#(bc they are each others biggest priority and not themselves)
bullagit · 4 months
honestly it's just funny to me when people are like "aziraphale had to be talked into even trying to save the earth blah blah blah" trying to make him out to be a Bad Person. meanwhile in canon it took like, 1.5 conversations and less than a day because he DID want to do it and jumped on the first feasible idea.
and then they conveniently ignore that he spends the rest of season one actively continuing to do everything in his power that he can think of to save the earth, despite every obstacle and despite CROWLEY actively saying they should give up on that and run away together instead
(which all these same people conveniently... never seem to mention or frame as crowley being a Bad Person. the same way they never seem to try to frame him calling aziraphale stupid or his little "i'm leaving forever and when i'm gone i'll never even THINK ABOUT YOU AGAIN" moment as him being a bad person, instead suddenly being much more willing to sympathize and give him the benefit of the doubt. hmm go figure).
like he literally tries to talk to GOD up close and personal to change her mind. he throws down his uniform, refuses the war, and goes AWOL back to earth determined to save it, even knowing that he's pretty much signing up to lose EVERYTHING that he's built on earth for himself, even thinking he possibly lost crowley already by pushing him away, like.
when satan is en route to the airbase, wouldn't you know, crowley is the one who says it's over we're fucked there's nothing we can do and aziraphale is the one who says no, we can't give up now after everything, and gives crowley the push he needs to buy them some time.
i'll never say he's a perfect uwu bean or that he always goes about things the right way but like, this weird thing (especially post s2) where people try to project some different character onto him just never goes over. he's not self-absorbed or callous or power-hungry or stupid or too naive or completely selfish. fundamentally.
also he wouldn't take angel crowley over modern crowley. he loves crowley in every capacity and every form and through every change and tbh like. he understands that those aren't actually two completely separate entities, and crowley is one person who's been through so much and had to change so much, and he loves all of him.
their relationship is not toxic or abusive. they understand each other in ways nobody else ever will. they push each other to be better and appreciate each other for everything that they are, that they have been, that they could be, and they continually choose to come back to each other no matter what fight they have or challenge they face.
every day i gotta get out here like you know you can just like the character crowley better... and relate to him more... without having to twist around to justify it as some moral superiority thing. like that's fine and normal, to just like a character better than a different character and focus on them more.
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ghostherlig · 9 months
no no let’s get you started on talking about railao breeding kink! (I meant to send that yesterday but completely forgot 🤣 please talk about railao and trans railao and t4t railao please I am so starved and desperate for them. Also, moment of silence for the lost fics, that is literally the worst feeling in the world 🫡🙏😭)
ASDKLJFHDA- railao breeding kink never leaves my brain i wish i was joking-
i really do have to write a fic about them (which technically the western au is gonna be my top priority once the collaring fic is done and they're going to be a big part of that- (and once it get bATTERIES FOR MY MOUSE AND KEYBOARD-))
also thank you, moment of silence 🫡😔
okay here's my trans railao rant bc i cant contain myself (under the cut bc it gets long and also nsfw warning- includes trans raiden, trans lao, and t4t railao)
i love love love trans raiden- i think lao brags about his everything for a reason and i think raiden knows that intimately- trans raiden whose always had a smaller chest and never felt the need to bind and just worked out to get his chest how he wanted it- raiden who has little to no shame about undressing around ppl bc he grew up in a small village and everyone knew and was fairly supportive :) lao who was ultra extra supportive and helped raiden since boyhood feel more comfortable with who he was and how he presented himself- hasldfkjasd they are so soft i love them
anyway- lao def also takes the strap when raiden feels like topping, and you bet lao makes that all about raiden- literally all the praise and affirmations for him as lao absolutely loses his mind as his boyfriend takes him apart like he gets paid to- raiden who had the biggest breeding kink and likes to get stuffed but also loves stuffing lao even more- they for sure have an ejaculating strap on just so raiden can make an absolute mess out of lao aslkdjfhasdf
trans lao had a lot more insecurities as a kid to me, wasnt necessarily afraid of telling ppl bc they would be hateful but was afraid bc he wanted to be only a man in their eyes- like he was scared they would see him differently than he really was- but raiden helped him with his self-confidence (a little too much, some might say-) and that's why lao talks big game- though often he can follow through, there's a limit to the things he's done and can be good at first try
trans lao who absolutely goads raiden into stuffing him full at every possible convenience- before training? why not- we got twenty minutes and an empty closet, no one's coming by here- it's almost five am and we have training in half an hour, that leaves them plenty of time to have raiden stuff him full and clean him up after- lao is so tempting and raiden falls for it every time, the poor man
lao also loves absolutely breaking raiden down with a strap on- whenever he has the energy to he teases raiden until he's fit to burst and then makes him wait while lao goes to grab everything they need- pillow princess raiden is so near and dear to my heart aasldfkjdf he deserves it :)
railao with one of them being trans is always fantastic but t4t railao really has my heart- t4t railao where both of them grew up and learned how to be themselves together, both kind of figuring it out and coming out at the same time, going through the awkward spots together and helping each other through it- asldkfhasdf them having that friends to lovers slow burn where it takes them like five years, three life crises, and almost the end of the world to realize that they love each other-
t4t railao where they both crave the closeness of the other so much so that it's maddening and they end up forgetting where one starts and the other ends-
any version of railao that knows where the other is in a room at all times, even blindfolded they could find each other in dead silence, i swear- railao with that soul tie bc they've spent so long together that they've become basically inseparable, literally a package deal, where one goes the other does too-
asdlfkjasdf i love railao so much i need to spend more time writing them- new year's resolution: write railao-
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homophyte · 1 year
i think one of the things that really gets under my skin about the spread of the term transandrophobia (and its related discourse) is just how pernicious the myth that accompanies it is: that transfems talking about transmisogyny (both in general but especially within the queer community) are doing stupid useless insular discourse in a time where people wish violence against all trans people, and are thus on the side of those doing that violence because theyre trying to divide us, but that transmascs coining transandrophobia (and its ilk) are doing important community work, are focused on coalition and mutual aid and protection. the biggest projection ive ever seen frankly especially since transandrophobia only exists in response to transfems talking about transmisogyny--it is literally something born out of and to create division in the community, it IS the stupid useless insular discourse. in many ways discussing the transmisogyny that comes from other queers, yes even from transmascs, does far more for community and coalition because it (very undeservedly kindly, might i add) is attempting to bridge that gap between transfems and those w tme privilege, get them to recognize that privilege and work to better themselves to be better allies to transfems ESPECIALLY now when violence against trans people is becoming more acceptable! addressing intracommunity violence is and should be a priority bc we should not be stabbing each other in the back, especially not the most vulnerable among us, ESPECIALLY not now! (note: while im talking about transmisogyny in this instance this is similarly the case for, say, racism in the LGBT community and many other issues--queers of color arent 'dividing the community' by trying to address it, theyre trying to make us stronger BY addressing it, more able to help each other and, again, particularly our most vulnerable.) the insane thing is this discourse recognizes that fact--or at least cant not talk about it from an optics perspective--and will bring it up constantly but their solution is to do like. more transmisogyny and be more hostile to transfems driving them out of community! like. what! nevermind that the idea that transfems are 'sleeping with the enemy' and secretly are trying to hurt others (in this case via driving a political wedge between them (again: LITERALLY what the transandrophobia ppl are doing!)) is a hugely central tenant of transmisogyny in general? like its not even SUBTLE in how it replicates and acts out transmisogyny, theres so little difference between that and the terf fear of transfems putting on a veneer to hide predation. actually kind of boils my blood how hypocritical the whole thing is esp bc its literally enacting that same violence. WHILE also trying to paint themselves as the 'real victims' . i really have no sympathy for it and i absolutely cannot bring myself to hold it against the trans girls who go on to say 'actually fuck you guys i give up on being nice' bc tme people are fucking stupid as shit sometimes. gullible. the amount of otherwise intelligent ppl who fall for this shit and put fucking dobberbutts or genderkoolaid on my dash is just frankly disappointing and im having increasingly less sympathy for the ppl who fail to acknowledge their privilege and as such fall for it
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Should be studying but meh. About the Renesme and E.J forgive me for this ask. Lets say Belle has twins. Cool. Lets say the twins think twincest is not that bad. Will the Cullens be shocked or pretend this is not real?
I say this bc I can see her prefering to date her twin then Jacob.
Asker is referring to this post.
I just like the prelude to this.
Bella has twins.
Now the twins are incestuous. Go!
Just, okay, we're going straight for it. Skipping past all the worlds where they might not be incesutous and going straight for it.
I mean, to be fair, these two grow up in a shoebox where people adore them while simulatenously paying no attention to them whatsoever. The "incestuous relationships are wrong" might genuinely never be conveyed to them.
Will the Cullens be Shocked or Pretend it's Not Real
They won't even notice.
Per canon Renesmee, for the vast majority of the Cullens, is little more than a prop. Granted, she's only three months old at the time, isn't having very interesting conversations, and a lot of shit is going on but her mother and father treat her like a doll and put her in their Marie Antoinette sex cottage, Alice dresses her like a doll and is otherwise annoyed her gift gets blocked, Rosalie sees her as the child she never got to have, and Jacob isn't even a person anymore.
I can't imagine it'd be any different with a brother. The difference being that, at the very least, they'd have each other.
I imagine the Cullens wouldn't notice or, if they see signs, tell themselves they must be seeing things. Because... no.
As it is, I'm sure they share the same over decorated room in Bella and Edward's sex cottage and probably are sharing a bed. Bella and Edward don't find this weird as they find nothing in canon weird.
No, the one I'd worry about is Jacob.
Alright, What About Jacob?
Jacob probably kills Edward Jacob.
Edward Jacob is not an imprint and he's in the way. He likely doesn't have Renesmee's gift (perhaps not any gift with which to protect himself or his sister), and he alone stands as the biggest obstacle between Jacob and Renesmee.
With Edward Jacob in the picture, Jacob will never be the first priority. I highly doubt that's allowed.
Edward Jacob will be lured out on his own, unprotected, and murdered in the woods with Jacob blaming the Volturi. Or, perhaps, if Renesmee refuses to leave him then Renesmee witnesses the murder of her brother and Jacob still blames the Volturi and is horrified to see that no one in her family believes her when she claims it was actually Jacob.
(Well, half the family might, but Edward and Bella certainly will not.)
Renesmee then is probably set down the path of murdering Jacob if not Edward as well. If the Volturi can murder her brother why can't they murder Jacob and her father as well?
Aro then gets blamed for all the murders he didn't commit.
Alright, if Edward Jacob has a phenomenally strong gift (possible with Bella's genes in the mix) then I imagine after Jacob's failed murder attempt, they probably murder him in self-defense and tell the family that Jacob went out for cigarettes.
Bella implodes and they live knowing they've emotionally wrecked their mother who still thinks Jacob Black was a great man.
