#(bro the high five me and my bestie are gonna have if he asks me to come over after our senior sem class...... shes my wingman fr)
southislandwren · 10 months
had to wear my knee brace today so What's Up With That. but also today i cleaned my house real well and decluttered and i feel so fresh and light
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leossmoonn · 3 years
First Love
pairing - jess mariano x fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request - requested by @arkofblake “BRO! BESTIE! LISTEN TO THIS ONE: a jess one based off of "san francisco" by the driver era. please hold your applause.” This is one is kinda sad, enjoy!
summary - six months after the breakup and it still hurts
warnings / includes - mild language, alcohol and food consumption, mentions of cheating, sad and nostalgic, make-out sessions, fighting. based on the driver era’s “san francisco”
*gif isn’t mine*
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Holding on, I'm holding on to your clothing
Holding on, I'm holding on to our story
She kept his blue sweater, brown watch, and first edition copy of To Have and Not Have.
He kept her peridot necklace, purple cardigan, and her favorite movie that she always claimed to hate, The Notebook.
Every day he smelled her cardigan, every day she read his book. It ended six months ago, but it felt just like yesterday.
You know it suffocated our love
“You know what? I’m done!” She shouted.
“What the hell do you mean you’re done? I thought you said you would never leave, no matter what,” he scoffed.
“Oh, that is so unfair.”
“You’re the one who cheated on me. I didn’t cheat. I’ve been faithful to you for the past five years. And you decide to cheat with your high school fling.”
“That was months ago! You’re suddenly giving up now?”
“I saw you with her the other day,” she started to cry.
His jaw dropped and he became speechless.
“I knew it. Fuck,” she muttered. “Honestly, I wasn’t even sure it was you. But now I am sure.”
“Y/n, I’m so —”
“What? Sorry? That’s rich,” she laughed cynically. She shoves past him and goes to their room, getting a suitcase and packing up his stuff.
“To be fair, we didn’t do anything!” He exclaimed, running after her.
“Then what were you doing with her that couldn’t be fucking?”
“She needs my help with something,” he explained.
“Seriously?” Y/n scoffs. “You know, if you’re gonna lie, at least half-ass it.”
“I’m serious. She needed help. I didn’t go to her place to —”
“You went to her place?” Y/n scoffed. God, this is just keeps getting better and better.” She threw all of his books, clothing, and toiletries into the suitcase, not bothering to make sure everything was neatly packed.
“She’s dealing with some personal stuff, and I’m the person she trusts the most. I’m all she has!”
“Since when did you get so charitable? And I thought you deleted her number. Was that a lie too?”
“No, I did, but she called me tens of times. I had to answer.”
“No. You could’ve blocked her number. There is always another choice, Jess. And you just keep choosing wrong.”
“I don’t know what else to say but I’m sorry and that we didn’t do anything.”
Y/n looked at him, tears shining in her eyes and flowing down her face. “I’m not sure I want you to say anything else.” She shoved the suitcase into his chest, pushing him out of the apartment.
“Can we just talk about this, please?” Jess asked.
“You’re funny, Jess. Your dead-beat dad taught you well, didn’t he?”
“Hey, I am not like him.”
“If the shoe fits, where it.”
He stood in the doorway, starting to cry. “Please, Y/n. We can work this out. I promise. I love you.”
“Apparently not enough.” She shut the door in front of his face.
That was the last he ever saw of her.
You really didn't do a thing wrong
Now he spent every minute of every day replaying their fight. He never knew how much love could hurt until she broke up with him. He never knew how much he could love someone until she broke up with him. He never knew how much he loved her.
She was the greatest. He had her and he let her go for one night of drunken fun. One night of “like old times” or whatever the hell Rory told him. And because of his selfishness, he lost the only thing that truly mattered.
Now I am superstitious of love
Y/n never had much luck with love. Believe it or not, she had gotten cheated on before she dated Jess. She fell in love so many times, imagined her life with so many different people, only to be heartbroken. She was about to give up until she met Jess.
He was rough around the edges, but had a soft spot. Although her friends warned her about his type, she ignored them and lived five blissful, loving years with them. Now as she sat on the roof of her apartment watching the sunset, she wished she would have listened to her friends. Nothing was hurting her more than losing the one person she trusted the most. The one person she thought she could have a real future with. Maybe love and marriage and kids weren’t in the cards for her.
And baby, we overplayed our song
And even throughout her relationship, she had a feeling that at a moment’s notice everything they worked for and built could burn down. And it did. Eventually.
She didn’t even know how or why. Last time she checked, they were perfect. Went on date nights, supported each other, stayed with each other through thick and thin. And the thing that destroys 5 years is one night alone with too much alcohol and the wrong person. Seems like she was too hopeful.
You weren’t my first
“I love you, Y/n,” Jess smiled.
“I love you, too, Jess,” she smiled.
“Never thought I could feel like this,” Jess sighed. Y/n giggled, “Like what?”
“Just… in love. You aren’t my first, you know, but you’re my first love.”
That was the first time he properly told her he loved her.
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vixenpen · 4 years
Can you do a KiriBaku smut imagine with a chubby black s/o
KiriBaku x (F)Thicc Black Reader NSFW
“Ugh! I need a vacation,” you groaned as you exhaled a stream of smoke.
“I need a baecation.” Kirishima replied, grabbing the joint from you.
“Haah? What the hell is that?” Bakugo chimed in, confused.
“It’s a vacation where you spend the whole time fucking.” You explained, laughingly.
“Tch. Isn’t that what vacations are for anyways?” He scoffed, beckoning to Kirishima for the joint next.
The three of you were relaxing at Katsuki’s massive apartment enjoying one of your rare days off together. Mellow music pumped through the surround sound system in his room and black lights cast a purple glow over everything.
The rotation matched the order you all were sitting in. Bakugo, sat against the headboard, your head resting in his lap, and Kirishima sat on the opposite side of you, massaging your feet. It felt amazing to be able to vibe with your best friends. Something that, since becoming pro-heroes, you all found yourselves with little time to do.
“Ya know, Katsu, not everyone turns into a horn dog the minute they step outside of a five mile radius of the gossip rags.” You laughed.
“Hey, if you idiots want the media dissecting your sex lives and splashing it all over the gossip rags that’s on you, but some of us actually give a fuck about our reputation as heroes.”
“Bro, at this point the whole internet knows you’ve got hoes in different area codes,” Kirishima chuckled. “You’re not foolin’ anybody.”
“Yeah, but can you name one name? No. Cuz the people I fuck with know how to keep their mouths shut when it counts.”
“You mean, you break ‘em off a fat check to keep them quiet.”
“Hey, it’s kept my name out of scandals. Can’t say the same for you Mr. Red Ran Through.”
You burst out laughing especially when you saw the baffled expression on Kirishima’s face.
“Ouch man! That was harsh.”
“But accurate.” You pointed out.
Kirishima definitely had a reputation in the hero world as a more of a lover than a fighter in every sense of the word. He was constantly courting a new hero, sidekick, or medical worker. But where as that type of philandering might hurt another hero’s reputation, Kirishima managed to come out of his multiple affairs relatively unscathed; as none of his former conquests had a negative word to say about him. You chalked it up to his charming and chivalrous personality.
“I may have been with a few of our colleagues-“
“A few?! Kiri, you’ve sucked and fucked your way through our entire agency. I think the only people you haven’t fucked in the hero world is us.”
“You, babe.” Bakugo chuckled blowing smoke in your face. “I’ve been there done that.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Yeah,” Kirishima laughed, “Bakugo was actually my first.”
“Wait, what?!” You shot up so fast, you almost knocked the joint from Bakugo’s hand. “I’m sorry, he was your what, when and where was I?!”
“Chill, thickums,” Bakugo smirked. “We were kids—still in high school. It was before we met you.”
You gaped back and forth between the two men in disbelief. Meanwhile they were trading the joint over you as if they hadn’t just dropped the biggest bombshell of the year on you.
“Aww baby,” Kirishima tucked your chin, running his thumb over you bottom lip. “What’s with that pouty face? Are you really that upset?”
“Yes!” You crossed your arms. “We’re besties and neither of you assholes thought that might be valuable information for me to know?”
“I mean, not really.” Bakugo snorted. “What were you gonna do with it? Sell it to the gossip rags?”
“Or maybe she was gonna dream about it herself.” Kirishima winked. There was a wicked gleam in his ruby eyes that made you flush.
“Heyyy, I think you may have been on to something there shitty hair.” Bakugo pinched your round cheek. “She’s blushing.”
“No I’m not! Black girls don’t blush!”
“Baby, blushing is more than just a color on your cheeks, it’s a mood, and right now you’re totally giving me that mood.”
“W-whatever! I could care less that you two used to sleep together.”
“Used to?” Kirishima quirked a brow.
That statement earned an incredulous look from you.
“S-seriously?! You still...” A pang if envy shot through you at the idea of your best friends sharing something that you weren’t apart of. “You know what, I don’t even care.”
“Oh?” Bakugo quirked a brow. “Then you won’t care if I do this.”
He reached across you to grab Kirishima by the collar and plant a deep kiss on the man’s lips. The burly redhead melted into the kiss easily.
Simultaneous moans escaped your friends as the kiss deepened.
“Ahem! Y’all realize I’m still here right?” You snapped.
“How could we forget?” Bakugo smacked one of your chunky thighs, jiggling it a bit. “That little show was for you thickums.”
You wished you could look away, but there wasn’t much else to look at with two hot, shirtless, muscular men looming over you. You popped your lips and rolled your eyes.
“That little attitude ain’t scarin’ nobody pun’kin.” Kirishima pressed a soft kiss on your lips. “I know you liked it.”
“Hell yeah she did.” Bakugo added. He toked the joint one more time and held your gaze as he blew the smoke in your face. The predatory way he sized you up made you feel...exposed—vulnerable. “You know, as long as we’ve all been friends, I wonder why neither me or Shitty Hair never tried to fuck your fine ass yet. God knows it’s not like we aren’t both into you.”
“Better yet,” Kirishima said, turning you to face him by your chin, “it’s not like we aren’t all into each other.” He kissed you again. This one was much more commanding than the last and his tongue wrestled yours into submission.
“Oi!” Bakugo snapped. He grabbed your chin as well and pulled you towards him. “You not gone keep stealing all her affection from me, Shitty Hair.”
Bakugo bit your lip, making you gasp. He took full advantage of that opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.
Is this really happening right now? What the hell?
“G-guys, wait...” You pulled away from Bakugo.
“What’s wrong, sweetness?” Kirishima asked, sliding your box braids aside to plant gentle kisses along your neck.
Between his soft lips and Bakugo’s strong, scarred hands sliding along your thick thighs, your sex was clenching desperately for stimulation.
“You don’t want this?”
“I-I’m not sayin that, I’m just saying...” what the hell were you saying? Because the way Bakugo was sucking the top of your breasts had you drawing blanks.
“Why don’t you stop pretending, y/n?” He smirked up at you, hooking a finger into the scooped collar of your tank top and yanking it down to free your full, round breasts.
He hummed. “Fuckin’ delicious.” He groaned.
Licking his lips, the ash blonde dove down to suck your hard, brown nipple into his mouth making you hiss in pleasure.
“You clearly want this, y/n.” Kirishima chuckled. The deep, rich sound rolled down your spine and made goosebumps rise on your skin.
His large hand slid around your side to squeeze your other breast. He rolled the pebbled nipple gently between his fingers.
“You want this and so do we.” He nipped at your ear. “So what’s up? Are we doing this or not, thickums?”
Before you could say anything, Kirishima’s hot mouth sucked your nipple into it.
“Oh god.” You sighed as shivers ran down your spine.
They ran their strong hands up your juicy thighs, squeezing and massaging them.
Each man worked either side of your body. Bakugo was now behind you, running his hands down your spine—mouth tasting your sweet skin, nipping along your spine. He dug his hands into your hips, caressing them lovingly.
Kirishima took care of the front. He sucked hickies onto your soft stomach and slowly worked your shorts down.
He groaned at the sight of your bare brown skin.
“Damn, that’s beautiful.” He grinned up at you, ruby eyes flashing once more. His mouth landed in an open mouth kiss against your clothed core, fingers exploring your pussy through the thin fabric of your panties.
“Ki-Kiri~” you sighed.
Bakugo bit your ear, making you yelp in surprise.
“Is Kiri the only one here, thickness?” He asked.
“N-no..” you stammered back.
He slid his hand down until he reached your pussy and toyed with your clit. Shockwaves of pleasure coursed through you.
“Then say my name too, Thickums.” He plunged two fingers into your heat, flexing them towards your gspot.
“Ahaaa, Katsu!” You cried out.
“Man, Katsuki, you gotta see how pretty this kitty is.”
“Does it look as good as it feels?” He asked, slipping a third finger into your gripping cunt.
“Mmhhm,” he hummed in response. His long tongue slithered out, joining Bakugo’s fingers in your juicy pussy.
The sensations had your head swimming and your nipples and cat tingling with excitement.
“Tastes just as good too.”
“Oh yeah?” Bakugo slipped from behind you to join Kirishima’s side. He laced his fingers through the redhead’s long hair and forced a harsh kiss onto the man’s mouth. “Shit,” he muttered between kisses, “that is good. But I bet it’s better straight from the source.”
Soon Kirishima’s mouth and fingers were replaced with Katsuki’s. His fingers swam inside of you and he sucked at the sensitive button of your clit until your pleasured screams grew hoarse. Your cream soaked his face and hands. When he made way for Kirishima to join in, your moans only grew louder.
The two men seemed to be competing in who could bring you to ecstasy more times. They worked your sex until your legs shook and your toes curls. You dug your hands into their hair, and bucked your hips to meet their mouths, hungry for more of the overwhelming pleasure.
“Baku-Kiri, shit! Shit, shit, shiiiit! Oh my god!” You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, and couldn’t think.
“Cum for us, Princess,” Kirishima urged, “come for your daddies.”
And cum you did. Again, and again, and again, until everything went black.
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(Art by: @deb_amm/Debby-San)
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Life in Quarantine (Part 1) | Owen Patrick Joyner
Summary: A series about being stuck in quarantine with your best friend Owen and trying not to lose your mind over being stuck inside all day every day. 
Pairing: Owen x reader
Warnings: Fluff, minor swearing, lots of singing
Songs used: Don’t Let Go by En Vouque/ Washington on Your Side from Hamilton/ More than Words by Little Mix / Not a Pop Song by Little Mix  -- All credits go to owners of these songs
A/N: I know nothing about songwriting and none of this will probably ever happened in real life, but it just worked for the story, alright? Alright. Enjoy! 
Words: 3,372
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Part 1: Not A Pop Song
Norman, Oklahoma. My home town. The place where I was born and raised. The place where I learned how to live and love. Where I learned what heartbreak is. Where I met and lost friends. The town all my most valued memories reside. 
