#(for the record there are other members of our system but they do not participate with this blog)
soon-palestine · 5 months
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as an american citizen, you have the right to assemble. the police and other governmental agencies violate this right through mass arrests, illegal use of force, criminalization of protest and other means that threaten our right to free expression.
they are not your friends. they are not there to protect you, regardless of your race. their presence there is to protect the interests of the state.
what to do if you are detained or stopped by the police:
do not resist, even if you think they are violating your rights.
calmly ask someone to record.
ask if you’re free to leave. if you are, walk away.
how to stay safe during a protest:
write phone/legal aid numbers on your body. bring a sharpie for others to do this.
ALWAYS use the buddy system. don’t be selfish & stick to your own friend group. if you see someone alone, invite them into your circle.
don’t know where to seek legal aid?
before attending/during a protest, visit http://nlg.org/chapters/#massdefense.
NLG chapters are organized into regions. find. your region and write their number on your body.
encourage others around you to write that same number on their body.
4. if you are threatened with or under arrest:
you have the right to know why you’re being arrested. calmly ask. if they refuse to provide a reason, stay quiet and ask for legal representation immediately.
do not give any information or sign anything without a lawyer present.
what to do with your phone during a protest:
put your phone on airplane mode
disable face ID/touch, replace with 6-digit passcode instead
spreading awareness is great but avoid posting photos of people that include identifying features.
police want everyone to leave the area, what should that look like:
shutting down a protect through a dispersal order must be the last resort for police.
a clear danger must be present.
police must give adequate time for protesters to disperse and an exit route.
what are your rights if you’re being stopped or detained by police:
you do not have to consent to you or your belongings being searched. if you consent, anything can be used against you in court.
police can conduct a “pat down” if they suspect you have a weapon.
if you see someone being detained, what should you do:
record the interaction. police can not demand to view or delete any footage without a warrant.
use calming affirmations towards the person being detained. they are likely scared. be there for them.
use whatever privilege you have to protect others.
if you see a disabled person struggling, offer to help. find medics to assist people experiencing anxiety or having a panic attack. if you see a BIPOC being harassed, surround them.
personal note on using your privilege: i have seen white people, countless times, place themselves in front of BIPOC when police draw weapons/approach protests. it often works.
do not be a person that just acknowledges their privilege, use it for good.
10. remember that we protect us. ignite this chant as a reminder to everyone present if you have to. communities are supposed to help one another. don’t be a sell out, offer support, share resources, food and water. be a kind soul.
if you can not participate in a protest for whatever reason, you can still help! drop-off supplies! (water bottles, allergy-friendly foods/snacks with ingredients labels on them, sharpies, cards with legal aid numbers on them, masks, makeup remover wipes, hand sanitizer, etc)
sources/disclaimer: main source:
@ACLU and my own opinions. this is not legal advice. consult legal representation if you are in need of assistance.
stay safe, be on the right side of history. black lives matter, no one is illegal, we protect us, land back, all oppression is connected and free palestine. 🇵🇸
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Small Annoyances as a Polyfragmented System
There are certain patterns and events that we see in our life (mainly in system spaces) that get under our skin as a polyfrag system that smaller systems don't seem to be able to relate to. In an attempt to spread information on what it's like to be a polyfrag system – because goodness knows it's hard to find that – we've created this list of those annoyances, along with examples and explanations of why we find them annoying. Although, this turned into a vent post by the end, so... you have been warned!
Disclaimer: this post mainly applies to our personal experiences. We're sure that other polyfrag systems (and probably other large systems) may be able to relate to some of the things here, but you don't have to relate to any or all of them to be a real polyfrag system.
Polyfragmented Annoyances:
Most system tips do not work with our system because they're based in having a small member count. Anything that starts with "Have every system member..." is a no-go, because it is impossible for us to include every system member in system activities. There's a bunch of people in dormancy, whole sidesystems that we've barely explored, and even counting only the members we know could potentially participate, that's still hundreds of people to go through. It's not gonna work out. "Every system member" is not an achievable goal.
Blurring and other identity confusion happens a lot more often than you'd think, since a lot of us are fragments or otherwise not "full" headmates. When you don't check all the boxes to be a fully independent system member and constantly need at least one other member around to get even basic stuff done, it can be easy to lose track of where the line between you and another system member is.
On that note, co-fronting is a necessity and people outside the system (whether system or singlet) don't seem to understand that very often. We need to have multiple people in front – our system is not designed to have only one person alone controlling the body and aware of what's going on. Whereas most other systems experience negative side effects if they have too many headmates fronting, we more often experience negative side effects if not enough headmates front, and that can create a lot of estrangement when the former is usually the only example of fronting arrangement issues you can find. In addition, people outside the system (mostly singlets, but some systems too) don't seem to understand the implications of "We usually/almost always have a crowded front." Any interactions you have with one of us are going to be overseen, filtered through, and influenced by everyone else in front; if you're building a relationship* with one of us, you're probably building a relationship with several others, too.
Having to do so much more work to keep track of everyone. Organizing headmates by sidesystem, subsystem, etc can be a hassle, and system mapping becomes a lot more difficult when you've got a lot of people to include in your map. You not only have to frequently register new members in things such as Pluralkit and SimplyPlural, but you have to update that data as they learn more about themselves and the system develops, so we end up taking hours to just sit down and go through as many headmates as we can. Simply put, keeping any records of our system is so much more complicated because we're polyfragmented, even if it's just something basic like writing down everyone's names.
Introjects often face a name struggle that they wouldn't if we were a smaller system. Because of how often we get multiple introjects of the same character or person, every introject is expected to take up some kind of nickname so they can be more easily identified and identity issues aren't too frequent, which is its own troublesome process. Especially when we see small systems who don't need to do this... it can make us a bit jealous at times.
It's difficult to find anything about systems of our size. Most systems on platforms like TikTok and YouTube are small, so it's hard to find videos about larger systems. Most systems in fiction, whether they're positive representation or the usual stock-horror serial killer stereotype, have a small number of members so audiences don't get lost or confused. Even within the system community in settings like on Tumblr, it can be hard to find other large systems talking about their own experiences and how they differ from smaller systems – in fact, the experiences of small systems are seen as the "right" experiences in some cases, so if a large system goes outside of that, they are seen as "faking," "promoting unhealthy behavior," etc. We just want to find posts about us that go beyond one-sentence shout-outs, c'mon.
Related to that second-to-last bit, common polyfrag experiences are treated as automatic signs of "faking." Oh, you have a lot of headmates? Faker! You have more than one introject of or from the same source? Faker! You gain new members easily? Faker! Your headmates have highly specific roles? Faker! Some headmates don't have roles because others already handle those jobs? Faker! You often have multiple people in co-front or co-con? Faker! JFC, why is my existence automatically seen as a lie?! A lot of these fakeclaimers supposedly "support" polyfrag systems, too, but then the second a polyfrag system is, y'know, polyfrag, oooohhhh noooo, time to write a call-out about how they're "obviously faking it."
*"Relationship" is used as a general term here and does not refer solely to romantic relationships.
In conclusion, being polyfragmented comes with a lot of small annoyances that aren't helped by how, even in system spaces, we're often misunderstood, mocked, and fakeclaimed. It'd be nice to find more content or resources about/for polyfrag systems, but I'm not holding my breath.
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fluidstatick · 2 months
Dear Left-of-Center American,
So you're not in a swing state, you hate the electoral system we've got, and you want to cast a protest vote, or abstain entirely.
Consider this:
If you vote blue, you suck the joy out of the other guy voting red.
Walk with me --
Biden's terrible, you said, repeatedly, last week. He's always been terrible. And I don't disagree with you. He's done a lot of bad things. There's blood on his hands. That's true of every president America has ever had. (Yes, Carter too. Don't get distracted. Stay with me, here.)
Now that Biden's dropped out, you still don't want to vote. Harris has done a lot of shady things. You point to Haiti, California's prisons, her voting record on various and sundry policies that you like or don't like. But I'm looking you in the eyes. I'm holding out my hands. I'm asking you, gently, to step away from the receipts and look at the basic arithmetic of the two party system.
Yknow that person? The one that looks at you funny, like you're either pitiable or disgusting -- Yeah, that one. Maybe you can think of a few. The terven evangelical lady who won't stop sending you anons about gender essentialism and hellfire. The old man you keep running into on the city bus, who loudly scoffs to the guy two seats over "these damn liberals have no shame anymore." The college jock with the massive lifted pickup truck covered in maga stickers. The grey suited board member on c-span who stares dead-eyed at nothing while one of your comrades tries to explain to him why he should care about other people. You know the ones.
Those people vote. They love voting. If they go to church, their clergy encourages them to make godly decisions at the polls. It's a sacred privilege, but it's also fun for them. They love their superhero candidate. They're voting for International Prom King. They're simping over their man so hard it's their entire personality from May to the following January and beyond.
