#(first Meggy asks him about it and now I’m asking too)
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Stabby stabby time 😌✨
(Original meme audio source can be found via this YouTube video!!)
#once again I’m so bad at putting silly short meme stuff onto my main channel without thinking it’s gonna humiliate me HELP 🥲#l’ll get over it this is my exposure therapy hour#it doesn’t help that I told classmates in college about my YouTube channel and didn’t think about how that would fuck with my anxiety lol#like ‘OH NO WHY DID I DO THAT THEY’LL KNOW I’M CRINGE AND WEIRD NOW’#listen if people can’t tolerate you at your cringiest and you feel like you need to mask around them 24/7 then it’s not worth#you gotta be your authentic self and enjoy your interests regardless of how people view it#trying to people please the masses is only going to wear you out and make you feel disconnected from yourself#‘fuck it we ball’ mentality saves lives tbh#….I don’t know I’m still trying to pep talk myself into it being socially acceptable to post sillies :’)#for now this will be a Tumblr exclusive until I stop being a baby about it✨#(also wouldn’t it be funny if my channel has a running joke of everyone not knowing what Puzzles age is? Just a thought)#(first Meggy asks him about it and now I’m asking too)#(no wonder the guy pulled out a knife people won’t shut up about his age lmfao)#mr puzzles smg4 meme#mr puzzles animated#smg4 girl how old are you I’m getting nervous meme#girl how old are you I’m getting nervous mr puzzles meme#hplonesome art
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This was actually written for my fic right before the most recent episode, which is kind of funny, as it is the start of mr puzzles trying to apologize/explain things to smg4.
Mr. Puzzles waited for Smg4 to be alone before he approached, well aware that this situation could quickly go wrong.
Smg4 tensed up when he a) saw Mr. Puzzles, b) noticed that they were alone and c) Mr. Puzzles is between Smg4 and the exit of the room.
“I would like to talk.” Mr. Puzzles held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Though if you don’t, I will leave.”
“…really.” Smg4’s expression was understandably wary.
“Really.” Mr. Puzzles confirmed.
“Then…then leave.” Smg4 said, though clearly wondering what kind of a trick this was.
Mr. Puzzles turned to do just that; this was much too soon, just as he’d told you before he approached Smg4’s home. Mr. Puzzles made his way out of the castle before quietly meandering his way through the showgrounds before reaching the wooded area. He paused upon hearing Smg4’s voice.
Mr. Puzzles didn’t turn around.
“You meant it.”
A statement.
“As much as I do love to go on and on when I am able, I have learned that my…past actions may have been much too extreme.” Mr. Puzzles twitched. “The meme factory stunt you subjected me to was, shall we say, an eye-opening experience?”
“You don’t have any eyes.”
“I do, they’re just digital ones.” Puzzles retorted.
There was a long silence.
“What did you want to talk about?” Smg4 asked.
“Perhaps ‘talk’ isn’t so much the term.” Mr. Puzzles fidgeted, stopped, but kept his back to Smg4 as he continued. “More apology, and an explanation”.
“Apology.” Smg4 said flatly. There was an incredulous pause. “Are you serious right now?”
“I am leaving, as you asked, if you’re not ready to hear me out.” Mr. Puzzles said.
“And if I don’t want to hear your apologies or excuses?” Smg4 sounded nervous, as though Puzzles might push the issue. Or maybe, the man thought Mr. Puzzles might try to take him into his television mindscape like before.
“Then I will simply have to accept that.” Mr. Puzzles responded after a moment. “As I just told you before, I’ve become well aware of just how much my actions, both directly and indirectly, have caused.”
“Do you actually understand?” Smg4 sounded angry, but there was fear just below it. “What you put all of us through, for your own gain?”
“Just as you did in the meme factory?” Mr. Puzzles couldn’t help but retort. “To Meggy and myself?” When Smg4 didn’t respond, Puzzles took the opportunity to address Smg4’s first question. “No, I do not understand, so much as I can surmise what happened. I can’t understand how badly things affected you personally. How it affected Meggy, and your other friends. And that’s because I’m not you.” Mr. Puzzles hesitated. “But we’re not so different, you and I, so may I wager a guess?”
Smg4 continued to be silent, but doesn’t tell Puzzles to stop talking, or leave.
“Nightmares.” Mr. Puzzles said simply. “A replay of nightmares of those events happening, or occurring, again.” Puzzles’ shoulders dropped, his voice dipping to a softer tone. “The feelings of inadequacy. The idea that no matter what you do, eventually, no one will like it. You feel like a failure, even if there are many they still support you. The fear of losing everything you hold dear, unless you can recapture that feeling you initially had. Of doing what you love, and sharing it with others. To enjoy the satisfaction and happiness that comes from sharing those creations with others.”
Mr. Puzzles didn’t realize that he’d sat down on the grass, not that his screen had settled onto a miserable, teary eyed expression. Not had he noticed that Smg4 now stood in front of him, but a good distance away with a curious look on his face. Mr. Puzzles looked away, so he was surprised to hear Smg4 settle down on the grass as well, about ten feet away.
Smg4 was quiet, then raised his gaze to Puzzles. “Let’s hear it, then.” Smg4 eventually said.
“I-“ Mr. Puzzles felt a strange relief that there was no hostility (for the moment) in the smaller man’s voice. “All right.” Mr. Puzzles exhaled with a staticky sound. This was an opportunity he likely wouldn’t l get again, so Puzzles knew that he had best get this apology and explanation right.
#fic snippet#performance enhancing coffee fic#but much later#smg4 mr puzzles#smg4#I am writing and doodling my worries over tomorrow’s episode away
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Who the hell is Daddy??? - Pt 2
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes; OFC/Meghan Snow; OFC/Darcy Hunt; Other Avengers mentioned
Content warnings: Angst; Pregnancy
Legend: Italics are OFC Journal entries
A/Notes: This is part 2, Part 1 can be read here, please read that first or this may not make sense
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
The next day
I barely slept last night, what little I did sleep was out of pure exhaustion and no more than about half an hour at a time. By the time 5am came around Bucky still hadn’t come back to our room and he hadn’t answered any of my calls or messages.
I wanted to talk to Steve or Nat, but they had gone away for the weekend so I couldn’t talk to either of them. I figured I’d call my Mum and maybe talk to her but it was still super early, so I thought, why not drive to their place and talk to her in person.
I packed a bag to stay the night and around 2 hours later I arrived at my parents house. The place where I grew up, I took my first step, had my first date, my first alcoholic drink. The place where I lost my virginity and most importantly, the place I first told Bucky I loved him, about 6 months into our relationship.
As I walked up the front path, the door swung open and Mum was standing there. I ran to her and she opened her arms and just squeezed me and I broke down crying.
“Meg, baby, what’s wrong?”
“Just ev..everything Ma.”
“Oh love, do you want a cup of tea and we can talk?”
“Ye..Ye.. Yes p..please”
We went inside, Mum made a cup of tea and grabbed a box of tissues and we went and sat in my old bedroom so we could talk without any interruptions. Dad wasn’t home so it was just us.
She let me drink about half the tea and calm down a bit before she continued.
“Now Meggy, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Oh Mum, I thought he’d be ha..happy but he st..stormed out and he didn’t com..come ho..home.”
“Ok, well how about you tell me what you thought he’d be happy about and what happened before he stormed out.”
“I.. I.. Oh god, why is it so hard to say..”
“You’re having a baby?”
“You knew? Then why did you ask?”
“I’m your Mum, I know you, and I couldn’t think of much else that it would be. You needed to say it, but I get why it’s hard, the last reaction you had was so far from what you wanted or thought it would be. Oh my gosh, I’m going to be a Nanna? Just wait until your Dad gets home, he’s going to be over the moon.”
I laughed because I knew she was so right. I know his reaction will be what I’d hoped Bucky’s would be.
I explained everything to Mum while we waited for Dad to get home. I told her that we hadn’t discussed kids and that we were good with using protection, that the flu I had a couple of months ago must have reduced the efficacy of the pill I was taking and we didn’t think to use any backup. I told her that I was nervous and scared but also excited because I thought Bucky was my endgame and I was his.
I showed her pictures of the box I put together to let Bucky know about the baby. Then I told her about what happened after I gave him the box.
“Mum, he didn’t explain anything, he just left and he didn’t come back. I suppose we should have spoken about kids before now but he just said he needed some air and he left. I know it’s sudden but I was excited about it - I still am I guess, but it’s definitely taken some of the shine off it.”
“Well, that does sound odd. I would have thought after all he’s been through that he’d be jumping for joy at starting a family.”
“Me too, see I’m not being unrealistic to expect that reaction am I? I mean, if he really didn’t want kids, you think he’d tell me at the start?”
At that moment, the front door opened and I heard my Dad’s excited voice. “Meggy, I didn’t know you were coming? Where are you?”
“In the kitchen with Mum.” I laughed for the first time in the last 15 or so hours.
Dad came through the door and almost picked me up he was so excited to see me. “Oh darling, I’m so excited you’re here. I have a little league match that I’m coaching this afternoon. Where’s Bucky,? As soon as I saw your car, I thought maybe he’d like to come with me, give you and your Mum time to talk, or you can come too if you want.”
At that, he noticed my face fall. “Meggy my darling, what’s wrong?” He picked me up off the chair and hugged me to his chest.
“Oh Dad, everything. I think you should sit down, I have some stuff to tell you.” Dad sat at the table next to me and reached over to grab Mum’s hand “To answer your first question, I don’t know where Bucky is. He’s not here, that much I do know. I think we might be over, he left last night and didn’t come home.”
“Now the reason he left, because last night I told him I’m pregnant.” I smiled at Dad to let him know I was ok with being pregnant, even despite Bucky’s reaction I’d just let him know about.
“My baby’s having a baby? I’m gonna be a Granddad? Oh I can’t wait to tell the guys at the club - none of them have grandkids yet.”
“See, that’s the excitement I was after, why is that so hard.”
“Honey, he must have a reason for his reaction, he’s not a cruel man. You just have to sit down and talk to him”
“I know Mum, but it’s kinda hard to talk to him when I don’t know where he is.”
With the perfect timing of a movie or tv show, my phone started ringing at that moment. I nervously picked it up and told Mum & Dad that it was Steve.
“Hi Steve, what’s up?”
“Hey Megs, do you know where Bucky is?”
“I don’t Steve, I haven’t seen him since last night. I was going to ask you if you knew where he was.”
“Last night? Did he go on a mission or something?”
“Ummm, no, we had a.. well I guess you’d call it a fight, and he left. He didn’t come home all night. I left early this morning and I'm at my parents place right now.”
“Oh, say hi to them. What happened if you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t but I’m not sure I want to talk about it over the phone. I was going to stay here tonight, because I really can’t lay in our bed and wait and have him not come home again.”
“Was it that huge a disagreement Megs?”
I sighed thinking I may as well tell him. “Steve, I may as well tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone else ok?”
“If you ask me not to say anything I won’t, you know that.”
“I know, I just have to be sure, because, well, I’m pregnant Steve. I thought Bucky would be excited but he got really strange and asked me why I’d tell him this and think he’d be happy about it. Then he said he needed air and he just left.”
“Oh, ok, wow. Ummm, yeah.”
“Steve??? You’re having a similar reaction to him, is there something I don’t know about?”
“I guess you could say that. Even though I don’t know where he is, I know he’ll be spiralling down a rabbit hole right now. But you really need to ask him about it. ”
“Well, that would be easier if he would answer my calls or messages.. I guess I’ll just have to keep trying. If you see him, please ask him to talk to me.”
“I will. And Megs, don’t give up on him and allow him to explain his thought processes..”
“Ok Steve, thanks.”
I decided then and there to try him again, I hadn’t tried calling him since before I left the tower. I called and again it rang several times then went to voicemail, so I knew his phone was on.
“Hey Buck, I’m not sure what’s going on but I guarantee whatever you think is happening probably isn’t. I just need you to talk to me so I can put your mind at east. Please, please call me. Or come to me, I’m at Mum & Dad’s place. Please Buck, I love you.”
Not 30 seconds later, my phone started ringing, his face and name showing up as the caller.
Taglist:@cjand10@angstysebfan@psychictazzy76@lovely-geek@samanthaneedsanap @kentokaze @iheartsebastianstanstuff @void-imaginations @wolfsbeanpotion
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SMG4 Cyber World
Chapter 2: The tuna
3rd person pov:
15/04/XX 10:23
Smg4 surprisedly woke up earlier than usual, he gets up, dressed and get breakfast (bread with butter) and directly went to the “tuna”, on his way he saw a poster about the Supreme Leader that had been tagged by (probably) some teenagers.
He didn’t pay more attention than that and directly went to the area where the “tuna” was.
The old sushi restaurant who was here before was totally destroyed, actually, the whole quarter was destroyed, some people said it’s the gouvernement who burned all the street because someone was disobedient to them, but the band know it was wrong, it’s Bob who burned it when he burned the sushi restaurant.

