it harder to type, wanting nothing more than to talk to him. Still, she felt strangled, as if her vocal cords were tied in knots. She could only hope that he would say something to her first so that she would be forced to respond.
No luck. The two of them sat in silence for nearly an hour and a half, Koge focused on her work. As if in a daze, she was surprised when she finally finished, feeling her heart sink and stomach bubble in fear. I have to say something now… Suck it up. Be brave… He’ll hate it if I act like a stupid whiny girl. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she pushed the laptop back into its normal spot. “I’ve fixed it, Katsuki. Sorry it took so long.”
Shuffling sounds from the bed were the first response, a quiet sigh following. “Thanks. Just close it.” Koge was surprised he hadn’t wanted to come see her work and verify it was indeed done, though she shut it as instructed. “You don’t want to come see? What if I just broke it worse and I’m pretending?”
“I trust you.”
Koge felt her heart skip, feeling the heat return to her face. Turning her head, she looked at the window, noticing that it had gotten dark, but the storm was still raging. The sound of the rain was incredibly loud, and Koge hated the thought of having to walk back in it. Pushing herself back from the desk, she stood, taking a deep breath before she turned to face him. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the glare on his face, crossing her arms tightly over her chest as she returned a similar scowl. “What are you looking at me like that for?”
Bakugou narrowed his eyes at her, sitting on the edge of his bed with his elbows resting on his knees. Clasping his hands together, his glare moved towards the window. “You can’t go back to your dorm in this shit show. Go find a girl to stay with.” Koge shifted in her spot, looking back at the window. “I… don’t know any of these girls. Honestly, I’d rather walk back. Maybe I can-” Bakugou growled, standing. “No! I’m not letting you walk back in this. You could get sick or something.” Koge moved her hands to her hips, raising an eyebrow at him. “Not letting me? I think I can make my own decisions.”
His glare moved back down to her, though Koge found this frustration new. She was unsure of what it was exactly, but she assumed it has something to do with their moment earlier. A guilt was creeping over her, feeling as if him being upset was her fault at this point. Her posture and expression relaxing, she reached out and gently placed a hand over his clenched fist. “Katsuki… Are you mad at me?” Immediately, his glare softened, though it was quick to return, pushing her hand off of his. “No! I’m not mad!” Koge took her hand back, crossing her arms back over her chest.
“Then what is all of this glaring and yelling at me about? You must be mad about something.” She watched him as he went over to the window, shutting the blinds to hide the storm. Bakugou stood with his back to her, giving a sigh as he shoved his hands into his sweatpants pockets. “Utsuro, you seriously piss me off sometimes. But I’m not mad at you. You need to find a place to stay, this storm isn’t going to be over until late.” Koge tapped her foot on the ground, a bit frustrated that he wasn’t telling her what was wrong, but she decided not to push him on it for now.
She sighed, reaching up to rub one of her tired eyes. “Well, I don’t think I could stay with one of these girls, I don’t know any of them… What if I just sleep on your floor?” Bakugou turned back towards her, a bit surprised at the suggestion. “What? No, I’m not going to let you sleep on my fucking floor. I’ll sleep on the floor, you take the bed.” Koge shook her head, narrowing her eyes at him. “No way, that’s your bed, I can’t kick you out of it.”
“You’re not kicking me out of it, it’s my decision!”
“I’d rather walk back than make you sleep on the floor, Katsuki.”
“You can’t walk back in this!”
“So then what are we supposed to do? Sleep in the same bed like when we were kids?”
Silence fell over the two as they stared at each other, Koge feeling the heat in her face slowly creep up the longer he stared at her in bewilderment. Eventually, she grew uncomfortable, shifting in her spot. “Are you just going to stare at me?” Bakugou shook his head, turning his back to her again. “We’re not kids anymore, we can’t do that.” Koge gave a small nod, looking down towards the small bed. “We could always put a couple of pillows between us, if you really think you can’t control yourself.”
“That’s not it, you idiot!” Bakugou snapped at her, turning his head to glare at her over his shoulder. “I’m not some idiot pervert like that Grape-Shit who can’t control himself in front of a woman.” Koge noticed that his cheek and ear facing her were bright red, and she guessed she had struck a nerve. “I know, Katsuki, you’re responsible. That’s why I trust you. And who’s a ‘Grape-Shit’?” Bakugou growled in frustration, walking away and towards the closet. “No one, forget it. I’m sick of fighting with you about it, I’m tired. Make up your damn mind.”
