#(etc. etc. etc.)
and-her-saints · 4 months
“i’m so lonely,” i tell an omnipresent God.
“i’m so unloved,” i tell an all-loving God.
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imsodishy · 2 months
how're you gonna call Louis ''booksmart but street-dumb''???? that man was a successful pimp his entire human life.
oh no, you're buying his self mythologizing as a tender innocent who wouldn't hurt a fly (under normal circumstances)
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perplexingluciddreams · 3 months
I wish I had proper support for my body. To sit and lie down without pain. Or being too floppy unable to use my arms and hands for things because not enough support to stop them flopping down.
I want to do activities and sit comfortably and able to use my hands to colour or draw or jigsaws.
I wish I could tolerate a more upright position. I wish I could sit up and do more things involving active control and movement of my arms.
I want my body to be in better alignment. I want to not be stuck in the same place - my bed in the same spot in my room with the same boring fucking view of my bedroom ceiling and walls all day every day.
I want to stop sliding down or slumping to the side in bed. I want my legs and feet and bum and back to not get sore from pressure on the same spots all the time. I want my muscles to not get strained and stiff and sore from being in weird positions due to being unsupported.
I wish I didn't dread lying down to sleep because I know it will hurt to lie there and it will hurt even more when I wake up. My body crumples and collapses in on itself when I lie down, and no configuration of pillows that I have tried is enough to put anything at good angles.
I wish I didn't dread sitting up in the morning with my usual pillows behind me, because I know I will be in for a day of discomfort and pain. And that is with the best configuration of pillows that I have found to work for me - I have tried many variations, believe me.
I wish I wasn't only able to walk short distances inside the house. Stuck in the same few routes over and over, always only with a purpose and not just walking around because I want to. I wish I was free to roam.
I am grateful at least for my swing and that I have the ability to get from bed to swing and sit in there for a period of time. But wish I didn't sit wonky and slumped and slouched which causes more pain later.
I feel so stuck. I feel so trapped.
It just sucks.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
earlier i was thinking "man, i love how gerri kellman gets the kind of adoring, fascinated treatment from fandom that you'd typically only see for a male supporting character" and then i remembered that gerri was originally jerry, some guy, in the script until they realized they should have more women on succession. idk what my point is, it just amused me.
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kawaiichibiart · 6 months
I need more fics of Zuko working at a teashop with Iroh (be it Pao's (iirc) or the Jasmine Dragon) but he's just really fucking short. Because can you imagine, be it Jet, Katara, anyone who's met Zuko (either as Zuko or as Li) stumbles into the teashop, makes a scene and comes off as a bad guy because they bullied this little boy?
I think I've read just one fanfic where this was a thing and I need more people to adopt the idea.
I just think it'd be funny if Katara tried to do what Jet did (let's say this happened a few days prior to Azula capturing Ba Sing Se), left because she realized no one believed her, returned later with the rest of the Gaang, Sokka tried backing her claim, he ALSO gets reprimanded for making stuff up about a little boy, and meanwhile this is all happening Aang and Toph are having a delightful time with their new friend "Li." Should they do something? Maybe. Will they? Nah, anyways Li what tea would you recommend?
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24mirrorshards · 1 month
I'm (not) sorry to get emotional about a bizarre video game again but DE taught me that, in general, hope and failure can (and should) coexist which is something I was failing to internalize for a long time
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so-long-soldier28 · 15 days
i find it vehemently poetic that theo was raised, and used, and abused, by three doctors, surgeons, for ten years of his life, and when he finally starts to craft himself some sort of a life outside of their captivity, he finds most solace in liam, who's own stepdad is a doctor, a surgeon, but a caring one, who's always been supportive and never hurt nor laid a bad hand on his stepson. and i find it beautiful that, through fics - because the writers never did them the justice they deserved - we get to see theo realize that life's not all bad; it's not all pain and suffering, and people aren't all bad, adults aren't all dangerous, doctors aren't all malicious. and it takes him a while to learn this, and maybe an even longer time to trust liam's dad, but in order to get closer to liam, he has to learn to trust his dad, and it's really hard at first, but before he even realizes, it's easier than he could ever imagine.
and i like to imagine, too, that maybe theo grows enough, and gains enough trust, that he works alongside his dad as a medical assistant. maybe he was around liam's house long enough - because god forbid liam let him live in his truck any longer - that his dad worked up the courage for a couple days to invite him to go to work with him. because despite caring for him deeply and starting to love him like a son, he didn't want to step on his toes or drive him away, but theo wasn't in high school anymore, nor did he plan on attending college, but he's learning he has loads of medical experience, and despite the tragic things that happened to him, he seems to enjoy the field. so, he brings him to work one day and opens his mind to the fact that a real hospital is full of people who truly want to help, and do the best they can for their patients, and offer nothing but genuine care and gentleness to those in need. and after a day of watching and learning what science and medicine is supposed to be, theo finds himself breaking down on the drive home and liam's dad, a surgeon, but a kind one, comforts him, and assures him he's okay, and he doesn't have to go to work with him again if he doesn't want to, and hugs him, warm and close, and rubs his back in a way he hasn't felt since he was eight years old and still being read to by his mother, ten years ago. and in that moment, he realizes how safe he is now, with liam, and with his parents, and he realizes they care for him, truly, and won't let him get hurt, and he realizes he wants to work with his dad, he wants to explore the other side of science, he wants to do something good, and wants to be good, both for himself and for others. so he watches a little longer, and eventually, he's invited to help, passing tools and reading charts, and with time, he's allowed to work on his own, he's trusted, and he does his job well. and liam's dad offers praise when he does well; he provides comfort when he's hurting, on particularly busy days, or on days when they do the best they can, but can't save everyone. and for the first time in his life, he feels like he has a home, a family even. he feels - he knows - he has people that care about him and value his presence in their life; it doesn't feel faked, it's genuine, and it's obvious. and, in the middle of the night, when the two return home from a particularly late shift, they find liam and his mom awake in the kitchen, laughing, despite the fact that liam has school in the morning and his mom has work, but neither seem to care about that. they usher the doctor and doctor-to-be into the room and share the video on the tiny phone screen, and soon, all four are bursting with melodic, sleep deprived laughter, and in that moment, theo realizes the truth about himself he'd never thought possible - he's happy. actually, undoubtedly, happy.
