#(especially since a lot of my stories have a lot of whump in them anyway so)
whumpprince · 2 years
Silas aka problematic fave blorbo from my brain
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bamber344 · 3 months
Whumpee intro: Jordyn's Training - 1
heyo ik I said the updates for this would take a while but I wanted to get this out quickly so there was some actual whump to sink your teeth into for the story. the 'Jordyn's Training' arc was meant to just be one thing but this first section absolutely ballooned way bigger than I thought it would (just over 2k words) so it will most likely be a 4-parter
Anyway this series actually has a name now! it is Project Genesis, courtesy of my brain in the shower this morning; the birthplace of many great ideas.
Lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list btw! chapter begins below the cut :3
CWs: broken bones, whipping, emotional manipulation, vomiting, blood, meal restrictions, mentions of recovery, female whumpee, male whumper, superpowered whumpee
(let me know if I need to CW anything else I forgot about!)
Jordyn's Training, part 1: The First Mistake
The obstacle course stretched out before me, vast and daunting. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t done before, but the fast-spinning metal poles and swinging wrecking balls never failed to make me anxious before I threw myself in for another go. I’d been hit by them more than enough to know how much they hurt. Still, this sort of training was necessary for my rehabilitation, so I steeled myself and prepared to do another run-through, aiming to beat my personal best under Father’s watchful eye.
It had been three months since I woke up in that room, cold and confused, lashing out at anything that moved. If not for Father, I would probably still be in that helpless, animalistic state. He took me in when no one else would, taught me how to speak, and read and write; how to be a functional human being again. I was in an accident, apparently, injured badly enough that when I woke my mind was completely blank, bare of even the most basic muscle memory. Father’s treatment may have fixed my body, but my mind still needed hands-on work; work that he tirelessly took upon himself. He spent countless late nights with me, speaking to me, reading to me, letting me get a feel for English again. He allowed me to lean on him while I was relearning how to walk. He spoon-fed me when I lacked the coordination to feed myself. There was still a lot that I didn’t know, and I got confused often, especially when he used bigger words, but he said that was okay. I didn’t need to know everything. So long as I did good, and he gave me that warm, tingly smile, nothing else really mattered.
Apparently, I used to be something called a ‘superhero’ before my accident. I would use this strange power I had to take down criminals and bring them to justice. If I ever wanted to be able to do that again, I needed to train. My body may have been passably functional, but it needed to be exceptional, or so Father said. He always smiled when he talked about me being a superhero again, so I knew that was where I needed to focus my efforts.
“Jordyn? What are you waiting for?” Father asked, his voice gravelly and stern.
I snapped out of my thoughts. “Sorry, Father. I was just preparing myself.”
He shook his head and something inside of me shrivelled up. “Not good enough, Jordyn. Do you think the criminals will wait for you to be ready? You need to do what I ask when I ask, not when you think you are ready.”
I clenched my fists, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. “S-sorry, Father.”
“It’s alright, Jordyn. Now, go.”
I wasted no more time, charging forward as Father started the timer. I needed to do good on this to make up for my blunder before. Father had spent so much of his time and energy on me; I couldn’t let it all be for nothing.
The beat of my feet against the floor fell into a rhythm as I jumped, dodged, and dashed my way through the course. I’d been running it for over a month now, and it was quickly becoming second-nature. I knew exactly when to duck my head to avoid the spinning beams, how to deftly move between the wooden knives shot from the walls, and just which way I should step to avoid the pitfalls in the floor. The burn in my lungs and legs was distracting, but I didn’t let it slow me down. Just like Father always said: ‘Pain isn’t real.’
Something looked a little different about the second set of spinning poles, but I ignored it. The course was always the same every time I ran it; I was probably just thrown off because of Father’s reprimand. They always stung in a way I didn’t know how to deal with. 
I leapt into the fray of rapidly spinning wooden beams, ducking the ones at head-height and hopping over the ones aiming for my legs. It took a little bit more focus to ensure I wasn’t hit this time; it seemed as though the poles were spinning faster than usual. Still, with all of my practice, I was making good time. My personal best wouldn’t know what hit it.
Something slammed into my shin and my leg buckled from under me. That was fine, this wasn’t the first time I’d been knocked down. I made sure to roll out of the way of any on-coming beams so I had a safe spot to catch my breath in before continuing.
Then the pain hit, so hard and so strong that I immediately gagged from the shock, agony shooting up my leg like bolts of electricity. It was hard to breathe. Hot tears spilled from my eyes as overwhelmed sobs tore from my throat. I looked down at my leg to see what was hurting me so bad and almost threw up. My shin had already turned an ugly purple, and the rest of the limb below that point was twisted unnaturally. My heart lurched.
“F-FATHER! HELP!” I shrieked. The pain was too much; my entire body was locking up, too afraid to move in case I made it worse.
“What are you doing, Jordyn? Get up. Keep going.”
Disobeying his orders hurt almost more than my snapped leg, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. “I- I can’t! It hurts! Father, please!”
“That’s not good enough! Use your shadows, steel yourself! The course is not over until you complete it! Get up, girl! Your pain is not real!”
The thought of going on made me want to curl into a ball, but I did as I was told. Father’s orders came before all else, especially my own comfort. I owed him my life; a little pain meant nothing in the face of that. I reached out to the shadows around me, wrapping them around my injured leg like a splint. My skin turned black, sucking in all of the light around it, but the pain did lessen somewhat. A whimper escaped my lips as I forced myself up. Shards of agony stabbed my flesh every time I put weight on my leg, but it was manageable. I could move, albeit slowly. So much for beating my personal best.
It took an embarrassingly long time, but eventually I was able to limp my way to the end of the course, receiving more than a few extra bruises from the traps I was unable to dodge due to my injury. I collapsed at Father’s feet, dropping to my knees with my head hanging low as sweat dripped from my brow.
“That was disgraceful, Jordyn. Even your first attempt was better than that.”
I bit back a sob. “I’m s-sorry, Father. M-my leg, it-”
He grabbed a fistful of my short hair and tugged my head up, slapping me across the face. “I don’t care for your excuses. If you allow something as trivial as a broken leg to slow you down, the criminals out there will tear you to shreds. You should have learned by now how to use your power to protect yourself against this sort of thing without my instruction. I’ve already spent so much time healing you; I will be very disappointed if it turns out to all be a waste. Are you a waste of my time, Jordyn?”
“N-no Father! I’m not a waste!”
He let go of my hair, allowing me to sag back down to the floor. “Hm. I expect not. Remove your shirt.”
I blinked up at him. “F-Father?”
He struck me again, hard enough to whip my head to the side. “If you cannot even follow a simple order without talking back, how can I expect you to perform well in the field?”
I didn’t make the same mistake twice, pulling off the black, skin-tight garment as quickly as I could.
He nodded his head to the side, indicating a metal pole in the corner of the room, with two handles sticking out of it on either side. I’d yet to learn what purpose it served, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.
“Grab the handles of that pole and remain on your knees.”
I shuffled over with my head down, each drag of my injured leg across the floor causing tears to spring up in my eyes. The metal of the handles was cold under my palms, numbing my fingers. The rough floor dug into my knees uncomfortably. Father was moving around behind me, and every time it sounded like he was approaching, I inadvertently flinched and shied away. Anxious curiosity burned in the pit of my belly. What was this all about? I risked a question.
“Father, wh-what’s happening?”
“You need to learn how to ignore pain, Jordyn. The only way for you to do that is to experience it. It isn’t real; just chemical reactions in your brain. You must internalise that.”
“I- I don’t know what that means, Father.”
He ignored me. “While this is because you failed today, it doesn’t have to be a punishment, Jordyn. Consider it a lesson; a lesson on conquering pain. If you use your shadows to protect yourself from this, or let go of the handles at any point, I’ll have your other leg broken and forbid the medics from repairing it. Remember: pain isn’t real.”
“Father, I-”
All of the air rushed out of me and a line of fire lit up across my back. It was so sudden that I couldn’t stop myself from crying out. Surely that wasn’t what he meant to-
My stomach rolled uncomfortably as the strike shook my entire body. I couldn’t help but scream as the pain echoed through me.  
“Be silent, girl! Who told you you could speak?!”
His command overrode even my most basic need to express the utter agony I was in, and the following scream got caught in my throat. Shadows flickered and writhed underneath me, licking up my legs out of protective instinct before I forced them back down again, Father’s warning ringing in my mind.
It felt like it would never end. My vision darkened at the edges. My abs clenched and a surge of bile spilled from my mouth. Warm blood dripped down the burning, torn skin of my back, my anguish heightening with each consecutive blow.
Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real
Seconds passed, and no new wave of pain came. I gasped, sucking in as much air as I could to refill my lungs before it was all inevitably expelled again by another strike. My ears were ringing so loud I could barely hear anything and my entire body felt numb aside from the battlefield that was my back, which was still sending lancing aftershocks deep into my muscles even as time continued to press forward with no hint of the next lash.
“You may release the handles, Jordyn.”
I let go and my whole body went limp as I dropped to the floor into a puddle of my own blood and vomit. The movement sent arcing memories of fire through my torn-up skin, and a sob slipped from between my clenched teeth.
“Clean yourself up and report to the medbay when you are ready. After that, head straight to your room. Do not expect dinner.”
All I wanted was a warm meal and for the pain to stop. “Wh-whyyy?” I moaned.
“I will not reward mediocrity, Jordyn. You did poorly today, and as such, you will not be receiving dinner privileges until you beat your personal best again. Be better.”
His footsteps echoed as he walked out of the training room, leaving me alone to cry. This was my own fault. If only I’d been good like he wanted, he wouldn’t have had to hurt me like that. I never wanted to disappoint him like that again.
“I’m s-sorry, Father… I’m sorry.”
Taglist: @steelandblood @sapphicwhump @urnumber1star
feel free to reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed :) I like hearing from you!
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any favourite recovery fics??? Like Buck recovering from any one of his mishaps (or Anthony Bridgerton, or Matt Casey, or Mike Warren, etc) where they cover the process (the part that shows always skip where in one ep things are absolutely fucked and in the next they’re absolutely fine I’m looking at you and your rebar 9-1-1)
I have a TON of good recovery fics. Recovery fics are some of my favorite things to read! Especially really long ones where the character is recovering from a trauma. If you don't mind other fandoms I've got a ton of recovery fics to rec. Not a lot for Anthony Bridgerton or Mike Warren in terms of recovery fics for canon whump sadly. Actually there's not a lot of recovery fics for them period. But I hope some of these other ones will sate you!
The Witcher:
Hold On by CaptainRex_ika
It has been months since that day on the mountain, a day that left Jaskier alone. Now, he finds himself a captive of Nilfgaard, who just want Geralt and that child surprise of his, and they believe Jaskier is the way to get the White Wolf's attention. After all, he is known as the Witcher's Bard. Jaskier believes that this time Geralt won't come for him...not after that day.
warming of a heart by Alexlively88
tws: A/B/O, past rape/non con, abortion/discussion of abortion, rape recovery
Killing a rusalka is just a normal day in Geralt's life. It's just his job. What isn't his job is rescuing abused omegas. He does it anyway. Or, Jaskier is done with life. To his disappointment, life isn't done with him just yet.
If You Ask Me for My Fire (Just Watch Me Burn) by DigitalSaiyan
tws: past rape/non con, rape/noncon, rape recovery,
Jaskier has zero intention of sharing the degrading experience of getting tortured. Ever. He’ll bury the memories and someday they’ll be as scabbed over as Caingorn was. Which had been completely, absolutely, fine. And the only reason that wound is bleeding a little now is because Geralt came out of nowhere—after the most humiliating experience of his entire life—and reopened it. But that’s fine because he’ll leave and return to the terror of his smuggling work and forget about Geralt all over again. There's nothing hard drink and the constant danger of execution won’t get his mind off. There’s something therapeutic about fearing for one’s life that makes anything not of immediate concern go away. So yes, things were just fine before Geralt showed up. Two years post-Caingorn, Geralt rescues Jaskier from jail and sends him with Ciri to Kaer Morhen. However, Geralt starts to suspect Jaskier is hiding serious trauma.
Panic Attacks by AllTheQueensHorses
Jaskier, captured by Nilfgaard and tortured for weeks, has panic attacks because no one knows where he is and no one is coming to rescue him. Basically a giant whump fic with plenty of angst and hurt but no comfort until later. Trigger warnings throughout the whole story for panic attacks.
Broken by GonEwiththeWolveS
In which Geralt finds out Jaskier was tortured. Or, the self-indulgent hurt/comfort fic.
What am I, if not a bard? by Mi_chan
Geralt knows something happened to Jaskier. He doesn't know the details, but he knows he needs to do something to help the bard. Jaskier is stubborn and refuses to talk to him. Geralt doesn't give up that easily, though. ~ Since the series totally downplayed Jaskier's trauma, here's the fix. The bard is hurting, he's scared and doesn't know what to do with himself, but Geralt is there, acknowledging his pain. ~
an incessant burning by 1derspark
“Jaskier,” Geralt prompted after a while. “Can you look at me?” He shook his head and hoped that his mumbled "no" would be heard. Geralt sighed but didn’t try to move him. His hand was running a comforting trail up and down Jaskier’s back. Eventually, he spoke again. “Yen, she told me some things, but I didn’t realize…” He trailed off, and Jaskier could hear him swallow. A click of guilt in the throat. He reached over to Jaskier’s arm. When he didn’t startle or protest Geralt took his arm. He rubbed a gentle finger over the wax burn. It was a barely-there thing, nothing to get all riled up about. But even having his arm exposed made Jaskier want to crawl into a hole. (Or Jaskier’s newfound aversion to fire, and the comfort he deserves.)