It’s also where I met my best friend, Owen. Our mothers were, and still are, college besties. So, us becoming friends was kind of inevitable. We went through everything together. Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School. Wherever you saw me, you saw Owen and vice versa. A lot of people often thought we were a couple, but that’s been off the table since day one. In Elementary School, Owen and I made a pact with five different rules to seal our friendship forever. The list only grew as we got older. But here’s the gist: 
1. If one is teased or bullied, the other takes revenge 2. Always sing and dance together whenever one asks, even if you don’t want to 3. Always share cookies 4. Always play together at recess 5. Always sit together at lunch
Then the additions from Middle and High School: 
6. We will never, ever, ever date each other or each other’s siblings 7. Ethan, Evan and Emmy are off limits too 8. Crushes too 9. Always go to Broadway shows together 10. Never lie even if you wanna do it for the right reasons. There is no right reason.  11. Always support each other’s dreams and successes 12. Always hate each other’s exes 13. Always share ice cream 14. Never share our secrets with other 15. Always go to parties together
That last one was added by Owen in senior year of High School when I didn’t want to go to a party since it was my exes party and we’re supposed to hate each other’s exes. But, since he’s been in LA for most of senior year to pursue his acting career, I really couldn’t say no. Him going off to Los Angeles for months, sometimes even longer, started in eighth grade when he landed the role of Crispo Powers in a Nickelodeon show called ‘100 things to do before High School’, which I religiously watched, of course.  Rule 9 tells you to. After High School, the two of us split ways. I headed off to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music to major in songwriting as it’s always been a dream of mine to become a songwriter, while Owen went to LA to further pursue his career in acting. We’ve tried to keep in contact, but daily calls turned into weekly calls turned into monthly calls. Five months in, we just try to at least check in with each other every now and then, which is what works best for our busy schedule. Then December 2018 came and changed my life entirely for the better. The representative of Syco and Columbia records said he was in need of fresh blood to co-write songs with none other than Little Mix on their next album.  They held a competition at Berklee College, and long story short, I won! Yay me. To say I was nervous to write with a girl group I’ve been a fan of since the very beginning is an understatement. But they were so nice to work with. We’d take turns flying to each other’s countries and wrote about five songs together of which only two made it onto the actual album. None of it made much sense to me at the time, it all just seemed like one big dream. Owen was pretty excited about it too. He knew how big a fan I was of the girls. Even though he wasn’t a big fan himself, he still listened to the album, mostly to listen to the songs I’d written. Over FaceTime, we even played a game called ‘Guess what song I’ve written’, and he’d gotten one right. The girls even gave you a full-time job as co-writer on more projects of theirs and even recommended you to other artists. This meant you had to quit college and become a full-time freelance songwriter. Thanks to Little Mix, though, you’ve gotten the nicest people to hire you. Since then, you’ve worked with artists like Meghan Trainor, Bea Miller, Isabella Merced -- who you could gossip with about Owen from her time working with him -- and even Harry Styles. The fifteen-year-old inside you didn’t know what to do with herself when that collaboration happened. But working with all those people also meant I had to move again. This time to Los Angeles. When I told Owen the good news, he immediately suggested you move in with him. It’s the thing you guys said you would do once you got older; get an apartment together. So, it was the only logical move. “Welcome to your new casa!” He said dramatically when leading me into the apartment. The tall white walls and large windows illuminated the entire place with a welcoming feeling. “Let me show you to your room, so you can drop off your excessive luggage and then I’ll give you the tour of the entire space.” I raise an eyebrow at his words. “Bro, I have excessive luggage because I just moved from Boston to freaking LA!” I exclaim, followed by an amused chuckle as I try to push him, but fail since he’s much stronger. From that moment on, I knew moving in with Owen would be the best and worst idea I ever had. 
And speaking of ‘worsts’. From March 2020, the two of us were stuck at home together due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Just when I was supposed to start working with Little Mix on their new album. I would’ve been in London now, but instead, I’m stuck in LA with my best friend who doesn’t have a job at the moment since he’d just finished filming a new Netflix show called Julie and The Phantoms. What I heard from it this far, it sounds pretty amazing. I even went to Vancouver with Owen for a few weeks. It was a fun trip and gave me some new inspiration for some songs. “Hey, Nugget,” Owen says as he walks into the room we call our studio where I’m working. “I’m kinda in the middle of something, Ace. Can it wait?” I know I shouldn’t work out my frustration on my best friend, but it kind of fell out of my mouth before I could stop myself. “Sorry, Nugget, I’m kinda bored…” I sigh exasperatedly and bob my head to signal his permission to come in. “What are you working on?” he asks as he sits down on the armrest of the armchair I’m sitting on. “This Little Mix song I can’t seem to make work,” I reply and point to the notebook in front of me. “I’ve got a few good lyrics, but the melody seems impossible.” Owen takes the notebook from me and closes it before getting up. “Time for a little break,” he says and goes to sit behind his drum kit. “Guess what song I’m playing,” he then says and starts with the cymbals, then hi-hats and when a beat finally floats through the room, my brain starts to work. This is a game we’ve been playing every time I’m in need of a break or just for fun. We’d take turns in playing a part of a song on our respective instruments and the other has to guess which song it is by singing along. “What’s it gonna be? Cuz I can’t pretend Don’t you wanna be More than friends Hold me tight and don’t let go Don’t let go Have the right to lose control Don’t let go” A smile appears on Owen’s as I get the first song right. He always underestimates my love for girl bands from the 80’s and 90’s. Though, I think he might’ve given me this one because I’m so frustrated from working on that song. “Your turn,” he then says after having hit a couple more toms and cymbals. I think about it for a moment, and then start plucking the sixth string to create a more bassy sound. Owen stares at the guitar for a moment trying to figure out what song I’m playing. Then, his eyes widen as he recognizes the sound. “It must be nice, it must be nice To have Washington on your side It must be nice, it must be nice To have Washington on your side” I let out a loud whoop in excitement, choking the strings to stop the sound. “I still can’t do that rap though!” he actually sounds disappointed in himself. “Washington isn’t gon’ listen to disciplined dissidents This is the difference This kid is out!” I proudly yell out, earning impressed applause from my best friend. The smile on his face warms me up inside. Owen has always had the most beautiful smile, in my opinion. He has one of those smiles that could just instantly make you happy. No matter how bad a day you had. “Very impressive, Nugget,” he replies with a smirk that sends shivers down my spine. Ever since I moved in, he’s gotten more and more flirty with me. I’m not sure if it’s just a change in his personality that he’s acquired in Los Angeles or if it’s something else, but it’s there. Not that I mind. Something has shifted in me too since we moved in together. It’s even gotten me thinking about removing rule number 6 from our pact. “Your turn, Ace,” I quickly change the subject, just so I don’t have to think about him like that too much. Our dynamic as best friends is too good to ruin it all. Twenty years of that is a long time to just throw away like that. “Alright, an easy one,” he says and simply starts stomping the bass pedal to activate his bass drum.  It’s a slow, almost menacing thump that sounds very familiar. A little too familiar. “Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, You saved me in ways I can’t explain Always been there for me, now I’ll do the same Oh, I need you more than words can say” It’s one of the two songs on Little Mix’s last album that I helped write. The song that means most to me since I wrote it with Owen in mind. It was a period of time where all I wanted was to see Owen and be able to talk to him and just spend time with him like we used to before his whole acting adventure. I think he’ll stop after the chorus, but instead, he picks up his drum sticks and starts playing the rest of the song on his drum kit. Deciding it could be a fun jam session, I start playing the chords on my guitar as well whilst continuing with the lyrics. “Won't forget, won't forget Won't forget when he broke my heart How you helped me through You turned, you turned, you turned a disaster into a dream Gave me the power, made my life brand new When the world try to break us, we found magic And we grew stronger, though every line, line, line Every night, every night, every night I strain and sing the truth Now, now they know that they gonna be alright, alright” The memories of when I wrote this song start slipping through my mind. I remember how alone I felt, even in a room with a dozen other people. I remember how much I missed Owen. “I find peace in every story you told I think of you, I'll never be alone It's true, true, true You know I do, do, do” My eyes lock with Owen for a moment. He shoots me a comforting smile that makes me feel right at home. And I don’t mean here. I mean home as in Norman, Oklahoma. “Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, you save me in ways that I can't explain Always been there for me, now I'll do the same Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, I need you more than words can say” We both stop playing and just look at each other for a while. I’ve never told Owen I wrote this song for him, but at the same time, I think he might already know. That doesn’t take away the urge to tell him though. “I wrote that about you when I missed you,” I blurt out without properly thinking about it. “Really?” he asks while coming out from behind his kit. Combing his long, blonde hair back, he makes his way over to me and grabs the guitar from my lap. “Yeah, I thought you’d know?” He chuckles, shaking his head whilst tickling the strings. I’d taught him a couple of songs on the guitar since we started living together. “You write with a lot of people, Nugget. Could’ve just been their words as well....” He isn’t wrong about that. Maybe it was a lot less obvious than I thought it was. “So, what are the guidelines for this one?” he questions. I grab my notebook again and open it on the page I was working on before he fluttered into the studio. “They didn’t want another pop song. Kind of more like a ‘fuck you’ to Simon Cowell for treating them so badly and telling them what to do and what to wear and whatnot,” I explain, showing the few lines I have already. Some of them Jade had sent me, others were Perrie’s, a couple were mine. “What are most pop songs about?” Owen queries. I know he’s trying to help me, but he’s kind of making me nervous with the constant strumming of the guitar. “Songs about falling in love, or drinks and drugs…” I sum up at the top of my mind, “Or heartbreak…” Owen nods his head whilst continuing to play the same few chords over and over again. I focus on the melody for a moment as my creative juices start to work again. “This ain’t another pop song ‘bout falling in love Or a party song ‘bout drinks and drugs No more singing songs ‘bout breaking my heart And my lonely nights dancin’ in the dark” I look up at Owen for validation. Nodding his head encouragingly, he keeps playing the same few chords but a little louder this time to support the flow of my lyrics. “If I’m a guilty pleasure I want this life forever I’ll take it all ‘cause anything is better Than another pop song ‘bout falling in love But if you wanna sing along say ‘I don’t give a fuck!’” Owen starts jumping around excitedly, and I can’t help but laugh at his adorableness. He used to get this excited whenever I sent him a demo of the songs I was working on. “Let’s record a demo!” he exclaims and, after handing me my guitar back, moves towards the recording equipment. “Let’s start with some guitar,” he says and that’s how our recording starts. First, the guitar, then Owen records some drums, and then I get behind the mic to sing the song all by myself. I can just imagine how amazing this’ll sound with the girls’ voices instead of mine. “No broken bottles Or glitter on the floor form the night before Ain’t no boy troubles If that’s what you came here for then you should know” I lapse back into the chorus one last time before we finish recording and put everything together. We listen to it a couple more times before sending it over to Little Mix and their management. Awaiting their answer, we head into the kitchen to make some dinner together. It only takes about half an hour before I get a call from Jade. “This song is epic!” she shouts into my ear before I can even say hello. “Exactly what we needed, Y/N, thank you so much!” I’ve grown accustomed to her thick Geordie accent, though it was hard to understand in the beginning. “Thanks, Jade! Owen helped me out a little,” I reply, looking up at Owen himself who shoots me a wink that sends a rush of heat from my head all the way to my toes. The girls all know about Owen. I’d told them about my best friend and how supportive he was, and they always teased me saying I was so in love with this guy. Which I didn’t realize at the time and always denied. Rule 6 clearly states no dating each other. “Give him a big snog as a thanks then!” Jade jokes, and I can even hear the others in the background. “I’m on Zoom with the girls at the moment. They say hi!” “Hi back!” I can’t stop the giggle from escaping from my lips. “I gotta go, Jade. Thanks for getting back to me about the song. I can’t wait to hear you guys singing it!” Jade snickers on the other side of the line. All while I’m watching Owen make some pasta at the stove. There’s something so attractive about him in the kitchen, I’m not sure what it is. Fuck, Jade is right. I am very much in love with my best friend and there’s nothing I’m going to be able to do about it. Stupid pact we made in the first grade. “We’ll call you later to discuss some more arrangements and stuff. Bye, Y/N!” “Bye, Jade! Bye girls!” I say loudly, knowing I’m probably on speaker phone anyway. “Bye, Y/N!” the girls chorus. I hang up the phone and look at Owen for a few seconds before bursting out into an excited cheer, dancing my way towards him. “They loved it! They loved it! They loved it!” I shout loudly, and cup Owen’s face in my hands before pressing my lips to his in an outburst of elation. I’m surprising yourself at first, but then melt into the familiarity of his embrace as his arms snake around my waist whilst kissing me back. He’s actually kissing me back. “And that’s rule number 6 out the door…” Owen mumbles when he pulls away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have,” I mumble and step away from him, or at least try to. His arms tighten around my waist, restricting me from taking another step. “I’ve been thinking about talking to you about that stupid rule, Nugget. I’ve hated it ever since we were 16.” My eyes widen at his confession. Since we were sixteen? SIXTEEN? That’s four years ago. That’s even long before I realized I felt more for him than just a platonic love. “16? Why didn’t you say anything?!” Owen chuckles, retracting his arms from around my waist and instead tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before placing his hand on my cheek. “You were pretty enamoured with Ryan, remember?” My heart breaks at the mention of the prick’s name. Ryan was my very first heartbreak and the worst at that. Owen was in LA at the time, but when he heard the news, he almost immediately flew back to Norman Oklahoma to comfort me and eat ice cream together. “Besides, I was constantly on the move from LA to Norman, it wouldn’t have been fair to you…” “You’re the sweetest human being alive, Owen Patrick Joyner,” I tell him with a smile tugging at my lips, but then turn serious again as I flick his forehead. He lets out an ‘ow’ and shoots me a confused glare. “And the stupidest! I’ve been in love with you since I don’t know when, but I never realized until now! The girls from Little Mix even knew but I was too oblivious or stubborn to see it myself. If you’d told me, I probably would’ve realized sooner!” “Well… I told you now?” he tries, the cheesiest smile on his face that makes me roll my eyes. “I love you, Ace,” I whisper, “And not the platonic kind this time.” “I love you too, Nugget.” He leans down again after that, reconnecting our lips into a passionate kiss. The first of many. This ought to be a very interesting quarantine together.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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olivonie · 3 years
biggest fan ; atsumu miya
(1) "maybe he's my laptop wallpaper"
synopsis ; you are the youngest bokuto, and the biggest atsumu miya fan in all history (self proclaimed) so just your luck that a threat from your older brother to go to his game ends in you meeting your celebrity crush, and trying to not freak out, but oh what chaos ensues...
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perfumers guide ; is the best friend literally just me inserting into my OWN FANFIC?? W A BOKUTO LOVE STORY? yeah fuck off let me have what i want its my fanfic motherfucker,, u, our beautiful mc, are a fangirl/boy/them/idc,, also i referred to ur friend as ur friend the whole fic, might give them an alias later on but idk for now,, tysm to my loves @scouts-ahoy and my bestie indigo for betaing for me <3 ily guys sm <3
perfume ingredients ; light cursing, rlly funny friend, fanperson-ing???, idk tw atsumu miya/j, bokuto being a butthead brother, gn reader (hopefully it comes across as such), omi being a bad friend/j,, cheesy corny romance movie esc love story <33,, written like a wattpad fanfic so sucks for u
word count ; 1388 words
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“I can’t believe he blackmailed me like that!” You cried out, standing outside the building of the volleyball game you were attending.
“Don’t pretend you weren’t gonna show up anyways. Besides, he got us front row seats! Isn’t that awesome!” Your friend of many years squealed, adjusting his shirt before turning to you with a smirk, “Plus~ after, we’re going to dinner with your future boyfriend~” They teased, and you squeaked, chasing after them as they laughed. You both got in line and entered the building, packed full of people as you talked while walking to your seats according to your tickets.
A week prior your brother, Kotaro, had burst into your room in the apartment you shared, jumping on the bed and shoving two tickets to his next game. You had said you would buy your own tickets, since you wanted to be independent and were sick of relying on "big bro ko ko" but he interrupted you, threatening that if you didn’t take them he would tell Atsumu, his teammate, about your “big fat enormous super fan googly disgusting mushy gushy crush” on him and so you begrudgingly took the tickets. You decided to go with your friend, who was more excited to see your brother than the actual game.
“I can't believe you’re a brother banger…” You murmured. Your friend turned to you, a look of mock betrayal on their face.
“Honey Boo Bear! You dare think I’d cheat on you my beloved snookums?!” They said overdramatically and very loudly. You giggled, playing along with their antics with a smile.
“Pumpkin wumpkin! I can see you have feelings for another who is not me!”
“No! My cuddle wuddle baby poo I would never!-” They said, cut off by your laughter, followed by their own. Of course, even if you were pissed at Ko for blackmailing you into going, you couldn’t deny your excitement to see the Atsumu Miya, who had been the apple of your eye since you first saw him play with your brother. You had created a fan twitter for him for christs sake! That fucking enamored. But, even if he was on the same team with Kotaro, you had never met him face to face.
You had dazed off and couldn’t see nor hear your friend, before they had shaken you back into consciousness.
“Oi! The game is about to start, dumbass!” They said, and you turned to look, seeing both teams enter the court. Your friend screamed and chanted when they saw Kotaro, who waved at the both of you with energy filled motions. And then, as if in slow motion, entered the “love of your life.”
He was like a renaissance statue, carved from the finest marble and shaped into this beauty. His eyes were filled with life as he waved to all his fans, and when he swept his gaze over to where you were standing, it felt as if time stopped. It was like that scene from every cheesy romcom movie where the main character’s heart pounded erratically, and just like in a movie, the breath from your lungs was stolen away. Were you in heaven? This is totally heaven right?
