#(damn is my head hooked on the thought of a loving bf lately too)
familiaanteomnia · 2 years
im totally normal about the goth guy, fire footed guy mlm relationship dynamic
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror (m)
A/N: I will never ever determine which body type the reader has, but I want every single one of you to know that it’s okay to feel empowered by the way your nude body looks, you’re absolutely beautiful and no size is a limit to how sexy you can be!!! You go queens!
words: ~5.4 (I’m sorry idk how to write short things anymore asdfgh)
genre: smut, optional bias (male) x reader (female), kinda fwb??, sexting
[H/N means “his name”]
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There’s no feeling quite like the one of trying on your new clothes that just arrived in the mail and loving how they looked. Especially when said clothes were lingerie and you felt like you could conquer the world, even when you were just standing in front of your mirror at 7 pm after you had just stuffed your stomach with lasagna. And what better way to enjoy your happiness than to share it with your best friend?
In fact, you had two best friends. One, a girl who you could trust with your life, and two, a boy who knew all your deepest secrets. One of the central differences between the two was that you would never think about asking the former about his opinion on your new lingerie. You almost laughed at the mere thought while you went through your contacts list and selected your friend’s name and clicked ‘send’. “It’s new. How do I look?” you typed and sent quickly, before throwing your phone onto you bed. You were feeling sexy, but for the rest of the evening there was only one way you wanted to feel: Comfortable. So, you changed into your pajamas instead.
You wondered what she would say about your photo. Sending almost-nudes to your friend might have seemed odd, but for the two of you, it was a completely normal occurrence. You loved making sure you both felt beautiful and confident by complimenting each other. Happily, you walked back to your room after you had picked up some snacks in the kitchen. You grabbed your phone as you plopped down on your bed. While you stuffed a handful of crisps into your mouth, you unlocked your phone to check your messages. You had expected a text from your best girl friend, but instead you had received one from H/N, your best boy friend. Pure horror consumed you when you clicked on the chat and saw your almost-nude there. Sent at 7:01 pm. Seen at 7:05 pm. And worst of all, he had replied before you could have clarified the mistake.
H/N: Idk where this came from but…you’re hot
H/N: Okay that kinda offends me…you have a bf and didn’t tell me???
You: NO OMG THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING HELP…it was for GF/N just for fun!!!
H/N: Ohhh…in that case…
You watched the dots signaling that he was still writing while you were still wondering how you would ever look at him without getting embarrassed from now on. It wasn’t like the two of you never talked about sex. In fact, he knew a lot about what you liked and didn’t like in the bedroom. Not because he had witnessed it. But thanks to multiple sleep overs with late-night conversations, when your lips became a little loose, you had discussed more sexual topics than you had ever dreamt of. Your cheeks were still feeling hot when you received another text.
H/N: How do I look?
Without missing a beat, he had attached a photo of him. Shirtless. His hair was disheveled, as if he had just removed his shirt, which he probably had. His sweatpants hung low on his hips as he stood in front of a mirror. He had tilted his head a little, showing off his jawline while he gazed at the camera with hooded eyes. You felt more embarrassed with every second you kept staring at his body.
H/N: OMG sorry this wasn’t for you!!!!!
Now you could only laugh at his stupid message.
You: Stop making fun of me!!
H/N: I’m trying to make you feel better!! Do I not get a compliment?
You: Thanks and you look great…can we please NEVER bring this up in the future?
H/N: Sure if that’s what you want…but if you ever need someone to rate your underwear again you know where to find me
And he really kept his promise. The next time you hung out, he was joking about everything but your little accident. You were thankful. But not mentioning the memory didn’t automatically delete it from your brain. And that’s where your newest problem begun.
You had never really looked at him in a sexual way before – sure, you thought he was handsome – but after than one damned picture he had sent you, you seemed to see him in a completely different light. There were no romantic feelings involved. But something felt profusely wrong about the way you thought about sex when he reached for a glass on the highest kitchen shelf and a small part of his abs was revealed. Or the way you instinctively licked your lips when you watched him stretch his neck in front of you. Or how your head spun when he lifted his shirt to wipe away his sweat when you worked out together.
One day was particularly bad. He had asked you to go to the public pool together, and being his best friend, of course you had said yes. As expected, he made you laugh until you were crying, scream when he playfully wrestled you in the water and giggle when he chased you on the water slide. And yet, you couldn’t help but notice his body. You almost felt bad, but then again, it wasn’t like you adored his character any less. You simply had some added adoration for another part of him. What were you supposed to do when he looked this good acting out a comic character while you played charades in the water? You might have been laughing on the outside, but you could barely tear your eyes off his neck and chest. Lately, you realized, the amount of thoughts you spent on wanting to kiss him had become problematic to you.
When you returned home at night, you couldn’t deny feeling sexually frustrated. Not wanting to give in to the inappropriate thoughts about your best friend, you turned on a tv show to distract yourself. But before you knew it, you were spending more time looking at your phone than at the tv screen. At first you browsed social media, but somehow you mustn’t have payed enough attention to your unconscious mind. You had miraculously landed on his Instagram, and when that didn’t entertain you anymore, you found yourself going back to your text messages with him. When you started at the shirtless picture he had sent you, you regretted not deleting it and forgetting about it right away. You wondered if he could ever feel the same way about you. You didn’t need any romantic feelings from him, in fact, you had no interest in a relationship at the moment. But you had never wanted someone this bad before and it was driving you crazy. So, before you could have stopped yourself, you were typing a message to him.
You: what r u doing??
H/N: do you miss me already?
H/N: ok do you really wanna know?
You: shut up you usually message me first!! and yes I do
H/N: I was about to jack off but you interrupted me
You almost choked on nothing when you read his message. Pretending you didn’t care, you replied quickly.
You: oh no am I killing the mood?
H/N: I didn’t say that
You: ????
H/N: don’t take this the wrong way but if you ever thought about sending me nudes again now would be the time
You: are u crazy?? are you actually asking me for nudes rn
H/N: it was worth a try ok let’s go back to being best friends who would never hook up
If you were freaking out about his previous messages, this one made you lose your mind completely. What was he saying? As confused as you were, you were also equally as sexually frustrated as he seemed to be. So, without a second thought, you chose the latest underwear picture you had taken and sent it to H/N.
You: that’s the most you’ll get…I won’t send complete nudes
You stared at the three dots indicating that he was writing a message. It felt like five minutes had passed when he finally replied.
H/N: fuck you’re so hot
And then he sent another shirtless picture. His bulge was prominent against his pants and the sight of it didn’t exactly help you with the pent-up frustration inside of you. But maybe it didn’t need to, because apparently, he felt the same way about you. You wanted to tell him about it. But there was no way you would be sexting your best friend at 11 pm, horny and frustrated. You knew you’d regret it and you’d only end up being embarrassed the next day. With no idea what to send him instead, you opted for simply waiting to see if he would say something. But he didn’t. Whilst waiting, you looked at his picture again. His jawline, his shoulders, his abs…and his boner straining against his sweatpants. For a moment you wondered if he was thinking about you too. Was he imagining it was you who was touching him when his hand wrapped around his cock? The more you let your thoughts run free, the worse your frustration became. And before you knew it, your hand was between your legs.
The next day you went about your duties, trying hard to pretend the previous day had been nothing but a fever dream. Luckily, you weren’t going to see him for another few days, so you could already practice an explanation of why sending nudes to each other had been a crazy idea. You worried about whether you could ever be the same around him after what had happened. But no matter how hard you tried to come up with a good reason why you should never even mention it again, you couldn’t. You were best friends who found each other hot. So what? Things could be worse. By nighttime, you had changed your mind. You were in the process of getting ready for sleeping, when your phone vibrated on your nightstand. His name lit up the screen.
H/N: you up?
You: not for long…whats up
H/N: I’m sorry for what I said yesterday about us not hooking up and so on…I was tipsy and you know my loose lips when I’m drunk
You: there’s nothing you need to apologize for
H/N: I was being weird and creepy…you’re my best friend
You: and you’re mine…that doesn’t stop me from finding you attractive
H/N: so I didn’t creep you out asking you for nudes?
You: I sent them to you, didn’t I… so what do u think
H/N: btw…thanks for that
You: likewise
H/N: so you’d do it again?
You: you’re not drunk now are you?
H/N: no just horny
You: dude I was about to go to sleep
If this had been a random guy you were occasionally talking to, you would have declined the request right away. You were tired and didn’t exactly feel too confident in your physical state. Nonetheless, you walked over to your mirror, pulled your shirt up until your bare breasts were almost exposed, and snapped a picture. Maybe it was the fact that you knew he’d return the favor and send you something back, or the immense trust you had in him. Posing in different ways, you took a few more pictures before you jumped back onto your bed. Impulsively, you chose the pictures you liked best and sent them to your best friend.
You: the things I do for you
H/N: fuck you look so good
You: have you always thought like that about me?
H/N: have I always found you hot?
You: yeah
H/N: I mean I never not found you hot
You: thanks I guess??
H/N: maybe we should have done this way earlier
You: agreed
Your eyes widened when he sent you a picture. He was still in his underwear, but his hand was wrapped around his visibly hard member outlined by the dark fabric. You had wanted to sleep, but somehow after looking at the photo for a little too long, you were wide awake. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, you let your head imagine whatever came to your mind. Never before had you noticed how much you liked his hands. Or maybe it was a temporary thing, now that you were already thinking inappropriate thoughts. You imagined it was his fingers softly touching the inside of your thigh, squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples. The first time you moaned his name quietly, your cheeks heated up. But the more you thought of him, and the more you allowed yourself to wish it was him between your thighs, the more natural his name sounded between your whimpers.
And the two of you didn’t stop there. You might haven’t had time to hang out with him for another week or so, but you were texting each other more than ever before. Almost every night, you sent pictures to each other. With every passing day and every time you came thinking about his body on top of yours, you became more comfortable. Your messages to each other turned dirtier with every day and every picture was a little riskier than the previous one. By the way you cried out his name every night, your neighbors must have thought you had gotten a new boyfriend. One that was exceptionally good in bed, by the sounds of it.
Now it was exactly one week and a day after you had first sent him a picture of you. You had just stepped out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around your body as you entered your bedroom.
One could’ve thought you were going to be less horny, the more time you spent texting him about your inappropriate thoughts. It should have gotten less exciting at some point, shouldn’t it? To you, it was the complete opposite. He was all your thought about at night. So when you noticed your phone on your bed, you couldn’t stop your urge. You grabbed it, unlocked it and went straight to your messages with him.
You: please tell me you’re alone
H/N: yeah I am…do u need something?
Even though his text might have sounded innocent to anyone else, considering what you had done for each other all week long, you instantly got excited.
You: I have a present for you but since you’re not here I’ll unwrap it for you
H/N: I love presents
You had taken multiple photos. Starting from your with a towel covered body, you had slowly revealed more skin to him, until you had dropped the fabric completely. In the last picture you were covering your nipples with one hand across your chest, making sure your slightly parted lips were in the frame as well. After you had pressed ‘send’, you got comfortable on your bedsheets, not so patiently waiting for his reply. You hadn’t been able to get him off your mind while you had been showering. Now you didn’t even need to touch yourself to know how dripping wet you already were.
H/N: this is what you do to me
You were surprised when you saw his message. He had attached a video. Up to that day, it had only been photos you had sent to each other. So, when you clicked the ‘play’ button, you almost felt nervous. But the nervousness changed into something wholly different within the first two seconds of the video. His hand was down his pants, clearly stroking himself. He wasn’t speaking, but even the simple sound of his breathing behind the camera made your head spin.
H/N: do you want more?
You: I wish you were actually here
A blink of an eye after you had sent the message, instant regret hit you. Had you crossed a line? There had never been serious talk of the two of you actually hooking up, although you surely had thought about it more than you wanted to admit.
H/N: me too
You sighed in relief. So he wasn’t thinking you were going too far.
H/N: but its late and we’ve got work tomorrow
You barely had time to even think about a reply. The sole fact that he was seriously considering coming over or letting you drive to his place right now only justified the saying “People want what they can’t get”.
You: you’re right…this will have to do
H/N: let me know if you need more
But you already had your hand between your legs, his name on the brink of falling off your lips.  
The next day, you were surprisingly focused on your work. Of course, you thought of him. He was your best friend, after all. Who would you have been if you didn’t wonder what he was up to or if you didn’t wish he was having a nice day? But that was about it. No dirty thoughts, no random sexual frustration at 2 in the afternoon. That was, until your phone vibrated in your pockets and you opened his message.
H/N: wanna hang out at my place tonight?
It was finally Friday. After over a week of not seeing him, you didn’t just want to meet him because you wanted him sexually. You missed his silly jokes and the way he made you feel careless after a stressful day. So, needless to say, you agreed.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen. Were you just going to hang out, the way friends do? Were you even going to mention your texts to each other? Your nerves were going mad when you drove to his place in the evening. It was a weird feeling to have about your best friend, you had to admit. But then again, you had every right to after the past week.
When he opened the door for you, you didn’t feel half as awkward as you thought you would. His hug felt the way it always did, and his room still was like a second home to you.
“Do you wanna order take out?” he asked.
“What’s in your fridge?” you returned the question.
“If I’d have to guess I’d say two eggs, half a bottle of soda and some yogurt,” he said. You laughed, already pulling up an app to order some food.
“Take out it is,” you grinned, falling onto your stomach on his bed. He followed your example. His shoulder was touching yours while you tried hard to focus on scrolling through the different offers of meals. But your look was drawn to his hands too close to yours and from one moment to the other, your mind was flooded with sinful pictures. You thought of him here, in this very bed, jerking off to the thought of you. Taking pictures of himself so you could do the same. Too many times you had imagined your face buried in his pillows, letting him hear the way you had been crying his name all week long, being able to make him cum with your own body and feeling his lips on your skin. Was he thinking the same things right now? Was he also struggling to focus on the simplest tasks?
“You’ve been looking at that chicken for a while now. Are you gonna order it or not?” he asked, making fun of you. How were you going to sit here, waiting and then calmly eating your dinner as if nothing was different? When you didn’t reply, he grabbed your hands along with your phone, making you look at him. You couldn’t instantly read his expression. All you knew is that in six years of friendship, he had never once looked at you this way. Inevitably, your eyes went to his lips and back to his eyes.
“Aren’t we going to mention this whole nudes-sending situation at all?” he suddenly asked, grinning cheekily. “What? You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?”
You swallowed thickly. “Thinking about what, exactly?”
“How badly I wanted you last night,” he said. His face was close to yours. If you only bent forward slightly, you could kiss him.
“As in…now you don’t want me anymore?” you asked. He chuckled.
“Do you really think I didn’t want to push you against the closest wall and make out with you the second you stepped into my house today?” he asked.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked, smirking and inching your lips closer to his. “Because I would have loved that.”
Instead of answering you, he finally leaned in to connect your lips. Within the first seconds you were moaning, and his tongue was on yours. You abandoned your phone on his sheets, swinging one leg over his waist to straddle him. He groaned into your mouth when you pushed your hips against his, your crotch rubbing over his bulge. Judging by the way you both reacted, neither of you had plans to take this slow.
His hands wandered over your sides and to your ass, squeezing it a little. You only moaned again, your fingers getting busy with his button up shirt. Teasingly, he bit your lip while he pushed your shirt higher, goosebumps rising on the skin he touched. His breathing became heavier when you let your hands roam his chest, pushing the fabric of his open shirt to the side eagerly. When you rolled your hips over his bulge again, you felt his erection more prominently than before, making you smile to yourself. For a moment you pulled away and pulled your shirt over your head.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he confessed, watching as you discarded your bra onto the floor.
“Me too,” you agreed. He had sat up as well, and you helped him remove his shirt eagerly. “I’ve been wondering what your hands feel like.”
At your words, he pulled you back on top of him, playing with your breasts softly. You reacted, leaning over him, so he could take one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimpered at the way his tongue pressed against your sensitive skin. He gave the same attention to the other side, his breath leaving behind a cold sensation where he had kissed you.
Then, you bent to his level again, lips meeting in a needy kiss. You let his tongue lead yours for a while. Meanwhile, your hands sneaked to the waistband of his sweatpants. He hissed into your mouth as you grabbed his length through his pants, palming him through the fabric.
“Are you still into biting?” you asked, referring to a late-night talk you had had in the past. He smirked, nodding. Softly, at first, you nibbled on his neck, occasionally licking and kissing him. You got the exact reaction you had expected when you bit him, not to harshly, but probably leaving a purple mark nonetheless. He moaned and threw his head back, only exposing more of his neck to you. As time went on, you made your way down his chest and his stomach, settling between his legs. As much as you enjoyed hearing his moans and attempts to make you hurry, you were just as impatient, if not worse.
In one go, you pulled down his pants and underwear. He lifted his hips so you could fully take the clothing off his legs. Your mouth watered at the sight of him below you.
“If you had told me two weeks ago, I would be sucking your dick today, I would have called you a clown,” you chuckled.
“Look how the tables have turned,” he said, laughing with you. But his expression hardened the moment your hand wrapped around his length. You stroked him a few times, before lowering your head. Your tongue licked a stripe up the side of his shaft, until you opened your lips just enough to take his tip into your mouth. He cursed under his breath when you batted your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” he said.
“Why? Don’t you like it?” you asked, your hand continuously touching him.
“I like it maybe a little too much,” he said, only making you grin. His expression read pleasure, his brows furrowed and his lips hung slightly agape.
“There’s no such thing as liking something too much,” you said. Purposely, you watched his face when you wrapped your mouth around his cock, tongue pressing flat against the tip. Steadily, you bobbed your head, your hand covering the rest of his length. His thighs were flexing under your hands and his stomach was rising and falling in an uneven rhythm. He propped himself up on his forearms, watching you intently.