15/04/XX 11:08
Smg4 get in the restaurant and went to the cave, when he push the door he found some of his friends talking together.
🩵-Hi Smg4! You came pretty early today.
💙-Hi Tari! Yeah.. I don’t know why I woke up SO early
🩷-11am it’s not what I call “early”
The fact that Saiko was talking to 4 with a sarcastic tone means she totally forgot about the discussion of yesterday.
💜-Oh come on Saiko, you know 4 usually wakes up at like, what, 1pm?
💙-Haha keep laughing guys, anyways, where is Boopkins and Bob? They’re usually the first to be here.
🩷-Bwaa, they’re probably fleeing from the police or something likes that.
🩵-Boopkins explained to me the mafia was kinda tense those times, he thinks a conflict between the gouvernement and the mafia that takes care of zone “B” will explode soon.
💜-Am I the only one who doesn’t understand what they mean by “zone”?
🩷-They never revealed it to any of us, and I understand them! I mean.. just imagine what the mafia will do to them if they learn that two of their employees have a friend who work for the police, so I don’t want to imagine what they will do if one day they revealed to us about those “zones”.
💙-Uhf.. I wish I could work with the mafia too.. I’d finally have some adventure in my monotone life.
🩵-I don’t think it’s a good idea to join the mafia NOW, Boopkins also told me that the gouvernement were arresting more people then before they suspect to be in the mafia, even if they don’t have any good proofs.
💜-It seems like they are scared of a rebellion..
🩷-Noooo do you think there’s some people who want to change power? I mean.. good for us! But..
💜-I’m only making supposions, but it’s kinda possible.
The silent grow, Smg4 decided to broke it.
💙-Hey, what are YOU guys doing here early too?
🩷-We decided to meet earlier so we can talk about preparing a party for Meggy! You didn’t check your messages… don’t you?
💙-Really? Why you guys doing that? It’s not like she’s going in another country.
🩷-She’s gonna work for the police 4, that’s even worse..
The guys were silent again and if Boopkins and Bob didn’t arrive at this moment they would probably didn’t talk until the supreme leader resign.
🤎-Hi guys! Sorry for being late.
💙-Bob! Where you guys were?
🐠-We were running away, of the police.
🩷-May I ask you for what reason this time?
🤎-Because Boopkins thought it would be a good idea to use the money for buy sugar for cakes..
🤎-..and that idiot bought cocaine instead of sugar..
🐠-For my defend the two look like the same.
🤎-..and the drug dealer was a policeman in disguise.
💜-What did you guys did of the policeman?
🐠-We putted him in the “hole of silence”.
🩵-W..What is the.. “hole of silence”?
💙-That’s an old building which is known because the network doesn’t pass and as no one passes there we don’t hear you screaming.
🩵-Oh.. charming..
🩷-Guys we need to focus about the party for Meggy!
🩵-Yeah you’re right!
🩷-We gonna go by teams of two, Tari and Melony you will make the cake (or buy it), Bob and Boopkins you guys find the dishes, I will call Mario and Luigi to tell them to take the diner and Smg3 and 4 you two will take the decorations, okay?
💙-Do you really cares if we’re okay or not?
🩷-Absolutely not. Now, everyone go buy your things everything have to be ready until tonight!
🤎-Wait, and what are YOU doing?
🩷-I make sure Meggy doesn’t come here until everything’s prepared.
🩵-I sent a message to Melony and she’s okay with it.
🩷-Okay then... GO, GO, GO!!
Everyone got out of the “tuna” and went in different directions.
15/04/XX 11:47
Smg4 and Smg3 went to “Decorpseration”
(decoration + corpse).
It was the only store who still selling decorations in the whole Sima Ring, so everything was kinda expensive.