Koge rubbed the back of her neck, watching him pull another pillow and blanket from the closet. “Well you won’t let me leave. I won’t sleep in a girls room because I don’t know them. You won’t let me sleep on the floor, and I won’t let you sleep on the floor. So either one of us has to give in, or we have to agree-” She squeaked as Bakugou threw the pillow at her face, making her grab it in a rush before it fell. Hugging it to herself tightly, she watched as he folded the blanket already on the bed over to one side before putting the other over the other half. “We’ll use two different blankets and put a pillow between. We’ll get in so much trouble if we’re caught like this, so you have to leave early in the morning.”
Giving a small nod, she could feel her stomach bubbling with nerves, regretting that she had actually suggested this. She knew it wasn’t going to turn out well, but she couldn’t deny that she was kind of excited. Although she didn’t expect something to happen, she hoped that it would. To wake up accidentally cuddling would be wonderful. Walking over to the bed, she put her pillow down in the empty spot. “Katsuki…” Her eyes were locked on the third pillow tossed onto the bed, unable to handle it eating at her any further.
“What?” Bakugou turned on a lamp beside the bed before he walked back towards the door, turning off the main light. Koge sat down on the edge of the bed, assuming she was going to have the outside end and he was going to be against the wall. “Should we talk about earlier? I-”
“No. Lay down and go to sleep.” Bakugou growled at her, getting in on his side of the bed, wrapping himself into his blanket as tightly as he could with the middle pillow at his back. Koge felt her heart drop as she watched him, feeling a sadness grow within her. “Okay…” I guess it had just been me, then… Reaching over, she turned off the lamp before laying down as well, the pillow feeling more like a rock between them. It perfectly resembled the wall she felt had grown, separating their emotional connection like she had never felt before. He was deeply bothered by what had happened, and so was she, but at this rate, he would end up letting it go like it never happened.
Keeping herself as close to the edge of the bed as she could, she kept her blanket tightly around her, feeling a chill set in as she listened to the storm. It was raging, just as her mind was, and she eventually settled into a restless sleep.
Koge was pulled from sleep by an uncomfortable pressure on her knee, her mind swimming in a fuzzy haze from being in a restless state of unconsciousness. Besides the weird pressure on her knee, she was comfortable and warm, relaxed by the light sound of rain hitting the window. Turning her face more into the soft warmth of her blanket, she shifted her leg just a bit, relieving the pressure to her bone. The weight settled on her thigh instead, resting there comfortably. Must be my blanket all bunched up… She thought to herself, her mind still groggy in the grips of sleep. Man it’s hot in here, though…
The chill that she had fallen asleep with was no longer present. Instead, she was swallowed in a heavy warmth, cocooning her completely. I really like this blanket… Maybe I’ll steal it from him. She buried her face deeper into the soft cloth, feeling an annoying tingling of a chilled nose against the heat. Though, the longer she laid there, the more she came to realize something wasn’t quite right. The blanket he had given her was thin and made of a rougher woven material, nothing like the smooth, soft cloth her face was hidden in. On top of that, she felt as if it were moving, pressing back against her face in a slow, rhythmic motion.
As her mind began to awaken, she noticed more things that should not be. Her legs were trapped, swallowed by an unknown force. In fact, her entire body was in some sort of tight grip, able to feel it resting across her torso and back, pinning her arm down to her chest. Moving her fingers a bit, she could feel the same soft fabric that her face was pressed into, only on the top of her hand instead. Her palm and underside of her forearm were pressed into a hard warmth, able to feel it moving against her in the same pattern as the pressure against her face. Panic began to build within her, mind racing as she finally realized what was happening.
Oh shit… he’s holding me!
Now fully awake and body rushing with adrenaline, Koge opened her eyes, immediately met with the color red. Neither of their blankets had been red, nor the pillows. This was the shirt he had fallen asleep in, warm and soft against her skin. Although she wanted to jump away, to push him off and run out of the door, she found herself frozen, trapped in his grip and by her own fear. I can’t believe this. I knew this was going to happen! If I wake him up, he’s going to totally freak out and never talk to me again, I know it! Koge tried to move her arm, glancing down as she noticed it was quite stuck, both under his grip and by the cloth of his shirt. In a panic, she nearly wanted to scream, noticing that her arm was up inside his shirt. Oh fuck! My arm is in his shirt! How did I do that!? I can’t move it, I’ll end up moving his arm. Damn it, what do I do!