Hand in Trembling Hand by PenAndInkPrincess
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier whispers at last. Geralt shifts so he can look at him. “I’m sorry I’m…like this, now.” “You don’t have to be sorry.” (Jaskier has a hard path to walk while he's healing. Geralt and Yennefer help him with this part.)
Ted Lasso:
an excess of warmth or coldness by bartonbones 
When Jamie is seriously injured during a match, Roy and Ted are reminded how much they care about him--as a son, or as a younger brother, or as an exposed nerve. Jamie is reminded what it's like to have people care when his face gets knocked in.
Lemons and Lavender by LivingProof
He peels his eyes open. Shit, they really must be giving him the good stuff, cause he could swear he knows that dark figure lurking in the doorway, where his old man came in a few minutes ago. He blinks a few times, waiting for it to vanish. It doesn’t. “Roy?” he croaks. He blinks again, and Roy…or whoever…is standing beside him, 'cept Jamie still can’t tell, cause he can only see his back, cause whoever it is isn’t looking at Jamie, he’s looking across the room. Towards that window. At Jamie’s dad. “The fuck do you fucking think you’re fucking doing here?” Yeah. That’s Roy.
Barn Raising by altschmerzes 
After the locker room disaster in Manchester, Roy drives Jamie home. The chaos they find when they arrive at the house swiftly proves it is not a safe place to spend the night, forcing a change of plans and a reroute to Roy’s own home. The following day Jamie experiences, in this order: The most bewildering breakfast of his life, a penalty kick clinic with a seven-year-old, and an overwhelming display from his teammates that brings him face to face with the fact that not only has he been accepted back in Richmond it’s also possible he might be, in a way he can’t remotely process or understand, loved here.
The Same Story by altschmerzes
It would've been traumatic enough for Jamie's father to ruin Richmond's most recent victory in front of the whole team, but when the confrontation turns violent in front of a gaggle of reporters, the ensuing social media firestorm is even worse. Over the next two and a half weeks, Jamie will have to navigate the charges against his father, walk a gauntlet of publicity that he never asked for, and prepare to give the interview of a lifetime.
Bones Don't Rust by not_whelmed_yet
The same capture & rescue fic everyone has written, but playing off two ideas: - I wanted to see Dream’s physical recovery take long enough that he could begin his mental/emotional recovery before heading back to the Dreaming - There’s a lot of ways to hurt an anthropomorphic entity without taking them out of their snowglobe
I will find you in your dreams by Salmaka
A story where Dream, confused and weak from his time in isolation doesn't make it back to the Dreaming but ends up in Hob's house instead.
To Learn to Breathe Again by ironlin
Upon returning back to the Dreaming, Dream finds himself struggling. Thankfully, Lucienne is there to help.
To Be Loved by Scribbles97
Buck knew he was spiralling, that the dread that had been shadowing him since leaving the hospital should have left when the doctor had given him the all clear. Yet, he can't help but feel like he's still missing something. Eddie hadn't been able to give him the answers, but maybe Bobby could. Calm, dependable, reassuring, Bobby always had the answers and helped him through stuff.
Goosebumps by Princessfbi 
Everyone kept telling Buck he was supposed to rest, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that when the cold was an incessant prickling under his skin. Five Times Buck Struggled to Stay Warm After Being Struck By Lightning and Put Into A Coma and One Time He Didn't.
Don't (Wanna) Know Who I Am by altschmerzes
Buck takes a nasty fall out on a job, and when he wakes up, he can't remember anything. Not what happened, not who the people in his hospital room are, not even his own name. The next two weeks he spends being passed from house to house every few days, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby taking turns keeping an eye on him while he tries to remember his life. The way back is slow and hard, and begs the question - who actually is Evan Buckley, and is he someone worth remembering? (Luckily, the rest of the 118 is there with an answer, if not to the first question, then at least to the second.)
Once Upon A Time
puppet strings by bewilderedmoth
Having technically died on more than one occasion now, having finally put all that trauma behind him and settled down in Storybrooke, August had hoped his troubles were long gone. When Gold returns to town in his quest to find the Author, hopes of a trouble free life in the sleepy town crumble away to dust. (A whumpy re-write of August's torture in S4, Ep 16. Set within the 'mess is mine' universe, but not actually canon to that AU)
they are mine by Lil_Redhead
Killian is still trying to deal with his emotional pain after returning from the underworld and all he needs is a motherly touch. Takes place after 5B season finale.
Unforgotten by NothingImpossibleOnlyImprobable
Killian went through so much in his centuries of life, especially in the Underworld. Nightmares were to be expected. This is canon-compliant with my Undefeated story, and it will eventually be a part of a larger collection of works dealing with the aftermath of everything he's survived, and some he didn't.
You can take the boys out of Neverland by WinkyCutto
The Lost Ones don't like having to live by the rules and Henry and his family are about to find out that bringing them back to Storybrooke may not have been the best idea... Hook whump galore, you have been warned.
Superman & Lois
Path to Recovery by Beth4LC
It’s been a month since Clark lost his powers and there are still no clear answers to when he’ll get them back. In the meantime, he focuses on connecting with the members of his family.
Powerless by Beth4LC
Clark is home and recovering after Ally’s near-fatal attack, and he starts to adjust to his new reality.
Deal by hearmerory
Chloe didn't spend five years being best friends with the Devil just to let him go back to Hell. But recovery? Relationships? These are not things Lucifer has ever found easy. In the weeks after Lucifer's return from Hell, he and the humans, angels and demons who surround him find out how long, hard and traumatic those roads can be.
Crystals by OkamiShadou98
After seeing Lucifer's scars, Chloe searches for the truth about her partner and his shadowed past. In doing so, she comes face to face with the psychological demons he shields himself from. Recovery is a long, twisted road for the Devil and his Detective. Eventual Deckerstar.
The Man From Uncle:
Agents, Missions, and Hospitals by Tallihensia
Getting hurt on a mission is enough to make a partner’s blood run cold. The aftermath and recovery, though, is almost as bad. Caring and trust makes it better.
The Martian:
Waiting in the Sky by midnightradio
Mark is back on the Hermes but getting rescued isn't quite as easy as it seemed. Fighting for your life is easy, but living with what you had to do to survive is harder.
I Win, Mars by chuckisgod
You didn't just have to save him. You have to put him back together, too. Ares 3 was in time to save Mark's life, but not quite his mind. The Hermes has hundreds of days of space travel before they all get back to Earth. It's a ship running without maintenance, and the primary engineer has the world's most severe case of PTSD. What happens? Canon-compliant.
Just Keep Going by chuckisgod
"And this is how this story ends. The story of Mark Watney is the story of a man who was stranded on Mars, and instead of giving up he did everything he could to make it back to Earth, because that's the point." What would being abandoned on an entire planet do to someone? A window into Mark's emotional state on Mars. A sincere attempt to stay true to the real-life health effects of solitary isolation.
Life on Earth by watneykingofmars
A series of drabbles and one-shots about Mark Watney readjusting to life on earth.
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Hearth and Home by lets_support_frogs
After his Agni Kai, Zuko flees the Fire Nation without Iroh or his crew. He finds himself stranded, alone, and injured in the Earth Kingdom when taken in and raised as a healer and farmer by an Earth Kingdom couple. He finds new ways to use his bending and to influence in the changing of the war with new understanding of himself, his bending, and the war. As someone with new perspectives and influence he is able to provide a greater understanding of being a teacher, warrior, and friend when meeting the gaang.   or Where Zuko gets to recover before using anger to protect himself when he is adopted by a nice Earth Kingdom family
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lunarleonardo · 16 days
Ok, quick question, do you have an idea for how long you want Love Letter to be? Because I genuinely need a vague idea of how long it's going to be until the comfort because IM DYING. I NEED A RESOLUTION, PLEASE. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED OR ANYTHING, JUST AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR HOW MANY CHAPTERS THE FIC WILL BE. I don't usually read stuff this gruesome, so I'm like suffering right now because of my own dumbassness because I need a happy ending. I'm slowly dying from the suspense. I eat your content up every time, and like out of the maybe 4 or 5 fics you recently have made on the saiouma tag, I've only recently realized you wrote them all. YOU WERE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND I WAS JUST SHOCKED. (How are they pumping these out left and right?? What type of stuff do they think about to come up with this stuff? How do they stay so serious when writing?)<- genuine thoughts I had a few weeks ago. ANYWAYS, keep up the good work. I'll be waiting in dread until the comfort comes, but I'll still be eating the love letter chapters whenever they come out no matter what. Also, please shuichi do not cannibalize yourself. Please. Do not. That last paragraph in chapter 9 has e so worried.
Hi sorry! I would have answered this much sooner, but I got stuck in an Uno game that lasted for over an hour. BUT I'm finally free (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I'm expecting Love Letter to be at least 20 chapters or so. There will be two more nighttime segment chapters (Shuichi's pov), and the rest will be the daytime segments with Kokichi and Maki. We're nearing the end of this arc, and after that, the recovery will start. I won't give away too much, but we're drawing ever closer! ^_^ As for an estimate until the recovery chapters... I'd say at least 7 or 8...? Maybe?? I don't have the last few days planned out chapter-wise, so we'll have to see for that one ;o; it's at least over 5
If you can't stomach the gruesome bits, I really don't recommend reading the fic (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) at least not the nighttime segments. Don't force yourself to read anything that makes you uncomfortable or ill!!
I can answer those three questions!
I have a lot of free time @_@ . Whenever I'm bored, I start writing. I have sooo many ideas and I love to share them! Everyone has been so supportive, and it's given me the confidence to post more and more of my stuff :) I write a lot and I write fast lol
Ever since I was little, I enjoyed the darker parts of fiction. I enjoy whump especially :p so I'm always thinking about different whump tropes and applying them to my favs. I also take a lot of inspiration from music and games-- M5DP was born between my replaying Your Turn To Die and an event that happened in a roleplay between me and my gf. The base idea for Fever Frost was born from the third Wings of Fire book, and reinforced with Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte. Impermanent Attachment happened because I found it funny to give Shuichi a gun, but also mostly because I had a Komahina timeloop fic I wanted to write for ao3 and just never got the confidence to at the time. (If anyone wants me to go more in depth with how I put these fics together, just ask. I have lots of notes o_O) I'm ALWAYS thinking and having ideas ^_^ trust me i would have way more fics up if i came to ao3 with the confidence to post my mer / vampire / dragons fics
? Honestly I'm not sure what this means, sorry QwQ I've been writing since my hands could touch a keyboard. I submitted a Pokémon fanfic for one of my 1st grade creative writing assignments. I take every story as seriously as the writer wants me to, and in the case of my own fics, there are some parts where the tone is serious and some parts where it's just like "wtf is going on". That "two late!" joke in Love Letter wasn't planned at ALL, it only happened because the idea made me giggle ;P
Anyhow, thank you!! Dread is a good emotion to have when it comes to Love Letter updates <3 /j I PROMISE the comfort will come. I cannot physically handle an unhappy ending,, or at the very least a hopeful one xD
As for Shuichi... well. I can't promise anything. O_o
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Welcome, Mod Ammo! Do you have a top 5 (or 6 or 7 or 12) fics to add to the mod recs?
Oh ho ho boy do I have recs! These aren’t in any particular order, but here’s just a few of my favorites. 
Follow the Lights by CluelessMoose - Someone's messed with some of the shrines, and it's up to Link to find out what the hell is going on. And alright, maybe it's less a man hunt than it is a series of rescue missions, but as the Champion and the only one able to travel across the shrines he's the only chance these mysterious travelers have. (Love love love this fic and it’s sister fic. Really good Wild whump and it has Chain with a soul bond which I adore.)
Level One by LightBlueScrubs - A deafening roar filled his head, drowning out the noise of the trauma bay. He saw nothing except the limp body with the scars he knew by heart. At the Regional Trauma Center, a surgeon faces his deepest fear. (I’ve recced this fic to several friends and they’ve all loved it as much as I do. One of those fics you read and know that the author knows what they’re talking about. Great whump and you learn something new all the time while reading.)
Reunion Tour by coolcrocs - It's been done. The Heroes of Hyrule have come together and saved the day, once and for all. And though their victory meant that they'd never see each other again, the memories that they made would be looked back on fondly, as a reminder of days gone by. Ten years later, the portals start opening up again. (Love this little look into the heroes' lives after their adventures and seeing where they’ve ended up ten years down the line, as well as how they handle the changes in each other. Just a fun read all around.)
memories misplaced by wheatbreadslice - Link feels like he’s forgetting something. There are names on the tip of his tongue that he just can't quite recall. Trinkets in his bag that don’t belong to him, scars he’s not sure when he got, tendencies and habits he’s never had before. Really, he’s been living in his house for a year now. Why is his first instinct to pull out a bedroll at night? It takes him an extra second at dinnertime to remember he has to actually get up and cook it-- what’s that all about? Since when, on his harp, do his fingers drift to notes by muscle memory of tunes he’s never heard of? But he’s solved a few puzzles in his time. He’s solved seven-- no, six-- (seven? Where’d that number come from?)-- six adventures’ worth of them. And that’s more than enough to figure this single one out. Write down for the history books that the Hero of Legend is nothing if not curious, and nothing if not determined. Or: in which the timeline's gotta pretend to stay intact somehow. They all get around it anyways. (Legends pov is always great and this fic where hylia is trying to hold the timeline together with butter and hope is amazing. Love post LU fics, especially ones that go the extra mile like this one.)
hero’s spirit by wheatbreadslice - Wind sees ghosts on their adventure. Some are more familiar than others. (Love when people use Wind being able to see ghosts as a story mechanic and this one is really good.)