Those people that don't like you started planning for the 2024 election the moment they understood they couldn't scream and curse Joe out of the white house. This is every competitive sport on earth combined for them. They vote because they love the idea of helping their guy score the ultimate super mega touchdown of all time. These people gameify their elections. They're giddy about watching results pour in.
When I was very small, I listened to my lifelong democrat parents criticize Bush Sr. They didn't think I understood what they were talking about, but I knew the man was powerful and was making decisions that made things more difficult for people. I watched Bill Clinton make life easier for my parents, and Americans like them, for eight solid years. (Yes, I learned about bombs and lobbyists and oil subsidies, too. Don't get distracted.) I watched Gore lose the 2000 election, slowly and painfully over the course of weeks. I learned about gerrymandering and voter suppression and swing states and delegates.
And then. When I was in my late teens, too naive to know better, I dated a staunch conservative. The first presidential election I was old enough to participate in was 2004. I was living with the aforementioned conservative. When our voter's pamphlets arrived in the mail in mid October he handed mine to me and said, grimly, "You're gonna vote for Kerry, aren't you?"
I said "of course I am."
He tossed his voter's pamphlet in the trash and said "See, you liberals annoy me. What's the point of me doing my civic duty as an American id you're just going to cancel it out by voting for a socialist?"
(Kerry was not a socialist.)
Bush won a second term in 2004. It wasn't nearly as close as Bush/Gore, because Americans were still deeply paranoid about terrorism, preoccupied with Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Kerry ran on economics. Bush ran on Islamophobia. But I pissed off my conservative boyfriend, his parents, and half of his friends. We broke up not long after that.
And my point is: If you can't convince yourself to show up at the polls in support of the Democratic nominee, and you can't imagine your deeply red state flupping blue, or your historically blue state drifting purple: Imagine looking your most obnoxious bigoted neighbor in the eye and telling them "I voted for the one you don't like. If you think about it, it's like you didn't vote at all."
Is that how voting works? Of course not. Will it piss em off? Yeah, probably.
Vote to spite an asshole with a punchable face, if you want. Just fuckin' vote.
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Lord of the Lost - The electric plug of the iron maiden
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So yesterday I stumbled across this interview with Chris in the new Sonic Seducer magazine. It was pretty short and didn't exactly give us the most specactular news, but as always, Chris had some nice things to say (such as about the bass track on 'The Curtain Falls', speaking up politically or participating at ESC again (ARD, I'm staring at you very intensely, you know what to do!)). And since I was on a short train ride anyway, I used the time to type down some translation for you all. Enjoy!
Lord of the Lost
The electric plug of the iron maiden*
(* the article purposefully doesn't use the band name 'Iron Maiden' here, but the literal German translation 'Eiserne Jungfrau', probably because the journalist thinks they're funny)
Christoph Kutzer
The very moment that the ESC-hype has cooled down, Lord of the Lost are back to continuous operation on various stages. Whether it's at the Agra hall of the WGT or in the Nokia Arena of Finnish Tampere: Energetic live shows are guaranteed. Then there are also the new songs on the extended edition of 'Blood and Glitter'. Chris Harms talked to us about the most recent events, the bass of Iron Maiden's subwoofer Steve Harris and about how Michael Jackson's guitarist found her way to a LOTL record.
Question: Right now, you are constantly alternating between playing club shows, festivals and support shows for Iron Maiden. Isn't that quite a challenge?
Chris: For us as a band it doesn't really matter where we're playing. It's very common to play at different festivals for a varying amount of stage time, on smaller and bigger stages. So we're used to that for a while now. Actually, all the logistics have become easier for us, since we now have an own crew member for every position and every thing that needs to be done. We [as a band] do not have to set up the stage nor do we need to take it down. Sometimes, the moment that the concert begins is the first time that I enter the stage, which I haven't even seen all day long. This way, we as a band get the chance to fully concentrate on doing what we're actually there for: making music. Plus, it offers many well-payed jobs for all the lovely people of our crew. For them of course, this modular setup is a challenge, with all the planning that needs to be done and the stage itself as a construction site, when you play a Maiden show one day, a club show the other, and then on the third day some open air concert.
Question: You are now touring with Iron Maiden for the second time. Have you noticed any differences in the audience?
Chris: That's hard to tell at this point, because as of now we only had one proper Maiden show this year, which took place in Tampere, Finland. We did know the Finnish audience since 2010, but only from festivals or performing as headliners, so it was definitely a different experience. But we'll continue our journey with Maiden in the next days. Just today, we have arrived in England, right now I'm enjoying the evening sun on some English highway rest stop, roughly hundred kilometres north of London.
Question: Did something change for you concerning the requirements? Did your show get bigger? The venues do have impressive sizes …
Chris: Well, the internal setup of Maiden's stage is the same as last year, it might just look different to the outside. This is why we could keep the foundation of our 2022 setup, while implementing some reasonable expansions. To make this tour, we had to ramp up quite a bit, because we practically have to offer a complete production where every single plug is our own. Maiden just gives us one big power plug, and they attach us to their light and sound system, but the rest is ours. Iron Maiden have a great, kind and helpful crew, we made some beautiful friendships there, and it's always an amazing teamwork.
Question: For the shows, you have brought a new opener, 'The Curtain Falls'. I was impressed by everything Klaas is playing there. Is that some hidden reference to Steve Harris?
Chris: Well, it actually is to some degree. After the Maiden tour of last year, I bought myself Steve Harris's signature model of the Fender P-Bass, kind of as a memory to this alleged once-in-a-lifetime experience. So this led to me writing one song on this exact bass, imagining the kind of song that I would like to open the summer shows with. I wanted to write something that, in my eyes, would be the perfect opener. That's how 'The Curtain Falls' came to be. And since all these bass lines from the demo in which I played every instrument on my own have shaped the song so much, we actually kept my original bass track for the final version of the song. Klaas said: 'Let's keep your track, it has so much spontaneity and soul, you cannot reproduce that for the album version. But I'm looking forward to playing that live.'
Question: Were 'The Curtain Falls' and 'noituLOVEr' only produced after the original record was completed? Since both songs are just on the newest edition.
Chris: Exactly, both songs were written when 'Blood & Glitter' had already been in press. All the other new songs were actually recorded together with the rest of the album in Finland, March 2022, but we wanted to keep them for the extended version. It would have been too many duets for the main record.
Question: One of those features has the guitarist Jennifer Batten, who has become quite a legend with her collaboration with Michael Jackson.
Chris: A friend of mine is playing the bass in Jennifer's solo band. He told me that she really enjoyed LOTL when he showed her some tracks that one time. So I gathered all my courage and asked him to ask her for a guest solo. She said 'yes' immediately. The little boy in me who had watched this legendary 'Live in Bukarest' concert of Michael Jackson on tv back then in the 90s, and who totally lost it seeing Jennifer Batten play, was very very happy once we found out that Jennifer would actually be part of a LOTL track.
Question: Since we're already at special moments: How did you experience your performance this year at WGT? Was that a little bit like coming home?
Chris: In a way, WGT is always like coming home. But this year I could finally put this really big checkmark behind another dream: For one time, being the headliner at WGT at the Agra hall.
Question: But apart from scene borders, you actually have one of the most colourful audiences you could imagine in front of a stage. Is the typical Lord of the Lost fan willing to face all these new surprises? Like the glitter currently, which might not have been that expected?
Chris: Hm. I think the glitter was actually not that surprising at all. It has always been a part of us. Maybe not to this extent or this concentrated. Also, luckily there is no typical Lord of the Lost fan. All of them are so unbelievably diverse, and I think that's fantastic!
Question: In November, you will play at Gothic Meets Klassik again. Then there is the LORDFEST in December. I would imagine both events to be very preparation-heavy. Where do you get all that time from?
Chris: Well, the Gothic Meets Klassik event has been prepared for years. We were supposed to play there in 2020 or 2021, I cannot properly recall, but then it had to be postponed. So all the notes have already been written. For everything else, we do have three rehearsal days in Leipzig, right before the show. That's it. Which means that the hardest part of the preparation for me right now is to actually buy a nice suit. For the LORDFEST, most of the preparation is done by our crew and the local production, so it's all in the hands of other people who'll get the instruction from us to arrange everything as we want it to be, and within a certain given budget. The only thing we need to do is come up with a setlist, get in touch with some surprise guests, then rehearse for two or three days, and then we can already get on stage.
Question: I feel like over the years you have taken a more and more political stance. Was that just not this visible before when you hadn't yet been this much in the spotlight or was there a growing need not to leave certain things uncommented?