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rinisbowen · 2 years
would love to hear what the trailer has changed about what you thought would happen this season and what the trailer has enforced for you
hi anon! thanks for the ask. this is the last one before i'm done clearing out my inbox which is cool i suppose. if anyone has more questions (trailer related or not) feel free to send them in!
so what the trailer has changed for me... well a LOT has changed in the last few months for me in terms of what's happening in the season. but for the trailer specifically...
no phones aka no facetiming- (or texting) this is one of the bigger ones, honestly. i was expecting them to use facetime a lot this season, given the fact that seb, big red, and nini, (and lily, but she's less of a priority there), are all not going to be at camp, and i assumed that this would be how they connected them the most. but at this point it's just letters- they can't even text each other. i hope to see some letter writing or receiving going on. a good letter can be a great time. but i mean seb's at prom, so maybe big red is too. we shall see. and at least i'd anticipate the two of them to come see frozen at the end of the season. we'll see. the phone thing surprised me a LOT, bc they'd facetimed a lot in season 2, so it made sense to me it would carry into this season particularly with the main cast in a different location.
ej is the DIRECTOR. listen- i was expecting him to be a counselor since we got the first look. the promo photo(s) have since affirmed that, now it's confirmed. but- the DIRECTOR? not exactly something i anticipated whatsoever. he's just graduated high school- why is he going to be the first person to direct frozen at a summer camp ever? this is probably the biggest piece of news we received from that trailer. i have complicated feelings about this- but it's pretty cool for him! so go ej truly.
maddox is a counselor- i assumed she'd be a camper from her description (i think everyone did), but well- her badge says "c.i.t." aka counselor-in-training. so she's a counselor. idk if ej and val are counselors or cit's themselves, but truly it doesn't matter much from where i'm standing. i'm kinda shocked. this doesn't influence much for me? but it was for sure a surprise when she came out to collect everyone's electronics and snacks (truly this reminds me so much of when i went to science camp, no electronic devices and no outside food once we got off the bus.)
nini isn't working with jamie (at least not during this season, and if she is, it's not happening on screen at all, or they would've shown a clip of her there imo). i feel like maybe- the jamie thing fell through, hence what she says to miss jenn about feeling like something big is coming, and her family friend marvin promising her that the best is yet to come... this could lead to some family stuff for gina too- the fact that her brother potentially flaked again... even though she loves him, and knows he loves her, that could be hard. i think nini will choose to chase her dream regardless- with or without jamie. she gets reassurance from miss jenn and marvin that she should do so.
what the trailer has reaffirmed that i already anticipated:
ricky's late to camp. he does arrive in episode 1, based off the instagram trailer "group hug" shot of him, given ej and gina's outfits there, but probably not until the end. like- maybe it's the last shot (or second to last shot, last shot being the reaction) of the episode even. it could be a "ricky i'm moving to denver" type of moment from 2.01. if this happens- i called it on july 1st, 2022 lol. only 26 days until i find out if i'm right lol. (i don't think this is necessarily the case- but after "ricky i'm moving to denver- i think it totally could be).
lily doesn't have as much of a presence as my initial thoughts- but those haven't been affirmed by anything so i changed my mind about this a while before we got this trailer, so it's affirmed that she's really not going to have much of any influence on the season. my guess is maybe we see her with ricky in 2.01, and maybe in the finale seeing the musical or something. we'll see. i thought maybe she'd facetime ricky- but that's impossible now bc no phones.
ej and gina are exploring their new relationship, we knew that was coming. we'll see what happens by the end of the season, given almost all their good moments in the trailer are from episode 1. i'm shocked they didn't mention ej's future even once, but him directing the musical can lead into that stuff, and his being stressed talking to gina in the window sorta affirms that well- he's going through some stuff. whether this has to do with directing or his future- maybe the latter and maybe both, but we shall see.
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Hello <3 Can I ask for Angst alphabet with Coby ?~ thanks a lot <3
Angst Alphabet - Coby
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a/n: BRUHHHH HIS WAS SO HARD TO DO BC HES SUCH A SWEETIE 😭😭😭😭😭💗 regardless, I hope you like it! x
ALSO - please note reader is a civilian and not a marine (but coby is still a marine). It was just easier for me to write it this way !!
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A- Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
Coby wouldn’t exactly blame himself, but he would feel really weak. It would be lots of comments about his own worth and capabilities such as: “I’m still too weak” or I’m never going to be strong enough”. (kind of similar to Zoro in that sense).
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
He would try to be as honest and as upfront as possible, but he gets really anxious and just starts stumbling over his words ending every sentence with “ya know?”. In the end, he just uses every cliché in the book because he can’t remember or seem to find the ability to say what he really wanted to.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
This dude is far too much of a sweetheart to ever make you cry. If you were to cry because of him, it’d be because of how much time the two of you have to be away from each other. He hates having to leave you because it’s always a lot of tears on both sides.
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
He would be devasted. Crying in front of anyone and everyone he doesn’t care. Coby would also become really unmotivated and go through a little bit of an existential crisis like “What’s the point of this anymore?” “what am I even doing?”. Eventually he’d remember how much you believed in him, and how much good he could really do in the world – so, he’d keep going. For you.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
Honestly, Coby is someone who is extremely open and expressive. He doesn’t (or maybe it’s more accurate to say he can’t) hide his emotions. That’s just not who he is. He expresses openly whatever emotion it is he is feeling.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
He genuinely tries to avoid fighting with you at all costs. Nothing between the two of you ever escalates that far because Coby manages to talk the two of you out of whatever tension has been built.
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
It’s not necessarily guilt, but Coby still feels as though he owes Luffy his life. Because of Luffy, Coby was able to become a marine. It’s because of Luffy that Coby continues to work as hard as he does. Most of what has happened in Coby’s life is all thanks to Luffy and because of that, he feels as though he has a debt he can never repay (even though all of this happened because luffy was just being luffy).
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
Having to be away from you for long periods of time (obviously because he’s a marine) is really painful for the both of you. It can but quite a bit of strain on your relationship as long distance isn’t easy.
During a break-up, his mind would be all over the show. At work, he wouldn’t be able to focus properly which would cause many problems for not only himself, but others around him too.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Panic mode: activated. All his focus is shifted to you. He forgets about everything around him and is set on trying to get you help. He doesn’t even try to take down whoever, or whatever, caused your injury. You are his one and only priority in that moment.
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
The sweetheart would feel so nervous. He’d keep to himself and try to avoid you for a while because he can’t stop thinking about how much better off you would be with literally anyone else.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Coby is definitely not the type to kill for revenge. He hates all the killing and death that happens in the world. He’s a person who is all about trying to stop the cycle of hatred. so despite the anger, pain and hurt he would be feeling he would put all of that emotion aside, and settle it a different way.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
During Marineford when marines (and pirates) were dying left and right, Coby was shocked. It was far too much unnecessary death. Witnessing all that death was an emotional overload, but it did lead to one of the most pivotal moments of his life.
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
Unfortunately, it was something entirely out of his control. But one time he had to leave for a mission with the Marines in the middle of the night. He couldn’t tell you anything about it or why he was leaving. He just had to up and leave.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
Sometimes Coby has nightmares about Marineford. The constant voices and cries of agony form an endless loop in his sleep, gradually getting louder and louder until he screams himself awake. After waking up in a panic he manages to calm his breathing. Then, Coby gives himself a pep talk “that is why you’re working so hard. To become strong enough to be fleet admiral so nothing like that will ever happen again.”
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
As with the fights, I don’t think Coby really gets mad at you. Probably over something minor like you ate the last cookie or something. It’s not anger, he just gets pouty until you say you’ll make it up to him.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
Having to do your relationship long distance was a pivotal point for the both of you. For most, it can be a deal breaker and it comes with more negatives than positives. But, for the two of you, it was a wake-up call, and, it was the moment you both realized “I can’t live without you, we will make this work”.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
I wouldn’t say this is dangerous or toxic idk (???) but ANWAYSSSSS. Coby lacks certainty in his own decisions. He’s not so bad now, but it used to be a lot worse. He second guesses himself too much, which can be the difference between life and death in a high pressure situation.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around))
Being rejected by you would definitely impact his self-esteem. It’d bring up a lot of insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. (PLS DON’T REJECT THIS PRECIOUS BOY).
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Coby does have a scar on his head. It’s not entirely certain when or where he received this scar, but it’s likely to be from his rough training with Garp.
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
No, Coby has never broken your trust. In fact, your relationship is held up by the unwavering trust the two of you have in one another. It may seem funny to say that, because trust is a vital element of any relationship, but it’s particularly the case for you two. Being a marine means there’s going to be quite a few things he can’t tell you, but you know he can’t tell you and he really appreciates how much you understand that.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
He’s had to learn to cope with not seeing you for long periods of time. But, despite all that practice it’s still unbelievably difficult. When he can, he’ll write you letters to keep you informed about his safety. He won’t ask, but he’d really appreciate if you wrote him back.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
I genuinely don’t believe he would lash out at you. He just wouldn’t. Maybe, he’s slammed a few doors, but other than that… (sorry I feel like this one is boring af ugh).
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
Coby always felt weak and incapable in his abilities. Sometimes those feelings resurface. But honestly, he trues to avoid this by remembering how and why he is where he is. He thinks of all the people who have helped him along the way (Luffy, Garp etc.) and it motivates him to push forward.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
He hates needless violence. He understands in some situations violence is necessary, but, then there are some situations (like the end of marineford) where lives are being lost for no reason whatsoever.
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
He wants nothing more than to openly be BFF’s with Luffy. Given the two different worlds they live in, it’s just never going to happen, despite Luffy being a genuinely good person. (I KNOW THIS IS MEAN TO BE ANGSTY BUT I COULDN’T HELP IT LMFAO)
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
Oh boy. There would be endless amounts of tears. Through sniffles and snot, he’d be trying to thank you for everything you’ve done for him, all the love and support you’ve shown him.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
(Shanghai-related asks)
Anonymous said:
Did you see how, supposedly, the reason Marinette goes to Shanghai is bc Adrien is there. Because you know, that's a totally normal thing to do.
You know, there’s this suspension of disbelief where characters are allowed to do certain things that you’re like, “okay that’s not realistic but it’s fun so I don’t mind.”
Yeah, this is not fun.
Anonymous said:
Based on the new trailer for the Shanghai special, one of my biggest fears is that we won't see Marinette interacting with Sabine's family outside of Uncle Wang, even Sabine is nowhere to be seen in the trailer, please ZAG at least give us one of Sabine's parents, we're starving
I’m still rolling my eyes that there’s not one piece of dialog with Sabine talking about stuff related to her family, though her cheongsam is also flipped so--
Anonymous said:
Synopsis for the Shanghai Special: To join Adrien in Shanghai, Marinette is going to visit her uncle Wang who is celebrating his anniversary. But, as soon as she arrives in China, her purse gets stolen with Tikki inside, whom she needs to secretly transform into Ladybug! Without money and alone in the immense city, Marinette accepts the help of a young and resourceful girl, Fei. The two girls will ally and discover the existence of a new magical jewel, the Prodigious. Hawk Moth, also also present in Shanghai, seeks to finding it since a long time... Yea, cause Marinette still hasn’t suffered enough :p
mAriNEtTe mAkeS a mIsTakE iN eVeRY sToRY
Anonymous said:
As someone of Chinese descent, I felt extremely bothered by how miniscule the boy's , the one on the right (?) taking a picture with Adrien, eyes were when I saw the Shanghai trailer. It feels extremely... stereotypical? Not sure if that's the right word. I mean, he could just be squinting, but it still bothers me. Especially if that's their normal eye shape.
I heard similar complaints when Kagami arrived. They really stress the eye shape when it comes to someone full-on Asian (and if you’re half-Asian then you get wholly round eyes which makes no sense). It also gets weird because I feel like we have characters in the show who could pass for Asian (Mireille at least has the proper eye shape without it being over-exaggerated; I don’t remember if her skin tone is correct or not), but when characters are actually Asian, it’s usually taken to the exaggeration.
My sympathy goes out to everyone of Chinese descent who’s going to have to deal with the special. I’m literally a mish-mash of whiteness (American, French, and German) but even I know it must suck.
Anonymous said:
im tempted to watch the Shanghi special with my family, we're part chinese and have been to shanghi a few times. Then we can laugh and yell at it together, no need for show context
As long as you have fun! Give it a good roast for me!
Anonymous said:
Excuse my french (pun intended) but
Also the writers wanting to make sure you don’t forget that Adrien is a guy who exists.
Anonymous said:
Hi, Clarity! If you don't mind me asking, do you have any thoughts on the upcoming Shanghai special based on the information and trailers we have?
When I found out that Marinette was spending time with her great-uncle Wang, I was so excited. I was hoping that this special will be a breath of fresh air and spontaneously focus just on Marinette and her family for once. Maybe we'd explore Marinette's Chinese heritiage and learn more about her mother, Sabine and extended maternal family.
Then I saw Gabriel in which I eye-rolled 180* like any degree of character development. Like... great... more needless Miraculous lore/exposition. (Can we even call it exposition? I doubt any of the Miraculous-related events will be referenced within the show.) Whilst Miraculous lore is great and does expand our knowledge on the Miraculous, it steals any individual focus that Marinette could potentially have. It also tends to "hands everything" to Hawk Moth, who gets almost everything done his way without him even trying. Hmm, I guess as Shadow Moth, he won't have to use Mayura as his catslyst anymore. He'll have to ruffle his own feathers. (I don't know why I'm making a bird joke about Gabriel here. I hate him snd I couldn't care less about him.)
Also by reading the special's synopsis, it mentions that Adrien and Gabriel go to China for an unknown reason (maybe business related.) So Marinette decides to go to spend time with him (also spend time with Wang concurrently.) This might be a minor issue but I don't want Adrien to always be the centre focus of Marinette's motivations/desires. (He isn't always but I feel he is more than he should be.) Let our beautiful amazing girl just have an amazing time with her family in China. The writers need to stop Adrien being an integral part of Marinette's character. This special should be about Marinette (along with her family) and them solely.