This got a little long, but I hope you find something to enjoy here! I have a lot more I'd like to rec, but they'll have to wait for another time.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
how did you come with the plot for r&r? its so nicely written and i constantly struggle with coming up with plots for multichapter fics despite desperately wanting to write one, so im wondering what your process was?
This one got long
Originally, the plot came about from a one-word prompt done for my oneshot collection. The story wound up with more background to it than I intended, and I decided to try and fill it out a little more. I'm kind of old-fashioned, so I used a plot diagram and slapped the important bits in there before thinking about what all else I'd like to put in a story like this.
Picking a villain was pretty easy; who is stupid and/or ballsy enough to pick a serious fight with Nightmare? XGaster, who could be made a main antagonist easily. He also has the added bonus of having a personal investment in fighting Nightmare (Cross) That gave me my conflict, and filling out what needed to happen between that and the resolution got handled too.
I knew I wanted this to be a reverse harem sort of dealio, so everyone needed to have their own arc with the reader. Everyone needed to have character development. To do that with Nightmare meant having to include his brother, and it gave me an avenue to do their resolution and also include the stars. Killer and Cross needed to come to an understanding, but after realizing that would only really come about after they go to blows, they needed a doctor.
Enter Baggs, who I have sort of stuck with the Bad Sanses for a hot minute in my own sort of personal plot space and in general thought mess. Formally including him would also just be a nice little self-indulgent thing since he's a seriously bastardly brainrot. It also gave me an excuse to work with him more, and, unintentionally though it was, introduce more people to him and his AU.
With the cast figured out, I could start placing little scenes I wanted to happen in the appropriate places on the timeline. As I wrote it, some things were off-the-cuff, some things popped up early, some things got nixed, and a whole character who I hadn't originally intended to include got included anyway due to source material being released between plotting and writing (XChara.)
The actual ending got pulled out of my ass because I only had a couple bulletpoints for the post-fight resolutions. There's a couple whump lines there I'm especially proud of.
That being said, there's a couple continuity errors that need fixing and places where things didn't quite go according to plan, so always be prepared to compromise and fix in post. I also never had a beta reader and basically went "FUCK IT WE BALL" with every update. (I did re-read them and fine-tune them after the initial write before posting them, but that's it.)
In short, the process was: 1. Come up with the initial idea 2. Refine the idea (Starting point, rising action, conflict, resolution) 3. Place the idea on a plot diagram 4. Figure out scenes you want and place them accordingly 5. Figure out how characters are (or are not) going to change and place the catalysts for the actions and where/when their arcs will conclude/when they have gone through their development 6. Pad it out-- make scenes connect and plot points make sense 7. Start writing. Keep writing. Pace yourself. You'll finish it eventually and with a roadmap, you'll always know where you're going. Feel free to embellish on the details and don't be afraid to move things up or back in the progression of the plot if it makes more sense while writing it.
And if there's anything I've learned from this, it's that:
a. Your audience is a lot nicer than you think they are. You are absolutely your own worst critic. b. Don't be afraid of mistakes, just go with the flow. You can edit things in post when you re-read it, even if that's after you posted it.
I really hope this helps!
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My Master Detective Archives: Raincode Sickfic.
An unfinished work in progress but I don't even think people will like it well enough to want a finished version. At the moment I feel like a failure.
This is the first ever time I've written a Sickfic. And I'm dedicating this one to a special person as both an apology and to cheer them up in their current situation.
I hope you'll like it. I'm going to use Raincode elements but also I might put in some other random stuff, just to personalize it so it's different to any other existing Whump 😜 like guest characters I know. Eh. Maybe some humour in there as well.
Apologies for any bad punctuation and spelling. I'm not really good at these sorts of things. I'm more of a comedy writer.
I worked hard to make sure that it wasn't too heavy but I'll warn that it will be emotional, I wanted to capture the deep passion of the audience, especially when it comes to a character you adore. Before you ask, it is PG (or at least aimed at mature teens), I hate stuff that are graphic NSFW (I'd make the fanfic strictly 18+ if I was using references and slang about it) so you've got nothing to worry about. Quite a lot of the Whump stuff is taken from what I've seen some people of that community post. So HOPEFULLY the caring for the sick side of this story will meet their expectations. I really hope so, I've never written something like this before. Lastly DON'T WORRY, I'm not going to let the Whumpee die, they'll be going through a lot but they'll get well in the end. I also promise that there's a lot of adorable moments like cuddles and snuggles 🥰 for those kinds of particular fans.
Get ready because this will be a long un!
Fans of MDA: Raincode and Whump, enjoy!
-Written by Ice Dragon 19
It was another usual workday in Kani Ward for the Nocturnal Detective agency. Fubuki was in the kitchen making homemade cakes and biscuits for the clients who would visit the agency to request aid from the detectives as the city is constantly full of new mysteries and crimes every day. Since having a part time career in one of the cafés, Fubuki has become one of the best bakers in the whole of Kani Ward. In fact she has managed to reach the top headlines of all the cooking sections in every paper, catching the attention of foodies and famous cooks who travelled from all over just to try her food. She's never been happier with her newfound love, inventing new recipes and occasionally baking treats for her fellow colleagues who enjoyed every bite.
Desuhiko was on duty in Kamasaki District, he was *supposed* to be going around asking for witnesses over a missing person report like Yakou asked but instead he was asking out every single girl on sight. Of course, each response was the same. One even punched him on the nose, causing it to bleed.
Halara was working on a very important client's request. Of course, they were wealthy and paid Halara their requested price. They had to help uncover a secret criminal organisation, stealing stocks and demanding ransoms which in turn was a sledgehammer crash towards business.
Vivia was laying down in his usual spot. In the fireplace in the agency office. He was reading some Death Note manga as he's become quite attached to it over the past few days. Yakou had given up with him at this point, as he tried to encourage him to move so that the fireplace can be cleaned (not by him of course) "Vivia when will you actually move from there and start cleaning it? Look at it, it's all dusty and dirty and you're lying in the middle of it! We need to keep the agency tidy and since you're the only one who uses the fireplace, YOU can clean it"
Vivia's excuse was that nobody could see the dust anyway as it's so dark inside, like a stone coffin. Yakou just threw his arms up in the air defeated and walked out of the sub.
Yakou told everyone that he had some important business to attend to, and by that he was actually smoke chatting in the corner of an alley with a mate he befriended as he helped him get out of trouble with the peacekeepers.
But who cares about all these random people? This story is about Yuma. The poor barstool who ends up doing all the heavy butt lifting. Yuma was on a mission to help a young girl, but it wasn't Kurumi. She was a young, very well dressed lady in blue. What stood out about her was that she wore a blue top hat that matched her outfit. She carried an old timely suitcase in one hand and a large black umbrella in the other. She asked for Yuma to help her specifically simply because she knows far more about him than he even currently knows about himself.... That's right.. she's actually a time traveler.
"Yuma. I am extremely grateful for your help on this very important matter. There are currently things going on that's beyond any understanding in this era as it's not even something from this universe"
Yuma turned to look at his unusual client with a worried expression. "I'm honoured to help you with this Vertin but what do you mean by 'not something from this universe'"
Vertin stopped walking. She couldn't tell him all the details about her purpose, her abilities and powers. But she had no choice... Kani Ward is in great danger... No ... The entire world... The 'era'
"Yuma.... Please understand that I am not from this world. I am a being known in my universe as an arcanist, in other words we can use magic." She continues talking as Yuma stared at her in bewilderment.
"However the magic we use is very limited and controlled carefully. It's not the type people associate with fairytales, it's a lot more complex. I am known as the timekeeper, but what that is and what it means is a different story altogether. I was able to travel through to this era by complex arcanum technology from my own universe. Since I've heard from the research facility I work with, this world is in danger... And we need to find the root of the problem"
She started to walk again at a quicker pace, snapping Yuma out of his listening trance, he ran to keep up with her strides. "And you already know what's causing the problem?"
Vertin kept walking, with Yuma following behind, trying to get his head under the umbrella as his hat was getting wetter.
"Manis Vindicte"
Yuma stopped for a moment then walked on
"they are an anti human group of arcanists who are behind multiple destructions of eras. They are even trying to ruin era's from multiple universes. This is their way of getting vengeance on all of mankind who discriminated against arcanists for so long.."
Yuma looked horrified. He's delt with solving crime before but this is on another level. "That's so awful.... To harm other innocent humans not even in their own universe... That's blatant terrorism!"
Shinigami who was quiet the whole time *she was pissed at Yuma for hanging out with another flatty girl* suddenly got excited "oooooooooh master! We've got alien terrorists to boom kill! I'm so excited for this! Kyahahahahaha!!"
It was Yuma's turn to ignore her. But this time not because of her usual annoying comments. He was feeling dizzy.... His head started to throb with pain, he already had a pale complexion but now he's looking more like a walking corpse. He muttered weakly "W......what's......g...going....on?.....i....i...f....feel......t...terrible" He also noticed that heat was starting to form in his head. Strange... Seeing as he didn't feel warm before. Might be a fever coming on... Could be the constant rain... This wouldn't be the first time he had a fever, of all the time he's worked at the detective agency everyone now knows that Yuma is prone to sickness. He's had so many fevers that they've lost count, even the doctors of Amaterasu clarified that Yuma has a very low immunity system, has other conditions that make him more frail and they believe that he may have first had these problems from birth but couldn't find the reason for the constant feverish overheat apart from blaming the cold rain. But the rain isn't as heavy in Kani Ward as you'd expect in a rainforest. One thing for certain is that the doctors warned that Yuma must be monitored at all times, kept away from the rain as much as possible, not overworked and to stay warm. They even feared that Yuma could succumb to a serious illness he could develop easily due to his weak body, comparing him to the elderly.
As for Yuma, this outcome is depressing to cope with. He hates being a burden to others and insisted that he feels healthy enough to go out and help people in the city. Although it normally takes a LOT of encouragement to get Yakou to finally let him leave the sub. Everyone in the agency worries for their little rookie detective, Even Makoto, despite all his hard work as CEO of Amaterasu had taken up medical just to prepare himself to care for him. Yuma and Makoto both share a strong bond, Yuma often visits him as he's mostly alone despite having a successful career to which they became close friends.
Yuma gritted his teeth in pain as he held one hand up to his head and hugged his abdomen with his other arm. With each step he was feeling even more dizzy, his body heavy while being light headed, it was like trying to walk in a bog. Tears were forming in his eyes as the pain was becoming unbearable. Shinigami was shouting something but Yuma couldn't hear her, his senses were warped, he was feeling both intense heat and cold at the same time. He weakly tried to call out to Vertin, to get her attention. But realised that he was breathing so heavily that the words couldn't form. It was as if an elephant was sat on his lungs, he was struggling with each breath "Ver.......vertii.........I......I ....nee.........to........s.... stop"
It was taking so much effort just to breathe in each time, he felt his lungs fighting not to collapse.
Not realising Yuma's far slower pace *struggling with each stride* Vertin's only response was:
"indeed, that's why we need to find the members who have planted their seed of destruction."
But while they were walking along the alleyways of Kani Ward Yuma suddenly collapsed. His body gave way after being too weak to walk, he was in tremendous pain... His lower abdomen feeling like it's going to burst, his forehead red hot from fever, he hugged his abdomen, breathing heavily with tears and sweat streaming down his cheeks. "I'm....s.... sorry...Vertin....I can't...m...move"
Vertin spun around the moment she heard the *thud* and immediately rushed towards Yuma, she had a feeling that Yuma looked ill when she first met him at the agency, but didn't think that it would suddenly attack him like this in such a sudden pace. He certainly wasn't feverish then... Nor in pain from the outside. While she was trying to figure out the symptoms, she then realised that Yuma's vains were turning purple, throbbing up to the surface of his skin.
"Arcanum.... They know that you're frail so they targeted you by injecting a lethal potion into your bloodstream to activate the bodily defense system, oh no.... It's going into hyperdrive! Your body is destroying itself to fight the foreign potion... You need medical help right away!" Putting her umbrella down on the ground she moved his body to an area of the alley where the rain couldn't reach him.
Yuma only responded with heavy gasps of breathing, trying to retaliate as he didn't want to be a burden "No.... Please, leave me here... I'll.....b.....be fine". Shinigami's annoyance wasn't really helping matters. "Awww HERE we go again master! You just HAD to summon another Sickfic! WHY. ARE. YOU. SO. WEAK!" However she stopped her complaining after paying attention to what Vertin was saying. "Wait? You mean he's suffering from an alien virus? Now that's a new one!!! Kyaha!" Although she couldn't really hide much of her concern for Yuma. After all, he's HER master.
Shinigami was too busy gazing at Yuma's condition in both worry and wonder to even bother what Vertin was up to next. She placed her suitcase down on the ground not far from Yuma, opened it and climbed inside the vast emptiness.
When she reappeared again, this time another figure joined her. They were tall with white hair that was brown on the underside. They wore a bizarre lab coat that had an arc like gap in the front, revealing silver jean-like leggings and black boots. The most recognisable features of this strange guest was a lanyard with a sticker of a puppy, apart from that they also held in their white gloved hands a strange gun that looked like a ray gun with a long needle protruding from the front.
They took one glance at Yuma with their piercing goldyellow eyes and scoffed "Hah... So THAT'S the helpless welpling whom you dragged me out for, and I was in the middle of an important genius research project!"