She could feel tears beginning to build up, the familiar burn making her clench her eyes shut tightly. Don’t cry. It’s fine, he’s obviously deep in sleep, he doesn’t realize what’s happening. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly tilted her head up to look at his face, feeling her cheeks flush even hotter. Sure, she had seen him sleeping before, but never this intimately.  Bakugou’s expression was soft, the hard frown lines erased from his features. In the dim light of the dawn coming through the window, Koge could have sworn he was glowing, able to feel her heart pounding heavily all through her body. He’s so gorgeous. I hate him.
Looking away, her eyes fell to his neck, racking her brain for what to do. I could just fall back asleep and enjoy this while I can… Pretend it didn’t happen when I wake up. No, I’d never be able to pretend, I’m going to want this forever. I never expected him to be this cuddly. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she shifted her arm just a bit, trying to slowly wiggle it out of his shirt. As she was almost free, Bakugou shifted, giving a groan as he stretched his body. Fearful, Koge froze, biting onto her bottom lip as he squeezed her as he would a pillow. A little tight there!
Her head was bent back as he pulled her up, pressing his cheek into her forehead and resting his head against hers. With a sigh, his body relaxed back into deep sleep, leaving Koge frozen, her lips dangerously close to his and arm even further up his shirt. Damn it… Katsuki, I hate you. I love you and I hate you all at the same time. Closing her eyes, she wished that she would wake up from this dream and find that they were still separated by that pillow. Calm down… Just go back to sleep… Enjoy it. I may never have this again…
Letting out a small, shaking sigh, Koge began to relax, soaking in the feeling of his warmth and strong embrace. She felt warm and safe, as if she were always meant to be like this. Near drifting off, she felt a change in his breathing, noticing it become faster. His grip on her became tighter,  arm shifting and hand moving to caress the curve of her back.
Oh no, he's awake! Koge tried to stay still, tried to pretend that she was still asleep. Though, she couldn't control the pounding of her heart, and she was sure that the flushing of her cheeks was visible. She must have been convincing, however, as he didn't dare move another inch. Her arm still up inside his shirt, she could feel his heartbeat quicken, and she hoped that it wasn’t from anger. Go back to sleep… Please… As if responding to her thoughts in defiance, his hand slowly slid up her back, caressing her form with the same strong grip and making her stomach violently twist with butterflies.
Emotions boiling out of control at the use of her first name, Koge opened her eyes, her entire body trembling violently as her gaze locked with his. Vision blurry with tears, she began to breathe heavily, becoming terrified as her mind raced with thoughts of what he was going to say or do. “K-Katsu-” She was cut off, his lips suddenly crashing down on hers, pulling her into a hot and passionate kiss. At first, she was shocked and confused, releasing a muffled gasp as she was completely engulfed in his fire. Unable to resist the burning heat, she opened herself to him completely, her arm sliding around his torso to pull him in closer.
By the time he finally pulled away, they were both breathless and she was on her back, his body pressing into hers as if he had a desperate need to be close to her. Still trembling and her chest pressing against his with each heavy breath, Koge looked up at him, feeling her heart melt from the fiery passion in his gaze. “I… Thought you said you could control yourself.” Bakugou brought one of his hands up to cup her cheek, his thumb running across her sore bottom lip with a soft touch that made her skin tingle with goosebumps. With a small shake of his head, he leaned his forehead against hers, his hand sliding up to tangle into her hair.
“Around women, sure.” His voice was unlike anything Koge had heard from him before, quiet and low, and it only made her body grow warmer. “But not you. I can’t control myself around you anymore.” He kissed her again, softer this time, before continuing. “And I’m not a fucking moron. I see the way you look at me, so I’ve known how you feel about me.” Koge felt her cheeks somehow grow hotter, able to feel it all the way to her ears. Clutching onto him tighter, she tried to control the swelling happiness growing within her, not wanting to cry over this and scare him off.