“This feels so much better when you do it,” he said, followed by a groan when his cock touched the back of your throat for a moment. Your hand was covered in your saliva by now, eyes tearing up a little bit, but you blinked the tears away quickly. Every time you pulled away a little, you made sure to swirl your tongue around the tip. Right away, you had noticed the way he hissed at that specific action. Again, he cursed under his breath and you made eye contact once more. His lips looked pink from where he had been biting them and his cheeks were slightly flushed a rosy color.
“Oh my god-,“ he moaned. “I’m so fucking close.”
You bobbed your head faster now. After another few seconds you pulled away, replacing your mouth with your hand. The muscles on his stomach were tense and he had his hands balled to tight fists next to his body. You enjoyed his moans for a while longer, before you could feel him twitch in your hands. When he reached his high, he let his body fall back, his arms no longer able to hold himself up to watch you. The evidence of his pleasure spilled onto his abs and you slowly let your hand come to a rest. One of his hands was swung over his forehead as he breathed heavily. When you looked up at him again, he still seemed exhausted but was grinning from ear to ear.
“Give me a second and I’ll return the favor,” he said, sitting up. At his words you realized once more how much you wanted him. Quickly, he cleaned himself up. As you rolled over to lay on your back next to his sitting figure, you yawned briskly, getting comfy in his sheets.
“You’re bored? If you want we can also just watch a movie, or if you feel like-,“ he said with raised eyebrows.
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You sarcastically laughed, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m open for whatever. Right after you’ve made me cum on this mattress.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, turning so he hovered over you. “I think we can arrange that.”
He went straight to kissing your stomach and hips, while he unzipped your pants for you. His kisses tickled you a little, but the sensation was quickly forgotten by how close his hand was to where you wanted him most. In order to let him take off your pants, you lifted your hips a little. When he had thrown your pants aside, he couldn’t hide the cocky grin on his face at the sight of your underwear.
“This looks familiar…where have I seen these before?” he asked innocently, placing his hand on the material. You flinched a little when his fingers hovered over your center. It was a fleeting touch, but the lack of attention had made you needier than you would have thought.
“Imagine I hadn’t accidentally sent you that first picture,” you said.
“I don’t even want to imagine that,” he said, his dramatic tone making you laugh a little. Abruptly, your laugh turned into a whimper when he pressed one of his fingers against your covered clit.
“I get that you’re in no rush anymore, but I’m not gonna lie, I am,” you said, wriggling against his hand. He chuckled again but seemed to obey your request. His hand slid into the hem of your underwear, fingers instantly coated in your juices. In response, you only hummed contently when he curled his digits against your clit. Within seconds you relaxed into his touch. You put one of your arms under your head and closed your eyes for a while. Now and then, he teased your core by almost pushing his fingers inside of you, but then not doing so. As frustrating as it was, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. With skill, he rolled your clit between his digits. His free hand pulled on your underwear slightly, but not quite enough for it to come off. You whined at his teasing, looking into his eyes with a pleading gaze. He watched your expression for a while, probably enjoying the fact that he finally had the real you underneath him, instead of having to stare at some photos on his cellphone. So he finally obliged, making you feel empty when he pulled his hand out of your soaked panties, but simultaneously thankful.
“You have no idea how many times I imagined doing this within the last week,” he said. Then, he lowered his head and took your clit into his mouth. You had only opened your mouth to reply, but the words seemed to be deleted from your brain before they had time to come out, replaced by empty curse words. He didn’t waste any time in taking it slow, but you couldn’t have minded less. When he inserted to of his digits into you, your toes curled in pleasure and relief. With the way you whimpered desperately whenever he curled them against your walls, he had found your sweet spot in almost no time.
For more than a week you had been imagining, demanding for his touch, so deeply that now you could barely think straight when you finally got what you wanted. His tongue could do so much better than your own fingers could ever satisfy you. It was the unpredictability that made this so much more enticing than when you touched yourself. Would he slow down for a while, giving your breathing time to calm down, only to suck on your swollen clit feverishly out of nowhere? Would he curl his fingers inside of you almost painfully slowly, or would he almost pull them out completely, only to slide them right back into your core, until your vision felt so blurry you had to close your eyes? The more you thought about how good he made you feel, the quicker you felt your orgasm approach. One of his hands softly stroked over your belly, a strong contrast to the way your insides seemed to tie themselves into a tight knot that took up all your attention.
“Oh my god- please don’t stop,” you only moaned. Of course he didn’t. He only hummed against your center, only adding to how incredible you felt. As much as you loved watching him between your legs, there was no force that could have kept your eyes from shutting anymore. Your back arched off the sheets and your hands tightened in pleasure when the familiar feeling washed over your mind. You whimpered and struggled hard to keep your legs from closing around his head. For a few seconds you were blinded by the bliss, until your sensitivity began to set in. You softly pushed his head with your fingers in his hair, and he slowed down and drew back.
It took you a while to come down and until your breathing had regained its normality. Your eyelids fluttered open, while he plopped down next to you. He swung one of his arms around your waist, an action he had done multiple times in the past – only now neither of you was wearing clothes.
“That was amazing,” you said. “And here I thought I’d forever regret sending you that photo.”
He chuckled. “Agreed. So, what do you say? Are we able to focus on what to order for takeout now?”
You nodded and laughed, hoping this instance wouldn’t be the last time this happened between you two.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 10]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, guided masturbation, dirty talk, jun being a wild one, sad?????angst(sorry), mentions of break-ins/theft, yet again this chapter was meant to be shorter but here we are 😭🍒 more plot than anything else but enjoy! and as always, thank you so much for your support and interest in Cherry Bomb!! 😭💕💕💕 have a good weekend and don’t forget my halloween intro post goes up tomorrow as well!! stay hydrated bbys!!💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - ?
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Seungcheol sits beside you Friday morning, lips pressed into a firm line when he sees the five-digit number staring back at him from your revenue page. 
“Yeah, it’s---I--I’m…”
The two of you fall into a tense silence as you both stare at the exorbitant amount of money that the videos have made, unsure of what to say or even think.
“Um, I mean, o-obviously you get a cut of the money too, ‘Cheol! You’re half the video so…”
“Yeah, but even so, that’s---that’s an insane amount of money we made off of, what, three videos?”
You nod back slowly, sighing as you rest against the back of the sofa. “I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t think… they’d do that well. Like, not saying we suck! We obviously don’t, but just… I didn’t think they’d do that well.”
Seungcheol laughs, leaning back against the cushions as he meets your blushing face. “I could quit my job and just cam with you for this amount of money. I mean, this much off of three videos? Imagine if we were regulars together.”
The thought alone sends your mind into a flurry of various ideas; biting your lip as you lean into Seungcheol’s shoulder.
“Hey, I have an idea for tomorrow’s show but remind me to ask you later!”
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hoshi_tiger_xx: still out of town baby?
sleepy_wonu: i feel like you moved and you’re just not ready to tell us lol
Seungcheol smirks reading the comments; eyes flitting over to you from his place on the sofa.
“Moved? I wish! This place is probably waaaay more than my own rent though~” You pause, letting the sound of donations sound off and comments fly past on your laptop screen. “And I’m probably heading home tomorrow so get ready to say bye to this backdrop!” You pout.
therealchan99: can we quickly discuss those videos tho
angelhan: actually yes
Biting your lip, you note that Seungcheol’s eyes are already on you and that you’ve already hit the donation minimum to start your show. “Well…” You start pushing the straps of your bra down, unhooking the back until you can toss the flimsy material off. “What do you guys want to know? You know I kiss and tell~”
dom.cheol: how does he gets you so fuckin wet, baby?
alphagyu97: ur not rly friends are u? Is he ur bf?
alphagyu97: im not pressed either im just curious!!!
universe_WZ: thats what they all say
chwenon: yooo that last vid was fuckin fire tho
tangerine_kwan has donated $50
tangerine_kwan: is he ever gonna join u on cam? think u guys would be good
“Hmm~ Well, let’s start with dom.cheol’s question…” You shoot the camera a sultry smirk as you spread your legs; fingertips already dancing along the lace of your panties. “It’s really not hard~ He’s really good at what he does, y’know? Knows how to talk to me and get my panties wet~”
xcaliburDK: is he good looking
kitty_junjun: probably not as well as me 🤪
gentleman_josh95: stop while u r ahead
Letting out a soft giggle, you watch as Seungcheol rounds the sofa, leaning up against the back of it as he faces you. He keeps his phone in hand, thumb still dancing across the keyboard.
dom.cheol: he has to punish you so often though, baby.
artist8hao: i know, whats gotten into u babygirl? Why r u acting out so much?
“‘Cause I like it when he punishes me~” You lick your lips as you hook your thumbs into your panties, slowly guiding them down your legs. “But I like it when he’s sweet to me too~” Your eyes dance up to Seungcheol, tossing the material his way before speaking.
“Won’t you be sweet to me now?”
alphagyu97: oh shit hes there
universe_WZ: let him fuck your pretty pussy on cam baby
“Aww, I’d love that but he’s still a ‘lil too shy for a live show!” You run your fingertips through your folds, collecting the wetness on them before you bring them to your lips. “But not shy enough to lend your voice, maybe?”
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
Seungcheol makes sure to raise his voice enough so that he’s within earshot of the mic; adrenaline rushing through his veins when he, too, notices the sudden influx of comments and donations at his sudden appearance. “My baby’s been good today though, hasn’t she?” Nodding, you get lost in Seungcheol’s firm stare as the sound of donations and comments fire off in the background.
“Mmhmm~ So why don’t you guide me and show me how a good girl gets rewarded?”
He sets his phone down onto the back of the sofa precariously, both hands in the pockets of his sweats as he watches you. “Normally, good girls get to sit on my cock but we’ll save that for another time, baby. For now, why don’t you get those fingers nice and wet for me? Let them see how good that mouth of yours is.”
therealchan99: those pretty lips that look so good around a cock, just like i thought
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
sleepy_wonu: fuck yeah
You make sure your fingers are properly wet before you drag them down your body, soft sighs on your lips. “Don’t tease me too much though, okay?” Seungcheol grins in return, picking up his phone and sending a quick donation to keep up appearances before he glances your way again.
“Of course. So why don’t you play with that cute ‘lil clit of yours. Bet it’s still nice and sensitive after last night, huh?”
A stuttered moan falls from your lips the second you start rubbing slow circles on your clit; eyes fluttering shut at the memory alone.
xcaliburDK: fuck, all that cum spilling out of her cunt was hot
artist8hao: bet she was nice and full huh? Such a shame she wasted it
Seungcheol chuckles under his breath, “Right? Guess I’ll just have to fuck it deeper into her pussy next time.” You can’t help but clench around emptiness as you pinch your clit between your fingers at his words.
“Ngh, he made me come home with cum trickling down my thighs…” You whimper, “Not that I minded.”
“She begged me to fuck her in the shower too. Wanted me to mark you up real pretty, didn’t you? So that all your viewers could see.”
“Mmhmm…” He watches as you slowly slide your fingers down your folds to your entrance before they slide back up to your clit. “Why don’t you put two fingers in, hmm? Pretend they’re mine while you fuck yourself on them.”
kitty_junjun: aww her fingers are so small compared to yours
gentleman_josh95: bet its not even enough for her anymore huh?
dom.cheol: probably not
You slowly ease in two fingers at once; moaning when you sink them knuckle deep. “O-oh, fuck… Wha--what should I do n-next?”
“Fuck yourself on them, baby. Go however fast or slow you want to. Make yourself cum on your fingers.” He pauses; running a hand through his hair before he shoots you a devilish smirk. “But tell me how badly you wish it were me, ‘cause we both know you do.”
alphagyu97: wheeew lets hear it babygirl
tangerine_kwan: yea baby tell us
“It’s---It’s not the s-same… ‘Cause your fingers are b-bigger than mine…” You whimper, “And--a-ah, and they’re longer too…” Scissoring your fingers, you let out a breathy moan when you start thrusting your fingers faster into yourself.
“I wish it were your fingers, knuckle deep inside my pussy and making me cum. F-fuck, and stretching me open…”
You place your thumb on your clit; rubbing harsh circles on the nub as you chase your high. 
Seungcheol watches with keen eyes, the way your heels dig into the sheets and the way your brows furrow in concentration; licking his lips when he can tell you’re already close to your orgasm.
“Now let’s see that pretty pussy cum, sweetheart.”
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You towel your hair off after your shower; shuffling towards the living area as Seungcheol settles into his makeshift bed on the sofa.
“Don’t you want to sleep in the bed with me for once, ‘Cheol?”
His lips press into a lopsided smile, “Are you asking because it’s your last night here?”
He lets out a breathy laugh as he reaches for his pillow, gesturing you back towards his bed. “By the way, what was your idea for your show?” You sit cross-legged on the bed just as Seungcheol sets his pillow back against the headboard.
“...How do you feel about maybe filming with me at my place?” He quirks a brow at you just as he settles onto what he deems his side of the bed for the night. “Do tell.” He has a vague idea of where this is heading, but he lets you continue; curiosity eating away at him the longer you hesitate.
“Well, I was thinking… Maybe, and only if you’re okay with it, but… I was thinking maybe you could drive me back to my place? And I know it’s about an hour out from here but I’ll pay gas money! And we can just start heading towards my apartment a little before my show starts. That way you can use toys on me ‘n stuff. And I don’t mind if you spend the night either ‘cause it’ll probably be kinda late when we finish...”
Seungcheol nods; already thinking about the possibilities with the amount of toys you had at your place compared to his. “I mean, yeah, why not? And don’t worry about the gas money, I think we’ve both made enough money this week to last us a while.”
You can only pout in return, laying on your stomach next to Seungcheol who stares up at the ceiling. “Speaking of which… What’re we gonna do now?”
“What do you mean?”
Sighing, you run your fingers through your damp hair. “I mean… What are we going to do about the videos? Are--Are we still going to film together?”
His lips press into a firm line as a million thoughts run through his mind; he’d thought about it a lot himself the past few days since. “I have an idea but I’m not sure how you’re gonna feel about it.”
“Shoot, we’ve got nothin’ to lose I don’t think!”
Seungcheol eases onto his side as he meets your stare, “First of all, I don’t mind filming more videos with you. And to be honest, it’ll probably take me a bit of time before I’m okay with showing my face but I don’t mind being on your live cam shows either, if we can figure out some camera angles. But the thing is… I think if we’re going to be filming together, you need to change your filming schedule.”
Panic runs through you for a second at the idea but you quickly push it aside to hear his suggestion. “How so?”
“Well, right now you’re doing shows on Fridays and Saturdays, every other Monday and every other Wednesday, right? Your next show is Wednesday which is fine but I think if we end up filming videos together regularly, we need to adjust how often you actually cam and how often we post pre-recorded videos. ‘Cause let’s be real, you’d be way too tired if you kept it that frequent. Three live shows a week and filming with me? It’s way too much for you.”
This time, it’s your lips that press into a firm line. But Seungcheol was right. There was no way you could keep your normal schedule on top of filming with him in between. “That… That makes sense. What are we gonna do about, uh, I mean---’cause we don’t really live near each other…” Mumbling, you trail off, hoping that Seungcheol knew the answer.
“Hmm, well, you can keep your Friday shows and then I can swing by on the weekends. We can film a few videos over the weekend, even if they’re just short ones, or even film long ones and then you can just cut them into shorter pieces. So, in theory, you’d only do two live shows a week and one upload of both of us? We can figure out everything else as we go in terms of splitting profits and stuff.”
You nod at his suggestion, feeling better about the idea. “That sounds reasonable! I’ll have to make a notice for my page but hopefully it shouldn’t be too big of a change…”
Seungcheol yawns as he stretches, eyes filled with sleep when he looks at you.
“We don’t have to do anything too soon either. Those videos are still makin’ money so let’s get some sleep!”
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You and Seungcheol spend the Saturday afternoon driving around town; even going so far as to drop by the roller rink one last time to say your thanks and goodbye to Jeongguk.
“The two of you are somethin’ else, man. Really. With my whole heart, I just--I love it.” He pretends to wipe a tear off of his face as you and Seungcheol share a look.
“Promise me you’ll think of my offer?”
You nod in return, a soft giggle escaping your lips. “I promise! Seungcheol tells me you stream often yourself so I feel like I can trust you but only if you get my good side too!” This time Jeongguk’s eyes light up with excitement as he reaches for your hands over the concession stand counter.
“Oh my god, if---if I promise to give you half a cut of profits, would you show up on my gaming stream? You don’t even have to be good, just if we collabed, I really think---”
“Okay, ‘Guk, I think that’s enough for now. You can ask her a thousand questions next time.” You pat Jeongguk’s hands as he pouts. “I’ll think about it, okay?” You whisper under your breath; a small smile on his lips as he nods back.
“Don’t be a stranger!”
Seungcheol links his hand with yours as he leads you out of the roller rink and back to his car; eyes flitting to his watch to check the time. “We’ve got time to have dinner and then we probably need to hit the road after.” You nod, “Sounds good! Where are we headin’ for dinner?”
“‘Guk and I went to this diner called ‘Dynamite’ a while back… The food’s alright and I haven’t taken you there yet so we can go there if you’re okay with it?”
“Sounds good!”
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Seungcheol pulls into the parking lot of the diner 30 minutes later as the same neon signs greet him back. He parks near the entrance again, noting that it seemed fairly empty this time as well.
“I wonder if the guy is still here…” He mutters as he unbuckles his seatbelt. “What guy?”
The two of you exit his car; jogging up to him as he waits for you. “Just the guy who was our server when I was here with ‘Guk. He seemed familiar and it was weird.”
Seungcheol opens the door for you, letting you in first as the cold AC blasts you.
“Welcome to Dynamite, I’m Jun and I----Oh fuck!” Jun drops the menus in his hand, lips settling into a wide smile as he walks up to you and Seungcheol, tripping on his own feet as he meets you at the door. “I’m a big fan!” He harshly whispers. You blink up at him just before your eyes flit down to his pastel coloured name tag.