Moreover, I'm worried that Marinette will imminently be embarassed/scolded/humiliated in some way. The synopsis mentions that she loses her bag (that contains Tikki.) Inevitably, she's going to be scolded for this for not being careful. The writers will blame her for the destruction that Hawk Moth will cause and not the actual man terrorising Shanghai himself. And no needless lovesquare drama please. If I'm not interested in it in Paris, don't think I'll be interested in it in Shanghai. And please do not let it be used to cause Mari/LB to suffer. Romance (no matter how contrived it is in this show) should be about finding joy and happiness. It should never intentionally be a burden for anybody, especially if it's for comedic purposes. Why am I worried that CN will yell at LB this time?
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope that the writers actually have them communicate properly about this time. Like they should both be honest (an important aspect of healthy relationships), to build clarity and to avoid confusion. Like the needless drama in NY could have been avoided if Adrien didn't ignore Ladybug and actually TRUSTED her by telling her the truth about him going somewhere instead of complacently lying to her, then losing her trust. Both could have told each other that they are going to NY "for personal reasons" without giving too much detail. To prevent suspicion, the writers could have included the American superheroes hosting an event inviting them or asking for their help to defeat that Micromonster guy. LB and CN could have both then collectively made a decision that if anything were to go wrong in Paris, they could quickly use the Horse Miraculous to transport to France in time (like Marinette was advised to do in "Startrain") or use the Rabbit Miraculous to travel back in time/manipulate events. There was no need to make Marinette suffer for the sake of needless lovesquare drama.
However, I love the animation for the special. It is mesmerising and beauitful and the graphics look superb. The atmosphere looks so clean and the nature-aspects (Hawk Moth's hideout) are intricately detailed. The lighting also complements the charactrrs and the settings' colours. A huge round of applause to SAMG for their excellant hardwork for animating this special despite the pandemic!
If you have any worries about the special, free free to do so! I want to conclude my message by thanking you so much for being such a lovely, kind, confident and resilient person. You always confidently express your opinions and strcture your essays clearly and legibly. I always look forward to reading your posts. I know I can always count on you to express our frustrations with the show's writing on our behalf and speak up for Marinette's mistreatment and inustice! 😊
Firstly, thank you! I gotta defend Marinette because we know the show won’t!
Anyway, I agree with basically everything you said. My biggest comments on it are like--
- I’m already tired of places just being used as set pieces for specials. I actually have a history of disliking specials/movies for shows because its purposes is usually just to get people hyped up, but that means big plots with big stakes and I end up thinking, “okay, but why can’t we have that in the show?” That’s always the issue I take with it; movies/specials prove that they can come up with high stakes plots, but we can’t have equivalents in the show because...?
- I officially tune out now anytime Marinette’s crush on Adrien is mentioned. It gets tiring and it just makes me feel bad for her and simultaneously angry at the writers for treating her this way. Add that onto the “Marinette always makes mistakes” rule and it’s clear that they’re creatively bankrupt and needlessly restrict themselves for the sake of making Marinette suffer. I’m just insulted that Gabriel is going to Shanghai for his fashion business but Marinette being into fashion is ignored.
- The animation is nice but whenever I see it, I’m reminded that we couldn’t have much SAMG in Season 4+5 because they were busy working on the special. The show should always take priority over some lame special/movies. I won’t judge the special for it but I’m salty about it regardless.
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esotericakit · 4 years
Fancy ranting about why you love kit snicket?👀 tbh I never found her character that compelling but I’m extreme open to changes of opinion hhh? pls feel free to ignore this hhgkkgkg
oh my god i’m so sorry i’ve been super busy I only just saw this but ahhh I love this question ((also sorry if some of thisk doesn’t make sense, i just got off a 7 hour bus ride and I am sleep deprived)). also a tw here for some discussions of painful stuff like death, loss, grief, implications of suicidal thoughts (nothing graphic)
okay so that’s valid bc she doesn’t get a lot to work with in tpp BUUUUUT what you do get is very rich. so basically it’s all tied in with vfd and what they’ve done to the sugarbowl gen. every member of the sugarbowl gen has been ripped from their family extremely young and recruited into this organisation, forced into life threatening situations, kept from loved ones for long periods of time (like kit and lemony in atwq) and have sort of convinced themselves, to varying degrees, that it’s important because the organisation is important. with lemony, he’s disillusioned and disappears after heartbreak. with beatrice and bertrand, they decide to pull away and leave. with jacques, he buries himself so deeply into his work with vfd so that he doesn’t have to reckon with what they did to him. and then you have kit.
with kit, I think she isn’t as sold to vfd as jacques and can still be somewhat critical of it, but also recognises that she’s trapped and always will be at their beck and call, and it’s not easy to break out from this illusion of the mighty organisation she’s a part of. she’s a quick thinker, she’s a mechanic, she’s resilient, she’s quick-witted, she’s as good a volunteer as they come, and so they exploit that and use her gifts (like building the queequeg and having her make the poison darts). for the most part, she buys into vfd’s bullshit, but i think it’s a sort of defence mechanism where she knows that resistance is going to be harder than compliance, so she puts her head down and does the work.
and this leads her to do things that she maybe wouldn’t have done of her own free will, like aiding in the murder of olaf’s parents. we don’t know exactly what kit and olaf’s relationship was like, but from what’s given in their interaction in te, i think they were young sweethearts, i think kit did genuinely care for him, and i think that it was vfd that ordered the murder, and not beatrice and bertrand, as many people have implied. so, by giving beatrice and bertrand the darts, she chooses the organisation over her relationship, and it can’t have been an easy choice. this then re-ignites the schism, olaf becomes a firestarter and kit has to watch as her brother is framed by olaf for crimes he didn’t commit.
and then lemony dies, or so she thinks. i’m of the mind that kit never learns that her brother is actually alive, and dies thinking she lost him. and we know that family is one of the most important things to the snickets; “we snickets look out for their own”, and I imagine kit going beside herself trying to find ways to protect lemony from all the attacks, the frame jobs, the rumours, only to have it be too late, and she’s lost her brother forever.
and so she’s left there, mourning lemony, and all she has left of her family is jacques. and she loves jacques but his first priority is vfd, it’ll always be vfd. she has beatrice and bertrand, but they’ll leave to the island soon, and they’ll leave vfd after that, and be largely out of her life for good.
she starts building the queequeg and at last, her vfd work seems to be doing some good. she meets ink, monty’s latest discovery, and at last, it seems that other members of vfd are doing some good. and then she hears about the medusoid mycelium, and the illusion of vfd cracks a little bit more. she desperately tries to stop gregor from creating the mycelium, only for that to fail. another loss.
then, we don’t know the nature of kit and dewey’s relationship so again, going off what we have with the fact that she is pregnant when we meet her and that dewey’s last word is “kit”, not to mention the way that she explicitly asked about dewey’s wellbeing when she meets the baudelaires on the island, the implication is heavily that she and dewey are romantically involved. and I think she found a lot of solace in dewey. dewey, in his own way, had lost a lot, from his parents to his brother (joining the firestartera), to his own identity, all to vfd, and he understood where she was coming from in terms of being disillusioned but also being trapped.
and then the baudelaire fire happens, and it’s very clear to everyone that olaf was involved (whether he actually was or not is a different debate). so this is now 3 people who kit has loved that olaf has had a hand in their deaths. someone she loved killing other people she loved, and it’s the most painful thing.
we don’t know where kit is for the events of asoue, but regardless, she has to hear how other associates and friends have died or been killed at the hands of olaf, and each one hurts more than the last, because she can’t stop or slow down how many people she’s losing, and I think there’s an element of not being able to help but blame herself for his actions, because if she hadn’t helped kill his parents, maybe he wouldn’t be doing this.
and then jacques dies, and it’s the biggest blow yet. she just lost the last member of her family she had left, and she can’t cope, she stays in bed and decides that, despite dewey, despite her child, she’ll never leave her bed again.
what does make her leave, however, is vfd business; the message from quigley. she knows that she can’t even take the time to mourn her brother, she has to keep moving, and the pressure to carry the whole “good” side of vfd, to continue what her brother started, is on her shoulders, and that’s immense.
and so that’s when we meet her in tpp, and she is a broken person. she has lost so many people, been put through so much, had her entire worldview and foundation turned upside down, and she’s still doing all of this work, putting her life on the line over and over again, for an organisation that has done nothing but take things from her and hurt her, but there’s absolutely nothing else she can do. she’s pregnant and she can’t allow herself to be happy or excited about that because she just doesn’t have it in her. all she knows is that she has to get through this as quickly as she can, losing as few people as she can. her conversation with the baudelaires is interesting too, and is so exemplary of how she’s mourning; she remembers little details about beatrice and bertrand (like the feathers on bea’s shawl) and reminisces about how much the children look like them, and you can tell that it’s extremely painful to go through
she then leaves the baudelaires and risks her life again trying to rescue the quagmires, and it’s unclear whether it was a success or not but regardless, when she finally pulls herself up onto that stupid book raft she insists on making, she’s so so so so tired. she’s in labour, she doesn’t know what’s happened at the hotel denouement, she doesn’t know whether she’ll return to the city and find more destruction or not. i think the only thing stopping her from giving up while on that raft is the thought of her child and dewey, so she holds on.
she washes up on the island and the baudelaires are there, which means they’re alive, so that’s something. but then she hears that dewey’s dead. that the hotel went up in flames. that all that’s waiting for her in the city is more pain and more loss. and that’s the final blow, that’s the moment that she knows that there is nothing can happen that can repair the damage created by what’s been taken from her. she refuses the apple, citing fear that it would harm the baby, but I think the truth is that she couldn’t bear to consider continuing her life after all that’s happened, even if it means sacrificing a life with her child.
and then olaf shows up and he rescues her from the raft and she’s suddenly face to face with the reason for so much of the loss she’s faced. it was him who killed so many of her associates, her friends, her brothers. and she doesn’t forgive him, because she knows she isn’t big enough to do that. we can also hypothesise about whether or not olaf could be the baby’s father (i like to headcanon that she doesn’t know either way but it’s either dewey’s or olaf’s, and the stress of that makes this moment even harder). but she also doesn’t have the energy to be angry at him. she knows these are her last moments, and she knows that olaf was a victim of vfd, just like she was. so she touches his tattoo and chooses instead to recite poetry, because it’s easier than being angry, it’s easier than hating him. he recites poetry back, and then dies. and despite the fact that he’s hurt her so much, she did care for him once, it’s one more person she’s lost, when she didn’t think she had anyone else to lose.
and then she gives birth to her daughter, using the last ounces of strength she has left. it’s a horrendously sad thing, because i think she could have had the capacity to love her daughter, to be a good mother, but the pain won out and she stopped being able to want to help herself, if that makes sense. so she gives her daughter life, the only thing she has left to give her, and then dies.
I think it’s so staggering to think about this person, who could have lived a life full of colour and fire, and see her completely beaten down to what she ended up as in tpp. she’s a prime example of what vfd does, she’s the last one standing of her generation, and the toll that takes on her is immense. i think the juxtaposition of her recklessness and her grief against the fact that she’s pregnant and about to become a mother is even more heartbreaking. she’s such a compelling character and so gorgeously written, even though what we see of her is so brief. she’s a person who so desperately wants autonomy and control over her situation, things she’ll never truly have, so she does reckless things that endanger her life, to get that control back and because she truly stops caring about her well-being.
and it’s a little comforting i guess? i tend to project onto kit a lot because of some of my own life experiences and losses and i understand where she comes from a lot of time time and it’s such a difficult place and my heart just hurts for her a lot
i’m sorry that this was so long, i got carried away lol thanks for the question though!!
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elysianslove · 4 years
hdhhd it makes me feel rly bad but sometimes i just,,,don't have the energy to talk 😭 i'm glad my friends don't mind it much,,,also that's ok we can be lonely together 😔💓 ALSO WHO KNOW WE MIGHT BE SOULMATES......URE MY WRITING COUNTERPART BC I CAN'T WRITE AT ALL..... KDNSNDN i'm sending u all my love n power n everything else!!!!!!! u're gonna get better grades i'm calling it now!!!!!!!