“Katsuki… I’ve had a crush on  you for years. But I never thought you would like me in any way more than just a friend.” She ran her fingers through his hair gently, her emotional walls crumbling, voice trembling as she spoke. “If you’re going to give me anything… I want all of you. For as long as you’ll have me.”
Bakugou scoffed, nudging her nose with his own. “Don’t be such a baby. Like I told you, the day I came home from being taken… There’s no reason I’d want to leave you.” Koge couldn’t stop the tears this time, clenching her eyes shut tightly as they fell. “Katsuki… You’re being too nice, I’m not used to this, it’s making me cry.” With a growl, Bakugou pinched her cheek, making her squeal and wiggle in discomfort. “Shut up, Utsuro, and stop crying! You’re supposed to be happy.”
Koge sniffed, reaching up to wipe her cheek of tears. “But I am happy.” After a small hiccup, she smiled up at him, making his face and ears instantly flush dark red. “I’m always happy with you.” Bakugou grumbled as he looked away, putting a hand over her face. “Don’t smile at me like that, it drives me crazy.” Koge giggled behind his hand, kissing his calloused palm gently. “Well… I guess I’m going to have to apologize to Eijiro.” Bakugou’s gaze instantly moved back to her, confusion on his face. “Huh? What do you mean?”
Koge’s smile was still present as he removed his hand. “I guess technically I lied to him yesterday. I hit him with the door coming in, and he assumed we were dating. I told him we weren’t, but now…”
Bakugou gave a huff, obviously embarrassed that she had talked to one of his friends like that. “Don’t tell him that, he’ll figure it out on his own. You’re both stupid.” Koge giggled as he leaned in and kissed her cheek in a rough, playful manner, making her clutch back onto him tightly. “If you want all of me, you have it...” He spoke with lips to her ear, his voice sending tingles raging down her spine.
“As long as I can have all of you in return.”
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of-rats-and-asters · 7 years ago
No.6: FBI agent AU
"He was just one more agent made to spy on some nerdy students to protect the world against those dangerous, murderous terrorists wanting to overthrow the government. The thought made him grin even more. If only they knew. "
In which Nezumi really doesn't give a shit about rules or morality. He does care about Shion though.
Nezumi was turning the spoon inside his coffee mug. Not that he needed to. He always drank his coffee black, without sugar. He didn’t even like the taste, really. He just despised sugared coffee even more. However he loved the music the spoon made against the sides of the mug. It was a sound that reverberated through him, a life-long memory that he didn’t even remember where it came from. And it didn’t matter. He just enjoyed the damn noise of the spoon hitting against the earthenware of his mug.  The coffee was mostly there to avoid social interactions though. The others at the office would come at some point in the night and cheerfully offer him “Hey Nezumi, would you come share a cup with us? We’re at the machine” and he would flash them a smile, you know, one of those polite-borderline-sexy smiles and raise his own steaming mug of bitter beverage and go “Thanks guys I have everything I need right now.” And that would be good. They would let him for a few more hours. He would also look more like a normal person. He supposed it was more normal to keep awoken in the whole night at work thanks to coffee. Nezumi wasn’t really normal, he supposed. He preferred working at night. He actually moved around the night the way his fellows gesticulated in the day. He was just like the rodent he was named after, in the end. Therefore, it was only midnight and he was perfectly alert.  A sudden sound broke his daydreaming.
“Hey Shion are you around?” A girl appeared on his screen, all deformed because webcams were like that, they distorted reality, and made people look ugly. Nezumi always laughed when he saw all those posts on social Medias about “NSA agents spying people’s computer”. If the guys only knew what he was bound to see every night... The girl leaned forward, scrutinizing her own computer screen before sighing. The “Shion” she was likely referring to wasn’t there yet, apparently. Safu shook her head before taking something next to the computer – Nezumi couldn’t see what. There were limits to his power after all. Then he heard some tapping on her keyboard. She was fast, gosh. Hey girl no need to rush like that. He though. And he stayed motionless for a few more minutes, observing this stranger tapping furiously like her life depended of it.
