#(if i'm wrong about the flower i apologize lol)
miss-floral-thief · 2 years
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Source: https://blog.piapro.net/2023/02/f2302272-1.html
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forzalando · 3 months
take my hand
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another 3k celebration blurb! this time, best friends to lovers with lando for my dear friend lee @scuderiahoney 💛 i hope you all love this one, it's an apology for unrequited love!lando lol no heartbreak this time, folks!!! i'm being nice!!!! set at the 2024 spanish gp but definitely some inaccuracies with the post race timeline and also please pretend max fewtrell was there pairing: lando norris x fem best friend!reader word count: 3.2k (this was supposed to be a blurb wtf is wrong with me) summary: it can be so easy to fall in love with your best friend, and it can also be incredibly hard to imagine a world where they love you back. in this world, you're one of the lucky ones. tw: short but steamy makeout scene, mild cursing
Loving Lando Norris was so astonishingly easy. It came as naturally as breathing for you and has for over half of your life.
You met so many years ago but it still feels like yesterday that he reached out to you and said, “take my hand”, pulling you gently off the ground while the other children laughed at your clumsiness. He told you that they laughed at him too – he was short, shorter than you even at that age, and he struggled to read and write. You vowed that day to always pick each other up when you fell or faltered, always stand by each other’s side even when everyone else was laughing, and although it was a promise made between two children, neither of you had ever broken it.
Smiling at the memory, you were off in your own little world – thinking about the days when he would pick you “flowers” at recess (you didn’t have the heart to tell him they were weeds) and you would always share half of your cookie at lunch.
A voice pulled you from your trance, making you jump slightly at the sudden interruption.
“What are you thinking about? Or should I say who are you thinking about with that dopey smile on your face?”
You turned to face Max Fewtrell, a staple in both yours and Lando’s lives for just as long as you’d known each other.
“I was just thinking about where we’ll go for a celebratory dinner after the race. I’ve been craving gourmet pasta and a fruity cocktail.”
“Right, and my name is Willy Wonka. You don’t have to tell me the truth, it’s fine! Just thought I’d let you know he’s looking for you, he wants you in the garage for the race.”
Your heart swelled – even though Lando asked you to be there for every race you could attend, it never failed to make you giddy. You nodded your head at Max, he smirked back at you, and you walked as quickly as possible to the McLaren garage without calling attention to yourself.
As soon as you stepped into the garage, you ran straight into Oscar and the force almost knocked you to the floor.
“Oh thank god you’re here,” he groaned. “Lando’s insufferable, asking where you are every five minutes.”
“Where is he? In his driver’s room?”
“Yeah, that’s where I last saw him headed,” Oscar yelled over his shoulder, walking towards his car. “Go work your magic on him!”
You rolled your eyes as you walked the familiar route to Lando’s driver’s room, your heart rate picking up a bit the closer you got to it. As soon as you were in front of the door, you knocked once and paused, then twice in quick succession, and once more after another brief pause – the secret knock you’d been using for years to let each other know you were there.
The door swung open almost immediately after your last knock and a frantic Lando yanked you inside. He flopped down on the couch behind him and covered his face with his hands – even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he had a frown and furrowed brow.
“Thank god you’re here now, I’ve been going insane. I need you to tell me that I’m going to win this race – now that I’ve won once, it’s fucking brutal being so close yet so far. Canada was a nightmare and today I’m starting on pole. They’ll eat me alive if I don’t convert it into a win and I don’t know if I can handle that.”
You sat next to him and gently peeled his hands from his face, glassy green eyes, flushed cheeks, and, just as you predicted, a frown and furrowed brow.
“I can’t tell you that you’re going to win, Lando,” you started to say until he interrupted you with a groan, pushing your hands away.
“Hey,” you whispered. “I can’t tell you that you’re going to win, but what I can tell you is that no matter what, I’m proud of you. Max is proud of you. Your family is proud of you. Your fans are proud of you. So many people love you and see what you’re capable of – winning a race, not winning a race, it doesn’t define you. You’re the hardest worker I know, you’re kind, you are the most wonderful friend. I’ll celebrate you even if you come plum last pushing a burning, front wing-less car across the line and so will everyone else who knows and loves you.”
By the time you’d finished rambling, Lando’s shoulders had visibly relaxed and he was smiling. Not the goofy smile with his teeth on full display but a smile was a smile, you would take what you could get.
“Thank you for always being there for me. I can’t promise I won’t be pissed if I lose today but at least I feel better now, thanks to you.”
You punched his arm lightly, jokingly, and rolled your eyes. “We made a promise, didn’t we? I’ll always be there for you, always there to pick you up, even if your inability to see how wonderful you are makes me want to scream.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m perfect, you love me, I’m the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you, your days are miserable without me, tell me something I don’t know,” he jested, nudging your shoulder before standing and holding out his hand to help you up.
“In your dreams, Norris,” you scoffed. “Make sure that big head of yours still fits in your helmet before you get in the car.”
He laughed loudly as he led you out of his driver’s room, finally smiling the goofy smile you loved so dearly. The moment was short-lived – someone from his team called his name and he hugged you briefly before jogging towards them, yelling over his shoulder that he wanted you waiting for him in Parc Ferme after the race.
You shouted your agreement, hoping and praying he hadn’t noticed the rapid beating of your heart or how warm your cheeks were when he pulled you into that brief embrace. Although he had said it all to rile you up, you truly did think the world of him. He was the greatest thing that had ever happened to you. In your eyes, he was as perfect as a person could be, and oh, did you love him. You loved him far more than a friend should and it was getting increasingly more difficult to keep that to yourself.
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As Lando pulled his car in front of the P2 sign, you felt the familiar burning of guilt running through your veins.
Maybe you should have told him he would win. Insisted on it, actually. You should have been adamant that he would rise to the occasion and to the top step of the podium once again.
He wouldn’t want to see you, you were quite sure of that, and despite your promise to be waiting for him with his team, you tried to sneak away unnoticed. You’d slowly made it far back enough to be swallowed by the sea of people until an arm blocked you from getting any further.
You looked up to see Lando’s race engineer with a disapproving look on his face and instantly felt like your father had just caught you trying to sneak out after curfew.
“He wants you here and he’s going to need you here,” Will shouted over the noise of the crowd.
“I think I’m the last person he wants to see right now, I wouldn’t promise him that he would win. I basically jinxed his whole race trying to keep him from being so hard on himself. What if he thinks I don’t believe in him?”
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response,” Will snorted. “Now please get back up there quickly so you’re the first person he sees when he gets out of that car.”
With the help of Will, you were pushed gently back to the front just in time to see Lando haul himself out of his McLaren. His body language was obvious – disappointment, sorrow, embarrassment, and your heart ached as you listened to the roaring cheers from the Red Bull team as Max launched himself into their arms.
You knew Lando would be running every possible scenario through his mind – what if he had gotten a better start, what if he’d managed tires just a bit better, what if George hadn’t been able to sail through at the start and he hadn’t had to back off of fighting Max. All of those thoughts a natural, valid response, but if he voiced any of them out loud he’d get torn to pieces by both journalists and fans of other drivers.
When he peeled his balaclava from his face your stomach twisted and you silently begged him to look your way – for him to find a face in the crowd that was so unwaveringly proud of him through everything, but he kept his eyes trained anywhere but you or his team.
Finally, you saw his eyes flicker to you, and he walked briskly toward where you and the few members of his team were waiting. Wordlessly, he pulled you into his arms and exhaled so deeply it felt as if he’d been holding his breath since the end of the race.
“You drove beautifully,” you whispered, combing your fingers through the sweat-dampened curls on his head. “I love you, you know that, right?”
Lando’s arms immediately loosened around you and his head was turned away from you, he wouldn’t, or couldn’t, look you in the eye.
“We’ll talk later, I have to go do my interview,” he mumbled. “Wait for me in my driver’s room, okay?”
You nodded your head even though he was already walking away from you, shoulders slumped and jaw clenched. Honestly, you weren’t sure what hurt worse – the fact that you could physically see his disappointment or that he didn’t say he loved you back.
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It felt like hours before you heard an all too familiar knock on the door to Lando’s room – the door gently swinging open to reveal the tired face and frame of your best friend. He must have showered in Oscar’s room before coming to find you – the smell of champagne nowhere to be found yet his curls stuck slightly to his forehead. The sight was endearing, and it took everything in you to not pull him into you and bury yourself against his chest.
“You didn’t have to knock, it’s your room,” you spoke softly, adjusting your position on the couch.
“Force of habit, I guess.” The corner of his lip turned up when he answered you – a good sign, a sign that maybe he wasn’t angry with you at all about your earlier conversation.
Although it was Lando who asked to talk, you couldn’t help yourself from blurting out an apology as soon as he took a seat next to you.
“I’m so sorry about earlier,” you pleaded. “I should’ve said something different, I should’ve just said what you wanted me to say. I meant all of it, every word, but you asked me to reassure you in a specific way and I didn’t.”
Lando blinked a few times as he stared at you, his mouth falling open in shock? Amusement? You couldn’t tell, but at least he didn’t appear to be mad.
“Do you think I’m angry with you?”
“Well, yes,” you mumbled. “I probably jinxed your race.”
“Jinxed it? If anything, you’re the reason I finished second. I kept thinking about what you told me instead of focusing on how I screwed up – it kept my head in the race.”
“But, but,” you stammered, “you didn’t say you loved me back. In Parc Ferme, when you were hugging me. You always say it back, I thought you were furious with me.”
“Would I have walked over only to hug you if I was furious with you?”
You felt a little embarrassed at your panic – “I suppose not, you probably would’ve stayed as far away from me as possible.”
“Exactly, you silly muppet,” he teased, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. “I didn’t say it back because I realized that it means something different for both of us and I, believe it or not, got scared.”
Your eyes widened and you felt like you were going to be sick. He knew. You shouldn’t have been surprised, everyone had figured it out – his pit crew, Will, Zak, Oscar, Oscar’s girlfriend the literal first time you met her, all of your friends and family, even drivers on different teams had made comments to you in passing over the years.
“Lando, I,” you tried to get ahead of it, ahead of the rejection and the awkwardness, but he cut you off with a raised hand and a pleading look.
“Please, just let me get this out or I never will,” he begged. “I think I’ve always known, or at least everyone around me has just always told me that it’s painfully obvious, but I didn’t fully realize it until earlier today. You care about me so much, more than anyone, and I’m almost positive I could be the lousiest driver, lawyer, engineer, teacher, architect, whatever, and you’d still always be proud of me. You’d be there for me regardless with a giant smile on your face, an “I love you”, and a hug that would heal any self-doubt or negative thoughts. You mean everything to me and I don’t know what I would do without you but – ”
You waited with bated breath, your leg bouncing uncontrollably and heart hammering in your chest. Waiting for the “but I don’t feel the same”, “but I see you as a friend”, for the inevitable heartbreak.
“But I can’t keep my feelings a secret anymore, even if it might ruin everything, but I have to believe it won’t because we can get through anything together. I love you, Y/N, more than anyone in this world, more than a friend, more than I ever thought it would be possible to love someone. I’m saying it back now, hoping that you feel the same because it’ll be incredibly awkward if you don’t, but that’s what I had to tell you first. I love you. I think I always have.”
It felt like the earth had stopped moving, time frozen and only you and Lando existed in this moment, only you existed in the entire universe. Your thoughts raced with what to say back – something romantic? Should you just jump into his arms and kiss him senseless like you’d dreamed about for years? Unfortunately, you landed on something far less eloquent.
“You what?” Your shout echoed in his driver’s room, if anyone was within a ten-foot radius they surely would have heard you.
“Well, I guess that’s not the worst reaction,” Lando pondered, looking away from you bashfully. “Nora Powell stomped on my foot when I told her I liked her. Do you remember that? I think it was Year 10?”
You did remember – it was quite a horrendous memory for you, actually, as that’s the year you realized you had a crush on your best friend.
“Oh, I was so jealous of her,” you blurted. “I cornered her at lunch the next day and told her she was the luckiest girl in the world and a certified idiot for turning you down.”
His head snapped back to look at you, a hopeful glint in his eye.
You smiled at Lando, tentatively cupping his cheek. “I suppose I’m the luckiest girl in the world now, to love and be loved by the most incredible man I’ve ever known.”
“Oh no,” he insisted, “I promise you, I’m the lucky one.”
He kissed you once gently, tentatively, his lips barely brushing yours before he pulled you into his lap and slid his hands to rest on your neck, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. In an instant, he was kissing you breathless, licking into your mouth as you whined and pressed yourself against him.
One roll of your hips had him panting, a hand leaving your face to slide under your shirt, leaving a trail of fire until he stopped and squeezed just under your breast. You were dizzy with desire and full of so much love for the man underneath you – he was intoxicating, you never wanted to stop kissing him, you never wanted to know the feeling of his hands not wandering your body.
You tugged his hair lightly, just enough to disconnect his lips from yours even though it pained you to do so.
“I love you so much,” you muttered, a tear escaping from your eye. “I never thought – ”, you couldn’t even get the words out, choosing to bury your head into Lando’s neck as he gently rubbed your back.
“I know,” he whispered, lifting your head to kiss you senseless once again.
The two of you were so wrapped up in one another that neither of you heard a knock at the door or the turning of the knob. You did, however, hear the blood-curdling scream.
“Oh my god, my eyes,” Max groaned, slapping a hand over his face while he dramatically dry-heaved. “Get a room, you deviants!”
“Mate, we are literally in a room!” Lando shouted back, lifting you gently off his lap before he leapt to his feet and pushed Max backward. “We will see you back at the hotel.”
“Great, I’ll be bleaching my eyes out when you get there. For the record, I’ve always wanted this to happen, but I never wanted to see it.”
“Well, that’s your own fault,” you scolded. “Next time wait for a response before barging in somewhere.”
“Oh, believe me,” he stressed, “I’ll never be walking into any room you two are in ever again. Not even if there’s another fire and I’m the only one who can warn you to get out.”
“The dramatics are unnecessary but you do need to leave,” Lando insisted, pointing out the door.
“Yes, absolutely, but before I go, who confessed first?”
“Lando did,” you said proudly. “I’m just irresistible, I guess.” Lando winked back at you, which you took to be an agreement.
“Damn it, I owe Piastri, Sainz, and Verstappen $100 each,” Max groaned. “Like they need my money. See you two lovebirds later!”
He shut the door so quickly that neither you nor Lando had time to react to the fact that your friends had been betting on you. It took a few rounds of looking back and forth at each other and then the closed door before you burst into giggles and fell back into the couch, clinging onto each other. You laughed a bit too hard, your hands leaving Lando to clutch at your ribs. Almost instantly, you felt yourself sliding off your seat, your bum hitting the floor with a thud.
You looked up to see Lando with his arm outstretched, a cheesy smile on his face as he repeated the same words he said to you so many years ago.
“Take my hand.”
And just like you did that fateful day, you grabbed on, let him pull you up, and fell in love all over again. 
taglist: @scuderiahoney @lam-ila @anaviieiraaa @nebarious @chocolatepoetryfun @maxlarens @coff33andb00ks @katsu28 @sof1shticated @viikysmile
if you would like to be added to my taglist please refer to this post!
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cokou · 3 months
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What OP Men post about you on Reddit
OP 男性があなたについて Reddit に投稿するもの。
𝑴𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒄
sum. Your boyfriend posted about you on reddit. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. NSFW ON KIDDS PART! Fluff overall! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. Im sorry for so late uploads, i got sick once again😭😭😭 // Do not translate or transfer any of my works, this is my only account (exp. AO3) will not be cross posted anywhere else. // Masterlist
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r/NSFW Eustass.Kidd
I (25 M) fucked my girlfriend (24 F) so hard that i had to get her into the hospital to get a medical treatment on her cervix.
