#(as love interests or as besties !!!!!)
dreadeves · 2 months
funniest thing about riz gukgak is that coming to terms about being aroace would absolutely not fix him and in fact, could make him worse. like his fear isn’t him being aroace, it’s that everyone’s going to have someone more important to them in their lives and he’s never going to have someone like that and doesn’t want to, and he’s always going to be left behind. which like. welcome to amanormativity babe!
but like, having a word to describe why he’s never going to date/have a ‘most important person’ like that is just that: having a word. and once you start noticing how allo the world is you don’t really go back. having a community with other aro/ace people doesn’t stop the alienation from his allo friends. like. him coming to terms with being aroace would only make him more and more aware of how alienated he is from the people around him
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sensitiveheartless · 5 months
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Chuuya Week Day 3: Found Family
(Or, Adam and the three messy teenagers he’s taken under his wing)
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eluminium · 7 months
Impulse: talking about how cool it was to reach 1 mil subs Someone in chat: Skizz is gonna overtake you soon
Impulse, no hesitation, with his entire impussy:
G O O D.
I can't wait. I can't wait! Honestly I would LOVE- I would ABSOLUTELY love to see Skizz pass me in everything. Subs, views, everything. Dude deserves it. I've been dreaming about that since I started. Him coming along and making his way up and overtaking me and me riding- I'll ride his coattails for a while, you know!
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theythemmer · 14 days
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im fucking crying
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lxkeee · 8 months
⋆.˚ ⭒˚FLY ME TO THE MOON ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚
—part two
pairing: lucifer morningstar x fem! archangel raphael! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: friends to enemies, so it's angsty
notes: hehehehe idk yeah, this is now a series of sort 🤯 also, eat well simps /affectionate. I'll be basing off the seven virtues' appearance off from esbellesantos' Fanart but I wouldn't like fully follow their headcanon personality and make a different personality for them.
Part One | Part Three | THE SEVEN VIRTUES
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So many years have passed after Lucifer's trial, during those years [y/n]'s gigantic and majestic wings finally grew. Three pairs of majestic wings now prodding on her back, a golden halo on top of her head. The [y/n] that was just a background character has now risen up the ranks, God seeing her potential and granted her the title of archangel, now one of the seven virtues of heaven.
[y/n] who was once upbeat and cheerful has now grown cold and mature as she took the responsibility god has placed upon her shoulders. Heart closed to other immortal beings but opened to the mortal ones.
She rules a specific area of the skies, as the seven virtues are tasked to watch their own territory and to make sure to maintain peace and order with the heavenly beings.
She sat on the chair just by her balcony, a small table in front of her. A cup of steaming coffee on the table as she read a newspaper containing some daily heavenly news. A gold wedding ring on her ring finger. She stared at the bright, white, and blue scenery outside her home. Clouds all over the place, other lower ranked angels flying around.
She lives in a huge mansion by herself despite being married.
“Darling I am here~!” a male spoke as the sound of the door to the living room was slammed open. Speaking of her husband, familiar footsteps tapping on the pristine white and gold marbled tiles as the person arrived to the balcony of the living room.
“Azrael, to what do I owe you the pleasure?” [y/n] asked, gently placing back down her coffee cup on to the table. Tilting her head to look at her husband. Tall, slender, mischievous.
Don't get her wrong, she and Azrael don't like each other romantically but they are more on platonic. They only got married... Well... Because of boredom and they did promised each other to marry each other if they remained single even when they've reached a certain age. They promised to divorce each other if they find the one that is right for them. Despite their odd friendship, the two trust each other a lot. Azrael was one being there for her when Lucifer fell from grace.
“I just have some news to share with you, I think this will catch your interest dear.” Azrael winked at her, leaning against his black staff. Eyes half lidded as he awaited for her reaction.
[y/n]'s eyes stopped moving along the words of the paper she was reading, tilting her head to look at the taller angel with curiosity, eyebrow raised. “Really now? Tell me dearie.” she says with a smirk, lifting her coffee cup and bringing it to her lips.