His eyes. Oh, his eyes. Like molten gold, the sun's reflection on a lake. Like the sweetest caramel, that you could practically taste on your tongue. Atsumu seemed frozen as well, before Shoyo came over and shook him awake, turning to the court with a single glance back at you.
“Oh my god I think I might die.” You said, practically falling into your companions arms, who raised a brow at you.
“Are you okay? What happened?” They asked, a concerned expression on their face.
“Did you not see?!?! We made eye contact!! For like! A minute! And now I’ve fallen in love with him and I want his children!” You screamed, and they clasped a hand over your mouth quickly.
“One, crowded area, don’t say that shit out loud. Two, what’s the big deal? Weren’t you already in love with him?” They said, tilting their head to the side to look at you.
“Yes but like we’d never made eye contact! And I’m like! His biggest fan!” You squeaked, your voice cracking as you cleared it, looking desperately at your friend.
“How big?” They asked, and you gave an exasperated sigh.
“Maybe he’s my laptop wallpaper..” You murmured, twiddling your hands together. “Laptop wallpaper” had been an inside joke between you two to measure the depth of your obsession. Laptop wallpaper being the biggest, and twitter profile picture being the lowest.
“Oh my god big big…” They whispered, and you two continued to talk over your dilemma as the game went on.
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As the game came to an end, with another victory for the Jackals, the two of you ran down the steps with special access passes, also gifted to you by Kotaro, and ran to congratulate the team. There was a sappy moment where your friend jumped into Kotaro’s arms rambling about how amazing he was, as he walked over to you and raised his hand for a high five, which you begrudgingly gave.
“You suck, butthead.” You said with a smile, and he grinned at you, as you walked off to a brooding black haired man, who was staring off in another dimension before you called his name, “Hey Omi! You did great!” You cheered, and he turned to you with a semi-smile.
“Thanks little Bokuto.” He said, and you rolled your eyes.
“The least you could do is say my name!” “I think little Bokuto works just fine.”
“Omiiii! That is so cruel and mean! I am going to report you on Stop It!” You said, and he laughed. Kiyoomi has been your friend since high school. You didn’t like the idea of being overshadowed by your brother, so you chose a school where no one would recognize you as his sibling, and bumped into Kiyoomi. Literally. And decided to stick around the brooding loner who preferred to eat lunch on the rooftop away from the hordes of people.
“So, did you totally fitz out when Miya came on court?” He said with a knowing smirk, causing your face to heat up as you cried out in protest.
“I did not!”
“They totally did.” Shoyo interrupted, and you spun around to throw a fake punch at him. He dodged with ease and stuck his tongue out at you, and you did the same.
“Shut up!” You yelled, groaning when the two laughed at you, “I’m gonna wait outside for you guys! And Omi! You smell horrible!” You cried, grinning in triumph at his annoyed face, looking at himself covered in sweat and sighing.
You walked out of the gym, waiting outside the doors as you said you would, opting to scroll through your phone idly.
“Yer Bokuto’s sibling right?” A light voice asked by your ear, which caused you to jump and throw a punch out of instinct. A groan and head of blonde hair that you’d seen hundreds of times in twitter edits and your dreams made you gasp. “You sure know how to throw a punch huh? Yowch,” Atsumu grunted, holding his stomach as you panicked and apologized, to which he laughed, “It’s okay! I didn’t give no warnin’ so I scared ya! I get it!” He said, and you blushed profusely.
You just punched your celebrity crush in the stomach, there goes your dreams of a fanfiction type first meeting. You sighed, putting your hand out to shake his as you introduced yourself.
“I’m Atsumu Miya.” “Well obviously.” You said and then gasped at how rude that must’ve sounded. You were about to apologize again until he laughed. He looked at you with those eyes again.
“Yer real funny! I hope yer goin’ to dinner with us, it’d be totally boring without ya.” He said, and you nodded.
“Of course, I promised my brother.” You said, and he did a small fist bump, before pausing and taking out his phone, passing it to you.
“Put yer number in there, pretty please.” He said, and you nodded, typing your phone number and name. He smiled when you handed his phone back, checking the time before whispering curses, “Fuck, I still gotta change, but I’ll see ya at the dinner kay? See ya round pretty!” He called and you waved goodbye blushing at the compliment and chuckling before the realization set in.
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"you are so loud..."
"shut up ko you're fat."
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olivonie 2021
reblogs are welcome !! pls !!!!
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
A sudden revelation came to me : the big twin besties!!! Davey Sarah Mike Ike would be chaos if they’re together but that is okay bcs we love them. That is all thank you💕
They would!! I’m gonna do them in modern AU, so I hope that’s okay, Rai!!
This is going to be pure chaos. Nothing else. Literally no part of this is serious. It’s just pure dumbassery among friends.
Also Les definitely does dance competitions. He goes to the same studio as Race. He competes in a mini division and he does tap and hip hop and his group wins. Fight me.
Tw: swearing.
“Davey, pop the popcorn faster!” Sarah hollered from the living room.
“Sarah, shut the fuck up!” Davey hollered back. He loved his sister, but she annoyed the hell out of him.
Well, Les did, too. He guessed it was a sibling thing in general, but there was something about knowing someone since before birth that gave you a special ability to get on their nerves.
Plus, it wasn’t like he could make the microwave work any faster.
“What are we watching tonight?” he called while he waited.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Sarah shouted indignantly.
At the same time, Mike yelled, “We’re binge-watchin’ Liv and Maddie!”
“Oh, of course! That’s so fuckin’ obvious!” Davey shook his head, wishing he could stop himself from smiling as he muttered to himself, “We’re such huge fucking dorks.”
They were, of course, watching Liv and Maddie because they were two sets of twins left alone in a house for the night, and that tv show was about a pair of twins. The Jacobs parents were taking Les to a dance competition and the Guzman parents were going to a wedding.
Honestly, Davey was pretty sure they’d left them all together because out of the four of them, Sarah was the only good cook, Mike was the only good driver, Ike was the one who knew how to operate a can opener, and Davey was the one with common sense. Together, they formed a fully-functional teenager.
Also, they all already had partners, so the parents trusted them to be left alone all night together, unlike when Sarah and Ike asked if they could have Jojo, Hotshot, Katherine, and Jack over, too.
Davey heard the TV start up and silently willed the microwave to work faster.
“Ya can’t start without Davey, Sar—“
“Ike, I don’t know how to break this to ya, but I don’t give a shit.”
Honestly, Davey had expected that, “Thanks for tryin’, Ike!”
“No problem, Dave!”
The popcorn finally finished popping, and Davey grabbed the huge bag of M&Ms on the way out of the kitchen with it before going to join his sister and friends in watching Liv and Maddie’s shenanigans.
Ah yes. The ultimate twin night. Admittedly, the feral energy of all four of them was better than it would’ve been if it was just him and Sarah.
And Ike was smirking at his phone, which of course meant Davey had to tease him.
“Textin’ Hotshot, huh?” he asked, poking him in the shoulder.
Ike batted his hand away, “Shut up.”
Mike laughed, “Ooh, that means there’s somethin’ to hide.”
Sarah slung an arm around his shoulders, “Are you gonna fight? Cause I honestly can’t decide who’d win.”
“Nope,” Davey said automatically, “Can’t do that. We can’t have any death matches destroying the living room or our folks will never let us do this again.”
“I guess the blood would ruin your carpet.”
“Well, Mikey, it’s not like I don’t know how to get blood out of things.”
“Why—oh. Okay.”
Sarah laughed maniacally at the look on his face. It wasn’t that he looked grossed out or anything, just kind of surprised to be thinking about it.
Davey was pretty familiar with having to grab spare pads from the hall closet if the bathroom ran out and tagging along on milkshake runs during Sarah’s time of month, but he guessed a boy without sisters wouldn’t have to think about that kind of thing.
“So, how are things with Hotshot?” he asked, changing the subject.
Ike shrugged, “Good. How’s Jack?”
“He’s over here like, all the time,” Sarah said, rolling her eyes, “Or Davey’s over there. It’s cute in a gross way.”
“Fight me, Sarah. You’re the same way with Katherine.”
“Stuff with Jojo is good, by the way,” Mike chimed in, “God, I love him.”
“We get it, you’re cute, now shut up.”
Sarah swatted him, “That’s not very nice, Isaac.”
“Yeah, those are bold words from someone who’s baby pictures I have access to,” Mike agreed.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me, bitch.”
“Again, we can’t have a death match without destroying stuff,” Davey reminded them, “So can we just kick back and watch our show?”
Ike butted his head against Davey’s shoulder like a cat affectionately, “We should skip forward a couple seasons so we can watch Liv and Holden break up and cry.”
“No,” Sarah said immediately, “My eyeliner looks really good today.”
“You’re at a sleepover,” Davey pointed out, “Why did you even do your eyeliner?”
“David, I swear to God.”
“You swear to God what?”
“Don’t listen to him,” Mike said, reaching over to hug her, “You look fuckin’ amazing and you and Kathy usually make the rest of us look like slobs.”
“Aw, thanks Michael.”
“Don’t call me Michael.”
They actually managed to watch about half the episode without talking, before Ike shattered the silence.
“Okay, but do we think Joey’s gay?”
“I think Willow’s obsession with him is creepy and it’s super questionable how the writers played it off for laughs,” Mike admitted, “I think Joey does like girls, though. He has chemistry with a few different girls for like one episode each.”
“But he definitely has a thing for Josh in the later seasons,” Sarah pointed out.
“Oh, yeah. Good point. Maybe he’s bi or pan.”
Davey had never thought he’d have a conversation like this, but he had to admit they had a point.
“Maddie and Willow would’ve made a cute couple,” he said, “Maddie can’t drive. That alone is proof she’s not straight. And Liv had chemistry with Holden, but she would’ve been cute with Andie, too.”
“Oh, preach, bro,” Ike agreed, “And I think one of my first crushes when I was in middle school was actually on Parker from Liv and Maddie, so...”
“Parker’s bi and ace,” Mike said immediately, “I’m callin’ it. I don’t even need any evidence; just by vibes. He’s just this bi-ace mad scientist.”
“But seriously,” Sarah insisted, “Joey had a thing for Josh and I think it was requited.”
Davey rolled his eyes, “Duh. Was that ever up for debate after that one episode where the only thing that made Josh feel better about his breakup with Maddie was Joey?”
“So in short, none of the Rooney siblings are straight,” Mike concluded.
Davey smirked, “Kinda like how none of the siblings in this room are straight.”
“Aw,” Mike grinned, “Are you sayin’ you sees Ike and I as siblings?”
“More like we’re all in a cult and we call each other siblings, Brother Mike.”
“Oh yes of course, Brother Davey.”
“You’re both ridiculous.”
“Are you actin’ like you have custody of the brain cell, Sister Sarah?”
“No, of course not, Brother Ike. Brother Davey has it. He just never uses it.”
“I use the brain cell frequently, thank you very much,” Davey said indignantly, “Just not in conversations with people who don’t even have one.”
“Oh, burn!” Ike shouted, and Davey accepted a high five.
It looked like Sarah didn’t have anything to say to that. Probably because she didn’t have the brain cell.
Whatever. If the Rooney siblings could survive with only one brain cell, which the youngest sibling always had, Davey was pretty sure the four of them could, too.
This probably makes no sense if you’ve never seen Liv and Maddie. I’m sorry.
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miwtual · 3 years
9,11,14,17 for mcu in general. for #17 y'know what spill the tea bout how you'd fix the ending in end game. I was gonna put an anime but why not your in a MCU kick go for it ok oiy bestie ❤❤😘
salty asks
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
tony stark... i mean need i say more KJSNDLF nah but i will, i think its just bc of his attitude. like i understand hes traumatized but so are??? so many other people in the mcu??? and hes just Like That? like i dunno like if u like tony stark good for u im not saying its anything about u hes just not rlly my kind of dude
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
i feel like mcu peter parker gets,, so much hate thats not rlly needed LMAO like i know a lot of people dont think he “feels” like peter parker or that hes got too much going for him to be tony stark 2.0 (which i understand, im not really into that either, seeing as i dont like tony lmao), but he just. he feels like a realistic teen? like we saw his passport in far from home, he was born in 2001 like i was and i just feel like he acts like people my age did back in high school,, like he wears dorky, punny graphic tees from walmart and target and he couldnt talk to girls because he was so incredibly shy and he wants to be a superhero but his role models are so much bigger than he could ever dream he was (like tony stark, like however u feel about tony or mcu peter... tony’s got some massive shoes to fill that not even he could, and now peters left behind with it) and idk i just feel like mcu peter parker has a lot of potential to be a really interesting character but so many people just write him off as tony stark 2.0 or not a “real” spiderman and that just bugs me bc like... hes been in, like, 2 movies of his own and every other movie hes been in hes overshadowed by the big wig superheroes ahead of him like iron man and captain america... like bro give the boy some space to grow yknow what i mean
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i feel like i dont interact w the mcu fandom for this question KNSDLF but i do see people from time to time just. not understand lokis character in the mcu... and like on one hand i understand that bc a LOT (and i mean a lot) of his character development that makes him more 3-dimensional is in deleted scenes from movies hes in but on the other hand like. hes not just “plain evil” but hes not a great guy either and idk how people just dont?? understand that? like the mcu tries to make him a clear-cut bad guy but just from how he acted in the loki series we can see that like. thats not who he is or who he wants to be
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
theres literally SO MUCH about endgame i’d fix but im an asgard whore so im going to talk about thor specifically <3 under the cut, tw for alcoholism and depression (this is endgame!thor we’re talking about)
thors!! depression!! should!! have!! been!! CARED ABOUT!!! the man just lost MOST of his kingdom, watched his brother TRULY die, lost his mother AND father, AND THEN!!! went to fight thanos to get revenge for his brother (and everyone else he lost, like, two seconds after escaping the complete destruction of his HOME for the past 1000+ years) and saw so many people who were fighting with him get OBLITERATED with the snap of a finger that he was trying to literally CUT OFF with stormbreaker!!!!! that bitch has so much WEIGHT on his shoulders after all of that, and they turned it into a JOKE!!!!!
if i was going to write thor with depression, he wouldnt have been a shut in. he still had people of (new) asgard to rule, to help navigate these horrible, HORRIBLE times.... and also??? in the last FIVE YEARS between infinity war, ur telling me absolutely NONE of the avengers even TRIED to contact him??? or that the entirety of new asgard AND valkyrie just let him sit in his cabin by himself with korg and miek and just checked in every once in a while???? i refuse to believe that. the avengers kept in constant contact WITH EACH OTHER!!! AFTER THANOS!!! WE SAW IT!! THEY CHECKED IN WITH NATASHA AT HQ!!!! WHY DID NO ONE CHECK ON THOR??? HES ONE OF THE OG SIX?????? (this also isnt about clint but its DEFINITELY about clint too, they didnt check on him either??? they knew he had a wife and kids and NOBODY checked on him????) idk i just dont BELIEVE that absolutely NOBODY checked in on thor!!!! in my head all of new asgard constantly gave him support and valkyrie did what she could to help him and natasha would find out where new asgard was so she could go see him bc she lost friends in this whole mess too........ god i hate endgame but i especially hate thor in endgame, they just let him sit there to be a walking fat joke with a side of alcoholism that was also treated as a joke. 
that being said however... the scene where he time travels to right before his mother died and he gets mjolnir back and says hes still worthy despite everything thats happened to him????? only good part of thor’s entire characterization in endgame and i MEAN it. the ONLY good part
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Until My Heart Stops Racing
Pairing: Mitch x Mike (or Bitch as I like to call them, ya know cause Believe x Mitch.....nvm lol) 
Fandom: The Powerpuff Girls 
Note: This was a commission for the wonderful @lisathefan who gave me the cutest prompt and I know she loves her crack ships. I hope you enjoy my dear and thanks to my beta, Faxx for helping me! 
Word count: 5538
The car whipped into the parking space, dirt flying around us and I felt my heart rate finally go back to its normal beating. I looked over to Butch who had a goofy grin and ignoring everything he just did.
“Butch your driving is terrible. Now I get why you fly everywhere.” I groaned as I finally got out of the car. “I swear if Brick saw how you drove this thing... actually I don’t want to think about it.” I thought that speeding was illegal but apparently if the cops can’t even see your car, it's a free pass. And being in touch with the puffs might be a bonus we all have.