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onthegreatsea · 6 months
i so wish video game voice acting wasnt dominated by americans and specifically those same 5 americans who are in everything
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thelioncourts · 3 months
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talesoflore · 7 months
Hozier really wrote Anything But for all the eldest daughters out there huh
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Yeah I also find it frustrating that so many bnha fics are so fluffy and ooc. Fwiw proximity is one of my favorite fics in any fandom because of how much of myself I see in it - I did not grow up disabled, but I sure am now, and it perfectly captures the stubborn denial and the sense of loss and the struggle to carve a place for yourself in a world that does not want you as you are. I’m usually too shy to comment, but reread it whenever I’m emotionally prepared to have my heart squeezed into a sad pretzel shape. Thank you for writing ❤️
AHHHH OMG going insane over this I wanna eat it and hug it and put it on the dashboard of my car and frame it over my bed 😭😭😭
I'm so glad proximity connected with you in the exact way I intended it to, it is very much about coping with sudden onset disability and hearing that someone correctly parsed that and identified with it is driving me up the wall I'M EATING GLASS JCCHJCVJJJV
Sorry if this response seems absolutely insane I'm just. Feral over people correctly interpreting my work 🥺
I can't promise I'm going to update it soon but this ask has inspired me to immediately start work on the next chapter I need you to know THANK YOU 💕
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euclydya · 13 days
ohhhhhhhhhhhh my god our fucking.
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lonewolflink · 10 months
Tumblr media
Itzy begins their Born to Be era and I'm quaking
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kawaiichibiart · 10 months
Getting back into the BatFam side of Tumblr and getting specifically into "Dick Grayson was/is a menace and agent of chaos that people either knew or didn't" just reminded me of the Reverse!BatFam where all of Bruce's kid's ages are swapped.
So, depending on the author, either Terry or Damian is the oldest, Tim is the second oldest son, Jason is the second youngest and Dick is the baby. Sometimes Barbara is Dick's age, sometimes she's older (iirc). And when I say "Dick is the baby" I mean he's the baby, as in sometimes he's like, 4, or even just straight up a toddler. So, not just the youngest, actually a baby.
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not-poignant · 1 year
i was on my annual reread of the The Wind that Cuts the Night when i saw that you're writitng new sw fic on oh!my!god!!!!! i'm so obsessed with it!!!!! it's been on my mind nonstop for three days! I love how different it it from previous one, i'm in love with all of your characterisations of Alex!
I was curious, is there a chance of Haley giving Sebatian a shovel talk? As much as i would love for Alex to find his footing and stand up for himself, I also don't really see him as the one who would bring up how much Sebastian used to/still hurts him sometimes and Haley standing up for him is just a very satysfying thing to think of haha
Yes I'm writing a new Stardew Valley fic! It makes me so happy. :D
It's so awesome that you still read The Wind that Cuts the Night as well. I can't tell you how often I confuse titles between Wind and Stain, because they both have exactly the same amount of syllables, and a similar structure, so I'm cursed to always get them both confused.
As for Haley and Sebastian, it's possible she might, but if she ever does we won't get to see it, because this is an Alex POV story.
I also think Haley would be careful. She's very aware that Sebastian has been bullied by Alex (even though Sebastian has also been a bully), and she's also aware of how the town perceives her, though she gets frustrated with being stereotyped as kind of like... this pretty, bitchy girl. But she'd be aware of it, and she'd be aware of how Sebastian might view that as well.
I don't know if she'd give him a really intense shovel talk so much as just...talk to him. I think she's maturing pretty well, and shovel talks aren't an especially mature thing to do, because 'if you hurt him, I'll kill you' is an extremely immature way of simply saying 'I'm someone who genuinely cares for him, and I want to hold you to the same standard, and that means not hurting him intentionally in any way.'
So while I think it's nice to imagine someone being like 'if you hurt him, I'll kill you' (or some version of that), and defending Alex, I think Haley would be careful how she broached the conversation, and ultimately be pretty sensitive / aware and be able to read the room. She might simply point out that Sebastian can do damage easily, verbally, to people like Alex, and that he should stay aware of that.
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lunarlegend · 3 months
FFXV is not that popular anymore, and lots of people have moved onto other things, but it makes me happy that my posts are always Out There and that people who ARE new to the game still get to see my hot takes
being part of this fandom has taught me to stop being so shy, and to stop caring so much about people who disagree with you. life is simply too short
say the thing no one else agrees with. post that obscure headcanon. call the hottest character in the game autistic and see who reacts. put your OC in absolutely everything. defend your faves against their awful english dub counterparts. call out the stepcest when you see it. be young. be free
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