#(but STILL)
operationandre · 24 hours
thinking about how the last thing eric saw was alex pointing a gun at him. alex—his best friend, the person he was in love with, his partner in crime—decided to stop his life mid sentence. whether or not alex thought he was doing the right thing doesn’t matter. eric’s last moments, even if just for a split second, were filled with fear as he stared down the barrel of the weapon alex was holding.
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pseudophan · 1 day
i was talking to my irls the other night over dnp and my friend he was explaining how he was actually shocked when they came out and was still shocked to find out they are together bc he was like 'the thing that got me was they had their own bedrooms' which is so mental bc me n my friend were like DEEP in the trenches in 2015 arguing about this shit online like it was baffling that u could be that oblivious to things ? ygm?
hilarious to me how even their most rudimentary attempts at seeming less gay worked so well on some people. separate bedrooms? for sure just friends, no chance there could be anything more going on
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reaiiygoodusername · 10 hours
I’m anti-phan but not in the way where I think they aren’t together, just in the way that I’m upset because they are
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Faerie knight: You smell like blood, mortal Jude Duarte, who just recently got stabbed: I'm on my period. Fuck off
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blasphannie · 22 hours
we shipped everyone. we had to be right about some of them. turns out it was dan and phil lol
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snekthedemonnoodle · 2 days
am i tripping or was there a theory that clancy was gonna sacrifice himself for the banditos? maybe i am but i still like that theory. yall remember a car a torch a death? yall remember ‘and then i said ill take the grave please just send them all my way’? its a good theory. sad, id be absolutely crushed if it was true, but still good. yall remember hometown? yall remember ‘youll make the fire my bones will make it grow’? remember paladin strait? remember how he gets smeared? maybe i am delusional BUT MAYBE I AM ON TO SOMETHING. well never know🙂
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I think a, not really new, but still new pet peeve of mine is when ppl say stuff like "mspec monos aren't valid", "lesboys/turigirls/gaybians aren't valid", etc, but then proceed to say stuff like- "You can just say you're (mspec)sexual (mono)romantic or (mspec)romantic (mono)sexual!", "But nonbinary lesbians are valid!", etc. Like- you know that is one of the reasons why someone uses the mspec mono label, right? And that not every nonbinary person is afab and that multigender people exist, right?
It annoys the hell out of me- and my system members too
- Fry/Chat
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c-0f-chaos · 3 days
The other day, I was walking around a store when I got out of my thoughts because a weird equipment thing was in my path, as soon as I saw it my brain just went:
My mind: This is x shape-
OFF is officially living rent-free in my mind, and I can't stop it
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pist0le · 3 days
shoutout to my lanadelray imjustagirl girlblogger mutuals yall are pretty cool but i genuinely question if you guys are mentally alright sometimes
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chuckecheeses · 2 years
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So much color and tone variation just in the simple and humble domestic shorthair black kitty…
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lumsel · 2 years
chinese room 2
So there’s this guy, right? He sits in a room by himself, with a computer and a keyboard full of Chinese characters. He doesn’t know Chinese, though, in fact he doesn’t even realise that Chinese is a language. He just thinks it’s a bunch of odd symbols. Anyway, the computer prints out a paragraph of Chinese, and he thinks, whoa, cool shapes. And then a message is displayed on the computer monitor: which character comes next?
This guy has no idea how the hell he’s meant to know that, so he just presses a random character on the keyboard. And then the computer goes BZZZT, wrong! The correct character was THIS one, and it flashes a character on the screen. And the guy thinks, augh, dammit! I hope I get it right next time. And sure enough, computer prints out another paragraph of Chinese, and then it asks the guy, what comes next?
He guesses again, and he gets it wrong again, and he goes augh again, and this carries on for a while. But eventually, he presses the button and it goes DING! You got it right this time! And he is so happy, you have no idea. This is the best day of his life. He is going to do everything in his power to make that machine go DING again. So he starts paying attention. He looks at the paragraph of Chinese printed out by the machine, and cross-compares it against all the other paragraphs he’s gotten. And, recall, this guy doesn’t even know that this is a language, it’s just a sequence of weird symbols to him. But it’s a sequence that forms patterns. He notices that if a particular symbol is displayed, then the next symbol is more likely to be this one. He notices some symbols are more common in general. Bit by bit, he starts to draw statistical inferences about the symbols, he analyses the printouts every way he can, he writes extensive notes to himself on how to recognise the patterns.
