#(galaxy?????? universe????? whichever one)
hydrodragons · 1 year
i saw this hyv crossover art on twt and i think im losing my mind bc op drew kazuha and dan heng together and now im brainrotting over how they’d bond and be best friends
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Universes Contained (dp x dc)
Barbara was coming on her sixth day of staying glued to her screens, taking a nap here and there and eating whichever snacks she’d remembered to bring. First, it had been a Birds of Prey emergency which had kept her up for four days, then Dick had called in a favour for a case, and she’d gotten roped into being his on-call support. She’d used the little downtime to continue her monitoring of the hidden monitoring devices squirreled away in different evil lairs and coming up to her actual office and do some work as Head Librarian.
In short, sleep had been scarce and as she rolled down the ramp of the side entrance to the Gotham City Public Library - because management still hadn’t put one in front despite her many reminders - the fatigue felt like a physical weight dragging her eyelids down. The ground was wet from the recent rainfall and Barbara had the absent thought that it would be a pain to clean up the marks she was about to leave in her apartment. She reached the end of the ramp, and just as she was about to get out of the slight dip that hid the ramp, she saw something out of the corner of her eyes.
Before she even turned her head, the hair on her nape rose and something like disquiet spread. As she did turn, her eyes landed on a shadowed corner of the alley. In the low light of the distant street lamps, she could see water faintly gleaming amassed in a deep and unfathomable puddle. As she squinted towards the flooded depression she felt as if the glow was in fact coming from within rather than reflected. She was proven right in the next moment as the water started to lighten to a neon, acidic green. It was as little more than a reflex to the damned color that Barbara reached for her batons she kept within her wheelchair armrests. As she closed her hands over the batons, the glow started to die down. Still, she waited, motionless, a few controlled heartbeats going by. A moment passed, with no sound except Barbara’s own almost silent breath.
Then, there was a ripple in the puddle. Her grip tightened.
And then from the water emerged - something.
It was unbounded, limitless and so monstruously massive. Barbara had seen the stars from up close, or at least, closer than most would in their lifetime, but this was more than stars, more than galaxies. This entity, this thing was universes condensed into an eye-searing form; infinite, yet contained. She could see stars, countless, dying, emerging, exploding and the gaping empty titanous space between each of them, stretching into incomprehensible distances. Pulsar, quasar, blitzar, she could see them all, infinitesimal amongst each other and colossal within themselves.
Barbara could not look away, her own body feeling far and distant as she drank in the impossible sights. She didn’t know how long she stood still, transfixed, before the being shifted, and all the cosmos shifted with it.
Then, like an imploding star, all its infinite edges started to collapse into themselves. There was a sudden, bright light that had Barbara blinking away, half-wondering if the blindness was permanent only for her sight to come back within seconds. And as it did, her eyes landed on a small and - absurdly human form.
Because where the impossible entity had been now stood a small pale teenager wearing worn jeans and a white T-shirt.
“Whew,” she could hear him breathe out in an improbably human voice. “That still feels weird.” Then, with a ruffle of his deep black hair, he skipped out of the alley, not once noticing the frozen vigilante.
As the being got out of sight, Barbara realized she had not breathed through the experience and she took in a much-needed gulp of air. She sagged into her chair weakly, absently noticing the slight shaking in her hands.
Apparently, there was a new arrival to the city.
Barbara let out a slightly hysterical giggle. Let it never be said Gotham was boring.
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in gallifreyan, whichever scripts, how do they write coordinates, be it time or displacement? Or planet relative calendar dates.
How do Time Lords write coordinates?
There's a bit of contradictory information and things that don’t make much sense when it comes to space-time coordinates and Gallifreyans, but here’s an answer I hope will sate your curiosity, with plenty of background:
🔑Key Parts of the Coordinate System
Spatial Coordinates: These specify locations in three-dimensional space relative to Galactic Zero Centre (Gallifrey’s Eye of Harmony, basically, or at least somewhere near it). They usually consist of Vector and Quadrant particles.
Temporal Coordinate: This indicates time, relative to Gallifrey’s present (whatever that’s supposed to mean! I would probably assume that while Gallifrey went walkies, the Doctor's TARDIS either used temporal coordinates relative to Event One (the creation of the universe), or otherwise fixed it at a certain Gallifreyan date. There are also specialised TARDIS instruments which can be calibrated help skip the temporal coordinate stuff and make the input relative to the planet).
Universal Coordinate: This designates the specific universe required.
Epsilon Coordinates: Calculated paths through the Space-Time Vortex, usually handled by a TARDIS automatically.
Flight Data: Details about departure and destination points.
🚀Space-Time Coordinates Format
Space-time coordinates consist of fifteen digits. Using these two combined below will get you to the right star system:
Vector (2 digits): Indicates the broad direction.
Quadrant (2 digits): Specifies the quadrant within the galaxy.
Using these two below in addition will get you a more precise location, and a time:
Exact Spatial Location (7 digits): Detailed coordinates within the quadrant.
Temporal Location (4 digits): Relative to Gallifrey’s present (you'll obviously need to be longer to be more precise).
Let's have a crack with Earth’s galactic coordinates. We know the Earth’s Galactic Coordinates are 5804 4684884:
Vector: 58, Quadrant: 04 (solely on these you’ll reach Mutter’s Spiral)
Exact Spatial Location: 4684884 (add this and you’ll reach Earth)
Temporal Location: 9182 (+9182 time units from Gallifrey’s present)
The Flight Data Monitor will simplify this. Assuming a journey from Earth to fictional Zargon 3, your TARDIS monitor will display something like this:
Departure Planet: Sol 3 (Earth) [Dimension 01] Location: London, England Local Dateline: 2024 Earth Year, 10th Era of Gallifrey Destination Planet: Zargon 3 [Dimension 04] Location: Zargon City, Zargonville Local Dateline: 156 Zargon Year, 11th Era of Gallifrey
Complete Coordinates:
01 5804 4684884 9182 -> 04 0316 0316500 3050
🏛️Integration with Landmark Worlds
Additionally, a TARDIS’s Galactic Positioning System can be fine-tuned using the relative locations of several Landmark Worlds. These landmark worlds include Gallifrey, Dagusa, Caresh, Erekan, Gau-Usu, and Cern. This way, the TARDIS can get more precise navigation by periodically materialising in space to recalibrate bearings as it's flying.
🔢Epsilon Coordinates
Then there are Epsilon Coordinates. These serve as a roadmap through the Space-Time Vortex, and need to be calculated before a flight. A Time Lord could do it mentally if they wanted, but the TARDIS usually automatically calculates these – it’s hugely complex maths, even for a Time Lord.
🖊️Writing the Coordinates
This really depends on the script you'd prefer to use, you can use modern Gallifreyan, which is probably the most lore-friendly, or Sherman's, or circular, or just bog standard Latin script numbers.
For GIL's Sollifreyan conlang shorthand script, you can use the 0-9 base with hyphens in-between, where the spaces would go.
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How do Time Lords write dimensional coordinates?: How dimensional coordinates get written and work in TARDISes.
Do we have any info on TARDIS biology?: Overview of TARDIS biological aspects.
Phew, hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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suzukiblu · 1 year
clam and calm and claim?
Jason is slightly undead and fully murderous Crime Alley trash with no prospects and no legal identity and no pack that would ever claim him. There isn't a single planet in this or any galaxy that would be happy about hearing one of its princesses knocked up someone like him. Best-case scenario, they just cut the kid out of the line of succession completely and never ever ask them to visit. 
Maybe he should just be hoping it's Roy's pup. Or pups. Or whatever. 
Still could be Roy and Kori's pups, of course. That's still a disaster that could happen.  
Jason tries to imagine raising a pup that knew they were superpowered alien royalty alongside a pup that was completely human and also knew that their sire already had another pup and just . . . does not want to deal with that particular potential minefield. Ever. 
Fuck, talk about sibling rivalry. And that without even considering Komand'r being in the family tree. Or him and his whole . . . everything with Tim, basically. 