Butch let out a laugh before locking the car. “Relaxe Mike, what Brick doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” He shrugged and sometimes I wondered how he could even say that. Brick could kill someone with just a glance but when you are a superhuman, and his brother, maybe the effect doesn’t work.
Maybe I should ask Blossom about that.
The beeping of other cars brought me out of my trance as I followed him on the dirt path.
“Anyways, why did you drag me all the way out here?” I turned to see the lights and the signs. “The fair?”
In front of me was the entrance to what could only be deemed as a somehow legal way to make people shell out three hundred dollars on cheap food and even cheaper ride systems. Every kid wanted to go to the fair and, yeah, it was fun when you were five, but now that we had just graduated high school, it seemed more dangerous than fun.
“Yeah, why not?”
I glanced at him and he only smiled widely but something in his eyes had mischief written all over it. “What's the deal?”
He sighed and smirked.
“A little birdy told me you got heart eyes for a certain someone.” Butch threw his arm around my shoulder. “And as the king of romance, I’m gonna help you out.”
Theres always a small tinge of fear whenever Butch gets an idea. It either ends badly where someone gets hurt, usually him or bad in the way that we all get in trouble and the notorious Powerpuff Girls have to get us out of it. But this...this was much worse.
“Butch, what did you do?” I said through gritted teeth. He only laughed at me instead of answering and pushed up towards the gates.
“Relax. Look they are here.” He pointed.
I followed his sight and walking up towards us was Buttercup, Robin and Mitch. Butch let out another laugh, probably because he could hear my heartbeat. Fuck superhearing. Of course Robin opened her mouth. You tell a girl while you’re throwing up that you have the biggest crush on your best friend who wears dark leather, has piercings and makes your heart swoon and think that she can keep her mouth shut. But no, she can’t.
“Hey guys.” Butch waves to him before leaving me to wrap his arms around Buttercup and ignore the public by kissing her square on the lips. PDA is always gross unless you’re the one doing it, so I can’t blame them. Also it's funny to watch her smack his arm.
“Sup Mikey.” Robin smiles smugly. Little demon.
“Hey. Hi Mitch.” He gives me a wave and a nod of the head and I have to mentally tell myself not to blush. Stupid hormons.
“Come on you two.” Robin says and grabs my arm and Mitch’s and forces us towards the carnival’s entrance. “Lets go!”
One of the perks to being besties with the puffs is the mass amount of freebies. Buttercup swiftly pulled out a ticket for each of us and handed it to the ticket collector.
“Sweet, free entrance.” Mitch smiled at me and held up his hand for a fist bump.
I gladly returned the gesture and every time I did so, I wondered if he could feel the electric spark between us. God, I need to stop reading romance novels.
“Alright losers. We’ll see you all later tonight, meet up for fireworks at 9?” Buttercup said and apparently everyone already had a plan that I was not aware of.
“Sounds good to me!” Butch smirked. “BC and I are going to do coupley stuff no one wants to see and Robin said something about henna soooooo.” He looked at me. “Guess Mitchy boy and Mikey are on their own.” I didn’t miss his wink and before I could protest, everyone was walking away.
My mind was now racing as I tried to comprehend what was happening. I realized in this moment that the group had ganged up on us, well specifically me. Mitch probably didn’t even think twice as the group broke up but they were out of their minds if they thought something was going to happen.
“Wanna hit the rides?” He asked.
I take a breath before nodding. We turn into the direction of the ride area and I have to remind myself that he is just a friend. A friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I usually have my emotions in check but for some reason, they want to act up now. All I have to do is get through tonight without embarrassing myself or giving Butch the satisfation of him being the king of romance. As if that were possible.
The area is buzzing with so much energy. There’s little kids whining and screams coming from the various rides. The smells of corn dogs, popcorn and, oddly enough, waffles mixed in the air and I can’t tell if it smells good or not but I know my pockets are gonna be much lighter by the end of the night.
We get into the shortest line for the tickets and it's truly a scam that each ride is a separate cost.
“I don’t feel like dying tonight so I think two rides is good for me.” Mitch says and I laugh a little because it's true. Just watching the swings makes me feel like one of them unhinge and plummet to the ground but that's what I get for being a paranoid person.
“I feel you. How about the rollercoaster and ummm... the spinning ride?” I suggest.
“Sounds good to me.” He smiles and god fucking dammit, those damn dimples.
The line moves as we chat about the newest horror movie coming into theaters and how Mitch saw a certain pair of redheads making out in a car.
“Wait for real?”
“I swear to god dude.” He raised his hand. “Unless some other chick wears a big ass bow, it has to be them.”
“Interesting.” I smile and soon we get called next.
“Hi there boys, how many tickets can I get ya?” the older woman asks.
“Ten.” Mitch says and I reach into my pocket to grab my wallet, that may or may not have a photo of all of our friends and definitely not for the reason that I can see his face at any given time, but Mitch stops me and places the cash in the tin. “I got it.” he says casually and something inside me felt all warm and fuzzy as the row of blue tickets was handed to him.
“Have a nice date night.” The woman says as we walk away and I almost do a double take thinking I heard her wrong. But when I look over to Mitch, he seems unaffected by the words so I just let it slide.
The rollercoaster isn’t as grand or cool as the ones at the theme park, it doesn’t even go upside down but it has a good bit of hills and bumps to give some air time so i guess it will do. The only problem is that these workers don’t care and make Mitch and I sit in the same cart as these two younger kids.
After we get the bars onto us, the ride starts to go. In front of us the girl grabs the boy's arm and I give a small eye roll as we start to climb the lift hill.
“Babe I'm scared.” She cries and he wraps an arm around her shoulders and I’ve never been so jealous of middle schoolers before.
“These carts are so damn small.” Mitch complains. And it's true. The two of us squished in this together leaves no space for our arms. The pressure of our shoulders touching isn’t too bad but it's to the point it almost hurts. “Hold on.” He says and I feel him pull his right arm away from mine and throw it behind us. “Sorry this is better.”
“No, it's cool bro.” I say even though I realize that this boy really just made it ten times harder to breath now.
I can barely grasp my surroundings as the rollercoaster takes its first turn before the drop. I can see the ending of the track as we go down but the only thing my brain is processing is the fingers tightening on my shoulder.
“Holy shit.” I mumble hoping that Mitch doesn’t know how he's affecting me.
We let out screams and shouts as we go up and down, flying around on the track and I try to enjoy myself, I really do. Before long, it's over and Mitch reaches his hand out to help me up and I take it with silence.
“That was fun.” He smiles and I am really happy he ignored his moms protests and got that lip piercing. It suits him.
“Yeah.” Is all I can muster and he gives me a look before walking towards the next ride.
Luckily as we enter this ride, there’s more room. Only our knees touch as we buckle in the seatbelt and I feel myself being able to breathe better.
“Good thing we didn’t eat before getting on here.” I laugh as the lights start to flash.
He snorts and nods. “Robin would have blown chunks either way.”
The ride is a simple circular track with small hills. All it does is follow the path and goes around pretty fast. Simple but a classic. The music begins and soon we feel the cart shift. I'm sitting on the right while Mitch is on the left, next to the exit and he wiggles off his black beanie just for good measure. His light brown hair, slightly damaged from dying it black back in freshman year, is ruffled from hat hair and my god is it cute.
“Fucking love this ride.” Mitch smiles and it begins to pick up the pace.
Soon, we are at full speed, which is fine. Perfectly fine. Except for the fact that the gravity from the ride is pulling me towards Mitch and no matter how tight I hold on, I end up smacked against him. Shoulders touching and I can clearly smell his cologne. It's the scent of sandalwood and campfire and my god does it smell heavenly. Men just smell like nature and I am more than okay with that.
But Mitch doesn’t mind, because why would he? Instead he's laughing and truly enjoying the ride. I smile and laugh too because honestly, it's just fun to spend time with him. The ride is over faster than I wanted and we hop off, slightly dizzy and I walk a little out of line but he catches my arm and pulls me to him.
“Easy dude.” He chuckles and I nudge him playfully and ruffle his hair before he plops on his beanie. Goodbye cute hat hair.
All of a sudden, my shoulder is hit. It was a pretty hard smack and my body jolted to the side as Mitch grabbed me from falling.
“Look a bunch of homos.” I look up and realize that it's some assholes from our school.
Duke Jones and Mark Dalton. Some of the few people who actually try to be douchebags on the regular.
My eyes do heavy eye rolls and I want to scream at them but I've never been a confronting person. My voice is in my throat but Mitch takes a step forward, his hand never leaving my arm.
“And what of it? Really dudes? You think some lame insult is gonna hurt our feelings. You’re lucky I don’t just kick your ass, better enough I can call Buttercup in a second and have your bodies all the way across this place. Grow the fuck up and maybe don’t choke on your toxic masculanity.” He sneered and sometimes I forget that Mitch can be pretty intimidating.
Their eyes widened as Mitch pulled out his phone to show BC’s number. They mutter something before turning and rushing off in a hurry.
“You okay?” He asks me.
“Yeah.” I say. “Sorry you got caught in that.”
“It's not a big deal.”
But it is. It's not a secret that I'm out and proud. Yeah its cool and all to not have to be closeted, even Princess came out last year so its nice to know that someone higher up won’t pick on me, but even then, it sucks. No matter where I go in life, someone will be there with a flame thrower of slurs or anger for something I didn’t choose. As for Mitch, theres something about him being called gay and him not having a hissy fit about it that makes me feel safe. Uhh fuck.
I take a second to recollect myself and Mitch just pulls me from the herds of eyes that saw that fiasco.
“Lets go here.” He points to the hall of mirrors and for some reason it's beginning to get extremely hard to be around him.
But I take a deep breath and push those feelings to the side once again.
The hall of mirrors was by far the lamest thing the fair could have done. Sure, as a little kid it was cool and slightly scary but now, all of our heads could see just above the tips of the mirrors making it lose the effect. It probably would have been more fun if the others were there. Butch would hide behind the mirros trying to scare us before Buttercup sent some lasers his way causing them to bounce everywhere and making us duck and cover. Good times. However, it was just Mitch and me.
While Mitch was walking, I couldn’t stop thinking about those jerks just now. Of course everyone already knew about my preference but Mitch seemed unbothered by being referred to as gay. Probably because he's not some asshole that thinks it's a bad thing, I mean if he did, why would he be friends with me for all this time? He’s just a good person, that's all.
Not to sound like the coming of age kid, but I knew I was into dudes before I could comprehend the idea of love or romance, I just thought they were pretty to look at. Moving to a new city at such a young age was hard for me, not to mention the whole invisible friend that tried to kill everyone. But after everything was said and done, I did in fact make some friends.
The famous superheroes had become my pals and when Buttercup introduced me to Mitch, I think that's when it all went downhill. We became the dynamic duo and everyone always paired us as the best friends, which is true but...it makes me feel guilty.
He turned a corner and I stopped walking. All of a sudden I was lost and staring at a mirror. Just me in my beat up sneakers and the uncertain face I seem to be wearing a lot lately. There's always a time in your life where you stop and contemplate everything, question all your decisions and how nothing truly matters.
“Hey you stopped walking?” Mitch said to me and I looked at him with a shaky smile.
“Sorry. Lost in thought I guess.”
“Care to share?” He asked and leaned against one of the mirrors.
I laughed to myself thinking about what I could possibly say. “Yeah sure Mitch, why don’t I just tell you that I’m in love with you and how it pains me to wake up to know that you will only see me as just a friend. Why don’t I just rip out my heart and put it on a silver platter for you to squash or just confess and kiss you here, ignoring all the states and hopefully pissing off some people?”
My eyes shot open and my eyes met his. He looked at me with confusion and shock. His mouth hung open slightly and it took me a solid three seconds to relaize that my dumb ass had just blurted that all out.
Panic. That's all I could feel as he stared like a deer caught in headlights. I could feel myself on the verge of tears and suddenly the air was too thick as I turned and ran, not caring about the employee telling me I was going the wrong way.
Mitch’s voice echoed behind me but I couldn’t stand to turn and look towards him. To hear the pure rejection and probably the disgust. Throwing away years of friendship for some stupid feelings? What was I thinking?
After nearly hitting my head several times, I made it out and ignored the weird stares and glances people were giving me. All I wanted to do was find Butch and get out of here and hope that I can just pack up and move away for college. Maybe even change my name.
Instead I found myself pushing my way into the bathroom stall and biting my arm to stifle my sobs. I felt like my heart was about to shatter, that all my nightmares where coming true all thanks to my stupid mouth. I was a fool to think that someone like him would even consider me as something more, a complete and utter fool.
“Mike?” A voice called and of course the sneakers peaking outside the stall belonged to Butch.
“What?” I spat bitterly. “Go away.”
I barely heard his sigh. “Dude, I don’t know what happened but suddenly Buttercup saw you burst into here. Really dude, is everything fine? At least come out and talk to us. Plus it smells really bad in here and there's a line of dudes.”
There's some truth to the matter and I wiped my face and pushed open the stall with a little too much force but luckily he grabbed it and just nodded towards the exit.
Robin and Buttercup are standing outside and luckily, I don’t see Mitch.
“Wanna explain what happened?” Robin asks as she hands me a tissue from her purse.
“No. I just wanna go home.”
Buttercup looks arounds then back to me. “Where's Mitch.”
“Probably somewhere and never wants to see me again.” I mumble.
“What?” She asks and looks towards Butch then back to me.
Butch raised his brow. “Mike, did you tell him?”
“Tell him what?” Buttercup asked.
It was at that moment that Buttercup didn’t know that I was practically in love with her best friend. Maybe Robin and Butch planned this together but it didn’t matter, not anymore. I would be losing two friends after this. Great.
“Look. It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t feel the same way.” My throat is dry and it hurts and there's no doubt that my face is red and flushed with tears. “I'm just gonna call my mom to come get me.”
“Come on Mike don’t go.” Robin asked and she padded my arm.
“You don’t get it, Robin.” I spat. “You don’t understand what I just did. Thanks to someone’s dumb idea, I now lost my best friend. And for what? Did we really think he would like me back? That he could even see me in such a way? I don’t even know if he’s gay or let alone into dudes. But who gives fuck? I don’t.”
Butch took a step towards me but my anger only rose. “C’mon Mike I'm sure-”
“This was a stupid idea Butch!” I yelled and at that moment I didn’t care what anyone thought. I was embarrassed and hurt. “I just want to be alone.” I pushed past him and the others, ignoring everything they were saying because it didn’t matter any more.
It didn’t matter that my friends tried to help something that shouldn’t have even been considered. It was just a stupid crush. Nothing more, nothing less. Hopefully by the new semester, it would be gone and out of my system…. hopefully. A stupid crush that I’d been harboring for years and titling on a scale of something more.
It wasn’t long until my tears dried and I found myself among the section of carnival games. All of the rigged and hard to win and if you did win, it would be a small sappy prize that you would toss into a garbage bag or try to sell for a nickel at a garage sale.
There were darts and guessing the weight of a small pig. The basketball tossing and hitting the giant hammer looked tempting but instead I walked to the game that no one had ever won. Ring toss. A game of chance and so incredibly rigged, it's a miracle if one prize is won in a year.
Without a second thought, I gave up a fresh twenty dollar bill and the girl working, who clearly hated her job, handed me the biggest bucket of rings. Enough to keep me entertained until I call my mom or muster up enough courage to ask Butch for a ride back like a dog with its tail inbetween its legs.
I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I could be okay with this. But I was stupid. Stupid to think that the boy I had a crush on, one of my best friends, would like me back, or even be into dudes for that matter. But no, instead of having my secret crush kept, ya know, a secret, the one person who shouldn’t know, did.
I tossed another ring into the sea of bottles, the high pitched clinking echoed for just a moment as another was tossed. Maybe this was pointless. Maybe trying to figure out feelings was a waste of time because in all honesty, I never knew.
Like the plastic rings people pay way too much for, you jump and you think you’ll land on that bottle, secure the prize and show everyone up. Prove that you can do the impossible.
But then you miss and reality comes back. The bucket dwindles down and soon you’re left with nothing but regret for trying and shorting eight bucks.