The doctors told us that everything was wounded up inside her and it looked like she got abused from her lacked of walking, we had to get police involved in our house to investigate what had happened and found the dildo i used on her and it was examined on their lab for any contaminated illness.
My girlfriend refuses to see me from how bad her state had gotten and the police interogated me to make that everything was okay at home. My best friend had gotten involved from how bad my girlfriend couldn't walk and had to assure that I wasn't abusing anyone to the police, it took 3 days for them to fully give out on the case.
My girlfriend had been discharged from the hospital 2 days ago and she still refuses to talk to me, i got her flowers for apology and her favorite food as an apology. She told me that she could take all of me in bed and now everything just went downhill since i got out of control in her.
Now everyone of my friends teases me about what happened and they laughed me off every time they see me, Reddit what should i do?
Her problem dude, she said she could take it!
You're at fault for taking her word at all. ➣ Eustass.Kidd replied: fuck off single mf.
r/girlfriends Msxr.Kill
My girlfriend (24 F) and I (26 M) have been dating for almost 5 years now, tomorrow will be our 5th anniversary and I'm planning to propose to her, but the problem is I don't know how. My brain can't take so much ideas so much and my friends aren't helping me at all.
My girlfriend is the most precious person ever, and i believe she deserves the best in the world. My ideas can't convince me enough that they're good for her, and what if she doesn't like it and rejects me? I don't want that. I asked her bestfriend on what places she especially loves, and I was told to take her on an aquarium proposal.
I don't know what to do and my girlfriend is making me all nervous around her as well, i need help ASAP.
Eustass.Kidd: Just tell her to marry you wtf ➣Msxr.Kill replied: You're not helping at all Kidd.
Heat_er: You suck at planning lol. ➣Msxr.Kill replied: Heat I don't wanna hear that from you, you don't even have anyone to love.
r/AITA Dr._Trafalgar
Am i the asshole for kicking out my girlfriend from my office?
I, (26 M) kicked my girlfriend (24 F) out of my office because she knocked off all the papers off my shelves and dragged me out forcefully. Now she refuses to talk to me and it's been 2 days. My friends told me that i was the asshole and was wrong for kicking her out.
But the thing was those papers were almost 592 pages and i only ended up finding 578 of them, now my girl moved to her friends house and absolutely doesn't answer my calls or text messages.
Her friends texted me that i was the asshole for not spending time with her and paid attention all to myself only not her needs, the papers were worth so much that i could feed her and let us both live together financially, and now i was forced to redo all 592 pages in A WEEK.
so am i the asshole?
Your.name: Yes yta🙄 ➣Dr._Trafalgar replied: get your ass home.
r/girlfriends Chef_Sanjii
My girl is the best in the whole wide world, she's do beautiful, so pretty, so perfect, and every thing she does hypnotizes me. Her beautiful nature makes me inlove with her more every second, her intelligence for everything makes her so special, she is not like any other women ever.
In fact, she is the best in the whole whole world. Not only does her pretty face shine in the darkness, but the way her body sways when she walks or does something is so majestic. I'm so lucky to have such a girlfriend like this, and i know that she will always love forever.
The way she interacts with even the smallest things are cute, in fact all of her is cute. The way her hands hold something and it shows that her body is perfect in every inch. She's none like others, no one can ever EVER compare to my girl, one day i will marry her and see her on the aisle and i wouldnt be able to hold my tears as she walks in a wedding dress.
Her facial features resembles a goddess, she trurly is flawless. No matter what anyone says, she'll be the most MOST perfect woman in the whole entire world. I love love her so much, she's the best that ever happened to me. Her love melts me warm and her words make me putty on her hands.
It's safe to say that she too, loves me, and that our relationship definitely is mutual. Love her so much.
Post was liked by Msxr.Kill & 7,251 others.
r/wifey Kuz._an
My wife's cooking is terrible but I don't wanna tell her that and destroy her feelings.
My wife and I had been married for almost 9 years now, she cooks for me daily ever since we have moved in together. Her cooking used to be good, but for some reason it tastes like burnt ketchup over burnt cheese. It looks appealing to look, but the tastes seems to be missed.
Her seasonings are full of bell pepper and black pepper, it terribly sucks. I love my wife to the fullest, but when it comes to her cooking, It feels like I'm on a prison cell. I'm sorry My Love, it's the truth.
Unknown: Being honest is his forte. Unknown: COMMENT DELETED Unknown: Atleast your wife tries. Unknown: COMMENT DELETED
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©Cokou 2024, all works belongs to me.
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dolloie · 8 months
datey dates! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
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about. what type of date riize would bring you to! warnings. foods, fish?? (idk if it's counted) cursing.. pairing. bf!riize x fem!reader author's notes. this has been on my mind too many times, so i had to type it out..
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𖦹 shotaro..~
an arcade date with shotaro! i think this suits him very much. i knew that he was totally going to bring you to the dance stage to show off his dancing skills. he would probably catch the attention of people around him, but he didn't care; as long as your eyes are on him, he'll continue <3 the others were astounded by him! like, who doesn't?? crazy.. and you'll be his proudest gf ever. then he would drag you to the hockey ice or basketball (totally not by force) and teach you how to play it (if you dk) after that, he'll wrap up the day by taking some pictures at the photobooth, will prettily decorate it together with you!
𖦹 eunseok..~
picnic dates are so him. he will prepare all the foods and set up the place! he felt like falling in love with you all over again after seeing you dressed up, and he'll think he's the luckiest man ever by having you as his gf. he will even learn how to cook your favorite dishes :( (you see him in the riize's contents on yt?? he can cook cook) not a particularly good chef, but he is determined on everything about this date!! making sure it'll be the perfect date you've ever had in your life. feeding you while having love in his eyes is true true. half of him is anxious, wondering if you like it or not. when you say it's good, he'll be letting out a relief sigh LOUDLY, as if the world will end if you don't like it.
𖦹 sungchan..~
and for this.. i think sungchan would perfectly fit with the grocery dates. like, if you see this man, he'll have the most boyfriend material pictures ever?? (pls give me one sungchan in my life, i'm going crazyyt) goofiest man who will tease you by putting up your things on the air. oh! oh! escape room dates >:) my man looks all confident, thinking he will get out of the room easily. but oh boy.. he's wrong, probably gonna cry out at the staff, begging them to let him out. he can't stand the thought of separating from you, which drove him crazy (when it had just been 10 minutes)  treats you an ice cream as an apology for ruining the date </3 and he would totally repeat the same things all over.
𖦹 wonbin..~
aquarium dates!! wohoo we all have been waiting for this >_< hear me.. so, wonbin + aquarium dates = literally perfection. he watches you from by his side, you were looking at the fish swimming around you. he just nodded along with you when you told him facts about fish when he had zero knowledge about any creatures living in the water. the smile on his face stayed from the moment you both stepped inside the aquarium until the end of the day. he will buy you a matching keychain (totally not an idea from wifty) and have it hanging on his bag. take lots of pictures with you!! his wallpaper? changed to the pic of you pointing at the stingray. holding your hands all the time and will not, ever, let go. even when you said you needed to use the bathroom.
𖦹 seunghan..~
romantic dinner at home!! he is the most gentle person i've ever seen (bring my boy back! he did nothing wrong) he has the house all set up. the candle, the flower path for you to make your way straight to the table after the long day you had. he'll be embracing you with warm hugs. then he'll kiss your forehead and lead you slowly to the table. you don't care if he bought the food from delivery! he has already prepared everything for you using all his efforts and ideas. he will pull your chair like a gentlemen himself. then he takes a seat in front of you (tripped over his own chair, because he fell for you lol) at the end of the day, he will massage you and prepare your bath.. he is so sweet!! drying your hair after the shower and will carry you in his arm to the bed.
𖦹 sohee..~
a movie date with sohee is the highlight!! you don't get him like i do.. study your favorite genre of movie, actors that you like, and types of cartoons that you watched. he had all your favorite snacks prepared.. like oh my god how much do you love him for this.. he will also prepare the fluffiest and most comfortable blanket you have ever felt in your life. cuddling session is all he can think of all the time.. boy just wants to cuddle you and 100% will not focus on the movie playing, when he has his arms all wrapped around you (even if it's his favorite movie) play with your hands, tracing some sweet words like "i love y/n" on your hands. he'll be the one who slept first, and i can imagine him snoring mimimi kind of thing.
𖦹 anton..~
my love!!!!!!! he is the most loml out of all the lomls.. my man will bring you to the nearest cafe in the city. study dates with you ^^ he already ordered your fav drinks and desserts for you, and trust me, this man will not focus at all, like how can he? your beauty distracts him. those serious faces of you making him melt at his place. he wants to kiss those pouty lips of yours so bad. how can you look all cute like that when you're just doing your assignment??! then later, he will start to do his work (just after you scolded him for wasting times) but you know what? he doesn't give a fuck. staring, looking, and watching you are the only things he can do. he is so so whipped. he is that down bad for you.
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© CALLANTON 2024. all right reserved. please don't copy or steal any of my work/post! ʚɞ
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piastree · 9 months
Take a Chance with Me | OP81
oscar piastri x reader (fc: huh yunjin)
— Part 1
Next Part
Summary : Y/n's mistakenly takes someone's drink at a party. Despite the initial embarrassment, they engage in light chit-chat and discover a sense of familiarity. Oscar introduces himself, and they exchange greetings, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their story.
Notes: hiii! this is my first writing, if there are any grammatical errors or some other mistakes i wanna apologize in advance. I hope you like it and have fun while reading this<3 lemme know if you like it thankyouuuu
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Y/n chuckled when she remembered how embrassed it was when she took the wrong glass and sipped it like nothing was wrong. But she could feel the confused look from someone beside her. "I'm thinking you might have grabbed mine by mistake." She glanced to her side, wondering if the words she had just heard were indeed meant for her.
"Huh?" She finally turned to fully face that man. He chuckled at her puzzled expression, but eventually, with a raised eyebrow, he pointed to the glass she was holding. "Oh my goodness! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to take your drink." Her eyes widened in shock, and her heart raced as embarrassment flooded over her. He held back his laughter. "No worries. I can take another one," as he said, he cracked a grin like a friendly cat. His eyes squinted playfully, giving off a vibe that was both laid-back and amused. "Let me grab you another one." "No need for that, I-" Ignoring him, she sauntered away to fetch a new drink, intending to replace the one she had mistakenly taken from him earlier. It didn't take long for y/n to return. Once she returned, they engaged in light chit-chat, chatting about who invited them to the party. It wasn't until later that she realized the guy she'd been talking to looked kind of familiar. "So, which friend brought you here tonight?" she asked. "Oh, just through some mates, racing circles and all. What about you?" "Just here with a friend. By the way, you seem oddly familiar. Have we met before?" "I get that a lot. Maybe you've seen me on the street or something."
She just laughed, shrugged it off, and took another sip of her drink. At the same time, he shot her a cheeky smile, sneaking a few glances while she checked out the scene around her. After a bit, he decided to break the ice, "I'm Oscar, by the way."
"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you, Oscar."
With a cheerful smile, they exchanged a warm handshake. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in their story.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, mclaren and 365,288 others
oscarpiastri Wowee… that was a cool weekend 🧡
view all 3,637 comments
user just calm down bro, it's your first season💀
user our starboy!! so proud🧡🧡
user what an incredible talent boyyy!
yourusername such a fake rookie
oscarpiastri i like to keep things low-key🤭
yourusername can't wait for another surprise then
user lmaooo
user your pace and overtakes are 1000/10 🔥👏🏻
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff and 1,288 others
yourusername camera crumbs
view all 101 comments
yourbff MYY GIRLLLL<3
user cutiesssss
oscarpiastri those flowers have nothing compared to u
yourusername lol you're making the flowers jealous, i'll let the garden know it needs an upgrade😂
user what oscar is doing here????
user did i miss something??
user OSCAR?!!?????? FLIRTING TO A GIRL???
yourusername chill guys he likes to joke around😂😂
user new wag alert!!
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yourusername added a story
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bring it home, boy!
yourbff uhhh i can smell something fishy yourusername care to elaborate, sherlock?
user wow??? what is this now??
landonorris where is the cheer for me??? i thought we were friends yourusername lol we are! yourusername goodluck lando! i'd love to see both of you on the podium<3
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tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris
liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbff and 14,555 others
yourusername P2 and P3, boys!! Enjoy your moments. What a day to remember 🧡
view all 957 comments
user and now lando also here? who's she
user wow oscar put earmuffs on her??
user at this point i won't believe if they're just friends
landonorris oh now i'm your friend?? cool thanks
oscarpiastri stop overacting💀
yourusername should i post a whole photo dedication for you?😉
landonorris i'm not looking for trouble
user what is that mean landooo?? bcoz someone must be jealous?😂
user look at how oscar defending her lol
oscarpiastri you owe me a drawing of a four-leaf clover on my helmet
yourusername stay tuned for some top-notch artistry<3
user oscar indirectly said that y/n was his lucky charm!!
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"Can't you stay for one more night?" Oscar asked. He walks over to y/n who is arranging her luggage a little hurriedly.
Y/n smiled before saying, "work can't wait. But I promise I'll come another day."
"Okay, i'll counting the days until you return."
She laughs, then stands up and pulls Oscar into her arms. "You're doing a good job. Keep going!"
"I'll miss you." He hugs her tighter, as if he's not willing to let her go.
"Me too."
They fall into a moment of silence, soaking in each other's warmth before having to go back to being apart for a period of time they don't know how long.
She never expect the party that night to lead her into a complicated situation, where she has to love someone who is out of her reach. Remembering how stupid she was that night for not recognizing Oscar right away when his face looked so familiar, and how Oscar didn't say anything until she finally realized.
"Oh! I have something for you."
She opens her bag and takes something out. A bracelet with a four-leaf clover. "I don't have the skill to draw, and I wouldn't risk making your helmet look ugly."
Oscar takes the bracelet and immediately puts it on. "I can't agree more. But it's more than enough," he replies mischievously while laughing. He is so happy to see the bracelet now neatly wrapped around his wrist. "Thank you."
"Your lucky charm when I'm not around."
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbff and 16,581 others
yourusername life lately😴
view all 1004 comments
user syntax error babe my brain stopped working when i saw u 
user i just can’t get enough of this hair omg
user me too! so gorgeous😭
yourbff red y/n is too legendary
comment liked by oscarpiastri
yourusername is this genuinely a compliment or a subtle jab?
yourbff lmaoo babe😭
oscarpiastri wish u were here
yourusername me too</3
user oh you are not with oscar rn :(
user man is so clingy what should i DO
user was it a chat with oscar?? bcoz YES SHE IS ON FIREEE
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 221,681 others
oscarpiastri A second reason to smile 😁🏆
view all 2564 comments
mclaren what a weekend!
user this man’s gonna be world champion one day🙌
comment liked by yourusername
user i refuse to believe you’re a rookie man
yourusername me too
user y/n camping on oscar's comment section
yourusername my driver of the day!❤️
oscarpiastri ❤️
user what's with the red heart???
user is it the soft launch? OMGGG
yourusername also congrats to lando!! proud of both of you🔥👏
landonorris thankyou, y/n! btw come to the race, someone is missing you
user man is so wHIPPED
yourusername p.s hope oscar recovered well after lying on the floor
comment liked by oscarpiastri
yourusername added a story
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someone is smiling ear to ear @/oscarpiastri
yourbff lmaooo he looks so happy yourbff he's completely in love with you yourusername grateful is an understatement<3
landonorris his eyes speak love lol yourusername shut upp lando landonorris glad both of you finally opened up about your feelings yourusername thankyou 2 u❤️
user his emotions are written all over his face
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liked by yourusername, logansargent, landonorris and 540,188 others
oscarpiastri thanks for mistakenly grabbing my drink. Grateful for every twist of fate that brought you into my life🍻❤️
view all 5555 comments
user spill the tea we want to know more about the storyy!!
user my oscar and yn cutie<3
user hope for your happiness, oscar and y/n!❤️
landonorris how long did it take you, mate?
yourusername felt like forever
oscarpiastri you have no idea
yourusername but it was worth the wait
user awww y/n🥺
oscarpiastri ❤️
yourusername thankyou for never telling me you are oscar piastri the mclaren driver of formula 1😒
logansargent he is the worst
oscarpiastri u know i didn't mean to keep it a secret, babe
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63 and 85,128 others
yourusername love you always, Oz! May the four-leaf clovers always on us🍀❤️
view all 6514 comments
oscarpiastri love you too, always🍀❤️
comment liked by yourusername
thankyou for reading! don't hesitate to give me a feedback❤️
475 notes · View notes
kyemna · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Characters Positive and Negative traits
I apologize for any grammer mistakes!