Please, please let the universe at least have the mercy to let this pup be a single, Jason prays. He just seriously can't have any more attempted fratricide or whatever in the not-technically-family.  He really can't deal with that. He's hit his lifetime limit. He's done. Finished. All wrapped up. Tapped out. 
Or he's currently carrying the second coming of Cain and Abel.
Fuck his life.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Snake man/Naga au shang tsung
Ok ok hear me out
snake man shang tsung. Or naga shang tsung. Whichever one you prefer to use.
Ok listen. This is a fun au idea.
And no this isn't about mk1 2023 shang tsung! Picture any other shang tsung. Plz. Even. Chin hans shang tsung from the mk 2021 movie for all i care. (Tho i pictured tagawa's shang but thats just me)
But anyways.
Snake man shang.
Cw:none really. I guess au shang tsung? Snakes?
Shang tsung as a snake man
His eyes are of a gold and green. The pupils almost look like they have galaxies in them,secrets of the unknown. Hidden knowledge of the universe and the magics of the veil and void. Flashed gold when angered and threatened. And in darkness.
And scales of viridian dark greens fading into an iridescent metallic lime green. Golden flecks throughout the scales.
Claws are black painted with golden tips.
Hair is a deep black ink. The deepest black and long tresses neatly kempt. Adorned with the finest hair ornaments. Some were "trophies" of the souls he took and the warriors he devoured.
His fangs while intimidating,only produced venom when nessicary. Tounge is long, serpentine,when he speaks his s's hiss and his R's growl. You can feel the primal sounds.
His upper half was of a handsome man. In his mid to late 40s. That of far eastern decent. Nose distinctly hooked and that of serpentine. Smile is soothingly sinister. As if he is knowing before one speaks. A golden tan to his skin reflects that of a man who loves sunning. Sleeping on his island domains beach and shore is his favorite pastime. Nicely muscled and very active.
His voice is of honey. Rich,deep,thick. Sweet words of lulling. Only to extrap you in his coils. And by then...it is all but too late. He has you.
The master of his den,keeps it spotless. Takes very good care of it. Adorns it with only the finest treasures,jewels,silks,and decor. His island home is absolutely beautiful. All are welcome. But few ever want to leave....or....*laugh* could leave. Books upon books scattered about his lair tells of an intellectual man. Various tinkering of devices also states of a man who is engineering. Alchemy and science. Magic and practicality. This is a man of absolute brilliance. Deadly and terrifyingly intelligent.
To look upon this man. Is to look at the devil face to face. How you face said devil. Tells more about you traveler. Than the serpentine you gaze upon.
Some run,some hide,some act in righteous fury,some cry in fear. And some...just some...look upon him.
And feel free. Alive. And even fall into a deep love and compassion.
These are the people you should be wary of.
For they do not fear death nor hell.
And they find comfort,in his deathly coils.
Shang tsung,lord of souls. High mage of magic. Emperor of the grey isle. Master of death itself.
Oh boy this was so much fun to write! Lemme know if you guys want more!
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totaleclipse573 · 5 months
Imagine the shock that Shadow and Eclipse would have meeting Moebius' universe Eclipse who is like, the herald of the Black Arms just like our Clippy was supposed to be, but the Black Arms from that universe are good actually, being a race that aims to help the other races in the galaxy to develop and tries to help them to live in harmony. (The total opposite of the regular Black Arms, just like everyone from Moebius)
I’m thinking an anti-Eclipse would mostly be just. Less chaotic? (If you can believe it) he still has some of that gremlin energy just more toned down. He’s energetic still, and tries to be friendly towards others. Kinda hard when everyone here is a little bit….twisted though, to say the least 😭
Either that, or he’s EXTRA rebellious XD Also, he has hopes that one day their goal can be achieved, he wants to believe it but like…nah this isn’t working?? Don’t we just wanna go feral?? No?? Okay, if you say so…maybe those guys get what I mean…
Whichever sounds better? A combo of details from either choice? I’m in between on this one
This also brings the thought of an anti-Shadow I MUST know what any of you think an anti-Shadow would be like
But yeah, the Shadow and Eclipse from Mobius meeting their anti/Moebius counterparts would for sure be…an experience XD
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jurakan · 1 month
I’ll take a fun fact, if you have one, please!
Right, so in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, we find out that the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is... '42'. The advanced race that built a computer to calculate this realized that while they have the answer, they don't have the question, so they worked to build a new, better computer to come up with the question. We, the reader (or listener, or viewer, in whichever medium you do the story in) never find out what the question is, and how the number 42 makes sense. I kind of assumed it was a joke, and that there wasn't really a mystery here, though apparently there is an answer to this riddle, that was known only to Douglas Adams, and he died.
Except one other person knows.
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Stephen Fry! He was friends with Douglas Adams, and claims that Adams told him the explanation for '42', and why it's the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. According to him, it's "fascinating, extraordinary and, when you think hard about it, completely obvious."
And infuriatingly, he refuses to tell anyone. Fry declared that he would take the secret to his grave. There was a show he did where he teased that he would give the answer, but then the microphone "malfunctioned" and no one heard what he said.
Right. Sure.
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cultofgalaxy · 1 year
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⭐Starsprite Companions⭐
Starsprites are a celestial species found, albeit rarely, in outer space. Back in ancient times, when Galaxy ruled the universe, starsprites existed in their billions. Now, with Galaxy gone, they have severely dwindled in number, having been left to fend for themselves against Blackhole and his voidwraiths. Many have died over the years (and they cannot reproduce), although a few remain. Many of those that have not died have been turned by Blackhole, becoming his ungodly spawns after being consumed by him.
Starsprites in general are tiny, bright, living star creatures that roam the void of space. It’s very rare that they ever visit planets. They have unique abilities, such as shooting solar flares, and giving off light and warmth. They might often come across as a friendly species, but they can also appear hostile when they feel threatened by another species or individual.
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In the present day, starsprites are an extremely uncommon sight, particularly in the night’s sky. its a common misconception that starsprites have the power to grant wishes. They’re arguably one of the unluckiest species around, for their decimation at the tentacles and maw of Blackhole, and their helpnessness without Galaxy. When Kinoko enters space, the starsprites must rely on him to restore their fallen mother Galaxy, and they will do anything they can to aid him in his quest.
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⭐What role will they play in the game?⭐
As Kinoko explores the game’s various planets, he’ll occasionally come across the remains of crashed meteorites. These mysterious space rocks contain trapped starsprites. Whenever Kinoko releases one, they’ll join him on his travels, helping him out on his mission by protecting him from harm, and sometimes even providing powerful enchantments to power-up his abilities.
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Starsprites in a variety of colours
Starsprites come in a number of different colours, signifying how powerful they are and exactly what they have to offer. All starsprites function as a single-use shield, but the rarer varieties offer even more useful effects. When you release a starsprite from its meteorite, there’s no way to know which kind you’re going to get, so there’s an element of surprise involved here. Behind the scenes, we generate a random number, the result of which determines which starsprite you end up with. You can be accompanied by up to three starsprites at any one time.
Example of how starsprites would function
In some ways, starsprites are similar to the Aku Aku masks you can find scattered about the world in the Crash Bandicoot series of games. Like the Aku Aku masks, which are found in crates, starsprites are found upon the smouldering debris of crashed meteorites. Like the Aku Aku masks, which protect Crash from harm, the starsprites have vowed to protect Kinoko however they can, and will shield the kuparkuke from a single hit of damage before flying away to recuperate.
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Starsprite idle animation
The primary function of a starsprite – and it’s the same regardless of the starsprite’s colour – is its shielding effect.
Whenever Kinoko’s hit by an enemy or projectile, one of two things can happen. If he has one or more starsprites with him, one of them will shield him from harm before flying away. There’s no way to determine or influence which one will do this. You might lose one of the common yellow ones, or you might lose one of the rare ones, as well as whichever magical passive effect it was granting. On the other hand, if Kinoko has no starsprites available to shield him, he’ll take the damage himself and die. (He’s fragile like that.)
