#(but if you check the live updates there you'll see all the current news in that feed)
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Image Descriptions and Accessibility in General on Tumblr for New Users
What are Image Descriptions
Image Descriptions are text following a picture explaining what’s in that picture. They are primarily for blind/visually impaired people with screen readers and visually impaired people who can read text but have issues with pictures.
They also help people who have trouble:
focusing on/understanding a picture
reading text on images (ex low contrast, weird fonts, etc)
getting images to load
Without image descriptions posts are not accessible to many people, so if you can it's best to include a description or alt text every time you post an image.
Alt text vs image descriptions
Image descriptions are written in the body of the post itself, and have some kind of text before and after, to explain that what's coming up. They typically begin short and concise, but can expand to more detail.
Alt text is added to the image itself, and is what is read by screen-readers (which will otherwise just say "image"). There is no need to add any explanation before the description so you can just say "a description of the image". Alt text can only be added by the original poster, by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the image and clicking 'update image description.' It is typically short and concise.
On tumblr, alt text is currently available on web by clicking on the alt button (or via new xkit - accesskit - move alt text to captions below image). On mobile, alt text is available in some versions of the app through clicking on the alt text button. Image descriptions are visible on all posts, although if you put them under a read-more, that makes them less accessible. (Thanks to @911described for helping with this section)
How to Make Image Descriptions
Awhile ago I made this general guide. I learned from examples, so here are descriptions made by a bunch of different people. I've also made templates for a lot of common images you'll see on Tumblr.
Other Concerns
Gradient or all caps text make most screen readers read out the word one letter at a time. In addition, these plus text that is bold/italicized/underlined, in colors other than black, or in weird/fancy fonts are difficult for many people to read.
How Filtering Works
You can filter out both words/phrases and tags in the filtering section under the general section in the settings. When filtering out words from a post, it will look at both the text of the post/reblog chain and at the url of op and the rebloggers. When filtering out tags it will look at the tags of the specific post on your dash, and at the tags of the original post.
Tagging for Common Triggers
Don't sensor trigger warnings (for example don't tag suic!de) because then people who have them filtered will still see it.
Tagging for Flashing Lights
If you post a gif or video in a post that flashes, you should tag it with something like "flashing lights" and Not "tw epilepsy" because if any of the tags in the original post contains the world epilepsy it will show up in the epilepsy tag, which is dangerous. Check out this post from @photosensitive-despair for more info about tagging photosensitive content.
Tagging for Unreality vs Misinfo
Things that could trigger delusions/psychotic episodes/etc should be tagged with unreality. This includes:
content that has existential themes related to reality/things not existing (example: a philosophy such as solipsism, do not look up the term if unreality stuff is triggering for you)
extremely surreal content(example: sometimes content such as weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetics can fall under this umbrella but again this is very subjective)
content that reinforces or encourages common delusions(example: that one "im living in your walls" meme)
Things like rp blogs and fake/edited tweets should not be tagged with unreality, unless they contain triggering content. Consider tags like "fiction" or "misinfo." See this post for more info.
Addition from @mindflamer
You can look through the reblogs of a post to see if someone's already written a description. There is a button to see just comments vs. comments + tags which makes it easier. Scroll through looking for brackets [], ID, or Image Description. This is great to do if you can't write your own IDs for whatever reason, so that you can at least spread the version of the post that's described if there is one.
If you're not able to write IDs consistently, some is better than none. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You can use the tag #undescribed to make it easy for those who need them to filter out those posts. Similarly, if you primarily tag triggers but can't for certain posts, you can use a separate tag on that to be filtered such as #untagged.
Please, if I forgot something, sound off in the notes and I'll update this post with it
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sejianismodding · 2 months
☠️ REMINDER: Double-check the OP for updates!
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[EP16] CAS Overrides for Lovestruck + 7 Addons - The End is Nigh!
🙀 8/14/2024 - There's a texture issue with some of my Addons in Live. I'll sort it out and push an update after I initial release AXGW.
⚔️ Requires TS4: Lovestruck Expansion Pack
🚀 Initial Release - 8/1/2024
🔄 Update 8/8/2024 - [✔️] I'm afraid to say EAxis will likely never fix CAS properly, so don't hold your breath. This isn't a new thing. It's been a problem for 10 years.
🎁 SFS - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4832424/
🎁 CF - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/cas-overrides-for-ep16-lovestruck
✒️ CAS is a mess. All of CAS is a mess. Every content release is a mess of wrong PartFlags that primarily affect transframe sims but also affect cisframe female and male sims. Ever noticed distortions on your clothing? That's cause you're wearing the wrong frame item because EAxis tagged it incorrectly or tagged something made with the male frame for female sims or vice versa because they couldn't be arsed to make two items.
🥂 This is the first major release under the new Endgame moniker. It feels good to be back. I will update all previous CAS Overrides but coming next is my initial release for AnimXGenWear and I'm hella excited!
🗺️ Progress & Discussions Post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108830917
💎 The Endgame Master Post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106702719
🗺️ Modding Announcements Post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109291501
💬 The very last image was edited to include the female and male icons for my CF thumbnail to give a simplistic visual representation of what to expect with this mod. I'm considering doing an actual in-game overlay.
🙀 I forgot to say what this does! In these DLC overrides that I do, I try to fix everything I find that needs fixing if I can fix it. If I can't fix it, I add a note for it in my big Endgame master post on Patreon for future tinkering. The fixes include but are not limited to, incorrect PartFlags, missing PartFlags, mesh errors, busted texture maps, removing Randomization from Accessories, Hats, Makeup, Skin Details, Tattoos, etc. AKA all the things that give us ridiculous-looking townies - it has evolved from just fixing the incorrect Restrict Opposite PartFlags that screw with transframe sims, to fixing everything. It needs a more detailed explanation, but for now, this should give you a fair enough idea what to expect. The main thing to note is that clothing no longer follows any real-world gender-stereotype nonsense. If it's made with the female frame it will show under the Feminine Fashion / Clothing filter and if it's made with the male frame it will show under the Masculine Fashion / Clothing filter. All clothing items are unrestricted, so you can choose to wear whatever you want. Use the appropriate filter or both or none. Makes sense? With heterosexual cis male sims in mind, I removed Randomization from "traditionally feminine" clothing, meaning you'll see dresses and skirts under the Masculine filter, but they won't randomize onto every male sim in the game. I'm gender-nonconforming so I don't care but I understand some simmers might so I've tried to configure this as inclusive as I can for everyone. This is what The Endgame is - it's CAS the way it should have been shipped. Not the mess that it currently is.