Oh. kitty_junjun.
“O-oh, you’re---you’re kitty_junjun aren’t you?” You whisper back; already noting that he was quite handsome himself.
Fuck, are all my regulars hot?
“That’s me, baby! And oh--you! It’s you! I remember you from last time! You were with that other guy! Are you… y’know. The guy.” Jun wiggles his eyebrows as he steps back and picks up two menus from the counter. Seungcheol mentally grimaces but he nods.
“That’d be me.”
Jun’s eyes light up with enthusiasm as he gestures for the two of you to follow him towards the seating area. “I’m such a huge fan, really! Of Cherry and, well, really both of you now.” He leads you to a booth before he sets the menus down onto the table. “I hope you don’t mind but I volunteer to be your server and the milkshakes are on me tonight!” Finishing with a wink, he leaves the two of you alone as he walks back towards the counter.
“Wow, ‘Cheol when you said small town, you really meant it, huh?” Giggling, you take in Seungcheol’s mildly embarrassed appearance. “Hey, you’re famous!”
Am I famous? He thinks, Or is it just my dick?
“So that’s three people that could clock me in person… I mean, I guess it could be worse.” He mumbles; cheeks flushed pink when he sees Jun walking back towards your table. Jun leans against the booth, nodding as he props a hand on his hip.
“Sorry, I hope I’m not bothering you guys. It’s just, I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity!” He laughs, “I’d ask for your autograph but then I think that’d be a little too weird.”
You can’t help but giggle at his comment, turning slightly to face him better. “Guess you were right when you said you thought you saw me, huh?” He snaps his fingers as the memory comes back to him in an instant.
“You’re right! Fuck, I almost forgot about that. Man, I thought I was having a fever dream.”
Jun stares off to the side before he fixes his gaze onto Seungcheol; eyes wide. “Hey, I never caught your name, I don’t think?” Seungcheol gulps, hoping that Jun doesn’t connect the dots as easily as Jeongguk did.
“It’s Seungcheol.”
“Oh… okay! Well, cool, are you guys ready to order?”
He lets out a breath he doesn’t realize he was holding as you relay your order to Jun; lips falling into a shaky smile as he gives his order to Jun once you were done.
“Okay! I’ll be back in a little bit!” Jun shoots the two of you a smile before he leaves the two of you alone again.
“Well, this is an interesting Saturday if I do say so myself!” Seungcheol can’t stop the laugh that bubbles out of him; shaking his head at the way you seem to take it so easily. “I can’t believe you’re so chill about running into people that know you!”
“Like you said, ‘Cheol! It could be worse~” You pause, “This one time I was at the grocery store and this older man came up to me and said he recognized me. I was like, cool, y’know? I know my viewers are all different ages so I don’t judge. But then, two kids came up to him calling him ‘daddy’ and I literally bolted out of that place before his wife could find me!”
The two of you share a laugh before changing the topic; only stopping when Jun comes by with your orders, twenty minutes later.
“Hey, this is kinda random but it’s not so busy right now, so… Did you wanna sit with us and chat?” You offer as your eyes dance between Seungcheol and Jun. The latter’s eyes twinkle with excitement as he sets the last plate down.
“Wait, seriously? I can take my 15 if you’re being serious!” This time, you look to Seungcheol for his opinion, already noticing the way he seems more relaxed.
“Yeah, that’s cool with me.”
Jun all but runs off to tell his manager as you scoot over to give him space when he gets back. “I’m surprised you asked if he wanted to sit with us while we had dinner.”
“Why not? He seems nice! And we’re making friends!” Seungcheol nods in agreement just as he starts eating and just as Jun makes it back to the booth with a milkshake of his own.
You pat the empty spot next to you as he gasps slightly. “I feel like the second luckiest man on earth.”
He slides into the booth next to you, making sure to keep a reasonable distance. “Hey! You’ve got a show tonight so… are you two, y’know…” Seungcheol makes a conscious effort to not choke on his food as he chews slower than he usually would; eyes flitting over to you just as you set your utensils down.
“Um, yeah! We don’t really know what we’re gonna do yet but no spoilers okay~ Nobody knows what he looks like, Junnie!” You pout. Jun can only vibrate in his seat; a pink blush on his cheeks at the sudden nickname.
“Of course! My lips are sealed shut! And well, if you’re ever back in town, I’ll give you guys my employee discount if you swing by!” He grins.
The three of you talk about various topics within Jun’s fifteen minute break, thankfully none that involve camming. Jun pouts when his time is up, a sigh on his lips when he stands. “Damn, well, I guess I’ll see you later then, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows, chuckling.
“Just wave me over if you guys need anything, okay?”
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The rest of dinner goes on without issue and Seungcheol finds himself in a lighter mood than when the two of you first arrived at the diner.
You make sure to leave Jun a big tip, winking at him on your way out.
“Ready to head home after a week?” Seungcheol shoots you  a sad smile as he walks you to the passenger’s side of his car. He opens the door for you and lets you in before shutting it and jogging to the driver’s side.
“I mean, it’s not like we’re not gonna see each other anymore. If anything we’re gonna be seeing each other fairly regularly since you’re gonna come over to film!”
Seungcheol nods as he sets your apartment into his GPS; pulling out of the driveway as he begins the hour drive to your place.
“Yeah, and I mean, we can figure out what schedule works better as we go. Maybe we only need to film every other week or something too, right?”
“Mmhmm! I’ll start drafting a notice for the schedule change tomorrow and then I’ll run it by you before it goes up.”
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The hour drive seems to go by quicker than you expect as the two of you spend the time singing along to songs on the radio; judging Seungcheol’s impeccable vocal skill when a rock song comes on.
“Wow, I--I didn’t know you had the vocal cords to do that, ‘Cheol!” He takes his eyes off of the road for a split second to shoot you a cocky grin.
“I’m pretty good at karaoke. We should go next time! Maybe invite all of our new friends.”
You snort in response, slapping his arm as he pulls into a residential part of town. “And if the person working the front desk of the karaoke place knows us?”
“Then we invite them in too!”
A slight blush paints your cheeks when you realize how much Seungcheol seemed to have relaxed in the last few days, if not hours. You knew it was never easy to get used to being recognized in person and there were still a lot of times where even you were flustered in person. 
“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Seungcheol’s concerned voice has you immediately peering through the window; eyebrows furrowed when you see the police cars parked outside of your apartment complex.
“W--wait that’s my--my apartment complex, ‘Cheol pull over!”
He parks the car a little closer to the scene; getting out of the car with you as the dread becomes more and more evident on your face. “Hey, I’m here with you, okay? Maybe it’s just nothing.” He offers; simultaneously knowing that his words were currently going in one ear and out the other.
The two of you walk hand in hand up to the front where you spot your landlord standing with a police officer. You call her name as she turns to you, gesturing for you to come closer.
“Didn’t you get my text message? Or any of my calls from the last 45 minutes?” You shake your head no in response, eyes dancing to Seungcheol who’s expression matches your own. “No--No I--I was out at dinner, I didn’t even hear my phone go off. What’s going on here?”
She sighs, arms crossed in front of her chest as the police officer clears his throat. “Well, Miss, there were a few break-ins tonight here. There’s a lot of broken glass and a lot of missing items. Thankfully nobody was injured but unfortunately we’re going to be running an investigation so it could take some time.”
“I--w--what about m-my apartment?” Your landlord sighs, “I’m sorry, honey, but your apartment was one of them, I---hey!”
You all but drag Seungcheol with you as you start making your way towards the entrance of the complex, panic and adrenaline guiding you as you all but throw the front door open. The sounds of the officer and your landlord shouting your name become fuzzy as you make your way through the halls; side stepping the stray items that were left on the floor. You make it to your hall when you notice a police officer standing at your front door that seems to have almost been ripped from the hinges.
“Miss, you can’t be in here, we’re---”
“This is my apartment, please just let me in!”
The officer standing at your apartment door notes the distress in your voice and sighs, “Show me some ID and I can let you in.” You quickly fish out your ID as he cross-references it with his documents. “Alright, go ahead. Please just don’t touch any of the hard surfaces.”
Your palm feels clammy against Seungcheol’s as you step into your apartment; shaky gasps on your lips when you notice the items strewn about. “O-oh my god…”
Seungcheol squeezes your hand tight, unsure of what to say. This was definitely the last thing he would’ve expected to happen at the end of your one week stay with him.
You can’t help the tears that threaten to spill as you look around your apartment and Seungcheol quickly notes the glassy look in your eyes when you turn to face him. Seungcheol quickly turns to the officer, voice stern. “I’m sorry to ask but can you give us a second alone, please? This is a lot for her to take in.” The officer nods as he steps back into the hallway.
“Baby? Tell me how you’re feeling, sweetheart.”
It only takes a split second before you’re sobbing into Seungcheol’s chest; his arms wrapping tightly around you.
He rubs your back gently, cooing to you softly as you let out your emotions. “Seungcheol, I, hic, wh--what am I--I, hic, g-gonna d-do? I…” You trail off as your mind goes a mile a minute. He’s unsure of how to comfort you, eyes taking in the ransacked room.
“We--we should probably talk to the officer outside? Figure out what’s going on. I--I mean, you’re definitely coming home with me. I’m not leaving you here like this and with nowhere to go.”
You pull away from his chest, tears still streaming down your face when you look up at him. Seungcheol feels his heart shatter into a thousand pieces. God please, I’d do anything to make sure she never cries like this again, he thinks.
“But my--my s-stuff, I--this--”
“I know, baby, I know. Let’s just both be thankful you weren’t here when they broke in, okay? We can replace the material stuff.” He smooths your hair down and wipes your cheeks, leaning down until he’s at eye level with you.
“I promise you, we’ll figure it out, okay? I’m not leaving you until we do.”
Nodding, you let Seungcheol take your hand as he brings you back to the front door where the officer is. “Hello? Excuse me?”
Seungcheol looks your way before clearing his throat. “We just want to know what happened to my girlfriend’s apartment.” You squeeze his hand, hiding behind him.
“Well, we can’t really know for sure. A few other apartments were broken into. For some, the locks were picked and for others, it seemed like they just used blunt force against the doors until they gave way. Unfortunately, seeing as this is a gated apartment complex, the hallways don’t have any security cameras and we have no idea how the suspects got in past the gate.” The officer pauses for a moment as he lets his words sink in. “Usually with cases like this, a lot of the material goods eventually show up in local pawn shops or even just discarded in near-by trash containers. And judging from the building history, this isn’t the first time these burglars came by. This seems to be the second time. But that’s all we know for now. I suggest you pack some of your things and hang tight in a hotel until we get more info because, unfortunately, your door is ready to fall off of the hinges and we need to get a detective in here to see if there’s any fingerprints on the surfaces.”
“Will there be someone patrolling this place all night? How are we sure they won’t come back?”
“We’ll have an officer posted at all times, young man. I promise you nobody will get back in here.”
The tears stream down your cheeks as you quietly stand behind Seungcheol; lip quivering as Seungcheol thanks the officer for the information before turning to face you again.
“‘Ch--Cheol, what’re w-we, hic, gonna d-do now?” Your voice sounds so small to him as you keep your eyes focused on the floor.
“Has your apartment been broken into before? Be honest with me.” 
“O--once, but--but it w-wasn’t this bad...” He clenches his jaw at your words. How the fuck did this happen before without anyone finding out? “Wait, so this has happened in the past? And you never said anything?” You peer up at him, eyelashes wet with tears. 
“It, hic, they--they didn’t take as much s-stuff that t-time. But--but now I’m, hic, won--wondering if they were just s-scouting...” Seungcheol’s vision goes red; knowing exactly what he wanted to do and say but unsure of the possible outcome.
Fuck, screw it.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do, sweetheart.” He pauses, exhaling deeply before he continues. “We’re gonna pack a bag, take all your important things that you can find. I don’t care if we have to fill up my entire car with your things. And you’re coming home with me. I don’t care if you have to break the lease on this place, but I can’t in good conscience know you’re living here if people are breaking into it like this.” You open your mouth to speak, brows furrowed. “But--”
“No! No buts this time. I--I can have Jeongguk help with moving. I’m sure Seokjin-hyung can take his shift at the roller rink for one day to help us move your things. And we’ll figure things out as we go.”
“The r-rent, I--”
Seungcheol shoots you a small smile as he tilts your head up to meet his soft and warm eyes. “Please, don’t worry about something like that right now. I’m just happy you’re okay. And that you weren’t here alone where I couldn’t help you.”
You nod shakily, hands covering Seungcheol’s as he holds your face in his hands. “Seungcheol, I’m so--so sorry, I--I don’t even k-know where to start, I--this is---it’s all just so much. Really I can just---just get a h-hotel and you can g-go home...” The tears threaten to spill again but Seungcheol quickly tugs you into his inviting arms. 
This was by-far not at all how he expected to end his weekend. And he could only assume you felt the same way.
“I know it’s a lot. But we’re good at figuring things out on the fly, right? You have to trust me on this one. You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. But for right now, I think you need to hurry and post a notice that there’s no show tonight while I look for your luggage so we can grab some things and get out of here, okay?” 
He releases you from his hold, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead. 
“I’ll fix it, I promise.”
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!jinjin
a/n yes yes yes 100x yes, here's the next installment of the college bf!astro series hehe, hope you enjoy it love 😙
{request: Would it be possible to get a college boyfriend Jinjin too?? I super loved the Bin one you did!!!! Thank you in advance 💜}
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 3k
alright theydies
jinwoo–like everyone else in astro–makes me hella hard and soft at the same time so this is gonna be fun
major: music engineer technology
i saw that one ddoca where he was directing all the members for his song and just !!! grr bark bark
literally a fucking sweetie
one of the kindest people you will ever meet in your life
his face is so gentle, especially when he smiles
and then you hear his voice and you're like woah why is it so deep and raspy hey
and then he laughs or giggles and you're like ahh that looks more like you hehe
roommates with university famous dancer!rocky bc i love rap line
such a good roommate and hyung omg
will always make sure rocky eats dinner or takes a shower before going to bed even though he’s exhausted from dance practice or whatever
always shows off how talented rocky (and the rest of the boys) is
very chill
which is a bit of a surprise to everyone bc one of his best friends is literally myungjun
anyway, how do you two meet??
you're a vocal performance major
coincidentally, the same major as myungjun
oh god so you can bet he really played matchmaker for you two
you and myungjun were doing a duet together for one of your final projects during your second year
and you two were joking around like
damn, we should record this, we sound pretty fire
*cue myungjun immediately calling jinjin*
jin: hyung why are you yelling it's literally 6 pm
anyway, it was spontaneous but you and myungjun end up going to one of the recording studios in the music building where jinwoo very often frequents at
you're like a bit shy, like wtf myungjun you didn't tell me that your friend was cute?? you would have worn something better than sweats and a tank
jin's so nice ugh, just imagine him smiling at you as he introduces himself
literally you melted
his fit? bucket hat, glasses, shorts and a tee
it was so casual, but why did he look so cute??
myungjun convinces jinwoo to let you guys record in the studio
it took him just 10 minutes to set up the equipment and everything
you were just looking at him like ooo looks so professional
sksksk im gross
myungjun goes first bc you were nervous
and yeah duh he was a natural, but you couldn't help but admire jinwoo in his prime
he looked so attractive in the producer chair just like instructing mj in the booth
he didn't even know what kind of song you guys were singing, but he directed him so smoothly so that the best parts of myungjun's voice came out
mj joking around: why's your mouth open, y/n? amazed at my voice?
you roll your eyes: sure if that's what you want to believe
your thoughts: ah haha i was totally not oogling your best friend myungjun, totally not
and then it was your turn to go in the booth
you don't know why, but you were hella nervous singing in front of them–or more so, in front of jinwoo
which is dumb bc you're literally a vocal performance major, you sing in front of strangers all the damn time
but you really wanted to impress him for some reason??
okay, you had no reason to be nervous because as soon as you opened your mouth?? jinnie?? literally awestruck
he's heard a lot of singers, obviously bc he's had to record so many of them
but you?? your voice?? a literal siren for him–but in a good way!
your singing entranced him
and then you looked out of the booth to see him just staring at you and your throat went dry
your voice cracked, you've never felt more embarrassed in your life
you: ah! oh my God I'm so sorry, that was horrendous
myungjun's laughing at you, what a nice duet partner
but jin just smiles bc you're whining and hiding your face in your hands
you were so cute??
jinwoo: it's okay y/n, you were doing really good. let's try that again, okay?
he was so sweet about it, ugh you were blushing
you end up recording again, and this time you made the smart decision to close your eyes and just try and focus on the lyrics
and shit, if jinjin wasn’t already a bit interested in you before, he definitely was now
because the way you looked completely immersed in the song and lyrics
his heart skipped like ten miles i dont know
myungjun just knew from the way jinwoo was staring at you
you didn’t get his number from the first meeting
bitch you were too shy, you just squeaked out a “thank you, hope myungjun and I weren’t too much of a bother”
jin: hyung’s always a bother, but you were totally fine
mj: hey!
anyway you leave with a bit of regret, like you should have at least gotten his snapchat or social media or something
or make a dumb excuse to try and see him again
ah but mj was already ten steps ahead of you and jinjin ;)
when you get back to your apartment, there’s a text from myungjun like
“come back to jinwoo’s studio tomorrow for the final mix of our duet”
you immediately jump at the opportunity: okay! what time?
damn could you be any more obvious??
this time you actually tried to look cute, like you were going to see jinwoo again, you couldn’t look like a rat
you get to the studio at the time myungjun told you and you’re like?? oh it’s just jinwoo here?? maybe myungjun’s running a bit late??
jinwoo: oh hey y/n! wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon
you: ???? myungjun told me to come here to listen to the final mix...
