#he and childe are besties. i declare this now. both love their families and want to protect them
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the-random-phan · 5 months ago
Ectoberhaunt Day 13
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Isekai: Old Hero New World
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telltalesonline · 10 months ago
Bridgerton: The 20 Best Characters, Ranked
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Dearest Gentle Reader, what is it about the hit period series Bridgerton that keeps you firmly hooked on like a tight-fitted corset?
Is it the steamy love scenes or the profound romantic declarations? Or perhaps it’s the stunning costumes, grand sets, and classical pop covers that you burn for. Mostly, though, I have a feeling it’s the characters that keep you gripped on this popular TV show.
From the dashing Duke of Hastings to the multi-dimensional Bridgerton siblings, every character is as alluring as the Regency-era setting itself. But in the words of Lord Anthony, who is the “bane of my existence and the object of all my desires?”
With every season — and spin-off — the show goes through a wardrobe change of characters, so it might be best to do a roll call of the most memorable ones.
Scroll down for my ranking of the 20 best Bridgerton characters (including those in Queen Charlotte) — based on their impact, likableness, and overall contribution to the series.
20. Cressida Cowper
Where else would this ill-mannered gossip be, if not at the bottom of the list? Cressida Cowper, my least favorite Bridgerton character, is like that coworker you want to defenestrate, or that neighbor you fantasize about running over. I’m exaggerating, obviously. Although she’s had some character growth and I feel *slightly* sorry for her, I can’t forgive her for picking on poor Penelope, gossiping and competing for suitors. Pretty sure she cries herself to sleep for being match-free.
19. The Featherington Sisters
Whiners and graceless groaners, Prudence and Philippa are no one’s favorites — neither in our hearts or among the ton. They now have different surnames as they both successfully married, making their mama heave a sigh of relief. However, their pitiful, back-breaking journey to this status remains fresh in my mind. On the one hand, you’re happy for them. On the other, you feel sorry for those poor blokes.
18. Mrs. Varley
Now, why would a lowly servant rank higher than high-born ladies? Unlike her fellow trusty servants on this show, Mrs. Varley stands out not just for being the Featheringtons’ loyal housekeeper, but their partner in crime, as well. She could have left when they were insolvent, but she stayed, taking up the family’s duties and plotting with Portia for the good of the household. What other housekeeper would do that? Someone give Mrs. Varley the Servant of the Season Award!
17. Lord and Lady Mondrich
Because they are a T-E-A-M — and possibly the most superior couple on the show. Friends of the Duke of Hastings, and well-acquainted with the Bridgertons, the businessman and his audacious wife are slowly becoming favorites, and for that, they deserve a worthy mention. From rigged fights to opening a manhole, they try to stand firmly on their feet, as they aren’t as endowed as others. But having now gone from working class to high society, these two are clearly moving up in the world of Bridgerton, and I love that for them.
16. Benedict Bridgerton 
What’s a Bridgerton doing on the lowest rungs of the ladder? Benedict is a great guy, but his character isn’t as flourished as his more popular family members. We know he wants to be free to forge his own path, uninfluenced by societal expectations, and he’s also the supportive sibling who’s there when you need him. Remember when he rescued Eloise, the sibling he’s closest with, from a crude description of how babies are made?
15. Genevieve Delacroix
Ah, Benedict’s ex-fling with the fake French accent…The successful businesswoman who styles the ladies of the ton and collaborates with Lady Whistledown. That alliance ended when she realized their tryst wasn’t worth a charred reputation. But throughout the series, she’s proven to be a good person, and bestie to Penelope. Need advice, a place to crash, or want to spread a rumor about someone having an illegitimate child so you don’t have to marry him anymore? Just head over to the modiste!
14. Simon Basset
It goes without a doubt that the Duke of Hastings was one of the best characters in the first season. He was ridiculously good-looking, and his presence always spoke more than he ever did. But I can’t say I *miss* him. Simon hangs low on the ladder, as he allows his hatred for his father to control him by denying Daphne, his wife, the joys of motherhood. In the end, love, frequent shenanigans around the estate, and of course common sense prevail, and Augie Bassett is born.
13. King George
Although not so much a major character on Bridgerton, the spinoff show Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story helped us sympathize with the once-was charming and graceful king. A well-rounded and humanized portrayal of a vulnerable King who is plagued by mental illness, I couldn’t help but feel a certain level of compassion for this character as he navigates the tragic relationship with his wife.
12. Colin Bridgerton
“I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington…” Well, I will never forget those words Mr. Colin Bridgerton!!
But all things (and Season 3) considered, he still gets brownie points for being the perfect gentleman. Indeed, despite being blind to the whole package that is Penelope (except in Season 3, of course), Colin is the ultimate sweetheart. He looks out for Featheringtons before they almost get shanghaied; expresses that he could have married Marina despite the pregnancy; and rescues his best friend Penelope from the many torments of the ton. Colin’s that guy you wanna be friends with, but not too friend-ly with, you get me?
11. Edwina Sharma
Timid and sweet Edwina is bland to say the least. Her agreeable nature makes me yawn and yes, I use her scenes for bathroom breaks. It was when she discovered that Anthony, her husband-to-be, was in love with Kate, her sister, that I felt some fire oozing from her. That fire restored order in both households and mended her relationship with her sister. It also gave her a prince instead of a viscount, so you know, talk about leveling up!
10. Daphne Basset
The incomparable Duchess Daphne Basset. The pretty face that had men swooning and girls admiring. The Bridgerton that chose a Duke over a Prince…and took drastic measures to ensure pregnancy. The things we do for love, right? Of course, she has to be among the top 10 characters! As the first Bridgerton daughter, she discharges her duties of setting a good example for her younger sisters and upholding her family’s prestige splendidly. But in what world did she think she could play around with the handsome Duke and not get…burned?
See the full ranking at Tell Tales Online.
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lacrimosathedark · 4 years ago
Hamilton Inaccuracies/Corrections (because why not?)
Okay so, I saw a post on reddit that was like, “what’s some inaccuracies in Hamilton off the top of your head?” and I got a whole bunch...and then I had to double check to make sure if I was right...and I’m pretty long-winded...and  now I have this 5,000ish word monstrosity. And apparently you can only post 1000 characters at a time on reddit. Laaaaame. So here’s some Hamilton facts I’ve gathered in my brain. Since it was kinda off the top of my head despite being so long, it’s kinda vague in some places, so if anyone wants to expand on anything (or correct me if I oopsed somewhere) please do! Though nicely please.
Also I am also awful at citing things, but I know I learned some of this from @john-laurens and @ciceroprofacto so thank you.
Act 1
Rachel Faucette was not a prostitute, but she was a “whore” in the sense that she did what she fucking wanted with her body. During her first marriage she may or may not have been sleeping around, but she refused to stay with John Lavien, her husband, anymore. So he had her arrested. And he could do that. Because patriarchy and theocracy. And she was essentially put in solitary confinement. You can see why she tried to leave, right? She tried to get their marriage annulled or get a divorce. I forget what the issue was but she couldn’t and eventually she just moved to another island where she met James Hamilton.
The intro song makes it seem like Alexander was an only child. He actually had an older brother, James Jr., but he kinda fucked off after their mother died, working and taking care of himself. They also had an older half-brother Peter Lavien, but I don’t think they really knew him other than as the son of their mother’s abusive ex who took everything from them when she died. John Lavien was able to do that because when Rachel was with James Hamilton, she had not been able to get legally divorced from him so she wasn’t really married to James Hamilton, so James Jr. and Alexander were illegitimate ie bastards. He was an asshole. I don't think Peter had anything against the Hamiltons, but I think he grew up to be a Loyalist so. He actually made some trouble in South Carolina for Henry Laurens, John's dad! But I think I read somewhere he also left money for Alex and James Jr. In his will, which is sweet.
This is more visual since it’s not specified in the song, but in the show, Hamilton’s cousin mimes hanging himself. Peter Lytton’s cause of death if I recall was inconclusive, but he was in his bed and there was a lot of blood. So, yeah, he didn’t hang himself.
Alexander did not punch the bursar. However he did return to Princeton later during the war and blew a canon through the school and apparently decapitated a painting of King George lololol. He was under orders, but yknow. Probably felt pretty good after he was rejected for accelerated courses. He wasn’t the only bastard rejected, though! Ben Franklin’s bastard son was too. The guy in charge of admissions, Witherspoon, hated bastards as a concept and Princeton was a very religious school at the time I believe.
It may have been the plan by Aaron and Esther Burr for Aaron Jr to graduate Princeton, but like, he couldn’t really be sure of that? He was like 2 years old when they died, and his older sister Sally was 4 I believe, maybe 5.
Hercules Mulligan met Alex in 1772. His older brother Hugh knew Alex’s old employer in St. Croix and helped him get to mainland America. Alex and Hercules lived together for a long while, and Hercules is actually who got him interested in the revolution.
John Laurens was in England in 1776. He wouldn’t meet Hamilton and Lafayette until he accepted his post as Washington’s aide-de-camp upon his return in August of 1777.
Lafayette couldn’t have met Hamilton before August 1777 because that’s when he met Washington, and he was appointed as a volunteer to the Continental Army only a week prior, and before that he had been in France. But Lafayette later declared their relationship to be like that of brothers, Alexander his closest connection in the states besides Washington.
Lafayette admired and absolutely adored Laurens and they were besties, but neither of them knew Mulligan. They may have met in passing, or heard about him from Hamilton, but nothing more.
“Lafayette” was actually a nickname based on his title of “Marquis de la Fayette”. In his autobiography, he wrote: “It’s not my fault I was baptized like a Spaniard, with the name of every conceivable saint who might offer me more protection in battle.” I’m glad he thought it was funny at least. His name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de la Fayette.
Hercules Mulligan is not known to fuck horses.
The Revolution had already sorta started. Actually, Hercules and Alexander had been part of local militias before 1776.
This is more of a miscommunication since the actors are close in age, though the lyrics try to get it across. There’s a reason Mulligan says he’s got the others “in loco parentis”. In 1776 Hamilton and Lafayette would have been 19, Laurens would have been 22, and Mulligan would have been 36.
I think we all know “Laurens, I like you a lot” does not cover the scope of their relationship but that’s rather self explanatory so unless someone asks I’ll leave it at that. And for other clarifications. But at the very least I’ll share this: Anyone who saw them knew they were like attached at the hip (without knowing how attached *winkwonk*) and you could almost always contact one through the other. Laurens was notoriously bad at answering letters, to Hamilton too (and Alex did bitch about it because he is insecure and needs love), but it became quickly known he got back to Hamilton fastest so people would be like “Tell Laurens I said hi!” or “Hey, I need to get these to Laurens, you send them to him.” Which is hilarious. I just imagine Alexander going, “Why me?”
While all of them are Revolutionaries, Laurens is the only one you could solidly call an abolitionist, and Mulligan’s even shaky on the manumission part. He was supposedly part of the Manumission Society Hamilton helped start, but Mulligan also personally owned slaves and was never known to have freed them (One helped him with spy shit. His name was Cato!). In fairness, Hamilton and Lafayette wholeheartedly agreed with Laurens, and Hamilton was the biggest supporter of his battalion plan, and both of them did try to continue working towards equality after the war, but it was never the top priority for either of them and their lives kinda went to hell, so it fell to the wayside. Lafayette actually did some nifty stuff worth looking at, and Hamilton might have tried to keep one of John Lauren’s freed men from Henry Laurens! But as slavery stuck around for a while, it clearly wasn’t anything significant.
Angelica would meet and befriend Thomas Jefferson in Europe, but she would never manage to convince him to put women in a sequel because he’s a huge misogynist and told her in multiple letters that politics isn’t for women and I think he deserves a shoe up his southern backside. Side note, it always bothered me that Lin played up the misogyny in the musical. I mean, yeah, all of them would be misogynists compared to us, but for their time, Hamilton wasn’t so bad. If there was anyone to play up misogyny with, it was Jefferson, because he would tell Angelica for years and years that politics could never make women happy, and that the women in France were foolish for trying etc.. Hamilton would actually discuss politics with Angelica frequently and openly. And there’s a proto-feminist in the cast that was never recognized—Aaron Burr! He respected Theodosia Sr. as an equal and she was his most valuable political ally, and he made sure Theodosia Jr. got the same education any boy of her time would have. He actually respected women to a decent degree. Not to say he wasn't as much of a ho as Hamilton cuz yeah that's accurate (but they were both disaster bisexuals more on Burr's sexuality later)
Farmer Refuted was an essay Hamilton wrote arguing against Samuel Seabury's posts. They weren't shouting in the public square(but Lin got the sass right. I love his face when Hamilton and Seabury are fighting over the podium). Seabury was also really really old, not young and cute like Thayne, hence the line about "mange". Blech.
General Montgomery didn’t take a bullet in the neck, it was a grapeshot from a canon in his head (and his thighs), but close enough I guess. Side note: Burr actually served a short interim on Washington’s staff, but only for like 10 days because they hated each other lolol.
Alexander didn’t bring Laurens, Mulligan, or Lafayette to Washington. Lafayette joined up with the Continental Army in 1777 and quickly convinced them he wasn’t like the other French nobles; he was a glory-seeking kid with a boner for America (for some reason???). Laurens was requested by Washington to join his military family and he arrived also in August 1777 just after Lafayette. Like previously stated, Mulligan was doing shit even before Hamilton did.
Alexander would not have been in charge of spy shit (though may have been somewhat involved). Washington had people like Mulligan for that, who actually saved Washington a few times. But also, the "King’s men who might let some things slide" was the tactic Mulligan used. He was actually very charming, and his wife was very high in British society and he was a skilled tailor, so they were thought of well among the redcoats, and he got a lot of information through chatting with his customers. He also could usually smooth-talk his way out of trouble. Actually, Mulligan blended in so well, when the war was over, people in the city wanted him out cuz they thought he was a Loyalist. So George fucking Washington paid him a visit and commissioned I think a coat from him, and that cleared that up. He got a LOT of business after that.
Alexander would not be Washington’s right hand man, or at least, not his only one if Lin was using that to mean aide-de-camp. In that case, Laurens would also be Washington’s right hand man, along with many men not named in the musical.
John Laurens may have been reliable with the ladies (comes with the territory of being hot, rich, and a perfect gentleman), but he most certainly didn’t want to be. His father noted, rather proudly at the time, that as a young teenager he expressed no interest in girls. John was also married by 1780, and at least Alexander knew. (he told John he'd found out in the well-known April 1779 letter. You know... “Cold in my professions...find me a wife...the length of my nose...” That one.) Because John apparently didn't tell people he was married. Laurens. Sweetheart. Get. Your. Shit. Together.
John also would not be at this ball. February 1779 to March 1780 he is fighting down south, and this ball was early 1780.
The tomcat thing may be half true. Martha Washington did supposedly name a cat Hamilton, but it was an affectionate thing. The slang tomcat meaning ho wasn’t a thing at that time, so it couldn’t be named to tease Alex for his promiscuity. I believe this was one of the many things John Adams made up to slander Hamilton.
Hamilton and Eliza had met before 1780. They had met once two years prior at a dinner her father had hosted. Also, Hamilton had been courting her friend Kitty Livingston, and his friend and fellow aide Tench Tilghman had been attempting to court Eliza, and they’d actually done at least one sort-of double date (which is adorable). So this shouldn’t have been the first time they’d seen each other. Could still be when they fell in love, though, since they started courting after this. Which is cute to think about.
Speaking of Tench and Eliza! I don't remember when this took place but Tilghman journaled it, he went out on something of a hike with a few ladies and they got to a cliff. Of course, he had to help the girls climb up. Except Eliza who started climbing by herself like a natural to the bewilderment and likely horror of the other ladies. Elizabeth Schuyler was a bamf okay?
Of course everyone knows by now, Angelica was married before Eliza. During the Winter’s Ball, she’d already eloped with Jack Carter aka John Barker Church and run away to Boston.
Their courtship was not that fast. Not like, weeks. More like months. Fun fact, Eliza is the only of the five (yes FIVE) Schuyler sisters who didn’t elope and actually got her parents permission! But here’s a heartbreaking fun fact: while Alex was courting Eliza, Laurens was taken prisoner and then on probation. He wasn’t allowed to leave the state of Pennsylvania. He was mentally in a very dark place. Alex kind of procrastinated telling Laurens about Eliza, didn’t say he was courting anyone until they were already engaged.
I can't leave this alone if I'm sad you have to be too. Alex was hella depressed during this time too. Of course he was a soldier so he couldn't see Eliza as much as he'd have liked. On top of that, he kept pushing for an exchange for John and kept getting rejected because they couldn't show preference for him. And then Laurens was sending him very few letters, of course, and the ones he did send were very depressed, even suicidal sounding. He had to work while dealing with that. He had to keep begging Eliza to write to him to be reassured that she still liked him.
No one could show up for Hamilton for the wedding. Some sources say fellow aide James McHenry showed up, but he’s the only one. Alexander even invited his deadbeat dad, offered to pay all his travel expenses and everything, guess how that turned out. So Eliza’s side of the hall was packed and his was empty. God, can you imagine how sad that is?
Another heartbreaking fun fact! John Laurens was out of probation and could have made it to the wedding, was invited (Hamilton, I kid you not, jokingly invited him to a threesome with his new wife in a letter: “I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania. I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation.” (emphasis is original to Hamilton. As is the misspelling of Pennsylvania. Yes, seriously.)) and John did not go. Instead he went back to work trying to talk his way out of getting sent as an envoy to France and suggesting Alexander to take his place. You know. His boyfriend who just got married. Sure, he was right that Hamilton was better equipped for the job, but yknow. Another fun fact, one of the guys who voted for John to be the one to go to France was John’s ex-boyfriend Francis Kinloch. Who was a turncoat, and had been a royalist when he and Laurens split. How’s that for some twisty bullshit.
Sorry, this one isn’t about the musical, it’s a tangent, I just got excited about that quote. Both that style of innuendo and the misspelling of Pennsylvania are consistent in Hamilton’s writing. Listening to john-lauren’s podcast about the April 1779 letter can really help you understand how Hammy uses innuendo but also I just love listening to it it’s insightful and hilarious and I love John Laurens but y u do this and my heart hurts for Hamilton but he is also a ho but aNYWAY. As for Pensylvania...well, he kinda made that mistake on an important document. ...It’s The Constitution. He misspelled Pennsylvania on The Constitution. No big deal. Not like something that could haunt his legacy forever. Oh my god I’m so sorry.
Philip Schuyler did have sons. Five in fact. Two of them died pretty young though I think, considering there are three kids in a row named John Bradstreet Schuyler. The other two were named Philip Jeremiah and Rensselaer.
Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan were all married before Hamilton. Hercules Mulligan married Elizabeth Sanders in 1773. Lafayette married his beloved Adrienne in 1774. John Laurens was regretfully obliged to marry Martha Manning in 1776.
Sigh. Again with the misogyny. Anyway, I wanted to comment on the marriage as a loss of freedom. From what I can tell, Elizabeth helped Hercules with his spy work at home. John was literally fighting a war across the ocean from his wife, and probably having an illegal affair with Alexander (though to be fair to him, he was kind of running away from Martha because he didn't marry her for love, gosh, there are no winners here). Lafayette absolutely adored his wife but still was also fighting a war an ocean away, and had multiple affairs, at least one with his wife’s blessing. So yeah, losing your freedom with marriage? Bullshit.
Despite where it is in the musical and Eliza singing the beginning, Stay Alive is roughly about Valley Forge, which would be December of 1777 through June of 78. So before the ball and wedding. (Fun fact! A lot of people theorize Valley Forge as when Hamilton and Laurens’ relationship may have escalated into romantic and/or sexual territory. They may have had more privacy, as small temporary buildings were being made to better withstand the cold, and Hamilton was sick a lot during that time and did need tending a lot. West Indian boi did not like Northern winter.) But yeah, Congress being stupid and the army resorting to eating their horses sometimes and not being able to buy food and equipment? All true. It was a real bad winter.
Mulligan wouldn’t have to go back to New York, he never would have left. He remained there as a tailor and a spy throughout the war. He wouldn’t have been traveling with Washington.
Hamilton and Laurens didn't write essays so much as start working out John's battalion plan and writing letters trying to push for it.
This duel happened in 1778, so like. This timeline is so fucky.
Stay Alive makes it seem like Hamilton was the one who wanted to duel Lee, but it was 100% Laurens from the start. The off-Broadway version demonstrates it a bit better. Hamilton was Lauren's second to save his ass. Hamilton had a rough relationship with Washington, but Laurens admired him greatly and would have willingly defended his commander’s honor. John was a Good Boy who always bowed his head to his asshole father, even at first for his battalion plan, but John wouldn’t let even his father talk shit about Washington. Fun fact about this duel, Alex and John were late to the duel because they “got lost in the woods”. Oooookay. Suuuuuuure. And Baron von Steuben was straight. (Fact: Steuben was very gay and pretty much pushed out of Europe for it. And he actually also had challenged Lee! They talked things out before this.)