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parkitaco · 2 years
ok people. i really don't want to have to be saying this but i am once again being struck by the lack of etiquette in the byler fandom and just in current fandom in general so i just. have to say something ok
first off i'm gonna say that fandoms come from a place of love and i know everyone most people have good intentions and love their fic authors but the etiquette around fics and art and all that lovely stuff is,, how shall we put it,, literally nonexistent.
listen. i love writing fic. i love that people like reading my fics that's insane hello?? i love getting comments and kudos and getting messages from ppl who are excited about my future projects it's great!!!
that being said, when i receive messages asking when things will be out/comments on wip wednesday snippets asking if the fic is out yet/messages asking me to tag them when the fic is published, regardless of how good the intentions are it comes off as very demanding and doesn't make me feel good as a writer who is doing this Voluntarily and For Free.
fanfic writers do this for fun!! we are not machines, we are people with our own lives outside of fandom and those lives have to take priority most if not all of the time. this means that yes!! sometimes fics take a while to write!! sometimes chaptered fics take a while to update!! and guess what?? that is totally ok. fanfic writers taking their time is not a bad thing. it means they care and are taking their time to create quality content. it means that they are spending time tending to their real personal lives, which is a normal and healthy thing to do.
there are plenty of posts about why demanding faster updates is bad, and i think that's pretty common knowledge, but i want to talk specifically about these very enthusiastic comments/messages/etc because i don't think anyone means harm but the thing is that fic authors simply do not owe you anything. we don't owe it to you to let you know when a fic will be out, we don't owe it to you to tag you when it is, and we definitely don't owe it to you to provide information that you can easily find out for yourself. as a writer i'm already putting insane amounts of pressure on myself and receiving it from other people, even if that's not the intention, is just not a good feeling.
especially because much of this information is readily available to you!! while you may not be able to find out when a fic will be out (which is probably because the fic author doesn't know either), you are entirely capable of checking the timestamp on a post to see how old it was, then using a little thing called Critical Thinking Skills to determine whether it's likely the fic has been posted or not. if so then great!! most authors have their ao3 accounts linked somewhere on their blog page so YOU (yes, you!!) can go look for the fic on ao3!! if you don't find it, ao3 has a super cool feature where you can subscribe to an author, so you'll get an email notification whenever they post!! and while you're there, if you're truly desperate for something to read, you can always go through the fics they've already posted, and if you've read everything there already and/or they haven't posted anything yet, check their bookmarks and see if there's anything there you like!! and as a last resort, there's always the trusty old search bar on ao3, which you are capable of filtering to every last preference!! the byler fandom is huge and there are tons of fics out there so undoubtedly something will fit your taste.
i know that can feel daunting, and i know it's disappointing when a fic hasn't been posted or updated yet, but the good news is that if you're seeing a snippet it means the author is working on it!! a little patience never hurt anyone, and taking those steps to determine for yourself what's going on with the fic rather than bugging an author who is just trying to go about their life and work on content during whatever free time they have just proves that you care. the simple fact of the matter is that fic authors don't do this for attention, they do it for fun, and therefore we can't cater everything to you or answer questions that you should find the answers to yourself. it's not our responsibility to keep track of people who want to be tagged when a fic is published or want to know when it will be out, because all our energy is going into creating the content you so desperately want!! i'm just begging everyone to be a little bit independent. asking an author for this information just shows you don't care enough to find it for yourself and this sort of laziness is part of why fandoms die.
tldr: fic authors are not machines designed to please you, use some critical thinking once in a while, and please for the love of GOD just go touch grass. breathe some clean air. you'll feel better i promise
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July-June Dev log. We're really going places! (This Dev Log has been delayed since July. We are sorry it took so long)!
Hey! Were back! We have a lot some stuff to get through so lets get started!
A New Face?
Yep! Let me introduce you to a new UTBB character; Princess(?) Emily Emerald!
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Emerald is a spider monster that you will be familied with in the demo and through out the story. She lives in the Ruined sewers with the rest of her sibling, maybe you'll even get to meet a few of them
(Artwork made by @hollowgears )
[ Coding ]
As of writing this, our custom base UT engine is almost complete! We only need to work on a few thing regarding the battle & overworld system. After that we will start implementing some changes such as adding out reworked magic system and a few new special changes.
Then we'll get to work on rooms, tilesets, and backgrounds!
[ Music ]
We've been releasing a few tracks on our game page and YouTube! You should go check them out when you have the time. Our composers work hard on every OST they make and we hope you enjoy listening to them just has much as the team! * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOzEMaAb1zE * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxgr3R6DAsI
We only have a small amount of OSTs at the moment, but were trying to chip away at at it step by step! We don't want to overwhelm anybody here since most of the team have their own projects they have to work on as well.
[ Writing ]
As of now the demo as been fully written out! With the addition to new team members and the director reaching out to different writers in and out of the community, the game has under go some major rewrites which were heavily needed. The rest of the game has been perfectly outlined and I'm currently halfway through the Geno/No Mercy script for the Snowden section. However, writing for the rest of the Ruins after the demo on pacifist and neutral runs is still a work in progress
The plan is to work on neutral scripts after Pacifist and Geno scripts are done. Just to make things a little easier on the teams main writer (Skill issue we know lol). Also, I am glad to say that all of UTBBs main cast as been fully made! Yes we still need to work on their section/area script but like I said before, those have been neatly outlined.
Meet Our New Team Members!
Kamiko Torayama
Were still looking for more Team members! It's not too late to sign up.We're currently looking for:
Coder's (Game maker Studio)
Music Composers
Promotional Artist (1 more position is open)
Concept Artist (For environments/areas)
Battle sprite artist (Pixel Art)
Character designers (Visual)
Tile set/background artist (Pixel Art)
Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWdY5EmbQMYm4Tz4VXtEa6DmpgYowlamMc_zuWNMM2CcHtTw/viewform
Gamepage & Social Changes;
We've updated the gamepage a bit more. We've added a features, Mechanics, and a special thanks!
We felt like the special thanks was long over due. These projects helped inspire UTBB and it's only fair that they get the credit they deserve.
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[Cancelled] Undertale: The Otherground by poody_blue  
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Undertale Kindred Spirits (Fangame) by PurrSum  
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DELTARUNE: Broken Destiny (Fangame) by CrystalZeroChaos  
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Undertale: True Genocide (Fangame) by souptaels  
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Undertinge (Fangame) by TeamTinge  
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@blinddetermination (Interactive Comic) by @hyakki--yagyo
Thank you Poody_blue, PurrSum  (+ The entire UTKS Crew), Starlightshore, CrystalZeroChaos, TeamTinge , souptaels , @hyakki--yagyo, and everyone in the Othertale/Otherrune Community. You are the people who helped inspire this project and I can't wait for you all to see what we've been planning.
Make sure to go check these projects and their creators out! These are the very projects & people that inspired Undertale: Brave Beginnings in the first place so it would be amazing if you went over there and showed them some love and support!
Social Change
As you may have noticed, UTBB has been freely promoting other projects and as been collaborating with other creators. While we are still participating in these collabs we have decided to take a step back in promoting other creators/project. In all honesty, that wasn't supposed to happen. You see, out director is really proud of the following he and this project has gained, and thought that he was "popular" enough to promote lesser known projects or projects just starting out in development. And as you can see he's been promoting a lot of projects. More so it's starting to feel like that's all he's doing publicly and fears that it may be a bit to much.
So with that being said, we will be taking a step back from the promotion of other projects after this dev log. However! We will leave a list (now) of projects that Reed planned to promote but never had the time until now and won't be put up in promotion ever again (unless super big news comes out like the demo/full release or it being cancelled).
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Undertale Brave Faith by TeamDarkLegend  
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Undertale: Bold & Benevolent by Team Papya and the_fluffernutter  
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Undertale Ivy's Justice by TeamUTIJustice 
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UNDERSWAP: ECHOED by _pancakez 
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Undertale ICEBOUND by LucanaDLL  & __b 
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Undertale ALTERATION by Pixel-Icon15 
We know most of these projects are already popular but Team beginnings still wanted to show their support!
What To Expect Next Time?
As you can see, the game page has been getting a few tweaks as of late. We've updated the description and more promotion art should be coming soon! We will also no longer be giving monthly dev logs (Not like we did before lol) and will only post when we have more content to show.