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that wraps up this introduction to starsprites. Honestly, everything I’ve described in this blog post is subject to change, so don’t be surprised if things turn out differently. As it is, though, I think we’ve got a decent system here, and everything I’ve outlined here today is already developed and working.
I hope y'all continue to support this project as we're working really hard to make it the best as we can make it. 💖💖💖
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firstofficerwiggles · 6 months
Hello! I've binged so much of your writing today and oh my gods, I love it!
I hope I'm not too late to get in on the ask, but one of the star wars boys writing to me would be lovely. I'm over 50, and it's hard to admit this but I've never been on the receiving end of romantic gestures. Don't get me wrong, there's been much love in my life - practical, solid, occasionally goofy - but no romance.
Maybe it's my work? State Department, medic of various sorts including search and rescue, now a security guard. Practical stuff. But I also adore tea parties, and gardens, and steampunk and the entire Star Wars universe. Right now I'm building a Mandalorian medic outfit for conventions because bad ass medic who WILL shoot the asswipe who put that gaping hole in you? Yes.
Anyhow, sorry for babbling on and on at you. Whichever of the ones you think would romance an older woman, and would enjoy being spicy with a lady that can take a punch or dish one out, who grows flowers that also make a useful poultice to clear up that nasty bruise, hm?
Many thanks!
Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you found it and that you’re enjoying my writing. I can’t thank you enough for your kind words 💗 I’m going to ship you with Din Djarin for several reasons, first, I think Din loves badass women with a softer side too, and also because Din definitely needs his own personal medic 😂 (for the Mando’a: cyar’ika = sweetheart, ner kar’ta = my heart)
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How are you, my love? I miss you more than I can say. I’m finally headed home after this latest mission for the New Republic. Why is it that so many of their missions need to take place in places that are more swamp than land? I swear I’m going to be scrubbing the beskar for a full week after this glop. I’m also not ashamed to admit that I’m going to need some patching up when I get back to you. I promise I was trying to be careful, but chasing after Trandoshans in a place infested with vines and the galaxy’s biggest mud puddles was a recipe for falling on my ass. Speaking of, there’s probably a few bruises there that I could use your help with. Thankfully I know you don’t mind looking at said ass. Mmm, and you know, if your ass needs any checking, I’m always available. In fact when I get home, I say we send the kiddo to go visit Auntie Peli, and then we get into a nice hot, soapy tub and you can inspect every inch of me, and you know I’m going to want to return that favor. Plus, as I reminded you last time, your kisses do even more for me than your medicines. I think I need to spend at least one entire evening sampling those sweet lips of yours while you’re in my arms. That sounds like sheer heaven to me. And well, you’re always telling me I need to spend more time in bed, so of course, we’ll need to spend several hours there too. It’s important for my health, and for yours too, because I’m sure you need to have some tension relieved like only I can. In fact I intend to see how often I can relieve that tension for you all night long. Ah, ner kar’ta, I wish I were home right now. I can’t wait to hear you saying my name and telling me how much you missed me too. The moment I see you, this helmet is coming off and I’m going to kiss you like something out of one of those romantic holofilms you love so much. You know what, I’m also going to send a message to Peli right now, she might need to keep the baby for a few days, because I think I need lots of extra time to remind you how special you are to me. Until then, take care, cyar’ika and know that I’m hurrying back to you.
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Send in an ask for Wiggles' 1200 Follower Celebration
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caramelstarlight · 6 months
Space Riders -2
Hey! Before you scroll or leave, I made a DogDay chat on CrushOn AI, it would be super helpful if you go give it a like! I may post it on C.AI as well. You’ll know which one by looking for this art:
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You probably already saw the other one. But… here’s more! Add me in your space rider AU comics if you want, I don’t mind at all! Tag me when it’s finished! :0
People I’m Tagging: (Creator and a person adding me to their comic. Will update when more people do or when they stop. Maybe-)
@onyxonline @thedeadchildrean
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I was trying to do gradient feet and aura (the things connected to eyelashes) but I figured it’s fine without it so you can add that on your own time if you want.
I’m not drawing without the clothes on. That’s just weird… but imagine another outfit or something-
So umm… a bunch of powers are here from the stars and cosmos! Include whichever you want in your comics!
Also yeah. Gonna sound OP as Shit, most of it I just took from the wiki and edited it a bit, I added quotation marks to give them credit. I was gonna do it myself but god damn was I not prepared to see like a billion powers-)
Credit: SuperPower Wiki
I only did some of them. Mainly because at this point I was getting tired but I feel bad since I told a few people it’d be out by today-
But most of them r kinda self explanatory. Or just click on the link and scroll down to where it explains it (which should be right under it) and how it works.
link: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Power
Cosmic Symbiosis (“Concentrate the power of the cosmic being that lies within one's body and manipulate it.” Basically OverDrive Mode!)
Cosmic Manipulation (“Control cosmic forces” Such as: “manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness, manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. They can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of cosmos.”)
Cosmic Empowerment (“Gain strength from the cosmic forces”)
Cosmic Energy Manipulation (“Manipulate cosmic energy.” Such as Stars, Planets, use it to my own will)
Universal Power Link
Personal Stellar Energy
Stellar Generation
All Star-Based Powers
Bio-Stellar Manipulation
Bio-Stellar Transformer
Esoteric Star Generation
Fire Generation
Light Generation
Nuclear Generation
Plasma Generation
Stardust Generation
Stellar Blast
Stellar Manipulation
Black Hole Manipulation
Pulsar Manipulation
Stardust Manipulation
Stellar Amplification
Stellar Energy Manipulation
Solar Flare
Stellar Attacks
Stellar Deity
Supernova Inducement
Supernova Manipulation
Stellar Magic
Esoteric Star Manipulation
Nova Manipulation
Black Hole Creation (Self explanatory)
Star Creation (Self explanatory)
Star Fall (Self Explanatory)
Stellar Arts
Stellar Healing
Stellar Physiology (“Have a body made up of stellar energy. Basically overdrive mode”)
Stellar Pressure (“Generate damaging stellar energy.”)
Stellar Regeneration (“Use stellar elements for regeneration.”)
Stellification (“Transform others and oneself into stars, stellar energies and constellations.“)
What I added:
•Healing (It can be a spell or just an ability, works to an extent, can lift cursed, add buffs etc, cannot reverse any type of physical damage that has been dis-attached from the body. For example unable to put an arm back in place. Only works for wounds and helping out. Can fix sprains or stuff though. Stellar Regeneration is limited to small things like losing a bit of your ear, a patch of skin comes off etc…)
•Flight / Hover (I just wanted to add it to fly lmao.)
•Force Field (Can protect against a bunch of stuff (for example lasers, rocks, blasts, explosions etc.) only can withstand strong attacks if supported by other allies who have similar powers. (For example but not limited too: Sun,Moon,Eclipse,Space,Other planets, Aurora Lights or other natural phenomenons related to space in some way.)
•Light manipulation (Able to summon a light source at any time. It helps when you’re afraid of the dark y’know?)