Tw: none
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-Loves to do things for you.
-Also loves it when you bake together.
-Keeps every single gift you give her in a box with rainbows and glitter on it.
-Unironically says 'yo mama' at the wrong times LMFAO
-Plays with your hair or fingers when she's in deep thought
-Brags to her dad about how you're the most amazing partner ever
-Has the most amazing made up stories and fantasies. Talks your ears off with them
-When you're laying in bed, and she wakes up before you, she'll lay on top of you to wake you up.
I'm not kidding. It can be 6 am, and she'll crawl over to your side of the bed and lay her whole body on yours.
-In general, she's super fun to be around.
-Overworks herself.
With that, she forgets to eat.
On a few occasions she actually fainted.
-Becomes distant when something's bothering her.
-She can get too swept up in her ideologies/fantasies, that she doesn't see what's right infront her.
-Lowkey controlling, but doesn't realize it.
(I don't think there are many negative things about Charlie to be honest LOL)
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-If she sees something that reminds her of you, she buys it.
-Knows how to calm you down/put you in your place.
-Admits when she's wrong, and knows when to apologize.
-Smells good. I have a feeling she just smells sweet. Like coconut or something.
-A surprisingly good artist?
-Has a great wardrobe. Let's you raid it every once in a while.
-Strong asf. Often lifts you up, and throws you over her shoulder.
Normally, she has no way of outing it, so she bottles it up. Because of this, she can come over as aggressive, simply because her cup overflows.
-Drowns in her feelings.
-Takes things too seriously.
-She hit you in a fight once, and she still regrets it.
-Also hold grudges.
-Gives you the silent treatment if you did something to her dislike.
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-Surprisingly understanding.
-I said this once, and will continue to say it, he has AMAZING taste in music. Many of the characters do.
-A great cook.
His mom taught him many recipes, so he loves to make them for you.
-Open minded/open to new experiences
-Intelligent, always knows when you lie.
-Good at boardgames.
Beat you at Uno SO many times, it's getting a little humiliating..
-Aware of your likes and dislikes, whether that be: Music, clothes, topic of conversation, certain foods, and tries to help you avoid those things in your daily life.
-Gets along with your mother very well.
He's always willing to lend her a hand.
-Has his eye on you 95% of the time. Not in a good way.
-Decides things for you without you asking him/giving him permission.
-does NOT mind his business.
-Not good with kids.
Because he's born in the 1890's he's super old fashioned. Therefore I think he would strike his kids if they misbehaved.
-Doesn't get along with your male friends, and is 'overly' friendly with your female friends, which makes it seem like he's flirting with them.
-He's a murderer. That speaks for itself.
-Blood thirsty as hell.
-A good liar, which makes him seem untrustworthy.
Angel Dust:
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-Loves grocery shopping or shopping in general with you.
-Notices small changes in your behavior, whether it's due to stress or simply a bad day, and helps you relax/cheer you up.
-Is great at planning dates!
-Also has amazing music taste.
I personally think a few of his main artists are:
Lady Gaga, Kesha, T-ara, Britney Spears and The Weeknd
-Funny as hell. No pun or joke gets past him.
-Great with animals! If you have a pet, he has a nickname for them.
-Unironically calls you 'Pookie' or 'Snukems'
-Has a good memory. Remembers your favorite color, your favorite flower, etc.
-Chases you around the house/appartment with a bug he caught. (Whether that's negative or positive is totally up to you)
-Doesn't really understand/do boundaries, so he'll often take things too far.
-Argumentive. He enjoys a good argument or fight, which makes it difficult to find a solution to the problem your fighting about.
-Holds grudges.
-Overthinks the smallest things.
-Secretive. It takes a lot to get him to talk about his feelings and problems.
-Takes his anger out on you sometimes.
-Passive aggressive.
-Borrows your things without your permission, and doesn't put them back when he's done.
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-Funny. Like, his jokes are actually hilarious. Unlike Alastor who makes the most awful dad jokes ever.
-Is so fully aware when your bullshiting him, he just pretends not to know.
-As i said in previous headcanons, he LOVES to dance with you.
He's super good at it too!
Has his hands all over you.
Hips, waist, neck, back, you name it.
-Will never admit it, but he likes it when you sneak up on him/jump him.
-In general he's pretty accepting of physical touch.
-He purrs, when you scratch his ears or something.
-Leaves you small gifts and letters around the house/appartment.
-Messy. Has trouble cleaning/keeping things clean.
-Forgetful. Often forgets your dates.
-Anger Issues.
-Snaps at you when he's overwhelmed or stressed. Doesn't apologize for it because he's not aware of it. You'd have to point it out to get an apology out of him.
-Easily irritated.
When you're too close to him, when he's in a bad mood or when you take jokes a little too far, he ignores you for a few hours.
Thank you for reading!
377 notes · View notes
rosietaeyongswife · 3 months
shameless | kim doyoung
AU: angst, fluff, drama, cheating au, readerxtaeyongxdoyoung SYNOPSIS: Marriage was supposed to be your dream. You were in love with Taeyong, until you came to realization that maybe he's not the one. Thankfuly, his best friends was there for you when you needed him the most. WC: 8k TW: cursing, cheating, mentions of sex AU: i do not support any kind of cheating. never. it's a pure fiction. yall i think i've improved my english lol one day i'll fix all my works because lmao yeah enjoy this pls:P
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Marriage. How foolish of you to think it's going to be a dream come true. Well, everyone else stated that fact. According to them, marriage is one of the best stages of life. You've reached a certain point in life - perhaps an achievement. Too bad none of them said how much of a burden it can be.
Of course, the first few months were perfect. Dates, flowers, and affection. Isn't this what every woman craves? Kisses, gifts, and affirmations from your loved one. Those things blinded you. Only if you knew back then. Maybe then you would've left. It was your choice to ignore all the red flags. It's been a year, and it's a nightmare.
"Baby, can you do laundry?" You were running late, yet Taeyong does nothing. He could help you, at least. "I have to leave already. I showed you the other day how to do it. Will you do it for me, please?"
Taeyong was playing Call of Duty on the PS4 you've bought for him on his 27th birthday. He was focused on the game.
"Sure. I'll do it."
Without any other word, you left. Sometimes you'd like to smash that PlayStation into pieces. Taeyong does nothing around the house besides playing that damn thing.
It was a late call meeting with your work team. You couldn't focus on the words of your co-workers due to that weird gut feeling. Something deep down felt like something would go wrong. Ignoring this wasn't helping at all.
"Y/N, we want you to manage this project with Chaeyoung. Is that alright with you?" Your boss asked while you were drifting in your thoughts. "We believe your reviews and suggestions would make this successful on the market."
"Of course, I'll handle this."
"Thank you." He looked at the watch. "Okay, it's 9 p.m. We're done for today. I'm sorry we had to hold a meeting. It was a surprise to us too. You can go all home now."
Everyone left in a hurry, and so did you. The weather got worse, and it was raining. You couldn't get cold, so you called your husband. Silence. Again silence. He didn't pick up your calls. All you could do was run and pray that a bus would arrive.
"I called."
"Sorry, baby. I was too busy with the game. Look, I ranked up."
"That's amazing, but it's pouring outside, and I had to walk there by myself." You rolled your eyes at your husband's ignorance. "I'm fuckin tired. I just want to take a shower and go to sleep. Have you done the laundry like I asked you to?"
"Yes. It wasn't that hard." He laughed and turned the PS4 off. "I'm heading to sleep. Waiting for you in the bedroom."
At least he did what you had asked for. Walking in the bathroom was hopeful for you. Little did you know how much anger it would bring you.
"Taeyong! What the fuck have you done?!" Your husband was quick to run back to you. He was looking at you confusedly. "How could you ruin my white shirt for tomorrow? Why would you put red socks together with white laundry?"
"My bad. I'm sorry, honey." He looked at you with his doe eyes. "I didn't notice, sorry once again. I'll give you money to buy a new one."
"Sorry? You're sorry?" You scoffed. "I needed that shirt for work tomorrow. It's past 10p.m, what am I supposed to do? I asked you for one thing, and you managed to fuck it up."
"It's just a shirt, Y/N. You're overreacting. You can buy another one."
"It's not just about the shirt, Taeyong. You don't understand." You went next to him. "I don't have any clothes for work. Fuck."
Taeyong apologized once again and went back to the bed. He didn't really care about the fact that he ruined your shirt and left you alone past 10 pm, looking for clothes for work. He difted away to sleep while you had to hold your anger in yourself and calm down.
Your husband and you both work for the same company. You work in different departments and both of you start work at different hours. Taeyong got up and left an hour before you. As usual, you woke up to dirty dishes on the table and a cup of coffee on the counter. He didn't respect the fact that it was you who was cleaning the whole apartment.
"Look there. I guess you could've described another problem here, and we would put it together." Chaeyoung was taking notes on your words. "Do it, then send me the rest of the thing. I'll try to finish it by Friday."
"Thank you, and of course, I'm doing it."
Mark Lee was sipping on his coffee when he approached you. He was your best friend and best colleague from the company. Both of you go along pretty well.
"Someone's not in the mood today, huh?"
"Mark, please." You stopped on your way. "Don't get on my nerves today. It's not funny at all."
"Sorry, Miss Not in the Mood." He chuckled. "You slept on the wrong side, or what?"
"I slept on the right side."
"Then what happened?"
"Taeyong happened." Mentioning of your husband made your head hurt. "I asked him for one simple thing. Do laundry. That's all! Guess what." Mark was waiting for you to finally tell you the tea. "He ruined my shirt for today. I was tired, hungry, and annoyed, and on top of that, I had to find myself clothes for today."
Mark could only laugh. He was aware of your husband and how clumsy he can be.
"How did he even do it?"
"He put red socks and underwear together with white clothes. The majority of clothes were pijamas, but still. I didn't ask for much. I explained how the washing machine works about ten times!"
"Everyone makes mistakes, but your husband is crossing the line, Y/N. I'd be mad too. Yesterday was a horrible day."
It's almost the end of the month, so everyone is worked up. Every project needs to be finished ASAP, clients are waiting and aren't patient, and on top of that, your boss is scolding you for every little mistake you've made.
"You should be thankful you don't have to deal with it."
Another day went the same way. Today was another hard day, and the only thing you wished to do was fall asleep, but it seems like you won't be able to do that.
"Honey, I missed you."
Taeyong was looking at you with lust in his eyes. Deep down, you knew what he was about.
"Not today, sorry. I had a rough day, I'm exhausted."
"C'mon. I missed you and your body so much." He began to kiss down your neck. "I want you."
Anger was boiling in your veins. It's like you're talking to a wall.
"I told you no, why don't you give up? I'm not in the mood, I had a tiring day, and you expect me to fuck?"
"Fuck, Y/N." He stopped and put his hands into his hair. "We haven't had sex in months, alright? I have my needs, I'm fuckin horny, and I want to fuck my wife. I want us to feel good, yet you're always too busy to do so."
"I fuckin told you I'm tired. You're so, so.." His gaze went upon you. "Pushy. Leave me alone."
The last thing you've heard was a door shutting. He left, and God knows when he'll be back. Like a kid. Your husband behaves like a spoiled child. Nothing ever satisfies him, and he wants things his way. Nothing in between.
Once you've been reading about all those unhappy couples who have sex once in a while, don't talk too much, or don't even know too much about each other. They're just together because they get used to each other and are way too comfortable to let go and leave. Little did you know you were going to face the same fate.
"Fuckin hell." You rolled your eyes. Taeyong wasn't picking up your calls when it was an important matter. "Boss, can I go into the marketing department to meet my husband? It's urgent."
He didn't even look up, but he nodded. Men.
The marketing floor was only three floors higher. Of course, you've known the majority of people working there thanks to Lee Taeyong. A few employees passed and greeted you.
Johnny was sitting by his desk, probably busy with his tasks that needed to be done by today.
"Hi, Johnny." He sent you a smile. "Do you know where Taeyong is?"
"Oh, hello, Y/N. Shit. I think he might leave for a lunch break with Jaehyun and Yuta."
"He did."
The voice was familiar to you. Turning your head, you saw no one else but Kim Doyoung. Your husband's co-worker and best friend.
"Fuck. Thank you, guys."
"Something did happen?"
"I wanted to ask him to drive me to Kun's bakery. It's Jaehyun's birthday in two days, but they need me there today. I guess they couldn't find a sample?" Doyoung was looking at you with his soft eyes, while you were stressed. "Nevermind. I'll go."
"Wait." Doyoung grabbed his coat. "I'll drive you. It's no problem for me. I'm on the break anyway."
Your whole body relaxed at his words. Somehow you felt different, because Taeyong usually rejects your requests, but Doyoung? He agreed right away.
As both you and Doyoung were on your way to Kun's bakery, Taeyong called you a few times. Asshole.
"Thank you, really. You have no clue how much this matters to me. You saved my day, Doyoung."
"No worries, I mean, I'm just driving you to the bakery. It's not hard, or something."
"I fear some people wouldn't agree." Doyoung glanced at you for a second. "Nevermind. Thank you, again. I bet Taeyong doesn't even remember we booked a cake at Kun's."
Both of you laughed at your remark. Doyoung was aware of how clumsy and nonresponsible his best friend can be.
"It wouldn't be Taeyong if he didn't forget about such a thing. But hey, look at you. You're about to solve a problem with Kun and come back to work, and you didn't need Taeyong's help."
"Wow, I'm so independent now. Not like you drove me there, at all."
Kim Doyoung was a year younger than Taeyong. Both of them have known each other since high school. Then they applied to the same business school where you met Taeyong. Both of them graduated and found a job at Lee Sooman's company. Like you did. Doyoung was different than Taeyong. He was clean, tidy, and he could cook. Everyone could depend on him when needed. He never let any of your friends down. Never. If you needed help, you should've called Doyoung. He was stylish and looked like an old-money guy. None of your friends, nor you, have seen him date. He probably had a few girlfriends, but they weren't serious, as you guessed.
"Well, I can pay you for-"
"Y/N, please." He stopped you mid-sentence. "Don't pay me at all. I had a great time picking a cake with you."
"Me too, Doyoung. Again, you're wonderful."
Taeyong was looking at you through the window of his office. He was calling you for an hour, and he had no response from you. He was a bit worried, but as he saw you with Doyoung.. He was relaxed.