The End. . . ?
No, no no!!! The end of the Dev log, not the project! Thank you all for taking the time to read through this. I hope you have a wonderful day/nigh/afternoon wherever you are! I guess this is the end of the dev log. See you all later!
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synergysilhouette · 7 months
Update on my "Wish" rewrite
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For those who were interested, I'm currently working on a rewrite of Disney's "Wish"--and it's an extreme re-write; I'm pretty much just keeping the overall concept of a kingdom of wishes. Make sure to check out my post for the characters (I'll leave the post down below; currently making changes). As for why it's taking so long:
As of this second, I'm trying to split the story into 3 acts, and working with that structure, I'm trying to work on the pacing.
I've made several songs, but I didn't wanna release them yet (though I will release them before the main story) since I'm still working out the plot; I don't want to post a song and then the story ends up being completely different from how it was originally planned. One of my favorites is the love song, which when I wrote it felt like the film's anthem, and in mind with the pop/radio theme we had for "Wish" with Julia Michaels writing it, I imagined it as an RnB, SZA-inspired song (not sure if that matters since you'll only see the lyrics, though; I have no means of composing/producing). Still polishing it, though!
Making changes to our protagonist. At first I imagined her as a hothead who's lesson in the story is moreso about learning not to let her anger guide her and not to be cocky, but I'm working on making her a more shy, reclusive protagonist, since I've wanted a shy Disney princess for a while and my writing was going back and forth between bold, headstrong sorceress and shy, pessimistic sorceress.
Villain issues. I had a main villain in mind, but I did want to alter the situation a bit (no spoilers!), and I wondered if I should have a different villain entirely.
The Dreamers, the protagonists' best friends, have their own lives, and I wanna showcase that rather than having them feel flat like The Teens. One of them already feels like he eclipses the other two, so I need to work on that.
My star. He's coming off more interesting than our protagonist, so I've gotta work on that--plus I'm worried that as of now, his relationship with her feels too strong, too one-sided to the point where it feels almost like a fixation or obsession with her, and I DESPISE that.
Hope that clears it all up. Lemme know if you have any questions! I may do a massive overhaul, but I don't wanna make new posts/big changes to my posts concerning this story until I have Act I completed and I'm CERTAIN that that's the direction I'm going in.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Your story is so impressive! All aspects from the lore to the writing and the game display are so beautiful!!
I want to ask about the 'look' feature in your game. Like, how to make it? What is the difference in the coding to make it open a separate textbox vs appear new sentences in the current passage? And how to code it for the game to realize that the players have clicked on it and let them continue to the next passage/remember that the players have look at something?
Thank you in advance! And sorry for my bad English 😭
Aww, thank you so much!! ;; I appreciate your kind words!
EDIT: Under the read more shows you how to do it manually, but I have updated the macros so they are MUCH easier to install!!
I made some quick and dirty macros just now if you're interested, so you don't have to do the somewhat ugly way I do it! Here's the itch.io link. Instructs on how to implement are on the page! Password is "looking". You can demo it + download it to see how it works!
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The macros I made will probably be more than adequate for most of your needs, though it is limited to having 10 of each of the three different ways you can look at something in one passage (opens a new window of text, reveals some lines of text, or reveals new lines of text with the include macro).
Underneath, I'll go over how I manually do it in Sugarcube—and it's going to be horrible to look at if you try to do it without syntax highlighting in your project. For the sake of this guide, I'll be highlighting it!
Separate textbox
I am going to show you two ways to do this—one, the way I typically do it; two, with Cycy's liveupdate macro (thanks to my friend, Gwen for teaching me this revolutionary way!!!). You'll need:
StoryFormat - SugarCube (need for both ways)
Chapel's Popover macro (need for both ways)
Cycy's liveupdate macro (if you're doing it With Cycy)
With Cycy - easier to understand, but the text replacement (when you click on the link and it gets replaced with new text to show you've already seen it) does not happen smoothly/with a transition.
Without Cycy - harder to understand, but can replace the link with a smooth transition so the text does not instantaneously and abruptly change.
Each guide is going to rehash pretty much the same information as the other way because I'll just assume you haven't read the other way.
With Cycy
Here is an example:
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1. LIVEBLOCK. A custom macro from Cycy. Whatever is inside the ((liveblock)) will be updated when ((update)) is called inside of it. We need this because, once a passage is rendered, even if a variable is changed through ((click)) or ((link)), the text will not change to reflect these changes. What Cycy's liveblock macro offers is allowing you to live update the text! All the code we'll be writing will be contained inside liveblock.
2. VARIABLE. You'll need a variable to remember that you've looked at this specific place before, and you're going to have a make a variable everytime you have a looking place like this one. I'm guessing you can use temporary variables (which only apply to one passage) instead if you don't want to clutter your StoryInit with global variables (which apply to the entire IF).
The reason why I make my looking variables global variables is because I want to be able to remember that a player has looked at something to update the codex and/or remember that the player has looked at something, in case we want to check that they've done that in the future. It's also because, if a player goes and looks at their stat page, it may refresh the variable and let players look at the same thing again.
3. IF STATEMENT. Again, a simple if statement to test if a player has seen something won't work on its own, as the text does not update live to reflect the changes—even if you use ((link)) that has a ((set)). However, with Cycy's live update macro, this is actually very relevant. If the player hasn't seen the link, show the link; if the player has, show the text that will replace the link.
4. LOOK SPAN. I want the link for all my "looking" links to be distinct from actual choices, so I wrap (span id="look")...(/span) around the entire ((link)) that is in #5. This span is going to style the link to be a bold, gold color.
Here is how I style my links in my Story Stylesheet (here's a link to the Pastebin):
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5. INSIDE THE LINK. Of course, make the ((link)) which the player will click on to look at something. Set the variable that tests if they've looked at it to true, and then call ((update)) to update ((liveblock))'s contents. Next, we will be using Chapel's Popover macro—what this does is "pop over" in a new dialog everything that is inside ((popover)...((/popover)). I specified "noclick" so the players click on an X instead of the screen to exit out. I use the ((include)) macro inside, which is especially useful if the text you're going to be "popping over" is quite long (which my character descriptions are).
Here, I put my closing ((/link)) and then also my closing (/span) for the look span.
6. ELSE — SPAN CLASS LOOKED. Just the same way where I use a (span) to style the link, I use a (span) to style the text that replaced the link. I classed the link with "looked" so that the text that replaced the link is gold, but not bold, and styles normal text instead of links.
Here's how I did it in the Story Stylesheet (also included in the Pastebin already):
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Everything that is in ((else)) will be the text that replaces the link to show you've already looked at something. Sometimes I don't want the entire thing to be gold text, just an indicator of where it has changed; so I might only put the (span class="looked") around a part of the text and make the rest of the text normal.
7. ENDING. Close the if statement and close the liveblock.
Without Cycy
Here is an example, ripped straight out of the IF:
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The reason I'm showing this way is because if you want to just reveal new lines of text instead of opening up a new window of text, the code for the way I teach you how to do that is basically the same, except you don't use ((popover)).
Also, the text replacement is smoother because the ((replace)) macro we'll be using has the option to use a transition/fade by simply adding "t8n". Cycy's liveupdate macro, when you call ((update)), instantaneously changes the text, which is abrupt.
1. THE IF STATEMENT AND VARIABLE. The if statement tests a variable. If it's true, it will show the link; if it's false, it does not.