(this was posted at 4am my time-)
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tennessoui · 6 months
*holds microphone to your face* miss kit, your brain is so interesting and amazing and i love everything it thinks of, so I have to ask *deep breath*….if, in a modern au/whatever-you-choose-au, how would you portray a Vader&Anakin duo? How obsessed would they both be with Obi-Wan? How would the old man handle getting the Skywalker attention x2? How dark would you make it or could you see it going in a more comedic direction? If in the GFFA universe, would they both be Obi-Wans Padawan (via loophole/bullshit-wxlapnation)? How much shit would they get up too? And finally….would be Obi-Wan be getting the double D? 😳
*yanks back mic* that’s all! Thank you for you input, and I’ll def be watching out for that body politic au 😉
(2/2) Whoops! Forgot to add the “Vader-no-crisp-version-just-a-twin note” 🙈😵‍💫
hm this is a great ask -and also thank you for the compliment!! so funnily enough 2 different fics/universes jump to mind, and neither are exactly what you're after, but both are close in different ways -
in the playmaker au, where undercover obi-wan is corrupted by mob boss anakin, anakin is written as having two personalities: anakin & vader, and in the ficlets, both names are used but not interchangeably. they're meant to reflect vaderkin's mind at whichever moment, so it's sort of like both vader and anakin are obsessed with obi-wan and he's getting a crazy amount of attention
but closer to what you're after is: 'if you love me let it remain unnamed', where for some hand-wavey reason, obi-wan and anakin from the gffa universe hop to a different universe where the jedi have fallen and there's an empress and a rebellion. they don't meet vader, but they do meet an older anakin skywalker who goes by the name set and is a smuggler, and for a few days, obi-wan has the undivided attentions of both his padawan who is in love with him and set who wants to fuck him
(spoiler alert, set fucks him. anakin also fucks him. it's a double d situation)
that fic ends with the gffa pair finding their way back to the correct galaxy (it's assumed at least) and set!anakin finding his own obi-wan in his galaxy!
and that's because i'm like a very weird writer/shipper where when i say i only ship obikin i mean i only ship them with each other's other part. i don't really read or have interest in writing a time traveling anakin story where he gets with old ben or a time traveling obi-wan story where he gets with a padawan anakin or something or an anakin from another dimension after his becomes vader. no one understands him like his anakin/his obi-wan understands him and they're a matched set!! idk how i would handle two anakins for one obi-wan in a scenario where it's not a temporary glitch but an actual long-term thing
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thecurioustale · 1 year
I am going to try to write here actively again. ("Again," heh; I know I was only active here for an extremely short period many years ago.) To be completely transparent with you, let me explain where I am coming from and what some of my personal limitations and challenges are:
This space will be for discussing both my fantasy story The Curious Tale and my sci-fi Galaxy Federal story, both of which have a novel in active development. Both of these novels are well underway, and my progress in recent years and recent months has been very encouraging. Increasingly, I have given more time to working on them even when I am not inspired, i.e. I have been grinding a lot more (a good thing, in this instance). But at the same time, each novel is well under half-finished in word count. I am fully committed to both endeavors; they are "inevitable" insofar as their completion is only a matter of time (and so the caveat that I may die before they finish always applies, lol). But it is likely to be several more years before the first of these two novels is finished (and I don't know which one that will be).
My reason for splitting my efforts between two novels instead of one is that each world scratches different creative itches for me, and together they provide an outlet for over 90 percent of my creative self-expression needs, whereas if I were to work on them one at a time I would often be plagued with creative needs that have no outlet, which would frustrate my efforts toward whichever one I was working on. For some time I had put The Curious Tale on hold to work on Galaxy Federal, my reasoning being that the latter would be a lighter, smaller affair and would finish quickly. However, that ended up not being the case—at least in terms of the timescale of writing the book—and I realized a couple of years ago that I was committing a folly, and so began working on either novel at my discretion.
What I have to be smart about, and very careful about, in trying to build an active presence on here, is that I have a couple of serious restrictions that I have to work around: First, I can't reveal too much about what's actually in these stories, at least not until much closer to publication. When I was young I was a pretty open book, but in the 2010s I came around to the idea that this was a bad move and that audiences would almost universally enjoy the story more if I didn't slowly trickle out its secrets ahead of publication. So I've played my cards close to the vest these past few years, and I've said very little indeed about the Galaxy Federal novel in particular. This restriction on revealing story details makes it hard for me to find topics to write about in a setting like this. Second, I have to be careful not to put too much time and effort into any posts that I do make here. Due to mental health challenges and my extremely limited mental bandwidth / spoons, I've operated for the past several years under the successful rule of "Don't write about the story when you can just be writing the story itself," which I deem successful because it has corresponded to fewer distractions and more available creative energy for manuscript writing.
So, between these two major restrictions, I need for my posts here to be relatively brief and I also need to find interesting things to talk about that aren't just story giveaways. I've found in my weekly Patreon essays that whenever I do attempt to brush up against discussing the story I often end up stopping just short in a way that I feel has to be pretty unsatisfying for readers. So I am definitely open to suggestions for topics of discussion!
The reason I am choosing this old Tumblr account for this effort is because I know I have at least a handful of people here who are interested in at least one of these two novels, and who use Tumblr on a regular basis. The day will come when I need to start "building my platform" again in order to make these works visible to the public ahead of their publication. I think this is a good starting point because even though Tumblr seems to be in decline, by coming here I would know that I am not talking to an empty room. In the future, however, I may move to a different venue. I really don't know; I'm just saying that I'm not promising that this will be THE place to go forever, ya know?
In the meantime, I will not be doing any social media crossposting, or creating different content for different venues. Other than my weekly Patreon essays, and the occasional indulgent musing on my personal journal, this Tumblr page will be the only place where I talk publicly about either story—at least for the time being. If it goes well here, I will probably try reactivating one of my other old social media channels and doing some crossposting.
I will try to post here at least three times a week, with no fixed calendar, and ideally I will post something almost every day. I will commit to running this trial at minimum till the Autumn Equinox in a little over six weeks, and I will reevaluate then.
Please, if you do have any interest in this, don't be shy chiming in with comments or asks or reblogs. On one level I am here for myself, doing the whole "platform-building" thing, but in another sense I am here because I would like for more people than just me to be excited about these works. Two different sides of the same coin, I suppose, but, given that one of my chief struggles in life is alienation and the search for belonging, it's hard for me to see myself sticking with this if no one ever engages with me. Tell me what you'd like me to talk about, and I will aim to please!
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amandaoftherosemire · 9 months
Second Sight -- Part Nineteen
Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU/MCU AU
Pairing: Loki Odinson X fem!Reader
Characters: Loki Odinson, OMC Odof, Unnamed Guard
Author: @amandaoftherosemire
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6,276
Format: Series WIP
Warnings: TW: assault, TW: sexual assault, TW: violence, TW: murder, TW: very minor character death, smut, NSFW, 18+ only, sexual intercourse, sex in public (kinda), language.
Summary: Loki takes you on a long overdue honeymoon on a pleasure planet. You can’t take your eyes off the spectacle while Loki can’t take his eyes off you. When you inadvertently draw the attention of the casino guard, Loki takes you on a wild escape through the alien city, and the excitement overwhelms you both.
A/N: Regarding the trigger warnings, the assault is not described in detail and is over very quickly. It does involve unwanted sexual contact, however, a grope, if you will, so please engage with caution if this subject matter is upsetting to you.
I guess I am constitutionally incapable of not telling this story until it is done. So I’ll keep posting it until Tumblr dies or the story is finished, whichever comes first. I’m also posting it on AO3 so I think I have to finish it no matter what happens. The taglist is still open. 😊
I’m not quite sure what to say about this chapter. I guess I thought everything was going too well and Loki needed a chance to be himself for a minute. Maybe I know what has to happen next and, well… 😬
<<Part Eighteen here
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Second Sight Part Nineteen
Loki sat at a table in a corner, his back to the wall, a glass of Kree wine on the table in front of him. The zealots were aggravating, but they could craft truly spectacular spirits. He was enjoying the wine almost as much as he was enjoying watching you enjoy yourself.
You were across the room, playing a form of darts with a trio of Ravagers. Loki didn't know how you managed to do it, but you kept finding the most dangerous and violent creatures in any given room. He’d worry more about it if you weren’t so adept at charming each and every one of them. Taking you into the wider universe made him feel better about his own inability to resist your allure. If there was a rogue in the galaxy you couldn't wrap around your finger, you'd yet to find him. Loki had simply been the first to fall, not the only. To his never-ending relief.
The bar was an unimposing establishment in the part of town that started leaning toward rough but didn’t quite reach dangerous. It wasn’t a bar in the Midgardian sense, as there was no long counter between the person who served the drinks and the clientele. But the tentacled creature in the corner served the same purpose as a bartender, a table in front of them and an array of ingredients from which to make beverages surrounding them, a sympathetic ear for anyone who chose to confide in them.