Chris: I have always been someone who wouldn't keep quiet about these things, but back then I was quicker to get intimidated by those people who tell you to 'make music and not politics', which is utter bullshit of course. Apart from that, I gotta say that I still don't see it as political to think that Nazis are shit. But yeah, when I have to stand up and fight for a freer, more tolerant and sympathetic world, then I will always do that. Online and in real life.
Question: Will you be watching the upcoming ESC together as a band event and revel in your memories?
Chris: If we do find the time, we will do that. But even more importantly, we will apply again every single year. Even when it's practically a given that we won't be allowed to participate again after having come last once. But the experience was so awesome, we need to have that again!
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March 27, 2024
MAR 28, 2024
The news that NBC News reconsidered its invitation to former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel to become a paid contributor has buried the recent news about some of the other participants in Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. 
Yesterday a judge in Minnesota ruled in favor of a warehouse owner who sought to evict MyPillow after it failed to pay more than $200,000 in rent. MyPillow chief executive officer Mike Lindell has complained that his company has been “decimated” by his support for Trump. His insistence—without evidence—that the 2020 presidential election was stolen has entangled him in expensive defamation lawsuits filed by voting machine companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. 
Lindell cannot pay his lawyers and claims to have “lost hundreds of millions of dollars,” but insists he is being persecuted “because you want me to shut up about [the] security of our elections.”
Also yesterday, Trump loyalist Kari Lake, who has pushed the idea that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, ran for Arizona governor in 2022, and is now running for the U.S. Senate, admitted she defamed Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer and that she acted with actual malice when she claimed he “sabotaged” the 2022 election. The request to admit to defamation came on the day that discovery, the process of sharing information about a case with each side, was to begin, suggesting that she preferred to admit wrongdoing rather than let anyone see what might be in her emails, texts, and recordings.
Arizona journalist Howard Fischer reported in the Arizona Daily Star that in a video statement, Lake said her admission did not mean she agreed she did anything wrong, although that is expressly stipulated in the court papers. She said she conceded because Richer’s lawsuit was keeping her off the campaign trail. “It’s called lawfare: weaponizing the legal system to punish, impoverish and destroy political opponents,’’ Lake said. “We’ve all seen how they’re doing it to President Trump. And here in Arizona, they’re doing the exact same thing to me.’’
One of Lake’s senior advisors said: “Kari Lake maintains she has always been truthful.” 
Also yesterday, a three-member panel of the D.C. Bar’s Board of Professional Responsibility began a disciplinary hearing for former Department of Justice environmental lawyer Jeffrey Clark, who was so key to Trump’s plan to get state legislatures to overturn the results of the 2020 election that Trump tried to make him attorney general.  
Clark joins Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who led the media blitz to argue—falsely—that the election had been stolen. Giuliani’s New York and Washington, D.C., law licenses were suspended in June 2021 after a court found that he made “demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers, and the public at large.” He is now facing disbarment. 
Earlier this month, he said on his podcast that he expected to be disbarred because “[t]he Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what. I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong.”
Today, after a long trial, attorney discipline judge Yvette Roland recommended that John Eastman, the lawyer who came up with the justification for using fake electors to overturn the 2020 presidential election, be disbarred. Eastman will immediately lose his license to practice law. The California Supreme Court will decide whether to disbar Eastman. 
Eastman’s lawyer said it was unfair to take Eastman’s law license because he needs to make money to fight the criminal charges against him in Georgia, where he has been indicted for his part in the effort to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election there. For his part, Eastman maintains he did nothing wrong.
In her recommendation, Judge Roland compared Eastman’s case to that of Donald Segretti, the lawyer whose efforts to guarantee President Richard Nixon’s 1972 reelection included, as Roland’s recommendation noted, distributing letters that made false accusations against Nixon’s rivals (including a forged letter attributing a slur against French-Canadians to Maine senator and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Edmund Muskie). At the time, the court noted that Segretti was only 30, thought he was acting for Nixon, and did not act in his capacity as a lawyer. The court also emphasized that Segretti “recognized the wrongfulness of his acts, expressed regret, and cooperated with the investigating agencies.” 
In contrast, Roland wrote, “[t]he scale and egregiousness of Eastman’s unethical actions far surpasses” Segretti’s misconduct. Segretti acted outside his role as an attorney, while “Eastman’s wrongdoing was committed directly in the course and scope of his representation of President Trump and the Trump campaign.” Roland also noted that while Segretti expressed remorse and recognized his wrongdoing, Eastman has shown “an apparent inability to accept responsibility. This lack of remorse and accountability presents a significant risk that Eastman may engage in further unethical conduct, compounding the threat to the public.”  
One by one, those who worked with Trump to overturn the election are being held to account by our legal system. But still, they refuse to admit any wrongdoing. 
In that, they are following Trump.  
Despite Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order, Trump continued today to attack both Merchan and his daughter. On his social media site, Trump posted that Merchan was trying to deprive him of his “First Amendment right to speak out against the Weaponization of Law Enforcement, including the fact that Crooked Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and their Hacks and Thugs are tracking and following me all across the Country, obsessively trying to persecute me, while everyone knows I have done nothing wrong!” Trump posted in great detail about the judge’s daughter, accusing her of making money by “working to ‘Get Trump,’” based on images shared by an old social media account of hers that had been hacked. 
It was President Nixon who perfected the refusal to admit wrongdoing in the face of overwhelming evidence. Even after tapes recorded in the Oval Office revealed that he had plotted with an aide to block investigations of the break-in at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Hotel by invoking national security and Republican Party leaders told him he needed to resign, he refused to admit wrongdoing. Instead, he told the American people he was stepping down because he no longer had enough support in Congress to advance the national interest. He blamed his fall on the press, saying its “leaks and accusations and innuendo” were designed to destroy him.
Gerald R. Ford, the president who replaced Nixon, inadvertently put a rubber stamp on Nixon’s refusal to accept responsibility. Believing it was better for the country to move past the divisions of the Watergate era, Ford issued a preemptive pardon for any crimes the former president might have committed against the United States while in office. Ford maintained that the acceptance of a pardon was an admission of guilt. 
But Ford’s pardon meant Nixon never faced legal accountability for his actions. That escape allowed him to argue that a president is above the law. In a 1977 interview with British journalist David Frost, Nixon told Frost that “when the president does it…that means that it is not illegal,” by definition. 
As Nixon did, Trump has watched those who participated in his schemes pay dearly for their support, but he appears angry and confused at the idea that he himself could be held legally accountable for his behavior.
But without accountability, as Judge Roland noted, there is no incentive to stop dangerous behavior. Josh Dawsey reported last night in the Washington Post that since Trump has taken over the Republican National Committee and purged it of former employees, those interviewing for jobs are being asked if they believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Other questions, Dawsey reported, include “what applicants believe should be done on ‘election integrity’ in 2024.” 
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granulesofsand · 1 year
Selective mutism vs no talk program anon again. I should probably also add that the way verbal issues are presented are different for that alter and most others as they would not necessarily be too overwhelmed to talk but rather parsing the right words together is difficult and the body feels lightheaded. I know skills can vary throughout the system but I sometimes hear about high support level autistic systems saying individual alters can’t be nonverbal and we consider ourselves low support
Part 1: What you asked
🗝️🏷️ RAMCOA, programming, torture mentions
I don’t love how we’re talking about alter identities through the lens of the whole system, but I can help with the programming aspect of this.
This may be programming. If it is, it would likely be scramble or no-talk, depending on the perception of the alters effected. If you already know you have a history of programming, I would lean more towards that possibility.
Scramble progs mix up information both ways. While active, those effected might have difficulty comprehending speech from others or producing it themselves. It can change the way visual or tactile information is perceived as well. Scramble progs are sometimes tied to no-talk, but they don’t have to be.
Other no-talk progs target language, movement, or thought. This can look like inability to put sentences together, lack of understanding of known languages, clenched jaws, biting your tongue (usually not off), brainfog, sudden flooding of emotions or memories, lots of things.
Both are installed by torture, but the alters effected need not hold the programs and the programmed alters need not remember events. The more alters involved, the more complex the structure of the system.
Selective Mutism is associated with anxiety, but I don’t think it’s required for diagnosis. Alters are rarely diagnosed individually because it would be on the record of the whole system. If this alter ever speaks aloud, Selective Mutism might be accurate. I would not say that the system has Selective Mutism just because some speak aloud and some do not.
I have Opinions about alter-specific labels, so the rest is about that.
Part 2: the Opinions
🗝️🏷️ syscourse, alter labels
These use our system as an example because we exist this way and have these experiences as anecdotal evidence. It might be relevant to you, but here’s a TL;DR— alters should be able to identify with labels if they fit that description.
With our experience as a Deaf system, I have no qualms with an alter being Deaf. This is because Deafness is a subjective experience reliant on community and ability. An alter who is deaf/hard of hearing/similarly effected would be Deaf if they know and use a signed language and participate in the Deaf community.
