#(happy tears)
sarathrwizard · 5 months
Out of the Blue... Part 7
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A moment to calm down.
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aadhiskanmani · 11 months
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larphis · 1 year
Con O’Neill came out as queer while wearing a shirt with the transflag on it at a convention in FLORIDA of all places!
Good fucking morning Tumblr, it’s a great day to be alive!
(Also - his little speech almost made me tear up. He looked so nervous. I’m glad he felt like he could share that with us. Congrats, man! You don’t owe us a specific label, we’re just glad to have you here with us!)
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eriiiiiik · 9 months
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Piglet crying tears of joy
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certifiedsnacc · 1 year
the thing is ted lasso did everything right. they had someone say colin, we don’t care you’re gay, it makes no difference to us and i played it off figured at least they’re showing support, we’re getting that representation & then ted turns around and says colin we heard you and we see you and we care so much for what you went through alone and what you can go through with us bc we’re your team and we’re your family. and we had isaac who was hurt bc colin didn’t tell him and i got it he’s colin’s best friend he feels like colin didn’t trust him even though that’s not who isaac is but then we had colin explaining it wasn’t you and it wasn’t anything you did it’s that tiny fear that’s actually much bigger than it seems telling you this could be the last time they speak to you as an old friend bc they can’t see you in the same way again. thank you ted lasso, thank you colin hughes this episode was everything i could’ve imagined and more <3
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joplays · 2 months
So I just finished Titanfall 2, and im ugly crying. It was so beautiful, i loved the play style, the titans, the cinematography, the whole time i was screaming at everything I recognized from Apex!
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Now I need a moment to recover from BT...
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politelymenacing · 1 year
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a-flappy-bat · 6 months
I saw that you took suggestions?? so obviously do these on your own time <3!! but Alice and Alan being lovey? could be art, fanfic, nsfw anything you'd like it too be!! :)
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I know you said lovey, Anon, but when I thought of Alice and Alan, I just wanted them to hold one another for a loooong hug. I personally needed to visualize a reunion. (First crack at drawing Alice 😬)
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rangshi4ever · 5 months
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You don't understand how happy I am even if it's just a hug I've been here since the beginning WAITINGG for this moment 😭
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thelionsship · 6 months
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It’s 01:30 AM and I still crying :
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sarathrwizard · 5 months
Out of the Blue... Part 6
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Sorry, not sorry. I just love this song!
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Please don't kill me! I just wanted people to now what song I was referencing!
this is the song their singing. I did the splicing and editing.
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guzhufuren · 4 months
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romantic plot for Tin and Mawin too???!??? FOR REAL??
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aadhiskanmani · 9 months
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"You feel complete, you feel...yeah complete, that's the right word"- Deepika Padukone
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shimmeringweeds · 2 months
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out of context ep 12 "my new boss is goofy" quotes that I've hidden in my drafts since december hoping someone not me will bring up as more "queer-baiting" examples but, well, here we are.
These quotes are about apartment hunting. But also, do they not read as one person's anxiety over a budding romance?
Momose is hesitant to move because he's found happiness with what they have. Yet he wants the space to grow by himself in confidence and equality. He wants to keep the relationship (broadly speaking) but realizes that continuing as they are will not serve either of them in the long run. (Plus, in a typical courting situation, rejection at this stage is not a good look. +10 anxiety.)
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But god bless Shirosaki. Healing boss of our dreams. He explicitly states his feelings on the matter. Yes, he wants Momose to stay. Yes, he is sad. But if Momose wants to leave, then he will back that choice without sacrificing the relationship.
There's an underlying message communicated here that the quality of their relationship is more important than the status of it (status equaling colleagues vs. neighbors vs. roommates vs. lovers) At the same time, he recognizes that status (boss/subordinate and, yes, romantic/platonic) is important to society. The impact that weight has on a person's psyche cannot be brushed aside. It's respected by them both.
They've survived abusive relationships. They are finding the value in sitting with loneliness and building personal confidence. They know they have unconditional friends backing them up. They grace each other with the gift of understanding and space to heal and to grow.
No rush. No pressure. No rejection. Good vibes only.
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dragontempmisery · 12 days
Adventure Time is beautiful. Absolutely fucking beautiful. I finished the series at 12 am yesterday and it left me crying. Fucking. Beautiful.
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once, as a joke, anakin got obi-wan a mug that says “galaxies okayest dad” and obi-wan cried so hard
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