💙-70.^ ?!! (.^ = bucks) They think we’re rich or smt??
💜-Yeah that’s the same price then in the Loda Area.
💙-Shall we do a hold-up?
💜-For party decorations?
💜-Fuck yeah.
💙-My apartment is not very far from here, we can go get guns and hoods and come back.
💜-Yeah sounds good.
They got out of the store and went to 4’s apartment, on they way to it they talk about all and nothing.
💜- …Hey 4?
💙- Hm?
💜- Are you… alright? Like how do you feel about Meggy and all?
💙- I- Y- yeah… I guess…
💜-…You still feel guilty.. right?
💙-How could I’m not? I’m the reason why the world is like this. And now I’m going to be the reason why my friend’s going to die.
Smg4 lose his cold blood and start to yelled and cried.
💙-All of this is because I became crazy about a stupid video.. all is my fault..
💜-4 I totally understand what you feel but try not to scream in the middle of the street, you don’t want to attract the attention of police officers..
Smg4 did I quick look around him and saw people looking at him in a strange way.
💜-Looks it’s only 12:02, we can go to your apartment and I can cook us diner.
💙-But.. the party..
💜-It’s for tonight 4, we still have the time don’t worry.
Smg4 quickly nods and they went to his apartment.
💜-Go sit on your couch I made the diner
Smg3 opened a drawer and was surprised to see that Smg4’s alimentation was only made of bread when he said he only had bread.
💜-You’re such an idiot.. I’m gonna command something.
💜-I don’t care and didn’t ask. So, what you want? I’m kinda into some hot dogs, what about you?
💙-Take the same order as you.
💜-K if you want.
Smg3 called the restaurant and the manager seems kinda surprised someone command food but whatever.
10 minutes after they receive their food and ate it.
During the I.G.B.P arc when Smg4 throw the USB, it fusions with the goo and made a creature half-human, half-technology and it took over the world in only 3 years, 7 years later it’s still in control and is called the “Supreme Leader”
The end of the chap2
Code color:
💙 = Smg4
💜 = Smg3
🩷 = Saiko
🩵 = Tari
🤎 = Bob
🐠 = Boopkins
(Sorry if you’re color blind)
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Nefarious pt. 4
Aaron Hotchner x OC
summary: In a constant game of life and death, two people meet. Changing their lives and those of everyone around them.
Warning: mentions of murder, death, talk of mental health issues, angst all over (its Criminal minds after all)
AN: this is a filler chapter. Its mostly angsty but nothing really bad happens yet.. I hope you all enjoy. As always, let me know what you think!
disclaimer: I do not own criminal minds or its characters. The only thing originally mine are the characters and storylines I created!
Where does the good go?
Janice Lee wrote ‘draw a monster, why is it a monster?’
Stepping into Natalie Baum’s home a trail of goosebumps ran over Derek’s back. He looked at Rossi, who stood next to him uneasily. As they walked in, a few things came to notice. The room held a cold grey color, not too much furniture and it was squeaky clean. If someone came along mention they had to use it as an operation room Derek would believe them.
David observed the room quietly. His hand rested on his holster, ready to act on his nerves as they were telling him something was wrong. The living room of the cute 80-year-old grandma who worked on her roses everyday held no warmth or life. There were no photographs or signs that a life had been lived in this house. Those beautiful roses outside were nowhere to be seen inside in the house.
“What can I do for you boys?” Natalie smiled at them.
Derek looked at David before answering, “Ma’am as stated before, we need to ask you some things about your neighbors.”
“Your home is very clean Natalie; it doesn’t look very cozy.” David remarked.
Natalie frowned, “It hasn’t been cozy since my husband died 2 years ago. He had a stroke, died on his way to the hospital.”
Derek and David shared a look once again before Derek took the initiative to start the conversation.
“Mrs. Baum, I wanted to ask you about your neighbors. What were you doing the night they were murdered?” Derek asked softly. He didn’t want to scare her, but he needed to confirm her alibi first. It wouldn’t have been the first time he had seen people of age surprise him.
“I was with my niece Christy; she is my sisters’ daughter. She has 3 kids, they’re such angels. We never had children of our own and when my sweet John died, I was all alone. Now I visit Christy and her kids a few times a week. We eat together and sometimes I watch the kids while she does something nice. Her husband left her a while ago, the little shit goblin.” Natalie snarled.
Before Derek could let out a laugh at the last remark, David interfered.
“Do they live nearby?”
Natalie smiled “Oh yes! They live a 10-minute bus ride away. That sweet bus driver always makes sure I’m on time. You can imagine I’m not the fasted walker at this age.”
David smiled back at her while nodding his head. He stood up from his seat to look around.
“We gathered from Ben that you sometimes babysat for the Taylors, is that correct?” Derek asked.
Her smile quickly disappeared when the Taylors were mentioned. “Yes, I do. I’ve met them when they moved here, sweet family. They started inviting us for the holidays a few years ago.”
“So, you’d say that you knew the Taylors well?” David inquired.
“I would say so, yes. Meggie even cleans my house. Poor soul needed a distraction, we talked about it over coffee once and now she comes by once a week.” Natalie answered sincerely.
This made Derek and David look at each other.
“Meggie? You mean Megan Barlow, Allison’s sister? What did she need a distraction from?” Derek asked this time.
With a sigh Natalie answered, “Oh, I don’t like to tell other people’s business. But since you’re from the FBI I’ll tell you. Megan was in a horrible accident 6 months ago. She lost her husband and her two children. I believe she was pregnant at the time too, but when their car hit the water, she was the only survivor. Took her months to recover, just got out of hospital last month. She was a stay-at-home mom, so you can imagine she wanted something to distract herself.”
With a buzz of his phone, Derek stood up and nodded to Rossi.
“Thank you for telling us, Natalie. We will be in contact if we need more information.” David said as he touched her shoulder in a comforting way.
As they made their way to the door, they heard Natalie mumble an “of course” before slowly following them.
Once Derek and David reached the car, Derek pulled out his phone.
“Hey Baby girl, Megan Barlow only got out of the hospital last month, can you send me everything you have on that please?” Derek spoke to Garcia in a rushed tone.
At the station it seemed like time wasted away. Emily and Spencer were still staring at a map of the area as they tried to work out a geographic profile. Hotch was still bowed over a pile of files with JJ. Josie and agent Cole stood together in the lunchroom, both a cup of coffee in hand.
Derek and David arrive at the station with a haste, smashing the door behind them. This seemed to draw the attention of a group of officers and the BAU team. In a beeline Derek and David made their way to Hotch’s office, with Spencer and Emily in tow.
With furrowed eyebrows Derek spoke, “Megan Barlow has been in an accident six months ago. Car to the water, she lost her three children and her husband. Apparently, she was pregnant too. We were just with Natalie Baum, the Taylors neighbor. She told us about it. Megan seemed distraught when she arrived here. Garcia just sent me information. Apparently, she was a stay-at-home mom and after she got out of the hospital she stayed with a friend for a month. Megan refused to speak to her sister, they only spoke at the night of murder. Hotch, I have a bad feeling about this one”
The stoic look on Hotch his face remained as he listened to the story. Once Derek was finished speaking, he grabbed his phone to dial their technical analyst.
“You’re speaking with your personal Wikipedia, you ask, I answer. How can I help you Sir?” Garcia answered cheerfully.
“Garcia, please send me all you have on Megan Barlow, including her files from the hospital.” Hotch ordered.
With a small sigh she answered, “Sir, some of these are sealed. Shall I-“
“Garcia, give me everything you have. Unseal them, I need all the information I can get.” Hotch interrupted as he hung up the phone after.
With a small sound coming from the laptop that was open on the table, the files Garcia sent started flooding in. Ready to be examined one by one by each team member.
As Hotch took a stance next to the laptop, he started giving out instructions. “Alright everyone, start searching through those files. See if you find anything that can lead us to creating a profile.”
While finishing his last sentence he made a run through the door of his office, his eyes searching for a brunette agent. He wasn’t sure if she’d be willing to speak to him again after the way he lashed out towards her last night. He had been so stressed, he missed Hailey and Jack, Jack mostly. His wife had been acting distant lately, but that wasn’t what occupied his thoughts right now. He needed to find Josie and tell them what they discovered.
There she was, seated behind a desk. Her hair now loose, no longer in the ponytail it was in this morning. With a focused look on her face, she worked on whatever was projected on her screen.
“Agent Lovejoy, can we have a word please?” He hushed as he reached her desk. In all truth, she had seen him the moment he came out of the office. However, after he had been such a dick, she decided to ignore his presence for as long as she could. Apparently, that was until now. He called her name, he wanted to speak to her. The critical look on his face didn’t make her feel any better as she nodded while standing up to follow him to the office.
Once they reached the office, agent Cole had already found her way there. She was ready to hear whatever news Hotch had to bring.
As he told them their recent discovery, Hotch saw their faces fall with a horrified expression. Too many times had they seen awful endings involving kids in trauma cases like this one.
“I would like for you to call to the social worker that has visited them. Talk to them and ask what their insides are. After that we will go to the hotel, you two should get some rest too” He finished.
An icky silence fell upon them as an anxious feeling filled the room.
Read the next part here
#aaron hotchner#Nefarious#aaron hotchner fanfic#Criminal Minds#criminal minds imagine#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotchner angst#aaron hotchner x oc#spencer reid#derek morgan#original work
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New ai story because I’m gay and mentally ill
title: a new start
summary: after the whole “it’s gotten be perfect” incident SMG4 has been trying hard not to overwork himself but it is hard when he is stressed and has a fear of being a failure to everyone, he just wants to be a good youtuber that everyone will love, but he fears that he is a failure to his fans, good thing he has one person who can help him with his thoughts, and that person is SMG3.
The two have talked a lot about their fears and doubts so far, and SMG3 has been taking some advice from meggy about what SMG4 should do, and SMG4 has listened and tried his best to listen and think for himself too.
They are currently sitting on SMG3’s bed.
SMG3 turns towards SMG4 and holds him in an embrace. He rests his head on SMG4’s shoulder.
They stay like this until SMG4 starts feeling sleepy. After that they lie down together on SMG3’s bed.
The next morning SMG3 wakes up first and sees SMG4 still fast asleep. He smiles softly.
He gently places his hand on SMG4’s cheek and caresses it affectionately, and then he kisses SMG4 on the nose and goes to get ready for the day.
As usual, SMG4 follows soon after.
After breakfast SMG3 asks SMG4 if he would like to go out for coffee while doing some more videos or interviews.
SmG4 agrees.
After having coffee they both go back home and spend the rest of the evening together, as always.
This time they watch movies, read a book, talk about how they feel at times, and cuddle.
This night is very similar to the other nights, except instead of cuddling after watching a movie, SMG4 is now laying in SMG3’s arms, sleeping soundly.
This is sweet!
0 notes
Actually, I really liked the WOTFI overall, it’s only the ending that rubbed me the wrong way.
We got Puzzles and Leggy bonding in the Meme Factory mini-arc and I’m satisfied with the amount of it that was in WOTFI. There’s still time for Meggy’s feelings on the situation to be explored as a sort of epilogue, wouldn’t be the first time.
I liked the battle being musical it suits Puzzles well. And it’s not like it wasn’t tense during the musical number. The bit where Four and Mario saved Meggy when Puzzles tried to slam her into the ground was awesome. I love that Four sucks at fighting until someone he cares about is in danger and the adrenaline kicks in.
I think it’s fun that if everything had gone according to plan and they hadn’t turned Meggy back… Puzzles would’ve just… kept them playing minigames forever. You’ll play fun games with him and LIKE IT!
Ties into the fact that he’s always calling the crew his “friends”. Y’know

Brainwashing people to force them to spend time with him. He tried asking nicely and it didn’t work. This is the closest to friendship he’s gonna get and he’s just resigned himself to that.
And Meggy is genuinely convinced this is what’s best for him. Alas, the traumatized beanie girl has too much trust in the justice system 😔.
Wish we’d gotten to see her be his lawyer and have him plead insanity thinking this would help.
She’s trying to help even if she’s still really mad at Puzzles! I love that for her! I love her going “I know there’s a scared little child inside you” and trying to help him and get through to him but still being mad about what he’s done and having trouble letting that go even when confronting the most vulnerable part of Puzzles! She finds that scared little child with the intent of talking him down and ends up just yelling at him, but she also literally gave him a part of herself with Leggy!

I think that’s part of what’s made me more okay with the ending. I’ve come around to it a liiittle bit. I still don’t like it because implications of insane asylum and Puzzles was already treading a line there of being a sort of “I’m a twisted cycle path and I’m going to Jeff the Kill you while the song Pretty Little Psycho plays” thing. Y’know the trope: mostly benign due to sheer unseriousness but still sorta villainizing poor mental health.
But… Y’know the more I think about it the less it feels like Meggy was intentionally tricking Puzzles or using his vulnerable, lonely inner child against him. And that makes me a little more okay with it all. I still don’t like it. I don’t blame Puzzles for feeling like he’s been “double-crossed”, but I don’t blame Meggy either (not that I did before. Before I saw it as cruel but understandable in universe given the circumstances, now I see it as Meggy is so well-meaning she wants to help everyone so bad but Meggy. Honey. No…)
Meggy’s earnestly trying to help! I just wish Mario had let Puzzles talk for long enough that he and Four could get some idea what’s going on with Puzzles. (LET FOUR SEE HIMSELF IN PUZZLES ALREADY. THE NARRATIVE FOIL OF ALL TIME! GUYS WHO CARE TOO MUCH ABOUT PLEASING AN AUDIENCE AND ARE BAD AT EMPATHY! BELOVED!) Because right now the only one with any idea what he’s going through is so incredibly ill-equipped to help him and frankly shouldn’t have to! also this

She’s so well meaning but bad at it! I think about this line more than I should! Went to helping people school they told her to whack people with golf clubs and she sees no problems with this.
So bad at helping! Mario would literally rather die! I love her!

uuuhhh where’s that post

Also OOOH! I’ll have to keep an eye out for your fanfic.


I’m so mad about this. I’m so mad. I’m so mad.
because okay. Okay remember this.

His super dramatic flinch here and there was that post going around like “I wonder what happened in Mr Puzzles’ childhood to make him flinch like that“



AND IT SUCKS BECAUSE I WAS LEGITIMATELY ENJOYING THE EPISODE BEFORE THAT! I was having fun until that ending. That’s literally the one thing I didn’t like. The scene with Kid Puzzles was really well done. Everybody’s outfits were so cool. IGBP flesh blobs were there that was really cool