“Lucifer apparently wants to have a meeting with heaven. He wanted to propose another idea of his.” Azrael says with a smirk, his smirk widening as he watched [y/n] choked on her drink.
She clears her throat, getting the caffeine out of her esophagus. The revelation brought back so many memories that it caught her off guard.
“I'm sorry, what did you say?” she asked again, eyes blinking. Having second thoughts whether she heard him wrong.
Azrael crosses his arms and smirks, “You heard me, he's coming up here to tell us about his plans for the wayward souls down there.”
“Really now?” [y/n] asked with a scoff, wiping her lips with a clean white cloth. She lost her hope in humanity, she believes that the people who didn't properly use the free will gifted to them by Lucifer, shouldn't be given another chance as they wasted that opportunity to live a good life.
“I doubt that the others would agree to whatever plan he has to show.” [y/n] says, sipping her coffee once more.
Azrael laughs, wiping a tear off his eye. “My, you used to agree with his views. To see you disregard his plans before even hearing is just too cruel, [y/n]” he says with a mischievous smile on his face, a sing-song tone in his voice.
“They got gifted free will and look what they have done with it. I believe those souls are better off staying down there and looking back at the times they could've done better.” [y/n] says coldly.
Azrael shrugs, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Well, I don't really care about mortal life that much considering I am the angel of death. My duty is to guide them to the afterlife.” he says, shrugging. Walking to the railings of the balcony and leans his back against it.
“Well, that's the only reason I came here. I have duties to attend to and the meeting will be happening in a few days. I'm sure it would be quite a lovely reunion with all eight of us.” Azrael says with a smirk, excited how the meeting will go with all seven virtues plus Lucifer in the same room. He can tell it would be tense and chaotic.
“Good luck in your work.” [y/n] says with a lazy shrug making the taller angel laugh.
“Adios~” he says before disappearing in a puff of sparkly black smoke.
Turning back to the world outside her home, dull [e/c] eyes looking over the blue horizon. She sighs, closing her eyes as she sighs.
“A meeting huh, it's been awhile since I've last seen him.” she mutters, eyes opening. Cold and calculative. “This should be interesting.”
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Timeskip to a few days later...
Lucifer paced back and forth inside his room, a guest room heaven prepared for him. The meeting would happen in two hours and he is beyond nervous. It took so much time to convince them to listen to him but they finally agreed because he persisted.
He expected that it will be only Sera to judge his plans, the anxiety and fear he felt when Sera told him that the seven virtues themselves would grant him an audience to his plans for hell.
He doesn't know much about the seven virtues as it was only implemented a few years after his fall but he knew that it consists of powerful angels that kept the order and peace of heaven. He can list a few angels that are probably one of the seven virtues.
But despite all this, his heart has been aching. He's in heaven, he's standing on the same ground as [y/n]. He misses her, so goddamn much.
Did she miss him too? Probably not.
Remembering how bad their goodbye was, there wasn't any to begin with.
Lucifer sighs, patting up his dark pink suit to ease up the creases. Despite the years that have already gone by, [y/n] never left his heart. He never forgets, every detail of his world no matter how miniscule it is... He can't help but think, [y/n] would've loved this, this is her favorite color, her favorite food, and etc.
He loves Lilith but he also loves [y/n] (more even!) and he knows it's too late to admit that and he's afraid to admit to himself that... He may have made the wrong choice of ignoring her advances.
His gloved hands moved to his collar, adjusting it. “Don't think about her Lucifer, you have a meeting to do and this is for the sake of your people and family.” he says to himself. Taking deep breaths to calm his fast beating heart.
He is ready to propose his plan on making a hotel to redeem sinners.
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The seven virtues of heaven sat in a u-shaped table, all seven virtues wearing a mask that hides their faces. In front of them stood a very nervous Lucifer.