I turned, of course he would follow me. Why wouldn’t he? He was probably here just to tell me to let it go and sweep it under the rug, and say it's not weird when it totally is. Or he was going to come out and say that maybe our friendship has come to its expiration date.
“Oh. Hey.” I threw another one, missing again.
I tried not to care as he stood next to me but I passed him the bucket and he took his own shot, missing, just like me.
“Have you been crying?” He asked and there was no way around it.
“Yep.” I popped the p and threw another ring. “Look Mitch, I’m sorry what I said-”
“Don’t be.”.
“Most guys would just push someone like me away if that happened.”
He hummed and tossed a ring, missing. “Well, I’m not like most guys and I thought that was pretty clear. Especially after those jerks. I value your friendship too much to get worried or upset.”
I looked over at him, and that in itself was a mistake, because it would be just my luck that the other carnival games with their bright flashing lights would surround him and make it seem like he was glowing. The lights soften his features, a small twinkle on the black orb of his earring and making those very so light freckles appear.
Almost like a painting hung up in a museum. You think the trip is boring, and for the most part it is. A few interesting things here and there but just as you are about to leave, you find a room you hadn’t explored. It could be nothing and you could leave, forgetting everything in the last three hours and moving on with your life.
Or it could be life changing. As if when you walked in there, the most captivating painting was on that wall and you wonder how you skipped it in the first place. You stare at it, taking in the picture itself and the meaning. Stepping closer and looking at the paint strokes, the time taken to make this is clear and it's full of questions and mystery. The small plaque on the wall fails to answer.
He picked up the last ring. It twirled in his fingertips unsure of where to go.
“I kept thinking, you know.” He said. “I remember watching a show, a random cartoon and an ad for a pride festival popped up. I thought nothing of it, didn’t know what it meant at the time but my father did. He was outraged and changed the channel, screamed and shouted saying that if his son ever was caught doing something like that…” Mitch paused and closed his palm.
I could see the hurt in his eyes as he sighed.
“Then he would have no son. So when I found out what it all meant and learned about myself....I thought it would be best to never act on it. No matter how much I wanted to look towards another guy, I couldn’t.”
“I’m sorry Mitch, I didn’t know.” And it was the truth. I wanted to mentally slap myself for not realizing that he was, in fact, gay as well. Way to go Mike, your gay-dar is broken. But then again, you can’t just tell a sexuality clear as day. I can’t blame him for hiding it, after everything with his dad.
He sighed again. “But when you told me that. Told me you wanted me, I think I started to realize that I would rather have something I want no matter what others think of me. I envy how you can just come out and be proud, as you should, but I wish I was that brave instead of a coward.”
“Mitch.” I slid my hand on top of his cautiously. He didn’t flinch or have any indication of pulling away. “I’m scared every day. Scared that someone might yell something offensive or even try to hurt me. Just like those assholes did earlier.But I can’t stop those things from happening but I can choose to not let them affect me. It's hard but you know you’re surrounded by people who care about you. Plus your best friend is an actual superhero.”
“I know, I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to date such a fuck up like me.”
Fuck up? Did this boy really think that?
“I would never see you as that.” I said honestly. “It's normal for us to have conflicting feelings when someone in our life isn't supportive. It's never gonna be a walk in the park or smooth sailing but when you're with someone who cares about you, it makes it easier.”
He sighed for the hundredth time. It was clear the gears in his mind were running at full steam and he looked at the ring in his hand then to the bottles.
“I guess you’re right Mike. I guess I was thrown off that the dude I've liked since kindergarten likes me back.” He looked towards me and tossed the ring, not bothering to pay attention. “I just hope you haven't changed you mind-”
The next thing I know, my hand is tugging on his worn leather collar and his lips are pressed to mine.
I never thought that my first kiss would be as enchanting as this. You always think it's magical and fulfilling but in reality it's probably a mess of lips that don’t move quite as well and somehow there's a tongue doing whatever it wants. I guess I can’t count this as my first kiss because Robin had peaked me on the lips in third grade, also giving me the clear sexual awakening of how I never want another woman to come near me again, but this was different.
He tasted like cotton candy which I should find gross and oddly weird but I didn’t mind one bit. At the beginning there was a bit of hesitation, or maybe he was caught off guard since I did interrupt him but I couldn’t help myself. Stupid hormones. He wasted no time kissing me back and I even felt a hand on my waist pulling towards him. Although it lasted only a few mere seconds, it was like a lifetime of waiting had lifted.
When we pulled apart, loud speakers and alarms went off above us. I looked towards the game, I noticed one single plastic ring was stuck on the bottle. The worker smiled at us before nodding.
“Wow, I can’t believe you made it, especially without looking.” She said and I looked to Mitch who just shrugged.
“What? You kissed me, I just threw it.” He smiled brightly and I hugged him.
“So what will it be?” I asked him and he turned towards the prizes.
“Well, what about that dinosaur?”
“I love dinosaurs.”
Mitch smiled. “I know.”
The worker used a ladder to climb and retrieve the massive blue dinosaur prize. As a kid, i used to dream of winning such a cool thing but know, I think I got something better. Mitch handed it to me with a blush and I looked at it with just as much pink on my cheeks.
“Ya know.” Mitch started. “I have enough tickets for one last ride. Maybe the ferris wheel?”
“That sounds good.” He reached out his hand and I took it. Before I could blink, I felt his lips press against my cheek.
“I don’t like to see you cry.” He said.
I simply hummed and we walked hand in hand to the ferris wheel before deciding to give the prize to some kids. He handed the tickets to the worker as we climbed into the cart and began to go up. He threw his arm over my shoulder like he did on the rollercoaster, but this time, I leaned against him and let those emotions I tried to keep at bay, run wild.
“I’m really glad Butch dragged me here.” I said honestly and Mitch only laughed and silenced me with his lips pressed against mine.
“Me too.”
When we pulled apart, a few questions still lingered in my mind.
“You mean, you’ve liked me this entire time? And you knew I was gay?” I asked hesitantly. It wasn’t a secret, the last part at least.
He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick he's had since he was little. “I mean I wasn’t hundred percent sure, I thought maybe it was a one time thing or just happened occasionally. But as we got older, more specifically high school, I think that's when it hit me.” He sighed. “All I knew was that I wanted to be with you until my heart stopped racing.”
His eyes met mine. I’ve always hated when people didn’t see the beauty in brown eyes. They think they are dull and lifeless, only one hue but that's far from the truth. Mitch’s eyes had spots of gold and a slight tint of green, breathtaking to say the least.
“I mean it’s a shame we spent our high school years just as friends.” My hand went on top of his. “But I’d rather have you as my friend instead of losing you so I understand. But what about your dad? Will be okay with us dating-or well I assume we should-”
“I don’t care about his opinion of us. Plus we would be idiots not to date at this point. If he doesn’t accept. That's his loss not mine.” His gaze went to the sky where a firework exploded.
The colors lit up in the sky and we realized we got lucky as our cart stopped at the very top. It felt unreal to be sitting next to my best friend and now, boyfriend. There's always moments in your life that you feel like were meant to be. Maybe it's the career you chose or the person you marry. Milestones that are already set in stone and fate just happens to bring you together, all that stuff. And as I looked at him through heavy lashes I thought that maybe, just maybe, the stars aligned on this one.
That or I would have to admit that Butch is the king of romance, even though he did literally nothing today and this was all me. Either way, Mikey boy’s got a man.
I hope you enjoyed love!!
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chiradipdakshi · 3 years
Novel: 3 On 1
Author: Chiradip Dakshi
Chapter 1: The Unknown Girl
Genre: College, Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy, Fiction
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[ The bell rings]
"Fuck off! I will sure make sure this clock is thrown out in the trash. It's unbearable."
Oh, the story started? Sorry about that. Hello, I am Johnny Western. I'm nineteen years old teen guy. I didn't have much for a hobby. The only hobby I have is basketball. I used to go running about five kilometres daily, but today, I am too late to go for running. It has been about three months since I graduated from Sylvia high, a local renowned high school in the city of Toronto. My family lives in New York City but I had to transfer to Toronto due to the school. It us embarrassing to say, but all girls in my high school were fan of me. Today's is my first day of college. I had no talents for science so I picked up to study Archaeology since I knew taking this subject will help me to go around different parts of the world. When I was in twelfth grade, I used to see travelling videos and it inspired me that I should also go to see the world.
It was a nice weather outside. Birds chirping all over the garden, green everywhere although there was a broad road going across the middle of the society. We had a garden at the back of my house. Actually, my parents had me rented a house near the college I would be visiting. The house was purely white with a garage at the front, a swimming pool at the back. I had a dream to become a YouTuber, so I made a separate studio for me in the first floor. The theme was for gaming. The reason I woke up late was because I went sleeping late because of a live stream, Ha-ha. So, coming to my morning routine. Specifically, nothing, just a shower before college, a bowl of corn flakes with milk. I heavy breakfast light because I heard that there is a short break after having two consecutive lectures. So, I'm late. See you at the college.
[Meanwhile, Arthur running.]
Hello I'm Arthur Rowland. Nice to meet you. I'm eighteen. My hobby is painting. I barely go outside unless my friends ask me out. A little shy. Prefer not to speak, unless necessary. So, after running about three kilometres, I go to the convenience store and take some necessary groceries for the day which includes bread, some instant ramen, and some vegetables. Alright, coming to my extraordinary personalities. Since I was in the second last year of my high school, I had a knack towards photography. So, I joined the photography club of our high school. If you think that what's the use of photography club in high school, then I must tell you the answer. Fortunately, we work with the newspaper club and send them the necessary photographs they need for a particular article and for that they used to share thirty percent of the total budget they get for the year since the budget for the photography club was the lowest of all the clubs in the high school. Beside this, school student council used to ask us out during any fest or any event in the school. And for that we get a fixed amount of money. And I am proud that I was the president of our photography club. But now all things have changed. Now is the time for us to go to a college. So, I'll be joining the same college as Johnny, whom you all heard before. I will be taking arts in the college since this could help me to carry forward my dream of becoming a photographer. Like we said, we are besties. Hehe!
[The phone rings]
"Yes coming!" Arthur shouted.
"Hello! Oh, it's you Johnny! Long-time no call bro. How have you been?"
"Yeah bro, I'm fine. See, we are going to the same college. So, I think we should join the same club. So, choose accordingly" Johnny from the other side.
"Ye... Yeah bro! Of course, if we get so."
Finding a trembling voice over the phone, Johnny got disgusted. " Hey, hey, hey! What you mean by probably? We definitely be joining the same club. By the way where are you now?"
"What's the time?"
"It's nine."
"Oh, fuck man! We're gonna be late bro? I haven't even entered my house yet. The college is from ten. Uuggggh! " Arthur shouted suddenly in between the public.
"Huh! That's why I tell you, be punctual. See I am ready. Just left to have my breakfast. " Johnny with pride.
"Tell me, have to gone running today?"
"Y...ye...Yes! Of course, I've gone."
"Stop lying bro!"
"Heh. You surely see through me all the time. Have you call the other idiot? "
"Who? Tom?"
"No. But don't worry. He'll just be alright."
[Meanwhile, Tom sneezes.]
Hello, I'm Tom Henderson, age same as Johnny, meaning Arthur is the youngest among us three. I like experimenting pranks over the other two. I never wasted their weekends without pulling pranks on them. I didn't listen to them. I have a good quality. I always break a serious mood of my friends. And Arthur and Johnny would accept me as they knew that I was only guy who helped them to understand that however may be the reason, we shouldn't let ourselves down and step back from the important days of our lives.
"Who the hell is talking about me?' said Tom after sneezing.
[Phone rings]
"Where are you?" Arthur called.
"In my house. But why? Anything bad happened?"
"Nothing bad but it's worst. We are late for school, man"
"What's the time?" Tom asked curiously.
"Fifteen minutes to start"
"Damn, man! I'm late." Tom keeps the phone in the bag and smiles for a second.
Arthur took the metro and boarded off at 1459 London Road. Then he kept running as fast as he could as it was almost three minutes remaining to enter the campus. On the last minute, Johnny entered. "Ooof...at last we managed" Arthur while relaxing. "But wait, hasn't Tom been here yet?
[From their back]
"Greetings, my friend! Long time no see! How have you all been?" Tom surprises both of them. "I thought you are late since you told me that you were late." "I lied" Tom after smiling. "You damn brat" Johnny got angry. "I'm sorry bro" Tom rubbing the hand at the back of the head. "My family members are all thin even if they eat all the junk food, even me too" Tom after smiling. "Why are we exercising Johnny? Is it that necessary? I'm envious of Tom's physique" Arthur with his crying face.
"Hey, we are late, run!" They started running along the corridors as fast as they could. They decided to enter through the second door, the back of the auditorium where the freshers meeting will be held.
[An unknown girl came running blindly from the front door and got crashed with the three boys]
"Ow! S...Sorry! I wasn't looking" the girl said.
"Don't worry! We weren't looking, so it was our fault too. We should apologize."
When the girl raised his head, something happened at her heart. It felt like she got her future prince. Normally, a girl gets only one prince but here is the story of a girl fascinated by the three boys. The girl blushed out and ran away. The last thing went over the boys' head.4
"What was that?" Johnny asked.
"I don't know."
And the three of them stared at the empty corridor with the girl running out. What will happen in the story? How will the girl react if they meet them again? Find out as the story continues.
If you like, do follow me @chiradipdakshi for new parts. See ya again❤😉
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Thank you so much for answering my question! It is really kind of you. I have 2 more if it is not a bother: Do you know Haikyuu? I have seen lots of ships on your tumblr and considering what kinds of ships you like, Haikyuu has SO MANY potential for you. :) And the second question is, what do you think about Mikoto and Reisi from K? I only saw Sarumi posts, so I am curious.
Oh heHE, let’s start with k project. Honestly Sarumi is the only ship I care about in this anime, I mean every other couple there for me is very undeveloped for me. Sarumi is like true love shit, I wasn’t expecting them to even go there, and when Misaki said to him “I want you to have a real home you can come back to and that’s me” my jaw was on the floor. I mean, they’ve seen each other at their worst and still loved each other (honestly the whole Fushimi’s father storyline and Misaki holding him through it was just too much for my heart). So they’re the only romantic ship for me in this anime.
Mikoto... wasn’t he in love with that guy who he took into their clan to protect? Who was killed? The one who lalala played the guitar whatever was his name? And that’s why he didn’t want to live after that, only wanted revenge and then finita? No?
Red king and blue king did have a sexual tension in that lighting a cigarette scene, other than that... they just “fought” with each other lots and I don’t even see much relationships or like anything that would make them a good romantic couple. And even if I pretend  that they loved each other... Mikoto asked him to help him killing himself? That’s like assholishness level 200 to me. I never got this idea of asking your loved one to finish your ass... like bitch, maybe it sounds good for you but did your selfish ass think about how your other half is going to live with that? So that’s a huge no for me. 
But seriously I like don’t know what to look for there, I don’t see it. I hope he’s in heavens with that other guy, but also I don’t really care, cause Fushimi was like the only thing why I sat through the whole thing, cause lord that hour of watching that girls watermelons I could’ve spent more productive (like man I was trying not to fall asleep during some useless episodes, I don’t even know why and what for some characters were even there), BUT but it was all worth it, cause there is one character who was written so good and so complex and he’s so well done that I don’t even mind.
Now before I go to Haikyuu... I think my problem is that unlike many I don’t ship every bromance just bc it’s a good bromance. Because sometimes there are some great bromances but they give out like zero romantic vibes. For example, Stiles and Scott: would totally die for each other, hug each other a lot, have no problem with saying I love you, but they’re like best bros, there is nothing romantic there. Like Stiles can ask Danny or Scott if they find him attractive, but he would never ask Derek about this, you know what I mean? They’re like me and my sister.
So for me there is a huge difference between bro things and gay things (like I only partly joked while making that rinharu post). And some couples are clearly crossed that line in some weird moments. Because things like high fiving each other and hugging each other don’t make anyone gay. I don’t know if that makes sense for anybody else... but those who have siblings or bffs will get what I mean. 
Like classical example is Rin Matsuoka. When it come to Sousuke he easily writes him letters and calls him like I feel with my best friend. I can call anytime and be like “bro, I’ve missed you”. Cue the 3x03 weirdest scene when Rin misses Haru and is afraid to call and tell him that. That’s the proof here that they’re clearly something weird there, cause if they were just friends he would be like “hey, bro, missed you” which will never be the case here.