jinwoo being shy: he didn’t tell me about that haha
you’re embarrassed, about to turn on your heel and book it
maybe also thinking of murdering myungjun on the way back to your place
but then jinwoo grabs your wrist before you could leave
and you literally felt a spark at his touch, it made you jump a little bit
jin: you can stay if you want–I mean, you came all this way already, I’d be a bit of jerk if I just make you leave
you: I-uh-don’t wanna intrude
he just shakes his head with a smile: you’re not, don’t worry. besides, I’m actually working on your song right now, you can tell me what you think
and that’s how you end up hanging out with jinwoo alone in the studio
you were obviously very awkward and nervous at first
what do you say to him? should you ask him questions? what if you’re bothering him? god you don’t want to sound like an idiot
jinwoo noticed your nervousness––and yes he was nervous too, but he just hid it better than you
he hands you a pair of headphones: here, listen to what I have done so far
you’re like pleasantly surprised??? you and myungjun sound so professional?? like damn put this out on spotify or something
you’re smiling and jinwoo just feels like a huge sense of relief like phew okay you like it so far
and then you two just get to talking while he’s still mixing
you ask him how he got into music and his major and all that fun stuff
you find out that jin’s always loved music and the actual producing aspect of it, he hopes to be a music producer one day and he just flirts with you like
“hey maybe one day you can sing my songs on stage”
and you’re like ??? me??? 
jin: you have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard, it would be an honor for me
ugh jinwoo stop im blushing
you two end up ordering food and eating at the studio bc he promised himself that he wouldn’t leave until he finished your duet and you didn’t wanna leave him alone tf
you and jinwoo exchange numbers this time hehe
before you leave, he’s like “this was nice y/n, you should come over and keep me company more often :) if...you want of course”
you: i’d be happy to! just text me any time :)
internally you’re screaming like yes !! 
you can bet that you start spending a lot of your free time with jinwoo in the music studio
sometimes it’s just you two
sometimes myungjun and their other friends make appearances too
and that’s how you get introduced to their friend group
myungjun to either of you: you’re spending a lot of time with jin/yn lately ;)
about a month after meeting each other, jinwoo asks you out on a date
with the encouragement of astro
it was all expected let’s be honest
cliche first date at the movies, but like you both loved it
wouldn’t be surprised if astro was spying on you two, sitting like a couple rows behind and watching your every move
but shhh if they did, you and jinwoo didn’t notice
the transition from liking each other →  going on dates →  making it exclusive went so smoothly
you and jin were hooked on each other after the first couple meetings that it just seemed so right
myungjun will never stop saying that he’s the reason why you two are in a relationship
you and the other boys grow very fond with each other–particularly sanha
and that was important for jinwoo bc the guys are like his family and it’s basically a dream for him that his partner and friends are close too
sanha is his child do not @ me
so by osmosis, sanha becomes like your baby too
the two of you literally coddle sanha, it’s cute okay
they all go to you and jin for relationship advice sksksk
bc to them, you two just seem so made for each other :’) 
the !! sweetest !! most perfect !! boyfriend
will walk you to class in the morning even if his class is all the way across campus
and you’re like: jinwoo it’s okay, i can see you after this class, you might get late!
jin being pouty: i just wanna spend more time with you :(
im in love with jinjin
loves holding your hand, even when you two are in the studio and he’s mixing something for class or just for fun, he’s still holding your hand
whenever he makes a composition, you’re the first person he shows
really values what you think of his work
vice versa, when you have a song you need to sing, you always ask him to listen to you first
you don’t sugarcoat with each other when it comes to music
will ask you to sing literally all the time
jinwoo gives the best hugs :’)
it’s just so comforting, one of his hands strokes your hair, while the other one rubs your lower back
you know what kind of picture im creating?? yeah
ooooof baby you go with him when he gets his tattoos
you hold his hand through it the entire time even though he probably didn’t feel much pain from it
and like his big ass chest tattoo??? are you drooling??? 1000%
when jinwoo realizes that you get ??? turned on?? by his tattoos, you bet he begins to walk around shirtless in your apartment
is this my transition to down and dirty? yes it is
your first time with him was mmm rough and it’s all thanks to that chest tattoo
you and jinwoo have been steamy before, like makeout sessions and dry humping, and oral (both receiving), but the actual action of fucking? y’all haven’t done it before that night
ofc he’s being a little tease and walking around shirtless
he was always touching you though, not explicitly, but like say you were washing the dishes, he would walk past you and brush his hand passed your waist and he’d whisper in your ear like: sorry baby excuse me
and like he’s done this the whole day so just at one point you lose it and literally push him against the wall and start making out with him
ah he knew you were gonna crack
and god you were so turned on at this point that you were not having any of that soft shit, like you needed him to fuck you asap
jinwoo fucks you so hard your first time together that you couldn’t walk the next day
oh boy he likes to bite
yes he’s the sweetest, but in the bedroom?? lowkey a bit of a masochist
it’s okay bc you don’t mind a little bit of pain ;)
daddy!! kink!! i dont make the rules
will call you baby girl/boy
he’s the dom, like will very rarely let you dom him
very private with your sex life, you won’t catch him teasing you in public with other people around
and if you try, like say if you whisper daddy in his ear or something while you are hanging out with the guys, oof it’s gonna be a rough night for you
alright but studio sex
has he recorded your moans before?? or you two having sex in the booth?? yes
debatably, studio sex happens more than bedroom sex, but that’s only because most of jinwoo’s time is literally in the music building
jinwoo dirty talk !! with his sexy ass raspy voice !! 
ugh jin moaning in your ear what a good girl/good boy you are for him while he’s just fucking you
will slightly degrade you?? like yes you are his cocksleeve
but he also praises you a lot during sex too
ooh you better hope you don’t have a gag reflex bc he’s all into throat fucking
favorite position is actually missionary, believe it or not
he loves seeing you come undone for him
eye contact during sex?? yes
like he will make sure you’re looking at him when you cum, periodt
favorite place to cum is your face oops
also very much into cockwarming
most of the time, your sessions are rough just bc your vibes are like that
but when they’re soft and slow?? and like making love?? 
literally the most passionate man ever
jin makes it all about you and your pleasure when he’s being gentle
after care is full of kisses and cuddles and I love yous
always makes sure you drink water after having sex
stay hydrated kids
and jinwoo’s back to being the bestest boyfriend :’)
first i love you was when you two were in bed together
you both just woke up and were cuddling
jin was watching the video you sent him of you practicing this one song for an upcoming performance
and you were still drowsy, so you were literally drifting in and out of sleep while he was listening to your video
and jinwoo was just awestruck, he’s always been in love with your voice from the get go, but the way you executed this song? even though it was just practice? his chest was constricting
you’re like mumbling when the video stops: i still need to work more on the bridge, my tone gets a bit flat during it, right?
and he just smiles softly at you even though your eyes are closed and you can’t see him
he thought it was perfect already, you were perfect already
and he just calls your name: y/n
you: hmm??
jin: I love you
and suddenly you’re awake and meeting his eyes
they were so genuine and serious and full of love, you don’t even hesitate to say it back
honestly not the jealous type, he’s so patient and trusting and knows that you’re crazy about only him
will constantly reassure you about any of your insecurities: body, voice, school, your relationship, anything
jinwoo just has such a calming aura around him that you can’t help but feel like, as long as he’s by your side everything will be okay
the two of you have many deep talks together, especially at night before going to sleep, it’s what makes your relationship so solid
jinwoo just knew that he wanted to marry you, even early on into your relationship
there was no one that supported him more in his dreams, no one that he’s ever truly felt connected with, no one that he’s shared all his deepest fears with than you
and like after a year of dating like he couldn’t picture a future without you in it
he’s a romantic :’)
shortly before graduating, he makes a song about you and he’s actually singing in it
ugh main vocal jinjin rise
and he shows it to you in the music studio where you first met
and it’s about how much he loves you and admires you and treasures you
basically a proposal but not really
and you’re so touched, like literally moved to tears because it was so beautiful
and lowkey he was cringing at hearing his singing voice but you still loved it nonetheless
and afterwards, jinwoo was like: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you y/n, I’m not asking you to marry me right now, obviously I’ll propose to you in a better way in the future, but I’m serious about you and I can’t imagine being with anyone else.
you jump into his lap and kiss him and just keep saying I love you in between kisses
and jinwoo’s all smiley and giggly like: do you feel the same??
and you hit his arm all jokingly, yes of course you do
you just sit on his lap and he’s hugging you while the two of you are listening to more of his projects and jinwoo’s just thinking like wow I love this person so much
maybe the two of you do owe it to myungjun for playing matchmaker
i guess mj can be the best man at your wedding
y’all this was so soft??
but yes jinnie’s the best bf/husband material out there
im in love with him
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scottfuckingreed · 5 years
Better with you - Montgomery De La Cruz
ANONYMOUS SAID: ‘I have an idea for a possible future Monty story. I don’t know how to say it without it coming out the wrong way so I’m just gonna go ahead anyway lol, something where the reader cheats on her boyfriend with Monty and they have their own little thing on the side because Monty just makes her feel so good like not just in a sexual way but in other ways too. Kind of like how Jess loves Alex, but it’ll never compare to Justin’
Warnings!: quite a bit of swearing and those sexual things (also Bryce is mentioned but not in much detail)
“Hey!” Y/BF/N says as his arms wrap themselves around me and kisses me on the forehead. “How’s it going?” I somewhat force a smile up to him. It’s not that I’m not happy to see him, it’s just hard to smile in such a shit place. School of course. “Pretty good actually. I just finished some things up with Tyler. It’s finally getting somewhere.” Y/BF/N is friends does photography with him, so they’re pretty much best friends. Which is nice - I love Tyler - but drama seams to follow Tyler. So it follows Y/BF/N. And so it passes me too. “You have a free period next, right?” I nod at his question. “Lucky! I’ll meet you in our usual spot afterwards?” A quick peck lands on my lips, and then he’s suddenly walking away.
I sit in the cafeteria. It’s usually overcrowded and too loud, but there’s only a handful of people not in class right now. Which is a relief. Starting to peel my orange, I glance up to notice a certain ‘Montgomery’ walking my way. “Y/N! Fancy seeing you here,” he places himself on the opposite side of the table. I shake my head, a smile slowly cracking. “Wow Cruz, you say that as if you don’t sit your ass in that seats pretty much daily at this time,” his eyebrows raise. “Alright Y/N. I just wanted to say hi to my best friend jeez.” I shove a segment in my mouth, pushing it to the side of my mouth for a second. “Aren’t you meant to be in some Literatue class or something right now?” His eyes light up. Sometimes I think I should just not say anything to Monty, but I like Monty. “See, I knew you cared-” he pauses, grabbing the other half of my orange from the table. “And I ain’t gonna use it, so what’s the point?” I look at him in somewhat amazement as he casually eats my food. “I mean, fair enough,” I shrug. I should be used to this. This has happened almost every day for a few months now. Why? I don’t know. It just did one day, and then it was almost like a routine. “Thanks for that, I’ll see you later?” I nod at him, although I know I shouldn’t.
“Are we hanging out later?” I ask my boyfriend. “Sorry Y/N, my mum needs me,” I nod slightly. Internally sighing, the answer is everything I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I love him for being close to his family, but I get that response every time I ask. We’ve had sex twice. You may think, what’s wrong with that? We’ve been dating for a year. It’s fine though. I can’t exactly say ‘leave your mum’ can I? Unfortunately not.
Instead I go to Jessica’s. The fact that Y/BF/N doesn’t make *that much* of an effort does kinda get me down, and Jess always knows how to snap me out of those thoughts. So I can’t help but get excited as I pull up to her house. Hardly parking, I see her body rush towards my car and throw herself into the passenger’s seat. “Perfect timing, let go!” She smiles way too massively at me. “Where are we going?” I laugh nervously. “Bryce is having a small get together.” I can guarantee it won’t be a ‘small get together’. Bryce does parties, and they’re always PARTIES. “I thought-“ “Nah, now drive girl!”
We walk in, and it’s exactly what I expected. This ‘small get together’ is at least 50 people. “Welcome ladies!” Scott smiles and runs up to us with a red cup in each hand. My automatic reaction to this gesture is to smell the cup, and let’s just say I didn’t have to get my nose too close to smell the thickness of the alcohol. “Jesus, what’s in this?” I ask, making Jess laugh. “I’m not sure. Monty made it,” he shrugs and gets lost in a crowd of people. “Drink up Y/N,” Jess taps the bottom of my cup. “I’m driving, and I can’t image how many units is in this one cup.” Her eyes roll. “Suit yourself, I’m finding Justin!” I doubt I’ll see Jess again tonight.
Drinking this - whatever he wants to call it - is a bad idea for me, so I go into the kitchen and find myself a drink. Just as I sip my water, I get a text.
Hey! Xx - Y/BF/N ❤️
I almost immediately respond.
Are you able to get away?x - Y/N
I see those 3 dots pop up, meaning he’s typing. Just as I thought I could escape, his response was exactly what I didn’t need to hear.
Sorry Y/N, it’s a bit late. I’ll call you in a bit though?xx - Y/BF/N ❤️
‘Call me in a bit’? Is he taking the piss? Damn I feel special. ITS ALSO 8:30 LIKE WHAT? I roll my eyes, which make them land on the back of Monty’s head. I shake my head as his eyes meet mine, and can’t help but smile. “Montgomery! I heard you’ve supplied the drinks tonight,” he shrugs and raises his eyes with a beaming smile. “You know me Y/N, it’s nice right?” As I press my lips together, his face forms a shocked expression. “I’m offended, have a sip,” he passes me his drink. I know I shouldn’t drink tonight, but honestly I just wanna have a some fun. My hand wraps the cup - leading Monty to nod at me with a devilish grin. It’s hard to even put the drink in my mouth with the stench, but I chug it anyway. “Shit,” he laughs ‘impressed’. “Fuck that’s so gross,” I cover my mouth with my hand trying not to urge. “I’ll take another one,” I add.
After the first cup, I was already tipsy. And that shit was like half full. So after my next full cup I was pretty drunk already. Which is exactly what I needed. “I thought it was gross?” He laughs as he notices me going through my fresh cup quite fast. I respond with a shrug. “It’s growing on me,” I go to grab him on the shoulder, but I miss, making me stumble forwards. Two hands latch on under my forearm steadying me upright. “Shit,” his chuckle is quite cute- NO. I don’t mean that. I don’t know why that just popped into my head. My finger begin to stroke his arms. That needs to stop. Apart from the music and the screaming and the ‘fun’ going on around us, it was silent. It was the first time I looked into his eyes for more than a quick glance. And unfortunately I’ve just finished another cup of strong ass liquor. “I feel like I wanna kiss you,” I blurt out, my hands immediately cover my mouth. Nothing else can slip out. “Sorry,” I giggle. “I’m just lonely,” oh my god Y/N SHUT UP! “You’re not lonely Y/N, you have a boyfriend.” My mind and mouth start working faster. “Boyfriend? Y/BF/N doesn’t even fucking touch me- shit,” I hush myself.
Next thing I know is I’m being guided out of Bryce’s house. “I’ll take you home,” he breathes. I frown at him. “Driving drunk is dangerous Montgomery don’t you know this.” The smile on his face appears so faintly, and it’s unreadable. Especially in my current state. “You pinched my drink. Did you see me have another one?” No. No I didn’t. Why didn’t he? “Take my car then, and I can’t go home.”
We get to Monty’s, but I don’t realise where I am until I’m inside. “This isn’t what I meant...” I huff. He throws off his Liberty jacket and kicks his shoes in a corner. “You can sleep in my bed,” he hooks his arm under mine to walk me to the bedroom. Hang on. “I have a boyfriend Monty, so no sex,” my hand goes on his chest as a warning. “I’ll try not to fuck you.” At this time, that was good enough for me. It shouldn’t be. Ever. “I appreciate that,” I fall into his bed - which was automatically the comfiest bed I’ve ever laid on. Suddenly my shoes are off and I’m pretty much tucked in. “It’s just hit me,” I sit up too fast, making my head spin. “I don’t know what’s gone on in this bed,” my stomach starts to turn. “You can only imagine,” he shrugs. And suddenly I’m offended? Just go to sleep Y/N.
The next morning
I wake up fully aware of what went on last night, and frankly embarrassed. Not embarrassed that I flirted with Monty. Not even that I’ve ended up at his place in his bed. I just feel guilty. Like I cheated? But I know I didn’t. I shouldn’t of done what I did, but I didn’t do anything wrong. Did I? I walk out of the bedroom, and notice Monty in the kitchen boiling the kettle. “Good morning, coffee?” I shake my head at him with a smile. “Thank you, for last night by the way. My parents would’ve killed me,” I let out a small laugh before tying my hair up in a ponytail with a spare hairband on my wrist. Glancing up to the clock on the wall, I sigh massively. “Shit, I should probably get home. I can drop you to Bryce’s to get your car if you’d like?” I offer. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later.”
Getting myself to school on time was no problem, but as soon as I entered the building it felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. Until I see him. “Hey! How was your night?” Y/BF/N kisses my forehead, not my lips. “It was alright, I drank a little too much to be honest,” we begin walking down the corridor. As cringe as it sounds, all I wanted was him to hold my hand. Is it that hard? Really? “I bet your parents flipped then,” he chuckles. This is it. I have no reason to lie - really. I didn’t do anything wrong. But it sounds wrong. “Actually, I-“ I pause. “I stayed at Jess’ so they don’t know,” I watch as he nods. His facial expression immediately looks relieved. “Jess told me, I just wanted to make sure.” My heart stops at his response. What the fuck does that mean? He asked Jess before asking me? That’s not right? Yet I say nothing... because I can’t find a reason to.