but then

I hate this. Genuinely worse than killing him off to me. It just feels wrong
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ménage, chapter three
previous chapter, masterpost now it gets interesting riley pov
The house was old. It was creaky, drafty, and so very old. The floors creaked whether somebody was walking in or not. The windows rattled when it rained hard. The wind could and would blow open windows if nobody locked it. Riley wasn’t new to random creaks It was a livable house. Not like- falling down at any moment. There were just a couple minor inconveniences. All things that were perfectly explainable. Yet Megan’s latest take was a case of the ghosts.
Matteo was quick to shoot it down. “Not everything that’s old is haunted” he declared but he didn’t deter the girl. The two of them had debates at breakfast about the logistics behind the possibility of ghosts. Matteo brought numbers to the table and science, while Megan talked about temperatures and energy levels. Riley wasn’t sure whose side she was on during these meals. Did she think the house was haunted? No. Were ghosts real? Maybe, who knows. But at the top of it all, the horror movie they watched a couple hours prior likely didn’t help. Horror movies before bed never worked out, and horror movies before bed with an amped up paranormal Megan really never worked out. Which was why Riley wasn’t surprised when there was a knock at her and Evan’s door. “Yeah?” The other teen asked from his side of the room. They were both in bed, but the lights were still on. Riley was reading and Evan was on his phone. Megan poked her head into the room. “Can I hang with you guys for a bit?” “Of course,” Riley knowingly made room on her bed. “C’mere.” Megan sat down and Evan crossed the room too to squish in between them. “What’s up?” He asked. “The house is haunted, I know it.” “Meg, I don’t think it’s-” Megan’s glare at Evan cuts him off. “There’s weird creaks on the first floor, we’ve got random cold spots, and I feel like there’s always somebody watching me.” “The house is just old.” Riley said. “It’s drafty and creaky. The sounds you hear are just it settling.” “An old house doesn't watch me.” Riley wasn’t sure a “your paranoid’ accusation was the best thing to say at the moment. But the “it’s your imagination, Meg” that she settled for wasn’t much better. “It’s not my imagination! Riley sometimes at night I wake up and I can feel these eyes on me and-” “May I suggest- you have anxiety.” Evan cut in. “Don’t diagnose me.” Megan rolled her eyes. “I didn’t expect you guys to believe me but I guess the bar was too high to expect a bit of sympathy, huh.” Riley could tell she wasn’t actually upset as the younger girl nudged both of them. “I think it’s been one to many ghost hunting shows for Ms. Meggie.” Evan said. “My ghost hunting shows are a staple in my personality!” “And that’s the issue here, I believe.” Riley smiled at the two of them. Despite the high horse Evan took, there was a time where he and her thought the house was haunted as well. It was easy to assume everything old had ghosts, and the ghosts were easy to blame for the odd noises. They had to have been Megan’s age, maybe younger- when they approached Rebeckah about building a ghost trap like in GhostBusters. Rebeckah then pointed out that nobody had died on the property, so it couldn't be haunted, and that was the end of that. Megan was harder to persuade. “Meg, even if there’s a little ghostie, I don’t think it would hurt you.” Riley said. “You’re just a sweet little girl, what motive would it have?” “I’m not little.” “Yes, yes you are. To me, you’re little.” Evan teased, earning a smack on the arm from Megan. “And you’re little to Riley. So shut up.” “I am younger than Riley by four weeks.” “And that’s like, almost a full month.” Riley smiled “So you’re both little.” Evan scoffs, but the smile on his face betrays him. There’s no heat to any of their jabs, just bickering to distract Meg. And it was working. “I’m gonna go get some water, want any?” Riley asked. “Might make you feel better, Meg.” “No thanks.” “Can I have some?” Evan asked. “No.”
She made her way downstairs quietly but her steps echoed through the area anyway. The only sounds Riley could hear was the air conditioning’s soft whir and the floor creaking under her footsteps. The downstairs was pitch black, with no light peeking under bedroom doors to guide the way- but Riley knew where the furniture was to maneuver around it. With Evan upstairs comforting Megan, she’d either be over the ghost by next week, or annoyed enough to move on. It was fifty-fifty, but neither outcome hurt. All it meant was no more late night horror movies for Megan. The kitchen had a big window over the counter, faintly filling the room with moonlight. Riley’s eyes adjusted to it quickly as she stepped around the kitchen- grabbing two glasses and then water from the fridge. The sound of the cups clinking together was louder than we intended, echoing through the silent house. She cringed. Sound traveled well in the house, and there was a high possibility she just woke up some people. Riley stood, unmoving, in the kitchen- listening carefully for a sign of disturbance. Silence. After a good thirty seconds, she relaxed, slipping the water pitcher back into the fridge. Then she heard it. A sound so soft she almost missed it over the shutting of the fridge. A sound she really only heard because she was listening out. A soft clang, like metal hitting the title. Like a child out of bed trying to be sneaking, perhaps. She turned around, ready to tell Lanna or Kenny to go back to bed, that it was just her with some glasses and she was sorry- -but there was nobody there. The kitchen was just as empty as it was when she entered. “Megan?” Silence. Had she imagined it? Probably. How strange. Riley shook her head, picking up the glasses. Megan got her amped up, that’s all. She was thinking about ghosts more, and her brain was picking up on sounds that she would normally ignore thanks to the glasses. That was all. Jesus, maybe she should sit out on the next horror movie too. It was just the house settling. Riley nudged her bedroom door open, passing a water to Evan and resuming her spot on her bed. “You okay, Rye? You look kinda pale.” Evan started. “Like you’ve seen a ghost or something.” Megan’s eyes widened. “Wait no-” He backtracked quickly. Riley smiled. “No ghosts. Just tired.” Megan yawned. “Should I go back to my room? It’s late.” “Stay as long as you like Meggie.” Evan shrugged. “We’re never too old to have sleepovers like back in the day. But with or without you, I am going to sleep.” He flopped back on his own bed, turning off the light on his side of the room. “It’s a tempting offer, truly,” Megan started. “But I feel better now, I can go back to my own room, thanks guys.” “Anytime, Meg.” Riley smiled. But even when Megan left, Riley only dimmed the light on her side. She kept her book open as an excuse and tried to block out the little sounds her brain was now obsessed with picking up. Every little creak and groan of the house that she had taught herself to ignore was now at the forefront of her mind. Thanks, Megan and no more late night horror.
wc: 1278 hmmm “metal hitting tile” tag list bc soy and alex yelled at me: @smallsoysauce @musicallygt n e ways
#g/t#g/t writing#g/t original characters#giant#tiny#borrowers#giant tiny#gt#gt writing#g/t community#marvinswriting: ménage
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You want to hear my analysis? Amazing. It will include pictures. I would include quotes but I don’t have the books in English. Might still do it myself.
First of all a funny thing that’s mentioned that took 1 or 2 rereads for me to realize (if one of the scenes wasn’t TRAUMATIC (or well I am not traumatized but yk what I mean I hope) I would probably not have noticed it at all. Well let me now explain in too much detail why the covers are very Mo coded.
Anyway. The original trilogy’s covers has 3 different main colors. Red, green and blue. All those colors have at some point in Mo’s life been his favorite color. (In inkspell Meggie as a notebook that Mo had bound for her I think the cover of (or the endpaper idk. Some part of the book) was green and blue, his favorite colors)
In Inkdeath at the castle of the lake (is it called that in English?) Mo thinks about how red used to be his favorite color but now it makes him feel sick because of all the blood he has seen.
What could that mean? Honestly idk but my best guess is that the innocence (them nearly dying, being kidnapped etc etc) of Inkheart, the red book, are gone.
If you have any ideas, agree, or disagree tell me because this is a very serious matter.
Now on to the next part.

In the first one (inkheart) you have a book without anything in the middle. Down to the left there is Gwin on a book. Mo read out Gwin from Inkheart and got the name Silvertounge. In the end of the book he defeated Capricorn with his Silvertounge reading.
2. The “bluejay” In the middle there is a bird that is the type of bird that Bluejay originally was. Who becomes the Bluejay in that book? Mo. In the end of the story he fought as the Bluejay.
3. The Unicorn. Here it is a unicorn coming out of the book. Mo’s sigill as a bookbinder (do you say sigill in that context?) was the head of a unicorn. In the end of the story he once again became the bookbinder.
Let’s continue with the unicorn thing:
Orpheus had written and read the words about the Bluejay. He is obviously in a lot of pain. The Bluejay is hiding from the Adderheads men when Dustfinger finds him. Brianna is threatened by that thing idk the name of that Orpheus had read. Mo decides to once again become Mo.
And then we have this illustration:

The unicorn. Aka the bookbinder. The white Unicorn against a dark background. The light in the darkness. Earlier in the book Orpheus read a unicorn, which was killed. Now Mo became the part of him that was associated with a unicorn and escaped Orpheus power, which probably was what saved him. Those two things were two sides of the same coin but still so vastly different.
In inkspell we have this illustration:

After the chapter that Mo accepted the mask of the Bluejay. That’s why I’m even more convinced it’s not an accident because Bluejay when officially becoming Bluejay and then unicorn when giving it up. Not an accident if you ask me.
I could probably go on even more about this but if I don’t stop now I will never stop.
Am I pointing out things where at least half probably are accidental? Yes. Do I think taht it being an accident actually matters? Nah I like overanalyzing small details
Does anyone have any idea why in the english translation of Inkheart it's The Bluejay when in german he's called the Jay? Or did that just sound too much like a nickname and not enough like a bird? Cuz like
this is pretty but not the bird the Character is named after which would be this:
And I'm wondering wether that really just got changed because Jay sounds too much like a normal name. (also arent Bluejays native to north america? that doesnt matter in the inworld ofc cuz it's fantasy but as a fun little detail/foreshadowing it's mentioned earlier on in Inkspell that Mo would give Meggie apology gifts like a bookmark decorated with jaybird feathers which he'd collect in Elinors garden. In northern italy. Where you would not find bluejays)
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Can we get some more tfp megs with his bratty s/o? Its been to long
hell yeah you can, let's fucking get meggy fucky.
"No. No, hell to the fucking no, you giant metal dildo!!"
Megatron winced upon hearing his love. He was about to go check out a mining project, when she suddenly seemed VERY displeased. What was new, honestly? He sighed, handing the data pad to one of the vehicons.
"Send this to Breakdown, have him look at it and report back to me, I'm going to be...busy."
The vehicon nodded. He was about to greet his queen, when she pushed him away by his face, nearly sending him to the floor. Megatron folded his hands behind his back, bowing a bit to meet her eye level.
"Odd, you usually only torment ME, rather than the vehicons. What's made you so cross, darling?"
"YOU DID! Do you have any FUCKING idea why I'm even upset!"
"No, I don't."
That seemed to be the wrong answer. She smacked him right across his face. Her wings were at full attention, and she was damn near frothing at the mouth.
"You dirtied the rug in our room you IDIOT! Do you know how hard it is to clean the fucking thing after you get that earth soil on it?!"
"But you don't clean it, love, the vehicons-"
She smacked him again, this time on the other cheek. He winced, rubbing the spot. The ballbearings on this little fem was something else, and it made quite the heat in his panel.
"I didn't ASK what the vehicons do! I'm telling you what YOUR DUMBASS DID! YOU brought stinking EARTH DIRT into our room! The room that I fuck you in! Ugh, you're covered in it, aren't you? You're no better than a damn spark rat!!"
She was yelling like a banshee, making quite the scene, and as such, many optics were on them. She always did like to make a show of things, not that he minded. It was the same song and dance they always played together.
"Darling, earth dirt isn't anything too bad, Knockout even says-"
"OH YOU FUCKING CUCK STICK! Don't you DARE bring him into this! That's fucking it, you, with me, NOW, or I swear to fucking Primus you'll be in the doghouse till you RUST."
Megatron knew she meant that threat. He sighed, and followed her back to their berth. He looked around the room. Spotless as ever. He looked down at her, shrugging.
“Well. Where is it?”
“They cleaned it.”
“...so why are you so upset-”
“BECAUSE YOU WON’T EVEN SAY SORRY! And I’m JUST nice enough to have you apologize in public like a fucking pansy. So, say sorry.”
“Say sorry..for the mess...that’s been cleaned?”
His love would and could get mad at him for anything, but this was something else entirely. She looked at him as if HE was crazy, throwing her arms in the air.
“YES! You MADE that mess! What if I got some on my pedes? What if it’s in my vents?!”
“I’m not going to say sorry for a mess that is no longer there, Love.”
The one thing she could not STAND, was him refusing to do as she said. He was expecting a good lashing, and that was EXACTLY what he received. In the form of a shockstick right to the goddamn neck. It made him cry out in surprise, and sent him falling forward. He was lucky he managed to catch himself without falling face first on the berth. However, her smacking him with the damn weapon, right on his back, was just the thing that made him finally fall. She. Was. MAD.
“Stay like that, but open your fucking legs. NOW!”
The way she barked at him. So loud and so demanding. He couldn’t help but feel excitement run up his spine. He obeyed, spreading his legs, and keeping himself just how he was, as she ordered. He heard her fiddle with something, before she finally went up to his side, lifting his face up in her talons (which costs SO much to upkeep. He knew, given the fact that he fucking paid for it).
“You’re going to say sorry. I’m going to make YOU say sorry.”
She nearly through his face away, as if in disgust. She walked away, only for him to feel her pop open his valve panel. She stroked his folds for a moment, scoffing.
“Ugh. Of course you’re all wet already. When are you not wet here? This whore valve of yours is constantly ready for my punishment.”
She dipped her talons into him, three of them, somehow NOT tearing up his insides, but it was still nonetheless quite strenuous, enough for Megatron to lift his aft up a bit, wanting more of her touch.
“Always making fucking messes. And not even saying sorry like a decent fucking mech. I cannot believe you. You WANT me to pump all these fluids out of you, all over our bed sheets. I can’t believe I’m stuck with you. You fucking rat.”
She pulled her claws out of him in just a moment, clearing her intake.
“Turn around. All fours, like a dirty dog. Now.”
Megatron did as she commanded, and was able to see the camera she had recording. He wanted to ask what it was for, but she didn’t look like she was in the mood to answer questions. Once he turned toward the camera, he wasn’t met with a 'good boy' or 'good job', but rather, another jab with the shockstick, right to his neck cables. He cried out as it damn near seared his frame.
"Aft up, body down. Optics forward."
He did as he was told, and she got up right behind him, opening her spike panel and rubbing her spike against his wet folds. Her spike was small enough as it was, but Megatron's valve was HUGE. You'd think because of this, he wouldn't be able to feel any arousal. You'd be wrong. She dropped her shockstick, and dragged her long, sharp claws down his back. Not gently, not carefully. But the same way one would drag their nails on a chalk board.
And Megatron loved it. He gripped tightly onto the berth, glossa hung out and, rather vocally, thanking her for hurting him. Even as he felt the energon at his back slowly seep past his metal, he was terribly, and ph so awfully aroused at the pain. He felt her spike push inside of him, and despite the massive size difference, he damn near overloaded when he felt her enter him. Size did nothing in comparison to her aggressive, violent personality. Even feeling her thrusts against his mighty hips was enough to make his valve drip.
"Look at you. Absolute degenerate. You just sit there, make a mess, and piss. Me. Off. Look at the camera, and say I'm sorry. Now."
"I'm s-sorry."
"Did I marry a bitch??? No. LOUDER."
She swiped at his back, making energon flow and sparks fly. And holy SHIT was it absolutely sexy to Megatron.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm so sorry! I-i made a mess and im sorry!"
"You gonna FUCKING behave?! You gonna listen to me now, you son of a fucking bitch?!"
"I will! I'll listen! I SWEAR I'll listen! I'm sorry! I'll be clean, I swear I'll be clean after this, PLEASE!"
Megtron was good at one thing in heroptics;begging. And thats exactly what she did while she fucked his valve, and make him howl loud enough to be heard through the entire ship.
Someone HAD to know who was in charge, afterall.
"THAT'S Megatron's mate? She's a damn cutie."
"Keep it in the panel, Wheeljack."
Team Prime had received a signal from a decepticon. Apparently it was Megatron's sweetspark, who had 'something vital to give them'. She stood right where she said she said she was going to be, dressed in not only the fanciest wool jacket you've ever seen, but with fluffy boots to match. She was small, and even Arcee had to agree with Wheeljack; she was cute as hell. The kinda fem that would get lots of attention at Maccadams.
"It's ABOUT TIME you showed up! Ugh, you've been making wait!"
"Only a minute late, sweetspark."
"One, don't sweetspark me. Two, you can take the flirts, and wreck your aft with it. Three, I'm messing up MY new boots on this DISGUSTING earth dirt! It's DISGUSTING! and four, just shut the hell up, and take this."
She handed over a camera, and Arcee looked it over, curious.
"Yes. Go home, give it to your dumb boss, have him watch it."
"That's it?"
"You're in my PRESENCE. This, along with the camera, is more than enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm bleaching this goddamn outfit."
She walked off, and Wheeljack whistled.
"Hoo. This must be pretty important. Not that I'm complaining, she's a little viper~"
"Long as your flirts are heading her way and not mine. What do you think is in this?"
"Vital info, maybe? Or maybe a sex tape."
"Wheeljack, be serious. No way is that on this."
"You never know, Arcee."
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some fluffy soft s/mut with tfp meggy and human s/o pls👉👈 sorry bout the previous request i sent in 😅😅
Happens to the best of us anon, and we appreciate the apology!
And I love the fact you sent the request again, it does my smutty, smutty heart good to write something soft with this fragger.💕~Gregoria🏩
....................... ........................ ..............................
"Gmornin' to you, too," they mumble, nuzzling their face into the pillow. The sharp digit rubbing at their thigh stills.
Good, maybe they can get 5 more minutes in-
No such luck.
"Meggy, noooo," they whine, smooshing their face into the softness. They were still sore from yesterday, and so tired. So, so damn tired, they could go back to sleep right now and pretend later in the day, that they were actually sleep talking to him.
"Darling," he breathes out, pulling them closer and nipping at their shoulder.
"Dearest, please?"
They love it when he asks nicely. They really do. It took both of them so long for him to start asking politely and wait patiently. He's probably looking at them in that kicked-pug-puppy way of his that almost always makes them give into his pleading.
Metal nudges at the back of their head gently, bumping them once, twice.
" pretty please? "
... How do pornstars deal with this? How do other people with this high of a libido function? How do THEIR partners handle this kind of madness?
"It's barely-" they open their eyes and look at the clock on the wall. They stare at it for a while, before rubbing their eyes. They look again.
Did they forget to change the batteries on this thing?
It can’t be THIS late into the day.
They mouth the time to themself, before trying to glance at him.
"You let me sleep in?"
He doesn't say anything and presses his helm more firmly against them.
They notice their underwear is still on.
"You," they emphasize, brain still too foggy to properly express themself "let me, sleep in."
Megatron, the definition of We-rise-and-ride-at-dawn, let them sleep in.
The horniest, neediest, most sex demanding partner they ever had, let them sleep in.
And didn't go further than running his claws over their legs.
He growls against them, tips of his claws sliding between their thighs.
"Excellent observation."
"Yes, I, Lord Megatron, ruler of Decepticons, let you,"
his spike transforms out of its housing, laying hot against their skin,
"my wonderful human, sleep for much much longer than was initially planned or necessary, so can we please,"
his claws prick at their skin
he grinds his dripping spike against their back, not pleading, but not quite demanding yet
"pretty pit-fragging please interface now?"
"... Coffee first."
It's his turn to whine, his servo digging into the mattress.
"Nooo," he knows despite their devotion, bean juice ranks higher.
"And both of us need to eat."
"Noooo, my love," he turns their face towards him,
"Sweetspark please, I'll do anything, just please, please-" they press their back against him and his speech halts with a stutter.
"We’ll both refuel, see if there is anything that needs to be done and then, we'll see about having some real interface,"
They turn around and wrap their legs around his spike, its biolights pulsing brightly. Their hands wrap around the head, tapping at the wet mesh in the same pattern he woke them up with. The bedsheet tears under his grip, his lips pressed together firmly in a thin line, his optics open wide, eyelights tiny pinpricks focused on their face.
"but, since you were very good to me, I am going to help you get off once before that,"
They press a kiss to the sensor at the bottom of the weeping head, their tongue dragging upwards to the tip, where they lap at his lubricant. His own thighs press together firmly and they can hear the dripping of his valve lubricant.
"I would-"
"After my dose of caffeine," they cut in, "I will be taking care of your valve," they grip the head of his spike harder, making him choke and his spike pulse beneath their fingers.
"Sounds good?"
The sound that comes out of his vocalizer is one of desperate agreement.
"Good boy, now hold still."
There is no way they'll be able to take it all in, so they grind their hips, their thighs clenching around the girth. Knuckles of one hand press firmly against the sensor, the other kneading the straining mesh of his head as he hisses out yes after yes after yes.
Lips wrap around his tip and they suck, their hands working on the mesh and the sensor; pressing, kneading, sucking and clenching around his straining lenght. He's close already, his armor rattling, engines screaming and straining. His spike starts vibrating against them and they move away to catch their breath.
"That's good Meggy, like that, yes, just like that,"
"Please, oh please, I need, I'm going to-"
They dig their fingers in the seams, their hips bucking into him faster, legs wrapping around him tighter.
"Go on, overload for me big guy."
And he does, his spike spilling streams of hot lubricant all over his plating, splashing onto their face, drenching the sheets, the pillows, everything. And it just keeps going, with them using the slickness to wrap their arms around the spike and stroking him through it. His vents blow hot air over them, his chest heaving, each new wave of overload making him moan louder. They press the tips of their fingers into the mesh between the seams, rubbing in circles and drawing out a few last squirts.
Better make sure though.
"Are you done?"