Aaron Burr was not Charles Lee’s second. His second was a Major Evan Edwards. Lin wanted a parallel with the final duel. To be fair, that was a really cool way to do it and I like it better that way.
Alexander Hamilton could NOT agree that duels are dumb and immature. He was in 10 duel challenges as a participant in his lifetime, 9 of which he was the challenger. One time he challenged two people at once. One time he challenged an entire politcal party apparently. No, I am not kidding. He had a bad day. And I think you know the one time he wasn’t the challenger.
Lee did not yield on the first shot, nor was Laurens satisfied. Lee was pretty much like, “It’s just a flesh wound!” and wanted to go another round and Laurens agreed, but Hamilton and Edwards managed to talk them down. Yes he was shot in the side. But that wasn’t all because Laurens absolutely roasted Lee at his court martial. 
Lee: Were you ever in an action before?
Laurens: I have been in several actions; I did not call that an action, as there was no action previous to the retreat. 
I love this man. So much. The sass of this man.
We don’t know if Washington was angry about the duel with Lee. We do know that Laurens, and probably Hamilton, had Christmas dinner with him two days later. When Hamilton left, it was because Washington had snapped over a misunderstanding (caused by Lafayette actually, and he really tried to make it better because Lafayette is a sweetheart), and then continued to deny Hamilton the command he requested, and he resigned. It was entirely unrelated to the duel and Laurens. However, the daddy issues are real.
I don’t know if Lafayette went to France for more funds and came back with more guns, but Laurens certainly did! Ben Franklin told him to chill, but he actually got super impatient and ended up supposedly disrespecting and maybe kinda threatening the court, demanding what he needed, and walking out. They were were kind of shocked and impressed into giving more than had been requested. Any existing deities bless John Laurens. I love him.
Lafayette actually nominated his own aide to lead the charge and Hamilton appealed for himself and Washington finally gave in to Hamilton.
Laurens was not in South Carolina. When he finally got back from France, he was sent to Yorktown. He actually was commanding the group Alexander led. (Power couple lol) He also helped with negotiations after the battle. Also, supposedly making the British play ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ on their way out was Laurens’ idea because boy is made of sass and spite.
Henry Laurens would not have sent a letter to Hamilton about John’s death. Even if he would have, he couldn’t. At that time, he’d been locked up in the Tower of London as a prisoner. We have no idea when or how Alexander found out, or who might have told him. We know he wrote to Nathanael Greene on October 25 and Lafayette on November 3 (literally 2 months after Laurens' death), and the mentions of Laurens were very short. It’s thought that he really couldn’t talk about Laurens. People have compared it to the stories of how Benjamin Tallmadge apparently couldn’t hear Nathan Hale’s name without crying.
After Yorktown Alexander resigned and John went down south to flush British troops out of the southern states. His group was ambushed at Combahee River and he decided to charge instead of wait for backup and he died. Many people think it was a combination of his usual recklessness, suicidality, and glory-seeking mixed with a desperation with the war coming to an end. It was such a small skirmish. He deserved better. He left his daughter, Frances, whom he had never met, orphaned, as her mother had died months earlier from sickness. She was adopted by John’s oldest younger sister, also coincidentally Martha Laurens (though married was Martha Laurens Ramsay).
The Levi Weeks case was years later than that, in 1800, though it was alongside Burr. Hamilton actually lost his first trial as a defense lawyer and was not with Burr.
The whole conversation where Hamilton proposes Burr help him write the Federalist Papers is fake. Lin made that up entirely.
John Church’s wealth kinda...varies. He was a gambler. At first, he was actually in quite a bit of debt. He did make it big eventually and he and Angelica moved to Europe. He really didn’t seem to be a lot of fun to most people, but Angelica eloped with him. She chose him against her father’s wishes. I don’t get why Lin kept writing lines saying she didn’t love him, at least at first. He also does this in the cut song Congratulations where she says “I languished in a loveless marriage” bish you eloped wat She also lived as a socialite and was adored by anyone who met her apparently, so like???? da fuq Lin. Didja really do Laurens dirty for these lies or at the very least uncertanties? Could you not prop up that romance without making her say she hates her husband?
Act 2
More of a personality miscommunication. Irl Thomas Jefferson was shy, quiet, and hypersensitive, nothing like how Daveed plays him. If you knew a guy like the real Jefferson in real life you might be endeared to him out of pity or because he seems sweet, but in the short time of a musical that would immediately be read as cold and unlikable. So the best way to portray “this guy is a likable asshole” is to make him loud and made of sass which is what Daveed does magnificently. So, not at all accurate to real Jefferson, but gets the concept of him across.
Thomas was not off getting high with the French. Probably. He was making negotiations for the Revolution. And abusing Sally Hemings (his, at the time, 14 year old slave, who was also his sister-in-law, and 30 years his junior, and was brought along to entertain his daughter). And actually probably chatting up with Angelica!
By the time Philip was 9, he had two sisters, Angelica (7) and his foster/adopted sister Frances Antill (6), but he also had two brothers already, Alexander Jr. (5) and James Alexander (3), with maybe another one on the way since William Stephen would be born next year.
The whole comma thing is backwards. It was Angelica who made the initial mistake. Hamilton pointedly and flirtatiously teased her about it before closing it with “Adieu ma chere, soeur” French for “Goodbye my dear, sister”. So it’s more playful and less lovey dovey in context, so the tone is all wrong. It’s not romantic, it’s teasing and snarky.
Say No To This feels like it’s over quick. The affair lasted a year, not just the summer Eliza was away.
Clermont Street wasn’t renamed until many years later.
I don’t know that Alex has always considered Burr a friend. Irl they weren’t as close, and Hamilton was keenly aware of how slimy Burr could be.
Lafayette was NOT fine. He was imprisoned a lot during the French Revolution, the poor man, and many members of his wife’s family were killed. HOWEVER! Hamilton was not just sitting by. Angelica and her husband did make an attempt to rescue Lafayette, and the Hamiltons fostered Lafayette’s son Georges Washington Lafayette (yes that was his actual name). So Hamilton also did not forget Lafayette.
Not all his defendants got acquitted, obviously. Stop being cocky, Ham.
People comment on how Jefferson whines about Hamilton’s fashion sense while literally dressed in violet velvet. The original plan was to have him in browns, but Daveed is just such a friggin star that they just had to give him something brighter and decided to go with a Prince-inspired look. Originally the browns were going to be representative of his supposed representation of farmers. Though note here: Jefferson’s agricultural representation is much the same as modern Republicans’ rural representation. More for show.
Actually, let's get political for a sec. I've done some research in my hyperfixation and in searches for Hamilton shiz I've ended up stumbling into far-right nonsense and I know how to recognize the degrees of nonsense from years of actually paying attention to it now because this is what I do apparently. Which is weird, right? Lin kinda portrays him like a lefty. Well, here's the thing. Any proud historically educated Republican will tell you that their roots are in the Federalist Party. Which is technically true. What they will neglect to mention is the flip between parties that happened when the Republicans decided to use southerners racism to their advantage in elections. Being subtly racist can get the racists and the non-racists on your side! Yeah, it's gross. Federalists are more like Democrats. The corporatists. They clearly care more about companies and Wall Street, but they put actual action into social progress on rare occasion. Democratic-Republicans are like Republicans, conservatives who don't want social change and rail against it and pretend they aren't for corporate interests while being just as bad as the other guys. But Republicans have a tendency to rewrite history to paint themselves as the good guys, or reclaim things that aren't theirs as their own. Just look at the Civil War! Or...literally just...America I guess. Yikes. But yeah, here's your warning. Don't just go looking at and trusting things labelled Federalist. It likely won't be friendly.
John Adams didn’t fire Hamilton, Hamilton left. Eventually. And this is not the only time this kind of verbal confrontation happens, and not the one that destroys the Federalist Party. That actually happens after the Reynolds Pamphlet. But John Adams hates Alexander Hamilton with the burning passion of a thousand suns and really kinda earns this.
I’m not sure if he specifically called Alex a Creole bastard but I wouldn’t be surprised, there were other similar racist and bastard-related insults. You know the tomcat thing mentioned above. He started the rumor of the affair with Angelica. He accused him of being a rake (male version of whore at the time). He also may have behind closed doors accused him of being a sodomite. His (probably gay) son Charles helped with that one, bringing back rumors from a dinner he had with Hamilton (who he was working for) and John Church because Church joked about Alex being fond of a guy. Adams probably thought working for Hamilton was what made his son gay and alcoholic (Charles was an alcoholic and may have died in part because of that; Hamilton was not an alcoholic, but he supposedly could not hold his drink. He was smol).
Jefferson, Madison, and Burr didn’t accuse Hamilton of speculation. It was James Monroe, Abraham Venable, and Frederick Muhlenberg. Lin wanted to keep consistent representation of the Democratic-Republican party. But anyway, the whole thing went to hell because Monroe sent the letters to Jefferson (or I’ve also heard Monroe gave them to Madison who sent them to Jefferson) who, the spiteful gangly fucker, started spreading rumors because fuck Hamilton, amirite? Hamilton challenged Monroe to a duel over that. And who stopped this duel? Aaron Burr. He gets to be the good guy now and then.
It wasn’t just total strangers that got Alex off the island. He was sponsored by his cousin Ann Lytton and his teacher Reverend Hugh Knox. Also, he was kind of expected to get an education and come back and help out the island...guess what he never did. Oops.
This one I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure. I think Eliza was upstate with her family when the Reynolds Pamphlet was released, away from Alex. I also know she had recently given birth to their son, William Stephen. A lot of people think Alexander had been keeping that in mind. Eliza had had a miscarriage once before, when she was under a lot of stress and alone and with the kids and he had to be away (Whiskey Rebellion), so some people think he made sure she was surrounded by her family and waited until the child was born to drop this on her, and gave her distance from him if she needed it. At least he knew he fucked up, and he really did love her.
Those weren’t Alexander’s guns. They belonged to John Church.
It was quite some time between Philip’s challenge and the actual duel.
Another age miscommunication; Eacker was 27ish and Philip was 19 when the duel happened. There was a whole 8 years between them! 
Eacker didn’t shoot early. Actually, both of them stood staring at each other for a really long time doing nothing. But Philip went to make a move and Eacker shot him.
Alex and Eliza had made up from the Reynolds Pamphlet bullshit before Philip died. When he passed, Eliza was already pregnant with the son they would also name Philip in honor of his older brother.
Hamilton wasn’t really the deciding factor in the election of 1800. But he did say that about Burr and it did help swing the vote somewhat. But also, this was before Philip died. Philip died in 1801.
If a vote is that close, you can’t win in a landslide??? That’s not how words work???? Mister Miranda????? You are a writer??????? Sir???????
Burr actually held a term as Jefferson’s Vice President.
The Burr vs Hamilton Duel was in 1804 and was actually about another election and other things Hamilton was saying about him. Burr was running to be governor of New York and lost but heard about Alexander telling people the things he listed Alexander saying in Your Obedient Servant.
Thayne should not have played Alexander’s doctor. Sydney should have played Alexander’s doctor. Do you know why? Philip and Alexander had the same doctor when they died. Alexander took that doctor with him to the duel. His name was David Hosack.
While there’s evidence to suggest Burr experienced immediate regret (he stepped forward as if wanting to see if Hamilton was okay and supposedly asked after him and wished him well before Alexander passed) in the years that followed, until he was on his death bed, he expressed nothing but neutrality or even pride for having shot Hamilton. The ‘the world was wide enough’ comment could plausibly be entirely made up, and even if it were true, it was supposedly said toward the end of Burr’s life. Burr's life was quite a ride after Alex. He tried to make like his own empire out of Texas, and then of course was tried for treason, but he got out of that, but then everyone hated him for that ON TOP OF already hating him for killing Hamilton, so he had some crazy journey around Europe for a while. He kept a journal, writing entries like letters to Theo. The most notable things I think he writes he'd "been amused for an hour with a very handsome young Dane. Don't smile. It is a male!" which implies maybe Theodosia knew her dad was bi and was at least amused by it? And he spent a while living with Jeremy Bentham, who is generally accepted to have been gay (if you want more Burr gayness look into Jonathan Bellamy and Robert Troup. Troup knew Hamilton too!). Unrelated to his sexuality but I find it important, Burr spent, in modern cash, $40 on a coconut, in his own words, "like an ass." He returned to America eventually. I dont remember if it was before or after his foreign adventures, but his beloved grandson (also named Aaron Burr) died, and then not long after, Theodosia was lost at sea on her way to visit her dad. No one knows what happened to her. It's so sad. Anyway he married a wealthy widow named Eliza, spent all her money on charity, and died the day their divorce was finalized. And Eliza Jumel's divorce lawyer was Alexander Hamilton Jr..
Poor Eliza couldn’t go through all of her husband’s papers. Her son, John Church Hamilton, finished the work for her when she no longer could and put together the biography that inspired Chernow’s that inspired Lin’s musical. (He named a son Alexander and a daughter Elizabeth. He even named one of his sons Laurens! Aw.) And we have come full circle.
The End :33
There’s probably more but that’s what I’ve got. Thanks for reading!
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years ago
I personally can never really see Saeran as a love interest cuz I love Saeyoung with all ma heart and he actually helped me learn to love again (even though I don't rlly wanna be in relationships irl anymore) but ngl having Saeran as a brother-in-law sounds good SKSKSKS
No matter who you choose, you got an amazing brother-in-law basically lolol
I also read this one where Saeran keeps having dreams about you and he couldn't help but fall in love and poor boi wakes up having like breakdowns and stuff and IT HURT LIKE A B I T C H!!!
At the end where you and Saeyoung left for a date, he goes back to sleep to keep dreaming about you and sprays your perfume at a pillow so it has your scent basically and that broke me omg ajdbahdhwh it was actually the first fic I read where Saeran is secretly in love with you hhhhh!!! I can give you the link if you want! The writing was nice too!!
At my comfort universe, I think that Saeran got over it and is now glad to see his brother happy and they both have this relationship where they are playful with each other and Saeran even likes having him around. I read a fic recently where Saeran started having bad flashbacks and Saeyoung and you basically hug him and he calms down since he feels you two near him and it ends with you three cuddling on the couch HHHHHSHDHWHDWH!!!!
This one other fic, he was actually jealous of Saeyoung and when the power went out and you were cold, Saeran brings a blanket and covers you. He feels good when you leaned onto him, wrapping his arms around your waist and Saeyoung pouts and joins the cuddling pile too sksksks
I have the link to both fics thankfully!!
Also about parent headcanons and stuff like that. I personally never want to have kids but imagine with Saeyoung like he would be that kind of dad where he lets his kids get away with everything and more LMFAO, he is literally the only character who I wouldn't mind becoming parents with AND ALSO!! UNCLE SAERAN!!! MY DUDE HAS THE MOST PLAIN FACE AND HE TAKES CARE OF HIS BROS CHILD WITH NO PROBLEM AND IS THAT ONE CHILL COUSIN, NOT TO MENTION VANDERWOOD IS THERE TOO AJDHAHDHWHE /POS
Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot!!!!!!!!
ohhh please do! itll break my heart but i like the angstsobs
AW THATS CUTE i love seeing the choi twins happy, in every end i just want to see them happy ♡♡
saeran likes to tease saeyoung by declaring he prefers his in law to his actual sibling as well, you two become besties frfr
saeran is the calm uncle fr, he's just showing them the garden and playing a few games
saeyoung is kinda father / uncle to be yelling aeroplane noises and running around in circles with the child on his shoulders, hyper energy, children simply love the mad
i feel like saeyoung doesnt mind having kids or not having them! he considers you and saeran (and miss vanderwood no matter how much he protests) to be his family, he's happy this family is safe ♥️
also you have cat children i dont make the rules he brings home a litter of kittens they're the family now KDHRJFN
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almaasi · 5 years ago
3 million words fic rec (Destiel)
I’ve officially posted 3 million words on my AO3 account!!
Here’s all 115 of my Dean/Cas fics (as of December 30th 2019). They currently make up 85% of my total fics. I posted 42 fics this year, with a new Destiel fic once every 2 weeks on average, with 24 total.
(The rest, as of the last 6 months, are Crowley/Azriaphale (Good Omens) and Garak/Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). There’s separate fic recs for those. And here’s one Cockles fic.)
Fics listed by year (newest first), then by word count (shortest first).