Mark was smiling from ear to ear. He saw you coming into the building with Doyoung from the marketing department.
"What were you doing with Kim Doyoung?" He was moving his eyebrows in a funny way. "He's cool, right?"
"I had an emergency at Kun's bakery, yet my lovely husband wasn't picking up my calls." Mark scoffed. "He gave me a ride, and yes, he's a cool guy."
"Jaehyun's birthday, right?" You nodded. "I bought him a watch, and what about you and Taeyong?"
"I don't know. I was supposed to buy a cake, Taeyong is going to buy a gift. Please, I wish he had already done that."
Jaehyun's birthday is always a party at his house. He invites a whole friend group on the weekend, and makes a dinner. Everyone is drinking and having fun together. It was supposed to be an amazing day, but only if your husband didn't ruin it the day before.
"What do you mean you forgot?" Taeyong was stressed too. He knew he was meant to do something, but he had no idea what exactly. "Taeyong, you promised me you're going to buy him a gift!"
"Fuck, I forgot! Couldn't you do it? I'm busy with work, so it wouldn't hurt, Y/N."
"Are you kidding me?" You put on your coat. "I'm also working, I'm cleaning and cooking, I ordered the cake for Jaehyun's birthday, and both of us agreed that you're going to buy a gift!"
Every favor you're asking Taeyong for, ends in the same way every, fuckin, time. You can never depend on him.
"I help you too! Don't make me look like I'm some kind of lazy jerk. I simply forgot, things happen, okay."
"And what are we going to do? Are we going to show up with a cake for his 27th birthday and say sorry, but Taeyong fucked up once again?" The sarcasm in your tone was noticeable, and your husband wasn't a fan of it. "Do you even know what he likes?" Taeyong couldn't answer as he had no thoughts. "I knew it. God."
"Where are you going? It's past 8pm, and it's freezing outside?"
"None of your business. Clean after dinner. That's the last thing I'm asking you to do."
Cold February nights like this make you wonder about your life. Lately, both you and Taeyong have been fighting. You couldn't even remember when the last time both of you exchanged "I love yous". Are your friend's marriages the same? Do they fight a lot? Do they fight every day? Do they overcome it? To you, it seems like an endless circle.
Luck was with you tonight, because the old vinyl shop was open until 9. You made it on time to buy a jazz vinyl record for Jaehyun. He was a huge fan, everyone knew it, except Taeyong.
"That's a hundred dollas, mam."
The last shop you're going to visit is one owned by Haechan's uncle, who sells prestigious wines from all around the world. It was just a few blocks away.
As you were looking for a wine thatJaehyun hasn't tried yet, you've noticed familiar sillhouete.
"Y/N?" He turned back with a gummy smile. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Emergency. Again."
"Mark mentioned that Taeyong was supposed to buy a gift, right?" He was visibly confused. "Then why are you here?"
"Key word 'supposed'."
For the first time ever, Doyoung felt bad for you. He always thought that you're a couple goals. Back in the day, you couldn't shut up about Taeyong. Either of you, were talking about each other, still in love. Taeyong never complained, nor did you. To be honest, every single one of your friends thinks you and Taeyong live your dream lives. Only Mark knew it was total opposite.
"I mean, maybe he was tired? Everyone works hard these days, people tend to forget things at times."
"Doyoung, please." You laughed sacristically. "I agree, but Taeyong always forgets about something. Doesn't matter if he's tired, or not."
For the time being, Doyoung had no explanation, nor could he defend his friend.
After a few minutes, Doyoung helped you pick a wine and took you home. It was another time he saved you. He was kind enough to drive you home.
"See you tomorrow, Y/N."
"See you too." As you were about to go into the building, you turned around. "Again, thank you."
Taeyong was asleep in the living room with a TV on. Typical of him. You looked over, and once again, Lee Taeyong disappointed you. The dishes were in the sink, not washed. You put the gifts down and did the dishes yourself.
Morning was a tense one. Neither of you speaks to yourself. The only thing you said was that you're going to pick up the cake by 5 pm. It was Saturday, and both you and your husband had a free day. Taeyong was probably waiting for you to make a lunch or something, but it wasn't your plan. You made yourself some waffles and ate them by yourself.
"Where's some for me?"
"Don't you have hands? Do it yourself."
He was looking at you in disbelief. Taeyong was used to you cooking and serving him food.
"Why are you bitching? I've already apologized. What else am I supposed to do?"
"I'm not bitching. I just made lunch for myself." He was getting annoyed with you. "It seems like I'm some kind of housewife to you. I'm not. Learn to do things yourself."
By 5pm, both of you were getting ready. It's been a long time since both of you went together somewhere. Taeyong stopped asking you on dates long time ago. Of course, you missed those silly dates. Your husband doesn't put effort in.
Taeyong was waiting for you in the car, while you put everything into a bag. One last look into the mirror, and you were looking pretty. In your eyes, everything seems fine.
"What are you wearing?" Taeyong almost burst laughing. "Honey, go change yourself, I don't think you look the best in such a dress."
For a moment, you felt stupid. Your own husband laughed at your look, even though you thought you looked great. A knee high, black dress and boots with a coat. Everyone was wearing that. It was a cute look.
"What do you even mean?"
"It's not made for you, I guess? I don't know, I just want to help you to not get emberrased."
"Oh, fuck you, Taeyong."
There was no time for changing, besides, you felt cute. A month ago, you would've run into the apartment to change but not today. You tried to ingore peaks Taeyong took. He hurt you. You thought you could ignore it, but as soon as you arrived, your self esteem was six fit under.
"Hey guys! Wow, Y/N, you look stuning!" Jaehyun welcomed you with a kiss on the cheek. "Suit yourselfs."
Jaehyun complimented you, but inside of your head there were Taeyong's words.
In the living room, everyone was waiting until Haechan would arrive with his fiance, Jimin. Johnny was sipping on a coffee with Sooyoung. Taeil was taking photos with his wife, Joohyun. Yuta, Jungwoo and Jaehyun were making food. Mark was laughing with his girlfriend, Soyeon. Doyoung was looking at you and Taeyong, when both of you arrived. Doyoung couldn't stop himself from looking at you. This dress complimented your body and your bueaty the best.
"Everyone let's drink. It's our Jaehyun's birthday." Johnny stood up with a glass of champagne in his left hand. "I can't believe you're already 27. We're all happy to be here and celebrate with you, dude."
The party was going great, everyone had fun, and none of the guests seem to be annoyed, or not having fun. Taeyong found himself sitting with Yuta playing games and drinking beer.
"Men are like children." Joohyun sat down next to you on the coach. "I can't believe they're almost in their 30s."
"Don't tell me that. Look at them, they're playing on the PlayStation as if they were teenage boys."
"At least we can have some time to ourselfes."
Joohyun was right. She was with Taeil since freshman year of the college. She was three years older than Moon Taeil and she was one of your closest female friends. Everyone looks up to her, since she was the oldest one in the friend group.
"Can I ask you something?" Joohyun looked at you waiting for your question. "Do you fight with Taeil often?"
"Hell yes! We fought in the morning because he didn't clean the bathroom like I asked him to."
"Did he do it after you had scolded him?"
"Of course. What kind of question is that?" She laughed at you, but you were dead serious. "Wait. Doesn't Taeyong do the same? You know, if you scold a man, then he's kind of irritated, but do it anyway out of respect for you."
"He doesn't. You see, I asked him to do something. I show him how to do things properly, so he won't have to need my help. I explain it like I'm speaking to a child. I do it about ten times per chore." You giggled at yourself. "Guess what. He doesn't do it. No matter how much I ask for, he either forgets, or doesn't do it at all."
Joohyun, for the first time ever since she has met you, felt bad for you. For the first time ever, Taeyong doubted her.
"I have no idea what to say, Y/N. It's not supposed to be like that. You're a duo after all."
"I don't think we're a duo, Joohyun."
For the rest of the night, Taeyong didn't give you attention, which you were thankful for. He got on your nerves enough. He was hanging out with his homeboys, enjoying himself, not worrying about you. In his mind, both of you have a perfect life. You are happy together, and you're madly in love. Maybe love is starting to be a too strong word for your feelings towards that man.
"Are you fine, Y/N?"
Doyoung smiled at you when you were sipping on a lemonade made by Johnny and Mark.
"I'm just tired after work and all this shit. And you? Are you fine?"
"It could be worse." He chuckled. "I see Taeyong isn't with you."
"Thank God. He's busy playing games."
"Still. I haven't seen you talking yet."
"We had a small fight before."
A reminder of that situation from before made you self conscious again. Your husband's words aren't supposed to make you feel the way they do.
"Was it serious or?"
"Not really. It was about my outfit, so nothing extreme."
"What do you mean by your outfit? You look stunning, I swear to God."
"Doyoung, can you be honest with him? We've known each other for almost ten years. We're friends." The man was busy thinking about what might come next out of your mouth. "Do I look bad? Be honest. Do I look worse than before? I don't know, am I not taking care of myself?"
It was a question directed at Doyoung because he was a person from a friend group that you've known for the longest. Actually, it was Doyoung who introduced you and Taeyong to each other. He knew him from high school, and he met you during the same classes at the business school. Kim Doyoung was a lovely nerd. Interested in Star Wars, books, and business. He used to collect plushies, he even gave you some of them. You always have wondered how Doyoung's world crushed with Taeyong's. Lee Taeyong was a popular jerk, interested in tattoos, rock, and trouble. For quite some time, you had a small crush on Doyoung. But then, you met Taeyong, and you fell head over heels over him.
"I don't see the point of this question. Isn't it obvious? Many guys from the department have a crush on you. I saw multiple strangers turn their necks when you passed by. You've always been pretty, Y/N."
"Now I feel better. Thank you, Doyie."
He was looking at you, once again, with his soft eyes. Sometimes, he wonders why you work him up so much.
"No problem. Remember, you're that girl. Don't let anyone say otherwise."
As you were about to respond, Taeyong showed up. He was drunk, and he could barely stand on his legs.
"Did you just call my wife pretty?"
"I did. We're friends, though. It's not that deep, Taeyong."
"I don't know, maybe you want to do something with her?" He was approaching you and Doyoung. Embarrassment fed your whole body as he got closer. "I don't like the way you talk to her."
"What's your fuckin problem, dude? I complimented her, since no one else bothers to do so. Like her husband, for example. Get it together, man."
You wish you could be gone for a second. Taeyong was drunk, and he had no clue what was going on.
"Shut the fuck up, Doyoung. You don't know shit."
"Calm down. You're wasted as fuck."
Everything that came after is now the past. The next thing you knew was Taeyong punching Doyoung straight into his nose. Blood was dripping on his shirt, and guys tried to grab him. You were shocked, and all you could do was scream at your husband. He was never that aggressive towards someone.
Jaehyun and Yuta were holding Taeyong, while Johnny and Haechan held Doyoung. Both males were calling each other names, while you wanted to disappear. Everyone was stunned. They had no idea such a storm was coming tonight. Best friends fighting over nothing.
"I'm leaving."
You got up, took your purse and coat, and left. Sooyoung called after you, but you were done for tonight. There was nothing you could do with your stupid husband. Leaving seemed like a good option.
"Get in." After a five-minute walk, a black Mercedes parked by your side. It wasn't your husband, though. "I won't let you go alone on a cold, dark night. Get in."
"You don't have to, Doyoung. I really -"
"I won't repeat myself."
Even after such a fucked up night, Doyoung had to be the one to take you home, not your husband. Does he even love you?
A week passed by, and nothing has changed. Both you and Taeyong would only see each other in the morning. Not even a simple "Hi" was exchanged. He was too embarrassed after what happened at Jaehyun's birthday.
"Y/N, we would love to move you a bit higher." Lee Sooman, your boss spoke to you. "We found your results to be the best out of the whole company. I want to promote you to a higher position and move you to the International Marketing department. Are you in?"
It was the day that would change your life the most. Working schedule was tighter, and you had to spend more hours weekly in the company. Chaeyoung was moved into the marketing department, so she was working with Taeyong. Everyone in the new floor was a stranger to you. These days, it's hard to find friends. Especially from work. Mark would always pass by your floor to say hello, though.
"Can I talk to Y/N?" Yuta's voice echoed through the office of the international marketing floor. "It's urgent and we need her. I'm from the Japanese unit."
Na Jaemin, your new co-worker, asked you to come. With a smile on, you saw Yuta waiting for you.
"What do you need, Yuta?"
"Are you the one who is in charge of France and Italy's orders?" You nodded at his words. "Well, I think that someone messed up and their orders came to Japan, and Japan's order came to France. Can you check it out with me?"
Both of you came to your desk and typed out the information about the order. Someone from the delivery unit must have mistaken the orders, that would have cost millions of dollars.
"I think you should call the international shipping floor, there's Seulgi. She may know what to do before the boss finds out."
When you were on your way back, Chaeyoung stopped you. She was smiling a bit.
"Can you help us, Y/N?"
It turns out that marketing and international marketing are supposed to make an ad together. You were picked as a person from the international floor, and Doyoung was picked from marketing.
"I'm glad I'm working with you, Doyoung."
"Me too. I would cry, if I had to work with Jeno or Xiaojun. They're a bit weird."
"I don't blame you." You laughed when you opened your laptop. "I think we should start today, and it would take about a week for us to finish. What's the theme of the ad?"
Doyoung took a look at his papers and then answered you.
"Youth. Progression. Victory."
"How the fuck are we supposed to do it?" In your head, you saw how much of a struggle this ad would be. "Any ideas?"
The time went by so fast, none of you noticed it was past 8 pm. Both of you got to work to make the best project you could ever do. Doyoung was a smart guy, and he knew exactly what to put in an ad to make it interesting.
While both of you were working, Taeyong didn't call you at all. You were supposed to be at home at 6, yet he didn't even care. He's probably still mad at you because of the fight.
"I'll drop you at home." Doyoung put his coat on, and looked at you to check if you're ready. "C'mon, Y/N."
"I feel bad. You're doing too much for me, Doyoung." It was truth, Doyoung didn't mind but to you it was wrong. Taeyong is supposed to help you, not his best friend. "Let me call Taeyong, he would pick me up."
"Waiting for his response, then."
It's ben almost 30 seconds and he didn't pick up. Another call. And another. Nothing. He wasn't going to pick up your calls tonight.
"I'm sorry. It's going to be the last time you're dropping me at home. For real."
Doyoung didn't answer but rather smiled at you. It was cute how much you didn't want to depend on him, but you did anyway.
Both of you were in a car talking about the details of the project when suddenly your stomach made a noise.
"Have you eaten anything today?"
"Lunch. Sandwiches."
"Y/N, it was at 1. It's 8. Are you hungry?"
"No, I'm fine." Another noise came from your stomach. "Okay, maybe a little."
"We're going to eat something. I'm hungry too."
When you were about to protest, Doyoung shushed you a bit. He parked by a restaurant next to the company. Both of you ordered the same thing and enjoyed the meal together inside.
"How much am I supposed to pay you back? I wasn't looking at the price."
"Don't worry, it's on me."
"Doyoung, I can't-"
"I said it's fine." He laughed. "Enjoy your meal and stop being so annoying."
It was the first time since you could've remembered when you were in a restaurant. The last time you were in a restaurant was with Taeyong on your birthday a few months ago. You couldn't explain why, but you felt the warmth you hadn't felt in a long time.
"Doyoung, I really want to thank you for everything you're doing for me." He stopped eating and focused on your words. "I have shitty time with my husband, work is getting on my nerves, and you're too nice to me'' It felt as almost you were crying. "You have no idea how much it does mean to me."