Some systems are not as clear-cut with alters. Some systems share memories between members. Some systems consider themselves collectively one person. All of these are good reasons to refuse an opt-in label like Deaf, but ultimately no one else decides whether or not you are Deaf enough.
Alters are capable of producing varying presentations within a body. This is a well-researched phenomenon, and if it were not there are still many systems who live this reality. Some effects only appear the same, others functionally are.
We have asthma. The younger alters have not had treatment for asthma, so the body has severe asthma when they are fronting. Their brain maps do not include information about medications and their effects, only what they front for. They would also have mild asthma if they took the medication for a while.
Alters in our system qualify for personality disorders, for different heart conditions or digestive issues. All of these tie back to trauma, but every alter has a different set of life experiences to inform their health.
Similarly, support needs are going to vary by alter. One body may not be treated as having this variety, but that is because of an assumption of singular self. It makes sense that some alters have different symptoms, and what they ID as should be up to them.
Refusing an alter’s right to choose who they are is only proof that others do not see us as whole. If you are an alter who feels this way, you may adjust your labels accordingly.
It is not acceptable to treat every system like this without intimate knowledge of who they are and how they function, and even then it would be preferable to talk it out rather than make their decisions for them.
If an alter is nonverbal in the same way a singlet is nonverbal, they should be able to choose that label accordingly. It may well be that this protector is nonverbal rather than SM, or it may be programming. They should have the space to determine which seems to fit best and how to proceed.
We have many alters who are nonverbal, but some of us were tortured into behaving otherwise. We were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and if we had not split someone who could do what was asked, we would have died.
We maintain relationships by alter rather than as a body, so many of our friends know our body as nonverbal because this is all they will ever see. Alters have the experience of being nonverbal all the time, they should be allowed to find peers who understand them.
I don’t see this as the same as race; you cannot change the body’s race, you cannot have the experience of another body’s race. An alter can have experiences with many other things. It is little more than the Deaf community gatekeeping from those who are HOH or use cochlear implants. Sometimes we do belong, and we are not wrong for existing.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Performing in Houston on October 27, 1979; photo via RockinHouston dot com.
"Over the past 40+ years of publishing Blitz Magazine, one of the absolute highlights of that experience has been meeting, interviewing and getting to know a wide variety of the musicians who inspired this journalistic adventure. In the upper echelons of that group was a visionary and musical virtuoso who co-founded the band that was ultimately Blitz Magazine's pick for Best Band of the Twentieth Century, the Monkees. Born Peter Halsten Thorkelson in Washington, D.C. on 13 February 1942, Peter Tork was a classically trained pianist, who also excelled on banjo and bass guitar. Upon joining the band in 1965, Tork brought to the table a wealth of experience in classical, folk, rhythm and blues and rock, adding to the mission statement that would ultimately make the Monkees' catalog one of the most richly diverse in all of music. [...] 'This is not the kind of home that you would expect that someone who went through the kind of money that I did to be living in,' he said half in jest, as he beckoned Blitz Magazine inside of his modest home [in late 1979]. Nonetheless, his surroundings reflected one for whom music remained an all consuming passion, from the various instruments stationed in the living room, to the state of the art stereo system. Next to that stereo system sat a fascinating selection of vinyl albums, highlighted by releases by Donovan Leitch and Chuck Berry, with Martha And The Vandellas' 1965 Dance Party album on Gordy Records at the top of the stack. 'We need to run a quick errand first before we get started,' Tork said. 'I need to recycle.' With that, we loaded an assortment of used plastic containers in the trunk of his decades old, four speed import sedan and made the short drive to a neighboring recycling center. 'This is important to me,' Tork said above the din, as we joined others in adding to the pile of compost at the recycling center. 'It's up to each and every one of us to do our part.' As we headed back to his home, it was obvious from his comments that he had spent much of the past decade and a half on the defensive. The mainstream media had upon occasion been less than charitable in its coverage of him and his bandmates, and he had had enough of it. I nonetheless reassured him (as he was already fully aware) that Blitz Magazine was most definitely in his corner, and had come to sing his praises. With that, we once again sat down in his living room, as he held court and delivered what was arguably one of the most commanding and inspirational interviews of his lifetime. 'Blitz 'em all!,' he said, as we parted company late that afternoon. By the mid-1980s, the Monkees (with lead guitarist Michael Nesmith participating during select live appearances) had returned to form, recording occasionally and touring with a vengeance. Blitz Magazine would occasionally run into him at various industry functions. It was most encouraging to see that his passion and enthusiasm were very much in evidence. Eventually, Tork began to fill his time between Monkees activities with another musical project that would command much of his attention for the remainder of his life: the band Shoe Suede Blues. With a repertoire that included such well chosen outside material as Roy Head And The Traits' 1965 Back Beat label signature single, Treat Her Right and duly inspired original compositions, Shoe Suede Blues recorded prolifically and developed a formidable reputation in its own right as a live entity. Most frustratingly, the band's 1996 Justus album for the Rhino label did not sustain the considerable momentum inspired by its release. Nesmith again opted for a sabbatical from the band after a brief tour of the UK in support of the album, making Justus the final album involving all four original band members (percussionist David Thomas Jones succumbed to cardiac arrest on 29 February 2012). Nonetheless, in addition to being honored by Blitz Magazine in 2001 in the Blitz Awards as Best Band of the 20th Century, the Monkees' 1967 Headquarters album for Colgems Records and the aforementioned Justus album were in turn Blitz's picks for the two best albums of the century. Meanwhile, Tork's musical activities with the Monkees and Shoe Suede Blues continued well into the twenty-first century. Along the way, he added to his curriculum vitae as an online advice columnist and brought into the spotlight in that capacity his increasing interest in spiritual matters. Then in March 2009, Tork was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma, a form of cancer that impacts the head and neck areas. He underwent aggressive treatment, and was thankfully able to resume musical activities within weeks. In the interim, Blitz Magazine communicated with him regularly, encouraging him along the way with prayers and words of support. 'You've always been there for me, and always said nice things about me,' Tork said in an e-mail to Blitz at the time. 'I appreciate it and just wanted to thank you for it.' In reality, his legacy was thanks enough." - Michael McDowell, Blitz Magazine, Facebook, February 2019
Some notable quotes from that 1980 Blitz interview:
“When I recorded ‘Can You Dig It,’ the guitar solo originally ran about three or four minutes all by itself. We cut that back to a minute and a half. Bob Rafelson took a pair of scissors and snipped off the end of it. He didn’t ask me to shorten it, which I would have been glad to do. He just chopped it off. Son of a bitch! I have a lot of gripes about that, but that’s neither here nor there.” - Peter Tork, Blitz!, May/June 1980 (x)
Q: “There has been a lot of speculation as to your whereabouts between 1970 and 1976. How exactly did you spend those years? Some reports said you were victimized by the so-called California culture.” Peter Tork: “To the outside observer, I’m sure it looked as though I had succumbed to the extremities of a given culture. To me, I simply exhibited moderate good sense. Basically, I lived at a poverty level, scratching for odd jobs. I wore a beard, my hair was past my shoulders, and I was working in a restaurant, singing folk songs and waiting tables [see here and here]. I was playing piano and was in and out of various rock groups. I played lead guitar for a rock group called Osciolla [sic]. No records. I was in the bass section of the Fairfax Street Choir, a thirty-give member vocal group. I also fronted a group of my own and tried to make a demo, but it didn’t go anywhere. I had a job offer to come out here to Venice. I also worked as a high school teacher. The mass media has a tendency to distort. As long as capitalism remains the underpinning of society, what is good will always take a back seat to what will sell. General Motors isn’t concerned with making a quality automobile. Sears isn’t concerned with offering a quality television set. All that counts in a capitalistic society is selling. And to the mass media’s way of thinking, a picture of Peter Tork as a so-called ‘burned-out hippie’ with a beard and long hair implies a hopeless case who can’t lift his hand to his face to get his razor up and who has no interest except in stealing to support his drug habit. If that’s what sells, they’ll print that. The truth of the matter is, my primary concern was and is self-realization in a social setting.” - Peter Tork, Blitz!, May/June 1980 (x)
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askmalal · 2 years
“What, exactly, did the Romans have against Christians?”
(In full transparency, this question was asked in person, but I thought the rest of you might be interested in the answer.)
Part One of My Answer:
This is a very complex question to answer. After all, why exactly does anybody hate anyone else? That is not a question that can be answered here, little one, and as such, there is much more to this than meets the apparent eye, and much more that those of us who did not know the specifics of each person’s psyche cannot possibly know.
So? We look for broadly shared opinions and institutional prejudice.
First, it is important to point out that Christianity was not consistently outlawed under the Emperors. The religion, which was a Mystery Cult as far as the Romans were concerned, was initially ignored, outlawed, then alternately “tolerated” and persecuted at times and through the reign of Constantine (early fourth century AD) who formally legalized the faith and forbade repression thereof. Even Julian the Apostate (you MUST look him up, fascinating man) didn’t outright ban Christianity during the brief revival of the pagan state during his brief reign in the 360s.