This usually does not come into play. When a variable is changed with a link macro, the text does not live-update once the passage is fully rendered. Meaning, even if you click on the link changing $salvatore_looked[0] to true, it won't change the passage. What you'll want instead is the ((replace)) macro that is executed when you click on the link.
So why did I include an if statement anyway? If a player looks into their stat page, which counts as another passage, when they look back at what they were reading, they're able to look at the link again. If you don't care about this, you don't need the if statement—but I'll include it anyway.
2. THE LOOK1 SPAN. The look1 span contains the entire thing, because whatever is inside the span will be replaced when the replace macro is executed. You can call this span anything of course, just make sure the replace macro replaces the specified ID.
3. THE LOOK SPAN. This is actually entirely different from the previous span. The previous span is used by the replace macro to replace everything that it contains; this look span styles the link. If you want the link of your look interaction to look distinct from your other links, you'll want to include a span specifically for this.
Here's a link to the Pastebin of how I style my links in the Story Stylesheet:
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4. INSIDE THE LINK, PART 1. Set the variable of the looking variable to true and use the popover macro from Chapel to popover the new screen. I use "noclick" because my popover dialog can be quite long, and I don't want them to accidentally click out of the popover while scrolling. Usually, you click anywhere on the screen to exit; with the "noclick", there is an X button instead.
The popover macro "pops over" in a new dialog everything that is inside it before its closing tag. I use the include macro to include a different passage (optional, but recommended if your popover is going to be long).
5. INSIDE THE LINK, PART 2. Now this is the replace macro. The replace macro I use here replaces everything inside the look1 span with whatever is inside the replace macro's contents. Meaning, what will your link look like after you click on it? The link said "Salvatore" previously, but after clicking on it, I made it so that it still only says "Salvatore" right after.
I used a span class called "looked" to style the text to show that you've clicked on the link before. I did this so that people know where the text has changed. Here's how I did it in the Story Stylesheet (also included in the Pastebin already):
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Same color, no font weight, and styles normal text instead of links.
6. ELSE. Of course, if the player has already looked at the link before, you will want to do the same thing you did in Part 5, albeit without the replace. Again, this is only relevant when players can click on a different passage and return to that passage where it can be looked at (e.g. looking at a stat page and then returning).
7. CLOSING TAGS. Make sure to keep organized with your closing tags, there are many here. The looked span should end before the link ends; the look span ends after the link ends; the else statement comes next, with its own span that ends after the last if closing tag. This all sounds confusing on text, so go ahead and just look at the screenshot above.
New sentences in a passage
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There is almost no difference if you don't use Cycy's way, except that I don't use the popover macro. You don't have to use the include macro here though, especially if the text that it reveals is minimal. In the case of revealing entire paragraphs or choices, though, I recommend using include.
If you do use with Cycy, I highly recommend looking at the guide "without Cycy". Again, the code is the same, except there is no ((popover))—just ((replace)) with ((include)) inside.
Closing Thoughts
I'm sorry if this guide or the demo on itch.io is a bit scuffed, it's late and I'm rushing to put it out, but I hope it helps! Please let me know if you have any more questions, and again, thank you so much for asking and being interested!! <3
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elizaellwrites · 2 years
Hello and Welcome!
I've introduced myself here before, but I have quite a few new followers and feel like it's time for an updated masterpost and a better-organized layout for you to navigate.
If you'd like to skip to reading my stuff, here's a link to the Google Site with my published works or you can check out my Master Post here on Tumblr with links to all my published chapters.
This intro is split into 3 parts:
Who on Earth am I?
What the heck is this blog?
What in the world am I working on?
Who am I?
Hi, my name is Eliza (pseudonym), or Elizabeth if you're feeling fancy. I'm an American college student who has an unhealthy attachment to cats, caffeinated beverages, books, and my endless collection of every color of pen imaginable.
I'm an INFJ (4w5), am some type of neurodivergent, chronically ill, and on the Ace spectrum. My favorite subjects besides reading and writing are cultures/sociology, psychology, and history (my infatuation with these topics can bleed into my writing quite often.)
If you are interested, I also started a side blog for my random, non-writing chaos. I am terrible at posting there though…
About this Blog:
This page is dedicated to my random writer comments, my worldbuilding, character posts, and writing updates.
You're welcome to send comments, questions, concerns, or just random tags at any time. I may not get to them immediately, but they are all appreciated.
I'm currently experimenting with a more structured and purposeful post schedule, so bear with me on that while I find the best setup for myself.
I hope to connect with people here, as I have done so far. Social media isn't always my thing, but Tumblr has had me pleasantly surprised.
My Writing Work:
Please note that none of my work displays 18+ content, however, most contain mature themes such as death, grieving, sometimes descriptive violence, abuse, and mental health struggles at some level. All stories/chapters containing potential triggers are marked. If you notice that I missed something, please notify me. I try to balance the weight of these darker themes, so they are not always at the forefront of everything, but please be aware that they are present. Take care of yourselves.
My writing is split into two different categories. All of my work takes place in the same original universe and deal with my fictional, magical humanoid species of Hecathians from their home planet Ariya. I am progressively working on an Encyclopedia of sorts for this fictional world and the characters living in it.
My main project- The Legacy of the Fallen series
Expanded Works- "shorter" complementary series (plural)
Legacy of the Fallen
I'm currently working on Book One: The Child (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Most of my posts will be centered around this WIP, as the world developed from this story. Most of the characters you'll see posted about are also from here.
Currently: 80k words/????
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Drama, and Mystery
After being driven from their home and countless lives lost among them, the Hecathian people are striving to rebuild what was lost. The Academy, a safe haven and reintroduction to their lost society, seeks other survivors. Annamarie has recently made a fated move with her father, being thrown into a world of discovery, danger, and more mysteries to be uncovered. As she learns more, she begins to question who she can really trust while everything she thought she knew fades into an illusion. Though it starts off following the daily lives of four seemingly average students at a random school, it's quickly revealed that there's more to them that even they may be unaware of. One of these four, Jacob, serves as a bridge to the reality that their true identities had been hidden from them after their parents and families went into hiding thirteen years ago after their people suffered a massacre that ended with millions dead and their world in the hands of their enemies. They are connected with a sanctuary that serves as cultural re-education and emersion for their people, which is ruled by Maishear, Jacob's father. Though this academy is supposed to be safe, it is plagued with political controversy, mysterious disappearances, and a traitor in their midst. The newcomers and Jacob's team are thrown together to face the challenges ahead and the shadows of the past that plague them.
To follow, I have until Book 4 in the planning stages (because I'm chaotic.) Here are the titles for Books 2 & 3:
Violet Sky
Expanded Works
I keep getting new ideas for these, so I will update this as more come out/chapters are updated.
Theoretically, these are shorter series, though since I'm incapable of writing actually short stories, we'll see.
I currently have 2 series in the works:
Currently: 8700 words/???? (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Action, Romance, Mystery
Tells the story of Roselle and members of their team two years before Legacy of the Fallen takes place. Roselle Jakoste is one of the few remaining members of the royal Verairacur family. Now, at fifteen, she finds herself falling for the son of the man that destroyed her family. Meanwhile, a mystery begins to reveal itself as political tension within the academy starts to grow.
Currently: 3400 words/???? (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Trigger Warning: This whole story is very dark. Death, grief, and uncertainty are very prominent throughout. If this isn't for you or you're not in a good place, please skip this one.