+ OHH THAT OSAMU DRABBLE....MY HEART....PLS....it kinda gave me whiplash because i'm sitting here thinking of samu degrading me n calling me dumb baby but AHEM. thoughts are being thunk rn bc i often think abt the miyas comparing themselves? like they can't really help it. on one hand, i feel like atsumu would feel bad at some point bc he's probably too much for some people; he's a lot more brash, a lot more forward — and maybe taunts of 'samu being the better twin gets to him sometimes, ykno? and then on the other hand we have samu, who might feel like he's nothing but a shadow that's just meant to make his brother shine brighter. wondering if he's ever gonna be seen as his own individual, if he's ever gonne be seen as just him— not atsumu's twin — but just osamu. and then it just makes me v v emotional because despite these insecurities, they're still brothers, and they love each other enough to work through it. pls we both know how proud they both are of each other even though they ended up choosing different paths bdbshd i love the miya twins :((((( they make my heart hurt but they're also so WARM i luv them n i'm sorry i this is so poorly worded but but :(( tsumu n samu :( — 🦊
r u sure u can’t write cause wtf :( my feelings :( 
i literally feel the exact same way about them! i’m always thinking about how they’re always comparing themselves with each other cause they’re the same person but they’re also such different people. and cause you can see that when they were children, samu was more liked. he had more friends, he was better at volleyball. it just seemed like he was generally more likable that atsumu. and that’s something that probably stuck with atsumu forever. it’s not something that one can easily forget, you know? he probably thinks of it all the time, even to this day. but then osamu, osamu who can’t help but feel like he’s always ten steps behind his twin brother, and he wants to catch up, so desperately, but he can’t seem to. and he went ahead and picked a different career path, because he wants to have his own identity, wants to be known as osamu, just osamu. and it’s so interesting to think about the fact that the root of their biggest insecurities is ... each other, but somehow, they’re still each other’s biggest priorities. like they’re each other’s world. they genuinely cannot imagine life without each other, and it’s that fact that keeps them going, keeps their love persistent despite anything that happens between them. and as they grow and mature and develop, the more they love of themselves, the more they appreciate and learn to respect themselves, the more they love each other. 
i feel like i have so soso much more to say i could write a book about the miya twins honestly :( i love them so much :( 
also sidenote just thinking bout writing some miya twins angst when one or the other gets hurt cause,,, can u imagine the pain,,, atsumu collapsing during a game because he’d been quiet for too long about any discomfort he felt and osamu’s heart just drops or osamu feeling so unwell in the middle of the night and atsumu has some bad feeling in his chest so he goes to check on his brother and fkjdhfs
listen. listen. i love angst so much :( 
ALSO ,,, i do love some osamu + dumbification/degradation like ,,, chef’s kiss fr. it fits him so well. but damn,,, angst always hits different 
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hellraiseher · 3 years
Hi, Imogen! I just finished reading your fic The Devil You Know and I... don't even know where to start. I devoured the chapters and reading your story prompted me to finally join the invite queue for AO3 so I can bookmark TDYK and leave comments. I've been reading fanfiction for more than a decade and rarely do I have the patience for a slow-burn like this but FUCK is your story worth it. Did you begin writing TDYK with a fully-thought-out arc? How instinctive is your character realization?
I was wondering how planned out TDYK was before you started writing it? Like you refer to chapter 7 as the end of act one; what is an "act" to you? I'm not at all familiar with the proper structure of a storytelling and seeing that there are obviously markers of events for you just made me wonder how "off the cuff" your writing is v. how premeditated it is? Do you have an outlining process? What bits are the hardest and easiest to write
hello !! again, thank you thank you thank you 🖤 i'm very flattered my silly little fanfic has motivated you to join ao3 and send me this ask !! i will try to answer as coherently as i can, this ask has prompted me to actually evaluate my 'process' ... mostly writing is something I Just Do, although my ambivalence is questionable bc creative writing is what i studied at uni 😅 but whatever here we go !!
when i first started writing TDYK it was essentially just with the first chapter mapped out, treating it like a pilot. from there on, while there's never a point a > b arc, i do have key moments in mind - it's just a question of where/when/why/how those moments feel natural and make sense for the characters. since the fic is solely from laurie's POV, the exploration of what (or who) she has agency over (including herself) is the foundation, as powerless as she is in the circumstance - she's the driving factor to pretty much everything... i'm much less keen on plot-driven narratives than character-driven narratives, because often with plot priority i feel characters will just suddenly be thrown into a certain development. and with TDYK the plot IS essentially laurie's and michael's relationship, so the stepping stones that lead to the progression of their relationship really do have to have a solid psychological / emotional reality, especially since horror and romance are the most emotive genres. .. each chapter is somewhat episodic in what motifs come into play, which is why i compulsively find applicable songs, usually i use those themes as some form of guidance throughout so everything doesn't feel completely disjointed and implausible.
90% of how laurie and michael change is instinctive! before i started writing TDYK i had been well into cultivating and honing my interpretation of halloween.... which is a whole other post but ... yeah! if a passage or action feels glaringly wrong, which is ?? fairly rare, then i'll heavily edit / rewrite... i think because as i previously said - priority is characters - the general 'sense' of them is easy to grasp for me. the biggest hurdle tbh is ensuring that if a licensed character from a pre-established canon is written that i keep some form of faithfulness to their original source material.
i think??? i hopefully covered the 'pre-plannedness' (or lack thereof) of TDYK previously! i really just considered the first seven chapters an act because it felt as much, which for me was laurie reaching this breaking point that had such irrevocable consequences (or benefits ig lmao *is promptly shot six times*). the markers themselves just kind of exist as 'eventually this will happen' but again, it depends on what transpires / develops in between those markers, which can sometimes change the original idea. eg. in chapter 4 laurie was actually going to put up xmas decorations, but i couldn't see her doing that until she'd gotten comfortable with michael's presence in haddonfield too, even if that behaviour from her would have been a desperate attempt to replicate her home. i didn't write her doing this then delete it, it was just an idea i was almost certain i would include before starting the chapter but then reconsidered, especially with her needing to feel safe before anything else - planting the knives around.
my outlining process is less pre-meditated than it is post-meditated lmao .. i will write scenes as and when they hatch (and i don't mean not writing until the 'inspiration strikes' - i think this is the most harmful mindset u can trick yourself into believing in any creative hobby) but as i'm finishing one scene, then the next one manifests more organically. if things feel a little too clunky then i'll integrate some kind of transition line / passage. the hardest part is usually starting each chapter. sometimes they can be an easy continuation of the previous chapter's events, usually what happens in a trial, but lately laurie is becoming less concerned with addressing the ramifications of these events until she has no choice but to ... because she's otherwise distracted 🙄🙄 honestly a lot of it can be difficult / challenging, especially in the first draft, whereas editing is a lot easier bc you have to force yourself into an objective mindset and recognise what's worth condensing or extrapolating on or restructuring. writing is easiest for me when i find the perfect song to act as an emotional basis for the characters in that moment .... 💆🏻‍♀️ where i am just a channel able to project the good word of mylaurie 👁🎇
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convenientalias · 3 years
If you had to chose: hero/villain ship with the villain slowly becoming more heroic because of their love for the other, or hero/villain ship with the hero slowly becoming more villainous?
Neither! Let them continue to be morally opposed and suffer from loving each other for eternity. ehehehehehe
jk but also not really. I'm extremely picky about either redemption or corruption arcs being fueled by love. Not that I hate either redemption or corruption arcs in isolation. But somehow I get very annoyed when a person becomes heroic or villainous bc of love specifically. I was initially going to say I like redemption arcs of this type marginally better and then I remembered that Erik/Christine and Zuko/Katara are my two biggest NOTPs of all time, and remembered other ships that annoyed me in similar ways such as Drarry and Naruto/Sasuke, and I realized that would be a lie. Meanwhile, I wish I liked romantic corruption arcs, but I've learned from reading a lot of Hannigram fic that unfortunately they mostly make me think "I expected more from you, hero :(", which is weird bc again, in isolation I don't hate corruption arcs--but then, I have complicated feelings about corruption arcs.
Corruption arcs for me are the most fun when they're about a person becoming gradually more self-centered. They start being ruder to people. They start saying to themselves, "Why am I always the one expected to make sacrifices?" and "Why don't people respect me as much as I deserve?" They start seeing that rules are often arbitrary, or they start seeing rule-breaking, lying, cheating, etc as a game. Finally, and this is the only thing that really crosses the line to villainy for me, they stop seeing the wellbeing of the people around them as a priority and become fine with causing others harm. Making a character progressively more self-centered doesn't mesh super well with the way I do shipping. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't dislike corruption arcs being meshed with toxic friendships or bad mentors or immoral families, though. Different vibe. Can't say why, vibe's just different!
(I also have a special fondness for villains who like heroes partly BECAUSE the heroes are better than them, and I think they wouldn't be super pleased about the hero having a corruption arc anyway.)
Redemption arcs, on the other hand, you would think mesh well with shipping bc a character becoming more selfless should in theory be great for ships. But I don't like how romantic elements in a redemption arc can flatten said arc to being only about the romance--I want the villain to try to better for their own sake! And I also don't want to make the hero shoulder the responsibility for bringing about said redemption. I get even more annoyed when it's a female character who's supposed to be redeeming a male character--but I could rant about my dislike of Erik/Christine all day, and I've avoided doing that on this blog for the most part so I'm just going to keep that record going.
But I also just find hero/villain (or villain/civilian #5) ships more interesting when there's a contrast in morality/worldview. More spicy!
but if I had to pick. if you made me pick. I will take redemption arc for villains who are, like, supervillains and crimelords and tyrants and awful on a completely insane scale. and corruption arc for "I used to be a nice preppy highschooler but ever since I started hanging out with Ryder Blackwell the goth bad boy I just Haven't Been Myself" and/or "good girls" being corrupted into some form of villainy that really just looks a lot like feminism/masculinity/queerness.
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arrtemisia · 4 years
Hey so... If you could redo cannon Makoto what would you do? How would she change? I'm curious cause out of the main cast she was the only one that I just couldn't get a solid interest in (aside from Ann but that's just cause the idea of her being a fashion model confuses me more than anything I think)
God. So much stuff.
There's a couple big things about her that bug me, and none of them really change at all in her canon vs fanon portrayal, which means it's hard for me to enjoy her even in fanworks. In my opinion, I think her biggest flaw is that she's simply miscast, and her character would have worked much better as a confidant instead of a thief, which would've given her a place of her own to shine and avoid the weird dissonance between different aspects of her character (and this was actually their original plan, so Hifumi would have taken her place which. She would've fit in much better imo bc she's actually suffered under another's will like every single one of the others and she's an actual strategist instead of just """smart,""' but that's a topic for another post), but since we're talking about how I'd personally fix Makoto in the role she currently fills, I'm going to list some of the issues I take with her and potential solutions.
First of all, just to get it out of the way, she needs an actual reason to be here. She doesn't have one, full stop.
The big thing tying the thieves together is that they're all victims of abuse and oppression who rebel against their tormentors and want to prevent anyone else from suffering like they did. I'm not saying Makoto has never struggled, because she has, but it's really, really not the same type of struggle.
This leads to weird moments where everything about Makoto's personality and characterization, such as being a stickler for the rules, idolizing the police, etc mean that she has no in-character reason to stick with the thieves after kaneshiro is dealt with and should maybe even be opposing the thieves' way of doing things, but the plot drags her along anyway because the game really wants her to be a party member. And really, what's up with her awakening? She gets threatened once and then bang-boom-kapow she has a persona? It's weak.
Also before anyone says "well all those things about her personality change when she awakens and she sheds her good girl personality and yada yada," no she doesn't, actually, and I'm getting there I promise
The easiest solution here is also the most drastic. Swap when Makoto and Akechi join. This kills two birds with one stone; Makoto gets an actual reason to awaken through Sae, and Akechi's betrayal hits harder because he's pretending to be with you for longer (although admittedly this is much less needed on Akechi's part ever since royal).
Not only does this give Makoto a much stronger reason to awaken and join in the first place (Sae starts twisting into something horrible and Makoto wants to help both stop and save her), but it also gives her an internally consistent reason to stick around. Before, unlike the others (who all at least have "I want to stop others from feeling like I did," or in Futaba's case, "I wanna find the ppl who killed my mom."), once Kaneshiro is done with, Makoto has no real big personal reason to stick around other than "I'm a thief now and the plot says so ig." Now, of COURSE she'd want to go after Shido because he's the one that was manipulating her sister, and after that of COURSE she'd want to help take down mr divine sippy cup in order to get Shido tried and jailed.