Or can you imagine Rin and Haru seeing each other and being like “yo man” and fist bumping and hitting each other? I’ll bet 1000$ that you can’t. Rin can hit Sousuke in the shins, and ruffle Nagisa’s hair, but Haru would never get this from him. And spoiler: it’s not cause he hates him xD
Also I think the easiest example is Kuroko. (and please, don’t think I’m judging ppl for shipping stuff, I mean to each their own, it’s just my opinion). It’s the anime where people ship everyone with everyone just because of hey... bromances, while in my opinion most of them have seriously nothing gay about them and most of them just do normal bro things. Like how can Kuroko and Kagami be seen as smth romantic I still don’t get. Or like Aomine and Kagami thing??? They are like freaking twins. Same with Kise and Kasamatsu, Midorima and Akashi ships and many others.
Like we see Kuroko and how he behaves with everyone. Firstly he was shadow for everybody: Kise, Aomine, Kagami and he was good with every one of them. Kuroko is a people’s person, he is caring, he thinks about others a lot, he cares about everyone including Haizaki who is an ass tbh, so it’s also nothing special (I mean that way you can ship him even with Kyoshi xD). Aomine is special for Kuroko bc he understands him the most on the field, Kise is his main rival, Kagami is his least problematic light, Murasakibara is his favorite as a person... etc, this way you can ship Kuroko with anyone. 
But... someone gets what none of them get. Like Kuroko never checked anybody out or said compliments... but he did think Akashi looked yummy in his kimono at the festival. Kuroko never told anybody a zillion words “it’s all because of you” speech... except for one person. None of them made his heart crack and cry rivers when they left him... except one. And I just loved how we get this with everyone:
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And then suddenly this happens:
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Lol okay, blue-shems. He gives him his food and asks questions about “who’s his type and his special one”, like... you know he doesn’t do that with anyone else. And Akashi is not his bestie. So yeah, explain this as “bromance”.
Same with Akashi. He forms the new team. He actually misses Kuroko so much that he goes and finds a copy of him. The ONLY GOM member he can’t go without and it’s proved after Kuroko asked him on the interview “who is the person you scared to lose the most” and Akashi answers “you.. it’s you, Kuroko”. Now... hold the horses. We all know that Midorima is his bestie, there’s no contest there, which brings us to the fact that he places Kuroko higher than his best friend which makes Kuroko his... what exactly? 
It’s just some things can’t be BRO things.
Like when you cover your eyes and going “dude, don’t show your package in public, zip it, no one wants to see that”, that’s what I’m like when I accidentally see my sister’s boob. That’s how Makoto behaves when he sees naked Nagisa and Haru who’s undressing.
Opposite to Rin oggling Haru half naked and Haru shaking before touching Rin. That’s clearly not how you feel about your “just friend”. Everyone who has bffs must confirm that they don’t get nervous about touching them or them touching you cause you’re comfortable with that. Does this make any sense? I hope, it does. I’m not very good at explaining.
Now about Haikyuu. Haha I’ve been avoiding this so much, cause I didn’t want ppl to throw stones at me. I’ve tried.. I really tried to watch it twice. Once I got to ep8, 2nd time I asked my sister to watch with me (cause it’s funnier that way, that’s how we got through durarara without dying xD) and I still gave up after ep14.
It’s not only just that I was bored and I thought it’s gonna get exciting but it didn’t (bc I’m more of an interesting characters > an interesting plot person), it’s just.. it was episode 14 and I didn’t even find any character who would interest me cause they were so cliche. Especially Hinata. He’s like that super typical main from what I called the “never give up it’s such a wonderful life” bunch that I really deeply respect, but kinda so very tired of them lol. But he’s also from the loud bunch.. and I think I still hear Asta’s voice sometimes, even though I’ve dropped Black Clover after ep10 like a year ago xD
Now I can’t make judgements about the whole thing cause I didn’t watch it, but from what I saw (I mean “shipping scenes” from tumblr) and asked from ppl who has seen the whole thing (one huge fan and another one - not a huge fan, my sister), I got the idea that this anime is more bromancy that romancy. And there are no couples there like “without you I have nothing to aim for and I want a future with you” or “you made my life a dream and you’re the light of my life and I’m scared to lose you the most” like there are in free or knb. 
Now my sister has finished it 4 months later and said that it was just okay. And I was like “okay, but what about ships?” because I’m willing to close my eyes on the plot of the ships are good. And she went “well... two mains, I guess” and she was so apathetic about it that I was like “If she who ships much more than me is like that then I won’t see anything there” xD
But... like if you have anything to say to convince me or interest me in it, I’m willing to listen. If you have smth that would make wanna try for the 3rd time, I’ll even record how did it go xD.
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Fraxus fake Boyfriend AU part 1/?
So it’s Fraxus day, but this isn’t finished yet so I decided to split it up. Here’s part one folks! (it’s a modern au)
"No Freed, you can't hack your father's bank account. The feds will get you and then I will be tragically best friend-less."
"No, you don't get it", Freed says and on the grainy computer screen, Laxus can see him shake his head. "If I go to jail, it'll probably be in Crocus, which means you can actually visit me instead of videocalling me at stupid o'clock in the morning. Also orange is an excellent colour on me."
A quick glance at the lower corner of his screen and a bit of mental math tells Laxus that it's indeed way too early in the morning for Freed to even consider to talk to him. "Justine it's three in the morning there, why are you even awake?"
Although it's hard to tell with the awful videoquality, Laxus thinks he can see the other man pout. "Talking to my bestie, duh", Freed replies and bashes his eyelashes obnoxiously, drawing a huff of laughter out of Laxus. "What are you, a fifteen year old schoolgirl? The lack of sleep is clearly getting to your head."
Smoothly ignoring Laxus' criticism of his horrendous sleeping habits, Freed continues the earlier topic. "Speaking of besties, made any friends yet?" Groaning, Laxus rolls his eyes. "My roommate is an actual nutjob and I don't know why I'm fond of him. He introduced me to his absolute bitch of a friend and I think I like her even more", he confesses and the pixelated image of Freed gives him a smug smirk. "It's because you like to be bullied, Laxus dearest. You won't say it, so I'll say it for you : bottom rights baby."
"I hate you and if you were here I'd smack you", he half-heartedly threatens and Freed replies "Kinky" without missing a beat. While the two of them are engaged in a staring match without actually being able to make out each other's eyes in the blur of colours on the screen, Bickslow throws open Laxus' bedroom door and yells: "Time to hide your porn blondie, it's time for reallife interaction with actual human beings!"
On instinct, Laxus does click away and as soon as the connection with Freed breaks he sees it fit to pout like a child. Their schedules matching (or one of them not sleeping for a day) and their wifi allowing them to see each other is a ridiculously difficult situation to stumble upon and now he's wasted his chance. Bickslow looks at least apologetic. Laxus was going to forgive him, until he opened his godforsaken mouth. "Dang man, the porn that good?"
"I hate you too", he says without clarifying to Bickslow who the other despised person is. He doesn't seem to mind as he plucks Laxus' computer from his bed, plops it down the nearby desk and sits himself down right in front of Laxus, legs in lotus position and bouncing with way too much energy. "I had a great idea", he announces and Laxus immediately doubts him.
"You see Ever and I, we thought you were a bit lonely and it might heal your soul to... Nah, scratch all of that, Ever and I were really fucking bored and we thought : Hey, let's set our absolute bestie up on a date! So here we are. Get dressed, you're going on a date."
"I can't", he says and desperately tries to come up with a reason. Uni work won't fool them, because they know that he's actually a good student, other activities won't work either because he's a social recluse and not even Makarov can save him because for some reason, the little shits he calls friends are all buddy-buddy with his grandpa.
"My boyfriend would hate it", he continues, cheeks colouring. It's because of the lying, not because he can only come up with one boyfriend-candidate in his mind. The statement is bland and straight to the point, which makes his words sound all the more true. Of course, Bickslow doesn't even buy a little bit of it. "Prove it", he demands.
While mentally apologising to Freed, Laxus digs up his contact information and futily tries to call him. After the third time trying, Bickslow looks even less convinced, which is an impressive feat considering he didn't believe Laxus from the beginning. Sighing, he goes to their chat instead and unlike their usual nonsense, he finds a sweet (?) message from Freed.
Damn, the wifi is really fucking with us huh? Wish we could talk more and I wish I could see your pretty face instead of a black screen and some smudges of colour here. X from the most beautiful man you know."
'Conceited brat', he thinks fondly and replies: Cymbeline (Act 3, Scene 4) Line 35-39, but replace 'slander' with 'you bitch'. They've adopted this weird system where Freed uses slang and Laxus literary references, just to meet each other's vibes somewhat. Sometimes it works, most of the times it really doesn't, but at least it's fun.
"Bro have you forgotten about my entire existence already? Stop smiling at your phone and admit that you don't have a mans!" Wordlessly, Laxus passes his phone to Bickslow who gasps. "Book quotes? Shit man, you're in deep. I'm gonna tell Ever." Without a warning, Bickslow disappears through the window, probably giving Evergreen her twentieth heart attack of this month by landing on her balcony. If the school thought a floor would seperate girls and boys, then they clearly hadn't met Bickslow.
Too late Laxus realises that Bicks has taken his phone with him and hopes his friends somewhat value his privacy and don't scroll too far up. There are the occassional way too deep talks around midnight but also a one time onceler x barry b benson bdsm roleplay (Freed had needed help with a creative writing assignment and Laxus had contributed a whole lot of nothing).
Barely five minutes later, Evergreen marches right into his bedroom, heels clicking snappily on his floor. "What", she spits and waves with his phone, "is this?"
"My cellphone."
Unperturbed, she continues her dramatic rant. "You have a boyfriend and you don't bother telling us?" Her tone turns sly and she elegantly flops down on his bed, rearranging her body to give herself a 'stern posture'. She looks like an irod rod trying to do yoga. "Or are you just making things up? Feel free to prove me wrong by showing us what he looks like."
"Why would I bring my photoalbums to uni?" he asks dumbfounded and Ever looks at him as though he just came down from Mars. "Laxus, honey, snapchat is a thing? Email if you're oldfashioned? Where are your boyfriend's nudes?"
"You're in a relationship."
"With a great guy who loves and trusts me and knows I ain't gonna cheat on him. Show me the dickpicks." Annoyed, he gives her a little shove. "I don't have any, I'm used to him being around. He's on another continent now and I just recently realised that all my memorabilias are at home."
"Convenient", Ever remarks dryly and Laxus sighs deeply and stretches out his hand. After she dumped his phone in it, he sends Freed a message ('Bro send me a pic of u ppl wanna know u exist') and shows it to both of his friends. "There."
Surprisingly fast, he gets a message back. 'No. The paparazzi and the FBI agent assigned to me will have to try harder than that to get a hold of ME (why is this man so ridiculous).' He shows it to Ever and Bicks and the former uses this opportunity to snatch his phone, typing a response before Laxus can properly register what's happening. "Hi I'm Laxus friend and I don't believe you're his boyfriend. Send a thirst trap to prove you exist. Or nudes", she reads aloud. Bickslow guffaws at that and Laxus sighs, resigning himself to face the consequences of his actions. What he does not expect however, is for Freed to send a picture back.
It's an awful photo of high school-aged Freed, complete with braces and a very unnatural smile. He's gangly, thin and looks like the walking embodiment of an awkward teen. 'This is a nude, as my soul has never been as bare as in this one picture', the caption reads and Ever laughs. "You know what, he passes the test." She purses her lips. "For now at least, I'm going to need more concrete evidence of this being an existing human being, because everyone can pluck a photo from the internet. Anyway, you're way too late for your date, so you get off easy Laxus."
After brushing nonexistent dirt from her skirt she opens her arms for Bickslow. "Take me home, spiderman", she orders and he gives her a salute. "Roger madame!" he yells before plucking Ever from the floor and leaping over the balcony railing. Their trust in each other is remarkable, but Laxus does think they're weirdos.
The very next day, Ever once again bursts through his door and Laxus mentally curses because he hasn't had the chance to discuss this whole thing with Freed yet. "Laxus", she says, voice dead-serious. "Evergreen.", he greets back as she half-crawls under the covers of his bed. "It's fucking cold", she clarifies before opening her laptop. That seemingly insignificant action makes Laxus weary, as Ever is holding her rickety laptop that's for illegal purposes only.
"I reverse searched that pic of your boyfriend and before I tell you the results, I'd like to know how exactly you met him."
He recognises her nosiness for what it really is (worry) and with a sigh, he gives her the sparknotes version of their history.
"We lived in the same town and we became friends because both of our fathers were absolute shit. They were friends so we became friends. At age thirteen he moved to Alakitasia and we reconnected because we matched on that stupid tinder profile you guys made me."
"Are you sure you weren't catfished?"
"Yup, because we skype regularly."
"Okay. Then certainly you're aware that he's a billionaire? Like, the heir to Justine Industries, the biggest technologie giant at the moment?"
He tries to see the whole situation from her perspective and has to admit that 'I have a boyfriend overseas, who's also a billionaire', sounds a bit too over the top to be true. "Yep, his pa's job is the reason he moved. I know this whole situation sounds like a huge lie to stop you guys' antics (probably because it is), but I swear it's true (it really isn't)."
"Okay then", she mumbles before putting her feet into Laxus' lap. The audicity of this woman, he thinks as he does absolutely nothing to move her. "I'm sorry for the whole 'setting you up' thing, it was rude of us. We just wanted you to have someone, you know? Because you deserve it and we can also see that you kind of want it and we wanted to help. We were too overzealous."
Ah, what a festive feeling brews in his chest. Nothing like a bucket of guilt to get your morning refreshment. The worst part is that Evergreen isn't even done yet with her sentimental speech. "Also, you get really happy whenever your man sends you a message, so all in all I'm glad our big plans didn't work out. I'm still going to be weary of  his actual existence until I meet him, I hope you don't mind." He shakes his head. "Nah, be weary all you want."  
After dropping Evergreen off at her boyfriend's, he rushes to his room to send Freed a message to update him on his situation (he even uses the actual sms-system instead of the internet, which is crazy expensive but he's in a bit of a panic). Unlike most of the time, Freed responds quickly. Laxus wonders why his wifi is absolute shit if he's rich enough to pay for intercontinential messaging. An agonising five minutes pass as the speech bubble ominously keeps showing that the other is typing. When it finally shows up, all it reads is :
"That's all you have to say?" he furiously types back, but before he can hit send, he gets another message. "Whatever man, I'll be the hottest boyfriend ever." After that, it's radio silence again.
The silence between them is broken a few days later. Laxus is trying to enjoy his lunch while Bickslow and Evergreen bicker over something or other, when his phone pings. Little gremlins that they are, they've already looked at the message as soon as it pops up. They read the godawful collection of words "Send me a pic of your feet" before he does.
"Romance at its finest", Bickslow dryly jokes and Evergreen turns to him with big worried eyes. "You're sure he's not a catfish? Or is this what you consider a raunchy picture?" Laxus would answer if he knew what the fuck is happening. Another message appears :  "With measuring tapes surrounding them, not in a weird, gross, fifty year old with a feet kink kind of way. I want to spoil my boyfriend (with my father's creditcard)."
"Aw how sweet, he's committing crimes for ya", Bickslow croons and Laxus grumbles. "I'm not about to give him anymore excuses to commit theft.", he says while typing "Absolutely not." At the other side of the table Evergreen collects her phone from her bag and opens Instagram. After looking for and finding Freed's profile, she sends him a selfie with Laxus and Bickslow in the background and adds a thoughtful message detailing Laxus' feet. "Honey, you need shoes that fit you. No stores have your size and if your insanely rich boyfriend's dad can involuntarily provide, why not take the chance?"
A few days later, the shoes do arrive. They're the most comfortable pair Laxus has ever owned and there's no obnoxious trademarked name smacked on it. He thanks Freed, but asks him to please not do something along those lines again. Knowing full well that Freed himself would never be financially bothered by it, he still feels guilty. Freed apologises (he really shouldn't, he's been nothing but an angel while Laxus is being bothersome) and drops the matter.