That said, Christianity was more often regarded with intolerance than with tolerance, and we are fairly confidant that those martyrdoms recorded by early Church figures are almost certainly true events in the majority of times. We know this, because the Romans sometimes recorded them themselves, and because the Romans had a very strange thing (Slaaneshian even) for ironic torture and execution, lending further truth to the lost bizzare accounts. But you did not ask -how-; you asked why.
First, conservative Romans viewed any secret society as being a threat to the natural order of things . Indeed, this is perversely why so many Romans sought membership in such societies. It was the seditious, rebellious thing to do. For the most part, the authorities left non state-sanctioned religions alone. The disdain was a formal, intellectual sort of prejudice, but it did not often extend to active repression. Hence, Mithraism and the Cult of Orpheus were faiths that were neither legal nor illegal. They were in a grey sort of area. They simply “were.”
These could be tolerated in part because the Roman world viewed religion in a rather unique manner.
For Example: Roman Mithraists were themselves probably monotheists (there is only one god, and he is Mithras, messianic son of the creator, who slew the bull of chaos, yadda yadda.) However, they -also- did their state duties. They made their sacrifices, they observed their holidays, they took their oaths. They were personally devout, but did not see participation in a state religion that contradicted their own as sinful. At worst, it was play acting to keep grandma happy.
This was hardly exceptional amongst Roman citizens. Romans of the Pan-Olympian faith could accept most foreign faiths, reasoning that these were merely foreign interpretations of the gods. Re is really Jove, The Fates are simply agents of Janus, Osiris is the Egyptian Pluto, etc. Those who were members of other congregations, and Roman atheists for that matter, still engaged in the stare ceremonies. They were a unifying link, a part of the established system. Important to social and familial advancement.
But then there were Jews and Christians. Hellenized Jews were typically easy to integrate into Roman society, and were often tolerated even when their beliefs did not allow them to participate in all state rituals, mostly because they were well behaved, and seen as model, productive citizens. Non-Hellenized Jews were also granted a fair amount of leeway -outside- Judea, though within is a very complex matter not really germane to our conversation.
But Christianity did not fit so easily into this mold. Conservative Romans said that Christians refused to do their duties to the state. They said that they did not observe the holidays, make the sacrifices, swear the oaths.
This was, in part, true. Many Christians refused to take part in ceremonies or observe the holidays. However, other Christians -did-, either taking the pragmatic view that this was all just play acting in service to the state, or because they regarded such things in an entirely secular matter. (“Saturnalia means lots of time off work!”)
The main issue, however, the one about which most Christians refused to be adaptable, was the swearing of oaths. In particular, any oath that was directed toward the Emperor. Whilst most Emperors were viewed as high ranking, but ultimately mortal, several were in fact deified. Furthermore, the Romans viewed the Emperor as a sort of metaphorical representation of the state. And so, you didn’t make an important oath of allegiance to the state: you swore it to the Emperor as icon of that state, and you often did it by paying your respects to an image: a statue, or in some cases a coin bearing his likeness. This, the overwhelming majority of Christians refused to do. It was idolatry. Indeed, a large number of Christian soldiers (soldiers often being called upon to make such oaths) would ask to swear alternative oaths: to the state itself, for instance, or to the defense of the people. In intolerant periods, this was a death sentence, as during the reign of Diocletian for example when a group of forty Egyptian Legionaries, all Christians, refused to swear an oath to Diocletian despite proven loyalty to the state, and were executed en masse.
Disloyalty, was of course a very useful excuse for intolerance. Because there were other reasons to distrust the Christians, from the conservative Roman point of view. Some were nefarious, some were born of fear, and some were utterly ludicrous.
I’ll touch on those next.
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qocsuing · 1 day
Infrared Headphones: A Deep Dive into Their Technology, Benefits, and Applications
Infrared Headphones: A Deep Dive into Their Technology, Benefits, and Applications
Infrared headphones are a unique type of wireless headphones that use infrared (IR) light to transmit audio signals. This article explores the technology behind infrared headphones, their benefits, and various applications.Get more news about infrared headphone manufacturer,you can vist our website!
Understanding Infrared Technology Infrared technology involves the use of IR light to transmit data. In the case of infrared headphones, an IR transmitter connected to an audio source sends signals to the headphones, which have an IR receiver. The receiver decodes the signals and converts them into sound. Unlike radio frequency (RF) or Bluetooth headphones, infrared headphones require a direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver, as IR light cannot penetrate walls or other obstacles.
Benefits of Infrared Headphones One of the primary benefits of infrared headphones is their ability to provide high-quality audio without interference. Since IR signals are confined to a specific area and do not overlap with other wireless signals, users can enjoy clear and uninterrupted sound. This makes infrared headphones ideal for environments with multiple wireless devices, such as home theaters or conference rooms.
Another advantage is the privacy they offer. Because IR signals do not travel through walls, the audio remains confined to the room where the transmitter is located. This ensures that conversations or media playback are not overheard by others outside the room, making infrared headphones a great choice for confidential meetings or private listening sessions.
Applications in Home Entertainment Infrared headphones are commonly used in home entertainment systems, particularly in home theaters. They allow viewers to enjoy movies or TV shows without disturbing others in the household. Additionally, multiple pairs of infrared headphones can be used simultaneously with a single transmitter, enabling family members or friends to watch together while maintaining individual volume preferences.
Use in Educational Settings In educational settings, infrared headphones can enhance the learning experience by providing clear audio to students without distractions. They are particularly useful in language labs, where students need to listen to audio recordings or participate in interactive lessons. Infrared headphones can also be used in classrooms to assist students with hearing impairments, ensuring they receive the same quality of instruction as their peers.
Role in Assistive Listening Devices Infrared technology plays a crucial role in assistive listening devices (ALDs) for individuals with hearing impairments. Infrared headphones can be used in theaters, auditoriums, and places of worship to provide clear audio directly to the listener. This helps individuals with hearing difficulties to fully engage with performances, lectures, or religious services without background noise or interference.
Challenges and Limitations Despite their benefits, infrared headphones have some limitations. The requirement for a direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver can be restrictive, as any obstruction can disrupt the signal. Additionally, the range of infrared headphones is typically shorter than that of RF or Bluetooth headphones, limiting their use to smaller areas.
Another challenge is the potential for signal degradation in brightly lit environments. IR signals can be affected by strong light sources, such as sunlight or fluorescent lights, which can interfere with audio transmission. Users need to ensure that the listening environment is suitable for infrared technology to achieve optimal performance.
Future Prospects The future of infrared headphones looks promising, with ongoing advancements in IR technology and increasing demand for wireless audio solutions. Researchers are exploring ways to enhance the range and reliability of IR signals, as well as developing new applications for infrared headphones. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative and versatile uses for infrared headphones in various industries.
Conclusion In conclusion, infrared headphones offer a unique and effective solution for wireless audio transmission. Their ability to provide high-quality, interference-free sound makes them ideal for home entertainment, educational settings, and assistive listening devices. While they have some limitations, the benefits of infrared headphones make them a valuable addition to any audio setup. As technology advances, we can look forward to even more exciting developments in the world of infrared headphones.
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shrijitradingdmcc · 8 days
Transparency in Metal and Precious Stones Trading: A Commitment to Ethical Sourcing and Legal Compliance
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In the intricate world of metal and precious stones trading, transparency is not just a buzzword but a fundamental principle that underpins the industry’s credibility. As consumers and investors increasingly demand ethical practices, our company stands at the forefront, championing transparency in every aspect of our operations. From meticulous sourcing to rigorous legal compliance, our commitment ensures that every transaction is not only lawful but also morally sound.
Legal Compliance and Ethical Sourcing: The Cornerstones of Our Transparency Commitment
At the heart of our operations lies a steadfast commitment to legal compliance and ethical sourcing. We understand that in the trading of metals and precious stones, maintaining transparency is essential for building trust with our clients and stakeholders. Our adherence to international laws and regulations is non-negotiable, and we continuously update our practices to align with the latest standards.
Our company strictly follows the guidelines set forth by the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) for diamonds and the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) standards for gold and other precious metals. These frameworks are designed to prevent the trade in conflict minerals and ensure that our sources are free from unethical practices. By adhering to these regulations, we provide our clients with the assurance that their investments are not inadvertently supporting violence or exploitation.
Ensuring Traceability: Steps We Take to Guarantee Transparency
Traceability is a cornerstone of our transparency efforts. We have implemented a robust system to track the origin and journey of every metal and precious stone we handle. This involves comprehensive documentation and verification processes that start at the source and extend to the final transaction.