However, if we're not going to shuffle around the order of party members bc that'd nuke the canon plot a little, then we need to rework the entire Kaneshiro arc and/or Makoto's backstory and values as a whole. Yeah this is why the first solution was the easy one.
I'm going to go in-depth about how I feel Makoto's personality and values should be reworked later I'M GETTING THERE, so I'll talk about that then. As for reworking Kaneshiro, I... don't have a whole lot of ideas. The palace itself is fine, it has one of the coolest atmospheres in the game (c'mon, there's got to be a fun bank heist in a game like this), but Makoto's connection with him is very weak. Maybe have it be that he was extorting her for years in secret and she never said anything? Maybe have him be the one that ordered the hit on her father? I'm not sure what would be strong enough to match to the other palace leaders, without feeling forced. I'll have to come up with more ideas for this one.
The second big issue I have with her is less of one specific thing and more of a collection of smaller problems that all come from the same source. She waltzes in, takes over, and starts acting like she's the boss of things. She then names herself the "strategist" and yet only ever states the obvious and, to use a word I hate, mansplains things to you that you already learned two palaces ago. She's constantly condescending and passive agressive to the other team members, especially Ann and Ryuji, berates everyone for not being as naturally book smart as her when all the other characters are smart in their own ways and just not good at academia, all the while everyone around her, even characters that normally wouldn't take that (ryuji, ann) or are too prideful to admit to anyone bring better (mona), are constantly like "You're so cool, Makoto!"
It's a classic case of show don't tell, and rhe game is obsessed with telling you that Makoto is "smart" and "cool." Once she joins the team, all the characters that were originally shown to be smart in their own ways are never allowed to say anything meaningful ever again bc Makoto is the "smart" one. She never does anything particularly different compared to the other party members, but the game is constantly insisting she's special.
I'm very hesitant to call her a mary sue, because I don't think she is one, and also I disagree with the use of that term at all as these days it's just meant to devalue powerful characters that happen to be girls, but I definitely think she's emblematic of a common writing flaw that can lead to mary sues. The problem with making a character the "smart" one as a personality trait instead of something that just comes naturally is that you have to dumb down everyone else's characterization to make them look smarter or cooler by comparison. It means that the character you're trying to prop up bends everyone else around them, making them act in ways they normally wouldn't in order to make the one character you're trying to look cool seem better by comparison.
This has an easy solution: cut that shit out. Have her slowly find her place on the team naturally instead of forcing her way in as a pseudo-leader. Don't give every single "well, duh" line to her, and cut the scenes where she stands around explaining obvious things you already know in a condescending manner so she looks smarter. Let the other characters actually act like themselves when they're in the same room as her instead of bending around her to prop her up. Have her treat those characters with respect in turn, bc for all intents and purposes when it comes to thief stuff they are her senpai, instead of just having her act like she's better than them, or boss them around, or be passive agressive about the fact that their grades are bad. Show that other characters are smart in other ways instead of acting like Makoto's book smarts are the end-all be-all. And for fuck's sake, stop acting like "smart" and "punches stuff real good" are personality traits, which leads me into my last big point.
Makoto and Queen don't really feel like the same character. Okay, so to explain this, let's walk through her awakening again.
Makoto is a good girl who's a stickler for the rules, sucks up to authority, idolizes the police, is obsessed with her grades and academic performance, and looks down on others who don't do the same. A couple people call her useless and then she gets threatened by a mob boss, after which she decides to live her life for herself and completely shed her good girl lifestyle and rebel against everyone pressuring her.
That is, except for the teensy tiny detail where she doesn't.
Nothing significant about her personality changes all post her awakening and joining the thieves, aside from the part where she sucks up to authority maybe a little less. She's still uptight, her grades (and the grades of those on her team) are still her top priority, she still idolizes the law and those enforcing it.
Y'see, persona has a bit of a common problem with saying one thing about a character, be it making a reveal or saying they're gonna change in some big way, but not fully committing to it. You can see it most in p4 (party members saying they're gonna quit/stop/do whatever and then backtracking in the last two ranks of their social link), but it's rarely so severe that it completely ruins their personality and character arc as a whole. Makoto, I feel, is the main exception.
The writers want Makoto to become this tough, rebellious biker queen who oozes badassery in every move and will never follow anyone's wishes for her ever again, but they also want to keep her old personality of the uptight naive rule-following law-abiding academic. So, instead of altering one to better fit the other, they try to do both... badly.
Instead of integrating the two parts of her personality, it just feels like she swaps between them whenever the plot calls for it which is really, really jarring. She'll be stuttering about following the rules and getting to know her generation one second, and then the next she'll be yelling about mowing down shadows with her motorcyle the next. It feels like Queen and Makoto are two separate uninteresting half-characters, with only a couple personality traits each, instead of one whole well-rounded character.
Either rework Makoto's thief aesthetic to better suit her personality as a whole and give her something other than "I'm totally not a good girl anymore" to make her compelling, or actually commit to Makoto shedding her past life everyone around her had forced on her and change her personality. Have her grades start to slip, have her talk back to Sae, change the way she dresses so it's rougher and less perfect, hell, maybe even have her quit student council. Just, anything to make her more well-rounded as a character.
I have some other nitpicks with her here and there, like the fact that her confidant is actually just Eiko's confidant and doesn't give Makoto herself any development, or the way the game keeps trying to set her up as Joker's waifu or whatever, but those are just that; nitpicks. The three big things I mentioned earlier - her not having a compelling personal reason to be a part of the thieves, the way the writers shove her into the spotlight by putting down everyone around her, and the fact that her characterization is just one badass half and one smart half that don't mesh and have little else in between - are the problems I feel are what's actually holding her character back.
Again, I do think that all of this stems from the fact that she's miscast, but it's too late to fix that now. While I personally really dislike Makoto, I do kind of understand her appeal for others when she's written well, and she's a totally valid character to like. I just wish she was portrayed better.
(Also, if anyone wants to reblog this, feel free I ask that you please don't put this in Makoto's main character tag. I know how much it sucks to get a bunch of negativity in a character's main tags as I am an Edelgard fe3h fan)
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Chapter 7: Silver
Summary: tw: non-graphic suicide attempt but other than that, the chapter is completely sfw. The final battle with the diamond kingdom.
- Today's chapter is shorter than usual bc im working on making the other chapters sfw so rewriting scenes, deleting them, making some stuff into innuendo etc so more people could read.
- I like to write bit more for the side characters because everyone's the main character of their story but they are relevant to the plot trust me ;)
- Be sure to check the notes at the end <3
Aika danced between spells aimed at visible enemies as she strolled towards Julius’ general direction. She took mental notes of his general attitude on the battlefield as she fiddled with her amulet, the same one she used in the Headquarters to move around unnoticed. The Amulet of Ignorance, the single most expensive magic relic Aika possessed, didn’t make her invisible, but it rather made everyone ignore her presence. If anyone were to look in her general direction, their eyes would glaze over and their gaze would move elsewhere.
Her own gaze landed on Julius’ figure, whipping around too quickly for ordinary eyes to track, but her eyes and brain processed images faster than any other man, except perhaps the only other Time Mage. She focused on observing his technique as she ignored the pangs in her heart. It’s been a week but he was still fresh on her mind.
Aika wondered if he would end up being one of her regrets.
She sighed heavily and put her feelings aside for the moment.
Julius may seem like all sunshine and smiles, but on the battlefield, he was vicious as he made split-second decisions and cut down enemies with efficiency. Clouds of enemies-turned-dust flew around him like an Augury, warning any and all of their fate if they foolishly chose to fight him. She noticed how he used the Chronostasis over a large area and immobilized enemies, but the spell only expanded so far if it touched someone first.
“He could improve that technique with mana method,” Aika thought as she moved her attention over to Evan and Jayce who insisted on fighting. Evan with his Hellfire Magic was raining literal hellfire on the enemy troops while Jayce with his peculiar Shape Magic deftly changed the terrain to his advantage as he tested out his newfound swordsmanship. Aika’s lips quirked up in pride.
He insisted she teach him herself but she was reluctant at first because as much as he was a genius, he was incredibly lazy. But Aika caved into his puppy-dog eyes and taught him the basics but he quickly developed his own style with the foundational knowledge and wielded his strangely-shaped sword quite well. He was no match for Aika due to her decades of experience but most mages these days don’t know how to counter swords well so he was pretty deadly on the battlefield.
Aika sidestepped a falling body as she winced at the mage in pity. It was an enemy mage, but she muttered a little prayer nonetheless to ensure his soul would rest in peace. Perhaps she should start praying after battle again. She used to sing a hymn in her fighting days to ensure the battlefield wouldn’t be tainted by restless souls and she could deign to do it again.
Right as she came to a decision about which prayer to use, an arrow struck her chest, more specifically her precious amulet. She stared in shock at the archer who had even detected her in the sea of mana. The masked archer lowered their bow and looked at Aika almost tauntingly before disappearing behind a hoard of mages charging at each other.
She wanted to go after them, but her first priority was to dodge the mages who turned on her because a mysterious woman just materialized out of thin air. She didn’t even have any identifiers such as a crest or a uniform, so as far as everyone is concerned, she was their enemy. She was glad that her scarf at least covered the bottom half of her face.
Aika cursed when she noticed from the corner of her eye that Evan had begun his ultimate spell. 
Another reason why she was observing today’s battle was to contain the range of Evan’s spell, “Hell on Earth,” but this was not the time. She tucked the broken amulet and arrow into her cloak pocket and shot up into the sky with a sigh. She loved her amulet, but she could afford to mourn later.
Aika threw her hood over her head until it covered her eyes and spread her biggest Mana Zone spell—Queen’s Domain—until it encompassed the whole battlefield. She peeled off her black leather gloves, which suppressed her mana, and unleashed her aura of forbidden magic and smirked at the poor bastard who fell out of the sky when he neared her on his broom. The three horns that sprouted from her forehead lifted the cloak and her vision zoomed in on the growing sphere of blue flames, swelling and stopping at the impossible size of 100 meters wide in the distance.
Everyone on the battlefield froze as they stared in dumbfounded awe at the second Sun in the sky. The silence was deafening, but it only served to make the ringing in Aika’s ears louder as she concentrated on immersing her mana into the sphere and ousting Evan’s out.
Mana existed on a different plane, another realm if you will, but it had the special ability to affect other realms while staying in its own. But the opposite isn’t allowed. Controlling mana that wasn’t your own or in a way that wasn’t permitted by your magic was forbidden by the Gods themselves. In fact, interfering with other realms outside the limitations of your own given magic is forbidden magic.
Aika didn’t believe in limitations. She knew her potential was endless, as characterized by her grimoire. She sacrificed parts of herself to break through the ceiling above her, so Gods be damned. They can’t stop her.
A feral grin spread across her face as the Blue Sun slowly began moving as per her command. She controlled her breathing as she controlled two large spells simultaneously. One spell moved the flames, the other was Queen’s Domain, which combined with a sliver of forbidden magic, froze enemies in place at the sheer amount of fear coursing through their veins. She moved closer to the Diamond troops that were about to be annihilated for better control.
This magic brought out the worst in her, and right now, it relished in the screams that filled the air as the army in front of her lit up in flames. Aika ignored the ugly feeling and concentrated on her breathing again as she prayed. They even sounded like the damned.
Aika thought the battle had ended at the horrific scene she had created, but the Spade Kingdom joined the fray, forcing Master Raymond, the Wizard King himself, to join as well. After she had made sure Evan was safely off the field to recuperate his mana, she stayed high in the sky, away from most of the spells as she continued to observe Julius while keeping an eye out for the assassin who broke her precious amulet. Her heart nearly stopped when giant tree roots whipped around her to strike at the ground. How in the world was she supposed to expect roots to sprout from the sky?
As she maneuvered around them, she watched as the eye-catching hair of the Captain of the Silver Eagles fluttered in the distance. To her absolute shock, the man stayed completely still right before spikes of hard rock impaled him. Aika shot towards him with a bone-rattling bang and caught him right before he collapsed. A young man, that was the mirror image of Captain Silva, raised his spears of fluid metal at her, ready to strike but she froze him where he stood with a stasis spell of hers.
“Miss Tolliver?” Lord Silva breathed as blood dribbled down his chin. Aika’s weg vanished as worry and empathy filled her. She quickly threw up shields around them as she rewound the time until the spikes disappeared back into the ground.
