#(i censored the names so that they dont show up on the real tags)
yukaii · 8 months
@ the last post i reblogged
man i need to reread the little prince now that im not like... 11
we were assigned that way too early i think? or maybe i was alone on this but i really didnt catch a lot of the very basic things it was talking about. i feel like i was way too young for that.. sadness, melancholy.
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heatherra · 1 year
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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willel · 1 year
Since I'm sure there will be a lot of new people from Twitter, I want to personally say welcome, but also please don't make the shipping wars any worse. Lol
You can do that by tagging correctly, blocking people you don't like, and muting tags that upset you. Tags are like folders. When people tag correctly, it's like opening a book with only the things you like on an endless school. Very handy.
Are you making a post about your favorite ship? Excellent! Tag it correctly. Do not tag a bunch of irrelevant tags as that's considered spamming. Your tags should look like:
#shipname #charactera #characterb #whatever else you want that is actually related to the post
By the way, this isn't twitter. Tags can have spaces in them. You can write a whole ass paragraph almost. It's enouraged to do so!
Also, this isn't TikTok. "Unalive" and other censored words for the "algorithm" are dumb and pointless. There is no algorithm. Use the right words so that people can filter what they don't want to see.
Are you writing a negative post about a ship you don't like? Well that's a waste of time but you do you, just tag it correctly. Your tag should like like:
#anti-ship #dont mention the ship in any other way! It could pop up in their tags when those shippers are trying to do their own thing
Don't cross post KNOWING your post can upset someone. Don't play coy. Don't play dumb. Don't start drama on purpose. If you're bored and want some action, why not get a real hobby instead of fighting on the internet?
If a tag is meant for a platonic ship, then you should find the proper romantic ship version of that name. If another character or pairing has nothing to do with your post, then keep it in your pants and don't tag them. It's rude and could earn you some blocks.
That is the proper tagging etiquette for tumblr.com. You can mute any tag you want by visiting your settings and adding a tag to filtered tags and/or filtered content.
Anon hate is a thing of the past. Grow up. You can send anonymous or faced questions to almost any blog you want. You can also turn off that feature entirely if you don't like it.
If you don't like someone, you can select the three dots on top of their posts and block them. You can save yourself a headache if you learn to curate your experience~
Here in Tumblr, there is no reliable algorithm. More than likely, Tumblr won't be showing everyone posts that are relevant to them automatically. You'll have to visit the tags yourself to see what you want to see.
If YOU LOVE SOMETHING, REBLOG IT. Likes work like bookmarks here on tumblr.com. Everyone appreciates likes on their posts, but sadly, that's all it is. A post can die in the sea of irrelevance if no one reblogs it.
You know all those cool popular posts you see with thousands of notes? They only got like that because thousands of people reblogged it.
Do your artist friends, writer friends, and normal friends a favor by reblogging their posts and spreading the good word~. If you consistently reblog good posts on a consistent basis, you'll likely find yourself some cool followers as well who have the same interests as you.
By the way, while you can be a little well known here in Tumblr, you'll never have any clout. Give up now before you even begin. Everyone is an equal here. We're all just fans being fans of whatever content we're consuming that day alright? There are famous people on here, but unless they're chill and breezy, people will tend to chase them away anyway.
Do you want separate your personal blog from your fan blog? Well no need to make a new account, you can just add a sideblog and it's practically the same thing. You only have to log in once. I have at least a dozen active side blogs for every new interest I get very invested in. Great for organization and keeping your main blog for your personal rambles and posts.
By the way, there's no need to tell everyone your name, your phone number, your address etc. This site is anonymous. Enjoy the anonymity! Let yourself be a faceless fan among other faceless fans, keep your personal details safe and private.
And finally, don't be a creepy weirdo. That's pretty self explanatory. If your are a creepy weirdo, stop while you're ahead. You know you're gonna get caught and ousted. You aren't slick, you're just a weirdo.
That is all. This is meant for the Stranger Things fandom but it can be applied to any fandom. Hope this helps.
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arcaneyouth · 2 years
"why are you constantly posting about ace attorn3y" i cannot explain in a reasonable way how hyperfixating on some lawyers is keeping me sane in these trying times
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dykexenomorph · 3 years
it is just me and the same 3 characters that I draw/doodle over and over against the world.........
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floralcalaveraa · 3 years
Rules: Answer in-character. Repost, don’t reblog.
Tumblr media
► NAME ➭ He waves around proudly at the imaginary crowd his mind conjured, assuming a performance that one would put up when live on camera for an interview. Typical Guzma, thinking that he is all that, but he is not. “Hey y’all~” He says with a chipper, sing-song voice to continue convincing ... the dashboard? “Clean the wax outta yur ears; I’m only gonna say this once and I expect chu to say the WHOLE fucking thing when you call me. It’s Guzma Kehlani Kaliko- I’m joking.” The emotion in his performance stops abruptly at the end and he acts like normal again. But then again ... when was he ever normal? His voice is modest now. “Just keep it up to Guzma.”
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭ Guzma doesn’t hold back on widening his eyes upon registering the question and emphasizes the reality of his words when he curls a curl on his finger and bats his eyes, pretending a coy nature. “Yeah~ So if anyone out there single too and you want a good sex, come on down; my number is-” And then a convenient beep censors the sound of his voice because Guzma is doing too much.
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ “Hmm, I’m aight right now. Is not like ... I’m going through anythin ...” He asks himself, looking at the sky for an answer. “Or am I?”
► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ “Who isn’t? I know I am. Like, when’s a rich white guy gonna give me all his money ya know? Those fucking billionaires don’t know how to spend it, like, give me your money I’ll show you.”
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ All that talk from earlier? That magic disappears. Guzma falls silent for a moment, but tries to salvage his enthusiasm from earlier. “Weeeeeeeeeeeell ... they never married to begin with? Yeah, very telling of their relationship, ya know?” ‘I don’t want them to ever marry. That is not love, I wouldn’t attend to it should it ever happen.’
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ “In. This. Stupid. Region. Called. ALOLA!” Each word came with a jumping stomp to the ground, like if this tantrum would make the region he chanted out loud crumble in his stomps.
► HAIR COLOR ➭ He grabs a strand of his hair, stretches it out, and watches it recoil back to its original curly condition, feeling a bit shy to divulge. “It’s ... it was my daddy’s hair color. I didn’t like that. So I colored it to look like my mami’s ...”
► EYE COLOR ➭ “A stupid fucking grey. Can you believe that? Not even the universe wants me to own anythin’ gold like damn give me a fucking break.”
► BIRTHDAY ➭ “...” He remains silent, connecting the dots about this scheming universe. “Y’know, this life really doesn’t want me to be first in anything; July 2nd.”
► MOOD ➭ “Now that I made that realization, I’m feelin’ pissed.” Guzma says with a relative ‘ :-) ’ expression and relaxed voice.
► GENDER ➭ “A guy, wish I was a God though or somethin ...” A hand grabs his chin lightly, but pensively. “Or a bug ...”