"Where are you rn?" The message feels somewhat ominous, but Laxus ignores his gutfeeling that tells him that today is going to be weird. "The western outside food court of Crocus' uni, why?" The response that he gets is a simple :  " :) ". Like a dumbass, he decides to not question it.
While he's chilling out, head resting on his crossed arms, he hears an unusual amount of chattering. Although he and his friends had chosen this place because of how little people came here, it seems like that peace is now gone. Rest in peace, piece. Vibrating bothersomely, his phone grabs his attention. "Got ya another present!" Brows furrowing, Laxus reads the new incoming message : "Kids and their phones these days. Look up darling !"
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Shape Of You
Summary:  Sassy you .. meet sassy Sebastian Stan.
Words: 5037 (got a little carried away)
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Tags: @221bshrlocked @potterhead1265 @pawallday @shellymaesworld @titty-teetee @chameerah
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"Girl! Come on, we're gonna miss all the fun!" My friend Cheryl yelled from down the street as I rolled my eyes and sauntered towards her. "Stop rolling those damn blue baby's at me."
"Fuck you. This is stupid, Cher." I flicked through my Facebook quickly, distracting myself.
"Listen to me, I need a distraction to get over him. Okay? Just please. You're my best friend and I need you right now. I need to dance my broken hearted ass off on the dance floor while I grind some guy that is either twenty years my senior or too damn young to be in the club, okay?" She had a pouty face on and I sighed, nodding. She squealed and giggled, "that's why you're my bestie."
"Right." I chuckled and followed close behind her into this new club 5th & Mad. The line wasn't too long so we stood there and chatted lightly about what to expect in there. "I don't know, maybe like shitty dance music and drunk dicks who wanna grind you? Like every other fucking dance club?"
"Girl, stop being like that! Jesus!" She cocked a perfectly arched brow at me and flashed a megawatt smile at the bouncer. He winked and let us in no problem.
 "Well, that was easy!" Cheryl spotted someone she knew across the room and excused herself, filing between sweaty bodies that were rubbing together to the upbeat music of DNCE.
"Right, well, dancing isn't my thing. I'll be the bar." I yelled after her and she nodded, waving a hand in my direction. "Fucking great." I squeezed between three guys arguing about something along the lines of sports and ordered a beer. I was never the kind of girl who had all these shitty girlie drinks and flaunted my stuff around. Beer, wings and a good hockey game was all I required to get going. "Thanks." I nodded my head in appreciation.
The three guys beside me were getting a little too close for comfort and their voices raised octaves. "Jesus man, don't you know sports!" One guy yelled, slurring his words and spilling beer onto my shoulder.
"Fuck off bro, this is a brand new shirt." I shoved him away and her turned towards me.
"I'm sorry?" His eyes were glossy and his sneer evil. "Beautiful lady say something?"
I snorted, "I said fuck off. This is brand new shirt. Don't want your cheap ass beer on it."
The guy on his right started howling in laughter, "you're feisty for sure, aren't you?" He stepped closer, cocking his head to the side and ran his fingertips down my exposed shoulder.
"Get off of me, perv." I started to stand when his fingers dug into my skin. "Christ, let go of me!"
"Nope, you started talking to us, lady. We're gonna finish this conversation." The third man finally spoke and chuckled. "Don't be a bitch, come on. Have a drink with us. You look like you could use a drink."
"I don't need a fucking drink, I need you to get your low paid pervert hands off of my body before I call the fucking police." I tried pulling my arm away.
"Don't be like that sweetheart. We just wanna show you a good time." The first man stepped closer again and brought his lips close to my face.
"JESUS! Get the hell off of me. I'm calling the pol-."
A large man came to my side, kissing my cheek. "There you are sweetheart. These bastards giving you trouble?"
The three men chortled together, exchanging glances with one another. "Who the fuck are you?"
The mystery man sneered, "I'm her fucking boyfriend. Who the hell are you?"
"Well, buddy, your girlfriend here isn't very faithful. She was trying to make a move on me. Cheap slut."
"Excuse me?" I stood to my feet and slapped him across his cheek. "Fuck off buddy. You do not wanna start this tonight."
Mystery man stepped in front of me and chuckled, "don't wanna mess with her, believe me. I've been with her for years. She may be little but damn, she's feisty."
"Whatever bro, just control your whore. We just came here for a drink not to be hit on by the likes of her." The middle man rolled his eyes and jutted his chin in my direction.
"You know what, you cock-sucking bastard, how about you take your sleazy ass home back to wherever hole you fucking crawled out of and die in it? Okay? Or if that holes not good enough for you, I know a few empty ones at the cemetery. I'm sure they could spare one for someone with a dick that small." I smirked at him and backed away, flashing him the finger and strutting away. "Fucking bastards." I muttered under my breath, navigating between bodies to another empty seat.
Half way through my beer, my phone started ringing. CHERYL. "Where the hell are you?"
She giggled, "I'm in the bathroom lineup. Where are you?"
"Sitting at the bar." I played with the napkin under my drink as I spoke.
"Right, the no dancing thing. Oh my god." It came out as a whisper.
"What?" She didn't reply, just gasping. "Jesus, Cher, what?"
"Don't look now but I'm pretty sure Sebastian fucking Stan is staring at you!" The giddiness in her voice was annoying.
"Who's that?"
"Jesus, (Y/N), you know!" Her voice cracked as she whined.
"No, I don't actually, that's why I fucking asked." I took another swig of my beer, waiting for a reply.
"Oh my god, he's walking over to you. Hang up the damn phone."
"Who the hell is Sebast-." Dead tone, bitch hung up on me.
"Excuse me? This seat taken?" A husky but familiar voice came from beside me.
"If you're the fucking prick who tried hitting on me earli-." I turned, meeting the eyes of my hero from earlier. "Uh, nope. Just my knight in shining ... leather jacket."
He chuckled, "uh, not the prick. Well, not that one anyway. Can I sit?"
My face flushed a little bit and I nodded, "free country."
He smiled and ordered two more beers. "What's your name?"
"Oh, it rhymes with Luck Lou." I rolled my eyes and sipped my beer.
"Damn, well, Fuck You is a great name. I'm Sebastian." He smirked as the bottle met his lips.
"Good for you, Sebastian." I hated coming to these fucking places.
"Okay ... you from around here?" He sighed and waited for response.
"I could be." I had to admit, I was being a bitch to this poor guy. He tried coming to my aid and I hadn't even thanked him for it. Fuck that, I don't need rescuing.
"Well, that's a good part of town." He snorted and started to stand. "See you around Fuck You."
I sighed, "wait."
"Oh, not done being bitchy? Cause I don't have all night, I have a flight to catch in the morning."
Well done, pretty boy.
"Thanks for earlier but I had it under control." I clucked my tongue displaying my disapproval of his help.
"Ah, right, of course you did. All five foot .. one,  of you."
"Listen, buddy, not all of us have to grow up and be fucking gigantic, okay?"
He laughed, "right. Some of you are done growing to perfection at your height."
Sweet Lord, did he just-. Damn boy.
I cleared my throat and took another swig, turning around in my seat to watch the people. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Really? I like Fuck You so much better." He chuckled and offered a hand. "I'm not gonna bite."
I snorted, "that's what they all say."
He smirked, squinting his eyes at me. "I'm not like the stories, you know? Just because I play douche bags doesn't mean I am one."
"What?" I literally had no idea who this guy was. I mean, he looked familiar but I could've just seen him around the city.
He laughed, "you don't know who I am?"
"Not from Adam, sorry bud." I found my foot tapping to the light rhythm of Calvin Harris.
"Well, that's refreshing, actually. I'm Sebastian ... Stan." He raised his brow, obviously expecting me to react to his full name.
"You can keep saying your name all night and I ain't gonna know who the fuck you are, buddy." Tipping my bottle up, the last few droplets plopped themselves into my mouth. Dammit.
"Okay ... this is strange." He scoffed.
"Wow, high and mighty, are we? Dude, get over yourself." I stood and started walking away.
"Hey, (Y/N), wait."
"Nope, sorry. I don't have time for proud pricks, such as yourself." I briskly walked towards the bathroom and found Cheryl dancing with a guy with holes in his ears the size of my mouth. "Cheryl, ready to leave?"
She laughed, "you wanna go? I seen you over there talking to Sebastian!"
I rolled my eyes, "yeah. That's why I wanna leave, damn cocky son of a bitch."
She snorted, "I'm sorry?"
"He's a cocky prick."
Her face flushed pink, flicking her eyes between me and the space behind me. "Here."
I turned to find Sebastian behind me, two beers in hand with a shit eating grin on his lips. "What?"
"I bought you another beer. Take the damn drink."
Cheryl giggled, "Sebastian, so nice to actually meet you."
He smirked at me and then smiled wide for her. "Thanks, lovely to meet you. Are you friend of (Y/N)'s?"
Cheryl laughed, "since childhood. She can be a bit of a bitch at first but she warms up to you."
He licked his lips and raised his brows. "Afraid I don't have time for self-righteous bitches, sorry."
I scoffed, "wow."
Cheryl chuckled nervously, "did I miss something?"
Sebastian laughed, "ask your friend. You're welcome for the beer by the way." He rolled his eyes and walked through the ocean of women eyeing him up and down.
"What the hell did you say to him?" Cheryl slapped my arm.
"Nothing that I wouldn't say to anyone else. I called him a proud prick."
"You did what?!" She nearly fainted I swear.
"Oh, don't be so shocked." I checked my watch, barely even ten. Fuuuuck, this wanna gonna be a long ass night.
"You remember watching the Captain America movies?"
"Obviously, he's my favorite."
"Well, my little bitchy friend, that young hot ass friend over there-." She pointed at him, sitting at the bar, making side glances on my direction. "He's Cap's best friend, Bucky fucking Barnes."
"Shit, no way." I said it monotone, not letting her now my inner fan girl was going crazy.
"Uh, yeah! It's a wonder you didn't fucking recognize him!"
"I mean, he doesn't even look he same! How the hell was I suppose to know?"
"Oh my god, he's coming back over!" Her face contorted into a wide grin.
"For fuck sakes." I rolled my eyes, purposely putting my back towards him.
"(Y/N). I've come to ask your friend for a dance."
Cheryl's jaw dropped, "Jesus Christ."
He squished his nose and accepted her outstretched hand. "Don't be too jealous, k?"
"Wow, it is possible. Your head actually got three times larger just now." I flipped him the bird and sat down, scanning through Instagram.
Half an hour later, he returned my friend who's head was somewhere between Cloud 9 and Sebastian's ass. "Oh, thanks for returning her. You're free to go now."
"You know, I have this theory that woman are actually overly bitchy to the men they find attractive. Is that your problem with me? You wanna fuckme all night long? Or are you just a class A bitch by nature?"
"Ah, thanks for that tidbit of useless information. Also, if I wanted to fuck you, all night long. We'd already be back at my apartment, buddy. So how about you climb off that high horse of yours and go back to the people who actually give shit about who you are." My phone chimed and I read the message.
'Stop being such a damn bitch!' It was from Cheryl.
I smirked 'stay out of it Cher.'
"You know, I went to school to study acting and I actually made a career out of it. But unfortunately for you, they don't offer anything for a bitch who only sees the tip of her nose cause she's too busy looking down at everybody else from it. Good luck with your life and I hope, I sincerely hope, you find a man who can keep up with your self-righteous, arrogant, high class bitchy attitude. But then again, if you end up alone, it wouldn't surprise me. Doesn't matter how hot you are, your personality sucks and you're a royal bitch. Thanks for the chat, but I have a movie to film." He saluted me and chuckled, kissing Cheryl on the cheek. He walked away shaking his head.
"That arrogant bastard." I scoffed, offended by his words.
"Woah, well put." I slapped Cheryl. "What? You asked for that. You are kind of a bitch most of the time."
"Whatever. I'm leaving." I grabbed her by the arm and drug her outside the club.
"Sebastian!" Cheryl yelled across the street a week later and he smiled, jogging over cautiously.
"Hey! Nice to see you again Cheryl." He hugged her and cocked a brow at me. "You, not so much."
"You're right. I was a class A bitch to you and I deserved every word you said."
He crossed his arms and spread his feet, leaning back slightly giving the arrogant stance. "Fucking right you did."
"I just said that." Making a face I started walking away. "Cheryl, I'll catch up with you later."
"Bye, (Y/N). I'll call later! Sebastian, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm gonna be late for work." She waved and ran into the small cafe on the corner.
"(Y/N)!" I stopped at my name and rolled my eyes. "Wait up."
"Something I can help you with, Stan." I tapped my foot and cocked my head to the side.
"Actually, I was hoping you would join me for dinner tomorrow night?"
"I'm sorry, what?" My jaw slackened in shock.
He laughed, "You heard me. Dinner ... tomorrow night ... at my place. I'll cook."
"Uh, no?" I shook my head and started walking away.
He caught up with me in a few short strides. "You're a real piece of work, you know that? Like, I wanna strangle you the whole time you talk."
"Ouu, kinky. But I'm pretty sure that's a death threat and in America and most of good ol' planet earth, that's illegal."
"Right, well, something about you ... fascinates me."
"I fascinate you? I'm not some fucking 5th grade science experiment."
"No, you're right, people want to be around that. You .. not so much. Except for me, for some dumb ass reason."
I chuckled, "well, thanks for the invite but I'm afraid that's a hard pass from me."
"Why?" He cocked his brow and flashed a cocky grin.
I'm sorry, fucking WHY?  "Why? Well, because I don't ... like .. you? Isn't that reason enough to avoid each other?"
He scoffed, "you would think right? But apparently, I'm willing to spend a couple of hours with potently the rudest person in all of America."
"Do I get an award or something? I've been practicing my speech since I was six." I cleared my throat. "Thank you ladies and gentleman for this opportunity. Also, fuck you."
He laughed out loud, "you're a real piece of work. It's truly a wonder you even have friends. How does sweet little Cheryl get trapped with you as a best friend?"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. You're grade A proof of that."
"What the hell does that mean?" He placed a hand on his hip.
"Exactly what it sounds like. Apparently, you got shot down one too many times and now you're begging for my attention."
"Begging? That's what politely asking a girl to dinner is? Is that what the kids are calling it now a days?"
"What do I have to do to get you to leave me the hell alone?"
"Uh, one; stop being such a bitch, nobody's laughing. Two; meet me at this address tomorrow night at 7." He handed me a piece of paper with an address scrawled on it.
"You know, I would but .. I don't wanna." I clenched my jaw, sucking in breath and shrugged.
"Okay, then I guess you want me to follow you around New York, harassing the shit out of you for the next, let's say, fifty years?"
"You don't get out much do you?" I scoffed and pressed the button to cross the street. I took notice to the people around us watching, staring as he followed me around the city, laughing and smirking. "I guess I'm the only person here in New York that doesn't know or wants to get to know you."
"The price of being successful is high. But it's my burden to carry."
"Right. Well, have fun with that .... I'll see you tomorrow night."
"Wait, you're willing to spend time with a peasant like me?" He touched his chest lightly and smirked.
"If that's what keeps you off my ass for the next fifty years, than hell yeah." I cocked a brow.
"Who said I wanted off your ass?" He winked and started jogging again.
I stood in front of the building, sighing and kicking myself in the ass for even agreeing to do this. "You idiot." I muttered under my breath. Ringing the buzzer, a husky voice called out to enter at my own risk. "Okay, then."
I rode the elevator up to the top and it dinged loudly as it opened to an open concept floor. The kitchen was the first thing I seen, completely open with pots covering the stove and an amazing smell filling the room. The living room was directly beside it, three large grey couches filling the area under a huge ass flat screen TV mounted on the dark maroon wall. About ten feet was a staircase that led up to a king size bed made up with a white and black duvet covering it. A door clicked from my right and I seen him come out, dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and bare feet. "Wow, I'm surprised you actually showed up."
"Yeah, me too, buddy." I cleared my throat and looked around. "Nice place."
"Meh, it does the trick." So humble.
The view from this place was absolutely breath-taking; New York skylines as far as the eye could see, time square mere blocks away. "No seriously, Sebastian, this place is amazing."
He chuckled, "it helps to have place here in New York with all my projects. You hungry?"
"Depends on what you're cooking." I laughed nervously, surprised by how calm I was to be here. Keeping up my sarcastic, arrogant facade was exhausting.
"Grilled Salmon Fillets with Wasabi and Lemon Cream Sauce." He wiped his hands on the cloth hanging from the oven. "Nothing big."