Not a single one of them aside from Lucifer talked, they listened to him talk about his plans for hell.
It is a good plan but without proof, it is useless.
“With the hotel, I am sure sinners would find a way to redeem themselves and join you guys here in heaven.” Lucifer says, a nervous smile on his face as he ends his presentation. Standing in front of the seven virtues is a real nerve wrecking. He can sense the power emitting from each and every one of them. One wrong move and he's done for.
“The idea is cute and all but without evidence, this... This is completely useless.” Gabriel says, a bored tone in her voice as she lazily held the folder filled with the details of Lucifer's plan and letting it fall into the table with a loud thud.
Lucifer flinches from her remark and the sound of his hopes and dreams of his people hitting with a loud thud on the table from Gabriel's actions.
“I agree.” Michael says, removing his mask. A mischievous smile on his face. “Lucifer, you don't know what these mortal souls are capable of. How can you be so sure the hotel would work if you yourself aren't sure they wanted to redeem themselves in the first place?” Michael asked, voice filled with authority, eyebrows raised as he asked the question, looking down on his twin brother, Lucifer.
Lucifer flinches, starting to get nervous.
“Well... We wouldn't know if we'd tr—” he says but getting cut off.
“You've never seen the horrors and atrocities these mortal souls commit with their free will. War, corruption, death, murder, drugs... Anything you can name it. What makes you think these people would want to make themselves better?” Jophiel says, his voice shaking. A laugh escaping his lips as he remembers the horrors he's seen on earth, a mocking laughter.
“They're truly terrible, these souls don't have a place here in heaven.” Michael sneered.
Azrael just smirked as he watched the scene unfold, [y/n] keeping quiet beside him. His hand intertwined with hers to comfort her.
“But they're souls, human souls just the same with the one's up here in heaven.” Lucifer defended, clenching his fists.
“They are not the same, the souls here in heaven have earned it.” Camuel says with a smile, finally removing his own mask.
“Ugh, the work I have to do carrying each soul to their destination is quite tiring. Annoying even. Especially when a soul curses at me for bringing them to hell when they only have themselves to blame.” Azrael says with a groan, smirking as he removes his mask. Looking at Lucifer challengingly.
Lucifer's eyes widened at the cruelty of their words, six virtues now staring at him face-to-face, aside from one virtue who kept quiet.
“Well, each one of us already said our opinion aside from Raphael here... Or should I say, [y/n]? Do you have something to say?” Azrael says, a teasing smile on his face. [Y/n] glaring at Azrael as she slightly squeezed his hand.
Lucifer's eyes widened, heart beating faster than ever before when he heard the name. Even more so when the last virtue removed her mask.
Cold, bored, calculative, and dull.
No longer the bright sparkling [e/c] eyes Lucifer loved before.
“Is this even necessary? All of you had already said what needed to be said.” [y/n] says, removing her hand from Azrael's as she leans her elbows on the table. Putting her chin on her knuckle. A lazy and bored look on her face. A shiny gold band on her ring finger, a wedding ring.
She's married? He asked himself but that question isn't too important as he is focused on something else. How cold she is. That something Lucifer isn't quite used to.
The others looked at [y/n] expectantly making the woman sigh, “Very well then, I would have to agree with the others.” she says coldly.
This isn't his [y/n]. Where was the [y/n] who used to be so kind, bright, cheerful, and had hopes for humanity? What happened to her?
Lucifer stood in fear, not knowing how to act now that [y/n] is revealed to be one of his audience.
“Humans. They are selfish and vile creatures. Destroying the planet our creator had given them, killing and hurting their own kind. Poverty, hunger, corruption, death. If you haven't given them the apple, they would be living in peace and harmony and with no worry in eden but you took that away from them and now they're doomed to suffer.” [y/n] coldly explained. “You cannot see it personally and that is your burden to carry, your punishment.”