He swallows, and nods, his eyes shut, brows furrowed.
Stupid question, as if one is ever enough.
Moving off the retracting spike, they crawl up to his faceplate and rub at his cheek arches.
"I bet your valve is still tight and needy though, isn't it?"
They kiss at his scars.
"Not for long, sweetspark. Let's get some energon in you and then we'll take good care of it, yeah?"
"I love you." he groans through the static in his voice.
They smile and bonk their forehead against his.
"I love you too Megsie."
Him and his messy overloads.
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Some thoughts about Basta (and Capricorn)
I just saw a post about the Inkheart characters and how PTSD could be a possible explanation for Basta‘s behavior. And I had thoughts about it.
So I decided to share them, even though I have no idea if anyone is interested in this.
I think that PTSD is kinda a part of what’s going on with Basta. We know he had a rough childhood, wasn’t treated well by his parents or the people that were supposed to care for him back then. And later Fenoglio stated that Capricorn didn’t treat him much better. (And let’s be honest, we also see that Capricorn only „cares“ for him as long as he‘s useful). And then there’s all the other stuff, like that time he got both his arms burned or later when Mo read him, Capricorn and Dustfinger out of their world.
So yeah, he surely has been through a lot.
But while that would be enough to end up with PTSD, I think he fits the criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder a bit better.
According to the DSM-5 the symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder are
• Failure to confirm to social norms concerning lawful behaviors, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. (Do I even have to say anything here?Basta killed people, is the reason for Dustfingers scars, stole stuff, broke into houses, used to set things on fire, kidnapped people, all of this multiple times and in Inkspell it‘s literally mentioned that he was arrested after Capricorn died)
• Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure (Tbh this is more of a Capricorn thing, who also has ASPD imo, just a different subtype, but I‘ll get into that later)
• Impulsivity or failure to plan. (Throughout all the books Basta is CONSTANTLY doing impulsive stuff, and in Inkheart Capricorn literally said that this was a problem with him)
• Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults. (I can’t mention all the times this was the case, it would be too much)
• Having no regard for the safety of self or others. (Pretty self explanatory.)
• Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations (A little more difficult, because of the way the inkworld works and how Basta's life turned out in our world. He‘s never had a normal job. His job basically was being a criminal.)
• Lack of remorse, or inability to feel guilt, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. (The times he killed people and didn’t give a shit? The fact that he had no problem with threatening children? Just to name a few things. He never really seemed to feel guilty for all the things he did. The only time he kinda feels bad about it is when he thinks this could cause problems for himself, like that time he made sure the cat in Meggies room could escape through the window. He didn’t care about the cat. He was worried that it would bring bad luck to him to let it starve in there. Just as an example.)
So with all this we can be pretty sure he has ASPD.
But there’s more to unpack.
One of the criteria for the disorder is that these or at least similar antisocial behaviors already occurred before the age of 15. We don’t know exactly if they did, but I think we can assume it. If I remember it correctly Fenoglio mentioned that Basta was younger than Meggie, wo was 12 at that time, when Capricorn took him in. And probably not because he felt sorry for the boy, but because he saw something in him that could be useful later.
Speaking about Capricorn. I said that I’m sure he also has ASPD. But he’s pretty different from Basta. At least in some ways. He’s so cold most of the time, much less impulsive, he’s able to plan ahead and also to control a bunch of other criminals.
To make this a little shorter, there’s a lot of different theories about this that include different subtypes, but one basically says that you can somewhat put people with ASPD in two different groups.
The ones that are cold, more rational and manipulative (like Capricorn) and the ones that are more openly aggressive and impulsive, like Basta. (That’s also where people sometimes draw the line between psychopaths and sociopaths, even though there‘s also a little more to that, but I‘m not gonna get into it now cause this text is already ridiculously long)
But to stay with all this 'subtype of ASPD'-stuff for a little longer - you might wonder at this point where Basta's superstitions and his constant fear of bad luck fits into all this. And I have a theory for that as well.
Malignant Narcissism. A syndrome first described by Otto Kernberg. It’s, to keep it short, a mix of narcissistic personality disorder (which btw very often appears together with ASPD) and ASPD.
It’s, apart from all the stuff I mentioned earlier, characterized by sadism (remember how Basta actually enjoys threatening people, how he likes to tell stories about all the awful stuff he and others did in detail, watching people get uncomfortable, etc? Sounds pretty sadistic to me.) AND paranoia. He’s constantly afraid something bad is gonna happen. But this could also be due to some OCD that he might have as well. (I gotta say this here, with personality disorders it’s not uncommon for people to have multiple ones that overlap. That’s what often makes it so hard to give a proper diagnosis.)
But what’s more interesting to me is that malignant narcissists, while usually not caring about anyone but themselves and being unable to maintain healthy relationships with others (remember when Dustfinger was hiding in Bastas house and mentions that Basta has literally no friends?), can show some sort of loyalty to a few people. Which is the case for Basta, since he‘s incredibly loyal to Capricorn.
So while generally being a pretty awful person, Basta has, at least somewhat, the ability to care about a selected few individuals.
Which I think is also the reason why there’s more fanfiction about him than Capricorn. Capricorn doesn’t care about anyone. He doesn’t even care about his own mother, or Resa, who was known to be his favorite of out all the maids. As soon as she caused problems for him, he decided to get rid of her. So with him, there’s a lot less to explore and to work with.
And, something more general about ASPD, it‘s as far as we know at this point, usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, such as neglect or abuse during childhood.
And Capricorn is a great example for this, since the genetic and environmental factors are both definitely there. We know his father used to beat him, and Mortola displays a lot of ASPD symptoms herself.
And for Basta, it was mentioned that he was a very unhappy child. Sadly we don’t know anything about his parents or what exactly happened during his childhood. (Maybe we could ask Cornelia about his parents in the next livestream?)
There’s still more I could talk about, for example some interesting studies about ASPD and reactions to fear that would also apply to both Basta and Capricorn, just in different ways or how ASPD works in general, but maybe I‘ll make a different post about that sometime.
Also feel free to tell me what you guys think about this, it‘s super interesting and I bet there’s even more to say that I haven’t talked about.
#inkheart#basta inkheart#inkworld#inkspell#have I mentioned how much I love Basta?#probably more than once but anyway#I had these thoughts for a while now and felt like sharing them#also be aware that Im just a psychology student not a professional
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Nefarious pt. 3
Aaron Hotchner x OC
summary: In a constant game of life and death, two people meet. Changing their lives and those of everyone around them.
Warning: mentions of Death, angst???
AN: I really love the friendship growing between Derek and Josie, ALSO Hotch???? He’s being an ass. but with that being that. After a very long long time I've had time to finish this chapter, so here it is! Stay tuned xx
The Stereo Sounds Strange
Galileo Galilei said “all truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.���
“Okay, last night my auntie visited.”
Knitting her brows together, Josie listened to the story Ben was telling. His parents were high school sweethearts, had lots of friends and good relationships with people around them. Allison was a nurse and Frank a banker, two happy people who went to live and had three healthy children. Garcia had even given her a list with some information, they had no debt and they lived a very happy life.
She looked at Ben with sympathy, the kid had put on such a brave face as he was telling her about his parents. “And yesterday evening my auntie visited” he sighed again.
“Does she stop by often?” Josie asked him curiously.
“Not really, she came by yesterday for the first time in a very long time. We had such a fun time and she and I even played a video game together before dinner!” His eyes lit up as he spoke more.
He continued, “And when mommy and daddy have people over, I always stay up to hear what they are talking about. My room is right at the stairs, I like hearing what they talk about.
This caught Josie's attention, “Honey, do you know what they talked about?”
Ben nodded slightly, “I know mommy and daddy were planning on telling aunt Meggie about the little person in mommy’s belly. They told us the day before. I guess now mommy is gone, the little person is too right?”
This broke Josie’s heart even more than it already was. The kids already knew about the baby, how excited they must have been for another brother or sister. “I’m sorry Honey, but the little person is gone too, yes.”
Ben just nodded his head again for a little without saying anything. As he lifted his head, he tried to blink some tears away but failed at the first try,
“Ben, I know this is so hard for you. You are doing an amazing job with what you're telling me, it is going to help us so much!” Josie insisted.
Ben looked at the window next to them, “There is one more thing I know, I know aunt Meggie went away at 9pm but around 10pm I heard something loud drop. I didn't think any of it because mommy drops things a lot around the house, but I should have gone out of bed. I should have looked!” Tears pooled in his eyes.
Josie was stunned as she felt Ben's arms wrap around her neck. “Sweetie, it's not your fault, you couldn't have known that any of this would happen, I promise you it's not your fault.” She added sorrowfully.
“I just want to go home, I want to see my brother and sister.” Ben whispered in her shoulder.
Josie nodded, “Okay, that's alright.”
Behind the glass, people were frowning as the interview ended, an unusual feeling settling in their stomachs. Derek raised his hand to switch off the camera as the door opened, suddenly the door flew open and revealed a panting Spencer as he stepped inside. As the three agents inside the room looked at him he was gasping for breath, “Did something chase you up those stairs?” Derek joked as he looked curiously. “Could you not have called or something, kid?” Rossi added
Spencer shook his head, “No I came to tell you we might have a new suspect, I just talked to an officer who happened to be at the scene yesterday. She said the neighbor was also seen around the house around 6pm. Police reports also state she was present when the bodies were removed from the crime scene.”
Rossi furrowed his brows, “Lets pay this neighbor a visit then.”
As Rossi and Derek walked towards their car again they saw a figure standing outside. A cigarette between her fingers as she puffed out some smoke. With her head tilted slightly she was enjoying the sun, her left hand wrapped around what appeared to be a necklace.
“Hello Josie,” Rossi greeted her.
Startled, she turned around, “oh my God,” she yelled with hand on her chest, cigarette falling on the ground. “Now look at what you made me do.”
“Smoking is bad for you, it could kill you.” Derek smirked at her.
“And so could the job we are doing,” She replied, annoyed as she threw the cigarette away. “Where are you guys headed?
“Just a drive around the neighborhood,” Derek winked at her, as they walked away.
Before Derek could open the car door, he saw Josie jogging towards him. “What do you need, princess? Don’t want me to leave you?” he reached to pinch her cheeks jokingly.
“Oh no what would I do if my big, strong prince Charming wasn’t around twenty-four seven? But no, I wanted to ask if you can get me an ice cream from McDonalds on your way back, pretty please?” Josie pleaded with the biggest puppy eyes she could muster to make.
“I'll see what I can do mama,” Derek teased while he stepped into the car.
“Can I take the kids now?” was the first thing to reach Josephine’s ears as she opened the door to go back inside.
A woman, probably not much older than her, was standing right across from Hotch and JJ. Her arms folded together over her chest as she puffed out an annoyed sigh.
Deciding not to interfere too much, Josie decided she’d watch from the corner of the room.
“Ma’am, I need to get some things cleared before you go. Right now, you can not bring them home with you,” Hotch explained calmly. “ We would greatly appreciate it if you stayed a little longer too.”
“Wait,” the woman raised her voice. “I think you’re not hearing me, I’m taking my kids home. Right. Now. They have been through enough, can't you see that?” She added dangerously slow, still looking Hotch dead in the eye.
Confused Josie watched the scene happen before Hotch nodded and walked away with the woman following him. JJ was still standing near the desk, remaining in her original spot from the conversation.
“Is it me or did that conversation seem weird? JJ asked as she saw Josie approaching her.
Josie nodded her head, “No you’re right. It was weird.”
Not thinking more of it Josie and JJ walked up the hallway. From behind she heard a soft voice calling her.
“Bye miss. Josie '' Ben called quickly to her as they passed each other. Scott and Aubrey waved softly as their aunt pushed them towards the door, small smiles still in their faces as they said goodbye.
“You’re speaking with the source of all magic and wonder,” was the answer Derek got when he called Penelope Garcia.
Derek Morgan and David Rossi were currently seated in their car, looking at a house on a corner of the street. It was a dark wooden home, almost Victorian-like. Outside stood a woman, she was tending her roses with a sneer on her face.
“Baby girl, I need you to figure out who lives on the corner of Ember Street, as quickly as you can,” Derek hushed to the phone.