"Okay Gordan Ramsey, calm down. If acting doesn't work out for you..." I sniffed the air. "Smells fantastic and I'm starved."
"Good! And it's my first time making this, so be gentle ... please." He looked up at me through his dark lashes and my stomach flopped.
Holy sweet Jesus this man is fucking attractive.
"No promises from the grade A bitch, here." I chuckled, tucking a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear.
"You look really nice tonight, by the way." He bit his lip and stared at me, his blue eyes seemed to be seeing my soul.
I hadn't really tried all that much but Cheryl was determined to make me look amazing. She picked out a loose fitting white blouse paired with a black pencil skirt with a red wedged heel. I insisted on just wearing jeans and sweater but good lord, that woman was persistent. "Thanks."
He smirked and stirred something on the stove. "Almost ready."
"You need help with anything?" I started over to him.
"You can help by sitting your pretty ass on that couch over there. Make yourself at home." He smiled wide, flashing me his brilliant white teeth.
I plopped down on the couch, dropping my bag beside me. *clink*. "Oh damn, I brought this wine ... Cheryl insisted."
"Right, well, thanks Cheryl. I don't really carry much booze here at the house. Not since .. uh." He cleared his throat. "So, what's your deal? You're not being a complete bitch tonight?"
I shrugged, "it's exhausting trying to keep up with your ego."
He giggled, "right, of course. So, you're actually like a decent human being then?"
"Meh, I try. I mean, I'm no Steve Rogers but you know, I volunteer at the occasional soup kitchen and donate old clothes to women shelters." This was true, it was something I had been doing since my mother threw me out at seventeen.
"Steve Rogers, eh? Cap fan?" He clucked his tongue.
"Uh, yeah. Not so big on that Bucky character. Jesus, he's annoying." I winked at him.
"Uh, so you do know who I am then?" He flushed a pink color avoiding my gaze.
"After Cheryl explained to me why you looked so familiar, yeah. Sorry, by the way. For not remembering, also for my behavior last week at the club." I smiled tightly and focused on my folded hands in my lap.
He chuckled, "it's okay. Uh, it was fun actually being a total smart ass to you. Keeps me young."
I snorted, "need all the help you can get, eh?"
"Smart ass." He scoffed.
"How did you know my childhood nickname?" He chuckled. "What are you now? Pushing what, 35?"
He nodded, "just turned 34 past August."
"Wow, good god, you could be my father."
He scoffed, "you're what? Pushing 12?"
I flipped him the bird, "you can blame my parents for my good genes. I turned 23 this past September."
"Oh my god, I'm robbing the damn cradle." He rolled his eyes and smirked.
"Calm down, grandpa. People only say that when they're dating."
He smirked, "what exactly do you think this is?"
"Oh for the love of God, it better not be a date!" He made a face, nodding. "Mother fucker."
He laughed, "foods done. Fucking starved. If this sucks, there's an amazing pizza place around the corner." I pulled my phone out and pretended to dial a number. "What are you doing?"
"Calling my insurance company so when I die of food poisoning here tonight, my family gets a butt ton of money."
He rolled his eyes, "you're not gonna get food poisoning, okay? The most you'll get is like ... I can't think of anything smart to say."
I laughed out loud, "your old age is catching up with you."
"Fuck you preemee." He chuckled and dished up our plates.
To be honest, the meal was delicious. Sebastian really was a half decent cook and had some good stories to tell about being on set with the Marvel crew. He was laughing as he poured us another glass of wine, "that's when I told Chris to go fuck himself. Couldn't believe he said that!"
I wiped away a stray tear and held my gut, "oh my god, I can't breath! That's too funny. Chris seems like a pretty good guy."
"Aw, man. I love Chris, he's amazing." He smiled and clinked his glass to mine.
I smiled back and bit my lip. "Sebastian, that meal was amazing."
He rolled his eyes and swatted at the air, "meh, I mean, my mom is pretty good at cooking so..." He set his glass down and leaned onto the table. "I've had a really good time with you tonight, (Y/N)."
I smiled, like genuinely smiled. "Thank you, I've had a pretty okay time too."
"Ah, thanks. Pretty okay was what I was aiming for." He started gathering up the dishes.
"No, please, let me. It's the least I can do." I took his plate from him and put mine on top, grabbing the utensils with the other hand.
So there we stood at his kitchen sink, my arms elbow deep in soapy water and him standing beside me drying. It was a pretty funny sight to be quite frank. "You'd think some high uppity up like yourself would have a dishwasher."
He snorted, "well, I don't mind doing dishes by hand. Mamma raised me right, besides gives me time to escape with my thoughts, you know? Really lets me get outside of my own head."
I knew what he meant better than anyone. I smiled as I rinsed the last dish and wiped my hands off. "Yeah, I know all too well."
He put the plate away and followed me over to the couch, grabbing our glasses of wine again. "So, are you from around here?"
I nodded, "not here exactly, but grew up pretty close."
"Oh yeah?" He spoke between sips.
"Yep. Grew up in Canada, actually."
"Shit, no way. You're a purebred Canuck then?" He chuckled, patting my thigh but leaving his hand there.
I flushed, trying to ignore the act. "Uh, y-yeah. Lived there till I was seventeen then moved here."
"Why did you move here? Like why not stay in your hometown for a bit." He raised a brow at me.
I smiled weakly, "it's kind of a long story."
His brow furrowed, "I'm sorry if I hit a nerve or something ... just trying to get to know you better."
I smiled, "nah, no. It's fine, really. Uh, just things kinda blew up back home after my seventeenth birthday with my mom and she threw me out. Said I was too big of a burden for her to carry anymore." I shrugged. "Leaving was my best option at the time, I guess."
"Shit, that sucks. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I left my own country too when I was younger." He licked his lips, nervously.
"I thought you were American?"
He shrugged, "I mean, I am. But I was born and raised in Romania till I was twelve."
"Sweet Jesus." I choked on my wine.
He chuckled, "I mean, that's where I was born but America is my home. My mom brought me here to escape the things of home and give me my best chance."
I smiled, touching his hand. His fingers grabbed mine and laced them together. My breath hitched and he smiled. "Your mom sounds sweet."
"She's amazing." His voice cracked and he nodded. "New subject."
I bit my lip and smiled. "So, Chris Evans, eh? I mean, now he's a piece of work."
"Sweet Lord, you're on a date with me and you're still thinking of Evans?"
I chuckled, "that beard, man."
He laughed, "oh I know .. the man has a nice beard."
I smiled and he looked at me. I focused on his eyes, the color of them dancing between a light blue and a sea foam green. He scanned my face and landed on my mouth. I bit the corner of my lip, out of habit but now because of nerves. He leaned close; close enough I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Can I kiss you?"
I cleared my throat, nodding. "Sure."
He scooted closer, placing a hand on my cheek, gently brushing my hair out of the way. He leaned in close but continually searched my eyes. When he was mere centimeters away, I felt out lips connect and a literal spark traveled through my body. He pulled away and smiled, shyly. He cocked a brow and I nodded, giving him permission to do it again. He smirked and placed his lips on mine again, this time his fingers running through my hair. He ran his tongue only my bottom lip and I opened them slightly, allowing him to explore my mouth with his tongue. I grabbed onto his bicep to steady myself as the kiss deepened. My other hand found the back of his head, and my fingers found themselves entangled through his thick locks. I could taste the wine on his breath, the wasabi from dinner but also a hint of mint. I pulled back, panting for breath and chuckled. "Woah."
He nodded, his cheeks turning rosy. "Sorry."
I rolled my eyes, "no, please don't apologize. That was .. thanks."
"Well, you're very welcome." He kissed my cheek and stood. "Do you want more wine?"
I sighed, "uh, no. I shouldn't. I have drive tonight." I cleared my throat. "And, I should probably get going. I have to work early tomorrow."
He nodded, shoving his fingers into his front pockets. "Of course, I've had you for the few hours I wanted."
I smirked, "it wasn't all that bad. I mean, the kiss was  .. mediocre."
"Oh sweet Jesus." He ran a hand through his hair, smiling.
"I'm kidding, you're pretty good. I mean, acting since you were in your early twenties, you must've picked up some tricks on how to kiss." My stomach flopped and my knees jerked becoming suddenly weak.
His face turned a scarlet color and he eyed the ceiling before letting them land on me again. "Meh, I guess."
I stood beside him and linked our fingers together. "I had a really good time tonight."
He kissed my cheek, "I did too. I'm glad I had enough balls to put up with your bullshit."
I laughed sarcastically, "my bullshit? Jesus."
He winked and walked me to the elevator door. "We should do this again. Soon."
I shrugged, "I'll see how my schedule is. Rumor has it, there's this pretty cute actor guy roaming the streets. Sebastian .. something rather. Never heard of him."
He chuckled, "I'm sure he's nobody I should worry about. I'll call you in the morning."
"Little hard to call when you don't have my number." He laughed, shaking his head, handing me his cellphone. I typed my name and number in quickly, adding a smiley face emoji after Smart Ass.
He chuckled, "suites you perfectly."
I shrugged, "childhood nicknames, you know? They just stick."
He kissed my lips again, "goodnight smart ass."
"Goodnight, Sargent Barnes."
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Thanks for the tag @themoonslayer!!
the last
drink: water with lemon in it
phone call: talking to my mom about how I didn’t want a second date with a guy
text message: “OMG that video is amazing!!!”
song you listened to: Not Gonna Die by Skillet
time you cried: tears threatened my eyes? reading a fic by @camsthisky.  I wept like a baby? watching Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 16 with my mom...you know, the episode where those two people die and that one guy has to kill the other guy...
dated someone twice: nope...three first dates and everytime I was like nah
kissed someone and regretted it: haha yeah no never been kissed 
been cheated on: can’t get cheated on if you never have someone to be cheated on by
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: no thank heaven.  I’ve gotten tipsy a few times, and one time I was maybe slightly more?  it was at a wine tasting at a Ren Faire and it was outside and SUPER hot and I hadn’t eaten in a while and when I walked I felt REALLY weird like the world was not exactly stable and I ended up hanging on my bestie’s arm and giggling at everything she said
three favourite colours
probably silver or black
in the last year have you
made new friends: yes :) 
fallen out of love: nah
laughed until you cried: maybe?  laughed myself silly oh yes  
found out someone was talking about you: found out a coworker was getting annoyed with me but the feeling was mutual so *shrugs*
met someone who changed you: Ahn Min Hyuk :D (hey, it doesn’t say fictional characters don’t count) this man is beautiful and sweet and handsome and sarcastic and precious and hilarious 
found out who your friends are: just rediscovered the fact that my friends are truly amazing 
kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? All of them?
do you have any pets? My family has a black lab named Smokey (middle name O’Reilly, because we are half Irish and we give our dogs middle names, because when you are really mad at them you need to whip out their full names, and three names is better than two) we raised this dog from birth and he is my brother/son/sweetheart and I love him to death and he loves me and it is a beautiful relationship and we cuddle all the time
do you want to change your name? Absolutely not!  I love my first name because I was named after St. Monica who is awesome, and also I love having a name that is not as usual and doesn’t have twenty different spellings 
what did you do for your last birthday? My friend took me to see Doctor Strange!
what time did you wake up? 9:15 AM
what were you doing at midnight last night? doing my end of shift work at the restaurant I work at every Friday night
name something you can’t wait for: The Last Jedi I need it NOW and I need Ben Solo reconciling with his mom NOW and I need the evolution of Reylo NOW
when was the last time you saw your mum: last Sunday, when we watched Gilmore Girls together :)
what are you listening to right now? the wind blowing the leaves in the tree outside and the ticking of my ceiling fan
have you ever talked to a person named tom? my parents’ elderly neighbor
something that is getting on your nerves: when people say: Kylo Ren is abusive to Rey (newsflash: no, they are enemies, not lovers), when people ignore Tim Drake, when people hate Jason Todd, when people ship the Batbros together like holy heck going through AO3 and seeing all the Dick/Dami fics makes me want to vomit.  also please do NOT ship Bruce with his kids ugh
most visited website: “tumblr, unfortunately.” SAME.  also AO3
hair colour: dark brown with reddish tints
long or short hair: an inch or two below my shoulders.  It is nice for summer but I want it to grow back because I miss making my hair as elvish as possible
do you have a crush on someone? like 35 fictional guys...
what do you like about yourself? I love.  I love stories, I love characters who tear my heart out, I love nature and all the little beautiful things like leaves and stars and the smell of corn, I love people, I love my friends and family and would literally die for them
piercings: Five.  Two in each ear lobe and one up in the cartilege (is that the helix piercing I can’t recall).  I had my naval pierced twice but it migrated out each time :(
blood type: O (+?)
nickname: Gal, ninja, years ago some coworkers called me Moni, my nephews and niece called me Merica for a while after one of them couldn’t pronounce my name :D
relationship status: Single
zodiac: Scorpio
pronouns: She
favourite tv show(s): aha aha.  So many.  I just started Akayona right now and love it to death
tattoos: Not yet
right or left handed: Right
surgery: never thank heavens
sport: I did bowling in middle school and high school and did Kyokushin karate in college
vacation: favorite?  I used to go to Surfside Beach with my family, and on e time I went to DragonCon with my bestie.  good times
pair of trainers: huh?  like sneakers?  I have a pair of Nike and a pair of New Balance for working out or hiking.  otherwise I avoid em like the plague.  barefoot or flipflops is where it’s at
more general
eating: this is too vague!  um ice cream? spaghetti?
drinking: vanilla chai tea, apple cider, Mike’s Hard Lemonade?
i’m about to: go to the gym
waiting for: the Last Jedi. DC to put out their streaming service.  Young Justice season 3.  the casting of Nightwing, so that I know whether to keep being excited or to rage rage and punch a wall
want: patience and a little more concentration so I can finish my thesis
get married: perhaps some day.  Marriage is so beautiful and the idea of loving someone like that is something I would cherish, and I would love having kids, and I also think I want to adopt?  But I also want to let things happen according to God’s will and time.  If He doesn’t want me to marry it shall be well
career: trying to be a novelist here
which is better?
hugs or kisses: Hugs are the bomb, but kisses are good too
lips or eyes: Eyes
shorter or taller: I like being short but I like guys who are tall. height difference for the win
older or younger: Older or same age I guess
nice arms or nice stomach: ? idk.  I am maybe slightly superficial so both? :/ but yeah, hair is probably even more important
hookup or relationship: Relationship for sure
troublemaker or hesitant: is this about me or who I am attracted to?...I am confused
have you ever
kissed a stranger: Nah son
drank hard liquor: Yes, I prefer hard liquor over beer most days...when I even drink...which is like maybe once a month, and like one, maybe two drinks
lose glasses/contact lenses: I lose my glasses every day when I take them off and go shower and then I am running around my room like where the heck?!
turned someone down: Yeah...a couple guys have asked me out who I was just NOT interested in
sex on the first date:  No.  I think sex is a beautiful, special thing and I want to wait till I get married 
Originally posted by animatedtext
had your heart broken: ...yeah
been arrested: haha no.  and somehow I even got out of a ticket when I was going 20 over the speed limit in a residential area (i was cruising and not thinking and forgot the speed limit had recently changed)
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: oh yeah.  twice.  
do you believe in
yourself: Most days
miracles: absolutely
love at first sight: attraction at first sight, though I do think that some people have the gift of genuinely loving someone very quickly
santa claus: I did till I was like 7 or 8 and then my parents explained they left the gifts under the tree and that we had to keep the idea of Santa Claus in our hearts and that since I was in on the secret I had to be Santa Claus and a secret keeper for my little bros.  It was so fun and exciting and joyous
kiss on the first date: I studiously avoid getting kissed on the first date.  though it was maybe because I quickly decided I was not attracted to the guy
angels: yes.  I  believe in them with all my heart and am so grateful to God for them.  In particular I love my own guardian angel, who has comforted and encouraged me many times, and I swear is the only reason I have not crashed my car or been in a car crash several times over
eye colour: Hazel
favourite movie: Lord of the Rings (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), Harry Potter (all of them) and so many it is impossible to name them all.  one of my recent favorites was King Arthur The Legend of the Sword
Well this was really long so I won’t tag anybody but if you wanna fill this out please do so and tag me so I can see it!
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