Shinigami suddenly looked round to see who said that extremely rude comment about HER master only SHE can insult. Her purple ghostly face and body puffed up with red rage "Who does THAT uggo think they are? Coming out from nowhere just to SPEAK ILL OF MY MASTER!?" of course despite her outburst, the strange duo are oblivious to her existence (only Yuma can see and hear her).
Vertin ignored her partner's snide comments "Med. I chose you because you are the only person who has the knowledge of arcanum related illnesses and what can be done about them"
Med took their attention away from Yuma who was still writhing in pain, clutching himself tightly, curled up shivering on the floor. He couldn't see or hear much of the commotion as his senses were corrupting... Eyes tightly shut from the agony. They looked straight at Vertin who still remained in her calm, professional stance.
"JUST because my name is Medicine Pocket doesn't mean I'm some low paid random doctor who goes around checking the health of street drunks. I'm FAR too important for that, my devotion to scientific research and funding is critical. I'm a SCIENTIST not a damn medic"
Vertin ignored this protest "Yuma is in a critical condition, his life depends on you to create an antidote for the arcane poison. As you very well know, only arcanum related drugs can cure arcanum diseases."
She walked over to kneel next to Yuma's side, who was still shivering uncontrollably. Her face, despite emotionless most of the time was showing hints of worry... Thanks to her research into this era as well as sources from her research facility who tracked down the universes the Manus were invading, she already knows about Yuma's past, but cannot disclose that confidential information. When meeting him for the first time, she immediately felt a positive aura coming from him, that he's someone who can be trusted. Despite his weaknesses, Vertin has heard of his devotion to helping as many people in Kani Ward as possible, it made her feel remorseful to see him in this sorry state. She reached out and gently placed her hand on Yuma's forehead which was very hot to the touch. Both Med and Shinigami flashed a face of disgust (Shinigami crossing her arms and looking the other way) "we don't have much time... Med, please get over here and diagnose his condition, the sooner you can make that drug the better"
The moody scientist groaned in annoyance at this request "oh, so you want ME to prod all over his weak pathetic little body with my hands that created so many miracles for you dumb arcanists? Pah! You wish"
Vertin flew a stern look at Med who kept their distance from them on the other side of the alley. Med grumbled and eventually complied, walking over to them"
"FINE, but you owe me 50000 Sharponies for funding on my experiments! Just be thankful that I happen to be on your side just because Laplace is run by a bunch of unintelligible old fogies!"
They reached into their pocket and pulled out a pair of spare white gloves, to place on top of the ones they were already wearing and proceeded to kneel down and feel Yuma all over his face, head, neck, arms and hands, tapping around the sickly areas with a look of deep concentration on their face. They already reached a conclusion after about 2 minutes of this. "Yep. These are the symptoms of arcanum poisoning, the subject is going through the responsive stage, where the body is using up as many white blood cells as possible to attack the foreign infection caused by a potion made from the toxic seeds of the pacrisma tree. As he's a human, the poison is taking immediate effect, it forces the body to focus only on the poison, making the victim weaker in the process. Since he's already frail, the attack response has made him develop a sudden fever. The purple vains indicate that the poison has corrupted his blood vessels, he now has a very little survival rate, especially out here in this rain. Only the antidote drug can save him."
Vertin was getting more pale after hearing this fact "Then we really don't have much time! Med, get back into the suitcase and focus on making the antidote, I'll carry him to a place where he can rest. Yuma told me that he has a close bond with Makoto, who lives at the top of Kani Tower, it's the closest place from here and since he's taken up medical training he should be able to access the medications that will slow down the poison." As she was talking, she took her hat off and picked Yuma up, who was slipping into unconsciousness (he was incredibly light..) and positioned him on her back, his head on her right hand side sinking onto her shoulder, she could feel the heat from his head on her cheek. She was beginning to sweat herself from his heat.
Med was heading towards the suitcase in response to Vertin, taking off the used gloves in the process "but how are you going to get the suitcase all the way up there when you can't even carry it? And will that guy even be at home?"
Vertin was so focused on Yuma that she hadn't actually thought of that. But before she could reply, Kurumi suddenly appeared from one end of the alleyway. Nobody of course heard Shinigami yell out "Oh, HERE comes flatty mac bratty. CAN MY DAY GET ANY WORSE!?"
Kurumi was horrified and startled to see Yuma in such a poor state, not only that but who was this girl carrying him? But before she could ask any questions Vertin immediately addressed her the moment she saw her coming.
"Kurumi! I need your help! Please carry my suitcase and follow me. I'm taking Yuma to Makoto's, I'll explain on the way"
Kurumi immediately did what Vertin told her to do, she must have been one of Yuma's clients so she understands if she was trying to help him since he suddenly got sick. The suitcase was wide open, med had already retreated inside so Kurumi closed it and carried it, catching up with Vertin.
Both girls ran through the streets of Kani Ward, through the districts that led to the tower. Vertin explaining the situation all the way with Kurumi struggling to listen with all the noise coming from the rain, pedestrians and traffic. But she picked up the gist of it. Most of the people they passed gave them strange stares, too concerned about their mission right now the girls ran on.
Shinigami was absolutely fuming the entire way, TWO flat chested Brats being all lovey dovey with HER master, she wished she could suddenly reveal herself in her God form and boom kill the both of them to hell while carrying her master away to safety. Damn the boundaries of a death God... Even they have rules to follow!
Yuma's breathing was getting more and more laboured, causing Vertin to panic, she increased her speed despite pain building up from her leg and chest muscles which was beginning to stitch with each running step. She ignored it, getting Yuma to safety so that he can receive urgent treatment is top priority right now. Rain was soaking her body, especially her head as she left her hat and umbrella back in the alleyway. But as they were getting closer to the tower, the rain began to get heavier....
The rain was becoming more of a torrential icy waterfall, as if they were being splashed by multiple cars speeding through puddles at once. This sudden change in the weather took the entire public by shock... They looked up at the sky in panic, it rains in Kani Ward 24/7 but NEVER has it been this bad. Suddenly a strong wind began to rip through the clouds like a blade slashing fabric, people screamed as it tore through the city in one direction, guiding the downpour to spray in bucketfulls at an angle. Not so fun if you are walking towards it. The wind was so strong it actually pushed some people rather violently as if an invisible fist punched them hard. During this event Vertin and Kurumi stopped running as they suddenly had to brace this unexpected force, luckily there was a bus stop right beside them with a glass roof, certainly not ideal for this situation but they had no choice. During the split seconds they grabbed onto one of the side walls of the bus stop (Vertin was holding onto Yuma with all her strength to protect him while Kurumi used herself as a wall by extending her arms past Vertin and Yuma from behind to grab hold of the wall for dear life. Preventing those two from flying away. Shinigami meanwhile floated with her arms relaxed behind her head looking very smug. She's enjoying this newfound disaster that's giving the mortals a hard time.)
They cowered down, lowering their heads from the wind blast. It only lasted a few seconds but it was a terrifying experience. Objects were flying past at dangerous speeds, cars were flipped over, even catapulted if their sides were in the direction of the force impact. Some people were shouting "IT'S A HURRICANE!!" As they held onto the nearest pole, wall or any solid object that was fixed to the ground. The girls were lucky that no objects crashed through the glass walls.
There was no time to question this phenomenon. The girls went back to running. The tower was so close now.
By the time they got into the tower, the bottom floor was crowded with people who fled the vicious rain, even the peacekeepers were amongst them, not caring about keeping law and order as they feared for their lives. Everyone was far too busy talking very loudly in panicked voices, discussing the weather situation and how much it scared them. Some even predicted that it was a sign the world was ending.
*"the world IS ending"* Vertin thought. This was indeed a sign that the 'storm' was coming. Not the kind of storm you're familiar with mind you. But the kind Vertin deals with a lot, thanks to the Manus's meddling with time. Getting rid of the enemy is the only way to calm the ecosystem and force a stop to their time reversal arcane ritual which actually destroys everything in the current world era if allowed to complete.
Vertin and Kurumi managed to get past the crowds and reach the elevator. Yuma told Vertin prior that Makoto administered his security system to allow Yuma access to his home any time he needs, plus he can bring company as long as Yuma is there with them.
Both the girls were gasping for breath as Kurumi pushed the top floor button. It's a good thing she's visited before. After catching her breath, Kurumi finally spoke for the first time "I was originally looking for Yuma since I saw that the other guys in the detective agency were calling out for him. They were so worried that Yuma was still outside. Especially as he can easily get unwell if outside for too long."
Kurumi leaned against the elevator wall as the room was going up, she looked at Vertin who was still standing with an unconscious Yuma on her back, his breathing frigid. Her hair and body utterly drenched, her face red from running which was also showing signs of exhaustion. Kurumi, who was even more drenched since she didn't carry anyone on her back was worried for her unlikely partner. "Are you alright Vertin? What happened back there.... That was so scary... I've never seen anything like it before, only in books or from stories people tell me about of what the weather is like outside Kani Ward... Is this a part of this era 'ending'?
Vertin looked back into Kurumi's worried, teary eyes and nodded morbidly. Before anything else can be said, the elevator reaches it's destination, the door to Makoto's apartment opens.
They came into a large spacious room. Filled with expensive modern furniture. Makoto was actually there, he was looking out of the window that looked down on Kani Ward. He didn't notice the unexpected guests as he seemed to be in a trance. Just staring out of the window, sweat can be seen trickling down his neck, he seemed to be shaking nervously. He suddenly snapped back to attention with a start when Kurumi called out to him.
"Makoto! It's Yuma, he's sick and needs urgent medical attention!"
Makoto didn't need telling twice. He immediately knew what to do. "Quickly! Get him into my bedroom and lay him down, cover him in blankets, he looks like he's suffering a terrible fever and is struggling to breathe, I'll go and get my emergency medical equipment!"
He wasn't wearing his usual mask. He was too focused on looking out the window to observe the sudden weather change. As he was on his own, he had no need of a mask. But that wasn't important. He was far more concerned about Yuma. He showed Vertin the way to the bedroom, opening the door for her, then he went towards the bed and pulled back the covers.
Kurumi also walked in. "Kurumi, please can you and this young lady help get Yuma out of his wet clothes? I have a hospital gown in the wardrobe, put that on him then lay him down with a couple of blankets as well as the covers. Then someone please get a bowl of water and a wet cloth"
Makoto glanced at Kurumi who suddenly went bright red in the face "now's not the time to feel embarrassed I'm afraid... This is medical, he's a patient now and he can't change his own clothing. I know that you care for him deeply and you respect his dignity, that's why I trust you. Just do it quickly but as gentle as possible. Be very careful, his body is so exhausted that every breath is taking too much energy, and may be agonising for him. He's in a terrible state, he looks far worse than I've ever seen him... I can't summon the professional medics, they are extremely busy with a sudden wave of patients who have been injured by this weather."
While Vertin was holding Yuma's limp body in her arms, Makoto walked up to Kurumi who was on the verge of breaking down in tears and put his hand on her shoulder "he needs you Kurumi... I know this is hard given the sudden situation, I understand. But we need to work together to make him feel better. Sometimes we need to cross certain boundaries in order to help save another person's life, this is an emergency situation and he can't stay in those wet clothes as it's making his health worse. Make sure you get it done quickly for the sake of his privacy, and since he respects you as a close friend, he would rather have you tend to him."
Kurumi looked up at Makoto's face and nodded "you're right Makoto... We are the closest people he has here right now" she then proceeded to help Vertin change Yuma out of his wet clothing while Makoto went off to gather medical supplies.
Shinigami looked away in respect. Even though she felt like objecting. But mostly because it angered her that two of her worst rivals were getting too close to her master. Regardless, she wanted Yuma to get well. So that he can get the hell out of there and run away with her. Away from all these idiots that want to touch him!
Now in his gown, Yuma was put in bed. His breathing was shallower for a moment when they got him into the apartment but now it's getting worse. He was silently gasping for air, his breath weaker than before. Vertin went to get a bowl of water and cloth.
Kurumi panicked. "Oh god.... Oh no, Yuma! I hope we didn't make your illness worse"
Vertin shook her head, dabbing the wet cloth on Yuma's forehead "no. It's the poison... His body is slowly succumbing to it. That's what the Manus does... They create lethal poison potions to kill humans in slow painful ways. A poison that takes the form of a disease once it enters the body, warring with the body's defensive cells until it wins, then proceeds to spread to the vital organs, destroying the body in its wake."
Kurumi gasped in horror... Hands covering her mouth, her eyes unable to fight the streams of tears. "Why would they do that to Yuma! Why him! That's so cruel! So........so....cruel." she was struggling to form words between each sob "He....... He's such....a kindhearted.... d...... detective... He's.... already.....been through..... So...much ....pain *she gasps for a breath* He.... doesn't...d.....d... deserve this"
Meanwhile Shinigami was making rude vomiting gestures behind Vertin who watched Kurumi with a sad expression. She morbidly sighed while closing her eyes and lowered her head slightly "I'm so sorry Kurumi, this must be really hard for you. You two seem to be very close..."
Kurumi nodded just when Makoto arrived wheeling in a heart monitor and an oxygen machine, alongside some drugs he picked out to slow down the severity of the illness. "I didn't know his condition would be this bad... Otherwise I'd leave these prepared in the bedroom. Girls, I'll take it from here. Feel free to wait in the living room." Both girls nodded and went into the living room. Shinigami was relieved, being glad that they are finally gone. But now she'll have to put up with HIM.
Both girls sat down on one of the long red couches. Kurumi couldn't hold back the one thing she needed to ask "when you were explaining everything to me while we were running Vertin, I only heard bits and pieces, did you say that you knew the cure for the poison?"