The room wasn’t big, but the tables weren’t packed tightly together. Loki had snagged a small table in the corner, black native wood, covered in scars and dings from the years of use, but clean, as the bartender prided themself such things. He sat there, his back against a bright green wall, and watched you learn how to communicate with a bartender who mostly communicated in gesture. You seemed to be having the time of your life.
You were laughing and joking with your new friends, effervescent in your confidence. Loki swirled the shimmering golden liquid in his glass and smiled at you, at himself, at the softness he could feel inside. He'd once disdained such feelings, seen them as weaknesses. He hadn't known that a partner in mischief only made it more exciting, that concern for that partner would make him so much more dangerous. He would destroy worlds for you, bathe in blood to keep you safe. Soft he may be, for you, but that softness only made him sharper and more vicious to all others.
That sharpness had his hackles rising at the sight of the casino guard who'd just come through the door, clearly looking for someone. Loki didn't know how or why, but something told him he knew what the man was looking for. When his eyes latched onto you as you called out to the bartender for another round, Loki knew he was about to prove that you'd made him more than he had been. Loki glanced around to make sure no one was watching before shimmering into invisibility.
Grateful for once that his magic didn't work on you, he gestured to get your attention and beckoned you over once he caught your eye. You practically danced over, the euphoria from the unfamiliar liquor adding to the delights of the evening and making you feel light as air. You dropped into the seat next to him, a huffing laugh of joy bubbling up.
"What's up, love?" By the time you were done with the question, your demeanor had changed, serious and watchful in response to the dark aura that surrounded Loki. You could see on his face that something had gone wrong. The tightness of his jaw, the white knuckles around his wineglass told you he was preparing to do violence if the situation warranted it. You sat back a little, but prepared to move if he gave the signal.
"There's a guard from the casino about to sit next to you." Loki breathed out the words in a rush, not wanting to be overheard and needing you to understand the danger before the guard reached you. "He can't see me."
You raised your eyebrows and sat back casually, though you were braced to run at the slightest sign from Loki. You watched him as he watched the guard approach you, his eyes glittering with menace, but the other man didn't see Loki and couldn't be intimidated. He was another giant, over seven feet tall and built like a barbarian. The guard sauntered up with confidence; as far as he knew, he could pick you up and carry you out with one hand if it became necessary.
The man was hoping it wouldn't be necessary. He was the sort you preferred barter to violence and thought you pretty enough to offer something he wanted. He didn’t see any reason to drag you back to the casino for questioning if you proved sufficiently entertaining. "Hello, miss," he rumbled behind you. "A word?"
You looked up at yet another giant, but this one didn't look friendly, didn't give you the good vibes of your friend earlier. You stared him down a moment, taking his measure, before you warily answered, "And if I say no?"
Loki was too busy watching the guard to grin at you as he wanted to. You were magnificent, as haughty and cruel as a queen as you verbally dismissed the other man as though he wasn’t worth your notice, let alone your fear. However large he may be, and despite his intentions, you made it clear he held no terror for you. A dull flush climbed the pale skin of his face, and his eyes went hard with banked rage.
"No reason to not be polite, miss," he gritted out as he took the chair next to yours, leaning in to explicitly threaten with his size. "We don’t have to talk. I could drag you out of here to join your friend in our holding cell if you’d rather."
Your nose wrinkled at the smell of his breath wafting across your face and disgust dripped from your words in response. "And why would you want to do such a thing in the first place?" You straightened in your seat and turned your head to avoid the foul stench coming off of the man. He had a handsome face, but the nasty leer twisting it combined with the smell of him to make your stomach turn.
"I get paid a pretty penny to make sure people don't cheat the casino, miss." The guard reached out and closed his hand around the back of your chair, closing you in with his body in an attempt to block your escape route. You were careful not to look directly at Loki, but you watched him in your periphery, waiting for his signal. Since he was still watching the other man with glittering eyes, motionless as he waited for the right moment to act, you stayed put and focused on the threat.
"I didn't cheat!" You answered the accusation in ringing indignation. "How dare you? I got lucky and walked away before my luck ran out." Your mind was racing, trying to figure out what kind of casino went to such lengths for only two wins. There had to be more to it than that, which explained why Loki hadn't moved, but you weren't certain it was worth investigating when you could just make a break for it.
The guard's leer turned lecherous. "Say I believe you, miss." The hand not blocking your escape closed around your thigh and moved shockingly fast up under your skirt. "What's in it for me to let you go?" The next moment his hand went lax and fell away from you. You'd been about to scream the rafters down, but the guard's eyes fell closed, and he slumped onto the table in a heap. At your feet was a quickly spreading pool of blood pouring from the inside of his thigh.
You lifted eyes shocked and horrified to Loki's viciously cold expression and whisper-screamed, "DID YOU JUST KILL HIM?" The situation had turned so suddenly and unexpectedly violent that you had whiplash.
"He put his hands on you." The next moment, Loki was standing and tossing a bag of money on the table. He grabbed your hand in a vise grip and hauled you to your feet, pulling you quickly behind him toward the back of the bar. You stared back at the body of the man that had assaulted you, only to reap the consequences of that choice immediately.
"Okay, yes, he did." You were on the verge of babbling, too shocked by the sudden turn of events and the sight of your first dead body. "And no, I didn’t like it, but I didn’t expect you to kill him!" You were barely paying attention to anything but keeping up with Loki. You could hear the beginning of an uproar in the room you'd left as he dragged you through the back room of the bar where they kept their inventory and out the back door into an alleyway. "How did you even do that?"
Loki took a quick glance in each direction before taking a left to zigzag through the back streets of the city. If he'd been alone, he'd have simply slipped between the shadows and been off this planet already, but of course he couldn't take you with him when he shadowwalked outside the Nine Realms. He'd have to take you out the long way, but the city guards would be looking for the two of you now, and their relationship with the casino guards would make them determined to find you. Loki wasn't worried about his ability to protect you but was still determined to get you off the planet before he had to spill any more blood on your shoes.
"My knives are very sharp." His voice was cold, and he was sick that this trip could be so ruined by violence. At the same time, no one could be allowed to put his hands on you like that. The man had signed his own death warrant the moment he'd touched you. "He probably didn’t even notice he was bleeding out."
Loki glanced at you, searching your face for signs of disgust or horror. All he found was pale-faced confusion. He'd never seen you look like this and didn't know what it meant, let alone how to handle it. He was furious with himself that he hadn't acted before the guard had a chance to hurt you. Fury and guilt roiled his stomach and made him feel ill. He fell into old habits and hid the sick feeling behind callous cruelty. "Unfortunate he couldn’t know why he was dying, but it seemed best not to draw attention." Loki wanted to keep his eyes on you, concerned by both your demeanor and your silence, but he needed to keep an eye out for the guards he could hear amassing in the main street. "Which is why we left before anyone noticed that something was amiss."
At the sight of a clump of men coming down the alley, Loki ducked into an alcove, pulling you in with him and counting on the spells he'd placed around you to keep you invisible to them as they passed by. He placed a finger to his lips to indicate he wanted silence as making you inaudible had been much more difficult than making you invisible.
You glared at him but didn't say anything. You were still gobsmacked by the sudden death of the man in the bar. You had never experienced anything like it, been talking to someone one moment and watching the life fade from their eyes the next. You knew Loki to be dangerous, had personal experience of it, but this was the first time you'd been confronted with concrete evidence that he was capable of dealing death, the cold and calculated kind.
If you weren't also vaguely sickened by the memory of how it had felt to have the man assault you so brazenly, so suddenly, perhaps you would have felt more remorse at his death. As the remnants of his foul touch were still burning your skin, you were more concerned with getting out of this situation alive than you were with scolding Loki for murdering someone practically in your lap.
"I’m not going to argue," you said in a soundless whisper, "but we’re going to discuss this further."