“Yes, It’s me. Everything’s going to be fine. I can heal you—”
“No!” he exclaimed, then let out a violent cough. She stared at him in horror at the implication of his words and actions. “I don’t want to be healed,” he whispered, confirming her suspicions.
Aika began closing his wounds at a slow pace, slow enough so he wouldn’t notice.
“Why?” she asked mutely.
To her absolute shock, his stoic face crumpled as tears streamed like molten silver down his cheeks.
“I just want to see her again,” he choked out. He just wanted to see Acier again. 
His tears and the sheer heartbreak in words made her heart clench. Aika steeled her resolve. She wasn’t going to let him do it no matter his reasons.
“No life is worth more than your own,” she spat, caught up in her own emotions. His attempt to take his own life brought back memories she would rather forget.
The Captain slackened in her hold, unable to retort. She instantly healed his wounds and watched as the blood receded. Aika picked him up with a sigh as he quickly lost consciousness at the abrupt changes to his body. Healing fatal wounds in this manner wasn’t recommended but it was necessary during battle.
“Is he alright?” Julius’ voice piped up out of nowhere. Her heart leapt to her throat. She turned around and there he was, a few meters away, brows furrowed, and eyes full of worry before they widened in surprise when he realized who he was talking to.
The roar of the battle and the clanging in her head deafened as she took in his appearance. Wild hair, stormy eyes, blood-smeared cheeks and singed robes that whipped around in tandem to spells being hurled behind him. 
She felt a sort of burning betrayal as she cursed her foolish heart because only one thought echoed in her mind:
He was breathtaking.
“Aika!” He exclaimed in alarm.
Julius was suddenly up in her space, forearm pressed against her collarbone as he pushed her aside. He stopped a flaming spear aimed at her back in its tracks as he barked,
“She’s an ally! Stand down!”
The Crimson Lion magic knight lowered his grimoire and looked helplessly at the frozen man next to him.
“Aika, please undo your spell on Vice Captain Nozel,” he commanded softly as she stared at him, wide-eyed.
Her spell fell as per his request and Nozel stumbled into an upright position, an indignant expression strewn across his face as he turned to Aika.
“Who are you? ” he asked shakely, and cleared his throat with an embarrassed flush.
“She is an ally, ” Julius asserted firmly. “We’ll take the Captain to the medical tent and you continue leading your men, understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” Nozel threw one last look at Aika before he ordered his men to focus on the enemy.
Julius turned to her with a grim face. “I will take us to the tent, if you are ready.” She nodded curtly. He laid an arm on her shoulder and she was whisked away, her vision adjusting to find that she was facing the heavy drapery of the medical tent.
A few healing mages around them jumped in alarm but quickly realized the injured man in Aika’s arms. She was quickly led to an empty bed with privacy curtains and she laid Captain Silva on it carefully as the healers took over and diagnosed him.
She explained his injuries and that she healed him but they wanted to be sure just in case.
Aika stepped back to let them do their thing and looked around to find Julius worryingly examining Silva’s prone form. He looked up and their eyes met.
Strangely enough, there wasn’t a shred of awkwardness in their gaze, but an intimacy of silent understanding, a mutual decision to set their yearning aside in the face of this war.
They both smiled in relief, almost in unison. He cocked his head at her.
“No hard feelings?” He mouthed. Aika nodded back, her heart lighter.
“No hard feelings.”
“I have to go,” he announced quietly as he bowed his head. She nodded again, her mood souring once more as she stared at the unconscious man next to her. She watched his back as he moved to leave the tent from the corner of her eye. She clenched her fist as indecision rocked within her, but she finally gave in to her first instinct.
“Be careful,” Aika called out. Julius whipped around in surprise and a grin lit up his face.
“Of course!” he replied eagerly, happy that she was actually speaking to him. “See you around!” And he vanished.
His enthusiasm brought a smile to her face but her mood was quickly interrupted by the sound of crashing waves as the ground shook. She braced herself against the metal railing of the bed’s headboard as she let out a heavy sigh.
That must be her Uncle Raymond with his grandiose water spells that could wipe out armies. She just hoped he wouldn’t use his mana zone spell that could choke people. That spell horrified even her of all people.
She shrugged off her backpack which stayed secure under her cloak and whipped out a chair. She plopped onto it wearily and glared at the silver-haired man next to her as if he was the reason for all her problems.
Aika slipped her gloves back on and rubbed her face with a groan as memories of friends and fellow comrades who have stood still and let themselves be ripped apart flashed in her mind’s eye.
She knew she shouldn’t care. He was not a friend of hers. In fact, he was quite rude to her, but this needless worry and giving into the empathy reminded that after all these years that she wasn’t corrupted, that she was still alive, that she was still human.
Aika watched with a proud grin as one last final move from Julius concluded the battle. Cheers erupted across the whole field when the Magic Knights realized their victory.
The Captains, with the exception of Silva, and the Wizard King gathered with the Diamond Kingdom’s Shining Generals to negotiate the terms of surrender. She desperately wanted to eavesdrop on their discussion but General Whomalt was still alive by the end of this battle and Aika promised him that the next time she saw him, he would be dead.
She made her way back to the medical tent and Silva was already up and about. He sat up on his bed and stared at his blanket-covered lap as emotions raced across his face. She silently strode over to her chair by his bed and he made no indication that he noticed her but Aika knew he did. He was most likely embarrassed by his moment of vulnerability in front of a near-stranger but she didn’t particularly mind it.
She sat down patiently and waited for him to speak but they just sat in silence.
“We won,” Aika informed in a subdued tone.
He grunted. His response irked her but she held her cool.
“I’m not going to tell anyone,” She assured him kindly.
“See that you don’t,” he snapped at her. She held her tongue but couldn’t help but sneer at his tone. This was exactly why she didn’t work with the Magic Knights as closely. Most of them she had observed were quite rude and had a superiority complex. His attitude was only making her miss her amulet even more.
“Arian!” A familiar voice exclaimed as the tent flaps flew open. It was her Uncle. Mages and injured Magic Knights around her suddenly scrambled to attention as the Wizard King homed in on the silver-haired Captain.
“Sir,” the embarrassed Captain gritted out. He pulled out a folded piece of parchment paper as Aika and Raymond nodded at each other in acknowledgement. She would need to tell her uncle at the very least so she can make sure that he talked to someone.
“Are you alright, Arian?” The Praying Mantis Captain boomed as he walked right in after the Wizard King. He pointedly ignored him and the other Captains as they voiced their concerns as well. He tossed his blanket aside and stood up as he handed the paper to her uncle.
“My resignation, Raymond.”
“What?!” His eyes darted between Silva’s cool face and the crumpled paper. “But the war just ended! You have still got loose ends to tie up before the resignation.”
He adjusted his uniform gruffly as he said, “I’ll let the Vice Captain take care of it.” He pushed past the captains, eager to leave. “He is more than capable.” He turned and looked back one last time. “But now, I must say my goodbyes to the men that served me.”
“What's the hurry, Arian?!”
Raymond’s question was followed by silence as Silva left. Everyone watched tensely at the bizarre exchange that raised more questions than anything.
“Well,” the Blue Rose Captain began as she cleared her throat. “We did say that we were going to resign right after the battle.” Her sharp eyes turned to the Wizard King. “I will hand mine in, tonight.”
All Captains except one echoed her sentiments and Raymond’s shoulders fell as his age seemed to catch up to him.
“And I would be the last to resign,” he sighed. He looked up at Julius and everyone’s attention turned to the Wizard King to-be. “I hope you are ready, Julius.”
The young Captain stood up straighter, his eyes eager and attentive for the responsibility that will soon be thrust upon him. 
“Though, I hope you do like paperwork,” Raymond laughed, knowing very well he doesn’t. “Because there’s going to be three times more work.”
All formality melted away as Julius groaned at the thought and the Captains laughed.
Aika released the breath she didn’t she realized she was holding. She just witnessed history firsthand, yet again, but it all felt so new to her. She touched her chest. 
It wasn’t newness, no. She had witnessed far too much to feel as if anything was new. It was actually the gratitude that set her heart racing.
- In the future, Julius will get character development, because as lovely as he is as a person, he can't be a centrist as a leader if he wants to create real change. - In this fic, you'll see him be more proactive with the kingdom's problems and actually use his power outside the Magic Knights. - I'm not only planning development for his character but also his powers. As I have heavily implied throughout my fic, Julius is not human here and we will see that more in the future as the secrets unravel. - I'd personally recommend reading the wiki page on the tree of sephiroth and even better, catch up with the manga. But you don't have to, bc by the time i get to the manga spoilers part of my fic, the anime will prolly be there(fingers crossed).
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mego42 · 4 years
1x07 Discussion Questions
My b! My b! I usually try to do these when the episode is fresh but instead I went to sleep, I am at peace with my priorities, tbh. As always, many thanks to @pynkhues​ for her time and energy putting these together and shout out to @foxmagpie​ for the assist. 
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
Lot of contenders, tbh. I really love the scene with Mary Pat when she puts together the (extremely transparent) bullshit that is the whole secret shopper scheme (I mean come on y’all, did you even try????), I love Ruby and Stan’s date (high five to Stan for coming through with my parks & rec reference, it’s nice to know there is one (1) man I can count on). The Annie and Greg bit is REALLY SWEET LEAVE ME ALONE. The god tier brio content, specifically The Grab Heard Round The World My Living Room and the Give Me A Name bit. Some classic Rio nonsense (do you think if we asked him to point to an egg he’d point to an apple?) Tyler and his “reeeeeeally fill out the surveys?” was, obvs, the best moment on the entire show. Anyway, one of those for sure.
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
The Boomer setting up Annie stuff always falls flat to me and idk exactly why? Like, individual pieces of it are great, Mae does EXCELLENT work post police station and when getting arrested in the first place but ultimately I find it fairly forgettable in the grand scheme of things.
3. Let’s talk about the secret shopper scheme! What do you think were the strengths of it? The flaws? Do you think it had longterm potential? Or was it always going to crash and burn?
I said this during the rewatch but I straight up blocked out the fact that all of the shoppers are hitting the same store on the same day (waving around upwards of $5k in cash???? no less???????) because my brain cannot comprehend how three women we’re supposed to believe are reasonably intelligent didn’t realize this was the stupidest, most transparently obvious, most short-sighted scheme in the entire world. 
I struggled with the sustainability of it a bit when I thought they were spreading their efforts around (they roped in A Lot of people, there are only so many Costcos in the Detroit metro area and waving around that much cash and then returning it all, again for cash, is uh, already p memorable) but I could deal with it when I thought they were spreading it around. Short-sighted, immediate solutions are a cornerstone of Beth’s brand, after all, but all of them at the same store at the same day???? Too much. I cannot. 
4. The girls spent their money in very different ways! Ruby on romancing Stan, Annie on clothes for her son, and Beth on jewellery for herself. What do you think this tells us about them and their arcs? Particularly coming off the back of Ruby’s conflict with Stan, Ben’s issues at school with clothes, and Beth leaving Rio her pearls?
Love these connects. The show’s got a pretty clearly defined and consistent visual/character motifs (this may or may not be the word I’m looking for, shut up) when it comes to depicting the girls priorities and motivations. You also see it reflected and reinforced with their repeated coping mechanisms throughout the show. Whenever bad stuff happens, Ruby goes home to Stan, Annie crawls into bed with Ben and we usually close with Beth either alone (ouch david) or connecting with Rio in some way (exhibit a: the aforementioned pearls). 
In all of the instances it comes back to the heart of their priorities:
Stan is Ruby’s number one, (which isn’t to say her kids aren’t a part of that, I think Stan is both himself in this sense while also representing her whole Hill family unit—TV is all about visual shorthand kids—but also it serves to illustrate that Ruby has something Beth and Annie do not: a true partner). 
Ben is at the root of everything Annie does, she makes choices based on not only his. well-being, but how he sees her and he has the most influence over how she sees herself and what actions she takes as a result of that.
Beth, on the other hand, is at a contrasting point. She’s done the devoted partner and mother thing (lowkey implied by the little bits and pieces we get of her and Annie’s childhoods to some degree more or less for her entire life) and is now putting herself first, her needs, her wants. Which isn’t to say she doesn’t give a fuck about her family, she waits until she’s got a fat stack of cash and they’re taken care of before splurging on a thing, but as a symbol I think the necklace pretty clearly illuminates that for whatever Beth tells herself, she’s building an empire for herself, bc she wants it, needing it is secondary.