Vertin nodded "yes. Makoto doesn't know this yet. But only arcane drugs can cure arcane ailments, one of my colleagues is currently hard at work developing it as we speak"
Kurumi looked puzzled "colleagues? Where are they now?"
Vertin got up and walked towards her suitcase which Kurumi had placed on one of the chairs opposite them. She put it on the floor and opened it up. "we... have a certain way to get around some places. Recently, thanks to the arcanum research facility we have managed to mimic the Manus's powerful arcane ability to travel through universes. So that we can chase them down and stop them"
Kurumi was full of questions about Vertin and her arcanum universe, she especially had questions about her unique suitcase, so they both chatted for a while, with Vertin explaining that the Suitcase serves as a sanctuary for her allies, where they will travel wherever the suitcase goes.
Back in the bedroom, while the girls went to the living room, Makoto went to work setting up the machines (luckily he had enough plug sockets), and hooked Yuma onto them, gently inserting the wires, and other complex medical stuff onto his pale, shivering body. The entire time he was tending to him, Makoto whispered soft words of comfort to Yuma, letting him know what was going on and what he was doing. "You're going to be okay Yuma... You're going to be okay, you're safe now.... I'm here... I'll take care of you... I promise, I'm going to put this oxygen mask over your face now so that you can breathe, you'll feel a lot better, the girls are waiting in the living room"
Shinigami was watching the whole scene from the righthand corner of the room with curiosity. Although she also felt EXTREMELY jealous. She wanted to be the one looking after Yuma like that. NOT him. She crossed her arms and pouted as she continued to watch.
Makoto (while wearing medical rubber gloves the entire time as that's a major requirement for anyone who is tending to a sick or injured person to avoid bacterial contamination to both the wearer and patient) Gently placed the oxygen mask over Yuma's head, Despite being asleep the whole time, unable to wake up from a deathly nightmare as his body refused to let him. Yuma can still feel what's going on around him... Stiff....Yet shivering uncontrollably.... His head throbbing with pain which was now distracting him from his abdominal pain... He felt the cold gloved hands position something on his face *Makoto had one hand on the mask, positioning it while the other was gently stroking the side of Yuma's head to comfort him* as soon as it was positioned correctly he suddenly felt rushes of air flow right through his lungs... In....and out.... He flinched when Makoto put the mask on him, more tears of pain streamed from his tearducts onto the bed, he gave a little wimper of fear as he didn't know what was exactly going on, breathing so fast and heavy that he had a slight coughing fit. Makoto was quick to comfort him "shhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's okay Yuma, it's only me. Makoto. No one else *Shinigami was deeply offended* now try to relax" he then got some tissues and proceeded to dry the tears from Yuma's eyes.
The sooner he can get those drugs into his system the better. Makoto then got the prepared needles filled with the correct dosage of antibiotics alongside other shots that will help ease Yuma's pain. All the time, letting him know what he's doing whether he's conscious or not. Yuma felt the sharp pricks of needles going into his arm one by one, he couldn't open his eyes as they were sealed shut from the weakness and pain. But soon he began to feel more relieved... As the drugs were taking sudden effect to help fight the pain from the poison. He was now freezing cold despite the feverish heat, but Makoto was straight onto that. He wrapped Yuma up in warm blankets, and re-applied his damp cloth after dipping then wringing it in the bowl of cool water.
He switched on the heart monitor, so the beeps can be heard as the machine records his heart rate. It's relatively low..... As Yuma's heart was struggling with the fight to protect his body.
Yuma was beginning to feel more relaxed.... His breathing slowly becomes less rapid, now he was feeling very.... very tired, as the pain slinks away he can finally rest. He doesn't even feel it when Makoto puts in an I.V drip, the fluid going into the veins on his right wrist. Makoto then finishes his work by tucking Yuma in and positioning the pillows so that it makes his patient as comfortable as possible, also gently positioning Yuma's head in the centre of the pillow. He placed his patient's right hand, with the I.V strapped on with a bandage, on top of the bedsheet, so that Yuma looked more relaxed with one arm under the sheets while the other rested on top.
Makoto gazed down with concern at Yuma from his bedside. His little frail patient, breathing softly and silently since the mask is helping to release his airways as he falls into a far more deep, painless, relaxing sleep. Normally doctors do not form any kind of intimacy with their patients, it's strictly against policy. But Yuma was a special case, he was always there for Makoto whenever he felt so alone... His work constantly burning him out.... Multiple times it made him terribly sick... He refused medical help because he didn't want to be an extra body on a bed when someone else needs it more than him and the hospital was always constantly busy and short staffed. CEO meant nothing to him, everyone should have the right to free emergency care, no matter their class.
He cared far more about the people in Kani Ward than his own wellbeing... But he had no friends, no one to care about him properly. It's always just been about business and his position in it, people leave him alone as he's a very busy guy, not wanting to disturb him. But he does have a life outside of his career, one that's void of company. Since the peacekeepers know him too well and are under strict orders by Yomi, their leader to keep Makoto away from the other city districts that aren't relevant to his career. Despite being the CEO of the Amaterasu Corp, the peacekeepers have gained full control of Kani Ward. No one dares meddle in their affairs or the price paid will be VERY harsh. So Makoto is very limited to where he's allowed to go... It's extremely depressing... As he longs to meet all the people in every district, whether rich or poor. He dreamed of a normal life outside of work, that didn't include being a shut in.....
In his own home.
It was Yuma who came to him unexpectedly one time. Makoto developed frostbite from spending hours in the rain, hard at work over some business statistics. He was prevented from going back to his usual office because he had pissed Yomi off that day (he bruised Yomi's ego by telling him that nobody will EVER take him seriously as the leader of a law and order police force dedicated to the protection of the people in Kani Ward if his surname happens to be HELLSMILE while he rides around on a motorcycle, ripping up through the streets dangerously like a stuntman trying to impress his girlfriend. He also mischievously spilled Yomi's half pint of *the most expensive kind* of exquisite red wine on his way out of the office, which Halara would tell you was approximately the same price as a luxury car. It splashed all over Yomi's white cape which ended in a mad chase sequence from his office right through Amaterasu Corp's building, Makoto running as fast as he could with the red and white raging streak in hot pursuit behind him that was Yomi, Filling up the once quietened down halls with screams of vulgur curses. After all. You try getting red wine stains out of white clothing)
As hilarious as it was. Makoto was banned from working indoors. Yomi ordered the peacekeepers to force him to work outdoors in the rain for a whole week as punishment. While he was on his way back home each time, Yuma spotted him, visibly growing more and more concerned. As Makoto didn't look well at all. And he wasn't... On the last day of his forced punishment, it was especially a cold day right the way through. He returned home so cold, he tried to warm himself up in his jacuzzi but that didn't work as Yuma found him unconscious and saved him before he drowned. He was obviously so worried about Makoto that he actually came to his apartment. Makoto occasionally lets Yuma visit from time to time just for a chat, but this time he left the door open so luckily Yuma was able to get in before it was too late.
Yuma nursed him back to health, spending a lot of time with him. And since that day they have become best friends, more akin to family even. It saddened Makoto to let him go back to staying at the agency, as he'd just be alone again.
A tear rolled down Makoto's eye as he remembered that time, all while watching Yuma in his critical state, wired up to multiple machines and monitors.. looking sicker than ever... He reached out a gloved hand and held onto Yuma's right hand that's attached to the I.V, gently stroking it with his thumb, like a tender mother to her sick dying child. The only sounds in the room being the slow beeps of the heart monitor and Yuma's soft breathing through his mask. Those horrible dark purple vains visible on his pale skin, like evil tree roots.
Makoto needed answers. What happened? And what is he dealing with here? He's never seen vains like this before, he even took a blood sample when he was injecting Yuma with the drugs. Which he'll need to take to a laboratory to try and figure out this strange illness.
Wait..... That girl... That strange girl who carried Yuma in... She's not a local here. Who is she? And why is she here?
Yuma's hand Makoto was still holding was cold and still. But he then felt weak fingers begin to close around his hand. Yuma was aware of his presence and wanted Makoto to know that he needed him. Makoto then gently stroked the right side of Yuma's face with his spare hand in a slow, repeating motion, brushing any hair strands to one side. During this touching moment he felt Yuma lean gently towards his hand. Soothed by this relaxing motion he seemed to be a lot more calmer than before.
Makoto whispered to him in his calm gentle voice "I promise I'll make you better Yuma, I'm going to get to the bottom of this illness. Find out what it is and get the cure. I need to leave you to rest now, but I'll constantly keep checking up on you."
He reluctantly let go of his patient's hand and turned to leave the room. Glancing back to see his best friend currently bedridden. (Shinigami was actually asleep the whole time, out of boredom in the end)
He came out of the room, slipping off his gloves before deposing them hygienically then went to the living room where the girls were still present.
"Right. Nobody is allowed inside my bedroom without my permission. It's been turned into an ICU, Yuma is in the best of care now, he needs to rest, and I'll be monitoring his condition. The room is strictly off limits to everyone, am I making myself clear?"
Both the girls nodded. Makoto continued
"However. I need someone to assist me by staying by Yuma's side while he rests. Making sure to watch out for any sudden severe changes in his symptoms. Kurumi, I give this role to you as you're one of the closest friends Yuma has, he'll trust you to remain by him."
Kurumi blushed while immediately standing up, looking serious. "Alright Makoto, I was going to ask if I could anyway as I don't believe he should be left alone at all. Not in that condition."
Eyes closed, makoto nodded "agreed, shout for me the moment you see any changes" as Kurumi walked quickly past him. Eager to see if Yuma was stable.
Makoto then turned to Vertin. Who looked back at him, hands on her lap awaiting the question she was going to be asked.
"pardon me young lady, but I'll need to discuss some things with you. Firstly about what happened out there when Yuma got sick, and what brought you to Kani Ward"
Vertin knew what Makoto meant by that. He recognised that she wasn't a local here. "Indeed." She said politely with a nod "Please allow me to explain everything"
Vertin told Makoto everything. How she got here, who she was, her abilities and more importantly what she knew was going on, what's been confirmed about Yuma's illness which relieved Makoto that there was a cure in the making.
He listened to everything Vertin said with deep concentration and curiosity. Not saying anything until she had finished. "Thank you, Vertin. You did the right thing, bringing Yuma here, he's stabilised at the moment but we really need this cure as soon as possible. This is all making sense now, especially that change in weather
Vertin nodded "that's why I need to leave now. Normally in my universe, we have only 24 hours until the storm actually happens. However, it's different in other worlds. it's been escalated by Laplace that the storm ritual will complete in a week from now. That weather change was the first warning... More will come, worse each time. That's why we need to find and disperse the Manus members who are in the area as they are the ones creating this ritual"
Makoto looked very worried "But what about the people in Kani Ward? They should be warned, they are in fear as we speak! I can't do much because I need to be with Yuma in case anything happens... No.... I can't be selfish..... I need to quickly tell my officials and announce the whole of Amaterasu corp. Luckily I do have an emergency broadcast here. All the workers would be in panic anyway, with all this sudden stuff going on."
To make his point, he turned on the T.V
Immediately on the screen was an emergency news broadcast addressing the whole of Kani Ward about that previous weather event, going on to report the amount of damage and injuries it caused. Calming down the general public *by saying that the peacekeepers and Amaterasu will handle the situation* and warning everyone to stay indoors.
"ugh... Of COURSE Yomi and his henchmen will be involved. ANYTHING to give them more reputation and authority to make themselves stand over everyone in this city."
He gave a sharp snort of disapproval while he switched the T.V off.
Vertin gave a sigh, both of sadness as well as relief. "At least they are told to stay indoors. That's the main thing. They can't get themselves involved in this, not without the support of arcanists"
She walked towards her suitcase then continued as Makoto watched her. "I'll need to head back to the detective agency, explain the situation there then venture out with my team, to hunt down the Manus. My suitcase will be left here for Med to arrive with the vaccine. So I'll need to gather some members. We don't need an army, there's only a few of them in the area, they avoid gaining the attention of the locals, preferring to attack from the shadows, once they've been defeated and know that the LSCC has tracked them down, recording their footsteps they'll no longer bother this world again"
Makoto. After listening, responded "but you're still soaked through Vertin. I know that you and Kurumi have dried up a little bit after sitting in my warm apartment for a while but I really don't want you both to go back outside... Or anyone else, especially after seeing how dangerous and unpredictable the weather is now. I didn't tell you guys that before as I was too busy with Yuma."
Vertin nodded with her eyes closed "I respect your concern with deepest gratitude Makoto however me and my group of arcanists must do what's best for this era. To save this world from the Storm conjured by the Manus, even if it means risking our lives. It's part of our job"
Makoto looked at her with a pained expression, but he understood the logic behind it. These people are the only ones who can stop this catastrophe. "Alright... I understand, please take care now. Watch out for the peacekeepers... They won't take kindly to outsiders like you and will attempt to capture you on sight, you'll know them when you see them. Normally you always hear them coming ESPECIALLY their leader."
He shook his head with a shrug
"Sadly I have no power to stop them... They are a force of their own, thinking they own this city. I tried to once.... But I ended up being beaten up in public by two burly peacekeepers while Yomi watched from a balcony with a smirk on his damn face, I was a bloody mess by the time they finally stopped, which was a whole two hours. Satisfied that I've been punished enough they laughed and left me in a heap alone in the rain."
Makoto's hands balled into fists as he retold that horrific memory. His face red with rage.
"they think that... just because of my small build, they can use me as a punching bag whenever they want... They even assault me whenever they pass by if they get the chance, making excuses all the way or just for no reason, even drunk or wanting to take their rage out of me."