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ “OOOh summer’s are sexy! Ya feel me?”
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “I know I’m gonna sound like a cheesy old white lady but like, watching the sunset be kinda romantic tho-”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ “I either hate or love the people in my life. Never in between-”
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “Oh that’s fucking cute, yeah. It only exists to the right people though, not bitches like me.”
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ Who ended his confidence? This question. It’s going to make him mention Her name. Her. And that scares him. Madam Prez. He sinks into his chair in shame. “I ... I’m the one that messes up.”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ “Yeah, I’m a real heartbreaker~” But his pride ends when he is left at the thought of the  loneliness that comes after break-ups.
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “... Yeah.” It is brief, in fear that entertaining it more would make him reveal the reasons why. After all, he wouldn’t want to bad-mouth Lusamine, no matter how vile she was to traumatize love for him.
► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ “No because then they’ll smell my b.o ya know?”
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ “Not that I know of ... I don’t know-”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “I guess ... I know that there were times I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying ‘I love you’ to someone ...”
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “Lust hell yeah 😎” Love.
► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ “I don’t give a fuck I just crave a refreshing drink right now; all this talking and answerin’ invasive, personal, intimate, scar-opening questions to a complete stranger has my throat all dried up like yo sex life.” Giving drawn out answers does nothing to help.
► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ “I have my stinky siblings at Po Town. Sure they can be annoyin’ as fuck eatin’ my food, wasting water, stanking up the bathroom, wasting money, leaving the house messy, and all that, but I wouldn’t want them any other way.”
► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭ “Aw c’mon! Both are sexy! ... Aight, the one that will end with me gettin’ laid- ...” He sighs. “Aight, the one that would get me to know my companion better.”
► DAY OR NIGHT ➭ “I like to feel dramatic in the night. Like, ‘staring out from the window, musing about yo regrets and desires while seeing nobody but chu outside thinking about yo life’ kind of dramatic.”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ “Apparently not cuz my parent’s ain’t find me yet haha!”
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ “’Falling up the stairs’ sounds like some Loony Toons shit if I’m honest- Just imagine, you falling down the stairs, but then rewind it to make it look like you fell upward. Lol.”
► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ A hand grabs at his chest, at his heart, as he yells at the top of his lungs, “GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING MONEY!!” Stability. Love. Healing. Those he had to let go in fear of having them punished by Lusamine. Honor. Respect. Freedom. And in truth, money, to support his family.
► SMILE OR EYES ➭ “Oh I love both; a smile in someone that doesn’t do it often though. And eyes, those that are gold, blue, or green are pretty ...”
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ “Ain’t nobody gonna beat me and my 6′9″ ass. ‘Sides, I love my shorties anyways.”
► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ “Attraction. Not askin’ anyone to be smart in order for me to like chu-”
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭ “I only get casual hook-ups, night-stands ... C’mon, just look at me-”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “Talkin’ bout the one in Po Town? Yup.” He nods proudly, not acknowledging his biological one.
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “Baby, I got a fucked up life-”
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ “Yeah. Best decision I ever made or else I wouldn’t find the real family I have now.”
► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭ “I kicked my own ass out before my daddy did.”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “Ooh that Plumeria, I can’t stand her! Her big butt be hogging up the whole sofa when we watchin’ t.v! Do you understand how irritatin’ that is?!” Seconds after this ‘wrath’, he bursts into laughter.
► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ “No because they are talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, sexy friends.”
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ “Oh come on don’t make me pick n choose- Plumeria and Gemali (his Golisopod) has been my longest, how about that?”
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ “Oooo it’s just me, myself, and I baby- Ain’t nobody gonna understand my twisted mind better than I.” Can be deciphered by Plumeria or Lusamine.
tagged by: @obliviouskind​ wrow cryus, having a spot for love .. u know cyrus if u say josefina’s name 3 times she will appear easy as that
tagging: @maxskulline​ , @akuromatico​ , @kyohansha​ (me🤝erik: making you do this twice. BUT OKAY SRSLY U DONT HAVE TO ONLY IF U WANT-) , @unovasgambler​ , @theprxfessorpair​ (hemlock!) , @draconscious​ , @littlesilverplatinum​​  (me🤝myself, hand-gripping my other hand: making you Erik do this twice.)
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soofection · 6 years
Idk about Kai, but why would Jennie, who is in a relatively new girl group that doesn't have a full album, who has been criticized recently and JUST started her own solo career, take the risk of going on public dates right now? Doesn't make sense to me at all
exactly anon
firstly we can never see the full spectrum of why companies fake set up this. maybe ji is releasing a solo album after sm report they breakup so his popularity will SKYROCKET, or maybe they wanna get rid of jni fucking yg himself rumour (LMAO who even spread this) / sponsor rumour / dispatch have some really deep shit serious info about jni and bp, being arguably the most important yg music group, they needed to compromise with dispatch to fake a kaixjni instead of whatever they have on yg. or maybe jni is dating someone even scadalous or maybe ji is gay
like. we would never know. would we?????
secondly how about we think about this instead. Ji has been through this. kxk 2016, went on ‘date’ with matching glasses black top, would he really voluntarily do that again. match beanie and scarf, (his checkered scarf with jni’s checkered coat - tbh are couples that extra????). rmb all the pain he has gone through, ji aint dumb. if hes actually dating jni he wont hurt her like that lmao, if the feelings are real he would want to protect her and her growing career by being super lowkey.
so wake up world. I am sure like 50% kpop idols are dating, BUT 49% never get caught. its because idols have their own ways of hiding and they KNOW how to hide. they won’t just MATCH CLOTHES and oh lets drive to her residence to get photographed instead of secretly meeting up at somewhere shady first THEN drive around.
and you are absolutely right. would jni be that dumb to risk her own career at her own will? yeah shes queen, may give off an idgaf vibe but shes still a growing idol with real fear.
my point is: its rare for kpop couples to actually get caught unless they themselves want to be exposed, which doesnt make sense bc jni’s career is growing and ji been through shit and he wont want that again. or that its a huge drama fake set up to achieve whatever the fuck agenda their companies want.
the key here is: ji will def make sure not to make the same mistake at his own will, and certainly not risk ruining her career id he cares for her.
ps dont give me the bullshit that oh their love so strong they want to show the world their love. isnt it said they started in nov or smth thats like 2 months and a lot of couples date without wanting to be showy, less alone idols.
sorry if this shows on a tag, anon didnt censor their names but i am fully entitled to reply however and whatever i want to messages sent to my very own inbox.
no disrespect to jni and ji. infact i respect them and think they won’t be so dumb to go on dates get caught in public.