"Y/N, stop. I do it, and I'm not complaining at all. I like to spend time together, and it's not your fault that Taeyong is such an asshole. I wish he was a better husband. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally."
After that, your evening got better. Doyoung took you on a small car trip around Seoul. He showed you some streets you hadn't seen before. Deep down, he knew you didn't want to come back home as soon as possible. He parked for a minute by the Han River.
"It's an amazing place. I feel like I'm 17 again, me and my friends go on trips here to follow our crushes from school."
"I did the same thing with boys. Me, Yuta, and Taeyong with Jonny would be here every day after classes because of Taeyong." He was laughing at himself. "Because of him and Kang Seulgi, we were here every day for hours. He wanted to look at her and ask her out. It never worked though, because she left for some time, then we were in business school, and he was dating you."
Kang Seulgi? Seulgi from the delivery department? From you company? Taeyong had crush on her? Suddenly you felt lightheaded, your vision became blurry, and tears appeared on you eyes. You had to take a few deep breathes to calm down.
"I've never heard about Taeyong and Seulgi? Why?"
"Fuck. I wasn't supposed to tell you then." It was an accident. Doyoung believed you were aware of Taeyong's first love. "I shouldn't tell you. Sorry, Y/N."
"It's too late, can you tell me more?"
"I shouldn't. I already have said too much."
"Doyoung, please. Taeyong never told me about Seulgi. I had no idea about another girl."
You felt hurt a bit, not because you were jealous. You were hurt because Taeyong was probably lying to you for these years. Was he in love with a girl that got away? That's why he doesn't care. You're not the one Lee Taeyong loves.
"They were seeing each other for months. He always had a thing for her. She rejected him a few times because she was supposed to move to Daegu for some time." Doyoung was looking far ahead, he didn't dare to spare you a look. "Seulgi left, he was depressed for weeks, then I met you. I introduced both of you to each other." Boy, how much does he regret that. "He was focused on you, then Seulgi came back. I guess they tried to talk, but he was dating you already."
"Now it all makes sense to me. Fuckin asshole." You weren't even hurt anymore. It seems like all the feelings for Lee Taeyong are gone. Even hate. "We've been together for the past 8 years. I've focused on him. I was like a maid! He was never there for me when I needed him the most, but I forgave him. I always did. I did this all to find out he was never truly in love with me. Bullshit." A sarcasstic laugh left your mouth while Doyoung was observing you. "Why would you ever introduce him to me? I would've dodged the bullet, Doyie. I wish you didn't."
Doyoung felt guilty, even though he shouldn't. In his eyes, Taeyong was a good man. He was sure his friend was treating you like a princess.
"Sorry, I felt he would be a good party for you. I don't know. But you can't say he doesn't love you. You don't know that."
"I think we both know that."
Awkward silence occurred between you.
"Listen, I do believe you deserve better. Don't mind him, maybe one day he will see what he has lost. Look at you, Y/N. You can't get such an asshole like him to make you feel bad. I love him, he's my best friend, but you're my friend too. I wish you would be happier."
His words were true and meaningful. Doyoung was right. You deserve better than that. In the heat of a moment, you turned your head towards him and kissed him.
"Fuck, sorry. I shouldn't, I don't know what I was thinking-"
He stopped you with a kiss. Much stronger kiss. It was like your mouths knew each other well. As if they were missing pieces together. It's been a long time since you've been kissed.
Best friends don't kiss each other's partners, and a wife doesn't kiss her husband's best friend. That was the truth. It's been a few days, and it was awkward between you and Doyoung. Taeyong apologized to you, and he tried to be a better man for you. Somehow, you felt a bit guilty because you were married, but honestly? You wished to wake up to Doyoung every day instead of Taeyong.
"I made you breakfast."
Taeyong got into the bedroom with a plate of toast and scrambled eggs.
"Thank you."
"That's it?"
"What else am I supposed to say?" You popped your eyebrow. "I've done breakfast for you for the past 8 years, give me a break already. It's the bare minimum, Taeyong."
"I thought you'd be happy."
"I am. Okay?"
It's too late to fix things now. Breakfast in bed won't fix the damage that has already been done to you. Deep down, you wanted to feel guilty, but you just couldn't.
In the company, everyone was busy. It's April. One of the busiest months for the company. You had hopes of passing by Doyoung. Your project got accepted, whichh made your comapany's saels higher. Mark would drop by to talk shit about your co-workers. Johnny bought you a coffee, and Sooyoung called to go shopping with you. Everything should go fine.
About 7 pm, when the company was almost empty, you saw a well known to you figure. He was putting his things together, probably about to leave the building.
"Can we talk? Like adults, please? Ignoring each other won't turn back time, Doyoung."
"It's not the best time for this conversation, the building is about to close down."
"Then let's talk somewhere else. Even at the stupid bench in the park."
He took a second to rethink his life decisions.
"Let's talk at mine."
After 15 minutes, both of you arrived at Doyoung's apartment. It was located in the center of Seoul. It was maybe the fourth time you've ever been there.
"I know it's bad and awkward. I'm married to your best friend, and we kissed each other, making out even." You chuckled because of your nerves. "I shouldn't have kissed you, I guess. Sorry. But please, let's talk. I kinda miss you." He looked at you, a bit shocked. "As friends, of course."
"Well, I really want to say I regret kissing you. Really." He was pacing around the living room. "But it would be a lie. Honestly? I enjoyed it, and I would do it again, and again, and again. I don't give a fuck about Taeyong now."
His statement made you blush. He was confident in himself and sure of what he was saying.
"Fuck, me too. I know how wrong it is, but I can't help myself."
Nothing else needed to be said. Doyoung dropped everything he had held. He was kissing you like a starved man. As if he hadn't been able to see you for ages. It's a forbidden romance, and you're enjoying it.
Next thing you knew was you being in his bedroom. He was slowly kissing you down your neck, while his hands were taking off your clothes. Everything felt magical.
"Can I?" He asked with hungry eyes, his fingers on the hem of your pants. "Please?"
It was the best sex you've ever had. Taeyong usually didn't pay you much attention. He wanted to cum and he could care less if you did. Doyoung paid attention to you, and only you. He was focused on making you feel good. He loved your body and moans you left out your mouth.
"You're amazing. I wish it was me who dated you back then." Doyoung was holding you in a spoon. His fingers were circling your shoulder. "I like you."
"I like you too."
Since then, it has become a routine for you. Taeyong wasn't suspicious of anything. He was busy working with Seulgi. He couldn't lie, but he preferred to stay at the company until late hours to finish tasks with her. He thought you were having fun with Joohyun or Sooyoung. You and Taeyong barely talk to each other, but none of you seem to mind. This marriage was meant to fail from the beginning.
"Y/N." Mark touched your shoulder. "Can I ask you something?"
"What were you doing at Doyoung's apartment last night? I was there to drop him off his laptop, but I saw you coming in."
This question made your heart drop. Romance between you and Doyoung was supposed to be a secret until you'd be responsible enough to divorce Taeyong.
"We're friends? And co-workers? I was doing research with him." You giggled. "What are you even thinking of?"
"Fuck, sorry. I shouldn't have asked." He was a bit embarrassed. "You wouldn't do anything harmful to Taeyong. I thought you were doing something weird with Doyoung."
"Mark, please. How could you think about it?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen you talk in weeks. He's always around Seulgi, you're meeting with Doyoung a lot, and both of you leave at different hours." He was a bit confused. "Are you guys fine?"
"Yes, we are fine, Mark. Don't worry too much."
The thought of being almost caught scared you. Your friends wouldn't understand you. They would blame you for cheating on your lovely, hardworking, and amazing husband. Especially, if you're cheating on him with his best friend. You were lonely, and you lost feelings for Taeyong long ago, he himself probably had lost them first, a long time ago.
"I know." Joohyun's word made you stressed. "Taeyong called asking about you. I covered for you every single time. You're cheating on him, right?"
It was supposed to be a chill meeting at your apartment with a coffee and cake. Joohyun loved you as if you were her sister.
"Before we go any further, don't judge me, please." You couldn't look her in the eyes. "I'm ashamed of myself, but I think that's how it was meant to be. You don't understand how it is to be with Taeyong. How is it to be unloved and ignored."
"Y/N, I'm not judging you at all. Me and Johnny support you. At first, Johnny was furious, and he couldn't believe it." She chuckled. "I guess, me too. I wasn't ready. But look at this. After Taeyong? I really admire you, and how you were able to move on with life.
"I know I'm the worst person on earth because of that. I'm ashamed to face him and tell him I want a divorce."
"Well, it's not a surprise. It's a tough topic. Let me ask you another question. Is it Doyoung?"
"How do you know?"
"It's obvious. Every time we've been gathering together, he could never take his eyes off of you."
After that, Joohyun and Johnny promised you to keep a secret. They didn't support cheating, but they couldn't blame you. Everyone thought you were living a great life with Taeyong, only to turn out it was the total opposite.
"I'll divorce him."
Doyoung was sitting on the chair on his balcony with you on his lap. He was finishing his glass of wine. As soon as he heard that, his eyes met yours.
"Are you sure? I don't want to force you into anything." He said, slowly carrasing your back. "I fear that Taeyong won't forgive us. I may lose my best friend."
"At first, I thought the exact same thing." You kissed his cheek. "But now, I completely hate this guy. I lost my femininity, myself, and energy because of him. I can't look at him, because all I see is how much he hurt me and me cheating on him."
"I'm here. I'm going to support you no matter what."
Both you and Doyoung told your friends you needed to go on a trip to Jeju. You had the time of your life there. Taeyong was texting you once in a while. Doyoung made your life interesting. He gave you something Taeyong could never.
Dark nigths going on a walks on the beach. Singing songs in a karaoke bar or in your room. Doing stupid teenagers shit. Life with Doyoung was different. You felt loved.
Joohyun invited everyone from the friend group to a BBQ. It was a usual Friday. Mark was in charge of drinks with Jungwoo. Johnny was in charge of the music. Taeyong was busy with his phone, while you and Doyoung cut fruits like Joohyun asked you to.
It should be a peaceful night. Only if Seulgi didn't show up. After she came, the atmosphere tensed. Jaehyun felt uncomfortable, so did Yuta and Taeil. You tried to ignore it, but Seulgi was all on Taeyong. In public. In front of everyone's eyes.
"Why is she here?"
"I don't know. Joohyun probably invited her." Doyoung sipped on his drink. "That's wild."
"It is. That's why I hate him. Look how shameless he is."
After some time, everyone was busy with something. Some were dancing, and some were singing old hits. You were on the coach, looking at your friends having fun.
"How are you, Y/N?" Jaehyun and Jungwoo sat down on both sides of you. "We saw you're sitting like a potato here."
"I'm not drunk enough to go up and dance."
"Then drink more!" Jungwoo handed you another drink. "We're having fun tonight!"
"Exactly. You can't be depressed or something."
They were right. Soon after, you had almost five different drinks, most of them being mixed with vodka. You were dancing with the girls, then with Yuta and Doyoung. You really had a lot of fun. Until Taeyong turned the music off.
"Everyone! Can I take a second of your time?" Everyone was confused. Your heartbeat was faster, and your hands started to sweat. "I'd like to share the wonderful news with you!" He was drunk. Drunk like on Jaehyun's birthday. It means trouble. "I don't know if any of you are aware of me and Y/N. My lovely wife."
You were quick to stand up and grab Taeyong.
"Let's go. Get yourself together you're embarrassing me."
"Let me go." He got out of your hold. "As you know, we've been married for 8 years! That's a long period, right? Well, I think someone might get bored of one another."
"Taeyong, please. Stop it."
Tears came into your eyes quickly. Everyone witnessing the scene was confused. Joohyun was fast to send Johnny to get Taeyong somewhere else.
"Johnny, leave me alone! I'd like to share something with you! Our lovely, sweet, and faithful Y/N is a cheating bitch! That's right!" He was laughing devilishly, while you were on a verge of a breakdown. "Isn't it crazy? We all think about her as of an angel. Look at her. She's not all that."
"I don't think you should do it, man." Jaehyun tried to get Taeyong's attention, but he wasn't listening.
"I should. My wife is fucking my best friend, and I should stay quiet? No way! Tell us, Y/N, how long have you been fuckin Doyoung?"
People left gasps. They all turned their heads towards you. Johnny and Joohyun felt anger. He should never done this to you in a public.
"Let her go, man. I'm not kidding." Doyoung stood up and pushed Taeyong. "Are you crazy? Did you forget about fuckin Seulgi? You're not saint after all."
It felt like a nightmare. Everything was going so fast, and you could only stand there shocked.
"I was faithful to her for the longest time ever! And look how did she pay me back."
"Don't be funny, Taeyong." You managed to say it, while wiping the tears away. "How can you do this to me? After what I've done to you. I never told anyone how much of a burden living with you was! Not even once! I was there with you when I was doing every chore for you! Every little thing you needed! I let you fuck me when I wasn't in the mood, because I cared about you!" You were screaming on top of your lungs. "Y'all can judge me. You can throw names at me, I don't care! I've never been happier. None of you understand what I went through."
Your friends were in shock. They never would guess what was coming. You and Taeyong fighting in the Johnny's backyard with a people around. All the dirty things you've ever done were mentioned.
"Don't act like a victim."
"Am I not? You were using me for everything. I lost my will to live, Taeyong. You're a selfish motherfucker, who had never loved me. You've been in love with Seulgi since the beginning. You lied to me, ruined my life and I wasted all those years."
"I want a divorce."
"Me too. I hate you, Taeyong."
With that, all your group friends were confused. Joohyun, Johnny, and Doyoung gave you support. Taeil and Sooyoung reached out to you too. Mark,Haechan, Yuta and Jungwoo were confused about what to do. Jaehyun had no idea what to think, until Johnny changed his mind. They were uncomfortable with everything that'd been said that day.
Taeyong blocked your number, packed your things, and threw you out of your shared apartment. You had no choice but to move in with Doyoung.
"I love you, Y/N. I think I always did."
"I wish I had married you first." Both of you chuckled on the way to the court. "Imagine what we would have done in these years. I'm grateful we have so much to explore about each other."
Doyoung never let you down, or doubted you, or your trust. He gave you loved, you were craving for. He was a missing puzzle to your life. He helped you understand yourself, and improve yourself.
"Mr. and Mrs. Lee, oficially you've been divorced. Mrs. Y/N, succesfuly, you dropped Lee from your last name. I wish both of you happines on a new life's path."
It would be the end of the chapter titled Taeyong, now you're beinning a new one with your true love.
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ahh since ur requests are open may I pls request the frostheim ghouls (and possibly leo? LOL) and how you think they would make it up to mc after making them upset? Preferably some hurt/comfort if possible but whatever is easiest for you!
Ahhhh my first request! Thank you for sending it in! Also I'm so sorry for any typos in these headcanons, I'm just dumb (so sorry to the Jin Kamurai fans) and this is assuming you guys are at least good friends (if not more) at this point in time.
Okay, real talk. I think Jin is terrible with emotions. Even worse when he's done something wrong. I don't think he'd ever SAY that he's wrong or that he's sorry. But we all know he's got that cash money, so I think he'd order MC to go somewhere with/for him and treat them as a unspoken apology. Like he's ordering them to pick something up for him, somewhere in the academy, and gives them some 'pocket change' to buy their lunch. (STOP! DRABBLE TIME!)
MC was considering telling Jin to shove it, but they knew it would end up biting them in the ass, so they walked through Frostheim, dragging their feet. They were less than thrilled to be going back to the Frostheim captain's room. Sooner than they'd like, they were standing outside of his door. Before they could knock like they usually did, the door swung open, revealing Jin, his eyes narrowed, he held out a small stack of documents to them, dropping them in their hands. He turned his back to them curtly saying,
"Get these to Professor Dante. Now."