Loki didn't speak until the clot of guards had made their way past your alcove, not seeing either of you as they passed by. Once they were far enough down the alley, Loki pulled you from the niche in the wall and again began making his way out of the city and back to the beach where the portal home still waited. "I cannot wait," he retorted, his voice only a whisper of sound, but the affection was back.
The two of you dodged the teams of searchers, weaving in and out of the side streets to avoid the men looking for you. If you hadn't been invisible, they'd have found you easily; there were too many to avoid without the added advantage. As it was, there were a lot of moments where all you could do was duck into a corner or an alcove and wait for the guards to pass you by.
Near the edge of the city, a large contingent of the guards had congregated, setting up what looked like a roadblock. Loki came to a halt so quickly, you ran into his back. With a swift, low curse, he glanced around, looking for a place to take a moment and consider his options. To his frustration, he spotted exactly what he needed, an empty building, across the main street. He was going to have to take you across the way in full view of the crowd of guards.
Loki turned to look at you, to gauge how you were holding up through the nerve-wracking escape. To his astonishment, you looked annoyed more than anything. Whatever you were thinking or feeling, he could see that you were holding up fine under the pressure, that you were as bold and fearless as he thought you to be.
As a matter of fact, you were far more than annoyed. The pressure was getting to you, but you also knew that falling apart would only make a bad situation worse. So far, Loki and his spells had shielded you and you had faith that they would continue to do so. If they didn’t, Loki had made it abundantly clear that he would kill for you. Knowing it to be true, and having real life experience of it, however, were two very different things. The stew of feelings inside you was too complicated to understand. You needed time to assimilate the new data and untangle how you felt about it.
When Loki let go of your hand to slip his arm around your shoulder, you snuggled into his body, seeking comfort. Between the violence of the guard's assault and the vengeance Loki had taken on your behalf, you were feeling a little shaky and jittery. He had protected you, at every turn. You gladly accepted the safety of his embrace.
Loki swiftly guided you across the street to a door next to dark windows. You didn't know if the business was closed or abandoned, but it was clear it was empty either way. Loki only left your side long enough to slip through the door and unlock it from the inside. You slipped through the crack in the door as quickly as possible, not wanting to draw attention.
Once you were inside, Loki locked the door behind you and threw a spell at it that would keep all adversaries outside, at least unless and until the wall gave in. He then moved to the window to stare out at the crowd of guards blocking your route to the beach. He counted quickly, did quick mental math to decide whether he could get you through unscathed. If it had only been himself, he would have taken the chance of detection and fought his way through if necessary, but he wasn't sure he was willing to risk those odds with you. He'd teased you so relentlessly for being afraid to gamble and here he was dithering because he was too afraid for you. He hated this weakness.
"Thank you," you murmured as you slid your arms around him from behind, snugging yourself against his back with a sigh of relief. "I needed a moment to catch my breath." The room seemed to be an office of some sort, a lot of desks and paperwork. It looked like a haven compared to the wild chase that awaited you outside.
Loki whirled in your arms, turning away from the window to close his arms around you like bands of steel. He held you so tight, you felt him squeezing your breath from your lungs, but you didn't complain, just held him as close as you could in return. Your heart was still pounding and pounding from the mad dash through the streets and you could feel his race in his chest in time with yours.
You lifted your head to look into his face, wondering at that racing heart and wanting to gauge his mood. The moment you were face to face with him, however, you realized you'd made a mistake. His eyes were burning emeralds, hot with desire and something sharper, darker, something you'd only seen when he was most affected, most moved.
Loki dipped his head and closed his mouth over yours, desperate for the taste of you. He was holding you too tight and he knew it, but the peril had gone to his head and spiked his libido, while your unwavering faith in him left him feeling soft and weak for you. He'd already been on edge for hours and the sudden violence and the tension of the escape left him desperate to touch you, to remind himself that you were safe and still his, despite everything.
You didn't resist, the passion in his kiss the catalyst in an alchemical reaction inside you that changed fear to desire in the blink of an eye. You met his passion with matching fire, nipping at his lips and meeting the surge of his tongue with your own. He tasted wilder than ever before and you adored it, wanted more of it. If you hadn't been hiding from a mob bent on revenge, you wouldn't think twice about indulging your desire. As it was, you loosened your arms around him and tried to push yourself out of his hard embrace.
Loki lifted his head but didn't allow you to move. This is madness, he thought, his heart pounding even harder at the sight of your bottomless eyes, soft and dreamy with desire, with love. He hadn't realized how much of the fear of his escape had been about how you'd feel about him once you were safe.
He'd killed someone right in front of you. For you, yes, but he'd also shown you how cold, how vicious he could truly be. He hadn't known how deep the terror that you couldn't accept all of him had dug into him.
Knowing that he could have blood literally on his hands and you'd still come into his arms with not only desire, but love, and trust, and faith, cut him deeper than anything ever had. A new fear crystallized, that he didn't just desire you, adore you, but needed you. The feeling rose up to choke him and had lust's claws digging into his spine. “Am I hurting you?” He gritted out the words, hating his own loss of control.
Gulping in surprise, you stared up into searing emerald and saw that he spoke the unvarnished truth. Searching yourself for any denial, any lingering pain or fear from what had happened to you, you found only an answering need to be touched on your own terms. You shook your head and slid your hands from his shoulders back into his hair. The invitation was clear and, with a growl, he took your mouth with his own.
Loki devoured you.
You'd experienced this desperate passion before, the kind that made you feel like he'd consume you if he could, burn you alive in the fires of his lust. There were times you'd felt like there'd be nothing left when he was done with you, that you'd be ashes and shadows when the fire burned out.
But it had never been like this.
Loki's arms were no longer around you because his hands seemed to be everywhere, molding your body to his with squeezing presses. He seemed to be drawing your breath into him, leaving you panting and dizzy. Somehow, when he'd been kissing you breathless, you'd ended up with your back against the wall next to the window and his body was almost smothering you in heat and need.
Your mind cleared a very little bit when he tore his mouth from yours to close his teeth around the skin of your neck in sucking kisses designed to drive you crazy. "What are you doing?" You gasped it out, certain you knew the answer, but needing verification because of how suddenly the fire had blazed. Loki was daring, but he'd never lost control like this before.
"You." Loki's hands closed around your thighs and lifted to wrap your legs around his hips, pressing his erection against your core. His mouth never left your skin, moving over your neck and collarbones like he needed the taste of your flesh on his lips. Your head tilted to make it easier, seduced by both the urgency in his touch and the need in his voice.
"Here?" You'd never heard yourself sound so breathless, like he'd overwhelmed you, overcome you with the force of his need for you. Your hands buried themselves in his hair to hold on, needing to cling to him in the face of his desire. "Now?"
Loki pulled away from the wall, turning with you still in his arms to the rest of the room. "Here." The word dropped with a finality that sounded almost like a threat. He glanced around for a couch, a rug, whatever would serve as a surface to lose himself in you. "Now."
He found what he was looking for in the desk-like table in the middle of the room, the surface flat and about the right height. He took a couple long steps and set you down in front of it. As soon as your feet were under you, he spun you around and filled his hands with your breasts, his mouth returning to your shoulders to kiss and suck and bite. The way he curved around your body overbalanced you and had you bracing yourself on the desk in front of you.
"You’re out of your mind!" You gasped it out but had to acknowledge it lacked authority as you were pressing yourself into his hands, his body. You instinctively tilted your body to press your breast into the hand that hadn't gone wandering down your body to hike up your skirt. The movement also pressed your ass into the steel rod behind you and you rubbed against it provocatively, your body wanting to encourage this wild lovemaking, in the middle of danger, whatever your good sense had to say on the subject.
"I am out of my mind," Loki snarled in your ear, one hand plucking your nipple with clever fingers and sending bolts of sensation to your center. You clenched at the vicious darkness of his tone, the sound of his resentment oddly arousing. "You have driven me from it, and I cannot think for wanting you." His other hand had found the snaps at your hip and yanked them open in a swift, fierce movement. As soon as he had you bared to his touch his fingers were sliding into you from the front, over your clit, and spreading the wetness he discovered there. You were already soaking wet, brought to this point by his mouth at your shoulders and his other hand everywhere else.