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since I've cooled down a bit and so has the tag (like 2% to what it was, I dont expect it to fully cool down over this clip ever and ngl it's justified) let's go over this shit plotline shall we
it was somewhat clear that they were setting up for Noah to have the same reaction as Wilhelm (also I said that and I want to reblog it with a big fat I told you so but let's not)
if we see it from Noah's perspective- are we seriously considering anything but the fact that m****s manipulated the truth? here's how I see it playing out; Noah got home, mcdick (let's just call him that, typing out his censored name takes too much effort) was being a dick. he probably boasted about it. he probably stood against that Goddamn countertop he served breakfast on and told Noah he'd 'scored' recently. Noah probably feigned interest (we saw he tries to maintain a face level decent relationship with mcdick) and said "oh?". mcdick probably said something along the lines of "honestly I have you to thank for introducing us. I'm so glad she's not your girlfriend". Noah was probably confused until mcdick went on to describe their explicit night. mcdick probably smirked and mentioned her leaving her bra behind for him. as a flirty thing. probably showed Noah the texts between them, saying something along the lines of "I think this may be going somewhere. developing into a real thing. I like her alot." he then probably showed Noah the bra. pulled it out of his pocket. showed him any picture from that night. the bra was probably visible in that picture. all of that, all of that made Noah believe it. specially when he began to put things together- her pulling away, her insisting she's sick as an excuse to pull out of any commitments. keep in mind he didnt watch her break down unlike the other williams
so when he walked up to her asked her that damn question without even mentioning the context out loud, "tell me it's not true" unless that statement is followed by "what the fuck are you on about" it shows guilt. yes, oh my God yes Liv's "I dont know" is a major fucking red flag but maybe when you dont hear "no" right away your brain turns on the "oh my God it's true isnt it" switch to the gate of dread. and Noah has admitted to having anger issues.
so no I do not blame Noah for that shitty shitty shitty scene. he did not act out of character. he did not act like a "typical man". with the of information he had his reaction was pretty human-like. people have emotions and sometimes they take the better of them. and my child Liv blames herself, so she didnt look him in the eye, she looked down when she said "I dont know", she said "we can talk this out" as Noah walked away. and all of those are quintessential actions of someone who is guilty.
so no I dont blame Noah, I wish this scene had been written out of the season. it takes the attention away from the assault and instead redirects it to its effect on the relationship which is so so unnecessary and makes it feel like an 'inconvenience' in the way of developing said relationship which is absolutely ridiculous. because right now the major event happening from Liv's side is dealing with the aftermath of sexual assault, while on Noah's side it's a 'cheating scandal' (as he sees it) and just .. no. take the attention back to Liv's side of the bed.
but I guess what comes next can shape this scene and its impact. if the story is set straight for Noah in like a clip or two, okay I can maybe ignore this shit plotline. if he walks over to her room right now and says he wants to hear her out and she tells him and he pushes past her self-blame and he cycles back home and stabs mcdick and cycles back to Liv apologises for being a little bitch, maybe then I'll be okayish with this plotline.
I think I lost my point somewhere along the way, I think what I'm trying to say is that Noah is not cancelled, I'm disappointed in the writers for keeping this part in but if they redeem themselves after it because I think that's still possible, I'll forgive them
oh and also, people think Noah saw that clip? fuck you ofcourse that didnt happen have a little faith in your whack painter kid that video clearly shows sexual assault and a 2yr will be able to point that out
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yaoisex · 6 years
A Serious Post.
I’ve been meaning on writing this for the last two weeks, since the whole *thing* has started here on Tumblr. But I wanted to wait and see what would Tumblr decide to do. And now it’s out and I’m pissed, angry, sad and devastated. 
Sorry in advance if this post is long. I’m not going to use a Read More cut either. I want you to read everything.  
In short - Tumblr has f***ed up. 
Instead of getting rid of all of the p*** bots, they decided to just get rid of ALL adult content. 
If I understood correctly, it’s mainly REAL s** and p*** photos and videos that they’re going to ban now. I’m not sure about fanart? Also I think fanfics are allowed. 
But I’m here to talk about the things relevant to me and my Tumblr: 
Like my bio says, I basically post about anime, seiyuu and BLCDs. But some of those include some n-sfw stuff. 
Even though my username is very n-sfw, I don’t actually post about that actual thing. I never post/reblog y*** manga scans (sometimes I post specific frames and censor them). I think that in my whole Tumblr life (~8 years) I’ve only reblogged two actual n-sfw gifs?? I try not to post too n-sfw posts, and by posts I mean pics/gifs, because as you clearly know, my most n-sfw posts are audio posts. 
If you’ve tried searching for the Y**i tag since the whole thing blew up - you probably noticed that you got nothing. 
I’m not posting too much of that, but I use that tag on some of my posts. Which means that now none of those posts will show on the tag because there will be no such tag. 
Same goes for the n-sfw tag. And I use that tag a lot.
SO. Questions time:
Do you think my blcd snippets posts will be ok? Since I tag them as n-sfw. From what I’ve read, it’s mostly pics they’re concerned about? I don’t know about audio files.... ._. I don’t know if they’re actually planning on forcefully deleting every post that has n-sfw in it?? If so, maybe we could think of a code name for those posts. For example - apple. If I tag a post apple - you know it’s n-sfw (and then you can add that tag to your blacklist or whatever-list you have so you won’t see it on your dash until you choose to click on it.)
MY USERNAME. It clearly has two of the No-No words now. I don’t know if they’re also going to deal with usernames?? o_o I’ve had this username for around 14 years (anyone remember Live Journal?). It’s also my username on some other social medias. Now I wonder if I should change it here on Tumblr? .______. What do you guys think? On on hand, it won’t be such a big deal for me I think, even though I feel connected to it after so many years, but on the other hand - many people connect this username to me?! They know me by this username, it’s part of me and my online life. I don’t know what to do ;___;
My Tumblr is not marked as explicit. I know they deleted many blogs that were marked as such :/ But I never marked myself as that because I’m not really explicit. 
I never thought I’d do that, but in case something bad happens here, I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made here. So, even though I’ve been asked about my other social medias before (but never really replied to that) - I’m now open to allowing you guys to follow me on Twitter. 
My username there is the same as here. 
I’m not very active there. I mainly use it to rant once in a million years (I’ve used it more often years ago, but not anymore). I’m there mainly to follow seiyuus and BL mangaks/companies. 
But if I have no other choice and have to move my fangirling elsewhere - I’ll have to use Twitter more if I want to talk and fangirl with you guys, so I’ll have to add you back. 
My twitter is private, so you have to send a request. I’m probably not going to add everyone. At least not at first. BUT, if we’re friends, if we’ve talked here before (on chats/replies etc) - you guys probably know who you are - please send me a message here telling me you’ve asked to be added on Twitter and what’s your username there - so I can recognize who you are and then I won’t have any problem adding you. I’m saying that again, I’m not going to add everyone that send me a message, only if we’ve actively talked here before more than once. So maybe don’t bother to ask and send a request if you’ve only been following me here but we never actually talked before. Sorry if I sound super rude, I’m just very cautious and private on every other social media apart from Tumblr so I hardly add people, only if I know them for some time. 