MC wanted to say something. To snap back at him but they paused when they felt something at the bottom of the stack of documents. Upon further inspection, it was a wad of big bills. At a glance it was at least 100,000 yen (about 1,000 USD). MC's eyes went wide at the stack of bills, they looked back up at Jin's retreating figure. They were about to question why, when all he said was,
"Get something to eat once your done. Thats an order"
With that, he closed the door and ended the discussion.
Okay, Tohma on the other hand I think is better with emotions than Jin. But he's still not the best. He at least knows how to apologize...he's just bad at saying it. I feel like Tohma is more of an acts of service person (duh) than a verbal person if that makes sense. If he's upset MC its easier for him to do small things to apologize than to actually say the words. (here is your order of drabble, freshly written)
Tohma watched MC carefully behind his monocle, he knew they were upset and why. But he hadn't expected them to stay upset for this long. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he waited until they would return the next day to finalize some documents with the second year ghouls. When the time came, Tohma took their jacket and prepared the a special blend of tea and biscuits for them while they worked on the papers. The practiced smile always on his face. After some time he returned with a tray, presenting it in front of them, his expression softer than before. When he set it down, all he said was,
"I've taken the liberty of bringing you something to eat. You've been working diligently as of late, among...other reasons. I hope you enjoy your meal"
With that, he swiftly left them to their work and their thoughts, giving them space.
Kaito here is on the entire opposite side of that spectrum. He has absolutely no problem saying the words, but even if he was forgiven the first time, he still doesn't think its enough. So if anything, he does too much. He'll buy them flowers and chocolates to gain their forgiveness. It almost seems insincere how much he apologizes but he really does mean. Its more that his insecurities get the better of him and he doubts himself, so they might need to knock some sense into him for it to actually get through to him that he's been forgiven. Please be patient with him, he just really likes MC and he gets most of his advice from crappy magazines. (TO THE DRABBLE!)
Kaito held the bouquet of flowers in his arms tightly and held out the box of chocolates to MC. They had already told him that it was okay, but it didn't *feel* okay to him. There was a small voice in his head telling him that they were still upset with him. He had sent them a text, asking to meet in the library of DA academy. When MC arrived however, they sighed deeply, walking directly up to Kaito with a scowl on their face, saying,
"Kaito. I told you that its okay, you don't need to keep doing these kinds of gestures. If I was still upset with you, I wouldn't have shown up here to begin with"
Kaito's face went pale. He should have known they were smart enough to see right through him and his plan. He sighed, saying.
"I know you did i just-...I just wanted to be sure we were still cool....I'm sorry"
MC shook their head, their expression getting softer, they pulled out a chair from one of the tables in the library and sat down, saying,
"I'll forgive you, if you promise not to do anymore of these gestures....and you split those chocolates with me"
Kaito softly smiled and sat beside them, setting the flowers aside and the chocolates between them, he was so glad to know someone as sweet as MC.
Lucas I think is closer to the middle of the spectrum. He's pretty literal and like I said before, he's not the best with social cues. From what I gather, he's more used to people saying what they mean. So if MC told them they were fine, he might worry at first, but he'd let it go, trusting MC enough to think they'd always tell him what was on their mind. If they do however tell him that they're still upset, that's different. If they were still upset I think he'd give them another apology and some bisuits. If that wasn't enough, then I think he's the type of guy to tell them stories about himself. Either about him and or his twin brother when they were little. Like really be vulnerable with them. (YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD! DRABBLE! YOU TAKE 420 LIFE POINTS WORTH OF DAMAGE!)
Lucas had been worried about MC ever since they last saw eachother. Something about them had seemed off in a way. He was even more worried when he got a text from them asking to meet him in Frostheim's main entrance. He quickly grabbed his things and raced off to Frostheim. When he arrived MC was standing inside, their face somber. He reached them, immediately asking,
"MC! Are you alright? Did something happen?"
He gave them a quick once over, even gently grabbing their wrist to look it over, making sure they weren't injured. When MC snapped their arm out of his grasp, he looked up at them surprised. When they explained that they were still upset with him, he understood. He asked them to follow him to one of the secluded balconies at Frostheim. When they arrived, it was silent for the first few moments. Luca pressing his hands against the balcony railing and looking up at the sky. Before MC could break the silence, Luca softly spoke,
"I've never been the best at putting myself in the shoes of others...at least not without guidance....Jin has told me so, and even my brother....when we were little I would always have trouble whenever he would get upset with me. He told me he was fine, but he never was. I suppose I still have quite a bit to learn about others around me...I'm truly sorry MC. I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me"
Leo won't apologize. Let's be honest. If you think Jin is bad, Leo is WORSE. I think because of his fame and looks, that he's used to getting his way, even if he's a dick about it. I feel like he learned early on that the world is a cold cruel place and that saying you're sorry is admitting that you were wrong about something. Leo is 100% the kind of guy to expect them to get over whatever it is he did, even if it was something really bad. Man has like no moral compass, anything is on the table, even if it's deeply personal. I he'd get bored and keep sending you dumb tiktoks or meme's to get you to talk to him and hang out again. At MOST I think he'd trap you into going out somewhere with him and he'd treat you. Like get you a Starbucks drink or something, but thats it. And if MC won't go out with him, he'll come to them with two new trendy Starbucks drinks and his tablet ready to watch some shitty reality TV and make fun of the cast.
Leo glared down at his phone with a huff, MC hadn't reacted to any of his tiktoks or memes, not even the sad cat ones! It had been a few days since they'd went out. Sho was busy with his own thing so Leo had no one else to bet with. He dramatically sighed and immediately started to look through MC'S social media on his phone. He noticed that they'd like a post on the new drinks at Starbucks and started to formulate a plan. He dragged Sho away from him project and got to work.
MC sat on their bed, relaxing after a long day of classes, waiting to hear from professor Hyde which house they were going to be assigned to next. A knock at the front door echoed throughout the old cathedral, startling them. When MC got up and answered the door, Leo stood there with a cup holder and his signature impish smile,
"Hey MC! You didn't show up so I came here!"
Leo pushed past them and looked around, visible disgust on his face before turning to MC, his smile slapping back onto his face, saying,
"I can't believe you live like this! But whatever! Come one i brought my tablet with the new housewives season and the new spicy dragon fruit drink from Starbucks. Where has the best lighting in this shithole? I need to post about it before we start watching"
Leo handed them the drink, looking around before he found their bedroom, making himself comfortable and moving some of their things around to make a mini photo shoot for the drink. Once he was done, MC had finally found him, sitting on her bed and drinking what he brought. He saw them and gently pat beside him on the bed, saying,
"C'mon! How can you stay mad at a handsome devil like me? Now come here, I NEED to know what happens to Bethenny Frankel!"
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seokjinsonlyone · 10 months
most to least likely to want you to make the first move
tae: the thing about taehyung is that he's a coquettte like he 100% loves to be pursued like i swear this happened irl but it always feels like i'm making it up bc i can never find the post but i think in 2020 there was a time period of like a month or two and we missed him soooo bad and then one day he randomly popped up and was like yeah i be browsing through here but i ain't say nothing bc i liked seeing y'all say y'all miss me like 😐 so yeah he loves the thrill of it all he loves the thought of having you wrapped around his finger me thinks gonna tata mic in yo face until you have no choice but to conquer him
jk: we have him on record saying "if you want me, come get me" so there's that but also okay i know jk ain't super shy no more but at the same time social settings still aren't his forte like he still has trouble figuring out when to jump into conversations and you can definitely tell when he ain't got a single thought running through his brain so i feel like you initiating will take the pressure off also this man is literally a perfectionist and a procrastinator like i feel like he been done took so long to ask u out u not even interested no more gotta strike when the iron hot with this one skskkslks
joon: he loves people he loves making connections and he loves reciprocal energy so if he's feeling you and you reach out first i think he'd love that fr like someone bold not tiptoeing around him not afraid to express what they're feeling it's gon do it for him every time
suga: i bet yoon really doesn't mind either way like he's not afraid to go and get what he wants and he appreciates people with a similar mind set
jin: i don't think he's opposed to it it's just that he needs to have you figured out before there's any forward movement and then after he figures you out he needs to figure out how he feels about it and you if it's even worth progressing forward so if you were to interrupt that process by moving before he's ready it would confuse him and he'd be very hesitant bc he doesn't wanna just outright reject you but he doesn't wanna just go for it either LOL he just needs a lil time; if he already knew how he felt about you however you making the first move would be awesome it'd save him some time and energy
hobi: he wouldn't be mad at it right but i feel like he's more traditional with it like ugh i love him so much he's such a gentleman so i feel like he'd wanna do the whole asking out pick you up for your first date at your doorstep bouquet of flowers in tow like he doesn't mind you being bold so if u wanna be an obvious flirt or whatever do yo thang but i do think he wants to take the lead
jimin: don't get me wrong i know jimin likes to be liked he likes to know that you know he knows you like him 100% but i get the feeling he likes the allure of the chase even more like you coming on to him may intrigue him for a good time but if you really want him i get the feeling that you gotta play the long game like very much give and take tease play his game until he has no choice but to give into it
a/n: luh calm post sumn breezy sumn light sksskls crazy thing about this is i've had this idea and ranking in my drafts for like a year and then this morning i scrolled past and was like huh that makes sense and then my brain kicked into gear and told me why LOL sorry i'm slow as molasses but take this snack as apology and i maybe 👀 hopefully 🙏 may have something a little more substantial before the year ends <3
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bahbah-bee · 1 year
- Tiger Lily - (Yandere! Namjoon x Reader) - Part 1
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Warnings: Slight ABO, smut/noncon (not this part), kidnapping, innuendos, harassment, gaslighting, drugs, forced undressing, nonconsensual touching, slavery/forced prostitution, dark themes. You have been warned.
Summary: To be a flower maiden is to know pain. Pain that comes many forms. It's too bad for you that your curse is not well known, and running from the only man who knows about it, won't do you much good. Run while you can... for when he catches you, there's no telling how he'll ravage you.
Note: I have no idea what time line I wrote this for lol. I’m also thinking of making this a series with the other members, so if you like it, please let me know! This is inspired by the Yuri Manwha Kang Unnie.
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Your clothes had always smelled of smoke.
Not because you enjoyed the bad habit, but because as you grew older smoke was the only thing able to cover the scent. The scent of the Tiger Lily. The scent ranged from cigarettes, to old incense, to burnt ash from the fireplace. Your parents never took chances when it came to you. Fear always glimmered in their eyes; Fear that their only child would get taken away to be a noble's toy, never to be seen again.
It was a bright summer day, when you first interacted with Namjoon. With no idea as to who he was, he was the first person to see past the smoke.
You wished you had been more careful; More cautious as to who you interacted with. But the Tiger Lily came with a curse. And it was naïve of you to believe you could escape the curse.
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"Are you alright?"
It took a moment for you to realize that a young gentleman had bumped into you. The arms that had wrapped around your own, allowed for a more stable support. Strong muscles hardened over time, with scars easily noticeable underneath long sleeves.
It was the first thing you noticed about him. Second, were his eyes. They gleamed mahogany and dared those that didn't know him to lean in a bit closer. You wanted to lean in closer. Sadly, you did not have that luxury. Especially, when that very same man was apologizing for falling into your lap and ruffling your skirts.
"I really am so clumsy." He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "It is not gentlemanly to be falling into a young ladies lap."
He grabbed your right hand and kissed it, looking into your own eyes. Maintaining eye contact, he raised himself up before looking around. You had been sitting at a nearby fountain with a book in one hand, when he had stumbled upon you. It was a common habit of yours, when taking a break from the old apothecary your parents ran. It was a nice place to take a rest from the outside world; a place where no one had to worry about greedy individuals in the dark. Your own refuge.
It was when you had been in the middle of a kissing scene, that you heard a scuffle occurring nearby. The strange man had been perusing the shops nearby, when someone had ran into his shoulder, and shoved him to the cobblestone at your feet. In the process of catching himself from the fall, he had managed to face plant into your colorful skirts.
"It's quite alright sir." You giggled. "I'm just glad you are not hurt. Some of the people around here can be quite rude." He smiled at that before tilting his head.
"Still, it was not appropriate of me. Though I am curious, you smoke ma'am?"
No one had asked it outright as forthcoming as that in the past.
"Why no-" you chuckled "my parents just enjoy it, and who I am I to judge them for the habit."
There was a hum from his side, before he bowed before you. "Well, my lady, it was lovely meeting you, albeit in the wrong circumstances." He looked over at someone that was approaching quickly. They seemed to be in servant attire. A large tailcoat and white cuffs clipped at the wrist. Peculiar for a small town like yours.
"You really shouldn't run off like that -"
He shook his head at the man approaching. They shut their mouth and backed up a step, giving the gentleman his space. He sighed. It seemed that was his notice to leave.
Before the clumsy man left, he managed to look over his shoulder and asked you one last question. "What might my savior's name be?"
"(Y/N). And yours?"
He paused, thinking over his response. His eyes flitted over your attire, the long skirts that dragged in the dirt. The corset framing your bodice. The way you fidgeted your hands together.
"Namjoon. Just Namjoon."
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You didn't think anything of your interaction with Namjoon. He wore peasant clothing, and yet held himself in a more gentlemanly manner than most commoners you lived with. If anything, your interaction with him had made your day.
It wasn't until later in the day, when your parents reminded you to keep the incense burning in the home, that you remembered why you can't get close to men. They would just use you, and drag you away for their own selfish desires.
That is what happened to all flower maidens.
Flower maidens were around for as long as you could remember. They were always young ladies born with seeds implanted in them. Seeds that on their 21st birthday, would bloom across them starting all the way from the nape to their back all the way to their bottom, creating imagery of gorgeous flowers unlike any tattoo or painting could ever envision. Blooming in real time, more alluring than anything. Each maiden embodied a different flower, all the way to the way their hair shined in the sun, to the powerful scent given off by each fair lady. To be a flower maiden, was to be an angel incarnate.
These ladies were cursed though. For even though they held immense beauty and could bewitch any man that came across their path. The blooming's held a price.
Starting from the first blooming, the maiden would be weak to anyone that came across them, unable to fend for themselves or against anyone that came to take advantage of them. Their minds would be primed only for the sexual desires of themselves and others, ravaged by the sensations that occurred across their skin. A fire and pain that only got worse the longer they ignored the want for someone inside them. It was said that the pleasure from bedding a flower maiden was unlike anything feasible on earth.
To "protect" the flower maidens, the royals and nobility created a garden hidden away. This garden held all the rare and beautiful flower maidens, and treated them like nobility themselves. The cost being that, a flower maiden must always give themselves to the nobility that visited and paid. It was a "treat for all the nobles hard work". A life of a gilded cage of prostitution. All nobles agreed that watching a maiden writhe around in want and need, as pansies, poinsettia's, roses, and more, spread like a new painting across their bosom was mesmerizing.
The clientele were highborn, and with that came the expectation that a flower maiden may never leave. Every flower maiden that has entered that garden has died before the age of thirty five. It is said that the thorns and blooms wrap around their heart, swallowing them whole of loneliness. Nobles pay millions to enjoy the final blooming of a flower maiden and it is common knowledge that there is no known cure.
There has always been speculation, however, and in your heart you always hold out hope. Hope that by the time your blooming comes, you will have found a way to beat the death curse.
As you pass your hand over the seed on your thigh, you are reminded of this. The seed that would one day bloom into beautiful pink and orange Tiger Lily's.