It’s that time again. That one free period. I’m expecting Monty at any moment now. I hate to say it but I quite look forward to it. It’s somewhat a breath of fresh air. “I was wondering when you’d appear,” I smile as he sits himself in his seat. Going quiet, I swirl my fruit around the pot with a fork. “Are you okay?” His face serious. I take a breath. “I wanted to apologise for last night actually. I shouldn’t of said what I said,” I dodge his gaze, which is extremely hard. The silence remains, but only for a second. “Did you mean it?” I could play dumb and be like ‘mean what’ but I know. It’s been running on loop for the past 16 hours. “It doesn’t matter whether I meant it or not. I have a boyfriend.” “So you did?” He smirks. I’m not gonna mention the effect of the smirk. I guess you can imagine. I let a small smile appear at the side of my face. “Maybe...” sober flirting is NOT okay Y/N! I try to remind myself over and over but it’s so tempting. My heart suddenly sinks. “Can I ask you something? I want a serious answer,” his eyes widen, yet he still nods. “Is it odd that my boyfriend asked Jess where I was last night, then asked me to double check?” His eyebrows raise. “He was trying to catch you out. That’s a bit-“ “I know.” Control your breathing Y/N. I start to feel extra heavy on my heart, which means I’m probably about 30 seconds away from breaking down. “He’s never been like that before,” I mutter. “Y/N. You need to realise that I’m probably more in love with you than he is,” my head shoots up, making him cough. I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t skip a beat; it actually skipped about 17. “Don’t say shit like that Montgomery- he’s never even said it,” I laugh to break the awkwardness. “You’ve been dating for ages Y/N. You deserve better than that, always.” I watch as he lifts himself out of his seat. “Monty-“ I try and stop him. “I need to go, I’ll text you.”
Several sentences run on loop through my head for the rest of the day. Every breath that exited Monty’s mouth was just - confusing. Shoving my head in my locker, a lot like I see Clay doing a lot, seems just like the escape I need. Except it’s not an escape. I’m still in this shit hole. “Hey!” I get poked in my side gently by Y/BF/N. It’s been about an hour and a half since I spoke to Monty. So it’s been an hour and a half of me working myself. And right now I’m pretty fucking angry. He catches me roll my eyes. “Honestly, Y/BF/N, I wouldn’t wanna talk to me right now,” I warn him, as my heart starts to race faster and faster the more I look up at him. “What’s this about then?” A chuckle leaves his lips, and I contain as much as I can. “Maybe the fact that you don’t fucking trust me,” although I don’t think he should trust me, he has no reason to not. “Who said that?” He’s such a nice guy. I swear he is. I don’t wanna hurt him. “You!” I raise my voice but take a breath before continuing. ‘When you asked Jess where I stayed last night,” it’s almost a whisper. He lets out a big sigh. “I know what those guys are like.” Those guys. Everyone knows what most of those guys are like. Some of those guys are nice, to me at least. And some of those guys are Scott and Monty. That’s pretty much it. “And me? You don’t know what I’m like?” In the corner of my eye I see Monty laughing with Bryce, Zach, and Scott. A sudden urge comes over me to end this conversation. “Look, maybe we need some space,” I lie. As if we need more space. “Y/N,” his arm wraps around my forearm. The sad truth is that’s the most action I’ve got in a long ass time. “I’ll ring you tonight, I need to go.” So I close my locker, turn around, and catch Monty’s eye before walking out of school.
Refusing Jess’ offer to drive me home, I just think and pretty much talk to myself all the way to my house. I’m lost. Not actually physically lost, but I am lost. I’m only bought back to reality when my phone dings.
‘Really Y/N?’ - Y/BF/N ❤️
I can’t help but roll my eyes. This is what I have to do to get attention from my own boyfriend? No apology, because he hasn’t done anything wrong. He could say ‘let’s talk about it’. Why would he say that though? I go to text him back but my phone starts to ring.
“And what do you want Monty?” I smile down the phone. I’m very glad I’m on my own right now. “I was just seeing if you’re alright.” I sigh at his words. To think that’s all I want Y/BF/N to say. To show some affection! That would be nice. But Y/BF/N isn’t Monty. “I guess so. I’ve just got home.” He begins to talk about some random ass shit - stuff we wouldn’t usually talk about - while I unlock the front door to my house. Throwing my bag down on my bedroom floor, I get a text. Damn. Why am I so popular today? “Why has Bryce just texted me?” I laugh, mostly to myself. “He’s probably trying to get you to come to his house party tonight.” I freeze. “Wasn’t there-“ “Yeah, but his parents are out of town for a few days I think,” he sounds unimpressed. Monty? Bryce’s best friend? Is sounding unimpressed with Bryce’s actions? That’s a first. “Why’d you sound like that?” “I told him not to text you. Don’t let him pressure you into it,” it’s as if Monty knew every word that would make me like him more, more than I should. “I really enjoyed myself you know, I don’t think I mentioned that,” I admit, and silence falls across the line for seconds that feel like minutes. Then appears a cough. “Well, in that case, I’ll pick you up. If you want that is.” I can only read Monty’s face at the best of times, so trying to judge his voice is a fat ass struggle. “It’s-“ My body wanted to use the ‘it’s a date’ line. THAT would be embarrassing. “Okay then.”
Clothing. Such a funny thing. When it comes to Y/BF/N I find myself not really caring what I wear, so I feel somewhat guilty for caring now. ‘It’s a party’ is an excuse, but I’d be lying. He’s never shown much interest unfortunately. So here I am, rummaging frantically through my wardrobe and drawers to find something cute. I find a dress, that is probably a bit short, but ‘it’s a party’. Should I curl my hair? No. That looks like too much effort. But... no. I decide just to brush it. With a knock on the door, my head shoots to the clock on my wall. 8pm?! Shit. My legs and my heart speed up drastically and I hear my mum answer the door. Fuck no.
I walk downstairs and witness the embrace between Monty and my mother. “Ah Y/N, I was just meeting...” my mum pauses and gazed at me in hint of ‘what’s this guy’s name?’ “Monty,” I sigh. I press my lips together to smile towards them both. “It’s so nice to meet you,” if there’s one thing you should know about my mum is that she’s very touchy. I would’ve warned Monty, but I hadn’t quite imagined them meeting yet - or at all really. She shakes his hand. I cough while I slip my shoes on, which are trainers so I guess they kill the dress vibe. I don’t care. Once they’re on, my mission is to leave. I need to. I know what she’s like. “Alright, I’ll see you later!” I give my mum a hug and open the front door as fast as I can. “Please come in quietly. It was nice to finally meet you Monty! I’ve been waiting to meet Y/N boyfriend for a long time now.” “Alright bye!” I rush. Fuck.
“I’m sorry about that,” I laugh as I throw myself in the passenger seat. The smile on his face is very comforting. “Nah it’s cool, I’d love to have a mum like that,” my heart sinks slightly. I’m not 100% sure what that means, but it’s definitely not positive. “Y/N.” Is all he says. “About Y/BF/N-“ “I know.” I stop him. Thanks mum. The engine finally starts, and we’re off, and I realise that I’m off to a party with Monty. I don’t think this looks very good.
A drink is pretty much thrown at me as soon as I walk in the house. It’s a lot like deja vu, except I’ve appeared with Monty today. Shit. I shouldn’t be here. My eyes lay on Jess. “Give me a sec,” I say, and wonder over to my best friend. Her arms wrap around me, squeezing me as if we haven’t seen each other in weeks. We chat about some random shit until it must sink in. “Wait... did you come with Monty?” She asks thick with confusion. “I did...” I say slowly. “Does it look bad?” I ask. I ask only because I know she’ll be honest. “A little, but honestly fuck Y/BF/N!” My jaw drops with a smile. “I mean it! He’s a nice guy and all, but he’s pretty shit to you,” she shrugs and chugs the rest of her drink. “At least Monty is shit to everyone but you.”
Wishing Jess never said those words, I find myself hung up on them as I hang out with the guy. I know Monty isn’t the nicest person to everyone, but when I speak to him I don’t care. Should I? I feel like I should. I take a sip of my drink, which isn’t a mix of everything this time, while I listen to Scott. He’s one of those guys that you just want as your best friend. I laugh at the funny thing he said. I’d mention it, but I don’t remember as I notice Monty calling me over to him with his hand.
Finishing up my conversation with Scott, I follow Monty outside. The sky beams clear. Not a star in sight. “Are you cold?” He asks. It’s also not warm, but it isn’t cold either. I say no, slightly afraid of how I’d have to act if he offered his jacket. “I haven’t seen much of you,” I’m unsure of what to say so I say that. It’s never awkward with us, but I don’t trust myself anymore. Why should Y/BF/N trust me when I don’t even trust me? “Awe did you miss me?” He nudges me with a gleaming smile. I stop myself from smiling as the guilt starts to flood in. “Y/N-“ “I’m fine. It’s just...” “Y/BF/N,” he interrupts. I let out a short awkward laugh. Sigh. “I feel like talking about him with you will make things odd between us,” I gesture Monty and I. “And that’s wrong.” “It’s okay-“ “it’s not though,” tears - for some weird reason - start to form in my eyes. Blinking reduces the watering. That would be embarrassing. “He’s my boyfriend,” I let out in a whisper. “He’s a shit boyfriend if you ask me,” Monty huffs. Although I somewhat agree, Monty’s words stress me out a little. The truth hurts, and the fact that Monty is the only person to tell me that (other than Jess) is annoying. “Well I didn’t ask,” I didn’t want to snap at him, and my tone was too soft for it to. If anything I sounded pathetic. “I’m gonna kiss you now,” he says OUT OF NOWHERE. “Wha-“ I’m stopped by his lips. Lips so soft and sweet and just... perfect. His lips on mine, his fingers on his right hand tilting my chin up slightly. I’m truly swept away. My right hand goes up to the side of his face to keep his lips on mine for a little longer - and then I realise what I’m doing. Shit. I’m unsure of what to do as I pull away, so I just become completely speechless. Our eyes lock for 5 seconds at the most. Then I find myself running away.
“Woah, are you okay?” Hands go on my shoulder. More specifically, Scott’s hands, when he stops me in my tracks. “Fuck,” I let out in a breath. “Is there anywhere I can just go to breathe a second?” He walks me to a spare bedroom which is very clearly one of a few. I’m prepared to be by myself, but Scott takes a seat on the bed. My own fingers spread through my hair in a stressed motion. “I just kissed Monty,” Scott’s facial expression doesn’t change. I realise that this is Scott, and I shouldn’t be talking to him about this, but it’s also Scott - the actual nice guy. “And..?” He shrugs, shoving some small snack food in his mouth. “And I shouldn’t have.” “Do you have a boyfriend or something?” I snap my head to Scott after his words. “Y/BF/N..?” I ask slowly, and his eyes widen. “What, really? I thought he was gay,” I can’t help but crack a smile for a very short second. “Scott...” I shake my head. Honestly I’m just thankful Scott’s the way he is. How did he just lighten the mood with that? “I know I shouldn’t pry but he doesn’t really treat you in that way,” he pauses. “From what I’ve seen of course.” Oh of course. “Look Scott, I appreciate this but can you give me a second to be by myself?” I ask as nicely as I can. “Oh shit, yeah of course. Sorry,” he chuckles, and stands. “What do you want me to tell Monty?” He turns before he leaves the room. “Anything, but don’t tell him I’m up here please.” He closes the door behind him.
I pace the floor up and down approximately 50 times before Monty walks through the door. My heart stops. “I told Scott-“ “I know, but he’s my best friend Y/N,” he closes the door gently behind him, but he doesn’t enter the room fully. Only staying by the door. As if waiting for some sort of permission, I watch as he twiddles his fingers. “You shouldn’t of kissed me Monty,” I sigh. A step forward is taken by the boy in front of me. “I’m really sorry,” to be able to feel the apology from Montgomery De La Cruz is truly something. I’ve never seen him like this. I hate how much I like it. “You know I have a boyfriend, and you did it anyway,” Monty avoids my gaze at him, looking at the ground instead. Or the ceiling. Or the wall. “I just thought-“ “I know what you thought.” I stop him. I want him him to leave, but the thought of him leaving me right now was just heartbreaking. A few more steps are taken. “It’s unfair. It’s unfair on Y/BF/N, and you. And me.” When his eyes finally look at me - not at anything but - I just knew. The feeling of needing someone has never felt so prominent to me. So I act on it. My hands reach up to his head, I lift myself onto my tip toes, and pull his lips down to mine. His hands are gently caressing my waist within seconds. My legs lead us towards the bed. The feeling of his body slowly sitting down shouldn’t of been a cue for my body to straddle him, but I do. And then the make out becomes a bit more full on. I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. I should be regretting this, but it’s actually perfect. The way he slides his tongue into my mouth, and the way his hands are slowly making their way lower down my body, it’s a different feeling. In this moment, I’m starting to realise how full I feel around him, and how almost utterly empty I feel otherwise. I let out a light moan as his hand reach my ass and move me - creating that friction feeling I’ve been missing. The smirk I felt under our kiss was adorable. I didn’t even need to see it, although I’m thankful I didn’t. This boy doesn’t need to wrap me around his finger any tighter.
My hands move themselves to the bottom of his tee, and that’s when I freeze. I break our lips and balance my forehead on his. Heavy breathes leave my mouth. “I’m sorry, I just-“ I pause to breathe and think carefully about my words. “I don’t wanna stop but I think I need to sort some shit out,” he nods underneath me, but he says absolutely nothing. This is not where my guilt should be. “I’m just a bad enough person already as it is,” I let out a chuckle once I see the side of his mouth turn up slightly. “Want me to drive you home?” I smile sympathetically at his words. His voice so soft. I hold the sides of his face and smooth his cheeks for a few seconds. His hand holds over mine, takes it, and kisses it. Blush. “Okay, let’s leave now,” I laugh, embarrassed of the hold he has over me.
Midday the next day
Since there was almost no drinking and definitely no drugs taken on my part, my head should be fine. But my head is FUCKED. Do I feel guilty? I feel guilty about leaving Monty last night, not Y/BF/N. And that’s making me feel guilty. So it’s about 7am and I’m walking to school. I hardly slept, I just thought the rest of the night. When I did finally fall asleep, I dreamt about Monty and how perfect last night was despite everything. I’m only walking to pass time. Driving would be way too quick. Although, my plan to have my mission planned by the time I get there, is a mission failed already. A 30 minute walk and nothing. Fuck.
In a crowd of people, I automatically spot 4 people. Monty and Scott are the first two, then Jess, and then Y/BF/N. My paranoia goes straight to ‘Monty’s told Scott and Scott’s told everyone else’, but I’ve never seen Scott or Monty like that. I know they’ve done it though. That makes me nervous. I go straight to Jess. She always knows what to say. “Hey... Jess,” I sigh. Usually me and Jess get lost in ourselves and ignore a lot of the noise around us, but not today. Not for me. Eyes were on me, even if they weren’t actually. “Are you- oh Y/N,” her eyes hint to my left. Y/BF/N. “That’s my cue to leave,” her words leave as does she. Thanks a lot. “We need to talk.” He knows.
We walk outside just around the corner. It’s not as if we’re in private. Nothing is private here. “We need to talk about yesterday,” he looks me dead in the eyes, which is quite intimidating. I’m such a shitty person. “I thought about it, and I understand why you acted the way you did.” His words sting. There’s nothing I can do. Admitting it out loud is so frightening so I say nothing still. He sighs. “The silent treatment? Really? You overreacted about me asking Jess,” he rolls his eyes at me. My gut goes from feeling sick, to really fucking angry. “Wow okay,” I let out in an angry mumble. “But I am sorry. I should’ve just asked you, and not Jess,” my eyebrows raise at his apology. “You’re a dickhead,” is all I can get out. My legs try to walk me away, but his hand clutch my wrist. “I’m trying to fix this,” his words, although exactly what I wanted to hear, were quite harshly spat at me as his grip grows tighter. “I think we need to be done.” Did I actually just say that? I’ve kept that to myself for too long. He lets my arm fall from his grip. I’ve never seen him like this. “You’re not breaking up with me, you’re gonna regret that.” The guy I watch strop away is not the guy I know? Who is that?
The bell rang about 10 minutes after Y/BF/N walked away, but I only just walk myself into the building. I find the guy I actually don’t mind bumping into leaning again my locker. “Hey Monty,” his smile makes me smile, which is so gross I know. “Are you okay?” He asks, nodding towards outside. “Yeah, I just, I’m so confused,” when I light my hand up to cup my forehead, I notice - as does Monty - the finger marks around my wrist. They’re ever so faint, but they’re there. “He tried to stop me walking away, it’s no big deal,” I say to his eyes. The facial expression was nothing I’d seen before. “Honestly, it’s nothing,” my right hand reaches up to his face to cup his cheek, then I realise where we are. “What did he say?” He asks. I wonder why he cares so much. It’s really attractive. “Can we talk about it later?” I ask, and his slow nod is extremely comforting. “Do you wanna ditch?” A wide smile spread across his face. “Monty...” I whisper, reciprocating the same expression. My back slowly flattens against the lockers neighbouring mine as his body gets closer to mine. “I think we should ditch,” he says again once his body is gently touching mine. Imagine just one person comes out of class right now. We definitely shouldn’t, but I really want to. “Okay,” I whisper, nibbling the inside of my lip. His hand slips gently into mine and he pulls me out of the shitty school. I’m a terrible person.
It’s as if it’s a whole other world with Monty. I can’t describe it fully, because I don’t fully understand it myself, but I got lost in him. “Where are we going then?” He asks about 5 minutes into driving. I raise my eyebrows towards him with a fat smile on my face. “You’re the one who said we should ditch!” He just shrugs. I face forwards, but I catch him smirk at me in the corner of my eye whilst scanning me briefly up and down. This guy is too attractive. “I guess we can go to mine, it should be empty.”