Lucifer can't speak, mind blanking as a loud ringing was heard on his ears. Hands shaking, he couldn't breathe.
Where was the one person who believed in him? Did he fucked up so much to even lose her too?
“You're really mad huh?” Azrael says, placing a hand over his cheek. A similar gold band on his ring finger. Lucifer's eyes widened.
Azrael is married to her. Lucifer thought. Defeated.
“Well, this court finds no evidence that this hotel would be effective. I suggest you leave now or you'll face the consequences.” Michael says, voice is booming and filled with authority. The other virtues glaring at him. Halo's shining down on Lucifer as if to mock him, to show him that they are in power.
Why do you still look so disappointed in me? More so even?
Lucifer asked, looking at [y/n] who avoided his gaze.
Azrael showing off his wedding ring to him with a smirk on his face, making Lucifer's eye twitch.
“This meeting is over.” Michael says, glaring down on Lucifer. “Leave or else you'll suffer the consequences.” Michael says, angelic weapons now aimed warningly at him.
Fear coursing through his veins, Lucifer left. Despite wanting to stay and talk to her, he couldn't. Poofing away in a cloud of sparkly red smoke.
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“You okay?” Azrael asked beside her as they flew back to their respective territories. Passing by many clouds, the skies now have a dark shade of blue as the sun has set a few hours ago.
“Nope, but I will eventually.” she says with a sigh making the dark haired male smile.
“You know, I didn't expect him to be so small. You used to be the same height but now you're taller than him.” Azrael mutters with a small laugh.
“They don't have the sun there, Azrael. They don't have the necessary vitamins to grow taller.” [y/n] says with a small laugh. The joke making the male angel laugh hysterically.
“HAHAHAHA! Since when did you make such jokes [n/n]? A really dark one too!” he says before winking at her, “No pun intended.”
The unintended pun making the girl chuckle. Azrael smiled, happy he got to make her smile after that stressful meeting.
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I based off the seven virtues here aside from Raphael and Azrael image.
Also, I based this off from the "more than anything" song that Lucifer tried to look for ways to help his people and also based off from that one panel of an episode (I forgot which one) where he was wearing the same outfit Charlie is wearing, the pink suit? Yeah, I imagined he did the hotel concept and told Charlie about it.
@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
im rereading the lightning thief and I forgot that the other campers were so freaked by Percy after he had been claimed + decimated those Ares kids that they wouldn't train with him anymore and he had to have solo sword lessons with Luke
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robfozdarling · 4 months
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Drew my three favorite pooches! (Not in any order, haha. But if it helps, Barnaby is my #1 bbg)
Here’s the sketch too hehe
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stardustspecter · 6 months
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suffer its sting?? how can i when hes so cute
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mintypsii · 6 months
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i love putting them in Situations
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lilidawnonthemoon · 7 months
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koyot1 · 2 months
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I'm building a wall, everyday it's getting higher. This time I won't end up another victim of love! 🎶
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mal-lay · 14 days
Gloria is so silly I just HAD to draw her!! 💜
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My coloring is kinda lazy and stuff y’all my bad. That’s why I don’t usually color my sketches. But also I think it kinda smeared in with the pen so that’s why.
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childhood friend!sugu vs childhood friend!toru
thank you for saying this anon i’ve been thinking of it a lot actually. i’m morally and legally binded to choose childhood friend!sugu no matter what because he’s literally……. my favorite Ever. and i think the inherent devotion of the childhood friend trope blends soooo well with his natural devotion. his protective urges. etcetc. i have wayyyy too many thoughts about childhood friend!sugu 😭 but it mostly boils down to him wanting to be by your side forever. he wants to make you happy and he wants to protect you and he knows you so well that he doesn’t trust anyone else to love you like he can. he’s selfish and he wants you to lean on him more than he wants anything for himself.