Just a Sniffle (2k / canon, Cas has a cold, Dean gives him a foot rub)
Hanukkahn't Resist You (2k, AU, teacher!Dean gives autistic Jewish teacher!Cas a Hanukkah greeting card containing a pickup line)
Brothers Don't Do That (3k / canon, Cas talks to Sam about how their feelings for Dean differ while ordering take-out)
Taste the Rainbow (In the Rain) (4k / AU, strangers sharing Skittles in the rain and kissing to help Dean quit smoking)
Hit Pause Kitty Claws (4k / AU, Team Free Will are cats belonging to Death!Billie, soft fluff and feline antics)
Weird But Confident (5k / canon, Cas finds Dean’s panties in his bag and thinks Dean slept with a woman)
Enemies Closer (5k / teachers AU, Dean keyed the wrong car, Cas runs AV club and Dean joins him so he has an alibi for his crime)
Snugglebird (5k / canon, Dean’s clothes are going missing, Cas is building a nest
Texted My Ex and Got You Instead (6k, AU, title explains it, fluff, asexual!Cas)
The Angel Cake Challenge (8k / canon crossover with Good Omens (book), Dean tells Crowley & Aziraphale they’re a cute couple and they encourage him to make a move on Cas)
Let's Play Doctors (8k / canon, smut, Dean asks Cas for medical roleplay and they use the machines to watch themselves have first-time sex)
Good For You (11k / canon, Dean teaches Cas to masturbate over the phone, then shows him properly in person)
BFBF (Best Friend's Boyfriend) (11k / AU, ft. Eileen - Cas has an absent bisexual boyfriend named Dean, Sam has an absent straight brother named Dean, oops they’re the same Dean)
Dean and Castiel's Lagoon of Love (12k, canon, Cas is cursed with tentacles and that’s Dean’s kink, they roleplay Dean’s favourite anime, smut and feelings)
Measure of Thigh Love (14k / canon, Dean is turned on by big muscles, Cas has some of those. smut, bottom!Cas)
Eleven Erogenous Zones of a Fallen Angel (15k / canon, Cas accidentally has physical wings and he hates them, Dean bathes and grooms Cas to soothe him, wing kink smut)
Two Heart Pose (17k / AU, overwhelmed papa!Dean, yoga instructor!Cas helps out with baby care)
Through the Lace (18k / office romance AU, desperation & pee kink smut, Dean in panties)
Sycamore Smile (18k / AU, professor!Cas, barista!Dean with a pet bunny, both are a hot mess, Dean helps Cas KonMari his life, ft. the purest fluff and sunshine)
Circuitry and Dust (23k / AU, demiromantic antique dealer!Cas, gaming lounge owner!Dean, Cas wrongly assumes his love is unrequited so helps set Dean up with an ex-girlfriend)
He's Kind of a Hairy Fairy (24k / AU, Team Free Will & co. running a summer camp, there’s only one bed in Dean & Cas’ cabin, Rowena curses Dean with fairy wings and he has to confess his feelings to get rid of them)
First and Only (35k / AU, Dean bets Sam he can have more sex in one year, Dean & Cas become fuck buddies, but Dean wants more so asks Charlie for help)
☆ Sleigh ☆ (46k / Christmas AU, makeup artist!Cas also works for Santa, Dean tags along delivering gifts on Christmas Eve, later a long distance relationship and eventual smut)
He's a (Zoo) Keeper (74k / AU, when zookeeper!Dean isn’t dating anyone, he and beekeeper!Cas have a BFF-roommates-with-benefits thing, but then Cas becomes a wedding planner and plans their fake wedding, drama with smut and feelings)
Gulls N’ Roses (2k / canon, Dean hands Cas a rose, Cas interprets it as romantic)
Lost Night (2k / canon, Dean has nightmares, Cas dreamwalks to help)
He Called Me Honey (3k / canon, breakfast fluff, Dean dreamed he kissed Cas, talks to Sam, Cas shows up)
Note to Self: Cas Loves You (3k / canon, very drunk!Dean, Cas confesses his love)
I’m Dreamin’ of a Grey Christmas (4k / canon, Team Free Will 2.0 snow fight, Cas has some new grey hair, Dean has hearteyes, season 14 divergent)
Dry in the Downpour (5k / Pixar-short-inspired AU, umbrella-sharing)
Prince of the Ether Realms (5k / canon - season 13, must get married for a spell, Sam officiates)
Never or Forever (5k, canon, family dinner, Jody POV)
Without Further Ado (5k, canon, Dean has a list of “reasons not to be with Cas" but they’re all irrelevant now)
Wee Little Love Child (10k / canon, de-aged!Sam thinks Dean and Cas are his parents, gets them together)
Room for Two (The Mattress AU) (14k / college roommates AU, autistic!Cas, fake relationship, ALL the bed-sharing tropes)
Paramour by Post (18k / historical-ish AU, mail delivered to the wrong address, love letters, agender!Cas, bisexual!Dean)
Barbershop Duet (22k / Christmas AU, smut, shaving kink, domesticity, family gatherings)
The House That Wanted to Be a Garden (32k / AU, famous musician!Dean, gardener!Cas, fairies, accidentally moving in)
Duck Duck Boots (92k / ex-daredevil kindergarten teacher!Dean, agoraphobic Cas, small town magic realism & fate AU, looking after ducklings together)
Unconditional (2k / canon - season 13, Dean explains why he loves Cas)
Mostly in Silence (4k / canon, Cas is depressed, Dean helps with self-care)
Restaurant Revelations (4k / canon, Dean and Cas tell Sam they’re engaged)
Whoa There Cowboy (5k / canon, cowboy-kink smut, porn-watching, magic fingers bed)
Pretty Panties and the Pool Shark (6k / kid!fic AU, autistic!Cas is scared of an imaginary shark in the school pool)
Purple Horse in a Coffee Shop (8k / ultimate office romance, pride parade, coffee shop AU)
Lucid Nightmare (10k / siren!Cas AU, dreamwalk-or-die, spooky fluff)
Stumble and Fall (20k / Team Free Will as dogs AU, search-and-rescue adventure, fluff & pining)
A Place and A Feeling (24k / AU, real estate agent!Cas, Dean looking for a house)
Night Exhibition (26k / AU, security guard!Cas at museum at night, friends to lovers, sex everywhere)
The Emporium of Christmas Enchantments (28k / Christmas, magic toyshop AU, kind of like a Disney movie)
Marshmalloween (33k / Halloween AU, Dean takes Sam’s teen friends to a haunted swamp, meet old bestie Cas, ghost adventures)
Our Garden Home (36k / everyone is a garden fairy, AU disabled autistic!Cas, found families)
The Wireless (58k / solarpunk carnival adventure AU, famous hunter!Dean, famous radio presenter angel!Cas, tent sex)
What We Ache For (93k / sex worker!Cas AU, Dean wants to make love, trauma recovery, Team Free Will & found families, a dog)
Fight and Fool Around (5k / AU, bartender!Cas, Dean realises he’s bisexual, alleyway smut)
Tickle Fight Wasteland (5k / AU, fluff in a post-apocalyptic world, everyone is alive, tickle fight & cuddling)
Raising Hell in a Hotel (29k / kid!fic, living in a hotel AU, friendship, pining)
Welcome All Winchesters (60k / AU, snowy Christmas cabin, fake relationship, friends to lovers)
The Moonlighter and the Magician (67k / 1920s historical AU, asexual jewel thief!Cas, bisexual!Dean, running away together)
What’s a Hickey? (1k / canon, Cas has a hickey, talks to Sam about it)
A Postcard for Castiel (4k / AU, kid!fic, autistic!Cas exchanges compliments with Dean, teacher!Charlie)
Symbols of Affection (4k / canon, Dean accidentally texts Cas a kissy-face emoji)
In Which Dean Frogs Up (6k / canon, Dean’s turned into frog in Moondoor, needs true love’s kiss to fix)
The One Where You Are A Guinea Pig (8k / canon, title says it all, Cas takes you to the bunker, Team Free Will interact)
We’re the New Romantics (8k / gifted & talented high school camp AU, aromantic!Cas, pop culture geek!Dean)
Waiting For That Final Moment (8k / AU, Cas interrupts Dean & Lisa’s wedding at a roller rink to declare his love, polyamory)
Delirium and Doctor Sexy (9k / canon, bisexual!Dean high on magical gas, thinks Cas is Dr. Sexy)
#ThankYouSammy (9k / canon, Sam prepares a Valentine’s Day dinner-date for Dean & Cas)
Dean Winchester the Puppydog (10k / canon, puppy play, submissive!Dean, hurt/comfort, non-sexual)
Father Material (12k / AU, asexual uncle!Cas, babysitter!Dean, kid!Claire, romantic attraction)
The Tailor of Fairy Ridge (17k / fairytale AU, tailor!Cas, fairy!Dean helps with clothing designs, good witch!Charlie, evil witch!Rowena)
Take You To The Country (18k / 1920s historical AU, pining, Dean reads an elopement proposal in the newspaper and realises it’s for him, running away together)
Sharing the Rain Dog (19k / AU, musician!Dean, FBI agent!Cas, sharing custody of a dog, have to move in to look after her)
Drop Anchor (42k / pirate!Cas, sailor!Dean, trapped on a deserted island and accidentally achieve domestic bliss AU)
Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You) (47k / canon, Team Free Will in a B&B over Christmas, softness, smut & domesticity)
Held in Your Tender Hands (59k / AU, agender tattooed masseur!Cas, customer!Dean, workplace sex, paintball, found families, somnophilia)
Cheek on Your Shoulder (1k / canon, Dean misses Cas, hugs him and can’t let go)
The Literal Bear Hug (1k / canon, Cas is accidentally a bear, cuddling)
If I Fall For You (2k / canon, Hannah likes Cas but Cas loves Dean)
If You Could Go Anywhere (3k / canon, Team Free Will ponder: all the drama is over, so what now?)
Cherry Pink Wedding (4k / AU, Dean & Cas both cry at Sam’s wedding)
Lettuce Share This Moment (4k / canon, Dean secretly likes salad… and Cas)
The Joke Is on You (And So Is Castiel) (4k / canon, April Fool’s Day, Cas pranks Dean & Sam when they pray for him)
Some People Would Call This Romantic (5k / canon, Dean and Cas take a long walk on the beach)
Panic Kiss (5k / AU, Dean has a panic attack, Cas calms him down, accidental kissing)
Boutique du Ballet (6k / canon, Dean loves ballet and wants to try the outfits - either crossdressing or trans-curious!Dean)
Minty Fresh Kisses (7k / canon, Dean teaches Cas to brush his teeth)
Sexier Than Doctor Sexy (8k / AU, doctor!Cas, Dean gets a prostate exam and enjoys it more than he should)
Sam Accidentally Sees the Whole Picture (10k / canon, smut, Sam is in the room while Dean & Cas do it for the first time, Sam POV)
Understanding Your Body in Ten Easy Steps (12k / canon, smut, Dean teaches Cas how to masturbate)
Roost (12k / AU, Dean and Cas are rescued fighting roosters, for some reason not that interested in girl chickens)
Dead Body Disposal 101 (14k / canon, angel!Cas wants to be a hunter so Dean & Sam show him how, Dean & Cas are bad at expressing feelings)
Of Shampoo and Fruit Flies (17k / roommate AU, autistic!Cas, confessing feelings surrounded by supportive friends)
Love Him in His Sleep (Love Him Always) (32k / canon, Dean has wet dreams about being cuddled, Cas is into somophilia and dreamwalks to gain consent)
Preacher Comfort (42k / AU, hurt/comfort, asexual preacher!Cas, nurse!Dean, hugs & cuddling, Halloween)
Nine Times We Met (And One Christmas We Parted) (58k / queer historical romantic angst AU, teacher!Cas, firefighter!Dean, meeting over the years & falling in love)
Hart of the Storm (119k / historical AU, hunter!Dean turned into a deer by shapeshifting god!Cas, magic forest)
For a Scarf in October (1k / canon, Halloween, Dean wants to buy a ~women’s~ scarf, Sam tells him it’s okay)
Of All the Bars in the World (There Are None Between Us) (2k / prison AU, Dean and Cas are cellmates, discuss past and future intimacy)
Dean’s List (3k / canon, Dean writes a list of men he’d ~go gay~ for, Sam has a suggestion to make, bisexual!Dean)
Nobody’s Daddy (3k / canon, accidental baby acquisition, Dean breastfeeds, then Cas arrives with actual milk)
Foal Delivery Service (4k / AU fusion with ‘My Little Pony’ - kid pony!Dean finds out how heteronormative the world is, then meets agender pony!Cas, later have baby ponies together)
Winchester’s Rouge (6k / canon, angst, Dean tries on makeup and remembers his mother)
Manscaping (6k / canon, Cas cuts himself shaving his junk, Dean does first aid, boners)
Sharing Hands (6k / canon - season 8, smut, Cas is possessing Dean, masturbate together)
Play Nice, Kids (10k / AU or alternate canon, reverse-verse, angel winged!Dean, wing kink masturbation, sex toys)
Hello Night (11k / historical AU, demon possessing Dean, priest!Cas, crossroads sex to save Dean, Cas/demon & Cas/Dean)
Shadows Across the Camera Lens (13k / AU, smut, dominant bottom photographer!Cas, submissive top crossdressing underwear model!Dean)
Faerie Strange Circumstances (30k / AU hunters, fairy!Cas, fairy realm adventures, Bobby’s house, Charlie, Jody)
Bad Things With You (31k / AU or alternate canon, smut, catboy!Dean, catboy!Cas, mating urges, biting, licking, fake relationship is actually real)
Cowboys and Real Estate Angels (36k / AU, bisexual retired musician cowboy!Dean, old fan!Cas, lovemaking, falling in love in one night)
Try-Something Tuesday (48k / my most popular fic of all time, teacher!Dean, librarian teacher!Cas, smut in strange places, school trips, moving in together AU)
The Feline Perspective of a Guilty Conscience (51k / canon divergent - season 9, hurt/comfort, Dean transformed into a cat, sad angel!Cas, Team Free Will, forgiveness)
Foxfire Blossom (283k / AU, florist!Dean, rich!Cas, affairs, soap opera-level drama, sex, highly problematic lies, and cheating, ALL the characters)
Angelhawke (407k / epic medieval fantasy AU, Dean and Cas are cursed to be animals in the day/night, travel with Sam and Bobby as they tell their story in flashbacks, quest to be together, based on ‘Ladyhawke’ but ~70% original story)
New fics are on their way in 2020! 
☆ Subscribe on this page if you want new fics in your inbox!!
☆ And you can support my writing, art, and other creative projects here~
Thank you all so much for supporting me all these years. I’m so excited to see what I end up writing next~!! ♥
Elmie x
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fatbottombucky · 5 years ago
Seventeen *Peter Parker x Rogers!Reader* 1/12
 Summary: Y/N Rogers is Steve’s Rogers great-great-great niece. Captain America recently became her guardian due to unfortunate circumstance, and Peter couldn’t be happier. Although he’s never talked to the girl, like ever. Due to failing grades Y/N purposes a deal to the young boy, a deal that would see the nerdy boy and popular beauty become close. Too close for Steve’s likening...
~Based upon the song Seventeen from Heathers~
Pairings: Peter Parker x [F]Rogers!Reader // [F]Rogers!Reader x OC!
Ratings: Mature (+18)
Warnings: Violance & abuse; mentally and physically. Suggestions of r*pe, it’s not detailed but there’s suggestions of it. Toxic boyfriend/past toxic family relationships
Authors Note: Also to me reader would be a red head (hence why I use Cheryl Blossom gifs) only becomes Steve’s mother is an Irish immigrant, so red head would run in the family. Reader is in no way described, it’s up to you how she’s depicted. civil war didnt happen
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Chapter One: We’re Damaged, Really Damaged.
A voice stuttered, pulling you from your stretch. You looked up in time to see Peter blush and hastily pass his camera from one hand to the next, a nervous tremor about him.
“Parker,” you smile gracefully from the gym floor, “what do us Vixens owe the pleasure of seeing you here?”
The light giggles echoed around the gym, only making Peter shyer than before. He fiddled with the camera a bit more, looking down at you briefly.
“Was wondering if I could ask some of the cheerleaders to model?” You tilted your head, red hair swaying with the geasture, “I-mean, I need some shots for a portfolio, models would be nice and I know that Midtown Vixens aren’t camera shy. No one has to, of course, it was stupid. I should’ve just-“
“Peter!” He snaps his mouth shut, “my girls would love to, instagram worthy pics and edited for free, we’re in.”
Peter smiles and nodded, a little sigh leaving his lips. “Cool. Thank you, I’m thinking around free period tomorrow?”
You looked at the girls behind you, normally you have practice but skipping for one photoshoot might be a nice break.
“Definitely, we’ll bring our best clothes,” you smile and Peter nods. “Is there a theme for your portfolio?”
He shakes his head, “I can’t tell you,” you frown. “I’m trying to capture the perfect photos, I have a specific thing in my mind and I don’t want you girls to... fake it. A completely natural, real reactions.”
You smirk inwardly and nod, “okay, you’re the photographer, Parker. See you tomorrow, now leave us Vixies hate being watched as we stretch.” You shoo him away.
He nods and quickly turns, walking out of the gym with a dorky smile on his face.
“He’s such a nerd,” Shay snorts, flicking her dark curls over one shoulder as she stands, “let’s hope he can take some good photos considering he’s always shaking like a leaf.”
“Hey!” You stop the laughter, “he’s a sweetheart. I’ve known him since we were four, I think, he’s just shy.”
Yourself and the rest of the cheerleaders go back to stretching, a normal work-out routine following shortly before you all called it quits. The basketball team had to practice and you weren’t really feeling in the mood to dance, especially with the boys watching today. 
“That party last Saturday was wild,” Jess snickered as she took off her cheer outfit, the girls all hollering in agreement. “Y/N, you always manage to drink so much, you need to slow down.” 
You let out a breathy chuckle, not facing her, “Yeah...” you trail off. 
Honestly, you couldn’t remember what happened last Saturday night. You’d be worried but it had become an occurrence when drinking with the football team, you’d somehow drink more than you meant to, wake up wrapped in your boyfriend but... feeling off. 
Jake, always, promised that nothing happened and he kept you safe- the girls all saying how he’d take you to a room or home. 
You’re, probably, just paranoid. Your mother used to always warn you about blacking out drunk around boys, how it’s just bad news to get drunk because it leads to bad choices. You never used to be like this. 
You quickly got dressed, smiling at the girls before heading out of the changing rooms and towards your locker. The halls were crowded with students that moved out of your way, you tried not to smile at that. 
“Hey, babe,” an arm is slung across your shoulders, you look up at Jake and smile slightly, “Miss me?” A smirk turning the corners of his mouth, you don’t answer and scoff. 
You shrug his arm off as you open your locker, grabbing your book bag and pencil case as he leans against the lockers beside yours. 
“So, me and coupla girls are gonna skip last period, you in?” He asked as you shut the locker and looked at him. 
You sighed, biting your bottom lip, “I can’t. I’m failing classes, I can’t afford to skip anymore. Especially with try-outs coming up, around this time I can get demoted or worse kicked from the squad,” Jake only huffs in annoyance, “I’m sorry. Must be really hard for you knowing your girlfriend's parents just died and her grades are suffering.” 
“Hey,” he snapped quietly, you looked at him and he sighs, “I just think working yourself to the bone ain’t gonna help ya. Maybe you should step down from Captain.” 
You raised your eyebrows in offence. He did not just suggest that! 
You had worked your ass off to get Cheer Captain, endured hours of countless routines to get it. Countless competitions, winning six nationals and three regionals, you couldn’t just give it up. You slam your locker closed. 
“I’m not quitting,” you declare loudly. “I worked too damn hard to give up now, I’m just going through stuff. You should be supporting me-”
“Babe,” Jake sighed, “I am. I’m on your side, I’m sorry. Go to lessons, I fully support you,” he kissed your cheek and you sigh lightly, glaring over his shoulder at students that watched your outburst. 
The commute home was... horrible. The bus was completely packed full of people, a gross older dude kept pressing up into you and almost made you full over. Gross. People are gross. 
“Long day?” called as you threw the bag on the floor, toeing off your shoes by the door. 
“It’s to be expected,” you mutter walking towards him before falling next to him on the sofa, you glance at Steve, your ridiculously older uncle. “You?” 
He lets out a sigh himself, “To be expected,” you both let out strained chuckles.
An awkward silence fills the air. You always knew Captain America as your ancestor, in fact, it was something you celebrated as a child. You were praised at a young age, held on a shine because you were part of a line that was ‘expecting greate things’. 
In 2012 when he was de-iced, it took him a while to eventually get in contact with his family. Your parents took to him pretty quickly, you knew why. Glory. Money. Fame. Whatever. They wanted a piece of it, and Steve could tell. 
He liked you though. Your fiery temper, bright smile and need to be better, only reminded him of himself. 
Then your parents had an untimely death and for a while, you wondered if Steve would take you in. You didn’t expect him to, he is, after all, Captain America. But the thought of going through the Foster system was... not an option. Steve never questioned your lack of grief over your parents, assumed you cried alone and went through your process...
If anything you were relieved. A weight had been stripped from you, the shadow lingered over ahead, threatening to break you still but you always managed to walk on ahead of it. 
“School called,” He begins and you sigh, “you’re failing classes, Y/N. You made me a promise when I took you in, that you’d stay on top of everything in order to keep going there. That’s why I got this apartment, for you to be able to go Midtown.” He sits up and looks at your slouched form. 
“I’m just having a difficult time,” you mutter and look away, “I promise I’m getting on top of it.” 
He sighed and shakes his head. 
“I have a tutor,” you quickly inform and he looks at you, “Yeah, I asked some nerd boy today, we’re gonna be studying. I can’t lose Cheer Captain, I refuse.” 
He nods once, “Okay, you have till next exams to prove me wrong, I’ll get dinner started.” 
You pull out your homework, only nodding in silence as you sit on the floor by the coffee table. You eye the opened file, James Barnes, Steve is hellbent on finding his bestie. 
Tomorrow you’d have to find a willing tutor to help you, otherwise, you’re royally screwed.
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archadianskies · 5 years ago
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@dbhrarepairs Sunday Day 7: Free Day; Ballet AU RK900/Simon
When the last child is safely in the care of her parents and out the door, Simon sighs and sinks back into his chair. Friday done and dusted, time to slink back home for a restorative Lush bubble bath and maybe an indulgent glass of red wine. His phone rings just as Kara’s locking up the kindergarten classroom, and he gives her a wave goodbye as she jogs over to Luther’s car.  
“North?” He sandwiches the phone between his ear and shoulder, fumbling for his bus pass. 
“Si, you doin’ anything tonight?”
“I mean, I’m doing what any respectable thirty year old does on a Friday night: taking a bubble bath.” Pass located, he slings his bag over the other shoulder and makes his way to the station. 
“Well save it for later. I have a spare ticket to the ballet tonight because Josh bailed-”
“He didn’t bail, North, he’s down with a cold!”
“Bailed.” She repeats sternly. “Anyway, free ticket to opening night at the Detroit Opera House. They’re doing Onegin.”
“I don’t know what that is.” His tone is apologetic as he rounds the corner. “I’ve never been to a ballet before.” 
“Well it’s a nice night out. I get to see my gorgeous girlfriend, you get to perve on boys in tights. Oh and did I mention it’s for free?”
“Yes, you did.” Simon laughs. “Alright I’ll come along.”
“Meet me outside the building at 6:20pm sharp.” 
 Onegin, Simon learns on the bus ride home, is a dramatic tale of two people falling for each other at different times in their lives. There’s duels and murders and missed opportunities, and it’s apparently an incredibly challenging ballet for both the female and male dancers. He gets to see it for free, so sure why not? 
After a quick shower and a quick message to his twin, Simon changes into something neat and somewhat fancy (it’s opening night, which sounds somewhat fancy) and heads back out. He’s coming up the steps, 6:19pm sharp and there’s North in a tux sans her usual combat boots. 
“Hey loser.” She greets with a grin, leaning to kiss his cheek. “Look at you all scrubbed up.”
“And you without your boots. What is the world coming to?” Simon teases as she laughs. “I had a look on their site, the show doesn’t start until seven?”
“Yeah but obviously I gotta smooch my girl and wish her luck.” 
“Surely you don’t need me to do that?” He cocks a brow as she snorts back a laugh. 
“Relax Si, I’m sneaking you backstage for a VIP tour.” North shrugs, looping her arm through his and tugging him into the building. There’s people in various degrees of fancy clothing from ‘somewhat’ to ‘not at all’ to ‘very fancy’ but North steers him away from the crowd and down a corridor. There’s a few ‘hi North’s and ‘she’s down the hall’s said in passing as North leads Simon through a field of floaty dresses and white tights and then they’re approaching a dressing room just as it opens. A petite blonde ballerina steps out, dressed in period costume. Her face lights up when she sees North, and she’s quick to close the distance between them.
“Hey cutie.” North grins, squeezing her close as Chloe giggles.
“You’re not meant to be here!”
“Can’t your girl wish you luck?” 
“Very quickly.” Chloe concedes, leaning up for a kiss. “Now sneak away back to your seat before Eli catches you!”
“Kamski’s stalking around?” North looks over her shoulder as if expecting him to materialise.
“You’re not the only one wishing us dancers luck on opening night.” Chloe laughs, poking her cheek. “And unlike you, he’s the director of the company and has a right to be here.” 
Simon stands back at a polite distance, admiring their exchange. They haven’t been dating long enough for Simon to have met Chloe yet, though their work schedules played a large factor in the delay too; when everyone’s working full time and they’re all a bunch of thirty-somethings, social schedules are hard to negotiate. Not that Simon negotiates much; he’s never been a social butterfly and there’s comfort in staying in the nest he’s built with his twin brother. 