I unlock the door to an empty house. Like the gentleman he is, he slips his shoes off just to the side. “What shall we do?” He asks with bright eyes. “Hungry?” His response is obviously.
We decide to make some cakes - which isn’t exactly what I mean by food but it’s a lot nicer anyway. By ‘we’ I mean me. I weigh out all the ingredients while he just observes. “Are you gonna help?” I ask with a slight chuckle. “I’m actually alright just watching you,” he bites his lip after his words. “That’s creepy Montgomery.” “Hearing you say my full name turns me on,” my face goes from normal to very red. His face remains serious too, other than a smirk forming slowly. I ignore him (as much as I can) and go back to pouring the ingredient into one bowl and mixing. It only takes seconds before I feel his body directly behind mine. I feel as his fingers creep towards my waist, and his head slowly sinking to my level. I refuse to get distracted by him and continue mixing, and his lips proceed to my neck. Holy shit. He kisses it once, then twice, then an open mouth one. As he begins sucking and nibbling, my hand (as if a reflex) goes to the back of his head. I spin myself to face him. My eyes scan him as I breathe slightly heavier than usual. A few seconds of silence. “Fuck you,” is all I can whisper before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. He slides the bowl from behind me and lifts me onto the counter. Although his body is as close as it can be right now, it remains not close enough. Our tongues battle and glide through each other’s mouths. It takes no time for me to realise how much I need him. I’ve been fooling myself all this time. When I grab the bottom of his shirt, this time I remove it as fast as I can. Wow. I take a second to absorb it all it. “It’s rude to stare,” he grunts, his hands smoothing my thighs up and down slowly. I look down at them, and look back up to his eyes. The sensation going through my body was phenomenal. He hasn’t even touched me yet. I grab the top of his trousers and pull him closer to me. Starting from his lips, I lay kisses down. Across to his cheek, down to his neck, and a few down his chest. I feel his heartbeat become irregular. The most attractive thing in the moment was the very apparent wait for the okay. His eyes scan my body, just like I did, except he has nothing to admire. Me on the other hand? Wow. The only signal I can send him is by unbuckling his belt. A sort-of glow forms in his eyes before finally moving.
My thong gets dropped on the floor near by. The guilt comes from me wearing my favourite underwear today, but I now have nothing to feel guilty about. Well... not this. I want to be here. I watch as he kneels down to floor, his face opposite my heat. Desperate for his touch. The breath that left his mouth became more and more fierce as he came close and closer, before finally making contact. His mouth wraps around my clit. I send my head back and my hand pushes to the back of his head once again. “Oh shit,” I breathe out in a moan. His hands wrap around my thighs, pulling my body closer to his mouth. My moans try to remain retained, which was a lot harder than I imagined. I just moan louder and louder ad he continues eating me out. As his tongue laps all over, I already feel like letting go. Not yet. I pull him up, shutting his confused look up with my mouth on his. My hands fumble at his belt again, but his large hands stop mine in their tracks. He pulls his lips off mine, our noses still keeping contact. “I need you,” I whisper. I feel as a deep breath leaves his mouth onto mine. “Trust me, I need you. But not here,” and with that he picks me up with one arm under my knees and the other hooked under my arms. As he somehow starts carrying me up the stairs, I get caught up in the moment. “Shit it’s like we just got married,” I smile and chuckle to show I’m joking. The smirk, the eyes, the everything on his face. “I’ll marry you,” I collapse my head on his shoulder, shaking it slightly. “Fuck,” I whisper, lifting my head and pushing my lips on his when we get to the top.
Being thrown on my own bed is the single most attractive thing I’ve ever experienced. He kneels between my slightly spread legs. Sitting up, I attach my lips to his chest, kissing ball the way up to finally being back on his lips. The kiss pulls his body down onto mine. The stupid belt is finally removed and I start to pull his trousers down and off. Naked. Montgomery De La Cruz is knelt slightly in front of me putting a condom on his dick while I shuffle in under my covers. I didn’t think we’d get here. Well... not this soon. “I thought staring was creepy,” his voice speaks, low and sexy. I wish the smirk wasn’t so natural to him. Most guys do it and it’s not it at all. He does it and... “No. Saying you were fine watching me was creepy. I’m just- admiring?” I suck in my bottom lip, nibbling at it just a little for him to notice. “Okay I’ll let you off,” he throws the covers over him, his face coming extremely close to mine yet not touching. My legs, as if by reflex, spread a little more when his tip brushes against the inside of my thigh. My heart races more. “If you wanna stop just tell me,” is the only thing he could’ve said to both calm me and get me more flustered inside. I nod. He starts to enter himself inside me - quite slowly and carefully - stopping until I give him another nod. Although I’m not a virgin, the discomfort was still there a bit. I cup his face with my hand, stroking his cheek with my thumb. I trail it down to his lips where he kisses it once. He freezes inside me for a few seconds once his length is fully inside me. “Okay,” I nod, pulling his face down onto mine before he pulls out slowly to push back in. I try not to moan already. He slips his tongue into my mouth, swirling and crashing it with mine mid moan. His lips kiss down to my chin, which is when his hand lifts my leg up and out. As my breathing hitches more, nibbles go across my neck to my ear. Woah. He takes my ear lobe between his teeth, pulling it down. That’s something I’ve never felt before. “Moan for me,” pillow talk is another thing I’ve never experienced, which leads me to grunt rather loudly. Mid-moan his lips reattach themselves to mine. I let my hands grip his back. My aim was to pull him closer to me, but all I do is scratch down his back. At first I feel bad, then I hear the moan from Monty that followed. That was me done. “Fuck,” I let out in his mouth. The pace is increased more, my arms wrap around his neck - almost hugging him into me. A hand grips my waist as if to say ‘I know you’re close’. I am. I so am. Holding back was in my plans. I spread my fingers through his hair as I begin to let go. “Monty,” I squeak between our lips. A release I’ve been waiting for, with the guy I think I’ve been needing. Once again, Monty’s thrusts increase one last time, this time for his own climax. The twitch inside me finished my frenzy around him. All that was left between us was sweat and heavy breathing.
I lay, my head on his chest, with his arm thrown around me like in the movies. The fingers on our hands intertwined together in an unsolvable puzzle. Chatting as if it was normal what we just did. It is normal. It feels normal. Which is the weird thing. “When’s your mum coming home?” He asks, placing a kiss on the back of my hand. “She’s working a night shift tonight, so you can stay if you’d like,” those aren’t exactly the words I wanted to say. “I should probably go home, my dad-“ “Please stay. I want you to stay,” I stop him with the words I truly meant to stay. Imagine staying overnight with a boy? True heaven I imagine. Especially since that guy is Monty. I tilt my head up to look him in the eyes. His lips, still soft and kind, place themselves on my lips again after letting out an ‘okay’. And suddenly it’s another makeout session. I know exactly where this is going to go. I’m gonna - if I’m not already - fall too hard for Montgomery De La Cruz.
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jungshookz · 5 years
SIUFSHF so i was supposed to be doing homework until i got this idea!!!! so y/n gets sucked into this alternate universe and so do all of her s/o's and all of a sudden everyone is fighting over her??? like lifeguard jk is like heyo shes my bf and ceo yoongi is like shes my WIFE and mermaid jimin is like well i sacrificed my MERMAID TAIL to date her and its all just chaos
→ pairing: every single character eVER x reader
→ genre: ???? crackhead culture most likely ????
→ wordcount: 2.3k
→ notes: oH my god the moment i got this request i had to write it because i will jump at the chance to write anything that involves the clashing of universes.,.,. anyways i took kind of a monsters inc. approach with this drabble you will see what i mean by that 
first of all
you have no idea where the hell you are
and second of all
you have a splitting headache
it feels like there are tiny construction men drilling riGht into the depths of your skull and it is overall not a very pleasant feeling  
“oh my god…” you wince as you sit up and you press your hand against your forehead
you don’t remember what happened
one minute you were sitting at your desk working away at your paper that’s due in two days
the next thing you know it feels like you’re getting suCked into a black hole as crazy as that sounds??
then you just see colours whirling around you and you’re hearing sO many different sounds and-
now you’re
but where is here exactly
you are sitting at the end of a very long corridor
in fact it’s so long that it doesn’t even look like it ever ends
on both sides of the corridor, there are multiple doors
they’re all about same size but they’re all unique in their own way
different colours
different materials
it wouldn’t hurt to explore a bit
it doesn’t look like you have a choice anyway because there’s nowhere else to go
unless you wanna die in this weird corridor you better get a move on
you push yourself up off the ground with a grunt and nearly stumble over because wOo you stood up way too quickly
“what in the fresh hell is this…?” your brows furrow in confusion as you approach the first door
it’s bright red and right smAck dab in the middle of the door there’s a hose that’s just winded around itself
you pick up the hose and unravel it a bit and that’s when you notice there are words printed on the underside of the hose
‘firefighter!jungkook x y/n’
“firefighter jungkook and y/n…?”
who the hell is jungkook
…,.,was he that guy u hooked up with two months ago
he was a firefighter??
there’s an angry looking red button right next to the door that says ‘don’t touch’ 
that’s not going to help because now you really wanna touch it 
you shake your head and tuck the hose back into place before moving onto the next one
maybe you’re going crazy
see this is what happens when you only get like 10 hours of sleep in the span of 48 hours
it’s not good for you!! and now you’re totally hallucinating
maybe this is a fever dream
how- how the heck is there half a coffee machine just sticking out of this door
‘barista!jungkook x y/n’
now this jungkook person is a barista??
how does he have the time to make coffee and put out fires at the same time wtf
you’re tempted to just open the door but at the same time lol u ain’t risKing anything popping out and scaring the shit outta you
you reach over to brush your fingers over the machine and you shriek in surprise when the nozzle suddenly hiSSes to life
this one has a red button next to it too 
in fact all of these doors have red emergency buttons 
but why? 
you back away immediately and of course you end up backing up right into another door
you turn around quickly
now this
this is interesting
this isn’t just one door
these are double doors
very sleek looking double doors
they’re plain black and the silver handles wink at you underneath the light
and then you notice the metal panel plastered on the front of the door
‘ceo!yoongi x y/n’
you scratch the top of your head in confusion
you must really be having a good time if you can’t even remember all the people you’ve hooked up with
go girl!!!!
who lives next to ceo yoongi let’s see
“demon yoongi.” you mutter to yourself and raise a brow  
this one is interesting
it doesn’t even look like a door
it looks like a black hole and you’re already sweating due to the heat that’s just radiating off of it
when you lean in closer you can hear a hundred voices whispering gibberish to you
oh hELL no
you back away immediately
may the power of christ compel that dOOR
you turn around
oOH this one looks cool
it has like a handprint and an eyeball scan kinda thing instead of a doorknob
omg and that one
is that door is made out of water????
you rush over to take a closer look and you dip a finger into the water
you have to squint to read this sign because the letters are formed from bubbles
“mermaid… jimin and y/n.”
your finger starts to tingle and you yank it out immediately
you could just dive right in
but also you’re not a good swimmer so maybe don’t do that
and that one over there kinda looks like a bookshelf instead of a door
there’s a basketball hoop hammered onto that one
there’s a life ring hanging on the one next to it
a pair of drumsticks
a tattoo gun
you spend the next half an hour or so continuing to walk down this hallway exploring the fronts of all these doors
a pair of boxing gloves - ‘boxer!jimin x y/n’
a pair of ballet shoes with a raggedy looking bandana wrapped around it - ‘hiphopdancer!hoseok x ballerina!y/n’
a ballerina?????
you have two left feet so becoming a sophisticated ballerina sounds goOd to you
this one looks like a chalkboard - ‘kindergartenteacher!taehyung x singlemom!y/n’
u have a kid
,..,but why are you single
who’s the asshole that left u
you’re sure this taehyung character is nice tho
this door has nuts and bolts hammered all over it - ‘mechanic!yoongi x y/n’
there’s a croWN hanging from this one - ‘prince!taehyung x y/n’
this door is literally made out of sponge cake and you wanna take a bite - ‘baker!jin x y/n’
this one has vanity lights all over it - ‘model!jungkook x y/n’
and thiS one kinda looks like the chalkboard one except instead of the alphabet written all over it there are just equations upon equations upon equations - ‘professor!namjoon x y/n’
and then it finally (finally) hits you
alternative universes
you studied the theory of alternate universes very briefly in a class that you took during your first year of university but you didn’t actually think… they existed
you’re so preoccupied with your own thoughts you don’t even realise that you’ve reached the end of the hallway
there’s one door left
you approach it and narrow your eyes at the plaque on the front
“jungshookz headquarters… cee pd’s office.”
…the hell is a jungshookz
sounds like a disease
you perk up when you suddenly hear voices on the other end of the door and you lean in to press your ear against the door
“here’s what i’m thinking. i’ll just keep posting drabbles until the next big fic is ready! everyone loves drabbles! that waiter!jungkook one from christmas is stiLL a hit. wha- no, as a matter of fact, i haven’t decided what the next big fic is. what do you mean i can’t work on two at once?! character asks?? i haven’t posted a biG fic obviously i haven’t gotten any character asks as of late-”
oh my god
another human being
well you gotta get in there
you reach down for the doorknob and-
why doesn’t this door have a doorknob
you look back up and you’re about to start banging on the-
wait whAT
noW you’re just standing in the middle of an endLESS looking corridor agAIN
“nO nonononono wait wait wait-“
“y/n?” you whip around at the sudden introduction of a nEW voice “what are you doing out of bed? it’s 2 in the morning and the bed is coLd without you…”
first things first
kudos to you
because this boy is very attractive
he has soft blonde hair and pillowy lips and his voice is oddly very soothing
but also
“i…” you take a step back when he starts walking towards you “you…”
“i…?” he smirks and tilts his head “what’s the matter with you? c’mere silly, come back to bed.” he holds his hand out for you to take and your eyes flicker down to look at it
“where are we?” you breathe out as you take his hand “who are you?”
the stranger turns around and raises an eyebrow 
“what are you talking about? we’re… in our apartment. i’m… your boyfriend. j-i-m-i-n. jimin!” ‘jimin’ offers you a smile of confusion and reaches over to pinch your nose “we gotta get you to bed earlier, y/n. the lack of sleep is making you a little crazy.” 
he starts dragging you down the hallway to the door that’s made out of water 
he’s pulling you along like he’s on a mission and you start to panic because where the heLL are you going 
“hold on you can’t just takE me-” 
“you’re being crazy, y/n. want me to sing you to sleep?” 
“no i don’t want you to sing me to sleep you freAK-” 
you smack your fist against the angry red button next to a random door in your moment of panic 
“nO-” jimin gasps and moves to stop you but it’s too late 
suddenly EVERY SINGLE DOOR swinGS open and an alarm starts blaring 
and you are very much no longer alone
people start walking out of their respective rooms 
they’re all looking at each other weird 
and then it hits you all at once
you recognise every single one of these people
that’s your husband
and that’s your boyfriend who was a mermaid and turned human for you
and that’s your boyfriend who’s a literal android (technology is wild)
and that’s your boyfriend who kept messing up your coffee order
and that’s your daughter
and that’s your othEr daughter who’s slightly older
and that’s your boyfriend who helped you study for your philosophy exam that you passed with flying colours
and that one over there gave you your first tattoo
lifeguard!kook raises a brow at firefighter!kook 
“nice hardhat, loser.” he snorts and knocks his knuckles against firefighter!kook’s helmet
“nice tiny shorts, freak.” 
ceo!yoongi and demon!yoongi look at each other weird
ceo!yoongi immediately shields hwayoung away from demon!yoongi
“c’mon, man. do i look like i wanna hurt a fucking baby?”
librarian!namjoon and namjoon from the android!yoongiverse exchange glances 
“i like your glasses.” 
“mm. i like yours too.” 
meanwhile a couple of the jungkooks are all mimicking each other in the back 
jungkook from the basketball!yoongiverse raises a hand and at the same time mermaid/human!jungkook raises a hand too 
“woah.” they both marvel simultaneously at each other 
a couple other characters are talking to each other
“did you get a whole fic yet?” 
“nah man. she’s still ‘working’ on mine. hasn’t touched it in weeks.” 
“damn. same here!” 
“she wrote a sentence for me and moved onto your fic immediately” 
“don’t be mad at me for that!!” 
suddenly ceo!yoongi pushes through the crowd to get to you 
“who are you people?? get the hell away from my wife. y/n, c’mon, take my hand.” ceo!yoongi has hwayoung cradled in his arm and he reaches out for you with an expectant stare
you look over at his minty-haired counterpart and he wiggles his brows “or you could come with me and we can pick up from where we left off…”  
“oR you can come with me and show me that cheerleading routine you’ve been working so hard on!”
“she’s coming with me!!!”
“she’s coming with US because i’m the godparent of her chiLD and that means she loves our universe the most-“
“mommy, come home with me!! we’re supposed to go out for hot chocolate now-“
“stop!” you scream out but your voice can barely be heard over the absolute sEA of voices
“she literally biRTHED MY CHILD-“
“y/n likes splashing around with us though!! she-”
“i gave up a MERMAID taIL TO BE WITH HER she’s coming with mE-“
“stop it!!!”  
“i put out so many fires for her!!!!!! her-”
“uH there’s no way i’m losing y/n to you people do you know how many heart shaped sandwiches i had to make for her-“
the voices are piling up and getting louder and louder and louder and-
“sTOP IT!”
you shoot straIGHT up from your desk with a gasp and press a hand against your chest as you pant heavily
you’re covered with a sheen layer of sweat and you lean back against your chair as you begin to calm down
you’re… back in your bedroom
sitting at your desk
your textbook is still where you left it
your laptop is still where you left it
you must’ve like
fallen asleep or something while writing your paper
what kind of a dream was that
you look down at your laptop screen expecting to see your google doc but instead
you’re… on the ask page of some blog
the cursor blinks back at you as you stare at the screen
…do you have a question?