I really hope my Tumblr will continue to live on (I actually never backed it up or anything). I don’t want to lose the community we’ve built here and the friends I’ve made. I think that as long as we continue to fangirl over anime and seiyuus we won’t have any problem, right?? The only risky thing is the BL, so we’ll have to think how to deal with that.
I love you all! 
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saotome-michi · 7 years
Hi! Well I think they might have changed the regulations since even a BL that was broadcasted this year (the one about the blond guy and his teacher) couldn't show kisses (though i think they could show one in last episode?) anyway regarding not mentioning the kiss perhaps it was due to the fact they didn't choose the BL tag, the scan of the fanbook and translation you can find it in the tumblr account "gogoeeg" under the tag "sayo-yamamoto"
About the event in Philippines, I got friends from there who went and talked to me about it but I couldn’t find a post until now, to read it go to the account zuzusexytiems and search the tag “yoi-news” also not long ago mappa’s ceo talked about how Sayo always had the intention to depict a romance which i think was the most direct statement but of course not choosing a BL tag arrises problems, but even so as I told you about that other bl series, they couldn’t show kisses until last eps
Still same anon, but messages sent later on with links and more clarification: 
Hi! Don’t rush if you need to study, I hope things go well with your finals, i found a twitter thread about the director’s statements on the fanbook (they also put tumblr links with the scans in the thread) i hope this link can be sent well twitter.com/hanleia/status/877682683429609472
Also this is a report of the event my friends in ph talked about, i met them because the persona fandom but they were into yoi too so it caught my attention, there might be more reports but is difficult to find them zuzusexytiems.tumblr.com/post/165924693224/met-sayo-yamamoto-fuuko-noda-of-yuri-on-ice-at-a?is_related_post=1
A second anon, I presume: 
Regarding what the other anon said, is true, that other anime hitorijime my hero had a lot of censorship despite being a BL and even the staff of series “explicit visually” like no6 have explicitly stated the relationship is “probably one sided” or “up for interpretation”. The thing is that even co creator Kubo has already labelled Victor and Yuuri as a couple as well as mappa’s ceo Otsuka and even Sayo said in yuri on life that their love encompasses love like lovers, family, etc so (½)
As someone who participates a lot in japanese fandom I can tell you almost no one denies the kiss and they took that statement as “confirmation” (for westerns it would be when Otsuka said their relationship was 恋愛) I dont consider yoi the best representation but i can assure is not bait, you just have to check official material, あの二人の愛多くの意味を包含するから…友だちだけじゃない、恋人だけじゃない even JCM and Johnny Weir have spoken with the staff and assure is romance (2/2)
First of all, I would like to apologize to both of you for this late response. Although I said I would address this after finals, I got sidetracked by family obligations, and couldn’t really get together enough energy to look through these sources and do research until now. Hopefully you two still see this answer. I am compiling your messages and answering both of you at the same time due to the similarity in topic.
Before I get started on talking about TV regulations, I wish to clarify (especially for those who are not aware of what I’ve already written on yoi) that I do not consider yoi bait, due to queerbaiting being a US/UK concept. In my opinion, the term simply does not make sense in Japan–MAPPA was never trying to attract LGBT viewers to yoi, their material was always well in line with the light BL/shoujo demographic. My past criticism about yoi was focused on its overblown reception among international anime viewers; people were acting like yoi was going to revolutionize all Japanese media in regards to depictions of lgbt people, as if yoi was the first show to have men in love, as if Japanese lgbt people and organizations have not already been fighting this fight for years… and frankly it just annoyed me on how much people misunderstood and oversimplified the situation in Japan. Whatever your views on yoi are, I think most can agree that there’s a real disconnect happening when the only articles talking about how revolutionary yoi is were from western/international websites, and Japanese sites, including lgbt sites, had nothing.  
Hence, despite having voiced my dissatisfactions towards Kubo and the yoi staff before on my blog, my main beef with yoi has always been more about its reception, the international fandom and their activity. 
But I digress– the discussion regarding TV regulations goes back to my post “Yuri on Ice, anime ratings, and censorship”. I wrote this post on Nov 20, 2016–so not long after episode 7 had been released–and in this post I put forward arguments refuting the idea that “the YOI staff censored the kiss either because they didn’t want to change their rating or their genre, or to avoid government censorship laws.” While I still stand by this idea (because ratings and genres really don’t work the same way in Japan as they do in the US, and there are no government censorship laws that apply here) I also see that, after doing some more research, there were other factors that I failed to take into consideration, namely: 
While there are no government laws or agencies that censor depictions of homosexuality in media (as there are in China), that doesn’t mean people/companies in Japan don’t exercise other forms of censorship, such as:
Corporate censorship: the sanctioning of speech by spokespersons, employees, and business associates by threat of monetary loss, loss of employment, or loss of access to the marketplace. 
Self-censorship: the act of censoring or classifying one’s own work of media. Usually done out of fear of, or deference to, the sensibilities or preferences of others (Wikipedia).
What I’m hinting towards is that, basically, either: 
Broadcasting Stations, while not having legal regulations, may pressure Anime Studios to change their content and/or
Studios themselves might be inclined to change their content in order to not conflict with Broadcasters’ perceived preferences or to better market their anime to certain Broadcasters. 
This is actually an idea that I brought up in “Yuri on Ice, anime ratings, and censorship”, but did not fully develop– it would make sense if different broadcasting stations had different “preferences” in place regarding what content they prefer in the anime they broadcast, depending on their reach, image, and perceived audience. For example, stations such as AT-X and BS11, which are known for broadcasting a good deal of “shinya anime” (if you do not know what this term means please refer back to my post linked above), are much more likely to screen niche anime with explicit content than say, stations like TBS, whose anime content consists of those targeted to either children or shounen manga readers, a much wider demographic. 
There is a possibility that these “preferences” are formalized in the shape of outlined standards. The JBA (The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association), a non-profit incorporated association whose membership consists of 206 commercial broadcasters in Japan, focuses on upholding fundamental standards for commercial broadcasters, as well as on improving broadcasting ethics throughout the industry. Their standards, which are detailed in this document, “ JBA Broadcasting Standards”, are then used as a guideline for individual broadcasting stations to outline their own standards. However, since I am unable to find any individual broadcaster’s standards on the internet, this is mostly speculation, although the document itself is an interesting read and gives an idea of the various social pressures more mainstream broadcasters might face. For example, a couple of the outlined standards include: 
26. Public morals shall be respected. Any possibility of arousing favorable feelings toward speech or action that is against common social practice, or desire to imitate such speech or action, shall be avoided.
77. When presenting sexual minorities, full consideration shall be given to the human rights of people who belong to said minorities.
A bit conflicting, given that a portion of Japanese people still think same-sex relationships go against public morals... 
So, with all this being said, do I think it’s possible that the yoi staff was pressured into making the kiss scene what it was, not by any laws, but by social pressures translated into Broadcasters’ standards, a combination of corporate and self censorship? Yes, I do. Although TV Asahi did broadcast Shin Sekai Yori, an anime with same-sex relationships and kiss scenes, Shin Sekai Yori is an outlier among TV Asahi’s anime content. The majority of their programs (and BS Asahi’s, another station that broadcast yoi) are targeted towards a wider demographic, so I can see them having stricter standards. 