Your parents always said that the Tiger Lily represented wealth and pride. That was what scared them so. Fear that the nobility would snatch you away. That you would be cursed by their pride and wealth in an endless loop. A toy for them to enjoy.
You refused to be that for them.
When you were sixteen you first noticed a scent start to appear. Your parents quickly moved homes, albeit not easily due to the poverty you all suffered from. Incense soon became common in your household as well. But they refused to allow you to be taken. For they knew they could not afford the cost to visit the gardens, lest you be taken, and knew that you were worth so much more than a life in an esteemed brothel.
It was a dangerous game, but one they were willing to pay.
It was the law that any flower maiden born in Korea be handed over to the government from birth. It was easier to raise a lady into prostitution, than to convince her it was her duty to her kingdom later in life.
The cost of hiding one, was death.
"(Y/N)! Dinner's almost ready!"
You looked one last time at the seed at your thigh.
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“What have you been reading about this time?”
Looking up from your book, you made eye contact with your parents in the kitchen. They both were cleaning up from the days meal, and you could notice a hunch in their shoulders from the days work at the apothecary. You shrugged.
“It’s just another fairytale romance. Prince falls in love with a peasant girl and love happily ever after.-“ Your mother smiled. “You know how they go.”
“I’m glad you’re still able to enjoy those things.” She patted her hands on her apron, before grabbing the flour off the table, reorganizing the pantry as she meandered.
“I will be needing some help in the shop tomorrow. You know how busy it gets on Wednesdays. Is that alright?” Your mother never wanted to impede on your personal studies. It was rare for a women to be educated, so she prioritized your own before the need for money.
“Of course. Nine o’clock?”
“On the dot.”
She blew a bit of dust off a shelf, and wiped a few things down before settling in next to you on the lounge. It creaked under the weight, with old florals stained over time, but made no other noise. She wrapped her arm around your back and held you close. She smelled of smoke and ash, although, you knew she hated it. But she loved you more.
It was as your eyes were starting to shut. The warmth and breath lulling you to sleep, that you heard three knocks on the door.
They were concise and clear.
It was unclear to you, why someone would be knocking at this hour. Many individuals should have settled in for the night by now, or at least been off the streets. Your parents were intrigued by who was at the door as well, as they looked at each other in suspicion, before you felt the warm touch of your mother leave your side.
Their steady footsteps rang out as they approached the door. A creak was heard as the hinges squeaked open. And on the other side stood a royal guard.
You froze in your seat.
The officer took off his hat and held it at his waist.
“Excuse me, ma’am. So sorry to intrude at this late of an hour.” He peaked his head in, making eye contact at you before smiling. “My name is Officer Jungkook. We were alerted of a disturbance on this property. May we come in?” He paused to allow your guardians a moment to process the request.
They looked at each other before nodding. No one could deny an officer of the king.
“Of course. Please don’t stand outside too long. It’s far too cold for anyone to be out.” She waved her arms inside, before around ten men entered the premises. Each one donned in navy blue, with patches of red on their shoulders, designating them as members of the royal forces. They meandered along the walls, dragging fingers along surfaces, led by none other than the individual introducing himself as Jungkook. He looked around with hooded eyes, almost as if intrigued by the atmosphere and cozy home.
It wasn’t until he was far into the living room and the door had been shut, that he clapped his hands.
The sound rang out. Like thunder in a storm.
That was when all hell broke loose.
Hands grabbed and vases flew, as you were apprehended by multiple men. Your parents yelled out for you as you were dragged back screaming and kicking. They were not far better as men dragged them away to a back corner. Muffled yells and tears were the only thing you could hear from your parents.
“Let me go!” You went to bite your oppressors hand, but they quickly brought their hand back before another grabbed your head and held your jaw shut.
“Search her.”
You snapped your head to look over at Officer Jungkook. The order was quick, and if one were not paying attention, they would have missed it. Too bad for you, the royal guards were paying very close attention. Within a second, you had been stripped of your blouse and hands were touching all over your shoulders, back, and neck. You quickly yelled out, as no one had seen or even touched you in those areas before. Face heating up, you kept kicking and shoving at anyone that dared lay a hand on you.
The head guard snapped his fingers in front of the faces of his men quickly.
"Enough of this! The report was for a scent near the skirts. Don't undress the women more than is necessary!" There were a few mumbled apologies before your bodice was thrown back over your shoulders and instead your skirts were pulled down. The situation seemed to be getting worse by the second. You yelled out, as their hands passed over your skin. Brushing over calves and thighs, before finally landing on what they were looking for.
You shook in their grasps, as one of their hands gently passed over the indent of a seed on your thigh.
Your cursed Tiger Lily.
"It's in the middle of the thigh, sir."
Quickly, your skirts were pulled up, but not before the arms around your waist tightened further. Head Guard Jungkook nodded his head and looked pleased before turning to your parents, tailcoat whirling behind him.
"The cost for housing a flower maiden is death. In accordance with our laws, you will be escorted to the palace where you will await trial. This process can take weeks or months, but it is within your best interests to come silently, as we may have to use more force than necessary otherwise." While the other guards were groaning at every jab you sent back, the head guard seemed to be fairly content with the events of the evening. Your parents heads hung low in shame. They had failed protecting their little girl.
He slowly walked over to you. The way he held himself was almost bunny like, with a chagrin smile and mischievous brown eyes. He was just as mesmerizing as the man you had seen earlier. He leaned in close to you and took a piece of hair within his grasp, twirling it around his finger, before his grin reached larger across his face.
"Poor little maiden, I'm sorry you've been cooped up here so long. I can assure you that we will -"
"Piss off fucker!" You snarled. The smile slightly slipped, but never disappeared.
"It seems you are a bit confused. That is of no worry, Wonho?" He held out his hand. One of the guards seemed to get the memo.
"Yes sir!" A needle was placed into Jungkook's hand. Your eyes narrowed onto it. Gritting you teeth, you gave the man your deepest glare.
He smiled. "Don't worry fair flower maiden, in time -" He pulled off the cap. "You will see that this is your true purpose."
You felt a needle plunge into your neck, before everything went dark.
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Hello Everyone! This story is a lot darker than anything I've ever written. This part was about halfway done when I first started writing Snatched Part two, so I can assure you that is coming out soon as well. But boy, do I have a bad habit of trying to write one-shots and them turning into multiple parts. I'm expecting this to be about two to three parts. Hope you all enjoyed! Let me know what you think. Your comments make my day! Who do we think Namjoon is? Is there more to the curse?
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bun-z-bakery · 6 months
A/N: HI! Just in case you're wondering, I moved to a new account so if you've seen this before it's because you have lol also if you're reading this as I'm posting, don't worry I'm going to post all the current chapters I've finished (I apologize for the spam) if you're reading this after the au fic is done I still welcome you!
Message Received (1)
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The factory was cold, dark, and terrifying. You've already made it this far, and by the looks of it, you're already far too deep to turn back now. This factory... No, this hell was something you weren't expecting once you stepped foot into this seemingly endless maze. 
Growing up, you we're close with your family. You loved your parents and your brother, however your grandfather was the one who you're closest with. Back then he was an employee at a toy factory that used to be all the rage, he wasnt just any employee, but one of the inventors. As a kid, he used to tell you stories about the factory, the toys, the workers, and the children. In your eyes, it was a wonderland. What child wouldn't see it as such when the way he spoke of it sounded so magical? 
He used to make drawings and doodles of the cute creatures, which you kept in a safe place. Those memories will always be cherished in your mind. Though as you got older, there was one question that lingered in the back of your mind, what retired employee has nothing but good things to say about their job? Surely there was something there. One thing your family was good at was keep secrets. Maybe there was a reason; why your parents always monitored you and kept your grandparents at a distance.
This nightmare started the day you were looking through the mail. Boredom had struck you. Sneaking into your father's office, you noticed the small pile of unopened letters.
probably business stuff.
You thought to yourself. Your grandfather had a side business creating and selling car parts which took of quickly. He was a genius of his time. Upon his passing your father was the next to take over. It wasn't usual for him to have a desk full of papers, folders and letters.
You would have left it at that, but an envelope with a familiar name, just peeking out from the small pile, caught your eye. By pulling it out, you examine it. Just as you had suspected, it was addressed to Lance L/N, your grandfather. Looking at the sender, it seems to have been sent from the factory he worked at all those years ago.
"A reunion, possibly?" You mumbled to yourself as the memories came flowing back about his whimsical stories that made you feel like a kid again. A slight frown creeps up as you remember those times, sighing sadly as you open the envelope; surely there's a reason why they sent him a letter. But even so, that factory was shut down years ago, way before you were even thought of. Why now? 
The letter was strange; Maybe it was an inside joke between the workers? Maybe my grandfather kept it to himself because I was too young to understand?
Sadly, those questions will never be answered now. 
"Everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago. We're still here. Find the flower."
You reread the letter a few times, attempting to decipher what it could mean.
What if the letter was misplaced. Got lost in the mail? Maybe one of the old guys got the years wrong?
You sigh in frustration as you try to wrap your brain around this. Whatever the case may be, you can't just return it to a sender that probably isn't even alive anymore. But something feels off; there's a reason why they say curiosity killed the cat. You take the letter and put it back into the envelope as you swiftly walk out of your father's office. Surely he won't notice one missing letter, but he will definitely notice the silence that will be brought upon the house by your disappearance.
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
Dating Kirishima
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A/N: Hey!!! I've been having Kirishima brain rot of months now so it's y'all problem now lol
He is the definition of a gentleman; he holds doors open for you, helps you up steps, and walks outside the sidewalk closer to the street.
The first time he took you out on a date, he almost threw himself across the hood of his truck to stop you from opening the car's door to get out.
"W-Wait holds on; I'll get it for you!"
He is so polite with your folks.
Tries real hard to impress them, brings flowers for your mama, and gives your pa a firm handshake and compliments that beat up on racing car his been "fixin' " for years.
He's shaking the whole time; you have to hold his hand to get him to relax.
"I just don't want to mess this up."
He LOVES to show you off.
He'll take you out and strut around with you on his arm like he won the lottery. (If you ask him, he'll say he did)
He was so excited for you to meet his friends he grew up with; he told you so many stories of them from high school you can't help but feel a little intimidated.
"Hey, look at me; they're going to love you, okay?"
And they do!
Mina and Danki would gang up on him and tell you the stupid shit he did when they were teens.
Sero would crack a joke at Kirishima's expense, and everything was fine!
You got along with everyone and felt really welcomed by them; the only one that worried you was Bakugou.
"Then he crashed his head through this guy's window-"
"H-hey! Maybe we don't let her that one."
He sat there all night quietly watching you and every move you made; it felt like he was staring you down by the time the two of you left.
Eijiro noticed how quiet you were returning to the house and asked what was wrong.
You told him you were worried about what bakugou thought of you; you know the two of them are best friends, and you didn't want to cause problems.
He stared at you in the corner of his eye and told you that you didn't need to worry about that.
Later that night, you heard him on the phone with the blond when he thought you had gone ahead and gone to sleep.
You could see a grin split across his face.
"So, what do you think about her?"
"She's nice, man. Sweet."
"Yeah? Yeah, she is; she's the best, bro. I mean, like, did you hear how she laughs? Oh god, don't get me started on her nose and -"
He could go on and on about how much he loves you to anyone who would listen.
The lady scanning his items at the store? He's talking about how his surprising you with your favorite ice cream.
The old woman his helping cross the street? He's talking about how cute you were playing with your little cousins at your last family reunion.
"I just love her so much."
He does adore you; you are his main drive in life, and he absolutely would do anything for you.
He once stopped what he was doing mid-guys night and RAN all the way home from across town because you called him that you watched a scary movie by yourself. You swear to god you saw something outside your window.
"Don't worry! I'm here!"
He's knocked motherfuckers out over you; one time at a club, your shared friend group dragged the two of you too, and he decided to hang back as Mina pulled you onto the dance floor.
He hung back with the boys and was shooting shots when he felt Katsuki nudge his arm; he looked up at his friend, whose eyes were glued on the dance floor.
He looked over to see these two guys pressed up against you, front and back, you clearly distressed, pushing on the guy in front of yous chest, while the guy behind you pressed up against you even more, sandwiching you between them.
He's never moved faster in his life; he flew out of his chair and was tearing them both off you before they could even open their mouths; he had them on the floor rumbling.
At some point, Katsuki, Kaminari, and Hanta, as well as Mina, had jumped in to whip their asses which caused all six of you to get kicked out.
You were apologizing the whole ride home when he pulled over and cupped your face.
"As long as I am alive, no one will ever touch you like that again."
And you believed him.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #16
Battle of the Dimmsonian
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I want to highlight them specifically. Look at that FOP-style fairy boy! Baby's all grown up!
Jasmine and Winn are so ready to party at the museum sleepover.
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Oh, they are SO ready for this (Also).
slifdj, Peri looking ahead, noticing Cosmo and Wanda in disguise, and screaming "MY PARENTS?!?"
What the heck, Fairywinkle-Cosmas? You left your son for 10k years? Why? Look at him; he's got anxiety!!!
Dev: I haven't talked to Hazel since our fight :'( I need to get to her. /apparently doesn't talk to her all day and now it's night and he's trying to scare people with ghosts for no reason
Removing the staff during the sleepover night (after a spooky presentation) seems like something a museum would totally do as a prank.
Peri has been onscreen for like 2 minutes and he's already sad inside.
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-> Hey, I think he outgrew his fear of the dark!
Dev, I am begging you to make it clear to the audience what you're doing right now. This is not an apology. This is not close to what you said you were going to do earlier??
-> Confirmation Dev is Peri's first assignment, so my "high school trial run" lore hasn't been disproven yet. I can work with that in 'fic. We'll see if he says he's graduated.
-> I do have a fanfic set-up where he's going to do a trial program as Foop's partner when they're still in Spellementary, but I don't think this disproves that either since that's a very supervised experiment for him (It's their extracurricular).
I don't think I've said it, but I really enjoy the way this art style has been handling the hairstyles. These angles of Peri's swirl are really interesting.
Peri... Don't take this the wrong way, but if you can't handle Dev being mildly needy and pushy, you're not ready for the big leagues.
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idk, Peri strikes me as WAY too overconfident. He showed up ready to go a couple episodes ago. This is the first time he's back onscreen, and this immediate crash on his end is just proof to me that his inexperienced little tail doesn't know what he's doing.
Peri is the guy who's super hype for kids because he thinks they'll be cute and fun, but he's unprepared for work and responsibility. I'm getting "Tries to avoid changing diapers and/or feels smug about how little housework he does" vibes.
-> What decade is he designed after? Cosmo was designed with 50s aesthetic and I feel like this is actually on-brand for attitudes during Peri's aesthetic parallel time period. lol.
-> It's not like Poof was doing the hard work of godparenting when he was a baby. This is new for him and probably different than he fondly remembers.
-> I looked it up and apparently suspenders made a comeback in the 1980s. I designed my teen Poof for the late 60s-early 70s (and he's my flower child), but it makes total sense that he'd be a little farther forward in time since Cosmo and Wanda weren't allowed to have kids for the first 10k years of their marriage.
- Yeah, I would look at this man and say he's giving me "macho 1980s breadwinner husband who has a fragile ego regarding his manliness and doesn't do his own laundry" energy. - Please tell me he started dating Goldie and she broke up with him because he's not good with stress and now he's clingy and wants her back; "He lost the pretty girl because he wouldn't pull his weight" would be the funniest possible direction to take their relationship - I might need to write a 'fic about Goldie showing up while Dev is out and she and Peri have a fight where he's groveling and begging and then Dev walks in and he's like "... Oh boy, I can't wait to have a business relationship with this guy."