5. Eddie’s arrest is arguably what sets us on a collision course with the finale! Do you think Eddie was loyal to Rio until the end? How much do you think he told Turner? And what sort of loyalty do you think Rio inspires in his boys? And why doesn’t it translate with the girls?
Tbh idk how to answer the loyalty question without more information from canon because the gang and how they operate, how they all came together, etc is pretty well shrouded in not-central-narrative-focus, though I think it’s been implied somewhat heavily that what’s going on with the girls is not standard operating procedure.
My personal headcanon for Eddie is tied up in my personal backstory for Rio and Mick that I started for my (lmao first) Mick POV fic. I gave Rio and Mick a friends since we were kids backstory and decided Eddie was a kid in their neighborhood, slightly younger then them, and always looked up to them/followed them around/thought they were cool. He ultimately got involved in crime because they did and they looked out for him and brought him up with them (which, you know, makes how it all turns out that much more tragic). Obvs, this is all just me and my tendency to imprint on random side characters and give them backstories. Let me live.
6. This episode introduces us to Mary Pat, who’s probably one of this show’s most complicated antagonists! What do you think of her generally? And could you have predicted her arc with Boomer and Turner?
I love her and I’m done lying to myself about it.
LISTEN, first off, Allison Tolman is great. Her line delivery is fantastic, she has a knack for subtly adding SO MUCH to every scene she’s in and uses her face and inflection and pauses exquisitely. Top notch comedic timing. Truly a gem.
Second, on a character level, the lady is in a bad spot and the girls basically gift-wrapped the circumstances and handed them to her like here is a present!!!!!!!!!!!! What was a struggling girl to do besides accept what was offered to her??????!!!!!!???
7. This episode features a very pivotal scene in terms of the Beth, Ruby and Annie dynamic. What starts as tension between Annie and Beth quickly pivots when Ruby criticises Beth and Annie leaps to her sister’s defence. What do you think this tells us about the dynamic between the girls as pairs and as a trio?
I am so!!!! curious!!!!!!! about the backstory that exists in the writers’ heads for Ruby and Annie (all three of them, really, but the bff and little sister having an independent friendship is of particular interest to me bc it isn’t something you, or I guess I, run into a lot) and how much of it was defined at this point vs how much it’s evolved/fluctuated as the show goes on. This fight pretty clearly illuminated that when it really comes down to it, it’s Beth and Annie vs Ruby which a) breaks my heart and b) isn’t totally a dynamic I think the show ultimately stuck with? Or maybe intentionally fluctuates? Idk this is a half-baked thought. Ask again later. 
8. Greg is the one who kisses Annie! Who do you think left who in that relationship, and/or what were the biggest issues in that relationship?
I feel like there’s pretty much no way Annie wasn’t the one that called things off with Greg. Not just because of how it plays out this time but because he’s got a kind of persistent yet also go with the flow attitude that makes me think he would absorb a lot in the name of making it work whereas Annie seems to have a pretty established history of cutting her losses and bailing when she hits her limit. Based on how fond they are of each other and how much affection they clearly still hold, I tend to assume they just grew apart as they grew up which makes it almost more complicated and tragic because it leaves all of the good stuff and just mixes it with the knowledge that it wasn’t enough. 
9. What did you think of Ruby’s sauce story? And what do you think it meant as a turning point for her arc?
10. Knowing that Beth, Ruby and Annie’s system of paying Mary Pat off doesn’t work, do you think there was a way they could’ve handled her on their own that would’ve worked? Or do you think Rio’s intimidation (and potential murder) tactic was the only way out?
Idk maybe I’m just cynical, but I take trust no bitch to heart, they pretty well screwed themselves into a corner by being idiots. 
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hi, hope you're okay! Can I have a matchup for phoenix's arthur? I'm 5'4 with long blonde wavy hair & green eyes with round glasses. I'm an INFP and love true crime, I want to pursue a career in criminal psychology/profiling. I'm really quiet around new people and may accidentally say something mean (I don't mean to, I'm really trying to work on being nicer, I just panic), but once I get comfortable around people, I'm better. I also have Raynaud's , so it'd be really cool if he can react to that
I get it mostly on my fingers & it makes it difficult to move my hands lol. Thanks for doing this, I really appreciate it x
Brace your eyes, honeybee!!! This is a looooong one ksksskks under a cut!! so sorry that this was late omggg I’ve been dealing with… a lot and I had a bit of anxiety with this piece bc I love you and you’re amazing and I wanted to get this right. I hope that the length makes up for it, darling! I know you asked for just Arthur but I added his Joker by way of apology for this being late!!
WC for all four ships: 2, 977.
Arthur // wc: 730.
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With a four inch height difference between the two of you, Arthur does feel a little bit more protective of you; he loves nothing more than wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight into his body, his chin resting on the curve of your shoulder, his face buried in your warm neck as he hides himself from the world and sometimes, on his darkest days, from you. Arthur takes a great deal of comfort from even your existence, so in love with you is he. Your hair is long and he loves it. He enjoys sitting on the sofa with you sat behind him while he brushes your hair out for you (if you let him), while he washes it for you over the bath… Arthur will do anything for even five minutes more in your presence, he holds you in such a high esteem. And your eyes, oh, but he could get lost in those green oceans which gaze at him with such reverence. Arthur also makes sure that your glasses are always looked after; he makes sure that they’re in their usual place, and he gingerly holds them in between his index finger and his thumb while he wordlessly cleans them for you. You are his entire world and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. 
You love true crime and Arthur… he doesn’t stay away from it and he does like to curl up on the sofa with you, but he’ll burrow his face in your neck because there’s enough crime just outside the apartment. He doesn’t especially want to be reminded of anything, either, but he uses this time to spend it with you. Sometimes he’ll actually watch it but that’s more because he wants to get closer to you through doing so and not because he’s genuinely enjoying it. He is your biggest supporter and Arthur will help you with anything and everything. Arthur was a tenth grade drop out so he really is very protective not only of your studying time but also of your well being. He knows better than most what can happen when one works themselves to the bone without reprieve and he’s determined that such a thing will not happen to you. He would do and be anything if it meant helping you with your chosen career path in any way. He likes to spend time with you while you’re watching true crime and he’ll ask you what you like about it, why and any and every question that he can think of. Arthur admires the passion in you, your drive and he especially loves the way that your eyes light up when you’re talking about the things you love the most.
You’re both really quiet around new people. Arthur, especially, because he’s always so scared that he’ll have a laughing fit and ruin his chances of friendship before he even knows it’s there, so preemptively does he keep his mouth shut. You sometimes say mean things but it wouldn’t deter Arthur; he’s very emotionally intuitive and I think he’d be able to see those signs of panic in you. “You didn’t mean to say it like that, did you?” You shake your head and Arthur gives you a weary, knowing smile. “Do you - I mean, do you want to - try that again?”it’s a system that stays long after the two of you are dating and it saves more arguments than it starts. You’re better when you’re comfortable around him but the system stays, both because you’re used to it by that point and also because it carries fond memories of shy smiles, half finished sentences and blushes which dust both of your cheeks in rose. 
There is nothing that Arthur can’t adapt to, there is nothing that he can’t understand. He’s eager to please and because of that is he quick to learn and as such, when you have trouble moving your hands, Arthur’s there to take them in between both of his. He’ll cup them tightly, a frown on his face as he desperately tries to warm your hands up with his. Because of his malnutrition and the various effects of all those medications he’s on, Arthur has cold hands, too, but he tries, he tries, and together, with a joint effort, do hands and souls alike warm up under each other’s tender touch. 
Joker // wc: 828.
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OMGGGG this man is head over heels for you. You were with him through it all; everything that he went through and experienced, every injustice he suffered, every right and wrong… you were there through it all and you stayed, you stayed after he succumbed to all that was making him numb, after he chose the name (but not the things that came with it, he didn’t want any of those), and for that, you’re together for life. Joker is 1000000% committed to you and without you he just simply isn’t whole. He behaves in all the same ways towards you that he used to, you, his one and only person who understands him, but he’s much more protective of you. Joker is less tolerant of anything which could cause you even the smallest pieces of discomfort or hurt. You are his entire world, his whole life and his whole life and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you. And I mean nothing. How special a soul you are, to command Arthur’s love for you. What you share is something very special, very raw and real… it’s once in a lifetime and you both know it.
Where before did Arthur hide himself in your neck, now he watches attentively. His knees bounce, his body shakes, he chuckles and laughs if the narrator makes a dark joke (and makes sure to remember it for later on; his material is never fully perfected, try as he might), and he makes sure that he remembers all those hints and tips laced within the narrative of how to get rid of forensic evidence, of how to escape and to look after oneself. You want to pursue a career in criminal psychology and in profiling and Joker is fascinated by all of it. All of it. He’s not afraid to ask you to read to him, his head cushioned on your chest late at night. His green curls fanned out across your body, his hands trailing along the sides of your body, fingers splayed to touch as much of you as he can all at once… it’s sensual, these quiet moments together and neither of you would trade them for the world. He slips off to sleep at the touch of your hand, the sound of your voice, your heartbeat in his ear… Sometimes Joker worries that because of your chosen career, that you’ll turn him in or you’ll be placed in danger because of him. You getting harmed in even the smallest of ways scares Joker like nothing else; without you, he truly has nothing left to lose. He’ll do anything to protect you, anything to keep you safe. Anything.
By this time in your relationship, you’re both more than comfortable with each other and you both know when the other person needs space or some extra love. You and Joker know each other like the backs of your hands and there’s an easy sort of intimacy between the both of you, both of you able to fully relax and to be yourselves around the other. You’re trying to work on being nicer and Joker admires that effort; he knows better than most that it isn’t easy and he would make sure that when you’re feeling like you still need to be more, he’s there to tell you that you’re enough; just because you you’re and who you are is beautiful. You have always been his greatest comfort, his biggest reason, his everything and Joker never lets you doubt it for even a second. There is nothing you could ever say or do which would make him less proud of you. Nothing. Joker loves you for all that you are, all that you have ever been and all that you will ever be and he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you.  
Joker is often out of the apartment for long stretches of time and he comes and goes at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes you wonder if he wanders the streets at night looking to get jumped. He’s so self-punishing even now, and it’s something that you wouldn’t put past him, though it does break his heart. When he comes home, he is freezing. The sweet, sweet man takes a hot shower and comes to bed, warmed up just so that he can warm you up; especially in winter, it’s so important for you to keep warm and when you can’t move your hands, Joker’s there to wait on you and he adores the way he’s able to take care of you, a natural caregiver is he. When he first found out about it, he asked you any and every question which he could think of, wanting to learn about it but also the ways it affects you and how he can help you. You have always been and will always be Arthur’s number one priority, and that’ll never change, no matter what.
Pepperminnttttt~ // wc: 710.
This one took me longer to write bc I kept blushing omgggg 🥺😍😭🥺
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Heath’s six foot but I headcanon Pat to be roughly 5′8, which means that there’s a good four inches in height difference between the two of you. Pat loves to fold you in his arms, the sharp angle of his chin resting on the crown of your head. He likes to approach you from behind, a strong, muscular arm winding around your waist. It makes you jump and he chuckles, his face brushing yours, his lips in the hollow just behind your ear. “Whoa, easy, girlie,” and he glares at anyone who rolls their eyes, looks at you in a way he doesn’t like, and so on. Pat uses the reputation he never really asked for or wanted to protect you. He doesn’t care what others say about him, but about you? He’d go nuts if someone dared to go after you. You have long blonde hair and green eyes and Pat is always unable to say more than, “Wow, you look…. wow.”, a smirk on his face. You truly are beautiful and he adores every single thing about you. You’re the only one to see him for who he really is and he does everything that he can to show you how appreciative he is of you for that.
You love to watch true crime and Pat often camps out with you on the sofa, a blanket over both of your shoulders and a bowl of popcorn or something similar balanced precariously on the spaces between your laps. His fingers brush against yours occasionally when he reaches for some popcorn and he’s either feeding you kernels or chucking them up in the air and catching it effortlessly, a cocky smirk on his face if you act impressed. You want a career in criminal psychology and though Pat doesn’t really care much about his future because he prefers to live in the moment, he is so supportive of you and there’s nothing he won’t do for you. That’s not to say that he’ll even pick up a textbook for you, but he’ll be there to rub your back when you’re stressed, he’ll be there to kiss your anxieties away, and he’s there with silly comments to make you laugh when it truly counts. Love’s about sticking around and Pat proves that to you.