Having come to this conclusion, I wish to apologize for my old post; although the information included there is accurate, I failed to consider the factors and possibilities outlined above, thus not giving readers the full picture. 
Does this change my opinion about yoi? It changes my opinion that Kubo and Yamamoto could’ve included the kiss if they wanted to, but it doesn’t change the rest of my criticisms about yoi and its reception. 
Oh and before I forget–
Regarding Hitorijime~My Hero: I am not familiar with this anime, but whichever way the kiss scenes were handled does not prove anything in regards to TV Asahi’s regulations, because the anime was not broadcast by TV Asahi in the first place. A quick look at the anime’s main website (http://hitorijime-myhero.com/onair/) shows that it was broadcast by AT-X, Tokyo MX, and BS日テレ–not by TV Asahi.
Furthermore, while Hitorijime may have only had one kiss scene, BL/GL anime such as Super Lovers 2 and NTR~Netsuzou Trap showed multiple kiss scenes, and non-BL/GL anime like Kuzu no Honkai and Koi to Uso each had one as well. (All mentioned anime were broadcast in 2017.)
But if anything, this lends more weight to my theory that different broadcasters simply have different standards, and anime studios self-censor their content in order to market to certain broadcasters. Hitorijime, Super Lovers 2, and NTR~Netsuzou Trap were all broadcast by AT-X (shinya anime) and Tokyo MX (shinya anime), but only Hitorijime was broadcast by BS日テレ (wider demographic), while Super Lovers 2 and NTR were broadcast by BS11 (shinya anime). So perhaps BS日テレ is stricter? Makes sense to me. 
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gigamuffin · 7 years
So i was tagged in this thing by @myrtini like a month ago, and i have nothing better to do so here we go
1. Drink: Cola Zero (i recently came downstairs with a big bag and two boxes full of empty bottles of Cola Zero)
2. Phone call: Mother 
3. Text message: also my Mother
4. Song you listened to: Twilight by Electric Light Orchestra 
5. Time you cried: I saw a documentary moth my Mom last week
6. Dated someone twice: i haven't even dated someone once
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: haven’t kissed someone either
8. Been cheated on: not yet and hopefully never 
9. Lost someone special: does Dogs and Stuffed Animals count??
10. Been depressed: according to my Psychiatrist NO, but according to my teachers and Mom YES 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: im 17
12. Green
13. Turquoise 
14. Purple 
15. Made new friends: no..
16. Fallen out of love: HA
17. Laughed until you cried: there’s probably been videos on my dash
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Mother’s on the phone a lot
19. Met someone who changed you: i’ve only met a new teacher this year
20. Found out who your friends are: i guess
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: what the heck is a Facebook list
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i went to school with 90% of them
23. Do you have any pets: I had, and the lesson from that was, dont let me have pets
24. Do you want to change your name: Never
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Cake, trusted people and Switch 
26. What time did you wake up: 7:10
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleep, so i could wake up in the morning, you know if MY FUCKING ALARM WORKED
28. Name something you can’t wait for: end of school
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Dinner
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish i could get a job so i could pay for shit
31. What are you listening right now: im watching Funhaus in the background
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i knew a guy named Thomas
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my Classmate but just the one, YEAH FUCK YOU [Name censored]
34. Most visited Website: Youtube
35. Mole/s: everywhere and a big one on my lower right side of my lip
36. Mark/s: i have this really faint triangle above my nope zone
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a scientist, like for real, i was so serious about this the school had to force me to read fiction
38. Haircolour: most would say dark blonde, it  kinda depends on the light
39. Long or short hair: its going to the butt mom, im going to Grandma to clip it
40. Do you have a crush on someone: only fictional characters recently, i dont really know anyone
41. What do you like about yourself: i can stay up way longer than my mom could have dreamed of
42. Piercings: nooo..
43. Blood type: A, that’s what it said on the bottle at the hospital
44. Nickname: i was the only kid in school that didnt get one
45. Relationship status: Alone
46. Zodiac: Aries
47. Pronouns: They/her
48. Favourite TV Show: i will always say gravity falls, even tho i have mostly watched the Simpsons and Frasier recently
49. Tattoos: no thanks
50. Right or left hand: Right for working, Left for Eating
51. Surgery: it was a close one about two years ago
52. Hair dyed in different color: i shalt 
53. Sport: i was on Football, but i mostly did it because it was the hip thing way back in 2007
55. Vacation: Denmark, Sweden, a bit in Germany, and many road trips around Norway, we where very lucky with the weather in Bergen
56. Pair of trainers: ??
57. Eating: im kinda hungry now..
58. Drinking: i want you to guess
59. I’m about to: get some food
61. Waiting for: package, c’mon i want my shit
62. Want: to stay home tomorrow
63. Get married: if i meet the right person
64. Career: i’ve always wanted to work at Doublefine some day, sound like a cool job
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
66. Lips or eyes: i dont really wanna look at either
67. Shorter or taller: im 1,67, i beat my mom in height that’s enough
68. Older or younger: this is what people ask me hen they wanna be offended
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ???
71. Sensitive or loud: SENSITIVE SENSITIVE 
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both, im both “i shouldn't drink the chocolate milk my siblings will cry” and “im going to steal all their markers just because
74. Kissed a stranger: why would i do that, i dont know them
75. Drank hard liquor: refer to question 11
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: when i was a kid i wanted glasses, good think i didn't get my Dad’s eyes