He averts his eyes when they kiss, trying to allow them privacy, and distracts himself by checking his surroundings. There’s other ballerinas in lovely period costumes, and- what was the word for a male dancer? Ballerino? Dans ...something French. Handsome boys in coats and cravats and tights that look like the dancers were dipped in body paint rather than wearing something sewn from material. A dancer exits the dressing room on his right, and Simon accidentally catches his gaze. He’s tall, taller than the other male dancers, with a cut jawline and sharp cheekbones and dark hair that’s been artfully swept from his face. His costume looks fancier than the others, and he holds himself with the air of a leading man. Simon belatedly realises he’s still staring and quickly looks away, feeling his cheeks grow hot.
“This is Si.” North loops her arms through his, startling him, and he looks over to see Chloe’s smiling face. 
“It’s so good to meet you in person at last, Simon.” She shakes his hand, and Simon can see why North is so smitten with her and those big blue eyes and that joyous smile. 
“The pleasure is all mine, Ms Chloe.” He can’t help but smile in return, and it tickles him that North looks at her with unabashed adoration; there’s joy to be had in the joy of others. 
“Chloe, curtain’s up in fifteen.” A deep accented voice interrupts, and there’s that looming leading man only up close now, close enough if Simon reached out he could touch him and confirm he’s real and not some fever dream fantasy. 
“Alright Ronan.” Chloe’s smile turns apologetic. “I’m going to have to shoo you both away now.”
“Good luck with the performance.” Simon clasps her hand again and North steals another kiss before they leave. When he looks over his shoulder, he catches Ronan’s eyes again, the dancer looking at him with mild curiosity and Simon hastily drops his gaze. North gives him a wicked grin.
“His name is Ronan Stern and as far as Chloe knows he’s single.”
“Shut up.” 
 Objectively he knows what ballet is, and even though he’s never attended a live performance he’s seen clips and movies and gifs and photos. It really is different sitting in a fancy theatre and watching it unfold in person, though. The orchestra is right there, the dancers are right there, and it’s all so tangible in a way he’s never experienced.
Ronan plays Onegin himself, and Simon wonders how it is that a human being of flesh and blood and bone just like him has somehow honed his body into an instrument like that. Surely humans aren’t made to leap that far and jump that high and hoist up ballerinas like they weigh nothing more than a doll? He dances with power, with purpose, and there’s an intensity to him that Simon’s drawn to. Chloe’s petite stature is dwarfed further by his build and the way he holds her and carries her makes their size difference so obviously delightful. She’s dainty and demure and he’s commanding and calculated and somehow it’s a beautiful match and Simon can’t take his eyes off of them.
Onegin is a man ruined by his own pride, and in doing so ruins the lives of others. There is no redemption for him, and Tatiana holds no love for him anymore when they reunite years later. The story ends and it isn’t happy, it’s just and rightful and Simon thinks distantly it’s somehow different from Swan Lake because this time the woman lives and she’s safe and loved. He likes this one better.
“You haven’t said a single word.” North pokes his cheek once everyone takes their final bow and the applause has died down and the lights come on again. “You liked it?”
“Holy shit?” Simon breathes, and North bursts out laughing.
“Uh huh.” She nods. “Yeah, holy shit. You hooked?”
“God is it always like that?”
“Pretty much.” She laughs again, slinging an arm around his waist as they shuffle towards the nearest exit along with the throng. “I’m a convert. Never thought much about ballet but there’s something almost magical about it isn’t there?” 
“They can’t be mere mortals like us.” Simon sighs dramatically. “Not when they can move like that and spend two hours on their toes or carrying the entire weight of another person.” 
They exit the opera house and before Simon can step away, North tightens her hold around his waist.
“Come on, I’m picking Chloe up by the stage door.”
“You don’t need me around to do that.”
“Yeah but between the two of us I’m the gay that can drive, so I’ll give you a lift home.” 
“...You sure?” Simon resists when she tries to tug him away. “I mean, I don’t want to come between you two. I’m sure she’s tired and would rather go home right away.”
“You’re one of my besties, Si.” North rolls her eyes. “I want to see you home safe and not taking the goddamn bus at this hour. Chloe’s gonna be cool with that.”
“If- if you’re sure …” 
“I’m sure.” North declares, all but dragging him to follow.
There’s a small crowd at the stage door, family members and partners Simon guesses, collecting their talented dancers and congratulating them. Chloe emerges in a long cream coat with a fluffy fur collar and North picks her up and spins her around.
“Congrats babes, you were perfect.” She grins, peppering her face with kisses as Chloe giggles brightly. 
 “Ready to go home kiddo?” A gruff voice by his ear asks, and a middle aged man brushes passed him to reach out and clap Ronan on the shoulder.
“Dad? I didn’t know you were coming.” Ronan blinks in surprise, a small smile spreading on his face as he embraces him tightly. 
“I managed to convince him.” Another voice pipes up, belonging to a young man not dissimilar to Ronan though without the accent. “Not that dad needed much convincing- this is your debut on home soil after all. And what an amazing debut it was, Ronan.” 
“Come on.” The father of the pair jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “Connor cleaned up his room and everything. I’m not letting you go back to your apartment on opening night; you’re spending that with your family and not with Reed. I already spend enough time with that grumpy dumbass at work I know what you’re in for.”
“We have agreed to a truce because of the cats.” Ronan grins, adjusting his grip on his bag as his brother helps shoulder his way through the crowd. Simon watches them leave and Ronan looks over his shoulder, their eyes catching again briefly before Simon looks away in panic.
 “C’mon Si, let’s get you home.” North snaps his attention back to the present, flicking his temple. 
“He’s single.” Chloe pipes up, and Simon feels his cheeks heat. “And likes boys too.”
“Will you two stop it?!”
In the car he takes the back seat so Chloe can sit up front. 
“He just moved back from London.” She continues despite his exasperated sigh. “He was accepted into the Royal Ballet program when he was nine and is the youngest danseur to be promoted to Principal Dancer in recent history.”
“But he gave that all up?” Now he’s curious. “Why would he then step down from that and move back to Detroit? We don’t exactly have the most thriving ballet scene in comparison.”
“I’m not sure either. I spent a year as the guest ballerina with the Royal Ballet, he’s an absolute dream to dance with.” She catches his eyes in the rearview mirror and smiles. “He’s the perfect gentleman, and everything I could ever ask for in a partner. When the season ended he told me he wanted to come back to Detroit. Elijah was more than happy to offer him a position.”
“Maybe he got homesick? Connor’s pretty glad to have him back.” North shrugs as they idle at a red light. “Saves him from travelling to London all the time to visit.”
“If he marries a nice boy in Detroit then he’ll never even think of going back to London either.” Chloe giggles slyly and Simon groans, slumping in his seat.
“Okay listen, I appreciate you two arranging a marriage for me but-”
“Simon, I don’t know how to break this to you but your future spouse is not just going to materialise in your home.” North sniggers. “At least let us try and meddle a little.”
“North told me about your ex and-”
“North!” Simon protests and North cuts in.
“No, shut up, Gideon was an asshole Simon I’m still mad about him. Okay I ranted to Chloe even though you told me not to tell anyone, but I was going to explode if I didn’t tell anyone.” She stands her ground, muttering under breath. “Murder is illegal, anyway.”
“Ronan is a lovely gentleman, at least give him a chance?” Chloe smiles encouragingly.
“He’s like the 2005 Pride and Prejudice Mr Darcy only in tights.” North adds, and Chloe bursts out laughing as the car pulls up at the apartment block. “Okay Si, goodnight.” 
“Thank you for coming to watch us.” Chloe turns back in her seat so she can hold his hands. “It’s really lovely to meet you. I hope we can hang out soon.”
“It was absolutely magical, thank you Chloe.” Simon squeezes her hands, smile ernest. He flashes North a grateful smile. “And thanks for the lift, North.”
 Danny’s already asleep when he tiptoes into the apartment, so he makes sure to make as little noise as possible. Slipping into his room, he flops onto his bed and pulls out his phone. Wrestling against the temptation only lasts all of five seconds before Simon is typing ‘Ronan Stern’ into google and diving into articles and accolades. No Facebook, no Twitter but he does have an Instagram, and he’s also featured in the Royal Ballet’s Instagram account often. Or, well, used to as stated in one of the posts from six months ago showing a farewell post.
He’s...infuriatingly attractive, like the way Markus is infuriatingly attractive but in a different kind of way. Simon’s crushed on Markus for so long, so he knows how this story goes; he’s going to pine away, absolutely ache for him and wear his heart on his sleeve and they will be friends and Ronan will have no romantic interest for him the way Markus sees him as a good friend and nothing more. Simon is used to the heartache, really. It’s also why he ends up in shitty controlling relationships with shitty controlling men because he’s bad at speaking his mind and he’s bad at saying no. 
Sighing, he follows a link to Youtube and watches an excerpt from some sort of modern ballet Ronan performed last year with Chloe. It’s fast paced and dizzying and powerful, and his heart catches in his throat a few times when Chloe throws herself into leaps and jumps, Ronan always there to catch her and fling her and flip her. They’re a blur of wild movement and perfect partnership. Youtube recommends more clips, and it’s midnight but he has no self-control so he’s clicking those too, watching Ronan in other ballets, some clips even just sneakily filmed footage taken by an audience member.
He ends up watching interviews too, watching Ronan without the makeup and the costumes. He speaks like someone not used to giving interviews, and Simon finds it endearing that for a man with such a commanding presence he speaks almost shyly. The accent helps too. Simon shoves his phone away some time nearing 1am, barely remembering to brush his teeth before he falls asleep with a smile.
 “Si?” Someone’s shaking him awake, and Simon groans. “Si, get up.” He cracks open an eye and promptly rolls over.
“Go ‘way Danny it’s Saturday. Let me sleep in.”
“North’s here.” He turns back over.
“SI GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED OR WE’LL BE LATE!” He hears her call from presumably the front door.
“Late for what?” He pulls his pillow over his face as Danny laughs. 
“That’s entirely your problem.” He’s poked in the side, and he yelps, squirming away from the torture. “Anyway I’m off. I’ll bring you any cookies if we have leftovers by the end of the day.”
“Bye Danny.” Simon pulls the pillow off and smiles sleepily at his brother, who gives a wave as he departs.
“Simon! C’mon!” North appears in the doorway of his bedroom looking unimpressed.
“What are you doing here? It’s-” he fumbles for his phone, “fuck it’s 7am on a Saturday!”
“Yeah and class starts at 8am and we still gotta pass by Starbucks on the way!”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Up!” She dives forward and yanks the quilt from the bed and he curls up immediately, shrieking in protest. “Up up!”
“Just come with me Si, please? Just trust me on this one. I’ll even buy you lunch.” There’s a pause as he considers the offer.
“...Burgers at the Chicken Feed?” He peeks over at her as she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, yes, burgers at the Chicken Feed.”
 He’s not awake enough for this, and his eyes feel like burning coals in his head as he tries to keep them open. They stop at a Starbucks and North orders four coffees, not two, and carefully hands them to him. Keeping his hands on the little cardboard holder, he sets them on his lap and the warmth provides a little comfort on this bizarre mysterious trip. 
“Are we going to Josh’s? Is this to pep him up for his thesis, since he’s down with a cold?” He asks as North makes a turn, and he spares a glance at the coffees, making sure he’s holding onto them securely.
“Nah, his boyfriend’s coming by today to take care of him. Josh didn’t want you to come over in case you got sick and since you work with kiddies that’d be pretty shitty.” She explains, making another turn. They’re entering the back of some large building that sort of looks a bit familiar. “Okay cool, we’re pretty much on time for them to arrive.”
“I’ll get the door for you, hang on.” She parks the car and hops out, rounding the vehicle so she can open his door and temporarily hold the coffees. 
“I still don’t know where you’ve taken me.”
“It’s not like you were going to do anything else this morning.”
“Excuse me, I was going to sleep in and then I was going to put the laundry on and curl up on the couch watching Netflix.” Simon huffs, accepting the coffees back. 
“Uh huh.” North rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, this’ll be pretty relaxing too.” 
It feels a lot like sneaking into somewhere they’re not meant to. Simon may be sleep deprived but he’s alert enough to realise they’re not meant to be here. They’re coming through some back door, through a long hallway and North is uncharacteristically quiet. There’s a hush in the atmosphere, tension and baited breath, and even in the elevator North says nothing. Anxiety coils in his chest as he trails her, scarcely daring to breathe before she looks over her shoulder and gives a triumphant grin.
“Okay, we’re here!” She opens a nondescript door and they’re in some beautiful open room with an entire wall of glass overlooking Detroit. One of the other walls is entirely covered in mirrors and there are a handful of people in various combinations of gym gear and tights and-
“Oh my god.” Simon feels his stomach drop and he doesn’t know whether to be angry or embarrassed. “We can’t be here!”
“We totally can, I do this every Saturday.” North grins, scanning the room before waving. “Babe!”
“North!” Chloe skips over to them, laughing when North picks her up and spins her around, a customary greeting Simon surmises. “Oh! And a wild Simon appears!”
“Not by choice.” He huffs, glaring at North before he holds out the tray of coffees. “I’m going to assume one of these is yours?”
“It’s the almond chai with honey, thank you.” She selects the cup and plucks it out, tipping up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Well, we still have about fifteen minutes before class begins. Which one is the soy latte with a triple shot and caramel?” 
“This one.” Simon taps. 
“Excellent.” Chloe nods, before turning. “Ronan? Coffee!”
He’s going to murder North. He tries to convey his murderous intent and his best friend smiles innocently back at him in response. 
“Coffee?” Ronan walks into view wearing a plain white shirt and a pair of robin's egg blue tights that hide absolutely nothing. 
“This is Simon.” Chloe introduces with a bright smile. “North’s bestie.” 
“A pleasure to meet you.” He murmurs softly, shaking his hand. His hand is warm, his grip firm and Simon’s sure his cheeks are bright red. “Thank you for bringing us coffee, especially so early in the morning and on a weekend no less.”
“I-it’s nothing. Wasn’t really going to do much today anyway.” 
“Oh, Markus! Good morning!” Chloe calls out as the door opens, and yes, there he is, there’s Markus Manfred looking incredibly stylish like no one has the right to be this early in the morning.
“Hey everyone, hey Simon.” Markus grins, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “What are you doing here?”
“North dragged me here.” He glares over at her and North only grins back unrepentantly. “What are you doing here?” 
“I play the piano for morning class every Saturday.” He smiles one of his thousand kilowatt charming smiles and Simon still aches for him even though he knows the ache will never be soothed by Markus. 
“You two know each other?” Ronan asks curiously, looking between them. 
“Yeah, Simon’s one of my good friends.” Markus grins at him. “And so is North. I gotta go warm up and I bet you guys need to too. Take a seat by the piano, Simon. You and North can chill in that corner, I promise no one minds.”
He hopes he’s conveying enough Murder on his face when he looks at North as they curl up in the corner. North smooches his cheek with a wink and he sighs because he knows he’s not really mad, just incredibly shy and self-conscious. 
“These are ours.” She taps the remaining coffee cups. “Now sit and relax a little Si. Just enjoy it.”
Markus runs his fingers along the keys, up and down the scales before tapping out brief snippets of various songs. An older woman enters the room and the dancers greet her respectfully and then class begins. 
Simon’s still not sure he can quite comprehend how ballet is possible; it’s incredibly complex and beautiful and demands so much of the human body. He watches them go through familiar motions he’s sure they can repeat with their eyes closed, gradually increasing in difficulty until they’re leaping and bounding across the studio. The dancers shed some of their layers as the class progresses and their bodyheat rises from exertion, and Simon’s not beyond admitting (to himself, at least) that he’s enjoying this display of bodies in peak physical form in incredibly tight fitting clothing.
He’s inevitably drawn to the way Ronan moves, to the way he’s so confident and sure of every step, every sweeping gesture in time to the jaunty sprightly tunes Markus plays. He does as he’s bid, following every instruction called out by their teacher with the intensity of a soldier obeying orders. It’s a mesmerising display of elegance and power that reminds Simon of how his twice a week yoga classes really don’t hold a candle to the strict regimen these dancers must adhere to in order to keep their bodies in their prime. The hour passes and only as they’re saying goodbyes does Simon realise he hasn’t even looked at Markus once.
 “So what did North want?” Danny slumps on the opposite end of the couch, making a show of flopping his legs over Simon’s.
“Hm?” He looks up from the Royal Ballet instagram account, distracted.
“North. This morning at 7am when she stormed into our house.”
“Oh she uh, dragged me off to the ballet studio to deliver coffee to her girlfriend and watch her morning class.” Simon quickly exits the app and wriggles into a more comfortable position.
“Why would she need you to do that?” Danny frowns. 
“To get me out of the house so I wouldn’t just stay inside and watch Netflix and do laundry.” Simon laughs, completely avoiding mentioning Ronan at all. “It’s ok she bribed me with Chicken Feed burgers for lunch, and paid for the Starbucks.”
“Well, I guess I’ll have to thank her for single-handedly dragging you kicking and screaming into having a social life.” His twin teases with a grin, and Simon kicks him with an exasperated groan. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet a cute boy there.”
 He meets said cute boy again, completely by accident the very next day. Actually, what happens is he sees a very large Saint Bernard dog waiting patiently beside a tall pair of legs in the queue at Starbucks, before he realises who the tall pair of legs are connected to.
“Heeeey, who’s a good doggo hm?” Simon chuckles as the dog sniffs his hand and pushes its very large head against it, obviously expecting pats. 
“Sumo would hope it’s him.” Says a deep, accented voice that’s become rather familiar to him recently.
“Oh, Ronan h-hi.” Simon freezes, eyes wide when he looks up to see Ronan’s handsome face wearing an amused smile. 
“Good morning Simon.” 
“How was class?”
“Class was fine.” They shuffle towards the counter, and Simon tries not to stare at the sharp figure Ronan cuts in a long navy woolen coat and fancy plaid scarf. “I have a performance tonight so I’m resting for now, but I thought I’d take Sumo for his morning walk.”
“He’s very cute.” He can’t help but pat the dog again, the Saint Bernard giving a happy booming chuff in approval. “Your dad’s dog?”
“Yes, he’s getting up there in years but Connor and I still love him to pieces.” There’s a wistful expression on his face, his smile fond. “Both he and our dad work at the DPD, so Sumo stays home a lot. We try and make sure he goes for long walks in the mornings and evenings to make up for it.”
“Chloe said you moved back to Detroit recently?” 
“Yes, about six months ago. I went straight into rehearsals for the season after only two weeks. Mr Kamski was keen to have me start.” The person ahead of them finishes paying and heads to the end of the counter. “Venti soy latte with a triple shot and caramel and a grande soy hazelnut latte please.”
“Oh, are you meeting someone?” The question is out of his mouth before he can stop himself.
“No it’s for you. I read the other coffee cup yesterday, I know North’s usual, and I didn’t recognise the other one so it must’ve been yours.” Ronan’s smile is a little hesitant and Simon hopes his absolutely red cheeks signify he doesn’t mind one bit. “Now we’re even.”
“Excellent work, detective.” Simon tries to quip as Ronan taps his phone to pay for both coffees.
“My brother’s the detective, not me.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Though I suppose I won’t deny being called observant.”
“Well you’re used to noticing minute body cues.” Simon points out as they wait for their coffees. “Your partner depends on it. The way Chloe just...throws herself in your general direction without hesitating, and knows that you’ll catch her. It means she trusts in your abilities, in your partnership.”
Ronan looks at him eyes wide and lips slightly parted, and Simon feels stupid stupid stupid until he notices the faint rosiness to his cheeks, and the way Ronan averts his gaze after a moment too long. His heart skips a beat, his heart does that stupid thing where it throws itself in the general direction of a pointless crush without hesitating, without knowing if the other person will catch it. It does this every time, every single time, and sets Simon up for nothing but heartache later. 
“That’s very kind of you to say, Simon. I’m glad that comes across when I dance.” Ronan says quietly, almost murmuring it into his scarf as if too shy to say it any louder. Simon knows this will go nowhere, just like his love for Markus but he’s always been unable to control his heart’s desires. 
“I mean, I know nothing about ballet but I think that just lets me have a different perspective.” Simon rambles because he doesn’t know how to control any part of himself, apparently. “Critics know all the terminology, all the moves, all the stories of the ballets so they’d pick it all apart but since I know nothing I get to just enjoy it. Be in awe of the fact you’re human like me but somehow you can make your body do those things; dance like you can almost fly.”
“Simon, I-”
“Order for Ronan?” The barista calls out, and Simon is blessedly grateful for the interruption, looking at Sumo instead because he suddenly can’t face looking into those startling grey eyes a second longer. 
“Here, Simon.” The large cup is held out to him, and Simon can’t help but let their fingers brush when he takes it because if he’s going to get his heart broken all over again the least he can do is indulge in the illusion of happiness for a little while.