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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mx-requests-forum · 6 years
[Fulfilled] By My Side
Prompt: Showki AU / Kihyun is sad because Shownu never said ‘I love you’ to him, even after months of dating. He then realizes his bf tells him that everyday by little actions…Offering the last snack, giving Kihyun his jacket, telling him he did a good job at a interview etc
Fulfilled by cupofgenmaicha on AO3~ thanks again!
Words: 2857
AO3 Link
Kihyun wakes just as dawn breaks; there’s a crack where the blinds hover above the windowsill and light slants through it, a slash of illumination through the otherwise dark room. He’s in Hyunwoo’s room again, so different from the apartment he shares with Hyungwon and Minhyuk, best friends since art school. Once a humble bachelor pad, it’s now dressed with splashes of Kihyun—his shirts hanging haphazardly over the chair in the corner, a framed picture of Hyunwoo kissing Kihyun on the cheek celebrating 100 days together, an extra soft blanket on the bed for when Hyunwoo is working late and Kihyun accidentally falls asleep, craving his body heat.
He snuggles back into the warm chest pressed into his bare back, sighing contentedly.
“Good morning, baby,” his boyfriend murmurs into his neck, voice deep and rough with sleep.
No matter how many times he’s woken up with their legs tangled together under the sheets and Hyunwoo’s warm hand splayed on his belly, he still feels a little flutter under his ribcage.
Kihyun grew up passion-driven and motivated, pursuing photography rather than a traditionally sensible career in finance or as a government worker. Even now, with his name known in the art world and as co-owner of an art gallery with Hyungwon, he’s still hungry to push his own boundaries and others’ perceptions of art.
On first glance, with his dull designer grey suits and shiny black shoes, Hyunwoo looks like any other straight-laced businessman—a man living so far outside Kihyun’s social bubble that he would normally never have given him a second thought. They met six months ago, during the post-holiday slump. Snow and sub-zero temperatures kept most patrons away from the gallery, but Kihyun was there perched on a stool, sipping from a steaming mug of tea and flipping absent-mindedly through a cooking magazine, waiting for the weather to calm down before locking up and walking home. He perked up when he heard the bell chime, but immediately dismissed the idea of a sale when he saw a tall man in a business suit and wool coat, rubbing his hands together, in an attempt to soak up some heat spewing from the gallery’s measly heater.
Most casual guests initially walk right past Kihyun’s collection of pictures, immediately drawn to Hyungwon’s bold, vibrant pieces and his eye for beauty. Much to Kihyun’s amazement, the man stayed anchored in place, eyes transfixed to Kihyun’s photos. “Wow,” he said, voice a rich timbre, too loud for the quiet space.
He left that dull December day with an entire wall of photographs as well as Kihyun’s phone number.
With other boyfriends, the relationship burned bright and burnt out quickly, leaving Kihyun with nothing more than a mild headache and a ready sigh.
But Hyunwoo has forced Kihyun to slow down and let life roll up his spine slowly. Kihyun never had ambitions to settle down with someone, always afraid of the stagnation it could bring, but his fear quickly dispelled after one touch from Hyunwoo made his entire body hum—and six months later, it still does.
“It’s time to get up, hyung,” Kihyun nags gently as he tries to wiggle free from Hyunwoo’s arm. “You have an early meeting this morning, remember?”
His boyfriend grunts in protest and tightens his hold around Kihyun’s slim frame, nuzzling his neck with his nose. Kihyun can imagine the pout on his lips. “Five more minutes.”
Kihyun turns around in his grip and settles his cheek against Hyunwoo’s chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beat. He sighs, knowing that he should throw off the covers and force the day to begin, but it’s so nice like this. “You have thirty seconds.”
Hyunwoo sits up with an exaggerated groan, brown hair sleep-mussed and falling into his half-closed eyes, and he presses a kiss to Kihyun’s temple. “Rest a little while longer, baby. I’ll get the coffee brewing.”
“I’ll get up.”
“No,” he shakes his head fondly. “Let me take care of you.”
Kihyun is about to protest, but decides to roll his eyes and humor his boyfriend by resting for another few minutes, before sliding out from under the warm covers and padding barefoot through the apartment, the wood floor cool against his feet.
With a mug of fresh-brewed coffee warming his hands, he joins Hyunwoo in the bathroom as he finishes shaving and pats his face dry.
“Are you ready for the gallery showing tonight?” Hyunwoo asks as their eyes meet in the mirror.
Kihyun nods. “Hyungwon is meeting me early to finish hanging the black and white street shot series.”
“I can’t wait to see it tonight, Ki.”
Kihyun bites back a pleased smile and lightly scolds, “You can’t buy any more of my pictures. You’re running out of walls.”
Hyunwoo hums, but there is a sparkle in his eye, and Kihyun knows that his boyfriend will do anything he damn well pleases.
“Can you pick out a tie for me, Ki?”
Whenever Kihyun sleeps over, he ties Hyunwoo’s tie before work; it’s completely unnecessary and if his friends knew about it, they would never let him live it down, but he loves the domesticity of it, sitting on the counter, legs straddling Hyunwoo’s hips; loves how soft Hyunwoo’s eyes are when he waits patiently for Kihyun to tighten the knot; loves the sharp inhale he hears when he pulls on the tie a little harder and presses their lips together.
They leave the apartment together and Kihyun steals another kiss before they part, leaving Hyunwoo glued in place on the busy street corner, rubbing his flushed neck and grinning bashfully.
Photography has been a constant in Kihyun’s life ever since his grandmother gifted him her old film camera. Through trial and error, he learned to focus the lens and capture the shot; then he learned how to distort reality into something different—something worth seeing. Mystical. Surreal. That’s how his photography has been described again and again by critics. But Hyunwoo had called it breathtaking, how Kihyun can spot a splinter of beauty amongst the vast ugly spaces of life.
Kihyun looks around the gallery, eyes drawn to Minhyuk’s freshly painted mural that imbues the once sterile white space with a sunniness that is rarely found in the stuffy art world, but Kihyun takes pride in being unique, their small space offering Seoul something a little different. Next to the mural is a window overlooking the tiny courtyard garden—a pleasant oasis hidden within the city’s concrete and steel—it is lush and verdant, a watercolor painting after the afternoon’s rainstorm.
“You can’t drink the champagne, Hyungwon,” he chastises as he unlocks the front door. “The guests haven’t arrived yet.”
“That’s why I’m drinking it now before it’s all gone,” he sasses back before downing the flute of champagne and grabbing another.
Soon the gallery is full of patrons dressed in summer dresses and light suits. The air is cranked on high to combat the heat and humidity filtering in every time the door opens.
Kihyun watches Hyunwoo arrive out of the corner of his eye as he secures another sale. His boyfriend waves shyly then hovers in the background, nursing a glass of champagne as Kihyun continues to work.
Hyungwon catches his eye and smirks, jutting his chin in Hyunwoo’s direction. Kihyun glances over his shoulder and finds Hyunwoo’s eyes glued to his ass, unabashedly checking him out.
“Be discreet,” he mouths silently, cocking an eyebrow, biting back a grin when Hyunwoo’s ears turn red.
Near the end of the evening, with the gallery relatively empty, he feels strong arms envelop him and Hyunwoo’s chin hooks on his shoulder. “I think this is your best showing yet,” he murmurs near his ear. “I’m really proud of you, Ki.”
Kihyun smiles and leans into his embrace, feeling buoyant after selling many of his pieces and simultaneously rooted by Hyunwoo’s solid supportive presence in his life. Something warm bubbles in his chest and he turns around to face Hyunwoo, who is gazing at him like he’s the center of his universe—and he feels a little brave, a little vulnerable.
“I love you, hyung,” he whispers.
First times are an intoxicating mixture of exhilaration and dread—and this is a milestone first for them. He feels his heart beating rapidly in his chest as the seconds tick by and he waits.
Hyunwoo leans back a little as he processes the words, eyebrows raised and lips separated around a surprised gasp, then he grins widely, eyes turning to crescent moons as they do when he’s particularly happy.
Hyunwoo leans down and kisses him chastely, murmuring against his lips:
“Thank you.”
Like Kihyun had just taken out the trash or washed the dishes. The words don’t settle well.
The gallery showing was one week ago. For seven days, those two words have been simmering, curdling in his stomach.
“If you’re going to pretend like you’re not reading the magazine, can you at least do that while sitting next to me and stop looking over my shoulder like a creeper?” Kihyun gripes, mood black and stormy, turning the page a little too harshly and accidentally ripping the paper.
Hyungwon pulls up a stool next to him and watches him silently for a few moments, lips puckered in thought. “Anything you want to talk about?
“I told my boyfriend that I love him,” Kihyun answers through gritted teeth, words in a rush and cheek smushed into his palm, not putting up a fight when Hyungwon succeeds in swiping the magazine.
“Oh, wow! That’s big news.”
“And he said ‘thank you’,” he continues robotically.
“Oh.” He catches Hyungwon’s grimace out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah. This is why I prefer cats over boyfriends.”
Kihyun mutters a swear and whacks Hyungwon on the arm, but his lips pull up into a small smile.
Hours later, he locks up the gallery and sprints through the light drizzle to the subway then runs down the stairs. It’s Hyunwoo’s birthday and Kihyun made reservations at his favorite restaurant. He squeezes into the train just as the doors close and stands squished between other commuters. He listens to classical music in an attempt to block out the bodies all around him, but his mind drifts, dissecting each moment of his relationship.
He thought they were on the same page, but as time ticks by, it is becoming glaringly obvious that his boyfriend isn’t going to say ‘I love you’ to him.
What if he made a mistake by expressing the sentiment too early in their relationship? What if Hyunwoo doesn’t love him at all?
He tries to close his eyes against the thought, but it gnaws at him and he feels an ache bloom purple and green like a bruise in his chest.
He shakes his head, trying to regain his composure before facing Hyunwoo again.
Even as Hyunwoo kisses his cheek and places a warm palm on his lower back as they walk through the restaurant to their table, he can’t seem to shake the feeling that this could all be one-sided.
Dinner is quieter than usual. Soft candlelight glows between them and Kihyun eats silently, only answering with murmured one word responses when Hyunwoo tries to spark up a conversation.
He startles when he feels Hyunwoo’s thumb brush gently over his knuckles. “Are you okay, Ki?” he asks, eyes open and warm.
Kihyun’s breath hitches sharply and he opens his mouth to explain, to clear up the mess that has been swirling inside himself seeking relief.
Instead, he tries to shake off the feeling as he hands Hyunwoo a small black box wrapped in silver paper.
Hyunwoo opens the box and looks down at the stainless steel watch in wonder.
“Your name is engraved on the back,” Kihyun says, smile dampened by the idea that this may be the last birthday they spend together.
His boyfriend leans over the table, pressing a kiss to Kihyun’s lips. “Thank you, Ki. I love—” Kihyun’s heart jumpstarts, pulse whooshing in his ears.
“—the watch. It’s perfect,” Hyunwoo continues quietly, voice earnest.
Kihyun’s heart drops and something shutters inside him; he doesn’t care about the watch anymore. The happiness that has settled into his body over the past six months is unwelcome now, pushed aside by a choking sadness.
He just wants to go home.
Hyunwoo walks him to his apartment in strained silence, and after a weak goodbye, Kihyun walks through the door without a backward glance.
“None of these shots are working!” He throws his hands up in exasperation and decides to back away from his camera before he throws it against the wall out of frustration.
He feels lost, like there’s a piece of himself missing. He hasn’t seen Hyunwoo since his birthday, making up lame excuses to get out of facing him and the glaring knowledge that his boyfriend still hasn’t opened up to him or reciprocated his feelings.
Kihyun feels a prick of hot tears scratch the back of his eyes and he blinks it away. He slogs home, muscles weighed down, burdened by a sadness that seems to follow him.
A knock on his apartment door wrenches him from his foul thoughts and he opens it mindlessly, expecting one of his roommates to have forgotten his key.
He never imagined that it would be Hyunwoo standing in front of him, dressed in ripped jeans and a worn grey sweatshirt, shifting nervously from foot to foot, and holding a box of pizza.
They eat in awkward silence and Hyunwoo rubs his chin nervously. Kihyun catches his eye once or twice, but he isn’t ready to talk about it, to face what could possibly be the end.
Kihyun sprawls on the couch, full stomach churning with apprehension, but he leaves room for Hyunwoo to snuggle up behind him. Despite himself, he relaxes into Hyunwoo’s arms, their familiarity a salve and he pushes his fears to the back of his mind for now, cherishing this moment of closeness.
Kihyun clicks between channels until he lands on a cheesy romance drama that he’s been more or less keeping up on.
I love you, the male lead says ardently—and it’s corny and dramatic, but it still makes Kihyun feel a little gooey inside. He looks at Hyunwoo, whose face is now scrunched up like he’s going to barf.
“How can you watch this, Ki?” he asks incredulously as he tries to steal the remote. “There’s got to be something better on.”
Kihyun stuffs the remote under the couch where Hyunwoo can’t reach and sniffs petulantly, “I need to live vicariously through them since my boyfriend doesn’t know what romance is.”
“Romance, huh?” He can feel Hyunwoo’s smile against his neck, then in an instant he’s flipped onto his back with his boyfriend hovering above him. “That’s what you want?”
Kihyun nods solemnly, biting his lip to keep from smiling.
“Then that’s what you’re gonna get.”
And he tickles Kihyun mercilessly until they’re both a laughing mess.
“I’ve missed this,” Kihyun breathes, feeling some of the ache ebb away.
“I’ve missed you,” Hyunwoo admits quietly, thumb rubbing over Kihyun’s cheek. “Do you really want that—” he tilts his head toward the television, “—like that guy in the drama?”
Kihyun shrugs and sits up, eyes glued to a spot beyond Hyunwoo’s head. He feels tense again, jittery.
Hyunwoo hums in understanding then is silent for a while, as he tends to be when he’s thinking. “‘I love you’ is nice to hear, but I don’t want to just say the words to the person I love,” he pauses as he brushes a fingertip over Kihyun’s ring finger, allowing it to linger there, warming the skin. “I want the other person to feel it.”
Then it clicks—and Kihyun sucks in a sharp breath because he does feel it, radiating from the man sitting next to him who has never wavered. Hyunwoo’s love is quiet, but steadfast, and when Kihyun stops to listen, he hears it all around him, woven delicately between their laced fingers and breathed hot into the dips of his collarbones.
When Hyunwoo texts him about a new song he’s discovered and includes more emojis than absolutely necessary because he’s excited for Kihyun to listen to it, or when he orders chocolate cake to share even though he prefers vanilla—Kihyun knows.
The knot in his stomach dissolves and he giggles until he’s breathless, feeling ebullient and light—and later when his knees hit the edge of the bed and Hyunwoo kisses his navel, his lips burning praises and promises and vows into his skin, eyes glimmering with the kind of adoration and tenderness that makes his heart swell to the point of bursting—he thinks, if this is what loving Hyunwoo feels like, then everyone else can keep their dramatic I love you’s.
When they’re warm and sated, a tangle of limbs about to drift off to sleep, Hyunwoo brushes the hair out of his eyes and kisses him so gently that his stomach flips anew—and Kihyun whispers into his chest:
“Thank you.”
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dadhakyeon-blog · 7 years
May I request a mingyu and dk poly boyfriend ship. They plan their bfs birthday and all that good stuff and their bf is shooketh. Mine is THIS WEDNESDAY AYYYYEEEEEE THANK YOU MY GUY
-so mingyu and seokmin are both pretty bad at keeping secrets but this one they actually manage to keep mostly covered up 
-there is an incident where seokmin comes home with a gift for you and it’s unwrapped and he kinda just stands in the doorway 
-and makes this noise that’s kinda like…. hINGrgh////
-you end up a little weirded out and just give him space because maybe he needs to poop? 
-anyways seokmin and mingyu are spending all this time together without you now and you’re feeling a little left out 
-and your birthday is coming up too :(((
-so you end up crashing their little meetings a lot of times which makes it really hard for them to plan your birthday
-and suddenly the actual day is here and they don’t have much prepared 
-but you don’t know that so if they just wing it really well they think they’ll do alright 
-so to start the day mingyu wakes up like hella early and cooks this giant ass breakfast 
-seokmin has to stay out of the kitchen because of that one time he lit eggs on fire but he unboxes some pastries and puts them all nicely on a plate so he contributes 
-and you wake up for a second when you hear a pot rattle and mingyu yell ‘sHIT’ but you go back to sleep because hell no it’s your birthday you’re sleeping in 
-so when they finally do come in it’s actually a big surprise because you really didn’t expect much but here they are bringing you this giant breakfast with huge smiles on their faces 
-and the dorks have a candle stuck into the french toast and are singing you happy birthday 
-and knowing them that’s hardly the last time you’re going to hear that damn song today
-seokmin and mingyu end up climbing into bed with you and eating a lot of the food though too but it’s chill because mingyu cooked enough for a large suburban white family to eat all they want  
-they’re so excited for the day too that they’re shoving you out to get dressed before you even wake up all the way or finish eating 
-but you’re used to your excitable puppy boyfriends so it’s all good you just roll with it
-you three end up loading into mingyu’s car and heading out to who knows where while seokmin whips out a cd mixtape he made just for the occasion 
-it’s actually really cute it has all these sharpie drawings all over it
-also seokmin really pays attention? he’s literally got all of your favorite songs on there 
-you’re so busy singing along with seokmin that you hardly notice when you three stop but all the sudden you three are at the ice skating rink and you’re a little ??? 
-because mingyu can’t walk straight sometimes how is he going to skate 
-well, they probably planned it for a reason? 