77. Turned someone down: I've been turned down though (thank fuck that guy sucked)
78. Sex in the first date: not for me
79. Broken someone’s heart: i dont think anyone’s ever had a crush on me
80. Had your heart broken: ow
82. Cried when someone died: im going to say yes
83. Fallen for a friend: in retrospect before i knew it was possible for same sex relationships
84. Yourself: yeah, i just need to get off my lazy ass
85. Miracles:  there was this once
86. Love at first sight: nope
87. Santa Claus: i was 15 when i found out dad was Santa, but i stopped believing before that
88. Kiss on the first date: maybe on the cheek, ive never been on a date, i dont know
89. Angels: they protect me when i sleep..
90. Current best friends name: i would like you to meet Mr. running away from my responsibilities 
91. Eye color: blue
92. Favorite movie: the Lego movie, but also Beauty and the best (1991)
@cyborgvirus @acertifiedmess @sonicmask3 @punkcrow-dude
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hoetron · 7 years
okay christ i got tagged in htis massive tag game by @mothable but i love a good ol challenge lets do this buckfucks
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Rae, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 13, Aug 28th :3c im a fucking fetus ny’all
c. SEXUALITY: am i bi? am i lesbian? am i just craving existential death 24/7? i dont fucking know a thing my guy
d. GENDER: cis female hooooh
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: pastel colours and really nice fashion i guess..??? (also smoking is kind of aesthetic eyes emoji eyes emoji)
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: i’m not actually sure :x
1. DRINK: salt water hah normal water is for the WEAK (dont drink salt water please im begging y
2. PHONE CALL: my brother asking what kind of pizza i wanted
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “:3c” im such a fufcking furry...fuckck,,,,
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Daydream warriors by Aquors listen nyall im reconnecting with my hidden buried weebass side of me okay im crying
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i dont actually remember? probably like last year unless you count me having tears from laughing too hard as cryng then thats yesterday during the meme aka now called lightning mcqueen server
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: dont think ive ever kissed someone thats not my family before im #Pure
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope lmao
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: my grandfather i guess? but he died when i was really young so at that time i didnt really undersyand the feeling of loss and mourn so ksdjfk but we had some goodass memories together
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just cant get into it because they would never understa
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: im severely underaged please
12. red
13. yellow
14. either black or lavendar,,
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: okay im known as the most giggly person in class i laugh so easily that i easily have tears over everything
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: nahh dont think i wanna know if its like in a bad way :x
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: ya :,) (Thanks em, lily, mae and imogen for making this year truly greater than last year and for being the best friends i could ever ask for)
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: facebook is dead to me
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: serious facebook is dead to me i roasted above the flames of negligence (also because i have like two facebook accounts one using my pesonal email and the other using my more general email , the one using my more general email keeps recommending to me my OWN personal account and its personally so hilarious)
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a cat called lucky! (i love him even though im p sure he hates me)
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i guess my irl name uhhh im 50-50 with it? but granted on the internet i waaay prefer using the name Rae over my irl one because its short and simple and nice-
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: just want to a chinese resturant with my fam and my uncle because we’re simple that way and like. back then i didnt had that much friends so uh l m a o (but vidhi gave me a nerf gun so that was Really Cool and i love her)
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9 oclocK BECAUSE A HOUSING AGENT WAS COMING OVER (but then i fell back to sleep and woke up at 12 so lmao)
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching a video on why ‘anime art isnt technically allowed in art school’ because i was just curious and then drawing 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: an hour ago lmao shes like just outside my room 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: sighs my shyness and social anxiety and awkwardness (all three of those are counted in a pack right? the pack of “socially inept” people)
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: daydream warriors... by aquors..... (listen im RECONNECTING with my weeb side like said above im actually weeping)
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: i havent brushed my teeth yet but im lazy to move my legs lmao
34. MOLE(S): um quite a lot like a few small ones on my arm and like one on my face below my right eye and theres one underneath my boob i think lmao tmi and the rest i cant be bothered to find
35. MARK(S): a kind of burnt scar mark on my left shoulder from like 6/7 years ago when i got too close to someone smoking and their cigarette burnt me oh and a scar on my knee from the time i fell off my bike while playing bike catching in the neighbourhood with a couple of other friends like 4 years ago?
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: vet (now im eh about that tho im probably just going to pursue some art career)
37. HAIR COLOR: brown eyy
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yeah. hopefully its dying down now especially since the person is straight (its hard when she sits next to you in class and you guys are sort of friends now and u somehow feel really satisfied when you make her laugh :,) shit )
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im generally kind with people regardless of whether or not i dont like them or i dont know them well or i know them i guess? (at least in my group of friends im probably the most willing to socialise with others) and uhhhh i guess i can make people laugh? im a huge fucking loser meme nyall
41. PIERCINGS: none and personally dont really want to 
42. BLOODTYPE: shit  i think it was either a B or an O i cant remember (i think its B tho)
43. NICKNAME(S): maggie, migi, bela, bob, bobbo
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle 
45. ZODIAC: virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her (lmao yay for repeated question)
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: fuckngin,,, voltron,,, (probably going to stay my favourite for a long while tho)
48. TATTOOS: none atm (unless you count waterbase tattos then yes stick all the water based tattos on me) but like when im Much Older maybe? just a really small tattoo tho not anything big that covers an entire limb
50. SURGERY: had a surgery on my foot forgot which side when i was in kindergarten because the skin was *censored for tmi* and yah stitching up your skin fucking hurt babes
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nahhh i dont think id dye my hair tho who knows
52. SPORT: im probably going to retake up basketball again eyes emoji eyes emoji
53. VACATION: ooMMF nothing planned so far
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: like uhhh what kind of sneakers?? just normal canvas sneakers i guess????? im, what.
57. I’M ABOUT TO: complete this fucking 88  questions then chat on discord and scroll tumblr and tell myself “hey finish up your art!” but then 5 hours later im still scrolling tumblr. oh and im watching wonder woman later so :3c
58. WAITING FOR: nothing atm i guess?
59. WANT: my family’s financial situation to be solved and so that money isnt going to be a huge bother anymore...
60. GET MARRIED: sounds nice but probably only marriage idk the idea of kids doesnt really sound v appealing atm
61. CAREER: artist! (i wanna either work in a game development team or an animation studio eyes emoji ) 
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips erally nice to draw really nice to look at
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: buhhh im short so i guess taller would be nice (tall people have such nice legs too im frankly a little jealous)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: what is this in regards to
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: shrug emoji idk man
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemaker pardnyars in crime amirite
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeah p sure i had to go through a whole day of school half blind once without my glasses
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: dont think so?
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah babes
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: somehow when someone dies i decide to laugh instead of breaking down in tears i guess laugh away the pain?
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ...shit its a bad idea babes dont do it
80. YOURSELF: shrug emoji
81. MIRACLES: sometimes? sometimes no?
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: even bigger shrug emoji
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah lmao listen i caught my father and mother wheeling in bicycles for my sister and i when i was like what 8? usually i just played along because hey i was a child
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: ehh depends i guess
85. ANGELS: not really lmao
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Emily, Mae Shuen and Lily
87. EYECOLOR: dark brown?
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: this changes all the time
only tagging uhhh @pluminkdot (KASJD I FORGOT IF YOU HAD A MAIN REBLOG ACC IM SORRY RACH), @jaspereffect , @blabrabs / @spaceboomerang (it isnt letting me tag ur main boomers skldfjksd) and uh im too lazy for the rest
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smurfettte · 8 years
Im still using sm*rf bc i dont want it to show up in the tags its annoying and im sry
💎 - when and how did you discover your special interest?
Ooh this goes way back.
Well, when i was about nine my parents first seperated (they did twice, ultimately getting divorced 2nd time around) for a period of two years, and during that time we had very, very little money because my mom was a stay at home mom for years and had to get a job too, so we basically had to cut, like, everything/anything extra that we didnt need. The best my mom could do so we didnt get a total shock on top of everything was to get us the smallest cable package possible (im pretty sure it was way cheaper back then too, idk if even that would be manageable now) where we had just like, a little cluster of channels; one of those was boomerang. I was really, really sad about loosing cartoon network, so my mom hyped me up about being able to watch sm*rfs, even though i only had a very vague idea of what they were. From there, it kind of just became my permanent special interest. My mom and i watched it together a lot since her mom played into the really strange christian propaganda of “demonizing” cartoons that was everywhere in the 80s when she grew up. She would bribe her brother not to rat her out when she would sneak-watch it on saturday mornings and tbh that would literally be me
✖ - Is there something you Dont like about your special interest?