Over time, his guesses begin to get more and more accurate. He hears those lovely DING sounds that indicate his prediction was correct more and more often, and he manages to use that to condition his instincts better and better, picking up on cues consciously and subconsciously to get better and better at pressing the right button on the keyboard. Eventually, his accuracy is like 70% or something -- pretty damn good for a guy who doesn’t even know Chinese is a language.
* * *
One day, something odd happens.
He gets a printout, the machine asks what character comes next, and he presses a button on the keyboard and-- silence. No sound at all. Instead, the machine prints out the exact same sequence again, but with one small change. The character he input on the keyboard has been added to the end of the sequence.
Which character comes next?
This weirds the guy out, but he thinks, well. This is clearly a test of my prediction abilities. So I’m not going to treat this printout any differently to any other printout made by the machine -- shit, I’ll pretend that last printout I got? Never even happened. I’m just going to keep acting like this is a normal day on the job, and I’m going to predict the next symbol in this sequence as if it was one of the thousands of printouts I’ve seen before. And that’s what he does! He presses what symbol comes next, and then another printout comes out with that symbol added to the end, and then he presses what he thinks will be the next symbol in that sequence. And then, eventually, he thinks, “hm. I don’t think there’s any symbol after this one. I think this is the end of the sequence.” And so he presses the “END” button on his keyboard, and sits back, satisfied.
Unbeknownst to him, the sequence of characters he input wasn’t just some meaningless string of symbols. See, the printouts he was getting, they were all always grammatically correct Chinese. And that first printout he’d gotten that day in particular? It was a question: “How do I open a door.” The string of characters he had just input, what he had determined to be the most likely string of symbols to come next, formed a comprehensible response that read, “You turn the handle and push”.
* * *
One day you decide to visit this guy’s office. You’ve heard he’s learning Chinese, and for whatever reason you decide to test his progress. So you ask him, “Hey, which character means dog?”
He looks at you like you’ve got two heads. You may as well have asked him which of his shoes means “dog”, or which of the hairs on the back of his arm. There’s no connection in his mind at all between language and his little symbol prediction game, indeed, he thinks of it as an advanced form of mathematics rather than anything to do with linguistics. He hadn’t even conceived of the idea that what he was doing could be considered a kind of communication any more than algebra is. He says to you, “Buddy, they’re just funny symbols. No need to get all philosophical about it.”
Suddenly, another printout comes out of the machine. He stares at it, puzzles over it, but you can tell he doesn’t know what it says. You do, though. You’re fluent in the language. You can see that it says the words, “Do you actually speak Chinese, or are you just a guy in a room doing statistics and shit?”
The guy leans over to you, and says confidently, “I know it looks like a jumble of completely random characters. But it’s actually a very sophisticated mathematical sequence,” and then he presses a button on the keyboard. And another, and another, and another, and slowly but surely he composes a sequence of characters that, unbeknownst to him, reads “Yes, I know Chinese fluently! If I didn’t I would not be able to speak with you.”
That is how ChatGPT works.
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arguablysomaya · 3 months
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this picture is pretty funny because bruce is destroying slade but my guy ur expensive ass home is this only thing keeping u from being in the exact same position 😭
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may12324 · 11 months
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Karlach Cliffgate- fire of my heart
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moonlightmagical · 4 months
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i dare you to explain the significance of this screenshot to a non-d20 watcher.
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goodieprocter · 4 months
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This was literally all I could think during that scene.
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amnestyliketaz · 1 year
in honor of the nimona movie (it’s so good i’m gonna scream and cry for the next million years) i must share my favorite nimona art ever
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drawn by ND stevenson ofc and posted on twitter a few years ago i believe
do i even have to SAY anything? the shark, it’s not rocket surgery, baby nimona, the DOMESTICITY of it all im gonna explode
UPDATE!!!! GAY DADS AU THREAD https://twitter.com/gingerhazing/status/1676058949504892928?s=46
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