“WHAT THE FUCK NEZUMI!!” Woops. Nezumi quickly composed himself and tried to wear a neat, confident smile as he turned around his chair. “Hello, Inukashi.” His colleague was already glaring at him, there was no need to keep pretending anymore. Nezumi’s smile disappeared just as quickly as he had summoned it. “Get the hell out of my monitor, rat.” Nezumi smirked. Nezumi wasn’t his real name of course. Like everyone here, he was bearing a code name and no one here knew what his real name was. He was just one more agent made to spy on some nerdy students to protect the world against those dangerous, murderous terrorists wanting to overthrow the government. The thought made him grin even more. If only they knew. But right now, his biggest concern was the colleague standing – if this was the word: they were so small that Nezumi was almost looking up at them from his chair – in front of him, looking very furious, and very ready to punch him. “This. Is. My. Seat.” Nezumi had to repress a chuckle – that would most likely have signed his right for a slap on the face and he didn’t want to bother with this right now.
“It is, indeed, your seat…” he said swiftly, as he got up and gestured toward it. “Properly kept warm during your absence… But what were you doing anyway?” He winked at the other. He knew where Inukashi had gone, and it wasn’t like the other one was going to admit it. Rushing off work because he saw a stray dog on the street wasn’t exactly allowed, and they both knew it. Inukashi eyed suspiciously at him as he slowly sat on the chair, before waving Nezumi away. “I don’t even want to know what the fuck you were doing.”
Nezumi couldn’t hope for a better way to end the conversation, as he took his mug and returned to his seat, and his currently black screen – he didn’t have to check on it, he knew it wasn’t time yet. Sipping some of the now-lukewarm coffee, he observed carefully as Inukashi was grumbling, changing the set up on his monitor, and eventually going back to work. Then Nezumi turned back to his own business. He was supposed to put on a surveillance on certain individuals tonight. Most of them were asleep already though. He didn’t even bother checking their webcams or internet browsers, they were long gone; One of them, Nezumi had laughed at the sight a couple hours ago, had gone through his risible routine for the night: looking for illegal porn on some creepy website, completely unaware that all his actions were perfectly recorded by the FBI, all neatly stashed in a folder with his ID number on it; After some proper masturbation the guy had immediately gotten to erase his historic – without even going to wash his hands or something first. Gross. It always made Nezumi laugh, how stupid they could be. Those people with their internet historic, like if it would change anything really. This guy, with his dirty pants and his fast breathing, he wasn’t aware he was cautiously watched upon. And not only by the FBI, because really, in the end did it really matter? It wasn’t like the FBI gave a second thought on this creep’s porn preferences. No, the real threat, here was a very specific malware installed on his computer. Nezumi had noticed it the very moment he had checked on the monitor, and he really regretted he would never see the day where the guy would notice it too. Nezumi knew very well what this malware did. After all, he had been the one creating it. That’s what he did, sometimes during his free time. Creating ransomwares and selling them to some low-key criminals. It was easy cash, and always a nice little add-up for his big project. And it was so easy to erase his tracks.
Nezumi was cut from his thoughts by Inukashi calling out to him.
“Hey guys we have a bloke there, he’s drunk and all. I think he passed out.” Nezumi got up, walked towards Inukashi and leaned on the other’s screen. He noticed that, indeed, a man had passed out, looking completely wasted, on their computer keyboard.
“Well. Why would we care?” Like, seriously, what happened all across the country wasn’t their problem.
“We can’t let a guy die like this?!”
Nezumi threw one more look at the disgusting well-in-his-forties man on the screen. What a waste of flesh, seriously. He wanted to puke. A quick glance at the images currently running on his monitor showed some clearly-illegal underage porn. Disgusting indeed.
“Hey cool down, man, we’re the fucking FBI, not an emergency center.”
Inukashi gave him that look. That kind of judgemental stare and Nezumi rolled his eyes.
“Listen, kiddo –”
“Stop calling me that!” Inukashi could growl at him all they wanted, Nezumi was fully aware the brat was all bark and no teeth. He gave them a knowing look. “Maybe you tricked the FBI into believing you were 18 – maybe – but you won’t trick me.” And before the angry teen could keep on he added “What’s the guy’s name?” He quickly searched on the screen for the surveillance file. “Ahhhh…. Rikiga. I should have known better. You know why we look after him?” Inukashi shook his head weakly. They had gotten very pale all of a sudden. So pale Nezumi wondered how in the living hell they had hoped to keep their age a secret. And what this kid had so special that the FBI would actually hire them. Anyway. “He pimped children. See?” Nezumi took a careful step aside, both wanting to allow Inukashi a better view on the screen, and also wanting to get out of the way in case the younger vomited – which, according to their heavy gulping, could happen any time. Inukashi suddenly fled towards the toilets. Bingo.