Definitely. The author of the original comics was uh… a really sexist, probably racist and a homophobic guy. Which, really shows in his earlier works – the full sm*rfette story is honestly much worse than the concepts of her origin that were kept in the cartoon. The 80s retelling is basically the comic but heavily censored for over obviously sexist content, while still being sexist in itself (just in a way where, maybe for younger viewers or a blind eye, its not obvious at first). Honestly just the treatment of most of the female characters is my complaint in the way a lot of them are portrayed, but especially sm*rfette. She cant do one self indulgent thing for herself without it being ridiculed or often portrayed as wrong, even when shes like the smartest and most caring person in the village. Its annoying and not a good message at all.
Also, it tries to be written as insanely het all the time and just isnt. Like its so gay and theres so many moments where youre like “ppl really tried to pass this as het…bitch” but time and time again… straight people think its reasonable that an entire village is attracted to. a single person (who most of the time heavily shys away from affection from men too, lmfao…). REALLY hoping the new movie addresses that in some way thats not bad, but im trying not to get my hopes up (ive got my hopes up).
💕 - Something you like about your Special Interest?
Honestly this is a lot of things, but i would have to say?? Like. Everything, except the things i dont like ^. Its constantly been such a comfort to me in so many ways. I love the characters, i love how it was my first real introduction to fairytale fantasy (aside from disney) and its just… so calming. Some people find it boring and annoying, but for me it was so easy to fall in love with and kept me company/calmed me down during some of the worst times ive ever had. Even when some of those worst times were because people would make fun of me for loving it.
🍳 - do you have a stim related to your special interest?
In a few ways, yea! I do!
I always compare it to this, but i think being surrounded in things related to it is a kind of visual stim that relates to the old woman who wants most everything in her house to be green. Just as it makes her feel calm, happy, and energetic, i have the same expirience but i sm*rf theme as many things as i can, and collect ALOT. I try to be surrounded by it as much as possible, and it always helps me to feel happy and calm. If im not in a space where its all around, i’ll have sm*rf things that i use day to day, like my wallet, cups, things like that. It always provides a feeling of happiness and safety.
Another for a physical stim is that i have a sm*rfette themed slime that one of my best friends made me for christmas! (He made a little white hat to put over the lid too, it was so sweet). Its a glittery blue, and has lots of gold, blue, and flower shaped sequins in it! i love squishing gooey and squeezable stuff. Textures like that are the best ever.
🍭- a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
This is gonna be long and im sorry i talk so much, but Brainy, Grouchy, Clumsy, and Fette (so i dont have to block out the full word again) are all autistic!
- Brainy expiriences a lack of empathy, tends to micromanage more than one usually would (especially if one of his special interests are involved/its something he came up with himself) and, as mentioned, expiriences special interests (a need for worldly knowledge – especially of magic, and for papa, who he constantly seeks to impress and be respected by, no matter what it takes. He loves him and wants to be just like him, and often does things for him out of the blue just so he’ll appreciate and recognize him + his potential). He stims by chewing (probably with the handle of a wand) and by writing + drawing swirly doodles on paper with his quill pen. He infodumps, and he usually lacks an understanding of social cues; this often leads to him making “bad decisions” being highly ridiculed, often overshadowed by his peers.
- Clumsy does not quickly process information + events, his comfort object(s) is/are his continuously growing rock collection/garden that he waters and talks to everyday, he stims by flapping and jumping, and is very uncoordinated. There are often ‘simple’ things that confuse him that he is unable to figure out quickly (like putting together things that fold up - chairs, foldable tables where u have to specifically press something, stuff like that. I think its an autistic thing even though im not able to describe it very well since ive struggled w it all my life myself and i always get weird looks when i cant do it) and his special interest is Brainy. Because he is physically incoordinated and processes information slow, though people do stick up for him, he can often recieve even worse treatment from those around him than Brainy does, on top of being easily able to manipulate due to him being so easily trusting and loving. Because of this, him and Brainy often do everything together, and eventually their mutual love for each other + relatability brings them to be almost inseperable (even if Brainy looses his patience more than he should sometimes). aka theyre boyfriends it rly shows
- Fette struggles with anxiety (as alot of autistic people, like myself, do) and has hyper-empathy. Similar to Clumsy, Fette seeks comfort in her flower garden and flowers in general, often holding conversations with them. This actually is a real theory, but she believes that talking to the flowers will help them to grow, and cherishes them as if they were people. She knows the name of every flower in the forest and could tell you at LEAST 5 facts about every single one. She stims by flapping, jumping, and chewing on her hair. Fette is quick to act to situations whether good or bad, and raised voices from others can often send her towards a meltdown (in where she retreats to her house for solitude to calm down + renergize). Though she loves her friends and being with them, she is an introvert and enjoys being by herself or with her flowers to regain energy.
- Grouchy uses echolalia to express his emotions and partake in conversations, while being mostly nonverbal. He often seeks company in animals or baby sm*rf (who i believe is also his special interest) because they bring him comfort and dont ask him to explain or change who he is. He is often very distant from most people, and only opens up to being around people he feels he can trust.
😂 - something funny about your special interest?