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Dystopia, Tragedy
Follows various survivors of the Hecathian genocide who eventually find safety and companionship with each other. As their home planet is held under occupation, remaining Hecathians have to fight and hide to survive, while the life they knew crumbles around them.
Coming Soon: Awakened
Genres: Fantasy, Politics, Spy, Action, Drama, Eventual Romance
Currently on Hold- I will return to it though.
Etesha is a young woman who has grown up within the Yaldaeit political cult. Raised to believe in the extreme ideologies and measures of the group, she has been preparing for her role in their activities for years. She has finally been given a true assignment as an undercover agent within the observance system. In this new position, and seeing society outside of her sheltered community, she begins to question whether she still agrees with what the Yaldaeit does and whether she will carry out her mission or not.
I try to post updates regularly, and usually on weekends. If you're interested in being added to a taglist, please comment on which one, or request to be added on an update.
Disclaimer: Please do not repost my work anywhere without permission. Thanks.
Thank you for all the support on here, and don't be afraid to say hello! I won't bite, I swear.
I hope you enjoy my work and that you love my characters and world as much as I do!
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sooshii · 6 months
Nice to meet you!
I'm new to blog posting and social media in general (I know - What kind of rock have you been living under, Sooshii???) During my research going down all sorts of rabbits holes on where to interact with other fic-writers, I came across tumblr. Now me being the shy sushi roll that I am, I internally screamed for a good few days, weeks, months before working up the courage to finally get this ball rolling.
In case you can't tell, I'm a shy bean. I'm also not a minor, but I won't divulge my age - please respect ♡ The internet is a scary place after all!
So with all that said, a bit about myself! :)
Currently writing: FFVII - multi relationship oc AU fandom Reading: Hazbin Hotel, MHA, DAI, FFXIV, Avatar, One Piece, HP, AOT, JJK, multiple Villainess ones to list, and a couple Trails ones. I'm always searching for new ones to obsess over hueeeee And I read too many pairings to list...
Reading! I read too many books and fandoms to count. My current fixation is all things FFVII but other fandoms I enjoy are listed above - however the rest of the list is way too long to toss on here so take what is listed as a "this is only a few". And my ships! Oh my ships... Vary from all ranges of characters ahhh I'm such a simp especially for the bad guys huuuueeee :'D
Writing! I write too! I recently started rewriting my first AU fic from a few years back. I'm hoping as I get more confident in myself, I can even branch out to other stories. I'll probably start posting little updates here every now and then when chapters get posted ^_^ My AO3 if you wanted to check my stuff out :) There's too many pairings, lore, world building, angst, fluff, and character tormenting ideas I have floating around in my head to count <o> Yes, I love to make my characters suffer. I'm a bit of a sadist that way -cackles- :3
Drawing! I draw and sketch a lot too. Someday soon you'll see a few of my little doodles floating around... when I get the courage to post them for the world to see. Shy bean, remember? :p
Cats! I own the sweetest little voidbean ever. She is my pride and joy. I absolutely love and adore black cats! Other cats are adorable too, but black cats are the light in my deep, dark, evil little soul mwahaha -ahem- I mean they're super cute :)
Anyways, please drop by, say hell, shoot me a polite message to chat, request a silly doodle - whatever you'd like within reason!
It's amazing to meet you and I hope to see you around!
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sadghoststudios · 9 months
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STATE OF PLAY 12/23: a little news and updates roundup!
Howdy all! Squeaking in just before the new year, I thought now's as good a time as ever for a little roundup of anything you might have missed, and what we're currently working on! Aiming to do these quarterly from now on 🫡✨
If you wanna keep up with posts like this from us without relying on social media, you can also sub to our newsletter! Promise not to annoy you. Good emails only.
Recap and news under the cut!
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2023 Roundup
We had two releases this year, but DemiDato was the big one! For those that don't know, this game spent a long 5+ years in and out of development hell, so it was a big relief to finally put everyone's hard work out into the world back in March.
We were also lucky enough to feature DD in the Queer Games & Queer Halloween bundles this year, so even if you haven't had a chance to grab the game outright, check your itch library - you might already own it!
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As for the future of our monsters, a 1.1 update is still on the cards! The bulk of it is already complete - there's some script tidying and quality of life improvements already in the WIP build, as well as a fancy schmancy CG Gallery (which you can see a little preview of in the devlog I wrote). 
1.1 development has admittedly stalled a little, as I really want to implement some animated video transitions plus an animated intro and trailer into its final build, but it's been hard to find the time to teach myself a whole new skillset while also being in preproduction for our new title (more on that in a bit!). In my head for all the years of development, the game has always had a really cheesy reality show intro with horribl(y good) graphics, just like the real life shows that inspired it. So even if the feature didn't make it to 1.0, I still really want it to happen eventually. (Plus, when we do eventually rerelease on Steam, a trailer is very important for the store page! That means it counts as futureproofing, right...?)
If you want to hear some more about what the release was like, my dear friend Kaiju of Digital Diversity interviewed me right after the game came out! You can read the interview on Digital Diversity over here.
Our second game of the year was a short little nugget written for 2023's Josei Jam, and devved almost solo by timepatches (hi! that's me!)
It'd been a long time since I managed to get anything off the ground in a jam setting, and I still find it a little intimidating (it's really difficult for me to get new ideas & iterate on them fast enough to meet the start deadline and recruit others), so solo dev it was! My art is hardly intricate but it gets the story across, and I'm proud of the VN as a whole - whatever you think of 'wholesome games' as a movement, it's hard to deny that we all need a cosy space now and then, and that’s the kind of story I like to tell most. And it's not like GrandNya is all sunshine, either, which you'll know if you got to the end!
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I also managed to apply to Hand-Eye Society's Super FESTival with GrandNya, and was somehow accepted, which I'm still pinching myself about! What a stellar lineup of games to share a page with.
Fest aside, it was a pretty quiet release all things considered, so don't worry if you missed it! Your grandmas are still there on our itch page anytime, to give you a lil’ pocket of safe queer story to live in whenever you need it.
Now for something completely different!! Despite some prior medical commitments around the jam date (which then got moved, typical), I was VERY stoked to be able to hop on the team for Kristi HusbandoGoddess' Yuri Jam game, Intoxicated!
It was an absolute blast. Turtles were drawn in the group chat for reasons I can no longer remember. It singlehandedly made me decide that I want to do more jam work on others' teams, because I forgot how fun it can be working toward a common goal in a more relaxed environment! 
And the game turned out incredible. Check it out if you support women's wrongs! ♡
Plans for 2024
[Codename BAT 🦇] (the big otome/amare game)
Oh yeah. It's big.
I won't spill too much just yet, but just know that I've had this idea as a vague plot bunny in the back of my mind for years. Then, as my dear friend Charlie and I were on VC beta testing a late DemiDato build, it came up and they were so excited about the idea that I couldn't help but start seriously thinking about how to make it.
Well. That was in March. After I took a break and worked on GrandNya, I've been working ever since on building out the world (it's set in the same universe as the rest of our library, but deals a bit more with the actual ramifications of it all, so I had to set some things in stone I haven't before). More recently I've been building out the most coherent, easy-to-follow outline I can (not my strong point, and bless my beta readers for their support while I complain about it). 
Very soon I should be able to start writing! Terrifying! I can't wait. Once I'm a fair way into the script writing you'll get to hear about exactly what I'm cooking, and I think... you'll like where we're going.