His voice cracked up and tears streamed down his cheeks, his face no longer red with rage but pain. He breathed in heavy sobs, hands covering his face. This was too much for him.
What Vertin did next was surprising... She didn't walk away, or belittle him, nor freak out that what he was saying was a huge no no to dump on a person you've just met without their permission, especially as they must have so much going on in their lives. She just walked over to Makoto and embraced him.
Makoto was stunned by this sudden act of kindness. His eyes widened with surprise as his face blushed. Her warm body blanketed his, even though she's still wet from the rain. "I'm so sorry..." She said remorsefully "That must have been so scary for you. Nobody deserves to be treated that way, especially you"
Makoto removed his hands from his teary face, wiped a tear then wrapped his arms around Vertin. "Vertin..... You didn't need to do this, I'm sorry for dumping my trauma onto you out of the blue like that... You should have walked away. Like most people do in this city"
Vertin shook her head in disagreement, still holding onto Makoto. "It had to be let out, you've been through so much and you've barely got anyone to turn to that you trust. I don't walk away from those who need support and neither should you, even if I can't do much to help, you were having an emotional breakdown in the moment, we all have them, humans and arcanists are no different when it comes to these things. You went out of your way to say those things to protect me and my friends from those people even if it brought you back horrible memories. You did a very brave thing"
She gently released her arms from him. Makoto was feeling a lot better now, he sniffed and went to the nearest box of tissues to wipe the tears off his face. He smiled at her "Thank you Vertin. I really needed that today, you are so kind"
For the very first time since arriving at Kani Ward, Vertin actually smiled back. She proceeded towards the suitcase and stepped in, as if there was a hidden magical staircase inside that leads to the unknown abyss, making the person look as if they were going through the floor. Makoto watched in wonder, reminding him of one of those magic show props a magician would use.
A few moments later, all of a sudden a head popped up from the suitcase, startling Makoto. A blond haired girl who wore big sunglasses gazed around the room with her mouth agape, she was wearing a red jacket and cap. Holding onto the side of the case this new visitor saw Makoto standing there and she waved at him "Hello! Who do we have here? My name's Regulus. This place is just.....wow... WOW.... WAY more modern than 1960s London!"
She spoke in a very British accent, unable to contain her excitement she climbed out into the room, where she walked around in circles looking all over the place like she was in a huge art exhibition with artwork all over the walls and ceiling. The whole time looking bewildered, struggling to keep her sunglasses on her face as she was looking up and around so much. Muttering "Wow" and "aaaaaah" at every single aspect of the room. The bag she was carrying was chock full of music records.
Makoto tried not to chuckle at this bizarre spectacle. Before another voice came from within the suitcase. "Captain. You were supposed to wait in the dining room until everyone else was ready, like Vertin instructed."
An Apple with a cuff and bowtie then floated out of the suitcase. Yes. an apple. Your questions are now invalid. Makoto looked at it with wide eyes, his expression unreadable. "Allow me to introduce myself good sir. My name is Mr APPLe, I'm sure that my captain has already made her introduction, my most humble apologies for her sudden entry"
Makoto just didn't have any words right now. Apart from an awkward "h..hi?"
Regulus. Who finally stopped gawking at the whole room, gave her protest to the floating apple "I couldn't sit there and wait any longer, We've been waiting for Vertin for hours, so why shouldn't she just let us out for some fresh new world air already? Be...sides, THIS place is fit for a KING! This owner must be rolling in more gold than the treasury in the Tower Of London!"
The apple leaned to one side in midair, gestering that he doesn't seem particularly amused with his partner's comment.
"Captain. That was extremely rude. Please be respectful to others property by not comparing it to an owner's wealth where they could be present"
He *possibly, as his voice was masculine* turned towards Makoto and sighed. "Forgive my captain good sir, she often forgets her manners"
Regulus then turned her focus to her edible partner "I was only making a compliment of my appreciation for this place. This pirate certainly doesn't go by MANNERS, you don't need to be so BOSSY"
Makoto. Who had recovered let out a soft chuckle, he definitely started to like these new strange folk with their amusing personalities "It's alright, I don't mind at all. My home is definitely something"
He held his arms out to his sides as he spoke "Only the wealthiest get an apartment in this tower, and since I'm the C.E.O of this city, I get the top one"
As he said that Regulus dropped her bag of records in astonishment, the huge black disks spilling out from their cases onto the floor. She didn't notice her mess as she was in so much disbelief that a young man like Makoto could possibly own a nice apartment like this one (even though he was wearing a smart purple suit with matching legwear)
"Whaaaaaaaaaat?! YOU? Goodness gracious me, you are so lucky! I don't know how you earned enough for this place, you must have a good job. But you could fit a whole car in here, I'm really jealous! I have to pillage for my fundings. I wish my boat had a big room like this one with all this treasure!"
Makoto laughed heartedly while Mr APPLe gave out a long sigh.
Two more people then came out of the suitcase, one was a silver haired young man wearing a unique lab coat (a little similar to med's but doesn't have the arc gap showing the legs. It's more of an opened up lab coat that's far more commonly seen, but seems to have transparent fabric on the front sides.) He wore a lanyard with the words LAPLACE printed on the card which was attached to his left side of the coat. But the most distinctive feature about him was that his eyes were mismatched, his right eye being entirely gold while the other looked completely normal.
He wore a welcoming smile as he looked around the room "ah, well isn't this a lovely place to live" however, his smile faded as soon as he saw the mess Regulus made on the floor, while she was looking out of the window, cooing at the display it should. His eyes narrowed in disgust.
"Regulus please pick those up, this is someone's personal apartment" Regulus stopped her window shopping for interesting sightseeing and walked over to clean up her records off the floor, complaining as she did "why does everyone think they can tell the almighty pirate what to do?"
The golden eyed boy then turned towards Makoto, his smile back in action. "You must be Makoto, Vertin told us about you. Allow me to introduce myself, I am X, and this young lady over there is Sonetto"
As he spoke, the girl bowed at Makoto politely, she had orange hair and wore some kind of uniformed dress with black and white checkers, "Greetings".
Makoto greeted them both, he was really intrigued to meet these new people, they wore strange outfits, partly modern but also has a touch of classic vibes. When he thinks about Vertin, she looked like she was dressed from a vintage era, perhaps that's where she was originally from? All these new people have an air of politeness to them, nothing like the people of Kani Ward who are far more outspoken and rude most of the time. These guys are more stylish but in a historical way, it reminds Makoto of those dramas set in these huge English manors he used to watch, only because they were very popular with his colleagues.
Eventually, Vertin emerged from the suitcase looking towards all the other arcanists, making sure all were present and accounted for. "Alright, that's everyone. We're heading out, now. We need to get to the Nocturnal Detective Agency while we are in the first day of our weekly timeline, and to get there before another weather disaster happens. The sooner we can get to work, the better."
Everyone in the room nodded, Vertin then turned to Makoto "I'm really sorry that we have to leave now, I leave my suitcase here with you, I told everyone in there to not come out without consent and that only med may come out to deliver the vaccine. Makoto, thank you for your hospitality, I wish you the best with looking after Yuma, please give Kurumi my thanks as well for supporting me. Farewell"
Makoto smiled at her "and thank you Vertin for bringing Yuma and Kurumi here, I wish all of you good health"
With those last words she walked towards the elevator with the other arcanists following behind her
X hesitated for a moment just to quickly tell Makoto "sorry that we can't talk right now given the circumstances but I hope we'll meet again soon"
Then he realised that there was one arcanist who wasn't even heading towards the elevator, annoyed look on his face again he focused on Regulus who went back to looking out of the window, easily distracted. Mr APPLe didn't even notice as he was so focused on following Vertin but X certainly did. "Regulus. Come on please, we're leaving"
Regulus snapped out of her trance with a jolt "oh! Right!" And hurried along to catch up with the others with X walking behind sighing and shaking his head
Makoto watched them go, the elevator door closed and he was in the room alone. Immediately one thought was dominating his mind now, Yuma. He hadn't heard anything from Kurumi so hopefully they're alright.
During the whole scene where Makoto was in the living room Kurumi sat next to Yuma's bedside. Unfortunately Shinigami had a VERY rude awakening indeed, suddenly seeing THAT uggo sneak in undetected just to swoon all over HER master.
Kurumi just stayed by the bedside, watching Yuma as he slept with a saddened expression, the sounds of gentle breathing and monitor beeps the only noises in the room. She wanted to break down but knew that she had to be professional, making sure that Yuma isn't displaying any new symptoms that could be serious.
So far. He looked the same, just relaxed as the drugs were working with fighting his pain. But soon they won't be enough... She wondered how long it would take for the cure to arrive.
Deep down she has feelings for Yuma... She can't bring herself to say it but every time they work together on cases (sometimes he asks her to join him) she feels far more connected to him. The problem was that because Yuma has amnesia it's impossible to know his age... He only knew his name, that was it apparently.
Kurumi was still a highschool girl, so having romantic feelings for someone who may actually be an adult is deeply inappropriate. Despite being roughly the same size. She felt depressed at this thought, but wondered that maybe one day when she reaches adulthood they'll be able to be together. But she suddenly had another thought... Makoto was practically the same size and is technically an adult (she never asked him his age) but it would make sense because he works. They seem to be really best friends, *maybe more than that* she thought to herself. Either way, Yuma deserves someone in that age group who cares about him deeply. Guess she'd have to wait for longer... She's aware of the ol' school romance trope, had lessons on it and all the other girls wouldn't stop going on about it. Every single day they would rub it in everyone's faces that they've got a boyfriend from the Amaterasu boys highschool (it's hidden within the mass building and sets the students for a future working for the company).
The boys there are from very wealthy families, no way would that place accept anyone from a poorer background. Kurumi knows just how much she hates that place, the students deem anyone who isn't as rich and successful as them as "Kani tramps" with no future for any success in life. They'd laugh at them and encourage them to harm themselves as they are better off not existing if they are not born into poverty. And yet the girls at her school love those boys, it was a HUGE deal if you dated one of them, which caused widespread jealousy throughout the entire school. Kurumi didn't even find any of those arrogant richboys attractive, she wouldn't date any of them even if she desperately needed money, people like that are dangerous and she's heard too many dark stories of how they actually treat women behind the scenes... As they think they're too rich and powerful to get into any trouble.
Kurumi lay out her arms on the other side of the bed and folded them below her head, she hid her face as tears streamed down. Why does love have to be so complex?
She was thinking about her future now. Each day was a struggle, and most of the time at school she was alone, while she had some friends she wasn't exactly part of their friend circle, they didn't invite her to outings, sleepovers or any of that. They preferred other girls to hang out with which confuses Kurumi, she's a helper in the drama group but she always feels forgotten. Maybe that's just girls, perhaps they are more interested in other girls who look the prettiest? Kurumi wasn't into that contest, she always sees the other girls trying to impress others with makeup and dresses. To her, it was a waste of time especially as so many people in Kani Ward were suffering. That's why she prefers to help the nocturnal detective agency as much as possible. The members there are her only real friends, especially Yuma...
While she was in despair she felt a warm object nuzzle the side of her head, resting itself beside her, while something that felt like a hand placed itself on her elbow. In shock, Kurumi looked up to see that Yuma had moved himself closer to her, despite being wired up to multiple machines and that mask being in the way, that didn't stop him from wanting to calm Kurumi down.
He must have heard her crying because Kurumi definitely didn't realise that he moved. She had no words to say at first, then she dried her eyes "oh Yuma, you're just so sweet, I'm fine, really." Deep down she wasn't but didn't want to worry him especially as he's already sick. She hugged him carefully, nuzzling her head next to his, her forehead touching Yuma's which was still feverish. "I want you to know that you'll always be my best friend in the world, even if we are completely different people"
She then gave him a small kiss on his forehead to which that made Shinigami so angry that she looked as if she was transforming into death himself, scythe and all. But before she could even try to break her own contract and slice Kurumi's neck, footsteps were approaching.
Kurumi sat up, however Yuma flinched and tried to feel around for where Kurumi was. He didn't want to be alone.
The door opened and Makoto walked in, looking quite surprised when he saw that Yuma moved and that Kurumi's eyes were red. "Kurumi, are you alright? Did you move Yuma?"
Kurumi shook her head "no, I didn't move him, I was upset about stuff I was thinking about and the next moment he moved himself closer to me, I didn't even touch him. I kept an eye on him like you asked, so far he seems okay"
Makoto gave a small sigh of relief "that's good for now. He must have been worried about you if you've been crying, he is really sensitive and constantly needs affection when he's feeling like this. I'm glad to hear that he hasn't deteriorated severely"
He then looked at the clock on the wall. "It's getting very late, please stay in my apartment Kurumi, at least until all this madness is over. Vertin and her team are currently on their way to the detective agency as we speak"
Kurumi suddenly looked concerned "stay here? But I'm not even prepared! And it might be the entire week!"
Makoto looked at her gently "listen, I know that it's a shock to you. But don't worry about necessities, I'll sort that out. I can get my fellow workers to help provide that for you. Are you alright with sleeping on the sofa? Also since my apartment has two bathrooms I'll make one your own personal one, so it's for your own use only"
Kurumi thought for a moment "alright, I'm extremely grateful for that. I'm alright with sleeping on a sofa, it's actually more comfortable than where I'm currently sleeping truth be told"
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whumpy-writings · 1 year
I'm sorry if this is a question that is easily answered by a few minutes of reading, but it's really been bothering me for a while, nibbling at my nerves, because I don't quite know what to do:
See, I've been wanting to post my work to my writeblr for anyone to read when it's complete, and publishing has always been a distant dream/notion... but now, with the Anthology (multiple now! even if the second is in progress), and A Cry Of Fangs releasing early next year, it's really showing me that it's possible, and I'm feeling a lot of things over it, giddy, excited, terrified, but above all, I have a strong desire to achieve this dream, and the determination to match.