It just made me type up like. Disorganized paragraphs when im supposed to be packing up my shit 2 go to my moms. Also just the idea that a whole village could be attracted to a single person and no one else… funnie as shit my guy
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penemues · 5 years
olltii unedu diss parts in 7indays translated
그리고 언에듀케이티드 키드, 직역해도 못배운 새끼 너네들 객기만 부리고 있을 때 우린 성장을 했지
and uneducated kid, directly translated to uneducated fucker (새끼 can be translated into ‘a kid’, and ‘a fucker’) while ya'll were playing around we were improving
yeah that's it 난 MC라고 말할 수 있어 근데 이 trap것들 꺼져 니네 씨발 trap하면서 돈도 못벌어 약하는 척하면서 약한자만 고르네
yeah that's it i can say i'm an mc but you trapstars fuck off ya'll do trap but don't get any money acting like you do drugs but picking weak people (약하다 can mean 'doing drugs' and 'weak')
병신같은 새끼들 너네 땜에 난 곤란했던적도 많았지만 난 적도 많아 씨발 그래서 니가 거인이면 난 진격의 거인 리바이 썬다고 니 뒷목 그러니까 뒤져 얘가 말했지 얘랑 붙었다가 살아남는게 기적
ya'll stupid ass bitches, i've been embarrassed a lot because of ya'll i have a lot of enemies, fuck so if you're a giant i'm attack on titan's levi i'll cut up your throat so die like he (bully) said it'll be a miracle if you fought with him
김성우. 씨발아 아까 말했지 넌 맨날 이빨까 치과가 병신아 yo 성우? 뒤집음 우성? 근데 니 목소리 좆같은 성우 같이 그냥 씨발 니 목소리도 개불호
kim sungwoo. fucker like i said before you always show your teeth, go to a dentist, dumbass yo sungwoo? turn it around and it's woosung? but your voice is like a shitty voice actor, fuckin hate it (sungwoo = unedu's real name, voice actor  woosung - olltii's real name)
난 너 안부러워 씨발 슈퍼비? 사랑해 하지만 나는 너네처럼 안자랑해 없는거 가지고 있는척하진 않아 씨발 좆밥같은 새끼가 어디서 약을 팔아 야 약팔거면 씨발 약국가 얘 씨발 존나 약쳐먹는데 너 존나 패고싶다더라 이 개새끼야
i'm not jealous of you, fuckin superbee? i love you but i don't flex like yall, i don't act like i have it all despite having nothing fucking easy ass motherfucker selling drugs if you wanna sell drugs go to a pharmacy he's (bully) popping pills but he wants to beat you up you son of a bitch (bully has an anxiety disorder of sorts and takes meds for it)
yo 아무튼간에 영앤리치? 응원하지만 너에겐 짐이 될거밖에 안돼 왜 씨발 날 건드려 너 씨발 내가 프리스타일로 해도 나의 주력 카드도 안꺼내도 씨발 어디서 약을 팔어
yo anyways yng & rich? i wish the best for yall but it's only gonna be luggage for you, why'd you fuck with me even if i freestyle i don't need to pull out my trump card, why the fuck are you selling drugs
내가 디스곡 내지? 니 커리어 존나 쫑날걸 그러니까 좆밥놈 같은 새끼야 아까 비트처럼 난 가고있어 new god flow 그래 누가 더 핫한지 씨발 신경 안쓴다고
if i release a diss track? your career will fucking end so you fuckin bitch ass motherfucker im going like the beat earlier, new god flow yeah i don't fucking care who's hotter (in the scene not by looks lmao)
근데 이새끼가 계속해서 존나 약만 팔어 yo 팔로형 언급해서 미안하지만 이새낀 씨발 한주먹거리도 안되면서 팔로 씨발 그냥 휘적이면서 걍 뒤져 뭔말인지 알잖아 살아남는게 기적
but this motherfucker keeps selling drugs yo i'm sorry for bringing up palo-hyung this motherfucker isn't even worth a fight, but he keeps stirring with his arm (팔로 = paloalto, with one's arm) just die, you know what i'm talkin bout, living would be a miracle
김성우? 나는 정우성 근데 이새끼는 한번도 보여준적이 없네 적극성 fuck you bitch
kim sungwoo? i'm jung woosung but this motherfucker hasn't shown any passion fuck you bitch
you wanna battle me? 니 장벽은 무너지게 되지 마치 베를린 이건 씨발 수준아냐 레슬링처럼 짜고치는게 아냐
you wanna battle me? your walls are gonna break like berlin (not sure if it's battling or berlin, just going by context) this isn't an act like wrestling
(안들림) 아니면은 까고싶으면 까든가 어디 씨발 약을 팔어 인스타갱 인스타갱 너는 못해 프리스타일 랩 넌 씨발 심각해
(can't make it out) if you wanna diss me then diss me why are you selling drugs, insta-gang insta-gang you can't spit freestyle, you're fuckin serious?
알겠냐? 성우야 나 너앞에 하정우야 추격자 그러니까 죽인다 뭔말인줄 알지 나는 불리와 함께하고있어 불리하다고 생각한다면 니 크루나 다 데려와 병신새끼야
you get it? sungwoo i'm ha jungwoo in front of you, the chaser so i'm gonna kill you, you know what im saying, i'm with bully if you think this is unfair bring your whole crew motherfucker
어디서 약을 파냐고 약판다는 얘기도 그만하고싶단말여 (1분간 묵음)
where are you selling drugs, i want to stop talking about selling drugs (censored for a whole ass minute bc the editor thought that the person being talked about might not like it)
나 존나 들었거든 이름은 언급 안해 실명거론 왜냐면 이런것도 질렸거든 칠린데이즈 자신있음 나와 아니면은 씨발 홍대놀이터로 나랑 어? come on
i fuckin heard, not gonna say their name because i'm sick of this come on 7indays if you're confident or fuckin hongdae with me huh? come on (the whole beef started with unedu tagging olltii and telling him to meet in hongdae and fight)
언에듀케이티드 키드 못배운 새끼 너네 그걸 빨면 너네들 객기만 존나게 쫓아가는거지 성우야 니 앞에서 난 마치 하정우야 추격자 너를 존나 쫓은다음 죽여 난 뭔말인줄 알지 (안들림) 묻어놔
uneducated kid, uneducated motherfucker (i deadass dont get this line but it has smth to do w drugs and following it) sungwoo, i'm ha jungwoo in front of you, the chaser i'm gonna follow you and kill you, you know what i'm saying (can't hear) bury (it or you, unsure bc you can't hear the part before it)
수퍼비한테 청구하라고 병원비 왜냐면 나는 올티 난 윤비랑 병호랑 존나 뒤에있어 너 씨발 뭐가있어?
tell superbee to pay for your hospital fee because i'm olltii, yunb and byungho's got my back (yunb n bully are good fighters,,, remember befree getting the shit beat out of him by yunb?) what the fuck do you have?
아무튼간 이정도는 장난이지 니가 친 것처럼 짱돌로 새끼 찍으면은 장난인 것처럼 근데 이 개새끼야 나는 마시는 것처럼 계속 지켜 처음처럼 마치 처녀처럼 내게 다가오면 돼
anyways this is just playin, just like you did like how you hit someone with a rock and call it a prank but you son of a bitch i'll defend from the start like my drink, 처음처럼 (처음처럼 = soju brand, like the start) you just need to approach me like a virgin girl
모든 여자들 남자들 다 상관없어 너같은 가짜는 그 가짜들을 닭잡는 그게 바로 나의 랩이지 뭔말인줄 알아 우린 real man 남자들
every guy and girl, it doesn't matter, a fake like you my rap butchers all of you fakes like chicken you know what i'm saying we're real men, guys
구독 좋아요 언에듀 팬이면 좆까요
like and subscribe if you're unedu's fan fuck you
translators notes
if you wanna read more about what happened, go read my twitter thread
a lot of the swearing was toned down and fixed to read more natural because of the whole different cultures thing. 
 mainly regarding 병신 as it can be directly translated into retard (dw i can reclaim it lmao) but in the context of korean, it's read more along the lines of bitch
some of the lines were also fixed to read more better translated
go watch the episode because olltii's rhyming is fuckin godly and you wont get a lot of it without hearing the rhymes dude
there's also more disses than this but i could only find these written down (sorry, i'd do it myself but i don't have listening comprehension, and also thank you to a guy on hiphople for posting this)
personally i think his freestyle isn't as good as some other episodes, but he was really pissed off so it makes sense.
olltii won't release a diss track unless unedu releases one too so ya,,,
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