[Other Redacted Thing]
Not my project so I won't spoil exactly what it is, but I get to do some UI work for an upcoming jam project and I am SO excited! I get to work with some very familiar faces again! You'll know what it is as soon as I'm allowed to tell you 👀
What I will say is that it shares a coincidental similarity with my long project...
That's it!! ✨
Thank you for reading all my waffle (being long winded is my special talent), and for sticking with us through the inevitable periods of radio silence! We're still just little fish in a very big pond, but every time someone plays something I made and feels some type of way, I remember what the point of all this is. 
It makes me very happy to be able to share stories with y'all. Here's to more in 2024!
♡ Madi Wander (@timepatches)
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neonscandal · 7 months
So excited to know that you also love Link Click...! I watched it first before JJK (I know, still kinda new in thw fandom), so Cheng Xiaoshi/ Lu Guang are special to me. And after 2nd season with that finale, wow, for me it feels like came out of a fanfic. So when I got to know Gojo/ Geto somehow they remind me of Cheng Xiaoshi/ Lu Guang, cause both couples are doomed by the narative....
And what do you think after you finished TGCF? Have you read the novels? Just so you know, it is worth it to collect the books. Their story is that good. Also when you finished it, most likely you'll also have some non-canon fav couples (I have 4 non canon fav couples from TGCF)....And have you watch MDZS or SVSSS?
Sorry for my rambling, MXTX is one of my favorite author ever and I like to talk about their works. (And now I'm still depressed with the latest JJK update and nervous with the BNHA update)......
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OMG SEASON TWO FINALE OF LINK CLICK ABSOLUTELY SLAYED ME. Lu Guang, the enigma that you are. This whole time!? What a damn reveal! Just thinking about it, tbh, I'm gagged. I like to guess at things, obviously, but just never even fathomed.
I don't know if I'd mentioned that before RE: Gojo and Geto but same. It might be on an anime recommendation draft 😅 Like, sure, their character design is an obvious indication but it's really all the anguish bubbling just beneath the surface. And now I need to read all the source material because I'm not sure I can wait for them to animate (even though the animation is just 😘👌🏾
For background on my experience while watching TGCF, there are a lot of cultural/religious things that were completely out of my current realm of understanding re: ascension, conditions/relation of the supernatural beings discussed, etc. but I was still able to really enjoy it without and prompted curiosity to learn more before jumping into the novels. Like, having watched and read media informed by Japanese culture (and growing up on Inuyasha), you understand the idea of youkai, general types and their dispositions, even some religious aspects to practices by priestesses and even everyday people, etc. so it's a little easier to navigate. So getting into Chinese media of a certain time period where those beliefs and practices inform the story was a challenge but it also just kind of opens your eyes to how much you don't know which is exciting. I absolutely want to check out the books because I need to know Xie Lian's whole origin (including his 17th birthday and his parents backstory) and what transpired to have created the delicate soft spot San Lung has for him. I hadn't heard of SVSSS yet but MDZS is on my TBW and I'm wondering if watching it will help clarify my confusion from TGCF or if I should do some research ahead of time so I'm not as lost.
Never apologize, I love when people are inspired and passionate! Lol and makes the conversation I have with you guys feel less one sided (with my disproportionate essay responses haha). 💛 I'm sure I'll post when I start watching/reading any of the above so we can reconvene! I'm currently finishing up Stars Align and, from what I've gathered might need to add this to my TBR to get a satisfactory end to things, too. 😭
I've been running on an empty battery lately so Tumblr's really the only social media platform I've been consistently perusing and posting on (RIP to twitter, insta and tiktok, ig). The upside of this being that I see JJK and BNHA leaks less frequently so I'm out here living in ignorant bliss ✨ So if you're out in these virtual streets, be safe out there, anon!
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drsoulblast-official · 4 months
The Fourth SoulBlast Newsletter is here!
What's new?
Our Team Members have recently been working on SoulBast's Intro Sequence (GONER_MAKER replacement) and its path chart, where each individual ending and choice has animations which are still being planned! How many choices/animations are there? Well...
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Here are the references (provided by Terra and Alternimo) showing what's next to come!
The Cosmic Starplaza Update is Here!
We decided to replace DELTARUNE: CHAPTERS REATOMIZED with a WIP Shift AU that has a couple Deltarune characters in original roles. It has some SwapSpin inspiration and some StoryShift inspiration, specifically the roles papyrus and sans are in. What does that mean? You'll have to wait and see!
Yes, the songs ARE back! Maybe!
The SoulBlast composers are cooking once more! This time for something with a much different tone to what is often teased here, but we hope that you still like it!
There isn't a thumbnail made yet, but it may be done alongside some other songs, which have a chance of coming out this month!
What's Terra been up to?
“It’s Terra again! I’m on vacation right now, but we’ve got a decent amount of content done. We’ve had a couple songs finished in the last week, and Alter and I have been planning out the SoulBlast opening sequence. I might not make it the first thing we do dialogue-wise as it’s super ambitious and big, although I had a really cool idea as of how to “realize it”. I don’t know if I’ll go forward with this idea, but who knows. That’s all I have to say for now, peace!”
What's Alternimo been up to, too?
“Hey, I’m back with another newsletter section! I’ve decided to do one every other week (mostly because of my current work pace, and also because Alter doesn’t necessarily entirely equal SoulBlast), but here we are again! As for what I’ve been up to…well, not a whole lot, to be blunt. I’ve been away on vacation after vacation, trip after trip…kinda doing some small work off and on, but nothing too crazy, and likely not until mid-June or so, when I get back from this big trip I’m on now. Not too much has been going on in the SP!Deltaswap (AKA CandlelitSeal (if you’re interested, DM me for more info!)) field, though I’ve been putting together a few last minute ideas and laying everything out for myself to track my progress. Preparing for some dialogue revisions too, alongside the designs for the rest of the main cast. SoulBlast-wise…not much either, though I’ve been helping out a bit with the intro sequence (which may or may not been teased somewhere in this newsletter) and some tiny logo tweaks. With that, though, I’ll quit my yapping, as there’s plenty of other (probably more important) content to be getting to.”
The SoulBast gets an update?
The SoulBlast Team has been working to improve the original logo! Here's what we've done so far, with different versions by Alternimo and SnowyBoi64
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(Minor Logo Rework by Alternimo, although some color things would still be changed)
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(Sprite Version by SnowyBoi64)
Speaking of SoulBlast Reworks...
The Character Guides are back, and are currently in a stage of early construction! Not much more is able to be said unfortunately, but we'll get updates to you whenever possible!
The SoulBlast Team has a New Member!
"Heya! I'm the I Man, and I recently joined the SB/NM team. I do some spritework, background music and maybe a bit of writing, if I'm feeling particularly wild. I've made a few works over the years and I have a few AUs of my own, (including two whole Underswap takes), but I figured I'd join this project because it seemed interesting (I was right). Anyways, I can only hope I live up to the expectations set for me, and I hope to see you in the future."
That's all!