My question is, "Does posting a work that I eventually intend to publish to my writeblr interfere in any way with the D2D publishing?"
From the brief look I've had at their website (I should be in bed you see ^-^'), they seem really good, and like it shouldn't be an issue, especially since we could with the Anthology, but I'm pretty damn nervous, and wanted to ask someone ^-^'
Anyways, I very much look forward to your book's release, and I also want to sincerely thank you for showing me, and probably everyone else in the community that it's possible. That is an insane amount of... well, hope, purpose, and motivation. It is. so much.
I understand if you don't have time to answer that question, or the desire to explain it, especially if there's an answer right there in the FAQs ^-^' but I wanted to send this ask anyway, even just to let you know how much this all means.
You truly are an aspiration, thank you.
( @emcscared-whumps )
Hi @emcscared-whumps!
There is no problem with you posting your stories on your writeblr and also publishing them through Draft2Digital.
D2D's FAQs state that:
"We don't acquire rights or require any kind of exclusivity, so you can do whatever you want with your book." 
So go for it! I'll be first in line to get a copy!
Thank you so much for your kind words, it's been great getting to work with you on the anthologies and I can't wait to read what you write next :)
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Hellooooo hi, I'm too lazy to scroll yeah
Can you tell me a bit about your paracosm? :3
A bit? Nope, sorry, no can do, I can only tell you a metric fuck TON about my paracosm. Hope ur prepared for an infodump >:)
Sooooo uh. There’s a lot to talk abt (because I don’t know how to shut up) so let me break it up a little. Setting-wise, the story’s set in a fantasy version of Earth, where the most important difference (aside from the presence of magic) is that if someone writes a story and enough people read it, the story becomes real in a parallel dimension. I originally thought of this as a way to explain how my OCs could meet with the characters from my favorite shows/books, nowadays it’s both a mechanic that facilitates the story and (recently more frequently) the focus and source of conflict.
Because of the setting, aside from the numerous stolen characters from other media and reworked versions of said stolen characters, there’s obviously a lot of magic going around with a fuckton of places to visit and even more magical species to populate the world and wield said magic – “angels”, demons, shapeshifters, monsters, gods, you name it. Most of my paras are non-human and those who are also tend to have non-human ancestry or some kind of extra magical power (what’s the point of fantasy without fantasy, yknow?). But also, because I have a weird obsession with Organizing and Putting Things In Boxes, I have the physics of magic worked out to an absurd detail, feel free to shoot me an ask abt it if you want to be bored to death :D
Plot-wise… well. I would summarize the story, I actually HAVE a pretty decent summary, but it’s like, 100+ pages (50k+ words if I recall correctly), and I’m pretty sure tumblr would not Like That (and this version’s not even up to date), so. There used to be a lot of exploration of the world (aka me integrating my current interests into my paracosm because I can), nowadays it’s a lot more character-focused, with the plot revolving around 15-ish “main” paras and their lives. Which can be anything from “I can finally go to college and study the stuff I wanna study! Yay!” to “oh god oh fuck I’m a general in a multidimensional war and thousands are dead if I make the wrong move” so. There’s a lot of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. (I am a sucker for big epic fights tho so that happens a lot lol)
Thematically, I like to focus on the inner worlds of my paras and how they relate to the world around them. Each of them come from different backgrounds with different perspectives so any time I wanna explore a concept I can just pick whoever falls closest to that (like, “oh THIS one was abandoned by their family but THIS one is a stable father figure, found family trope go brrr” just to name an example). There’s a lot of hurt/comfort generally speaking, heavy on the emotional angst and, because I’m a secret whump enjoyer, there also tends to be a lot of blood. Like a lot. (Dw I always balance it out with some old-fashioned “finding peace in each other’s presence” daydreams, especially soft and cuddly.) Oh yeah and also everyone’s gay but that’s pretty much expected at this point.
Sometimes I also like to wonder about the morality of certain aspects of this universe, since the setting and world is so different from ours, but ig that’s a topic for another day haha
Anyway yeah that’s as short as I could get it 😅 it’s a bit hard to talk about my paracosm as a whole because it’s so old and as a result incredibly widespread. I do have a sideblog dedicated to it but tbh I haven’t really touched it in ages so what little info it has is probably outdated. Idk what else to say, if there’s any part you’d want me to go into greater detail feel free to ask (I know ppl mostly only care about the paras which, fair, but when it comes to talking abt my paracosm practically any topic is free for the asking lol), and sorry for the long ramble haha
Bonus doodle of one of my paras (Rowena) I did like a day ago
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 016: Let's finish 1972! (ASM 110-115)
Dear readers,
This is it! The Lee-Ditko team is about to break up! Conway is going to take over Lee's mantel, a 19 years old dude entrusted with what was already a renowned character.
The last batch was painful at times, captivating some other times. I especially enjoyed the fanservice.
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Want some context? Keep reading!
So this set of issue, Lee's last ish, introduces... the Gibbon.
And to be fair, the Gibbon is a nice character. For his last (regular, at least) outing, Stan introduces a character with a lot of empathy. Ostracized for his face and abilities, Marty is a gentle figure and immediately nice to the hero, which you never get enough of in these comics.
Both artists also gift me with some supreme Parker whump that just keeps on going. So here's a few panels to celebrate that!
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A look at everybody's outfit: I particularly enjoy Harry's! It feels modern, in his own way. Is it because he has a much better mental health since he left the hospital? Maybe. Gwen has bold red, it suits her well.
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Pete's still afraid of Flash stealing his girl, but Flash actually just promised Gwen he'd try to be a friend to Peter, which is great development. They do become roommates later on... Or is Ned?
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Anyway, we get to see Peter's O-Face once again.
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This issue's giving me everything I ever wanted: angst, whump, Parksborn, it's great.
When Pete wakes up, the Gibbon tries to speedrun TASM2 and quickly feels betrayed when Spidey laughs at him for suggesting they'd partner up.
Not far from them, somebody seems to be satisfied with what his gaze has set on.
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A requested villain? No way... Surely... It can't be... The Wall?
(It isn't.)
Lee's last regular issue is a surprising delight, in spite of the first look I had at it. The ridiculous costume is acknowledged, and there's plenty of soap. Luv it.
I wanted to check out the reader's letters, but my scans don't have them and the archive I used last time was deleted. In the space of two weeks!!!! This is absurd.
Let's make way for baby Conway! What's his first SM story gonna be like, under Lee's supervision?
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Well Kraven's sure gonna show us with his fabulous dancer's soles and sexy pantyhose. Turns out he wants revenge for his dino pet (understandable). So Kraven's basically Newt Geizler, nice.
As implied in the previous issue, May is going away, letting the readers (and the writers, who don't know what to do with her) breathe a sigh of relief. Peter wonders with whom May could leave, completely forgetting that she has a girlfriend in the person of Anna.
Kraven drugs the Gibbon and subsequently takes over him. It's no time for nipple lasers!
This leads me to think the reason Gerry Conway started in the middle of a mini-arc was for Lee to show him the ropes. The style is pretty much identical to Stan's, maybe so as to not shock the readers (in the same way Romita tried to imitate Ditko's style in 39-40).
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(Peter looking like a sad boi.)
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The issue features nice word art for Kraven's commands to the Gibbon.
Issue #111 is a nice one, not that remarkable. The Gibbon gets out of Kraven's grip, but nothing's too conclusive...
I have the letters, though! James Brandwein hopes Stan "doesn't do something dumb, like kill [Gwen]". Hahaha. He also hopes that Peter doesn't get married. Did he plot Mephisto's inference with the plot? Hmm!
Mark Wilson asks for a mystery villain, whose identity shall be unknown for years! He should be satisfied with the upcoming Hobgoblin storyline. He argues that back in the day, the Green Goblin's identity was a source of discussions with fellow fans. (I guess this ask actually inspired the Jackal, but his identity would be revealed not too late.)
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In issue #112, Peter gets a few new facial expressions. The mystery of May's disappearance (because it's a mystery now, apparently) paces the issue. Gwen gets some welcome characterization and also says Flash had promised he wouldn't ~ride~ Peter anymore. She's very disapproving of their bedroom activities, obviously.
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Doc Ock announced his arrival through Romita having a lot of fun drawing great perspectives. And continuing in issue 113, the perspective shots are at least nice to look at. The issue also advertises Team Up because they need that sweet money, but I don't care about it.
I was just thinking I missed the side characters when Randy Robertson pops up, which makes me very happy. He's no Hobie Brown, but he's still Randy.
The Peter whump continues to my delight, and Doc Ock looks for a nightclub. He's always had that Elton John look, so I'm not surprised. Seems like the gangs are fighting ahead, and a "Mr. H" namedrop leads me to think Hammerhead's back... I'm already dealing with him in Insomniac's Spider-Man DLC (hey, remember when he died but was revived after his death being a life-changing event for a developing character? that sucked!) And his squared head appears a few panels later, so I was right. The two villains start fighting, but Peter gets whumped harder and offers me some nice shots...
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... and the whump soon turns into shirtless visuals, as is bound to happen...
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... and turns back into whump so whumpy I might have written it when I was a teenager. 19-year old Gerry Conway doesn't disappoint.
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Romita completely succeeds at making Peter look frail in these issues (and particularly this one), so kudos to him. Please produce more of this, please.
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In issue #114, Peter finds himself a passion for architecture.
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More importantly, Professor Warren's back too. Gerry Conway, I see you... And Gwen once again gets angry at Flash for him making fun of Peter. Déjà vu... but it makes me think Flash and Gwen could be a compelling couple...
Turns out May was at Ock's, being a nice little houseworker, and she does not take Spidey intruding gladly.
In the letters, Jeff H. Berlin complains about Peter's distrust of Gwen, and I agree with him. He has no faith in her and immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion.
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May got away, and this is just a nice set of panels.
All is well that ends well (Ock does have a word with May before leaving with the cops called by Robbie), but Peter truly looks like a puppy with his shojo eyes.
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Yeah, because making an old lady work is very nice of Ock.
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Like I said, very sad puppy indeed.
You know, I'm very glad to have read this arc, because it gives context to what happens later... Hammerhead's first appearance and rivalry with Doc Ock, May's behavior, the relationships between Gwen, Flash and Peter... and since we just finished up with the year 1972, next time, we'll enter year 1973. That's right, baby, two (arguably, three) years I've fully read before, and multiple times too!
The Green Goblin (finally) comes back, in multiple ways! The first Clone Saga is ashore! Are we ready?
I repeat:
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emcscared-whumps · 1 year
Hey so idk ur ocs so just go off about your fave. Who are they? What makes them so special? Are they the kind of oc you treat nicely or are they the kind you bite and shake like a dog with a toy?
Oh I am so deranged about him :)
My fave is my lovely boi Pete Spencer, he's sweet, scrunchy, and has done NOTHING AT ALL BAR EXISTING to warrant me picking him up and shaking him until he's torn to pieces uwu
Occaisionally he gets nice things, but that's very limited since it's SO much more fun to whump the absolute shit out of him and fixate on that-- especially since I tailored him to my incredibly specific tastes, and I guess that's what makes him special!
He's done a multitude of things for me-- helped me discover whump, given me purpose and drive, befriend lovely new people in this community, explore and appreciate the world through a new lens... There's a lot more lol but that's the short version XD
And!! No other whumpee I have EVER seen is his kind of critter:
I love mer, I love mer that can have legs and prefer legs because they grew up and adapted to the world with legs, and their tail is completely foreign to them, and it gets them into trouble and causes them difficulties, and traps them, and they can't swim, and they fear their own body, and oh man the list goes on and on and on, and every single one of those things applies to my boi Pete ^-^
His story is my main WIP atm, it's a gonna be a pretty long one, absolutely full to the bring of orginal, lore-rich whump... I just actually have to get the fucker written. Fortunately, Pete is on my mind absolutly constantly and I am not exaggerating (genuine), I have an obsession lmao, so, yeah XD
He fills me with happiness and he makes everything in the world good ^-^
For those curious, he has a character profile here :)
(Hm... maybe I should post that art separately...)
Anyways, tysm for the ask ehehehe I will jump on every oppourtunity ever to ramble about him :D
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Awww lol where are y'all going like out or something? Hiking or something or is it just hot xD
Ah yeah it's just hot lol xD
Oop o.o
I mean yeah like both of you have valid points of view but with hers it's about the current life and that's what Lim chose so you have to respect that
If she changes her mind in the future then she changes her mind but ://
Oop 😬
Shaun you have to just let it go
Yeeeah nahh he's not gonna xdd
True though you have to work with people you don't like sometimes lol
OOP o.o
Yes it is your responsibility xddd but more importantly OOP o.o
Also that she said no to shut up 👀👀👀😳
Dang girl xdd
I mean no need to escalate but also aight go off xdd
Anyway!!! That's it for the promo, and therefore the last thoughts :)). Now time for the. . .
I loved this episode! I thought it was really good :).
OKAY YES I procrastinated on this a bunch so it'll be super short to get it out before tonight xD
AGGHhh I feel so bad for herrr with that guy, UGH I knew he'd hurt her. Anyway, I'm glad she made the right choice for her :). But if it changes in the future, then it changes.
What's her face who's name I can never remember! I'm happy she talked to Lim, gave her that new perspective.
Perez! Okay, that is an okay reason lol. I'm honestly proud of him and happy for him for knowing what's right for him.