“I will work my magic for you, sugar. Okay I got something. Natalie Baum, 80 years old, has been living in this house for over 40 years with her husband who died 2 years ago. She has no children and I’m getting different articles about the competitions she won with her roses,” She informed him.
“Thank you baby, I'll talk to you later,” he replied as he hung up the phone.
Getting out of the car, they walked towards the woman, who didn't even seem to notice they were approaching her.
“Natalie Baum?” David asked.
Turning around she looked at the two men with splinted eyes. “Yes, that is me. Who is asking?”
“We are agents Rossi and Morgan with the FBI, may we ask you some questions?” Rossi asked her again.
Grabbing her glasses, she nodded. “Of course, of course. This is about Frankie and Allison, is it not? My sweet neighbors, how are the children? Are they doing well?
“They are doing as good as they can. Now, is there some place we can talk privately?” This time it was Derek who asked.
Natalie nodded again and signed for them to go inside. Once they were in she checked the street before closing the door behind them.
Hotch sat in the office he got assigned, bowed over case files. Not finding anything useful gave him a headache. Rubbing his temples he read the next line of the file for the 5th time, hoping this time it would give him some new information.
Josie on the other hand was pacing around the hall. Her eyebrows furrowed, deciding whether to bother a very irritated looking, but still so handsome agent Hotchner. She took a moment to look at him. His eyes were tired, but held so much life in them. He looked like he could use a nap or two, but who wouldn’t look like that after being involved in a case like this. Choosing on making the suggestion, she approached his office.
Knocking on the door, Josie stood straight, “Agent Hotchner, I was wondering if it is okay for me to take a car and check on the kids. I got a message that the social worker will be some hours delayed, since Katherine asked me to stay here and help out. I thought I may do that?”
Hotch looked at her with a steel gaze, trying to decide what he would do. “No you may not. We need you here and there is P.D outside of their house, agent Prentiss and dr. Reid need help with the geological mapping. They are in the conference room.”
“But I-” She tried speaking before he broke her off.
“We don’t need you playing babysitter. They are with their aunt and the social worker will be there later. They are safe.” He answered harshly.
Placing her hand on her stomach, she sighed, “Agent Hotcher , I’m seriously getting a bad feeling about this. Why can’t we just do a welfare check?”
“Because I say so. If you have any more problems witht the way I run this investigation, you should take it up with Strauss. That is all, please leave my office.” His face showed no room for further argument.
Josie stared at him with an unreadable expression before moving to leave the room, “Now it makes sense.”
Hotch whipped his head up again, “What was that?”
Josie turned around to face him once more, “Oh, nothing Sir.”
With big steps she headed for the stairs, tears pooling in her eyes. Reaching the exit door she decided to take a smoke, trying to cool down.
It was like the calm before the storm, maybe it was.
#aaron hotchner#criminal minds#nefarious#aaron hotcher x oc#spencer reid#aaron hotch fanfiction#hotch#aaron hotch hotchner#hotchner
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Q&A Highlights
Ok so bad news first: My questions were ignored. Cornelia did not clarify any of our death-related theories. Maybe next time.
There was A Lot of other stuff, though so... Enjoy!
- The stream starts with everyone wishing us a happy women’s day! Usually women in Erfurt (where the bookstore people are) get flowers but not today because... you know. Cornelia says America is starting to go back to normal, meanwhile Germany... :| Anyway. Don’t look over here.
- Cornelia says she probably won’t get the vaccine anytime soon because she’s just chilling on her farm anyway and people who have to be out in public/are vulnerable should get it first
- Question: When will Cornelia visit Germany again? In response to this, she gives us some exclusive news, not official yet, heard it here first: She’s gonna move to Italy! Apparently she bought an olive farm there which is cheaper, better for the environment (her current farm will be sold to some people who want to turn it into an organic farm) and obviously closer to Germany so she’ll be here more often. :)
- The 4th Reckless book will be released in English at some point this autumn
- There’s no definite release date for TCoR because she’s busy with Dragonrider but she hopes she’ll have finished writing it by the end of this year
- If she’s still alive after all that to work on Reckless 5, it’ll be the last book of the series... probably. She’s also working on a bunch of smaller projects with her artists in residence
- Question: What are Cornelia’s favorite stories by Jane Austen, the Brontë sister and Shakespeare? She’s not a huge fan of Austen or Brontë because she finds all those repressed emotions too exhausting to read about. With Shakespeare on the other hand she struggles to name a favorite because there’s so much greatness to choose from (she does name MacBeth and Romeo and Juliet though)
- The Black Prince’s legacy in the Reckless timeline may play a role in the next Reckless book or it might evolve into a whole other story. Either way, she’s thinking about it 👀
- Someone asks about Reckless characters and Cornelia says that Kami’en and the Dark Fairy felt very familiar to her from the start in that she always knew who they were as people. She’s not sure why that is. She thinks the Dark Fairy represents many aspects of womanhood, like the ancient forgotten Goddess. Same with Fox, who embodies different sides of that.
- If Cornelia had to date a man from the Mirrorworld, Kami’en would interest her
- Rainer Strecker randomly joins the chat to say hi and everyone is delighted
- Cornelia’s favorite book series is still Lord of the Rings
- Question: Why has the Black Prince never found his true love? Cornelia says she’s not sure that’s true - maybe he did found true love at some point and then lost it again? ‘...and they lived happily ever after’ isn’t a guaranteed outcome after all. Since he’s such a passionate man, she’s pretty sure he’s had at least one big lovestory at this point. She hasn’t asked him about that yet but hopes she’ll find out when she continues writing his story.
- Jumping off that question, Cornelia says she respects her characters’ privacy and lets them keep their secrets until the time comes to ask about them, just as she would with real people.
- Someone asks if Cornelia has ever written herself into a story and she says a part of her is in all her characters. Except the villains because she hates them. She feels closest to Fox because she also always wished she could shapeshift
- The bookstore lady jumps in and asks about Meggie, is she similar to how Cornelia was as a child? Cornelia says yes, especially because she also had a very close relationship with her father and they would bond over books. However, she always envisioned Meggie with dark hair and as a different kind of girl than she was. (Ok sidenote from me on that, I wonder what she means by ‘dark hair’? Because Meggie is explicitly blond, so like... dark blond? Or did we just unlock brunette Meggie in 2021? Cornelia-)
- Continuing the conversation, Cornelia says she doesn’t consider herself the creator of any of the characters in her stories, she feels like she met them and wrote about him but she would never say something like ‘I invented Dustfinger’ because that’s absurd. How would that even work. That’s disrespectful. No.
- Some characters pretty much demand to be written about and are very impatient (like Jacob), others are more shy and elusive and take effort to understand (like Will or Dustfinger)
- There probably won’t be another book like The Labyrinth of the Faun because it was created under such unbelievable circumstances. Cornelia does enjoy writing film scripts, though, like she did for the Wild Chicks recently
- Question: How does Cornelia come up with character names? She has a bunch of encyclopedias and when she knows where a story takes place she checks if there are any artists from there whose names she can steal. She always wants names to have meaning and to paint a picture of whatever character it belongs to. However, she says that sometimes the vibe of a name is a tricky thing: When she wrote The Thief Lord (which takes place in Italy), she thought ‘Mosca’ was the perfect name for a big strong boy. However when the time came to translate the story into Italian, the Italians told her that ‘Mosca’ sounds like the name of a tiny little fly. Oh well.
- Cornelia says a lot of readers have written to her about The Thief Lord because at one point Victor (the detective) calls Mosca (who is black) a “Mohrenkopf”. Context: ‘Mohrenkopf’ is a German slur towards black people and also an outdated name for this goddamn marshmallow cookie:
Fuck this cookie.
- Cornelia says yeah, Victor is being racist in that moment but that doesn’t mean that she, the author, is racist. Similarly, she used the term ‘Indians’ in Reckless and a lot of readers were upset which she did not anticipate. To her it’s a positive word since she admires ‘Indians’ so deeply and finds terms like ‘Native/Indigenous Americans’ very complicated. She wonders how much longer she’ll be allowed to say ‘Black Prince’
- She thinks it’s right to be vigilant about bigotry but simply searching for problematic words is dangerous because context matters
- Bookstore lady brings up Pippi Longstocking and how the N-word has been removed from modern copies (think Pippi’s father). She think’s it’s wrong because the original text is part of the cultural heritage and shouldn’t be hidden from children but instead explained.
- Cornelia says that in America she sees the hurt that’s connected to that word but she doesn’t think it’s right to simply remove the slur and expect everything to be fine. After all, the text in which it was used is still the same so any harmful ideas would still be in there and that needs to be discussed. Simply whitewashing things doesn’t make them any less racist.
- Cornelia brings up a visual example: The Asterix comics. She always liked them but the fact that the only black character is drawn as a racist caricature is harmful and wrong. It’s time to listen when black people express how hurtful depictions like that can be. Many white people never noticed racism growing up because it never affected them and that’s why it’s important to learn
- The ‘from rags to riches’ American dream was usually reserved for white people and Cornelia thinks a lot of (white) people are waking up to that fact. The way black people are still being criminalized and the way prisons use inmates for cheap labor is horrible and like a modern kind of slavery
- The bookstore people try to say something but Cornelia is not done: We Europeans are not off the hook either because the sins and wounds of colonialism are still felt around the world, not to mention the way other countries are still exploited today. Our wealth rests on the shoulders of poorer nations. Many doors are opening and it’s difficult to step through but we have to do it and admit to the things we may have been blind to due to privilege.
- The three of them agree on that and go back to reading questions
- Question: What are Cornelia’s tips for young authors? She advises to never start writing a story on a computer, always get a notebook and collect ideas & pictures for your story. Don’t rush things. If you have more than one story, give each story its own book and feed whichever one is hungry. It’s important to follow the idea where it leads, if you use cliches your readers will recognize them. And then it just takes time and passion. And trust in your own unique voice. She paraphrases a quote by Robert Louis Stevenson who once said no one cares about stories or characters or whatever, people read books to see the world through the goggles the author puts on them. I’m sure he said it prettier, I’m paraphrasing the paraphrase.
- That said, Cornelia thinks authors who say things like “I’m writing to express my innermost turbulences” are kinda dumb. She thinks it’s important to write about the things that happen everywhere else and around yourself and to try to find voices for others, not just yourself. Just like how carpenters build furniture for everyone else, a writer should use words to build things for others, whether it’s a window or door or a hiding place.
- Speaking of notebooks, as most of us probably know Cornelia has a lot of those and occasionally publishes them on her website. She says she’d love to let people look through them in person, maybe at the new farm in Germany (Cornelia sure does love farms)
- Speaking of writing things on paper, all three of them stress that everyone should write more letters because one day they’ll be old letters and curious people will want to read them, just as we like to read old documents now.
- Last question: How come both the Inkworld and the Mirrorworld feature a character called Bastard? Cornelia thinks that’s a good question and she should probably think about that. (Am I stupid? Are they talking about Basta? I’m confused)
...And with that, the livestream ends. They’ll get back together to do this again two months from now, until then: I’m going tf to sleep
#its 4am fuck me this took SO LONG-#cornelia funke#info#reckless#inkheart#man this was a long one#a lot to unpack here#thanks cornelia i have more questions now hdfhkjghd#i googled way more slurs than i had planned for today ngl#i really really hope i managed to accurately translate especially that part of the conversation#honestly i cringed a bit hearing them talk about it#but it is an important discussion i suppose#also @ the people who actually read my tags:#thank you for the good luck wishes for my interview today!! it went really well!#i was vibrating the entire time bc its been so long since i talked to a stranger#but i got the job :) so all is well
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beefy Bucky where reader is suuupppeeerrrr drunk and starts crying but won’t tell bucky why but tells nat that she’s jealous of buckys ass😂 the next morning buckys being an amazing boyfriend taking care of her but also being a little shit with the rest of the team cuz of her drunk confession😂😂😂😂
Pain in the Ass
Pairings: Beefy Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,258
Summary: Bucky’s ass is perfect, just like the rest of him.
Author’s Note: Sorry this took me a bit, thank you for being patient! This was way too much fun to write and let’s be honest, every part of Beefy Bucky is perfection, especially that ass!
Warnings: Fluff and fun, implied sexy times, lots of joking and mention of Bucky and his beefy perfection (he should always come with warnings!)