Go check out our stuff below! The next newsletter will be posted in 2 weeks (since it’s biweekly)
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@soulblastau5574?si=fuh6MJy1Hgd4FVaT
SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/UVadRL6CSVdqxkRv9
Discord: https://discord.gg/3bAtNkxH2P
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sylviegunpla · 3 months
Gunpla: Completed Collection of Minis Part 1: EFSF Alliance
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Here's all the minis i've painted over the past few months!! They are as complete as they're gonna get and also top-coated and everything now. Let's run down the list under the cut! I've also rephotographed them on a matt that has scale, and using a ringlight. Each square on the matte is half-centimeter square, to appreciate the tiny scale of these guys. You'll notice that i have some duplicate figures above. Various people have gifted me some figs, so you can also see the evolution of my mini painting techniques in some of them. Because of tumblr post image limits, i'm splitting this up into multiple galleries. I will start with a gallery of minis associated with the "EFSF" (Earth Federation Space Force) group from the Gundam series.
PG Unleashed RX-78-2: Amuro Ray and Sayla Mass
I've already posted these guys but let's ass some scale, for fun.
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I don't have much new to say about these guys, except that they were the first figures i painted in my "second run" of figure painting. I'll go into more detail about this later. I painted them and the others according to the color guide provided in the manual, as best i could. I think Sayla's collar badges could be done better and tbh, i can still fix that. I'll give an update if i do. Anyway, this kit came with TWO pilot figurines that sit inside the core fighter / cockpit. I present to you images of them in their homes:
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This also serves as a preview for some parts of the PGU! I don't believe i made a post yet about the final build. I still need to do that, as well as edit the VODs of the build (the painting was also done on camera! ... mostly. I did some touchups off camera). This is the core fighter, and if you want you can put it inside the mobile suit, but there's no reason to. So i prefer to have it displayed outside, because there's a separate "core block" that you can also put inside the gundam, and it also has its own pilot!
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Let's move on. I have many more Amuros for you. But first, a diversion! (EDIT: Turns out tumblr posts can only have 30 images at once. I was originally going to put Tobia Arronax here, but then i wouldn't be able to include the full set of EFSF characters here. So go check out the first entry of the part 2 post here: https://www.tumblr.com/sylviegunpla/753409506351939584/gunpla-completed-collection-of-minis-part-2 and then come back to this post)
MG 2.0 RX-78-2: Amuro Ray
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This is the civilian outfit Amuro from the MG 2.0 kit. This was one of the "first runs" of minis i painted, i think in Fall 2023. I was convinced i could panel line it and make it look good. Honestly it looks fine at a distance but with the details blown up... well you can see it's a mess. Still, not bad for an early work. The rightmost image is when it was WIP, before being panel lined. TBH that might have looked better if i kept it that way, but you live and learn! This kit also had a pilot outfit figure:
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This was also one of my early paints. Here you can see the panel line colors just running wild. I think the civilian outfit has less bleed at least. The helmet is also messy as hell. And as for the pilot that sits in the core fighter... well the actual model kit is currently disassembled for painting, but i can show you the pilot figurine.
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Once i finish the MG 2.0 RX-78-2, i'll include an additional picture here. {NOTE TO SELF: INCLUDE PILOT IN COCKPIT PHOTO LATER}
I still have yet more Amuros though! At a local build jam, i've been gifted some minis that people don't want to paint. I got two extra figures of Amuro Ray, that match the sculpt above. I'm not sure if they're from the MG 2.0 or the MG 3.0 RX-78-2, but i referenced the color guide specifically from MG 3.0 for these. I also painted them this year, so you can begin to see the difference. Why not get the extra practice in, ya know? The biggest differences between my old minis and the more recently painted ones are two fold: 1) I started properly thinning my paints (which i did for the PGU figures, they were the first of the "new" line). 2) Eventually, i began using a pair of binocular magnifying goggles i could wear on my head, giving me a better ability to see mini details. I think the difference speaks for themselves:
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For the one on top, i did a basic paint with flat coat, no panel lining or anything. Since i had two, why not experiment a bit. THe second one, i coated it in Mr Super Clear Gloss and then used some Citadel Paints Nuln Oil (gifted from a friend who's into warhammer) to achieve the "panel lining" / "shading". I think it turned out okay ultimately. I think the nuln oil works as a better panel liner over the super clear than some other pigments i've used, but it depends on the technique and precision involved. Oh yeah, and all these based were also custom made. Here's all 3 standing together!
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Lookit those boys!!
MG Hi-ν (Hi-Nu) Ver. Ka: Amuro Ray
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I think he's supposed to be older than in the previous kits here? You can see i opted NOT to panel line this boy... well except the line down his back which imo kinda turned out not that great looking. I probably could have used some nuln oil to highlight some of his facial details and give the impression of having eyes. ANd then here is the pilot figurine:
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I'll get pictures of this kit entirely in a separate post, too. Right now the kit is disassembled and i need to re-assemble it. It's not a "WIP" kit, the kit itself is all done, got water slide decals, even has the "Heavy Weapons System" setup. Here, i DID use nuln oil, to try to highlight some of the suit details. I'm not sure if the lighting is blown out here, but it's also accurate to say that the suit details didn't come out as nicely highlighted as i'd wanted them to. Still, he's gonna live inside a clear green plastic sphere once he goes inside, so it won't be easy to see anyway.
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BONUS: Watch this boy get Cask of Amontillado'd (and additional pics) I have to admit, sometimes when painting i'm having trouble finding the actual details through a layer of paint. I suspect the Mr. Hobby Aqueous Line may not be as useful for hand painting tiny boys like this, but it's also the set of paints i decided to slowly acquire over multiple years, so it's what i'm using. The Citadel acrylic paints seem to not glob up as much.
MG RB-79 "Ball" Ver. Ka: EFSF Workers
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These boys were also among some of my earlier paints in 2023. You can see i globbed up some paint on one of the faces and kinda ruined it. I think the panel lining is mostly okay, but yeah. This kit also didn't have a color guide, so i basically eyeballed the colors. This kit is also one of the ones i have fully disassembled in the process of painting, so the whole build will eventually be its own post too. This thing also has a pilot figurine that lives inside the ball. I took some pictures highlighting the pilot, but i haven't applied decals to the inner ball yet.
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However, i did get some duplicates of the standing workers from someone at one of the first build jams i went to! Which i used as an opportunity to just... get more practice, and try to paint these guys again.
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Here, i used slightly different shades of yellow and orange. I think the details stand out a lot more. I also used nuln oil here for the shading. I think overall these look a lot better than my first attempt, and i'm rather proud of them. I'll have four workers able to hang out with the Ball once it's completed! This concludes Part 1 of my minis gallery. Continue to Part 2 by Clicking This Link!
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mary-is-writing · 6 months
Patreon, moving and trying stuff for the heck of it
The tl;dr is that my writing and tag games are moving to Patreon, for free. I'm still using this blog as my main and a writeblr. You'll likely won't see more writing here but you'll probably see lots of links to patreon posts. Since I'm new to Patreon, I'm open to advice about how to use it, if I should use it at all, and anything else. More details under the cut owo)/
You probably know that they've started approaching AI in here, which is a big turn off for creators. It's me, I'm creators.
While my main blog here works both as a personal and a writeblr, I've been thinking if, how and where will I migrate my writing to, specifically excerpts and small stuff like writing related tag games. After thinking for a while and getting reassurance from some writer friends, I've decided to migrate it to Patreon.
What does that mean? I hear you ask. It means that all the excerpts, character designs and art related stuff of my wips that would've been shared directly to Tumblr will now be shared directly there. Other stuff like updates on the state of the writing progress I'm making, that's not my writing itself, will most likely continue to be posted on Tumblr since that's kinda the only social platform I use.