-so they lead you inside and it’s absolutely packed 
-and mingyu keeps almost running down small children because when he’s finally able to balance he wants to try to show off 
-you and seokmin end up calling it quits because you’re afraid of what mingyu might do if he’s allowed on the ice any longer 
-and you three are hungry! so you get that weirdly good food court food and if you thought mingyu and seokmin wouldn’t embarrass you in a public place you were wrong 
-because they shove a candle right into your food and start to sing again
-dear god 
-the better part of the day is actually gone by the time you get home and you three are pretty tired 
-so seokmin does this big bluff like oh we can just stay home and miss our other plans it’s no big deal 
-and he thinks he gets away with it but then you’re like ? what other plans ? 
-both of them kinda squirm for a minute and then mingyu starts whining that you never left them alone to plan anything 
-and it’s that combination of really cute and really annoying that makes him easy to forgive 
-so after much consideration you let them off the hook and you three just snuggle down to watch a movie because it’s cold outside and blankets and popcorn are always good 
-seokmin really wants to watch rough night? like really really 
-so you do and regret it a little bit but that’s okay because you have ya bois with you to rot in cringe with 
-and you order take out for dinner and keep up your movie marathon and all is so nice because seokmin and mingyu have you in the middle and are like koalas giving you all this love 
-before you know it, it’s late and you’re all nodding heads a little bit so you move back to bed 
-and mingyu legit wakes you all up again at one am because you forgot to do presents!2111!1!!1!!
-thanks mingyu
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tactickle · 7 years
Hi there! Got any kiribaku headcanons for bnha?
i’m very weak for kiribaku… you got me.. they got this super slow burn friendship going on like holy fuck is it killing me. let them be stupid in love. kirishima is my muffin okay and bakugou is such a cutie pie too but in a more fussy puff your cheeks out way (i mean lowkey a demon but he’s so.. cute. he’s shorty chub face over there like calm down creampuff).
so.. They dating. it’s a weird relationship without a legit label but they’re romantic in their own ways. kirishima is very good at expressing affection. he initiates everything cause bakugou deems it weak to indulge in any cute activities. unless kirishima starts it and now he can call it a contest.
kirishima likes physical contact quite a bit for starters. the first sight of any tickles started up when kirishima thought it’d be funny to just blow a raspberry to bakugou’s cheek while he was just chilling. and he was greeted with a smack and a scream like “GET OFF ME” which kirishima giggled at and was like alright alright omg sorry bud! didn’t mean to scare you!
but it leaves off cold for a bit. until one day kirishima offers bakugou a massage. he’s talking about how baku needs it and it’d feel great he promises. baku’s all, sure whatever i don’t care. cause! tickling doesn’t even cross his mind at all like he doesn’t even wonder.
so, they get in bakugou’s room when they have any days off and kirishima is proud of his massage skills and ready to get to work ((also lowkey baku’s mom is like…. ya made a friend. How tho)) but yeah! they’re alone and it takes baku a year to agree to lay down on his stomach on the bed and be vulnerable and let kirishima work on his back. just cause they’ve had a couple kissy sessions doesn’t mean it isn’t awkward as hell still.
btw they’ll have weird romantic confession moments like real late at night for some reason aka bakugou yelling out and swearing while kirishima is more timid and is trying to declare his love passionately but can’t quite do it right.
but back to it. kirishima is real good and bakugou can’t deny it. he’s good at working bakugou’s shoulders into mush, so much so that he’s beginning to drift in and out of a nice nap. and while dealing with all the knots baku has, he can be rough with kneading. so far so good, until kirishima decides the next area to massage at is bakugou’s lower back. he’s like oh he’s not as tense here so i’ll ease up the pressure. and the massaging suddenly feels a lot more like ticklish prodding.
like fucking magic, bakugou shakes out of his nap and starts struggling and yelling wildly like HEY HEY SHITHEAD LET GO in that way that he does. and kirishima being a sweetheart is like augh fuck sorry did that hurt? here hold on how about this? and he tries rubbing small circles down his lower back instead and bakugou makes a bunch of odd choking noises and twists and throws kirishima off of him and onto the bed to his side.
now cue all the “what the fuck did you think you were doing” type statements. and kirishima is dumbfounded. he doesn’t know what he did. but he realizes it when he looks up to see bakugou’s disheveled hair and red cheeks and he starts recalling all the weird noises he was making and the way he was squirming like a kid. he just rubs the back of his head goes “ohhhhhhh. hey, sorry was i tickling you? didn’t mean to, man!”
and the quickest response of “no you weren’t, and i’m not” comes right out of baku’s mouth. and kirishima’s thinking to himself like uh.. i didn’t ask if he was ticklish so what’s with the defensive ‘i’m not’ comment?? so now he has 2 options. to drop the convo or unintentionally tease bakugou by trying to communicate. and he goes with the second one.
kirishima has both of his hands up to let baku know he doesn’t mean anything and goes “no need to be embarrassed, like, everyone is ticklish. i am too.. my underarms are off limits i understand don’t worry" and baku’s all “… i didn’t ask and i SAID I’M NOT get it through your thick skull asshole” and this is the exact personality kirishima dated him for, he thinks it’s cute so he’s like “alright alright whateverrr just lay back down” and bakugou REFUSES
and cue the “oh why, are you afraid i’m gonna tickle you???” and bakugou is so bullshit right now he’s like “I’LL KILL YOU” and it doesn’t end up in a tickle fight yet it’s more of a bakugou is just consistently slapping laughing kirishima. plus kirishima doesn’t even end up starting it, like a week later baku does. they’re wicked slow burn chic.
so.. when the tickle fight first starts, it’s cause kirishima has a nightmare while he’s sleeping in baku’s room. he wakes up super upset and he’s all insecure. when he shoots out of bed he’s already crying and it ends up waking bakugou up. at first he’s like “what the HELL it is 1AM lay back down STUPID” and kirishima turns around like HHHAAHA it’s nothing but he’s sniffling super hard and bakugou swallows his pride for his fuckin bf for once to try and cheer him up, or do anything really.
and he’s like uhh uh oh shit what do i do and he’s running through all the things kiri does for him when he’s out of whack. and he thinks of something. more than he’d like to admit, the cheek raspberries kiri always does are kinda… well.. fun. so bakugou grabs kiri by the shoulder and pecks his cheek. and then after a couple of seconds he blows a huge raspberry.
and kirishima makes the most pleased sounding screech. he’s giggling like W-WHAT OH MY GOD?? in just total awe. and tears are streaming down his face from before still. and bakugou is like aight it keeps making him smile just a couple more blows. but like, he’s having fun. and the next thing he knows he thinks back to their earlier convo where kirishima mentioned his underarms. so he stops the kisses and hooks his fingers under kirishima’s arms and squeezes a bunch of times.
now, kirishima was gonna try and tickle bakugou at one point but never in his life did he think bakugou would stoop this low. he’s like “aaAAH you’re cheating!!” and he’s still recovering from crying and kind of snorting. he falls back and basically crushes baku but he doesn’t care like as long as kirishima isn’t crying anymore. and ngl he really is enjoying this stupid play fight. he’s all smug and proud of himself as kirishima rolls around trying to get baku’s fingers out of his armpits and he’s like “bakugouUUUUU!!!!!! MERCY” and dying.
bakugou does finally stop and kirishima is still laying on baku’s lap and panting like a dog. but he has a big smile on his face. and bakugou goes “–alright. now shut up will you” and plops back down thinking it’s OVER.
when kirishima finally recovers he snuggles up closer than ever and gives bakugou his fav type of kisses, the ones that are like just little pecks on the corners of his mouth. and we all know… that kirishima is a sweet boy so of course he’s like “AAA thank you for all the love i love you so much you’re so good to me” and bakugou is like “!! FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE SLEEP ALREADY”
and kirishima just laughs and is like “god i can’t believe you TICKLED me, you’re going soft dude i thought you were gonna blow me up instead” and after he finishes his sentence he scratches at bakugou’s tummy a couple times to punctuate. kirishima isn’t necessarily trying to start shit he’s kinda like that dude who tasers his friends for fun y’know. and baku yelps and immediately grabs kirishima’s wrist and grips it SO HARD.
he’s like “STOP” but kirishima is like “aw come on you started it” and bakugou hates to admit it but he’s super weak to affection so he feels like mush but he’s so determined not to lose his attitude. but he’s not doing so well. he’s turning into a lovesick teenager. 
and all of a sudden bakugou’s having flashbacks to all the times his mom used to tickle the hell outta him for being too much of a brat. and how he… never really did so hot with tickles. he is SO fucked rn. cause now kirishima is using a syrupy voice like “what’s the matter?” like OVERLY syrupy like he’s talking to a grumpy kid (well i mean) and bakugou is like, 100% tryna get out of those blankets.
luckily for bakugou he has both of kirishima’s wrists in both his hands, so it’s kinda like a deadlock moment. but, kirishima has this moment of bravery and even though they’re still super awkward with romance he goes in for some neck kisses. but not firm ones…… the dastardly soft ticklish kisses. cause kiri is so desperate to make bakugou laugh. and it WORKS cause now baku tries to let go of kiri’s wrists and back off but kiri just interlocks their fingers tight so he can keep kissing.
BAKUGOU IS SO OFF HIS GAME ATM. cause he keeps trying to threaten kiri but his voice keeps going all weird and giggles are occasionally pouring out of his mouth as he’s DESPERATELY fighting against the tickling. bakugou keeps going “STOP” and growling and kirishima’s like “whaaaaa why can’t i tickle you come on let me it’s fun” and he pretends to stop but then a second later he dives under the covers and goes for his belly. and ohh my god here we go
it’s a mess of constricting blankets and baku trying to kick them off so he can make an attempt at escape. and he’s also trying to grab kirishima but can’t really find him like he’s aware of where he is but he keeps moving and is under a comforter and he can’t grab him correctly. and he’s really ticklish okay so he starts laughing really damn loudly. his laugh is a little rugged and concerned sounding just cause he’s a baby. and he’s always frustrated so he yells the whole time. but, not quite as loud and boisterous as kirishima’s was, it’s more of a screaming squeal for help rather.
but he stops kinda quickly! and honestly bakugou feels kinda lost for a second like he realizes he’s stupid in love to let this happen and he’s in a daze. kirishima comes up and is like “see, wasn’t so bad” and starts with the kissing again but bakugou’s like “okay it’s somewhere in the morning idk when and i’m out of breath you dumbass” and kirishima’s like “HHAH… you right.. can we still hug” and bakugou just turns over like “whatever i’m sleeping” so passively letting kiri snug him.
this is long as FUCK but here it is to match the NUMBER OF REQUESTS kiribaku is real popular! ❤ thanks to everyone who asked!
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olderjustneverwiser · 7 years
You Make it So Easy to Fall So Hard (Sonny Carisi)
Request for anon: Maybe one where they’ve grown up together and always slept together and had feelings and stuff and they were each other’s first kiss so they would “be good for their bf/gf” and then as you get older people comment about y'all being cute but you’re not together and it’s all full of feelings and stuff. Idk, hopelessly in love sonny just makes me happy lol
I’m sorry idk what this is. It started out as fluff and then it went to angst and now I don’t even know. 
BUT a huge thanks to @am-i-right-counselor and @moresvuheadcanons for all of their help! And as always @ventixx for being my proofreader.
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Keeping with tradition, you and Sonny set off for your yearly road trip.
It was something Sonny had started when he got his first car in high school. Every summer, you would make it a point to drive somewhere you had never been before. It would not matter whether you two stayed for a few days, a week, or simply made the drive and then turned around (like the summer of ‘02 when Sonny just HAD to see Mount Rushmore. God, what a waste of forty-four hours). Still, just the time together, making memories was enough for both of you. It was something for you to look forward to every year, and you hadn’t even missed one. You and Sonny had been to Cape Cod in Maine, beaches in Florida, music festivals in Nashville, and museums in Chicago, among many other destinations. This year, you had decided on Savannah for the food, the ghost tours, and the Southern charm.
You loved being with Sonny like this. Just the two of you, on the road with tons of snacks and mix CDs, though in the past few years those had turned into Spotify playlists. It was always so easy, you next to him in the passenger’s seat, him talking about things he had researched about the place you were going. It was always the same thing, each trip, and over the years you had fallen quite hard for your best friend. 
You and Sonny had known each other since the two of you were thirteen. After being paired up for a project on your freshman year, you and Sonny had become fast friends, and soon, you two were inseparable. The two of you had been with each other through a lot, from being each other’s first kiss (both of you insisted that it was only for practice for when you actually had the chance to kiss somebody,) to first boyfriends and girlfriends and graduation. From heartbreak to college and deciding on careers, you and Sonny had stuck together and helped each other through it all. 
Inevitably, you had fallen in love with Sonny. Somewhere between the long drives and the late nights in your apartment, or his, playing board games and laying on the couch, you realized that you loved him, more than you loved anyone else. 
It was a horrible, wonderful thing to love him like this. To have him pull you into a tight hug and thinking about how perfectly you fit against him. To look into his eyes and see a future. To know that even though he was your closest friend, he would never be your Sonny. To him, you were just another sister. 
You convinced yourself that being his friend was good enough for you. It was difficult, to hear him talk about the dates he went on or the people he hooked up with, but you manged to suck it up and fake a smile. In a sense, he always came home to you, anyway. Whether it was breakfast the morning after one of his dates or showing up at your door with your favorite takeout after a long day, he was always there for you, and there was no way you were going to ruin that because of your feelings. You were pretty good at keeping your feelings in check most of the time.
Near the half-way point of your long drive, you and Sonny hit a bad rain storm just outside of North Carolina. Sonny had decided to pull over and try to wait it out, but after 30 minutes of heavy rain, it showed no signs of letting up.
“Hey, it’s gettin’ late anyway and I’m gettin’ tired of drivin’. Wanna just get a motel for the night? I think I saw a sign for one a few miles back.”
You gave him a nod, and Sonny started the car up again, making a U-turn to find the motel.
“Evenin’, ma’am. Just a room for the night.”
“One bed okay?”
You interjected, “You don’t have anything else?” To be that close to Sonny, to wake up next to him would be too much for you to handle.
“No, dear,” the woman shook her head, “Half the building’s getting renovated and we’re booked.” 
Sonny put his arm around your shoulders, “Hey, it’ll be just like old times, sharin’ a bed.” He turned to the cashier and told her he would take the room.
She took Sonny’s credit card and swiped, “You guys are too cute. How long have you been an item?”
You began to correct her, but Sonny beat you to it, “Oh, no ma’am. This one’s just like a sister to me.” He looked down at you and flashed his smile, and you forced one of your own. 
She looked almost shocked, “Well, the way you kids act, I would have never guessed. Have a nice night,” Handing Sonny the room key, she gave you a sympathetic look, like she knew. You hoped you weren’t that obvious.
“You okay?” Sonny looked worried as he climbed into bed. You had barely spoken since you got to the room. It wasn’t Sonny’s fault; you knew he couldn’t help how he felt about you, but it still hurt every time you heard those words, ‘like a sister’. You hated how pathetic it made you feel. 
As hurt as you felt, though, you were not going to let this ruin the trip.
“Yes, Sonny I’m fine. We should just go to bed.” You noticed your voice cracking slightly as you finished your sentence, and you prayed that Sonny hadn’t. Hell. He was a detective. No way he didn’t notice. 
“Hey, come here. You know you can tell me anythin’,” he scooted closer to you and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you to his chest, and the tears came. 
“Sonny, it’s this! This is what’s wrong!” You swiftly pulled away from him to look into his eyes. They were alarmed at your words. “It’s you. Shit, I don’t know, Sonny. It’s just so hard to be like this with you sometimes.”  
“What do you-“ 
“Sonny, I love you, okay? I love you in a different way that you love me. I love being with you. I love how you’re so sweet, and caring and you’re just you. And, you know, you’re my best friend and I like how you always come to me for advice or to talk, but having to hear you talk about the people you go out with or the girls you take home kills me. Because I want to be that girl. I want to be the girl that you wake up to. Sometimes I can handle it; sometimes I think to myself that it’s okay! It’s okay that you don’t love me back, because I love you as a friend, too. But damn, Sonny, sometimes it’s too hard.”
You studied Sonny’s face for a reaction, but his face was blank, his eyes fixed on yours. You waited for him to do something, say anything, but he just sat upright in the bed, staring with his mouth slightly open, like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t. 
“You know what, I’m going to take a walk,” not waiting for a response, you got out of bed and grabbed your jeans, momentarily not caring that you were taking your shorts off in front of him. 
“Hey, no you’re not, we gotta talk about this,“ Sonny scrambled out of bed, turning his head to let you finish getting dressed before he approached you.
“Sonny, I don’t want your pity. It’s okay, just let me walk it off.”
“Please, will you give me a chance to talk now?” Sonny had taken a seat on the edge of the bed, allowing you to look directly into his eyes. He rubbed your arms, and you managed to calm down. It amazed you how easily he could make you feel better with just this innocent gesture. 
You noticed a small smile creep onto Sonny’s face. His eyes were bright and full of optimism. You wished you could read his expression, but before you could ask him, his lips were on yours. 
Yours arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, his hands moving to your hips and pulling you close. His mouth pushed against yours, running his tongue over your bottom lip, and you opened for him. You couldn’t think of anything else, just Sonny against you. 
Sonny pulled away first, much to your dismay. He licked his lips and pressed his forehead to yours, a wide smile on his face. “Love you like a sister? Are you kiddin’ me?”
You were stunned, “Well,”
“God, I only went out so much to try and get you off my mind. I never thought you'd feel the same way about me, " he shook his head, “I’m so stupid. All this time, these years wasted because I was too scared to tell you how I felt.”
“In your defense, so was I,” was this really happening? You felt over the moon; like you were going to wake up any moment.
He placed another soft kiss on your lips, “I love you,” it was barely a whisper, but you caught it.
“I love you too, Sonny. At least we’re better kissers now than we were in sophomore year.”
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