Nezumi shrugged before sitting back in front of his own computer. Right in time, it seemed. The familiar silhouette appeared. Brown hair that he knew perfectly, by now, and a chestnut gaze that was deeply rooted in his memory. Even deeper than the song of spoons against mugs. Nezumi put on his headset. Shion was there, fumbling with his keyboard, in a rushed way that suggested his excitement. “Safu!! You there?” He called. Nezumi gave a quick check and noticed that Safu was indeed online. If Inukashi hadn’t set their monitor on some drunkard’s, he would have heard a voice in echo “Yeah I’m there. I have been waiting for so long, what were you doing?”
Shion’s face lit and he started babbling right away. Nezumi was considering tuning him off when something caught his attention. “I made a discovery. Like. An earth-shaking discovery, Safu!” Shion, true to himself, could barely hold still on his chair as he showed papers to the camera. Nezumi squinted. He had an idea what those papers told and if he was right…. “Safu, you remember this fire, fifteen years ago. The one which killed so many people in the forest. I made researches on it.” Oh No. Please tell me you didn’t. “Turns out it wasn’t what we thought it was.” No. “It wasn’t an accident, Safu.” Nezumi snapped. He didn’t have much time. Throwing himself at his computer, he furiously tapped at his keyboard. In a matter of minutes, everything would be set. On the corner of his eyes he noticed Inukashi getting out of the toilets, hand on their mouth and looking a little less white. Not the good time. Think. Think. THINK. Nezumi turned and unplugged all the phones around him. Hoping it would make him gain a few precious seconds. On his computer, he noticed Shion look of puzzlement… “What… Wait a minute, Safu… something just happened, I think my computer is glitched or something.” Shion’s computer wasn’t glitched. Nezumi knew perfectly well what was happening; at this very moment a tiny grey mouse with silver eyes had appeared on Shion’s screen. All connections were lost as the mouse would speak. “Don’t say a word. You need to get out of here. Now.” Nezumi spoke quickly to his mic, not even taking the time to check on Shion’s reaction. He imagined it well enough, after the amount of time spent watching over him. The widened eyes, the flushed cheeks and sharp inhale as he recognized the voice he hadn’t heard in so many years.
“What the fuck are you doing, Nezumi?” Nezumi threw a nasty glare at Inukashi. They had the decency to shut up as Nezumi was fumbling around. “Shion. Listen to me. Down your street, near the coffee shop. There’s a manhole. You go there. Right. Now.” Shion’s answer threw his headphones came as weak.
“Nez –”
“NOW!” On his screen, he saw Shion’s getting up suddenly, looking quickly around him. Nezumi wanted to punch the man, if he kept loosing time like this, they would be both lost. But Shion seemed to understand the shit he was in, because he suddenly took his papers, and left, not even taking a glance back. Turning to Inukashi, Nezumi growled “A word from you, and I will skin your dogs alive one by one before feeding them to my rats”. He supposed the message passed somehow as Inukashi stayed still, jaw hanging open, arms went limb and obviously not knowing what to do.  Nezumi didn’t have the luxury to dwell on it as he heard the clamour in his office. His co-workers were coming back from their break. It was now or never. Shoving Inukashi away, Nezumi ran to the window. He had chosen this office because it was located on the second floor. Months carefully preparing for this day. And now it was finally – FINALLY – happening. Excitement and fear both pumped through his veins as Nezumi opened the window, jumped on the balcony of the first floor and swiftly made his way to the pavement below. His escape only took a few seconds. And now he knew he didn’t have a choice. He had to be quick. For the first time in many years, he ran so fast his breathing hurt and he tasted blood in his mouth. He didn’t know if his mind was playing tricks on him as he seemed to distinguish dark shadows pursuing him. But he was more lithe and faster than them. Certainly more used to it, too. Soon he was running crazily in the sewers. Soon he was engulfed in darkness, but he knew the area better than anyone. Soon he was able to make up the shape of a young boy ahead. Soon he knew it was only the beginning.
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