Peri came to this party like "I grew up with Timmy Turner. My grandma teaches godparenting classes. I even did a trial run with Mrs. Crocker... I know the ropes! :)"
-> His crown did not know the ropes.
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Diagnosed "would not take full custody in the divorce."
Peri, I cannot be any clearer that you can't behave this way around a neglected child right after establishing yourself as a trustworthy figure he can rely on. If this plot goes in the direction of Peri throwing in the towel (or snapping at Dev), I'm gonna crack up.
Like, at this point I am 100% expecting Peri to yell at Dev (maybe not this episode, but someday), and that's going to break this kid. I feel like Jorgen might get involved and separate them, unless Peri is desperate to "not have a failure on his record" or something (seeing as he seems embarrassed his parents know he's a godparent.
-> idk what's up with that yet. I'm genuinely confused. Peri, this is your first chance to see your parents since they dipped for 10k years. I can't get a read on your feelings. Are you angry? Did they invite you and you said No? How old were you? Did you grow up with Mama Cosma? Big Daddy? Boarding school? Inquiring minds need to know!
Maybe it's not been 10k years for him? Was he still existing in the slower-moving present day? Maybe Peri embarked on his own 10k-year trip? I'm puzzled.
-> I feeeeeeel like the time travel is a convenient plot device for the purpose of aging him up without jumping us forward to a more destroyed planet, and we're not going to get a straight answer about what happened with him, which is a shame.
Hmm. I suspect we're not going to delve into his backstory, but I'll hold out hope. Why throw that in there if you're not going to discuss it, though?
Did I miss something? Why does Dev think he doesn't need friends when earlier he wanted to talk to Hazel? Huh. I feel like there's a missing scene there. Hazel rejecting his attempt at an apology would've been helpful for me.
For some reason it's funny to me that the Tooth Fairy offered Peri a job, which he turned down. My brain immediately went Peri -> Cosmo is his dad -> Jorgen is Cosmo's distant relative but they refer to each other as cousins -> Tooth Fairy is Jorgen's wife. I wonder if they hung out together sometimes at like, extended family reunions or something.
-> von Strangles are big on family and Cosmo and Wanda kinda dipped out on theirs, so...
-> omfg, Mama Cosma is out there somewhere like that meme of the guy in the chair leaning over way far, head in her hands, because this is the 2nd time she lost her baby for 10k years. Left to get milk (Again).
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He's so cute. I'm so glad to see him back in the series; I missed him so much. He's always been a favorite for me, which was largely based on my own 'fics, so it's really cool to see a character I love showing a wider range of personality onscreen.
HAZEL! If you weren't mad at Dev anymore, you should've told him! He's been miserable about you yelling at him without giving him a chance to share his side!!
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His tushie cannot read minds!!
Dev is the kid that you want to get in a fight with because he's mean but then he looks at you like this and you're like " :| "
-> I hate that this is likely how Dale looked at Vicky once upon a time. Dev looks so much like his dad and now I'm like. "Yeah, she probably kicked him down the stairs."
Aww, reunion... <3
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I really do like their color scheme and vibes. I've always thought Poof was a good blend of his parents (Good blend of smart, clean, and on top of things while also getting into trouble, holding petty grudges, and making bad or dumb decisions). I'm happy to see him and it's cool to see their hair designs and colors together.
I'm glad "Certifiable Super Sitter" wasn't his swan song from the franchise. It's nice to see a deeper take on his character <3
Patty Possums Party Playground
I'm glad they're making an effort to balance Hazel's Dev interactions with Jasmine and Winn. I keep wondering if they'll get sidelined. This episode seems to be about them, though.
Is the animatronic going to be run-down?
Winn is having the TIME of their life.
Cosmo: We're gonna do this without magic! Hazel: Isn't shrinking Wanda magic?
Immediate prediction: the possum mascot has been summoned to party with them and now she isn't going to let them leave. She'll get aggressive if they try.
Oh no, Cosmo just suggested Wanda use her wand to try getting his out of the claw machine. Is she about to blindly follow and stick it in there like when they were swallowed by a bear and Cosmo suggested dipping it in stomach acid to measure how deep it was and it dissolved? And she just... did it?
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YES, sdlkfj. Never change, Wanda.
Nobody tell Gary and Betty there's a Smack-a-Mole game here.
The possum's singing a song about how the party never ends. Yeah, I think I called the plot.
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They're so cute:
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Hazel: Friendship isn't only about the moments you're together! It's also about holding each other in your hearts when you're apart! :) Dev, abandoned and confused since their fight: Hey. what.
Wanda dunking on friendship is very funny to me.
A Date to Remember
... Is this with Hazel's parents I assume?
-> Okay, maybe! That title card looks like it is. Also, waning crescent AGAIN? Y'know, the moons were so useful for my OG series episode timeline and I think some will have to be non-canon in New Wish.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda push their backs against each other the same way they used to dance. And I really appreciate how we seem to have a consistent floorplan for Hazel's apartment.
-> Okay, I treat "Cosmonopoly" as the first time they met so if I want to canonize New Wish, I have to un-canonize Cosmo's line about the diner being their first meeting spot, but I can't be mad since I pretty much never see anyone use "Cosmonopoly" for that.
Did Hazel just erase her parents' memories. Oh no, now they've never met! ... Are Cosmo and Wanda allowed to do that? It sounds like they just altered true love.
-> Hazel's parents look the same 11+ years ago as today. I'm a bit surprised by that.
CUPID! ... Oh, wow. His design's changed. I don't think I love it, but I guess it's cool they're doing unique shapes in this show since the OG had the same bodies all the time. I'm glad he's still a grump <3
-> Is he a lot older than Cosmo and Wanda? I'm surprised he aged(?) during normal time when they didn't during 10k years of travel? Is he old or just redesigned? Unclear.
I would make another "IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT?" joke here [Cupid trying to set Hazel's mom up with someone else] but... I mean, he's literally the only person who's allowed to do that.
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egg baby.
It's hilarious that Hazel convinced her dad to listen to her by saying she's psychic. Of course the parascience scientist would go for that.
-> Note to self, he was interested in it at least 11 years ago.
Cosma confirmed to still be Cosmo's surname!
Cupid's bragging that he won because Brewster (sp?) is going to ask out Angela, but she's totally going to turn him down. Get wrecked, fool.
I am OBSESSED with the fact that Cupid knows all the humans' names. That is a man who does his job. Also I love how he keeps nipping at his bottom lip with his silly buck teeth.
-> I don't remember Cupid knowing people's names in the OG series (I don't think he has much opportunity to say them besides on the dating show in his debut) and now I want to see if that's always been his thing.
-> I'm pretty sure I remember Timmy was given an arrow with his name magically engraved on it at the end of "Love Struck Out," so... interesting.
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freedelusionshere · 1 month
Cicero always puts money first.
All his conversations revolve around money and being successful. Sports metaphors and how botching a win is because of that one guy. It probably deserves a very long and detailed post about how many times he does this? (Someone may already have one, hit me up if you do.) How many times he tells people the audience loves that he loves them, but then is looking out for his finances first and foremost and how it’s understood that others can lose, but his team must not and cannot.
He talks to Carmy in Apologies about how dreams costs money to make them happen (in America is the subtext) and then compares it to this talk he attended at Chicago U praising how all these really great ideas, “innovations”, “started right here in Chicago” (btw, the Uni loves the show mentioned them LOL and talked about it on FB), but…he’s talking about the Manhattan Project, isn’t he? Innovation. Not the aftermath.
He keeps apologizing and wishing he’d “done more” for the kids, but the vibes to me are he’s roped Donna and her kids into The Beef to chase his dreams. (This is also another role cast with someone who often plays likeable characters who are not menacing, just like Jaime Lee Curtis has to this point.)
Some of the subliminal stuff in The Bear is leaning heavily into Hitchcock films directly, but I keep thinking about David Lynch on rewatch, and how his Twin Peaks efforts have a lot of similar themes of death and addiction and the dark side of American culture that lies just under the surface of it all? Mikey is the Laura Palmer of The Bear, the cool guy who died with all the secrets. Or am I wrong here?
Even bringing Scorsese in, narrating about illusions when Scorsese rose to fame by depicting Italians as mafia culture, and now he’s making stuff like Killers of the Flower Moon, which is about how American “progress” was too expensive a cost and talks about the specific ways indigenous women were exploited through marriage contracts to extract their wealth. Cicero trying to get Syd to sign that agreement?
Got a lot on my mind! @whenmemorydies @yannayartside @gingergofastboatsmojito @currymanganese any thoughts on this? (Sorry if I left anyone out, I'm still learning the landscape).
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jinxedshapeshifter · 1 year
Angsty Flower Language Inspiration for Your Next Hanahaki Disease Story
Didn't specify fanfiction because hanahaki disease definitely doesn't have to be specific to fanfiction BUT ANYWAY. I don't see enough people use flower language in hanahaki stuff. Maybe I just don't read enough hanahaki disease fanfiction, but I am here to tell you some (maybe not) fun flower language you can add to your hanahaki stuff to add some spice for anyone who knows flower language.
Also, I'm specifically referencing Victorian flower language here. Just figured I'd clarify. If I get anything wrong please correct me aljsfgadg
Striped Carnations - This is one I'm surprised I don't see more often. Striped carnations symbolize refusal. There are so many ways you could go about this. Refusal to accept/admit feelings, refusal to be with the individual afflicted, more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Get creative, y'know?
Yellow carnations - Yellow carnations are a step above striped carnations. Where striped carnations are used to symbolize refusal, yellow ones are used to symbolize rejection, disdain, and disappointment, and therefore won't be as flexible when used in hanahaki disease stories. Doesn't mean you can't crank up the angst though; yellow carnations could be great for use in an enemies to lovers type story.
Black roses - I'm only bringing up black first because of the angst potential lol. Black roses symbolize death, hatred, despair, sorrow, mystery, danger, and obsession. Do with that what you will, make people fucking sob with it.
Yellow roses - Hitting you once again with the angst, while yellow roses do have positive meaning (friendship, apology, intense emotion, and undying love) they also have some that will make your readers do a double take if they read that your character is coughing up yellow roses and know the symbolism. On the negative side of the coin of yellow rose meanings, yellow roses can symbolize betrayal, broken hearts, jealousy, and infidelity. I want to read a hanahaki fic where a character who is in a relationship suddenly develops hanahaki with no warning and the flowers they're coughing up end up being yellow roses because their partner is cheating.
Purple hyacinth - Purple hyacinth from what I gather is basically used to ask for forgiveness, and also symbolizes sorrow. Use it for when the character who is the subject of the afflicted's affections realizes what's going on and is made deeply upset by it? 👀
Yellow hyacinth - Yellow hyacinth symbolizes jealousy. Not sure exactly how you'd add this to a hanahaki story but I'd love to see how someone tries to!
Asphodel - Lots of people already know this (you know who you are) but asphodel is a type of lily that symbolizes death. I love the idea of this being used when one character suddenly dies and another develops hanahaki as a result.
Orange lilies - While orange lilies can symbolize desire and passion (adding a little bit of potential hope to your story), they also symbolize hatred. I'm sure your readers will have lots of fun deciphering which one it is if you're subtle with it lol.
Peruvian lilies - The main symbolism I'm personally looking at here is the symbolism of friendship. Friendzoned through hanahaki disease with an absolutely beautiful flower, what a way to be friendzoned.
Spider lilies - Red spider lilies are referred to as the Lily of Death, do with that as you will and make your readers fucking sob in the process.
Wormwood - Again, lots of people already know the symbolism of wormwood (you know who you are) but wormwood symbolizes bitterness and sorrow. ANGST.
Wolfsbane - Perfect for your human/part human falling in love with a non-human who hates humans, wolfsbane symbolizes misanthropy, which is the general dislike, hatred, or distrust of humans (which gives me an idea for a D&D Honor Among Thieves fic but that's besides the point).
Tansy - Tansy apparently means "I declare war on you" and honestly I would LOVE to see a fic where a character develops hanahaki disease, starts coughing up tansies, and starts fucking PANICKING because they know the symbolism.
Rainflower - one of the potential meanings of rainflower is "I will never forgive you" SO GO FORTH AND MAKE ANGST.
Aloe - Aloe symbolizes grief. I don't think I have to go any farther.
Now go forth and use flower language in your hanahaki stories to bring tears. Please I am begging you
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Percy x gn!reader I'm sorry
Ok here is an angsty fluff ending fic it's kinda short but I'm like so proud of this lol
Word count~717
Me and Percy are arguing about him missing another date." Percy this is the second time this month you've missed a date".I said upset."Baby, I'm sorry but you know how they are I couldn't say no" he replied."So you're saying they're more important"? I asked."wh-what"?Percy said confused." that's what I thought," I said while leaving. As I walked away from Percy's cabin I cried. I mean how could I not, he was blowing me off for his friends, and this wasn't the first time, and for what to play games I mean was it too much to ask for one night with him? I guess it was because when I brought it up he flipped. I guess it was stupid to think he liked me. The next day at lunch he started walking toward me and I looked down and walked away fast. I know it was wrong to avoid him but I just couldn't believe he would do that yesterday so for the time being I was going to avoid him till I felt better."y/n" Percy said kind of loud towards me. I turned to look at him and kept walking eventually he caught up." what" I asked annoyed."y/n I just want to say sorry about yesterday" he said."okay great by Percy I got to go" I replied walking away. I can not believe his half-ass apology I could tell he was generally sorry but that apology was terrible. I mean you blow me off twice and then say oh sorry like hello you knew what you were doing. Anyway, I just have to ignore him till I feel better or he apologizes better.
Percy pov
I just don't get it why are they this mad at me I mean I get it I missed too many dates but I forgot the first time and the second time was because I got the wrong time. As I walk over to Luke I ask him"Hey Luke can I ask you something?" He stared at me but replied "Sure" so I asked, "Hey I missed two of my and y/n's dates and they seem genuinely upset what do I do?" "Did you apologize?" he asked"Yeah I said hey I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Oh there's your answer one you've made a basic apology two you did even apologize for the date in general," he said."oh shit" I replied. while getting up and leaving "Where are you going?" he questioned." to fix this" I replied. As I walked through the woods looking for Flowers. I stumbled upon a beautiful rock and smiled thinking about how y/n loves rocks so I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. Continuing my search for the perfect flowers, After a while I found some pretty yellow and white flowers picked them, and headed toward the fruit field grabbing some fruits. (you can make them whatever fruit you want)I started to head toward their cabin but I couldn't see them so I decided to wait on their porch after knocking and not getting a response.
Your POV (again)
I'm currently just wondering around camp aimlessly trying to kill time and calm down and it's working I feel a lot better already so I decided to head back to my cabin as I'm walking I realized I should have let Percy apologize and heard his full apology rather than running off. As I get closer to my cabin I notice Percy sitting on my porch with Flowers." hi" I say. Percy looks up at me and smiles while replying " Hey" Handing me the flowers he says "These are for you look I'm so sorry about the date yesterday, I got the wrong time and I know sorry won't fix it that's why I'm taking you on a date right now" " oh Percy these are perfect thank you" I replied. Staring at the flowers"Come on" Percy says while holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine while he pulls something out of his pocket "Here" he says. It's so pretty "I'm adding this to my collection thank you so much I love you" "I love you too" he leans down and kisses me. The End.
I low-key love this and hope you like it so I'm writing a bunch of random stuff to get better requests are open. love you have a wonderful day.🧡
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