"Every sense has become saturated in you," his breath was a whisper at your ear sending shivers over your skin, "and every moment without is an insult, an injury." Somehow, he'd arranged you with his hands and body until you were in the perfect position to slide inside you. You moaned long and low at the exquisite friction, surrounded by Loki's body, drenched in sensation, leaning forward a little, your head tilting forward at the exquisite sensation. "I want you tied up and at my mercy so I can take my time with you, make you beg for me."
Loki's hand hadn't left your clit even as he dug into you with short, maddening thrusts and you felt a climax already climbing. "Do you have mercy?" You asked the question fretfully, trying to get Loki to stop teasing you. You writhed in his arms in every way you'd learned he liked, pushing him to the edge. You fell forward enough to brace yourself on your elbows, trying to get more leverage to shove yourself onto him, needing him deeper.
Loki grinned at the feeling of you tempting him, taunting him. He loved bringing you to this point, where you gave in and showed him that the desire, the need he felt wasn't one-sided. You were binary stars, trapped in each other's orbit. You were his equal, and he yours, whether either of you wanted it or not. At this moment, buried inside you, only moments from feeling you come around him, he didn't care about anything but you.
"Perhaps," he replied as he lifted up and away from you, his hands leaving your clit and your breast to grip tightly at your hips. As soon as he had his hands around your waist, he used his strength to shove deep, to pull you onto him hard and fast, your groan of aching relief music to his ears. He smiled at the sound. "The only way to find out for certain is to start pleading for it."
There were more words from there, but they only came in singles and pairs, in the vein of, "right there," or "god, yes," or "harder," "faster," "more." Loki's fingers dug into the flesh of your hips as he pounded into you. The sight of his cock sliding in and out of you, the cheeks of your ass bouncing with every thrust, had him shuddering in possessive excitement. You were moaning in pleasure, the faster and harder he fucked you the closer you came to a life-changing orgasm.
Loki loved this, loved driving you into mindless pleasure, especially in such a moment, death waiting for you both just outside the door. That he could, that you'd give yourself to him so completely despite the danger made him feel both tender and feral. He carefully paced himself, not wanting to give in too soon, no matter what you did to entice him. And entice him you did.
You looked back at him, and he would swear your eyes were glowing with your desire, with your need. "Please," you whimpered, trying to push back in his tight grip, desperate for more. You were so close, the coil in your center tightening to the point of pain and he had the power to release all that tension. You just needed him to, "Fuck me, Loki."
Loki opened his mouth to retort, but you cut him off with another, "Please," this one so soft and needy, he lost control. With a curse, he was using that bruising grip at your hips as leverage to pull you onto his cock hard and fast. Within three thrusts you were coming apart, the shivers of pleasure starting where you were clenched around him, rippling in ecstasy, and spreading through the rest of your body in shimmering waves of pleasure.
To your dizzy shock, Loki didn't slow down, simply growled in triumph when he felt you coming apart around him. He snarled, "More," and fucked you faster. You moaned, could swear he'd gotten harder inside you, though you didn't know how that was possible. You rested your forehead on the table in front of you and whimpered, your climax not fully subsiding as Loki's cock pounded into you, pushing you up and over again and again.
"I can't," you moaned fretfully, oversensitized and not sure you could take much more. You were close, but climbing even that little bit to your peak seemed like more than your body could manage. The feeling of him surging in and out of you was outstanding, but it had gotten to the point where it was almost too good, too much, and you simply hung in his grip, absorbing what he gave you.
You fell forward a little when one of Loki's hands released your hip, but he was leaning forward to follow you. His hand slid around your front to slip between your legs, his long fingers circling your clit, strumming, rubbing. His breath hot on your neck, he chuckled darkly when your hips started to move again; of their own volition, of course. You had no power over your body anymore. "You will." He stated it confidently, then pinched your clit carefully, with just the right amount of force, learned from years of loving you, to send you into orbit.
Your body, already on edge from the multiple adrenaline rushes of the evening, wrecked by the fucking of your life, oversensitive and overstimulated, erupted into a toe-curling, earth-shaking, life-altering orgasm. You'd never come this hard in your life, your vision going gray and stars exploding behind your eyes. You convulsed in pleasure, waves of ecstasy nearly rendering you unconscious.
You were too far gone to notice that you screamed Loki's name, but he noticed, and the sound had him coming in a flurry of stuttering hips and with a roar of triumph. Once his mind cleared from the intense pleasure of emptying himself into you as you came around him, he considered the problems he'd had with making you inaudible and wondered if there was any way the rings had managed to cover the sounds you’d made.
Bent over you, panting from both the exertion and the pleasure, he started laughing at the thought that the two of you might be caught because he couldn't keep his hands off you. The idea struck him as both ridiculously funny and ridiculously stupid.
When your ears stopped ringing, you became aware of Loki, chuckling in your ear, his hands moving tenderly to separate your bodies, leaning you gently on the desk when your knees went soft. His own knees weaker than he’d like to admit, he used his magic to put himself back together but pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the evidence of his passion from you. When he was finished, he vanished the cloth and helped redress you in the little shorts that he'd tossed to the floor.
Once that was done, he helped you stand up, shaking your skirt down around your thighs as he did so. To his smug satisfaction, you slid your arms around his neck to snuggle close, both in warm post-coital affection and to hold on to something solid. Your knees were still rubber, your body still vibrating from the echoes of pleasure. Loki slid his arms around you, beguiled by the softness of your embrace.
"We’re out of our minds," you murmured, your lips against the skin of his throat where you'd buried your face. "I can’t believe we just did that. I can’t believe I let you do that." You were awed at what you'd just done, what you'd invited, practically begged Loki to do to you. You were shocked, but there was no room for regret around the satisfaction. Despite your surprise at your daring, you couldn't deny a measure of smug was overshadowing any shame that wanted to rear its head.
Loki stooped to slide his arm behind your knees, lifting you up to carry you bridal style. He could tell by the way you clung to his neck that you'd need a little while to recover before you could dodge or run. He saw no reason to wait to take you home when he could just as easily carry you. Still too shaky to move quickly, you relaxed in his arms and didn't argue. It felt nice to be carried around like you weighed nothing.
Loki moved through the office until he was at the back door, using his magic to unlock and open it as well as closing and locking it behind him. Once in the alleyway, he walked quickly through the back streets, weaving with feline grace around the guards still searching for you. The spells that surrounded you continued to do their work, the only stress the sheer number he had to avoid. Invisible didn't mean someone wouldn't notice a touch and the people who sought you were looking for magic.
After a couple of near misses that sent your heart rate climbing and had you pressing close to Loki, tucking yourself in as much as possible, you were close to the beach, and escape. You'd whispered an offer to walk again when the two of you had been a little isolated for a moment, but he'd refused with a silent shake of his head and you hadn't spoken again. Once you were on the path back to the orange sandy beach, Loki's arms lost their tension, though he made no move to set you on your feet.
When you were alone once more, the danger behind you as your pursuers kept their eyes on the city where they believed they had you trapped, Loki bent his head to yours, taking your mouth in a kiss both tender and sweet. "I was afraid he would make you shy away from a touch," he murmured against your mouth, his eyes liquid on yours, "even mine. When you came into my arms as you always do, I had to have you." He smiled, a little sheepish, and your heart sighed. "I cannot explain it."
You tilted your head to rest it against his shoulder, looking up at him with your heart in your eyes, adoration naked on your face and making his heart pound. "Sometimes, I can’t refuse you. Even when we're in mortal danger." You smiled back, equally sheepish, but clearly more comfortable with the vulnerability. No matter how much time you'd spent together, how much you'd done together, how much you'd done to be together, Loki could not seem to make his peace with it. You shrugged, acceptance something you'd found along the way. "I can’t explain it either."