“Thank you.”
“Would you- would you like to come along for a walk?” Ronan stammers hesitatingly and he’s ever so endeared. “I usually take Sumo for two laps around the park and then head home.”
“I’d really like that, if you wouldn’t mind the company?”
“I would like your company very much.” 
The park is starting to turn into hues of sepia as Detroit eases into Autumn, and it’s Simon’s favourite season. It means cosy sweater weather and staying inside. Sumo trots happily ahead and Simon sips on his coffee and darts Ronan glances every now and then.
“I um, I wanted to ask you why your surname is Stern?” He catches his gaze briefly before focusing on Sumo again. “You said your brother Connor is a detective, and I realised North’s friend is Detective Connor Anderson at central station.”
“Oh I-” a thoughtful frown. “We’re both adopted. We were in the system for a while, and Lieutenant Hank Anderson fostered us. I got into ballet through the Abraham Kamski arts outreach program. Before the adoption process was complete, I was accepted by the Royal Ballet on scholarship when I was nine.”
Simon tries to imagine what that would’ve been like, to have one’s whole world change at the age of nine. 
“Professor Amanda Stern became my legal guardian, so I became a Stern too.” Ronan explains, brows furrowed. “She wasn’t a mother figure. I felt like a student constantly under her tutelage, but she was never unkind. Just...intense. She believed in discipline and order and structure and pushed me to do my best. She taught- still teaches, advanced robotics in London though she came from Detroit too. She once taught Elijah Kamski, our current director and son of Abraham Kamski. That’s how it all came full circle- me moving from Detroit to London under her care and then back under now under Mr Kamski’s.”
“You spent all those years by yourself in London, without seeing your brother?” Simon tries to imagine what that would’ve been like too, but the pain is too great. “I have a twin brother, Daniel. He’s only older by a few minutes but the way he acts you’d swear we were years apart. He’s so over protective of me but I guess that’s because we’ve only had each other for so long.”
Ronan raises his brows curiously, and Simon tries to keep his emotions reigned in.
“We had a pretty ordinary if conservative upbringing in the suburbs but um, we got disowned when we were outed- well, I was outed by a classmate. Danny outed himself too, the moment our parents started yelling at me and we were out on the streets at seventeen. I don’t know if I could’ve spent so many years away from him, the way you were apart from Connor. I think I would’ve fallen to pieces.”
Ronan is quiet for a moment, before he reaches out and gently squeezes his shoulder.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“I’m sorry you had to grow up without Connor. And he grew up without you.”
“I had ballet and he had the police academy. We stayed connected via social media, it wasn’t too bad. When we were old enough we could fly to visit each other during breaks, if we managed to have enough money saved.” Ronan sighs, shaking his head. “You’re right though, some nights I would feel so lonely I thought I was falling to pieces.”
“Is that why you came back? Why you gave up such a prestigious position at the Royal Ballet?” Simon pries a little, hoping he’s not being presumptuous.
“Yes.” He answers with barely any pause for thought. “I wanted to be where Connor was, and that’s here in Detroit.”
“I imagine that decision didn’t make many people happy.” Simon winces as Ronan sighs heavily.
“No, but it was the right one. I don’t regret coming back to Detroit. I don’t regret giving all that up to be with my brother again. Well. Sort of. I don’t live with them since there’s no room and I have a housemate I’d rather kill but he has cats that like me and I like them more than I like him so I guess he gets to live for now.”
He says it so seriously, face deadpan, that Simon laughs loudly, startling Sumo. When he manages to recover, Ronan is smiling and Simon finds himself smiling too.
 The working week passes in a blur and all Simon can do is stalk Ronan on social media and soak up what the internet has to offer and try his very best not to be so outwardly in love though it fails because Danny always knows how to read him.
“It’s the cute boy at the ballet, huh?” His twin grins, kicking his shin under the dinner table. Simon winces, kicking him back.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh okay, so I guess the ticket North dropped off for the finale performance of Onegin was meant for me?” Danny pulls out an envelope with a dramatic flourish and Simon lunges over the table to try and grab it. 
“Give me that!”
“No, it’s not meant for you, you have no idea what I’m talking about!” Danny laughs, holding it out of reach. Simon whines in frustration, trying to reach for it in vain.
“What’s his name?”
“Danny give it!”
“Not until you tell me who it is!”
“It’s Ronan.” He slumps in his seat, burying his face in his hands.
“Oh the hotshot from London?” Danny laughs, tossing the envelope over to him. “Yeah alright he’s pretty cute I guess. What? I looked through the program you left on the kitchen counter. He sounds way more impressive than Markus.”
“Markus is plenty impressive.” Simon mutters, snatching the envelope. 
“North told me he has a Louis Vuitton pencil case for his charcoal sticks.” Danny cocks a brow. “His charcoal sticks , Simon. Anyway, full international scholarship at nine years old? Youngest dancer to be promoted to principal dancer? That’s way more impressive.”
When he looks at his brother, there’s something more than fond teasing to be found in his expression, so Simon opens up a little.
“Y-you think so? This isn’t...stupid, is it?” 
“It’s not stupid, Si. I mean, your heart can be plenty stupid but that’s how you are.” The teasing is gone, replaced entirely by infinite kindness. “You love so openly, so intensely. I’m here because of that. You’re friends with North and Josh and yeah, even Markus because of that. You look after kids all day and you love your job and you love them and that’s why you’re so good at it. That’s why you’re such a good person.”
The tears fill his eyes and he feels stupid, but loved too and Danny’s wobbly smile tells him his brother feels the same. “That’s why you deserve to date an accomplished hotshot from London in incredibly tight tights.”
 It’s Friday and he’s coming up the steps, 6:19pm sharp and there’s North in an oxblood leather jacket over a jumpsuit and her usual combat boots. 
“Hey loser.” She greets with a grin, leaning to kiss his cheek. 
“Hey yourself.” He elbows her lightly before crooking his arm as she hugs it. She’s leading him down a corridor and he knows the way now. When Chloe slips out from her dressing room and into North’s arms, Simon sidesteps them politely and heads for the room down the hall, knocking on the door.
“Simon.” Ronan blinks in surprise, and he’s Eugene Onegin again, sculpted cheekbones and artfully swept hair. “Hello.”
“Hi.” His heart’s pounding, thudding so loud it might as well be the beat for them to dance to. “Good luck.” Tangling their fingers together, he tips up slightly on his toes and presses his lips to his and there’s a moment of surprise before Ronan circles an arm around his waist and pulls him in so they’re pressed together. They part for but a second before Ronan kisses him, and he kisses the way he dances; commanding and intense and powerful- the kiss of a leading man that sweeps his costar off their feet. It leaves Simon panting and dizzy and starstruck, and he knows he’s never been kissed like that all his life. Ronan seems a little self-conscious, a little embarrassed as if afraid he’s overstepped and Simon huffs a laugh, wrapping his arms around him.
“I’ll see you after the show.” He cups a palm against his cheek, pulling him to lean down and bump their brows together. 
“And many more times after that, I hope?” 
“Yes.” He laughs brightly, stealing another kiss. “And many more times after that.” 
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mervinamoonishere · 5 years ago
OC Interview: Mervina Moon
(Year two; she’s still so young dgfhjk)
name ➔ “Mervina Moon.” a simple answer to a simple question. However, a sheepish smile escapes her. “That’s all.” although very polite, her nervousness shows itself too easily.
are you single ➔ Nervousness turns to confusion to suspicion quickly. She can’t hide her frown, nervous smile crooked. “Why do you want to know?” uncomfortable to say the least. But alas, she composes herself. “But yes, I am. I’m still very young you know? For relationships I mean.”
are you happy ➔ “What do you mean? Like right now? Generally? With my life? That’s too vague. I’m more confused than anything, really.”
are you angry ➔ “No... I wouldn’t say so.” her tones suggests that she could easily be angry but she’s really not, so. “Again, just confused.”
are your parents still married ➔ The change in her mood is almost palpable, from her dark frown to her (glowing?) golden eyes and general posture. She’s poised like she’s ready to pounce on her prey. Touchy subject. “...no. My father can go to hell.”
birthplace ➔ “South Korea actually!” she perks up immediately. Drastic changing in moods seems to be her trademark. “But for very little time. We moved here to England when I was months old.” there’s an ever present smile on her face. “I have many muggle friends from where I live.”
hair color ➔ “White! Not pure white though. That’s my father’s trait.” with the mention of her father she darkens with a sneer on her lips.
eye color ➔ There’s a deep intake of air before her answer. “Golden yellow. My mother’s trait.” she’s warm now and talking about her mother seems to bring a sort of comfortable feeling over Mervina.
birthday ➔ “September 19th!” there’s a spring in her voice. She’s not as uncomfortable now as she was at the start of the interview.
mood ➔ Confusion wrinkles her brows again. “What does that mean?! I- Well, I guess I’m fine right now.” a tilt in her voice at the end makes her statement sound like a question.
gender ➔ “I’m a female.”
summer or winter ➔ “Oh, winter for sure! Summer is too hot and annoying and suffocating! At least in the winter you can choke yourself in as many sweaters and beanies and scarfs that no one will judge you! Also, great time for cuddles.” she finger guns the interviewer cheekily, with a wink.
morning or afternoon ➔ “Not sure. It really depends on the day. Some days I want to sleep for three years straight and others I want to wake up early to get shit done. So... I don’t know.”
are you in love ➔ “I- Well...” with her pale complexion, blushing can’t ever be a secret. She’s beet red. “I wouldn’t really say I’m in love. Just. Crushing, I guess.” she’s tense, tense, tense now. It’s very amusing.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ She takes her time considering it. “Well... I’ve never experienced it. And I’ve never seen it really happen with my own two eyes. And people say ‘seeing is believing’, right? So, at this moment, I don’t really believe it. But it’s an attractive concept, isn’t it? Despite being polyamorous, I can admit that it would make life much easier if it’s true. You see them and you know they’re the one. Easy peesy lemon squeesy.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “Didn’t have one before this. So no one. Even though there was this girl that I confessed to and she said ‘Thanks but no.’” there’s an awkward pause. “We weren’t dating, duh, but it still stung.”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Yes. A friend of a friend. He was annoying and knew I was gay but didn’t care, so I also didn’t care when he cried right after I rejected him.” she presents herself as calm but there’s a storm inside her, trashing around and making itself known in moments like these. When she’s merciless.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Not really. If I care about the person than I commit to it. There’s no point in saying we care for each other if we don’t commit to it.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes! Rowan! I hug her everyday basically.” her eyes are soft and sweet, like honey. “She’s amazing... And gives excellent hugs!”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ She can’t help the incredulous laugh that escapes her. If she was confused before, she’s the definition of it now. ”What?! What a dumb question! That’s their whole deal: being a secret? So no I don’t think I have one. Who would even do that with me?”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ All her happiness fades away quickly upon hearing the question. There’s a sort of guilt evident in her posture when she starts to fiddle with her fingers. She’s quiet. “If by that you mean that I’ve disappointed myself so hard that I felt it break with every fiber of my being, making me miserable and disgusted with myself for a lot of years to come?” there’s a pause, a heavy one that sits on Mervina, making her back hunched over. “Then yeah, I have broken my own heart.” her back's almost straight again but she’s allergic to eye contact for the time being. “I was a child though. And we all make mistakes. Next question.”
love or lust ➔ “Uh... love, obviously. If one day I have a girlfriend that doesn’t want to do the woo-hoo I would be fine with it. More time to cuddle! It’s a win-win situation!”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Oh lemonade, duh. Iced tea is disgusting.”
cats or dogs ➔ “Cats. I love cats.” there’s a big smile on her face when she answers.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few bestfriends I suppose. Even though many regular friends is not a foreign concept to me so...”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Romantic night in. If there’s something that I love is staying in and hang out with my besties, making fun of dumb movies and such...” 
day or night ➔ “Night. I’m a night owl.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ She’s smug when she answers. “Nope. I’m very sneaky.” she ends the phrase with a wiggles of her eyebrows.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Her face is neutral for some time. However, it doesn’t take long for her cheeks to color bashfully. “It- It was one time, okay? ONE TI-”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ She inhales deeply before answering. “Yes. I guess I have. Or do actually.”
wanted to disappear ➔ “Yes. Won’t elaborate more on the matter.” she’s tense once more, her tone clipped.
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes. I find it beautiful how our eyes reflect us and eyes in general just can’t not be gorgeous.”
shorter or taller ➔ “Shorter.” she declares, full of playful spite. “But taller isn’t a crime, so whatever.”
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Intelligence. You can get out of every situation if you’re clever enough.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ “I would say relationship but I’ve never tried a hook-up so I don’t know yet.” she shrugs, clearly relaxed with the topic.
do you and your family get along ➔ “I love my mother, I’d die for her and she for me in a heartbeat. I still love my brother but... y’know, stuff.” she’s distant until she refers to the last member of her family. When talking about him, she’s dangerous. “My father could have his ashes thrown into the ocean and I’d still swim in it happily. I could feed him to the dogs and I’d pet them with my father’s guts on their teeth. I’d kill him myself if it wasn’t a crime. My mum would be worried sick if I got arrested.” she’s not scared of death. Not at all. “I guess you have my answer on that one. I’m not close with the rest of my family, my father’s side being a bunch of motherfuckers and my mother’s side residing in South Korea.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “No. It’s not perfect but it’s still a very good life. Lots of people have it worse than me.”
have you ever ran away from home ➔ She cackles once but her eyes are sharp. “No. Wouldn’t give the satisfaction to my father. I’m never leaving my mother’s side. Ever.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Her eyes stay sharp. “My father wished he could do that but he knows I’d claw him if he tried. Me and Jacob and mum.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ These questions never fail to confuse her. “No? Why would I be friends with somebody I hate? Sounds dumb and unnecessary.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Of course! They’re all amazing and I love them! I think the same for people who aren’t even my friends!” she’s sheepish and shy after her confession.
who is your best friend ➔ She exhales for a long second. “Well, my childhood bestfriends are actually both first years here at Hogwarts. Ayo Zadkiel and Blaise Antoine. But Rowan is there too of course. Just need to find a way for them to meet with all of our busy schedules...” she gets on her own head for awhile, debating her issue.
who knows everything about you ➔ “My mum, definitely. My two bestfriends too. Rowan is close. Very close...” she’s quiet until she realizes this is the last question. “Oh shit! Well, it was a good chat and I hope you have a good day. Goodbye!”
The first step to meeting Mervina Moon.
This was fun!! And I’m tagging whoever wants to do this.
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polar-stars · 6 years ago
Mother-Relationships, Part 2
I present the second part of @smokeprincess24 ask
First part here: https://polar-stars.tumblr.com/post/185757582391/how-is-the-relationship-mother-sondaughter
Miyoko Hojo
With Miyoko as mom, Suzume truly never doubted for even a second that she could become big in the culinary world while being a woman. While defiantly both of Suzu’s parents had their part in building up her confidence, Miyoko’s part was probably a little bit greater. Suzume admires her mother a lot and always wanted to become as strong and brave as her. Miyoko may not brag as loudly over Suzume as Terunori does, but she does never fail to make Suzume know that she is in fact very proud of her. And while Suzume’s constant joke-parades do earn a headshake from Miyoko time to time, there are also quite some jokes that got the usually more composed woman to laugh. (Also honestly these two can totally team up to roast anyone and you should be very afraid, they’re powerful)
Miyoko is also the one person who can make Takayuki calm down within a matter of seconds, by just a simple. “Stop overacting!” Takayuki greatly respects his mother and would rather not do anything that could make her angry. However, Miyoko does make sure to give Suzume and Takayuki equal praise, to not give Takayuki the impression that he’s outshined. She is often the one who will listen to him rant and the one to advice him afterwards while also calming him down. 
Miyoko can be a bit stricter, but she loves both her childs a lot. 
Nao Mimasaka
Both Nao and her husband do have very strong trust in Ran’s capabilities and do believe she can manage alone. Ran therefore doesn’t gets the same amount of attention that Kazuo and Ayano get, who have a bit more problems than Ran has, but she is fine with it. Her parents do occasionally find the time to bond with Ran alone and make complete use of that. Ran also phones them a lot and updates them on what’s going on on Totsuki. Nao is proud of her oldest and makes sure to let Ran knows about it. Meanwhile Ran loves how eccentric her mother is and gifts her a lot of more unusual gifts to show her. She generally praises her mother a lot and is always in for the activities Nao suggests.
After Ran, Nao is usually the second person to hear all about Kazuo’s most recent love-problems and she is all here for it. She does offer a lot of advice and her own thoughts to the entire situation and just cheers Kazuo on in general. She is also naturally the one to introduce him to all of his more eccentric interests. When he was bullied she was around him almost 24/7, comforting him while also telling him to not listen to any of this and straight up walking into school telling the teacher she will put a spell on them if they don’t act about this situation. 
Nao and Ayano mainly bond about their enjoyment for more creepy, weird and spooky things. And while Ayano over times developed an obsession with mainly Victorian Aesthetics and other old-fashioned things with a creepy touch (like you know also old Carnival music for example) or just Alice in Wonderland aesthetics she supported Ayano in her enjoyment despite it not really being her forte. Subaru is the one to buy Ayano her dolls and lolita dresses usually, Nao rather prefers to gift her little more stranger things like an old, rusty scissor or a broken clock. Which Ayano all loves. Nao also comforts Ayano a lot since she knows she’s bullied and is just very protective over her in general. Nao always made sure to tell Ayano that she is lovable the way she is and that others are truly the “mad ones” to not see that. 
Urara Kawashima
Urara brags about Hideyoshi and Hideyoshi brags about her. Urara always made sure to educate Hideyoshi about how he’s superior to most people and defiantly is the greatest reason for Hideyoshi’s arrogance. In her mind, she always felt her son is going to be amazing and someone to bow to. And she hates when someone doesn’t give him the credit she believes he deserves. Hideyoshi is insanely proud of his mom and never fails to make her know. He loves spending time with her, except when she is out shopping because that can take hours, a lot of hours. What he loves is just sharing all the gossips of Totsuki he knows with her and hear her commentary on it. 
Yua Aoki
No matter how tall Daisuke grows, he will always be her little boy to Yua. Daisuke generally gets lots of hugs and cuddles and praising words from his mother that he’s doing his best. He thinks his mother is very soft and does appreciate her comfort a lot. She is generally the parent, he does turn to when he is sad and just wants to feel a little better. Yua also has no problem in how soft Daisuke is and encourages him no matter what. Meanwhile Daisuke, when growing older does help his father in building up Yua’s confidence whenever she is doubting herself. Much like Hideyoshi, Daisuke does brag about his mother because he’s proud of her. 
Mea Kusunoki 
Mea and Emi are pretty much a bit like besties. Emi pretty much tells her mother everything, except for her involvement with Shigeo. So Mea is very well informed about Totsuki’s gossips. They also like do a ton of activities together like going to the spa or shopping. Mea brags about her daughter a lot and how pretty she is and how competitive she is. Emi also only has praises for her mother. 
Rui Kumai
Itsuki is a little mama’s boy. Rui loves him a lot and is also very proud of him as it was hopefully shown in the actual fanfiction ; 7 ;. She doesn’t brag about him as often as other moms or tells it to him a lot, because it’s Rui. But it’s notable how she smiles a lot more when Itsuki is around him. She is also the one to introduce Itsuki to his edge mostly. Itsuki loves his mom a lot and often buys her a lot of gifts to show her. It hurts him how he keeps his involvement with Shigeo a secret from her, because he can’t stand the thought of her getting disappointed in her boy because of it.
Nene Eizan
The one reason why no member of the Eizan family lit a house on fire yet. The only not-disastrous person in this household, we stan her. 
Masashi greatly respects both of his parents and is generally very obedient to them. Masashi has almost blind trust in everything his mother says and advises and just often nods his head. Just like he also violently nods his head, when Nene is onto scolding Shigeo or Kei for something. Masashi picks up a lot of scolds of his mother and as he views himself as the person in charge when his parents are not there uses them on his brothers then. (Ex: Telling Shigeo to wear more layers of clothing when it’s cold outside, telling Kei to watch his language) Masashi is not free from scolds though and when Nene does see him giving unfair treatment she calls him out on it. Nene notices the most that her oldest son is growing a little bit distant sometimes to both of his parents and tries to subtly work on that. Sometimes she kindly ask him to drop the usage of “mother” and “father” for example. Masashi does think of his mother as a very admirable woman who also taught him greatly, given that he specializes in Japanese cuisine. However as I said, he simultaneously does build up a little distance and sometimes treats his parents more like authority although they never truly encourage that. 