Our supply chain is meticulously monitored to ensure that every step, from mining or extraction to final sale, adheres to our strict ethical standards. We work closely with reputable suppliers who share our commitment to transparency, and we conduct regular audits to verify their compliance with our ethical sourcing policies. By maintaining detailed records and performing due diligence, we ensure that each material's journey is fully traceable and verifiable.
Promoting Ethical Practices Through Collaboration and Certification
In addition to our internal measures, we actively participate in industry initiatives that promote ethical practices. Our company is a proud member of several trade organizations that advocate for transparency and responsible sourcing. Through these partnerships, we collaborate with other industry leaders to address challenges and promote best practices in metal and precious stones trading.
Certification from independent third-party organizations further reinforces our commitment to ethical sourcing. We undergo regular assessments to maintain our certifications, which serve as a testament to our adherence to high standards of transparency and ethical conduct.
Conclusion: A Transparent Future in Metal and Precious Stones Trading
Transparency in metal and precious stones trading is more than a regulatory requirement—it is a core value that drives our operations. Our commitment to legal compliance, ethical sourcing, and traceability ensures that our clients can trust in the integrity of their investments. As we continue to lead by example, we remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of transparency, ensuring that every aspect of our business reflects our core values and commitment to ethical practices. In doing so, we not only build trust but also contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future in the industry.
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csanoopjain1 · 4 months
Best CS Classes in Delhi
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CS Anoop Jain Classes: Your Gateway to Becoming a Top Company Secretary in Delhi
Are you aiming for a career as a coveted Company Secretary (CS)? Do you seek the best CS classes in Delhi to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to excel in this dynamic field? Look no further than CS Anoop Jain Classes!
Company Secretaries play a pivotal role in ensuring corporate governance, legal compliance, and ethical conduct within companies.
At CS Anoop Jain Classes, we are dedicated to empowering students to achieve their CS dreams. Our commitment goes beyond providing mere exam coaching. We equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in the dynamic world of corporate governance.
Why CS Anoop Jain Classes are the Best in Delhi
Delhi, a hub of education and professional opportunities, attracts aspiring Company Secretaries (CS) seeking a fulfilling career path. However, navigating the plethora of coaching institutes can be daunting. Here’s why CS Anoop Jain Classes stand out as the best CS classes in Delhi and best choice for your CS aspirations in Delhi:
i. Unparalleled Faculty Expertise
ii. A Learning Experience Beyond Compare
iii. Comprehensive Course Structure:
iv. Unwavering Support System for Success
v. Embracing Technological Advancements
vi. Proven Track Record of Success
Unparalleled Faculty Expertise
The cornerstone of CS Anoop Jain Classes success lies in its exceptional faculty. Led by the renowned CS Anoop Jain himself, the team boasts:
Unmatched Experience: CS Anoop Jain brings over 7 years of rich experience to the classroom. His engaging teaching style simplifies complex legal concepts, making them readily understandable.
Subject Matter Experts: Each CS subject is handled by dedicated faculty members with in-depth knowledge and practical expertise. This ensures students receive focused instruction tailored to each subject’s intricacies.
Guest Lectures by Industry Leaders: CS Anoop Jain Classes frequently invites practicing CS professionals and industry veterans to deliver guest lectures. This invaluable exposure bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world scenarios, preparing students for future challenges.
A Learning Experience Beyond Compare
CS Anoop Jain Classes fosters a dynamic learning environment designed to go beyond rote memorization:
Interactive Sessions: Best CS classes in Delhi at CS Anoop Jain Classes are interactive, encouraging active participation through discussions, case studies, and problem-solving exercises. This active learning approach fosters a deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.
Focus on Practical Application: The curriculum emphasizes the practical application of legal principles. Students learn to translate theoretical knowledge into real-world situations, equipping them for the demands of the CS profession.
Regular Performance Monitoring: Regular mock tests, assessments, and personalized feedback reports provide a clear picture of student progress. This allows them to identify areas requiring improvement and refine exam-taking strategies.
Comprehensive Course Structure:
CS Anoop Jain Classes offers meticulously designed coaching programs for both the CS Executive and CS Professional levels. These programs encompass the entire syllabus, leaving no stone unturned:
Structured Learning Modules: The curriculum is divided into well-defined modules, making complex topics easier to grasp and retain.
Updated Study Materials: CS Anoop Jain Classes provides comprehensive and up-to-date study materials, including textbooks, notes, and practice papers. These resources are constantly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest amendments in company law, accounting standards, and other relevant regulations.
Focus on Recent Exam Trends: The faculty closely analyze recent exam trends and incorporate relevant case studies and question patterns into their teaching, ensuring students are well-prepared for the actual exams.
By choosing CS Anoop Jain Classes i.e best cs classes in delhi you gain a dedicated partner in your CS journey. We provide a supportive and stimulating learning environment, coupled with the expertise.
CS Anoop Jain Classes: Course Offerings and Learning Options
Having explored the reasons why CS Anoop Jain Classes is the ideal choice for your CS coaching needs, let’s delve deeper into the specific course options and learning formats we offer:
Our Course Offerings:
CS Executive Coaching: We provide comprehensive coaching for the CS Executive program, equipping you with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Company Law, Cost and Management Accounting, Company Accounts and Auditing, Economics and Tax Laws.
CS Professional Coaching: Our meticulously designed CS Professional program builds upon the knowledge gained in the Executive stage. It delves deeper into advanced topics like Securities Law, Corporate Governance, SEBI Regulations, and more, preparing you for the final stage of the CS course.
Catering to Diverse Learning Styles:
We understand that every student has a unique learning style. To cater to these individual preferences, we offer a variety of learning formats:
Regular Classroom Coaching: Our interactive classroom sessions provide a structured learning environment. You benefit from direct interaction with our esteemed faculty, real-time clarification of doubts, and the opportunity to engage in classroom discussions.
Weekend Batch Coaching: This program is ideal for working professionals or students pursuing other commitments. It offers intensive coaching sessions on weekends, allowing you to balance your studies with other responsibilities.
Fast Track Batch Coaching: This accelerated program is designed for students seeking a quicker completion of the course. It condenses the learning period while maintaining the comprehensiveness of the curriculum.
Online Coaching Classes: For those seeking greater flexibility, we offer online best CS classes in Delhi. You can access pre-recorded lectures and study materials from the comfort of your own home, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.
Supportive Learning Materials:
To supplement your learning journey, we provide a comprehensive set of study materials, including:
Course Handouts: Our meticulously prepared handouts summarize key concepts, essential formulae, and important case studies for quick reference and revision.
Mock Test Papers: Regular mock test papers mirror the actual exam format, helping you assess your understanding, identify areas requiring improvement, and develop effective exam-taking strategies.
Previous Year’s Question Papers: Analyzing past exam papers familiarizes you with question patterns and trends, allowing you to approach the exam with greater confidence.
Your dream career as a CS professional begins with the right foundation. CS Anoop Jain Classes provide a comprehensive, interactive, and practical learning experience, delivered by renowned faculty with a proven track record of success. Their unwavering support system, focus on practical application, and commitment to student success make them the best CS classes in Delhi and the best choice for aspiring CS professionals in Delhi.
At CS Anoop Jain Classes, our commitment extends beyond preparing you for the CS exams. We equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in the professional world.
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dannyslittlecave · 4 months
Introduction to NDIS Worker Screening Checks
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening check is a vital component of the NDIS, aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of participants. This comprehensive screening process is designed to assess the suitability of individuals seeking to work with NDIS participants, ensuring that only those who meet strict safety and ethical standards are allowed to do so. In this article, we will explore what the NDIS worker screening check entails, its importance, and how it contributes to safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
Understanding NDIS Worker Screening Checks
The NDIS worker screening check is a rigorous background check conducted on individuals who wish to work or volunteer with NDIS participants. This check is part of a broader framework to protect participants from potential harm. It involves assessing a candidate's criminal history, workplace misconduct, and any other relevant background information that might indicate a risk to the safety of participants.
The process is standardized across Australia, ensuring consistency and reliability in the screening outcomes. This uniformity helps to maintain high safety standards nationwide, regardless of where the NDIS services are being provided.
Key Components of the Screening Check
Criminal History Check: A thorough review of the applicant's criminal records, including convictions, charges, and pending court cases, to identify any history of violent or abusive behavior.
Workplace Misconduct: Examination of any past workplace misconduct, particularly in roles involving the care of vulnerable individuals, to assess the risk posed by the applicant.
Disciplinary and Regulatory Information: Consideration of any relevant information from professional bodies or regulatory agencies that may affect the applicant's suitability for working with NDIS participants.
Other Relevant Checks: Additional checks may include verification of identity, right to work in Australia, and reference checks to provide a comprehensive assessment of the applicant's background.