You’re quiet about new people but Pat isn’t deterred; he knows better than most that what you see isn’t always what you get, so he is his usual charming and persistent self. He finds ways to make conversations with you, he finds ways to get you to talk. Pat does everything he can to get to know you and if you ever accidentally say something you don’t mean, Pat gives you one of his concentrated looks. “You didn’t mean that, did you?”  // “No, I’m sorry, I - “ // “You panicked, I know. You’re not afraid of me, are you?” // “No, I - “ and you get talking that way. Pat is emotionally intuitive, very clever and very patient and there’s nothing he won’t do for you. You’re working on being nicer and Pat is so proud of you. Sometimes he’ll tap your bottom lip with a finger and say, “Play nice” if you spoke out of turn, or he’ll just look at you until you come back into yourself. You never doubt yourself around him, he doesn’t allow it, and the aura around him is so calming that you couldn’t even if you wanted to. 
Pat is always, always concerned for your health and for your well being. There’s nothing he won’t do or say for you, nothing at all, and he makes sure that he always has heating pads, gloves, anything that will keep you warm and comfortable. Pat is always holding your hands, always making sure that you’re okay, that you’re being taken care of. He reacted positively to finding out that you have Raynaud’s and when it’s hard to move your hands, he’s there waiting on you. Anything you want, anything you need, and Pat is right there for you. He loves you so so much that it drives him mad, but, well… you love him just as fiercely, and that’s what he clings to even in his darkest of hours.
Pretty panda // wc: 709.
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J is a clean six foot so there is a six inch height difference between you and omgggg ~ J’s nicknames for you can be anything from shortstack, sweetcheeks, shortcake, shortie… he means it to be teasing and though he’ll toe the line of your boundaries he won’t ever push them or break them entirely. J respects you, he trusts you, and if you’re not okay with those names then he won’t use them. He loves your long hair; when the sunlight catches it, it looks golden and he appreciates the different tones. It reminds J of you, strangely; of how you have your own multiple layers and complexities. He adores your eyes, too… J doesn’t care at all about appearances but he really does enjoy looking into your eyes and seeing you look back at him. If eyes are the windows to the soul then yours, my dear, are radiant. J can read everything in your eyes - your every mood - and there’s something which doesn’t quite feel right to him unless chocolate meets green often. Sometimes at night, J has a nightmare and he needs to see those green fields to calm the pounding of his heart; he rarely wakes you up, though. He just shrugs it off and tries his best to get back to sleep. He may not be a man with a plan but he does have ideas; and they won’t bring themselves to fruition.
J finds endless amusement in the way that he’s a terrorising murderous clown and you love true crime and want to work in the same fields. He gets a good kick out of it and though he worries that you’ll be in danger or that you won’t be able to keep up with him, once he invited you along with him. “C’mon, s’no good watching it all the time - what’d’ya say - wanna, ah - see it ya’self?” Nothing special happens that night, it’s only a bank heist, but even so the thrill you get is unlike anything else. Oh, but you feel so alive. J is there for you no matter what you decide to do with your future; he can use his many connections to get you a proper foot in the door. He also doesn’t see that you need a career; he can rob a bank any day to provide you with a comfortable life, but he respects and understands and likes that you’re your own person with your own hopes and dreams and he’ll do anything to support you. 
You’re really quiet around new people but J’s not all that fussed by it. He can read body language well enough anyway, so anything that you don’t say he can read in your eyes, see it on your face. He calls you his open book, his, and the inflexion in that phrase makes your stomach swoop each and every time he says it. If you accidentally say something mean, J just exhales amusement through his nose. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t call you out on it, he just stays quiet. In his silence do you hear acceptance, understanding. He knows you didn’t mean it and that’s why he doesn’t say anything about it. When you get comfy around people, you’re better and you don’t panic as often and J appreciates the way that you relax around him. Actions speak louder than words and the way you relax around him tells J  that you trust him. You trust him. There are no words in the world which can express J’s gratitude and the way he’s so deeply touched by it and so he decides to show you every day.
You have Raynaud’s and there’s nothing that J can’t or won’t understand. When you can’t move your hands, J grumbles about it but he helps you in any way that he can. He’s there to warm your hands up, to help you to keep warm too. J runs like a heater, even when it’s ice cold outside, and he’ll help you. He might crack jokes, make comments about how your cold soul is leaking through your skin, but the twinkle of mirth in those beautiful chocolate eyes tells you more than J ever could himself. 
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dimensionsunited · 4 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of June 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: April schedule posts are due by the end of May 7 KST. Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
Overall Company
On an idol level, there’s not much happening on a larger company scale this month. Dimensions still seems extremely invested in CHAMPION’s success as they debut next month and creative director Choi Dongwook has fallen some from his traditional savior status among the creative and marketing departments, as well as in the public’s eyes, after his insistence on Lucid revisiting their darker concept didn’t pay off, but for the idols themselves, it’s another month of schedules.
Important dates:
Dimensions Soloist 1
University festival season brings with it a chance for her to get on stage and perform in front of large crowds again for what’s really the first time since she wrapped her tour and her last music show promotions. She’s still a popular choice for such festivals due to an image that’s more palatable for college-aged students than the typical idol. Still, several other idol groups and soloists will be among her peers performing at the festivals.
Important dates:
May 15: Performance at Yonsei University Akaraka Festival (also performing: WISH, Gold Star Soloist 1, and Fuse).
May 21: Performance at Myeongji University Festival (also performing: Aria).
May 27: Performance at Keimyung University Festival (also performing: BC Soloist 1).
Dimensions Soloist 2
Promotions continue as expected this month. Other than his music show appearances, he has a radio show guesting and some online video content to film. He’ll also be part of the list of singers performing at the Seoul Jazz Festival near the end of his promotion period as Dimensions continues to straddle the marketing line with him between idol and serious musician.
Important dates:
May 4: Idol Radio guesting.
May 6: M2 High-Live video filming.
May 8: “Feeling” Oasis Live video filming.
May 23: Performance at the Seoul Jazz Festival.
May 24: Performance at the Seoul Jazz Festival.
May 28: End of music show promotions.
Dimensions Soloist 3
The success of “I” has made her Dimensions’ new golden child in only one round of promotions. Said round of promotions ends May 15, but she proves she doesn’t need to be actively promoting for her song to remain stable on the charts. The company is impressed with the performance of the song to say the least, but that also means any chance she had of a break following her promotions has gone out the window. Instead, an OnStyle reality show has been concocted to really reel in all of the new potential fans she’s earned. Some of the content the company filmed that was originally intended to be uploaded to YouTube will be used for the early episodes of the show, but she has new content to film as well as the end of her music show promotions will be filmed.
Important dates:
May 15: End of music show promotions.
Their Guangzhou fanmeeting was a success and now that they’re back in Seoul, it’s on to preparations for their mini-concerts at the end of the month. Dimensions Entertainment will be holding an eight-day long photo exhibition of Gal.actic throughout the years for fans to visit and Gal.actic will perform at the gallery on the first and last day of the event. Not only will they be performing their latest title tracks (”B.B.B”, “Someone Like U”, “Be Ambitious”), but also some fan favorites from earlier in their career (”Supa Dupa Diva”, “Venus”, “Gossip Girl”, ‘Sticky Sticky”, “A”) to match the theme of walking down memory lane. The members will be in rehearsals rooms throughout the month to remind themselves of any of the older choreography they may have forgotten.
Important dates:
May 24: Be Ambitious photo exhibition and mini-concert at Gallery K in Seoul.
May 31: Be Ambitious photo exhibition and mini-concert at Gallery K in Seoul.
Alien’s schedules have been incredibly busy in recent memory, so the lower profile they’ll be keeping this month is a change of pace. They have no public schedules this month as Dimensions releases their new Japanese album, but they will have work to do behind the scenes. Early in the month, the priority is to record yet another English single, “Someone’s Someone” and film the MV mid-month. The day after they finish filming for the music video, they’ll be in the studio to begin recording their next comeback album.
Important datess:
May 14: Someone’s Someone MV filming day one.
May 15: Someone’s Someone MV filming day two.
May 20: Release of Phenomenon Japanese album.
May is comeback month! As a brighter comeback, “Take Me Higher” leads to split opinions among MARS’s fandom, but it is their first comeback in almost a year, so the fan reaction is generally excited nevertheless. They have the luck of promoting during their sixth anniversary and will hold a mini fan-meeting outside of Inkigayo as they pass another year spent with fans, but members are encouraged to up fan outreach this month to take advantage of the sentimental feeling among them during their anniversary month.
Important dates:
May 14: Release of “Take Me Higher” & MARS Adventure in Wonderland showcase, music show promotions continue until June 14.
May 15: Arirang Radio Super K-Pop guesting.
May 19: Appearance on Fact In Star.
May 21: Take Me Higher Relay Dance video filming.
May 24: Sixth debut anniversary mini fan-meeting.
7ROPHY begins the month finishes up preparations for their comeback at the end of the month. Amid constant practice to make their performances of their next comeback the best they can be, they have photo shoots and MV filming. In the week leading up to their comeback, they’ll also have their first university festival performances of the year, which Dimensions hopes will have the audience tuning in to hear what they put out next. There isn’t much time before the end of the month to see how “No” performs, but it doesn’t take long to see where it’s success is going to fall in their discography: somewhere above “Me”, but nowhere near the heights of “Latata”, “Hann”, or even “Senorita”.
Important dates:
May 1: Comeback teaser photo shoot.
May 6: “No” MV filming + individual video teaser filming..
May 22: Performance at Sogang University festival (also performing: BEE).
May 26: Performance at Daejin University festival (also performing: Decipher).
May 27: Release of “No” & No. 1 showcase, music show promotions continue until June 27.
May 28: Performance at Korea University festival (also performing: CHARM and Aria).
The end of their Japanese tour at the beginning of the month also marks the end of their tour. It was a successful one, so their managers will be sure to treat them to a meal on the company card when they get back to Seoul on May 5. Only one week of rest is in the cards for Unity, from May 6 to May 12 where the members will be freed from any group schedules and will be permitted to travel abroad (even without a manager) if they wish (excluding CHAMPION members who will be working on the sub-unit debut). It’s one of the biggest tests of their freedom they’ve had now that they’ve passed the four year mark, but upon their return, they’ll be reminded they’ve signed up for more work than play as they get immediately into preparations for their next comeback by recording the album.
Important dates:
May 2: Unity Tour concert at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza in Tokyo, Japan.
May 3: Unity Tour concert at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza in Tokyo, Japan.
May 4: Unity Tour concert at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza in Tokyo, Japan.
            ↳ CHAMPION
The official announcement of CHAMPION is made on the 5th and the reaction seems to be more negative than positive at first with some passionate fans of all three groups raising objections out of concern for group or solo schedules for their favorite idols. Dimensions and BC may not have anticipated the exact level of backlash the news gets, but their only choice is to operate on the idea that all publicity is good publicity. The goal this month is to get fans used to seeing everyone together by beginning to release content of them and even having an Instagram live as the first official live event with all six sub-unit members together before they make their debut next month. In preparation for the sub-unit’s tour, the members will be recording and learning the choreography for two new songs (”Dangerous Woman” and “With You”) this month, too. Furthermore, all members of the sub-unit who have made a solo debut as of the end of May 2020 will be informed they will be given a solo stage of their latest promoted solo single to pad out the tour set list. That affects the following muses as follows with the following songs:
@fmdjaewon: “Fiancé”
@fmdyul: “Focus”
Important dates:
May 6: Album unboxing video filming.
May 13: Instagram live.
May 30: Release of performance video.
To say Dimensions seems in a rush to get promotions over with wouldn’t be wrong, but they’ve already invested in a month’s worth of promotions, so Lucid must see them out with the shining light of some university festivals to bring in money to the company. At the university festivals they’ll be performing songs from both their nightmare realm concept and their regular realm concept in their “You and I” styling despite the general public having made it clear which they prefer. Three days after they end music show promotions, the members will move out of their old dorm into a new, slightly nicer one in closer proximity to the company building. Roommates will remain the same.
Important dates:
May 13: Performance at Wonkwang University festival (also performing: BEE, Aria, and Gold Star Soloist 2).
May 22: Performance at Hanyang University festival (also performing: Lipstick).
May 23: End of music show promotions.
May 26: New dorm move-in day.
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