When it comes to Shigeo, Nene is greatly concerned with his well-being most of the time. Shigeo does have a few unhealthy habits and Nene never fails to call him out on them and do something about it. Shigeo barely sleeps for example and often goes through the day with an overconsumption of coffee. He also has the tendency to not wear enough when it’s cold outside. Or pretends to not be sick when sick, so he can work. Nene has none of any of this. She constantly advises him to sleep more and that too much coffee is unhealthy, she makes sure to wrap a scarf around him when she sees him with none and she does usually quickly notice when he is in fact sick and then it’s just “Bed. Now.” She generally worries quite a bit about Shigeo, for reasons that I can’t go into. Shigeo greatly respects his mother and while some of her more doting behaviors can embarrass him a bit here and there, he still greatly appreciates her and would never be straight up disobedient towards her. As I said once already, if you actually want to piss Shigeo off quickly, insulting his mom is the prime-way to go because then he will actually get violent. He does his best to attempt to show his love for her time to time and the two also bond a lot about the fact to be the only not-hotheads in this house.
Kei more than often declares Nene as his favorite within his family, by saying things like “the only decent person within my family” quite a lot. She is generally the first person he runs to when in need for comfort, like when he saw a horror movie or something and when it’s family bonding time he usually stays the closet around her. Nene is also the person, Kei fights the least with in his family, although they have occasional arguments. Usually about Kei’s unruly behavior that does frustrate Nene a bit sometimes. For example, she majorly dislikes how Kei tends to not leave his room when back home. She doesn’t like having to call for him to come down to eat 5 times because he’s locked up there and sometimes she then just straight up walks into his room and pulls the wire of whatever console he is currently playing his games on. She also constantly remarks on his language and that he should look a bit more presentable when going to formal events. However in comparison to the bickers Kei has with the male members of his family, the bickers he has with Nene are a lot rarer and also short-lived. And Nene wins them all because Kei just respects her a lot as well. Nene does worry a lot about Kei and is growing aggression a lot and does ´try to spent a lot of time with him when her kids are back from school.
Momo Saito
Momo never fails to make Kiyoko know how pretty she is and what a good sense of aesthetics she has. Kiyoko appreciates her mother’s sense of judgement a lot and has great trust in her mothers advices on anything fashion and also how cute the desserts are she makes. Momo spoils her a lot and gives her quite the amount of money each month, so Kiyoko can live out her extravagant prima donna life. Kiyoko often helped out in Momo’s sweet shop when younger discovering her enjoyment for Japanese sweets and mochis there. Kiyoko hugs her stoic mother a lot and tells her how much she loves her while also making her many gifts. She also rants to her occasionally about some incompetences on Totsuki or how Masashi-kun is dense. Momo only patiently listens. (Also Momo has engaged Kiyoko and Masashi already, without the knowledge of like Somei, Etsuya or Nene but in Momo’s mind the two are engaged.)
Momo gets the most informations about what’s going on on Totsuki from Moe though who chats with Momo like a waterfall. To what happened in science class, to how some of the senpais has a loud banter in the hallway once again, to how perfect Shigenyan’s wife fits to Shigenyan and so on and so on. Momo loves how squishy and adorable her middle daughter is and makes complete use of that by dressing Moe up a lot, sometimes with the help of Kiyoko. Moe and Momo generally bond quite a lot about cuteness. 
With Yoshiko it can be a bit more complicated. Momo also thinks that her youngest is pretty cute but turns out Yoshiko doesn’t want to hear any of that at all. Sometimes Momo does struggle to accept how boyish Yoshiko turned out and how she refuses to wear dresses and bows and rather takes the jeans anyday. Yoshiko meanwhile can be annoyed by Momo’s immense display of cuteness. However over times Momo learns to accept it and finds more and more value in how strong willed Yoshiko is. Yoshiko does love her mom and for special occasions she might actually put on a dress and lets Momo do her hair and such. The two do love each other but have a bit of banter here and there that does go away though the older Yoshiko gets.
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frickengreenfrickyeah · 7 years ago
Sides Fantasy AU Context Dump
Warnings: Mentions of violence, murder, discrimination, parental death (Please tell me if I missed anything)
The World and Backstory:
- The kingdom is called Sanderia, ruled by Queen Uthra, who has two(2) sons. Simon and Roman. Roman is the second son by about ten(10) years
- Queen Uthra came into power with her husband King William and his brother Damarcus by defeating a Tyrant Invader who was enslaving their people (and who doesn’t have a name yet because that’s where his plot relevance begins and ends). 
- But after they defeat Tyrant, Damarcus got power hungry and wasn’t content to let William have the throne, so he killed his own brother. Roman was there when it happened, our poor boi. 
- The assassination sparked a Civil War. The Crown (Uthra, most of the nobles, some army, and the druids) versus the Insurgents (Damarcus, the rest of nobles, a majority of the army, and Dark Magic.)
- The Dark Magic would have won Damarcus the war, except [spoiler] happened and it was dispersed. No human can control it now. It roves the countryside as a giant storm called the Scourge. The Scourge is bad. Damarcus loses the war, takes the remainder of his forces, and flees to the mountains.
- As a consequence of [spoiler] and misunderstanding, Queen Uthra thinks that the druids betrayed her, and therefore all magic is bad. She orders a Purge and puts her own brother, Lord Nigel, in charge of it. Think of the tv show Merlin.
- Lord Nigel does a Witch Hunt. All known magic users are burned at the stake, and druids are persecuted wholesale. They can’t leave the kingdom because the neighbors (where Tyrant came from) will enslave them, but they can’t live out in the open either, so they become nomads who hide in the vast forests and mountains of Sanderia.
- And that’s about where our story begins. 
The Sides:
- As previously mentioned, he’s the second prince of Sanderia. He loves being a knight, is eager to prove himself, and dislikes being in the shadow of his older brother, Simon. He loves Simon though, and they have a decent relationship despite the age gap.
- Queen Uthra put him in charge of managing the druids, which means he organizes and leads raids whenever a druid camp is located. Any druids caught are killed. He doesn’t see anything morally wrong with this duty when the story begins. 
- He and Anxiety have a history. Anxiety is the Murderous Magical Menace of Sanderia and Roman’s nemesis.
- Roman has a terrible secret though. He has magic. Dun dun dun. No one, not even Logan, knows. He discovered his powers a year or two before the story begins and he doesn’t really understand them. All he knows is that he needs to keep it a secret. He’ll sometimes use it instinctively in a fight. And, though he doesn’t know it, he’s a little more powerful than the average magic user.
- He’s a nobleman. And you’ll never guess who his father is. It’s Lord Nigel. Who is Uthra’s brother. Who is Roman’s mother. That makes Logan and Roman cousins. (I need family tree stuff explained like I’m two(2) years old, so sorry if that connection was obvious to you.) Logan’s not in line for the throne though, because Uthra married into the Crown. I think that’s how the line of succession works, right?
- He doesn’t have a good relationship with his father, Lord Nigel, mainly because Nigel was off Witch Hunting for most of his childhood, leaving Logan back at the castle, and Nigel isn’t a very emotionally available person anyway. Logan’s mother died when he was young.
- He’s besties with Roman though. They were glued at the hip as children and still are despite their different personalities. His calling in life is to be Roman’s adviser, and he loves knowledge, so he soaks up all he can. He’s good friends with the Court Librarian. 
- But there’s a problem. I looked it up, and glasses didn’t exist in medieval times. That was a Renaissance thing. When Logan was around eight(8), he vision started to go bad. By the time our story begins, his vision is worse than mine, which is saying something. So, when it comes to things like reading facial expressions or depth perception, he’s hopeless. I won’t say he blind, but he’s definitely impaired on a day to day basis. He can still read though, since he’s nearsighted.
- He does not have magic. 
- Patton was born a druid. Not only was he born a druid, he was born a special druid. I’m not sure how much I can get into without spoiling anything, but think Merlin (from the tv show) levels of power (and if you don’t know the show, I just mean, like, stupid powerful. OP much?)
- He was a happy child for those first few years of life. Then tragedy struck. He, his sister Cassidy, and his parents were all captured in Nigel’s Witch Hunt. His parents were burned alive in front of him. His mother’s last words to him were something to the effect of, “Look away, sweetie. Close your eyes and everything will be okay.” and he’s taken those words to heart. To make matters worse, the druid’s rescued Patton at the cost of abandoning his sister to die because they deemed it too risky. He carries that trauma with him to this day. (This got dark, I know.)
- His special status with the druids means that he’s been groomed to take over as their leader once he comes of age, but that responsibility scares him, especially since lives are at stake. Virgil supports him though, which is a great help. Unfortunately, when the elders force him to take on too much responsibility too fast, he leads the clan right into a raid. People die. He’s separated in the chaos, and, unable to face the horror of what just happened, he runs away. 
- Through a wacky series of events, he becomes Roman’s manservant. (The tv show Merlin was a big influence for me, can you tell?) He keeps his magic a secret. Logan doesn’t like Patton until he discovers he can read, which is the icebreaker that leads to friendship. Patton is really close friends with Roman as well, but he sabotages Roman’s attempts to ‘manage’ the druids. That leads to drama later.
- About Patton’s glasses... Glasses exist in this world, but they’re a known druid invention, so he can’t wear them or risk outing himself. Instead, he uses a spell to see. It hurts him that he can’t do the same for Logan. Another thing about his appearance: Druids wear distinctive cloaks, and Patton misses his, so he ties a sweater around his shoulders to imitate the feel of it.
- He was born in a small mining town to blacksmiths and had an older brother. The town was destroyed by Insurgents and his parents were killed. His older brother took care of him for a few years before being conscripted into the Crown’s army. Virgil was apprenticed to a blacksmith while he was away. Then his brother was killed in the line of duty, his wages stopped coming, and Virgil had to fend for himself.
- He saved a couple druids from the Witch Hunt and got adopted by the clan (read: by Patton). He and Patton are besties. Virgil refused to leave Patton’s side, to the effect that he got basically the same ‘leader’ training as Patton did. So when Patton disappears and is assumed dead and everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, he steps up and declares himself the Temporary Leader. 
- It’s at this time that he embraces his moniker, Anxiety, and becomes the Magical Murderous Menace of Sanderia. Basically, he and a couple other druid warriors will create a big distraction in one(1) place so the rest of the clan can slip away unnoticed when they come under heat. The job is stressful, but he’s the only competent leader available.
- He has magic, but it’s really weak. If he hadn’t been adopted by the druids, he would have never been able to do anything useful. Only through years of rigorous training did he get to the level he’s at right now. I’m talking, like, maybe four(4) spells a day, maybe more if he saves his energy for a few days. The Anxiety persona gets lots of help to pull off his stunts. He’s self-conscious about how weak he is but tries not to let it show.
Other Characters, Original and Not:
- The Crown Prince of Sanderia, Roman’s older brother. He too witnessed his father’s murder. He was around twelve(12), and Damarcus gave him a nasty facial scar in the attack.
- He loves Roman and wants to protect him from the cruel world. 
- He’s in charge of dealing with the Insurgents.
- Technically, he’s not totally an OC. Remember that one vine where Thomas changed his name to Simon to win Simon Says? Let that be a hint as to his personality. Yeah. Huge inspiration for me, no joke.
- This guy is OC
- The top knight. Technically, Roman and Simon are higher rankings than him because royalty, but he’s got the most experience.
- He’s a father figure to Roman. 
- also OC
- Roman’s personal guard from when he was about five(5) to around thirteen(13). Basically an older brother to Roman and Logan, even if they’re hesitant to admit it because of his common-born status. 
- He died while protecting Roman from and Insurgent assassination attempt.
- I swear, I’m trying to keep the OC's in this post to a minimum, but I needed at least one female character on here. 
- The Insurgent leader(Damarcus)’s second-in-command. Pretty much an enigma. We don’t even know her real name. She admits to being a druid, but we don’t know how she got to be so powerful in the Insurgents, and she insists she has a brother, but we don’t know who that is either.
- Honestly, she’s really fun to write. The perfect balance (I think) of cruel and compassionate.
- Based off of Dr. Picani, obviously. 
- He’s a druid. Good friends with both Patton and Virgil. Just about thirteen(13) when the story starts. 
- His magical affinity is mind-speak. The mind-speak spell is within the power of most druids. What his affinity allows him to do is connect with people really easily over longer distances than usual. Other than that, an average power level of magic. More on affinities later.
- He’s training to be the Oral History Teller of the clan, which means he has hundreds of stories memorized and is always ready with a reference to one of them. 
Monikers: Part of (my) druid culture is that they give everyone a nickname. There are a couple legacy titles, but most are specific to the person. Obviously, Virgil is Anxiety, and Patton is Morality when the story starts, and there’s a backstory to both. The others are worked in later. Blazon is a moniker.
Magical Affinities: All magic users have an affinity. It’s the type of magic that comes easiest (and sometimes most powerful) to them. Emile’s is Mind-Speak. Other examples include Teleportation, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Battle Magic, Healing, etc.
Marks: I haven’t mentioned this yet, but (my) druids have a tradition of tattoos. Usually put right above the heart, the Mark magically connects all its bearers. Patton’s is shaped like a heart. Emile’s is a bird. Virgil declined to receive his.
Magic Levels: There’s no formal scale or anything, and I haven’t worked out numbers for what percentage of people have magic or anything. Most people are like Virgil, capable of casting spells only if they train really hard for years. Must druids are like Roman or weaker. Magic comes naturally to them and they don’t require training to achieve some amount of accidental magic. Patton’s power level is pretty much unheard of. I have lore explaining why he’s so powerful, but it’s really spoilery so I won’t go into it now.
Dark Magic: There’s a difference between magic that has negative effects and Dark Magic. True Magic is balanced, like the ying-yang. Dark Magic is bad. It’s a man-made corruption, and virtually indestructible. There’s spoilery lore that goes more in-depth.
Crofters: You bet I managed to make jelly integral to the world, plot, and characters! In fact, it’s so integral that I’m not sure how much I can tell you without spoiling anything. So this is all you get :P
Muggles: This more a hole in my world building than anything else. I can’t figure out what to call non-magical/non-druid people. And I can’t think of any other term for accidental magic (Unintentional? Incidental?). Obviously, HP was a big influence. Should I just name the elephant in the room and call muggles muggles, or should I try and be a bit original? I’m open to suggestions.
Also, I don’t know what to call this thing. The working title is the Sanderiad, but I think that’s a bit too presumptuous. I’ll keep working on it.
Any time I mention druids in this post, I am referring to my version specific to the story I’m telling. I did a lot of world building around my version of druid culture by flipping through an Ancient Celtic history book that I got for free when my local library spring cleaned. I just grabbed whatever seemed really cool (like the fact that druids had a religious taboo against writing things down in their own language) and put it in the story. In some cases, I willfully played into stereotypes because I liked them (for instance, I’m pretty much ignoring the fact that druids were actually the intellectual caste of the Celts and not representative of their entire people or the fact that the majority of them were farmers, not nomads.) and I’m really ignorant as to how much of that culture is still relevant today. I’m sorry if anything I end up putting in the story is culturally insensitive. If you notice anything, please point it out in a respectful manner that helps me educate myself and others and fix the problem. But also I think it’s important to note that I’m creating a landscape that, on many levels, I purposefully distanced from our modern world in the name of fun and storytelling. Please know that I have good intentions, and I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Additional Disclaimer:
I don’t know how taglists work. Do you just type out the username of the person? 
Hey, if you got this far, thank you for your time! You’re my favorite person :) And since you’re already here... I love constructive criticism. I may be shy af and anxious to boot, but I take pride in my writing, which means bettering my craft. And I want to make friends!*
*See previous post for disclaimer about friendship. (Darn I wish I knew how to link stuff... Oh well, wisdom comes with time. I’m kinda patient.)
TLDR; I wrote a thing. The Sides are in it. There’s magic and tragedy and shenanigans. Cultural Appropriation is a thing. A general appreciation for all the beautiful people in the world. I’m clueless and/or socially awkward and crave attention. (Now this is how tldrs work).
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lordofpinecrest-blog · 6 years ago
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While most of Episode 4 may have had a slow pace, the end was packed with action. This time, I will even throw in some book references. Relationships dominated the episode. Filled with good byes, which may or may not last. The episode started where we left oft last week, the end of the Battle of Winterfell and the Long Night. The sun has risen, and our leading survivors are mourning the ones closest to them. week. First we see Daenerys mourning Jorah, followed by Sansa and Theon. Sansa pins Theon with the Stark sigil, a true sign that she accepted Theon as a Stark. As Daenerys and Sansa walk back to the living, we see the sadness in the eyes of the living. The camera pans  out wide angled to show the thousands that died. As we come back to the living, we see a tattered Ghost is prominent in camera angle. The camera stops on him and it is good to see that he survived. But why did the camera focus on Ghost? Was it for the fans or something more?
Before setting afire to the dead, Jon gives a rousing speech. The key phrase was that they “put aside their differences to fight together and to die together.” That is how they won. But will they stay on that path to defeat Cersei? Doesn’t look good, but I get ahead of myself. The leaders come out with torches to set the Viking like pilings on fire. Here we see Arya by Beric,  Sam by Edd and Jon by Lyanna. Before going on, some theorized that last week the Night King was not killed and nor were the White Walkers destroyed. If that were true, these dead could have awakened, which they didn’t. So let’s end that theory. After last week’s killings, I thought it was a fitting beginning and a good emotional tribute to the dead.
What is death without a Wake Northern style? If I recall correctly, the last time we had that big of a party in the Great Hall of Winterfell was in Season One when Robert Baratheon came to town. And now we see Jamie and Tyrion back there celebrating. One of the biggest differences from Season One was that Catelyn Stark refused to let Jon join in. Outside and brooding, Tyrion said of Jon being a bastard “Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.” Did the Imp know something? More on that later.
I am not going to go into all that happened at the Wake. Lot’s of eating and drinking. But from the start, our Queen did not look like celebrating. But Danny did show she could be a clever leader when she crowned Gendry “Lord of Storms End.”  That made the Northerners happy as they raise their cups to him. The only scowl comes, of course, from the Hound! As the scene moves along, we see some happy and some not. Jaime, Tyrion, Brienne and Pod playing a drinking game which eventually leads to Jamie bedding Brienne. All to the chagrin of Tormund. And at this time, we think Jamie has come full circle. And we have another quip from Tyrion “we may have defeated them but we still have us to contend with.” How true was that!
Tyrion also says that Bran is the only living true born son of Ned Stark to which Bran does not immediately reply. Ser Lane Abraham thinks Rickon Stark is still alive. Could that have been a hint? Stranger things have happened.
Tormund raves on about Jon about how Jon rode a dragon-and who would to that- a madman or a King? And while the Mother of Dragons  looked upset as the Northerners rallied around Jon, it was no accident that behind her on camera was Lord Varys. Why? I believe the Spider always knew the Jon was the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and that Jon is the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. I will get to that later-book spoiler!
Sansa with the Hound was a good one. After all, had Sansa left King’s Landing with the Hound, she would not have become what she has. Sansa is longer a little bird. Best line was when the Hound asked Sansa how she killed Ramsey and she said “hounds.” First true laugh from the Hound and a good one. One more thing. The Hound said there is only one thing that will make him happy. Any doubt that thing is killing the Mountain? Nope.
Poor Gendry. Proposes to Arya and gets turned down. As Arya declines, she repeats a line from Season One where she basically said to her father “I am not a lady, I never have been. That is not me” Do you remember where she said almost the same thing? Last Season to Nymeria, when Arya wanted Nymeria to come back with her to Winterfell and stop running wild.  Nymeria turned away and Arya said “That’s not you.” Both have to be free to run and in many ways, both are the same. Could that line also mean we will see Nymeria again? Hope so.
Later we see the strife beginning to swell between Jon and Daenerys. Even though they love each other, they cannot recapture that love. Danny wants Jon to keep his heritage a secret as she is afraid the North will rally around him and crown him King.  Don’t you think she is right? I do. Jon, as naive as ever, thinks that by bending the knee, and declaring Daenerys Queen, that the North will follow her. Danny, to her credit, knows better. But Jon says he cannot keep the secret from Sansa and Arya, his family. Jon and Danny do not leave happy campers. Is Jon ready to be king? He military strategy is poor at best, and he is naive. So why would he be a good king? Because of his heritage? And while in the end, Jon may sit on the Iron Throne, I don’t think he has what it takes to actually win the Game of Thrones. Agree?
Question: When Her Grace says that after she sits on the Iron Throne, no men will live in fear, do you believe her? After all, she does show signs of being the Mad Queen. Or she is just trying to convince herself that she is not like her father?
In the War Room, we see how devastated the combined armies are. Daenerys wants to strike fast, but Sansa says to wait while the troops heal. Jon overrules Sansa and sides with the Dragon Queen. That leads to Arya and Sansa calling Jon out for not taking the family side. In the Gods wood, and after Jon make Sansa and Arya swear to keep what they are about to learn a secret,  Bran tells them that Jon is really Aegon Targaryen. Okay a few things. First, did Jon have Bran tell Sansa and Arya the truth because he was afraid they might not have believed it if Jon told them? Certainly possible. And do Sansa and Arya keep the secret? More on that later.
Question: When Her Grace says that after she sits on the Iron Throne, no men will live in fear, do you believe her? After all, she does show signs of being the Mad Queen. Or she is just trying to convince herself that she is not like her father?