Importance of NDIS Worker Screening Checks
The primary purpose of the NDIS worker screening check is to protect participants from harm. NDIS participants are often among the most vulnerable members of society, and they deserve the highest level of protection and care. By implementing a robust screening process, the NDIS ensures that only individuals with a clear history and suitable character are permitted to work with participants. This not only enhances the safety and well-being of participants but also fosters trust in the NDIS system.
NDIS worker screening checks are an essential safeguard in the NDIS framework. By thoroughly vetting individuals who wish to work with NDIS participants, the screening process helps to create a safer and more secure environment for some of the most vulnerable members of our community. In the following articles, we will delve deeper into how these checks are used to protect participants, the specific mechanisms involved, and the overall impact on the NDIS community.
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rayanabee · 4 months
What is a school physical?
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Your child’s pediatrician will measure your child’s height, weight, and blood pressure during the physical. A pediatrician may also examine your child’s eyes, flexibility, heart and lungs, ears, nose, and throat and feel for abnormalities in the abdomen. Additionally, your pediatrician will administer any necessary vaccinations requested by the school during the physical.
Your pediatrician will gather more information about your family and medical history to properly assess your child’s health. An examination, as well as a medical history, are equally important. It is helpful to know about past illnesses, surgeries, or conditions, such as asthma or chest pains, to diagnose and protect against complications.
What is the need for so much information about your child’s medical history?
The medical history section generally consists of questions such as:
If any of the family members suffer from any serious illnesses?
Any previously diagnosed conditions of the child (asthma, diabetes, etc.)
Has the child previously undergone any Injuries or surgeries?
Has your child ever passed out, felt dizzy, had chest pain, or had trouble breathing during exercise?
Is your child currently taking any medication? If yes, tell the reason for it.
One of the essential parts of the school physical may be providing this information. It would be best if you had your child help you answer these questions, so they know their medical history. To determine if a child has any conditions, doctors consider this information.
School physicals 
Our pediatricians closely monitor our children as they grow to ensure that they meet all their developmental and growth milestones. A school physical exam may be required your child to be eligible for a sporting or academic team. Our pediatricians at Urgentway Walk In Medical Exam can help ensure your child meets these requirements. A physical usually only takes a few minutes, provides a clean bill of health, and meets school requirements. Furthermore, physical exams help doctors ensure that your child has received all the necessary vaccinations to protect them from disease. Additionally, vaccines protect others from diseases, so they are an essential part of your child’s health and other children’s health.  However, a doctor’s check-up is required for older children participating in school sports.
Is a school physical invasive, and what does it include?
A school physical is not invasive and covers all the health requirements. It includes:
Vitals check
To determine your child’s vital signs, we will check their pulse and blood pressure. In addition to assessing height and weight, we’ll also record growth spurts and weight changes, which can put an additional strain on joints, muscles, and bones.
Eye exam
Your child’s eyes are examined to check for proper vision and determine whether prescription lenses are needed or if your child’s current prescription needs to be changed.
Fitness assessment
Our next step is to examine your child’s heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose, and throat. The doctor will check the patient’s cardiovascular system and recommend any restrictions on physical activity.
Joints and flexibility check
Our team will evaluate your child’s strength, flexibility, posture, and joints to determine where the child is at risk of injury and provide exercises and tips for building a healthier body.
Our pediatricians will inform you if anything is concerning or requires further evaluation during the screening. Our aim for the school physicals at Urgent Way is to make the medical examination as pleasant and relaxing as possible. If your child feels comfortable, a more accurate assessment is possible.
How do school physicals differ at different stages of a child’s life?
School physicals have the same goal no matter where your child is in life, but there are aspects to expect as your child grows. Before starting school, children in preschool and kindergarten should ensure they have received all the required vaccinations. Additionally, at this age, children learn what to expect at the doctor’s office, what questions to ask, and how to make their health a priority.
Children who take elementary school exams learn to understand their bodies and be healthy. In addition, kids are delighted to see how much they have changed since the last time they visited.
Exams start getting more challenging in middle school. The ages of 11-14 are a time of significant change for adolescents, so let the doctor explain any changes. As much knowledge, strength, and self-confidence as possible will be given to you by your doctor in this time of significant change.
High school students are almost ready for their annual wellness exams. Providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to make the right decision will be the doctor’s role.
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futureotstudent · 7 months
Maternal and Child Health: The Heart of Our Communities.
At the heart of every household, family unit, and broader community lies its future. This future is embodied with laughter, hope, dreams, ideas, and potential. At the heart we find our future generation...our children. The wellbeing and development of our children remains the foundation that our future is built on. This development goes beyond just nurturing bodies but also growing the minds and the potential that lies within our children. Now imagine a mother overwhelmed and with little motivation. She has a little baby and doesn’t know how she is going to manage her other children, responsibilities and generate income. In a study by Canadian Paediatric Society (2004), it is discussed how infants interact constantly with their mothers and the mental health of mothers have influences on the development of children. Imagine that little sprout of potential wither without the necessary stimulation and factors that aid growth. This is the reality of our South African communities. Can we then blame mama for doing the best she can? 
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According to Imdad et al. (2017), both overnutrition and undernutrition have negative effects on the growth and development during pregnancy and infancy and places the child a risk of chronic illnesses in adulthood. From my experience within most urban communities and culture women are advised to eat a nutritious diet and sometimes may even take supplements to boost her nutritional intake and immune system during pregnancy. This however is not always the case in rural context. Poverty remains a prevalent issue in rural communities. A nutritious diet may be found lower down on the list of priorities. An article by Ramakrishnan et al. (2012), states that nutritional status before and during early pregnancy impacts early developmental processes. This can lead to developmental delays, education difficulties and in the long term this may affect performance in school, job acquisition in the competitive job market given our country’s unemployment rates and overall contribution to society.
Teenage pregnancy also remains a prevalent issue in both urban and rural South African communities. According to Africa (2022), an alarming amount of “106 383 registered live births” were recorded between the ages of 10-19 years in 2019. This was unpacked with a case I encountered within the community. A toddler was brought to the mobile clinic by his aunt and his cousins due to his mum still being a scholar. Unfortunately, there isn't always somebody to care for babies within a community. This leads to young mothers dropping out of school, academic pressure due to the stress of having to care for a baby, responsibility falling onto other family members (e.g., Gogo) or child-led households in some cases. This has negative socio-economic implications due to difficulties gaining employment in the future, the additional strain on mental health may result in a strained relationship between mother and child, Gogo or other family member experiencing caregiver burden- contributing to poor community and child development.
HIV is another prevalent issue within community that cannot be ignored. Mothers who are HIV positive risk contracting the virus to their child whilst breastfeeding. In an article by Njom Nlend (2022) , it states that although mother to child HIV infections have decreased worldwide, transmission of the virus via breastfeeding still contributes to “50% of paediatric HIV infections recorded every year”.  We must realistically consider that breastfeeding is an economically appropriate alternative to formula milk due to poverty. If a mother is not compliant with her ARV’s she may not be able to work and contribute to society monetarily and socially. If the child’s HIV is not managed properly, he/she would not be able to develop and participate in age-appropriate occupations.
Within rural South Africa there are also many women lead households. This added responsibility along with post partem depression may cause decreased time spent with baby, resulting in decreased stimulation and the increase in the responsibilities taken on by other children, such as seeing to the needs of younger siblings. This also implies less time to assist older kids with school related tasks, impacting the occupational balance and age-appropriate engagement of occupations of the child. This affects their ability to focus on education and in turn may negatively impacts school performance and maximizing the child’s potential.
So, what does this really mean for us as occupational therapists…
Practicing within the community requires a different lens. You need to see the humanness within a client and understand their experience of life. This week I learnt not only that there are challenges that exist but there are also those factors due to circumstances or the community itself that cannot be changed but need to be acknowledged and challenged.
As an OT that is entering the community from the outside it is important to show cultural humility. Cultural humility can be described as the “negotiation between two worldviews”- yours and your clients (Schuster, 2021). Just because these issues are not as prevalent in your community does not mean they do not exist. You may never fully understand their experience but you are to display understanding and acceptance. This improves therapy outcomes, compliance from clients and the openness of clients when they feel they are understood.
Health promotion is an important component of occupational therapy. Many cases within the community are due to the lack of knowledge and this results in the worsening of a condition. During maternal and paediatric screening, a case of medical negligence and worsening of disability was identified due to the lack of insight and loss of trust in healthcare professionals. This is just one case- health promotion also helps identify difficulties earlier on to prevent the worsening and to improving education on common paediatric conditions for early intervention. It also provides the pathways and guides to seek assistance.
It was also discovered that many creche going children within the community are non-verbal despite already passing the age-appropriate developmental milestone. Due to socio-economic factors and mothers needing to work, teachers at creches and primary schools need to be trained by an occupational therapist to bridge the gap of developmental delay by providing a stimulating learning environment. If intervention is provided early the delay could be “caught up” (Cleveland Clinic, 2023).