You probably shouldn’t have had that last shot of whiskey. Maybe you shouldn’t have had the last 4, but who is really counting anymore? You’re surrounded by your friends and holding yourself up on the very large bicep of your boyfriend, Bucky. Everything about him is large, in just the right way, especially his fucking perfect ass.
You realize, not for the first time of course, that his ass is literally incredible and as you’re standing there next to him you let out a small drunken sob. “Doll, what’s wrong?” he turns to you quickly, taking your chin and lifting your eyes to meet his, your lashes already wet with tears that are about to spill over. Bucky’s eyes fill with concern and he opens his mouth to question you again but before he gets a word out you bolt toward the bathroom.
A gentle knock on the door breaks you out of your pity party, “who is it?” you ask, knowing it was Nat from the shadow below the door. “You know who it is, y/n, let me in or I’ll just open this door myself because I can,” she states, and you know she is wearing her black widow smirk.
You open the door and she slips through, gently grabbing your hand, “babe, I know you’re pretty drunk, but what is going on?” she asks you, face clear of judgement. “I…I, I’M JEALOUS OF BUCKY’S PERFECT ASS!!! Have you seen it?” you’re yelling in your drunken state, hysterical really, but that doesn’t stop you, “everything on him is perfect, but his ass is better than mine and what the fuck is that about?” You slump down on the toilet seat and look up at Nat with wide eyes, tears once again running down your face.
She wets a towel to wipe your face and hands you a tissue, “listen, y/n, his ass is fine, but yours is amazing and if you want to make it look more amazing I can help you with some specific exercises, so don’t worry ok? Now let’s get back out there so you can have more fun and ogle your boyfriend’s perfect ass!” she says, smiling down at you.
You give a nod and one last blow of your nose and head back out to the common room where Bucky immediately rushes over, “baby girl, what happened, I took off after you but Nat said she would be better off handling it, was it something I did?” he asks you, his brow furrowed in worry. “No, no, not at all Buck, I just got emotional, I blame the shots, too many I think,” you reply, giving him a weak smile.
He stares at you for a beat then crushes you into his chest and squeezes you tight, deciding to wait to tell you that he heard you yelling in the bathroom, super soldier hearing and all. The rest of the night goes by without incident and you and Bucky head back to your room, making fun of Sam for his terrible Karaoke, your laughter ringing down the hallway.
It’s not until you come out of the bathroom, pajamas on and washed up for bed, that you notice Bucky walking around with a shit eating grin, “mind telling me what that look is all about, babe?” you ask, eyebrow raised. He bursts into a fit of laughter, nose scrunched and eyes crinkling and you can’t help but smile, until it dawns on you, your drunken haze now clear, “you fucking heard me in the bathroom didn’t you, you jerk!” you yell, face now void of any mirth.
“Aw, come on, babe, it’s funny! I mean, first of all, your ass is literally perfect so I don’t know what you’re worried about but I do think it’s really cute that you think mine is better,” he says, winking at you as he saunters over. “Don’t you waltz over here like you’re the shit, Mr. Barnes, you just wait, I’ll work on my ass and then it will be better than yours, then I’ll be the badass with the best ass,” you screech, stomping back into the bathroom.
You finally emerge from the bathroom and find Bucky in bed with his book. You crawl in next to him, silence hanging heavily in the room and grab your own book to read. He slowly creeps closer to you, shoulder brushing yours and when you don’t pull away he lifts his arm so you can nestle into his chest, “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t realize you felt so strongly about this. I really promise that your ass is amazing, all joking aside, it’s my favorite,” he states, eyes holding truth.
You place a soft kiss to his lips and snuggle closer to his chest, running your hands along the defined planes that you can easily feel even over his Henley. “I’m sorry I got so crazy over it, I do blame the alcohol mostly, but you really are a fine specimen and you can still eat all that PIZZA!” you say, grinning up at him. “Did you just call me a fine specimen?” he asks, eyes narrowed in mock anger, “well, you are REALLY OLD, Buck, I mean, you’re practically a fossil!” you joke, erupting into giggles.
You find yourself suddenly pinned beneath his very large and beefy body, momentarily silenced by the feel of the hardness in his pants and the dark look in his eyes. “Oh, I see how it is, baby. Well, let me show you a thing or two this fossil can do, hmmm, what do you say?” he whispers, lips lightly brushing your neck and sending shivers down your body. Before you can think of a witty reply, he covers your mouth with his, effectively putting your fossil joke to rest.
The next morning you wake up, sheets twisted, and your naked body entwined with Bucky’s. You carefully untangle yourself and head to the bathroom to wash up and then quietly make your way to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. A few minutes later you hear the soft patter of feet and turn to find Bucky walking toward you in nothing but his tight boxer briefs.
He doesn’t say anything as he walks passed you to get to the refrigerator, bending down to look for something….”morning guys!” you hear Sam say cheerfully, “oh hey look, it’s Mr. Perfect ass, and he wore something to highlight his best feature!” Bucky looks up from the fridge and mumbles, “morning, Sam,” between mouthfuls of fruit and you glare daggers at them both, “YOU TOLD THEM BUCK” you scream, face red and ready to throw your hot coffee in his direction. Bucky just smirks at Sam and says, “I may have sent everyone a text last night about some new workout routines I want to show them so they too can have an ass almost as perfect as mine.”
Sam let’s out a peel of laughter and it pushes you over the edge as you grab the eggs from the carton next to you and launch them at the boys, hitting your targets with ease. The attack temporarily silences them and when you all take in the scene before you the smiles creep onto your faces and you can’t help the hysterical laughter that bubbles up and out of your mouths. Sam gains his composure first and loudly states, “aw, come on guys, don’t fight over this, we all know I have the best ass around,” and then takes off down the hall.
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Whumptober Day 4
Prompts: taken hostage, "Do you trust me?"
Relationships (Fandom): Buck & Chris, Buck/Eddie (911)
~ ~ ~
The queue for the checkouts goes half way back the store, dozens of young people and their parents lined up to get the latest Carmen King novel, but Buck smiles at Chris as they join the end of it. When he and Eddie got together Chris was struggling with his reading, and didn't want to work on it because it wasn't cool. Luckily Buck had changed his mind, by introducing Chris to some of his favourite books as a teenager, and since then Chris had made huge progress. Now they read together, almost every time Buck hangs out at the Diaz's house, and spend hours talking about their favourite characters and the best bits of the stories.
Sometimes Eddie watches them, smiling softly, and Buck apologised the first time, worried Eddie may be annoyed at the amount of time they spent together, sharing their love of books.
"Hey, I'm just glad he's happy," Eddie had said, and Buck grinned, delighted by the idea of making Chris happy. "Also, all of his grades have improved, so this can only be a good thing."
So today they're getting the latest book in the Slow Dreams series - two copies, so they can read it at the same time - and Buck doesn't even mind the wait, because they're both so excited, still talking about how the last one ended.
While Chris reminds him about Esmena, a character who was introduced in the penultimate chapter and only got two lines of dialogue in the book, Buck searches for his wallet. They've been in and out of a few stores today, to get Eddie new jeans and a birthday present for Chris' friend Devon and to look at TVs, since Eddie's is struggling to change channels now, and Buck knows his wallet is around somewhere, but he wants it ready in his hand when they get to the front.
Except it's not in his jeans, or his jacket, or the backpack Buck's carrying, which he packed full of snacks and drinks so they wouldn't have to buy extra in the mall.
The only other place Buck's wallet could be is in their shopping bags - the ones Eddie's holding, outside the bookstore - and Buck groans.
"You okay, Buck?"
Buck looks down at Chris and drags his frustrated expression into a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. But I gotta go and find your dad quickly. I left my wallet with him, and now I don't have the money for the books."
"Oh. Do I have to go too?" Chris looks behind them, at the ten or so other people who have joined the queue. "Or should I stay here, to save our place?"
Chris is 12 now, and Buck would be happy to leave him for the five minutes it should take to get his wallet from Eddie. But Eddie still worries about Chris being on his own, especially in public, and Buck doesn't want an argument about Chris' safety after such a good day out together. "I, I don't-"
"Excuse me?"
The lady behind them is smiling, her wrinkled face and neat curls and handmade cardigan the epitome of a doting grandmother. "Sorry, I heard you talking, and I wondered if you wanted me to watch your son while you get your wallet?"
Buck looks at the woman, and the two girls with her, and breaks out into a relieved grin. "That would be amazing, thank you," He says, and pats Chris on the shoulder. "This is Chris, and I'm Buck."
"Well I'm Dolly, and this is Lauren and Meggie, my granddaughters." Dolly shakes Buck's hand, then shoos him away. "And you'd better go, Buck. The queue's starting to move faster now."
The queue is indeed moving quicker, thanks to two extra attendants at the checkouts, so Buck rushes out of the store and quickly finds Eddie, sat on a bench with his phone out. "Hey, just getting my wallet," He says, grabbing the first bag from the floor as Eddie looks up. "Which one has the clothes in? I think it's with the shirt I bought, for Maddie's birth-"
Four gunshots ring out, coming from the bookstore, and Buck whips his head around to see what's going on. People have started running in every direction, screaming and jostling each other as they try to get out of the mall, and when they finally disperse Buck gets a clear view of the door.
Two men are stood at the door, pointing machine guns out at anyone who passes, and three men have gone inside, also armed and yelling at the customers to move to the back of the store.
When Buck turns back to Eddie he's frozen in place, staring vacantly at the store where his son is, trapped on the other side of five men with guns.
"Do you trust me?"
Eddie blinks twice, then frowns at Buck. "What?" He says, his tone lacking any emotion.
"Eddie, do you trust me?" Buck says again, still quiet as he looks around, checking the few other people watching the scene unfold.
Buck stands up and walks towards the bookstore, his empty hands up in front of him.
"Hey, get outta here!" One of the guys on the door says, as the two of them both point their weapons at Buck. "We will shoot you."
"I know that, and I'm not asking you to stand down, or let anyone go."
They both give Buck a once over, then the first guy calls to someone inside.
Another man comes over, and presses the tip of his pistol against the centre of Buck's forehead. "Give me one good reason not to pull the trigger, pretty boy."
"My son - my 12 year old son - is in the store." Buck's proud of the way he maintains eye contact with the guy, but not feeling so good about the way his voice wavers as he speaks. "He's on his own - I only left for a few minutes, and I should have been in there when you arrived. I'm not asking you to release him, but at least let me come in and be with him, so he's not on his own."
There's an awful moment where the men talk about it, in hushed voices Buck can barely make out, and he screws his eyes shut. Hopefully Dolly is still with Chris, and covering his face in case this goes sideways. Or someone else is looking after him, if Dolly's with her grandkids. Because Buck doesn't know what will happen next, but he does know he would never forgive himself if Chris had to see this asshole shoot him in the head, just for loving Chris and wanting to look after him.
Eventually the pistol is removed, and the guy drags Buck into the store. "Okay, dumbass. Go join the others at the back."
Buck staggers through the store, breathing heavily at the adrenaline rushing through his veins, and just hopes he lives to regret this.
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