In some ways, the next scene defies reality. How the hell did Bronn get through all the guards and into the chambers where Jamie and Tyrion were? As predicted, Tyrion offers Bronn more than Cersei, so Bronn switched sides. Plus he thinks Cersei will not win. But what may be important is the way Jamie insulted Bronn. And even though Bronn left, I think those two could meet again.
That is followed by the Hound and Arya riding off to fulfill their destinies. Both have unfinished business. The Hound to kill the Mountain and Arya Cersei. Neither one plans on coming back to Winterfell. Does that mean Arya dies?? I don’t think so. Does the Hound die?  My prediction is he dies after killing the Mountain. I wish we had more quick scenes with these two as their back and forth is always spirited. And Arya made the Hound laugh again!! Both Drogon and Rhaegal are healed and fly to the delight of their mother. Armies marching south. The Imp trying to convince Sansa to trust Daenerys. Was there ever a truer line than when Sansa said “The men of my family do not do well in the Capital.” To which Tyrion replies “As Jon once told me, he is not a Stark.” Jon said that to Tyrion in the same scene from Season One that I referenced above. And when Sansa turns away looking distressed, the Imp asks Sansa if she is okay. The scene cuts away leading some to think that Sansa told Tyrion who Jon really was.  I don’t think so because Sansa is a pure Stark. Sansa made a promise to keep a secret just as her father did with his sister.  So in my opinion, Sansa would never betray a promise given to a Stark, which Jon is. More on that later.
And then some goodbyes for Jon. First with Tormund, who says Jon has the real North in him. Jon wants to deny it, but he does. Why do I think we will see Tormund again?   And then Sam. That are besties!  Gilly is pregnant and we know that this child will come into play in the future.  And while it was hard for me to accept that Jon would leave Ghost behind, Ghost does belong in the North. But that would never happen in the books as they were part of each other. But again, the show does not give any time to that special bond. And as Jon rides off, how sad did Ghost look? Have we seen the last of Ghost or will he warg with Nymeria to help save the day? Just my fantasy. SIGH!
At sea with the Targaryen fleet. We see the conversation between the Spider and Tyrion. Both know that Jon is Aegon Targaryen, And while only a few know that now, the Master of Whispers knows the news will spread and both realize the consequences of that. And as they discuss it, we get the feeling  that Varys thinks Jon is better suited to sit on the Iron Throne. Tyrion not so much. Fascinating discussion until all hell breaks out. Should we disqualify Daenerys like Maximum Security over a little thing like heritage?
But before we get to that hell, the question comes up, how did Varys and Tyrion know that Jon was not Ned’s bastard son and really Aegon Targaryen? As I said before, some think Sansa spilled the beans, but I don’t think so as she would ever have broken her promise. So let’s start with Varys. He knows everything. Even while serving King Robert, he was always loyal to the Targaryens. When the Spider first came to Westeros, he served as the Mad King’s Master of Whispers, and he would have heard things and figured them out. As for Tyrion, like Sam, he is a reader and who is to say he didn’t read what Sam did? And when he saw Jon ride a dragon, he put 2 and 2 together and confirmed it in his mind. Makes sense to me.
And here is where the books may come back to play, at least to some degree.  In the fifth book, “A Dance with Dragons,” we learned that Varys had Rhaegar's infant son, Aegon, swapped with a lowborn baby and smuggled to Essos to be raised in hiding by Rhaegar's friend Jon Connington, who was exiled by the Mad King for failing to defeat Robert. So when the Red Viper, Oberyn Martell, battles the Mountain, he thinks that the Mountain had killed his sister’s two infant children. But in the book, we learn he had not. As A Dance with Dragons continues, we learn that Aegon has been tutored to be a kind and learned person like his father and is being raised to sit on the Iron Throne.  And guess who else learns this secret in the books? Tyrion. So maybe the show is throwing us a curve ball with Jon being Aegon and Danny being a little mad. And while we readers of the books always thought Jon’s parents were Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, he could not have been named Aegon because Rhaegar already had a son named. Plus Rhaegar and Lyanna did not know that the infant Rhaegar was supposedly killed. So maybe the show names Jon Aegon to peak the curiosity of those who read the books. Book readers, what do you think?
Euron Greyjoy has set a trap for the Targaryen fleet and shockingly, shoots  Rhaegal out of the sky. Jon’s beloved dragon dies as he falls into the sea. DAMN and DAMN. Was that scene as shocking to you as it was to me? Daenerys is force to retreat on Drogon but Euron’s navy destroys Danny’s fleet. This is the second time Euron has done this. Is there a spy in Danny’s camp or was it just simple to figure out as Daenerys was sailing to Dragonstone?  Any idiot could have figured that out! And while I was not surprised that another dragon died, I did not see it coming here and it sucked!! And here is a question: The weapons that were shooting at the dragons were all on the front of Euron’s ships. Why didn’t Daenerys fly and circle back and burn them all from behind?? The Maginot Line. I told you Yara should have burned Euron’s ship before she escaped. Another thought also came to mind. When was the last time we saw Drogon breath fire? It was before his battle with Viserion. And even here, we did not see Drogon fire up. Could he be hurt more than we know? Remember the scene where Danny was worried Drogon was eating enough. Maybe he hasn’t recharged. Rest in peace Rhaegal.
This all leads us closer to the next war. As we see, with the death of her second child, Daenerys is ready to use Drogon and her army to lay waste to King’s Landing. Varys and Tyrion object to this. They must see the Mad King in the Mother of Dragons. I am sure they both know that that the Mad King was saying “Burn them all.”  But Daenerys thinks it is her destiny to rid the world of tyrants so she is determined to kill Cersei and take the Iron Throne. So who is the tyrant? Both? And once again, we have Tyrion and Varys discussing who will make the better ruler. Jon is the Aegon from the book. A Stark mother and Targaryen father. FIRE AND ICE! And just as Varys told Ned Stark, he serves the realm and will do what is best for it. Great scene and dialog. And next, another twist and defining moment. Sansa talking to Brienne when Jamie encounters them. Brienne  tells Jamie what happened to Daenerys’ fleet and that “ I always wanted to be there when they executed your sister. Seems I won’t get that chance.” At that point, the real Jamie re-emerges.  He is about to get on his horse and leave when Brienne tells him he is not like his sister. She begs Jamie to stay. But no. Jamie tell Brienne what he had done for his sister and that he would still do anything for Cersei. That he is a hateful person like his sister. Certainly, we could see Jamie burning them all for Cersei. As Jamie rides off, I yelled at Brienne “KILL HIM!!” Anybody else do that?  What will Jamie’s reaction be when he gets to King’s Landing and encounters Euron? That will be interesting. Certainly, both cannot coexist with each other. Maybe that is where Bronn comes back in. I say yes-what do you think?
And next we see a Cersei who is just as determined. She has her walls, lined with archers. And the dragon catapults. She is confident she will win, and why not? After all, in most of the skirmishes against team Daenerys, Cersei has out smarted her. Examples of this are the two times Euron Greyjoy’s fleet took them by surprise or when she emptied Casterly Rock before the Unsullied attacked. In both cases, she wiped out Targaryen allies. First the Dornish and then the Tyrells.
Tyrion and Qyburn volley their peace talks, to no avail. But then Tyrion gives it one last try. Talk about stares, especially the look of hate Cersei gave to her brother. Tyrion plays the mother card, which looks to have an effect on Her Grace. Ser Jeffrey Littman said some fans  raised the question of how Tyrion knew Cersei was pregnant. The answer is last season, he guessed it and even told Cersei that before he left King’s Landing. And that raises the question-will Euron figure it out and what will his reaction be? I smell blood.
Cersei’s motherly emotions do not last for long. She leans over to Missandre and like on death row, asks her to say her last words. To which Missandei shouts “DRACARYS.” Dragon fire in High Valyrian. At which point, like her son Joffrey, not thinking of all the consequences, she orders the Mountain to chop off Missandei’s head Ned Stark style.
We end with stares and faces. Tyrion’s face showing the despair of what is to come. Cersei’s face  all contempt. And we leave with Daenerys’ face, contorted in hatred. The MAD QUEEN ready to rain dragon fire down on King’s Landing.
But again, who is the Mad Queen? Daenerys is willing to burn down King’s Landing and kill all its citizens to rid the world of Cersei and sit on the Iron Throne. Cersei, on the other hand, has already used wildfire to burn down the Red Keep and certainly would be willing to do it again. And while some believe that the Mad King was referring to himself when he said “Burn them all” many, including me, believe it was a reference to somebody else. Why not Cersei? In one of Bran’s visions he sees the Mad Kind say this, but did that mean that King Aerys was going to burn King’s Landing? Or when Bran warged into Aerys did he inadvertently reveal the White Walkers to the Mad King which mad him go mad and shout “Burn them all?” My money is on that and that either Daenerys or Cersei, or both, will be killed to prevent the burning of them all.
And what about the title “The Last of the Starks?” Jon, while not a Stark by name, is still a Stark and Danny could be pregnant. And if Arya gave birth to Gendry’s child, could you envision Gendry sitting on the Iron Throne with a Stark heir? What if Sansa and Tyrion re-marry and have a child? And if Ser Lane is right, Rickon is still alive. Under any scenario, I do not see Bran as the last Stark. What do you guys think?
We now have only two episodes left. Who will win and who will die playing the Game of Thrones? I have my thoughts but will save them for next week.
The blog is late because I just returned from NYC where Prince Louis and Princess Laura gave birth to Jacob Dean Littman, the First of his Name. The writing is dedicated to Jacob, who, after all, could be a future Lord of Pinecrest!!!
The Lord of Pinecrest.
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rxsmyers-a · 8 years ago
Dem rules: Answer the questions asked by the tagger, then list 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions.
Tagged by: @brooklynislandgirl​
1. What have you done to overcome your fears?
Um, it depends on the fear.  I’ve gone whitewater rafting through category 4 rapids in an inflatable kayak.  I’ve hiked along paths barely wide enough for my feett.  I’ve gone back to school despite having failed every previous attempt.  I’ve said yes to an invitation from a friend I haven’t spoken to in nearly 10 years.  So, I mean, in general I’ve just faced my fears head on?  And not even always with a support net in place (if I’d fallen on that hike there was no rope to catch me) which is kind of exhilarating while being completely fucking terrifying.  
So I guess I just face them head on?  Sometimes with help (my parents and my psychiatrist have been super supportive of me going back to school).
2. What attracted you to your fandom in the first place?
I’m sure there are old followers who are getting tired of hearing this story.  But.  Vivian was conceived during a horrifically bad depressive episode (not to mention a medication withdrawal) when basically all I could do was lay on the couch/bed occasionally playing MCU films on repeat.  In general I kept watching Thor and Avengers.  In all truth, Thor’s abs were what first drew me into the MCU?  (I was prepared to be a ‘I never read the comics but the comics are better’ snob before I saw Hemsworth shirtless.)  I guess what drew me in was partly what makes me prefer Marvel to DC - I live near NYC, and the city is life to me, and always has been.  Ever since I was a child NYC was the place where anything could happen.  Adding superheroes to a place I loved just made it so much easier to imagine someone who shared my ‘weaknesses’ as being a part of their universe.
When I discovered there was an MCU RP community on tumbler, the rest was history.
3. Why did you choose a Canon over an OC {Or your OC over a Canon}, and which do you think is harder {if you have both}?
 I have both.  Though, to be honest, I’m closer to my OCs, mostly because I can get into their heads easier.  What does Vivian like to eat?  Anything I fucking say she does.  Can anyone contradict me?  Not at all.  Though, the real reason I chose her over a canon character when I decided to start RPing on tumblr is because no one’s written a canon character with the mix of mental illnesses that I deal with, and Vivian was conceived while I was both massively depressed and suffering medication withdrawal.  What I wanted, while I was suffering and miserable, was someone who felt my pain.  Someone who knew what it felt like to go into withdrawal over medications meant to keep them stable.  Someone who knew what my pain felt like.  And there was no canon character to fit that bill.
That being said, I’ve written canon and OC, and I’m tired of the battle between the two.  I know someone who insists that canons have it ‘easy’.   That somehow there’s no effort to writing them.  And I kind of want to smack them every time they say it, because that attitude is as bullshit as the idea that OCs are inherently easier than canons.
Both muses have their challenges.  OCs will find it harder to find partners.  They’ll be judged by unfair standards, especially if they’re female.  They’ll be called ‘Mary Sues’ for no good reason or ‘Overpowered’ because they share the same traits as a male canon.
But canons have as much shit.  You’e not ‘in character’ enough.  Gods forbid there’s another person who plays your character (or another 20+ if you’re playing a popular character) because then you’ll be constantly compared to all the others.  Unless you distinguish yourself as AU or canon divergent you’ll be criticized for every “out of character” choice you make - and even if you say you’re AU of canon divergent you’ll get the haters who can’t read.  Don’t ship the popular ship for your character?  Good luck finding people to RP with you.  Canons are constantly measured against the source material and, more importantly, against fanon expectations.  
4. If money were no object, what would be the one thing you’d buy to declare your nerd/fandom to the world?
Terry Pratchett’s original manuscripts for every Discworld novel.  They would be my most treasured possessions.  They’d live in an environmentally-controlled bookcase where people were allowed to look but not touch.  (And of course upon my death I’d bequeath them to a museum.)
5. Tesla or Edison? Why?
Tesla because he loved pigeons and Tamora Pierce has given me a love of pigeons after her Beka Cooper books.  Also he wanted to build a death ray and I can get behind that kind of thinking.  
6. If you could trade one family member for a Character of any fandom/media type, who would it be, who would you replace, and why?
You didn’t specify immediate family so I’m going to trade one of the aunts I don’t actually know (my mother’s father had a family in Hungary before he fled to the US.  Don’t feel bad for him, he was fleeing war crimes ahead of the Soviet invasion of Hungary) for, um.....   Sandry.  Sandrilene Fa Toren, of Emelan.  Not only is she kind and giving and rich, she’s a stitch witch who would ensure I had beautifully fitting clothing that would never get dirty or wrinkled ever again.  And for someone of my size, you don’t pass an opportunity like that up.
7. Brand New House…supernatural/otherworldly shenanigans, what do you do?
Call the Ghostbuters?  I hear they  have an all-female crew now.
8. Favourite Non-RP Hobby?
Knitting, usually while playing DnD or watching TV.
9. Where do you want to go on an all expenses paid 3 week holiday?
Europe.  I’ve decided, after 4 years of Vivian having the same dream trip, that I want to go on it myself.  (Said trip being a tour of all the major museums in Europe plus the cities that were the center of major art movements.)
10. Favourite childhood fairytale and why?
Beauty and the Beast.  She likes books.  He gives her a library.  She becomes a princess.  I fail to see the downside of this story.  (My bestie and I have always loved Belle ever since the animated movie came out when we were 11.  She was us.  Weird, a bookworm, brunette... )
11. Do you believe destiny/fate?
Absolutely not.  I think fate is what we make for ourselves.  Do coincidence and happenstance exist?  Yes, but they’re not fate.
New Questions: 1. You can choose three museums in the world to visit, and never visit any others.  Which three do you choose? 2. Everyone is attacking your fandom fave.  What do you say to defend them? 3. What shows/movies are in your ‘to watch’ list? 4. Do you drink alcohol?  What’s your favorite beverage?  If not, what’s your favorite alternative? 5. You’re at a deli.  What do you order to eat? 6. You can only watch one TV show and one movie ever again.  What are your choices? 7. Your fandom favorite is now your new roommate.  What is your new life like? 8. Why did you choose to play the character you do? 9. For the next year, you can go anywhere in the world you want, all expenses paid.  Where do you go, and why? 10. Vivian says you suck.  Why does Vivian say you suck? 11. I’m running out of questions in case you can’t tell.  Um.  What fandom would you like to break into/cross over into, and why?
Tagged: @lucxsnorth, @soldierwithoutaname, @icekingloki, @acreatureofpureirony, @morethanicantell, @sinnhelmingr, @deweydeadcimal,  @hellhuntin, 
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bublp0pr · 8 years ago
Tarzan!Chara AU concept?
I just had a craaazy cool idea people. Tarzan. And Undertale. COMBINED. (maybe with a dash of Romeo and Juliet too)
Ok ok so listen this out. Imagine if not long before Asriel was born, TWO people from the surface fell. They were lovers and the two families had not approved and wanted to kill them and take their own kid back, so the two ran away to Mount Ebot. And we all know what happens to people who leave to Mt Ebot ahaha.
What no one realised though was that she was pregnant...
Let’s say that the fall didn’t hurt them too bad. The girl sprained her leg though so the guy had to fend for her. In the ruins, they’re mostly isolated so they try and fend for themselves for a bit. They meet a few monsters but they’re not dangerous so they act kindly to them.
And then a monster from the capital finds them one day while patrolling the area. And they take capture them and take them to the king and queen. Ahhhhh i can just imagine the scene where they’re taken to Asgore and Toriel and the guy would just be thrashing around trying to resist saying “do whatever you want to me, but don’t hurt her.” And then him revealing that she’s pregnant. Of course, at this point the monsters had no real reason to be hostile to the humans and Toriel and Asgore see themselves in the young couple. So they offer them refuge in the castle.
Some of the monsters start to whisper though and see this as their chance to become free. The king or queen always intervene when someone gets hostile. Eventually, the royal scientist silences these monsters by pointing out the situation in a different light... with two humans, they have the makings of a soul farm (creepy, yes. But all it really implies is letting nature run its course rather than killing the goose who lays the golden eggs). Yeah, the royal scientist is a bit of a jerk in this AU. 
Toriel and the girl have a good friendship as they go through pregnancy and the two children, Asriel and Chara, are born on the same day. All of monster kind rejoices, an heir to the throne and hope for their freedom in one blow! 
But there’s a twist.
So one of the humans from the surface tried hunting down the couple after they ran away and tracked them to Mt Ebot. They were an old suitor of the girl’s but she rejected him because he was too violent. With this whole fiasco instead of believing this reason he blames the guy from stealing her from him. 
They fall into the Underground and are taken to the castle immediately (guards for the ruins after the first incident are better). Little do they know he has weapons concealed... He finds out that the two are there and that they had a child. Enraged that they would dirty the family name with such filth, that night they slip out from their room... 
Toriel and the girl are still recovering from childbirth. The couple are both asleep with Asriel and Chara in cots next to them when the man rages in and murders them and their child. But it was dark. And so he mistook Asriel for Chara. Toriel discovers the bloody scene in horror and tries to chase after the man but he flees to the ruins and locks himself away. 
The two lovers are the first two human souls that Asgore must regretfully collect. In their jars they pulse in rhythm with eachother, still loving eachother after death. (I’m thinking maybe they could be Bravery and Patience) Toriel his heartbroken, she has just lost her child. Asgore is distraught, humanity is still as violent as they remember from the war. The two had been exceptions rather than what they hoped was the new norm of an age of potential peace. Still enraged at the loss of his child, he declares that monster kind is again at war with humanity. 
But that still leaves one problem. The human child. Toriel would NEVER let Asgore kill them. Not after Asriel died so similarly. Despite his arguing, she takes in the child. They raise Chara as their own, a child to replace the one they lost. 
Chara is never told about their true past. They are led to believe that they are a monster. (cue the Tarzan part of this haha) They realise they are different from the other monsters. The prince of monsters can’t use magic. But they make up for it with their own skillsets. Even without magic as strong as monsters, determination, strategy and creativity can still make a powerful foe. 
Umm let’s take a second to overlap characters here:
So Kala is obviously Toriel, they’re so similar it fits perfectly. (do i need to explain more???)
 Asgore is Kerchak. He still tries to distance himself from Chara without ever explaining why (it’s obviously because he hates humanity). Which just makes Chara want to prove themselves to him. They want to prove that they can be a normal monster too and make him proud. 
Terk and Tantor can be Sans and Alphys :D This is set wayyyy before the Frisk events so they’re still kids just like Chara. 
Being the royal scientist’s kid, Sans isn’t really supposed to associate with Chara. Gaster is annoyed that they’re letting a human roam around like the Underground like they own the place (like i said, real jerk). But the king and queen have insisted that their human nature not be made known so there’s nothing he can do about it. He’s constantly telling Sans to stay away from them though saying they’re ‘bad news’ 
...Sans being Sans, the fact Gaster doesn’t want them to be friends makes them automatic besties. He’s your classic playful troublemaker with a good heart, standing up Chara even though they’re different. He’s most of the reason the group always ends up in so much trouble. But he’s got a sharp mouth, he can usually talk his way out of must situations and punishments when they’re in corners. 
He has a younger brother aswell that he cares a lot for. When Papyrus is around he can keep his trouble-making in check for his sake. He’d never let Papyrus do the crazy stuff he does with Chara and Alphys.
Alphys fits the same sort of bill as Tantor, she’s overly cautious (unlike the other two) and doesn’t like to make trouble. She’s the voice of reason in the group. But somehow they still manage to end up in adventures together anyway haha. She’s nerdy and knowledgable which has saved their lives a few times. And of course she’s still as much an anime fan as ever.