And for Jordan, I'm relieved she was okay with it. I'm also glad they're still friends :D!
Asher, yes I will be taking advantage of that whump 😌 lol. Anyway, I don't remember much about what Asher, Park, and Morgan did this episode, but yeah xdd (I just skipped through a bit for a refresher). Oh! And that scene at the beginning where he was singing with he girl was SOO cute :DDD!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love him so much.
I'm glad Glassman FINALLY talked to Shaun, and supported him in the end. I'm assuming he'll really have to after Lim denying this - I don't think Shaun will take it well. Also, his and Lea's conversation <33.
Also Morgan helping Lim pick an outfit was so sweet :'DD!! That's my girls right there 🥰🥰. Also all the girls in the elevator, lol xD.
And Lea helping out with getting the bio dad!!! That was great, though poor guy for being harassed lol xDD. Nah, seriously, I'm glad they got him to get tested and donate, and it's nice that he didn't tell her right then. And Lea's talk with Shaun at the end was great :').
Park's case with the brothers was so sad :((. I'm glad it ended up working out (the best it could, anyway), and that Shaun agreed to talk to them, but it was still sad :(. It had some super sweet moments though :')
I don't remember seeing Andrews much? Besides when talking with Lim. I'm really happy and proud of him for making sure they left Lim alone about it, telling her she didn't have to stay, etc. Really good of him :).
Shaun! I think he's gonna have a really hard time accepting Lim's decision. The ending nearly made me cry - it's really, really just not freaking fair. It sucks (it sucks so much) but that's how it is. And based on the promo, he's not getting over it that easy.
Overall, I loved the episode! I thought it was really good, there were a lot of decisions made and things done by people that I really liked and am proud of them for :). Also all their costumes were AMAZING. Asher's especially was adorable, and Park's suited him really well. It just seems like the kind of costume he would wear, and I thought the gloves were fun xD. And I liked how they incorporated Halloween, even though they obviously couldn't do TOO much since it's a surgery show lol. But when you air on Halloween you can't pass that opportunity up, you know xD? Anyway, I loved the drama of that punching scene, the cases were great, and the storyline continues, but everyone's anger has dimmed a bit, which I like. Hopefully we're on the road to happy little hospital family again :).
So yeah! Great episode, and not just a good normal episode, but a great Halloween episode. I'm excited to see where the story goes next! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 5: Growth Opportunities
It was a really good episode. I'm really excited for the next one! The title seems apt, in a literal sense that is. I'll be back next time for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 6: Hot and Bothered
See you then!
0 notes
astriiformes · 3 years
WIP Meme: List the titles/filenames/descriptions of your WIPs and tell us a little bit about them/wail about them/beg for inspiration/whatever you want! Then tag some people for a no-obligation mutual wailing/cheering/complaining session!
Was tagged by @marypsue to participate in this one. I am being restrained with my definition of WIP here because especially with all my Critical Role thoughts as of late I have been opening up some truly ancient drafts and contemplating acts of hubris, but these ones are all “Yes, I am definitely working on this one for real” projects. (Ones that are at least partially on Ao3 include links!)
Aurum Horizontale - or, as the draft is actually called in my google docs “vampire times (advanced);” my 2021 FTH gift for @twitcherpated which I am going to finish VERY VERY SOON because even the gracious extension I got from the event organizers after I busted up my hand is running out on me (rip). That said it has been an absolute delight to work on -- a chance to play around with one of my very favorite Critical Role fic tropes, “What if Percy wasn’t able to escape Whitestone when the Briarwoods attacked?” with a very fun twist. I have loved it ever since getting the prompt idea, partially just because it’s been a great excuse to indulge in my love of writing gothic horror and whump, as well asto go absolutely overboard with including all sorts of references to the history of science (particularly alchemy). Also, officially my longest story... ever?
Make A Little Birdhouse In Your Soul - one of my TOH Whumptober fills from last year all grown-up into a proper fic. (And, my first longfic for The Owl House). People kept saying they were interested in seeing it expanded and I was too! My personal attempt at writing a “Hunter gets taken in by the Owl House crew” stories with some distinct deviations from the fic norm, in part because I want to highlight some of the (fairly major!) characters the fandom tends to ignore a lot more -- but with some other twists too. On a break while I finish up other projects but Ch3 is coming along pretty decently all the same
marty mcfly trans - what it says on the tin, really. Marty is one of my favorite trans headcanons, and after realizing one particular way that would seriously complicate the narrative of the movies, I decided I wanted to dig into that in fic form. It has spiraled since then, to say the least, in part because I realized I was really invested in doing historical research for it -- most of the time, I feel like trans Marty headcanons don’t ground themselves in the 70s-80s very much, but I am full of hubris and also have a deep emotional connection to learning trans history. A librarian friend of mine, @suzirya, has provided excellent research help for this story and it’s one of the most personal things I’ve ever explored writing. I am absolutely committed to trying to get it posted sometime this year.
marty mcfly trans: TWO!! - ....yes, another one. It’s a duology, one taking place before the movies and one taking place after, essentially (yes I am very intentionally channeling some past/present/future elements here). The first one is from Doc’s perspective and while I love elements of the outsider POV on it, I decided it was also important to me to do a Marty-POV story, whcih is full of... extremely personal metaphors, to say the least. Ultimately I think it’s going to be the perfect way to explore what I want to do with these but it DOES means writing two different extremely long oneshots.
I Breathed a Song Into the Air - I had forgotton. That my actual google doc for this one is called “ELF DEPRESSION.” Anyways. My love letter (ironically) to the other half of my queer identity, this one is a post-canon LotR story dealing with Legolas and Gimli’s relationship and the former’s coming to terms with being aromantic and asexual. I love this on dearly and even though it’s been on hiatus since late 2020 (....yes, I know) I have every intention of still finishing it. The deeply aromantic version of a shipping fic in which I go “But what if this relationship were extremely complicated and hard to confine to either romantic or non-romantic?”
I am literally always down to talk about any of these stories, so please, if your interest is piqued or you have anything you’d like to say, hit me up
Going to tag a handful of people if they’re interested (including Twitch and Sarah, who have already been tagged in a round-about way), so @animatedamerican, @sidewalk-scrawls, @lafseanchai, and @shadowen also feel free to join if you’re at all interested.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
The fever..sweat..headache
His neck...he can't move it without feeling an electric current running through his spine and down his legs
He's losing it...
They don't know what's wrong with him
But he's not helping,his speech is incoherent!
He's in a different world where dark figures with wide eyes and evil smiles are mocking him
Stop resisting!
Just let go!
You're gonna die and rot anyway!
But he just can't
He's so scared and they keep touching him with their paws and it burns his skin and electrifies his body...making his chest tightens,his vision goes blank and his stomach knots..if he could just throw up or even take his breath,He'd feel less miserable...maybe even a bit better...but the agony is ongoing and there's no break for him.
"We need to get him on his left side"
The sheets are cool and his body is sweaty,his face is scarlet red and his dark locks are stuck to his forehead.
"We need to perform a lumbar puncture,Jasper"
And we need you to be very still"
Said that Doctor as he unpacked some towels and prepped some syringes
there's a stinging smell of disinfectant and the air is so dry that he can't even breathe
Where is he?
"We need to confirm if it's meningitis "
"But can't we give him antibiotic or something and then do whatever you need to do"
"Well,that might interfere with the sample results"
The man saw a long needle put on the tray and you don't have to be so smart to know that it's the actual "puncture" needle.
"But he's not even here! i mean what could happen if he moves and you hit his spinal cord as you introduce your needle?!!"
"That's why you're allowed in here and why we're getting 2 more nurses plus he'll get a local anesthetic for this!"
The doctor said as calm as he could.
"Now,Knees to his chest and tuck his chin down a bit"Ordered the doctor.
"Okay,You hold his head still"
And so the man gently put his palm over Jasper's nape and brushed his hair with his thumb while his other hand tried to get the sticky locks out of the way to his eyes
Jasper let out a pained cry as he was positioned
Everything was hazy
The man shushed him,"It's alright Jas,um here"
"You're gonna be alright,buddy"
Okay now Ash can you take it from here and continue the procedure
I'd like to hear you-He's a very sensitive guy who hates hospitals,doctors and he freaks out whenever it crosses his mind that he might lose control over himself-i thought you might need this also..feel free to tag others who might be interested in completing this piece-i don't really know if it's possible or how this is done..but here i am😅
Jasper is my OC and this piece is original...but i don't think i'll ever post any thing
Hey, I don't really pick up stuff to just finish it since I don't know the OC and don't have a good feel for it or anything, but the idea of medical whump with someone hallucinating - OR ARE THEY - while an invasive procedure has to be done is just... peak whump for me.
Like, definitely a big whump trope fave of mine is medical whump whether or not there is an actual whumper - whumpee being terrified and in pain, even if everyone around them is genuinely trying to help them... but I especially love when it's really not entirely clear if they ARE helping, or if this is going to be torture or torment done for the whumper's amusement or delight. Is the whumpee hallucinating? Or are the enemies real?
That's the good stuff.
You should absolutely keep working on it and if you ever feel called to, post it! The whumpblr community is pretty great and always up for new things.
The only thing I would say is that your text does a lot of paragraph jumps when it shouldn't, like with dialogue and everything. Otherwise I think this is a really good opening, a good place to hook readers and get moving with the story!
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kushielsmercy · 3 years
EDIT: Prompts are now closed
Look, I know that compared to a lot of the folks on here that is a tiny number of followers, BUT I am not a lot of folks, I am just one girl who decided to slink back to Tumblr last spring with a new account and zero intention of creating content. But here we are, and seriously, thank you all for keeping me semi-sane this last year. Especially my discord peeps who have gone from usernames to real friends, you know who you are and ily <3
ANYWAY I haven't done this before and am just going out on a limb that people will want to engage, but, prompts! I've gotten out of the habit of writing drabbles which is a shame because I love drabbles. So, my inbox is open for your ideas! I know it can be hard to come up with prompts without guidance so I threw together a list of fun quotes and tropes to mix and match as you want, but if there's something else you're picturing, a specific ship, kink, premise, whatever, just ask and I'll do my best! I'll ship just about any pairing, no matter how rare, if it's well-written and my list of no-go content is pretty small (MCD, hard non-con, ABO and monsterfucking are meh, mpreg, post-mountain [I know I know I just can't rinse and repeat anymore]. I'm sure there are others but that's what I've got off the top of my head). Worst case I'll politely decline if it's something I don't think I can do for whatever reason. In summary, I'm struggling with some of my "longer" (by my standards lol) fics so please give me things to write, and, seriously, thank you all again!!!
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“I’m haunted”
“What’s a little torture between friends?”
“Let’s overthrow the king together, shall we?”
"Don't say my name, you'll die."
“Truth be told, I’m not sure any of them are actually dead”
“Forever is a long time to have something like that tattooed on you.”
“There are people worth saving, just not you.”
“It’s a memory of someone I loved, before you made me like this. Criticise it again, I dare you.”
“I love stories. Tell me one.”
“All I want now is to look at life. You may come and look at it with me, if you care to.”
“Since your way probably involves explosives, I think it’s safer if we don’t.”
“This is the guy?”
“Well, it's nice to see that someone hasn't lost their optimism."
'Maybe try praying to the goddess of life.'
“Are all gods, this childish?!”
“Whilst I am very well aware that this was an incredibly poor decision, I also want you to be aware, that I very much, don’t care.”
“They’ll find us, you know they will…. they always do.”
“It’s uh….it’s a bit bigger than I was expecting.”
'Fine, I guess we'll just have to try them all, huh?'
I saved your life. I spilled my blood for you. In the gods' law, you're fucking mine.'
“What? Did you think I didn’t know?”
'Door's locked. Now settle down and sleep, or I'll give you a reason to complain.'
“No, I don’t want your shitty cake. I want your soul.”
Tropes and Premises:
Fatalistic Recklessness
I Didn’t Know What To Do So I Murdered The Person Who Made You Look Like You Wanted To Cry
Identity Porn
Arranged Marriage
Magical Tattoos
Deathbed Wedding And Unexpected Survival
Ritual Sex
Established Relationship
Meet Ugly
Contract Gone Wrong
Soulmate AU
Unwanted Reward
Trope Inversion
They died and left me to repay a bunch of really weird IOUs
Shared enemy
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sonderwalker · 3 years
Hey you Sonder! Please could you recommend some your all time fave obikin hurt/comfort stories? Just really like yours but already finished them all, I’m pretty into Whump story and see you as well thank you
hi anon!!
so to start this off, I usually read platonic stuff, so most of these recs will be mostly? platonic.
(honestly I'm super bad at saving fics that I like so.... yeah)
also- one of the reasons for why I personally write hurt/comfort (aside from the fact it's fun) is that when I first started writing them, I couldn't find a whole lot of stuff that I liked, so again... this list probably isn't super extensive.
(also projecting is a good way to work through trauma)
(also also it's how i practice my descriptive writing because that's what I struggle with)
anyway, here are some of my favs:
Light Sleep, Dark Dreams, by stolen_pen_name23
In Sickness and in Health. But Especially Sickness by Alright_Anakin
Misdirected by hayam
I just need you by moonlightpadawan
but they're just old ghosts that we grow attached to by ShakyHades
I realized, after giving these recs, that these are all literally platonic so here are some blog recs for more obikin centric blogs (since this one tends to focus on platonic/canon relationships, but they still aren't central to this blog)
@intermundia, @tomicaleto, @boonki (who i know has obikin hurt/comfort stories) @jswander are all blogs that have more of a focus on obikin and they are all fantastic writers :)
(sorry I couldn't be of more help)
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