So it'll be behind a paywall? You may wonder. No, it will not: all of those things I mentioned earlier (excerpts, lines, character designs and more) will be free to read and see for everyone. After all, they'd be free if they were in Tumblr, so I want to keep it like that.
You won't post them in Tumblr anymore, then? Like I said, no; not directly at least. I plan to try and see how it goes with me linking the patreon post to my Tumblr every time I upload there. It may be redundant to do all this just to post it here anyway, but it's a way to avoid the Tumblr AI that makes me feel more at peace than just an opt-out button.
What about writeblr tag games? A valid question, in a lot of those you have to share your writing. For now my plan is to do them in bulk so I can have one big post with all of them there, every other month or so, instead of a lot of tiny ones, and then link it over here. I think that'll work better, and it'll also give me time to stock on them. In other words, wether we're mutuals or not here, please tag me in things!! It'll take a while, but I promise I'll get to it. Eventually.
Why Patreon though? Well, I don't need to tell you that we live in capitalist times, and as a recent college graduate without a job that wants to be an indie writer, Patreon is a good option for me to make some sort of revenue. However, I don't work fast enough to show stuff on Patreon as rewards on a regular basis, that is, if you don't count stuff like small excerpts and tag games (which are sometimes one and the same), nor do I have a massive following that'd be willling to wait more between rewards. This is the second reason why I decided to migrate things there; first, to avoid the AI; second, to have something to show for my writing and do a little nudge to say Hey, if you like what you read, there's a way right here to support me so I can continue it. I could use other platforms like Ko-Fi, but if I'm gonna put time into something that allows me to earn some spare cash, I prefer it to be the one that'd let me have those earnings on a more regular basis.
Unless Ko-Fi has changed how it works, in which case I'll be checking it out later.
I don't have a set goal nor does my income currently depend on this, so I think it's a good time to start posting things to a Patreon without stressing myself that "it has to work". In the end, this is all just me trying things around to figure out what works and what not. If it doesn't work and people don't want to do an extra click to read my stuff, like I said, it's not like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. I've had a few years living with a Just Do It mentality and this is a extension of that, so for now I'll try this out, see where it goes, and how it develops.
I have a few things to tweak and prepare for the Patreon page to be ready for launching, so if you have any suggestions about how to use Patreon or if my approach is wrong and you know a better platform for this, please do tell me! Like I said, this is all just trial and error, so I'll learn as I do.
Thanks for reading!!
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ritualis · 7 months
this is a sideblog for just me and also for art (main: ancient-reverie) I'm an alter in a system and my personal main blog is bitterbluenephalem (i also am the main one in charge of cannothelpmyselves where you'll find more specifically vaporwave/liminal content and edits)
the other two system mains: Mat, Cory
all my posts are free to rb, comment on, add to, critique, like, share etc. I just ask you not use my drawings and edits as avatars, headers, icons etc. And that you not repost my stuff without asking.
I post my art here. Mostly digital painting/drawing, poetry and prose, photography I know no one will see, and the rare physical painting and craft if I ever take a picture of them.
currently too tired to do personalized tarot readings, but you can check out what chaos I read into for the general day that could apply to you too in my tag: tar and rot
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if the post doesn't have a source attached to the post, check the OP. I try to only rb sourced art from human artists.
shit about me below the cut.
Will update from time to time.
short about until I wanna make it longer or make a whole page:
800+ year old immortal. Italian. son of an demon and an angel.
not an angel. not a demon. not a human. nephalem.
pfp is me, drawn by me. I'm not albino it's just magic-related trauma. I used to have black hair before I turned 14 and got kidnapped by a witch.
father of 6. grandfather of 2. estranged spouse.
likes: animals, coffee, cooking, cliff diving and swimming, driving, getting fucked up, cats, art of every kind in every form, being in the city at night, tea, snowy forests, the rain, anything fucking blue, obsessed with music, buying things and cooking food for people I love, creating things
weaknesses (positive): girls. cats. the dip in my hips. boys. "do you wanna get high?". romantic consensual cannibalism. tattoos and piercings. art, that one song, and also that other song, and- acknowledging my existence. horses. dragons. birds. cats. I get hungry when I see gore.
weaknesses (negative): "do you wanna get high?". between my shoulder blades. girls. shiny things like jewelry, clothes, knick-knacks, art and new sex toys. nicotine. walking around for hours. boys. rejection. things that trigger trauma flashbacks. mobile adoptable games.
strengths (positive): a Virgo. having physical and mental endurance like a MOTHERFUCKER. I can sprint really fast. unlock any locked door or window with magic. I have three pairs of wings and can use them. some magic involving shadows. I can hide markings and tattoos on my skin. i can sing? decent painter.
strengths (negative): a Vrigo. has a hard time chilling out, anal perfectionist, accidentally able to go 2-3 days without eating before noticing. drug addict. occasional alcoholic. insomnia. can and will be awake for over two days. can sit still doing nothing for 6+ hours.
Siruss Hadal / sy-ruh-ss • hey-dle / Definition: a being : a hybrid of a demon and angel, appearing as a humanoid : a creature meant to live to be destroyed, and rebuilt to be destroyed to be rebuilt again : an example of growth : a tired man who just wants to take naps with his cats and have coffee while watching the sunrise with someone who uses his name
•chaos s - demon tag
•radiant - angel tag
•aberrant - nephalem tag
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Act VII Tagging problems update
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I've tried several other ways of tagging since the most recent chapter was posted yesterday but I haven't had any luck getting the tags to start working. I'm trying one last method in this post, and if it works hopefully I'll have it all solved going forward. In an attempt to get as many of you successfully tagged in this post as possible, I've grouped tags into 3 groups (if you show up more than once, it's because you're on more than one of my tag lists and I didn't separate them in the hopes that you'll at least this see once.)
If your username has a strikeout, that means even this method was probably not working as I went, and you should check your username, and if I have it wrong please send me a message so I can correct it going forward.
I wanted to send you all the current master list (updated after yesterday's chapter went live) so you can get caught up if necessary.
Also, I will be more vigilant about getting this master list updated every Sunday as soon as the new chapter posts.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and also that it's been so hard for you all to read the story. I work really hard to write and edit and prepare these posts and it's frustrating when you aren't able to access the story easily.
Thanks for sticking with me. I love you all for it.
ACT 7 Masterlist HERE
Heart of a Hunter Saga Masterlist HERE
Chapters will continue to post on Sundays as usual.
TAGS (crossing my fingers this works)
Group 1
@tombraider42017 @peaceloveancolor @riversong-sam @aiaranradnay @whit85-blog @mogaruke @attractiverandomness @jolly60sdreamgirlcroissant @randomthings077 @jensen-gal @mrswhozeewhatsis @anticipate1003 @xthefuckerysquaredx @emoryhemsworth @nosleeptillbucky @avengersgirllorianna @x-waywardaf-x @cassieraider @nyxveracity @rhiannon79j @hobby27 @sleepretreat @spnbaby-67 @dramaqueenrolf @chalicia @black-shad0w-w0lf @notyourtypicalrose @carribear31 @berruneko09 @tinageekandtraveler @my-proof-is-you @deansenwackles @supernatural1967blog-blog @81mysteriouslyme @waywardsistersandpie @baby7879 @cookiechipdough @miraclesoflove @scarletmeii @dawnie1988 @katelynw931-blog @playingdeep17 @deam-luna @foxyjwls007 @mamaredd123 @mylovelydame21 @thoughts-and-funnies @deanwanddamons
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