childhood friend!toru though….. i feel like he would be your estranged childhood friend. that makes most sense to me :3 like, you met when you were really really young, and ended up playing together in an empty park. he was a brat, kind of quiet, and you were just sweet, y’know? you were the closest thing to a friend he had as a child. then you ended up moving away, he never got to say goodbye… and you meet again as adults. you don’t remember him — it was just so, so long ago — but he remembers you. he remembers you a little too well.
so now you just kinda have to deal with this tall, handsome, cheery man who keeps talking to you like you’re best friends even though you literally don’t remember him…. he’s sweet though. a little annoying, but sweet. he has a soft spot for you. i think having anything remotely close to a childhood friend makes him feel human in a way he can’t help but crave.
sooooo. overall!!! both are good :3 i will always be a childhood friend!sugu truther before anything else but childhood friend!toru has sm potential..
#THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION MY ANGEL#the childhood friend trope is my Absolute favorite i’ll never get tired of talking abt it :3#childhood friend!sugu is the most devoted sugu btw#that’s a very tough thing to say but. it’s true#honestly it’s a toss up between a specific brand of cult leader geto and childhood friend sugu…#buuuuuut . like.#i think childhood friend sugu would do Anything to see you smile. he’s so devoted to you.#you’ve been the center of his world before he knew who he was or what he wanted#so . like. when he thinks of the future he just sees You. all he wants is to be with you#…….. when i think abt it . he’s literally just yuuta isn’t he 💀💀💀#the geto/yuuta parallels keep haunting me somebody helpppppp T_T#BUT I LOVEEE CHILDHOOD FRIEND!TORU I THINK HE . could be . so fun :333#he keeps pouting about you forgetting him and calling you his bestie so you assume you were really close#… then you eventually find out that you only played together like . four times.#but those few few hours are still precious to satoru because he was always so isolated#it’s a little heartbreaking!!!! the idea that to you he was just a quiet boy all alone in a park.#but to him you were the closest thing he had to a friend……..#i’m just imagining him waiting for you in the park all day. after you move. and he just waits and waits and then goes home.#………….#ok nevermind i’m making myself sad#.. but anyway . i think that kinda plot would be interesting because it gives reader an insight into satoru that no one else has#to you he’s still a quiet boy in a park. who looks a little lonelier than he should be#i love him T_T#ask tag ✩
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vrronica-sawyer · 10 months
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Hyper specific drawing just for me
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mothervega · 1 day
imagine coming back from the dead to post ur first drawing in ages and it’s just you with ur comfort characters ahahaha couldn’t be meeeeee
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(it’s me.)
ALSO an unedited version cuz it’s pretty too :3
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hauntingjasper · 1 month
Blind as a bat
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#i need to think about more hcs for these two#I think Marshall sometimes joins Fionna on her adventures if he's interested enough (which is rare)#or if he wants to tick Gumball off by showing up without warning like 'heeeey bestie what are we doing today *smiles*'#because Gumball is usually the one who sends Fionna to do stuff outside the kingdom#i think adventuring/traveling in general is (as we say here in Brazil) always either 8 or 80 for Marshall#because he's lived so long and probably seen more than half of Ooo atp so he just doesn't care much about going out there anymore#he still likes hanging out with friends and going to concerts but travel to the other side of the island?#to see an event he's probably seen happen many times before over the centuries? with the conditions he has as a vampire?#and leave his cat alone??? nah he'd rather sleep all day#Fionna likes traveling. I think she'd be more interested on the fun and active parts of the trip like sports and festivals ig?#and also the stories. give her all the monster legends and mythologies and romances she loves them#I think Marshall would know places in Ooo that are known to be hella dangerous so when Fionna says she's going there he just goes#“oh? i'm going with you then I wanna see how long you survive there 👁️”#She usually does well without his help but he had to save her ass once or twice already#fionna and cake#adventure time fionna and cake#fionna and cake fanart#fionna campbell#marshall lee#adventure time fionna#fionna the human#adventure time marshall lee#adventure time#adventure time fanart
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