"I am grateful," Loki replied with a resigned laugh and a smirk. "If I must have a weakness, I insist that it be mutual." The two of you fell into an easy silence as you reached the top of the cliffs you'd traveled through to get to this planet. Loki took another path down and around, mulling over the events of the evening. Though he hadn't been able to show you everything he'd intended here, the last part had been about making love to you, about making you scream in pleasure.
Though it hadn't been how he had intended, in the luxury suite of one of the hotels, with warm wine to muddy your mind and warm oil massaged into your skin to dazzle your senses, he'd still made you scream his name. The memory gave him that ever so rare sensation of satisfaction and Loki was trying to sear it into his mind so he'd never forget what you sounded like at that moment. A wide, smug smile spread over his face as he considered the fact that he had warm wine and oil back in his personal dimensional palace.
"What are you grinning about?"
The question was soft and amused, rich with love, and hit Loki's ear like honey. He gave in to the emotion and let it shine out of him. "I'm amazed that we didn't get caught. When you screamed my name, I thought they had us."
You tilted your head back to look at his face and burst out laughing at the self-satisfied arrogance all over him. You couldn’t properly poke at him for being proud of himself, too happy by far. You had to admit, you'd never screamed like that before. You tightened your arms to pull yourself close enough to nuzzle his neck with affection as he reached the cliff with the portal.
"I’d tell you to wipe that smug look off your face," you said with a little shake of your head, unsurprised when Loki didn't set you down even now, "but I suppose you have a right to it for once."
Loki grinned wolfishly as he waved his hand at the sigils only you could see, and a portal home opened with a whoosh of sound and a flash of light. "I wonder," he purred, his eyes firing with desire, "do you have to be in mortal danger to climb to such heights?" You gaped at him, your mind racing with the possibilities he was hinting at. "Let's find out."
With that, he moved through the portal to take you to bed. He had new experiments to run.
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Part Twenty Coming Soon!!
@lumar014ad @old-enough-to-know-better73 @felicityofbakerstreet @browneyedgirl22 @fashionworld12 @moonknight-s-cumdump @thedistractedagglomeration
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hey anna, happy STS!
if the main casts of two of your wips (TCIO and FSF for example, but you can pick whichever you like!) switched universes, how would they react? would they be able to solve the plots of their respective stories?
Happy STS! I'm gonna do all three of my main wips just cuz:
If they were suddenly in the plot of The City is Ours, these guys are having a blast- well mostly. the TCIO plot does involve a betrayal of a team member, and I don't these these guys could handle that well with all the trauma they already have. They're having fun with the costumes though. If they were suddenly in Galaxy Destroyer on the other hand... well at least some of them are competent enough to take care of a baby- though none of them know how to take care of a non human species. As soon as Hestia sees that the kid has powers she becomes very protective of him and will bite anyone who hurts the kid.
If they were suddenly in the FSF plot, they would be very confused at first, then realize these are fairytale retellings. Once they realize these are fairytale retellings these guys are immediately NOT HAVING IT. They are going to set things on fire, avoid the plot as much as possible, and become everyone else's problem. If they were suddenly in the Galaxy Destroyer plot... shit's gonna get messy and very chaotic. These are all dumbass teenagers- they have no idea how to take care of a kid, much less a nonhuman one with superpowers. Hades has a blast running laps around these guys.
Galaxy Destroyer
If they were suddenly in the FSF plot, they are not taking shit from anyone, they will start shooting people with their blasters. Fuck the plot and the god of death and forbidden magic or whatever- they have laser guns and they will identify as a fucking problem. If they were suddenly in the TCIO plot... they're still gonna avoid it. Even in their own story these bitches avoid the plot like the plague. They're gonna fuck around and do their own thing, and they will have fun blowing shit up while they're at it. The betrayal plot isn't a problem because these are a bunch of criminals that already don't trust each other.
Thanks @space-writes !
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pathsunitedmfrp · 1 year
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The universe obeys to one ebb and flow, one birthed from an eternal rivalry— And it belongs to the Tree's will to absorb the Sea, and the Sea's will to drown the Tree. For eons, this is precedent the universe follows: a perfect balance, found within the harmony of their perennial duel. But, alas. Even eternity must come to an end. A disruption would soon bring an end to this near perfect cycle, with the Tree's haste sprouting bringing disorder to the Sea's stream. With unknown branches budding one after another comes the loss of other leaves to the endless abyss. People are soon shunted into other realms, worlds seal themselves shut, and universes unknown reveal their beauty and horrors... You, dearest traveler, find yourself entangled within this maze of branches. Scour amongst them like you would in a forest, and delve deeper into this thicket— perhaps, within it, you shall find an answer... Even if it is one that you haven't been looking for.
PATHS UNITED is an upcoming relaxed 18+ multifandom discord roleplay largely based upon the Hoyoverse franchise. Here, roleplayers are welcome to write as canon and original characters, in order to link their universes together.
There are a great deal of worlds to uncover and adventure upon. One may witness the growth of ever-expanding galaxies, or keep watch upon its individual stars as they shine magnificently before you. Whichever path should you choose to follow… may this journey lead you starward, dear trailblazer.
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liesmyth · 2 years
(Sorry this got kinda long) John absolutely has plans for a next time. I’m pretty sure that’s what the poem before Nona is about. “Let’s put this first draft dream of mine to bed” “empty’s just another word for clean” “this time will be the time we get it right” plus in John 5:4 “I’m god, I can start over. The flood, you know? You can wash things clean. That’s all the end of Earth was, making things clean. It gets dirty again, you clean it again” then later in the same speech “maybe that’s why I made the tomb, Harrow. It is the death of god, it is the apocalypse, because it’s my self preservation in a box”. I think the intention was always that if he became displeased with the state of things he would wipe the slate clean and start again. Alecto was only ever going to be asleep until he needed to do that (he probably needs to eat a bit more of her to access that power again. I don’t think she’d be a fan of the idea). Opening the tomb does mean the apocalypse, but not because he dies or it’s inescapable once opened, but because he is going to end the world again (insert call an ambulance but not for me meme here). Remember that he sent gideon to open the tomb on his behalf. It’s morning, alecto, time to wake up. However I don’t think he will be successful for many reasons, not least of all because he has been fucking very seriously with some major unknowable powers and forces in the universe and I think they’re starting to get a bit pissed off with him about it.
Oh absolutely he does have plans! I only meant I'm not sure he will actually get there.
IMO, the plan was always to unbox Alecto when the RBs were all dealt with, and that might have been why he decided suddenly he needed new Lyctors. (Less likely: I have a personal niche theory that one or more of the FTL ships are still en route "it'll take me ten thousand years to work out the math" + other stuff and that's the deadline he gave himself). Whichever it is, he always had a timeframe to wake up Alecto, once everyone who fucked with him is dead etc. and decided to make new Lyctors to speed it up a bit.
He definitely meant to wake her up when he sent Gideon (congratulations, Kiriona, you too got gaslighted as a bonding experience!) but I think is deeper than needing power. Depression era John is Going Through It, all his friends are dead, again, and betrayed him. I think he wants Alecto back because he regrets putting her down in the first place and she's one of the few things he has left.
On Alecto as a power source: I'm not sure if Alecto being in the tomb makes any difference wrt the magnitude of John's powers. My take on it is that they are in some kind of soul symbiosis, and he has already received all the power from Alecto that he was going to get, and tbh I think he still has full access to it regardless of whether Alecto is awake or not. Ianthe seems to think Alecto will make John too dangerous, but she could mean "less mentally unstable" or she might just not have all the answers.
Anyway. I don't think John would eat a bit of Alecto if wants to squeeze extra cosmic juice to reboot the galaxy or whatever; that source is already there. I think he's going to have to eat another star.
(Will he be successful? Doubt it, the TLT civilization isn't getting washed empty and clean etc, it will be around in some sort of form after AtN. But I'm not ruling out that John and Alecto will end up the series off in another dimension or whatever. I think locked in the tomb together is more likely but I'm not ruling out a river bubble or something.
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