#(eeee! worlds!)
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arrowheadedbitch · 3 months ago
Spoiler for Ithaca saga
"Used to say I'd make the storm clouds cry for you
Used to say I'd capture wind and sky for you
Have you in my arms prepared to die for you
Oh how time has flown"
Has me SCREAMING because he said that when he saw baby Telemachus and then HE ACTUALLY DID IT
Poseidon, the wind bag, the war and the whole journey, HE REALLY DID ALL THE THINGS HE SWORE HED BE WILLING TO DO FOR HIS SON RAAAA
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elqenna · 8 months ago
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dandy’s world OCs!!!
whimsy the balloon, confetti the piñata and candy the heart candy! whimsy is a child while the other two are adults
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feathers-little-nest · 6 months ago
Dear siblings in danmei and baihe, do you have any lord/servant recs? It can be funny, it can be angst, I don't care much about that. I prefer cultivation and historical settings but tbh being well written matters to me more. I'm reading DVAWTK rn and I love every second of it, To Rule in a Turbulent World will be my next read
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ladyelainehilfur · 11 months ago
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this particular trio scratch my brain in a very specific way
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kiirer · 2 months ago
now that i have a third major oc universe officially. kind of. it makes me think about how weird the names are
like in ataraksja you have ordinary people names theres only ryn whos named after a flower and then their name changes to kian because tadpole.
then you have terra del sole which is also pretty normal. the names are mostly chosen because of specific meanings behind them
and in what is temporarily called "the great cosmic trainwreck" you have people like. tuberculosis (gruźlica) whos a fish conductor. theres also twin girls named 8th Earthly Wonder, 8th Heavenly Virtue and 8th Deadly Sin but there's two of them only and no one knows who's who. Kirkor might be one of them at this point. and then you also have just The Ringmaster.
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dreamieparadise · 4 months ago
🩷 For the OC questions! 1, 8 and 9~
OOOH MY GOOOOSH? IT'S NOT A DRILL, PEACHY IS IN MY INBOX!!!!! [Also pst pst pst...make the khr blog or reblog these so I can spam you with them too? hehe] Oh and thank you for sending these in!!
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1☆. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Momina does in fact sleep with stuffed toys! She has a rag doll from childhood that she's never named. As a child she thought names were only for those that'd leave and because her doll never would it never occurred to her. However she eventually settles on calling her "Beloved." Now, Beloved is her absolute fave of all time! But if I were to say her favourite stuffed animal? It'd be "Ginny the goat"! Miruku got it for her and she's been in love with it ever since. It reminds them of their maternal ayeeyo's goat Adey who she misses soooo much!! I've drawn both before, let me include them, haha.
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8☆. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Both...! Complex puzzles really intrigue Momina but then eventually they get so frustrated...this doesn't mean they'll stop, however. They're a very stubborn person...if it goes on for too long then it's time to run to the puzzle geniuses Miruku or Hayato!! It's often Hayato if she's home since he's essentially a roommate, though.
9☆. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Yes! Momina does in fact empathize with them to the point of ridiculousness. She has gotten angry on behalf of non-sentient things and angry because of non-sentient things. "Because of?" You ask...yeah, imagine her loved one walks into a pole? This is Momina to that pole!!
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This...this is also often how it is if Momina walks into something and Hayato is around or vice versa. They're often jumping things or people together...what bad influences!!
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tsarinajissa · 5 months ago
Actually surprised there are so many seats left open for the men's short. At the challenger event I watched he skated (lombardia?) there were people sitting on stairs it was so crowded.
I guess us in north america have been spoiled with opportunities to see Ilia Malinin skate compared to the europeans and that probably makes for the difference
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asukiess · 6 months ago
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WAAHAHAH PISO!!!!! LOVE YOU AND CHERISH YOU!!! this is. everything. the eminath community may never be able to repay you for this gift.