Occupational therapists have the most important role of identifying barriers from an occupational science lens and addressing the barriers to promote maternal and child health. For example, they need to see the problem, the root of it and figure out how to mitigate this issue to achieve the goal of good maternal and child health.
So, if we look back to our mama who is overwhelmed and her children who are taking on additional responsibilities. We cannot change her reality but we can dig deeper into preventing the expected negative outcomes by putting the necessary measures in place to bridge the gaps. If you want to see the change in the interlinked relationship between mother and child and achieve good overall community health, your clinical eyes need to see past your own familiarity.
Africa, S. S. (2022, March 28). The Young and the Restless – Adolescent Health in SA | Statistics South Africa. Stats Sa. https://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=15261
Canadian Paediatric Society. (2004). Maternal depression and child development. Paediatrics & Child Health, 9(8), 575–598. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724169/
Cleveland Clinic. (2023, March 27). Developmental delays. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14814-developmental-delay-in-children
Imdad, A., Lassi, Z., Salaam, R., & Bhutta, Z. A. (2017, January 1). Chapter 1 - Prenatal Nutrition and Nutrition in Pregnancy: Effects on Long-Term Growth and Development (J. M. Saavedra & A. M. Dattilo, Eds.). ScienceDirect; Woodhead Publishing. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B978008100168400001X
Njom Nlend, A. E. (2022). Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Through Breastfeeding Improving Awareness and Education: A Short Narrative Review. International Journal of Women’s Health, Volume 14, 697–703. https://doi.org/10.2147/ijwh.s330715
Ramakrishnan, U., Grant, F., Goldenberg, T., Zongrone, A., & Martorell, R. (2012). Effect of Women’s Nutrition before and during Early Pregnancy on Maternal and Infant Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 26, 285–301. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3016.2012.01281.x
Schuster, D. (2021, May 13). Honing Cultural Humility Skills Can Improve Health Care as a Whole - Penn Medicine. Www.pennmedicine.org. https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-blog/2021/may/honing-cultural-humility-skills-can-improve-health-care-as-a-whole
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webercarrier2b · 8 months
Criminal lawyers ct
This section of the penal code guarantees the right to legal representation to every person who is the focus of a criminal inquiry. "Law" refers to a broad category of academic fields. In this sector, attorneys can choose to specialize in litigation, personal injury, commercial and residential real estate, family law (including divorce and child custody), or both. Under bankruptcy law and commercial law, there are several subfields. Business law leads the legal field in expertise. In order to make all pertinent legal areas easily accessible to other attorneys, we have carefully documented them all. Companies that run into problems frequently seek advice from lawyers who specialize in corporate law. The virtually limitless subspecialties that are available to lawyers exacerbate their already significant challenges.
Criminal lawyers ct
Everyone should have easy access to a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer in case they wish to refute claims or feel threatened. Participation in this seminar is required. Being able to remain composed in the face of criticism is a commendable quality in an expert. When protecting your rights and interests is crucial, this is the right thing to do. The meeting is too crucial to be postponed at this time. If this choice is made under duress, the consequences can be disastrous. Thus, we will accept that at face value criminal attorneys in Connecticut Identifying and resolving that fundamental problem is our current top goal. An excessively harsh punishment could be imposed even in situations where guilt is established. This crime may result in financial fines, community service requirements, probation, or potentially license suspension. You may have completed the job if you had arrived at one of these sites earlier. I apologize sincerely if this appears like a huge list. Choosing to have a criminal record removed can have a profound impact on one's life. It is not stated how long this contractual term will last. You alone have the responsibility. Staff members who break the law without informing their boss face harsh consequences. It seems like lately, you've been thinking along these lines more frequently. If you take this action, your odds of achieving these outcomes will increase. Our legal team at Weber, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP is aware of the lethal consequences of a guilty verdict. Since they would do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of their customers, you may put your trust in them. They have reached the peak of their profession thanks to their unwavering perseverance. They can handle this aspect of the case thanks to their extensive background in criminal defense. Being quick is really important. We are prepared to represent you in court if something occurs that could materially reduce your standard of living, both now and in the future. You'll get the most use out of your stuff if you follow these procedures. If ensuring your safety comes first, proceed with extreme caution. Given the circumstances, you must proceed with the utmost caution in your immediate action. We won't stop working until your rights are upheld and every claim is investigated. Our proactive and fundamental approach may prove to be the decisive factor in any legal matter. The legal team at Weber, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP can help you or a loved one avoid paying large fines. Several illegal acts are connected to these claims. Connecticut businesses face immense pressure to find a solution because their clientele comes from all across the state. Among the traffic infractions that our clients have successfully prosecuted are speeding, drunk driving, and irresponsible driving. The police have accused these people of forced entry, theft, infiltration, and burglary, among other offenses. Break-in reports proliferated quickly. I am really sorry for anyone who is encountering the legal system for the first time. We are facing a formidable foe. I usually succeed in achieving my goals when I set my sights on them. Creating a compelling case against you is the prosecution's main objective. As of yet, no one outside of our little circle has been notified. If they follow this counsel to the letter, they will succeed. When handling legal concerns, having legal representation is essential. The most crucial element in attaining therapeutic efficacy is regular attendance. Our top priority is ensuring your safety. Like most people, you appear to have inherited a gift for storytelling. Within your own organization, you are not just a number. Proceed with extreme caution. Since you are recognized to be responsible for gathering this important information, we have complete faith in you. I beseech you to place complete trust in my announcement right now.
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joanshan · 1 year
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Men, Rise!
A long, long time ago, when the light of human consciousness was still undimmed, there existed a balance between genders. The males and females on this planet intuitively knew their part in the plan (though not necessarily in the way we think of gender roles today). Women were the portals of life and the carriers of spiritual wisdom and guidance, and men were the guardians and protectors. The work of women was truly sacred. Men sought women’s guidance in all decision-making, and in return, they created a safe place for women to do their work.
Today the world evolved to greater complexity in terms of genders and the roles we take on. However, our core original gifts are still within us – women still bring life to the planet and as such, have a stronger connection to spirit and a deeper understanding of the value of life, and men are still built to guard and protect. This, however, applies to the two genders in general and does not obligate every individual to follow a specific path. For example, a woman choosing to serve in the army and never have children should be respected and honored, but it does not negate the broader energetic makeup of the genders.
Recently, a YouTube video triggered within me a memory of the sacred role of men and the deeply powerful safe space that they can create for women within any relationship, a space, in which the women can exhale and feel empowered and uplifted. This, I thought, is what men can truly offer women – a profoundly safe space, not only physically, but mentally, and emotionally.
And yet… at no time in recorded human history did men (collectively) make women (collectively) feel truly safe. Instead, there was a systematic dismantling of the women’s sense of value and safety. Over the centuries, women were stripped of their identity as the spiritual navigation system of humanity and prevented from engaging in their sacred duties. Women lost the ability to manage their lives and were required to be obedient to their male counterparts. Women were denied participation in social and political systems and had to rely on men to shape their lives. Women were stripped of financial independence and were forced to be fully dependent on their male family members. Women were used by men for pleasure and then shamed for it and forced to bear sole responsibility for any consequences. Women lost the ability to control their biological functions and to make choices about the timing and direction of their lives. Women were held responsible for the physical, emotional, and sexual violence that was done to them and had little opportunity for escape. The list can go on and on…
Today’s women learned to keep themselves safe in many different ways – they use martial arts, walk in groups, carry pepper sprays, promote code phrases that can allow one to escape unwanted and potentially violent attention in a public place, and so on. And you may shake your head and think, “poor women,” but let’s be clear, the consequences of the way that women in our world are made to feel are profound for all of us, extending to the entire humanity.
Imagine that a person engages in self-harm (cutting, for example), but only cuts the left arm, always leaving the right arm free of physical scars. You would probably agree that the experience of self-mutilation would affect the whole person regardless of which part of the body was cut. In the same way, when one half of humanity harms the other, the entire humanity feels the pain whether it realizes it or not. When the spiritual guides and wisdom keepers of the species are treated as no more than mommas at a baby mill, the consciousness of the entire planet suffers, and without a strong spiritual guidance system, all of humanity is bound to wander about without finding its path.
We are at a point in human evolution when the consequences of the imbalance between genders (regardless of one’s sexual orientation or individual job preferences) are coming to the surface. We must heal this imbalance so we can move forward as a species, so it is time to remember who women are and what they represent. Men, rise and answer your divine call to be the guardians of humanity. Honor women for their wisdom and their power. Realize that as portals of life women are not only seeded with respect for it, they also carry an innate understanding of how to manage its flow. Rise, men, and use your beautiful strength to create a safe place for women.
Source: Men, Rise!
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