The three are childhood friends so they always stick together.
Ok that’s characters sorted (for now at least, there will be more later). 
Let’s throw in the monumental scene from Tarzan where they kill the tiger! So, one time the three of them go lurking around the ruins. The place was sealed after that murderer had fled there. Most monsters just assume he died and the dangerous thing in the ruins became a myth. Every now and then though you can hear him lurking through those corridors, all the kids tell ghost stories about it. Asgore has tried once or twice to kill him over the years, with disastrous results. Fortunately he was always able to make it out of there alive but that’s why the ruins are now sealed.
So three are loitering around the door. Sans tries a few knock knock jokes. Alphys is nervous, trying to remind them about all the ghost stories surrounding the place - Froggits tunnelling under and never coming back, that sort of stuff. Chara just looks at the door and has an idea. “Hey Sans, your dad’s been teaching you to teleport, right? You any good?” Sans grins at them realising where this is going. “he tele-taught me a thing or two. not that i’m allowed to use it or anything...” The two snicker at this. Like that’s ever stopped him from doing anything. Alphys just sighs. “H-how about this time, we just stay away from the dangerous ruins? A-and go home? I-I found a new Mew Mew Kissy Cutie collection in the dump a week ago! Three more feature length episodes...” 
Sans and Chara smile at eachother and grab her hand while she’s nerding out about the implications these episodes might have on her character arc. They all teleport behind the door. 
Alphys shrieks. Sans laughs. Chara is just silent as they look curiously at the place. “Come on! Let’s explore a little.” Alphys is shaking. Sans frowns a little. “this is all good and fun, but i want to be home for pap’s bedtime story. s’not worth the risk of gettin lost.” Tch. They were both just scaredy-whimsums. “Well, i’m going on ahead.” They start running. Sans eye glows in alarm, “wait, chara-” But they are already gone. 
Sans and Alphys will catch up. It’ll just take a bit. It’s hard to navigate those puzzles. But Chara’s always been the most resourceful of the three (they have to be when they don’t have magic like they do) so they make it past them quicker than Sans and Alphys. 
So Chara’s having fun. Until they face the human. Being in isolation has disfigured them into a savage so they look nothing like Chara (they don’t even make the connection). A human! Chara thinks, looking at the filthy two legged creature with dust all over their tattered clothes. The man recognises Chara as a human too. It angers them to recognise their eyes that look so much like hers. So the child had survived. He attacks. Chara, horrified, dodges his attacks. They’ve been in fights before but never like this. Never fighting for their life.
Grabbing a stick on the ground, they evade his attacks and respond by attacking him back. After all, he’s a human. And monsters are at war with humanity. An idea forms in their head. If i can kill him and take his soul, then surely Asgore will be proud of me! The fight continues. 
Sans and Alphys finally find Chara and watch as they weave past the man’s sword and strike him with their stick. “chara!” “Ch-Chara!!” With a final strike, Chara deals a blow to the man’s head and he topples to the ground. Sans turns his soul blue and Alphys comes running with her hand sparking with electricity but the fight is already over. Chara just stands there in shock, panting heavily. 
The three check the body. He’s still breathing. Alphys backs away on impulse. Sans’ eyes go dim. “...chara.” They look down at the thing. He seems much less intimidating now that he’s not standing. “That’s monster dust on his clothes Sans.” They spit. “And besides, he’s human. Humans are the enemy.” There’s nothing anyone can argue with there. It’s not like Sans or Alphys know that Chara’s human too. 
A grave silence fills the room. “D-do we... take their... their soul?” Alphys asks awkwardly. This is where Sans intervenes. He knows a little bit about soul science from his dad. “don’t want to risk absorbing it. ‘sides, even though their souls persist the smallest thing could shatter it.” They agree to haul the body out of the ruins instead. Sans can’t teleport long distances yet so they have to drag it most of the way.
Other monsters watch in shock as the three drag the body to the River Person to take it to the castle. Alphys is so anxious it’s a wonder she can even move. Sans just spends most of the time looking at the ground, hands in his pockets and being strangely quiet (really he should be helping to drag it, but somehow he lazily managed to get out of it. Every now and then he adds a little magic to lift it up over obstacles) Chara doesn’t know how to feel. The adrenaline still makes them feel tingly and they’re excited to make Asgore happy, but... yeah. 
Asgore looks at the body in horror when it’s presented to his throne room. Chara had done this? When he had failed countless times, this human child had accomplished it with a stick? The weight of his responsibility hangs on him as he finishes the job and collects the soul. This happens once the kids are dismissed obviously. They’re too young to watch this sort of thing. 
The third soul is harvested (I’m thinking justice).
With this act, some of the older monsters start to trust Chara a little more. Even with their... nature, such an act proves undeniably what side they are on. Chara hopes that Asgore will also be more friendly. Hadn’t they done well? Isn’t he proud of them? But all this does is remind Asgore of how much humans have a potential for violence. He still remains aloof. Frustrated, they go to Toriel about it. She obviously doesn’t have an answer but tells them to give it time. Toriel is simply horrified that they put themselves in danger. They’re in big trouble this time.
Despite the front he shows to monsters, Gaster is pleased with the events. Instead of punishing Sans like he expected, Gaster praises him for assisting in killing the human. It doesn’t feel right to Sans. He still remembers the empty look on their face. It gives him nightmares. He choses to spend less time around them, using the excuse that he was grounded when really he just needs some space. Papyrus is basically in awe listening to people the story. Sans is a hero! When he’s older he wants to be just like him. Gaster re-doubles his efforts to train Sans. His promise in teleportation is a good sign in his dad’s eyes.
So things eventually get back to normal and the three friends grow up a little.
Chara is a little more welcome to monsters now. They finally feel accepted. But Asgore is still cold to them. They’re starting to grow into the expectations that come with being royalty, leading projects and patrols, associating with the royal guard and resolving domestic disputes. They enjoy it but also feel the grunt of responsibility. What’s nice about it though is Asgore sometimes teaches them the role of a ruler personally. It’s the closest they get to bonding with him sometimes. 
Sans is getting stronger. He hates the training his dad puts him through but he’s got to admit it gives results. Despite all the efforts to get him to take things seriously, he’s as much a goof as ever though :D. Papyrus aspires to be part of the royal guard these days. Sans still loves Pap as much as ever and is by his side as much as possible supporting that dream. He starts being the father figure that Gaster is often too busy to fill these days. Gaster’s doing a lot of top secret research these days. From the bits and pieces he picks up, it has something to do with the Core? Whatever. I’m sure it’s not important ( ;D )
Alphys shows promise with her robotics. She’s started an apprenticeship as a Royal Scientist’s Assistant (Sans and Chara pulled a few strings because of their backgrounds to help). With Gaster busy with his special projects, she basically runs most of the activity within the normal lab now.
The three are still great friends. They go on crazy stunts every now and then, but not nearly as much or as grand since the incident. 
Chara is patrolling the ruins (they’re open now that the man was killed but people still tend to be scared of it. They talk about the ghosts of monsters haunting it and stuff. So Chara volunteers to do it instead) 
They walk to the bad of flowers and come face to face with her. (I’m imagining this is the soul for kindness) They’re shocked and confused at first. Chara doesn’t connect this petite girl in front of them with the savage murderer they saw all those years ago. But what they do notice is how much she looks like them. 
Chara thought they were the only monster of their kind! They shake away the thought with a start realising that she’s injured. They heal the unconscious girl and inspect her more. She looks around their age. They look down at her face when she wakes up. 
She blinks in shock. “Oh thank goodness another person!” Getting up, she hugs them. Chara’s a little surprised by the reaction but goes with it. “What are you doing around the Ruins?” They ask with a hint of concern. “Civilian monsters are discourages from being around here.” She looks at them a little confused. “Monster? Haha, gosh, i must be a mess.” She pats her hair and cleans herself up a little. “No, I’m a human, just like you. My name’s Jane.” 
Two things confuse Chara. First, this friendly monster is calling themself a human. Second, they had called them a human. “I’m sorry?” They finally get out. “Did you say human?” She gives them a strange look. “Well, yes. My soul’s just as coloured as yours is.” Bringing them into a fight environment to reveal their souls, Chara looks at the green heart and then back at their own red one. They thought that they were the only monster with a soul like that. “You’re... you’re like me?” They say in wonder. She spares them and waits for Chara to do the same. “That’s what I’ve been saying. I’m human, the same as you.” 
They don’t know what to think. 
“Stop saying that! I’m not human. And... and neither are you!” She shakes her head at the argument.  “I don’t know exactly how you do things down here, but you’re definitely human. So am I.” 
Maybe this creature is human. It’s cruel enough, tricking them with these deceptive games. They draw their sword to attack. (The same sword they got from the last human. They repurposed it with the help of a little fire magic to work just as well as any other magic attack) She shrieks at the wound it leaves on her arm and backs away a little in fear. It’s the human’s turn now. 
“P-please... why are you doing this?” She spares them again and hopes that they’ll do the same. Chara flinches. Why is the human sparing them? They had been conditioned to expect humans as violent savages driven by dust-lust. But this? “You’re a tricky human aren’t you?” They tease as they go in to swing again. The blood left on their blade proves their nature. The same red juice as the other one. 
She trembles a little and then attacks them. The movement catches Chara by surprise and they see red start to grow on their knee. “...what did you do to me?! What’s happening?!” Stopping for a moment, they panic at the blood pouring from their knee. There had been a little on them with the last human scuffle, their weapons caused physical damage rather than direct assault to the soul. Chara had merely shrugged the stuff staining their clothes as left over from the man. But this can’t be staining. It’s literally leaking from them. 
She flinches at the colour. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you... I just panicked and... oh I’m so sorry!” Chara stares at them. “What. Did. You. Do?” The question confuses her. “I scraped your knee. You’re bleeding.” Chara’s eyes widen with horror. “What? Have you never been cut before?” She laughs nervously. 
What? Could this person seriously not realise they’re human? It’s at that moment that Chara begins questioning everything they know. The knee is proof. Could they... could they be human? They spare Jane, but capture her. “I... I need to take you to the capital. My father will want to face you... human.” 
So basically they talk as they journey out of the ruins. The more Chara learns the more they realise they’re actually human. They’re confused. And angry. Their whole life... everything was a lie? They reflect on theirselves. No wonder Asgore never trusted them. Where they as violent as the stories of humans they’d heard? Remembering the man, they realise with guilt they are. 
Basically they dwell in those little depressing thoughts for a while but Jane notices they’re upset and tries to cheer things up by being perky instead. She talks about her life, her family and how things work on the surface. Chara finds the whole thing interesting actually. Slowly they let down their guard and the two start becoming friends. 
They stop when they reach the door. Jane looks so similar to them, monsters would talk if they saw the two together. There’s only one choice. Pulling out their cell, they call Sans. “Hey. I... need a really big favour.” There’s a deep chuckle on the other end. They sigh. “Fine. I’ll pay your tab for the next three months, happy?” Another pause. “Entrance of the ruins, and... we’ll be taking someone else back too.” The air sucks into a vortex of nothing then bursts out within the same moment making a popping sound. Sans looks at Chara with a lazy grin. Then he sees the girl next to them.
His eyes darken. “chara...?” They had an agreement to not get Sans involved in this whole human-hunting mess. He still wasn’t comfortable with being directly involved with it and Chara could respect that. Even if Gaster loathed him for it to the point of disownment. 
“I know Sans. I... it’s just... we need to talk.” Sans raises an eyebrow. He looks closer at the human. The arms. The legs. The face. The skin. A light of surprise flickers across his face for a moment. They’re the spitting image of- Chara gives him a pained look. I already know. It seems to sigh.
“Make a step to escape and I’ll cut off your legs before you you can blink” Chara says as the two walk to the other side of the room. Sans raises a hand in a question. Talk in hands? Chara nods.
who is she?
She fell from the surface. It’s a human, Sans.
Sans glances back at the girl. She’s calmly playing with a few leaves on the floor.
are you sure? i mean, no offence, but she looks just like-
That’s the problem. I think I might be one too.
Sans lets out a snort. Chara? A human? He supposed once or twice he had asked a question or two when he was a kid. Hard not to when your dad’s the expert on all things soul and magic related. But once he got to know them, there’s no question they’re monster. Right?
I’m being serious Sans! They... they made me bleed.
Now Sans was getting concerned. Everyone knew monster wounds turned to dust.
have you been spending too much time with the temmies again? drinkin ketchup from the dump? you can’t bleed, chara.
They show him their leg. Sans eye glows blue for a second.
huh. that’s a new one.
I know. Kind of questioning my whole life right now.
maybe there’s a logical explanation?
If there is I can’t see it. Her soul glows a colour too Sans! 
Sans is one of the few that knew about Chara’s soul quirk. It was a top secret pact of trust that the three had made years ago. One attack but with a special poison called karmic retribution. A red soul that floats upside down. Staring down an endless abyss and wanting to join it. The idea was that no one could say anything without the other two secrets coming out. Chara had always been hesitant to fight other monsters because of it, so having friends who knew gave them battle buddies for once.
Sans is rapidly changing from playful to serious mode. He pulls the face he normally saves for Papyrus and the destruction of irreplaceable artefacts (long story. Let’s just say the legendary artefact didn’t always smell of dog food...) 
gerson’d know about this sorta stuff. he lived through the war after all. let’s ask him.
And the human?
A leaf fell off her nose and she giggled as it tickled her face.
guess they’re along for the ride.
The two approach her again and Chara clings onto Sans’ shoulder. They’re used to his shortcuts. Sans extends his hand. Jane looks at with fear. The skeleton was frightening her. Sans just gives her a warm smile. “what? don’t you know how to greet a new pal? reach out and take my hand.” She hesitates. Sans gives them a warm look. Her innocence reminds him of Pap. Deciding, she reaches out and takes the hand. 
A loud whoopee cushion exhales and she looks up to realise she’s standing somewhere else. 
Gerson admits that Chara is human. Sans and Chara are both shocked. Gerson won’t give them the full story. He just says that Chara’s parents died when they were born and the king and queen raised them as their own. Of course they both have questions. But he says he’s not the right one to be answerin’ them. 
He stops the conversation to say hello to Jane. “Why are you talking to her? She’s a human.” Gerson laughs. “Wahaha! So are you squirt. Doesn’t mean she can’t hold a little chat.” 
She actually is very nice. Sans joins in, sincerely interested in the things she has to say. Chara’s annoyed. They thought they were her friend after the whole ruins thing. And now she’s going and talking to other monsters. Suffice to say, they felt left out. Leaving Gerson, Sans looks at the expression on Chara’s face. “what? you jealous chara?” The lift up their head with a degree of snobbery reserved for royalty. “No.” Sans just laughs. 
A phone rings. Sans picks it up. “yeah bro?” “yeah.” “yeah.” “nah.” “sure.” “guess you could say they were a little... frosty about it?” A loud scream could be heard on the other end. “come on bro, that was a real rib tickler.” He waits a few seconds, then hangs up. “welp. duty calls.” He winks and vanishes. 
Chara would normally be offended that someone would ditch them so quickly. But when Papyrus is involved, Sans would just as quickly leave while his house was catching on fire. Actually, that’s a bad example. He has set it on fire to spite Gaster before.
“Looks like we’re walking to the New Home then.” Chara sighs. At least the River Person was nearby. That’s a little less time in public. 
Jane looks at them. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”  Chara stops. “In what way?”  “You know... finding out you’re human from other people. That must be really confusing for you.” They snort. “You don’t even know the least of it.” She pauses. “So what was it like living as a monster?” Chara looks off into the distance. “It was... pretty great. Guess that was all a lie though. So maybe it wasn’t as good as i thought.” Jane frowns. She reaches out and takes their hand. “Even if it wasn’t the truth, I’m sure you had people who loved you.” 
Chara smiles at this. They think about Toriel. “I... I guess you’re right.” Jane smiles back. She doesn’t let go of their hand.
“Tralala. Beware the man who speaks in hands. Tralala.”
Chara bursts into giggles. Oh boy. They wish Sans was here right now to hear this. It’s not often you hear the River Person roasting another monster. Let alone that nut job of a Royal Scientist. “Will do, RP. Will do.”
Jane looks at the water.  Chara shifts in the boat to sit next to her. “What are you looking at?”  “The water. It looks so beautiful reflecting these blue stars.” “Haha. They’re not stars princess. Just some glowing rocks stuck to the roof.” She pauses. “But still. It looks very pretty.” Chara stops to look at the sparkling water. It is actually quite beautiful. 
For the rest of the boat ride they talk about caves and skies.
So Chara doesn’t want people putting two and two together with Jane. They need to smuggle her through somehow. But that’s not a problem. Alphys has cameras all over Hotland, of course she’ll know some blind spots. 
Exiting the boat they lead Jane to the lab. She’s getting used to all these monster environments actually. The room is dark. Walking in, wrappers are scattered on the floor with mess on all the tables. Jane gets concerned. Had an ambush happened here? Chara just walks past it and travels upstairs. Hunched in a cocoon of blankets and food packets, a glowing screen illuminates the lizard’s face. Japaneese school girls chirp from the large television. 
“Hey Alphys. Long time no see.”
She jumps up startled. “Ch-chara! This is unexpected!” “Relax Alphys, I’m not here on another anime intervention.”  She sighs in relief. The marathon had only been going 29 hours. No reason for Chara and Sans to get concerned. She looks at the two dark figures standing over her. Sans looks a little different... 
“This is Jane.” Chara offers. She stands up and shrugs on her labcoat. A stranger?! And she hadn’t even cleaned anything... oh the lab is a mess! “I-I’m not n-normally this messy ehehehe.” She stutters nervously. Chara just gives her a light laugh. “How’s the whole science thing going?” She frowns at them and adjusts her glasses. “That ‘science thing’ is the cutting edge of monster progress thankyou. W-We’re trying to upgrade the underground communication network at the moment.” 
That’s Alphys for you. She always was the genius of the three. “the only one going anywhere in life” Sans liked to joke. She starts a convoluted explanation of the ‘undernet’ while Jane just eats in the room.  
“and... and...” “Interesting stuff Alph.” Chara grins as she realises she’s rambling and goes quiet. She pulls a switch on the wall behind her, lighting up the room. “S-so, um. what brings you here?”
“Jane here is a human. I need to take her to Asgore.” Alphys shrieks and drops to the floor in surprise. Cowering under the blankets, she peers out to look at Chara. “Don’t worry. She’s not going to hurt a fly. Are you Jane?” She looks up and shakes her head before looking down at the scientist again. 
Alphys had never really recovered from watching the man attack Chara. She still had nightmares about it to this day. Why is Chara acting so casual? Humans are violent creatures that killed monsters! “Alph, I’m here to call in a favour. Can you get us there without other monsters taking notice?” 
Her eyes narrow. She’s heard this sort of talk before, right before ending up in more trouble. “Sans put you up to this, didn’t he?”  “Nope. Just me, Alphys. Let’s just say there’s reasons I don’t want to be seen in the same room as her...” Only then does Alphys realise the similarities between them. 
She gasps. “Y-you’re a human! Aren’t you?” Chara flinches at the title. “I found out this morning.” She presses her hands to her face in excitement. “Why did i never see this sooner! This is just like that episode where the badguy dresses up in that obvious disguise and no one recognises them even though it’s right there in front of them. I can’t believe i was so stupid!” She is taking this far better than Chara expected her to.
“So can you help?”
“O-of course! A-And... Chara? This doesn’t make you any less my friend you know.”
They smile. “Thanks Alph.”
“I’ve always been so jealous of humans and their art style! Even if they are cruel creatures hell-bent on our destruction. I can’t believe, all this time, i’ve been friends with one!!”
Jane gives Chara a confused look. The just nod and shrug. Alphys is always like this.
“Text me those directions, ok? Remember: don’t really want others finding out.”
“Sure! Uh, bye Chara! ...and other human!”
“Jane.” She corrects kindly. Alphys looks at her for a moment, shocked at how nice she’s being. “...bye Jane.”
So they make it to the castle. Chara puts Jane into the prison. “Wait! I thought we were friends?” She asks as Chara forces her into a cell.  “We are. But...” They pause for a moment, then just give up on the sentence and walk away.
“Hey! Hey! You can’t just leave me like this!”
They need to have a talk with Toriel. She’s in the kitchen, waiting on a butterscotch cinnamon pie. “Mother...” She lifts up her furry head and smiles. “What is it my child?” 
“Am i a human?” Her expression goes dark.  “Now what gave you that idea my child?” “Don’t lie to me... Gerson already told me!” She looks aside bitterly. “I think he and I need to have a little talk...” “It’s true, isn’t it? That’s why I can’t use magic. And why I’m different from everyone else.” “My child, you are perfectly nor-” “I’M NOT EVEN YOUR CHILD AM I?”
She stops. Tears form in her eyes. “I... I may have lied to you Chara, but you have always been my child to me.”  “Who were my parents?” She pauses and takes a moment to recollect herself. “I suppose it is time you learned the truth.”
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