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aturnoftheearth · 6 months ago
i love that every year i witness a new concert moment from mr schneider that makes me feel like a soup in a pressure cooker on high
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polkadotplayhouse · 11 months ago
patpatpatpat... duz th book yu readin hav a audio book somwere? or a vidyo uv sumwun readin it??? thas kinda like a storybook... wud tha hewp??
:0! hai!! umm yeah, it probably does, but I gotta take notes on it, and that's what's bothering me :3 I'm gonna get it done of course! but I will NOT be happy about it >:P heehee! at least I've got my stuffies n my sippy n sunset here to sit with me until I finish!!!
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athymelyreply · 2 years ago
a bit of what I suppose could be interpreted as corintheus somewhat based on this
He fell to his knees, feeling his body hit the floor with a jolt, catching himself on his palms. He gasped as the jolt of the impact traveled up through his wrists, only adding to the pain and desperation he felt. 
He barely held himself up, convulsing and beginning to sob, on his hands and knees as his creator stood above him a few feet away, observing. 
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vilevampire · 2 years ago
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official arts that I am frankly incapable of being normal about
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waloeders · 10 months ago
my brother made me watch a few episodes of jjk last night and okay folks i get it. i understand the gojo hype hes cool and geto (i think?) too
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just-a-we1rd0 · 2 years ago
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The draffin is a 7ft semi-aggressive omnivorous creature. They have the ability to spit their stomach acid if they have eaten recently, which can cause painful burns. They can shoot two different ways: A straight line, for more precision, or a cone, for more area burns. They can be found living in cave systems, becoming aggressive when their homes are threatened. It is rather difficult for them to hunt due to their size, so they will mainly intimidate other creatures away from their kills, attempting to not get in a fight as they have very soft skin. Or, they will eat other food sources such as berries and tree-fruits, sometimes even eating tree bark or roots. Unique to these specimins, during the mating season, once a female has either given birth or laid her eggs, (These creature have a unique reproductive track, meaning some lay eggs, while others give live birth.) she will leave and let the males care for the young until they can depart in the late winter.
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ahogedetective · 3 months ago
Merry Christmas Shuichi-kun! I got you a few things!" Makoto's gift this holiday season for the detective was relatively simple. The first one was a variety box containing various flavors of coffee chocolates. The second, was a piece of paper?
"It's a reservation confirmation to that one obscenely popular cat cafe. Figured it'd be something you'd be interested in." He chuckled, tilting his head slightly and giving Shuichi a knowing grin.
"Makoto-kun! Merry Christmas to you, too! You did?" There's a hint of excitement in his eyes. Shuichi already knows he's going to love whatever Makoto got him, and the moment he started seeing what the gifts were, he was proven exactly right. "Ohhh!! Oh my god, I love this brand of coffee chocolates. I guess you noticed with how often you've seen me eating them, huh?" He chuckles. He's had almost all the different flavors on the box before, with a couple being some rarer kinds he really hasn't had the chance to try! He definitely couldn't wait to do so.
Then at the piece of paper, he curiously reads it as Makoto explains. "!!!!!!" His eyes widen and he lets out a loud gasp. "Y...You you were able to get a reservation time?! Y-Yeah, I hear it's practically impossible to nab one unless you're super lucky, so I never had the chance...!!!"
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He's practically gripping the paper in excitement. For months, he's been wanting to get into that cafe for months, but reservations for every possibly available time were always packed. Without a doubt, he is extremely happy. Finally, he'll be able to enjoy the tasty looking foods while being surrounded by so many cute cats. It's a dream come true for him......
"Y-Yes, it very much is!! Oh my god, I can't wait to go there... Makoto-kun, you're the best!!" In his burst of happiness, he's pulling Makoto in a tight hug!! "Thank you so much!! You gave me such wonderful gifts like I knew you would...! Did you make reservations for two? It'd be nice to dine there with you! But if it's just for me, I will definitely tell you all about it!!"
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jannelle-o · 4 months ago
Only time will sort it out
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